
dholbachgood morning08:13
nigelbBonjour dholbach :)08:45
dholbachsalut nigelb08:45
jonohowdy all09:59
nigelbHey jono, up late? Or are you in UK?10:00
jononigelb, UK10:00
jonohere for Christmas :-)10:00
popeyheh, you probably crossed doctormo in the atlantic10:06
mainerrorHello there.10:13
nigelbpopey: heh10:13
nigelbHey mainerror10:13
mainerrorI was all excited because I'm going to buy a SSD for my TP X60 but then I found out that the X60 doesn't even support SATA II. :(10:15
jonodholbach, thanks for following up on the ARB thread10:16
dholbachjono, no worries10:16
jonodholbach, interesting that reviews is the bottleneck, not packaging10:18
jonothat is good to know10:18
dholbachjono, I reviewed the comments I could see in the ARB interface and in the LP bug reports that were (sometimes, but probably not always) linked from the entries - maybe I missed some of the conversation10:19
dholbachI should probably clarify that10:19
jonosounds good10:19
jonobut I think this puts us in a stronger position to use the jamming approach10:20
jonoand a pilot like scheme10:20
* dholbach nods10:21
jussipopey: seems: http://podcast.ubuntu-uk.org/2011/12/21/s04e22-the-unbeliever/ is borked?12:19
jussiI get "Error establishing a database connection"12:20
popeyit was12:20
popeythanks ☺12:20
jussipopey: Im also having problems listening to the podcast via the "play in popup" - see:  http://wstaw.org/m/2011/12/21/plasma-desktopuU2060.jpg12:47
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
dholbachhey mhall11913:28
mhall119jono: dholbach: did  you see my LoCo Teams Unity Lens?13:28
dholbachhaha, nice :-)13:29
dholbachhttps://plus.google.com/photos/109919666334513536939/albums/5688406656036714241/5688406658759946114 (for those who haven't seen it yet)13:29
jussimhall119: ITS SUNDAY! go do work :P13:29
mhall119jussi: lol13:29
* jussi giggles...13:30
dholbachhuats, tu as temps en 1h20m?14:10
jonomhall119, nice work!14:20
mhall119jono: I'm going to re-factor is later into a general Community lens, with a LoCo Teams scope14:26
jonomhall119, that would be awesome14:26
mhall119maybe we can have it pull events from the classroom calendar and other sources that way14:26
jonothat would be incredible14:29
jonoI really want to be able to integrate the community experience in Ubuntu14:29
jonofor example:14:29
jono * community events listed in the system calendar14:29
jono * indicators showing bugs for projects14:30
jono * lenses and scopes for different teams / projects etc14:30
jcastrohaha, awesome mhall119!14:31
jcastrojust saw the LD lens14:31
mhall119jono: we need a LTP for non-loco teams14:31
mhall119jcastro: thanks14:31
mhall119jono: it wouldn't take much to fork LTP for non-loco teams, but harder to serve both from a single codebase14:32
jonowhat I would love to see is that the community collaboration experience is integrated tightly into the desktop14:32
jonoso when you use your computer you can see what needs to be done14:32
mhall119hmmmm, I wonder if I an get geoip info, and have that lens default to local teams and events14:33
AlanBellis there a launchpad lens yet?14:33
mhall119AlanBell: not that I've seen, I was thinking about getting with doctormo and making one for LP/GroundControl14:33
jonothis is the kind of thing I mean: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:cHe6wzJJdDwJ:www.jonobacon.org/2011/09/02/better-community-with-better-technology-in-practice/+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&client=ubuntu14:34
mhall119jono: got a 404 on that link14:36
mhall119http://www.jonobacon.org/2011/12/13/loco-council-goings-on-in-12-04/ works better14:36
jcastrohis blog seems to have some performance problems right now14:37
jonomhall119, really?14:41
jonomhall119, well my site is getting hammered right now, so I gave you the cache14:41
mhall119jono: it didn't like something about the url,  I suspect the +&cd=blahblahblah at the end, but I got to the content so no worries14:42
jcastrojono: do you self host your blog?14:43
jcastroI was just reading about wordpress caching plugins the other day14:43
jonojcastro, yup14:43
jonojcastro, yeah, I might need to cache it, but it only gets hammered every so often14:43
jcastrowhen I was on wordpress.com I found their service to be quite good14:44
jcastroand it was free14:44
AlanBellwp-supercache is great, we have had very very small VPS boxes handle a slashdot hammering with no issues14:45
jcastrothat's because no one reads slashdot. :p14:45
jcastrojono: I added you as an admin on my juju G+ page, but that's for bus factor issues14:45
jcastrobah, unscheduled caffeine refill, hitting the corner store, be back in 10.14:47
jonothanks jcastro14:48
jcastroI saw a woman15:07
jcastrobuying a coke15:07
jcastrowith a check.15:07
jcastrolike, a paper check.15:07
huatsdholbach: it is still on my schedule :)15:12
dholbachhuats, :-)15:12
jcastrojono: I need the dates to make the launchpad UDS thing15:16
jonoone sec15:17
jonojcastro, 7-11 May 201215:17
mhall119does anybody know of somewhere besides bazaar.conf where I might find a launchpad username for a desktop user?15:19
jcastrojono: all set: https://launchpad.net/sprints/uds-q15:20
jcastromhall119: hey so, I no longer have permissions in summit, want to reset it?15:21
jcastrobasically, create a new UDS event, and put it in sponsorship mode.15:21
mhall119jcastro: ok15:21
mhall119jcastro: location and dates?15:23
jonojcastro, ok, so we are all set in LP?15:23
jcastromhall119: it's in the launchpad URL I just posted15:24
jcastrojono: don't post anything yet or anything, we need to sort summit first, it only takes like another few minutes15:24
jonojcastro, no worries15:24
dholbachmhall119, jelmer or james_w would know15:25
mhall119jcastro: done15:25
jcastromhall119: what's your launchpad id? I need to put you in the UDS Organizer group15:25
mhall119dholbach: thanks15:25
* mhall119 <-15:26
nigelbmhall119: #bzr is your place, but its the wrong time. I think you need to ask during Australia day time.15:26
mhall119nigelb: I already know how to get it from the bazaar.conf15:26
mhall119I'm looking for alternatives15:26
dholbachmhall119, bazaar.conf I would say as well, although I'm sure you get it through bzrlib somehow as well15:26
dholbachmhall119, reading the code of the launchpad-login plugin would probably help :)15:26
mhall119I have my LoCo Teams Lens defaulting to show the user's own teams and events, but I have to find their lpusername somewhere to do that, and not everybody is going to have bzr-launchpad configured15:26
jcastrojono: all I need is a deadline to update the sponsorship verbiage and we're all set.15:27
=== maco2 is now known as maco
* AlanBell observes a PDT time zone15:28
jcastroyeah, oakland, california15:28
jcastroIt's like Detroit, but on the west coast.15:28
AlanBellyou sell it so well15:29
jonohah, this is from a guy who kept pushing for UDS in Detroit too :-)15:29
jcastroI was saying that to make fun of jono15:29
jonooakland is pretty cool15:29
jcastrobut I just realized he doesn't live in Oakland anymore15:29
jonoI rehearse there with the band15:29
nigelbwait, are we having auds in jono's back yard?15:29
jonono, I live in the burbs now15:29
jcastrooakland is awesome, just like detroit is awesome15:29
jonojcastro, LOL15:30
nigelbs/auds/a uds/15:30
AlanBellI have never been to the left hand side of America15:30
mhall119jcastro: still not selling it well15:30
jcastrojono: I was being serious, blue collar towns ftw. \m/15:30
nigelbI wonder if I should go through the visa dance this time.15:30
jcastroit's where they make things like METAL.15:30
jononot sure I agree15:31
jonoDetroit is a dump15:31
dholbachhuats, prêts?15:31
jonoOakland is a dump in some parts15:31
jcastroa UDS in detroit would be awesome.15:31
* jono disagrees15:31
huatsdholbach:  3  minutes ?15:31
jonoit would be a liability hazard LOL15:31
dholbachhuats, pas de problème15:32
balloonsohh talking about cities for new UDS?15:33
jcastromhall119: ok I've asked the techboard to add you to ~uds-organizers.15:33
jcastromhall119: UDS is an ubuntu event so it's owned by the techboard and ubuntu drivers in launchpad15:33
jcastroso the organizers are owned by the tech board, so anyone who wants to be able to accept blueprints and do track-lead level stuff needs to be in "uds-organizers"15:34
mhall119jcastro: ok, what does being a member of that group get me?15:35
jcastrobut everyone who is supposed to be in there is in there, you only need to curate if there's a new manager in Canonical who will be a track lead, or if a new planner like a Michelle or Marianna comes up15:35
jcastromhall119: you can observe and decline blueprints on launchpad15:35
balloonsnice.. I see it's in Oakland.. Michigan itself has plenty of nice places.. We could have it on Mackinac Island in the Grand Hotel. that would be epic15:35
jcastrobut you won't actually be doing that15:35
mhall119jcastro: ah cool, don't tell cjohnston that or he'll be bugging me to approve his stuff15:35
jcastrowhat you do is watch them come in and then use that data to poke bother people.15:35
nigelbmhall119: I already did, don't worry.15:35
jcastronext call I'll talk you through it15:36
mhall119jcastro: cool, when do you want to do that next call?15:36
jcastrobasically you know when I post on ubuntu-devel when "scheduling is looking good!" or "bad", it depends on the amount of blueprints coming in in relation to the event.15:36
jcastroso if it's friday before UDS and the queue is full then you need to bust heads.15:36
jcastromhall119: and jono from time to time will say "I had a call with $person and all their BPs are good, can you approve them."15:37
jcastrobut let him make that call, you don't want to put a bunch of sessions on there that a track lead is oblivious too15:38
jcastrounless he tells you like "just let planella run and approve all his translations stuff, we've talked about it."15:38
jcastromhall119: when we do our next call I'll just give you my email I send to -devel.15:39
jcastromhall119: are you working on friday?15:39
jcastrothat'd be a good wrap up time before the holidaze15:40
mhall119no, but I'll be hope15:40
jonocan anyone help me get #ubuntu-qa governed by the IRC ops?15:44
jonowith a bot in there15:44
balloonsjono: is that Oli's team's new channel?15:44
jonoballoons, well, not for his team15:44
jonoQA in the community in general15:44
mhall119jcastro: thursday works for me15:46
jcastromhall119: hah, I just realized that's tomorrow15:46
jcastrook I'll ping you and we'll talk UDS stuff15:46
mhall119balloons: so it's your new channel ;)15:46
mhall119jcastro: cool15:46
balloonslol.. idling now15:46
jonoballoons, hey, welcome!15:47
balloonshehe.. when identity and nick meet ;-)15:47
jcastrohi balloons, I'm jorge.15:47
jonoI just checked15:47
balloonsyes, mhall19 knew who I was15:48
jonoballoons, dholbach, is Daniel on the team15:48
balloonsahh.. hello dholbach, jcastro..15:48
jonoand dpm is on holiday, he is David Planella15:48
balloonsgreat.. glad everyone is introduced to my nick at least.. I was telling mhall119 about setting up znc, so I'll be lurker idling from here on out15:50
Pendulumballoons: you only think you'll be a lurker. You'll get addicted and then never stop talking in actuality ;)15:51
jcastrogod, I hate the music industry15:52
jcastroall I want to do is buy an album15:52
jcastrobut it's an "itunes exclusive" and locked away from me. :-/15:52
balloonsPendulum: it's so true! we had stats on the other IRC channels I sit in, and it would show who was the most talkative, who had longest sentences, etc.. I always topped the chart with most talking and short sentences :-)15:53
Pendulumwe used to have stats here, but I haven't seen any for over a year now15:53
mhall119Pendulum: +115:53
Pendulumballoons: btw, hi, I'm Penelope and I do community work, mainly running the accessibility team15:54
macowho's balloons?15:55
jcastroballoons is new15:55
jcastroballoons: introduce yourself!15:55
macooh ok. hi balloons15:55
balloonsmaco: my name is Nicholas Skaggs, and I'm the new QA community coordinator under jono15:55
macooh, hopefully you last longer than the last one15:56
Pendulumballoons: btw, do you like metal?15:56
macoballoons: i'm mackenzie. i'm semi-retired from ubuntu stuff, but Pendulum is sometimes successful at guilting me into a11y :P15:56
balloonsmaco: I trust this is the beginning of a wonderful relationship :-)15:57
Pendulumballoons: and if you don't like metal, have you been warned about jono and jcastro's music? ;-)15:57
* maco covers ears15:57
balloonsPendulum: I do enjoy metal.. I can do death metal; I'm a big fan of anything that is musically and instrumentally interesting15:57
jcastrook so NOT death metal.15:57
* jcastro smirks15:58
balloonsPendelum: I haven't been warned, but I've seen teh youtube videos, haha15:58
balloonswhat they don't know is I have a BA in music, in classical guitar :-)15:58
macoi can guess what your fingernails look like15:59
mhall119hey czajkowski, didn't expect to see you online15:59
jcastroclassical guitar is awesome15:59
jcastrolike, with the back all up on your knee and stuff?15:59
balloonsyes, playing on the wrong leg, with a stand :-)15:59
jcastrodid you all know that Robert Trujillo, the bass player from Metallica is also a classically trained guitar player?16:00
Pendulumjono: not sure who to poke on this, but the name of the hotel is misspelled on uds.ubuntu.com16:00
mhall119czajkowski: did you see http://ubuntuone.com/6ylsSolQI6EUm7cObrCTcv ?16:00
balloonsyes, many metalheads are.. It's why metal is cool..16:00
jcastroman I like you already16:00
jcastroyou and I can be buddies16:00
balloonsjcastro: :-) We are in the same state I hear16:01
* maco is having flashbacks to working in a guitar store16:01
macountil i meet balloons, my brain will just assume he looks like Bill, the guitar department manager16:01
mhall119am I the only member of the community team who isn't musically inclined?16:01
jcastroit's ok, we'll make you inclined16:01
mhall119good luck with that16:02
jcastromhall119: pro-tip, invest in noise cancelling headphones16:02
* maco hands mhall119 one of those little wooden frogs with the bumpy back and wooden stick16:02
macoyou can do percussion!16:02
mhall119maco: I don't even have the rhythm enough to do that16:02
czajkowski17:56 <Filbert> book singles :)16:02
balloonsmaco: great idea! I'm sure I look just like him. If your curious, my "head" is here https://launchpad.net/~nskaggs16:02
macoyou just rub the stick back n forth16:03
mhall119from talent import music16:03
jcastroballoons: do you play anything?16:03
mhall119ImportError: musical talent not found16:03
macohmm nope. dont look like bill. popey's closer16:03
czajkowskimhall119: that's welll funky16:03
macojcastro: he just said he plays classical guitar...16:03
balloonsjcastro: I played/play guitar.. But I'm extremely rusty nowadays I'm sure. I've stopped playing since school16:04
jcastrothis will be great16:04
balloonsI never learned flamenco all that well.. It's one of my favorite forms of classical guitar16:04
jcastroballoons: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dox2nQ3eabg16:05
jcastroyou're hired!16:05
balloonslol -- so your the bassist?16:05
balloonsok.. so jono on drums, you on bass.. anyone else ?16:05
jcastrono, barry warsaw is the bassist, I am the stand in16:06
jcastroballoons: everyone swaps out, we have like 20 different virtual bands16:06
dholbachhey balloons16:06
jcastroyou step in, play a song, and then swap out16:06
balloonsthat's really cool16:06
jcastrodid you hear that dholbach16:06
balloonsdholbach: hello again!16:06
mhall119it's linux, it's all about choice16:08
jcastroever since Canonical abandoned choice16:11
jcastroI read that on jono's blog today16:11
dholbachI can't remember whose tag line it was, but didn't it go something like this: "Canonical - putting fun back into fundamentalism"?16:12
mhall119it's odd that people who insist that they must have the ability to customize things, seem to be the first to forget that they don't have to stick with the defaults16:16
jcastrodholbach: hah that's awesome16:18
mhall119czajkowski: make it to Ireland?16:22
czajkowskiminor delays16:22
czajkowskiand home to yummy foods16:23
mhall119no crazy travel adventures this time huh?16:23
czajkowskislight delays on tube getting there,some fog adn a change of plane16:23
czajkowskiso only about an hr delayed16:23
czajkowskiright toodles food calls16:23
jcastro<3 ireland16:23
dholbachczajkowski, I'm glad somebody wrote that up - the article on OMG!Ubuntu! (and other places) would have done well to have a less spectacular headline :)16:23
mhall119dholbach: sensational headlines sell ads16:24
dholbachah, then I don't do OMG any good16:24
dholbach"Ubuntu 12.04 development update" sounds quite boring16:25
jcastroit's ok, I'm sure you'll get flamed no matter the headline16:25
mhall119dholbach: yeah, try "Massive changes land in 12.04, everything has changed!!!!!!!11eleven"16:25
dholbachjcastro, yep :)16:26
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
dakerdaker> hey jcastro16:52
daker<daker> i just want to know if you we should fix those bugs on the old or the new portal16:52
jcastrowhen is the new portal being deployed?16:53
czajkowskidholbach: aye simon mailed me about it and said spread the article17:07
cprofitthey guys17:08
pleia2cprofitt: hope you're healing quickly!17:29
* balloons just realized oakland is just east of san fran.. wow. 17:31
balloonsI thought it was near Sacramento and san jose, which it is, but it's also RIGHT next to san francisco.. too funny17:31
pleia2yeah, just over the bridge17:31
pleia2can see it from here :)17:31
balloonsnice pleia2. I went to san fran in march this year, and loved driving along the coast and seeing the redwoods, etc17:32
pleia2the venue is right next to super convenient public transit, hooray!17:32
pleia2balloons: nice :) it is beautiful here17:33
dakerjcastro, i don't know we need to test it before17:42
jcastrodaker: can we fix it on the deployed one for now and revisit it later?17:42
cprofittthanks pleia2 -- it seems to be going well.17:44
cprofittanyone seen rrnwexec recently?17:45
dholbachalright my friends - I call it a day - see you all tomorrow!17:57
dholbachHUGS HUGS17:57
pleia2have a good evening, dholbach17:57
dholbachyou too :)17:57
jcastrojono: you still on the clock?19:46
jcastroI'd like a quick blog review if you have time19:47
jcastroIf it takes longer than ~5 I suck.19:47
jcastroyou know what is awesome when jill works super late, I don't need to commit to any dinner time20:33
jcastroso if I want to order a pizza at 3:30 in the afternoon20:33
jcastrothen i'm good to go!20:33
pleia2-us-ca is having a field day with Oakland, have faith! depending on the statistics you look at, Oakland is not in the top 5 murder capitals of the US, just in the top 1020:58
pleia2ah, Oakland :)20:59
jcastroUDS San Diego would make me sooooooooooo happy21:17
cjohnstonhey jcastro21:18
MrChrisDruifjcastro; o/21:18
MrChrisDruifBut shouldn't the next one be in Europe?21:19
cjohnstonMrChrisDruif: they have been switched afaik21:19
AlanBellrules are meant to be broken21:19
MrChrisDruifcjohnston; there have been two in the states afaik ;-)21:19
czajkowskiMrChrisDruif: its also not set in stone so if they chose to alter it they can :)21:19
MrChrisDruifWay to go Ubuntu!21:20
cjohnstonMrChrisDruif: what she said.. but my understanding is that May will be US, Nov will be EU.. which would be switced21:20
czajkowskilovely cold weather in nov in the EU21:20
czajkowskilate oct/early nov21:21
AlanBellwhen does the icehotel open I wonder21:21
MrChrisDruifSo Europe will be in May now? Like coming UDS?21:21
cjohnstonMrChrisDruif: no21:21
cjohnstonThe next one is in the US21:21
PiciI'd guess Canonical will do it where it is cheaper :/21:21
AlanBell"Usually we great our first winter guests in the beginning of December" so not the icehotel :(21:22
JanCwhy not in the Principality of Sealand?  ;)21:28
MrChrisDruifWould be nice =)21:31
JanCI guess the internet connection would be okay, but space might be an issue  :P21:33
AlanBelljcastro: do you want to know about pages on uds.ubuntu.com that reference uds-p dates (and one uds-n related item)22:29
cjohnstonAlanBell: if you want to email them to me, ill fix them22:29
mhall119AlanBell: also, I'm taking over UDS stuff from jcastro, so if you need something done let me know and I'll make cjohnston do it :)22:33
AlanBellyou should have a nice todo list of stuff now :)22:39
cjohnstonmhall119: https://uds.ubuntu.com/participate/community/  that one is on you to get done22:41
AlanBelllets ditch the text in an image thing22:42
AlanBellwithout so much as an alt attribute22:42
mhall119an image?22:43
mhall119cjohnston: do you know who made it?22:43
cjohnstonthats why i said its on you22:43
mhall119well nobody who would know is still around, I'll ask tomorrow22:44
mhall119cjohnston: do we have a launchpad project for summit/uds content bugs?22:45
cjohnstonthere is a project for uds.u.c22:46
AlanBell"The bulk of UDS are discussion sessions we explore problems and develop solutions together, pooling our experience and expertise." parse error22:47
mhall119AlanBell: that sense makes to me22:48
cjohnstoni thought there was22:48
cjohnstonmaybe not22:48
mhall119were they just filed against the ubuntu-website-content?22:49
AlanBellwebsite by yoda written it was22:49
cjohnstonmhall119: no22:49
cjohnstoni thought i created one22:49
cjohnstoni see that i created one for unity.uc22:49
mhall119I think we should make a uds-website project then22:49
cjohnstoni thought that i had.. i guess not22:50
mhall119that way summit project can be just for the code22:50
mhall119AlanBell: thanks for the list22:53
cjohnstonmhall119: when does sponsorship close22:59
mhall119cjohnston: I don't know23:11
cjohnstoni thought you were in charge23:12
mhall119responsible != in charge23:13
cjohnstonAlanBell: https://launchpad.net/uds-project can you please report a bug for sponsorship date (#4) down23:14
pleia2mhall119: worth adding public transit options to directions on uds? ($8.40 on BART train from SFO, Oakland airport has BART service too, both are very easy and non-scary)23:14
cjohnstonyou can skip the today, and linaro connect23:14
AlanBellUDS Project must be configured in order for Launchpad to forward bugs to the project's developers.23:15
cjohnstonAlanBell: ^23:16
AlanBellBug #90756523:17
ubot2Launchpad bug 907565 in uds-project "sponsorship closing date needs to be specified" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90756523:17
cjohnstonAlanBell: no need to paste.. ill get spammed through email. ty23:18
mhall119pleia2: can you send me and cjohnston and email with that information and links please?23:21
mhall119oh, or add it to the uds-project on LP23:21
pleia2mhall119: I haz super powers on uds.u.c23:22
pleia2so I can add it directly if it's useful23:22

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