
=== h00k_ is now known as h00k
cprofittpopey: ping01:08
cprofittlike my "spongebob"?01:08
mhall119check it out, LoCo Teams Unity Lens: http://ubuntuone.com/0tZXXT69utPHv5cXNLZUPv02:42
mhall119and http://ubuntuone.com/6ylsSolQI6EUm7cObrCTcv02:42
bkerensacool stuff02:49
head_victimmhall119: nice work07:20
dholbachgood morning08:14
dholbachsalut YoBoY08:16
YoBoYthanks JanC for your mail. btw do you plan another multi-locoteams booth ? :)08:16
YoBoYcomment ça va dholbach ?08:16
dholbachça va bien - seulement un peu fatigué - et toi? ça va?08:17
YoBoYfatigué aussi :p08:18
dholbachmais la semaine prochaine je vais au Maroc :-D08:20
YoBoYcool :D08:22
JanCYoBoY: a multi-locoteam booth is fine; gives everybody more time to attend talks...  ☺12:15
YoBoYJanC: I'll add that to my todolist :). If you don't have news from us (ubuntu-fr) in January, ping us (we all are very busy lately :] )12:21
JanCYoBoY: I guess everybody is busy with the holidays if not with anything else  ;)12:24
YoBoYsure ^^12:25
JanCwell, except me, I'm busy being sick at home today...  :-(12:25
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
manikoumy name is Samuel Pamphile from Martinique (French West Indies)  13:31
mhall119welcome manikou 13:32
manikouI'd like to make a brief presentation to the community about the integration of ubuntu in the island of Dominica during the next meeting13:33
manikouI'd like to know if it is possible ?13:34
YoBoYHi manikou13:36
manikouHi YoBoY13:36
YoBoYmanikou: have you received an email from huats on November the 12th ?13:36
manikoui answer right after13:37
manikounovember 13th13:37
YoBoYwell... we had some alias problems lately in this period of time and I don't know if he received it. Can you resend your reply to him ? you can also add asso@ubuntu-fr.org on copy if you want13:41
YoBoYmanikou: ^13:41
* YoBoY se demande pourquoi on se parle en anglais :p13:41
manikoui'm doing it right now13:41
manikouben oui mais c'est pour que toust le monde understand13:42
YoBoYmanikou: to answer to your question, just add your item to the agenda : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoCouncil/Agenda or write an email to the lococouncil13:46
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
BigWhaleUDS will be in Oakland? How come not in Europe? :(17:59
mhall119BigWhale: cost probably17:59
BigWhaleI guess I'll have to cancel my road trip and apply for sponsorship.18:01
czajkowskimhall119: olympics are also on in EU at that time could be very busy 20:36
mhall119czajkowski: in London though right?  Would it make that much of a difference in the rest of europe?20:49
czajkowskia lot of training grounds are being used close to UK like ireland for example20:59
czajkowskiplus lots of extra tourists coming over and visiting would be a lot more 20:59
JanCBelgian training grounds too indeed21:35
JanCespecially the weeks before the olympics teams will be training in timezone / weather conditions not too far from those in London21:36
JanCnot sure about tourists though (except for the wide London area, of course)21:39

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