
TiMiDohey i have a question if i want to become an ubuntu member i need to put my self on the wiki and wait for next month?07:18
philipballewTiMiDo, they have meeting regularly. There is a link that says it all, however you need a wiki. do you already have one?07:32
philipballewalso, I'd say this channel is not really gonna give you many quick answers here. its a official channel for meetings.07:33
TiMiDoi already have one07:33
TiMiDothis is my wiki07:33
philipballewpm it to me07:33
philipballewill look at it for you07:33
TiMiDook thank you07:35
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phillwhiyas alourie :)17:00
alouriehi phillw17:00
alouriewashat the meeting is happening as planned17:01
gemaI am ready17:01
gema#startmeeting QA Meeting17:02
meetingologyMeeting started Wed Dec 21 17:02:01 2011 UTC.  The chair is gema. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot.17:02
meetingologyAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired17:02
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | QA Meeting Meeting | Current topic:
gemawho is with us today?17:02
nuclearbobI am17:02
alourieI'll try to ping roignac17:02
gemaok, it sounds like we have many people already on holidays17:02
gemalet's get started then17:03
gema#topic Previous Actions17:03
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | QA Meeting Meeting | Current topic: Previous Actions
gemawe had an action on patrick but he is not available today, so I will postpone it again!17:03
gema#action patrickmw to publish a list of launchpad projects that conform our automated testing in jenkins17:04
meetingologyACTION: patrickmw to publish a list of launchpad projects that conform our automated testing in jenkins17:04
gemaACTION: gema to talk to hggdh about some jenkins training for the community17:04
gemaI spoke to hggdh and he has organised a training session in one developer event that is happening past mid January17:04
gemaI have asked him to send an email to the list but he was going on holidays, so I guess that'll happen next year17:04
gemaACTION: gema to move the standard sru testing blueprint to the end17:05
gemaI did that on the agenda17:05
gemaanything I am missing, anyone?17:05
alourieif we could contribute to anything jenkins oriented, would be great17:06
gemayep, let me get to that later17:06
gema#topic Blueprints Update Precise17:06
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | QA Meeting Meeting | Current topic: Blueprints Update Precise
gema#subtopic https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-p-builds-smoke-testing17:06
gemaI have started reviewing the code of our ISO smoke tests and will have some feedback early in January.17:06
gemaI am not sure who to send the feedback to, but will figure it out17:07
gemaalourie: go ahead17:07
alourieI think that generic stuff like that should go to the list anyway17:07
gemayes, I can copy the list about it, but I don't know who is responsible to fix it17:08
alourieand then other channels if necessary17:08
gemaI will definitely copy ubuntu-qa whenever I send it17:08
alouriethank you17:08
gemano problem17:08
gemaroignac: go ahead17:09
roignacyou should also include ubuntu-server-iso-testing-dev@lists.launchpad.net17:09
roignacthis is a maillist of Ubuntu Server Iso Testing Developers17:09
gemaahh, so those are the people responsible for it, you reckon?17:09
gemathanks roignac17:09
roignaci guess so, please include other drivers/maintainers of automated test project (based on info from patrickw)17:10
gemayes, will do17:10
gemaI am also thinking that they may tell me to fix it myself, I am not sure how these things work17:10
gemabut I guess we'll find out17:11
gemawe are also looking into modifying the jenkins plugin we installed for the ISO testing dashboard17:11
gemaso that it shows the build we are testing, aggregates results, etc17:11
gemawe'll let you know if we go ahead with the enhancements, the plan would be to contribute those upstream17:12
gema#subtopic #subtopic https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-p-qa-boot-speed-testing17:12
gematoo many subtopics, let me try again17:12
gema#subtopic https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-p-qa-boot-speed-testing17:13
gemapatrickmw is not here, nuclearbob do you have any update on this?17:13
nuclearbobyeah, we're working on adding architecture to the results now17:13
nuclearbobas part of that we're redoing the directory structure17:13
nuclearboband we'll be adding some information about deltas on a given day and between days17:14
nuclearbobthat's all I've got for now17:14
gemacool, thanks17:14
gema#subtopic https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-p-qa-kernel-sru17:14
gemasconklin is not here either17:14
gemamoving on17:14
gema#subtopic https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-p-qa-test-case-management-tool17:14
gemathe Mozilla team plan to have the new version of Case Conductor ready for mid January17:15
gemathey answered yesterday night to my email and are happy to discuss our requests at some point in January17:15
gemayes, roignac ?17:15
roignaccould you please ask them whether we could use cc.oddsites.net and cc-dev.oddsotes.net freely?17:16
roignacAs I've taken liberty to create a Ubiquity product17:16
gemaI did, they are happy for us to perform our tasks there17:16
gemaas long as we don't destroy their testing envs17:16
gemasince they are also using it17:16
roignacand later realised that this could break some of their automated tests17:16
roignacoh, ok. No destruction anyway17:16
gemano, I think they run their automated tests in other place17:16
roignacBy the way17:17
roignacI'd like someone to try review feature in CC17:17
gemaroignac: which feature?17:17
gemaalourie, you can speak freely17:17
roignacCase Conductor allows us to review testcases - though I haven't figured how for now17:17
roignacSo we could review new testcases there, how about that?17:18
gemaroignac: I don't think it does, we asked for them to add the under review state17:18
alourieFrom what I've seen , CC also offers flow of testing.17:18
gemaroignac: that is a test environment, we shouldn't be using it to store data17:18
gemait can be teared apart any moment17:18
alouriewe use ISO tracker for that (well, in context of testing ISO images, at least)17:18
alourieso what is our purpose with CC? Is it only for storing test cases?17:19
gemaalourie: storing test cases and results, I would say17:19
gemaif it shows them in a meaningful way17:19
roignacalourie, it has some reports too17:19
alourieso, I would use it for reporting as well?17:19
gemaI think so17:19
alourieinstead of ISO tracker?17:19
gemabut that's not going to happen any time soon17:19
gemait's going to take us a while to get there17:19
alouriehm, ok17:19
gemaand if it is not better than the iso tracker, then we won't use it for that17:20
alouriegot ya17:20
alourieso it could only be used for storing test cases17:20
gemato start with, yes17:20
alourieand if it does good job with it, we can only use it for storing :-)17:20
gemaand for community testing to report results17:20
gemaand defects17:20
gemawe just need to find a way to connect it to the tracker database17:21
alouriegema: but that's what ISO tracker is for!17:21
gemawhich doesn't seem very difficult17:21
balloonshello everyone -- late, but thought I would lurk17:21
gemaballoons: welcome!17:21
alouriegema: ok, I'm not clear on this, but let's just waut17:21
gemaalourie: there are two functionalities on the tracker, one is to report results, the other one is to display them17:21
gemaalourie: on a first step we are trying to replace the wiki17:22
gemawhich is horrible to store test cases17:22
gemaafter that, we'll see if we use the tracker fully, or just partially17:22
gemadepending on how CC integrates with our workflow17:22
gemabut this is not going to happen overnight in any case17:22
alourieI think that test content should show on the flow, either tracker or CC17:22
alouriewe'll see how CC progresses, and make our minds later.17:23
gemaand we don't want to screw up any release so we will do a gradual move to CC17:23
gemaalourie: agreed17:23
alouriehey, if they can handle 'test case management', this is already an improvement17:23
alourieeven without flows17:23
gemait'll flow, just give it time17:23
alouriesure it will :-)17:23
gemaand this will probably free some of our good devs to do some more interesting stuff17:24
gemaok, the other thing I wanted to say on this topic17:24
alourieroignac: if you find that review option, ping me and we'll schedule something17:24
gemaI have been thinking about how to classify the test cases and how to structure the testing, I am not sure whether we should be testing images or whether our17:24
gematest cases should start targetting packages themselves.17:24
gemaalourie: go ahead17:25
alourieI think these are different kinds of testing17:25
alourieyou test images for being a complete product17:25
gemathat's the thing, alourie they are not17:25
alouriebut you test packages for verifying that they work17:25
alouriegema: why not?17:25
gemaalourie: because two different people choose two different options at install time and end up with two different set of packages installed17:26
gemaso there is no one product in an image17:26
gemathere is virtually infite products in it17:26
alourieso what would be purpose of ISO testing?17:27
gemaso I guess the question is whether we are testing the end product or an artificial construct we call default image17:27
gematesting as many flavors of the ISO as we can17:27
gemataking them into account17:27
alouriegema: would it be too inaccurate to assume that most people install the default image?17:27
gemaunlike now17:27
gemaalourie: I believe so17:28
alourieso testing the default flow makes sense17:28
gemayes, and testing others makes equal sense17:28
ScottKThe question I'd ask is "what are you testing".17:28
ScottKGenerally for ISO testing you're testing the image and the installer.17:29
ScottKYou aren't really testing all the applications.17:29
alourieso, we are actually questioning ourselves with "what purpose does ISO testing have?"17:29
ScottKThat can allow you to narrow your test focus.17:29
alourieI'd agree with ScottK on this17:29
ScottKPeople who are running the development release need to test does the stuff work after it's installed and running.17:30
phillwindeed, getting it installed and running is an important part17:30
gemaagreed, so what would you propose we do, ScottK ?17:31
ScottKI think the test cases we've had are appropriately focused on what ISO testing needs to accomplish.17:32
ScottKThat doesn't mean they can't be improved, but they are at least in the ballpark.17:32
ScottKWhat I've seen though is that as the installer evolves, the test cases don't keep up.17:32
gemathat's the thing, I don't think they are appropriate17:33
gemabecause they are mainly installer tests, not ISO tests17:33
balloonsScottK: sounds like the classic issue of adding a feature (code-wise), but not docs or tests, etc17:33
gemathey don't tend to verify much of what's actually installed works17:33
alouriegema: so do we touch here definition of "ISO" as the complete system?17:34
alourieso, by "ISO testing" we imply testing that EVERYTHING works...17:34
gemaI would have thought so17:34
alourieor, rather, "tested"17:34
ScottKThen you better set aside a month or two for testing in the release cycle.17:34
alouriethat "EVERYTHING" bit worries me a little17:35
gemaScottK: or get more people collaborating and get as much as you can automated17:35
phillwyikes, test every default app that the standard iso holds?17:35
ScottKWe're an integrator and have to, to some extent, rely on upstreams to deliver working code.17:35
gemaphillw: yes17:35
phillwthis would take some time!17:35
gemaScottK: we are an integrator and have to verify things integrate properly17:35
alourieI could see a problem here :-)17:35
ScottKgema: True, but not all of that verification needs to be done in the context of ISO testing.17:36
gemawell, this is a bigger problem than this meeting, just wanted to let you know I have started to think about it17:36
alourieis it even viable?17:36
gemaScottK: agreed17:36
gemaScottK: but it needs to be done by ISO release time17:36
gemaalourie: it is17:36
alouriegema: so here's an idea17:36
ScottKIt needs to be done.17:36
alouriewhat if we split this into 2:17:37
alourie1. ISO testing part 1, which includes installer and image17:37
alourie2. ISO testing part 2, which includes testing that apps work17:37
alouriein general, they could be done in parallel/separately17:37
gemaalourie: the apps part we need to automate, I don't think running it manually unless it is necessary due to the nature of the test case works17:37
gemaalourie: I don't see how you can test that the apps work without the installer working properly17:38
gemacos you don't have the system under test installed in that case17:38
gemaanyway, we can keep discussing this on the list17:38
alourieok, let's take it offline17:38
gemait was just a thought that occurred to me whilst trying to figure out how to populate CC17:38
alouriegema: ok17:39
alouriegema: I can also tell you about my secret idea then17:39
gema#subtopic https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-p-qa-backlog17:39
gemaalourie: cool :D17:39
gemaany backlog info to share today?17:39
alourieare community tasks separate item nowdays?17:39
gemathey are in case something got lost17:40
gemabut we can discuss here too17:40
alourieso I can go with wiki updates17:40
gemaI haven't added the tasks to the blueprints yet because I didn't find the time17:40
gemabut you can go ahead, yes17:40
alourieok, so I didn't have much time to work on wiki this week, but I did make some progress17:40
alourieI will also make a hierarchy of the thing I want to update, and work on them too17:41
alourieso, I hope that I'll have something to update with soon17:41
alourieand then I'll send it to the list for review17:41
gemaalourie: excellent, thanks a lot17:41
gemaanything else anyone17:42
gema#subtopic https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-p-qa-qa-regression-testing17:42
gemanuclearbob: ?17:42
nuclearbobI've got autotest packaged now, autotest-server and autotest-client are in my ppa17:42
gemacould you post the launchpad link to it?17:43
nuclearbobI've been using those to run tests on the most recent images available in our openstack cluster17:43
gemaok, thanks a lot nuclearbob17:43
gema#subtopic https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-p-qa-automated-test-submissions17:44
nuclearbobsome of the tests are failing on the precise dailies, so I'm doing more investigation to determine whether the failures are actual problems or whether the test code needs to be updated17:44
nuclearboblooks like some of both17:44
gemaups, sorry17:44
nuclearbobthat's all from me17:44
gemaok, sounds good, thanks17:44
gema#subtopic https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-p-qa-automated-test-submissions17:44
gemano progress on this task this week, so nothing to report17:45
gema#subtopic https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-p-qa-metrics17:45
gemano progress on this one either17:45
gema#subtopic https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-p-qa-standard-sru-testing17:45
gemawe don't have jibel around, so no progress on this one either17:45
gema#subtopic Community Tasks - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/TasksPrecise17:45
gemahave we missed any community task ?17:45
gemathat we have people here to discuss, I mean17:46
alourieI don't think so17:46
gemaok, so moving on17:46
gema#topic Update Lubuntu17:46
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | QA Meeting Meeting | Current topic: Update Lubuntu
gemaphillw: ?17:46
phillwall is peaceful, no horrible show-stopping bugs reported.17:46
gemaanything else, phillw ?17:47
phillwat the meeting tonight they are looking to form some teams... I'm hoping for a QA / testing team :)17:47
gemathat'd be good, yes :D17:47
alouriephillw, gema: would you elaborate a bit?17:48
alouriea, the Lubuntu ;-)17:48
gemaI guess phillw is getting himself a QA Team for Lubuntu, yes17:48
alouriegema, phillw: this reminds me17:49
phillwalourie: currently everything lubuntu is on one mailing list, we are looking to start to split groups so, for example, normal users do not get the chatter from the devs about what they're working on17:49
alouriephillw: sure,17:49
alouriecurrently, when we list different QA subgroups on wiki, we list Kubuntu QA17:49
alourieso, I think we need to list all the QA that we have in -buntu universe there17:50
phillwalourie: that would be correct, as I'm the only person on the Lubuntu QA team (and I get lonely :P )17:50
gemagood, alourie will you take care of that?17:50
gemawe are running out of time17:50
alouriegema: of course17:50
gemacool, thanks17:51
gema#topic Update Xubuntu17:51
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | QA Meeting Meeting | Current topic: Update Xubuntu
gemacharlie doesn't seem to be around17:51
gemaso we are moving on17:51
gema#topic Update Ubuntu17:51
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | QA Meeting Meeting | Current topic: Update Ubuntu
gemaI don't think we have any updates for Ubuntu either, besides what we've already discussed17:52
gema#topic Other Topics17:52
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | QA Meeting Meeting | Current topic: Other Topics
gemaI'd like to mention that we are not having our weekly meeting next week17:52
gemadue to holidays and festivities17:52
gemaare we all happy with that?17:52
gemaor do you guys want to have it?17:52
phillwokay with me.17:52
alourieok here17:52
gemaok, so our next meeting will be the 4th of January17:53
gemaif anyone wants to chair it, let me know, otherwise I will do it :)17:53
gemaany other topic ?17:53
alouriegema: what was that bit about "participating in jenkins" stuff, that you wanted to mention later?17:53
gemaahh, we'll start with the training that hggdh is going to give17:54
gemaand then we could have ubuntu-qa triaging issues17:54
gemaor at least, trying to learn how to do it17:54
alourietriaging issues?17:54
gemaas in, when a test fails, determine why and raise a defect if required17:54
gemaor try to reproduce on your environment to make sure it happens17:54
gemathat sort of thing17:54
gemabut we need some training for that17:55
* alourie loves this stuff17:55
balloonsdoes the bugsquad have anything for it now?17:55
gemano, bugsquad are doing different things17:55
gemawe are doing it within canonical QA17:56
gemabut there is no reason why the community contributors cannot do it if they like to17:56
balloonsright right..17:56
gemaso that'd be it, any further qustions, please send to the list! :D17:56
alourieballoons: we split qa and bugsquad to 2 teams17:56
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Wed Dec 21 17:57:08 2011 UTC.17:57
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2011/ubuntu-meeting.2011-12-21-17.02.moin.txt17:57
alouriethanks all17:57
roignacthanks guys17:57
phillwas ever gema thanks for chairing!17:57
gemaballoons: the bugsquad meeting happens next if you want to sit through it :)17:57
alourieindeed, gema rocks!17:57
gemathank you all for your time17:57
balloonsgema: thanks, sure will17:57
gemaand have a very Merry Christmas :)17:57
balloonsalourie: yes, I'll have to catch up on how they interact17:57
alourieand other holidays, if you have them17:58
gemaalourie: +117:58
* bdmurray looks around18:01
bdmurraylets get started18:01
meetingologyMeeting started Wed Dec 21 18:01:44 2011 UTC.  The chair is bdmurray. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot.18:01
meetingologyAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired18:01
bdmurray#topic Previous Actions18:01
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Previous Actions
bdmurrayACTION: bdmurray to investigate what happened to the rhythmbox package hook18:02
bdmurrayI filed and fixed bug 904527 regarding this18:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 904527 in rhythmbox (Ubuntu) "apport package hook no longer installed" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90452718:02
bdmurraypedro_: do you think that is worth SRU'ing to oneiric?18:03
pedro_would be nice to have it there, yes18:03
bdmurrayokay, I can do that18:03
bdmurray#action bdmurray to prepare Oneiric SRU for bug 90452718:03
meetingologyACTION: bdmurray to prepare Oneiric SRU for bug 90452718:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 904527 in rhythmbox (Ubuntu) "apport package hook no longer installed" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90452718:03
pedro_cool ,thanks bdmurray18:03
bdmurraypedro_: no problem18:04
bdmurraythat's that for previous actions18:04
bdmurray#topic Engineering Team Bug Status18:04
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bdmurraypedro_: do you have anything?18:04
pedro_not much to share, just something that might be interesting to the triagers using bugzilla to file bugs at the upstream projects: http://paulrouget.com/e/learnbugzilla/18:06
bdmurraypedro_: that looks really neat - thanks!18:07
bdmurrayjsalisbury: any news from you?18:07
jsalisburyOne bug I'd like to mention is bug 904569  It appears to be a regression in and Oneiric kernel update.18:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 904569 in linux (Ubuntu) "Linux 3.0.0-15-generic-pae causes laptops to fail to resume from suspend (Dell XPS 1645, Sony Vaio VPCF1390)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90456918:07
jsalisburyLot's of new bugs coming in for this.  I'm working on bisecting, but the SRU team is out until the new year.18:08
bdmurrayjsalisbury: what's the resume-trace procedure mentioned in comment #3?  I haven't seen that before18:09
jsalisburybdmurray, It's a procedure to try and track down suspend issues.  I personally haven't gone through it, yet.18:11
bdmurrayjsalisbury: oh, I see now it just has a fancy name ;-)18:12
bdmurraythanks for bringing that bug up18:12
jsalisburynp, figured it's something to keep an eye out for18:12
bdmurrayI spent some time reading about libata error messages this week18:14
bdmurrayand come to find out we were receiving some more bug reports about ubiquity and package installation failures that were really hardware related18:14
bdmurrayso I've taken care of that in the general ubuntu apport hook and also in my bug bot (which will catch these from previous releases)18:15
bdmurrayand I cleaned up some existing bug reports18:15
bdmurrayI also updated the ubiquity apport package hook to tag ubiquity bugs ubiquity-upgrade if people choose to reinstall Ubuntu using ubiquity18:16
bdmurrayIt also looks like the call for help with update-manager-core bug reports worked as there are now 0. ;-)18:17
bdmurraySo thanks for helping with those.18:18
bdmurray#topic Bug Escalations18:18
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Bug Escalations
bdmurrayAre there any High or Critical bugs that we should be aware of or are being neglected?18:18
bdmurrayokay then18:21
bdmurray#topic Other Topics18:21
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Other Topics
bdmurrayIs there anything else to discuss?18:21
bdmurrayI'm on holiday next week as I think most of us are so the next meeting will be 1/4/2012.18:22
bdmurrayThanks everyone!18:22
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Wed Dec 21 18:22:49 2011 UTC.18:22
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2011/ubuntu-meeting.2011-12-21-18.01.moin.txt18:22
jsalisburythanks, bdmurray18:22
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* gilir takes a seat20:01
LogicalDreamHi all20:01
* tp0x45 nervously eating a seat...20:02
* rezbd takes seat20:02
meetingologyMeeting started Wed Dec 21 20:02:21 2011 UTC.  The chair is gilir. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot.20:02
meetingologyAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired20:02
gilirhi :)20:02
moergaesMörgæs here20:02
tp0x45hi all20:03
giliras usual : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/IRC%20Meetings/Agenda20:04
gilirChris will not be available, so I'll skip its topics20:05
gilirMohi doesn't seem to be here also :(20:05
rezbdI'm first time on a lubuntu meeting20:06
phillwgilir: I'll take the section for POC for wiki FAQ agenda20:06
moergaesMe too20:06
LogicalDreamwe are  not following this agenda tonight ? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoCouncilAgenda20:06
gilirfor new people, we will follow the agenda, if you have a question, just o/ :)20:06
stephen-smallyThe netbook interface is an interesting topic20:06
Unit193LogicalDream: Wrong meeting20:06
rezbdok :)20:06
LogicalDreamIt was one hour ago or ... ?20:07
gastlyLogicalDream, that meeting was on Tuesday (according to the wiki page) :)20:07
gilir[TOPIC] Review ACTIONS from the last meeting20:08
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Review ACTIONS from the last meeting
LogicalDreamtnx gastly my mistake20:08
gastlynp :)20:09
gilirI'm a bit late for the previous actions :/20:09
gilirjust, if you want to follow the updates done for the release time, the page is now up-to-date : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/ReleaseStatus/Precise20:10
gilirI'll do the others items later this week20:10
gilir[TOPIC] A POC for maintaining Lubuntu FAQ pages20:11
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: A POC for maintaining Lubuntu FAQ pages
gilirphillw, ^ :)20:11
stephen-smally(stupid question) o/20:11
phillwAs has been requested, so that we all know when an FAQ has been added20:11
phillwis someone willing to be point of contact so that things are tied up.20:12
phillwone example would be letting the guy who looks after the forum thread on Lubuntu be kept up to speed on additions?20:12
moergaesAnybody having a link to the FAQ pages?20:13
stephen-smallynevermind, is a question to gilir20:13
jmarsdenmoergaes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/FAQ20:13
gilirphillw, you suggest to propose this to amjjawad ?20:14
phillwgilir: as he has also shown interest in looking after another wiki based area, once he is off his sick bed, I think he would be happy to fulfil that role.20:14
Yorvykphillw: As I said on the list, I think it would help if there was a brief explanation of the role of the POC20:15
rezbddoes amjjawad not come to the meeting? or he has a different nick for IRC? he's very helpful.20:15
phillwA point of contact is the 'delegated' person to whom queries can be directed, instead of just to the general mailing list.20:15
phillwthat person knows the other POC's to whom some thing in one area could affect, it speeds up the transferrerance of pertinent information.20:16
phillwwithout flooding the mailing list.20:17
gilirphillw, do you know someone else interesting ?20:17
jmarsdenIMO, FAQ maintenance needs a good understanding of the tech issues being answered, and of appropriate wording for the questions and their answers... are we expecting the "POC" to be "the official" FAQ maintainer?  Or just some sort of human information relay?20:18
phillwrezbd: It may be that it falls at bad time for his timezone.20:18
phillwjmarsden: a bit of both.20:18
rezbdphillw, I understand. it's bad time for my time zone too. 02:19 AM here right now.20:19
phillwAt present, only those subscribed to FAQ section get notified of any aedits.20:19
Yorvykjmarsden: thats what I was trying to get at.  How much do they need to know?20:19
phillwI would say they need to have enough knowledge to understand the exisiting FAQ's and also understand things from a n00b point of view.20:20
gilirjmarsden, that would be nice, but maybe just a review from a dev would be suffisent for the beginning ?20:20
phillwgilir: I'm for that, I used to send my proposed to you :)20:21
jmarsdenOK, as long as we are not expecting more tech depth from amjjawad than is realistic.20:22
phillwa peer review of instructions that (may) include the use of sudo is a good idea :)20:22
gilirlet's propose it, and see what he thinks about it, phillw could you do it ?20:22
phillwgilir: sure, email him.20:22
phillwyou can #action that to me.20:23
phillw(*Sure, I will email*20:23
gilir[ACTION] phillw to email  amjjawad about the POC of the FAQ20:23
meetingologyACTION: phillw to email  amjjawad about the POC of the FAQ20:23
gilirok next :)20:23
gilir[TOPIC] Update on QA. Also will Lubuntu have a wastebin on the desktop20:24
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Update on QA. Also will Lubuntu have a wastebin on the desktop
gilirphillw, still you :)20:24
phillwThe QA team are busy looking at the further automation of tests in the lab.20:24
phillwthey are also re-writing some the tests to be flavour specific (e.g. we use pcmanfm)20:25
phillwAt random I chose a test that is to check that you can send something to the wastebin & delete it. Hence my question as to if Lubuntu will be putting the waste bin onto the desktop?20:26
jmarsdenphillw: Any progress on automated ISO (install) testing?20:26
* jmarsden thinks that for political correctness, we have to be ecological and have a "recycling bin" not a wastebin :)20:26
phillwjmarsden: yeah, they are triaging some issues as some of the recent dailies have failed due to mixture of errors on the builds and the robot that tests them.20:27
gilirtechnicaly, we can't have a "real" wastebin on the desktop, just a shortcut20:27
gilirso, you can't do a "right click => empty"20:28
phillwthe new auto system is most unlikely to be in for 12.04, we are due a session on learning about it in the New Year, anyone interested in attending, please email me & I'll ensure you are informed as to when it will be held.20:28
gastlygilir, I thought so, pcmanfm doesn't support this afaik20:28
phillwgilir: that is fine, as long as when I write the test it won't be obsolete by the time 12.04 launches!20:29
rezbdphillw, didn't get it. attending in what?20:29
phillwrezbd: a session on the new auto-testing system.20:29
YorvykI have never seen a reason or justification for a waste bin on the desktop-anybody got one?20:29
moergaesA link to a waste bin is fine with me.20:30
gastlyI personally never use the waste bin :p20:30
phillwThey are also looking to 'alter' iso testing from just "does it install" to test each app in the default install actually runs as expected. This, again, is not going to be in place for 12.04 and does require the auto-testing - or a lot of testers!20:30
gilirYorvyk, same opinion here20:30
phillwthere are a couple of auto-testers being discussed atm, again in January I should have some more to report back on that.20:32
rezbdphillw, does it require high speed internet connection to attend on that auto-testing system?20:32
phillwrezbd: nope, it is being held on IRC20:32
rezbdoh ok :)20:32
phillwmy guess is that it will be on the qa channel, or in the classroom.20:33
rezbdthat's cool :) I'm interested20:33
gilirI think the easiest way is to contact phillw directly if you are interesting in the topic :)20:33
gilirphillw, anything else for the QA report ?20:34
phillwfor anyone who has not got my email  phillw@ubuntu.com will land in my inbox :)20:34
phillwgilir: not until we get to the teams bit, later.20:34
gilirok, so I will jump to this :)20:34
gilir[TOPIC] Proposal to create dedicated teams20:35
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Proposal to create dedicated teams
gilirsomething I would like to re-create is the system of team, we had in the past20:35
rezbdphillw, it's not so difficult to get your email. I see you talk regularly in Lubuntu mailing  :)20:36
gilirI added my ideas on the wiki page : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Teams_New20:36
gilirthe goal is coordinate the work inside of each team20:36
gilirfor example, the artwork team is already working on the 12.04 artwork :)20:37
stephen-smallyi think is a good idea20:37
rezbdsounds cool :)20:37
stephen-smallybut, will each team have a mailing list?20:37
phillwgilir: I'm all for, as you know a QA/Testing team.20:38
gilirwith this, we can work inside each team, and coordinate all together during the meeting on Wednesday, or the mailing list20:38
rezbdhow many teams out there developing Lubuntu?20:38
gilirstephen-smally, each team can do what they want for communication :)20:38
stephen-smallyis great20:38
rafaellagunasorry, I'm late!20:38
stephen-smallyso if a developer need a nice design for a stuff can ask on the artwork mailing list (or whatever)20:39
gilirrezbd, teams are not created yet :)20:39
jmarsdengilir: Do you have proposed leaders/coordinators for each of the proposed teams listed at : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Teams_New20:39
gilirrafaellaguna, just in time, I'm talking about teams and the artwork team ;)20:39
YorvykThese teams will be part of the larger general ubuntu teams?20:39
rafaellagunanice :)20:39
gilirjmarsden, no, I think each teams should nominated a leader / coordinator20:40
gilirbut it's part of the discussion :)20:40
rafaellagunaI have a question about Network session (artwork related) too20:40
gilirYorvyk, they can work with other ubuntu teams, but they have to organize this20:40
gilirrafaellaguna, we can talk about it after this topic20:41
stephen-smallybtw, +1 for the separated teams20:42
gilirif nobody have comment now, I can send an official proposal to the list, and open the teams :)20:42
jmarsdengilir: go for it :)20:42
gastlyyup +1 for the teams20:42
gilir[ACTION] gilir to send the proposal of the teams to the mailing list20:43
meetingologyACTION: gilir to send the proposal of the teams to the mailing list20:43
gilirok, move to the netbook session20:43
gilir[ACTION] Discuss continuation of Netbook Interface20:44
meetingologyACTION: Discuss continuation of Netbook Interface20:44
gilirI'll introduce this one :)20:44
jmarsdengilir: what about rafaellaguna's question... ?20:44
gilirso the netbook interface was create just to show how lxlauncher can work :)20:44
gilirwe did do much work about it, since the beginning20:45
rafaellagunaNot too many interventions on this interface20:45
stephen-smallyi think lxlauncher needs heavy tweaks anyway20:46
gilirI don't think there is so much work to keep it, it's already working20:46
rafaellagunaI must say it's needed a complete rework20:46
rafaellagunanot simply patching20:46
rafaellagunaI'm not talking about the possibility of including a selectable background20:46
gilirrafaellaguna, there is a work-in-progress to add theming support for lxlauncher20:46
gilirbut work-in-progress since more than a year :-/20:47
rafaellagunagilir: no, I'm focused on Lubuntu session "only"20:47
stephen-smallybasically, lxlauncher read a gtkrc file.20:47
rafaellagunagilir: yep, I tried, but was unsuccesful20:47
stephen-smallybut the customization is not so simple, and:20:47
stephen-smally1 - the tabbed interface is not comfortable20:48
gilirrafaellaguna, of course, the classic session is the priority :)20:48
rafaellagunaMy idea is, if the project continues, making something similar to Elementary's Slingshot launcher20:48
rafaellagunaKDE did something similar on the new Netbook Plasma environment20:48
rafaellagunacan I put a link?20:50
gilirrafaellaguna, same problem as always, do we have the manpower to do it20:50
gilirrafaellaguna, yes, with the LINK tag20:50
rafaellagunawell, you all know now "I am two"20:50
YorvykIs there any suggestion that anybody use the netbook Interface?20:51
rafaellaguna:) I mean, frankbooth is the other part of the artwork team20:51
rafaellagunaa friend of mine loves that interface, more than classic session20:51
gilirunless we can re-use something, which need to be lightweight, it would be difficult to change this interface20:51
gilirrafaellaguna, do you have a link to the source also ? :p20:52
rafaellagunaof lxlauncher?20:53
gastlyrafaellaguna, that looks similar to gnome-shell20:53
gilirrafaellaguna, no, to slingshot20:53
rafaellagunagastly: yes, but it's a hundred lighter20:53
stephen-smallyis hosted on launchpad (and written in vala ;-P)20:53
rezbdit look gorgeous. rafaellaguna , what's interface is it?20:54
rafaellagunagilir: no, there's a team on launchpad20:54
gilirfind it : https://code.launchpad.net/~elementary-pantheon/slingshot/new-slingshot20:54
YorvykIt looks like a load of icons on the desktop :(20:54
rafaellagunawarning: the new-slingshot is different20:55
phillwYorvyk: that, I believe is how they run their netbooks... very wierd :)20:55
rezbdlol Yorvyk , yea for a classic deskop20:55
rafaellagunagilir: slingshot now is a gnome2-like menu, semitransparent, like Cinnamon (the new Gnome3 fork for Mint) will look like20:56
rafaellagunait's a hard work taking that and adapt to Lubuntu20:56
rafaellagunaalso, pantheon library requierements are huge!20:56
YorvykI believe we need to find netbook users that like that style of interface and ask them for their views.20:58
rezbdI really like the present desktop interface of Lubuntu. I wounder what will it look like on 12.04 !20:58
Yorvyk2 mins to go!20:58
rezbdYorvyk, I'm a netbook user.20:59
rafaellagunahonestly, I think it's unnecessary, classic session looks fine on netbooks and also notebooks20:59
gilirwell, unles we have a good replacement, I suggest to keep the situation as it is now :)21:00
stephen-smallyyes, but anyway we shouldn't ship lxlauncher until is ready21:00
* rezbd agrees with gilir 21:00
MrChrisDruifSorry I'm so late21:00
rafaellaguname agrees gilir21:00
MrChrisDruifCouldn't come any earlier21:00
gilirstephen-smally, well it is ready, it just can't do many things :)21:01
stephen-smallygraphically speaking ;-)21:01
gilirMrChrisDruif, it's time to finish :( but you will be able to read the logs21:01
gilirok, let's finish, thanks everyone :)21:01
MrChrisDruifUnless everyone has to go, then there is no reason to stop =P21:02
gilirjust a quick information to finish21:02
gilirI would like to cancel the next meeting21:02
YorvykOK bye - must dash!21:02
stephen-smallyno problem, is christmas time21:02
MrChrisDruifBye Yorvyk21:02
rafaellagunadue to xmas?21:02
gilirrafaellaguna, yes21:02
gilirI'll had it the minutes of the meeting21:03
gastlyGood, I have exams next week xD21:03
MrChrisDruifrafaellaguna; the in-between time of Christmas & New Years21:03
jmarsdenSo next meeting Wed Jan 4 201221:03
gilirthanks to everyones, see you next year ;)21:03
rafaellagunahappy new year to everybody! :)21:03
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Wed Dec 21 21:03:56 2011 UTC.21:03
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2011/ubuntu-meeting.2011-12-21-20.02.moin.txt21:03
moergaesSee you all. Merry (Lightweight) Christmas to all.21:04
MrChrisDruifMerry Christmas and a happy new year everyone!21:04
gastlyHave an awesome christmas everyone! :)21:04
phillwhave a good christmas, see you all in the New Year!21:04
rezbdwishing advance Merry Christmas and happy new year to all :)21:05

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