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CarlFKusing sso to log into a site that has worked before, now I am getting an error.  I am fairly sure it is not a LP problem, but wanted to check first02:28
CarlFKthe site threw: social-auth OpenID failed:  Server denied check_authentication"02:30
CarlFKnm - tried again, now it works.02:31
poolieis there a bug for fixcommitted and inprogress being the same color?07:15
poolieit's intentional?07:16
wgrantIt is intentional, but I'm sure huwshimi would accept arguments.07:16
pooliei could see making them similar...07:16
wgrantI mostly agree with the justification, but it is conflation that is most irksome to me.07:17
wgrantThe others (confirmed/triaged being equal, mostly) seem harmless.07:17
pooliethere is some larger modelling problem there probably07:17
pooliethese things are not really done, yet they may not be within the power of the assignee to get them released07:17
pooliei guess they should be unassigned07:17
pooliebut it is nice to overload assignment as credit07:18
pooliewgrant, do you think mwh's suggestion in https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/904070 is likely to work? or be easy?07:19
ubot5Ubuntu bug 904070 in Launchpad itself "broken inline incremental ajax diff on private branches" [Low,Triaged]07:19
wgrantRight, Fix Committed is usually not handled by the assignee, but they should remain assigned.07:19
wgrantpoolie: It would work.07:19
wgrantAnd it's not terribly challenging.07:20
wgrantBut it's also not clear if it's the right solution for the SOA world.07:20
poolieso 1b would be a better fit?07:21
pooliethe front end checks authentication, and then passes through a "i am forwarding this on behalf of ..."07:21
wgrantPossibly, yes.07:21
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lifelesspoolie: wgrant: 1a is preferred for me08:54
lifelessit will allow us to simplify the logout code as well08:54
lifelessah, as mwhudson says08:55
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danhgHey Launchpad users, is anyone free for a quick user testing session today?12:34
jussidanhg: how quick?12:55
danhg10 minutes12:55
danhg15 if you happen to be very insightful and full of amazing comments...12:55
jussidanhg: I think I can find that time now12:55
danhgGreat, i'll pvt ping you now12:56
sorenI'm trying to use Launchpad's API to map a binary package name to a source package name, but I'm failing miserably.13:04
sorenThe only way I can see that I can look up binary packages is using getPublishedBinaries on an archive object.13:05
sorenThat gives me a set of binary_package_publishing_history's.13:05
soren...and I can't see how I can resolve that to the originating source package?13:06
StevenKfrom the bpph you can find the build, from there you can find the spr, and then the source package name13:06
StevenKEr, bpph to bpr13:06
bigjoolssoren, I don't think it's possible with the API13:09
bigjoolspatches welcome :)13:10
StevenKsoren: bpr is BinaryPackageRelease13:10
StevenKWhich I'm not sure is exported.13:10
bigjoolsit's not, and won't be13:10
geserStevenK: how do you get from bpph to a build? I don't see anything in the docs and I remember that it's currently impossible to get from a bpph to a spph with LP API13:10
StevenKbigjools: Why not?13:10
bigjoolsStevenK: because it's useless on its own13:11
bigjoolsit's internal data13:11
StevenKWe can probably add an exported method on bpph to get the spph13:11
gesersoren: I guess you need to use apt (with a deb src line) to get from binary name to source name13:12
sorenThat would rock.13:12
geseryes, please. Something in ubuntu-dev-tools could use it too.13:12
sorengeser: Yeah. Darn it.13:13
StevenKsoren: If you'd like to patch it, I'm happy to give you a run down. :-)13:13
sorenStevenK: Tempting.13:14
StevenKThe only problem is going from the SPR to the right SPPH.13:14
bigjoolsthere is already something that gets them in the dominator13:14
StevenKSo refactor it into a method in BPPH, export it and win?13:15
bigjoolswell it used to be in BPPH but jtv did something in there and now I can't find it13:15
bigjoolsanyway it's not a hard query to write13:16
StevenKYou have the distroseries, the archive and the spr13:16
sorenHow long do you think this would take me? I have no prior experience hacking on Launchpad.13:17
bigjoolsyou'll need a hand13:17
bigjoolsotherwise, a long time13:17
sorenOk. Perhaps after the holidays.13:18
nigelbsoren: You're going to hack on LP? \o/13:19
StevenKI might write it if I get bored13:20
StevenKThen Sarah will groan at me for doing work during the break.13:20
nigelbStevenK: If you're free this week, I need some hand-holding with writing a garbo job (is that what its called?)13:22
nigelbThe last time I looked, I got horribly confused and gave up.13:22
sorennigelb: I've been wanting to, but never really managed to get anywhere. I've never managed to find my way around the code base. PErhaps my complete lack of experience with Zope is to blame.13:23
StevenKsoren: Where to start is quite hard.13:24
nigelbsoren: I had no knowledge of Zope and I still don't claim to know anything about it. But I've hacked my way around LP.13:24
nigelbIt wasn't too hard, once I figured out the structure.13:24
StevenKnigelb: Depends, what do you want to do?13:24
nigelbStevenK: I want to do a one-time job to combine two fields into one.13:24
nigelb(and then delete the old field)13:24
nigelb(should we switch channels?)13:25
LaneyHey, is it intentional that team owners don't get mail about membership expirations and similar whereas admins do?13:51
LaneyThe DMB noticed that they don't get mail when ~ubuntu-core-dev people expire, but do for ~motu13:51
TiMiDolol at least you got one i ain't got none;)13:55
cyphermoxhi, is there a way to get a mirror branch for a particular git branch rather than HEAD? I'm interested in the MM_05 branch of git://anongit.freedesktop.org/ModemManager/ModemManager14:28
jelmercyphermox: hi14:29
cyphermoxhey jelmer :)14:29
jelmercyphermox: yes, you can use path segment parameters to specify branches14:29
jelmere.g. git://anongit.freedesktop.org/ModemManager/ModemManager,branch=foo14:30
jelmeror if you want to import a specific ref:14:30
cyphermoxjelmer: ah, thanks14:30
jelmere.g. git://anongit.freedesktop.org/ModemManager/ModemManager,ref=refs/%2Ffoo14:30
jelmerehm, git://anongit.freedesktop.org/ModemManager/ModemManager,ref=refs%2Ffoo14:30
lagWhat toolchain does LP use?14:58
dobeytoolchain for what exactly?15:00
Oleg|perconaHi guys15:00
Oleg|perconaoleg.tsarev (0) ~/ssd$ bzr push15:00
Oleg|perconaUsing saved push location: bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~tsarev/%2Bjunk/ssd/15:00
Oleg|perconaWrite failed: Broken pipeing revisions15:00
Oleg|perconabzr: ERROR: Connection closed: Unexpected end of message. Please check connectivity and permissions, and report a bug if problems persist.15:00
Oleg|perconaAnybody know anything about this?15:00
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bigjoolsOleg|percona: is it persistent?15:20
Oleg|perconabigjools: Repeatable15:20
bigjoolsOleg|percona: ok give me a moment to check15:21
Oleg|perconabigjools: Of course, take your time! Thank you for attention15:21
rick_h__bigjools: some timeouts viewing a MP as well in ops15:23
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bigjoolsOleg|percona: can you "telnet bazaar.launchpad.net 22" and see if it works15:28
Oleg|perconabigjools: oleg.tsarev (0) /storage/dev/percona/19957/rnt-5.1/debug/mysql-test$ telnet bazaar.launchpad.net 2215:29
Oleg|perconaConnected to bazaar.launchpad.net.15:29
Oleg|perconaEscape character is '^]'.15:29
bigjoolsOleg|percona: when was the last time it worked?15:38
Oleg|perconabigjools: today morning15:38
Oleg|perconabigjools: About 16 hours before15:38
Oleg|perconabigjools: You can see last push to this branch...15:38
Oleg|perconabigjools: This is cron task15:38
bigjoolsOleg|percona: I'm not sure what the problem is, nobody else is having a problem. Could anything have changed in your network?15:41
Oleg|perconabigjools: Nothing. I try to clone this branch to another place and push - without results :(15:42
Oleg|perconabigjools: Wait a minute, I try with another branch15:42
Oleg|perconabigjools: With another branch similar... Looks like trouble in local bzr15:43
bigjoolscheck your bazaar config15:44
* Oleg|percona run rpm -Va 15:44
bigjoolsrpm eh?15:44
Oleg|perconabigjools: I didn't change bzr config15:44
Oleg|perconabigjools: I run "verify all packages"15:44
Oleg|perconabigjools: After that will try "reinstall all packages"15:44
Oleg|perconabigjools: Just to be sure what a packages are ok15:45
Oleg|perconabigjools: I had a crash of my laptop before this problem....15:45
Oleg|perconabigjools: And repair of filesystem after that15:45
Oleg|perconabigjools: fsck foudn "multiply inoides assigned to block"...15:45
Oleg|perconabigjools: Probably broken bzr binaryies. I reinstall bzr, but probably this is not enough (dependes)15:46
bigjoolsOleg|percona: try bzr check15:53
bigjoolstakes a  while15:53
Oleg|perconabigjools: This is need for a repository check15:55
Oleg|perconabigjools: No problem found with "bzr check"15:55
bigjoolsOleg|percona: you might want to hop onto #bzr to ask then15:55
Oleg|perconabigjools: thank you for a link!15:56
czajkowskihmm no mrevell16:06
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CarlFKhttps://launchpad.net/~robert-ancell/+archive/sane-backends                                  1.0.22-0ubuntu1~maverick1                                                                  Robert Ancell                                      (2011-02-13)18:50
CarlFKhow do I find other ppa's with sane?18:50
bigjoolsCarlFK: http://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas18:51
bigjoolsor visit the ubuntu source package page and it suggests some PPAs18:51
CarlFKI am adding that search url to my wiki18:52
CarlFKhope I remember it is there18:52
CarlFKhttps://launchpad.net/sane-backends that is where I would see the ppa if there was one, right?19:03
CarlFKre: " or visit the ubuntu source package page and it suggests some PPAs"19:04
dobeyCarlFK: /ubuntu/+source/sane-backends/ is what he meant i think19:08
CarlFKhow do I connect what is being used for precise with a version in sanes tree?19:17
CarlFKtrying to figure out how cutting edget it is19:17
CarlFKtime to join the sane list and see if anyone there maintains a repo19:21
kirklandis it possible to use PPAs for Debian releases too?  or just Ubuntu still...?20:47
EvilResistancestill just ubuntu afaik20:47
dobeykirkland: you mean, as by having "debian" and "unstable" in the URL instead of "ubuntu" and "precise" for example?20:50
dobeykirkland: i don't think there are any builders that use debian chroots to build packages yet, either, though20:51
kirklanddobey: okay, thanks21:14
dobeykirkland: np. i haven't seen anything indicating that such support exists, anyway :)21:17
jelmerkirkland: bug 18856421:35
ubot5Launchpad bug 188564 in Launchpad itself "Build also packages for Debian in PPA's" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18856421:35
kirklandjelmer: heh, that bug's been around a while ;-)21:36
kirklandjelmer: thanks for the pointer;  marked as affects-me-too21:36

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