
ubuntusamany  cool ubuntu software I should try?05:16
seidosany ideas on how to restart alsa?06:47
bioterrorfrom init.d?06:48
seidosnah, already checked06:54
seidosthans anyway though bioterror07:03
seidoslol, forget it, i probably shouldn't even talk to you07:04
nomnexhow do I launch texlive-doc (the Applications to browse documentation for TeXLive)08:09
democrezyI am new to ubuntu. It is very unstable on my PC.Unstable means When i do something like apply effect in compiz, system hangs ie no response when i change screen resolution it doesnot display properly.i have to restart pc . It hangs for some time in between firefox.Can anyone tell why is this happening and how to cure it. I have core i3 2100 sandybridge, 4GB ram.09:52
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IAmNotThatGuydemocrezy: Kindly tell me which version of Ubuntu you are using and your hardware configuration09:53
democrezyfirstly i use ubuntu 9.04, it was very unstable. then i switched to 11.04, it was unstable too. Now i switched to 11.10, it is more stable but not up to the mark.09:55
democrezyHardware config is- Core i3 3.09 Ghz, 4gb ram, 1 TB hard disk. Intel HD 2000 inbuilt Graphics09:56
democrezyIAmnotThatGuy: By the way thanks for response09:57
IAmNotThatGuydemocrezy: Sorry. I was away. and your OS is up-to-date with all updates??10:36
democrezyi want to ask something10:42
democrezy11.10 is just 2 months old,why do i need update?10:43
lalatenduMdemocrezy: I am using 11.10 and its pretty stable for me10:51
lalatenduMI think its configuration issue10:52
democrezycan u explain further lalatenduM ;?10:53
lalatenduMtell the exact issues...10:53
lalatenduMlets go one by one10:53
democrezyokay , first of all thanks for response10:54
lalatenduMdemocrezy: np10:54
democrezyeven i dont know what is exact issue. when i hear people saying ubuntu is very stable, i got very annoyed.10:57
democrezyMy system freezes a lot10:57
democrezyearlier i had to press restart button10:57
coalwaternext time it gets slow u should try looking at the system monitor and see if something is taking much ram or cpu10:58
democrezynow i have learned Xkill command, and most of time i am able to come out of freeze10:58
lalatenduMthe common reason behind the freeze issue may be issue with your display driver10:59
lalatenduM*the common reason behind the freeze issue can the because of your display driver11:00
coalwaternvidia/ati ?11:00
lalatenduMdemocrezy: And have you installed the system recommended 3rd party driver (go to systemSysettings->Additional drivers)11:02
lalatenduMdemocrezy: r u thr?11:25
democrezywhere were you11:26
lalatenduMi am here :).11:27
lalatenduMdemocrezy: for freeze issue check that you installed the system recommended 3rd party driver (go to systemSysettings->Additional drivers)11:27
lalatenduMwhich graphics card u have? nvidia/ati11:28
democrezyi have checked it. that area is blank.11:28
lalatenduMrun "lspci" command on terminal and copy it to http://pastebin.com/11:29
democrezyno proprietary drivers are in use on this system11:29
democrezythis is displayed11:29
democrezyno external graphics card, inbuilt 1.5 gb memory11:30
democrezyokay wait for a minute11:30
lalatenduMyou know what :) i am also running ubuntu on  Core i3 3.09 Ghz, 4gb ram, 500GB  hard disk. Intel HD 2000 inbuilt Graphics11:31
democrezysame here man11:31
democrezydo u face any problem?11:31
lalatenduMnope not at all..silky smooth11:31
lalatenduMhow did install the OS? bootable cd or bootable USB?11:32
democrezybootable cd11:32
lalatenduMand 64 bit or 32 bit?11:32
democrezy64 bit11:32
democrezyi had used 9.04 1nd 11.04 32 bit, they were very unstable11:33
lalatenduMand Ubuntu is the only operating system?11:33
lalatenduMactually i have 32 bit 11.10 on it11:33
democrezyi am dual booting with xp11:33
lalatenduMbut that should not be a issue11:33
democrezyi have run that command11:34
lalatenduMnope wait , have u updated the system after the fresh installation11:34
democrezyit gives information about all intel drivers11:34
democrezyno, but why do i need update? 11.10 is just 2 months old(english not much strong)11:35
lalatenduMi am talking about bug fixes which ubuntu gives11:36
lalatenduMthe system will be in 11.10 after update ..but the bug fixes and enhanced version of packages will install11:37
coalwaterdemocrezy: updating is not like jumping into a new version, its just some packages that ubuntu uses, whenever each package has an update it installs11:37
lalatenduMwill be installed*11:37
democrezycan i do manual update of video drivers only? i think they are not working properly11:38
lalatenduMI will recommend a full update11:39
lalatenduMyou never know for sure which component has issue11:39
lalatenduMI do the update as the 1st thing after a fresh install11:40
democrezyPlease somebody tell me how to mention someones name in chat...like You guys mention my user name democrezy:11:40
democrezyokay lalatendm11:40
lalatenduMi just type. and you can retrive it by use back arraow11:40
democrezynot working may be i didnot understand properly11:42
democrezytyping takes too much time11:42
democrezylalatendm, for how long time r u using linux?11:43
coalwaterdemocrezy:  just write first few letters and press tab11:44
democrezycoalwater,  yeah, this works. thanks11:44
lalatenduMdemocrezy: from last 4 yrears12:06
lalatenduMUbuntu last 1 year12:06
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LemonAidHello. Did anyone experience any Kernel panics that might be related to firefox ? (11.04  x64 )19:41
LemonAidFrom what i can tell, it happens on prolonged uses of firefox.19:42
LemonAidThere is also a bug report on the matter.19:43
LemonAidThe reports of the problem being solved are inconsistent. So anyone got any ideas? I obviously can`t test or reproduce it ad-hoc, but if you did encounter it, some tips would help a lot.19:47
holsteinLemonAid: are you up to date? are you using the stable FF ppa?19:47
Unit193You *could* switch up to another branch19:48
LemonAidI`ll give that a go.19:50
LemonAidIt seems that i`m running 8.0 and the current stable version is 9.0. It absolutely missed that. Thank you:)19:51
holsteinLemonAid: yeah... and Unit193 just pointed out that that PPA might not be for your version... 11.0419:54
holsteinbut, i feel like this is what will be brought up in the bug report... 'have you tried the latest version' ... etc...19:55
LemonAidholstein, i saw that the version was for 10.10. However from what i saw in the report bug, the update to the latest version did not fix the problem. I`ll do some more digging.19:56
LemonAidholstein, Unit193 Thank you.19:56
holsteinLemonAid: the other usual tricks are to throw out the current .config directory, or make another user and test as that new user19:58
LemonAidholstein, i`ll try that after i exhaust my current options. The main problem is the testing part is time consuming.20:01
LemonAidI`m running 9.0 now, time will tell.20:26

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