
twbMixer channels LDACR and RDACL -- are they better on, or off?03:01
twb(I think they mix right input channel into left output channel and vice-versa, meaning that the stereo effect is less obvious.)03:02
=== doko_ is now known as doko
jsabeaudryAnyone has benchmarked some JVM's recently? Which one is the fastest?15:40
ogra_xranby, ^^^15:43
GrueMasterdoko: imx51 tests passed.  See bug 906939 for tracking status.17:42
ubot2Launchpad bug 906939 in kernel-sru-workflow/verification-testing "linux-fsl-imx51: 2.6.31-612.32 -proposed tracker" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90693917:42
dokoGrueMaster, \o/17:42
GrueMasterWill have omap4 natty results soon (reimage and testing started same time as babbage - almost finished).17:43
parin how do i install qt on panda?17:52
parini did sudo apt-get install qt-sdk17:53
parinbut qt creator syas no valid qt version found17:53
parinhow do i set up ?17:53
ogra_you likely want some qt dev packages17:57
ogra_apt-cache search qt dev17:57
ogra_or better search for libqt dev17:59
parinlibqt-dev returns nothing18:01
ogra_well, thats not what i wrote :)18:01
GrueMasterparin: Are you running headless/server or desktop ubuntu on your panda?18:03
GrueMasterUse software center.18:03
* ogra_ doubts qtcreator would make much sense on server18:03
parini did use the software center and installed qt-sdk18:04
ogra_GrueMaster, he just needs to follow my advise :) apt-cache search libqt dev ... returns a ton of results18:04
ogra_specifically it points to libqt4-dev18:04
parin@ogra let me do that one more time...:)18:04
ogra_just dont use the - in there ... libqt-dev will search for exactly that string ... and the packages are versioned18:06
parinsorry ogra i take that back i did found libqt4-dev18:06
ogra_yep :)18:06
parin@ogra_ it looks like i alraedy have qtlib4-dev installed18:24
parini am installing other packages and see it makes any difference18:25
parinbtw what is  the installation directory for qt?18:25
ogra_well, i never used QT in my life ...18:25
parinis it /opt/...18:25
ogra_packages always install in the respective filesystem dirs, /opt is for third part stuff18:26
GrueMasterparin: Everything (that I know of) in Ubuntu main/universe use the standard /usr/* installation paths.18:26
GrueMasterHaving tested kubuntu every release milestone, I check for these things.18:27
GrueMasterdoko: omap4 (Oneiric) tests passed. See bug 903695 for tracking status.  Omap4 Natty running now.19:09
ubot2Launchpad bug 903695 in kernel-sru-workflow/verification-testing "linux-ti-omap4: 3.0.0-1206.14 -proposed tracker" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90369519:09
dokoGrueMaster, I thought you had already done the oneiric test earlier this week?19:11
infinitydoko: I suspect he's testing actual -proposed builds now, instead of PPA ones.19:12
GrueMasterYes, well I launched this first thing this morning, then filled my coffee mug.  One of the reasons I don't like to rush things.19:12
* infinity slinks back off to vacation mode for a bit.19:12
dokoheh, yeah, the oneiric omap was already accepted earlier this week19:13
GrueMasterI hit Oneiric instead of Natty when I fired it off.19:13
GrueMasterWas it?  Not according to what I am looking at.  It hit proposed earlier, for sure.19:13
dokoanyway, its tested now =)19:14
GrueMasterUghh.  Alsa changes in pandaboard (alsa-devel mailing list).  Will have to see if they impact Precise.19:20
=== Crisco is now known as Crismas
GrueMasterdoko: All armel SRU kernels in circulation now tested.21:27
dokoGrueMaster, thanks, so they can age now and be installed soonish21:28
twblilstevie: FYI, I can reliably make "sudo halt" fail to actually power off, by having a USB mass storage or SD card mounted23:38
twblilstevie: if I unmount them first (and maybe unplug, I forget), "sudo halt" works normally23:39
twbAlso after that if I hold the power button not quite long enough to do a reset, I get an oops23:39

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