
=== Hussain is now known as Guest37296
=== Hussain is now known as Guest63319
robbiewsmoser: ping15:15
robbiewsmoser:  https://twitter.com/#!/search/ubuntu%20ec2%20east15:18
robbiewwas pinged about these errors...is this AWS or something we (IS) needs to fix15:18
smoserrobbiew, i'll check and raise in #is. i think we have addressed though.15:21
smoserthose are old15:21
robbiewsmoser: ack...the email was old :/15:21
smoseri'll check though.15:21
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
smoserrobbiew, ok. i just checked, and this seems functional for me.15:31
smoserfor my own personal later information, i did:15:31
smosermirror=us-east-1.ec2.archive.ubuntu.com; ips=$(host $m | awk '$0 ~ /has address/ { print $4 }'); for ip in $ips; do echo === $ip === ; sudo sed -i "/$mirror/d" /etc/hosts; sudo sh -c "echo $ip $mirror >> /etc/hosts"; sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get update > update.$ip.log 2>&1 || { echo FAIL: $ip; break; }; done15:31
robbiewsmoser: cool15:32
robbiewsmoser: I wonder if we should be regularly checking these or something15:33
smoseryeah, there probably should be.15:34
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
ubuntucloud602@daker was experimenting irc18:51
dakerok nop18:51

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