
monsterwizardhas anyone had experience with wubi?00:00
jutnuxmonsterwizard: Yep.00:11
jutnuxWhat's the problem?00:11
monsterwizardI have an error00:12
monsterwizardand it tells me to refer to this file00:12
jutnuxIOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'F:\\wubildr'00:22
jutnuxDo you have permission to run Wubi?00:22
monsterwizardahh the problem was python00:37
=== Azelphur_ is now known as Azelphur
directhexthe problem is always python02:28
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dutchiehi czajkowski05:16
MartijnVdSWhy is everyone up this early? :)05:18
czajkowskiheading to the airport05:24
MartijnVdSczajkowski: it's not snowing!05:24
czajkowskiI know this is good05:25
MartijnVdSczajkowski: have a nice flight, etc.05:25
czajkowskiMartijnVdS: cheers, whats your excuse for being up this early ?05:25
MartijnVdSczajkowski: going to work in half an hour05:26
MartijnVdSczajkowski: also, I'm one time zone ahead, so it's 6:2605:26
czajkowskiMartijnVdS: ahh where are you?05:26
MartijnVdSthe Netherlands, as usual :)05:26
czajkowskiMartijnVdS: didnt know that05:27
* dutchie doing night shift :)05:27
czajkowskidutchie: fun!05:27
czajkowskiright time to head05:28
MartijnVdSI'm also considering visiting the "glass house" in Leiden -- they've locked 3 radio DJs inside for a week for charity05:28
danfishoops - the czajkowski effect on travel is in full swing ;) expect delays09:16
* daubers does like it when he can hire people and get's responses to job ads not from agencies09:25
* TheOpenSourcerer thinks he might have had a dodgy pint last night.09:32
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)09:33
bigcalmNew kernel = restart time. Boo :(09:34
christelgood morning09:34
* bigcalm tickles christel before vanishing09:34
christelVANISHING CALM?!09:35
bigcalmBetter than Vanishing Clam09:35
bigcalmI shall return!09:35
christeloh i remember when i kept typoing, and then decided to adopt said spelling, your handle as bigclam :D09:36
bigcalmYep :)09:36
* bigcalm has returned!09:43
bigcalmHi popey09:43
bigcalmNa, 3209:43
bigcalmThat's creepy09:47
smittixSanta's coming soon!09:53
* jutnux becomes a 2 year old once more10:05
jutnuxC# is fast becoming my favourite language10:05
jutnuxOther than Python & Java10:06
smittixSpeaking of Java, I went to use an ATM This morning which had a Java error plastered across the screen10:07
HazRPGsmittix: ooo, did you take pics?10:08
HazRPGcould have been the adverts they use...10:08
smittixWas going to but around here there has been a big press release about lebanese loops being used. So didn't want to look suspicious heh10:09
HazRPGheh ah10:09
* gmb digs up popey's mumbuntu blog posts in preparation for installing inlawbuntu at the weekend. 10:29
bigcalmDoesn't quite have the same ring to it10:29
gmbCould also be known as arghargharghwhywhywhybuntu10:29
gmbDepends, really.10:29
brobostigongood morning everyone,11:00
=== MH0- is now known as MH0
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
ubuntuuk-planet[Ubuntu UK Podcast] S04E22  The Unbeliever - http://podcast.ubuntu-uk.org/2011/12/21/s04e22-the-unbeliever/12:38
Nafallopopey, Daviey: am I still in the mirrors list for the UUPC? :-)12:50
ubuntuuk-planet[Jono Bacon] Quality In Ubuntu - http://www.jonobacon.org/2011/12/21/quality-in-ubuntu/13:09
* aquarius punches popey for the ripping dvds comment :)13:13
* bigcalm pmsl at the panto13:14
bigcalmpopey, tonytiger (Laura & Mark who don't seem to like IRC): What a wonderful play. Well done and thank you for all of the laughs13:20
aquariusharsh to morley!13:25
bigcalmHarsh to call anybody a Brummie13:25
tonytigerbigcalm: thanks :)13:26
tonytigerNafallo: no, your mirror was disabled in May when it went down and up and down13:27
MartijnVdSJump up jump up & get down!13:27
Nafallotonytiger: meh. how useful :-P13:27
Nafallotonytiger: want to re-enable it? :-)13:28
NafalloI believe I changed httpd since then :-P13:28
tonytigerI'll have to manually sync it13:29
Nafallooh. let me go and do that :-)13:29
tonytigerIt's OK, I'm already doing it13:30
Nafalloheh. okay.13:30
NafalloI'll check logs then ;-)13:30
Nafallomeh. looks like it's out of space.13:30
Nafalloand indeed it is.13:31
* Nafallo fixes13:31
tonytigerLet me know when it's fixed.13:32
Nafallowill do13:32
NafalloI bet this machine will have had troubles installing new apt upgrades and stuff.13:33
Nafallotonytiger: okay. you can kick it again. I'm removing new linux kernels as well as having bumped the virtual hard drive a bit and re-partitioned ;-)13:40
Nafalloit had 11 kernels installed ;-)13:40
Nafallomight be a bit many13:41
MartijnVdSPurge ALL the kernels13:41
NafalloMartijnVdS: nah. keeping two :-P13:41
Nafallohah. loads of episodes downloading now ;-)13:43
Nafallosent 13984 bytes  received 821865266 bytes  19804319.28 bytes/sec13:43
Nafallototal size is 10140137089  speedup is 12.3413:43
Nafallotonytiger: okay. I'm up-to-date :-)13:44
NafalloWed, 21 Dec 2011 13:43:13 +0000: Ubuntu-UK podcast mirror operations completed.13:44
tonytigerOK I've turned your mirror back on13:55
Nafallotonytiger: kewl. ta.14:08
bigcalmxmas present from my employer - job security into Spring \o/14:08
MooDoobigcalm: yay!14:10
* daubers wants to sleep now14:15
MooDoodaubers: WAKE UP14:18
daubersMooDoo: I just shipped 12 servers, 12! 8 months ago I would ship that many in  6 weeks! Not 2 weeks into the month they where ordered!14:24
* daubers wonders whether this "recession" thing actually exists or if it's some kind of myth dreamed up by the government to hide something else14:25
kvarleyI just removed a storage hard drive from my computer and now my computer boots to grub rescue14:35
kvarleyIt shouldn't have been affected by the change because the drive that grub is on is the only operating system drive14:35
kvarleyIs it possible that a change in sata cables to the motherboard is to blame?14:35
popeykvarley: its more probably that the boot loader isn't where you thought it was ☺14:38
kvarleycan I use grub rescue to install it to my hard drive? ah yeah, I remember now, the storage drive was the first hdd in the bios for some reason. so it will have installed grub to the first hdd14:38
popeyyeah, i expect so14:39
andylockranhowdy all14:55
andylockrandaubers: interesting14:55
andylockrangiven that the FTSE was at ~6500 at it's peak, and now it's at ~5500 we're not going too badly14:56
andylockran5387 at the mo14:56
kvarley"/usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for /boot/grub (is /dev mounted?)." - popey - any ideas? I get that error when doing "sudo grub-install /dev/sda"15:00
popeykvarley: sorry, am on the phone15:04
kvarleypopey: no problem =]15:04
andylockrankvarley: can you cat /etc/fstab and see if /boot/ should be mounted?15:06
andylockranpost the output of 'cat /etc/fstab' to a pastebin15:06
brobostigonpastebinit /etc/fstab :)15:07
kvarleyandylockran: paste.ubuntu.com/777522/15:08
daubersmeh, the stockmarkets all made up anyway15:09
kvarleyIt doesn't show sda as being mounted15:09
Nafallotonytiger: http://stats.magicalforest.net/mrtg/pony.magicalforest.net_ent.html :-)15:10
andylockrankvarley: can you now run : pastebinit `ls -ltrR /boot`15:11
andylockranto be honest, I am unfamiliar with overlayfs too - so I might not be abl eto help15:12
kvarleyUnable to read from error15:12
andylockranpastebinit `sudo ls -ltrR /boot`15:13
andylockranls -ltrR /boot | pastebinit15:14
kvarleyandylockran: http://paste.ubuntu.com/777535/15:15
kvarleyI'm running from a live disc tho15:16
kvarleySo anything in /boot will be the /boot on the disc, not the one on my hard drive15:16
andylockranthat makes more sense15:23
Nafallotonytiger: oh, in and out is swapped on that thing btw :-P15:24
s-foxo/ MooDoo15:33
Nafallopopey: you should just modify your keymap to always do / if there are numbers after ;-)15:34
kvarleypopey && andylockran: Fixed=D15:37
kvarleyI did "ls" in grub rescue to find out the partitions and then "ls (hd0,6)/boot" to check it was Ubuntu. Then using a live disc I installed it =)15:38
kvarleyThanks for the help15:38
andylockransorry I couldn't help more15:42
andylockrangood job :D15:42
Pendulumczajkowski: hiya!15:56
MooDooczajkowski: afternoon you gorgeous thing you :D *POKE*15:56
czajkowskidanfish: it's funny you say that15:56
czajkowskibetween the bakerpool line and fog adn an mal functioning plane I got home!15:57
czajkowski<----- KNACKERED!15:57
Pendulumczajkowski: as long as you made it in under 100 hours this year ;-)15:57
czajkowskiPendulum: I did15:57
czajkowskiand then went and visted family15:57
czajkowskiso just in the door now15:57
czajkowskihomne to lovely brown irish stew15:57
MooDooglad to see you home safe czajkowski15:58
AzelphurThis is driving me a bit insane, trying to find out how to create a launcher in xfce 4 so that kupfer picks it up15:58
AzelphurIn gnome it was just right click on desktop create launcher15:58
LcawteHmm, what is it that was changed between 10.10 and 11.04 in Ubuntu Server thats meaning my machine can now no longer handle booting 11.04...16:06
Azelphurwoo, had to write my own desktop file in an obscure place but I got it \o/16:07
oimon1super meat boy doesn't run on lucid :(16:11
gordoimon1, it prolly does, try deleting some of the static libraries it ships16:12
oimon1gordi think it's realted to libgl1-mesa-glx16:12
bigcalmI had it running in steam in wine16:12
oimon1needs 7.10 version rather than 7.716:12
bigcalmSome bits didn't look right, but the main game worked well enough16:12
oimon1looking for a PPA that might have later package16:13
LcawteAnybody have any idea what could be causing it to stall at the end of post?16:14
oimon1https://bugzilla.icculus.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5252 looks like a similar bug to the SMB one16:16
lubotu3bugzilla.icculus.org bug 5252 in everything "Segmentation fault on startup (32-bit Linux)" [Critical,Assigned]16:16
bigcalmThat will always be Super Mario Bros16:17
bigcalmThere's no escaping it16:17
oimon1too scared to install a debian package from debian though :(16:18
oimon1i only really bought the humble bundle for super M boy :\16:20
* oimon1 is feeling sad cos he has man flu too16:20
czajkowskiwhoo the mothership has a lovely brown irish stew ready for me!16:22
jpdsThere's a mothership?16:22
czajkowskithere is16:23
jutnuxStew :-(16:26
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
oimon1the other game i wanted Cogs crashes X too :(16:33
s-foxstew \o/16:47
jutnuxstew :c16:52
s-foxNobody like stew?16:53
jutnuxIt's just a mash of everything.16:53
AlanBello/ czajkowski, nice trip?16:54
bigcalmStew rocks16:54
s-foxhi5 bigcalm16:55
Azelphurdoes anyone have a fix for minecraft sticky keys in 1.0?17:05
Azelphurupdating LWGL seems to cause it to crash for me :(17:06
bigcalmIt's been a bug since day 117:07
Azelphuryea but there's been patches about for it17:07
monster2323does anyone feel the feed to install themselves into the internet?17:09
Azelphurah there we go got it, the script I was using grabbed the latest LWGL which apparently minecraft isn't compatible with, 2.6 seems to let me in game, hopefully no more sticky keys17:09
gordsaw a guy with an ubuntu top on at the shop, i'm not alone in this town!17:13
bigcalmgord: you don't feel so special any more?17:19
gordi always feel special17:20
* popey feels gord's special17:20
popeyalso, here is a picture of the wing commander17:21
popeyguy with the moustach17:21
* daubers always imagined him with a tash a bit more like http://www.campbestival.net/media/Mr_B_the_Gentleman_Rhymer_3_1304773842.jpg17:23
stevepdpgood evening folks17:44
* daubers goes home17:47
czajkowskihttp://media.iwm.org.uk/iwm/mediaLib/148/media-148168/large.jpg  was waht I had in my head17:52
gordhttp://www.gametronik.com/site/rubriques/abandonware_simulation/Jeux/Wing%20Commander%20III%20-%20Heart%20of%20the%20Tiger%20%28fr%29/Scans/wing-commander-iii-cover-art.jpg - what i had in my head17:59
=== chalced is now known as chalcedony
zleaphi ubuntubhoy19:27
zleaphows it going19:28
ubuntubhoynot so bad19:28
ubuntubhoybut my internet is down19:28
ubuntubhoyand my phone data connection is flaky19:29
ubuntubhoyso tethering may or may not last19:29
zleapi just switched over to unity19:30
zleapon 11.0419:30
ubuntubhoyhow you finding it ?19:30
zleapi have also tried 12.04 so that has a big improvement19:30
ubuntubhoyI prefer Gnome Shell, but my wife and daughters prefer Unity19:31
zleapi like having easy access to common apps19:31
zleapi was using gnome but thought i have time so why not switch to unity and see how i get on,  not much major course work to get in the way19:32
ubuntubhoyI have on this install, and it works pretty well19:32
ubuntubhoyits a touchscreen though so I have it set to always show19:33
ubuntubhoybut its good for my fat fingers19:33
zleapi will look inot how to configure so it always shows19:33
zleapi am going to try and promote ubuntu locally a bit more given we are one of the most deprived areas of the country (torbay) or aparently we are19:36
stuphiAnybody here running 12.04? I think I have found a bug in 11.10 and wondered if it was fixed.19:41
AlanBellstuphi: bug number?19:42
stuphiI have not submitted it. Not found anything after a quick search but wondered if it was worth raising a bug if it has already been fixed in the next version.19:43
stuphiIf I open a terminal, and then use Ctrl+Alt+Num6, I then can't grab the edge to resize.19:44
zleapctrl-alt-f6 opens a full screen console on here19:46
zleapf7 is the gui19:46
zleapwell ctrl-alt-f719:46
stuphinum pad 619:46
HazRPGhey guys19:47
stuphiIt may be intended to work like that. It is just chrome allows resize.19:47
HazRPGi seem to be having a bit of trouble with my sound on 11.04 (was on 10.10, but upgraded since people recommeneded that it would fix it) but so far no joy19:47
zleapctrl-alt num keys seem to auto position the current active window19:47
stuphiYep, but sometimes I want to fine adjust after.19:48
zleapi can resize from here on 11.0419:48
stuphiFor terminal and files I can't, but chrome, I can19:48
stuphiThat gives me a new terminal.19:49
zleapthen doing ctrl-alt num keys resizes it right19:50
zleapand on 11.04 you can'ty then resize19:50
stuphiYep. Now try and grab an edge19:50
zleapand on 11.10 you can'ty then resize19:50
zleapit works on 11.0419:50
zleapso i guess the bug may be in 11.1019:50
stuphiI was hoping to find somone with 12.04 so that I don't have to upgrade to see if it is fixed.19:51
zleapstuphi, try #ubuntu+119:51
zleapas we may have narrowed it down to when the bug started 11.1019:52
stuphiOk. Thanks.19:52
zleapi will see if my cd boots and have a go19:54
stuphiI am not alone! :-) bug 89236819:56
lubotu3Launchpad bug 892368 in unity (Ubuntu) "I can't drag a half-maximized window to be any wider anymore" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89236819:56
AlanBellstuphi: oh yeah, I have seen that happen19:59
stuphiAlanBell: Did you also see how to fix it? :-)20:00
AlanBellnope, just un-half-maximise it20:01
HazRPGanyone :(?20:03
zleapstuphi, got someone in #ubuntu+1 so tried to ask the same question20:03
stuphizleap: My old nogin struggles to cope with multiple channels.20:04
stuphiIt's like trying to listen to two people at once. Just can't do it.20:05
zleapi am trying to ask, at the same time as booting on anoter pc20:07
zleapso keep needing to chance the cables around (1 monitor)20:08
stuphizleap: Much apreciated. Don't bust a gut though.20:09
zleapits not a problem20:09
zleap12,04 booting from cd is being a pain20:09
AlanBellstuphi: doesn't work in 12.04 either20:12
zleapAlanBell, so is that a bug then20:15
AlanBellit is bug 89236820:15
lubotu3Launchpad bug 892368 in unity (Ubuntu) "I can't drag a half-maximized window to be any wider anymore" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89236820:15
zleapgrrrr live cd isn't booting20:17
zleapand it worked the other day620:17
stuphiAlanBell: Thanks.20:28
stuphizleap: You have just reminded me. I promised an 11.10 CD for a friend. Must burn that now.20:28
zleapah np20:29
AlanBellor, for the price of postage I can send an official CD if you like20:29
zleapI was just going to mention that20:29
AzelphurWhat's a decent FS for an SSD? Should I just use EXT4 or is there some magic bullet for free performance :P20:29
AlanBellAzelphur: someone pointed out that ext4 has some wear leveling optimisations in it for SSD20:30
Azelphurhamitron: bitcoin price...is rising :o It's up to £2.5020:31
jutnuxDidn't LulzSec get nearly £1,000,000 from BitCoins?21:35
jutnuxRealised I'm an hour late.21:36
ali1234jutnux: there's only $7M worth of bitcoins... so no21:50
jutnuxOh right.21:52
jutnuxMight have been £100,000 then,21:52
jutnuxThey did get a lot though, I know that.21:52
ali1234even if they did, if they tried to sell them, it would crash the price21:53
ubuntuuk-planet[Gareth France] And now for something completely different& - http://cliftonts.co.uk/cubuntu/?p=2822:11
palnHi guys23:27
palnWhat you guys talking about?23:28
AlanBellit is quite a quiet night really, but anything ubuntuish and ukish is on topic23:28
paln;D I haven't been on this channel in a looooooooong time23:29
palnnot much has changed23:29
AlanBellmust get round to redecorating it at some point23:30
palnAnyways, I have a question23:30
palnDo you think Lubuntu 11.10 would work on a system with a 1GHz CPU and 128MB RAM?23:31
palnI really need more RAM, I get that23:31
AlanBell❄ ❅ ❆ snowflakes23:31
palnBut for the meantime?23:31
palnhehe cool23:31
AlanBellyeah, you need more ram. Might install though23:32
AlanBell you could ask in #lubuntu23:32
palnWhat do you think the highest size module you could get of SDR ram would be?23:33
palnI've been looking round but all I can seem to find is up to 512mb23:33
palnIt's a really old machine -- 11 years, 12 in February23:34
AlanBellwow, what is that thing?23:34
palnRuns windows ME23:34
paln:D laughing ecstatically23:35
AlanBelltime for an upgrade perhaps, a little Atom motherboard would work just great and you can stick a few gig in that23:35
palnCan't be asked to waste money23:36
palnI've got a laptop23:36
palnAnd I'm using an iPod touch right now23:36
* AlanBell looks in box of bits23:37
palnHow do you do that?23:38
AlanBellI have a 128MB stick and a 512mb stick and an unlabled stick which looks a lot like the 51223:39
palnSDR ram?23:39
AlanBellPC133 stuff, I think it is SDR, has two notches in the base23:39
palnU have ram modules on you right now?23:39
palnYep, that's ram23:39
AlanBellyeah I know it is ram :)23:39
palnI meant yep, that's SDR ram23:40
palnI'm only 14 though23:40
palnSo I wouldn't think someone would have RAM lying around?23:40
zleapi hate windows23:41
AlanBellhttp://ubuntu-uk.org/free-cds/ follow that procedure and put a note in it and I will send you an Ubuntu CD and the ram, you just pay the postage23:41
palnzleap: can't say the same myself, but it's a pain most of the time23:42
zleapjust booted into windows, and it crashed,  rebooted and the system repair thing deleted files (or did something without asking)  and now it boots but won't get very far23:42
bigcalmpaln: sign up to a local freecycle list and you will occasionally find some gems23:42
zleapwell until i can get my printer working in ubuntu Iam stuck printing stuff using windows23:42
palnzleap: u got a recovery cd? What make is your machine?23:43
AlanBellor a LUG, loads of people have boxes of old stuff which they are happy to give to a good home23:43
AlanBellzleap: what printer?23:43
palnbigcalm: cool, will have to go to one sometime23:43
zleapbrother mfc j615w23:43
palnAlanBell: thanks for the tip as well23:43
zleapi have found the right software on the brother site,  and can't get it to work23:43
zleapsoftware centre says the deb files provided are bad23:44
zleapor have serious errors23:44
palnzleap: try opening them in gdebi-gtk23:44
zleapi just need to copy a filter driver somewhere23:45
palnIt resolved quite a few issues I've had with deb files in the past23:45
palnBtw I'm not new to Linux, but haven't really got into the community as such23:45
AlanBellzleap: seen https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cups/+question/14578323:46
bigcalmpaln: well done for making that 1st step by joining #ubuntu-uk :)23:47
zleapok thanks23:48
bigcalmIt's like gym membership - once you join, you can never leave23:48
palnbigcalm: I did about a year ago, but was never to return...23:48
palnThat is, until now :D23:48
AlanBellnight all o/23:48
palnAlanBell: see ya thanks for the help23:48
bigcalmGood night AlanBell :)23:48
gordonjcpI like the gym I go to ;-)23:49
palngordonjcp: good to know23:50
zleapis there a commadn i can use to find out where myprinter is on the network23:50
zleapas in devices / ip addresses23:51
palnzleap: couldn't you use iwconfig ?23:51
palnlists all network interfaces23:52
zleapwill ifconfig do that too23:52
palnnot sure, maybe23:53
palnI'm not an expert23:53
palnjust an enthusiast23:53
zleapsame here23:54
palnbigcalm: where'd ya go?23:54
palnzleap: ;)23:54
palnzleap: how long you been using Linux?23:54
zleapthe commands on the site i was given fail due to spefici directories not existing23:54
zleapproperly a few years,  but stareted out way back with the 1.0.9 kernel23:54
zleapbut that was just playing around with it23:55
palnzleap: whoa that's long23:55
zleapmy main claimto fame is I amon the first page of the dclug archive23:55
palnI first started out with Ubuntu 10.04 to see what Linux was like23:55
zleapcirca 199923:55
palnzleap: yea I figured around 200023:55
zleapyeah i ahve used slackware, redhat, suse,  caldera (briefly, as it failed to let me log in)23:56
palnzleap: lol I've never heard of Caldera...what's it based upon?23:56
zleapstill got the first 2 issues of linux world somewhere,23:56
zleapnot sure,  i will have to dig it out23:56
zleapalso got a cd of debian 1.223:57
palnmy neighbours are American ad a couple years back they let two guys rent the place23:57
palnlast week they came back from America do they guys who rented it had to move out23:57
zleapdunno i would have thought they would have to give some sort of notice23:58
palnbefore they left they left outside the house a bunch of Linux CDs and old ThinkPads and Lenovo pcs with the weird trackpads between the J and k keys :P23:58
palnI'm trying to find power adapters that wok with them so I can use the things23:59
zleapthe linux cd's may be useful23:59

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