
=== _salem is now known as salem_
brendandgema - google doc for new test cases?11:40
gemabrendand: just a sec11:40
gemabrendand: https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AgtV30nnv18edFQzNVB4S2duOWNOT05zaHo3S0pNekE&hl=en_US#gid=011:41
brendandgema - sure, i was just asking if i should use the same doc for new ones as for re-writing? maybe a seperate tab?11:42
gemabrendand: good call, put them on a separate tab11:42
gemasame kind of format11:42
brendandgema - cool. can you respond to the mail with that advice? so everyone else knows?11:43
gemabrendand: done!11:44
brendandgema - when are your holidays?11:44
gemabrendand: from tomorrow until the 3rd of Jan11:44
gemaback on the 3rd, I mean11:44
brendandgema - cool. i'll be working friday. spending it anywhere nice?11:45
gemabrendand: this time I am staying home, southampton, what about you?11:45
brendandgema - yeah, i'll be in Bath. but going to Ireland for the new year11:45
gemahave fun!11:46
brendandgema - yeah, have a good christmas!11:46
gemayou too! :D11:49
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
alouriegema: is there a meeting today?16:57
gemagive me 3 mins17:00
alourieroignac: want to get over to -meeting?17:03
roignacyep, I'm in17:03
alouriegreat :-)17:03
=== salem_ is now known as _salem

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