
Kilosmorning superfly and others06:03
superflyhi Kilos06:03
KilosMaaz, coffee on06:12
* Maaz starts grinding coffee06:12
KilosMaaz, hurry06:14
MaazHey! Kilos Patience is a virtue, 06:14
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!06:16
KilosMaaz, ty06:16
MaazEnjoy Kilos06:16
sakhi_life would be so easy if there was a command to upgrade from 10.04 LTS 32 bit to 64bit but I guess its not at the OS leyer.13:13
Mezenirhi hi14:35
superflysakhi: there is one way, but you need to be a psychopath to want to even try15:50
tumbleweedsuperfly: how's that package?15:58
superflytumbleweed: no further than when we last looked at it15:59
tumbleweedpish :P15:59
superflyI think I needed to correct the license as a first step15:59
superflyjust been busy fixing bugs for this weekend's release15:59
tumbleweedyeah, releases come first16:01
Mezenirwhat package is that ?16:54
zereflolz, just realised, i've never used the software center17:11
superflyMezenir: one of my open source projects, http://openlp.org/17:21
superflyMezenir: I want to get it into Debian, and thereby also into Ubuntu17:21
rossouwapMezenir, you there?17:30
Mezenirhows it going17:31
rossouwapcool - saw a press release from Mozilla today that you may be interested in17:32
Mezenirsaw that17:32
Mezeniron slashdot17:32
Mezenirgood news all around17:32
Mezeniri guess its a way for google to gain good publicity17:32
Kiloseveningsupand others18:02
Kilostry again18:03
Kilosevening superfly and others18:03
superflyhi Kilos!18:04
superflyoom, ek het goeie nuus18:04
superflyzak sal 'n boetie of 'n sussie kry volgende jaar18:04
Kiloswaar kry jy die tyd18:05
Kiloso op vakansie18:05
Kilosveels geluk18:05
superflythanks oom18:06
Kiloscongrats mrs_fly_ 18:07
Kiloshow come her nick got a tail superfly 18:07
Kilosthank heavens for tab complete18:08
superflyKilos: dunno, netsplits or something18:08
mrs_fly_Thanks Oom Kilos!18:08
Kiloseverything of the best young lady18:08
Kiloslook after yourself  now and make the fly do all the work18:09
Kilosnight all. sleep tight18:42
tumbleweedmarcog: hrm, maybe see you in may: http://uds.ubuntu.com/19:40
marcogtumbleweed: cool :)19:47
marcogeveryone seems to be passing through here, it's crazy19:48
marcognot that i'm complaining at all :P19:48
marcogif you want a place to crash at any time, we've got a couch in our place in mountain view19:49
tumbleweedthanks, probably won't, but not even thinking that far ahead right now19:52
marcoglol, just after that another friend tells me plans to come by in feb20:05
* nuvolari sigh20:14
nuvolariany LaTeX users around?20:14
nuvolariwhoot! Congratulations superfly + mrs_fly_ :D20:14
superflythanks nuvolari20:15
* nuvolari rephrase: any LaTeX users around that created customisations of beamer themes around?20:16
tumbleweedI've customised themes, but not beamer20:17
tumbleweedmarcog: you ever customised beamer?20:17
tumbleweedsuperfly: oh, indeed, congrats20:18
superflythanks tumbleweed :-)20:18
* tumbleweed .sister just popped a sprog20:19
tumbleweedthe first of our generation20:19
tumbleweed(well, in the family, and excluding cousins)20:19
marcogtumbleweed: nope21:01

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