
nijabam_3: sure, I'll take a look at it tomorrow.00:13
nijabaSpamapS: around?00:13
m_3nijaba: thanks00:16
nijabawell, maybe someone else can help me decide on this.  I think I have found an easy way to trigger a copy to all peers from a confg-change event00:16
nijabaMy question is, how should I implement this:00:16
nijaba1/ sh_peer_rsync_replay: replays exactly the same copies that were done in the peer relation events00:17
nijaba2/ sh_peer_rsync sourcepath destpath: copy the given path(s) to all host that were done in the peer relation event00:19
nijaba3/ both?00:19
SpamapSnijaba: here now00:50
nijabaSpamapS: here to.  working on 3/00:51
nijabaSpamapS: here to. working on 300:51
nijabalots of lag..00:51
SpamapSnijaba: so I think another way to look at it is that if we avoid ever calling relation-* in these peer functions, then we can use them anywhere....00:52
nijabaSpamapS: nope, that won't work.  the initial copy needs to be through a handshake capable mechanism00:53
SpamapSnijaba: or another way to do it is to detect whether or not we're in a relation, if we are, cache the results of relation-* , and if we're not, use any cached results00:53
SpamapSoo.. I like that.. hmm00:53
nijabaSpamapS: subsequent one can cache00:53
SpamapSYeah, so if you haven't cached, just exit gracefully00:53
SpamapSEAGAIN ;)00:53
* SpamapS finds it interesting that we're running into all the same things one does with every event loop system00:54
SpamapSnijaba: I'm just now opening up your branch for review :-P00:55
* SpamapS curses the way his attention deficit "condition" has put his fingers in so many pies00:56
nijabaSpamapS: cool.  again, my first issue it the test_peer.sh which needs to run with sudo00:56
SpamapSnijaba: yeah, that has to be fixed00:56
SpamapSI'm 99.9% sure we can run sshd as whoever we want00:56
nijabaSpamapS: the problem is not who, but how sshd handle certificates.  Short of building a full chroot, I got stuck00:57
SpamapSnijaba: have you merged with trunk recently? I took a quick look and it looks like you didn't pull in the test reorg that I did.00:57
nijabaSpamapS: yes, I have.  let me check00:58
nijabaSpamapS: looks like I may not have pushed the merge...00:59
SpamapStest_peer.sh is gone in lp:~nijaba/charm-tools/peer-scp00:59
SpamapSah ok00:59
nijabaSpamapS: nope, I forgot a bzr add01:00
nijabaSpamapS: fixed now01:01
nijabaand pushed01:01
SpamapSright thats still broken01:05
nijabahow so?01:06
SpamapSoh its the sudo thing never mind ;)01:06
SpamapSrunning it in a sudo-less chroot it was not happy01:06
nijabanah, it's not :)01:06
SpamapSso you didn't want to just generate a key for the test, and use cmdline options to point sshd at it?01:06
nijabaSpamapS: I tried...  my problem was with the host keys01:07
SpamapSright thats what I mean01:07
nijabawell, I did figure out how to point it to different host keys, not owned by root, so that it would not block the hanshake01:08
nijabathis is what I was trying up to rev 10201:08
EvilBillmchenetz: Wow, easy_install worked.01:09
nijabaSpamapS: of before that....01:10
mchenetzEvilbill: awesome01:10
SpamapSnijaba: I just did a ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 1024 -n -f /tmp/foobar/my_host_key , then sshd -o HostKey=/tmp/foobar/my_host_key -p 29292 .. and its working as I'd expect it to01:10
EvilBillYeah, no kidding. :) Thanks for the work on that.01:11
nijabaSpamapS: you are able to scp to it?01:11
mchenetzevillbill: no prob… i am still refining the process01:11
nijabamust have been something else01:11
SpamapSnijaba: trying that now01:11
* nijaba slaps himself01:11
SpamapSnijaba: but I can ssh to it01:11
nijabaSpamapS: if you can ssh, then there is no issue with the handshake01:12
SpamapSnijaba: so, its pretys imple really. You just have to generate the key, then add [localhost]:29292 right before the ssh-rsa in the key, and thats your known hosts file (-o UserKnownHostsFile=...)01:18
SpamapStyping accurately, however, not so simple. ;)01:18
nijabaSpamapS: ah, that's why my handshake was failing....  thanks!  I'll fix and re-submit.  maybe not tonight though01:19
nijabawhy being the port num in the knowhosts01:19
SpamapSnijaba: because two sshd's can have different host keys01:22
nijabaSpamapS: I did not think of that01:23
nijabaSpamapS: thanks so much01:23
SpamapSnijaba: np, I'll try to look at the other stuff with a blind eye to the tests. :)01:25
jelmerhi SpamapS, did you see my reply to bug 906000 ?01:40
_mup_Bug #906000: opens new connection for each charm that is fetched <Juju Charm Tools:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/906000 >01:40
* nijaba falling asleep -> bed02:11
_mup_juju/ssh-known_hosts r452 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com04:55
_mup_Mock bootstrap04:55
_mup_juju/ssh-known_hosts r453 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com05:30
_mup_Cleanup of mocking05:30
nijabam_3: review of juju-classroom done10:05
niemeyerHo ho ho12:01
niemeyerOh, wait.. not there yet..12:01
koolhead11juju works with Lucid too? correct?13:13
niemeyerSpamapS: Have you been testing it in Lucid?13:33
koolhead11niemeyer: i have found a friend who wants to try juju on eucalyptus :D13:34
niemeyerkoolhead11: Ah, nice!13:34
niemeyerkoolhead11: That should work, I think13:34
koolhead11i asked him to get it from PPA13:35
koolhead11niemeyer: am on it.  once we get success will pastebin steps sumwer and later push it on documentation :D13:35
niemeyerkoolhead11: Sweet!13:37
tyskahello guys13:48
tyskaim having this error on juju bootstrap command -- Failure: twisted.internet.error.TCPTimedOutError: TCP connection timed out: 110: Connection timed out.13:48
koolhead11niemeyer: tyska is testing eucalyptus/juj13:48
koolhead11on lucid13:48
niemeyertyska: Looks like a timeout indeed.. :-)13:48
niemeyertyska: It's unable to communicate with the server13:49
tyskaniemeyer: but my machine has internet access, what could be the problem then?13:50
koolhead11tyska: can you see /home//juju/enviornments.yaml file13:51
koolhead11you have to modify it for your local settings :P13:51
tyskakoolhead11: what needs to be there?13:51
koolhead111 sec13:51
tyskakoolhead11: i think i need to set type as ec2, not local13:52
niemeyerSorry guys, I have a scheduled lunch and can't be late, but I'll be back later13:52
tyskakoolhead11: beucause im trying to use juju with eucalyptus13:52
tyskaniemeyer: np, im going to lunch too13:52
tyskakoolhead11: i will be right back13:52
koolhead11tyska: k13:52
koolhead11tyska: http://paste.ubuntu.com/777428/13:59
tyskaim back14:20
tyskaare u there koolhead1114:20
koolhead11[19:29] <koolhead11> tyska: http://paste.ubuntu.com/777428/14:20
tyskawill check this14:21
tyskaafter editing environments.yaml -- Connection was refused by other side: 111: Connection refused.14:24
koolhead11tyska: juju -v bootstrap14:27
tyskaFailure: twisted.internet.error.ConnectionRefusedError: Connection was refused by other side: 111: Connection refused.14:28
tyskait seems the clc of eucalyptus refused the connection, put i used the same access and secret key on credentials generated by euca_conf14:28
koolhead11tyska: so see if your putting correct credentials14:29
tyskaalready did it14:29
tyskathe credentials are the same as eucarc14:29
koolhead11tyska: i dont see any other issue rather than wrong credentials.14:31
tyskame neither14:31
koolhead11tyska: how about the ec2 url path :P14:32
koolhead11ec2-uri: http://my.private.cloud:8773/services/Cloud     s3-uri: http://my.private.s3:333314:32
tyskathe same as in eucarc file14:33
tyskakoolhead11: some good new?14:43
koolhead11tyska: tell me14:49
tyskakoolhead11: ec2-urL instead of ec2-urI =)14:49
tyskakoolhead11: no14:49
tyskakoolhead11: false clue14:49
tyskakoolhead11: but there something wrong, regardless the adress of ec2 and s3, anything i put there returns the same error14:50
niemeyerjimbaker: Can you please help tyska out?14:53
m_3nijaba: thanks!15:02
nijabam_3: np.  sorry to be picky.  hope not to be wrong too :)15:04
m_3nijaba: hey... no problem at all15:06
m_3most of this is really old from the byobu-classroom charm and needs to be updated15:07
m_3it's good to catch both of them now15:07
niemeyertyska: Can you please run the same command with strace, and send me the output?15:08
tyskaniemeyer: ok15:09
nijabam_3: yep, I figured you inherited most of this from the original charm15:09
m_3nijaba: without looking too carefully :)15:09
m_3that's what the review process is for15:09
tyskaniemeyer: here it is http://pastebin.com/txjnw0KK15:13
niemeyertyska: Can you please run "telnet 80" on the same machine?15:15
tyskaniemeyer: sure, but why on 80?15:16
tyskaniemeyer: why not on 8773?15:16
niemeyertyska: How does your configuration look like?15:17
tyskaniemeyer: see it here http://paste.ubuntu.com/777428/15:17
tyskaniemeyer: im trying to configure juju with eucalyptus, then i change ec2-uri to my ec2_url which is
niemeyertyska: Good question.. apparently it's not where it is connecting..15:21
tyskai saw in strace it trying to connect port 80, but i dont understood why15:22
tyskatelnet on port 80 fails15:23
tyskabut in 8773 works well15:23
niemeyertyska: Btw, the URL you paste above is not the URL that is in the configuration15:23
tyskaniemeyer: yeah i know, that pastebin is just a template15:25
tyskai changed that for my cloud url15:25
niemeyertyska: Yeah, it's just that I have to trust the information you provide15:26
niemeyertyska: Otherwise we'll get nowhere :)15:26
tyskahehe, ok, let me paste my config file15:26
niemeyertyska: Ok, can you please run the command again, while running this in a separate terminal: sudo tcpdump -vv -i any 'host'15:31
niemeyertyska: I suspect it won't help much, but at least we'll kill another possibility15:31
tyskaniemeyer: before that i wanna know a thing15:32
tyskaniemeyer: im running this command from the machine
tyskaniemeyer: could i run this from another machine that is in the same subnet right?15:32
niemeyertyska: I'd prefer if you run it in the same environment15:33
m_3tyska: can you successfully spin up instances using just euca-tools?  i.e., no juju15:33
m_3tyska: and are you in one of the 'MANAGED' networking modes?15:33
niemeyerm_3: juju seems to be talking to the wrong port for whatever reason15:33
tyskam_3: eucalyptus working fine, using managed novlan15:33
tyskaniemeyer: in fact, i tried to do from another machine, and the error changed, but the machine connected in the port 877315:34
m_3cool just making sure there's a baseline15:34
tyskaniemeyer: wanna u see the strace or wanna keep trying from the machine
niemeyertyska: The new error please15:35
niemeyertyska: It connects to the right port here, FWIW15:35
niemeyertyska: Which juju version are you running?15:35
tyska0.5 i think15:36
niemeyertyska: The full version you get out of dpkg -l15:36
tyska0.5+bzr432 on machine and 0.5+bzr398 on my notebook15:37
tyskaniemeyer: http://paste.ubuntu.com/777552/ the connection error from my notebook15:38
tyskasame juju config file15:38
SpamapSthat seems *odd*15:43
SpamapSyou got the PPA version on the machines, but the archive version on your notebook15:43
SpamapStyska: or are the notebook and the machines totally unrelated?15:44
tyskaSpamapS: unrelated15:44
tyskaSpamapS: but the clc ( is lucid, with ppa added via add-apt-repository, and my notebook is oneiric without ppa15:45
tyskaoneiric repositories already have juju package15:45
SpamapSjelmer: I did see your reply to bug 906000 .. I am very far behind on replying to things. ;) I'll gather my thoughts on that soon.15:45
_mup_Bug #906000: opens new connection for each charm that is fetched <Juju Charm Tools:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/906000 >15:45
SpamapSniemeyer: I have not been testing juju on lucid, no. (answering your question from backscroll...)15:46
tyskai dont know why the things simply dont work on the first time to me15:46
SpamapStyska: Right, the PPA version is *a lot* newer and has a few bug fixes that you'll probably want.15:46
jelmerSpamapS: thanks - no hurry, I just wasn't sure whether you'd seen it15:47
tyskaSpamapS: but oddly the ppa version does not consider the port i put in the config file (8773) and try to connect into port 8015:47
tyskaSpamapS: the older version try to connect on the right port15:47
SpamapStyska: I'm fairly certain the URL is just handed to a lower library, txaws15:48
SpamapStyska: so what version of python-txaws do you have installed?15:48
niemeyertyska: Can you please paste the normal output from the command you're running?15:49
tyskaniemeyer: in which machine?15:49
tyskaSpamapS: 0.2-0ubuntu5 on my notebook15:50
SpamapSso perhaps txaws needs updating on lucid15:50
koolhead11tyska: did you do apt-get upgrade too15:53
tyskaSpamapS: but from which repository? the lucid repositories are just showing 0.0.115:53
tyskakoolhead11: already did15:55
tyskaniemeyer: the error on my notebook is 500 internal server error15:55
tyskaniemeyer: on the clc the error is Connection was refused by other side: 111: Connection refused.15:55
niemeyertyska: Looks like Eucalyptus is failing on you15:56
niemeyertyska: We're probably touching a bad edge there15:56
tyskaniemeyer: euca commands works fine from my notebook, eucalyptus is working fine15:57
tyskaniemeyer: i can run new instances, see the resources available, create volumes and upload new images with no problem15:57
niemeyertyska: 500 is an error from the server side15:58
niemeyertyska: Please check out the logs15:58
* hazmat catches up15:58
tyskayou mean eucalyptus logs?15:59
niemeyertyska: Yes, looks for the reason why it's returning a 500/internal error15:59
tyskaniemeyer: there is no error on the logs15:59
niemeyertyska: Maybe on S3 then16:01
SpamapSWe haven't tested against euca in a while, but I thought I remembered us doing it at least a couple of times before OpenStack was usable.16:02
niemeyertyska: Can you please paste the actual error?16:02
hazmatthis is debugging juju with eucalyptus? do we have a traceback from juju -v bootstrap?16:03
niemeyerhazmat: He's about to paste it16:04
hazmathmm.... yeah.. that looks like an s3 error16:04
tyskaniemeyer: 500 error is an auth error, maybe juju is not passing the keys in the right way16:04
niemeyertyska: No, it's an internal error from the server16:04
hazmattyska, the server error would be in the walrus logs16:04
niemeyertyska: Can you please paste the actual error?16:04
tyska500 internal server error16:05
tyskawalrus does not have log16:05
tyskajust cloud-error.log16:05
tyskaand there is no error in this log16:05
tyskaif i try to connect to the url from my browser, i get 500 internal server error16:07
tyskai think juju is trying to do that without using the access and secret keys16:07
niemeyertyska: 500 is not an authentication error..16:07
niemeyertyska: and juju does use the keys to access S3, otherwise nothing else would work16:08
tyskawalrus and clc are on the same machine16:09
niemeyertyska: You can dump the TCP session with tcpdump if you want to check what's going through the wire16:09
niemeyertyska: As I suggested earlier16:09
tyskaniemeyer: sure16:09
tyskafrom my notebook or clc machine?16:09
niemeyertyska: From the place you want to debug :)16:10
koolhead11tyska: rushing home. hope it works. :)16:12
tyskakoolhead11: ok, tks for the help16:12
tyskaniemeyer: V16:13
niemeyertyska: That's not printing the actual packets, sorry.. let me check which option we need16:16
niemeyertyska: -X16:19
niemeyertyska: Can you please run the same experiment again with -X in tcpdump, rather than -vv16:19
tyskaniemeyer: sure16:19
niemeyertyska: Btw, where are you located?16:20
niemeyertyska: Alright, that dump is useful.. let's see16:21
niemeyertyska: Where?16:21
niemeyertyska: I mean, where in Brazil?16:21
tyskaRio Grande do Sul, did you know Brazil?16:21
niemeyertyska: I live about 60km from you16:21
tyskaniemeyer: =O where are u?16:21
niemeyertyska: Pelotas16:22
tyskaniemeyer: are u brazilian?16:23
niemeyertyska: Yep16:23
tyskaniemeyer: hahaha then why are we talking in english?16:23
niemeyertyska: Because that's the language that most people here understand16:24
tyskaniemeyer: off course16:24
tyskaniemeyer: where do you work?16:24
niemeyertyska: I work at Canonical, on juju16:25
tyskaniemeyer: cool16:25
niemeyertyska: "ization:.AWS.WKy"16:25
niemeyertyska: You see that in the dump?16:25
niemeyertyska: It's juju sending the auth keys16:25
niemeyertyska: And here is Walrus blowing up: "HTTP/1.1.500"16:26
niemeyertyska: it was doing a GET: "GET./juju-f8"16:26
niemeyertyska: We used to have someone from Eucalyptus here.. hold on16:27
tyskaniemeyer: but this reply is not from walrus16:27
tyskaniemeyer: it is the reply from services/Cloud, i can see it if i access from my browser16:28
niemeyertyska: Is it not?16:28
niemeyerWhat's sitting at clc.cloud.c3.furg.br.8773?16:28
tyskaniemeyer: if i access services/Walrus i get another error response, but in xml format16:28
tyskaboth clc and walrus16:28
niemeyertyska: That sounds suspect..16:29
niemeyertyska: You can't have the two processes listening on the same IP port16:29
tyskait's make sense16:30
tyskabut maybe there is just one process that handle with the requests16:31
tyskawhen you request services/Eucalyptus it sends you to clc, services/Walrus sends to Walrus16:31
niemeyertyska: and what does "sends to Walrus" mean?16:32
tyskai think its just a webservice handler listening the 8773 port16:33
tyskaand when i say 'i think' it is because i dont know for sure16:34
tyskathat redirect the requests to the right processes16:35
niemeyertyska: Sorry, I don't get it.. services/Walrus sends you to what?16:35
tyskato the walrus process16:35
tyskaniemeyer: see it here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/777617/ - this is the response when i acess
tyskaniemeyer: and this is the response if i access - Failure: 500 Internal Server Error16:37
tyskaniemeyer: and if i acess just the answer is the error 500 too16:37
niemeyertyska: You said you were using other tools, right?16:38
niemeyertyska: Which tools were you using to interact with walrus?16:38
tyskatyska: i never did direct interactions with walrus, but node controllers need to access walrus to get the images to run instances16:39
niemeyertyska: Perhaps it's just like you said.. walrus might be embedded within the HTTP server as a Java app16:40
tyskaand walrus is used too, to upload images, which i did three times16:40
niemeyertyska: Under a specific URL16:40
SpamapSniemeyer: I think its proxied16:40
niemeyertyska: and I'm not quite sure juju, or other tools, handle it like that to be honest16:40
m_3tyska: perhaps try http://localhost:8773/services/{Eucalyptus,Walrus} from the clc directly?16:40
SpamapSbut again, "i think" .. you probably need somebody with an actual clue at this point16:41
SpamapSm_3: hey, you fit that bill..16:41
tyskam_3: already tried it16:41
niemeyerSpamapS: I don't think so.. I think it's all jars onto the java app server16:41
SpamapSOh even more fun. :)16:41
tyskam_3: but in the clc i think i have another problem with juju, which is old version of python-txaws16:41
niemeyertyska: Have you used s3cmd before?16:42
m_3tyska: ok, so I'd start with just getting s3curl or similar to work with the http://localhost:8773/services/Walrus16:42
m_3niemeyer: exactly16:42
tyskam_3: the ec2-uri is not correctly parsed from the config file16:42
tyskaniemeyer: never used s3cmd before16:42
niemeyerm_3: Why is it not?16:42
jcastromchenetz: hey so I've incorporated bill's feedback into the OSX instructions16:42
niemeyerm_3: Seems to be working correctly so far..16:42
niemeyertyska: Why is it not?16:43
niemeyertyska: It seems to work well so far..16:43
niemeyertyska: The error is not related to the ec2-uri16:43
mchenetzjcastro: Sounds good… Evilbill installed successfully with Easy_install method16:43
tyskaniemeyer: remember that in the first machine, the strace shows that it tying to connect to the port 8016:43
tyskainstead 877316:43
niemeyertyska: It's quite possible that the problem is that txaws isn't handling the prefix /eucalyptus/Walrus correctly16:43
niemeyertyska: This was strange, but we never got to know why that was happening16:44
tyskaniemeyer: let me remove the prefix just to see it grabs the right port16:44
jcastromchenetz: did that permission problem he talked about end up being a real problem?16:44
niemeyertyska: It's incorrect to say that ec2-uri isn't being parsed correctly, though.. we use it in other situations, e.g. to set different EC2 regions, and it actually works16:44
jcastromchenetz: I can widen the call for testing if you'd like16:44
mchenetzjcastro: Yes, i ask working on the permission problem. I created a VM to test with.16:45
niemeyertyska: You also just pointed out you have an old version of python-txaws in that machine16:45
hazmatdefinitely s3 usage supports ports, the url path suffix doesn't appear to have been tested previously though16:45
niemeyertyska: Which is exactly what's used to access the services16:45
mchenetzjcastro: I am currently working on a mac app store version too...16:45
niemeyerhazmat: Yeah, it's probably it..16:45
jcastromchenetz: ok so do you think you want more testers?16:45
niemeyerhazmat: I'd just like to check if walrus itself is working at that URL at all before spending any time on it16:46
hazmatniemeyer, maybe.. its not clear walrus is fully functional in this installation16:46
niemeyerhazmat: It's at least answering at that URL, apparently16:46
mchenetzjcastro: Hold off for right now… I will update the script and then test again16:46
* jcastro nods16:46
niemeyerhazmat: and, regardless, the URL juju is accessing is not prefixed16:46
niemeyerhazmat: as we can see in the dump16:46
tyskaniemeyer: removing the suffix does not help, juju bootstrap keeps trying to connect to port 80 instead 877316:47
niemeyerhazmat: It's also suspect because it doesn't seem to be informing the bucket name16:47
tyskaniemeyer: im saying in this specific case, the port in the config file is being ignorated16:47
niemeyertyska: In your laptop it's not trying to connect to that URL16:47
niemeyertyska: as we could see in the dump16:48
tyskaniemeyer: in the laptop it is connecting to the right port16:48
niemeyertyska: Right?16:48
tyskaniemeyer: right16:48
niemeyertyska: and in the one that is connecting to the wrong URL, you have an out of date python-txaws, right?16:48
tyskaniemeyer: i was saying to m_3, that i cant test if localhost:8773 works, because for some reason it grabs the wrong port16:48
tyskaniemeyer: yeah16:48
niemeyertyska: Cool.. so all I'm saying we can't take any conclusions out of that16:49
tyskaniemeyer: version is 0.0.1 instead 0.2, and that is probably the reason for the wrong parse16:49
niemeyertyska: The first thing to put in your clc the same package versions you have in your other machine16:49
niemeyers/to/is to/16:49
tyskaniemeyer: yeah, but how? since one is lucid and another is oneiric16:50
tyskaniemeyer: there is no 0.2 package in the lucid repositories16:50
niemeyertyska: Ok, there's an issue there then..16:51
niemeyertyska: But you don't need those packages in that machine16:51
niemeyertyska: Just use your laptop16:51
tyskaniemeyer: no problem16:51
niemeyertyska: Everything juju needs will work fine that16:51
tyskaas i sayd, i was just saying to m_3, that i cant test if localhost:8773 works, because for some reason it grabs the wrong port16:51
niemeyertyska: What we have to sort out is why S3 isn't working16:51
niemeyertyska: Well, the first thing anyway16:51
tyskain the clc machine16:51
niemeyertyska: So.. can you please try with s3cmd?16:52
tyskaniemeyer: we cant say S3 isn't working, at least yet16:52
tyskaniemeyer: we need to use the s3cmd to know that for sure16:52
niemeyertyska: We can say the S3 interaction between juju and walrus is not working16:52
tyskaniemeyer: yeah, this we can16:52
niemeyerGood :)16:52
niemeyertyska: So, please try s3cmd out.. or any other S3 client, for that matter, and see how it goes.. if it's working, we'll likely need to fix txaws to work with path prefixes16:53
niemeyertyska: Thanks for debugging that, btw16:53
tyskaniemeyer: ok16:53
tyskaniemeyer: no problem, i thanks for the help16:53
m_3s3curl might be a little easier to configure for eucalyptus than s3cmd16:54
m_3both are covered in http://cssoss.wordpress.com/2010/05/10/eucalyptus-beginner%E2%80%99s-guide-%E2%80%93-uec-edition-chapter-6-%E2%80%93-storage%C2%A0management/16:55
tyskathanks m_3, i was suffering to configure s3cmd17:00
m_3tyska: s3cmd is a pain17:02
tyskai cant find the package perl-Digest-HMAC17:07
tyskato install s3curl17:07
SpamapStyska: apt-get doesn't have s3cmd?17:09
SpamapStyska: usually its just 'sudo apt-get install s3cmd'17:09
tyskaSpamapS: s3cmd yes, but it is complex to configurate17:09
tyskaSpamapS: i just wanna a simple tool to test, it seems s3curl is simplest17:09
m_3tyska: libdigest-hmac-perl on lucid17:11
tyskam_3: tks17:12
tyskam_3: i already have this package installed, but im on oneiric (notebook)17:13
niemeyertyska: Can't see how s3cmd is any worse to configure than any other alternative17:16
niemeyertyska: You'll need access key, secret key, and the endpoints17:17
niemeyeron all of htem17:17
m_3s3cmd required a patch to talk to walrus17:17
tyskaniemeyer: ok then, lets see17:17
m_3last I checked17:17
tyskawe have two choices17:17
niemeyerm_3: What was the patch about?17:17
tyskamy notebook and clc machine17:17
m_3service path issues iirc17:17
tyskai get different erros17:17
tyskawith s3cmd17:17
m_3niemeyer: http://open.eucalyptus.com/wiki/s3cmd17:18
tyskasee it here17:18
tyskai used this to configure the s3cmd17:18
SpamapSI'm surprised we didn't pull that patch into s3cmd for Ubuntu17:20
m_3me too17:20
niemeyerm_3: Cheers17:21
m_3afaik, nobody else (s3 or openstack) adds a service path prefix (services/Walrus) to the s3-uri17:21
niemeyerThe patch to s3cmd is fixing _exactly_ the problem we're seeing with juju :-)17:21
m_3but looking through the txaws code it looks like it handles 'path' in parsing the uri17:22
SpamapSso maybe walrus isn't fully s3 compatible?17:22
niemeyertyska: Can you please file a bug, and report the problem we've perceived regarding the S3 prefix?17:22
m_3looking at txaws.utils parse next17:22
niemeyerm_3: I'm not sure about where the issue lies, but it's quite clear from the dump that it has no prefix when doing the HTTP GET at least17:22
* m_3 grins at "fully s3 compatible"17:22
m_3right GET /juju-...17:23
niemeyerYeah, looks like such an easy to remain compatible issue17:23
niemeyerJust open a separate port17:23
niemeyerWhy requiring everybody to change their libraries..17:23
m_3like 333317:23
m_3there's a bit more of a mess to deal with in the euca case... the jetty routing would need to change17:24
m_3they might've done that in later versions though17:24
SpamapSSeems like we keep hitting this issue where the S3 piece isn't really S3-like at all17:25
SpamapSniemeyer: seems like the file storage providers need to have compatibility modes. :-P17:25
tyskathen that's it guys? must i report a bug in launchpad?17:26
m_3tyska: please do... then that's a point to watch for notifications when it's fixed17:27
niemeyertyska: Yes, please..17:27
tyskaok then guys, thank you very much for the help17:27
niemeyertyska: As you can see.. walrus is doing something different, which libraries are not ready to handle.. we want to support it, but we'll have to fix it17:28
tyskaniemeyer: no problem17:28
niemeyertyska: The alternative, if you want to keep going right now is:17:28
niemeyer1) Change Walrus so it behaves normally17:28
niemeyer2) Use real S317:28
niemeyerNo matter what, please file the bug so we can schedule it17:29
SpamapStyska: probably want to file it against txaws, and then "also affects" juju so its seen in both bug trackers.17:29
* SpamapS retreats to the fortress of solitude to try and get nijaba's code review done17:30
* nijaba warns anyone that try to bother him that I bite ;)17:31
tyskaniemeyer: i will wait it fixed, since im setting the things up by now17:33
tyskaSpamapS: it just affects txaws in the oldest version, 0.0.1, in the 0.2 version it is already fixed17:33
_mup_juju/ssh-known_hosts r454 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com17:34
_mup_Fix mocks for test_sshclient17:34
_mup_Bug #907450 was filed: juju does not work with Walrus when s3-uri has a suffix <juju:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/907450 >17:35
koolhead17tyska: :D17:36
koolhead17nijaba: i have asked for the checksum in the mailing list of owncloud17:36
tyskakoolhead17: we found a bug in juju + walrus17:36
nijabakoolhead17: would be nice to have, yes17:36
koolhead17tyska: awesome!! :D17:37
koolhead17nijaba: :)17:37
tyskaok then guys, again thanks for the help17:38
tyskaim leaving for now, but i come back when this bug is fixed17:38
niemeyertyska: Cheers.. thanks for your help, and have fun there17:39
jcastroSpamapS: you owe me a blog post remember. :)17:40
m_3tyska: thanks for the debug help17:41
SpamapSjcastro: oi... right17:44
SpamapStyska: indeed, so we just need to get the lucid txaws fixed17:44
jcastrom_3: SpamapS ok so I need to pick a list of 4 as the new top targets18:13
jcastroI was thinking, diaspora18:13
jcastroopenfire, phpbb, and zenoss18:13
SpamapSjcastro: I wonder if there are any Debian maintainers of webapp packages that would want to also maintain the charm for their app.18:15
jcastrodo you have any in mind?18:15
jcastroalso, that would depend on if you put juju in debian yet?18:15
* jelmer waves18:16
jcastromarcoceppi: was it you who said big blue button was a complicated mess?18:16
jcastrohi jelmer!18:16
jelmerSpamapS: I'm Debian/Ubuntu maintainer for loggerhead/wikkid and interested in maintaining charms for both.18:16
marcoceppijcastro: Yes18:16
marcoceppinot that it was a mess, but that it would "rely" on a lot of services that have yet to be charmed18:16
SpamapSjelmer: sweet!18:16
marcoceppilike a Red5 server, asterisks server, etc18:16
jcastromarcoceppi: ah ok, let's keep that one for later then18:17
jcastromarcoceppi: I know you're signed up for phpbb but I'd like to put it on the target list, it's like a good beginner charm I think18:17
SpamapSjelmer: regarding making 'charm getall' more efficient.. I believe that we will do away with 'charm getall' in the near future, both because the charm store is growing rapidly, and because the charm store service built into juju *should* supersede it.18:18
jcastroif someone snags it then good, if not, you can snag it back?18:18
marcoceppijcastro: That's fine :D18:18
SpamapSmarcoceppi: so it sounds not like a mess, but like a lot of fun!18:18
jcastroasterisx will be tricky18:18
marcoceppiSpamapS: It took me almost 2 months to get it working properly last time I set it up18:18
SpamapSasterisk is , IIRC, basically unusable in the cloud18:18
SpamapSbecause it needs a source of timing18:18
* m_3 runs screaming from voip config18:19
jelmerSpamapS: ah, ok18:20
m_3jcastro: sounds like a good list to start with18:20
m_3jelmer SpamapS: getall is a really really useful bandaid... but still a bandaid18:21
SpamapSYeah, I hate how long it takes..18:23
SpamapSand I'm pretty sure I'm misusing mr's bzr support18:23
SpamapSbut I don't want to put much effort into it as its really aa bandaid and nothing more.18:23
jelmerSpamapS: out of curiosity, what's it going to be replaced by?18:25
m_3jcastro: is there a way to identify the target charms as "intro" -vs- "more advanced"?18:25
m_3jelmer: the charm store.... 'juju deploy cs:mysql mydb'18:25
jcastrom_3: I usually go about how complicated the service itself is18:26
SpamapSjelmer: juju will abstract the bzr out of the charm store for users who don't want to edit the charms.18:26
jcastrotypical LAMP, not so much, complicated things like openstack, more so18:26
jcastroI don't really have a system to it18:26
jelmerm_3, SpamapS: ah, of course. thanks18:26
SpamapSjelmer: and since I expect there will be 100's of charms, we won't want to 'getall' anymore.. we'll just want to get the ones we need to edit.18:26
SpamapSjelmer: basically using 'getall' is like checking out all of the packaging branches in Ubuntu. ;)18:27
m_3jcastro: right... in the blog post setting targets, maybe at least make a stab at "this might be a great one for first-timers" -vs- has-a-lot-of-complex-relations18:28
* jcastro nods18:28
SpamapSnijaba: reviewed18:28
nijabaSpamapS: thanks.  will look in a sec18:28
m_3jelmer: great question to the list about tests... testing framework for charms is in progress18:31
jelmerSpamapS: well, there are people who want to check out all source packages on ubuntu... :-) But yeah, that's a good point18:32
* m_3 food18:32
jelmerm_3: thanks18:32
hazmatjcastro, ejabberd for the hit list18:33
jcastrook I'll do that one instead of openfire18:37
jcastroI don't need 2 XMPP servers right off the bat18:37
marcoceppiejabberd will probably be the easier of the two18:39
jcastroyou're just scared of java18:39
nijabaSpamapS: I do not understand this sentence in your comment [1] Perhaps we should recommend haveged with charm-helpers-sh18:40
SpamapSnijaba: sorry, there is a package 'haveged'18:42
SpamapSnijaba: it inserts entropy using some proven mathematical pseudo random generation algorithm.18:42
marcoceppijcastro: It haunts me18:42
nijabaSpamapS: ah, ok.  never used it.  Thought there were some char missing18:42
nijabaSpamapS: so one just launche haveged and that's it?18:51
nijabaSpamapS: actually, install, since it is a deamon18:52
SpamapSnijaba: just having it installed, it does its thing18:58
SpamapSnijaba: I think some might object to it though, sometimes no entropy is better than low quality entropy.18:58
nijabaSpamapS: we should ask the security team19:00
nijabaSpamapS: just resubmited with the requested changes19:00
jcastroanyone ever deploy zenoss before?19:43
jcastronijaba: did you talk to the zenoss guy at ODS by any chance?19:45
marcoceppiFinally getting around to finishing PMA19:52
robbiewjcastro: mattray in #openstack and #txlf may be able to help19:52
robbiewhe used to work at Zenoss before going over to OpsCode19:52
koolhead17jcastro: i know some community guy from there :P19:52
robbiewhe's an ubuntu user19:52
jcastrorobbiew: yeah, I was trying to reach the guy I spoke with at ODS. But Matt was next on my list19:53
jcastroalso, I thought he went to Dell?19:53
robbiewjcastro: maybe so...heh19:53
robbiewlast I spoke with him, he was at OpsCode...working on Crowbar stuff I think19:53
jcastrooh, I need to follow up with him19:53
jcastrokoolhead17: ok so I'll pursue this guy, want to ping your buddies who know zenoss?19:54
jcastrowe have nagios and someone is working on sensu, people will want a zenoss charm19:54
koolhead17jcastro: this guy is zenoss community manager i think19:54
jcastrokoolhead17: oh dude, hook me up19:54
jcastrokoolhead17: can you PM me his contact info?19:54
koolhead17jcastro: give few mins.19:55
* koolhead17 checks his twitter19:55
jcastromarcoceppi: ok here it is: http://cloud.ubuntu.com/2011/12/juju-charm-status-were-looking-for-a-few-good-charmers/20:02
jcastrokoolhead and I will chase down zenoss20:03
koolhead17jcastro: awesome!! :D20:03
marcoceppijcastro: I like the targeted approach20:04
jcastromarcoceppi: hey so in a different tack.20:04
jcastromarcoceppi: for each one I'm going to try to find someone new by posting on their project's list20:04
jcastroor by finding someone who is deploying it20:04
jcastroSo I was thinking, you keep working on whatever, and I'll keep looking for new people20:05
jcastroand if we get one that's just flailing or whatever then we can snag it20:05
jcastromarcoceppi: so basically, I'm going to focus on getting new people for these, instead of having you and George do them all, heh20:05
marcoceppiSounds like a great idea to get Juju/Charms "out there"20:06
jcastroyeah plus I want to give projects a chance to pounce on their own charm20:06
jcastrobe charge of their own destiny, etc.20:06
marcoceppiAck, it looks like one of my merges was replaced in an update to charm-helpers20:11
marcoceppiOh, wait - I see now20:11
marcoceppinijaba You around?20:15
tekonivelohi all20:17
tekoniveloi was here earlier (a week perhaps?), asking if there's a chance to deploy a charm without spawning a new machine20:18
tekonivelosomeone told me this is in the works20:18
tekoniveloi'm now looking for that feature blueprint in Launchpad20:19
tekonivelo(and dreaming about Cotton Candy at the same time http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/11/cotton-candy-the-usb-sized-arm-pc-that-runs-ubuntu/)20:20
tekonivelois it this one https://blueprints.launchpad.net/juju/+spec/subordinate-services?20:21
tekoniveloi'm incompetent in reading this juju-talk :)20:22
marcoceppiCharm is done! \o/20:30
jcastrom_3: hey, jrgifford is working on rails, what's the status of this here: https://code.launchpad.net/~mark-mims/charm/oneiric/rails/trunk20:35
SpamapStekonivelo: subordinate services is good for combining charms .. but you really need machine placement to do the smaller scale.20:50
robbiewmarcoceppi: yes sir!!! :D20:51
* koolhead17 is eagerly waiting for next charm school20:59
jcastroearly in the new year20:59
jcastroactually, I should pick a date now20:59
SpamapSjcastro: it might make sense to have it right after or before SCALE21:00
jcastroI'll link up with mims when he gets back21:02
jcastroI think one in January early, then a real one at SCaLE, then february, with an option for January virtual again if we need it.21:02
koolhead17hello robbiew21:03
robbiewkoolhead17: o/21:04
EvilBillhm, looking at the charms… there's not one for openldap, is there?21:19
jrgiffordEvilBill: don't think so.21:22
EvilBillmaybe if I feel ambitious, and finish my next Linux Journal article.21:22
EvilBilland jcastro - my SCALE talk didn't get accepted.21:23
jcastroEvilBill: want to roll with me and clint for juju school then?21:24
* koolhead17 feels openldap tough nut. 21:24
EvilBilldefine "roll with you"21:24
jcastrohelp people out getting it running, basically like an instructor21:25
jcastroI can train you up over some in n' out. :D21:25
SpamapShey, thats what a hamburger's all about21:25
mainerrorThe phpBB3 charm should be fairly easy to write, eh?21:26
mainerrorThere is a phpBB package.21:27
EvilBilljcastro: I can probably do that. Will be at scale on the Thursday before it starts, and I will have my car and I know exactly where everything is there, including in n out. ;)21:27
jcastromainerror: yup ....21:27
SpamapSmainerror: exactly21:27
SpamapSI wonder if we can genericize a charm helper for anything that uses dbconfig-common21:28
mainerrorI'm trying to get it up right now.21:28
jcastroEvilBill: there's at least like 5 article opportunities just being around SpamapS.21:28
mainerrorThe PyroCMS charm requires me to write a cli installer myself which I can't do right now.21:29
SpamapSmarcoceppi: looking at https://code.launchpad.net/~marcoceppi/charm-tools/wget-args/+merge/86617 .. just curious why we want --content-disposition ?21:29
jcastromainerror: yeah there's a correlation of ease of charm writing and how popular or easy something is to install without a charm21:29
EvilBilljcastro: then I will be sure to have a recorder running at all times. ;)21:29
SpamapSEvilBill: are you in LA?21:30
EvilBillI'm in silicon valley, but will be there for Xmas, and for scale.21:30
* SpamapS will pontificate gratuitously to make sure the facts are inseperable from his opinions21:31
SpamapSEvilBill: great. that reminds me that I need to register for mongoLA21:31
jcastromainerror: a config to use the upstream phpbb in that charm would be ninja21:31
mainerrorDo you mean a switch to choose if you want the package version or the upstream version?21:33
mainerrorI see. Makes sense.21:33
SpamapSI'd prefer that it default to the one from the archive though.21:34
jcastromainerror: marco's done it on his, just steal it21:34
jcastroyeah, and always default to the archive21:34
mainerrorIf only they (phpbb) had a download latest release link ...21:34
SpamapSmainerror: thats no good usually anyway, because you need to verify the integrity of the download21:35
SpamapSso unless you can download the md5/gpg signature via HTTPS (with a valid CA cert).. you have to sha256sum the file anyway.21:35
mainerrorAlong with a MD5 file it would not be that bad. :)21:35
* SpamapS wants people to get into the habit of sha256sum'ing, not md5suming21:36
jcastroactually, charmers should recommend that during reviews to default to archive21:36
SpamapSjcastro: as we get more of a security policy and better tags, we'll require that for inclusion in the "canonical supported" charm tag(s)21:39
jcastrothat was going to be my next questoin21:39
mainerrorWait, how am I supposed to sha256sum the file if the phpBB guys don't provide a hash to compare it against?21:39
negronjlmarcoceppi: I approved your merge proposal21:39
SpamapSmainerror: you need to first inspect the contents, make sure you got the real file.21:43
SpamapSmainerror: then you need do 'sha256sum file.tar.gz'21:43
SpamapSmainerror: that value can then be used to check against the file when the charm downloads it21:44
SpamapSmainerror: there's a helper function for doing this in shell/bash21:44
mainerrorOh! That makes sense now.21:44
SpamapSmainerror: maybe just focus on the apt-get version first?21:44
marcoceppinegronjl: Thanks!21:45
mainerrorYea. I'll try to get that up first and add the config option once it is up and running.21:45
marcoceppimainerror: They do21:45
SpamapSmarcoceppi: the man page for wget describes --content-disposition as experimental...21:45
mainerrormarcoceppi: They do what?21:46
marcoceppiSpamapS: It didn't say that in the latest wget, did it?21:46
SpamapSii  wget                    1.13.4-1ubuntu2         retrieves files from the web21:46
marcoceppimainerror: They provide an md5hash, phpBB group21:46
mainerrorYea I know that. I was referring to a md5hash file. :)21:46
SpamapSoneiric has 3.0.7 .. pretty close to upstream's 3.0.9 ... ;)21:47
marcoceppimainerror: http://www.phpbb.com/files/release/phpBB-3.0.9.tar.bz2.md521:47
marcoceppiBut yeah, use package manager first <321:47
mainerrorAm I that blind?21:47
SpamapSnote that the MD5 there is worthless since it is transmitted via HTTP21:48
marcoceppiThey don't advertise it, I know someone on the dev team :)21:48
mainerrorOh nice. :)21:48
SpamapSmarcoceppi: tell them to start publishing gpg signatures21:48
marcoceppiSpamapS: Yeah, unless... https?21:48
SpamapSthen at least we can have a set of GPG keys that we trust in charm-helpers automatically.21:49
SpamapSBut at that point its like.. how about we just start using the archive? ;)21:49
* SpamapS plans to try hard to get involved with ubuntu-backports so we can use them in charms more.21:50
EvilBillso, now that I have juju on mac os x - is there a way to get charm-tools going on os x, too? ;)21:50
EvilBillright now I just rsync'd them from my linux box but being able to natively update would be nice.21:51
SpamapSEvilBill: bzr branch lp:charm-tools ; cd charm-tools ; make install21:51
SpamapSEvilBill: it would be quite nice to have them in brew too.21:51
EvilBillYeah, it would.21:51
EvilBillblah, and something blew up.21:52
EvilBilllooks like the Mac version of readlink doesn't allow the -f option21:52
SpamapSpretty useful bit21:53
EvilBillwonder tho21:53
_mup_juju/ssh-known_hosts r455 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com21:53
_mup_Fix mocks for EC2 test_bootstrap21:53
SpamapSEvilBill: if you wouldn't mind reporting a bug, it would help quite a bit.21:53
EvilBilldoesn't appear to be in ports or brew :/21:53
EvilBillYeah, I'll happily do that, once I run off to another damn meeting.21:54
EvilBillgot a meeting in five.21:54
EvilBillSpamapS: thanks for that.21:55
EvilBillwe're trying to straighten this place out21:55
EvilBillawesome, my meeting JUST got moved to tomorrrow.21:55
EvilBillbug coming your way21:55
SpamapS^^ so you went to that model ;)21:56
EvilBillSpamapS: Dude, do you think I'd be in DevOps if I didn't believe in that model?21:56
marcoceppiLoule, I always laugh a little when someone days DevOps21:57
EvilBillYeah, it's not like it's that big a secret.21:57
EvilBillbut they wanted to hire me in as "DevOps Manager"21:57
EvilBilland I was like "how much money? fuck, I'm THERE."21:57
SpamapS"what? Our developers shouldn't be plotting our ops managers' deaths?"21:57
EvilBillI've been doing DevOps since way before the buzzword. We used to call it "Hey, this cool way of doing business so stuff runs smoothly."21:59
EvilBillProblem with that name is that it didn't fit on slides.21:59
_mup_juju/ssh-known_hosts r456 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com22:00
_mup_Fix remaining tests in EC2 test_bootstrap22:00
EvilBillSpamapS: I may have a workaround for the readlink thing22:08
EvilBillwant me to file the bug, and list the workaround?22:08
jcastroSpamapS: or m_3: phpmyadmin could use a look see, and hopefully a promulgation.22:24
m_3jcastro: yeah, just saw that mail22:24
marcoceppim_3: One thing I wasn't sure about, htaccess password22:26
marcoceppiAs it currently stands you've got to use juju set to enable it, otherwise no one will be able to access the phpMyAdmin site22:26
marcoceppisince I didn't just want to throw a default one in there22:26
m_3marcoceppi: wow, yeah I really think all charms should work using defaults22:28
m_3just pulled it though, so let me take a look22:28
marcoceppiSo, put a password in there by default? I feel like that kind of defeats the purpose of password protection22:28
marcoceppim_3: I'm about to head home, so I'll be back in about 40 mins. I created a video to demonstrate the workflow: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SXsiffMI5Uc22:29
m_3ha!... yeah, I was just about to ask for a readme :)22:31
* m_3 watchin the 'tube22:31
m_3marcoceppi: hmmm...  think I'm gonna have to bounce this charm back... no soundtrack!?!  drive safely man22:34
marcoceppim_3: So, besides the readme, heh, I'm guessing it's the htpasswd password issue?22:36
m_3marcoceppi: just yanking your chain22:38
SpamapSfor phpmyadmin, I think its reasonable to say that it doesn't actually *do* anything useful without you providing a username and password22:42
m_3SpamapS: right... really it doesn't _do_ anything until you relate it22:43
m_3so should it go to 'install_error' with default config params?22:44
EvilBillSpamapS: Hey, I have a bug ready to submit against charm-tools re: mac os…. with a workaround included.22:44
EvilBillWant me to fire that off?22:44
SpamapSm_3: no!22:45
SpamapSm_3: it should just reject all users from logging in.22:45
SpamapSm_3: it would be cool to have the 403 page give some hint.22:45
SpamapSEvilBill: yeah that would be great, thanks!22:45
SpamapSm_3: like "403, Access Denied, site has no users."22:47
EvilBillSpamapS: done.22:47
* m_3 copying that line into the review22:49
SpamapSI like the way wordpress does it. The first user to access the site gets presented with a wizard.22:51
SpamapSthe window for compromise is very narrow, and if somebody does "steal" your wordpress, you just drop the db and start over.22:52
SpamapSmaybe we should write a charm helper that makes a little web form for apps that don't have such a capability.22:52
* SpamapS puts on his mad scientist hat and looks into it22:53
m_3SpamapS: I guess stealing the phpmyadmin instance like that doesn't necessarily compromise the root pw of the related db... dunno tho22:55
m_3marcoceppi: really nice job with this23:11
_mup_juju/ssh-known_hosts r457 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com23:30
_mup_Fix cooperative inheritance for test_state23:30
marcoceppiSpamapS: phpMyAdmin doesn't have that, so I would have to script that in.23:36
marcoceppim_3: Thanks!23:36
m_3marcoceppi: almost done... waiting for another test scenario23:37
marcoceppim_3: Cool, I'll jump on those changes asap as I'm looking to wrap this up tonight to move on to Steam and others23:37
marcoceppiI've got a pretty good idea how I want to handle a lot of the stuff in steam23:38
marcoceppiIs that WordPress install script part of wordpress or was that written explicitly for the charm?23:45
marcoceppiBecause it wouldn't be too hard to write23:45
m_3marcoceppi: ah, I'd wait on it... the current behavior works pretty well... especially once there's a readme23:50
marcoceppiI'll add it as a bug once it's progd23:51
m_3marcoceppi: one quick question though... the bottom of db-admin-relation-changed23:51
m_3mysqladmin creates a hard-coded "phpmyadmin" db... but then it runs the create script on a $database23:52
m_3that's working in my current test b/c the service is named "phpmyadmin"23:52
m_3what happens when that's not the case?23:53
m_3checking with another test scenario23:54
marcoceppiSince it's not a db relation, it's db-admin it will just create phpmyadmin db everytime. Are you saying that it should create the database based on the name of the service? IE if it was `custompmaname`>23:54
* m_3 checking what creates 'database' in mysql-root interface23:56
marcoceppim_3: Nothing does :)23:57
marcoceppiThat's why mysqladmin create is run in the hook23:57
marcoceppiIt did originally, but it was removed when we relaized that since you're "db-admin" you can create any db23:57
m_3but the relation sets $database though23:58
marcoceppiIt *shouldn't* if it does it's because I missed it during the patching23:58
m_3config-changed, line 36 uses it though23:59

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