
=== raro is now known as Serpa
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ShinkaI know that's a stupid question but sometime when I move my mouve, I don't actually know how I do it, but I get to see a preview of all currently active windows. This is cool! I would just like to know how to do it :P00:17
Shinkamouve = mouse00:17
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JoeSomebody160 gb hdd, install ubuntu on half of it, kubuntu says other half of disk unusable after i create a root partition01:14
JoeSomebodychanged hdds, same thing01:14
JoeSomebodyso kubuntu is incompalible with ubuntu LMAO01:14
JoeSomebodycant be01:14
JoeSomebodywhat is this unusable garbage?01:15
Kimlarouxwhy do you want to install kubuntu on a serepate partition?01:16
Kimlarouxcan't you just intall kubuntu-destop over Ubuntu and chose your environment on login?01:17
JoeSomebodyi wanted to see the differences between the 2 , so i thought i HAD TO01:18
JoeSomebodyi dont have to ?01:18
JoeSomebodyi want to know things like is the same list of programs and games available, and if not why, and other things like that01:19
JoeSomebodythis brings up another question01:20
Kimlarouxkubuntu is ubuntu with kde01:20
Kimlarouxyou can simply install kubuntu-desktop on top of ubuntu and you'll get kubuntu01:21
JoeSomebodyperhaps it IS better to give a person both DE with an install?01:21
KimlarouxI can't remember if installing it removes gnome/unity though01:21
OerHeksyou should be able to do both, 2 desktops on 1 ubuntu installation, and side-by-side01:21
JoeSomebodyi wouldn't want it to remove it01:21
JoeSomebodyso start with ubuntu?01:22
Kimlarouxwell, in my opinion it's cleaner and less confusing to have a different installation for both, if you want to compare... but that's just my taste =)01:22
OerHeksi would choose side/by/side too, wich does not share programs & documents standard.01:23
OerHeksif your disk is unusable, do you have 4 primairy partitions already ? ( this is the max)01:24
JoeSomebodywell i had a 160, ubuntu, made 40000 root, 4000 swap, 40000 home01:24
JoeSomebodythen coudl not do the same with kubuntu, said ubusable01:25
JoeSomebodythen coudl not do the same with kubuntu, said unusable01:25
JoeSomebodyi had 2 already01:25
JoeSomebodyi'm gonna try again01:25
JoeSomebodylogical is ok right?, i usually dont01:26
OerHeksyes, extended with logical is ok01:26
mOrO^after succesful install, updates download, and then the install of the upgrades freezes after about 56percent progress................after powering off, I get back on and cant install anything cuz it says that another manager is in use!!!   HELP!01:43
ybitanother manager? hmm.01:48
JoeSomebodyok so now this time the installer crashed right after making the home partition02:15
JoeSomebodyno parent item for child02:16
JoeSomebodyi assume i am not the first to install these two?02:16
JoeSomebodyubuntu = 30gb root, 4 swap, 40 gb home02:17
JoeSomebodykubuntu = 30gb root, 4 swap, 40 gb home02:17
JoeSomebodybut after makling home installer crashes , twice02:17
JoeSomebodyi had tried it again, same02:17
JoeSomebodythe only primary partition was ubuntu root02:18
JoeSomebodynot sure what to try next02:18
Kimlarouxwhy do you need a home partition?02:21
KimlarouxIf you want one, Why not using just one for both install?02:21
JoeSomebodyif i use one  for both i cant see differences02:23
JoeSomebodyi assume02:23
JoeSomebodycant even find kubuntu-desktop02:23
JoeSomebodyhow do i find kubuntu-desktop?02:23
JoeSomebodyin ubuntu?02:23
Kimlarouxnah I mean the /home partition, you can use the same for different installations02:24
Kimlarouxit should not give you problems, but I might be wrong here02:24
JoeSomebodycan't find a damn thing with "unuty search"02:24
JoeSomebodyi am now in ubuntu trying to add kde , and cannnot02:24
Kimlarouxwhen you installed ubuntu, you manually configured the partitions?02:25
JoeSomebodybecause kubnuntu will not install02:25
JoeSomebody[10:17] <JoeSomebody> ubuntu = 30gb root, 4 swap, 40 gb home02:25
Kimlarouxis there another OS on the system?02:25
JoeSomebodytook a blank 160gb02:25
JoeSomebody[10:17] <JoeSomebody> ubuntu = 30gb root, 4 swap, 40 gb home02:25
JoeSomebody[10:17] <JoeSomebody> kubuntu = 30gb root, 4 swap, 40 gb home02:25
JoeSomebody[10:17] <JoeSomebody> but after makling kubuntu home installer crashes , twice02:25
Kimlarouxhhmm, did the installer give you a automatic configuration for the partitions?02:25
JoeSomebodyi had only one other choice which erased ubuntu02:26
JoeSomebodyi have tried several things02:26
Kimlarouxthat's weird02:26
JoeSomebodyi thought so :)02:27
JoeSomebodylast year this worked02:27
Kimlarouxthe installer often has many choices... one being automatic repartitioning for installation beside other installed OS02:27
JoeSomebodyub and kub on together02:27
Kimlarouxmaybe they changed that, for some obscure reason02:27
JoeSomebodyi can't imagine why , and i hope not02:28
Kimlarouxso what crashes exactly, the installer, or the boot?02:28
Kimlarouxthe installer crashes?!? woha02:29
KimlarouxI'm betting it doesn't like to see two homes on the disc02:29
JoeSomebodyif i go logical, it crashes at the end, just before making partitions02:29
Kimlarouxand 2 swap02:29
Kimlarouxyou don't need two swaps, the installer should use the one that's already there02:30
Kimlarouxcan't you just select the already installed swap during kubuntu's installation?02:30
JoeSomebodymaybe thats it however i did get away with this under another distro02:31
JoeSomebodyi will try to use 1st swap02:31
Kimlarouxgood idea02:31
Kimlarouxanother thing02:31
Kimlarouxyou don't need to make a separate partition for your home, you can place everything on a single partition02:32
JoeSomebodywell i wasnt sure there02:32
JoeSomebodyafter all home contains desktop settings and stuff does it not?02:33
KimlarouxI haven't used a separate partition under Kubuntu in years02:33
Kimlarouxit just sucks when one of the partition fills up and you gotta repartition to get more space... I like to have the whole disc for everything02:34
JoeSomebodyas long as there are 2 desktop folders created i guess it would be ok, one for kde and one for gnome?02:34
Kimlarouxnah I think you're not understanding what I'm saying02:34
Kimlarouxyour /home folder can be within the "root" partition02:35
Kimlarouxso you have, for exemple, 70GB for ubuntu and 70GB for Kubuntu02:35
Kimlarouxand each partition has it's own /home folder, inside the main partition02:36
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KimlarouxBut again, it's a personal choice... it might be the source of you problem though02:42
timHi All03:09
timHi Jayne03:11
timGood Evening all03:16
timHi Evil03:19
timwhats up?03:19
timwhats up with this channel?03:20
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OU812Good Evening dipesh03:23
dipeshgood evening03:23
OU812Where are you from?03:23
dipeshi want to contribute to KDE how can I do it ??03:23
OU812I really don't know, I just joined this channel03:24
dipeshi m from india03:24
dipeshwhr r u from??03:24
OU812I'm from the states, North Carolina03:24
dipeshwhat do u do??03:25
OU812I am an electrical engineer03:25
OU812what about you?03:25
dipeshgreat and i am a IT engineering student03:25
mime1111LINUZ RULEX03:26
OU812I do some programming on the side, Ruby on Rails rules03:26
qisnitweirdcant enable flash in konqueror03:46
FloodBotK3luiz_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:18
none_13hello guys04:28
none_13dolphin don't preview flash videos.04:29
none_13can u give me some fix link?04:29
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Tech-1knock it off04:57
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anubisHi , ich habe hier eine SD Karte, von der ich gerne gelöschte Bilder wiederherstellen möchte. Photorec möchte nun den Partition-Table-Type wissen. Leider weiß ich nicht was ich da reinschreiben muss. Kann mir jmd einen Tipp geben?07:55
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soeeekm :)08:36
soeesomeone using beta ppa and have already KDE 4.8 beta2 ?08:36
gribouillethe kde 4.7.4 packages have been updated several times these days. why?08:43
gorgonizersoee: I tried to install it, but the install seems broken, some of the packes will not install..08:47
ikoniagorgonizer: for fixes08:48
ikoniagorgonizer: thats why updates get pushed out08:48
gorgonizerI am trying to install KDE SC 4.8 Beta 2 oackages from the beta ppa08:49
gorgonizerno matter..08:49
soeeits working for me08:49
soeeupdate works just fine08:49
soeeabyway i cant edit any .js file in kate :D08:50
soeei can open, seecontent but cant edit08:50
ikoniawhat are the permissions on the file08:50
soeethey are fine08:51
ikoniadefine "fine"08:51
soeeother editors can open adn edit its content08:51
gorgonizerit doesn't appear that the kde4libs apckages are available for KDE 4.8 SC in th eBeta PPA from what I can tell..09:08
Quetzalcoatlhi! can anyone tell why kwin become a zombie process ?09:41
SunTsuQuetzalcoatl: do you know how process zombies are made?09:42
SunTsuQuetzalcoatl: processes that end need to return their status to their parent process. For that to happen the parent process needs to wait() on his forked child process. If it does not the process lingers on as a zombie until he can report his status09:46
mithrophi everybody10:35
vprintswhere is the kubuntu networkmanager conf file?10:41
vprintsis the current networkmanager a plasmoid?10:41
vprintsthe thin is- i want to permanently enamble mobile broadband option10:42
vprintsi have it set to autoconnect10:42
vprintsbut every time i start the computer i have to tick a box to enable it10:42
vprintsand this checkbox isn't remembered10:43
vprintscan't find any way to make this permanently stick in the UI10:44
vprintsbut mabe from the conf file?10:44
vprintsanyone got any clues?10:44
vprintsty :)10:44
cortex_skvprints: try /etc/NetworkManager10:46
SunTsuvprints: could you please try to make longer lines, my screen is scrolling fast because of you10:47
soilismHello world.10:52
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Fleckbot wars! :D11:20
Tm_Thopefully has stopped now11:23
soeeneed someone with kde 4.8b211:38
mimehey ppl, mu external HDD has been detected by my comp with partiton manager, but once I started formatting, in any format, it crashes, any help? PLEASE12:41
JuJuBeeI have a  file called Trolltech.conf that is 82MB in my .config.  Google suggests that it is related to QT somehow.  Does anybody know anything about this file?14:12
ikoniait is a QT config file14:13
ikoniatrolltech used to own / develop QT14:13
drobole_When I ran a full upgrade on 11.10 it hang somewhere along the line so I killed it, reinstalled some flashplugin stuff manually and rebooted. It seems to work ok but the grub entry doesn't seem to get updated anymore. I have tried commands like update-initramfs -u, update-grub and os-prober, but nothings seems to help. Anyone got any suggestions?14:15
ikoniadrobole_: does the grub entry match the kernel you are booting ?14:16
JuJuBeeikonia: why could a config file be 82MB...?14:16
drobole_yes its the old, same as uname is reporting14:16
ikoniaJuJuBee: lots of config,14:16
ikoniadrobole_: so then it's right14:16
ikonia!info linux-image14:16
ubottulinux-image (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (oneiric), package size 1 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 all armel powerpc)14:16
palyo34türk var mı?14:17
ikoniadrobole_: I suspect the lsb update hasn't been completed so it stil think it's 11.04 maybe ?14:17
JuJuBeeikonia: What is it a config file for?  What app?14:17
ikoniaJuJuBee: it will be for QT as a tool set, not a specific app14:17
ikoniaJuJuBee: look in the config file and you can see what it's configuring14:17
drobole_Thanks. So I guess I'm good then. Back to work... =)14:18
JuJuBeeI am trying to use disk quotas for my students and it is causing them to go over quota along with ~/.local/share/akonadi14:18
JuJuBeeikonia: the config file has a bunch of paths then pages and pages of "%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%"14:19
ikoniaJuJuBee: run file against it, try to see what format it's in14:19
JuJuBeeASCII text with very long lines14:20
ikoniaJuJuBee: so nothing unusual there then14:21
JuJuBeeikonia: my other students are all in the K range not M range14:22
ikoniaask that student what he's configured14:22
JuJuBeeHe says nothing special other than the apps we use in class... I trust him14:23
JuJuBeeNot sure what apps we use that use QT either...14:23
ikoniaJuJuBee: all kde apps do14:25
ikoniaJuJuBee: remove his config fi14:25
ikoniaremove his config file, copy another one in place14:25
ikoniaif it's the same as the normal apps you use as he says, it won't be a problem14:25
drobole_Oh man what a disapointment. Can't fix anything with that grub214:28
ikoniawhy are you messing with grub2 ?14:28
drobole_it wont boot my latest kernel and I think its becouse of the crash i had upgrading14:29
ikoniawhy ?14:29
drobole_why what?14:30
ikoniadrobole_: why are you messing with grub2 - why won't it boot the later kernel ?14:30
drobole_i think its becouse it crashed during upgrade. actually i think its some flashplugin-download that does it. and now i don't know how to make grub understand that i have a new image14:31
ikoniadrobole_: 1.) I told you to check the lsb status of your machine 2.) have you looked if the new kernel is actually installed ? I don't understand what a flashplugin has to do with your kernel14:33
drobole_how do i check the lsb status? (flashplugin-download package makes the upgrade hang, thats why i killed the upgrade process and rebooted)14:34
ikoniadrobole_: ok - so when I ask you "check the lsb status" the response is "how do I do that" - not ignore it and keep messing with grub2 for no reason14:35
drobole_i thought you were talking about lsb-core not fully upgraded14:35
ikoniareally annoys me that people ask for help and then either don't say they don't know how to do something, or just ignore it, then are shocked that they are not getting anywhere14:35
ikoniadrobole_: well, you are correct, if lsb core is updated it will update the lsb status too14:36
ikoniaso checking the lsb version on your machine is a good place to start14:36
DarkriftXCan anyone here help me figure out why I am getting this error when I try to compile a plasmoid "yasp scripted"?  http://pastebin.com/niJc2tJ414:36
DarkriftXgoogling has not lead me to anything useful14:36
ikoniaDarkriftX: missing QT libraries14:37
ikoniaDarkriftX: is this plasmoid not compiled and packaged in the repos ?14:37
DarkriftXikonia: nope, you dl the source from kdelook14:37
DarkriftXive compiled it before on 11.04, but wont compile on 11.1014:37
DarkriftXI have libqtgui installed14:37
ikoniawell there are two errors14:37
ikonia1.) the target you are saying to build does not exist inthe make file14:38
ikonia2.) it's complaining about missing libraries14:38
ikoniaDarkriftX: did the "make" command work ?14:38
DarkriftXlibqtgui4        is installed14:38
ikonia(before you did make install14:38
DarkriftXyes, make did14:38
drobole_ikonia: i did a apt-get install lsb-core -s, and it says to install a bunch of packages... which reminds me lsb-core wasn't installed14:38
DarkriftXthe make install is what is failing14:38
ikoniaDarkriftX: ls -la /usr/lib/libQtGui.so14:38
ikoniadrobole_: lsb_release -a14:39
DarkriftXfile does not exist14:39
DarkriftXI tried reinstalling the lib from apt, did no good14:40
drobole_ikonia: it says no modules, release 11.10. Not much more14:40
ikoniaDarkriftX: there you go then14:40
DarkriftXI am thinking there are path or variable issues14:40
DarkriftXok... but how do I get that lib if libqtgui4 is installed?14:40
ikoniadrobole_: ok - so at least it shows 11.1014:40
ikoniaDarkriftX: no path or variable issues, the file path it's calling out does not exist, that's not a variable14:40
ikoniaDarkriftX: research what provides that file14:41
drobole_ikonia: it was 11.10 before i clicked that "Full Upgrade" button too14:41
DarkriftXisnt there a command in apt-get that shows "whatprovides" ?14:41
ikoniadrobole_: oh, sorry, I thought you where upgrading from 11.04 to 11.1014:41
DarkriftXI thought id used it before, but cannot find it14:42
ikoniaDarkriftX: it is there14:42
ikoniaDarkriftX: apt-file ?14:42
DarkriftXinstalling, ill try that14:42
drobole_ikonia: thanks for trying to help though.14:45
DarkriftXall 3 packages that provide that file are "up to date"14:46
DarkriftXive reinstalled 1 of them, no change14:46
ikoniadrobole_: is the new kernel installed ?14:47
ikoniaDarkriftX: do a find on the machine see if that file is there14:47
DarkriftXfind is still running, thanks for the help ikonia14:53
DarkriftXwondering if I should symlink it, or find the file in the app im compiling that has its path hardcoded in14:56
ikoniaDarkriftX: is this a 64bit system ?14:58
palyo34türk var mı14:59
ikoniaDarkriftX: I'm surprised thats not already linked14:59
ikoniapalyo34: English only in this channel please.14:59
DarkriftXI edited the CMakeCache.txt file with the path, and now im getting more errors. Im guessing im going to have to edit a bunch of them14:59
DarkriftXis it supposed to be symlinked by default?14:59
ikoniaDarkriftX: I would have expected it to either be in /usr/lib if this was a 32bit system or linked into it15:00
DarkriftX$ uname -i -- i38615:00
DarkriftXwould I possibly be breaking stuff by copying the .so files from the i386-linux-gnu folder, or would I need to symlink them.15:04
ikoniadon't copy15:05
DarkriftXI tried cp -r *.so .. and cp -r *.so /usr/lib/, both failed. Am I missing something else? I rarely actually create symlinks15:05
DarkriftXGetting: cp: `/usr/lib/libanl.so': can make relative symbolic links only in current directory15:06
ikoniano no no no15:06
ikoniadon't copy libs like that15:06
ikoniaughh you're making a mess15:06
ikoniadon't copy15:06
DarkriftXerm, I used -s instead of -r15:06
DarkriftXI typed it wrong in here15:06
ikoniawhy are you using cp -s ?15:06
ikonialn is the command15:06
ikonialn -s15:06
DarkriftXBecause I did not know, hence being in here asking.15:07
ikoniadon't rush in with commands15:07
ikoniaif you don't know - ask15:07
DarkriftXok, well, used that and apparently it doesnt like symlinks to symlinks15:08
DarkriftXmake[2]: stat: /usr/lib/libQtSvg.so: Too many levels of symbolic links15:08
ikoniaok - so that's a symlink15:09
ikoniaDarkriftX: ls -la /usr/lib/libQtSvg.so15:09
DarkriftXlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 11 2011-12-21 08:07 /usr/lib/libQtSvg.so -> libQtSvg.so15:09
ikoniaok so I think you've made a bit of a mess here as the link is pointing at it's self15:10
mithrophi here15:12
mithropI often have Segmentation fault of plasma-desktop. Do you know why ?15:13
Peace-mithrop: ?15:18
Peace-mithrop: kde version ? video card? destkop effect active?15:18
DarkriftXOk, so I have no idea how to properly create these hundreds of symlinks with the ln command as the ones in the i386 folder are also symlinks to .so.x.x.x files, where x is the version number I assume15:18
DarkriftXdo I need to create a for loop to ln each file that is *.so.* as /usr/lib/$1.so ?15:20
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mithropPeace-: ok. Fully upgraded KUbuntu (KDE 4), video : ATI Mobility Radeon HD4200 (driver non-free), desktop effects activated15:21
ikoniaDarkriftX: I'm more worried that you now have symlinks that link to themselves15:22
DarkriftXikonia: they are easily spotted, I can remove them if needed15:22
DarkriftXor overwrite them with the correct ones15:22
DarkriftXmakes me wonder why ln would even allow that15:22
Peace-mithrop: mmm i guess :) you need to disable some desktop effects or some of15:22
Peace-mithrop: try disabling blur15:22
Peace-mithrop: i guess it's your video card and driver15:24
Peace-mithrop: you could try to use free driver ...15:24
BluesKajhiyas folks15:24
ikoniaDarkriftX: but what else is linked wrong now was the point I was going for15:24
mithropPeace-: blur is already disabled15:24
ikoniaDarkriftX: links that point to themselves are the same as a file not existing15:24
DarkriftXshould only be .so files that were in the child folder15:24
Peace-mithrop: for me it's a video driver issue15:24
DarkriftXikonia: yes, but they didnt exist before15:25
DarkriftXso now they still dont exist, but I have to remove the faulty link15:25
=== alpha is now known as Guest49411
mithropPeace-: if I disable my non-free driver, I will be able to use accelerated stuff anyway ?15:26
Peace-mithrop: try i dunno15:26
Peace-mithrop: btw it's a dangerous stuff :) i hope your are not noob15:26
Peace-you should be able to see the screen after that15:27
Peace-but i am not sure15:27
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mithropif by "not a noob" you mean "you know how to use a tty and nano", no I'm not a noob :p15:27
ikoniano is the answer15:28
ikoniapretty much most nvidia / ati cards do not work fully with the open modules15:28
Peace-mithrop: ok you can do then :)15:29
=== david is now known as david__
BluesKajmithrop, , i'm a bit late in the game here , did you install the recommended driver in jockey ?15:40
mithropI installed the only which works ^^15:40
DarkriftXikonia: I have created a for loop to rename all symlinks that point to themself to file.so.bak15:42
DarkriftXso for now, they are resolved enough for me to continue.15:42
* BluesKaj shrugs , ok mithrop , whatever that is15:45
DarkriftXWhat is the best way to copy symlinks in /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu up a level, but still point to the files they are linked to?15:45
mithropBluesKaj: the systment didn't recommend me one particular driver ;)15:46
BluesKajin additional drivers , mithrop ?15:48
BluesKajkmenu>apps>system>additional drivers15:49
mithropyes. I have two possibilities in this window. ATI/AMD for FGLRX or FLGRX for ATI/AMD (post-release ofUbuntu)15:50
mithropBluesKaj: so I choose the first one :)15:51
BluesKajmithrop, fglrx is the driver afaik ...I used it on a ati onboard graphics a few yrs ago15:59
mithropBluesKaj: what do you mean exactly ?16:03
BluesKajmithrop, checkout your package manager about the fglrx driver description16:04
arkanabarHey, does kubuntu still use packagekit as the primary GUI package management app?16:05
macono, muon16:05
BluesKajarkanabar, no it's called Muon now , it's ok but can be buggy16:06
arkanabarI'm going to guess that synaptic is only a sudo apt-get away.  for the command line, Deo gratias.16:07
BluesKajarkanabar, yup, synaptic is still my fav , use it for reference16:08
mithropBluesKaj: it's for AMD Radeon and FireGL graphics accelerators16:10
gorgonzolacan someone please explain why do i have like three package management apps? apper?  kpackagekit? muon?16:27
gorgonzolaand which are we keeping as standard in the distro?16:27
szal*buntu has apper?16:32
BluesKajgorgonzola, if you ugraded thru the net , then the old kpackagekit will still be installed from the previous OS16:32
BarkingFishszal: yes it does. We got apper because packagekit had issues building on 11.10, so apper came as kpackagekit's replacement16:33
gorgonzolaBluesKaj: i seem to remeber i installed from scrtach, which is what i normally do. and i knew that we were getting muon, but i just noticed that apper is the one serving notifications16:33
gorgonzolaBluesKaj: these are all apt frontends, right? can i just leave on of them and remove all others?16:33
BluesKajgorgonzola, I just use synaptic as a reference , I don't bother with notifiacations since I run an update/upgrade every morning anyway16:35
BluesKajwith ap-get16:35
* BluesKaj shakes the crumbs out of the KB16:35
gorgonzolaBluesKaj: yes, i generally relly on apt directly, too. but i just noticed i'm getting notification spammed by several diff package managers. so let me rephrase: can i remove some/all of them without ending with a dependency mess?16:36
BluesKajgorgonzola, yes , just guis for apt16:36
BarkingFishcrumbs??? You eat at your keyboard???  aaaargh!16:36
BluesKajgorgonzola, i haven't tried removing them , i just turn of the notifiers16:37
outsiderhey hi,16:38
BluesKajyeah  BarkingFish , I use a wireless KB here at my easy chair , with coffee and all kinds of good stuff :)16:38
outsiderwhat software is good for vpn16:38
outsiderthank u16:39
outsiderbut i neeed something free16:39
Torchit's free and open source16:39
BarkingFishBluesKaj: I drink at my pc, but never eat while I'm near the keyboard.  I've had the joys of having a furry keyboard before from doing that.  Got some spaghetti sauce in between the keys and it became intelligent :)16:41
outsiderbut is not for linux16:41
szaloutsider: of course it is16:42
Torchsure it's available for linux. where do you get your information from?16:42
szaloutsider: other than that..  do you need a VPN client or a VPN server?16:42
outsiderofficial web site16:42
outsidervpn client16:43
BluesKaj!vpn | outsider16:43
ubottuoutsider: For more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN16:43
outsideron windows i got anchor dree16:44
outsiderand that is cool, i need something like that16:44
szaloutsider: p   vpnc                                                                   - Cisco-compatible VPN client16:44
outsiderthanks for the link ubottu thanks all16:44
BarkingFishoutsider: You CAN use it on linux...   I see that from their entry on Google :)16:45
outsideryeh thank all16:45
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hanthanais it possible to use kde 4.7.4 translations on Kubuntu 11.10?16:59
BluesKajhanthana, I think so, altho i haven't tried it yet17:00
hanthanaBluesKaj, is there anyway to confirm it?17:01
BluesKajhanthana, I believe some have installed 4.7.4 with success , but the kicker seems to be problematic on some17:15
hanthanaBluesKaj, i am not an Ubuntu user but I am trying to build a localized spin based on Kubuntu 11.1017:17
hanthanathe translation for KDE 4.7.4 has been done17:17
jbwivguys, I have sound from everything on my system except amarok. amarok *used* to work, but no longer. It's not muted as far as I can tell. Any ideas what might be wrong?17:24
szalBluesKaj: what's w/ the Kicker on 4.7.4?17:37
DarkriftXcrap, can anyone tell me what this error means?17:38
DarkriftXCould not start process Unable to create io-slave:17:38
DarkriftXklauncher said: Unknown protocol 'file'.17:38
FloodBotK3DarkriftX: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:38
DarkriftXsorry, thought it was one line17:38
szalDarkriftX: on doing what?17:38
DarkriftXopening anything that lists files17:39
DarkriftXdolphin, a save dialog, etc17:39
DarkriftXI recently updated a bunch of packages that were showing as having updates in apt-get17:39
genii-aroundDarkriftX: Have you rebooted since the updates?17:40
DarkriftXI have not, but im normally asked to when its needed17:41
TorchDarkriftX: try running this from a  shell: kbuildsycoca4 --noincremental17:41
DarkriftXsudo required?17:42
genii-aroundDarkriftX: I would suggest to do a shutdown-restart, then see if the problem persists... if so then to come back and continue17:42
TorchDarkriftX: no, must run this as user17:42
DarkriftXcomplaining about lots of mime types not having tailing semicolon17:42
DarkriftXkbuildsycoca4(14082) KConfigGroup::readXdgListEntry: List entry text/html in "/home/darkrift/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list" is not compliant with XDG standard (missing trailing semicolon).17:43
DarkriftXexample of one of the hundreds of errors17:43
TorchDarkriftX: it will complain a lot. question is, does it complain about file:// or not... ;-)17:43
TorchDarkriftX: go check if the error persists in dolphin17:43
DarkriftXerror continues17:45
DarkriftXI dont see file specifically listed, but URL is17:45
TorchDarkriftX: please pastebin the contents of /usr/share/kde4/services/file.protocol17:46
TorchDarkriftX: looking ok17:48
TorchDarkriftX: does /usr/lib/kde4/kio_file.so exist?17:48
DarkriftXHrmmm, I ran ldconfig a while ago, could that have broken something?17:49
DarkriftX$ ls -lah /usr/lib/kde4/kio_file.so17:49
DarkriftX-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 83K 2011-12-09 00:07 /usr/lib/kde4/kio_file.so17:49
TorchDarkriftX: ok, looking good as well.17:50
TorchDarkriftX: running out of ideas without more diagnostics, i'm afraid17:50
TorchDarkriftX: try rebooting ;-)17:50
* genii-around makes coffee17:51
DarkriftXI had a problem where libs that were expectd to be in /usr/lib/ were in /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu instead. I was told to add that folder to a conf and run ldconfig, but it was already in an included conf when I ran ldconfig17:51
DarkriftXIm almost afraid to boot now lol17:51
TorchDarkriftX: please pastebin /etc/ld.so.conf and the output of ls -l /etc/ld.so.conf.d17:52
DarkriftXld.so.conf is just an include to the folder, ill paste the output of the folder and files17:53
TorchDarkriftX: that's what i was trying to check ;-)17:53
TorchDarkriftX: i don't see anything suspicious, but it's hard to tell of course. i'm on x86-64 here so the files are quite different17:59
DarkriftXOk, guess its time to reboot and pray. Is there a way to restart kio before I do?18:00
TorchDarkriftX: kio itself cannot be started18:00
TorchDarkriftX: kios are shared libraries18:00
DarkriftXok, reboot it is then :S18:01
TorchDarkriftX: and the one responsible for the file protocol seems to have stopped working for you for whatever reason18:01
DarkriftXhopefully ill be back in a few minutes18:01
TorchDarkriftX: good luck ;-)18:01
DarkriftXodd, the reboot seems to have halted18:02
DarkriftXkde started to shutduwn, then stopped and re-opened the main panel18:03
TorchDarkriftX: could be plasma acting up again...18:03
DarkriftXodd, I no longer have reboot in the leave menu18:04
DarkriftXguess ill use terminal18:04
DarkriftXI have no wm, so its hard to navigate18:04
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genii-aroundkubutunvbtv: FloodBotK3 is a bot :)18:13
Peace-genii-around: :P18:17
genii-aroundkubutunvbtv: Also there is no advertising in here, it is a way to get yourself booted18:18
Picikubutunvbtv: do you have a support question?18:18
kubutunvbtvthis is the webblog18:18
kubutunvbtvfor downloads18:19
kubutunvbtvso if you dont like18:19
kubutunvbtvgo out18:19
genii-aroundkubutunvbtv: It does not matter. If you cannot follow the ruiles here, you will be the one to go out.18:19
kubutunvbtvyou know whom you will introduce you to pack toushck18:22
kubutunvbtvdous demo18:26
BluesKajkubutunvbtv, do you have a kubuntu related question ?18:28
reisiis there a global hotkey or a desktop effect to just move all the windows out of the way, something like "present desktop"?18:29
kubutunvbtvIf you are running a kubuntun but also I have subsystems that are installed, because the question guy18:29
Peace-reisi: alt tab?18:30
BluesKajPeace-, reisi , what about just opening an unused desktop18:32
reisiPeace-: nope18:32
Peace-reisi: systemsettings => destkop effects18:32
Peace-reisi: there are the shortcuts18:32
BluesKajkubutunvbtv, don't use a translator , join #ubuntu-es18:32
reisiPeace-: i didn't mean "present windows", i meant present *desktop*, but BluesKaj's idea works the same18:33
genii-aroundIt may not be exactly what you want but ctrl-f1218:33
Peace-reisi: ctl f11 ?18:34
Peace-ah undestood  i guess18:35
kubutunvbtvthanks u18:35
Peace-reisi: ctrl f818:36
genii-aroundIt *is* annoying that the Show Desktop widget seems to have been removed18:36
Peace-genii-around: show destkpp is there18:37
genii-aroundPeace-: Not on mine for some reason. ( kubuntu ppa KDE version )18:38
Peace-genii-around: haha you suck :P18:39
* Peace- actually i have ppa too18:39
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DarkriftXTorch: I was finally able to get booted up, but had a bit of probs.19:25
DarkriftXmy 2nd (and main) screen was not working on reboot. I had to unplug it, boot, plug it in and then "auto detect" it19:26
DarkriftXbut files seem to be working, which was the problem so thanks for the troubleshooting19:26
blairwill kubuntu 12.04 be based on qt 4.8?20:00
genii-aroundblair: So far it's based on 4.7.420:01
genii-aroundSince it's an LTS I imagine it will go to qt 4.8 at some point though20:02
blairgenii-around, because they want to be on the latest version since LTS will be supported for so long?20:05
genii-aroundblair: Yes, support is also moving to 5 years both desktop and server20:06
genii-aroundblair: They may be some devs in #ubuntu+1   ( which is also #kubuntu+1) who know more20:08
Peace-4.8 will be release on 25/01 aorund20:08
kimal73hi, can you give me one repository list of kubuntu 11.10? i have some problems20:08
Peace-so i guess 12.04 will be based on 4.820:08
ubottuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories20:08
EvilResistancekimal73:  what kind of problems?20:09
kimal73EvilResistance: "This operation cannot continue since proper authorization was not provided"20:09
EvilResistancekimal73:  sudo apt-get update20:09
EvilResistancedid you use sudo?20:09
EvilResistance(or in GUI, kdesu)20:10
kimal73i done this20:10
blairPeace-, 25/01 meaning January 25?20:10
Peace-blair: yes20:10
Peace-i don't know well the date but in the late january20:10
blairPeace-, no, i was asking since it looked like a European date ordering :)20:11
genii-aroundkimal73: If you totally screwed up your sources.list file somehow, there is usually the sample one to be found at /usr/share/doc/apt/examples/sources.list20:11
Peace-blair: i am italian :)20:12
Peace-blair: and actually  we write 25/0120:12
Peace-btw here : http://techbase.kde.org/Schedules/KDE4/4.8_Release_Schedule#Wednesday.2C_January_25.2C_2012:_KDE_SC_4.8_Release20:13
SunTsu.o0( why on earth does everybody use different date formats, different ordering, different delimiters? So confusing )20:13
kimal73genii-around: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/777864/20:14
kimal73genii-around: i have kubuntu on ubuntu.20:15
genii-aroundkimal73: If your version is not 8.04  (Hardy)   then just replace all "hardy" with the name of your version ( like natty or oneiric ) instead20:15
blairis qt 4.8 source compatible with 4.7?20:16
blaircould kubuntu update to qt 4.8 now, and then do kde in january20:16
EvilResistanceblair:  i'm not sure that's wise... it might break things (usually major updates dont get thrown into oneiric main repos, but into backports... but upgrading qt could cause problems)20:17
EvilResistancegenii-around:  that's actually not a safe thing...20:17
EvilResistanceoh wait20:18
EvilResistancegenii-around:  nevermind, misread20:18
blairEvilResistance, i was asking for precice20:18
genii-aroundEvilResistance: He is pasting the example file20:18
EvilResistanceblair:  wait, for precise?20:18
EvilResistanceyou need the +1 channel...20:18
EvilResistance<genii-around> blair: They may be some devs in #ubuntu+1   ( which is also #kubuntu+1) who know more20:18
EvilResistancethey're the ones who *might* help20:18
EvilResistanceor might know more20:18
blairEvilResistance, i'm just curious on what's possible, but i'll check over there20:19
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EvilResistanceblair:  also, #kubuntu-devel20:22
kimal73genii-around: i'changed with oneiric but the problem is here.20:26
EvilResistanceblair:  i have your answer for you :P20:26
blairEvilResistance, looking forward to it :)  they haven't answered yes/no in ubuntu+120:26
EvilResistanceblair:  see #ubuntu+120:28
EvilResistancei hate pasting into more than one channel ;P20:28
kimal73EvilResistance: this is the result of sudo apt-get update http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/777881/20:29
kimal73someone can help for this message on oneric "This operation cannot continue since proper authorization was not provided"20:50
kimal73*help me20:50
DarthFrogkimal73: What operation is that?20:58
kimal73DarthFrog: i try to install some sw from muon software center20:59
DarthFrogkimal73:  Try "sudo apt-get install <software-package>"20:59
DarthFrogOr "sudo muon", if you prefer.21:00
kimal73yes, so it makes. but if i wont install a theme to my desktop background the problem is ever here.21:01
kimal73i have to use only konsol21:01
kimal73DarthFrog: this bug was solved before the oneric release. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qapt/+bug/87565721:03
ubottuUbuntu bug 875657 in qapt (Ubuntu) "Muon: "This operation cannot continue since proper authorization was not provided"" [Undecided,Confirmed]21:03
kimal73yes, it's this.21:03
DarthFrogapt-get will work.21:03
DarthFrogOr "kdesudo muon".21:04
kimal73DarthFrog: sudo muon is ok...21:06
DarthFrogYou're welcome.21:08
kimal73can i use konsol to open the desktop settings?21:40
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genii-aroundkimal73: kcmshell4 --list    will show you all available modules you call. You can call them by: kcmshell4 module-name21:55
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genii-around!es | ubuntu21:55
ubottuubuntu: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.21:55
* genii-around sips21:58
Tech-1jack+coke ?22:01
genii-aroundTech-1: Coffee :)22:02
kimal73genii-around: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/777981/22:03
genii-aroundkimal73: Yes, that is the list of control modules available. After you decide which one it is you need from the description beside it, you call it by: kcmshell4 NAME   where NAME is the name on the left side22:04
kimal73oops ok!!!22:05
mehoguten abend an alle! mein virtualbox startet nicht mehr, hat jemand lust /zeit mir zu helfen22:28
ubottuIn den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!22:28
mehosorry THX !22:29
ikoniano problem22:32
aguitelhow to add my user to vboxusers group ?23:23
ikoniaaguitel: open the useradmin gui, add the user23:25
aguitelikonia, how to open useradmin in kde ?23:25
aguitelwhere is it?23:25
ikonianow that is a good question, I don't know as I'm not a kde user on a regulgar basis23:26
OerHeksIn Kubuntu, you can do this by going into the KDE Control Center -> System Administration -> User Management and clicking on the button to go into Administrative Mode.23:31
aguitelOerHeks, thanks23:31
bdonatoso, I just recently installed KDE plasma, what's some neat things I should be setting up?23:43
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* vandenoever just upgraded to oneric, now the desktop is frozen23:59
vandenoeversome akonadi rss process is doing tons of io23:59
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