
JulianRNope, not with GParted. I'm using the Disk Utility from Ubuntu00:00
JulianRSince it's not the main partition.00:00
kroq-gar78me no likey00:00
JulianRI had Windows in that partition.00:00
Ibysssudo apt-get install gparted00:00
TiMiDokroq-gar78, did you fix you're error?00:00
TiMiDocool ;)00:00
kroq-gar78TiMiDo: nope T_T00:00
monsterwizardhas anyone had experience with wubi?00:00
TiMiDooh i though you did.00:00
kroq-gar78lol sry00:00
Ibyssmonsterwizard: Yes, an older version if it.00:00
Ibyssmonsterwizard: Works well.00:00
monsterwizardnot for me it seems00:01
kroq-gar78monsterwizard: worked flawlessly for me... 3-4 times...00:01
JulianRIbyss: doing that =)00:01
Ibyssmonsterwizard: Issues?00:01
TiMiDokroq-gar78, msg me for a sec00:01
kroq-gar78TiMiDo: ok00:01
monsterwizardI got an error00:01
monsterwizardwhich told me to look in a file00:01
monsterwizardthis is the file http://pastebin.com/VtkG7tsF00:01
monsterwizardI've attempted to install it 5 times00:01
monsterwizardthe same error appears00:01
IdleWarshipWhat's a quick way in terminal to loop a command, with pause, until I escape it?00:02
kroq-gar78monsterwizard: redownload both the wubi installer and image maybe?00:02
monsterwizardI've done that 5 times00:02
JulianROkay, doing the format with gparted now.00:02
TiMiDoIdleWarship, bash scripting ;)00:02
vsync_monsterwizard maybe check the last line? =)))00:02
abu-bakrhi folks, can't seem to get the time and date settings to come up  ?!?00:02
abu-bakrfresh install 11:0400:02
abu-bakrwont show up on the bottom option after clicking on the clock or by going to preferences00:03
abu-bakrany ideas?00:03
karniIdleWarship: while (true) do <command_here>; sleep 1; done;00:03
IdleWarshipTiMiDo: karni: Great, thanks. Doin' it.00:04
karniIdleWarship: Ctrl+D to stop00:04
bf4648I wipped my mac mini 's hard drive clean & installed ubuntu on it...how do I install the drivers for wireless internet to work?00:04
* abu-bakr rings the bell00:04
TiMiDook IdleWarship  ;)00:04
karniIdleWarship: not sure what you mean by bot. That *is* a bash script.00:04
bf4648I've got the CD that came w/ mac mini00:05
reisubSo i'm sitting here, watching a flash video (youtube) and i click the link to bring me to another video, and I get a system hangup, complete hangup.  So i reboot, start my other browser (Cause i'm used to system fuckups) and play another flash video (again, youtube)  and again.. I click a link for the next video and i get a total system lockup.. I check my logfiles ang see this... CE: hpet increased min_delta_ns to 25312 nsec00:05
reisubactually that's the last of three in the logs00:06
insectatoriousguys, in a bash script, after executing a command, what's the check to see if the command completed successfully? something with a $ I think00:06
bf4648$result = $cmd, $result, $response_code00:06
IdleWarshipkarni: Oh, I thought a bash script was specifically a .sh, and not script in terminal.  I see they are one in the same, now.00:07
insectatoriousbf4648: what's the $response_code?00:07
karniIdleWarship: Right. Just paste that into terminal, and replace <command_here with a bash command/script you need.00:07
reisubso anyone help me figure out my problem?00:07
reisubi can reproduce it really simply here00:07
armyinsectatorious: you mean $? it has the returncode00:07
vsync_reisub you could try to disable hpet on boot00:07
bf4648sorry return_code00:08
insectatoriousarmy: whoa! that was a brain freeze on my part...thanks so much!00:08
reisubit's not doing it with firefox00:09
reisubmaybe it's a bug with chromium/chrome00:09
inzinsectatorious, you can also simply do if command; then ... fi00:09
reisubyep here we go, it's happening only in chrome?00:10
reisubyep fuck google chrome00:10
kroq-gar78!language | reisub00:10
ubottureisub: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.00:10
kroq-gar78beat you!00:11
insectatoriousinz: thanks! and going by that and what bf4648 said, I should be able to do $result = command  ?00:11
reisubwoah there geeks00:11
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abu-bakrok.. can someone at least tell me what the heck super cow powers are?00:14
jack_^abu-bakr: dont worry about it. you dont have them00:15
DeviceZer0after upgrading my 11.10 system none of my cifs/samba mounts will mount.00:15
abu-bakraherm jack_^ my terminal would beg to differ00:16
jack_^abu-bakr: your terminal tells you that you have super cow powers? :P00:16
abu-bakrno it says that the APT does00:16
ScrivenCan anyone here point me to GPS 'stuff'? Having a hard time getting usb gps working w/ ubuntu.00:16
King_OzzyScriven there is the channel #ubuntu00:16
jack_^abu-bakr: try sudo apt-get moo00:17
ScrivenKing_Ozzy, isn't this #ubuntu?00:17
King_Ozzyright, so spit out the question :D00:17
abu-bakrjack_^:  oic00:17
abu-bakrso its just a way for nerds to blow off steam at the terminal huh?00:18
ScrivenKing_Ozzy, I don't know enough about the problem to ask intelligently yet, that's why I'm looking for basic pointers. The gps seems to be installed, kinda of, but isn't giving useful data. It's usb-serial built in, which shows up under lsusb, but that's about it.00:18
Scrivenusing a sony gps unit reportedly.00:19
Scrivenit's marketed as a GPS1100U00:19
abu-bakrFellas, I can't seem to get the time and date settings to come up  ?!?00:20
abu-bakrfresh install 11:0400:20
abu-bakrwont show up on the bottom option after clicking on the clock or by going to preferences00:20
abu-bakrany ideas?00:20
abu-bakrhow do i reinstall the package or something,, that might fix it00:20
kroq-gar78maybe update system?00:20
OerHeksset your time in the bios first00:20
almoxarifeScriven: what useful data is missing?00:21
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King_OzzyScriven what does "installed kind of" mean?00:21
Scrivenalmoxarife, AFAIK there is no useful satellite data coming through. I'm wondering first how to do basic hardware verification. IE, is this device working.00:22
almoxarifeScriven: what did you install to take the data and use it?00:22
ScrivenKing_Ozzy, the usb-serial shows up in lsusb, dmesg shows driver installed. gps programs attempt to communicate with /dev/ttyUSB0, but the gui/cli programs fail with no data, and I don't know enough about the stream to know what's wrong.00:22
ScrivenI've tried various programs, xgps, cgps, gpsprof, a gui one who's name escapes me.00:23
abu-bakrOerHeks: bios time is fine00:23
Scrivengpspipe -r does give information, I just don't know enough about GPS to know if it's valid or not.00:23
abu-bakrthe time reads correct.. i just cant get in to the settings .. (i like to have the date showing!)00:23
Scriventangogps was the other one  I tried.00:25
kroq-gar78abu-bakr: don't do this yet, but maybe "unity --replace"? that resets unity, right? Assuming ur using unity00:25
almoxarifeScriven: so, you have installed a piece of hardware and it produces output, but you can't trust it, given that its gps I would continue to not trust it till you can get it to place a big X on a chart and agree that is where you are at on earth00:26
OerHeksabu-bakr, that is odd, file a bugreport00:26
abu-bakrkroq-gar78: no sorry.. dont use unity..00:26
Scrivenalmoxarife, that's exactly where I'm at.00:27
abu-bakrwhen i clock on the link under preferences, the curser has a think about it.. but then decides to do nothing..00:27
almoxarifeScriven: opencpn will take the input from a gps and locate you on a chart, given that it already has the chart00:27
abu-bakrmaybe the cow needs easter eggs?00:27
Scrivenalmoxarife, the various programs that are supposed to the "you are here" mapping for me fail to do anything useful.00:27
abu-bakri meant 'when i click on the link!'00:27
Scrivenalmoxarife, trying it.00:27
theborgerMikeyn: no you can do the same steps on a linux box00:28
almoxarifeScriven: also there is a better app from win called 'seaclear' and it runs in wine and it will take the gps input, I have used it a lot more than opencpn00:28
Scrivenok, will try that one too.00:29
Mikeyntheborger, my ubuntu install errors, hence me needing to boot from a usb install00:29
theborgerMikeyn: so boot the eeepc your using? with a live usb?00:29
Mikeynim using my gfs eeepc with windows xp00:29
jpmhhow do I set key bindings in 11.10?00:30
almoxarifeScriven: seaclear with gps and the correct chart of your area, can be trusted, well, I have trusted it00:30
Mikeynim trying to make the usb bootable on my macbook, which i was originally using00:30
theborgerMikeyn: all of those xp utilities to burn to usb are mostley crap00:30
Scrivenalmoxarife, So is that a basic setup, if it doesn't work there's hardware issues? It would be nice for me to at least eliminate busted hardware at some point.00:30
theborgerMikeyn: so if you want to be sure it is the usb causing the problem. Use linux and dd00:30
IbyssTiMiDo: THink it'll be wise for me to switch to using oss?00:32
almoxarifeScriven: you should be able to see output, the output will look like greek without something for it to actually put a big X on, then where the X lies better be where you are at00:32
IbyssInstead of alsamixer?00:32
Scrivenalmoxarife, is there some place I can just get that stream from gpspipe -r verified?00:33
almoxarifeScriven: no idea, do you see the output coords? does the coords match reality?00:34
Scriventhe output is NEMA stream data that I don't know how to manually interpret.00:34
Scrivenor at least appears to be.00:34
TiMiDoIbyss, ??00:35
almoxarifeScriven: correct00:35
almoxarifeScriven: you have wine ?00:35
almoxarifeScriven: find 'seaclear' , you near a US waterway?00:36
Scrivendownloading seaclear now in fact.00:36
ScrivenFairly close to Seattle (I'm in Canada).00:37
kernelpanickerAfter locking myself out of sudo on ubuntu running on a VM running on KVM on my server, I can't get into single user mode to add a root password because I can't get into grub; the image starts too fast to use virt-viewer to get to it.  Help!00:37
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almoxarifeScriven: near san juan de fuqua channel?00:37
Scrivenjuan de fuqua, yes.00:38
Lunar_Landerhello, I just saw in my Software Center history three entries: "Today" "Tuesday" and "October 12"00:39
almoxarifeScriven: great, use the US charts for the area nearest your location, with seaclear you will get a little boat planted on top of your location00:39
Lunar_Landercan that thing be because I use 11.10 and this was released October 13?00:39
Scrivenus charts, ok.00:39
almoxarifeScriven: unless you want to pay for canadian charts, you guys are cheap00:40
almoxarifeScriven: this is getting off topic, if you need more help, pm me00:40
Scrivenlol, nah, just wondering why it's saying I'm in the middle of the atlantic ocean.00:40
almoxarifeScriven: zero lat, zero long00:41
Lunar_Landerany idea about my observation?00:41
OerHeksLunar_Lander, some iso's were build 11, yours at 12 and last at 13 october, correct00:42
Lunar_Landerso that entry marks what was installed from the CD00:42
reisubso disabling hpet didn't work00:43
reisubit still freezes up00:44
reisubit's like the latest updates fucked it up00:44
reisubthat's like always00:44
reisubso here's how to reproduce the issue, running 10.10, navigate to a youtube video, let it play about all the way, then click a link for another video00:44
reisubdo this once or twice and you'll get a flash on your screen then the whole system will lock up00:44
OerHeksreisub, what version ubuntu, what browser & version etc ?00:45
reisuball browsers00:45
reisubbefore i disabled hpet i got  "hpet increasing max_delta_ns to xxxxx nsec00:46
reisubthat would happen just as it froze every time00:46
reisubthere would be like 3-5 lines00:47
reisubeach with a larger xxxxx number00:47
reisubi also get these and don't know why00:48
reisubpciehp 0000:00:01.0:pcie04: Card not present on Slot(16)00:48
reisubpciehp 0000:00:01.0:pcie04: Card present on Slot(16)00:48
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khaime_I am running ubuntu 10.10 on a hp compaq nc6220 who has a built-in "Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 2200BG [ Calexico2 ] Network Conneciton" ...........i read that the ipw200 driver is the driver to make this work, and that it is a part of the kernel of 10.10.........but for some reason I can not get it to work....also on this laptop , the wirelss and the bluetooth are integrated...i can turn on the bluetooth , but i can not turn on t00:55
khaime_he wireless.....when I do a "lshw -C network" it shows : "*-network DISABLED"  for the wireless....can anyone help ?   thanks in advance !00:55
reisubI wonder if it's actually flash causing the issue00:55
reisubjust reinstalled to see00:55
reisubgimmie a minute to play the video and prepare for breakdown00:56
reisubwell here we go00:57
reisubthat's the issue00:58
alexxandernot sure i have it written  down right - if i want to change my dns then i use sudo nano /etc/resolv.config right?01:01
TiMiDouse /etc/hosts01:01
TiMiDofor a hostname01:01
FloodBot1TiMiDo: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:01
reisuballright guys01:02
reisubwhy does flash ALWAYS break ubuntu?01:02
King_Ozzyalright guy01:02
reisuband what can i do to fix it?01:02
TiMiDoreisub, amd 64?01:02
blackshirtreisub: flash not working greats on my linux01:03
reisubLinux laptop 2.6.35-31-generic-pae #63-Ubuntu SMP Mon Nov 28 20:48:50 UTC 2011 i686 GNU/Linux01:03
TiMiDoreisub, install a kernel-image something like i38601:03
reisubi haven't had any problems up until i did the updates pushed down today01:04
TiMiDobecause flash is very buggy in terms of architecture i68601:04
TiMiDowhat type of laptop or computer is it reisub "01:04
reisubvmus m01:04
reisubfriggen numlock01:05
TiMiDoare you drunk?01:05
reisubno my fuggin numlock was off01:05
reisubso how can i view what updates were pushed down today01:05
reisuband can i uninstall them updates?01:05
TiMiDoreisub, use synaptic01:06
TiMiDofor GUI interface01:06
reisubso there's an 'updated today' view?01:06
TiMiDocheck it out :)01:07
TiMiDoit will tell you there01:07
reisubi am checking it out01:07
reisuband there is no 'updated today' link01:07
TiMiDocheck the packages that we're installed01:08
reisubwe are?01:08
reisubok you're obviously no help01:08
TiMiDoty for that01:09
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Kur0Tsuk1hi guys01:09
reisubso anyone /else/ know how i can view which packages were updated today ?01:09
Kur0Tsuk1anyone know how fixed the problem with sis drivers01:10
blackshirtKur0Tsuk1: what the problem with sis ?01:11
* OerHeks hears SiS and feels sad01:13
Canadian1296Anyone active?01:16
OerHekshi Canadian129601:17
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Canadian1296OerHeks, hi...01:18
Canadian1296Need some help writing a script, should be fairly simple.01:20
Canadian1296Can anyone help?01:21
seidosin what language Canadian1296 ?01:21
Canadian1296sedios, bash01:21
TiMiDoCanadian1296, join #bash01:21
TiMiDofor help01:21
Barridusis there a way to obtain the path to the folder you're looking at in dolphin so i can copy and paste it elsewhere?  i used to be able to do that but it appears that function has been removed/hidden01:22
Clayman1000xSomebody at Cnet forums told me that someone here might be able to help me with a netgear wna3100 wireless usb adapter01:22
Barridusused to in previous ubuntu(s)*01:22
Clayman1000xfor ubuntu 11.1001:23
wolfmitchellIt says that I am not in the sudoers file, but I was earlier today and I am the only user on the system. Any help?01:28
jrwrenwhere does upstart store it status ?01:29
jrwrenbecuase I say start... it doesn't bother to try to run start.01:29
jrwrenit thinks it is already started, because of some stored status.01:29
milamberwolfmitchell: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo01:30
TiMiDojrwren, check out /etc/init.d out ;)01:30
TiMiDoor service appname start or stop01:30
Kirejihow do I add a path so that teh man pages appear in man?01:31
Kireji$MANPATH is blank, and there is a mapath command, referencing some .manpath file01:31
jpmhhow do I set keybindings with ubuntu 11.1001:31
wolfmitchellHow do I go into recovery mode when I installed with WUBI?01:31
Kirejibut the man page for manpath doesn't spcifify the format of the .manpath file01:31
jrwrenTiMiDo: those are old init.d rc.d style script. I'm talking about status of upstart jobs01:31
Kirejidizzyingly stupid01:31
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warfarenTiMiDo: your nickname looks a lot like TiMidity. that's no coincidence is it?01:32
TiMiDowarfaren, i am confidence 100 % ;)01:32
TiMiDojrwren, exec /bin/foo --opt -xyz foo bar01:33
TiMiDothat's how i help around in launchpad ;)01:33
Clayman1000xUbuntu 11.10 does not see my Netgear wna3100 wireless usb adapter, so I can't get on the internet01:33
jrwrenlet me start over. upstart isn't execing or respawning dbus. so I get no dbus on boot. How can I fix this?01:33
Clayman1000xI'm short a driver package I think01:34
TiMiDoClayman1000x, type dmesg to see if is detect it or not01:34
TiMiDoand check the dmesg output and paste it some where01:34
wolfmitchellWhen running Ubuntu with WUBI, how do go into recovery mode?01:34
OerHeksClayman1000x, askubuntu has the answer > http://askubuntu.com/questions/48563/could-anyone-help-me-get-my-netgear-wna3100-broadcom-bcm43231-wireless-adapter01:35
TiMiDowolfmitchell, http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/9142/easily-install-ubuntu-linux-with-windows-using-the-wubi-installer/01:35
RalliasHow do I open a deja-dup backup in windows?01:35
TiMiDowith windows back up?01:36
eucHi, I have a VIA KM400 graphics chipset. How can I use Compiz with it? When I try, I get: Fatal: Support for non power of two textures missing. Thanks for any help you can give!01:36
RalliasTiMiDo Link?01:36
RalliasTiMiDo I made a deja-dup backup while I was on linux, it has data I need on windows, and right now I don't have access to linux.01:37
wolfmitchell...I do not have the Grub menu,01:37
TiMiDoRallias, http://linuxaria.com/article/deja-dup-the-backup-simple-and-fast-is-served?lang=en01:37
Kirejihow do I update man to include one more directory?01:38
RalliasTMiDo the issue is, I need to open it in windows, not linux01:38
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KirejiI've manually built and installed a new program, in /usr/local/programname  and it inclues a bunch of man pages in /usr/local/programname/man/man[58]/*01:38
TiMiDoKireji, sudo updatedb01:40
TiMiDoand you're good01:40
Clayman1000xI have to log off xp and go into ubuntu to try dmesg, be right back01:40
TiMiDoit will sync you're new man pages so you can view them with xman or man or01:40
TiMiDowhatever the case might be.01:40
KirejiTiMiDo: I thought updatedb just did the locale db01:41
Kirejierm the *locate db01:41
TiMiDoif you run it as normal user of course for the local db ;)01:41
TiMiDoif you run it with sudo privileges it will look in the /root directory01:42
TiMiDoor whatever you might have them locate it at01:42
Suit_Of_Sableshey gang, On one of my linux machines the tty screen only seems to register every other keystroke. This is a huge pain in the butt! I know it isn't the input device because it happens on both my wired keyboard and my wireless mini keyboard remote. has anyone ever heard of a problem like this? Any idea what might be causing it?01:44
TiMiDoSuit_Of_Sables, which release are you running?01:45
wanmy graphic card is messed up - how can I launch ubuntu ? are there some graphic drivers that would do all the processing on CPU ? on windows there's vga.dll01:45
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TiMiDopastebin you're xorg.conf wan  and you're xorg error ;)01:46
Suit_Of_SablesTiMiDo: This system actually has arch on it. But the people in that channel are not so helpful sometimes :*( I figured it would be an issue across distros01:46
IbyssTiMiDo: I was wondering if I should switch to using Opensource Sound System or not.01:46
milamber!nomodeset | wan01:46
ubottuwan: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter01:46
TiMiDoSuit_Of_Sables, i have use arch before01:46
IbyssAlsa breaks a lot.01:46
TiMiDobut refer it to #archlinux01:46
TiMiDoor to there forums01:46
temporizeranyone find a fix for the "kworker" issue?01:46
temporizeri have 13 of them running now01:46
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temporizeri'm using 11.0401:47
TiMiDotemporizer, check the kworker ppa repository it self.01:47
Guest14440hi, one question.. as it seems any web server is running on my ubuntu (localhost shows "It works!..." but i stopped apache2 und lampp...but any server must still be running. how can i find out which one?01:47
wanthanks, i'll try it - but it's more than corrupted splash screen - monitor just goes to suspended mode, and whole computer hangs - and thats due to damaged graphic card, but i'll try it, thanks01:47
TiMiDotemporizer https://launchpad.net/+search?field.text=kworker01:47
temporizerTiMiDo, how exactly do i do that?01:47
TiMiDotemporizer, saw you're answer?01:49
eucAsking again… Hi, I have a VIA KM400 graphics chipset. How can I use Compiz with it? When I try, I get: Fatal: Support for non power of two textures missing. Thanks for any help you can give!01:50
TiMiDoeuc, what drivers are you using?01:50
TiMiDoon you're xorg?01:50
temporizerso no. no fix... yet.01:51
IbyssI can't wait to upgrade my hardware, I badly want to use gnome.01:51
computa_mikehi - Anyone there used Bombono?  I'm writing a DVD but the video is all corrupted and rubbish.  It's totally nothing like the original source video.  Running Ubuntu 11.10.   Is this going to be an upstream thing?01:51
MooseRFunIbyss: you don't need much hardware to run gnome, unity perhaps yes though01:52
IbyssMooseRFun: I'm on a pentium 4 computer :(01:52
MooseRFunIbyss: thats not bad, plenty for gnome, I ran linux on p4 for quite some time and it ran well01:52
IbyssMooseRFun: I like gnome 3 though. I hate to be in a future freeze.01:53
eucTimido: OpenChrome, yes.01:53
TiMiDoeuc, openchrome?01:53
eucTiMiDo: Sorry, what do you mean by 'conf?'?01:53
eucTiMiDo, yup01:53
TiMiDoeuc, what error do you get while running compiz how are you running it?01:54
eucTiMiDo: 1:0.2.904+svn842-0ubuntu101:54
MooseRFunIbyss, does gnome 3 use unity by default?01:55
IbyssMooseRFun: I thought unity is a modified version of gnome3.01:56
WhyWhyWhyarnt those for tablets?01:56
WhyWhyWhygnome 2 is for desktops i think01:56
MooseRFun*shrug* not sure.01:56
Clayman1000xTiMiDo, how do I get you that output01:56
IbyssGnome 3 and unity are different.01:57
IbyssUnifty is a fork.01:57
milamberlbyss: unity is not a fork of gnome 301:57
kroq-gar78lybss: unity isn't a fork.01:58
milamberMooseRFun: ubuntu uses unity by default01:58
kroq-gar78Ibyss: it's completely different. Just uses Nux and some other stuff. I'm pretty sure it uses GTK3 (was gtk2)01:58
milamber!nounity | MooseRFun01:58
ubottuMooseRFun: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic01:58
Clayman1000xthe dmesg output01:59
Clayman1000xI have it on notepad now01:59
eucTiMiDo: oops, sorry. I just accidentally killed the fallback wm and had to use copy-and-paste to construct a command to restart it because I didn't have any keyboard focus…01:59
boldfilterAre there plans to makes unity for customizable?02:00
kroq-gar78Hello all. It seems my bzr repo got corrupted and I can't do anything. I always get this error message: bzr: ERROR: Config file file:///home/kroq-gar78/prog/python/primes/trunk/.bzr/branch/branch.conf is not UTF-8 encoded. Can anyone help please?02:00
kroq-gar78boldfilter: why not?02:00
boldfilterThats all thats stopping me from using it02:01
kroq-gar78boldfilter: I would be surprised if there wasn't. There are always 3rd party config programs.02:01
eucTiMiDo: I'm running: 'compiz'; it outputs: compiz (core) - Fatal: Support for non power of two textures missing compiz (core) - Error: Failed to manage screen: 0 compiz (core) - Fatal: No manageable screens found on display :0.0 Launching fallback window manager02:01
kroq-gar78boldfilter: what do you want customized?02:01
boldfilterAnd a classic launcher option02:01
kroq-gar78boldfilter: like in GNOME 2?02:01
boldfilterI want to be able to move it and a classic launcher02:01
boldfilterthats all I want, nothingg fancy02:02
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:02
TiMiDoClayman1000x, ;)02:02
kroq-gar78boldfilter: there's an extension that I'm using that moves launcher to bottom (no top or left, sry). Here is the link: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/11/install-ubuntu-unity-bottom-launcher.html02:03
Guest14440any suggestions?.. as it seems any web server is running on my ubuntu (localhost shows "It works!...") but i stopped apache2 and lampp...but any server must still be running. how can i find out which one?02:03
TheHackOpsHiya people02:03
MooseRFunmilamber: I tried 11.10, but switched to a ubuntu derivative02:03
boldfilterAnd an option to disabe the unity launcher completely if id rather us docky etc02:04
kroq-gar78Guest14440: it's obviously using port 808002:04
TheHackOpsJust about to ask about 11.10, is it fast enough now to run on a medium speced laptop ?02:04
kroq-gar78Guest14440: that's the start ;) I'm looking up stuff now02:04
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TheHackOpsas far as flgrx and unity02:05
kroq-gar78TheHackOps: have to be more specific02:05
Captain_CrowIs there any way to get the cube to work on ubuntu 11.10?02:05
TheHackOpsVisual Lag02:05
milamberGuest14440: can you pastebin the output of: sudo service httpd status && ps au | grep httpd02:05
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MooseRFunCaptain_Crow: compiz settings02:05
kroq-gar78Captain_Crow: use compiz-config-session-manager02:05
TiMiDoyeah Captain_Crow with compiz02:05
kroq-gar78lol three at onece02:05
Guest14440thanks, and one sec pls02:05
TiMiDonice helpers02:05
milamberTheHackOps: yes it should be fine02:05
Captain_Crowi did, i get a blank screen with no top or side bar02:05
TheHackOps10.10 is being amazing to me soo i would only update if its as smooth as the old interface02:05
boldfilterIs there a place I could post my suggestions on what I think unity should be02:06
kroq-gar78Guset14440: I think this works too "netstat –tlnp | grep 8080"02:06
Captain_Crowi even tried restarting and it just comes back up with the background and nothing else02:06
milamber!launchpad | boldfilter02:06
ubottuboldfilter: Launchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/02:06
TheHackOpsHmmmm Ok ill maybe dual boot it and see what happens02:06
kroq-gar78TheHackOps: wait don't02:07
kroq-gar78TheHackOps: do a live image first. See how it runs. Then, if you use windows, try doing a wubi install.02:07
macgugesHi, I don't get any dhcpoffers for wifi. Could someone help me troubleshoot wireless?02:07
TheHackOpsNo im ubuntu only house02:07
Guest14440milamber: httpd: unrecognized service. i'll try kroq-gar78s command02:07
kroq-gar78TheHackOps: ah nvm them. Still, try running through a live image.02:08
Captain_Crowwhat else do i have to do to make the cube work properly?02:08
TheHackOpskroq-gar78, Virtual box?02:08
TiMiDo!pastebin Clayman1000x02:08
TiMiDo!paste Clayman1000x02:08
kroq-gar78TheHackOps: no. burn a Live CD or make a Live USB.02:08
TheHackOpsohh yeh forgot about those02:08
kroq-gar78!pastebin | Clayman1000x02:08
ubottuClayman1000x: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:08
milamberGuest14440: ok, but before we go down this route, you did refresh the page right?02:08
kroq-gar78TiMiDo: heh :P02:08
TiMiDoGuest14440 sudo apt-get install apache202:08
Guest14440milamber: yes i did ^^02:09
kroq-gar78milamber: lol02:09
TheHackOpskroq-gar78, sometimes the images i download don't have the "Try" option i find it a hit and miss is their anyway to tell whats what02:09
TiMiDoand you're good to go02:09
macgugesnvm I connected.02:09
kroq-gar78TheHackOps: Probably means a corrupted image.02:09
milamberGuest14440: ok, crazier things have happened02:09
TheHackOpskroq-gar78, well it allways installs fine ;)02:10
TiMiDoI'm lagged as hell02:10
kroq-gar78TheHackOps: just means you have to re-download :(02:10
kroq-gar78TheHackOps: oh, I don't know then.02:10
TheHackOpskroq-gar78, Seem's some are guiless installers02:10
milamberGuest14440: sudo service apache2 status02:10
milamberGuest14440: ps au | grep httpd02:11
kroq-gar78TheHackOps: that means you're downloading the wrong image02:11
Clayman1000xthat is neat02:11
TheHackOpsIm rebooting from a Kernal update Wish me luck coz this may corrupt my system :)02:11
Guest14440milamber: Apache2 is NOT running02:11
kroq-gar78TheHackOps: good luck!02:11
TheHackOpskroq-gar78, whats the right image?02:11
kroq-gar78TheHackOps: desktop something... ubuntu-11.10-desktop-i386.iso or whatever.02:11
kroq-gar78oh oops02:12
TiMiDonow i'm no longer lagged02:12
milamberGuest14440: if you are getting the 'it works' page then what is happening?02:12
TiMiDo~tell Clayman1000x about paste02:12
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kroq-gar78TiMiDo: the format is !{whatever command} | {user}02:13
Guest14440milamber: what do you mean? the page is displayed, thats all.02:13
Clayman1000xit is at pastebin02:13
TiMiDocool ;)02:13
TiMiDoClayman1000x, just paste it some where02:13
TiMiDoand show me the link02:14
TiMiDodo not send it to me via DCC02:14
Clayman1000xhere, http://paste.ubuntu.com/777009/02:14
Clayman1000xisn't this what you meant02:14
TiMiDo[    0.131430] pci 0000:00:02.0:   bridge window [io  disabled]02:14
TiMiDoline 5702:14
kroq-gar78boldfilter: http://joesteiger.com/2011/06/18/install-classic-style-menu-cardapio-in-unity-launcher-2/ I think that's what you're looking for02:15
JulianRExcuse me, I have this partition in here (the one that had the bad sector)02:17
bitf Hi. I have an ancient dell with a intel 82865G graphics controller. I can log in fine, but once I'm logged in I can't launch programs and mousing over icons causes them to disappear (note I'm using GNOME and everything worked the first use after install) Reinstalling did nothing and it passed a memtest. Any ideas as to the problem? Thanks.02:17
JulianRAnd I can't change the permissions02:17
JulianRWell I changed them with "sudo nautilus" and the permissions tab02:17
TiMiDoClayman1000x, amd 64?02:17
JulianRbut for example, I can't paste any document from other disks.02:17
TiMiDoJulianR, man chmod02:18
TheHackOpsupdate went ok with one problem02:19
JulianRTiMiDo, okay, the route to the that filesystem doesn't change everytime I mount it?02:19
TiMiDoClayman1000x, what release?02:19
TheHackOpsMasive screen lag now02:19
TiMiDoJulianR, take a look at /etc/fstab02:19
TiMiDoyou'll find you'r answer there02:19
Clayman1000x11.10, is that what you mean02:19
TiMiDoyeah Clayman1000x02:19
TiMiDotype sudo apt-get install linux-image-3.0.0-12-server02:20
TiMiDosorry it was sudo apt-get install linux-image-3.0.0-12-generic02:20
TiMiDoso you can get you'r graphic card working better ;)02:20
TheHackOpsTiMiDo, Why when i updated did i get massive screen lag02:20
Clayman1000xgrapfics card?02:20
TheHackOpsim on 10.10 still02:20
TheHackOpsjust used the update manager02:21
TiMiDoClayman1000x, yeah so you're driver can work better02:21
Clayman1000xI need a wireless usb driver for the WNA3100 from netgear02:21
TiMiDooh ok i though you we're bugging for you're xorg conf02:21
JulianRThank you TiMiDo02:21
Clayman1000xgraphics card works fine for now02:22
TiMiDono problem JulianR ;)02:22
Clayman1000xI can't get internet02:22
TheHackOpsTiMiDo, could u help me02:22
Spadeskiis there a tool that allows you too get a color on the screen like GetColor! ffor XP?02:22
TiMiDoTheHackOps, can god help me?02:22
TheHackOpsSpadeski, Yes theirs one for firefox02:22
SpadeskiReally do you know the name ?02:23
TheHackOpsLet me check02:23
TheHackOpsi have it02:23
* Captain_Crow cant get compiz features to work with ubuntu w/o crashing the computer02:23
TheHackOpsSpadeski, http://www.colorzilla.com/firefox/02:23
SpadeskiTheHackOps Thanks Alot :D02:24
TiMiDoCaptain_Crow, lol02:24
TiMiDoshame on compiz02:24
TheHackOpsTiMiDo, God helped u now can u plz help me :-002:24
TiMiDo;) ask02:25
TiMiDoahead ;)02:25
TheHackOpsTiMiDo, Since i just updated 5 min ago i am getting rly bad screen lag02:25
TiMiDoTheHackOps, find out why wth dmesg or tail | dmesg02:25
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Captain_Crowidk what im doing wrong, but i cant get any of the features to work except wobbly windows, and when i try anything else the computer just crashes and i cant do anything untill I reinstall ubuntu again02:26
TheHackOpsTiMiDo, how do i know whats what lol02:28
bitfHi. I have an ancient dell with a intel 82865G graphics controller. I can log in fine, but once I'm logged in I can't launch programs and mousing over icons causes them to disappear (note I'm using GNOME and everything worked the first use after install) Reinstalling did nothing and it passed a memtest. Any ideas as to the problem? Thanks.02:28
kroq-gar78Hello all. It seems my bzr repo got corrupted and I can't do anything. I always get this error message: bzr: ERROR: Config file file:///home/kroq-gar78/prog/python/primes/trunk/.bzr/branch/branch.conf is not UTF-8 encoded. Can anyone help please?02:28
TiMiDoCaptain_Crow, sudo apt-get install python-compizconfig02:28
Captain_Crowhow do i bring up the terminal?02:29
Captain_Crowtheres no bar on the left now02:29
TheHackOpsAlt F202:30
TiMiDoconfigure compiz Captain_Crow02:30
TiMiDoyou need to enable it02:30
TiMiDoCaptain_Crow, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion02:31
=== Mom is now known as train9854
dimas_is there any way to turn off the screen saver while i am watching a video perhaps in youtube?02:35
TheHackOpsdim_, specificly when your watching youtube?02:35
TheHackOpsdimas_, Uuhh no sorry02:36
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bitfdimas_: in general, caffeine is what you want02:36
dimas_there os no way to turn off the screen saver while i am using flash player?02:36
xTheGoat121xI just installed Ubuntu 11.10 (supposedly) 64-bit. Is the i686 kernel 64-bit?02:36
Captain_Crowi pressed alt+f2 and nothing happend, the only things on the screen are "file, edit, view, go, bookmark, help" and the background02:37
train9854dim_: go to screen and youll find options to turn it of there02:37
xTheGoat121xThen why did it install the i696 kernel02:37
TheHackOpsCaptain_Crow, Type xterm02:37
dimas_train oke02:37
TheHackOpsi need my screen lag problem solved plz someone its rly anoying02:37
Captain_Crowtype it where?02:37
dimas_but the question was if it was a way to set it up to turn off when i am playing a video in the browser02:38
TheHackOpsAlt F2 / Run Application / "xterm"02:38
TheHackOpsAlt+F2 / Run Application / "xterm"02:38
Captain_Crowalt+f2 wont bring anything up02:39
TheHackOpswhat are you on?02:39
TheHackOps11 or 1002:39
dimas_thanks guys...laterz;)02:39
TheHackOpsCaptain_Crow, Laptop? or desktop02:39
Captain_Crowthe most recent one02:39
TheHackOpsohh k02:40
TheHackOpsCaptain_Crow, Press Alt+fn+F202:40
Docdhi there02:40
TheHackOpsCaptain_Crow, Did it come up?, if it did type gnome-terminal02:40
Captain_Crowit still didnt work02:40
TheHackOpsDocd, Hiya02:40
Captain_Crowand its a normal f2 button w/o the need to use fn02:41
xTheGoat121xI downloaded the ISO for 64 bit Ubuntu but it seems to have installed a 32-bit kernel, despite the fact that I have a 64-bit processor. Any idea why this happened02:41
Docdi have a... situation02:41
Docdi just updated from 11.04 to 11.1002:41
Docdhad internet on gnome2, have internet on kde02:41
Docdbut no internet on gnome302:41
TheHackOpsCaptain_Crow, seems It was disabled in gnome3 by default :(02:42
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Docdanyone has an idea what might be going on?02:42
TheHackOpsDocd, Terminal/ ifconfig02:43
Docdjust io02:43
MechanisMhello a few weeks ago my system startaed strange behaviour: all windows opens maximized fullscreen by default. how to solve this?02:43
Captain_Crowidk how to even get the normal desktop back, and alt+f2 isnt working02:43
TheHackOpsMechanisM, do u have compiz installed02:44
MechanisMunity using compiz right?02:44
TheHackOpsCaptain_Crow, Uhh try logging out and changing the environment to like classic02:44
MechanisMTheHackOps so i have compiz02:44
TheHackOpsMechanisM, Yea. Check your settings in ccsm02:44
Captain_Crowtheres no logout button02:45
Captain_Crowno shut down or anything02:45
TheHackOpsOn ur laptop02:45
TheHackOpspress the off buton quickly02:45
pehdenok guys looking for a room other then #ispconfig that has support for ispconfig02:45
TheHackOpsit will bring up a menu02:45
MechanisMTheHackOps which setting?02:45
Captain_Crowok, a shut down box came up02:45
TheHackOpsMechanisM, Beats me but i have seen one for that02:45
TheHackOpsCaptain_Crow, do some pushups and have a party ?02:46
TheHackOpsCaptain_Crow, srs though logout02:46
Captain_Crowim on the same screen, how do i log out?02:47
TheHackOpsWhat didn't you reboot?02:48
TheHackOpsCaptain_Crow, Pull the freakin battery out02:48
TheHackOpsCaptain_Crow, very much faster02:49
Captain_Crowit crashed, and i turned the power back on and now im at a log in screen02:49
TheHackOpsok good02:50
TheHackOpsDown the bottom their should be an option to change the Environment type02:50
Captain_Crowtheres a gear on the middle left with 2 options, ubuntu and ubunu2d02:50
TheHackOpsMust have removed it in the new version02:51
TheHackOpsCaptain_Crow, Hold on googling02:51
TheHackOpsGuess what sir? they removed it from 11.10 sucks for you02:52
boldfilterCool story bro02:53
Captain_Crowso compiz doesnt work in 11.10?02:55
boldfilter11.10 is just different, it doesn't suck parsy02:55
Bublik2002i just wish it came with gnome shell stock and unity as an option02:56
* Captain_Crow wishes he had his desktop back02:58
* TheHackOps wishes i had no screen lag02:58
Captain_Crowso i have to install the old version of ubuntu for it to work right?02:59
TheHackOpsCaptain_Crow, or you could spend alot of time googleing03:01
TheHackOpsAnyone know why when i drag a window it lags like craazy03:02
pp7i have the same problem03:02
pp7and I hate it03:02
Sash^guys, really strange question03:02
TheHackOpsIt happened to me since the last update of 10.1003:02
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pp7TheHackOps: hmm happened to me since 11.10 (fresh install)03:02
TheHackOpsVery wierd03:03
TheHackOpsim going to go back to an older kernal version see what happens03:03
pp7TheHackOps: someone on youtube suggested doing unity --replace > /dev/null &03:03
gnul0verim using fedora and ubuntu :)03:04
pp7TheHackOps: i did that and it seems ok so far but i haven't been long enought since last time i restarted unity03:04
Sash^Random Question: If you had 10,000 people in one chatroom (hypothetically) - what would you use to moderate the flow of text (its for a uni project, and all i have come up with so far is a slider bar thats allowing a user to adjust the speed of the flow of text, but keeping it real time (just not real time!)) I consider it to be unmangiable in the sense that you could not even have 10% of those talking at any one time, what would be bes03:04
pp7TheHackOps: the lag seems to only happen to me after a while03:04
gnul0verubuntu server03:04
Captain_Crowis 11.10 a bad version then?03:04
pp7Captain_Crow: depends how u look at it :P03:05
Sash^anyone? ;/03:05
pp7Captain_Crow: i like it but there are just a few annoying bugs03:05
Captain_Crowit seems extremely buggy to me...03:05
pp7TheHackOps: if u find the solution pls pm me03:06
h00kSash^: thisisn't the channel for that :( you can perhaps check somewhere else03:07
Sash^any idea where h00k ?03:07
h00kubottu: tell Sash^ about alis03:07
ubottuSash^, please see my private message03:07
pp7Sash^: just somewhere else03:07
StepnjumpHi, I have a friend who has a 56k modem. I looked up on internet and couldn't find the drivers anywhere. Any suggestions? Next time I talk to him, I will get him to lsusb to see if Ubuntu detects at least the connection. His modem is a Lamaqq and model is WS-5614UVSG. Thanks03:08
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Captain_Crowis there any way to restore default settings to compiz through "ubuntu 2d" mode so that i can bring the normal ubuntu desktop back up?03:10
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic03:11
vouthHi, when I try to build Mesa  from source, it fails with this error: http://pastebin.com/UFcpHx7s My config.log is: http://pastebin.com/qw7B0QaA03:11
vouthAny thoughts?03:11
OerHeksplease dont SPAM in my PM <Rapeseed>03:12
OerHeksplease dont SPAM in my PM <Rapeseed>03:12
Captain_Crowhe's doing that the everyone03:12
OerHeks!pm |  <Rapeseed>03:12
ubottu<Rapeseed>: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.03:12
shaneohey guys where could if i have lm-sensors installed where on my syetem would the src be03:14
TiMiDoshaneo, locate lm-sensors03:14
shaneowhich file is the src file03:15
RapeseedMitt Romney will change the course of American economic policy and get America back to work!  It is at once a deeply conservative return to policies that have served our nation well and a highly ambitious departure from the policies of our current leadership. In short, it is a plan to get America back to work. Vote Mitt Romney 2012! http://www.mittromney.com03:15
LasNoteIs there any easy way to upgrade from 32 bit to 64 bit?03:15
OerHeksyou need to download the src manually03:16
OerHeksLasNote, no, only reinstall possible if you change arch03:16
shaneoLasNote yeah just pop in a 64 bit and select upgrade during install03:16
OerHeksor sude-by-side03:16
shaneoworked for me03:16
LasNoteis there any easy way to tell if my system can do 64 bit?03:17
vouthHi, when I try to build Mesa  from source, it fails with this error: http://pastebin.com/UFcpHx7s My config.log from that was: http://pastebin.com/qw7B0QaA03:17
shaneohow old is it03:17
LasNoteacer notebook03:17
shaneohow old LasNote03:17
* vouth will change the course of Martian economic policy and get all those little green men back to bed!03:17
vouthsorry, couldn't resist :-D03:18
LasNotehrrm, 3 years I think03:18
OerHeksbetter ask what type processor03:18
shaneoif its it the last 4 years it will handle 64 bit03:18
OerHeksshaneo stop that nonsense03:18
OerHeksupgrade sugestion is wrong, age of laptop either.03:18
TiMiDonice back to my ipod touch03:19
OerHeksLasnote what type of processor ?03:19
shaneoworked for me03:19
TiMiDovouth, why are you running ./configure as root?03:19
Jeatonanyone here use tovid?03:19
TiMiDoto fix it download gcc sudo apt-get install gcc03:20
vouthTiMiDo: I read on a forum that it helped someone03:20
TiMiDono man03:20
TiMiDonever run ./configure as root03:20
TiMiDobad idea03:20
TiMiDochecking whether the C compiler works... no very clear message ;)03:21
shaullxGot a problem with ProFTPD, got no access on doing anything while on the ftp (del,chmod etc.), tried chowning the folder, didn't work, any ideas?03:21
vouthTiMiDo: Ok. Sounds good. I already have gcc as the "latest version" according to apt-get03:21
TiMiDonow vouth type ./configure as normal user03:21
TiMiDoand see if the libraries you have them in you'r system.03:21
* Captain_Crow thinks the download center should leave an option to exclude incompatible programs with the version of ubuntu being used...03:22
TiMiDoCaptain_Crow, and users should read before upgrading there system ;)03:22
vouthTiMiDo: same result03:22
TiMiDoand the complication you might have03:22
TiMiDovouth, now paste the config.log03:23
TiMiDoto any where03:23
Captain_Crowbut i thought the idea of getting ubuntu was because it was free and user-friendly...03:23
TiMiDoyes it is user friendly but is not very friendly in terms when you upgrade to a beta version expect all the apps to be running smoothly ;)03:24
OerHeksCaptain_Crow, if you want stable versions, stick to the LTS03:24
Captain_Crowi didnt know it was a beta version03:24
TiMiDoCaptain_Crow, that's why you read before any upgrade03:24
TiMiDoto calculate any libraries issues or not with aptitude or apt it self03:24
Captain_Crowidk what LTS is03:25
TiMiDoCaptain_Crow, www.ubuntu.com03:25
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)03:25
vouthTiMiDo: http://pastebin.com/XkqnayX003:25
TiMiDovouth, what are you compiling by the way some mesa drivers?03:26
TiMiDoor https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver03:26
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Captain_Crowwhat does it mean by "supported" does it stop working after 3 years or something?03:27
vouthTiMiDo: I'm using a VIA chipset that's not supported by the version of Mesa supplied with 10.1003:27
OerHeksupdates stop03:27
TiMiDono when people upgrade to testing is because they know there way back just in case something wrong happens03:28
vouthTiMiDo: Compiz etc therefore aren't working03:28
boldfilterWhatever 11.10 isnt beta03:28
Docdhi, i just updated to 11.10 and have no wireless connections03:28
TiMiDoyou downgrade03:28
Docdkernel 3.0.0-14, broadcom BCM431303:28
TiMiDovouth, read the links i just give you03:28
Docdany idea what can I do?03:29
TiMiDothat's why IRC is so quiet ;)03:29
khaime_I am running ubuntu 10.10 on a hp compaq nc6220 who has a built-in "Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 2200BG [ Calexico2 ] Network Conneciton" ...........i read that the ipw200 driver is the driver to make this work, and that it is a part of the kernel of 10.10.........but for some reason I can not get it to work....also on this laptop , the wirelss and the bluetooth are integrated...i can turn on the bluetooth , but i can not turn on t03:29
khaime_he wireless.....when I do a "lshw -C network" it shows : "*-network DISABLED"  for the wireless....can anyone help ?   thanks in advance !03:29
TiMiDokhaime_, check dmesg03:29
TiMiDoto see if you have any driver issues03:29
TiMiDoor use fglrxinfo03:30
Captain_Crowso its best to download the older version?03:31
OerHekskhaime_, maybe this page is any help >> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessTroubleShootingGuide03:31
TiMiDoif you want a stable version yes03:31
vouthTiMiDo: Well, they're both about ATI. This is a VIA KM400.03:31
vouthTiMiDo: Should I try the ATI drivers anyway?03:31
rypervencheDocd: Try installing firmware-b43-installer03:31
TiMiDovouth, intel/amd?03:31
TiMiDovouth, yeah give it a go03:32
TiMiDoin windows those are the drivers they use03:32
TiMiDoATI drivers03:32
vouthTiMiDo: amd03:32
TiMiDothen yeah ;)03:32
r_tarandusThere's a delay when I tap-to-click. I tap, then about a 1/2 second later, it'll click. When I use the hard button, there's no problem. Suggestions?03:32
TiMiDocheck it out, and see where it goes. ;)03:32
Captain_Crowwill the stable version work with wine and compiz?03:32
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TiMiDoyes Captain_Crow03:32
Docdrypervenche, apt-get --reinstall returned this Unsupported device(s) found: PCI id 14e4:472703:32
TiMiDoevery release has wine and compiz enable ;)03:32
boldfilterCaptain_Crow: Have you ever considered Mint Linux?03:33
Captain_Crowno, i just heared of linux a few weeks ago03:33
xanguaCaptain_Crow: latest stable is 11.1003:33
xanguaboldfilter: can we stick to the topic¿03:33
r_tarandusRE: Other distros: It's funny because I won't switch from Ubuntu since I like the Unity interface. It's so damn beautiful, which is funny cause I hear of many who are using GNOME/others instead.03:34
boldfilterHey, if he's complaining about the user experience??03:34
TiMiDoCaptain_Crow, even better download fglrx-updates03:34
khaime_OerHeks, the "nm-tool" shows that the wireless is "eth1", it shows the driver as " ipw2200", but the "state" says it is "unavailable"03:34
TiMiDowith sudo apt-get install fglrx-updates03:35
TiMiDoand you're good03:35
Docdi guess i have to use the wl driver?03:35
boldfilterr_tarandus: congratulations03:35
TiMiDokhaime_, how are you connecting you'r wireless?03:35
h00kubottu: offtopic | let's keep things on topic, please03:35
ubottulet's keep things on topic, please: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:35
cypher-neor_tarandus, I like Unity too. I've liked it since it first came out. The only reason I switched to GNOME-Shell was flexibility in customizing the user interface.03:36
khaime_TimiDo ....what do you mean ?03:36
TiMiDokhaime_, how are you scanning you're wireless connections?03:36
vouthTiMiDo: Ok, I'm downloading fglrx. It's pretty big!03:36
khaime_TimiDo, I can't even turn on the wireless to scan03:36
TiMiDokhaime_, sudo ifconfig wlan0 up03:36
TiMiDoand pray it works03:37
khaime_output was : "wlan0: ERROR while getting interface flasgs: No such device"03:37
khaime_the wireless is connect to "eth1" , should I have used that instead of "wlan0"03:38
TiMiDonow type dmesg | tail03:38
TiMiDodo you get any hints there khaime_ ?03:39
khaime_TimiDo, I got a lot of : "Skipping EDID probe due to cached edid"03:39
TiMiDopaste it here03:40
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:40
Docdhelp anyone?03:41
TiMiDoOpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI Mobile Intel® GM45 Express Chipset03:42
TiMiDonice hahahaha03:42
TiMiDothat driver sucks03:42
KhaimeTimiDo : http://paste.ubuntu.com/777040/03:43
boldfilterIdk I'll personally use unity in a virtual machine until I feel it is practical enough03:43
TiMiDoKhaime,   echo options ipw2200 led=1 | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/ipw220003:44
jenwhere can I get linux screensavers?03:44
TiMiDojen, art.gnome.org03:45
TiMiDoand if that does not work Khaime reboot your system and come back and tell us if it worked ;)03:46
qisnitweirdcant enable flash in konqueror03:46
jenTiMiDo, and this is for ubuntu and all that?03:47
jenTiMiDo, and how do I install?03:47
TiMiDojen, it depends on the theme you want03:48
TiMiDoyou have gtk themes gdm themes and much more03:48
jeni have a wolf startup screen one picked out03:48
TiMiDooh then that's a bootsplash03:48
vouthTiMiDo: I just restarted after installing the new driver. Nothing seems to have changed.03:48
jenhow shall I install that?03:49
TiMiDojen, http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-11478.html03:49
TiMiDovery simple ;)03:49
vouthTiMiDo: Should I keep trying to build Mesa?03:51
jenummm im a newbie ill have my friend help me with it ^^"03:51
TiMiDovouth, yeah or apt-cache search mesa and see the drivers it has03:51
jenbut thank you! :303:51
TiMiDojen, if you read the site i just post you. is easy as ABC!123 or my favorite one "Hello+World:"03:52
vouthTiMiDo: There's a pretty big mesa drivers there (pardon the pun), but they'll all be out of date.03:53
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FreezingCold k guys I need some huge help, I lost a school related file.  It has the word "keyboard" in it, that's all I know for sure...  How can I find it?03:53
Guest84604hello friends03:53
MRomney2012Mitt Romney will change the course of American economic policy and get America back to work!  It is at once a deeply conservative return to policies that have served our nation well and a highly ambitious departure from the policies of our current leadership. In short, it is a plan to get America back to work. Vote Mitt Romney 2012! http://www.mittromney.com03:53
vouthOh well. I'll try tomorrow I guess. Thanks for the help!! :-)03:53
Guest84604i need help wirth ubuntu03:54
CarlFKFreezingCold: do you have a live CD?03:54
=== Guest84604 is now known as fer
FreezingColdCarlFK: ummm, I'm running Linux now?03:54
pincheHelp! I activated an Nvidia driver, rebooted and the system hangs on restart. How can I deactivate driver from cli?03:54
CarlFKFreezingCold: it is important that you do not use the file system that the deleted file was on03:55
CarlFKFreezingCold: do you have a live CD? [ ]yes [ ]no03:55
FreezingColdIt wasn't deleted03:55
FreezingColdit's on my computer03:55
FreezingColdjust don't know where03:55
CarlFKoh... lucky you.03:55
CarlFKFreezingCold: places, home, go, search for files03:56
Clayman1000xI am still haveing trouble, look here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/777046/03:57
FreezingColdtried ls -R *links* and didn't find anything03:57
CarlFKFreezingCold: hmm, maybe that just searches file names.. not what you need... hold some more03:57
ferplease, i need help with xubuntu, with my monitor03:57
FreezingColddarnnn it, I realllly need this03:57
CarlFKFreezingCold: "keyboard" in it - is "it" the file name or contents ?03:57
zivesterif i install an OS on one controller on my mobo, is there any reason i couldn't switch it to another controller later without any hiccups ?03:59
MooseRFundepends on OS03:59
CarlFKzivester: as long as the 2nd one is fairly standard (like most are) you are fine03:59
CarlFKwell, assuming you install a stable OS, not one with built in hiccups :)04:00
zivesterits gonna be an SSD install on the cheaper Marvell controller... gonna move it to the Intel after04:00
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zivesteris there anything in the install that is relevant to the controller, i guess that is my question04:00
CarlFKzivester: is the OS linux?04:00
* zivester checks to see if he's in ubuntu04:01
zivesterxubunto 11.1004:01
* zivester can't type04:01
TiMiDonice now my desktop looks nice04:01
pincheHelp! I activated an Nvidia driver, rebooted and the system hangs on restart. How can I deactivate driver from cli?04:01
MooseRFunzivester: what kind of controller? If its SATA I think you would be ok, but if you switch to a different arch I wonder that might bork things04:01
zivesterSATA III -> SATA III04:02
TiMiDopinche, sudo rmmod nvidia04:02
TiMiDoor whatever driver you're having issues with.04:02
Clayman1000xI forgot exactly which command I used but the results showed my Netgear adapter and usb stick and my usbe keyboard mouse are there04:02
pincheTiMiDo, thanks i'll try it04:03
Stepnjumphow to shutdown the computer after 5 minutes after no audio is heard by the system?04:03
TiMiDopinche, and to load you're nvidia driver will be modprobe nvidia and then type nvidia-xconfig04:03
TiMiDoand you're good to go04:03
Clayman1000xI can't seem to get ndiswrapper to work04:03
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* Captain_Crow is going to try to reinstall ubuntu 11.10 one more time before trying 10.0404:04
TiMiDoStepnjump, sudo halt04:04
pincheTiMiDo, just to confirm: sudo rmmod nvidia && modprobe nvidia && nvidia-xconfig. Correct?04:04
TiMiDoto shut it down04:04
Stepnjumpthanks TiMiDo04:04
TiMiDopinche, yeah04:04
zivesterso how about migrating data from a / and /home directory on a hdd to an ssd... any issues with doing that... imsure ill have to change the fstab and install grub2 manually04:04
KhaimeTimiDo...it did not work04:04
Clayman1000xI have all the drivers needed04:04
TiMiDoKhaime, get fglrxinfo04:05
MooseRFunzivester: hrm I would think you would be ok, as long as the kernel still detects it under the same /dev entry, i.e. /dev/sda04:06
TiMiDoboldfilter, not unless you made a restore to you'r system04:06
TiMiDoand back it up04:06
pincheTiMiDo, I got FATAL: Error inseting nvidia_96 (/lib/modules/3.0.0-14-generic/updates/dkms/nvidia_96.ko): Operation not permitted04:06
TiMiDopinche, did you reboot it?04:07
Captain_Crowubuntu sounds buggy and complicated...04:07
StepnjumpWhat are the arguments TiMiDo?04:07
r_tarandusSo does anyone have suggestions on how to deal with the delay when using tap-to-click on a laptop?04:07
KhaimeTiMiDo do I type "get fglrxinfo" in a command windows ?04:07
TiMiDoStepnjump, sudo reboot04:07
pincheTiMiDo, rebooting now.04:07
TiMiDook pinche let me know how it goes ;)04:07
pincheTiMiDo, will do. thanks for your help.04:07
r_tarandusSo does anyone have suggestions on how to deal with the delay when using tap-to-click on a laptop?04:07
r_tarandusoh shoot, it did send the first time04:07
zivesteraiight.. now i hope my SSD upgrade is gonna blow my raid0 raptors away04:08
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TiMiDolol what type of delay?04:08
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bullgard4Is the group bin in Ubuntu {only} maintained for historic reasons?04:10
Clayman1000xAnybody no what I am doing wrong?04:10
TiMiDoif you don't tell us what you're doing wrong, how can you expect people to help you,04:11
pincheTiMiDo, no luck. still hanging after reboot. I see the purple screen for a moment, as soon as the ubuntu logo shows up throws me to the boot screen04:11
DrPenguinhey there.. I had a quick question about kernel modules.. Im having an issue where I need to recompile a couple kernel modules with different header options for a kernel, but when I go to insert them into my kernel, I get a complaint that the module disagrees with the module_layout symbol.. Im not quite sure why its complaining since im using the source and headers of the kernel Im running. Is there a simpler way to rebuild kernel modul04:11
WhyWhyWhyhey guys this is Mark Zuckerberg04:11
TiMiDopinche, paste your dmesg some where04:12
MooseRFunpinche: I wound uninstall the nvidia commercial drivers04:12
TiMiDoto check it out04:12
WhyWhyWhyi wanna switch to ubuntu from facebook04:12
pincheTiMiDo, last item on boot screen is Stopping Userspace bootsplash. Everything is on [OK] but the "Stopping automatic crash report generation04:12
pincheTiMiDo, sudo dmesg?04:12
CarlFKDrPenguin: your quick question was too long for IRC - it got truncated just as it got interesting :)04:12
TiMiDopinche, as normal user04:12
DrPenguinaw lame! let me see if I can just sum it up04:13
CarlFKDrPenguin: or complete "Is there a simpler way to rebuild kernel modul..."04:13
=== EnergyBar is now known as Energybender
DrPenguinI need to recompile parport.ko with the CONFIG_PARPORT_PC_FIFO option not enabled in the module. When I do so and try to insert that module (and lp, parport_pc, and ppdev), I get complaints that it disagrees with the version of the symbol module_layout, and im not sure why04:13
TiMiDoDrPenguin, what compiler are you using?04:14
DrPenguinyeah, I think its 4.4.3? its should be the latest release for lucid04:14
DrPenguinI can get the modules to work if I rebuild the entire kernel and just install that, but If I extract the modules and put them into the updates directory of my orignal kernel (same version), I get that error04:15
CarlFKDrPenguin: it should work - but I just did this last night: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CarlKarsten  "I did this (hopefully it's complete)"04:15
TiMiDolol hardcore pawn is freaking funny as hell04:15
CarlFKDrPenguin: just compile the whole thing :)04:16
DrPenguinCarlFK: thats the thing, the original kernel needs to stay intact as it is, except for these module changes04:16
DrPenguinor else I would just replace the entire kernel04:16
CarlFKDrPenguin: define "orignial" ?04:16
DrPenguinthe kernel that is in my OS image04:16
CarlFKwhere did it come from?04:17
DrPenguinAh.. its from the lucid repositories04:17
CarlFKwhat's wrong with compiling a new one?04:17
pincheTiMiDo, any ideas how I can paste dmesg? I can't ssh or scp from cli.04:17
DrPenguinWell, to be honest, I shouldnt have to compile a brand spanking new kernel just to change 4 modues04:18
DrPenguinI should just be able to change the modules I want and just load them into my existing kernel image04:18
TiMiDopinche, For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.04:18
CarlFKDrPenguin: so this is an emotional thing ;)04:19
DrPenguinCarlFK: Not really.. its kind of practicallity04:19
CarlFKDrPenguin: I would at least let that start compiling while you search for a better answer04:19
DrPenguinlets say in the future I need to change more modules, am I gonna have to (yet again) rebuild the entire thing from scratch? doesnt make sense04:19
DrPenguinOh I already have it compiled..04:19
CarlFKpinche: dmesg|xclip (which you will need to apt-get install)04:19
DrPenguinBut I just thought "theres no reason this is my only solution"04:20
CarlFKDrPenguin: donn't know.  oddly enough I needed to change 1 line in a module. I am fine with doing it again the next time.04:20
DrPenguinIm just thinking since im only doing a truncated portion of the kernel build, I must be skippin a step thats required to make sure all the information in the module is identical so it can be loaded04:20
DrPenguinthe only thing I can think of is maybe sinceim changing a CONFIG value in .config, the Module.symvers now doesnt match which is causing the complaint04:21
bullgard4Is the group bin in Ubuntu {only} maintained for historic reasons?04:21
pincheTiMiDo, here you go: http://paste.ubuntu.com/777062/04:22
CarlFKDrPenguin: sounds reasonable.  depends on how much time you want to invest.  how often do you plan on doing this?04:22
DrPenguinCarlFK: I dont "plan" on it ha, its just whenever it needs to be done04:22
DrPenguinThis, for example, has to be done because Ubuntu is using an Experimental option (FIFO) for parallel ports which causes some ports to not work04:23
DrPenguinso it needs to be disabled and parport and associated modules need ot be rebuilt against it04:23
TiMiDopinche, what laptop or pc are you using?04:24
CarlFKDrPenguin: you are welcome to hang out and hope someone knows.  it's fun helping people wile you wait :)04:24
pincheTiMiDo, PC I built around 3 years ago04:24
DrPenguinCarlFK: it definitely is, I used to hang out in here, but work has kept me busy, that and now my Primary laptop is broken and geeksqud is refusing to fix it so its been a bit hectic for me :) but I thank you for your assistance04:25
TiMiDopinche, apt-cache search nvidia04:25
TiMiDouse those drivers at own risk ;)04:26
DrPenguinI think what I may do tomorrow is get the symvers from my custom headers and retry building against that.. I forgot to change my makefile in my kern source dir so the vermagic was all wrong04:26
TiMiDoif you have a bug report it please pinche04:26
pincheTiMiDo, http://paste.ubuntu.com/777067/04:26
r_tarandusneed some help in terminal. i'm in a directory but it's only listing half of the folders in it when entering "dir", meaning that i can't get into one of the folders04:26
TiMiDopinche, read and choose you'r video card specs don't be lazy04:27
SigMobileWhat is an "input to command" in a cron entry?04:27
pincheTiMiDo, I'm not sure it's a bug. Install was working fine until I activated the Nvidia driver.04:27
TiMiDothen rmmod nvidia04:27
DrPenguinpinche: it may be worth it to poke through the Xorg.0.log, see if anything in there is weird04:27
pincheTiMiDo, after apt-cache search nvidia I can choose one of those and apt-get install? Is that what you mean?04:28
* SigMobile slips out of sight04:28
TiMiDoyes pinche04:29
TiMiDowith sudo apt-get install package04:29
pincheTiMiDo, thanks, could've said that before calling me lazy. :)04:29
TiMiDopinche, i take it back then LOL04:29
WhyWhyWhyhey do u guys know a program for ubuntu simular to CPU-Z for windows? That shows info about the cpu/mobo accurate clock speed etc...04:29
TiMiDoWhyWhyWhy, gkrellm04:30
WhyWhyWhythanks ill check it out04:30
DrPenguinWhyWhyWhy: whats wrong with proc cpuinfo?04:30
WhyWhyWhythe what?04:30
pincheTiMiDo, I'm doing sudo apt-get install nvidia-current. I'll keep you posted.04:30
DrPenguin /proc/cpuinfo04:30
TiMiDobut let him see the app ;)04:31
DrPenguinthe /proc directory contains useful nuggets of info about your system04:31
TiMiDoof course cat /proc/cpuinfo04:31
TiMiDobut i like gkrellm just cause of the (GUI) interface04:31
WhyWhyWhywas looking for something with a front end that i can monitor live changes04:31
DrPenguinTiMiDo: oh yeah i have no issues with him using the app.. I was just curious04:31
DrPenguinWhyWhyWhy: conkys nice for that04:31
TiMiDooh LoL04:32
DrPenguinconky jus basically reads proc, you can customize the crap out of it and its just embedded into your desktop04:32
DrPenguinI have a transparent conky on my Arch Bang OS04:32
TiMiDoarch is nice04:32
TiMiDo<3 arch04:32
TiMiDopacman -Syy04:32
pincheTiMiDo, after sudo apt-get install nvidia-current that will activate it as well? Just checking.04:32
DrPenguinYeah, I need to do some kernel customization to it when I get it back, get rid of useless modules to sthrink it and maybe get some better boot times04:33
DrPenguinmy laptop that is04:33
TiMiDopinche, sudo apt-get install nvidia-xconfig04:33
Guest77746err freenode staff banned me from all relevant channels. i copied a snippet of hot damn C code from C for dummies. http://codepad.org/VdIPNwp7 ,,, it compiles on codepad, but why wont it compile on my 1337 backtrack? i have gcc; ive spent 10 minutes of my life tryin to figure it out too!!! PSORT.C: In function ‘int main()’:04:33
Guest77746PSORT.C:16: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’04:33
Guest77746PSORT.C:16: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’04:33
Guest77746PSORT.C:16: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’04:33
FloodBot1Guest77746: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:33
TiMiDoand run sudo nvidia-xconfig as root04:33
TiMiDoand then restart X04:33
buckyDrPenguin, you can make that one module04:33
DrPenguinGuest77190: the problem is obvious04:33
DrPenguinbucky: do whut nao04:33
pincheTiMiDo, ok. what's the command to restart X?04:34
DrPenguinif X is already running, pkill X04:34
DrPenguinelse, a striaght startx will do04:34
Guest77746whats the obvious problem?04:34
DrPenguinGuest77190: your doing something thats deprecated?04:34
TiMiDopinche, service gdm restart04:34
pincheDrPenguin, thanks04:34
buckyDrPenguin, make CONFIG_PARPORT=m CONFIG_PARPORT_PC=m CONFIG_PARPORT_SERIAL=mCONFIG_PARPORT_PC_FIFO=n M=<relative path to>/parport Makefile in source04:34
bullgard4Is the group bin in Ubuntu {only} maintained for historic reasons?04:34
DrPenguinbucky: That wont do04:35
DrPenguinbucky: lp and ppdev and parport_pc need to also be recompiled04:35
Guest77746you disapprove?04:35
DrPenguinand when I do that, I get multiple issues with lp and ppdev disagreeing with symbol versions from parport04:35
Guest77746ok ill look04:36
WhyWhyWhyhmm that gkrellm isnt showing the proper cpu speed, its showing the default speed04:37
buckyDrPenguin, you have obviously built a kernel before?04:37
DrPenguinbucky: no I havent, but it wasnt that hard to figure out how to do it04:37
DrPenguinbucky: well, I built my first one last night.. but meh04:38
DrPenguinWhyWhyWhy: whats the "proper" speed?04:38
TiMiDonice I'm compiling my Xorg drivers04:38
TiMiDothe proper way04:38
WhyWhyWhyits what my clock is set to 4.2ghz the default is 3.404:38
DrPenguinOH MAN04:38
WhyWhyWhythe /proc file shows the right speed though04:38
DrPenguinWhyWhyWhy: can you check proc/cpuinfo and tell us the govenor on your cpu?04:39
blackk yekoms04:39
=== black is now known as yekoms
WhyWhyWhyi dont see anything there saying govenor04:39
r_tarandushow do i open a file with permissions to change it? trying to configure xorg...04:39
DrPenguinr_tarandus: sudo command04:40
buckyDrPenguin, here's one of many howto on making a deb http://tinyurl.com/2z33vs04:40
r_tarandusDrPenguin: it says the file doesn't exist. but it does.04:40
Guest77746it still doesnt work!04:40
DrPenguingenerally, users cant write to xorg.conf04:40
yekomsim seeming to have a issue, when i boot the CD. the picture is distorted. im trying on a HP notebook.04:40
WhyWhyWhyactually its not really showing the right speed its showing 4.1ghz thats what windows reports as well in its system properties but programs like CPU-Z and other show the correct speed04:40
DrPenguinr_tarandus: are you looking in /etc/X11?04:40
yekomsany thoughts?04:40
r_tarandusDrPenguin: yes04:40
r_tarandusDrPenguin: no, hold on04:40
DrPenguinyekoms: Ive noticed that on newer HP laptops, X doesnt boot right, you may need to use the alternative version04:40
yekomsi cant hit f4?04:41
DrPenguinIm curious if the live disc is using some lame framebuffer..04:41
TiMiDowhy not?04:41
TiMiDoyekoms, ctrl alt + f304:41
TiMiDoyekoms, ctrl alt + f404:41
yekomsand that will allow safe video mode?04:41
DrPenguinthose are just VT switchings04:41
yekomsSafe Graphics Mode *04:41
DrPenguinunless your asking about my method, its (what I hink is) an ncurses style installer04:42
r_tarandusI'm trying to open a file in /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/04:42
Tech-1f6 i thin gives more options04:42
DrPenguinr_tarandus: what file?04:42
TiMiDor_tarandus, open it up with nano04:42
yekomsill try ctrl+alt+f4 and f604:42
yekomsafter win7 finishes04:43
DrPenguineww nano04:43
DrPenguinew your ace04:43
yekomsgedit is better then vim :P04:43
* Nano facepalms and then changes nick.04:43
r_tarandusDrPenguin: so I'm trying to open 51-synaptics-quirks.conf with the permission to change it. It opens fine, just can't save my changes.04:43
DrPenguinr_tarandus: then use sudo when your opening it04:44
r_tarandusDrPenguin: it says the file doesn't exist04:44
DrPenguinlike I said, user doesnt have permissions to edit those files by default04:44
yekomsand another thing. im having distorted pixels at the bottom of my monitor on this computer04:44
yekomsit covers half of my taskbar...04:44
yekomsi dont know if its my tv or ubuntu10.0404:44
DrPenguinr_tarandus: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.d/51-synaptics-quirks.conf says no file or dir?04:44
r_tarandusDrPenguin: I understand that. But Terminal's being weird. When I'm in the /usr/share/ directory, it doesn't show any folders past "im-switch".04:45
DrPenguinyekoms: do you see these pixels anywhere else?04:45
c_smithyekoms, it could also be your Graphics card. though tbh I have no clue how to check if it is actually that.04:45
r_tarandusDrPenguin: will try with "nano", that's different.04:45
=== elapse is now known as Prodego
yekomsthey are just at the bottom of my screen04:45
yekomsill take a snapshot if itll help04:45
DrPenguinyekoms: I didnt phrase my question right04:45
DrPenguinanywhere else BESIDES ubuntu, like just watching it, or another OS, etc etc04:45
yekomsuhm, call of duty yeah04:46
yekomsbut not when i watch tv04:46
DrPenguinthen its not Ubuntu04:46
alejandrohow do i see how much space i have left on my hard drive?04:46
yekomsdf -h04:46
c_smithyekoms, then it's either hardware in the tower or the Software in Ubuntu04:47
r_tarandusDrPenguin: how to save in nano?04:47
DrPenguinr_tarandus: ^X (ctrl X)04:47
yekomsits not really that bothersome tbh04:47
pincheTiMiDo, Still no GUI. I did sudo apt-get install nvidia-current then rebooted. Just a reminder. This is a brand new Ubuntu 11.10 installation that was working fine until I activated a Nvidia driver, rebooted, and now it hangs on reboot.04:47
TiMiDonice I'm installing catalyst 11.12 driver <304:47
r_tarandusDrPenguin: thank you.04:47
c_smithyekoms, and in this case, it may very well be your graphics chip04:47
yekomson xbox and pc?04:47
unreal-dude^O if you only want to save, ^X if you wish to quit (you get option to save)04:47
DrPenguinbut.. isnt your chip nvidia? or am I mixing you up with pinche04:47
TiMiDopinche, paste out you'r xorg error04:48
DrPenguineither way catalyst sucks04:48
TiMiDoI'm using catalyst for my self04:48
c_smithyekoms, the graphics chip is only in the tower,04:48
c_smithfor Ubuntu anyway.04:48
King_OzzyI concur DrPenguin04:48
c_smithKing_Ozzy, ditto04:48
pincheTiMiDo,how do I get the xorg error? Treat me like a noob04:48
DrPenguinAMD is God awful when it comes to drivers, altho Linux drivers have always sucked04:48
DrPenguinpinche: /var/log/Xorg.0.log04:48
pincheDrPneguin, yes I have an Nvidia video card04:49
DrPenguinLinux Drivers for ATI cards rather ***04:49
mebigfatguypinche: did you try setting nomodeset by editing the entry in grub?04:49
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AmdpcHi...When I start my laptop ,the grub menu is seen , after entering the first option , the display goes off..I have to turn off the laptop using power button..it happens many times..and after around 6-8 times it starts..Please help me to avoid this ! (Laptop is dell vostro 1400)04:50
pincheTiMiDo, http://paste.ubuntu.com/77707504:50
DrPenguinAmdpc: do you have the option for the recovery kernel boot option?04:50
unreal-dudemebigfatguy how you would do such with grub2?04:50
unreal-dude* just curious rather04:51
DrPenguinpinche: somethins wrong with your xorg.conf.. did you use nvidia-xconfig?04:51
Amdpc<DrPenguin> I have to look for that....I think its there..should I select that ?04:51
mebigfatguytype E on the boot option to edit, and add nomodeset , then ctrl-x i think04:51
DrPenguinAmdpc: yeah, its gona boot and print out messages so (hopefully) we can see whats happening.. its possible your kernel panicing04:51
AmdpcDrPenguin : May I PM you ?04:52
DrPenguinAmdpc: k04:52
pincheTiMiDo, Ah, no. You had said apt-get install nvidia-xconfig and that of course didn't do anything. Just did it and nothing. want the xorg error again?04:53
DrPenguinpinche: can you pastebin your xorg.conf?04:53
r_tarandusThere's a delay when I tap-to-click using my touchpad. There's no delay when using the hardware button. What gives?!?!04:54
almoxarife!info nvidia-current04:54
r_tarandusBeen trying to figure this out for weeks04:54
ubottunvidia-current (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers): NVIDIA binary Xorg driver, kernel module and VDPAU library. In component restricted, is optional. Version 280.13-0ubuntu6 (oneiric), package size 30824 kB, installed size 90500 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)04:55
DrPenguinr_tarandus: the first thing i can think of is that maybe its trying to figure out whether your moving the mouse or tapping..? have ou looked in the synaptics touch pad gui manager thingy04:55
TiMiDodamn 3d04:56
dr_willis_we need 5d :-)04:56
TiMiDoyeah and 6d also04:57
DrPenguin3D is overrated04:57
TiMiDoyeah it is04:57
r_tarandusDrPenguin: The only option is that you can enable/disable "tap-to-click"04:57
TiMiDor_tarandus: you need to enable it ;)04:57
DrPenguinit is enable04:57
DrPenguinhe just doesnt like the delay when he does a tap04:58
MooseRFunM-theory requires spacetime to have 11D04:58
TiMiDooh ic04:58
DrPenguinoh I dunno what hes using04:58
almoxarifer_tarandus: what version of ubuntu?04:58
r_tarandusit's been reported: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-synaptics/+bug/449208. the only solution on there was to edit the default settings in X. i don't know what that means.04:58
ubottuUbuntu bug 449208 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics (Ubuntu) "touchpad tap-to-click response delayed .5 seconds" [Low,Incomplete]04:58
TiMiDorebooting time04:59
acuI wonder if GNOME3 ATI driver problem is solved - the Menu and Dialog BOxes are Skewed /Tilted Mingled - http://ati.cchtml.com/show_bug.cgi?id=99  can anyone tell me what is the problem 0 or whether is solved ?04:59
ubottuati.cchtml.com bug 99 in OpenGL Driver "Graphical corruption with gnome-shell" [Major,New]04:59
almoxarifer_tarandus: if that is so, you have many more options on the touchpad setup screen04:59
DrPenguinr_tarandus: synclient fasttaps=1 seems to be your soution05:00
DrPenguinor, you could edit in the 51-synaptics blah or add a xorg.conf and put an input device section in it05:01
pincheDrPenguin, where is xorg.conf? Noob here.05:01
DrPenguinpinche: /etc/X1105:01
r_tarandusDrPenguin: seriously, thanks for your suggestions and time thus far. fasttaps improves the situation (decreases the delay) but doesn't solve it. the hardware button is still faster. I was trying to edit 51-synaptics by adding a bunch of stuff, but I don't know what is the "right" thing to add.05:01
DrPenguinr_tarandus: I think it makes sense that the hard button is faster05:02
somsippinche: there is no xorg.conf as standard, but it lives where DrPenguin says if you need one05:02
DrPenguinbecause the touch pad does multiple things05:02
pincheDrPenguin, here u go: http://paste.ubuntu.com/777080/05:02
DrPenguinsomsip: he has one though, he used nvidia-xconfig05:02
somsipDrPenguin: fair enough05:02
pincheDrPenguin, last thing I did was "sudo apt-get install nvidia-current" then reboot, then "sudo nvidia-xconfig"05:03
r_tarandusDrPenguin: I do understand the reasoning behind creating a software delay. But when using other OSs, the delay isn't there and now it's a nuisance instead of a help. So even though I "get it", what's frustrating is that there isn't a way to work around it/get rid of it. An easy one, at least.05:03
macgugesPlease help, I made a bad mistake just now. I've just overwritten an ntfs partition I had intended to backup, running ntfsclone --overwrite with the devices backwards.05:03
macgugesCan I recover any of the data?05:03
DrPenguinr_tarandus: yeah, something like this its probably programmed into the X Server05:04
DrPenguinmacguges: if your lucky.. maybe testdisk can do it05:04
DrPenguinpinche: hmm.. can you do lspci | grep VGA and give me the PCI id of your card? its gonna be a set of 3 numbers separated by :'s on the left05:04
macgugesDrPenguin: thanks, I'll look into that!05:05
r_tarandusDrPenguin: thanks. guess I'll just have to deal with the delay. this some booshit! but it's all good. unity is still damn nice.05:06
DrPenguinr_tarandus: *stares at you* you "like" unity?05:06
pincheDrPenguin, the output is: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation G80 [Quadro FX 4600] (reva2)05:06
skegeekHow long has Unity been Ubuntu's default desktop??05:06
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DrPenguinpinche: hmm ok.. so it is configuring the right card..05:06
DrPenguinskegeek: since 10.10 I think? or was it 11.04..05:06
somsipskegeek: since 11.0405:06
edbianHow can I change the mouse cursor?  (ubuntu 11.10)05:06
r_tarandusDrPenguin: I know, I know. My only gripe with Unity is that you can't move the stupid side-panel to the bottom in 2D.05:07
skegeekAppears pretty sucky to me.05:07
edbianThe internet / google is showing me all sorts of non-sense such as downloading ubuntu-tweak and editing some config files05:07
pincheDrPenguin, maybe its just a matter of trying other drivers? instead of sudo apt-get install nvidia-current I can install nvidia-173 or nvidia-173-dev until I hit the correct one?05:07
DrPenguinpinche: I dont think its that.. for the sake of maybe the package didnt play nice, update your kernel modules with a depmod -a and reboot05:08
DrPenguinwhat we could also do too is just go to nvidias site and use the upstream driver05:08
iToastCan i ask a question05:08
pincheDrPenguin, ok, doing sudo depmod05:08
DrPenguinpinche: -a! dont forget the -a!05:08
iToastIts a bit off topic but its running on ubuntu server...05:08
pincheDrPenguin, ok, doing sudo depmod -a05:08
pincheDrPenguin, rebooting...05:09
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edbianoh, I need gnome-tweak-tool05:10
pincheDrPenguin, no luck. back on reboot screen. last item says "Starting bluetooth." To get to command line I do Ctrl-Alt-F105:10
DrPenguinpinche: the Xorg log might be the same…05:11
DrPenguinthis is weird.. ive never had issue with nvidia and xorg05:11
TiMiDopinche, sudo adduser username video group helps a lot05:11
pincheDrPenguin, how about setting nomodeset by editing the entry in grub as someone suggested before?05:11
DrPenguinTiMiDo: he shouldnt need that05:12
TiMiDojust in case05:12
DrPenguinhis system should just work.. its ubuntu.. yeah true05:12
DrPenguinpinche: you could try that but I dont think thats gonna help05:12
pincheDrPenguin, remember it DID work05:12
TiMiDopinche, which drivers are you using?05:12
TiMiDoBuilding only for 3.0.0-14-generic nice05:13
pincheTiMiDo, it was the second on the list. but at this point, after all the apt-get installs ad nvidia-xconfigs we've done who knows05:13
DrPenguinpinche: did X Server ever work?05:13
TiMiDoNice bug05:13
pincheDrPenguin, Intially, before I activated a driver, yes it worked05:13
TiMiDoWarning: No support for locale: en_US.utf805:13
DrPenguinOk.. thts a good sign then05:14
almoxarifeDrPenguin: what you don't take into account is how some go all script-kiddie on a basic system, forget what and where they left every kind of conf change they saw on the internet, then they seek help, worse part, they never tell you what they did.05:14
pincheDrPenguin, I installed Ubuntu couple of hours ago. Ran it fine. Was on Unity. Clicked on the drivers icon, selected the second from the list, I think version 96, restarted, and got stuck on boot.05:14
DrPenguinso.. most likely before you were probably using vesa or nouveau05:15
pincheDrPenguin, maybe. let's do that. let's install nouveau right now. walk me through it?05:15
DrPenguinwell we can do one better.. lets try this05:16
DrPenguinis X currently running and just in a hung state?05:16
almoxarifepinche: you should only have one driver, and from what you described it should be 'nvidia-current' nothing else! for graphics anyway05:16
pincheDrPenguin, how do I find out>05:16
DrPenguinalmoxarife: Ubuntu comes with a boat load of drivers by default05:16
DrPenguinpinche: ps -fade | grep X should output some line with X's process ID n crud05:16
pincheDrPenguin, yest it does05:17
DrPenguinalmoxarife: I always keep my main driver + vesa installed in my system, incase I do an update on my main driver and something happens, I can just load vesa to fix05:17
DrPenguinpinche: ok, get its PID and kill it with kill PID05:17
pincheDrPenguin, PID is the first or second number?05:18
DrPenguincheck the column but it hsould be the first05:18
DrPenguinppid should be the second.. so the fist number should be big and the second Id imagine is 105:18
pincheDrPenguin, ok killed05:18
DrPenguinnow, run Xorg -configure05:18
DrPenguinmay have to sudo that05:19
pincheDrPenguin,Configuration failed05:19
DrPenguinpinche: paste the log for me05:19
yekomsusing 11.10 i can still use 10.04 repos right?05:20
DrPenguinaltho I think I know why it failed.. these proprietary drivers suck so much05:20
somsipyekoms: wrong05:20
almoxarifeyekoms: no05:20
yekoms11.10 dont have prisim05:20
pincheDrPenguin, can't use pastebininit with it05:21
yekomswhen should i hit ctrlaltf4 for save video?05:21
pincheDrPenguin, sudo Xorg -configure | pastebininit?05:21
DrPenguinpinche: what is pastebininit?05:21
OerHeksyekoms, prism is no longer in mozilla labs > https://wiki.mozilla.org/Prism05:21
yekomsill find the source and install from tar\05:22
pincheDrPenguin, pastebinit: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pastebinit05:22
DrPenguinpinche: the log could be printing to stderr and not stdout05:22
DrPenguindo Xorg -configure &> xorg.log; cat xorg.log | pastebininit05:23
pincheDrPenguin, ok, hang on05:23
DrPenguinthat actually came up at work today.. there should be some way to distinguish stdout from stderr text, they look identical in console05:23
pincheDrPenguin, http://paste.ubuntu.com/77708805:24
DrPenguinpinche: what.. the.. hell?05:24
pincheDrPenguin, reinstall?05:24
DrPenguinit tried to load vmware by defaullt..? that makes no sense05:24
pincheDrPenguin, so the video's not the issue?05:25
DrPenguineven worse, it only attempted 1 module and not 3.. usually autoconfig pulls down the best known followed by fbdev and vesa05:25
DrPenguinremove the vmware driver05:25
pincheDrPenguin, I had installed Virtualbox.... ?05:26
DrPenguinVirtual Box is not VMWare05:26
pincheDrPenguin, right, thus my confusion05:27
DrPenguineven so, why would the host need the X Server driver for virtual box05:27
pincheDrPenguin, right05:27
pincheDrPenguin, so apt-get uninstall vmware?05:27
DrPenguinthats not the package05:27
DrPenguindpkg -l | grep vmware05:27
DrPenguinits probably xserver-xorg-video-vmware05:27
DrPenguinbut before that.. I have to ask.. this isnt a VM right? this is a native image?05:28
pincheDrPenguin, it is05:28
DrPenguinit is what05:28
pincheDrPenguin, it is xserver-xorg-video-vmware like u said05:29
DrPenguinright.. but.. is your ubuntu install a VM or native install05:29
pincheDrPenguin, native. from a DVD.05:29
DrPenguinok good..05:29
pincheDrPenguin, I have no idea what vmware is doing there05:29
DrPenguinit could just be standard in the Ubuntu image.. I dunno I dont useu buntu anymore05:30
pincheDrPenguin, so apt-get uninstall xserver-xorg-video-vmware?05:30
DrPenguinor.. is it uninstall… why am I spacing on my apt syntax05:30
pincheDrPenguin, right. removing....05:30
pincheDrPenguin, ok, removed. now what.05:31
DrPenguinok, so lets make sure your kernels still happy, sudo depmod -a05:31
pincheDrPenguin, ok, done. now what.05:31
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DrPenguinnow retry the xorg configure bs and get me the new log05:31
Captain_Crowi just did a fresh install of ubuntu 11.10 and updates, is there anything else I need to do before trying to run the cube or other compiz effects? (last few attempts of running the cube caused ubuntu to completely crash every time i rebooted the pc, which is why i had to reinstall)05:32
pincheDrPenguin, what are the xorg configure commands?05:32
pincheDrPenguin, just to make sure05:32
DrPenguinXorg - configure &> xorg.log; cat xorg.log | pastebininit05:33
DrPenguineh.. sudo that05:34
Captain_Crowshould I just run compiz, or is there some prerequisite to keeping ubuntu from crashing and becoming corrupted?05:34
DrPenguinCaptain_Crow: ubuntu has compiz in it by default now05:34
pincheDrPenguin, here u go: http://paste.ubuntu.com/777094/05:35
DrPenguinpinche: … there is something wrong with your system05:35
DrPenguincan you pastebin that new xorg file in your homedir?05:36
pincheDrPenguin, ok, fresh reinstall then.05:36
werty9danybody knows a way to install gcc or qemu to android05:36
DrPenguinwerty9d: install gcc or qemu to android..? can you explain what your asking05:37
pincheDrPenguin, thanks for all your help! I'll just reinstall.05:37
DrPenguinpinche: ok, sorry man05:37
werty9dwill ubuntu release a wersion thats suitable for android devices ?05:37
DrPenguinwerty9d: .. what? dude your not being clear05:38
DrPenguinwhat are you trying to do05:38
werty9di didnt like android05:38
werty9dgoogle did placed too many bugs on them05:38
DrPenguineh, I would disagree there… im running an ICS port on my phone and its fine.. but your not answering my question05:39
werty9dso it could be better to have a standard linux on hand :)05:40
nanotubeis it just me, or is unity buggy when it comes to multiple virtual desktops (workspaces) ?05:40
DrPenguinwerty9d: last chance. WHAT are you trying to do05:40
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werty9dandroid doesnt look like a linux at all :)05:40
DrPenguinOK im done05:40
Tech-1Captain_Crow:  have you installed the graphics drivers ?05:41
WhyWhyWhyhey werty9d you can already use ubuntu on android devices05:42
DrPenguinwas THAT what he was asking? sheesh05:42
WhyWhyWhybut i doubt they will release an officially supported version05:42
DrPenguinAndroid is gonna run better than Ubuntu on the devices though05:42
WhyWhyWhyit does run a bit slow yea05:42
WhyWhyWhyi use it mostly for dcc transfers cant find an android app for that05:43
werty9dhm thanks im trying to install that05:44
werty9dbut it requires recompiling the kernel05:44
DrPenguinwerty9d: i think thats out of scope for this IRC.. look at xda forums05:44
WhyWhyWhytheres a pre-made image you can use yea look around xda its there05:45
werty9dnot for any device05:45
werty9di hawe galaxy pro which is not much popular on that place imao05:46
WhyWhyWhyoh heheh i have the galaxy s205:46
ubuntusamhi everyone05:47
derpheadHi. So, I've spent a few hours installing Kubuntu, and I think I've broken it already. :-/05:48
werty9dso i have to do the work05:48
derpheadI was trying to get a wireless USB dongle to work that wasn't plugged in during installation. It wouldn't detect any networks so I figured I'd reboot.05:48
derpheadBut it wouldn't shutdown/reboot. It got stuck on a black screen (with mouse cursor). So I reset the machine. And now it won't log in. It tries to but logs out again a second later.05:48
werty9dthat was the cheapest device that supports linux05:48
DrPenguinderphead: can you boot the system in recovery (using the recovery kernel) and seee what happens?05:49
Captain_Crowhow do i bring up compiz on 11.10, just type ccsm into the terminal?05:49
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derpheadDrPenguin: why would it be a kernel issue? The normal graphical login screen appears and works and is fully pretty.05:49
DrPenguinoh I think I misread what happened..05:50
MetroshicaI'm trying to find out how much memory I'm using now. When I log in, my MOTD says I'm only using about 30%. However, when I run free -m, it says I have 1729 used out of 1750, with only 21 mbs free. However, it says 875 mbs is cached. How much memory is in use then, should I be worried that I'm almsot running out of memory?05:50
derpheadDrPenguin: ok05:50
DrPenguinderphead: can you VT switch and log in at console?05:50
Captain_Crowdo i type ccsm into the terminal, UXTerm, or XTerm?05:50
derpheadDrPenguin: how?05:51
DrPenguinderphead: by.. vt switching? like CTRL ALT F2?05:51
derpheadDrPenguin: ok.. linux noob here.... okay yes, now logged into a terminal.05:52
derpheadDrPenguin: how do I fix KDE?05:52
DrPenguinderphead: well, you dont fix anything until you know whats broken05:52
DrPenguintry……. sudo service kdm restart05:53
MetroshicaI'm trying to find out how much memory I'm using now. When I log in, my MOTD says I'm only using about 30%. When I run free -m, it says I have 1729 used out of 1750, with only 21 mbs free. However, it says 875 mbs is cached. How much memory is in use then, should I be worried that I'm almsot running out of memory?05:53
ubuntusamanyone running it on a mac as a vm?05:54
derpheadDrPenguin: That put me back to the log in screen, but when I try to log in it still throws me straight out again.05:54
DrPenguinubuntusam: I have in the past05:54
ubuntusamany issues?05:54
* Captain_Crow is confused with ubuntu 11.1005:54
DrPenguinderphead: ok thats weird.. can you vt switch again, login, and go to /var/log?05:54
DrPenguinubuntusam: not really05:54
pnormanMetroshica: What is going on is that 30% is used by programs and the remainder of the memory is being used to cache data on disk05:54
Captain_Crowhow do i properly open the compiz settings manager in ubuntu 11.10?05:55
ubuntusamme either...so far.05:55
DrPenguinCaptain_Crow: ccsm &?05:55
Metroshicapnorman: so I'm not running out of memory and I"m only using 30%?05:55
tensorpuddingMetroshica, http://www.linuxatemyram.com/05:55
tensorpuddingis helpful05:55
derpheadDrPenguin: what log should I look at here?05:55
Captain_CrowDrPenguin, & what?05:56
DrPenguinCaptain_Crow: its just ccsm &05:56
DrPenguinthe & symbol means to run the process in the background05:56
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Metroshicatensorpudding, haha, that's a great site, thanks05:56
Captain_Crowi type in "ccsm &"?05:56
TiMiDono just ccsm05:56
DrPenguinderphead: can you pastebin the output of ls, I need to see whats in there05:57
Captain_Crowi tried just ccsm, it says not installed, but i installed all the updates05:57
TiMiDoCaptain_Crow, which release?05:57
DrPenguinCaptain_Crow: just because you istalled the updates it doesnt mean your gonna have a package, jus install the settings mgr.. but it should be in there05:57
TiMiDoCaptain_Crow, install emerald05:58
TiMiDothat will fix you'r window issue or go with gtk --decorador05:58
derpheadDrPenguin: http://i.imgur.com/wbDnQ.png05:59
DrPenguinderphead: pastebin the kdm.log please06:00
Captain_CrowTiMiDo, i just reinstalled ubuntu, I dont have a window issue(yet), i haven't installed any additional packages yet aside from update06:00
TiMiDothen sudo apt-get dist-upgrade06:00
TiMiDoto upgrade you'r whole system06:00
TiMiDoif you like06:00
kaushalis there a way to protect data on a laptop or desktop running Ubuntu Linux desktop if its lost and falls in bad hands06:01
DrPenguinkaushal: you can encrypt it06:01
Captain_Crowi ran the full update thing already, i just havent messed with compiz yet cause idk how to do it properly w/o messing up the OS06:01
kaushalI mean elegant and efficient way to do it ?06:01
DrPenguinkaushal: … encrypt it06:01
yekomsi cant connect to efnet using ipv606:01
derpheadDrPenguin: there's a line near the end "kdeinit4: Communication error with launcher. Exiting!".. could that be it?06:02
yekomsanyone else have these issues?06:02
kaushalCan i push it from a centralized location ?06:02
DrPenguinderphead: moooooost likely06:02
derpheadDrPenguin: then it says "D-Bus call failed: 'Not connected to D-Bus server'"06:02
kaushalDrPenguin: Any wiki ?06:02
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DrPenguinkaushal: google it? theres probably something on the ubu wiki06:02
derpheadDrPenguine: come to think of it I think I uninstalled some sort of d-bus thingie06:02
DrPenguinderphead: oh God!06:02
DrPenguindude! you need dbus06:02
derpheadDrPenguin: I thought it was a printer driver :-/06:03
DrPenguin*face palm* no way!06:03
almoxarifederphead: what else did you remove?06:03
dyess002Metroshica,   free -m shows me as having 5841 out of  5951  and System Moniter shows that I have 2200mb  left.   I think that I am owned.06:03
kaushalDrPenguin: is it https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedFilesystemHowto ?06:03
Captain_CrowTiMiDo, is emerald the replacement for ccsm in ubuntu 11.10?06:03
derpheadalmoxarife: CUPS and bluetooth stuff06:03
DrPenguinkaushal: I dont know.. I dont use ubuntu06:03
almoxarifederphead: stuff06:03
derpheadhow do I add the dbus things back?06:04
almoxarifederphead: gosh, did you think that stuff was there for a reason?06:04
DrPenguinderphead: try apt-get install dbus06:04
derpheadDrPenguin: it says "dbus is already the newest version"06:04
DrPenguinthen…. you didnt remove dbus, but somehting associated with dbus06:05
almoxarifeDrPenguin: he needs to apt-get install ubuntu-desktop, it's the only thing to be sure all the 'stuff' that is gone comes back06:05
DrPenguinalmoxarife: then tell him that :P06:05
derpheadI'll do that06:05
skegeekDoes Ubuntu-Unity have problems with Intel Mobile graphics cards?06:05
almoxarifeDrPenguin: nope, you are doing very well, continue, if you would06:06
aeon-ltdskegeek: if you have any just ask here06:06
DrPenguinalmoxarife: :p thanks06:06
derpheadit says "unable to locate package ubuntu-desktop"... also tried 'kubuntu-desktop'06:06
* Captain_Crow just wants fancy compiz features w/o crashing or corrupting the OS...06:06
skegeekI've Intel Mobile Express 965 graphics card and Ubuntu keeps freezing.06:07
almoxarifederphead: what are you running??? ubuntu? ku..... what??06:07
DrPenguinCaptain_Crow: Why are you worried about "crashing or corrupting the OS"? This isnt Windows06:07
DrPenguinalmoxarife: kubuntu06:07
skegeekIt was after being idle, but it just froze when i was doing something.06:07
derpheadalmoxarife: Kubuntu 11.10, clean install06:07
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almoxarifeDrPenguin: then install kubuntu-desktop06:07
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Captain_Crowits already crashed and corrupted 5 times after I tried to run compiz features06:08
derpheadalmoxarife: it's not able to locate that either06:08
DrPenguinCaptain_Crow: Ive NEVER had an issue where Ive broken Ubuntu beyound repair with compiz06:08
DrPenguinderphead: make sure your repos synced, do apt-get update06:08
DrPenguinthen apt-cache search kubuntu06:08
almoxarife!info kubuntu-desktop06:09
ubottukubuntu-desktop (source: kubuntu-meta): Kubuntu Plasma Desktop/Netbook system. In component main, is optional. Version 1.239 (oneiric), package size 3 kB, installed size 56 kB06:09
skegeekI'm running Ubuntu 11.10, I've even tried Gnome Classic. I turned off power control, I had disabled Compiz as well. I haven't managed to turn off screen saver, but that doesn't appear to matter as of now.06:09
almoxarifederphead: what else aren't you sahring06:09
dyess002Metroshica  free -m on mine shows  5841 out of 5951  leaving me eith just 110 free. syytem Moniter shows that I have 2.5 out of 5.8.  I get the feeling that someone is being hornswoggled.06:09
DrPenguinalmoxarife: his cookies no doubt06:09
motorinhola saludos06:09
derpheadalmoxarife: it's in a VM06:09
almoxarifederphead: that don't matter,06:09
Captain_CrowDrPenguin, i couldn't get the desktop to work at all aside from tapping the power button to get the shutdown menu to come up, I had to reinstall ubuntu completely to get it to work again06:10
DrPenguinCaptain_Crow: thats not a compiz break, you broke something severely there06:10
Captain_Crowits happened every time i tried to run the cube feature06:11
Shodowjedi01Can someone help me with my boot screen issue?06:11
DrPenguinCaptain_Crow: as I said, your breakin something there.. compiz wouldnt bork your system06:11
DrPenguinShodowjedi01: just say your issue06:12
almoxarife!info pastebinit06:13
ubottupastebinit (source: pastebinit): command-line pastebin client. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2-2 (oneiric), package size 30 kB, installed size 480 kB06:13
Shodowjedi01Dr.Penguin: I was messing around with the plymouth manager and now my boot screen is all jacked up, plymouth is non responsive and synaptic will not allow me to remove it until I "fix broken packages"06:13
Captain_Crowall i had to do was install ccsm, run it, checkmark the cube feature, and after that EVERYTHING on the desktop would disappear and become unuseable, i even tried the Alt+F2 thing to bring up the command terminal and nothing would happen06:13
almoxarifetried pastebinit, it is that easy, from the terminal even06:14
DrPenguinShodowjedi01: hmmm.. what kind of video card do you have06:14
DrPenguinCaptain_Crow: that doesnt sound like somehting compiz would do.. Did you pay attention to the other things that compiz asked you to do when you enabled cube?06:15
DrPenguinCaptain_Crow: what else did you change06:15
Captain_Crowthat was it06:15
Shodowjedi01Dr. Penguin: ATI Technologies Inc RS780M/RS780MN06:15
DrPenguinCaptain_Crow: I call bs, theres no way06:15
Captain_Crowthe only other things in installed were the updates06:16
Shodowjedi01Captain_Crow: Sounds to me like you messed up your screen res06:16
DrPenguinShodowjedi01: hmm.. what framebuffer are you using? vesafb?06:16
Shodowjedi01Dr. Penguin: Not really sure06:16
DrPenguinShodowjedi01: can you dmesg and look through that close to the bottom? my first guess is your using vesafb06:16
almoxarifeDrPenguin: what log shows the info you need from Shodowjedi01?06:17
dyess002Penetration Testing with dsniff06:17
DrPenguinalmoxarife: im not really looking for anything specific, just any vesafb messages in dmesg06:17
DrPenguinI need to know what framebuffer hes using06:17
Captain_Crowso i'd have to change the screen resolution?06:17
DrPenguinor see if theres a collision of framebuffers, depending on if his vid card supports KMS06:17
almoxarifeShodowjedi01: familiar with terminal?06:17
urlin2uCaptain_Crow, run unity reset in a terminal to setb it stock and reboot.06:18
Shodowjedi01almostxarife: yes06:18
urlin2uCaptain_Crow, unity --reset06:18
Shodowjedi01I just ran the dmesg command06:18
DrPenguinShodowjedi01: if you want, you can pastebin the dmesg output and I can read it06:18
Captain_Crowi cant open the terminal after running compiz06:18
DrPenguinCaptain_Crow: you can vt switch06:18
DrPenguinShodowjedi01: I think it would be nice too to have the output of lsmod06:19
Shodowjedi01t pref]06:19
Shodowjedi01[    0.532546] pci 0000:00:04.0: PCI bridge to [bus 03-03]06:19
Shodowjedi01[    0.532546] pci 0000:00:04.0:   bridge window [io  disabled]06:19
Shodowjedi01[    0.532546] pci 0000:00:04.0:   bridge window [mem 0xf0300000-0xf03fffff]06:19
Shodowjedi01[    0.532546] pci 0000:00:04.0:   bridge window [mem pref disabled]06:19
Shodowjedi01[    0.532546] pci 0000:00:06.0: PCI bridge to [bus 09-09]06:19
FloodBot1Shodowjedi01: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:19
urlin2uCaptain_Crow, use a tty crtl-alt-f1 do it there then reboot06:19
almoxarifeShodowjedi01: not here06:19
DrPenguinhe got booted :(06:19
DrPenguinShodowjedi01: put that on pastebin.com or whatever06:20
urlin2uCaptain_Crow, unity and compiz are intertwined unity is a plugin in compiz you need to look on the web for a tutorial; in setting up the cube.06:20
Shodowjedi01Dr. Penguin: The dmesg or lsmod?06:20
DrPenguinShodowjedi01: just dmesg, if I need lsmod Ill have you do that too06:21
c_smithurlin2u, I've found in 11.10 the Desktop cube is even more risky (possibly impossible) to implement with Unity.06:21
DrPenguinftr, Unity just sucks06:22
urlin2uc_smith, not impossible  have it running fine.06:22
c_smithpossibly impossible..... oxymoron.....06:22
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:22
Captain_Crowso compiz effects are not a standard ubuntu feature and will be buggy unless you know exactly how to use them?06:22
dyess002 ?06:22
derpheadDrPenguin: it's reinstalled everything I removed. How do I return to the graphical login terminal now? Or should I reboot?06:23
DrPenguinderphead: sudo service kdm restart, but Id say reboot06:23
derpheadDrPenguin: how do I reboot from a terminal?06:23
urlin2uCaptain_Crow, they are part of the unity desktop a little mre ten click and hope is needed.06:23
DrPenguinderphead: sudo shutdown -r now06:23
c_smithCaptain_Crow, not exactly, you can use only a limited extent without knowing how to properly configure it otherwise.06:23
Shodowjedi01Dr. Penguin: I pasted in pastebin the name is Dr. Penguin06:23
yekomssudo reboot06:23
urlin2umore then*06:23
DrPenguinor sudo reboot06:23
derpheadthank ye06:23
DrPenguinShodowjedi01: do whu nao?06:24
DrPenguinI need the link of the pastebin06:25
Shodowjedi01I pasted the output of dmseg on pastebin.com06:25
Shodowjedi01oh ok06:25
motorinSomeone who can install pyrit in ubuntu06:25
blackshi1tmotorin: what is pyrit ?06:25
Shodowjedi01Dr. Penguin http://pastebin.com/Kj0X2JCA06:25
allquixoticIs there a way to have a package from a PPA depend upon a package from another user's PPA? I build-depends on valac 0.15 for my package; that version of valac is available in someone else's PPA. Do I have to grab their source packages and upload them to my PPA to get it to work, or can I just tell the build server to install packages from that other PPA?06:25
DrPenguinShodowjedi01: I was right! your using KMS06:26
ymanneed help with : When trying to install from software center it tell me "no internet connection"06:26
c_smithallquixotic, I don't believe you can have that type of thing without the PPA owner specifying it themselves in the package code.06:26
DrPenguinShodowjedi01: so.. I think if we blacklist vesafb you should be ok06:26
DrPenguinyman: well, DO you have a net connection?06:26
urlin2uyman, can you run a apt-get update?06:26
allquixoticc_smith: Which PPA owner? I'm the PPA owner for the package that depends on a package in another's PPA; does that mean there's a way for me to do that?06:27
Shodowjedi01Dr. Penguin: will this fix my plymouth manager?06:27
ymanDrPenguin... I'm in here06:27
motorinIt is a command to do that the graphical card works together with the processor of the cpu06:27
DrPenguinyman: well that doesnt mean your using the same pc..06:27
DrPenguinShodowjedi01: I think it will06:27
ymanI will try that urlin2u06:27
Shodowjedi01Dr. Penguin: Ok lets try it!06:27
c_smithallquixotic, now I think about it, I don't think it's even possible, but I'm shooting in the dark, I'll have to have someone else answer.06:28
DrPenguinShodowjedi01: cd to /etc/modprobe.d06:28
derpheadDrPenguin: It was still broken, but now it gave me another option on the login screen (I swear it wasn't there before) to select a new session. I appear to be logged in fine now.06:28
motorinSomeone who can install pyrit in ubuntu 11.1006:28
DrPenguinderphead: nice! what session did you log into?06:28
allquixoticc_smith: I know it's possible to have packages _within your own PPA_ depend on eachother. I have seen that in countless PPAs, such as the xorg edgers where all the xorg stack packages depend on each other06:28
Shodowjedi01Dr. Penguin: "No such file or directory"06:29
DrPenguinShodowjedi01: uh… that *should* be a directory06:29
allquixoticc_smith: So I guess I just have to grab the valac source packages from the other PPA, sign them with my own gpg key, and upload them to my own PPA lol06:29
derpheadDrPenguin: "KDE Plasma something or other" in addition to "default" and "failsafe", the two that were there before06:29
c_smithallquixotic, I'd guess so.06:29
derpheadare those "sessions" I'm not sure?06:29
DrPenguindid Ubuntu change the modprobe directory in Oneric?06:29
DrPenguinderphead: yeah those are sessions06:29
c_smithallquixotic, what's your program, btw?06:30
allquixoticc_smith: http://launchpad.net/rbpitch06:30
Shodowjedi01Dr. Penguin: I'm running Maverick06:30
c_smithallquixotic, thanks, I was curious and wanted to look.06:30
derpheadDrPenguin: thank you very much for your help. I'll be more careful with future uninstalls.06:30
DrPenguinShodowjedi01: either way its weird.. try this06:30
DrPenguinfind / -name "blacklist*"06:30
allquixoticc_smith: I'm a long way away from Oregon but nice to meet a fellow hacker ;)06:30
DrPenguinsudo actually06:30
DrPenguinderphead: np06:30
TiMiDoit should be in /etc/blacklist06:30
almoxarifeDrPenguin: /etc/modprobe.d06:30
TiMiDoyeah true that almoxarife ;)06:31
Shodowjedi01DrPenguin: So the command I'm running is sudo derphead: np?06:31
DrPenguinalmoxarife: thats what I thought.. but Shodowjedi01is saying theres no such file or dir06:31
TiMiDoif not create it06:31
c_smithallquixotic, yeah, I'm beginning (haven't even modified anything in source) but I hope to be able to in the next 2-3 years.06:31
DrPenguinShodowjedi01: no! lol.. sudo find / -name "blacklist*"06:31
allquixoticc_smith: Wow, I'm stupid; I found the answer in the launchpad docs!!!!!06:32
allquixoticc_smith: https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA/BuildingASourcePackage#Depending_on_other_PPAs06:32
allquixoticc_smith: The answer is to click the dang button to edit PPA dependencies.......... wow... I missed that?!06:32
c_smithallquixotic, well, I haven't even messed with it. if you don't mind, could we have a chat in #ubuntu-offtopic?06:32
Shodowjedi01DrPenguin: One momment please06:32
allquixoticc_smith: sure06:33
Shodowjedi01DrPenguin: http://pastebin.com/iK6xjtzF06:34
DrPenguinShodowjedi01: ok /etc/modprobe.d does exist, you just goofed the command up06:34
DrPenguinwas gonna say Id be surprised if it didnt exist06:35
ymanurlin2u,  GPG error: http://deb.torproject.org natty InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 74A941BA219EC810 ... I removed the signatures and now its working06:35
DrPenguinok.. anyway.. edit blacklist-framebuffer.conf with your editor of choice, we need to add blacklist vesafb if it isnt in there.. if it is in there and not commented.. then we need to disable it since its some how being invoked stil06:35
urlin2uyman, cool06:36
Shodowjedi01totally just lost me DrPenguin06:36
DrPenguinok, have you used any text editors on Linux?06:36
Shodowjedi01DrPenguin: I'm going to say no?06:37
DrPenguinShodowjedi01: ok,, since your new to linux, we will do this the easy way, are you in /etc/modprobe.d?06:37
Captain_Crowis there a specific compiz editor that I need for 11.10?06:37
almoxarifeShodowjedi01: no is a better choice right now06:37
DrPenguinCaptain_Crow: no06:37
Shodowjedi01DrPenguin: The command you gave me isn't working06:38
Shodowjedi01I copied it exactly as you typed it06:38
DrPenguinShodowjedi01: paste what your typing in06:38
skegeekPerhaps this will be useful in solving my problems: http://pastebin.com/7Q0sD7qq06:39
Captain_CrowDrPenguin, what editor should i be using? (maybe im downloading the wrong one im not really sure)06:39
Shodowjedi01cd to /etc/modprobe.d06:39
DrPenguinShodowjedi01: theres no such thing as to06:39
DrPenguinits just: cd /etc/modprobe.d06:39
DrPenguinCaptain_Crow: ccsm....06:39
Shodowjedi01DrPenguin: In there like swimwear06:40
DrPenguinShodowjedi01: good but also creepy06:40
DrPenguinnow, do: sudo gedit blacklist-framebuffer.conf06:40
Shodowjedi01DrPenguin: In the text editor06:41
Cyph3rchecking the forums, but is there a good guide on ubuntuforums for SSH?06:41
DrPenguindo you see blacklist vesafb?06:41
Cyph3rif anyone knows the title offhand06:41
Shodowjedi01let me look06:41
DrPenguinYOU DO THAT06:41
Shodowjedi01I do06:41
DrPenguinShodowjedi01: ok… is it commented out?06:42
Shodowjedi01DrPenguin: What do you mean commented out?06:42
DrPenguinis there a # infront of it06:42
Captain_Crowis it something installed by default or do i have to type ccsm into the software center search bar? (last few times i been typing "compiz" into the download center and used the manage i found there which wrecked my OS and I've seen similar stories in the review section)06:42
Shodowjedi01DrPenguin: No there isn't06:43
DrPenguinShodowjedi01: ok.. thats weird.. vesafb is blocked but its still running.. hmm06:43
DrPenguinso now.. the solution becomes.. either disable kms or remove vesafb.. the latter I think is the more viable option06:43
Cyph3rCaptain_Crow,  did you try just typing ccsm into terminal?06:44
Shodowjedi01DrPenguin: I'll use your digression06:44
Captain_CrowCyph3r, yes06:45
pikpikHi. Is it possible to run .desktop files from Terminal?06:46
almoxarifepikpik: no need, run the app that the desktop file is associated with in terminal06:46
DrPenguinShodowjedi01: hmmmm.. maybe its uvesafb..?get a pastebin of lsmod for me please06:47
Arizona_Bayhow do you locate an application in a terminal ?06:47
Shodowjedi01DrPenguin: On it, one momment plz06:47
Captain_Crowit says ccsm is not installed06:47
Cyph3rsudo apt-get install ccsm06:47
TiMiDoArizona_Bay,  locate app name06:47
hieveryonei'm new to linux, i'm getting an error "gstreamer encountered a general resource error"06:47
hieveryonewhen playing a dvd06:48
Shodowjedi01DrPenguin: http://pastebin.com/wZtVQqYs06:48
pikpikalmoxarife: It's a Windows executable associated with WINE.06:48
Cyph3rCaptain_Crow, are you just trying to set up compiz?06:48
Shodowjedi01alomoxarife: Or open in windows under virtualbox06:49
Cyph3rCaptain_Crow, yeah, just jump in the terminal and type:    sudo apt-get install ccsm06:49
hieveryoneNEVERMIND. vlc fixed  the issue06:49
hieveryonethanks anyways06:49
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hieveryonealso, i want to learn alot about linux06:49
hieveryonebut dont know where to begin06:49
pikpikalmoxarife: I'm trying to make the program executable from "Dash home."06:49
DrPenguinShodowjedi01: hmm.. I dont see uvesafb in there.. this is weird.. can you install hwinfo and do sudo hwinfo --framebuffer?06:50
hieveryoneany suggestions on where to start, i use ubuntu now06:50
Captain_CrowCyph3r, it says "Unable to locate package ccsm"06:50
Shodowjedi01hieveryone: http://www.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Teaching/Unix/unix2.html06:50
skegeekCan anyone help me with the error I pastebin'd?06:50
Shodowjedi01hieveryone: http://tldp.org/06:51
hieveryonealso windows wouldnt even recognize my laptop dvd player, linux did instantly, this kicks ass06:51
DrPenguinShodowjedi01: actually, forget that, can you  pastebin your /etc/efault/grub?06:51
edbianlinux is great06:51
hieveryonethanks shodojedi0106:51
Shodowjedi01DrPenguin: Roger that06:51
hieveryonethanks shodowjedi0106:51
DrPenguin*/etc/default/grub/* forgot a d06:51
DrPenguinGAH no slash after grub06:51
ZeroeAnyone here tried connecting to CentOs lately?06:51
urlin2uCaptain_Crow, read this link on the cube in natty it is the same in oneirirc, notice the bit on setting up a compiz restart button. http://reformedmusings.wordpress.com/2011/05/05/howto-get-the-compiz-desktop-cube-in-ubuntu-11-04-natty-and-unity/06:52
almoxarifepikpik: what is 'dashhome'??06:53
Cyph3rCaptain_Crow, crap sorry...it's:   sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager06:53
hieveryoneoh wow http://tldp.org/ is really indepth, thanks alot ill deff give it a read06:53
Shodowjedi01DrPenguin: Having trouble with that command and brb I need a mtn dew recharge06:53
Shodowjedi01hieveryone: np06:54
DrPenguinroflcopter ok06:54
derpheadwell there goes that password to the world06:55
pikpikalmoxarife: Oh, sorry. "Dash": http://www.ubuntu.com/sites/www.ubuntu.com/files/active/images/oneiric-features-overview-dash.jpg06:56
Captain_CrowCyph3r, i've already tried "sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager" too, i just gave me the same thing06:56
Shodowjedi01DrPenguin: ok I"m back and all dewed up!06:56
urlin2uderphead, weak one at that.06:57
pikpikalmoxarife: In a nutshell, I'm trying to make Spotify look native (even though I'm using WINE).06:57
Shodowjedi01ty for your help and friendly disposition06:57
almoxarifepikpik: I am sort of lost, so you want to click on an exe file in dashhome06:57
pikpikalmoxarife: Exactly.06:57
almoxarifepikpik: but only .desktop files are shown, right?06:58
Cyph3rCaptain_Crow, and you haven't install compiz before?06:58
pikpikalmoxarife: In dash/dash home? I'm not sure; I'm new to it. :\06:58
almoxarifepikpik: pretty sure that a .desktop file needs to exist to be seen in 'dashhome'06:59
DrPenguinShodowjedi01: heh, wheres my /etc/default/grub! kill your sperm on your own time06:59
derpheadurlin2u: 26^23... that's like 108-bit07:00
Cyph3rwhat bothers me is how a bullet-point (using dreamweaver) will make a nice bullet in firefox, but a crazy ass symbol on a mac (camino i imagine)07:00
Shodowjedi01DrPenguin: all this terminal work is taking it out of me07:00
DrPenguinI live in terminal07:00
pikpikalmoxarife: Hmmm... ok.07:01
edbianI also live in terminal07:01
Shodowjedi01"permission denied"07:01
almoxarifepikpik: which is why I gave on it and its gnome3 version and installed cairo-dock, so I could have handy access to anything I wanted with the click of the mouse, of course it does take adding the app/prog to it07:01
DrPenguinShodowjedi01: sudo !!07:01
Shodowjedi01*smacks self in face*07:02
DrPenguin(I literally mean !! too, it means run last command07:02
Captain_CrowCyph3r, the last few times i installed it from the ubuntu download center, i typed "compiz" in the search box then downloaded the one that said manager, when I opened it and checkmarked the cube feature, the top bar and icon bar disappeared and i was left with nothing but the desktop background, and it stayed that way even after rebooting and there was no shutdown menu button anymore, i had to press the power button to bring u07:02
Cyph3rCaptain_Crow, ahhh okay07:03
Cyph3ri think you need to reset your panel bars07:03
DrPenguinShodowjedi01: I dont mean to rush you, but ill be logging off soon, I need to be up in 4 hours for work07:03
Shodowjedi01charlie@Hal-9000:~$ /etc/efault/grub07:03
Shodowjedi01bash: /etc/efault/grub: No such file or directory07:03
Shodowjedi01charlie@Hal-9000:~$ /etc/default/grub07:03
Shodowjedi01bash: /etc/default/grub: Permission denied07:03
Shodowjedi01charlie@Hal-9000:~$ /etc/default/grub/07:03
Shodowjedi01bash: /etc/default/grub/: Not a directory07:03
Shodowjedi01charlie@Hal-9000:~$ /etc/defaultgrub07:03
FloodBot1Shodowjedi01: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:03
Cyph3rCaptain_Crow, what build of ubuntu are you using?07:04
Captain_CrowCyph3r, after it happened i wasnt able to access anything, i had to reinstall ubuntu07:04
DrPenguinShodowjedi01: thats not a command.. its a file07:04
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pikpikalmoxarife: Yeah... I'm trying to do something minimal for another user. So, I'd like to not install anything more than WINE, if reasonably possible.07:05
Shodowjedi01DrPenguin: Get some rest07:05
Shodowjedi01I"m pretty frazzled myself07:05
Shodowjedi01DrPenguin: Thanks for the help though, friend. I appreciate it07:05
DrPenguinShodowjedi01: lol ok, heres what I was bitin at. What we need to do is probably remove the vga=xxx lines from your kernel boot params and then update grub.. that hsould fix things07:05
DrPenguinits np07:05
Shodowjedi01DrPenguin: Right on07:06
DrPenguinill see yall later then.. tomorrows my last day of work before holiday break.. hopefully I can get some slep @_@;07:07
almoxarifepikpik: doesn't wine offer up installed apps in a menu in dash? right side?07:07
urlin2uderphead, mostly dictionary words no capitals or punctuation or odd symbols.07:07
urlin2uno numbers07:07
derpheadurlin2u: hokay07:09
derpheadaww man I broke KDE again07:10
almoxarifederphead: deleted another odd named file/folder?07:11
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derpheadalmoxarife: I just uninstalled bluetooth and ppp stuff. I have a VM snapshot. I'll roll it back.07:12
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almoxarifederphead: how are you deleting?07:12
Captain_Crowshould I just give up on trying to get compiz features to work on ubuntu 11.10 and just download ubuntu 10.04?07:13
derpheadalmoxarife: the muon program thingie07:13
Captain_Crowidk if im doing it wrong or if 11.10 is just buggy07:13
psychognitehello guys nybody knows how to create bootable usb using command07:13
TiMiDoCaptain_Crow, lol07:13
pikpikalmoxarife: I thought so, but I don't see it.07:13
TiMiDostill with the compiz issues?07:13
urlin2uCaptain_Crow, did you look at the link I posted it describes what you will see and how to deal with it?07:14
psychogniteanybody help me in creating bootable usb flash drive07:14
almoxarifepikpik: it may only exist in the 2d desktop07:14
psychogniteanybody help me in creating bootable usb flash drive ????07:14
TiMiDostop repeating you'r self Psychobudgie07:14
urlin2upsychognite, what OS ?07:15
psychognitewindow XP07:15
ugurhello I have a problem about battery charging.07:15
ugurubuntu barely charge my xps 15 laptop battery.07:15
ugurCharging time increase during charge. btw windows is ok, no problem07:15
urlin2upsychognite, some have claimed unetbootin, never worked for me can be done in windows though.07:15
fidelugur: how long does it take?07:15
ugurwhat can i do ?07:15
fidelugur: i got a xps as well07:15
urlin2uwith a legit MS iso. psychognite07:16
uguri haven't measure full charge time but07:16
psychogniteyes i have iso file of Window Xp07:16
uguri generally use xps on ac07:16
psychogniteunetbootin does have option for windows also07:17
almoxarifepsychognite: wrong channel07:17
ugurfidel: indicator says 14 min. around 20 min.07:17
urlin2upsychognite, thats about it from me this is ubuntu support not XP.07:17
Captain_Crowurlin2u, what link?07:17
pikpikalmoxarife: Ok.07:18
psychogniteurlin2u i need to know how to boot usb cn u urlin2u sir give me some reference where i can do so.....?07:19
urlin2uCaptain_Crow, read carefully says natty same in oneiric notice the compiz restart button needed. http://reformedmusings.wordpress.com/2011/05/05/howto-get-the-compiz-desktop-cube-in-ubuntu-11-04-natty-and-unity/07:19
ugurfidel: acpi -f output= )] fidel: if i write07:19
ugurfidel: acpi -f output= )] Battery 0: Charging, 99%, 00:15:19 until charged07:19
ugurnow Battery 0: Charging, 99%, 00:15:31 until charged07:20
almoxarifeCaptain_Crow: if you would verify that 'ubuntu-tweak' does not crash 11.10 for some reason, then I would recommend it for compiz tweaking, its got a very simple config for it, that's what I used till I killed compiz07:20
ugurtime increase07:20
ugurif i use laptop07:20
urlin2upsychognite, I have never gotten a XP iso on a thumb in open source to work only when loaded in a windows environment do you understand this.07:20
psychogniteits kk urlin2u thnx for help..:)07:21
pikpikalmoxarife: Ah! I put Spotify.desktop in /usr/share/applications, and it shows up in "dashhome" and acts native now! :D07:22
almoxarife!info ubuntu-tweak07:22
ubottuPackage ubuntu-tweak does not exist in oneiric07:22
almoxarifepikpik: what is 'spotify?07:22
Captain_Crowurlin2u, what is "NATTY"07:23
almoxarife!info spotify07:23
ubottuPackage spotify does not exist in oneiric07:23
pikpikalmoxarife: http://www.spotify.com/us/about/what/ --> http://www.spotify.com/us/help/faq/wine/07:23
urlin2uCaptain_Crow, the 11.04 release, the latest is 11.1007:23
nprezidenthello people, today i backed up my 11.10 ubuntu system using tar, and then i reinstalled ubuntu 11.10 now when i boot up its giving me an error stating that /dev/disk/by-uuid/..... does not exist dropping to shell is there any way i can restore my system07:23
urlin2uCaptain_Crow, the Ubuntu release are alphabetical 11.04 Natty Narwhal 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot07:24
antzlen1hiiiii everyone...can anyone tell me hw can i repair my crash ubuntu os 10.0407:24
antzlen1hiiiii everyone...can anyone tell me hw can i repair my crash ubuntu os 10.0407:25
nprezidentantzlen1 your going to give alot more details then that ..07:25
urlin2u!details | antzlen107:25
ubottuantzlen1: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."07:25
Captain_Crowit looks complicated07:25
urlin2uCaptain_Crow, depends I suppose how used you are to the setup, but O can see why you would say that.07:26
pikpikalmoxarife: Thanks for helping. :)07:26
antzlen1ubottu: my system is not booting from hd07:26
antzlen1i m running ubuntu 10.0407:26
urlin2uantzlen1, what happens07:26
almoxarifepikpik: :)07:27
antzlen1urlin2u: hw can i repair my crash ubuntu os 10.0407:27
urlin2uantzlen1, you need to give details and answer questions.07:27
Captain_Crowurlin2u, im new to ubuntu stuff, is 10.04 more stable/user-friendly for setting up the cube?07:28
TiMiDoCaptain_Crow, not really if you cannot get it working on testing what makes you think by downgrading you'll get the cube working once again?07:28
urlin2uCaptain_Crow, probably not sure never used 10.04 that long or the cube in it.07:29
nprezidentare their things you have to do before you can restore your system from a tar file >? i reinstalled ubuntu 11.10 after i backed up my system to a tar file and now i can't log back in back /dev/disk/by-uuid/... does not exist ?07:29
ikonianprezident: you shouldn't be restoring your system from a tar file07:29
almoxarifeCaptain_Crow: look at plasma-shell in the current 11.10, it may be where you want to go, and you can even have your cube, while staying current07:30
urlin2uTiMiDo, lucid is gnome 2 likely easier for a beginner.07:30
TiMiDonprezident, enable it via /etc/fstab07:30
ikonianprezident: exactly what did you back up in your tar file07:30
ikoniait's not just "fstab"07:30
nprezidentikonia aww damm too late good to know07:30
TiMiDoi just stick with xfce407:30
TiMiDois a good tool07:30
ikonianprezident: what did you backup ?07:30
antzlen1Hi I am not able to boot07:30
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nprezidentikonia everything except proc lost found mnt and sys07:31
ikoniaantzlen1: you've been told - you need to provide details07:31
ikonianprezident: that's not a good process,07:31
ikonianprezident: your fstab and grub config will need to be changed at least07:31
nprezidentikonia whats a good process to backup the hole system >? and how would i do that if i can't even log on ? \07:32
nprezidentthe system drops me to a shelll07:32
ikonianprezident: you need to boot from a livecd, mount the disk and make the alterations07:32
Captain_Crowwhich plasma shell?07:32
nprezidentikonia to which files ?07:32
antzlen1every time whenever i start my sys then i see a black display showing generic,generic recovery mode07:32
ikonianprezident: this is where it's going to get complex, you can just flat modify /etc/fstab, but you'll probably have to chroot your system to update the grub files now that it's dynamic07:33
antzlen1whenever i select one of these options ...again this window reappars07:33
nprezidentlol ikonia whats the worst that can happen i already can't log on07:34
ikoniaantzlen1: so if you select "geneirc", it just goes back to the menu "generic"07:34
antzlen1its showig a message ..."no init found.....try passing init=bootarg"07:34
ikonianprezident: my advice - do a clean install, untar the tar file to a directory, and select the files you want to restore07:35
ikonianprezident: eg: clean install, restore your home directory, restore your apache config etc etc, stuff you want to keep07:35
antzlen1where i have to pass this "init=bootarg"07:35
antzlen1plz telle me07:36
ikoniaantzlen1: why do you want to pass that ?07:36
ikonia(there is no such option as bootarg)07:36
nprezidentikonia cool thanx is there a way i can get my applications back without having to reinstall i used dpkg --get-selections > install.log to back up them up07:36
nprezidentor is that going to be a problem also ?07:36
antzlen1thn wht to do ....this is the only thing i am seeing on the screen ....07:36
Captain_Crowim just gonna try 10.04, i see alot of reviews for compiz guis not working in 11.1007:37
ikonianprezident: the position your in, it's easier to re-install the applications, then restore any config files you want07:37
antzlen1& the sys is this screen ony after entering the generic07:37
nprezidentikonia thanx07:37
antzlen1i told you naa am not able to boot the sys07:38
ikoniaantzlen1: ok - so you see the grub menu, with "generic" and "recovery" options, if you higlight generic with the cursor keys, and kit "enter" what happenes07:38
nprezidentikonia would it be a problem if i restored my /usr/bin/ folder ?07:39
ikonianprezident: yes07:39
nprezidentlol great07:39
ikonianprezident: only restore your home directories and config files07:40
ikonianprezident: the rest should come from a clean install07:40
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antzlen1its showig a message ..."no init found.....try passing init=bootarg"07:41
nprezidentikonia whats a way i can backup my system and restore it back to the way it was ? dd command ?07:41
ikonianprezident: you can use dd - but you need to understand what you are doing, that is a block by block copy, which includes things such as the partition table data, so if things change such as your disk size or layout, this WILL overwrite those changes and you'll be in the same position you are now07:42
nprezidenti understand07:42
CarlFKI don't know what the goal is, but sounds like a job for http://clonezilla.org07:43
ikonianprezident: it will back up empty space too, that sort of thing. It's a great method if you understand what you are doing07:43
antzlen1i told you naa am not able to boot the sys07:43
antzlen1its showig a message ..."no init found.....try passing init=bootarg"07:43
nprezidentikonia i see07:43
antzlen1plz telle me07:43
ikonianprezident: check out what CarlFK said07:44
CarlFKantzlen1: do you have a usb drive plugged in?07:44
antzlen1tell me wht to do with the usb drive ??07:45
nprezidentikonia and CarlFK thanx07:45
CarlFKantzlen1: unplug it07:45
antzlen1thr is no pendrive plugged in07:45
chachanguys, I have this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/77714307:46
urlin2uantzlen1, what is your native language?07:46
chachanI don't like to windows ask me for password07:46
antzlen1english u.s.07:46
CarlFKantzlen1: it was a possible problem: extra drives change the .. um.. boot order? something that can cause problems.07:46
nprezidentcan't be07:46
chachanany idea what I'm doing wrong or what I'm missing?07:47
antzlen1currently all drives are out07:47
JimmioHey all. How do I open the network configuration with super cow powers?07:47
urlin2uJimmio, it will ask you for a password.07:48
chachanJimmio: sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces07:48
Jimmiochachan: I meant the GUI utility.07:49
JimmioFor whatever reason, it won't let me set the DNS server.07:49
urlin2uJimmio, I noticed that to edit you have to twice open the edit function from the NM gui.07:50
urlin2uJimmio, 1st time password 2nd time for no greyed areas.07:51
nate___Can someone please help? I need to set up wireless internet07:51
urlin2uantzlen1, did you change the hard drive order or remove any before this no boot happened?07:53
Jimmio... Again, how do I open the network config with super user privileges from the terminal? What's the application's name?07:53
TiMiDonate___, and what's stopping you?07:53
TiMiDoJimmio, you mean network-manager?07:53
antzlen1i did nothing ...but my sys got sudden shutdowns 4 times due to a power faliure...after which this problem arose07:54
TiMiDoantzlen1, check you'r logs on /var/log07:55
TiMiDoto see what when wrong07:55
ubottufsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo touch /forcefsck && sudo shutdown -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot07:56
JimmioTiMiDo: Clicking the network connections thing at the top right in Unity.. Edit Connections..07:56
TiMiDoJimmio, do it like this  sudo service network-manager restart07:57
TiMiDoand good to go07:57
JimmioWhy would I want to restart the network manager?07:58
JimmioTechnically, I'm helping someone over TeamViewer..07:58
Jimmioand it is just not cooperating.07:58
TiMiDothat's how you restart the network daemon ;)07:59
JimmioI don't /want/ to do that.07:59
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JimmioI want to open the configuration dialog as a super user.07:59
TiMiDooh ok then do it sudo nano /etc/networks08:00
TiMiDoor /etc/network08:00
nate___Hello, can anybone please help with activating wireless on Lubuntu?08:00
TiMiDonate___, to active wireless do sudo ifconfig wlan0 up if your drivers are successful install08:01
urlin2unate___, run this and post your card an explain the problem. lspci | grep -i wireless08:02
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nate___i ran ifconfig... it says ERROR while getting interface flag: no such device08:03
nate___but lshw says there is an intel pro wireless with a ipw2100 driver08:03
Rezn0rNInchNailshello. I have a problem with Oneiric Ocelot. My fglrx has stopped working and I am getting exactly the same error as this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1743783 Thanks in advance08:04
RGYAH1HAIL ! people of this channel !08:04
RGYAH1i come.. in peace!!08:04
CoreyRGYAH1: Yay! Have a support question?08:04
RGYAH1is there a ported release of maxthon ?08:06
JimmioOkay. Why can't I save the DNS server settings?08:06
JimmioSave is grayed out08:07
TiMiDoRezn0rNInchNails, amd 64 or intel x86?08:07
JimmioAvailable to all users is grayed out08:07
TiMiDonate ask in the channel08:07
TiMiDoRezn0rNInchNails, show me you'r uname -r08:08
RGYAH1things are very slow today08:08
TiMiDoto make sure you are behind amd 6408:08
TiMiDoyeah RGYAH108:08
nomnexI have installed texlive-doc: how do I launch the help browser or consult the documentation?08:14
TiMiDonomnex, sudo apt-get install dwww08:14
TiMiDoand then run localhost/dwww in you'r browser08:14
TiMiDoand you'll see all of your systems doc08:14
nomnexTiMiDo, great, but I am on Fedora ;)08:17
TiMiDonomnex, then take it to #fedora08:17
nomnexTiMiDo, 15 min. and no answer... the package name is the same. Do you use Texlive yourself?08:18
TiMiDono i don't use texlive or search some where in fedora08:18
TiMiDoI'm sure there is forums for that08:18
nomnexsure, I will search for it, thanks08:19
TiMiDono problem ;)08:19
TiMiDohello joco08:19
karl-augustthello joco08:19
jocokaj si be duki08:20
TiMiDoenglish please joco08:20
jocoso zborvis08:20
dukitoj neznajt08:20
dukitimido did you are good in english08:20
TiMiDoduki, that's why I'm here ;)08:21
TiMiDocause i do speak English.08:21
TiMiDoduki, and please do not msg me08:21
jocoko ve jebe08:22
dukifuck you man08:22
is_null!kick duki08:22
TiMiDolol shame on Him08:23
Captain_CrowTiMiDo, I just installed ubuntu 10.04 :D08:23
e01someone that try to install the pae kernel, and troubles?08:27
e01i just install it, and ubuntu won't boot with it08:27
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TIMiDonow I'm back08:29
xosuiteheartsIs anyone online that is also a user of UbuntuForums.org08:35
ikoniaxosuitehearts: yes, why ?08:35
xosuiteheartsI need help desperately with my external08:35
xosuiteheartsthe ntfs got corrupted during a freezing period08:35
xosuiteheartswhen copying files over08:35
ikoniawhat has that got to do with ubuntuforums.org ?08:35
xosuiteheartsi posted something that explains my issue and I would like some feedback08:36
xosuiteheartsof some sorty08:36
FloodBot1xosuitehearts: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:36
Captain_Crowdoes ubuntu 10.04 have the snap feature?08:36
ikoniathen I'm sure someone on the forum will help - fixing ntfs partitions is best done within Windows08:37
ikoniaCaptain_Crow: as in disk snap ?08:37
xosuiteheartsI dont have windows08:37
ikoniaxosuitehearts: then why are you using ntfs08:37
xosuiteheartsI need to do it thru linux08:37
xosuiteheartsikonia: its my external08:37
Captain_Crowi ment for thw windows08:37
ikoniaxosuitehearts: then you should have windows08:37
ikoniaxosuitehearts: or be using a native linux disk08:37
Captain_Crowlike dragging a window to the top and having it auto-maximize08:38
ikoniaxosuitehearts: however fixing ntfs is best done through windows.08:38
ikoniaCaptain_Crow: it used to have window snapping, I don't believe it's been removed08:38
xosuiteheartsikonia: ..... okay, well i dont have windows, thats why Im asking what I can do on ubuntu08:38
jaffipaffiWhen I write "pdftotext" it try to run /usr/local/bin/pdftotext, even though I've installed it under /usr/bin/pdftotext . How can I change that reference?08:38
ikoniaxosuitehearts: take it to someone who does have windows - it's an external drive08:38
Captain_Crowhow do i enable it?08:38
ikoniajaffipaffi: change your PATH varible08:38
ikoniajaffipaffi: PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin08:38
xosuiteheartsikonia: *facepalm* dude, this isnt any help.08:38
TiMiDoCaptain_Crow, still with compiz?08:38
Captain_CrowTiMiDo, idk yet, i just installed 10.04, im still updating08:39
jaffipaffiikonia: But some stuff IS installed under /usr/local/bin?08:39
almoxarifeCaptain_Crow: is 'snap' a compiz option?08:39
ikoniajaffipaffi: I didn't say it wasn't08:39
urlin2uCaptain_Crow, this what you want? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=147274708:40
Captain_Crowi think so "window snap" or something, i dont have compiz installed yet08:40
almoxarifeCaptain_Crow: thinking of installing so as to know?08:41
Captain_Crowalmoxarife, huh?08:41
zeroHello, guys!08:42
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urlin2uCaptain_Crow, if you look on the web with windows snap ubuntu or compiz snap ubuntu there are links to how to's08:43
Guest83290I don't want to be impolite. but it'd appreciate it a lot if anybody could give me some advice about how to learn python, like any books, or tools?08:43
ikoniaGuest83290: join #python channel and ask08:44
ikoniaGuest83290: also read the topic in #python08:44
Guest83290ikonia, okey...thanks08:44
gribouillewill firefox 9 be available for oneiric?08:44
TiMiDodumb wireless is acting up08:45
almoxarifeCaptain_Crow: from all the stuff you posted so far my impression is you want a desktop with lots of configuration options and bling, lets assume you are still in 11.10, install kde4 plasma-workspace, you can configure it till the cows come in, and the bling is the best08:46
almoxarifeCaptain_Crow: sort of compiz on steroids08:46
almoxarifeTiMiDo: wireless should not act up, it should just work, unless the issue is the wireless server08:48
conntrackMy connection issues are back. Think there is an ubuntu bug08:49
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TiMiDoyeah there is conntrack08:49
TiMiDoto report any bugs08:49
Captain_Crowi just want standard bling(window snap+cube thingy from youtube vids) idc what version of ubuntu i run as long as its not glitchy, buggy, or over complicated08:50
TiMiDoCaptain_Crow, dude what have you done so far?08:50
Captain_Crowi just installed 10.04 with updates and ccsm08:51
Captain_Crowi havent touched any settings yet, i was just about to try08:51
TiMiDoCaptain_Crow, sudo apt-get install  compiz compizconfig-settings-manager  compiz-kde compiz-fusion-plugins-main compiz-fusion-plugins-extra  emerald librsvg2-common08:51
ikoniaCaptain_Crow: do not do what TiMiDo has just said08:52
ikoniajust ramming random stuff on top of unity and things like emerald is not a good idea08:52
TiMiDosudo apt-get install compiz compizconfig-settings-manager08:52
TiMiDoi was using emerald08:52
TiMiDoand to be was stable08:52
ikoniaCaptain_Crow: do that at your risk08:52
TiMiDoor using gnome gtk-window-decorator --replace08:53
almoxarifeTiMiDo: what version you using?08:53
TiMiDoright now I'm using testing08:54
Captain_Crowi just ran compiz on 10.0408:54
Captain_Crowmy desktop didnt crash08:54
Captain_Crowhow do i get the 3d cube though?08:55
TiMiDowith ccsm08:55
Captain_Crowits only semi-3d08:55
TiMiDoconfigure the cube with ccsm08:55
Captain_Crowwhat setting?08:55
robinduckettyou need 4 desktops08:55
robinduckettotherwise it won't be a cube lol08:55
Captain_Crowi have 408:55
robinduckettdefault is like 2 in 10.0408:55
robinduckettllutz_: the top and bottom face are for slids08:55
llutz_robinduckett: stupid cube, cubes have 6 sides :)08:56
Captain_Crowhow do i get the window switcher to work?08:57
almoxarifehow do I see what is on the cube if all I can see is three faces at best?08:57
conntrackI'll test out the issue for the sake of testing it08:58
chuckd2Does anyone here know anything about testing for CO209:07
almoxarifeanyone else run a hybrid? gnome3/kd34 ??? I am not sure if the system apps which need to be running are in fact running, I am not using that much ram, I expected to need more for both, presently I log into the shell and its running at 390meg of ram, although that's a great number for starters, it seems low09:07
au_faiti dual boot09:08
au_faitbut i get error suddenly "v"09:09
au_faitbut i get error suddenly "Cannot find ang0 in all drives. Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to"09:09
au_faitit happened after windows did a damn update09:09
au_faitwhsat is wrong09:09
ikoniaau_fait: can you boot ubuntu ?09:09
au_faitI can boot windows though09:10
ikoniaau_fait: do you still get the grub menu ?09:10
ikoniaau_fait: ok - so where are you getting that error09:10
au_faitwhen I select ubuntu from windows multi boot menu09:10
au_faitwindows just ran an uipdate09:11
almoxarifeau_fait: a wubi install?09:11
au_faitnope, native into partition09:11
ikoniaau_fait: then why are you using the windows boot loader not grub09:11
nate___Hey guys, I was wondering if I could get some help: I loaded Lubuntu onto a desktop, and everything worked fine, so I loaded it onto a laptop, and it worked fine except for the wireless internet: the computer recognises it as an Intel Pro wireless 2100 with an ipw2100 driver, but it doesnt connect to the internet. A lshw -C network shows that the wirrless is DISABLED, and the network configuration in the menu shows that wireless is d09:11
ikoniaau_fait: that suggests you have a none standard install that you have setup09:11
ikoniaau_fait: the ubuntu installer would install grub onto the mbr, yet you are using the Windows boot loader.09:12
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Snowiehi all. somehow i seem to have enabled "roll up on dbl click" for windows instead of maximise. 11.10 Unity. cant for the life of me find how to change this any longer. any help/09:13
chuckd2/dns vpn.supersonicimagine.fr09:15
TiMiDothere we go09:15
TiMiDoi hope now i stay connect it09:15
chuckd2What is .mm09:15
ikoniaau_fait: ?09:16
tstaerkHi, how can I bring my software into Ubuntu Software Center?09:16
ikoniatstaerk: which software ?09:16
tstaerke.g. ktimetracker09:16
ikoniatstaerk: have you installed it yet ?09:16
ikoniatstaerk: how did you install it ?09:16
chuckd2it's myanmar09:16
TiMiDotstaerk, upload it via launchpad ;)09:16
tstaerkikonia: I wrote it, compiled it, linked it and installed it with make install09:17
ikoniatstaerk: then you can't do it - you need to package it in ubuntu, host it in a repository (or get it into the ubuntu repositories)09:17
karl-augusttsomeone can inform me the date of next world meeting for free software over09:18
chuckd2whois -h whois.apnic.net
ikoniatstaerk: software center only looks at ubuntu deb packages, in the correct format, and only at repos that are configured09:18
chuckd2>  :  k  `  2  -  (  I  I  ^  E  c  :  !  U  d  S  C  ~    o  |  D  d    3    2    -  E    @    *  ;  )  .  t    P  u    o  O  s  H  {  o  9  =09:18
karl-augusttsomeone can inform me the date of next world meeting for free software over09:18
ikoniachuckd2: can you stop that09:18
au_faitI am using jwindow boot loader09:18
au_faitI just reran EasyBCD again09:18
chuckd2u     >  e  K09:18
ikoniachuckd2: you are in irc - typing config commands is not useful09:18
au_faitmaybe that correct09:18
tstaerkikonia: ok, so I build whatever.deb first09:18
chuckd2I'm thinkin' about reggity diggal... I'm thinking about reggity dickhole!  I'm thinkin' about reggity diggal... I'm thinking about reggity dickhole!  I'm thinking about jeggity jibbers09:18
xosuiteheartsCan someone PLEASE help me with my Harddrive? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sC32AKsAF-Y09:18
ikoniatstaerk: let me send you a link09:18
chuckd2Shnebbity shnub up bam bam.  Ar cor you insufferable menace, ar cor waal wheel woal.  Ee buff day I'd say.09:18
Gav321Hi guys, I was in the terminal, and my rfkill list simply outputted command not found, any tips?09:18
ikoniaxosuitehearts: use windows to repair ntfs09:18
chuckd2When I'm thinkin about the greg nargs, I'm thinkin about you!  I'm thinkin about the greg nargs, I'm thinkin about you!  When I'm thinkin about the greg nargs, I'm thinkin about you!  When I'm thinkin about the greg nargs, I'm thinkin about you!  When I'm thinkin about the greg nargs, I'm thinkin about you!  When I'm thinkin about the greg nargs, I'm thinkin about you!09:18
xosuiteheartsplease watch the video to see what is going on09:18
au_faitnow aint shit working09:19
xosuiteheartsikonia: I DONT HAVE WINDOWS09:19
au_faitnot even windows09:19
chuckd2What was that for09:19
ikoniaxosuitehearts: it's an external drive - take it to someone with windows to use the tools09:19
chuckd2damn greg nargs09:19
chuckd2     â       ááááááááááááááááá09:19
chuckd2     â       á                ááá       ææææ09:19
llutz_xosuitehearts: you can try to use ntfsfix, but most likely you will need a windows to repair your fs09:19
ikoniaau_fait: tone down the language, - it sounds like your boot loader is miss confiured09:19
FloodBot1chuckd2: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:19
chuckd2     â        á                  á   æææ   æ09:19
tstaerkchuckd2: stop this now please09:19
xosuiteheartsikonia: but its not just windows09:19
TiMiDohe's out ;)09:19
xosuiteheartsikonia: its not just the hdd09:19
ikoniaxosuitehearts: you said it was the ntfs external hard disk09:19
xosuiteheartsikonia: for some reason my external is mounting in 2 points09:20
ikoniaxosuitehearts: possibly due to the corruption you mentioned earlier09:20
au_faitmy boot is all fubi09:20
xosuiteheartsikonia: http://ubuntuforums.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=209477&d=132445694109:20
xosuiteheartstheres a picture09:20
karl-augusttsomeone can inform me the date of next world meeting for free software over09:20
ikoniaxosuitehearts: don't want a picture,09:20
au_faitgtrr suvkds09:20
Snowiecan anyone tell me where the old "window management" tools are in the new unity interface09:20
au_faitfree is not that great09:20
ikoniaau_fait: stop - we don't need a running commentory09:20
au_faitfree is for the poor09:20
xosuiteheartsikonia: look at it, im showing you my issue09:20
xosuiteheartsikonia: its not just the external09:21
au_faitikonia,  ok, I shall haltz09:21
karl-augusttsomeone can inform me the date of next world meeting for free software over09:21
tstaerkkarl-augustt: over what?09:21
ikoniaxosuitehearts: why is that an issue ?09:22
au_faittstaerk, i think he want to know when it is ocver so he ca enjoy himself09:22
TiMiDokarl-augustt, huh?09:22
xosuiteheartsikonia: are you trolling me or something? I HAVE AN EXTRA DRIVE MOUNTED THAT DOESNT NEED TO BE09:22
xosuiteheartsikonia: its the same drive09:22
karl-augusttI'm just speak about the world meeting about free software in the world09:22
xosuiteheartsikonia: i already ran ntfsfix09:22
ikoniakarl-augustt: not in here you don't09:22
karl-augusttlast meeting took effect09:22
tstaerkkarl-augustt: you are welcome to speak about any meeting09:23
ikoniaxosuitehearts: I told you - don't fix ntfs in Linux09:23
au_faitI will help hin09:23
ikoniakarl-augustt: please stop, this channels topic is ubuntu support only09:23
ikoniakarl-augustt: please keep to that topic in this channel09:23
ManDayDoes anyone know why onBoard (on screen keyboard) always ignores what settings I make and also, the "Settings" button is grayed out?!09:23
au_faitkarl-august message me for help on that09:23
xosuiteheartsikonia: ok. thanks for all the help. ill be sure to tell the other people in the irc how absolutely unhelpful your advice was and how uncooperative you were in helping me in something so simple as clicking a link to see my issue09:25
ikoniaxosuitehearts: I've seen the image09:25
ikoniaxosuitehearts: it shows nothing, no detail just a box with a disk and a red ring around it09:25
au_faitkarl-augustt, teamserver is free09:25
au_faittry that09:25
xosuiteheartsikonia: you must've not see what I was saying about it being a duplicate09:25
xosuiteheartsI fixed my drive09:26
xosuiteheartsikonia: its not letting me unmount the extra drive09:26
ikoniaxosuitehearts: is this the internal or the external drive ?09:26
xosuiteheartsikonia: external09:26
au_faityou can have virutal meetings but I dont know if it works on ubuntu09:26
ikoniaxosuitehearts: right - so why when I asked about the external, you said "it's not just the external" - it IS the external drive09:26
ikoniaxosuitehearts: start giving details - proper details rather than just saying things09:26
ikoniaxosuitehearts: is your problem with the external drive - or all drives09:27
xosuiteheartsikonia: you're telling me to use windows like I have the option09:27
xosuiteheartsikonia: whatever man.09:27
ikoniaxosuitehearts: if you don't have windows - why are you using ntfs ?09:27
ikoniaxosuitehearts: why are you not using native Linux file systems ?09:27
xosuiteheartsikonia: thanks for being so dense09:27
mysteriousdarrenchill peeps, I use NTFS so I can use it with Windows too.09:28
Neo-triXhi all09:29
mysteriousdarrenI'd gladly use native but ext4 doesn't talk to Windows :(09:29
democrezyI am new to Ubuntu. Can anybody tell where software center store files temporarily while installing? Thanks in advance.09:29
akemprobably /tmp and/or /var/cache/something09:30
au_faitkarl-augustt, did you get that? do you need URL for teamserver?09:30
hari_how can i set tally data path with tally runniing on windows server09:31
ikoniatally ?09:31
au_faitbyte the wait, I fixed my ubuntu09:31
hari_accounting software india09:31
ikoniahari_: is it Linux software ?09:32
Neo-triXany one ken help me to install neostats for my server09:32
au_faitI try  to help karl but he will not cooperate09:32
ikoniahari_: ok - so you know you are in #ubuntu which is for Ubuntu Linux support09:32
hari_runnig with wine09:32
ikoniahari_: have you tried #windows-server09:32
ikoniaau_fait: we don't need a running commentory09:32
hari_i am using ubuntu09:33
au_faitis ikonia a bot? fix it because it keeps repeating useless jibberiosh09:33
ikoniahari_: never used it, never used it in Wine - the guys in #winehq may be able to help09:33
ikoniaau_fait: no, it keeps asking you to keep with the topic and stop the running commentory on what you are doing09:33
au_faitikonia, u dont like to help peop0le?09:34
ikoniaau_fait: as you can see, I'm supporting quite a few people at the moment09:34
llutz_au_fait: we don't like spammers and trolls here, pls stop your chatter09:34
au_faitthat why can't i help out karl without you making a fus>09:34
ikoniaau_fait: you can help karl out, but he doesn't seem to want your help, hence not responding, so it's best you stop09:35
au_faitalso, I figured out why my ubuntu went bad but you have me afraid to share the problem09:35
ikoniaau_fait: your problem is not relevent to this channel09:36
ikoniaau_fait: you are using a 3rd party boot loader, that you had a problem with09:36
au_faitno, that was not the problem.09:36
au_faitthe problem was that it did not have enough space to do a successful hiberation09:36
au_faitI think the swap needs to be bigger for it to hibernate properly09:37
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ikoniaau_fait: so you are suggesting a boot failure of both windows and Linux using easy boot CD after a windows update was because of a lack of hibernation space ?09:37
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au_faitwell, the windows boot failure was strictly mty fault09:38
au_faitikonia,  can I ask you question?09:39
ikoniaau_fait: if it's about ubuntu, sure09:39
au_faitit is a general question09:39
au_faitso nevermind09:39
democrezyThanks akem09:39
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au_faiti am afriad to be here because i dont want ikonia yo bully ban me09:44
ikoniaau_fait: you are not going to get banned09:44
ikoniaau_fait: as long as you are talking about ubuntu support discussion, there is zero issue09:44
SunTsu.o0( Trolly Wednesday? )09:44
dr_willis_theres always the ifftopic channal09:44
TiMiDoyeah #ubuntu-offtopic09:45
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mcsmurfhi, is it possible to install a newer libc6 than shipped on Ubuntu 10.04 or would I likely end up with a broken system :O? problem is I need glibc 2.14 for a program09:47
ikoniamcsmurf: don't swap libc09:47
mcsmurfI've read glibc is backwards compatible, but only if same compile options and so are used09:47
SunTsumcsmurf: messing with glibc can result in very bad things happening09:47
dr_willissort of like a spine transplant.. :)09:48
mah454i can not fully install samba4 in ubuntu !09:49
mah454receive this message :      ProvisioningError: guess_names: 'realm =' was not specified in supplied /etc/samba/smb.conf.  Please remove the smb.conf file and let provision generate it09:50
Jordan_Umcsmurf: If you want to try something difficult but completely safe you can create a chroot based on a newer version of Ubuntu.09:50
mcsmurfJordan_U: good idea, I'll try that09:50
mcsmurfwhy do those software vendors compile against latest glibc anyway ;-)09:51
ActionParsnipmah454: why are you using samba4?09:51
mcsmurfnot that many distributions already have glibc 2.14...09:51
mah454ActionParsnip, what ? have samba 3 in repository ?09:52
ActionParsnipmah454: you'll probably find samba does what you need.09:52
ActionParsnip!info samba09:53
ubottusamba (source: samba): SMB/CIFS file, print, and login server for Unix. In component main, is optional. Version 2:3.5.11~dfsg-1ubuntu2.1 (oneiric), package size 7811 kB, installed size 22504 kB09:53
MooseRFunanyone have any idea why this upstart script won't run on startup? http://paste.ubuntu.com/777207/09:53
ubottuUbuntu bug 907227 in samba (Ubuntu) "krb5 (libkrb5-3) 1.10+dfsg~alpha1-6 breaks on samba <= 2:3.6.1-2 making upgrades and installs broken" [Critical,In progress]09:54
TiMiDoread about that bug number :)09:54
ActionParsnipTiMiDo: yep, that the bug i reported about 30 mins ago and is in precise which is offtopic here09:57
TiMiDoyeah i know ;)09:57
e01someone that try to install the pae kernel, and troubles? i just install it, and ubuntu won't boot with it09:58
llutz_e01: and the error is...?09:59
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e01llutz_, there is no error, just a blank screen and not responsitive keyboard10:01
e01with default kernel (not pae) all working with pae don't work10:01
faint545anyone know how i can fix my clock text?? http://i44.tinypic.com/wlx65c.png i have a custom bg for my panel10:08
TiMiDofaint545, right click on the clock ;)10:08
TiMiDoand edit it10:08
TiMiDoand you're good10:08
faint545TiMiDo, ?? doesnt work like that for Ubuntu 10.1010:09
TiMiDoit should look right click on the clock and see if you have an option to change the design of it10:09
dr_willishmm. not all processors support pae.10:09
TiMiDotell me about it i was having issues with hp 62010:10
faint545TiMiDo, all there is, is preferences and that allows you to change the format of the time displayed, like display seconds or whatever10:10
TiMiDofaint545, so what's your question to change the time?10:10
TiMiDois that what you are asking?10:11
faint545TiMiDo, the picture link i posted.... http://i44.tinypic.com/wlx65c.png the clock text is all messed up10:11
dr_willisi just use 64 bit os on any hardware igot rgat us 64 bit. i dud see a 32 but install default to using pae on 64 bit hardware with 8gb ram10:11
faint545TiMiDo, i used these directions to get a custom background for my panel.. http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/02/gnome-panel-transparency-fix-ubuntu/10:12
TiMiDolet me take a look at it10:12
faint545TiMiDo, and after that, the clock looks like crap.10:12
TiMiDothen open it back up10:13
TiMiDoand edit where you edit the file.10:13
TiMiDogksu gedit /usr/share/themes/Ambiance/gtk-2.0/gtkrc10:13
Inu_KunHey all.10:14
faint545TiMiDo, so r u saying to undo my changes? i dont want to do that10:14
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TiMiDoyeah faint54510:15
Inu_KunI was wandering if there was a way to get the old menubar and dock back?10:15
airtonixuse gnome-shell fallback mode10:16
faint545TiMiDo, that isnt my goal10:16
Inu_KunAhh k, I liked the menu bar better then the bock having a fake startmenu10:16
TiMiDofaint545, if you're goal is something else try reading some gtk tutorial for themes and much more.10:16
VardsyHi, I have a problem with Ubuntu 10.10 audio on my Media Centre that is really bizarre!10:17
airtonixi'm sure there is a scientific explanation for it, thus rendering it non bizarre10:18
VardsyI have to constantly go back to my audio profile in between every media file I open otherwise Audio won't work, I switch it to 5.1 is works10:19
TiMiDoVardsy, what sound card are you using?10:19
TiMiDoand are you using alsa or eog?10:19
Vardsyopen a new video file, sound is gone, go into Audio / Profiles switch from 5.1 to something else and then back to 5.1 and it works again  ?10:19
VardsyAudigy Soundblaster so I think Alsa ?10:20
TiMiDoVardsy, you think?10:20
Inu_KunAairtoni, the fall back mode isn't what i had in mind. I'm talking about the applications and menus at the top with the dock at the bottom, I've been trying to find a way to fix it using the themes and appearance managers but to no luck. I know they changed Fadora to be more like this too but I liked the old way like fadora 1310:20
TiMiDoVardsy, can you open up alsamixer?10:21
jutnuxDo you want Gnome 2 back Inu_Kun?10:21
TiMiDoin a terminal?10:21
Inu_KunYes please ju10:21
VardsyI don't think I have it installed - that a problem /10:22
karl-augusttVardsy, explain more your problem10:22
VardsySorry I have only switched to Linux in the last year or so, I am a bit green..10:22
jutnuxInu_Kun: There is no way as of yet to get Gnome 2 completely back on Ubuntu. However you can install XFCE which is a graphical desktop environment. It looks a bit like Gnome 2, I will take a screenshot for you.10:22
TiMiDoVardsy, then install it ;)10:22
TiMiDoVardsy, sudo aplay -l10:22
TiMiDodo you get any output?10:22
VardsyKids are watching Jumanji on it at the moment, will kick them off for a sec, brb10:23
Inu_KunSounds interesting. I would like to see it very much. How do you stop fallback mode?10:23
jutnuxInu_Kun: Just switch to a different desktop environment when you login using the cog.10:23
karl-augusttkeep kids out of your comput, and be ready to answer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!10:24
karl-augusttVardsy , keep kids out of your comput, and be ready to answer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!10:24
jutnuxJutnux: http://ompldr.org/vYnVncQ10:24
TiMiDokarl-augustt, stop repeating ;)10:24
jutnuxThat is what XFCE looks like, however on Ubuntu it'll be a bit different.10:24
karl-augusttno problem10:25
minimecInu_Kun: There is a tutorial for a gnome2 'look and feel' with the gnome3 gnome-panel. I used this and I am happy with it. http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/12/how-to-make-ubuntu-11-10-look-and-feel-like-gnome-2/10:25
ChristW_Can I ask a 'Make' question here, or is there a more on topic channel?10:25
TiMiDoChristW_, depending on you're question10:25
karl-augusttTiMiDo , are you Linux professionnel?10:26
ChristW_I have a target with a semicolon (;) in the file name. Make seems to split at that point: make: *** No rule to make target `/home/christ/Desktop/Parallels Shared Folders/MP3/Genesis/Invisible Touch/06\. Domino \(Part One - In The Glow Of The Night'. In the target, there is a ; and the rest of the file name.10:26
jutnuxminimec: Fallback is going to be removed soon. It's only there for hardware that doesn't support Unity.10:26
karl-augusttif , yes , which level,, Junior, Advanced, or Senior?10:27
TiMiDokarl-augustt, i been working with Linux a lot of years. and now I'm working with 100 % of Linux servers10:27
ikoniaChristW_: what the deveil are you trying to do ?10:27
jutnuxChristW_: Put speech marks("") around the file name. So it'll be "/home/christ/Desktop/therest10:27
ChristW_jutnux: Ok.10:27
dr_willis ; is legal in a filename? never noticed10:27
karl-augusttwhere is your site?10:28
minimecjutnux: I guess the gnome-panel will continue to exist. I use it in combination with the e17 window-manager.10:28
ChristW_ikonia: Create .m4a files from the flac files that I have.10:28
llutz_!ot | karl-augustt10:28
ubottukarl-augustt: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:28
harsh343how can i change the folder name in ubuntu10:28
Vardsy@karl-augustt - sorry dude10:28
harsh343through command10:28
llutz_harsh343: mv folder newfoldername10:28
kutumaleohello ppl10:28
airtonixharsh343: select folder in file manager, press f2... ??? profit.10:29
TiMiDothere it is karl-augustt10:29
ChristW_ikonia: I ripped all my CDs to .flac files (on a NAS), and am creating m4a files so that Spotify can sync them to my iPod.10:29
harsh343airtonix, i want to do in remote server10:29
karl-augusttTiMiDo,  I 'm thinking about something I want to share with you10:29
airtonixharsh343: the same way you change folder names in windows10:29
TiMiDomsg me10:29
airtonixharsh343: then instead of asking vague questions.... be specific10:29
harsh343yes i know that but the case is different in remote server10:30
VardsyOk ran aplay -l10:30
jutnuxairtoniharsh323: In the command line: mv foldername newdestination10:30
Vardsydo I post result here?10:30
karl-augusttok , wait a minute10:30
harsh343I do not know throught command line thats why i ask10:30
TiMiDono Vardsy10:30
harsh343or nothing else10:30
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:30
airtonixharsh343: your initial question is on a desktop orientated channel. think about it.10:30
jutnuxairtonix: rm -rf foldername10:30
AceKingI'm not sure if anyone was able to help me with my slow internet problem. After I asked the question my connection froze and kicked me offline. I was on as ace_10:30
jutnuxDamnit, sorry for the false ping.10:30
Vardsydidn't think so :)10:30
harsh343airtonix, ok10:30
kutumaleomaybe someone can help me...i m having reception errors and collisions...what s that?10:31
TiMiDoAceKing, wireless problem?10:31
jutnuxAceKing: We cannot help you with your connection as it is probably a problem with the connection itself.10:31
travelthemeancommand to rename is just rename10:32
taffflashsup al10:32
taffflashall even lol10:32
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VardsyTiMiDo is there something from the output of that command that might give me a clue to this audio profile problem  ?10:33
TiMiDoVardsy, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting10:33
deitarionWhat channel would be most appropriate for help either building an okular-extra-backends with CHM support from source or pulling in just that one package from Debian Experimental?10:33
AceKingjutnux, it is not a problem with my connection. TiMiDo, it is wired10:33
AceKingjutnux, it runs fine in Windows10:33
democrezyI am new to ubuntu. It is very unstable on my PC.Unstable means When i do something like apply effect in compiz, system hangs ie no response when i change screen resolution it doesnot display properly.i have to restart pc . It hangs for some time in between firefox and today when i open downloads window, title bar of all windows became invisible .I had  install compiz about a month ago, at that time it was not running and yesterday i was able to run i10:33
democrezy. Can anyone tell why is this happening and how to cure it. I have core i3 2100 sandybridge, 4GB ram, Intel DH61 Motherboard, inbuilt Intel HD 2000 graphics and have allocated 2GB swap to ubuntu.10:33
TiMiDoAceKing, which drivers are you using?10:34
deitariondemocrezy: I'm no expert, but that sounds like buggy video drivers. See if the problem goes away when you switch off Compiz.10:35
VardsyCheers @ TiMiDo, hadn't come across that one, I will go through it10:35
taffflashgood morning guys Im new to Ubuntu and I just taken win 7 off this pc and going to just use this Os on my pc.10:35
TiMiDoVardsy, did it work/10:35
ServerSagetaffflash: Congrats.10:35
jutnuxtaffflash: You've made the right choice moving away from M$10:35
taffflashSo im just doing the updates now but I might have a issue with some drivers10:36
ServerSagetaffflash: Whats not working?10:36
democrezydeitarion: ithese problems were even before installing compiz.10:36
taffflashI got an ati card and there is a issue with them is there?10:36
harsh343llutz, works thanks10:36
ServerSagetaffflash: Nope, should work.10:36
taffflashI did have mint installed but it was crashing my pc10:37
taffflashI hope this dont10:37
travelthemeani believe the word on the street is there is an ati issue with their drivers10:37
deitariondemocrezy: Hmm. Could still be buggy drivers. I've heard that drivers for some Intel GPUs can be finicky, though the drivers for my mother's laptop settled down about a year ago, so I stopped keeping up on that.10:37
taffflashat the top on the taskbar it is showing a driver icon10:38
taffflashim new to all this what do i do please?10:38
ServerSagetaffflash: Click on it?  :)10:39
ace_TiMiDo, I am using the latest Nvidia driver10:39
VardsyNot sure yet TiMiDo, just having a read then I will move out to the lounge to check on the sound modules etc10:40
minimectaffflash: There are two possibilities with ATI cards. With newer cards you would have the option to use the opensource or the ATI closed source driver. Older cards only work with the opensource driver. Check 'system settings' 'additional drivers'. If you see the ATI driver, you got a 'new' card with both options10:40
democrezy:deitarion:Thanks for response, earlier i use 9.04 and then 11.04,both were unstable. Now i have 11.10 64 bit which is better but not upto the mark.10:40
taffflashok i have and it is giving me two to pick from. one is Post release update and the other one isn't. what one do i need?10:40
TiMiDolet me know Vardsy10:40
kutumaleomaybe someone can help me...i m having reception errors and collisions...what s that?10:40
ace_TiMiDo, I had to sign on from my laptop because it takes about 2 minutes to for xchat to catch up10:40
Vardsyand this is why I switched to Linux :)10:41
deitariondemocrezy: One of the reasons I suspect it might be buggy drivers is that you said your titlebars vanished once. That meant that the window decorations crashed and, while I use nVidia, it's been my experience that vanishing titlebars means something crashed Compiz's window decorator.10:41
deitarion...and I almost never see non-compositing window managers crash since there's much less to go wrong.10:42
ace_Ever since Unity, nothing has been working correctly on any of my installs10:42
taffflashminimec: that is right I can pick two?10:43
taffflashwhat one should I go for ?10:44
taffflashone is Post release update and the other one isn't.10:44
Vardsydemocrezy: When I was using Linux Mint 11 I had to roll back Compiz to the stable version, 0.8 I think ?10:44
VardsyCompiz would freeze up, not display properly etc even though I had good hardware10:45
democrezydeitarion: yeah, pretty solid reason. But how to solve this? how can i upgrade video drivers? My graphics card is strong enough to handle visual elements of ubuntu(inbuilt 1.5 GB10:45
ace_I was having different problems with my ATI gfx card last week, and someone suggested that I buy an Nvidia card. Now I'm having different problems and no one seems to be able to help10:46
democrezythanks vardesy for support, but can u explain further?10:46
minimectaffflash: Well by default, the opensource driver should be active. Now you can try the other options. If you are not happy with these, you can remove them again and use the opensource driver. Try the post release one. That is probably the newest version.10:47
HordekingQuestion: I've managed to add a couple of launcher icons to the panel, but when I right click them, I only get a choice of launch or properties, but no delete. How do I delete them?10:47
taffflashminimec: Ok thanks fingers cross lol10:47
minimectaffflash: ;)10:47
taffflashdownloading and installing now10:48
taffflashI dont know if I can get used to this bar on the left hand side lol10:48
Captain_Crowhow do i set the cube caps?10:48
HordekingHow do I unlock the launcher bar so I can edit it?10:48
vltHello. What is the most elegant way to run a daemonized headless OpenOffice.org instance on every boot?10:48
democrezyHordeking: cick on icon and uncheck keep in launcher. Icon will be removed.10:50
ServerSagevlt: I thought I saw a service init.d script somewhere.  Have you googled it?10:50
democrezyHordeking: sorry i mean right click10:50
taffflashSorry, the installation of this driver failed.10:51
taffflashPlease have a look at the log file for details: /var/log/jockey.log10:51
taffflashany help please guys?10:51
ServerSagetaffflash: What does the log say?10:51
taffflashI dont know how to find it im a noob to linux lol10:51
Hordekingdemocrezy: There isn't anything to uncheck.10:52
ace_So does anyone have a clue where a good start point would be to diagnose my problem?10:52
minimectaffflash: open a terminal and do gedit /var/log/jockey.log to see the log file. You might want to try to install the other driver option, if that one is not installing ;)10:52
SunTsutaffflash: you don't know how to find /var/log/jockey.log?10:52
ServerSagetaffflash: The path is /var/log/jockey.log, open it with an editor.10:52
vltServerSage: Haven't yet. Is there a pkg I can install that ships this init.d script?10:52
Hordekingdemocrezy: I only have the option to "Launch" or "Properties"10:52
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SunTsuace_: I don't even see what your problem is exactly, did you tell us? My logfile doesn't have anything during the last hour10:54
ServerSagevlt: Not that I know of, though I honestly haven't done headless OO in over a year.10:54
taffflashWhere do I find the terminal? lol10:54
ace_SunTsu, I was under AceKing, but my internet connection froze which is my problem10:54
democrezyHordeking: i am also new to ubuntu. i have never faced this problm. Someone else may solve ur prob.10:55
SunTsutaffflash: just start an editor from the menu. And please stop adding "lol" to everything you write10:55
ServerSagetaffflash: Really?10:55
minimectaffflash: press the 'win' button and type Term... in the bar.10:55
Captain_Crowhow do i put caps on the cube?10:55
taffflashok I got the jockey log now10:56
taffflashwhat you want me to do with it ?10:56
SunTsuace_: please tell us more about your problem, like what nic do you use, what kind of internet connection do you have, and so on10:56
ace_SunTsu, I have a super slow connection on my PC which is wired. I have the lastest Nvidia driver installed, and no other proprietary drivers are showing up10:56
SunTsutaffflash: we don't want you to do anything with it. It's your problem after all. Your command told you to read it, so that might be a start10:57
gribouillehow can I disable appaormor?10:57
gribouillehow can I disable apparmor?10:57
Hordekingdemocrezy: I discovered it! You have to Alt-RightClick the icon to get the "Remove option"10:57
ServerSagetaffflash: Do you have any experience logically thinking through a problem and solving it?10:57
minimectaffflash: The log would give you some hints, why the installation failed. Why don't you try to install the other driver otpion you had with 'additional drivers'?10:57
SunTsuace_: wired means what? 100mbit, 1Gbit, do you use pppoe or what. Please stop this guessing game and start to tell us the whole story10:58
ace_SunTsu, I built a new PC a couple of weeks ago, I am dual booting with Windows 7, where my internet connetion is working fine. My hardware is: Asus M5A97 EVO motherboard,10:58
ace_SunTsu, I did tell the story before10:58
ace_It's a lot to typ[e10:58
taffflashwhy the flaming? I been trying to sort this issue out for a whole day yesterday when I had mint on it10:58
taffflashlike i said im new to this and been looking into it10:59
SunTsuace_: if you don't want to do the work of typing nobody here wants to do the work of helping and typing10:59
ace_SunTsu, What are  you talking about?????? I am trying10:59
SunTsutaffflash: nobody is flaming you. If we were you'd know10:59
SunTsuace_: OK, good luck in getting help, I'm out11:00
ServerSagetaffflash: No flaming going on, just pointing out that the error message told you exactly what to do.11:00
ace_SunTsu, Let me start from the beginning.. I am sorry I sound ignorant to you, but that's what I used to love about Ubuntu, everyone was very helpful11:00
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ServerSageace_: The problem is you gave details that had nothing to do with the problem you mentioned.  A slow internet connection probably has nothing to do with your nvidia drivers.11:01
ServerSageace_: So what exactly is happening?11:01
SunTsuace_: nobody is able to help if you don't even answer questions and answer requests to more details with "it's a lot of typing"11:01
taffflashI have the jockey .log open and there is a issue with these crappy fglrx drivers again it seems11:02
travelthemeantaffflash: I had the same problems. I think the proprietary drivers have bugs. Unfortunately that means waiting for ati to fix. You can still use the free drivers (you probably have them installed already)11:02
ace_ServerSage, The reason why I mentioned the nvidia drivers is because someone mentioned that to me yesterday11:02
ServerSageace_: Yup, what SunTsu just said.  It's like saying, "My car isn't running, but it has red interior".11:02
SunTsutaffflash: maybe you could paste the last 20 to 50 lines to some nopaste service so we can check it out11:02
ServerSageace_: You still haven't answered *what* is happening.11:03
ace_ServerSage, My problem is, after I installed 11.10 on my PC, my internet connection is super slow.11:03
ServerSagetaffflash: Are you installing fglrx over the open source drivers for a reason?  I use the open source ATI drivers and am mostly happy.11:03
ServerSageace_: Is your local network slow as well?11:03
ace_ServerSage, at the risk of sounding stupid, how can I check it11:04
ServerSageace_: Something as simple as an sftp from one system to another on your local network would give you an idea.11:05
RiseOfPhoenixcheck this out: http://bit.ly/uVlrhb11:05
taffflashServerSage: the open source ones are the ones already installed right?11:06
SunTsuace_: do you even have a local network at all? What kind of internet access do you have exactly? do you connect to the internet "directly", do you have a router, do you have dsl and use pppoe on your box, please start describing your network setup11:06
ServerSagetaffflash: Should be.11:06
ServerSagetaffflash: What ATI card do you have?11:06
taffflashthats the log11:07
piggzhi, im setting up a 10.04 server running apache and postgresql...apage and php are working fine, but postgresql doesnt start...its missing /etc/postgresql/main .... does anyone know where that is configured from?11:07
ace_SunTsu, I have cable internet. I connect through a router. I do not have a network setup11:07
taffflashHD 360 I think11:07
SunTsuace_: that _is_ a network setup. Do you have anything else behind that router?11:07
ace_SunTsu, No, it goes from the modem to the router and then to my PC11:08
SunTsuace_: when your "internet" freezes, are you still able to ping your router? Or access it's web interface if it has one?11:09
ace_SunTsu, Let me check11:09
ServerSagetaffflash: Sounds like a mobile card, is this a laptop?11:09
k3Rnis there a possibility to print out all configured TUN/TAP interfaces?11:10
SunTsuace_: secondly, what kind of nic do you have? pci? usb? Which vendor, which type?11:10
k3Rni am not sure how one could destinguish between a physical interface and a TAP interface11:10
ServerSagetaffflash: Get the model number from lspci.  You can run "lspci |grep ATI" from the console.11:11
SunTsuk3Rn: you should know them by their names11:11
SunTsutapN is quite speaking for itself11:11
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ace_SunTsu, I am still able to ping the router. I can find the vender using lspci?11:12
SunTsuace_: if you're using a pci nic: yes11:12
ServerSageGuess taffflash no longer needs help.11:13
k3RnSunTsu: is there any other way besides the names of the interfaces?11:13
ace_SunTsu, Realtek RTL8111/8168B11:13
SunTsuace_: if you are able to ping while your internet access is gone, what about "traceroute -n"?11:13
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ace_SunTsu, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets 1 2819.997 ms !H 3003.853 ms !H11:17
democrezyHow can i update video drivers in ubuntu 11.10 for intel inbuilt graphics card? Thanks in advance.11:18
auronandacedemocrezy: you don't11:18
taffflashsorry guys someone was knocking my front door grrrr11:18
auronandacedemocrezy: intel drivers are already installed11:18
SunTsuk3Rn: ip tuntap could be what you are looking for11:19
SunTsuace_: which is your router?11:19
taffflashhow do I scroll up in this xchat? I cant find the bar?11:19
auronandace!pm democrezy11:19
auronandace!pm | democrezy11:19
ubottudemocrezy: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.11:19
ace_SunTsu, The type of router or the IP of the router?11:20
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xmental0Hello everyone11:21
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SunTsuace_: tells you that it doesn't know a route to the ip I gave you and asked you to traceroute. Is that your router?11:21
auronandacetaffflash: got a mouse wheel? or the rightside of a trackpad?11:21
democrezyokay ubottu, i didn't know that. sorry11:21
democrezyBut why? My default drivers are not working properly.11:21
ace_SunTsu, sorry. My router is is my PC's address11:22
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Guest71694hi having sound problem in xubuntu11:23
SunTsuace_: please pastey "route -n"11:23
taffflashServerSage:Mobility Radeon HD 3650,yes it is a laptop11:24
Guest71694can choise my usb sound card but theres only saound from my laptop11:24
SpiceKidHello, I am having trouble installing Ubunu on a new hard drive. I've downloaded the latest Ubuntu from the website and burned it to a disk. I am able to use it as a Live CD however when I try and install it, it gives me an error saying I don't have enough space (4gb). However the new hard drive is 1tb and I know it has more than enough space. My computer recognizes the hard drive on startup, so I am not sure why I can not install. An11:25
DoctorBaconiteare you trying to use a partition or the whole disk?11:26
ace_SunTsu, http://paste.ubuntu.com/777275/11:26
auronandaceSpiceKid: are you giving it a 4gb partition?11:26
SunTsuSpiceKid: lines are limited, your's just broke off at "install. An"11:26
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ServerSagetaffflash: Thats supported by the fglrx driver if you want to go that route.  Just gotta figure out why it's not installing.11:26
SpiceKidI'm trying to use the whole disk.11:27
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democrezyHow can i update video drivers in ubuntu 11.10 for intel inbuilt graphics card? Default drivers are not working properly.I am new to linux.Thanks in advance.11:27
DoctorBaconitedo you have the live disk up and running right now? what happens if you run 'df -h'11:27
taffflashServerSage: if you could please help me sort this issue out I would be greatful11:28
SpiceKidI shut down the computer, but I'll try again.11:28
taffflashI have just done the os updates and need to reboot,brb11:28
ace_SunTsu, I just want to say that I appreciate your patience with me, and all your help. And I apologize for the confusion in the beginning, it wasn't intentional11:29
SpiceKidI had trouble installing Windows as well, it would not detect my hard drive, and now I think it is a driver issue..11:29
ServerSagetaffflash: Why are you so hell bent on installing the fglrx driver?  Why not stick with the open source?11:29
SunTsuace_: that looks exactly what you would expect, which is strange, because your traceroute returned "Host not reachable", and very long round trip times too11:29
SunTsuace_: it's OK, just, please, try to answer questions you're asked, else nobody can help you11:30
ace_SunTsu, OK11:30
SunTsuace_: which "ping times" do you get when pinging your router?11:30
emcavanyone else have problems with the volume not saving at reboot?  it's always set to max for me & scares the crap out of me each time i login11:31
Guest71694how to get sound from my usb sound card with xubuntu11:31
ServerSagetaffflash: Have you read the community help wiki?  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver11:31
taffflash /msg NickServ identify 163wb11311:32
SunTsutaffflash: thanks, your trust in us is appreciated very much ;)11:32
auronandacetaffflash: change your password and do that outside the channel next time11:32
taffflashopps lol11:33
SunTsuor put otherwise, change your NickServ password as fast as possible11:33
taffflashim looking on that site now11:33
ServerSagetaffflash: Oops, sent you the wrong link.  Have you read:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI11:33
ace_SunTsu, I pasted the results. When I pinged the router it went so far and stopped. I'm not sure if that's nomal. paste.ubuntu.com/77727611:33
SpiceKidI don't think the Live CD runs on my computer. I see the background and mouse, but the left side and top are graphically glitched out11:34
cihatis there any document you can share about unity development11:34
auronandaceSpiceKid: what are the specs?11:35
meerkatsany thoughts about removing the windows icon from my windows key? is it difficult to replace the key? stickers? paint?11:36
SpiceKidauronadace : I am unable to access the information but from what I can tell from the case it is a amd 64 athlon x2, originally ran windows xp, it has 2-3gb of ram.11:36
SunTsuace_: please pastey the whole traceroute -n, that ping looks quite like it should, your routing table does so, too11:36
auronandaceSpiceKid: and the graphics card?11:37
DoctorBaconiteSpice: have you tried checking the hard drive health or testing the memory?11:37
auronandaceSpiceKid: and the graphics card?11:38
ace_SunTsu, paste.ubuntu.com/777286/11:38
SpiceKidDoctorBaconite: I have tried but it gave me an error telling me to insert my original windows disk11:38
Nut4hirehi everyone .. need some help11:39
auronandacemeerkats: not really a ubuntu issue is it?11:39
SpiceKidauronandace: the graphics card I believe is an integrated Ncidia Geforce 610011:39
meerkatsauronandace, I didnt know where to ask11:39
Nut4hirewho can I ask for help around here11:39
meerkatsis there a "customize your craptop" channel?11:39
auronandaceSpiceKid: try booting the livecd with nomodeset11:40
Nut4hireand is there a live admin who can team viewer into my system and fix my problem for me ?11:40
auronandace!nomodeset | SpiceKid11:40
ubottuSpiceKid: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter11:40
SunTsuace_: very strange, your packates arive at your router and after that it's all timeouts. Which is quite different to your results above11:40
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auronandaceNut4hire: you may want to describe your problem11:40
ace_SunTsu, What do you think could be causing that?11:41
auronandace!alis | meerkats11:41
ubottumeerkats: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu*11:41
SunTsuace_: if only I knew that. Is your "internet gone" while doing these tests?11:41
SpiceKidauronandace: ill give it a try11:42
ace_SunTsu, yes11:42
Nut4hireMy problem is that I just installed Ubuntu 11.10 on my computer , fresh install , windows completely removed . I have two monitors connected to my Nvidia Geforce4 Ti4200 8x AGP card , now the problem is that I cannot find the drivers for them and so one display is not being detected , I also do not know the sudo commands and how to run the terminal so will need someone who can team viewer into my pc and fix this problem :(11:43
SunTsuace_: and you say that it works all the time with windows? Because for me it looks like your router or even your internet line is the culprit11:43
ace_SunTsu, Yes11:43
SunTsuace_: do you by chance know if your router does UPNP?11:44
ace_SunTsu, Yes it does11:44
SunTsuace_: another thing, does ping -n work?11:45
RGYAH1HAIL !! people of this channel !11:45
itbcn8hi all, i am getting an error in gparted for my linux swap. i have ext4 on /dev/sda5 and linux-swap on /dev/sda6, but it shows "Warning: Unable to detect file system! Possible reasons are: - The file system is damaged, -The file system is unknown to Gparted, -There is no file system available (unformatted), -The device entry /dev/sda6 is missing.11:45
itbcn8anyone know?11:45
ikoniaRGYAH1: you have been asked to stop that11:45
RGYAH1ikonia is it annoying ?11:46
RGYAH1this is the old ways of saying " hi "11:46
ikoniaRGYAH1: just say hi,11:46
SunTsuRGYAH1: and the new way to annoy a whole channel11:46
RGYAH1how about god be with ye11:46
RGYAH1not goodbye11:46
ikoniagive it a rest11:46
ManDayIn which CONFIGFILE do I set the locale environment variable (LC_LANG) ?11:47
Vardsy@TiMiDo, installed alsamixer and made the adjustments in there and Audio is sweet !!11:47
Vardsythanks for your help :-D11:47
RGYAH1ikonia well i also want you to stop doing things.. can i tell you what to do?11:47
TiMiDooh good to know Vardsy11:47
SpiceKidauronandace: okay the live cd is working now after i booted with nomodeset, however I don't think it recognizes my hard drive still.11:47
TiMiDono problem Vardsy11:47
RGYAH1o let me guess. you will kick me now11:47
RGYAH1stronge boy11:47
ikoniaRGYAH1: if it's in breach of how the channel works, sure11:47
Gentoo64RGYAH1, let me guess your behind some silly vpn11:47
Nut4hireis someone going to reply to me ?11:47
VardsyI have fended the wife off and the Linux Media PC stays in the lounge :)11:47
ikonia!guidlelines > RGYAH111:47
stephenhis anyone using evolution+exchange 2010?11:47
RiseOfPhoenixhow i change my buttons: [_][^][x] from right to left/11:47
RGYAH1Gentoo64 i use SSL only11:48
e01someone familiar with pae ?11:48
auronandaceSpiceKid: 1tb you said? the biggest i got is a 750gb (but that is external) is the harddrive very new?11:48
ace_SunTsu, Yes it works, but after about 5 lines it pauses. I pasted the results paste.ubuntu.com/7729211:48
RiseOfPhoenixSomeone ?11:48
e01RiseOfPhoenix, install ubuntu-tweak it have such option11:49
ace_SunTsu, and now it's starting to run again on it's own11:49
RiseOfPhoenixthanks @e0111:49
SpiceKidauronandace: yes the hard drive is new, i got it after my old one crashed. i was unable to install windows 7 on it due to lack of drivers of some sort. i thought i would give ubuntu a try, but it fails to detect my hard drive upon installation.11:49
auronandaceSpiceKid: certainly sounds like a driver issue, i'm not sure what to suggest11:50
Nut4hireauronandace: can you help me please ?11:50
itbcn8anyone know? how to get back my linux swap?11:51
auronandaceSpiceKid: you could try looking on the forums see if someone else has the same drive11:51
auronandaceNut4hire: you've already installed teamviewer?11:51
Gentoo64Nut4hire, the partition?11:51
SpiceKidauronandace: do you think it could be a problem with bios settings? the only sata connection on the pc is to the hard drive, everything else is the older model.11:51
auronandaceNut4hire: i'm not sure how to help via teamviewer regarding multiple screens11:52
Gentoo64Nut4hire, sorry i meant someone else11:52
Nut4hireauronandace: no I haven't installed team viewer as yet but I was hoping that would help11:52
auronandaceSpiceKid: hmm, do you have ide emulation for the sata drive?11:52
Nut4hireGentoo64: it's okay :)11:52
auronandaceNut4hire: the monitors shouldn't need drivers, it's the nvidia graphics card that needs the driver11:53
SpiceKidauronandace: im not sure what that is, im looking at the bios now and it has options for parallel ata, serial ata, and native mode operation.11:53
Nut4hireauronandace: if I can be directed to a good driver package that works for the Geforce4 Ti 4200 and is reliable, I think that might help11:54
Nut4hireauronandace: and yes it does, so where do I get them from ?11:54
auronandaceNut4hire: if you've installed the recomended one via the extra drivers thingy then you'd need to check out the nvidia settings11:54
SpiceKidauronandace: im not sure what the problem is because when i press f12 for boot order, it recognizes my cd drive and hard drive, however ubunutu nor linux installations detects the disk.11:55
Gentoo64SpiceKid, is it just the sata hdd that dont work?11:55
Nut4hireauronandace: alright. I have done that , will restart and check to make sure once more11:55
SpiceKidgentoo64: it appears that way. i only have the sata hdd, and it doesn't have enough plugins for an ide one, unless i remove the cables from the cd drive. the cd drive works fine as the live cd loads.11:55
Gentoo64SpiceKid, whats it set in the bios as at the moment? (pata sata etc)11:56
SpiceKidgentoo64: parallel ata is set on primary, serial ata set to enabled, and native mode operation set to automatic.11:56
Gentoo64different bios to what im used to... what options are there for sata, just enabled or disabled?11:57
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SpiceKidgentoo64: thats correct.11:58
Gentoo64maybe try it with native mdoe disabled, just to see if it works11:58
SpiceKidgentoo64: the options for native mode are enabled and automatic, should i try it on automatic?11:59
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SunTsuace_: whatever it is your pasteyed, it doesn't look like the ping result to me11:59
Gentoo64i thought thats what it was currently on?11:59
Gentoo64SpiceKid, if not then try automatic, or enabled, whatever one it isnt currently on12:00
Gentoo64SpiceKid, what options are there for pata (primary etc)12:00
Gentoo64weird because the os should pick up the drive :s12:00
Gentoo64nomatter what setting its on12:01
SpiceKidgentoo64: you were correct, it was already on automatic, and i just tried enabled and now my cd drive is not recognized.12:01
Gentoo64SpiceKid, what options are there for pata (primary etc)12:01
Gentoo64seems like some conflict between the sata and ide drives12:01
ace_SunTsu, Hmm,  I don't know what happened. I'll do it again12:02
SpiceKidgentoo64: the options for pata are disabled, primary, secondary, both.12:03
Gentoo64try setting it to secondary, then trying native mode both auto and enabled12:04
ace_SunTsu, I'm just rebooting my PC, I just wanted to make absolutely sure the connection was working good in Windows which it was12:04
Gentoo64lol trial and error12:04
SunTsuace_: unfortunately I need to go in a few minutes12:05
SpiceKidgentoo64: lol im fine with that, i really appreciate the help.12:05
SunTsubut somebody else surely is able to pick it up12:05
ace_SunTsu, after a fresh restart, and before I opened up a browser, the test seems to be running faster.12:06
SunTsuace_: but: another question, do you use dhcp or did you configure it by hand?12:06
ace_SunTsu, OK12:06
ace_SunTsu, dhcp12:06
munchorWhere is EMACS configuration file in Ubuntu? I've tried ~/.emacs and ~/.emacs.d/init.el Thanks.12:06
Gerapai have ubuntu 10.04 and when i made sleep it and "woke up" computer wireless connection doesn't connect, however it works in windows, what should i do?12:06
Gentoo64munchor, i dont use emacs, byt maybe /etc12:07
stephenhman emacs12:07
ace_SunTsu, I can't thank you enough for you time today12:07
theishiI am having some difficulty with the clipboard. I am using vim to copy text to the system clipboard '"*y' and when I leave vim and go to the console. The text is there, also xclip displays it correct. But in firefox when I click paste i get something different12:09
Nut4hireauronandace:  same problem, now display is only on my vga monitor, not on HDMI one. The Hdmi monitor is switched off. If I go into Display> it shows only one monitor and thats "unknown"12:09
SunTsuace_: you're welcome. At least it doesn't seem to be an issue of your nic primarily, because you can ping your router just fine, and even traceroutes show it. If pinging works maybe it's a dns issue12:09
munchorThanks Gentoo64, stephenh12:09
auronandaceNut4hire: out of curiosity, what desktop environment are you using?12:10
farrukhjonhi guys! help what you recommend me for VOIP client (for ex. openEye win32) for ubuntu ?12:10
ace_Suntsu, OK12:10
SunTsuace_: on the other hand, the traceroute you showed me first which resulted in !H confureses and worries me12:10
Nut4hireauronandace: environment ? I'm not sure what you mean sorry12:10
SunTsuconfuses even - see how confused I'm already are ;)12:10
SunTsuam ;) there12:10
ace_SunTsu, Could it be a bad install?12:10
auronandaceNut4hire: gnome3? unity? kde?12:10
Gentoo64Nut4hire, the unknown monitor thing is normal12:11
Nut4hireauronandace: I've just installed a fresh copy of 11.10 desktop from an iso , and whatever that has on it im using it12:11
SunTsuace_: I don't think so, no12:11
Hades_UbuntuHello, can some one help me in Ubuntu 11.10 Unity create desktop icon shortcut for command smb://
auronandaceNut4hire: oh, so unity then12:11
ace_SunTsu, I am going to try to hook straight to the modem to see what happens12:12
SunTsuace_: sounds like a good idea12:12
auronandaceNut4hire: i don't use unity but there have been trouble with trying to get it working with multiple monitors12:12
ace_SunTsu, Thank you again for all your help today. You have a great day!12:12
auronandaceNut4hire: i'm more of an xfce guy12:12
Nut4hireauronandace: so what do you suggest I do then ?12:12
abu-bakrhi folks, anyone know if multiple directories can be chosen as the music source in BANSHEE?12:13
RiseOfPhoenixQuestion: I have a port open: 631 , service: ipp  - what's this?!12:13
auronandaceNut4hire: hopefully someone more knowledgable than i can help you better12:13
Gentoo64abu-bakr, if not you could just create a load of symlinks to a parent dir12:13
Nut4hireauronandace: :(12:13
RiseOfPhoenixQuestion: I have a port open: 631 , service: ipp  - what's this?!12:14
abu-bakrsymlinks? Gentoo64, how do i go about that?12:14
auronandaceNut4hire: i have a nvidia card and i got 2 monitors but mine is vga12:15
munchorIt's ~/.emacs.el btw =D12:15
Hades_UbuntuPlz help, how to create desktop shortcut in ubuntu Unity12:15
Gentoo64abu-bakr, you could create your "playlist folder" then use ls -l to link all your folders into that12:15
auronandaceNut4hire: the nvidia drivers picked them up fine for me when i changed the resolution settings in nvidia x server settings12:15
Nut4hireauronandace: yes, there have not been many issues with vga displays, I was reading somewhere how Nvidia specific cards have problem cuz of the config file and it needs to be edited for it to work, let me see if I can find it and share here so you can suggest if the sudo commands will fix the problem or not12:16
abu-bakrGentoo64: thanks, any GUI way of doing that.. ?12:16
Gentoo64abu-bakr, not that i know of12:16
Gentoo64there probably is12:16
Hades_Ubuntumy message are visible here?12:17
Gentoo64abu-bakr, dno if nautilus can create sumlinks or not12:17
auronandaceHades_Ubuntu: indeed they are12:17
Gentoo64Hades_Ubuntu, afaik gnome 3 dont use the desktop12:18
Gerapai have ubuntu 10.04 and when i made sleep it and "woke up" computer wireless connection doesn't connect, however it works in windows, what should i do?12:18
Hades_Ubuntucan any one help me with desktop shortcuts in ubuntu unity?12:18
Gentoo64i think youd have to enable it which isnt recommdned12:18
abu-bakrGentoo64: thanks... yes a normal 'make link' and then copy the link into music folder has listed the the items in banshee.. lets see if it plays12:18
RiseOfPhoenix@Hades_Ubuntu what is your problem ?12:18
Hades_Ubuntui use Unity not Gnome 312:18
SunTsuace_: you're welcome, the same to you and good luck in solving your issue12:18
Gentoo64abu-bakr, cool ok12:18
Hades_UbuntuMy problem is how to create desktop shortcut for command smb://
auronandaceHades_Ubuntu: unity is built on top of gnome312:19
Hades_Ubuntuinsteed of use ctrl+f2 every time12:19
ace_SunTsu, Thank you12:19
amitprakashHi.. how do I enable python support in vim12:20
Nut4hireauronandace: can I pm you aurodance for better chat ?12:20
amitprakashspecifically, how do I get http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2914 to work for vim on ubuntu12:20
Gentoo64amitprakash, should be built in..12:20
Hades_Ubuntuso in gnome 3 no way to create custom command luncher?12:20
Gentoo64Hades_Ubuntu, yeah there is12:20
auronandaceNut4hire: sure but i'll be leaving soon12:21
amitprakashGentoo64, if it is.. then for some reason its not running the pep8.vim plugin in my ~/.vim/ftplugin/python12:21
Hades_Ubuntugime sword i cut every hand of gnome 3 devs12:21
amitprakashGentoo64, what gives12:21
Gentoo64Hades_Ubuntu, but its not as easy (afaik) as most des where you click "make launcher" this is why gnome 3 has so much hate12:21
gulzar is there any way to clean unwanted .folders from /home?12:21
Gentoo64gulzar, manually delete them12:22
amitprakashHades_Ubuntu, gnome 3 is moving away from launchers to a favorite bar12:22
amitprakashHades_Ubuntu, you can always click drop something to the favorites bar12:22
Gentoo64amitprakash, im not sure about that plugin12:22
amitprakashHades_Ubuntu, finally, you can also use meta key + command for fast/easy access12:22
gulzarGentoo64: but when we install and remove many apps and there are many users... ? Is there any command or utility to do this. One is there but it is not updated after 200812:23
Hades_UbuntuTnx all, i think i need to search another disrt for me12:23
amitprakashGentoo64, created launcher is easy for gnome3 fallbacks.. and they don't exist for gnome3 shell12:23
Gentoo64gulzar, i would just open the file manager and delete them12:24
Gentoo64it shouldnt take long12:24
gulzarGentoo64: I too.. do the same. But there must be any command to do this which will check such folders :)12:25
Gentoo64check them for what?12:25
Gentoo64gulzar, when you remove apps the configs/folders are left behind in /gome and /etc (if theyre edited)12:26
Gerapai have ubuntu 10.04 and when i made sleep it and "woke up" computer wireless connection doesn't connect, however it works in windows, what should i do?12:26
gulzarGentoo64: check them if they are used or not. eg: first install gwenview then remove it. Now there will be .kde folder with gwenview. Now how to search this folder which does not link to any app and to remove it. Other than using file manager12:26
Gerapaplease help me :/12:26
Gentoo64gulzar, no way of checking12:26
gulzarGentoo64: this is what I am asking...12:27
Gentoo64gulzar, youd have to manually remove them. as theyre not "linked" to an app12:27
Gentoo64apps just look for them12:27
Gentoo64and read them12:27
gulzarGentoo64: yes they do so...12:27
cipherboyGerapa, you can restart and it will work, right?12:28
minimecGerapa: Can you disable/enable wireless networking with the indicator applet after 'wake up'?12:28
Gerapacipherboy: minimec I have already restarted computer, I have restarted router too but it still doesn't work12:28
k3Rnhas anyone installed linguestfs on ubuntu server 11.10?12:28
Gentoo64gulzar, i take it you just dont like the mess then :)12:29
cipherboygerapa, okay, do you have special drivers?12:29
minimecGerapa: open a terminal and type 'rfkill unblock wifi'12:29
Gerapacipherboy: I think I have broadcom, I don't remember exactly, don't remember what command to type to get info of drivers12:30
cipherboygerapa, nvmind, listen to minimec. Not familiar with the propblem.12:30
gulzarGentoo64: yes .. I want my sys to be clean and run with full speed12:32
Gerapaminimec: I did it12:32
Gentoo64gulzar, leftover config files on /home wont slow it down, at all12:32
Gerapaminimec: still cant connect or I need to restart?12:32
cipherboygulzar, having files laying around does not slow down the system.12:32
Gentoo64gulzar, but im the same with the clean-ness :)12:32
taffflashso I sorted my gf card out lol12:32
taffflashhow can I change the look on this unity? I mean get rid of it ?12:33
Gentoo64gulzar, just do what i do, every time you uninstall an app, check /home dir for junk files12:33
minimecGerapa: what does 'rfkill list' say? Is wireless LAN blocked in any way?12:33
Gerapaminimec: it didn't say anything12:34
baharudini using xubuntu 10.04 but cannot play mp3 using totem player12:34
minimecGerapa: rfkill list without ''12:34
gulzarGentoo64: I do it.. using "find" I can easily locate and delete the files.. But I wanted to know if there is any command which specifically do this work. Even if not then no problem.12:35
theishiAnyone know how I can troubleshoot this clipboard issue?12:35
Gentoo64gulzar, nope there isnt12:35
gulzarGentoo64: this is one reason I go for reinstallation12:35
Gentoo64dont be silly12:35
Gerapaminimec: I have done it without ' ' should I try with them? lol12:35
gulzarbaharudin: which error?12:35
minimecGerapa: hmmm... simply rfkill?12:36
gulzarGentoo64: But now I am with ARCH so all that bloatedness is not there ..12:36
baharudingulzar: totem crash12:36
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gulzarbaharudin: lauch totem with terminal and then play the file and see error12:37
baharudinhow? ( i'm newbie)12:37
administrator_HAI TEST12:37
taffflashanyone know how I can get rid of this unity? Im not fussed on it12:38
steve84hi i am using ubuntu 11.10 and i am new to linux and i need help to access a windows network12:39
TiMiDosteve84, install samba12:40
Gerapaminimec: I get error when I type rfkill because u need to specify commands12:40
insectatorious!samba | steve8412:40
ubottusteve84: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.12:40
TiMiDoty insectatorious12:41
Gerapaminimec: When I type rfkill list then dell-wifi: wireless LAN soft block and hard blocked indicates no12:41
insectatoriousTiMiDo: no worries..just pressed some keys >_<12:41
TiMiDonice good keys you are pressing12:42
insectatorioustaffflash: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/10/gnome-shell-ubuntu-11-10-guide/12:42
minimecGerapa: I had to know, if rfkill is installed... ;) rfkill list should show you all available devices that are handled by rfkill. It should be wifi and bluetooth or something. It should also show you, if the devices are hard/soft blocked.12:43
taffflashinsectatorious: thank you12:43
Gerapaminimec: So I have said that its not blocked..12:43
Wisniahello , who know what nt status bad network name is ?12:43
insectatorioustaffflash: np12:43
baharudinTimido: totem or vlc crash when i try play file... ( using xubuntu 10.04 )12:44
minimecGerapa: I did not see that... sorry ;) Can you block it once using 'rfkill block wifi', and then unblock it again?12:44
xjiujiuhow to update the python version from 2.7.2 to 3.2?12:45
TiMiDowhy did it crashed baharudin ?12:45
TiMiDoxjiujiu, apt-cache search python3.212:45
baharudini dont know...12:45
Gerapaminimec: I have done it but still doesn't work12:45
TiMiDobaharudin, open it with a terminal12:47
TiMiDoit will tell you there why the program is crashing12:47
baharudinTiMiDo: how?12:47
TiMiDobaharudin, open up a terminal12:48
TiMiDoand type vlc file12:48
TiMiDoand see if you get any errors if you do do not paste it here.12:48
ludohello everybody!12:49
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Guest53794i have a little probleme with ubuntu over a DELL poweredge t10012:49
baharudinTiMiDo: File reading failed:12:50
baharudinVLC could not open the file "file".12:50
baharudinYour input can't be opened:12:50
baharudinVLC is unable to open the MRL 'file'. Check the log for details.12:50
Guest53794my video card ATI ES1000 freeze12:50
minimecGerapa: I would play around with that... For example: 1. Block the device, 2. suspend the machine, 3. wake up the machine, 4. unblock wifi.... Or 1. unblock the device, 2. suspend computer, 3. Shutdown Computer by pressing ON button for a ertain time. Restatrt Computer... When restarting the router, did you plug the power and wait for 10 seconds to clear all memory?12:50
TiMiDobaharudin, open up in a terminal type cd dir and locate the file you are trying to open12:50
xjiujiuTiMiDo,I has execute this command,and it list some python3-xxx package info.But the result of "python --version" is still python 2.7+12:51
TiMiDolet me check it out12:51
TiMiDogive me one sec12:51
Gerapaminimec: not 10seconds I think I just clicked button to turn off and then turn on12:52
TiMiDoxjiujiu, which release are you using?12:52
Gerapaminimec: I can try it again and wait 10seconds but I think it shouldnt make difference12:52
xjiujiu2.7.2, but I installed python3.212:52
TiMiDoxjiujiu,  no i meant ubuntu release?12:53
minimecGerapa: I would do so. Like that we can be sure, that the router is not the problem.12:53
TiMiDothen sudo apt-get install python3.212:53
xjiujiuWhat can I do?12:53
baharudinTiMiDo: VLC media player 1.0.6 Goldeneye12:55
baharudin[0x8d11148] main libvlc: Running vlc with the default interface. Use 'cvlc' to use vlc without interface.12:55
baharudin[0x8f6ee18] pulse audio output: No. of Audio Channels: 212:55
baharudinQPainter::begin: Paint device returned engine == 0, type: 112:55
baharudinQPainter::begin: Paint device returned engine == 0, type: 112:55
baharudinQPainter::begin: Paint device returned engine == 0, type: 112:55
FloodBot1baharudin: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:55
TiMiDogood job FloodBot112:55
farrukhjonhi all12:55
TiMiDohi farrukhjon12:55
farrukhjonwich VoIP client best for Ubuntu12:55
TiMiDofarrukhjon, try kphone12:56
farrukhjonfor HP probook intel sound12:57
farrukhjoni used gnome12:57
TiMiDothen try ekiga12:57
xjiujiupython3.2 is already the newest version...12:57
farrukhjonTiMiDo: i install it but where i can setting my VoIP provider data12:58
TiMiDonow type python --version12:58
TiMiDofarrukhjon, from your VOIP provider it self?12:58
teweai have model of with trust mark of webcome but it doesnt work in ubuntu what shal i do?12:59
xjiujiuit is still Python2.7.2+ !_!12:59
farrukhjonTiMiDo: ip addres of voip server and port12:59
TiMiDotry removing version 2.7.212:59
=== peterk is now known as Guest63494
conntrackBah, my billion device isn't working13:00
TiMiDobillion device?13:00
S1nbe4hi, is "awesome" wm worth checking out?13:01
conntrackYeah billon13:01
=== Guest63494 is now known as p3t3rk
conntrackGuess that is off-topic13:02
* p3t3rk shakes head in disbelief13:02
xjiujiuUbuntu system depend on the python,is it?13:02
icerootxjiujiu: ?13:03
Nut4hireI've managed to make the monitor work but the other display has gone out now  lol13:04
Nut4hireThis is starting to get a little frustrating13:05
mouseover1How do I determine the time when my system went offline?13:06
DivineOmegaTime in 'uptime' into a Terminal13:06
DivineOmegaand subtract the amount from current time13:06
icerootmouseover1: offline = halt or internet-connection lost?13:07
DivineOmegaActually, ignore me. That'll tell you when it came back up.13:07
mouseover1offline = halt... ie, the computer powered off13:07
LjLhow can i make the Ubiquity installer ignore a given partition? i have a broken btrfs partition which hangs it. i've tried changing its type from fdisk, but parted still recognizes it as btrfs and tries to mount it.13:08
icerootmouseover1: maybe /var/log/syslog has some infos about it13:08
teweai have model of with "trust" mark of webcome but it doesnt work in ubuntu what shal i do?13:09
iceroottewea: ?13:09
iceroottewea: is your question "i have a trust webcam which is not working in ubuntu, what can i do"?13:10
mohan__any one help me install ubuntu on my  hp pavilion g6 computer with 1gb of graphics card(radeon graphics)13:11
teweaiceroot: yes13:11
mohan__i get series of code running down13:11
mohan__will not get to desktop13:11
teweaiceroot: i have a trust webcam which is not working in ubuntu, what can i do13:12
mohan__will lower my screen brightness to nill13:12
teweaiceroot: i have a trust webcam which is not working in ubuntu, what can i do?13:13
Nut4hirewhats that interface called , the one that comes up if I press Ctrl + Alt + F1 ?13:13
icerootNut4hire: TTY113:13
iceroottewea: does ubuntu see the webcam?13:13
mohan__any one help me install ubuntu on my  hp pavilion g6 computer with 1gb of graphics card(radeon graphics), i get series of code running down and  will lower my screen brightness to nill13:14
Nut4hireWhen I run it, both my displays show but if I go back, only 1 monitor shows13:14
Nut4hirewhy is this happening lol13:14
teweaiceroot: no13:14
iceroottewea: is it a usb-webcam?13:14
icerootNut4hire: because TTY7 is handled by the x-server13:15
icerootNut4hire: TTY1-6 are not13:15
mohan__any one help me install ubuntu on my  hp pavilion g6 computer with 1gb of graphics card(radeon graphics), i get series of code running down and  will lower my screen brightness to nill13:15
teweaiceroot: yes usb -webcome13:15
Nut4hireiceroot: how can I fix this and make both displays work in Ubuntu and also in TTY1-713:15
mohan__any one help me install ubuntu on my  hp pavilion g6 computer with 1gb of graphics card(radeon graphics), i get series of code running down and  will lower my screen brightness to nill13:16
Nut4hireor not TTY7 I think13:16
icerootNut4hire: configuring your x-server e.g. with /etc/X11/xorg.conf or with a tool from your vga13:16
iceroottewea: what is the output of dmesg after plugin in the webcam13:16
teweaiceroot:  is there any thing to install for trust web came?13:16
mohan__any one help me install ubuntu on my  hp pavilion g6 computer with 1gb of graphics card(radeon graphics), i get series of code running down and  will lower my screen brightness to nill13:17
teweaiceroot:  it display nothing13:17
mohan__when i increase brightness will be able to see codes running down13:18
mohan__when i increase brightness will end the codes running down and i will have to reboot13:19
mohan__never reached desktop after installing ubuntu 11.0413:19
=== paulinka is now known as Mendishon
teweaiceroot:when i plug in the webcame?13:19
oCeanLjL: have you seen LP bug #727351 ?13:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 727351 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Unable to install when a partition is corrupted on disk" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72735113:19
gerujaminimec: nothing works :/13:19
Nut4hireiceroot: I installed Ubuntu 11.10 from scratch and have two displays ( monitors ) connected , 1 is DVI and 2 is VGA. During installation both the displays were being  detected and worked fine at the same time. Now only one is working , It was the second display that was working in the start and not my main one but I changed the xconfig file and now the 2nd has gone blank but the 1st one is working. When I bring up the TTY1 thing, it shows on both the displa13:19
Mendishonhi people my english in not god sa i have a few question13:20
minimecgeruja: geruja = gerapa?13:20
teweaiceroot:you there?13:21
gerujaminimec: yeah :D13:21
gerujaminimec: about wireless13:21
Mendishoni have a acer aspire one 521 using ubuntu 10.10 and headphone not  working13:22
Mendishonand battery icon not working13:22
LjLoCean: ah no i hadn't. i guess i'll have to wait, since it only mentions formatting for now :(13:22
Mendishongeruja ty polak13:23
gerujaMendishon: no13:23
minimecgeruja: I am pretty surprised... I do know, that suspend can influenca wireless behaviour, but normally block/unblock wifi or a restart should do it. Did you try to suspend your machine with wifi unblocked and then shutdown the suspended computer with the ON button (press 5sec or longer) Then wait a moment and restart.13:23
teweamendishon? is any aoidio can play13:23
oCeanLjL: and that's not an option since you hope to fix the btrfs once?13:23
Mendishonty bo mam problem13:23
gerujaminimec: no i just blocked and then restarted13:23
gerujaminimec: i can try suspend and shut down13:24
LjLoCean: correct. yesterday i tried to image the partition to somewhere else, but it took 5 hours only to tell me there was no free space left at the end :| i'd rather not spend hours in a live cd again...13:24
gerujaminimec: I had this happened to me before when suspend doesnt't allow to connect  and other ppl had it but to fix it restarting computer was enough but now idk nothing works13:24
Mendishontewea yes13:24
teweamendishon:go to system>prefrence>sound check it if it is working?13:25
Mendishonbuilt-in speakers are playing13:25
Nut4hireI think iceroot has left the building :)13:26
mweijtsIs it normal behavior that infinite loops with 1,5,10 second(s) delay consuming memory, how faster the loop how more memory it use ( is see mem growing with 4k in System monitor ), could it damage my system ?13:26
teweamendishon:go to system>prefrence>sound  is that mute the  output volume?13:26
ikoniadamaged your system ?13:26
gerujaminimec: now networking is disabled and cant connect at all13:26
gerujaminimec: whole networking not only wifi13:27
Nut4hire I installed Ubuntu 11.10 from scratch and have two displays ( monitors ) connected , 1 is DVI and 2 is VGA. During installation both the displays were being  detected and worked fine at the same time. Now only one is working , It was the second display that was working in the start and not my main one but I changed the xconfig file and now the 2nd has gone blank but the 1st one is working. When I bring up the TTY1 thing, it shows on both the displays. This13:27
gerujaminimec: ah i know i just need left click and enable it13:27
ikoniaNut4hire: what video card are you using ?13:27
Nut4hireikonia: Geforce4 ti4200 AGP 8x13:28
minimecgeruja: Ok. That is looking good I think... Enable wifi...13:28
Mendishontewea no everythings is a on13:28
ikoniaNut4hire: look at the twinview option for nvidia13:28
mouseover1iceroot: thanks13:28
mweijtsikonia i could not find the right words for "could it damage my system"13:28
Nut4hireikonia: ok13:28
ikoniamweijts: how could an application using memory "damage" your system13:28
gerujaminimec: no still cant ><13:28
mweijtsi mean in terms of memory usage, because that's growing13:29
ikoniamweijts: what are you talking about13:29
ikoniamweijts: the less memory you have free....the slower your system will be, your system needs RAM to run13:29
Nut4hireikonia: does it matter right now that my displays are coming up as 'unkown' in the System>Display  currently btw ?13:30
ikoniaNut4hire: nah13:30
Nut4hireikonia: k13:30
ikoniaNut4hire: just means dcc info is not good from those monitors so it can't detect make/model13:30
kutumaleodoes anybody knows how to upgrade from amule 2.2.6 to 2.3.1 on Oneiric?13:30
Nut4hireikonia: yeah gotcha !13:30
mweijtsa easy "while-do-done" loop which displays every second a textstring13:30
ikoniakutumaleo: you wait for a package to become available in the repos and it will offer you the update when it's there13:30
AceKingSunTsu, ServerSage,  are you in here?13:31
mweijtssee http://paste.ubuntu.com/777345/13:31
ikoniamweijts: why do I need to see this ?13:31
minimecgeruja: Hmmm... What would I do? I would probably delete the connetion in the network-manager and reboot. Then try to establish a new wireless connection. Your problem is strange.13:32
kutumaleoIkonia: thanks13:32
mweijtsikonia:  you don't need to see it, but its about the behavior that it consumes memory from my computer, and i'm asking why its doing it, or is it normal behavior13:34
ikoniamweijts: how do you know that's comsuming your ram13:34
ikoniamweijts: you've got a while loop spawning ever 1 second13:34
AceKingI was in here below with a slow Internet issue. SunTsu, and ServerSage, were helping me. SunTsu went the extra mile trying to help me figure out my problem. I finally got it fixed, and I wanted to post the site in case anyone else had the same issue. http://www.rvdavid.net/how-to-get-gigabit-speeds-from-rtl81118168b-pci-express-gigabit-ethernet-controller-on-ubuntu-linux/13:34
* p3t3rk` head nodes..13:35
AceKingbefore, not below13:35
=== dirtypillows is now known as ShameSpiral
ikoniaAceKing: you just need to do ethtool13:35
ikoniaAceKing: that's all you need to do to set the speed13:35
AceKingikonia, OK, I didn't know that13:36
ikoniaAceKing: to be honest running your internet card at GB speeds won't make a different as you won't be anywhere near that on the internet13:36
Mendishontewea can you repeate13:36
ikoniaAceKing: the only thing that could cause you problem is collusions due to wrong speed13:36
teweamendishon:go to system>prefrence>sound  is that mute the  output volume?13:37
AceKingikonia, my Internet speeds were very slow, and kept stalling until I followed the directions on that page13:37
LjLwould it be an insane idea to image the first megabyte of my broken btrfs partition with dd, then zero that megabyte, in order to stop Ubiquity from thinking it's a valid btrfs partition? will i almost certainly destroy it?13:37
Mendishoneverting is on13:37
mweijtsikonia:  I see this in System Monitor that its using more memory, but in a loop with 10 seconds delay its also consuming memory but not so fast as in 1 second delay13:37
teweamendishon:if it is on then it is not  from the system13:37
ikoniaLjL: it will destory it, but it will fix your ubiquity issue13:37
ikoniamweijts: ok - so that's not really a good method to guess at what is consuming your ram13:38
ikoniamweijts: open top and see what process is growing13:38
Mendishonbut notrbok is a new13:38
mweijtsikonia:  i'm gonna try.thanks for answering13:38
Mendishonhave a 2 months13:39
ikoniamweijts: try not to assume, it will let you down, there are many other processes running on your system, just because you are running that one, does not mean it's the one that's using your ram13:39
DarkStar1I just added a PPA to my list from: https://launchpad.net/~nathan-renniewaldock/+archive/ppa and apt is not picking up the ppa13:40
Mendishonmaybe drivers is bad13:40
LjLikonia: well i don't want it destroyed. why do you think it will? i mean, obviously it will, but after restoring that imaged megabyte do you see any reason why it wouldn't be back to working?13:40
ikoniaLjL: ahhh, you're going to restore it13:40
DarkStar1I should mention that this is for 10.10 server and I did and upgrade and update13:40
ikoniaLjL: I missed that part, you should be fine, you'll have to be careful with block size and count, but it should be "ok"13:40
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LjLikonia: ok. i'd image it all, but i tried yesterday and it just takes too long13:41
gerujaminimec: well I deleted it and it automatically finds connections so I just need to click on it but still dont work13:41
ikoniaLjL: if you can get the size of the partition table (512kb ?) that should be enough to not touch the data too13:41
gerujaminimec: it always asks me to enter password13:41
gerujaminimec: but its correct13:42
aa_hi, I did a network mount, ie "connect to server" now it appears on the desktop, but where is it actually mounted? I can't find it in /mnt or /media or anywhere where vim can find it13:45
minimecgeruja: Ok. This is really strange. encryption settings are correct? Probably WPA2... What if you disabled ecryption on the router once? Your problem is really strange...13:46
TiMiDoaa_, where did you mount it at?13:46
gerujageruja: yeah wpa2 i am not sure how to disable13:46
aa_TiMiDo: I just used the user interface "Connect to server."13:47
TiMiDoright click on the folder to see it's location13:47
aa_TiMiDo: it says "On the desktop" though it is not in ~/Desktop13:47
TiMiDoright click on the icon from you're desktop13:48
TiMiDoright click on it and check if it gives you a dir location13:48
aa_TiMiDo: yes, that's what I did, it says Location: On the desktop13:48
TiMiDocheck you'r /etc/fstab13:49
aa_TiMiDo: right, I did that too, and it's not in there13:49
aa_TiMiDo: or /etc/mtab, and not displayed with sudo mount13:49
aa_TiMiDo: ok find / found it13:50
aa_TiMiDo: ~/.gvfs13:51
TiMiDooh cool13:51
aa_all I have to say is WTF ubuntu13:51
aa_TiMiDo: thanks for your help13:51
TiMiDono problem aa_13:51
TiMiDoany time13:51
=== DaZ- is now known as DaZ
lucidguyI have a 14TB lvm-xfs filesystem complaining that its full yet df is reporting that there is 2.6TB available.  Ideas?14:03
ikonialucidguy: what is complaining it's full, when you write to it ?14:05
lucidguyikonia: yes, I can't even touch test.txt14:05
XaifasCan anyone tell me what is the command that I can use in terminal to regain control of a process that I nohup-ed? Can't seem to find it14:06
lucidguywondering if I should do an xfs check on the fs14:06
ikonialucidguy: it's not a bad idea,14:06
lucidguyikonia: I did recently grow the lv-xfs recently ... hmm.  A restart never woke it up either.14:06
ikonialucidguy: you grew it14:07
ikonialucidguy: did you extend the file system as well as the volume ?14:07
_rubenlucidguy: perhaps you ran out of inodes? (not sure how xfs works in that respect) .. check with df -i14:09
llutzlucidguy: is there root-reserved space?14:10
DarkStar1can someone help me pls? I'm having problems with adding a repo to apt14:10
DarkStar1I have (apparently) added it with no issues but searching for the package I want returns nothing14:11
dancekDarkStar1, did you update? (apt-get update / aptitude update / etc)14:11
DarkStar1dancek: yeah14:12
DarkStar1I'm on 10.10 btw14:12
dancekDarkStar1, does the update hit the repo you added?14:12
DarkStar1dancek: Looking14:13
lucidguy_ruben: not inodes .. xfs auto allocates.. checked regardles14:16
DarkStar1dancek: yeah it's hitting it14:16
ubuntu1111hello there14:16
ubuntu1111quick question14:16
lucidguyllutz: all mount fs's have quite a bit of space remaining14:16
ubuntu1111just installed ubuntu and i can not eject the cd..  from terminal either...14:17
ubuntu1111any sugestions?14:17
diverdudeWhat is the easiest way to add this PPA? https://launchpad.net/~nathan-renniewaldock/+archive/xbmc-nightly14:17
dancekDarkStar1, are you sure the package you want exists for your platform? if apt did update from the repo, it's very very weird if it doesn't show the packages14:17
SpitfireWPubuntu1111, unmounted it?14:17
llutzsudo add-apt-repository ppa:nathan-renniewaldock/xbmc-nightly diverdude14:18
ubuntu1111SpitfireWP:  stand by .. pastebin coming14:18
DarkStar1dancek: Well I just noticed something. The package I want to get is a lucid package but the added ppa using the CLI add command is adding maverick but I have only specified the lucid ppa in sources.list14:19
DarkStar1the package doesn't exist for maverick but the lucid package works. apparently14:19
dancekDarkStar1, well if apt knows about the lucid repo, you should see the package anyway14:20
dancekunless something has changed recently14:20
psychognitejoin #bash14:21
ubuntu1111SpitfireWP:  here is the  pastebin  http://pastebin.com/7J4pM8nV14:21
ubuntu1111honestly i am running out of ideas.. i tried some all the stuff i could have think abut14:21
dancekDarkStar1, I've been running different mixes of Debian releases (stable/testing, unstable/experimental etc) for quite a while and never had any problems14:22
dancekso lucid/maverick should be no problem for apt itself, though it might be a problem with dependencies14:22
DarkStar1dancek: I'm currently out of ideas as to why it's not finding it. I'm trying to add this: https://launchpad.net/~nathan-renniewaldock/+archive/ppa?field.series_filter=lucid to pull down mysql 5.514:22
ikoniallutz: did you extend the file system as well as the volume14:24
llutznot me ikonia14:24
dancekDarkStar1, can you put your sources.list and output of `apt-get update` to a pastebin?14:24
ikoniallutz: sorry14:25
ikonialucidguy: did you extend the file system as well as the volume ?14:25
SpitfireWPubuntu1111, eh. What's the output of mount?14:25
ubuntu1111SpitfireWP:  on sec... pastebin coming14:26
dancekDarkStar1, gee you're unlucky! there's packages for all 10.04-12.04 except 10.10 :)14:26
DarkStar1dancek: ok14:26
ubuntu1111SpitfireWP:  here you go..  http://pastebin.com/McfsN2WZ  cheers!14:26
ubuntu1111SpitfireWP:  here you go..  http://pastebin.com/McfsN2WZ  cheers!  (By the way the dvd is still stuck inside)  :(14:27
diverdudewhen i do sudo apt-add repository https://launchpad.net/~team-xbmc/archive/ppa i get: Error: 'the ppa url' invalid14:28
diverdudeam i doing it wrong?14:28
SpitfireWPubuntu1111, the install disk is in it atm, right?14:28
llutzsudo add-apt-repository ppa:nathan-renniewaldock/xbmc-nightly diverdude14:29
ubuntu1111SpitfireWP: that's correct14:29
DarkStar1dancek: http://fpaste.org/wROh/14:29
SpitfireWPubuntu1111, what's the machine? And did it install without any problems? And is it otherwise running without any apparent issues?14:30
diverdudellutz, which ppa is that?14:30
diverdudellutz, ahh the first one i asked about14:30
SpitfireWPHonestly this seems odd, and isn't exactly my area of expertise, as I mostly work with shells. :P But, yeah, I'm looking... and worth thinking about any other issues that may have caused it.14:31
=== munchor is now known as munchor|afk
ubuntu1111SpitfireWP:  it;s a macbook pro 8.1 early 2011 I7 processor 8Gb ram installed flowless in 4 minutes or someting.. no probs or whatsoever.. never had any problems in installing anything on it.. among all distros ubuntu has the best support.. heck never had a problem running debian on it.. so..14:32
ubuntu1111this is really weird.. NOrmally ubuntu supports all the funny mac keyboards.. and there is no need to go dirty on terminal...  but this time even the terminal failed14:33
SpitfireWPubuntu1111, sure it's installed and not just running from the disc? xD14:33
dancekDarkStar1, you only seem to have the source repo there. see line 61? if you add a similar line starting just 'deb' instead of 'deb-src', does it work then?14:34
Daxteri cant set multiple monitors on 11.10, i have nividia graphics card with its drivers installed14:34
ubuntu1111SpitfireWP:  trust me.. it is installed14:34
DarkStar1dancek: I'll try that. though I'll say that I did the same on my 11.10 system and didnt have issues14:34
SpitfireWPubuntu1111, well, if you want to risk screwing up the CD you could try eject -m14:36
SpitfireWPI dunno if that'd do anything, this is a little baffling.14:36
ubuntu1111SpitfireWP:  lemme try.. a cd is easy to burn14:36
dancekDarkStar1, that's probably because that PPA has binaries for oneiric. I think apt-add-repository does some magic, but frankly I know basically no details about PPAs. I just know how APT works.14:37
ubuntu1111SpitfireWP: orilla@gorilla-MacBookPro:~$ eject -m14:37
ubuntu1111eject: tried to use `/dev/sr0' as device name but it is no block device14:37
ubuntu1111eject: unable to find or open device for: `cdrom'14:37
salvatoreHi. Someone knows how to restore the audio volume controller in the right top of bar? i am using ubuntu 10.0414:37
salvatorei already made right click on the bar lookin in the applet list14:38
Daxtersalvatore: add indicator applet to panel14:38
salvatorebut no way14:38
RalliasIs it possible to configure the firewall to let apache listen on port 80 locally, but squid 80 externally?14:38
DarkStar1dancek: yeah the deb line seems to work as it finds the binaries14:38
salvatoreDaxter could yoou be a bit more clear please?14:38
salvatorei have also made system->preferences start-application14:39
ubuntu1111SpitfireWP:  should i try to install pmount?14:39
lucidguyikonia: I did ..14:40
Daxtersalvatore: right click panel, select add to panel. in menu that comes up andd the 'indicator applet' there are 2 of these, one adds the messagin menu/sound icons, other add network manager and other type icons14:40
salvatorebut what i am lookin for is no there14:40
ikonialucidguy: how did you extend the file system, as part of lvm, or after the lvextend14:40
SpitfireWPubuntu1111, haven't heard of it.14:40
Daxteri dont remember the exact names.. not at 10.04 install right now14:40
salvatoreok thanks ! works fine!14:40
SpitfireWPubuntu1111, try mounting it manually, like: mount -t iso9660 -o ro /dev/cdrom /cdrom14:41
lucidguyikonia: lvextend then xfs_growfs14:41
SpitfireWPOr swap /dev/cdrom for /dev/sr0 if that's what you're using.14:41
ikonialucidguy: pretty solid then,14:41
Daxterglad it works!14:41
SpitfireWPthen see if you can access to iso at /cdrom, just to see if it's there.14:41
lucidguyikonia: yeah .. mystery.14:41
Jordan_Ulucidguy: fsck.xfs sounds like the first thing to check.14:42
ikonialucidguy: interesting thought, do an ls -i get the inode count, then do an fsck on it, see if the inode count matches14:42
ubuntu1111SpitfireWP: gorilla@gorilla-MacBookPro:~$ sudo mount -t iso9660 -o ro /dev/cdrom /cdrom14:42
ubuntu1111mount: special device /dev/cdrom does not exist14:42
SpitfireWPHow about with /dev/sr0 instead of /dev/cdrom?14:43
SpitfireWP(Then try: eject /cdrom   if that works)14:43
lucidguyJordan_U: I personally would to an xfs_check14:43
ubuntu1111SpitfireWP: gorilla@gorilla-MacBookPro:~$ sudo mount -t iso9660 -o ro /dev/sr0 /cdrom14:44
ubuntu1111mount: special device /dev/sr0 does not exist14:44
SpitfireWPubuntu1111, oh right. Do you know what the device is for the cd drive?14:44
ubuntu1111SpitfireWP: gorilla@gorilla-MacBookPro:~$ eject /cdrom14:44
ubuntu1111eject: tried to use `/cdrom' as device name but it is no block device14:44
ubuntu1111eject: tried to use `/dev/sr0' as device name but it is no block device14:44
ubuntu1111eject: unable to find or open device for: `/cdrom'14:44
lucidguyikonia: Can't do much with it right now .. is a live fs and nfs exported.  Will perform an xfs_check of regular hours.14:45
ubuntu1111ok lemme try a lshw14:45
Jordan_U!pastebin | ubuntu111114:45
ubottuubuntu1111: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:45
joel_I have a lengthy command I want to put in a script so I can repeat it later. This command takes input in the form of being pointed to an input file and an outpu file. can someone give me an example in bash of what would be needed? not asking anyone to write this for me just not finding what im looking for.14:46
ikonialucidguy: be intersted in the results14:47
SpitfireWPubuntu1111, hrm, if that doesn't turn anything up what's the output of: dmesg | grep "CD-ROM"14:48
samba35how to disable bootsplash14:50
samba35or delete14:50
auronandace!text | samba3514:51
ubottusamba35: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode14:51
ubuntu1111sudo df14:51
auronandace!language | ubuntu111114:51
ubottuubuntu1111: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.14:51
auronandacesamba35: no worries :)14:51
ubuntu1111ubottu: ! beer14:52
ubuntu1111ubottu: !beer14:52
* RaTTuS|BIG Gives e-bree to !beer14:52
auronandace!bot | ubuntu111114:52
ubottuubuntu1111: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots14:52
SpitfireWPubuntu1111, get anything useful from dmesg? Also try eject -n14:53
ubuntu1111i am trying14:53
joel_I have a lengthy command I want to put in a script so I can repeat it later. This command takes input in the form of being pointed to an input file and an outpu file. can someone give me an example in bash of what would be needed? not asking anyone to write this for me just not finding what im looking for.14:54
SpitfireWP(nvm, I see you already used -n)14:54
samba35i want to disable bootsplash after system installed14:54
samba35on ubuntu system14:54
auronandacejoel_: maybe the guys in #bash would be more helpful14:54
Hopsyhey why doesnt ubuntu support hdmi?14:55
Hopsyand WHY is my internet not working on ubuntu14:55
Hopsyonly google is working for me14:55
auronandaceHopsy: hard to tell from all the details you provided14:55
Hopsyauronandace: what else would you know14:57
HopsyI am using a samsung tv with hdmi -.-'14:58
ubuntu1111SpitfireWP: http://pastebin.com/biWQW5fN14:58
auronandaceHopsy: you say your internet is not working but google is?14:58
SpitfireWPubuntu1111, how about dmesg | grep "CD-ROM"   ?14:59
Hopsyauronandace: exactly14:59
auronandaceHopsy: that is rather contradictory14:59
auronandaceHopsy: your browser works?14:59
Hopsythat means ubuntu slurps hiddenly my internet connection auronandace14:59
HopsyI also did wget14:59
Hopsylynx etc.15:00
Hopsybut google loads fast15:00
kubanchow do i disable all compiz effects in ubuntu 10.04 and how can i see which window manager am i running?15:00
Hopsyand all other websites goes slow and then stops15:00
ubuntu1111SpitfireWP: no need for paste bin..  the output is  : root@gorilla-MacBookPro:/home/gorilla# dmesg | grep "CD-ROM"15:00
ubuntu1111that's correct15:00
auronandaceHopsy: that is odd, i've never experienced that15:00
SpitfireWPAre you sure you have a CDROM?15:00
ubuntu1111friggin weird15:00
Hopsyauronandace: ow, I was using a connection of 50kb/s15:00
ubuntu1111yeah that's how i have installed it :)15:01
Hopsyauronandace: when I use a faster connection, it works fine15:01
bluj^^ a dvd/cdrom doesnt show in my ubuntu 10.04 either, fwiw15:01
SpitfireWPubuntu1111, do you mind doing a dmesg | more15:01
blujnm, i dmesg -c :-)15:01
HopsyBUT it's still odd that it ISNT working15:01
XaifasAny of you knows any other terminal command besides "fg" and using "screen" to regain control of a nohup-ed process and to be able to input again? I know there was one but forgot it :/15:01
auronandaceHopsy: what sites are going slowly?15:01
SpitfireWPAnd then looking through it to see if you see something that might be the CD-ROM?15:01
Hopsyauronandace: ALL! except google15:01
Hopsyand that sort of stuff15:02
owenllHopsy: wireless or wired15:02
Hopsywired to my mobile :')15:02
Hopsylaptop -> mobile connection15:02
dannelare those same websites slow on your mobile's browser?15:02
AdvoWorkhi there, if ive got a file thats 0644  how can i make this overwriteable? currently having to delete the file then upload it15:03
owenllHopsy: I don't think it is Ubuntu that's slow, it's your connection15:03
Hopsydannel: when I do the same trick on windows, it works great15:03
Hopsylike now15:03
dannelAre you using a mobile browser such as opera which compresses the pages?15:03
HopsyNo owenll, I am sure it is ubuntu15:03
Hopsyprety sure15:03
SpitfireWPubuntu1111, well, there'll probably be a large output. If you know the drive model of anything like that you could fiddle around with dmesg | grep to try and find it.15:04
owenllHopsy: have you noticed it slow when using wireless or wired on the same laptop using Ubuntu?15:04
Hopsyowenll: no15:05
Hopsyit is slower then windows15:05
Hopsyfor some reason15:05
anageolhi, i have an rsync related question: i have a remote machine that uses hardlink a lot for different stuff. now i want to use rsync to copy the files, but rsync does not preserve the hardlink, so the amount of data grows enormously. has anyone an idea on how to make rsync understand hardlinks?15:05
Hopsybut I also tried chromion, and had the same effect15:05
awanti_Hi, I had recently upgraded to Ubuntu 9.04 to 9.10. After few days i am getting grub error 15. I got some links from google. But no luck. So plz. any one can help me out.15:06
DarkStar1Just a quick question. Has anyone managed to successfully install mysql 5.5 on ubuntu 10.10?15:06
ubuntu1111SpitfireWP:  i might be on something here..  wait a second please15:07
auronandace!eol | awanti_15:07
ubottuawanti_: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades15:07
ubuntu1111SpitfireWP:  here .. when i  fired nautilus as root i was able to see the cdrom  (still not able to eject it )   http://i40.tinypic.com/o6ha0w.png15:08
anageolgot it, it's rsync -H15:09
awanti_you mean i can't fix this grub error 1515:09
qr223rsync everything15:09
SpitfireWPubuntu1111, odd.15:09
SpitfireWPubuntu1111, k, so, this'll be weird.15:09
SpitfireWPBut have you tried turning it off and on again?15:10
auronandaceawanti_: you may be able to but i suggest you use a more recent release15:10
jason404on a new ubuntu server installation, the default user is 'ubuntu'. this does not seem to be the saem as root on debain, as it still needs sudo, although there is no password. could somebody exolain what is going on?15:10
ubuntu1111SpitfireWP:  now you can be sure  i have a cd  :)  do you think it is worth removing this line from fstab ?     ------>  # CD/DVD/BluRay this line is added by me15:10
ubuntu1111/dev/sr0                          /media/cdrom0  udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec 0  015:10
AdvoWorkhi there, if ive got a file thats 0644  how can i make this overwriteable? currently having to delete the file then upload it15:10
SpitfireWPubuntu1111, perhaps...15:10
auronandaceawanti_: 9.10 isn't supported anymore15:10
SpitfireWPAlso, ubuntu1111, try: eject /cdrom015:10
ubuntu1111SpitfireWP: root@gorilla-MacBookPro:/home/gorilla# eject /cdrom015:11
ubuntu1111eject: tried to use `/media//cdrom0' as device name but it is no block device15:11
awanti_yes will upgrade it. But i want to fix this. Plz. help me15:11
ubuntu1111eject: unable to find or open device for: `/cdrom0'15:11
SpitfireWPubuntu1111, did it actually say "/media//cdrom0"?15:11
auronandace!grub | awanti_15:11
ubottuawanti_: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)15:12
ubuntu1111SpitfireWP:  stand by15:12
popschwill the problem dragging & alt+tab be addressed in 12.04? http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/151/15:12
owenllawanti_: you've tried this? - "9.10 uses grub2 which doesnt use menu.lst anymore. To update grub2 run15:13
owenllsudo update-grub2"15:13
ubuntu1111SpitfireWP: http://i42.tinypic.com/zv4zea.png15:13
kz3I am using Ubuntu 11.10 (with GNOME 3.2). How should I check if my graphics card is installed or not on my PC?15:14
SpitfireWPubuntu1111, try: eject cdrom015:14
awanti_owenll! I didn't tried15:14
awanti_using this can i fix  "sudo update-grub2"15:16
ubuntu1111SpitfireWP: http://i42.tinypic.com/2h5pa2s.png15:16
SpitfireWPubuntu1111, blegh15:17
SpitfireWPubuntu1111, right, okay.15:17
SpitfireWPI've got to scoot in a second.15:17
SpitfireWPFirst, try: mount -t iso9660 -o ro /media/cdrom0 /cdrom15:18
SpitfireWPIf that works, then try: eject /media/cdrom015:18
SpitfireWPIf it doesn't work, then try: eject -m /media/cdrom015:18
invertiSmhi, can i get some help regarding mounting a drive thats been corrupted?15:18
ubuntu1111root@gorilla-MacBookPro:/home/gorilla# mount -t iso9660 -o ro /media/cdrom0 /cdrom15:18
invertiSmpm me please if possible15:18
ubuntu1111mount: /media/cdrom0 is not a block device15:18
VozivHello, I was wondering what the ubuntu "keyserver" is. I've seen a few tutorials with steps to add it and I was wondering why?15:18
SpitfireWPubuntu1111, any luck on the eject?15:19
SpitfireWPWell, I don't have a clue, then, sorry.15:20
ubuntu1111no prbs..15:20
SpitfireWPOnly recommendation I can make is power down, then try and see if you can eject it from the boot options.15:20
ubuntu1111lemme reboot and log in as root to see if ai am able to make it work15:20
SpitfireWPRight, good luck.15:20
SpitfireWPBye for now.15:20
AdvoWorkhi there, if ive got a file thats 0644  how can i make this overwriteable? currently having to delete the file then upload it15:21
invertiSmhow do i remove a specific file through terminal? trying to access a corrupt drive and it wont let me15:21
BluesKajhiyas folks15:24
PiciinvertiSm: rm filename15:26
bbbbbbbbsometimes i get sent back to the login window randomly, looks just like it does when i kill the x server (ctrl alt backspace) - only i don't do anything. how do i fix it?15:26
invertiSmpici: i need to know the path. is there anyway i can find out without accessing the disk? i cant since its corrupt.15:27
azertyihello there15:29
diverdudeHow do i see how many cores my computer have?15:30
ubuntu-for-mehi,do you now there're any channels that discuss normal life because i want to improve my english?15:30
qr223ubuntu-for-me: "Hi, do you know if there are any channels in which to discuss normal life? I am asking because I would like to improve my English."15:30
isis___hello everybody. im in trouble with the last upgrade.. it prints "kde-workspace:  Depends: kde-workspace-bin but it is not going to be installed ...unresolvable dependencies...any ideas please? (4.7.4)15:31
azertyii got this error : http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=5537215:31
azertyiwhat i have to do   ?15:31
owenllhi! | usuario15:32
popschdiverdude, cat /proc/cpuinfo15:32
azertyiE: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution).15:32
usuariohi owenll15:32
simkaHi guys, please suggest a good gnome2 fork for 11.10 (64bit)15:33
azertyiapt-get -f install don't work either what i have tod o ?15:33
simkaunity is killing me15:33
Tweakgod day everyone. curious: i used a program (i forget the name now) , something to do with plymouth it was a software to change the plymouth theme. now when i restart, i get only a text login, and upon logging in i have no gui, term only. any idea how i could repair this?15:33
macgugesHello, does anyone have experience with testdisk? I'm recovering data from ntfs after running ntfsclone backwards.15:33
ubuntu-for-meqr223,i now know the problems in my ^ sentences do you know any?15:33
usuariocan you speak in spanish?15:33
azertyianyone there ?15:34
ikoniausuario: the guys in #ubuntu-es can15:34
ubuntu-for-meusuario, say some15:34
jason404on a new ubuntu server installation, the default user is 'ubuntu'. this does not seem to be the saem as root on debain, as it still needs sudo, although there is no password. could somebody exolain what is going on?15:34
diverdudegoddamn it...never buy a keyboard without pipe symbol15:35
macgugesTweak: have you read /var/log/Xorg.log? What happened when the system attempted to start X?15:35
ubuntu-for-mei've never heart before15:35
invertiSmhow do i get root access?15:35
DarkStar1Just going to ask again in case anyone has: Has anyone managed to install mysql 5.5 on ubuntu 10.10?15:35
azertyihello there15:35
ubuntu-for-meinverdude,sudo su15:35
ikoniaDarkStar1: `there is no package in the repos15:35
Tweakmacguges: no i have not read it. the system did not attempt to start X, just goes straight to term login (im in a different OS atm to be able to talk here)15:36
ikoniaubuntu-for-me: no15:36
ikoniainvertiSm: sudo -i15:36
DarkStar1ikonia: I know it has to be done alternatively so I was wondering if anyone has15:36
ikoniaDarkStar1: depends how you want to do it15:36
DarkStar1ikonia: I'd like to know how he (or she) did it.15:37
usuariodoes anyone know spanish?15:37
ikoniaDarkStar1: it would be a very large task15:37
ikoniausuario: #ubuntu-es as I've told you15:37
ikoniaDarkStar1: so many things depends on the client, such as apache/php etc15:37
owenllusario | es!15:37
DarkStar1ikonia: right now I'm using this method: http://ko3.gleez.org/blogs/mysql-55-on-ubuntu-1010, I however don't want to spend ages on it for it to fail.15:37
usuariodoes anyone know spanish?15:38
Pici!es | usuario15:38
ubottuusuario: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:38
DarkStar1ikonia: just the normal command line client15:38
ikoniaDarkStar1: I would strongly advise against that15:38
ikoniaDarkStar1: can I ask why you want mysql 5.5 specfically ?15:38
DarkStar1ikonia: why?15:38
owenllPici sorry gor thosw wrong way round15:38
sskalnikIs there a better way to get an updated version of the daily build than re-downloading the  image every day?15:39
isis___hello , im in trouble with the latest upgrade....The following packages have unmet dependencies:  kde-workspace : Depends: kde-workspace-bin (>= 4:4.7.4-0ubuntu0.1~ppa1) but it is not going to be installed , qhat should i do?15:39
ikoniaDarkStar1: fine, no problem, don't care, not interested. Good luck15:39
isis___Im unable to install kde15:39
DarkStar1ikonia: the web app I have triggers a bug in the connector, unfortunately for me the version in the official maverick repos hhave the 5.1.49 version15:39
usuariodoes anyone know spanish? yes or no?15:39
Tweakhey guys. just curious if anyone knows how i can get my desktop back ;p when i boot it goes straight to term, i must login through text. theres no errors booting15:40
DarkStar1ikonia: huh?15:40
usuario does anyone know spanish? yes or no?15:40
DarkStar1ikonia: what did I say?15:40
mneptokDarkStar1: what is in 5.5 that you need that is not in 5.3?15:40
ikoniaDarkStar1: sorry, I thought you where saying that you didn't want to explain the issue15:40
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e01someone familiar with kernel PAE ?15:41
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DarkStar1mneptok: I don't have 5.3 in my repos15:41
ikoniaDarkStar1: the reason I'm trying to establish why is to see if you do need it as changing the version is a headache due to all the things linked against it15:41
ikoniae01: just ask the problem15:41
Phr3d13usuario: we don't, but the people in #ubuntu-es do15:41
e01ikonia, after install kernel pae, ubuntu wont boot15:41
qr223/w/w 3215:41
ikoniae01: can you explain "won't boot"15:41
mneptokDarkStar1: but ... what is it that MySQL 5.5 has that you need?15:41
DarkStar1ikonia: I know. I just managed to install in it 11.10 which is my dev machine and it works fine with it15:41
ikoniaDarkStar1: a lot of people just want things due to bigger version numbers, hence checking15:41
macgugesTweak: so can you login at the terminal? You'll need to read the logs to diagnose whether linux attempted to start X and failed or didn't start X at all.15:42
sskalnike01, is this a real computer ,or a virtual machine?15:42
ikoniaDarkStar1: what version is in 11.10 ?15:42
mneptok!info mysql-server15:42
ubottumysql-server (source: mysql-5.1): MySQL database server (metapackage depending on the latest version). In component main, is optional. Version 5.1.58-1ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 6 kB, installed size 96 kB15:42
Tweakmacguges: yeah i can login with term15:42
e01ikonia, just a blank screen not more, cant enter virtual terminal, the keyboard is not responsible, which mean it make panic or something like that15:42
ikoniaso it's still 5.115:42
DarkStar1mneptok: nothing specifically, except that the connector bug doesn't exist in it. to be honest I'm not a mysql expert, and it's an inherited dbase15:42
usuario does anyone know spanish? yes or no?15:42
ikoniae01: do you get the grub menu15:42
ikoniausuario: can you read the text I'm typing yes/no15:42
e01sskalnik, real computer, acer laptop intel i715:42
mneptokDarkStar1: i'd suggest you use MariaDB 5.315:43
usuario does anyone know spanish? yes or no?15:43
ikoniausuario: can you read the text I'm typing yes/no15:43
mneptokDarkStar1: http://downloads.askmonty.org/mariadb/repositories/15:43
DarkStar1ikonia: the version in the repos in 5.1.58 (I think) and tbh the bug doesn't exist in that15:43
ikoniaDarkStar1: ok - so you don't need mysql 5.515:43
Phr3d13usuario: no, try in #ubuntu-es15:43
ikoniaDarkStar1: you just need a later 5.1 build15:43
e01ikonia, yes i had a grub, after choice the pae kernel load something and then freeze with big dark screen15:43
pangolinusuario: Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:43
DarkStar1mneptok: nah. I have to stcik with mySQL15:43
mneptokDarkStar1: MariaDB *is* MySQL. more so than what Oracle ships.15:44
ikoniaDarkStar1: have you looked in the backports repo to see if 11.04/11.10 has mysql backported ?15:44
usuariojoin #ubuntu-es15:44
ikoniausuario: /join #ubuntu-es15:44
usuario /join #ubuntu-es15:44
AdvoWorkhi there, if ive got a file thats 0644  how can i make this overwriteable? currently having to delete the file then upload it15:45
mneptokDarkStar1: if you want a DB that is 100% MySQL compatible, but does not relegate important new features to the world paid users, use MariaDB15:45
DarkStar1ikonia: true but they're not in the ppa. I'm tryingto install it on 10.10. I have never heard of the backports repo15:45
DarkStar1mneptok: thanks. I'll go look into that now15:45
ikoniaDarkStar1: backports is not a PPA15:45
ikoniaDarkStar1: it's an official repo15:45
ikoniaDarkStar1: worth checking15:45
DarkStar1ikonia: oh15:45
DarkStar1ok. I can stop this long insane build if they have something I can use15:46
invertiSmcan i get help please? trying to gain access to a corrupt disk.15:46
ikoniaDarkStar1: I would really suggest against using the method in that website15:46
LarsNI'm attempting to install Sun Java 6 via Apt on 11.10.  I have added the PPA for ferramroberto/java15:46
LarsNbut when I apt-get update I get a GPG error, public key not found.15:46
jutnuxLarsN: I believe the PPA has been removed.15:46
DarkStar1ikonia: why?15:46
ikoniaDarkStar1: it's a bad approach15:46
ikonia(in my opinion)15:46
jutnuxLarsN: Just download OpenJDK from Oracle.15:46
LarsNI have to have access to sun-java-6 vi apt in order to install this juniper vpn client.15:46
jutnuxLarsN: Install OpenJDK.15:47
DarkStar1ikonia: ok15:47
LarsNjutnux: guess I'll hack the installer and see if I can make it work with OpenJDK15:47
LarsNit wants proper JRE/JDK15:47
ikoniaDarkStar1: if push comes to shove, I'll build you a package over the weekend, as I need a package update for 10.04 to test, so I can do one for 10.1015:47
qr223meat is murder15:47
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mneptokDarkStar1: please /join #maria15:48
usuario does anyone know spanish? yes or no?15:48
ikoniaqr223: ubuntu support is in this channel please15:48
DarkStar1ikonia: Ok15:48
mneptokDarkStar1: we'll get you sorted15:48
qr223ikonia: please support my ubuntu15:48
jutnux!ot | qr22315:49
ubottuqr223: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:49
qr223i know ubuntu is an african word but do you have to be black to use it or is that just a myth?15:49
jutnuxSeriously qr223, stick to the topic.15:49
DarkStar1ikonia: just in case I would appreciate the build for 10.10 if it won't be too much trouble15:50
sskalnikqr223:  please troll elsewhere15:50
qr223i just asked a question about ubuntu15:50
qr223in the ubuntu support channel15:50
jutnuxNo, you didn't.15:50
oCean!ubuntu | qr22315:50
ubottuqr223: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com15:50
ikoniaDarkStar1: shouldn't be15:50
jutnuxStop trolling or an OP will probably kick you.15:50
DarkStar1ikonia: I'll find a way to repay you if you manage it :)15:51
ikoniaDarkStar1: don't worry, I need something similar myself for a 10.04 test, so it's not a big deal, pm me your email and I'll let you know when it's done15:51
RGYAH1DarkStar1 send 20 bucks by mail15:52
Tweakwhat file is read at boot time to tell the system to start the gui, and, how can i recover to a previous version of this file15:52
ikoniamay even have time to do it tomorrow15:52
DarkStar1RGYAH1: Not to you I hope :p15:52
RGYAH1yeah i was going to tell you his address15:53
ikoniaRGYAH1: you've been asked to stop the silly comments, please sto15:53
jutnuxJesus christ, why are there so many trolls.15:53
oCeanjutnux: such comment isn't welcome either15:54
ikoniajutnux: so don't comment and feed it15:54
RGYAH1jutnux well tough guy. i hope you can handle life just like on IRC15:54
ikoniaRGYAH1: final warning15:54
RGYAH1buggers think they can control me in an IRC channel15:55
htmlppa, has it any known problems?15:55
RGYAH1hail ! guys !!15:55
ikoniahtml: PPA's have many problems depends on the PPA and ubuntu version15:55
ikoniahtml: depends on the PPA - there are many, and the ubuntu version,15:55
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:56
htmlwhen i update sometimes it wouldnt let me, others it just .. whatever15:56
ikoniaTweak: why?15:56
ikoniahtml: a lot of PPA's have problems15:56
Tweakikonia: because i tried /join the channel and it said it didnt exist, so i wanted to make sure i was trying to join the right channel. sorry15:57
htmlTweak,  you need a kick it the pants15:57
Tweakwasnt sayin you guys were offtopic15:57
htmlor meds15:57
ikoniahtml: enough - there is no need to comment15:57
ikoniaTweak: not a problem15:57
htmlwell dont DO that here, its ASKING FOR A15:58
pangolinhtml: Please stop.15:58
htmlikonia, ok15:58
htmli heard the first time15:58
spyvsspyhi, I am trying to boot a persistent USB drive (11.10 desktop) I followed the directions exactly as shown here:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCD/Persistence16:00
spyvsspyexcept created a ext4 fs, but I keep getting a mounting /dev/scb1 on /cow failed device or resource busy16:00
spyvsspyany suggestions?16:00
dr_willisspyvsspy:  how big is theusb flash drive?16:01
dr_willisspyvsspy:  ive done 'full' normal installs to that size flash :) as if it was a real hard drive. they worked decently well.16:01
htmlspyvsspy,  that should be fine, how much did you use?16:01
dr_willisi often have issues with the perisistant type setups16:01
spyvsspyI did one big partition16:02
spyvsspyah, maybe I will just do a full install then16:02
spyvsspyits for an appliance-type device16:02
dr_williswith persisant installs, i often have issues when updateing/upgrading and installing some drivers16:02
spyvsspyk, ya, I dont want that to happen16:03
dr_willisi tend to just use them to make a 'specific use' setup that never gets updated16:03
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yekoms64xbit wont work on HP notebooks. ive tried 10.04/11.10 ALT and non ALT. both distort the desktop.16:04
xanguasounds like a graphic issue yeko16:05
xanguahe went...16:05
dr_willishes back16:05
dr_willisyekoms:  whats your video chipset?16:05
yekoms32bit works fine tho16:05
dr_willisyou installed the nvidia drivers via the package manager tools?16:05
yekomsuhm. i didnt know i could.16:05
yekomsi guess ill give it one more try, use the ALT version?16:06
spyvsspydr_willis, you have many performance issues w/ a "full" usb install?16:06
dr_willissome where in the menus is the 'addational drivers' tool16:06
dr_willisyekoms:  the alt. or desktop cd both should install the same system16:06
spyvsspy4GB or ran on the machine, it will mainly be used for displaying flash conent in a browser16:06
spyvsspyof ram*16:06
yekomsdesktop is distorted on loading the gui installer.16:06
dr_willisspyvsspy:  its slower then a hd install. but very useable. my main desktop box is running from a 64bit flash drive16:06
dr_willis64gb. :)16:06
yekomsill try the alt one more time while i burn debian64x to confirm16:06
dr_willisyekoms:  distorted how?16:06
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shaneowhats a good complier for ubuntu server16:07
dr_willisshaneo:  for what language?16:07
jutnuxShaneo: For what?..16:07
ikoniait's the stock gnu product16:07
jutnuxUse g++16:07
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* dr_willis wonders how many C compilers there are for linux.. I can only think of 2. gcc, and i think IBM has one.16:08
htmli want the core of ubuntu16:09
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD16:10
LarsNdr_willis: clang, TinyCC,16:10
LarsNdr_willis: Intel has a non-commercial C++ compiler16:10
iv4nBRcharacter of the console is very bad. I need a file Lat15-VGA16?  Ubuntu 10.1016:10
alishahhi, is there any gui to start and stop services? (services like mysql, nginx, php5-fpm)16:11
yekomsis the driver additon after installing base system?16:12
dr_willisalishah:  not that ive ever noticed. theres the 'service' command thats normally used16:12
dr_willisyekoms:  yes. you install the driver after you do tha tinstall16:12
white_buffaloneed some help with some command line commands, anyone up for a query? :D16:12
yekomsdr_willis, like the same window cut into 4 sections16:12
yekomsi had a SS of it somewhere16:13
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter16:13
ubuntunoobhi quick question16:13
dr_willisyekoms:  ive had to use the 'nomodeset' option in the past to get a useable desktop, then use the gui installer.16:13
ubuntunoobhow do i enter a folder in terminal16:13
dr_willisubuntunoob:  'cd'16:13
palyo3401türk var mı16:13
ubuntunoobyea i know16:13
dr_willisubuntunoob:  time to check out some bash tutorials. :)16:13
ubuntunoobbut this folder has a space16:13
white_buffalohit tab16:14
dr_williscd 'spacy thing'16:14
arkanabarubuntunoob: cd "folder name"16:14
dr_willistab key is our friend also. :)16:14
ubuntunoobbut the space is at the end16:14
ubuntunooblike "folder name "16:14
dr_williscd 'spacy thing      '16:14
jutnuxthen put a space at the end16:14
yekomsill try it16:14
ubuntunoobi did16:14
dr_willisor   cd thefirstfew<tabkey>16:14
ubuntunoobI typed cd "New folder "16:14
ubuntunoobdidnt work16:14
dr_williswhat did you use exactly?16:14
white_buffalowhat directory is it in?16:14
ubuntunooboh, tab key instead of space bar16:14
ubuntunoobits a mounted drive16:15
arkanabarubuntunoob: that trailing space might have messed you up.16:15
ubuntunoobtab doesnt work16:15
ubuntunoobit only beeps16:15
white_buffalohit it twice16:15
ubuntunoobi dont know why, but i have 2 drives that have the same name16:15
white_buffaloshould list available directories16:15
BarkingFishTweak: Are you about?16:15
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ubuntunoobubuntu apparently added an extra space at the end of one of them to make them different16:15
arkanabarubuntunoob: oh, boy.  that can be very annoying indeed.16:16
ubuntunoobnow i cant CD to that folder16:16
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ubuntunoobbecause it ends with a space16:16
szalubuntunoob: yes, you can16:16
ubuntunoob I know that you "" when the folder has a space in the middle16:16
Stanley00ubuntunoob: a space? I think it's a "_" ?16:16
ubuntunoobbut this ends16:16
Tweakhey guys. just curious if anyone knows how i can get my desktop back ;p when i boot it goes straight to term, i must login through text. theres no errors booting16:16
ubuntunoobnot underscore16:16
dr_willisubuntunoob:  the tab key or quotes should work.16:16
ubuntunoobjust space16:16
FloodBot1ubuntunoob: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:16
* white_buffalo needs help extracting and installing a tar.gz file from command line16:16
arkanabarubuntunoob: you might need to open the parent directory in a file manager, select the directory in question, and hit f2 to rename.16:17
dr_willisubuntunoob:  its possible its more then 1 space.16:17
jutnux_white_buffalo: tar -xvzf filename.tar.gz16:17
joeallyHi guys16:17
BarkingFishTweak:  I was checking with you in #ubuntu-offtopic - are you able to start X manually from your term login?16:17
ubuntunoobtwo spaces didnt work either16:17
white_buffalowhat is the drive name?16:17
dr_willisubuntunoob:  use the TAB key to let IT complete the name16:17
iv4nBRHow to adjust the text-only console character? CHARMAP=ISO-8859-1 CODESET=Lat15 FONTFACE=VGA FONTSIZE=16 Ubuntu 10.1016:17
white_buffalodo that16:17
TweakBarkingFish : actually... i'm not sure how to do that16:17
ubuntunoobwhen i press tab the computer beeps16:17
forgottenbeep beep16:18
dr_willisfill in a few more characters16:18
BarkingFishTweak: What you need to do is login on the terminal, then type  startx  - if you're logged in on root, it'll start a root session, if you're logged in normally, it should start a regular session16:18
ubuntunoobim so stupid16:18
ubuntunoobit worked!16:18
dr_willishit tab key twice quickly.. and it shows all the possible completions16:18
ubuntunoobit was an underscore yes, you were right16:18
TweakBarkingFish: alright, i'm going to reboot now and try that. thank you. be right back.16:19
dr_willisrepeate after me... 'the tab key is our friend, we will use it all the time' :)16:19
ubuntunoobim running ubuntu 8.04 btw16:19
jutnuxBarkingFish: That isn#t starting it automatically though.16:19
jutnuxIs 8.04 still supported?16:19
dr_willisubuntunoob:  bash is bash :)16:19
ubottuUbuntu 8.04 LTS (Hardy Heron) was the eighth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended on May 12 2011, Server support continues until 2013. See !upgrade, !lts and !eol for more details.16:19
szaljutnux: on the server, yes; on the desktop, no16:19
dr_willisas of may.. Nope. :)16:19
ubuntunoobbut my computer is onld16:19
ubuntunoobthats why i use it16:19
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade16:20
BarkingFishjutnux: the situation is that x isn't starting on boot for Tweak - i'm trying to ascertain whether X will start at all.16:20
ubuntunoobwhats the oldest ubuntu someone should use_16:20
dr_willisubuntunoob:  that dosent really follow.. many newer disrtos work good on older hardware.16:20
joeallyI accidentally removed the contents of the /usr/share/themes directory (stupid I know). I have since restored all of the default themes to /usr/share/themes, however I not able to change themes from the default ugly grey theme in Unity and GNOME-shell won't start. How can I restore the themes properly16:20
szalubuntunoob: on the desktop, 10.0416:20
ubuntunoobyea but my video card drivers dont work on recent ubuntus16:20
BluesKajubuntunoob, how old is your pc ?16:20
dr_willisubuntunoob:  i normally say the latest LTS. or the latest.. depending on your needs.16:20
BarkingFishNormally if it doesn't kick in at boot, it suggests something is wrong, so by starting X manually, any errors will get presented in the terminal16:20
forgottenLinux ulappy 3.0.0-14-generic #23-Ubuntu SMP Mon Nov 21 20:34:47 UTC 2011 i686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux16:20
forgotten<- old ass laptop16:20
ubuntunoobi have to use open source drivers16:20
jutnuxubuntunoob: Run the latest version with XFCE then.16:20
ubuntunoobgood idea16:20
arkanabarLucid Puppy is worth considering if you're not having luck with any of the 'buntus.16:20
dr_willislubuntu has gotten very very well done in 11.1016:21
ubuntunoobill try later16:21
iv4nBRDoes anyone have the file Lat15-VGA16.psf.gz?16:21
szalarkanabar: we don't support Puppy here16:21
=== white_buffalo is now known as White_Buffalo
dr_willis!find  Lat15-VGA16.psf.gz16:21
ubuntunoobpuppy linux?16:21
ubuntunoobthats old16:21
ubottuFile Lat15-VGA16.psf.gz found in console-setup16:21
forgotteni haven't found much wrong yet dr_willis16:21
dr_willisPuppy linux has new versions out.. but thats for another channel. :)16:21
joeallydoes anyone know what the package name for the default themes is?16:21
forgottenneed to compile custom non-smp kernel tho, see how that goes :D16:21
White_Buffalojutnux, may i query please?16:22
xanguaforgotten: ubuntu light themes or something like that16:22
forgottenxangua, eh?16:22
joeallyokay i'll try that16:22
jutnuxWhite_Buffalo: Go for it.16:22
xanguasorrym that was fot joeally16:22
forgottenk :)16:22
joeallyhmm apt-get does not recognise it16:23
joeallyI wish I still had synaptic package manager16:23
White_Buffalowhy not do16:23
BarkingFishand you still can have, joeally16:23
BluesKajjoeally, sudo apt-get install synaptic16:23
White_Buffalosudo apt-get install synaptic16:23
xangua!info light-themes | joeally16:23
ubottujoeally: light-themes (source: light-themes): Light Themes (Ambiance and Radiance). In component main, is optional. Version (oneiric), package size 108 kB, installed size 1172 kB16:23
BarkingFishit's still available16:24
xanguajoeally: sudo apt-get install synaptic16:24
joeallythanks guys16:25
joeallyI'll try light themes16:25
joeallythanks guys16:25
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joeallyanyone know the package name for the default gnome3/gnome-shell themes?16:26
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iv4nBRI found the LAt15-VGA in / usr / share / consolefonts. And already configured via setfont and dpkg-reconfigure console-setup and the console is still bad16:26
sskalnikjoeally:  apt-cache search "gnome theme"?16:27
joeallythanks guys16:29
joeallythat really helped16:30
White_Buffalothanks for your help guys :)16:31
White_Buffalogot it all sorted :)16:31
benwahHey guys, my autocomplete behaviour for certain commands (e.g.: cp and ln) is really annoying and unusual. Anyone know where I can change that?16:33
jutnuxWhat is the auto complete behaviour that you want to change?16:34
benwahfor example: cp ../e<tab>  will result in cp ../envs <-- space instead of cp ../envs/16:34
benwahIt wasn't like that before16:34
benwahMaybe it started after an update or something?16:34
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kelevrinikaanyone know if the next release of ubuntu will include a better version of the gnome 2 fallback?16:35
szalbenwah: that depends on what the target that is completed actually is..  if it's a directory, you get the / at the end, if it's a symlink, you don't16:35
szalkelevrinika: -> #ubuntu+116:36
benwahszal, the target is a directory though16:36
oCeanbenwah: check the /etc/bash_completion.d directory, something that you have installed can have added a completion config file that breaks the usual behaviour16:36
benwahoCean, ill check thanks16:36
kelevrinikaszal is that an official release?16:36
oCeanbenwah: I know for a fact that installing acrobat reader does (or did?) that16:36
szalkelevrinika: no, it's the 'rolling' channel for the next *buntu release16:37
Guest88177any1 know about sound troubleshooting for ubuntu 11.1?16:37
kelevrinikacool thanks16:37
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benwahoCean, oh damn.. I actually recently tried (and failed) to install acrobat reader (didn't work because it's i386 and my systme is 64 bits)16:38
benwahoCean, that must be the reason... ah I hate you adobe!16:38
oCeanbenwah: search for the file in /etc/bash_completion.d and remove it, that should fix the bash completion issues16:40
arkanabarGuest88177: what are you trying to do?16:41
Guest88177just tryin to make the sound work for ubuntu 11.1... I checked to see if the sound card is being detected and it is but ive done all i can think of to try and make it work and im still getting nothin via speakers or headphone jack16:42
arkanabarGuest88177: did you try installing the gnome alsamixer?  And 11.10 is the release date, not version number.16:44
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Guest88177no i didnt try that ill give that a go and see what happens. And i been out of the loop for a bit lol... well thank you ill give alsa a try and i may or may not be back thanks again16:45
BarkingFishAny sign of Tweak yet?16:45
arkanabarlook for the gnome version of alsamixer.  I'm not using gnome right now, couldn't tell you its specific package name.16:46
BarkingFishI'm pretty sure it doesn't take 30 minutes to reboot :)16:46
szal!sound | Guest8817716:46
ubottuGuest88177: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.16:46
BluesKajGuest2384678, open alsamixer in the terminal , check the ctrls there , and your soundcard should be listed in the upper left16:47
owner__anyone know a good app for me=16:48
owner__a fun app16:48
jutnuxGuest88177: Can you print screen your alsamixer?16:48
drwormThis is annoying the bejeezus out of me: the window resize bar width is like 1 pixel, and it needs to be bigger. My Google-fu is sucking today as well. Please, please tell me how to fix this.16:49
arkanabarowner__ -- install chromium-browser, and get Angry Birds for it.16:49
s-hitmanhi guys could you please answer to a simple question i have16:50
CydeWeysI have my display hooked up to my PC using an HDMI cable.  If I disconnect and reconnect the HDMI cable the video output never comes back on.  The PC is otherwise fine (I can SSH into it and shut it down that way).16:50
CydeWeysAny thoughts?16:50
owner__i got angry birds, it is really funny16:50
sskalnik!ask > s-hitman16:50
ubottus-hitman, please see my private message16:50
owner__what do you thing about security tools for a smartphone?16:50
dr_willisowner__:  not sure how thats related to 'ubuntu support'16:50
owner__oh ok ^16:51
owner__thats true16:51
sskalnikowner__:  that's not an ubuntu issue, but PM me if you want an opinion16:51
jimmy8888how do i hide the titlebar in firefox 8 in xubuntu 11.10 ?16:51
jimmy8888so that i just have tabs at the top of the screen (similar to chrome)16:51
s-hitmani have my tv tuner working on ubuntu 10.10 but not on xubuntu 10.10. What is the proccess for copying a driver to work from one distro to another?16:53
dr_williss-hitman:  the drivers should be identical.16:53
ikoniathe kernel is identical16:53
dr_williss-hitman:  the core of the os is identical in both of your exaples normally16:53
jutnuxjimmy8888: I don't think you can.16:54
dr_williss-hitman:  you could check the output of 'lsmod' and compare the working, to nonworking systems.16:54
jesfreIf I was to run Ubuntu 11.1 as Virtual Machine, what would be the min requirements for it to run smoothly?16:54
ikoniajesfre: same as physical16:54
dr_willisjesfre:  what sort of work do you want to do in the vm?16:54
jutnuxjesfre: Smoothly you'd want at least 1gb of ram.16:55
arkanabars-hitman: you may be talking about a front end package for handling your tv tuner; try clicking "help > about" in your tvtuner interface & see what you get.16:55
s-hitman@dr_willis @ikonia do you mean that if the kernels are the same then the tv tuner should have worked for both distro?16:55
dr_williss-hitman:  yes.16:55
jesfreMostly getting to know how to use the linux system, sandbox really.16:55
ikonias-hitman: what application are you using to use the card16:55
dr_willisjesfre:  requirements would be fairly minimal then.16:56
jimmy8888jutnux: i managed to hide the titlebar by installing this addin "hide Caption Titlebar plus"16:56
dr_willisjesfre:  ive had issues with unity in vbox. I tend to run lubuntu in vbox.16:56
s-hitmani thought that same kernel doesnt mean the same hardware detection16:56
s-hitmanits the distro16:56
dr_willissame kernel = same 'drivers' installed... normally16:56
jesfreGood to know. Thank you!16:56
s-hitmanthat puts extra modules16:56
dr_willisas far as i know theres no 'extra' modules for tuner cards.16:56
dr_willisif so then the 'addational-drivers' tool might show them16:57
arkanabars-hitman: what app are you using to control your tv tuner?  If you install it in xubuntu, it should pull in all needed dependencies.16:57
TBotNikAll:  Cannot find a HOWTO on setting up Apache to allow .asp and .aspx file types for web pages.  I'm sure there is one, so URL please.16:57
dr_willisthe 'lsmod' command on a working vs non working system. would show what modules are loaded.16:57
ikoniaTBotNik: asp is a microsoft technology16:57
ikoniaTBotNik: that's why you can't find a guide16:57
ikoniaTBotNik: it's also a dead technology now too16:57
s-hitmankaffeine i am using16:57
s-hitmanbut it is not working on xubuntu16:58
ikoniaisn't kaffeine kde ?16:58
dr_willis!info tvtime16:58
ubottutvtime (source: tvtime): television display application. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.2-7ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 686 kB, installed size 2044 kB16:58
TBotNikikonia: Duh, but have sever that customer delivered .aspx to do need it to render!16:58
dr_willistry other tv tuner apps. run them from terminal, look for error messages s-hitman16:58
ikoniaTBotNik: ok - so apache doesn't support microsoft asp16:58
richilzcomo  puedo actualiza mozilla16:58
ikoniaTBotNik: there is mono - but I don't believe there are apache modules for that16:59
richilznopuedo y ya no puedo entrar a algunas paginas que si podia16:59
Pici!es | richilz16:59
ubotturichilz: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.16:59
xangua!fx6 | richilz16:59
ubotturichilz: Firefox 6 has been released as a security update for 11.04. For 10.04 and 10.10, you can use the unofficial and unsupported PPA at https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/firefox-stable16:59
s-hitmanguys hardware detection is based only on the kernel version??16:59
jutnuxIsn't Firefox 8 out now?16:59
arkanabarjutnux: actually, 9 was recently released.  hasn't made it into the ubuntu repos yet.17:00
dr_williss-hitman:  the kernel version defines what 'modules' are installed. theres other services that can auto load them as needed.17:00
dr_williss-hitman:  the lsmod command shows what modules are in use.17:00
TBotNikikonia: Yes it does, it is a filetyp setting and then you have to load "frontpage extensions" and then it works.  All hosting companies have this setup as default so they can load anything and they mostly use Ubuntu.17:00
ikoniaTBotNik: frontpage extensiosn is dead17:00
richilzno puedo usar el firefos en algunas paginas17:00
richilzes una versiona antigua y necesitoactualizar pero no puedo17:00
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.17:01
sskalnik!es > richilz17:01
ubotturichilz, please see my private message17:01
TBotNikikonia: We loaded the mono, but need to add the filetype in apache so the pages render.17:01
mang0How can I do a screencast recording on linux? I'd like to create a tutorial for a particular program, but no luck yet :S all the programs I've tried have messed up. And I tried using ffmpeg to record (I can paste command if you like) and it recorded fine, with no lag, but the actual recording file itself played laggily (is that a word?!)17:01
genii-aroundrichilz: eg: /join #ubuntu-es17:01
s-hitman@ dr_willis  so even if the modules are in the kernel they may not have been loaded...17:01
ikoniaTBotNik: file type is just a line in the config file17:01
richilzalguien sabe como????ç17:01
usuario /join #ubuntu-es17:01
ikoniaTBotNik: which are you using mono or frontpage extensions ?17:01
usuariocomo k17:01
richilzantes si podia pero ahora no17:02
usuarioel k?17:02
richilzen el oredenador de mi hermano si puedo entrar17:02
richilzes una version mas reciente17:02
pangolin!es | richilz usuario17:02
ubotturichilz usuario: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.17:02
=== jtrucks is now known as monstertrucks
Lcawtehmm, what does Ubuntu use to manage power? Because for some reason I don't have power nap, and I can't find what is used to manage power etc, because my computer doesnt boot 11.04 or 11.10 but does 10.10 fine. Any idea how on earth I can fix this, or where my power-related config options are17:03
TBotNikikonia: Duh, but I can not find the right config file in Ubuntu to effect the change.  Under my WAMP sever it is in the httpd.conf, but that file is blank in Ubuntu and the apache2.conf has nothing that comes close, so loosing my mind here.17:03
ikoniaTBotNik: can you stop saying "duh" and trying to be sarcastic, I'm trying to help by understanding what you are doing and resolving the issue17:03
arkanabarLcawte: try installing xfce4-power-manager17:04
krush_hows everyone17:04
richilzbueno bye17:04
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Lcawtearkanabar: Oh, and I'm running ubuntu server btw (xfce is a desktop thingy like Unity and Gnome right?)17:05
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arkanabarLcawte: yes.  you are probably better off w/o it then.17:05
=== no is now known as yes
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TBotNikikonia: OK, just in a hurry on my end cause not even my problem, just trying to help another Ubox user, between projects.  And thanks for the help, Hey on your post on mono, We installed the mono, could not find the frontpage extensions, but would prefer that as I remember was really simple and mono is labor instensive.17:05
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ikoniaTBotNik: mono does not contain frontpage extensions17:06
Lcawtearkanabar: for some reason, 11.04 upwards is wanting too much power so I can't get past POST17:06
krush_im trying to run a app on my desktop as admin but it wont start17:06
usuarioalguien habla español?17:06
ikoniaTBotNik: this is why I was asking if you where using mono or frontpage extensions17:06
ikoniausuario: this is your LAST warning, before you get banned17:06
ikoniausuario: join #ubuntu-es17:06
sskalnik!es > usuario17:06
ubottuusuario, please see my private message17:06
ikoniausuario: type "/join #ubuntu-es"17:06
arkanabarLcawte: there's some sort of kernel boot parameter that helps with that, and I'm having a brain fade.17:07
TBotNikikonia: Well my friend loaded mono. We still can not make it work.  He is monitoring this, user = ironfoot49517:08
usuario join #ubuntu-es17:08
ikoniaTBotNik: mono doesn't contain front page extensions, so that's not going to work17:08
ikoniausuario: /join #ubuntu-es17:08
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usuario /join #ubuntu-es17:08
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ironfoot495Hello  ikonia:17:08
* _NiC gives ikonia a pat on the back17:08
ironfoot495really need the help.17:09
ikoniaironfoot495: I understand that,17:09
TBotNikikonia: OK where do we get the frontpage extension, we could not find it in google with "ubuntu howto enable .asp web pages".  Instead we got all this stuff on mono.17:09
arkanabarLcawte: are you using the sandy bridge processor?17:09
ironfoot495I've worked on this for over a week now totallt exhausted17:09
ikoniaTBotNik: it's dead, apache 2.2 doesn't support it17:09
=== yes is now known as fu
=== Dorito is now known as happiness
ikoniaTBotNik: this is why I'm asking the questions of what you are using17:10
_NiCTBotNik, ironfoot495, do yourselves a favor, and forget that there ever was something called "frontpage extensions".17:10
TBotNikikonia: OK what would do?  Step-by-step or URL to a HOWTO17:10
ikoniaTBotNik: I would not do it17:10
ikoniaTBotNik: as the product you want to use is dead in modern linux17:10
=== fu is now known as dude
ironfoot495step by step sounds better to me thx.17:11
Natverkslista!info irssi17:11
ubottuirssi (source: irssi): terminal based IRC client. In component main, is optional. Version 0.8.15-4ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 911 kB, installed size 3104 kB17:11
ikoniaironfoot495: the product you want to use is dead.17:11
Lcawtearkanabar: huh?17:12
ironfoot495Ibeleive but I rreally need to give it mouth to mouth  because of the preson that's requiring this.17:12
ikoniaironfoot495: you can't - it's DEAD17:12
ikoniaironfoot495: it won't work in apache 2.217:12
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ironfoot495well what do I do then?17:12
_NiCironfoot495, tell the person who seems to be stuck in the past, that he can't hav eit.17:12
ikoniaironfoot495: you don't run it on linux is the real answer (I understand you want to though)17:13
_NiChe has to man up and move on with his life. Or website.17:13
TBotNikikonia: Dude, I can not get into the philosophy or why's we just have to deliver, so that is why we are here, to find someone that knows how to do this.  Believe me it is not dead as every ISP like Host Gator, GoDaddy, etc all use this and from latest versions of LAMP stack, so again:  How do I do this?17:13
ironfoot495I hear you is there an alternative?17:13
ikoniaTBotNik: they don't17:13
ikoniaTBotNik: the lamp stack is "PHP" not asp17:13
arkanabarLcawte: Phoronix has had reports since the 2.6.38 kernel of greatly increased power usage, particularly w/ Intel Sandy Bridge processors.17:13
arkanabarLcawte: see eg. http://www.webupd8.org/2011/12/cinnamon-gnome-shell-fork-with-gnome2.html17:13
_NiCLAMP = Linux Apache MySQL PHP. Nothing about asp or frontrange.17:13
arkanabarcrap, wrong link.17:14
TBotNikikonia: I'm staring at a CPanel right now that says they do.  Sorry real world always trumps philosophical.17:14
_NiCTBotNik, I guess you could install some old software filled with security holes, but...17:14
dr_willisarkanabar:  heh.. interesting news however.. :) I have to wonder why they have to fork gnome shell. when it in theory should be very themeable if they know javascript17:15
=== happiness is now known as occupi
llutzTBotNik: godaddy: Server: Microsoft-IIS/7.517:15
ikoniaTBotNik: then it must be on an OS that has a very old version of apache17:15
ikoniaha ha ha ha17:15
ikoniaI'm looking at a server that supports ASP - yes, it's Microsoft IIS17:15
=== occupi is now known as Dorito
arkanabardr_willis: was a wrong link, copied it out of another channel, didn't mean to paste it here.17:15
dr_willisarkanabar:  :)  still worth bookmarking for all the 'i want gnome 2......' people that i see in here.17:16
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jutnuxTBotNik: Being rude isn't going to help.17:16
arkanabarI have only keyboards that vary from "slightly wonky" to "total garbage" right now... new one on order.17:16
popeymang0: i use ffmpeg to record screencasts, works well17:16
llutzikonia: TBotNik: well, hostgator: Apache/2.2.17 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.2.17 OpenSSL/0.9.8h mod_auth_passthrough/2.1 mod_bwlimited/1.4 FrontPage/
ikoniapopey: how ?17:17
popeymang0: https://launchpad.net/ffscreencast thats the script I use17:17
ikoniallutz: where is that coming from the extension package ?17:17
TBotNik_NiC: Hey unless we run it through the .NET to PHP converter we don't care about the security, because if the customer does not know enough to be secure and do PHP dev, we are only obligated to post the files and make them work.17:17
llutzikonia: no idea17:17
ikoniaI wonder if it's something they maintain personally17:17
popeymang0: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6UEAny3XFic is an example of a video made with it17:18
llutzikonia: i only checked server-info17:18
ikoniabased on one of the older versions and they have brought it forward as the official package is dead and actually states will not work on 2.217:18
non3is there a distribution who can natively run win32 code>?17:18
ikonianon3: no17:18
llutznon3: its called" windows"17:18
non3but close to that?17:18
Daxternon3: have you heard of wine?17:19
dr_willisnon3:  such a thing was attempted ages ago.. but died :)17:19
non3yes but, there are lots of bugs17:19
arkanabarnon3:  you need to search appdb.winehq.org for your particular app, I find it very helpful for finding a suitable distro.17:19
_NiCTBotNik, it seems there are some hits on google for this. I assume you've tried that?17:19
jutnuxTBotNick: So you're going to open up a customer to lots of security holes?17:19
dr_willisnon3:  any windows apps on linux. will most likely be using wine in some form.17:19
sskalnikikonia:  Not even http://www.reactos.org/en/index.html ? Bugs and unstable status aside...17:19
ikoniaTBotNik: check the version info llutz just posted17:19
_NiCTBotNik, also I wish you the best of luck.. :-)17:20
=== IceStorm_ is now known as Quetzalcoatl
ikoniaTBotNik: see if you can search for that package17:20
ikoniasskalnik: it says "this is not linux"17:20
ikoniasskalnik: so it's not a distribution17:20
TBotNikAll: We are hosting on amazon, and they also have this, but also have alternative IIS instance available as well.  The DB they are servicing is MySQL though, which is not available in IIS, so trying to support this customer right.  Maybe need both with DB on LAMP and IIS web pointing to it?17:20
sskalnikikonia:  True17:20
=== Rez is now known as LoRez
ikoniaTBotNik: you can connect to mysql through IIS just fine17:21
ikoniaTBotNik: you can also run mysql server on windows17:21
_NiCTBotNik, I'm pretty sure IIS doesn't care about your database software.17:21
necromancercan i install the red5 flash streaming server using apt somehow?17:21
TBotNikAll: Sorrry y'all are posting faster than I can both read and type.17:21
ikoniaTBotNik: take your time17:21
dr_willisnecromancer:  if you can find a .deb of it.17:22
dr_willisnecromancer:  or build your own deb from source.17:22
necromancerdr_willis: nah i mean like, is it on APT17:22
=== Dorito is now known as BroBot
dr_willisnecromancer:  use the package manager tools and search for it?17:22
TBotNikikonia: But MySQL does not load on IIS so have to remote to it right?17:22
necromanceri'm building from src now but it sucks17:22
ikoniaTBotNik: it works fine17:22
=== BroBot is now known as Dorito
ikoniaTBotNik: the mysql client is accessable via IIS17:22
dr_willisnecromancer:  there also might be PPA's for it. if its not in the repos.17:23
ikoniaTBotNik: your application just needs to call the connect api17:23
Matt040804I have Pidgin installed, is there a way to remove "Chat" from the "envelope menu"?17:23
_NiCTBotNik, why would mysql load on iis? mysql is not a plugin to iis (or apache for that matter).17:23
Daxterhow can i get a os-prober script in grub customized with grub customizer to see new kernel of other os?17:24
_NiCTBotNik, mysql loads on *windows* or whatever OS you're using.17:24
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sskalniknecromancer:  apt-cache search red517:24
trismMatt040804: uninstall empathy17:24
TBotNikikonia: Installs vs. Works are way too far apart.  I find no install method in the accounts we have so that is why I am asking about "install" not works.  If it installs it should work, but have had issues with all that before, so asking to avoid extra issues.17:24
ikoniaTBotNik: it works %10017:24
trismMatt040804: you'll need to log out/back in before it disappears17:24
dr_willisDaxter:  if the other os's dont change  much yu could just make a custome entry for them in /etc/grub.d/40_custom - ive done that for a few disrtos i just boot rarely17:24
TBotNikikonia: Still did not answer the installs Q.  Sorry don't mean to be redundant.17:25
ikoniaTBotNik: you seem to have it in your head what works and doesn't - so I'll leave you to find your own path, try to find the frontpage extensions package LoRez posted17:25
ikoniaTBotNik: llutz posted sorry17:25
arkanabarMatt040804: also, don't fear if your package manager wants to uninstall "ubuntu-desktop" or anything like that, it's a metapackage.17:25
Matt040804trism: thanks17:25
ikoniaTBotNik: I can't find it at all, so it maybe an internal package, but that is your best option if you insist on going down this path17:25
=== pkirkpat is now known as p3t3rk
TBotNikAll,  I never saw a post from LoRez17:25
ikoniaTBotNik: llutz17:25
LoRezyeah, stop that.17:25
Penpaperanyone know a fast text viewer that doesn't use any undo redo so it loads fast in ubuntu?17:26
ikoniaLoRez: my fault,17:26
trismarkanabar: empathy is only a recommend of ubuntu-desktop, so it shouldn't17:26
jutnuxPenpaper: Just use nano or vim.17:26
TBotNikllutz: What link did you post?17:27
LoRezsince I'm speaking in here...  is there a way to get ucf to bugger off and never ask to replace a configuration file I've changed?17:27
mang0popey: Great, thanks :D17:27
isis___does anybody have any idea why i keep getting "kde-plasma-desktop : Depends: plasma-desktop (>= 4:4.4.3) but it is not going to be installed" while trying to install kde??? please17:27
llutzDaxter: most distros set a link /vmlinuz and /initrd.img  to the newest (default) kernel. just create a 40_custom pointing on it17:27
llutzikonia: TBotNik: well, hostgator: Apache/2.2.17 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.2.17 OpenSSL/0.9.8h mod_auth_passthrough/2.1 mod_bwlimited/1.4 FrontPage/
nikkeIs it possible to hide that left "panel" ?17:28
llutzTBotNik: not a link, just version infos you might check with google17:28
nikkeand i want that if i alt+tab i want to show only windows on active desktop17:28
arkanabarisis___: try "sudo apt-get update" and "sudo apt-get upgrade" and THEN try to install kde.17:28
arkanabarnikke: it's possible to make it autohide, but it's central to the unity interface.17:28
mang0popey: England ftw :)17:28
TBotNikllutz, ikonia, _NIC:  Have any of you hosted with Amazon?17:29
mang0opticlove: You are british, correct?17:29
jutnuxAmazon is terrible.17:29
ikoniaTBotNik: yes, many times17:29
nikkearkanabar: all right how do i auto hide it?17:29
mang0popey: You are brit, correct?17:29
_NiCTBotNik, no.17:29
isis___arkanabar: i did , same story, dunno why17:29
coldflamehi everybody i have some trouble setting up my dual screen desktop...i have ubuntu 11.10 and i have installed ati proprietary drivers, my problem is that when i try to set up my desktop on the ati catalyst and i click apply the catalyst window disappears and everything is like before17:29
arkanabarnikke: I remember reading about it.  google unity launcher autohide configure and see what you can find.17:30
TBotNikikonia: and no trouble with IIS using MySQL, though by your admission you probably never did?17:30
coldflamesomeone can help??17:30
ikoniaTBotNik: never did what ?17:30
popeymang0: ya17:30
TBotNikikonia: Used IIS MySQL under amazon?17:30
mang0popey: Coolio. Where abouts in England are you? I'm in Devon.17:30
ikoniaTBotNik: not under amazon, but outside of amazon sure17:31
ikoniaTBotNik: I use the Linux platform on amazon17:31
arkanabarcoldflame: hit "ok" instead.17:31
nikkearkanabar: my other problem then? the alt+tab17:31
jesfreFYI - fast download with Lubuntu. :)17:32
arkanabarcoldflame: also, make sure you invoke the administrator version of catalyst.17:32
TBotNikikonia: OK well that is what we are trying to do, but customer delivered all these .aspx web pages and we are linux guys trying to make this work, and we don't do Windows, but got backed into this one.17:32
arkanabarnikke: this is one of the reasons I prefer unity 2d (and lxde)17:32
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ikoniaTBotNik: you don't seem to know linux to be honest, but llutz gave you the best lead to follow up on17:33
nikkearkanabar: so it cant be fixed?17:33
quatar-ithello! i'm doing an ubuntu installation on a old laptop. I've chosen the installation procedure with available wifi connection. The installation worked for several minutes (copying files / installing the system / ...) but it stopped during the retrieving of the files17:33
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arkanabarnikke: compiz config manager ought to be able to modify that sort of behavior.17:33
coldflamemmmmhh...i invoked it17:34
nikkearkanabar: all right17:34
TBotNikikonia: I'm fine in my norm, but this is outside of that.17:34
heoa11.10, Wlan broken, ideas? http://pastie.org/305324117:34
ikoniaTBotNik: good luck17:34
coldflameand ok does the ssame17:34
quatar-it[continued] i think that connection has been lost, but nm-applet doesn't recognize so. Now i only want to let installation finish without internet-provided files. Can i?17:34
arkanabarnikke: googling webupd8 ubuntu unity tweak ought to give you plenty of good info.17:35
TBotNikikonia: Thanks, I'll try the IIS out there, If that does not work, I'll be back.  Thanks!17:35
coldflamethe only thing that changes settings is the monitor in system settings but if I try to set an extended desktop it says that the settings i put are out of boundaries wich are position=(1280, 0), dimensions=(1920, 1080), maximux=(1920, 1920)17:37
epinkywas wondering if you know any alternative to ZoomIt for Ubuntu17:38
jutnuxepinky: http://newtoubuntu.wordpress.com/2007/12/04/zoom-in/17:41
mang0O.O what have I done! I typed "parec" in to terminal and now it's going crazy17:41
=== Mud is now known as Guest36675
jutnuxmang0: Press Control+C17:41
mang0jutnux: Phew, ty. What was it?17:41
epinkyjutnux: great! but wait... what about drawing capabilities?17:43
jutnuxEpinky: I don't know if there is drawing capabilities.17:43
jutnuxmang0: I have no idea. Type man parec and see what it is.17:43
mang0jutnux: Ah. pacat  - Play back or record raw or encoded audio streams on a PulseAu‐dio sound server17:44
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jesfreGoodness, where is this server located?17:48
ubuntu111111111hello again17:50
jutnuxKeep on topic please jesfre.17:51
wildc4rdGood afternoon all!17:51
ubuntu111111111guys .. has anybody any idea on why udo add-apt-repository ppa:mactel-support && sudo apt-get update won't work?  i mean when typed from the terminal it makes all the right moves and noises but when it comes to actually installing stuff i am not able to add anything using apt-get install17:52
ubuntu111111111i meant sudo17:52
jutnuxubuntu111111111: sudo apt-get update17:52
jutnuxThen install things.17:52
jutnuxOh right didn't read haha.17:52
ubuntu111111111no worryies17:52
BenBanybody here knows the ubuntu onscreen keyboard, or a better IRC #room for it?17:52
jutnuxPerhaps the PPA is not valid anymore.17:52
jutnuxtry ppa/mactel-support17:53
buzzdeehey, I'm trying to access my windows partition from ubuntu 11.10, installed via wubi from windows. it's a win 7 ntfs partition. it doesn't show up in the devices on the left of the file explorer. any ideas?17:53
ubuntu111111111it's quite valide..17:53
ubuntu111111111it's quite valide.. is the ubuntu approved one17:53
jesfrebuzzdee: are you trying to use Ubuntu?17:54
beanubuntu111111111: your nick is annoying, but I digress, I would be willing to bet that add-apt-repository doesn't exist on your system.17:54
bbeattieI have some servers on 10.04 lts and need upgrade the kernel to >= 2.6.37.  Is it wise to just to up to the kernel to the natty backport 2.6.38 or should I use a backport for a 3,0+ kernel and jump out of the 2.6.x kernels?17:54
OerHeksubuntu111111111, it is  ppa:mactel-support/ppa17:54
buzzdeejesfre, I don't get your question. I am on ubuntu, and I cannot access my files on Windows.17:54
jesfreOh… one moment.17:55
ubuntu111111111OerHeks:  bean thanks for your input.. lemme modify the scrips.. and i will let you guys know17:55
genii-aroundubuntu111111111: Probably because the only package for Oneiric that repository has is xserver-xorg-input-synaptics17:55
buzzdeeI see the "system reserved" partition with the boot loader, and my CD drive. Not my second partition with the files I access in Windows.17:56
batman6I'm reading some tutorials on force mounting Windows drives in Linux, and some of them mention using a '-o force' option to force it to mount, but this isn't in any of the man pages I've found17:58
batman6is this a deprecated option, or just a not-well-written/researched tutorial?17:58
arkanabarbatman6: "info" is often much more informative than "man"17:59
jesfrebuzzdee: is it under devices?17:59
jesfreBuzdee: It might need to be mounted.17:59
buzzdeejesfre, I don't think so. I checked the various sda01, 02 etc, it didn't come up. In /media there are only the system reserved and CD drive.18:00
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dr_willisbatman6:   you may want to check the ntfs-3g docs also.18:01
batman6dr_willis: I'm reading them atm18:01
dr_willisbatman6:  the ntfs-3g tools have a way to 'check' a ntfs  so it dosent need  the force option. but it may be safer to have windoww actually check the fs.18:02
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dr_willisbatman6:  the ntfs-3g man pages say 'force' is obsolete18:03
jesfrebuzzdee: I'm sorry, I would not know what to do at that point. I did see it might be a problem with fstab, not sure though.18:03
jutnuxJust chkdsk /x Dir: on Windows.18:03
buzzdeejesfre, OK, thanks. I see what I can find on the web. it's peculiar the boot partition shows up and not the windows partition. Thanks for your time!18:04
arkanabarbuzzdee: wubi always seemed like a klunky workaround to me, and I always installed on a dedicated partition.18:04
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LordvedaHello world18:09
LordvedaI wonder if anyone has some experience with XML and XSLT?18:09
duryIs there a channel to talk about mobile phones like Nokia 3720 classic?18:10
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llutz!alis | dury18:10
ubottudury: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu*18:10
PiciLordveda: This channel is really just for support with Ubuntu, I'd try asking in the channel for whatever programming language you're using to manipulate the xml.18:10
duryfisrt of all hi there all18:11
jutnux!alis > dury18:11
ubottudury, please see my private message18:11
LordvedaI have written an xsl for an xml file I want to know why it isn't working as I expect.18:11
beanLordveda: this isn't the channel for that.18:11
bittinMy computer always loses the alsa settings when i reboot how do i save them?18:11
jutnuxLordveda: This isn't the correct channel. This is for Ubuntu support.18:11
PiciLordveda: You can use alis to find a channel too ^^18:12
bkunixBittin: sudo alsactl sto18:12
Lordvedabean: thank for telling me this, what could be the correct channel?18:12
beanLordveda: I wasn't the first person to say it.18:12
bean!alis > Lordveda18:12
ubottuLordveda, please see my private message18:12
bittinalsactl not found18:12
rmtIn Ubuntu, are keyboard shortcuts now directly part of Unity?18:13
BluesKajbittin, sudo alsactl store18:13
jutnuxbittin: try sudo alsamixer18:13
bittinah now i know why18:13
arkanabarrmt:  yep, Win+1-0 will launch the first 10 apps in launcher, or move you to open instances of them.18:13
arkanabarand ctrl-alt-t launches gnome-terminal.18:14
bittini always have to modprobe snd-powermac when i reboot the computer i need to make that module load auto i guess18:14
jutnuxbittin: try sudo alsamixer18:14
rmtarkanabar, ugh.. Not a unity lover.. but I do enjoy having a volume applet in my alternative setup.. will have to dig one up.18:15
llutzbittin: echo snd-powermac|sudo tee -a /etc/modules18:15
bittinllee, your smart :)18:15
arkanabarrmt, ya might try lubuntu.  I code all sorts of keyboard shortcuts into my openbox config file.18:16
rmtarkanabar, Yeah.. me too (openbox) .. but I do like seeing the current volume also.18:16
beanI rather like #! (CrunchBang)18:17
bittinllutz, only have to do that and reboot?18:17
arkanabarbean: #! 9.04 is where I learned that little trick.18:17
arkanabar I should never have tossed that CD, even if it is no longer supported.18:18
rmtbean, hmm.. that looks interesting.. good place to look for openbox tools. :)18:18
arkanabarrmt: others include viperr, archbang, and madbox.  all are inspired by corenominal's work w/ #!.18:18
d8bhattaHello Guys, I am in ubuntu 11.10 . I am trying to set up vpn but my vpn connection gets failed although after entering correct credentials. Can somebody please suggest?18:18
BluesKajbittin, you might also add this line to your /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf file as root , options snd-powermac index=0 , that makes the souncard and module default18:18
d8bhattaI am after this issue since yesterday.18:19
llutzbittin: yes18:19
d8bhattaPls suggest me.18:19
Aliv3where do I get driver list?18:20
arkanabarAliv3: drivers are compiled into the kernel.  what are you trying to run?18:20
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Aliv3Avermedia TV18:21
d8bhattaAnybody have set up vpn in ubuntu 11.10?18:22
duckxim new aswell18:22
duckxbut i have used ubuntu before for my local dev setup... i just installed it on vps.net ... anyone use that hosting before?18:22
Aliv3I want tv :(18:22
duckxwhich tv?18:22
d8bhattaok,  then suggest me the possible channel to get vpn issue solved.18:24
d8bhattaany idea?>18:24
BluesKajAliv3, which avermedia device are yoiu using ?18:24
rycan i create a mirror (raid1) via mdadm from an existing root drive without losing the data?18:24
Prodegod8bhatta: you want to be here probably18:24
Aliv3oh well  I want my tuner card to work first but I have uhm idk18:25
d8bhattaProdego: yes of course I want this here but I am not getting answer.18:25
Aliv3I can't get my tuner card to work18:25
d8bhattaProdego: do you have any idea ?18:25
Prodegod8bhatta: well I can start making things up if you want. If no one is here right know who knows, then18:26
Prodegoyou could post on the forums, if you don't want to wait18:26
ikoniad8bhatta: you need to look at the logs on the vpn server18:26
d8bhatta Prodego: Yes, please start. I appreciate .18:26
ikoniad8bhatta: if you are failing authentication the vpn server is where you need to start debugging it18:27
Prodego:| thank you ikonia18:27
beanAliv3: what tuner card?18:27
Aliv3how do I find out? its ati something18:28
d8bhattaikonia: I am not sure where should I do, I have tested so many options using pptp18:28
ikoniad8bhatta: you should do what I just told you to do18:28
lukasoftHello, I can't seem to figure out what video card I have. I'm running 10.04, and when i type lspci -nn | grep VGA I only get VGA compatible controller [0300]: ATI Technologies Inc Device [1002:6779]. I'm trying to install new drivers to get widescreen18:29
Aliv3ATI Technologies Inc RV710 [Radeon HD 4350] [1002:954f] i think18:30
d8bhattaikonia:  Unfortunately I cannot see server log because client has given me vpn connection parameters.18:30
d8bhattaparamters only18:30
ikoniad8bhatta: then you need to talk to the client and ask them to review the logs or monitor them while you try to connect18:30
d8bhattayes, its good idea.18:31
d8bhattaI will do this and will follow you people, I hope you dont mind.18:31
ikoniafollow us ?18:31
ubuntu111111111quick question... is it possible to use wget with the timestamping wget --timestamping -r  to download the lastes version of a .deb file from a server ? as in wget http://ppa.launchpad.net/mactel-support/ppa/ubuntu/pool/main/m/macfanctld/macfanctld_0.5~mactel1~maverick_amd64.deb... but i would like to be able to download the lates version say 3 months from now on when i will run the script... any ideas?18:31
ikoniaubuntu111111111: that makes no sense at all18:32
jutnuxubuntu111111111: ...18:32
jutnuxubuntu111111111: Most sites have a latest.deb that you can download.18:32
Piciubuntu111111111: Is there a reason you can't just use apt?18:32
ikoniaputting the PPA in your package manager is the correct way to do this, anything else makes no sense18:33
ubuntu111111111i know.. i am working in creating a little script that would download packages.. (in this case from ppa...the reason i can not use apt is because apt does not work for the mactell ppa)18:33
Aliv3It keeps failing at AMD/ATI propietary drivers18:33
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ikoniaubuntu111111111: apt-get will work with any ubuntu PPA18:34
ubuntu111111111but as far as i could see the packages are updated every month or so so running the wget script with and old name for the packages will not do any good18:34
ikoniaubuntu111111111: you are creating a terrible solution18:34
beanagreed, ikonia .18:34
beandon't do it that way ubuntu111111111. apt will work.18:34
ubuntu111111111dude.. ikonia  trust me.. ppa mactel does not work.. everytime i reinstall ubuntu on my mac i have to go and download the packages manually one by one from   http://ppa.launchpad.net/mactel-support/ppa/ubuntu/pool/main/18:35
ikoniaubuntu111111111: trust me - it does18:35
ubuntu111111111ikonia:  stand by scren shot coming18:35
culticviruswho can teach me to hack?18:36
ikoniaubuntu111111111: if apt-get does not work with an ubuntu PPA - there is a serious problem with that PPA and you should not be using it18:36
ikoniaculticvirus: no-one in here, please don't ask18:36
BullSharkwill ubuntu have gnome3 in its next release?18:36
ikoniaBullShark: gnome3 is in the current release18:36
BullSharkikonia -> out of the box?18:36
ikoniaBullShark: correcty18:36
ikonia11.10 contains gnome3 with unity shell out of the box18:37
ubuntu111111111ikonia:  and the rest ... look here http://i42.tinypic.com/4r87yh.png18:37
BullSharkoh that's bs18:37
ikoniaBullShark: no it's not18:37
ikoniaubuntu111111111: the package is not here -18:37
BullSharkunity is god awful18:37
ikoniaBullShark: ok, don't use it18:38
Piciubuntu111111111: did you actually add the required ppa to your sources?18:38
ubuntu111111111Pici:  yes man18:38
lukasoftcan someone help me install an ATI graphics driver? I've done it before on a different computer, however when I type "lspci -nn | grep VGA" I only get "01:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: ATI Technologies Inc Device [1002:6779]"18:38
Piciubuntu111111111: using add-apt-repository? or via modifying /etc/apt/sources.list manually?18:39
lukasoftor at least give me some guidance on how to figure out what card i have?18:39
ikonialukasoft: just use the hardware drivers tool18:39
ubuntu111111111using add apt18:39
ikonialukasoft: just use the hardware drivers tool18:39
Piciubuntu111111111: Can you pastebin the result of    ls -al /etc/apt/sources.list.d/18:40
lukasoftikonia, thanks, but it says there are no proprietary drivers on the system18:40
ubuntu111111111Pici:  stand by18:40
ubuntu111111111screen shot comoin18:40
ikonialukasoft: then there isn't one for your card18:40
=== Mud is now known as Guest89251
lukasoftikonia, ok, will changing Xorg.conf to force the resolution of the monitor work or is that a bad idea?18:41
lukasoftbecause all i care about is getting a widescreen resolutoin18:41
beanlukasoft: using xrandr, etc will probably work18:41
scorinitronmsg NickServ identify <jpatterson93>18:42
xanguascorinitron: fail...18:42
scorinitronwrong password 218:42
beanscorinitron: you might want to change your password18:42
ikonialukasoft: well, if your card needs a driver to function and there isn't one - it won't be worth while18:42
ubuntu111111111Pici:   http://pastebin.com/U6G3W1d418:43
ikoniaubuntu111111111: sudo apt-get update - then apt-cache search bcm5974-dkms18:44
lukasoftikonia, I'm assuming i'm using a generic driver right now, as I'm on the computer, its using a 4:3 aspect though, which is annoying. But because the generic driver is displaying something, does that mean the resolution can be changed?18:44
ikonialukasoft: if that drivers supposed your card at the resoluiton you want, yes18:45
three18tianyone been able to install systemd on Ubuntu?  ppa:andrew-edmunds/ppa returns 404...18:46
xanguathree18ti: sounds like there are no packages in that ppa for whatever ubuntu version you use18:47
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)18:47
ubuntu111111111ikonia:   here you go:   http://i44.tinypic.com/jq447b.png18:47
three18tixangua, good call, looks like the PPA only supplies packages for Maverick... :/ weaksauce.18:48
ikoniaubuntu111111111: so there is no package in that repo called bcm5974-dkms, that's why you can't find it18:48
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jutnuxubuntu111111111: Nothing returned means there is NO result.18:48
Piciubuntu111111111: There is only one package that the PPA contains for your release of Ubuntu, and it isn't any of the packages you're looking for.18:49
ubuntu111111111ikonia...  look here.. that's where  i am manually downloading the drivers http://ppa.launchpad.net/mactel-support/ppa/ubuntu/pool/main/b/bcm5974-dkms/18:49
Pici(oops, was scrolled up)18:49
ubuntu111111111they are there18:49
Piciubuntu111111111: https://launchpad.net/~mactel-support/+archive/ppa?field.series_filter=oneiric18:50
ubuntu111111111the debs are there18:50
ikoniaubuntu111111111: that doesn't mean that's the package name18:50
ikoniaubuntu111111111: that's the FILE name18:50
genii-aroundikonia: The problem as I said to them a long while ago now... is that the only Oneiric package in that repository is a synaptics driver18:50
ikoniaubuntu111111111: or that repo has a bad index file18:50
Jef91Anyone know where the scripts are located that are run when a system suspends/unspends?18:50
ikoniain which case I wouldn't trust them18:50
ikoniathen why are people using such a bad PPA18:50
Piciikonia, ubuntu111111111: that path doesn't list any packages for oneiric.18:50
genii-aroundubuntu111111111: https://launchpad.net/~mactel-support/+archive/ppa?field.series_filter=oneiric   shows all the oneiric packages18:51
fruttiduring a usb install of ubuntu server, is it normal that it fails to detect the cdrom and you hjave to mount it manually?18:54
ikoniawhy do you need a cd for a usb install18:54
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fruttithats what the installer calls it, but it actually the usb stick its refered to that fails to mount to /cdrom18:55
ikoniait wo'nt mount on /cdrom - it's not a cdrom18:56
sstasure it will...18:56
sstayou can mount anything anywhere18:56
ikoniassta: you can - it won't auto18:56
bbeattieIf I need to upgrade some 10.04 servers from 2.6.32 to >=2.6.37 should I just use the kernel-image-generic-pae-lts-backport-natty (natty with 2.6.38) or should I just jump to oneiric that has 3.0.0? thoughts?18:57
sstaikonia: it won't automount, that doesn't mean you can't mount it18:57
ikoniassta: I didn't say you can't18:57
lukasoftikonia, it won't allow 1920x1080 using generic drivers.. figures. Is there nothing I can do?18:57
ikoniassta: the question was why doesn't it auto mount18:57
fruttiit's no worries, ill mount it manually, just thought usb install would be a farily automated process these days and wanted to make sure nothing is off18:59
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jaimefhow do you set default kernel to boot in unbuntu?19:03
spaceneedleHow do I install the kernel in pinguy 11.04?19:03
ikoniaspaceneedle: not an ubuntu issue19:03
ikoniaspaceneedle: try pinguy support19:03
SpitfireWPubuntu111111111, did you have any luck?19:04
ubuntu111111111not at all  i am gonna use wget wget http://ppa.launchpad.net/mactel-support/ppa/ubuntu/pool/main/b/bcm5974-dkms/bcm5974-dkms_1.1.9_all.deb19:06
ubuntu111111111wget http://ppa.launchpad.net/mactel-support/ppa/ubuntu/pool/main/x/xf86-input-multitouch/xf86-input-multitouch_1.0~rc2-mactel2_i386.d19:06
Cyph3rStrange issue: On a laptop, if I accidentally hit the button to deactivate the touchpad, the keyboard stops working, and I can't click on icons19:06
ubuntu111111111and after wards the sudo dpkg -i19:06
Cyph3rAnyone know of a fix for this?19:08
Cyph3rStrange issue: On a laptop, if I accidentally hit the button to deactivate the touchpad, the keyboard stops working, and I can't click on icons (even after hitting the button again to activate touchpad). This also happens if I plug in a USB mouse19:13
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w30When I mount /dev/sda7 (2nd OS) on /media I get my files that are on sda6 (root file system) mostly, different directories and files do show up though. Similar named files get bastardized to my root files even though different. Why?19:15
w30Is this a bug or a feature?19:16
Cyph3rNot sure myself. Just thought I'd respond to point out that there ARE other people in here :P19:17
SunTsuw30: I wouldn't say either, depends on what's going on. please pastey mount's output19:17
Cyph3rTrying to get a fix myself, but the forums and Google aren't giving me what I need19:17
Piciw30: What file system is on that partition?19:17
w30Pici, ext4 on both partitions, one is xubuntu and the other is kubuntu.19:18
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Piciw30: Perhaps if you provided some specific examples we could be of more use.19:19
CaBeTuXbuenas tardes19:19
CaBeTuXconsulta rapida:19:19
Andrewx_Hello, when I try accessing the grub prompt by typing rub at terminal, it says that the grub package isn't installed.19:19
w30Pici, in real tty and virtual x terminals19:19
SunTsuw30: Please, run "mount" and pastey it, so we see what is mounted where19:20
SunTsu!es | CaBeTuX19:20
ubottuCaBeTuX: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.19:20
CaBeTuXthanks SunTsu, sorry19:20
ubuntu111111111y si no quieres vete usted a tomar.... tu bolsa a done tu quieres19:20
Pici!es | ubuntu111111111 CaBeTuX19:21
ubottuubuntu111111111 CaBeTuX: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.19:21
Andrewx_Hello, when I try accessing the grub prompt by typing rub at terminal, it says that the grub package isn't installed.19:21
w30SunTsu, ok, let me mount partition first, thanks19:21
Andrewx_I need to use the grub prompt to change some configuration settings ASAP.19:21
krisss117hi, i need help, how i can open i new terminal urlsnarf -i wlan0 | sed -e 's/\(.*\)/\1/'19:21
SunTsuAndrewx_: normally you only need to touch the config files19:21
* ubuntu111111111 a quine le jode que estoy hablando en espanol? :))19:22
SunTsuubuntu111111111: stop trolling19:22
ubuntu111111111SunTsu:  and the art of war..  :))19:22
w30SunTsu, http://paste.ubuntu.com/777801/19:22
CaBeTuXPici.... SunTsu> !es | CaBeTuX19:22
CaBeTuX<CaBeTuX> thanks SunTsu, sorry19:22
Cyph3rStrange issue: On a laptop, if I accidentally hit the button to deactivate the touchpad, the keyboard stops working, and I can't click on icons (even after hitting the button again to activate touchpad). This also happens if I plug in a USB mouse. Any ideas for a fix?19:23
w30SunTsu, that's before here is after http://paste.ubuntu.com/777806/19:23
ubuntu111111111yeah.. cnfigure synaptics not to desactivate the touchpad19:24
SunTsuw30: so you'r on the other os now, because initially you told us that you tried mounting sd7 on media...19:24
e01i had "installed" eclipse in /opt simple like extracting an archive, and global menu was working, then i remove it and install the default in the ubuntu repositories and now eclipse have no globalmenu, any idea how to fix it?19:24
krisss117i use gnome-terminal but it only blink19:24
SunTsuw30: before and after what? I don't see any difference19:25
krisss117can u help ?19:25
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."19:25
w30SunTsu, it's mounting kubuntu on sda6 to /media19:25
SunTsuw30: there's absolutely no difference between those two pasteys19:26
maxВсем привет19:26
SunTsu!ru | max19:26
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ubottumax: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.19:26
Guest78625Чо тут  русских нет19:26
w30SunTsu, my bad, it was allready mounted, sorry to misinform you19:27
jutnux!ru | Guest7862519:27
ubottuGuest78625: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.19:27
fruttiduring a usb install of ubuntu server, i reach the main menu and the next step should be configure package manager, but when i select it a progress bar flashses and then im back at the menu with no feedback..is it really supposed to be that way?19:28
hacked_kernelevery time i login to Ubuntu it Gnome asks me to unlock my password keyring twice, wither  I authenticate or cancel nothing happens that I see, how can I discover which app is asking for that? or how to stop it?19:28
w30SunTsu, sda6 on media is bogus, it gets sda7, the root fs files and folders19:28
auvajshi anyone could help me how to change something in lyx?19:28
jutnux!ask | auvajs19:29
ubottuauvajs: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:29
w30SunTsu, plus folders unique to sda619:29
SunTsuw30: if you have two versions of ubuntu on two different partitions, it somehow strikes me that the content might look quite similar, did you try to create a file on any of those filesystems and see if it shows up on what you think to be the other?19:29
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cypher-neohacked_kernel, When you installed Ubuntu did you encrypt your $HOME folder to your admin password?19:30
Cyph3rubuntu111111111, thanks19:30
hacked_kernelCyph3r, no I didn't encrypt it because i'm using lvm19:30
ubuntu111111111Cyph3r:  huh?!!19:30
ubuntu111111111what for?19:30
auvajsanyone: how to set up paragraph (or whatever it is) settings in lyx? I just wanna have it printed some other word than "Part" in Part section..19:30
hacked_kernelCyph3r, sorry wrong message19:31
w30SunTsu, it took a while to notice it, editing config files made me notice editing one identical file made both files the same19:31
hacked_kernelcypher-neo, , no I didn't encrypt it because i'm using lvm19:31
Cyph3rubuntu111111111, thanks for the comment about synaptics touchpad19:31
ubuntu111111111Cyph3r:  that's all i could come up with19:31
SunTsuw30: could that be because of symlinks?19:31
Nikooo777hello everyone, i have a question: i want to install linux ubuntu 11.10 on an old laptop running xp actually. unfortunately after the POST i can't boot from CD or USB (i don't know why) and if i try to use wubi it gives me the following error: 'WindowsBackend' object has no attribute 'CD_path' any ideas how i can solve this?19:31
w30SunTsu, no, no symlinks for proftpd.conf for example.19:32
zleapNikooo777, do you have the boot options set in the BIOS19:32
Nikooo777it says that the CD is not bootable19:33
cypher-neoNikooo777, You might need to update your BIOS then19:33
Nikooo777it's very old not sure it's still supported19:33
Nikooo777it's insyde 1.2219:33
zleapor a different cd19:34
htmlubuntu music store , how do i get it?19:34
Nikooo777i tried 3 CD's 1 DVD and 2 usb19:34
Nikooo777with different distros19:34
genii-aroundNikooo777: Does your bios allow PXE booting?19:34
hacked_kernelevery time i login to Ubuntu it Gnome asks me to unlock my password keyring twice, wither  I authenticate or cancel nothing happens that I see, how can I discover which app is asking for that? or how to stop it?19:34
Nikooo777yes i think it does19:34
w30SunTsu, I know for sure booted on xubuntu causes the trouble, not sure booting on kubuntu would mirror the same effect.19:34
w30SunTsu, I will have to see, hrumphhhh..19:35
genii-aroundNikooo777: If so and you have a handy second box around, you could try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PXEInstallServer19:35
SunTsuw30: it really sounds strange, please pastey a ls -l / and ls -l /media/24fdba38-c977-4cf5-a80d-4872e671f36019:35
Nikooo777awesome thanks for the support will try right now19:35
Nikooo777oh by the way19:36
Nikooo777by second box can a windows work too?19:36
Nikooo777i have windows 7 here atm19:36
cypher-neohacked_kernel, I have a theory19:36
fruttiany ideas why nothing happens when i select "select and install software" from the installation menu in ubuntu server?19:36
w30SunTsu, for /   http://paste.ubuntu.com/777817/19:36
tin_nqnhi, is there some Karmic repo still available somewhere?19:37
cypher-neohacked_kernel, It might be related to either one of these bugs: https://bugs.launchpad.net/gnome-keyring/+bug/416825 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-keyring/+bug/63770219:37
ubottuUbuntu bug 416825 in Ubuntu "gnome-keyring passwd should be changed on system password change" [Undecided,Confirmed]19:37
ubottuUbuntu bug 637702 in gnome-keyring (Ubuntu) "Prompted to unlock keyring twice on log in" [Low,Confirmed]19:37
tin_nqnapt-get update  respond "Imposible obtener http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/karmic/restricted/binary-i386/Packages.gz  404  Not Found [IP: 80] "19:37
cypher-neohacked_kernel, That was the reason i asked you if you had recently changed a password19:38
w30SunTsu, for /media/24fdba38-c977-4cf5-a80d-4872e671f360 http://paste.ubuntu.com/777821/19:38
cypher-neohacked_kernel, Bug 416825 doesn't change the keyring password when you change the system password... and this causes the keyring to ask you twice.19:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 416825 in Ubuntu "gnome-keyring passwd should be changed on system password change" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41682519:39
SunTsuw30: looks similar, but most of the directory access times differ, just like one would expect19:39
hacked_kernelcypher-neo, how to change  the keyring password19:39
cypher-neohacked_kernel, One second. I'm looking it up. :)19:40
genii-aroundNikooo777: Yes, you can actually boot to livecd and then install dhcp server and whatever you need onto the live running version, use that to boot up and install to the client.19:40
auvajshi anyone: how to edit source code in lyx?? I can only see where I can view the source code19:40
w30SunTsu, the aaaaa-folders are just markers for each file system to make sure where I was19:40
Nikooo777looks quite hard... would a Virtual machine work too?19:40
Nikooo777_damn crashed19:41
zleaphacked_kernel, do you want to chanse the pass phrase?19:41
Nikooo777_looks quite hard... would a Virtual machine work too?19:41
cypher-neohacked_kernel, http://www.greenhughes.com/node/898519:41
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htmlNikooo777,   for?19:41
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hacked_kernelzleap, no i just get asked to authenticate after autologin twice19:41
Nikooo777_for DHCP server19:42
tugasomeone could help?19:42
Nikooo777_[20:40] <genii-around> Nikooo777: Yes, you can actually boot to livecd and then install dhcp server and whatever you need onto the live running version, use that to boot up and install to the client.19:42
w30SunTsu, it almost like playing Jepordy where the contestant jumps the gun before hearing the whole mount request. mount hears proftpd.conf and says sure I have one on / but doesn't look on /media also.19:43
genii-aroundNikooo777: It should work, yes. although I have not actually tried this in practice.19:43
cypher-neohacked_kernel, http://www.greenhughes.com/node/8985 Let me know if this helps, or it keeps happening.19:43
htmltuga,  as you can see this is a busy place , so please wait  and google it while u wait19:43
genii-aroundNikooo777: Apologies on lag, work is demanding much of my attention here19:44
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Nikooo777_thanks anyway :)19:45
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fruttiany ideas why nothing happens when i select "select and install software" from the installation menu in ubuntu server? or is it supposed to be like that?19:46
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tugaok i google and i found nothing, but here is my problem: i think the my keyboard is interfering with the linux ( the sound icon blinks, and i can't write almost nothing) if anyone cold help i appreciate ;), if not thank u anyway19:48
htmltuga,  what is it?19:48
w30frutti, my similar problem was because my compiz window manager was not allowing a password window to come up to approve the install request.19:49
cypher-neotuga, Okay... let me break it down more. When you type on the keyboard, the sound icon blinks?19:49
MrFishermanumm, so does the ATI proprietary driver work completely with gnome 3 yet?19:49
SunTsuw30: I don't think so. Can you please pastey ls -l of proftpd.conf on both mountpoints?19:50
tugacypher-neo, yes19:50
xapelI want to update an Ubuntu laptop with the latest packages, but it does not have internet. Can I just download the cd from the website and update from the cd, or do they not keep the cd updated?19:50
CipherXcd should be pretty up to date, but it will prob only have packages up to latest release19:51
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:51
tugasomething wrong with my keyboard? is a Microsoft wireless19:51
cypher-neotuga, I wonder if there is a window that requires input that is hidden. Try hitting Alt-Tab a couple times to cycle between windows.19:51
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d1g1ta1Can someone please help me with Lubuntu install gets to GUI language selection screen, I click English and next, the DVD spins for a bit then the light goes out and an hourglass (PC is not frozen, but install seems to be stopped)?19:52
cypher-neotuga, Sometimes dialog boxes get lost and you end up with unresponsive keyboard, and it's just a box you need to close.19:52
w30SunTsu,  ls -l  /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf is http://paste.ubuntu.com/777841/19:52
xapelCipherX, so they do keep the cd up to date?19:52
CipherXxapel: ubuntu's pretty good about that I believe19:52
CipherXwhat vers you running now?19:52
schnuffle1d1g1ta1: sure your DVD is not damaged?19:53
cypher-neotuga, You might also try using Unity shortcut Ctrl-Alt-Up Arrow to expose all windows and select one to give focus to.19:53
grendal-primei need to monitor a network if and get a throughput count of data..so like over the last year how much data has gone through the device.19:54
grendal-primeany suggestions?19:54
ikoniagrendal-prime: cacti19:54
d1g1ta1schnuffle1: can't be 100% sure, but I've been using it on other systems so I do not think it's the DVD19:54
SunTsugrandrew: cacti19:55
SunTsuer, grendal-prime cacti19:55
d1g1ta1schnuffle1: it's a mass produced DVD (not home burned)19:55
cypher-neotuga, Did that work?19:55
w30SunTsu,  ls -l  /media/24fdba38-c977-4cf5-a80d-4872e671f360/etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf is http://paste.ubuntu.com/777843/19:55
cypher-neod1g1ta1, I have a theory... It's going to sound odd though.19:55
cypher-neod1g1ta1, How much memory do you have on your computer?19:56
grendal-primethat seems a bit heavy for what i want to do..but ill give it a shot19:56
schnuffle1d1g1ta1: hm, hard to figure out. Maybe even the DVD is damaged. Can you create a USB and try it with that?19:56
fruttiso nobody has any clue as to why "configure package manager" just throws me back to the main menu during a usb install of ubuntu server?19:56
SunTsuw30: it's two different files, even the sizes differ. Are you sure you didn't confuse things like you did when asking initially?19:56
tugacypher-neo, no didn't work. it still's blinks19:56
schnuffle1d1g1ta1: I mean the dvd DEVICE19:56
cypher-neotuga, You're using a USB keyboard?19:58
cypher-neotuga, Is it a USB wireless keyboard?19:58
CipherXxapel: if it's < 11.10, you should get 11.10 to get current19:59
schnuffle1frutti: it can be that it doesn't find the local repo on the USB stick. I think I had that problem once, building the stick with unetbootin. Switched to multisystem, yumi or xboot. Till then no more problems19:59
tugacypher-neo, yes is a wireless (Microsoft Keyboard)19:59
w30SunTsu, they are different for sure but they both show up the same as the one in / not /media. I have to boot up the file system to separate the two into reality.19:59
cypher-neotuga, Check out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallUSBKeyboard20:00
madpupanyone else noticed that grub now has a debian logo since the last update?20:00
CipherXtuga: wireless doesn't mean USB20:00
SunTsuw30: "show up" when?20:00
cypher-neotuga, It might be a BIOS setting you need to change.20:00
SunTsuw30: because to me they look different20:00
dano1I currently have a dual boot system (Win7 / Ubuntu).  I want to eliminate Windoz but don't understand what I need to change in Grub.  Can someone help me?20:00
fruttischnuffle1: thanks, ill look into it20:01
w30SunTsu, when comparing with less or nano they appear the same as the / mount.20:02
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xapelCipherX: It is 11.04. I thought I need to update packages first before I upgrade to 11.10. So i thought I could download both the 11.04 and 11.10 cd's.20:02
tugacypher-neo, what is need to change in BIOS? and how i go to the BIOS in linux?20:02
SunTsuw30: please, pastey diff -c /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf /media/24fdba38-c977-4cf5-a80d-4872e671f360/etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf20:02
CipherXxapel: why not just get 11.10? don't think you need to do any updates prior, unless you want to preserve something....20:03
cypher-neotuga, Umm, does this sound like your problem? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-evdev/+bug/63631120:03
ubottuUbuntu bug 636311 in linux (Ubuntu Maverick) "Keyboard special keys interfere with mouse" [High,Fix released]20:03
CipherXxapel: even so 11.10 should go on your system without blowing away your partition I believe20:04
lojackHello all.  I'm using gnome 2.32.1 on Ubuntu 11.04 and I'm having a problem creating a new menu entry under Applications.20:04
cypher-neotuga, This is an old bug, it shouldn't be around anymore...20:04
lojackI created the appropriate .desktop file in /usr/share/desktop-directories/20:04
lojackCalled Mobile.desktop20:04
w30SunTsu, http://paste.ubuntu.com/777858/20:04
lojackI used another entry as a guide.20:04
lojackThen I went to /usr/share/applications/ and changed a few apps -- to include them ini the Mobile menu entry.20:05
SunTsuw30: see, it differs, I really don't get your problem, to me there is no problem20:05
lojackI changed the Categories: part of a few menu entrues to read Categories:Mobile;20:05
luis_have a HP Pavillion g4 running Ubuntu 11.04 32 bit can't get the wifi card to connect. Any suggestions?20:05
lojackProblem is, I can't get Mobile to appear under Applications.20:05
hacked_kernelcypher-neo, it solved my issue only for one of the two authentications , still one :)20:06
cypher-neohacked_kernel, Hmm... well at least one is down. :)20:06
=== iToast-Sleeping- is now known as iToast
d1g1ta1schnuffle1: DVD drive is almost new, never had a problem with it.20:07
d1g1ta1schnuffle1: I don't think I can do a USB install on this system.20:08
cypher-neotuga, What Ubuntu version are you using?20:08
SunTsu.o0( still trolly wednesday? )20:08
schnuffle1d1g1ta1: what platform is it?20:08
tugacypher-neo, yeah is that bug20:08
tugaUbuntu 11.0420:09
cypher-neotuga, Wow. Okay, file a bug report. That bug hadn't been confirmed in 11.04.20:11
iToastFinally can speak20:11
iToastHow do i reinstall LAMP20:11
iToastI installed it through the ubuntu installer...20:11
schnuffle1iToast: then reinstall it20:12
schnuffle1iToast: with the software installer20:12
xaashihi, any one familiar with re-installing ubuntu to a encrypted  root with out destroying all the content of the partitions (llvm2) .. or have any pointers20:12
iToastschnuffle1: I have no gui.20:12
tugacypher-neo, ok, how do I file a bug report?20:12
iToastIm not shure how to remove it when its in this form.20:12
EvilResistanceiToast:  sudo apt-get remove lamp-server maybe?20:13
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Cyph3rThis is driving me nuts...pressing the button to keyboard button to deactivate the touchpad on laptop deactivates keyboard. Upon reactivating via keyboard button, keypresses still wont work, and cannot move windows or click panel icons. Ideas??20:13
ikoniagrendal-prime: you can also just use mrtg20:13
schnuffle1iToast: then use apt-get to do it. apt-get install apache2 mysql-server libapache2-mod-php520:13
iToastEvilResistance: Nope20:13
iToastI can't remove it o.o20:14
EvilResistanceiToast:  what schnuffle1 said then apt-get install apache2 mysql-server libapache2-mod-php520:14
d1g1ta1schnuffle1: Intel20:14
iToastit wont remove20:14
EvilResistanceiToast:  is this a server install?20:14
cypher-neotuga, On this page https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-evdev/+bug/636311 you'll need to click the + sign for "Also affects distribution" and add 11.04 as an affected distribution.20:14
ubottuUbuntu bug 636311 in linux (Ubuntu Maverick) "Keyboard special keys interfere with mouse" [High,Fix released]20:14
iToastim logged in as root20:14
EvilResistanceiToast:  try in #ubuntu-server then20:14
SunTsuiToast: what does it respond with when trying to remove?20:14
EvilResistancethey're more familiar with the server installers20:14
cypher-neotuga, You will likely need to log in or create an account on Launchpad when you do that.20:14
iToastroot@ubuntu:~# apt-get remove LAMP Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done E: Couldn't find package LAMP root@ubuntu:~# apt-get remove lamp-server Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done E: Couldn't find package lamp-server20:14
fhtagnhowdy! can any1 help me setup a persistent USB ubuntu instalation? I am supposed to partition it, can't find the right scheme20:15
schnuffle1iToast: There's no lamp package in ubuntu. so apprently you got it from somewehre else20:15
fhtagni suppose i need / /boot and /home20:15
iToastschnuffle1: i have apache mysql and php20:15
kyubutsuiToast: sudo apt-get install --reinstall (...)20:15
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schnuffle1iToast: okay so what is missing for you?20:16
iToastI can't find any documents specificly for debain how to reset mysql's root password.20:16
iToastSo mysql is completely inaccessable.20:16
kyubutsuiToast: in fact, looks like you need: sudo apt-get install --fix-missing (...)20:16
ikoniaiToast: you need to start mysql without grant-tables20:16
iToastthat and i wana use fastcgi20:16
ikoniaiToast: it's well documented on mysql.com20:16
schnuffle1iToast: mysqladmin -p password, but you need to know the old one20:17
ikoniaiToast: you don't need to reinstall to use fastcgi20:17
iToastit wont accept the old one.20:17
tugacypher-neo, ok and thanks,  u been helpful. peace ;)20:17
ikoniaiToast: you need to reset it by starting it witthout grant tables - it's well documented20:17
guest__curious , does anybody know how you tell apt-get to download to a specific location ?20:17
fhtagnfound this http://www.linuxbsdos.com/2011/05/04/manual-disk-partitioning-guide-for-ubuntu-11-04/ trying it out20:17
JamezQHow can I just delete a file or at least rename it, with "Trasport enpoint is not connected"20:17
iToastikonia: It won't letme even terminate it.20:18
xapelCipherX: I want to preserve everything20:18
ikoniaiToast: kill it20:18
ikoniaguest__: you can't, the contents are hardcoded to a path20:18
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sskalnikfhtagn:  Cthulhu ia ia, also try this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent20:18
schnuffle1iToast: how did you try to stop it?20:18
guest__My problem is I tries to apt-get install oracle-xe from a usb os20:18
iToastmysql stop :p20:18
ikoniaiToast: that's not the right command20:18
guest__with only not enough space to hold it20:19
CipherXxapel: yeah, I'm not great with doing a install as an upgrade and preserving, but I don't see why you couldn't do that...might want to ask someone else...20:19
schnuffle1iToast:  sudo service mysqld stop20:19
ikoniaiToast: start reading the documentation and learning how to do things before rushing in20:19
iToastikonia: I've used the wiki multiple times20:19
iToastWhen i search it it gets me no were.20:19
fhtagnsskalnik: ty20:19
Cyph3rPressing the keyboard button to deactivate the touchpad on laptop deactivates laptop keyboard (not a USB keyboard). Upon reactivating touchpad via keyboard button, keypresses still wont work, and cannot move windows or click panel icons. Any ideas?20:19
ikoniaiToast: then why are you using the wrong commands for basic20:19
xapelCipherX: ok, thanks20:19
ikoniaiToast: it's very well documented20:19
sskalnikfhtagn:  hastur hastur hastur, and your partitioning scheme is largely up to you. /, /home, /boot is a good start.20:19
guest__I use mysql but nothing bets oracles databases ;)20:19
iToastikonia: -.-20:20
w30SunTsu, If I edit proftpd.conf on / it changes /media/---/etc/proftpd/proftpd.config also or vice versa.20:20
iToasti've never had to do this before20:20
iToastThis is the first time i've had issues using ubuntu server.20:20
ikoniaiToast: stop mysql, search the mysql website for resetting the password, follow the process20:20
ikoniaiToast: then you should be researching before doing20:20
fhtagnright now i have a computer, one usb with Ubuntu live and the usb i want to install ubuntu in.20:20
CipherXxapel: np,  I'm sure someone else here can answer that20:20
iToastThats what i did.20:20
emc_Im using a cam system and need my servo to do a full rotation and then use the home switch reset absoulte 0 can that be done within g-code?20:20
iToastThats how i ended up using ubuntu server20:20
emc_damn lol20:20
emc_wrong room20:20
ikoniaiToast: yet you can't manage it at all20:20
iToastSimple, debain based, secure, and low requirements20:20
guest__looking at the man pages for dpkg I see I can download but I don't see any option to tell it where to download/install it to?20:20
iToastikonia: I've never had to do this before.20:21
ikoniaiToast: so you should be researching before doing20:21
guest__sorry dpkg should be apt-get20:21
ikoniaiToast: stop mysql, search mysql.com for resetting the mysql password (it's well documented) and then follow the instructions20:21
sskalnikiToast:  Have you already tried the instructions here https://help.ubuntu.com/11.04/serverguide/C/mysql.html?20:21
HugiN_how can i activate a screensaver on ubuntu 11.10?20:21
schnuffle1iToast: There's just a short answer: You should have but you didnt' so do it in the future. I told you already how to stop it20:22
iToastschnuffle1: I tried what you said with no success20:22
schnuffle1iToast: Did it work out?20:22
fhtagnsskalnik: i know, i just needed some guidelines to get me started (filesystems, usual size, etc^^)20:22
iToastsudo dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server-5.120:22
schnuffle1iToast: what was te problem then.20:22
iToastThat worked perfectly20:22
iToastschnuffle1: thank you20:23
sskalnikfhtagn:  The setup you mentioned is probably a good one20:23
iToastYou just saved me a hour of googling.20:23
sskalnikiToast:  actually that solution is in the first link I got from googling the issue20:23
* cypher-neo is tired...20:23
iToastsskalnik: That didn't help me remotely.20:24
guest__sudo  apt-get install oracle-xe  1.5 gig error message not enough space on usb os have about 3.5 GB of memory now ;)20:24
fhtagnsskalnik: ty20:24
sskalnikfhtagn:  no prob20:24
iToastThere, I've got SMF installed.20:25
ChotazI need to backup a folder inside ~/.config but everytime I try to cp it to my external HDD it ommit the directory(?)20:25
ikoniaChotaz: what copy command are you using20:25
guest__ok , wanted to see if anybody knew out their a quick solution to get it working from a usb 4GB , apart from just using the main sata os I have forget it20:25
Cyph3rFound a workaround for my problem, but it's not a hard fix.20:25
ikoniaChotaz: cp -R20:25
sskalnikiToast:  sudo dpkg-reconfigure.... did not help? It should work. Wasn't trying to be snarky with the google comment. Only saying it on the off chance that you had not googled already.20:25
fhtagnmy usb is sdc. Should i install the bootloader in sdc1 (/boot) or sdc (the device itself) ? what is the diff?20:25
ikoniafhtagn: it goes on the disk - not the partition20:26
Cyph3rLeaving X (ctrl+alt+f1), then coming back to X (ctrl+alt+f7) restores keyboard functionality, then a terminal command restores touchpad functionality.  This seems to be a bit much to do EVERY TIME this happens. Anyone have a workaround?20:26
fhtagnty. That is where grub will be, then? then what is /boot for?20:26
ikoniafhtagn: it holds the boot files20:26
fhtagnoh. k. bootloader != boot20:27
ikoniafhtagn: not the hoot loader20:27
schnuffle1fhtagn: /boot is the place where the kernel and everytginh necessary for the boot is stored20:27
iToastsskalnik: i tried google and got different results20:28
ikoniaiToast: is your problem resolved yes/no ?20:28
iToastikonia: Yes20:28
lolekhi there a question20:28
iToastThats why i <3 ubuntu20:28
ikoniaok - lets move on20:28
iToastEveryone here is helpful.20:28
bug2000What do I do with this?20:28
bug2000dosfsck 3.0.12, 29 Oct 2011, FAT32, LFN20:28
bug2000FATs differ but appear to be intact. Use which FAT ?20:28
sskalnikiToast:  May have been a different search string. In any case, glad you got it resolved.20:28
lolekany idea, which software i can use to blur some elem,ent on the video under ubuntu ?20:29
schnuffle1iToast: at least tries to be :)20:29
schnuffle1lolek: you need a video edit tool?20:29
iToastsskalnik:  schnuffle1 Can i pm u the forums is setup20:30
w30SunTsu, maybe I need to do some further checking and see if booting into the other OS changes the file contents of each respective file. That will help sort things out with this problem.20:30
schnuffle1iToast: go ahead20:30
schnuffle1iToast: but i'll be off soon20:30
lolekschnuffle1: well, yes but which one.. i've already tried avidemux, lives, cinelerra, openshot video and.. still nothing.. there is no such tool in those programs20:30
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sskalnikiToast:  sure20:31
d1g1ta1schnuffle1: the UI isn''t completely frozen (hourglass moves, numlock works, etc)... is there a way to see what the error is?20:31
schnuffle1lolek:  a tool for what exactly?20:31
lolekschnuffle1: i need to able to do something like you can see in tv, i.e. to blur out someones face20:31
w30SunTsu, it's bad when you can't trust what you see.20:31
sskalniklolek:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ISqvkqyvnZM ?20:32
lolekoh, so lives can do that20:32
sskalniklolek:  Also this one, much longer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1g9njqN4Wg20:32
aydinsorry for the newb question but can i use smuxi like mirc?20:32
loleksskalnik: ok, will try out20:33
schnuffle1d1g1ta1: you can try ctrl+alt+f2 to get into a console, maybe you can see the errors20:34
CipherXomg, alt+tab works and the flag+num works...beautiful20:34
schnuffle1iToast: your apache setup is wrong20:35
iToastschnuffle1: Why20:35
iToastGah >:O20:35
loleksskalnik: ok, great thx a lot ;d20:35
iToasti forgot to configure apache20:35
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loleksskalnik: hmm there is still one problem... in my case.. the element that needs tio be blured out is moving :D20:36
vouthHi! I can't hear anything out of my computer :-( Is anyone willing to give me a hand??20:37
sskalniklolek:  Might be tricky. Check the documentation/community for the program.20:37
sskalnik!ask > vouth20:38
ubottuvouth, please see my private message20:38
lolekok, will try out20:38
happyhessiani'm trying to work with public key identification and running in to some trouble.  my understanding was that the contents of .ssh/authorized_keys and ssh-keyscan localhost should be the same but I see that they are not.  what's going on?20:38
vouthsskalnik: Um… that was my question :-P20:38
_Ray_Hi :) I'm getting "Package libc6-dev-i386 is not available, but is referred to by another package." If I can't install the package, where can I get the libraries needed to develop on my platform?20:39
ikonia_Ray_: what are you installing20:39
w30SunTsu, thanks for the help, I am going to play with this some more and come back with some more answers and some more questions.20:39
_Ray_ikonia: My compiler stopped working after updating to oneiric, complaining about "/usr/include/gnu/stubs.h:7:27: fatal error: gnu/stubs-32.h: No such file or directory"20:39
_Ray_Apparently, that file is in libc6-dev-i386.20:40
ikonia_Ray_: your headers have changed as your distribtion has been updated20:40
_Ray_How should I fix this, then?20:40
ikonia_Ray_: it sounds like it's still referencing the version in your older version20:40
ikonia_Ray_: run apt-get update first20:40
_Ray_Done :)20:40
ikonia_Ray_: apt-cache search libc6-dev20:41
duckxhow is PEAR different from APT-GET ?20:41
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ikoniaduckx: I have never heard of pear so don't know20:41
ikoniaduckx: the only pear I'm aware of is the php pear20:41
mzazaI can't find extension=mysql.so in the /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini file. Where should I add it in the php.ini file to get php work with mysql?20:41
_Ray_ikonia, -i386 doesn't seem to be there.20:42
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Nikooo777_so, my laptop boots a windows 7 64 bit recovery disk but not a linux disk? i wonder why20:42
ikonia_Ray_: ok - so that's why it's not available anymore20:42
_Ray_What was the command to see which package has a particular file in it?20:42
duckxikonia, yea tats wat i mean20:42
ikonia_Ray_: apt-file20:42
ikoniaduckx: they are totally different software, it's like asking the difference between a car and a candle20:42
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ikoniaduckx: they have nothing in common20:42
duckxi dont understand why there are so many types of ways to install something... apt-get, php pear, etc20:42
ikoniaduckx: php/pear is not a method of installing something20:43
d1g1ta1Is there a way to launch a text mode Lubuntu install from the Ctrl+Alt+F2 command line prompt?20:44
sskalnikNikooo777_:  do you manually select the boot disk, or does the Win7 disk automagically get selected?20:44
blackboxis their any way you can specifically tell apt-get , aptitude ,... specifically where to download and install to? I know their is a download only or install option but do the allow you the option in someway to choose where to install/download to?20:44
xangua!nox | d1g1ta120:44
ubottud1g1ta1: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode20:44
Nikooo777_i think i found the problem20:44
Nikooo777_i extracted the files from the iso and burned them into a CD20:44
Nikooo777_i think i have to burn the image20:44
sskalnikNikooo777_:  Bingo20:44
Nikooo777_now i see why i wasted 2 CD's and a DVD20:44
d1g1ta1(I'm on the installer DVD)20:45
_Ray_ikonia, I think I see the issue. My libraries are now in i686, and that's where g++ looks. But stubs-32.h is only in i386.20:45
ikonia_Ray_: sounds a good spot20:45
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d1g1ta1xangua: will that make the DVD installer run text mode, or is that just for after you installed GUI linux?20:46
vouthHi, I am getting no sound output. My audio cord is plugged into the headphone jack on the front of the computer. The output selected is 'Simultaneous Output'.20:47
EvilResistancewhat would cause the ext4 journal to become unclean, thus freezing the system and dumping i/o errors into tty1, thus requiring an fsck from the livecd to fix it?20:47
SensivaHello, How can I add a system user who is unable to login to shell in Ubuntu?20:47
fhtagnby setting his shell to /bin/false or so?20:48
Nikooo777_that way20:48
Sensivafhtagn should I add /bin/false to /etc/shells?20:48
xanguad1g1ta1: you want to instal on text mode¿ use alternate20:48
ubottuThe Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal20:48
xanguano idea if there is an alternate version for lubuntu20:49
fhtagni dunno, i just see that some users have that shell (cat /etc/passwd)20:49
quuphi, upgrading from ubuntu 10.10 to whichever is currently stable, I have no monitor so I really can't have anything go wrong, what's the best way to do this?20:49
Sensivafhtagn thanks20:50
Tamale1guys, how can I use gtk2.0 themes in ubuntu 11.10 ?20:50
d1g1ta1xangua:  i want to d o gui install but it freezes every time after the language selection.20:50
ikoniaTamale1: you can't20:50
sskalnikquup:  most foolproof method is to simply do a clean install, but otherwise https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes20:50
Tamale1ikonia: can I convert gtk2.0 themes to gtk 3.0 ones?20:50
blackbox<Sensiva> ya , false will work20:50
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ikoniaTamale1: no20:51
quupsskalnik: any install disc that starts up ssh and lets me configure through there without need for monitor?20:51
Sensivablackbox yes , I wonder if I should add false to /etc/shells or not20:51
Tamale1ikonia: ouch.  So that's it, huh?  Say goodbye to my beautiful gtk2 themes and try to find a decent gtk3 theme on gnome-look?20:51
vouthikonia: hmm? I thought they worked. I searched online for that and some forum post said they did…20:51
fhtagnSensiva: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/gutsy/man1/chsh.1.htmlit seems that a user can change their login shell. But if they have none to begin with (/bin/false) then there's no way they can input that command =/ i think.20:52
blackbox<Sensiva>is it for only one user or more?20:52
ikoniavouth: ubuntu's gui is built around gtk 3 now and unity20:52
ikoniavouth: parts of them may cross over,20:52
Sensivablackbox one user20:52
dgrijalvahey guys.  dunno if this is the right place, but i have a question:20:52
vouthTamale1: I don't know what your tastes are but this one is pretty cool: http://rvc-2011.deviantart.com/art/Lavender-Gnome-Shell-and-GTK3-theme-27028066920:52
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fhtagnSensiva: http://www.semicomplete.com/articles/ssh-security/ lol =/20:53
Tamale1vouth: lol20:53
vouthikonia: hmm, ok. I'm still on 10.10 anyway :-D20:53
dgrijalvais is there any way I can fork a process an kill the parent without daemonizing?20:53
ikoniadgrijalva: if it's about ubuntu, it's the right place20:53
ikoniadgrijalva: no20:53
blackbox<Sensiva> then just usermod the account a set his bash to false20:53
sskalnikquup:  Good question.20:53
dgrijalvai'm trying to get something to work with upstart20:53
SharpshooterGuys , I have a to do a project in my  college so any one can suggest any projects that I can do in ubuntu ( like any applications ) !!20:53
Sensivablackbox thanks20:53
yaccAny idea how to figure out what is causing corrupted file reads from hdd? (The hdd are all fine, if I believe SMART, and it happens perhaps once an hour, with md5sum --check running all the time (dropping the page cache between md5runs)20:53
Tamale1this is what I want in 11:10:   http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/OrangeLiNstaBlackPlastic?content=6243420:54
blackbox<Sensiva> no problem20:54
ikoniaTamale1: try it20:54
dgrijalvais it possible to get upstart to monitor something that will occasionally change pid?20:54
Sharpshooter Guys , I have a to do a project in my  college so any one can suggest any projects that I can do in ubuntu ( like any applications ) !!20:54
Tamale1ikonia: I have no idea how to enable gtk2.0 themes20:54
Tamale1ikonia: that's the problem!20:54
ikoniaSharpshooter: we saw the first time - we can't help you with that20:54
yaccdgrijalva, how would it know the pid?20:55
ikoniaTamale1: install it as you would gtk3 theme20:55
ok_waitok so i was running gnome until i upgraded from 11.04 to 11.10 and now i'm using lightdm with unity. i installed plasma-desktop to improvise for lack of customizations and broken features. my update manager wants to install kdm and i'm wondering if it's a good idea. there are still quite a few gnome packages installed (not gnome-session). will they conflict?20:55
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yaccdgrijalva, the best guess would be writing a helper script that dies if it's target (the one with changing pids) disappears?20:55
dgrijalva@yacc yeah. i've been trying to do that20:55
Tamale1ikonia: I switch gtk3.0 themes with ubuntu-tweak or gnome-tweak-tools20:55
fhtagnSharpshooter: what kind of project?20:55
ikoniaTamale1: do that then with a gtk2 theme20:55
Tamale1ikonia: I did, the gtk2.0 themes don't show up as options20:56
dgrijalvait's not possible to have the child attach to the tty of the parent?20:56
ikoniaTamale1: there is your answer then20:56
yaccdgrijalva, you'll probably want to use something like pgrep to verify: so you end up with: ( yourprogram & ) ; while pgrep yourprogram ; do sleep 1 ; done20:56
idefixdoes anybody have any experience with google talk-plugin?20:56
Tamale1ikonia: ha, that's why i'm here!20:56
Sharpshooterfhtagn,  any applications or any thing that can programed !!20:57
yaccdgrijalva, childs by default inherit the controlling tty if they don't demonize themselves?20:57
dgrijalvadont they demonize automatically if the parent dies?20:57
sskalnikSharpshooter:  As in work *for* ubuntu?20:57
DarkStar1quick question if I copy via the cli I and I just want it to copy only the missing files at the destination over, how does one accomplish this?20:57
blackbox<dgrijalva> "is it possible to get upstart to monitor something that will occasionally change pid?" With a cronjob, and bash script ;)20:58
guntbertDarkStar1: have a look at rsync20:58
ikoniaSharpshooter: this channel is for supporting you in ubuntu, not helping you design school projects20:58
Sharpshootersskalnik, yeah !!20:58
ikoniaSharpshooter: try somewhere like ##programming or #compsci20:58
dgrijalva@yacc some context: I'm trying to monitor a process that does a hot restart similar to nginx20:58
yaccSharpshooter, 1.) you need to think about your college specs/requirements. E.g. should it be a 10 hour or 1000 hour project? 2) then you need to find something you want to do, 3) if it happens to be of general use, well, that's even nicer.20:58
DarkStar1guntbert: I was going to do that when I got home later. but for now I need something before I have to leave20:58
sskalnikSharpshooter:  http://www.ubuntu.com/community/get-involved20:58
Sharpshooterikonia, If I made then I can share it for ubuntu also !!20:58
yaccdgrijalva, well, how do you decide (as a human) that the process is running correctly?20:59
dgrijalvacould do it with ps, i suppose20:59
ikoniaSharpshooter: but you don't know what you want to do - so think it up, try ##progamming or #compsci20:59
yaccSharpshooter, first look at your college requirements, ...20:59
guntbertDarkStar1: it tis definitely your way to go20:59
fhtagnSharpshooter: or even #reddit20:59
Sharpshooteryacc ,It is about 3 months20:59
dgrijalvai've been trying to make it just not return to the command line until all processes were dead20:59
yaccSharpshooter, 3 months 8 hours per day or 1 hour per week?20:59
dgrijalvabut if the parent goes, the child goes off on its own21:00
oldschoolhi anyone know of a good program for makeing thumbnail screenshots on ubuntu something like this here http://www.google.com/imgres?q=movies+thumbnail+screenshots&um=1&hl=en&rls=com.microsoft:en-us:IE-Address&biw=1536&bih=738&tbm=isch&tbnid=QTdcG7iwrggKlM:&imgrefurl=http://zingalvs.blogspot.com/2011/10/how-to-make-thumbnails.html&docid=tNDQWrKQdmWhfM&imgurl=http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-YxHB7qvTvc0/S3AwmxVcWjI/AAAAAAAAAaU/-Ro8KJ1C3PQ21:00
ikoniayacc: Sharpshooter not in here -21:00
SharpshooterIam here!21:00
DarkStar1guntbert: is it installed by default?21:00
ikoniaSharpshooter: try ##programming or #compsci21:00
guntbert!info rsync21:00
ubottursync (source: rsync): fast remote file copy program (like rcp). In component main, is standard. Version 3.0.8-1ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 291 kB, installed size 704 kB21:00
guntbertDarkStar1: it seems so21:01
Sharpshooteryacc, 21 hour per week21:01
ikoniaSharpshooter: talk to yacc in private if you insist21:01
Tamale1ikonia: i found this:  http://askubuntu.com/questions/88163/can-gtk2-themes-be-converted-to-gtk3-themes21:01
PiciSharpshooter, yacc: again, this channel is only for Ubuntu support, use the channels that ikonia advised or in private please.21:01
Gorilla_No_BakaOK...  WHAT  do you guys think ?! will it work  ?  http://pastebin.com/9FzJWesq21:01
yaccdgrijalva, if it changes pids, that means either it dies and a monitor process restarts it (then you have no problem, because you've already got a monitor process that upstart can block on), or alternatively it forks/re-execs itself with the parent dying. If it writes a pid file, you can use ps or a file check in /proc to see if it still runs.21:01
sskalnikGorilla_No_Baka:  Why not try it?>21:02
xanguaTamale1: then if you know css go ahead and port it ;)21:02
yaccdgrijalva, if not, you'll probably use something like ps ax | grep blabla => pgrep is the more correct solution to that.21:02
Gorilla_No_Bakabecause i am cautious?!!?21:02
ikoniaTamale1: try it, I can't see that being a good process, but I guess text -> css is doable21:02
yaccAny way, if you've got no monitor process from your app, you need to write something that starts your app, and loops checking that the app is running and terminates when the app is gone.21:03
Tamale1xangua: ikonia: I think I'll give it a shot. I really miss my black theme :(  Unless anyone here knows of a good black gtk3.0 theme?21:03
ikoniaTamale1: I found black ones on gnome-look.org21:03
dgrijalva@yacc I'm doing the latter (fork/exec).  i was hoping i could keep that from returning21:03
dgrijalvabut it sounds like that's not a thing21:03
xanguaTamale1: there is an adwanta black version21:03
Tamale1ikonia: I found a couple called 'black', but they're just dark gray21:03
xanguathe default gnome3 theme21:03
wolfmitchellI installed Ubuntu with Windows, and I need to make that partition bigger. What do I do?21:04
Gorilla_No_Bakawolfmitchell:  use gparted21:04
xanguawolfmitchell: wubi¿21:04
dgrijalvathanks for the help21:04
wolfmitchellCan I do it from within Windows?21:04
Gorilla_No_Bakawhy bother.. boot into the live cd and use gparte21:05
yaccdgrijalva, no chance, if the direct parent dies, the child becomes the child of PID 1 (aka init aka upstart)21:05
wolfmitchellI don't have a live CD, and I don't feel like making one...21:05
xanguathen do nothing¿21:06
Nikooo777_wolfmitchell i just burned 4 cds lol21:06
Nikooo777_it isn't hard to burn one21:06
Gorilla_No_Bakawel... than go in lovely window.. ----> download and install gparted-----> use gparted21:06
Gorilla_No_Bakawell... than go in lovely windows.. ----> download and install gparted-----> use gparted  wolfmitchell21:06
wolfmitchell1st off: I have no ISO. 2nd off: My download speed would make the download take a month.21:06
Fotatahi, I added an ide internal disk to my system but it is not being mounted automatically under /media, how can I do this?21:06
dgrijalva@yacc thanks.  one last question.  is it possible to get a signal about a process dying if I'm not part of that group?21:06
yaccSo any ideas how localize my problem with faulty data being read from my hdd?21:07
wolfmitchellOk gorrila21:07
Gorilla_No_Bakawolfmitchell:  than you are screwed21:07
Gorilla_No_Bakaif it takes that much21:07
xanguawolfmitchell: gparted live cd doesn't weight a lot21:07
yaccdgrijalva, not really, AFAIK.21:07
Gorilla_No_Bakaxangua:  i think is more confy doing it from the windows21:07
* Gorilla_No_Baka goes back as his huge brain frying task.. his simple script :)21:08
deusex1983please could you help me21:09
deusex1983how i could solve the horizontal tearing problem with nvidia-settings under xubuntu 11.1021:10
EvilResistancedeusex1983:  try in #xubuntu21:13
tagso if I'm using an alternate desktop environment (not unity) how do I get all of my themes and whatnot applied without starting unity?21:18
PiciEvilResistance: Those sort of problems are going to appear in any desktop environment, not really necessary to move people into our other channels for support.21:19
EvilResistancePici:  i also have the issue on a server21:19
EvilResistancePici:  hence the #ubuntu-server21:19
Picideusex1983: Please ask here if you don't get a response in #xubuntu21:20
EvilResistancePici:  since my server and my desktop both run off the same power system, i was assuming the power failures without complete shutdown were screwing with the journals21:20
PiciEvilResistance: I'm talking about deusex1983's question.21:21
EvilResistancePici:  eh...?21:21
EvilResistancePici:  i thought you were on about something else21:21
gerujaCan't connect to wireless after making computer sleep on Ubuntu 10.04 however it works on windows, please help :/21:23
yaccgeruja, consider unloading the wlan driver before sleeping and reloading it afterwards?21:23
yaccgeruja, it's a hack, but might help.21:23
gerujayacc: how?21:23
whowantstolivefohi, i installed ubuntu 11.10 yesterday... my sudo password doesnt accept, when i login i enter password this is true, but if i make anything from console, this asks root password and i enter, but it says this is wrong password, what can i do ?21:24
gerujageruja: i tried various methods of disabling, like blocking wifi, disabling network manager and etc21:24
MrKeunerhello, how does lucid know the system is idle so that it can suspendthe system?21:24
gerujayacc: i tried various methods of disabling, like blocking wifi, disabling network manager and etc21:24
MrKeunerin other words what is definition of idle according to lucid's power manager?21:24
MrKeunerin other words what is definition of "inactive" according to lucid's power manager?21:25
yaccgeruja, well, the hardcore method is something like this (how to do it later in a nicer way is a different thing to consider): kill network manager (depends on your version of ubuntu), ifconfig wlan0 (or whatever your wlan device is called) down, lsmod, figuring out the driver, modprobe -r driver name21:26
koegsXubuntu, 11.10, x64, amdcccle keeps crashing, but is able to generate a decent config without writing to xorg.conf21:26
yaccthe reverse way after waking up would be modprobe driver & starting networkmanager.21:26
koegshow can i obtain the actual xorg config?21:26
guntbertwhowantstolivefo: it asks for your own password, a root password is not set by default21:27
gerujayacc: i dont understand :/ my version is 10.0421:27
geoffmccwhowantstolivefo: are you logging in using the first account you created on Ubuntu, or is this an account you added afterwards?21:28
yaccgeruja, privmsg?21:28
gerujayacc: ok21:28
whowantstolivefoi logging from my first account. i type ` 123123 ` to all password when i install... this is all nothing else password, but when i make things from console, sudo password is incorrect.21:29
whowantstolivefoguntbert:  i logging from my first account. i type ` 123123 ` to all password when i install... this is all nothing else password, but when i make things from console, sudo password is incorrect.21:29
fhtagni know u guys prolly like tmux better, but i am using screen :P i don't seem to be able to create a new screen inside an already running session. How can i do that?21:29
wolfmitchellWhen using Wubi, what partition name does it make?21:29
guntbertwhowantstolivefo: show us what you type in the console please21:30
yaccgeruja, got my privmsg?21:30
whowantstolivefoguntbert:  okay , i figure it out. i use Turkish keyboard, and i see i type wrong, thanks anyway. i am dumb21:31
guntbertwhowantstolivefo: no problem :) glad you worked it out21:31
geoffmccwhowantstolivefo: ok, first thing that comes to my mind based on your password is maybe numberlock isnt on21:31
geoffmccwhowantstolivefo: nevermind21:31
whowantstolivefogeoffmcc: im dumb today, too much works makes me insane recently days. thanks21:32
geoffmccwhowantstolivefo: please tell me with a pw like that you have no plan on seting up ssh server ;-)21:32
Octaneabout to install ubuntu again after a 6 year haitus21:36
kutumaleoOctane: Enjoy21:36
auronandaceOctane: brace yourself, unity is different21:37
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Octanewell, im lying, i used to run kubuntu so kde not gnome21:37
Gorilla_No_Bakaguys any ideas on why echo gives me line 17: /etc/X11/xorg.conf: Permission denied21:37
auronandaceOctane: oh good, less of a shock for you (i'm a happy xfce user)21:38
auronandaceGorilla_No_Baka: you can't echo to that file as a normal user21:39
Gorilla_No_Bakain the script i hat typed first sudo su and then the lines auronandace21:40
auronandaceGorilla_No_Baka: i wouldn't advise doing sudo su21:40
jutnuxGorilla_No_Baka: Run the script as sudo21:41
megamanx1978can someone help me install the longene kernal?21:42
Gorilla_No_BakaOK auronandace  jutnux  HERE'S A pastebin of what i am trying to do..  i comented some of the stuff  the wget part is working perfect now i am tryin to focus on the echo part http://pastebin.com/yKGdBUtb21:42
Gorilla_No_Bakahave a look at the script and tell me what am i doing wrong please21:43
MrKeunerhello, how does lucid know the system is idle so that it can suspend the system?21:43
skegeekWhat's the trick for moving icons in left vertical panel? I could when I first installed, but now once I release the mouse button, the app under the cursor launches instead of moving the icon.21:43
megamanx1978I am trying to use the longene kernal can someone help me?21:44
BleKohlI'm trying to create a custom Live CD for Ubuntu using UCK. The first time I run it on a freshly installed system, it works fine. The second time, however, it gives me errors when trying to upgrade all packages, the first and probably the main of them being "start: Unknown job: acpid". I've tried deleting the tmp folder before re-running uck, but it still gave me errors. I'm sure that I'm doing exactly the same steps. I can't really experiment with this be21:45
BleKohlcause unpacking the ISO takes a lot of time here. Any ideas what could be causing this or how to reset uck's state or something?21:45
auronandacemegamanx1978: longene? what are you talking about?21:45
fennecdoes a process launched from upstart have access to the environment variables specified in /etc/environment by default?21:46
megamanx1978auronandance longene is a special kernal for linux21:47
auronandace!tab | megamanx197821:47
ubottumegamanx1978: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.21:47
BleKohlMeh, I guess I'll just reinstall ubuntu again.21:47
auronandacemegamanx1978: never heard of it21:47
auronandacemegamanx1978: its spelt kernel (not kernal)21:48
megamanx1978Here is the website /home/megamanx1978/longene-0.3.2-ubuntu10.04/kernel_2.6.34-Ubuntu10.04-longene-0.3.2_i386.deb21:48
sskalnikmegamanx1978:  You may find more info on the forums. That is a very experimental kernel, and is not supported.21:48
skegeekI need help with an error dialog that has kept coming up each boot. Although, it didn't show this morning come to think of it. Here it is: http://pastebin.com/7Q0sD7qq21:48
atomicfusionwhat is the purpose in a group for each user, and why is the default umask to treat the user's group like "other"?21:49
megamanx1978When you say not supported does that mean not willing to help21:50
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sskalnikmegamanx1978:  No, but it does mean you may be unlikely to find someone who knows more than you do about the subject. That said, what are you having trouble with, specifically?21:51
blackboxCurious is the only place where log files are by default under /var/log/... or is their other places applications but their logs?21:52
egoitzHi all!21:52
blackboxOn linux/unix that is21:52
egoitzhas anyone ver problems launching docky 2.1.3?21:53
auronandaceblackbox: /var/log/ is traditional but it depends on the app as to where they keep the log21:53
blackboxlike if one was hacking and wanted to clear his traces would all he have to do is get root privilige or enough privligae to delete/modify all the log files under their?21:54
auronandaceblackbox: do you know how suggestive that sounds21:55
blackboxProvided they where not storing it on a remote server or using any NIS /honeypots21:55
blackboxI know I am just curious not going to do anything like that21:56
megamanx1978I get a error when I try to install the package I am using 10.04 btw21:56
sskalnikblackbox:  be that as it may, you may want to take that to a PM or another channel.21:56
megamanx1978Should I paste it?21:56
blackboxplus the problem would be getting root any way which would be a waste of my time , just trying to secure my logs;)21:57
sskalnikblackbox:  But to answer the question, there is more to covering your tracks than mere log files. ;)21:57
ManDayikonia: Ping21:57
samadamhello. I've got a remote ubuntu machine that I21:58
samadamI've got a remote ubuntu machine that I'd like to vnc into. I can connect to it, and VNC works just fine, but now the machine has been rebooted. I can ssh into it…but how do I get the vnc connection working?21:59
blackboxfor example ? Not if you don't leave anything on the remote harddrive then it would be just the log files unless I am overlooking something21:59
samadamI need to start the GUI in some form or another22:00
ManDayDoes anyone here own MATLAB?22:01
MrKeunerhello, how does lucid know the system is idle so that it can suspend the system?22:02
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ManDayMrKeuner: I assume Xlib - X measures that, anyway22:03
auronandaceMrKeuner: the cursor hasn't been moved or the keyboard pressed in X amount of time22:03
MrKeunerauronandace, what if an ssh session is active?22:03
Perohow to set that sticky notes wont hide on click and will stay on desktop permanent?22:04
insectatoriousGuys, I need to sort files via cmd line in desc order of size: 'ls -l | sort -k 5' isn't doing the trick22:04
ikoniaPero: I thought that was fixed in 11.04,22:04
Peroi have 10.1022:04
ikoniaPero: that used to be annoying in 10.0422:04
ikoniaPero: ahhh22:04
Peroi need fix for 10.10,can i get it?22:05
auronandaceMrKeuner: i'd assume that would be remote keyboard activity so it wouldn't suspend (i could be wrong)22:05
ManDayikonia: Got a minute?22:05
ikoniaPero: not sure if there is one, I knew it was targeted for 11.0422:05
Peroor some other lightweight program22:05
ikoniaManDay: for what ?22:05
disappearedngHey does anyone here know if there's a keyboard shortcut to move window to another workspace in ubunutu?22:05
ikoniadisappearedng: not aware of one22:05
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ManDayikonia: You said you had matlab. I have by now tried 2 versions of matlab on 2 versions of ubuntu and gentoo and I always get the same crash, can you try reproduce? (If it crashes, just tab to TTY and killall MATLAB)22:06
ikoniadisappearedng: you can nudge them right/left with alt+arrow22:06
ManDaytakes just 4 steps22:06
Peroanybody know some good lightweight program like sticky note?22:06
disappearedngikonia, no you can't22:06
ikoniaManDay: I'm sorry I'm not doing any more with Matlab - I went to the effort of phoning the company and talking to someone for 35 minutes for you and you knew better, so you need to contact matlab for help22:06
auronandaceikonia: wow, a dedicated helper22:07
trismdisappearedng: shift+ctrl+alt+arrow key22:07
ikoniatrism: thank you22:07
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insectatoriousHow does one display a list of files in desc order of size via cmd line?22:07
pnormanI'm trying to format a drive on a new sata card. I tried parted, but it gave me the error "Error: /dev/sdg: unrecognised disk label". How should I go about formatting it?22:08
ikoniapnorman: how big is the drive ?22:08
disappearedngtrism, doesn't work either22:08
disappearedngI think I might have to change it22:08
pnormanikonia: 1GB22:08
pnormaner, 1TB22:08
Octanei remember back in the day there were many packages not available for 64 bit. has that gotten better?22:08
ikoniapnorman: when you put a partition table on it it should get a label22:08
ManDayikonia: I already contacted matlab, yet it would help if another user could reproduce it. besides, stop bitching about our disagreement lately22:08
trismdisappearedng: in oneiric it is set in System Settings/Keyboard/Shortcuts/Navigation22:08
auronandaceOctane: what packages are you thinking of?22:08
ikoniaManDay: don't tell me what to do - I went to great effort to help you, deal with matlab directly, this channel doesn't support it22:09
trisminsectatorious: du | sort -nr22:09
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unpaidbillanyone know why when I copy/paste text from vim in a terminal window it adds a ton of whitespace before the newlines (as much whitespace as the window is wide minus the amount of text on the line22:09
insectatorioustrism: executing...22:10
trisminsectatorious: sorry that wouldn't be files22:10
unpaidbillit's driving me crazy!22:10
auronandaceManDay: seriously, he spent 35 mins on a phone for you...22:10
insectatorioustrism: yeah...that's disk usage22:10
ManDayikonia: for the record, i went through possibly even bigger effort blindly following your instructions into party  the complete wrong direction22:10
w30Octane, I use a package called getlibs and I can run any 32bit program on 64bit machine.22:10
blackboxDoes anyone here own MATLAB? use Octave it is opensource equivalent sort of to matlab22:10
ManDayauronandace: I'm impressed and thankful. But I really did not ask him to do that22:10
ManDayI would never have.22:10
insectatorioustrism: I was trying 'ls -l | sort -k 5'22:11
pangolinManDay: awesome, drop it now please since matlab is not supported in here.22:11
pangolinthank you.22:11
w30Octane, you need a little bit of room for some 32 bit libs but otherwise np.22:11
megamanx1978Here is the error I get when I try to install the longene kernel package http://imagebin.org/18977722:11
leftisthas anyone successfully installed orangehrm?22:11
pp7what is that?22:11
rannmannHow can I test my login credentials via LDAP from the command line?22:12
leftisthuman resources environment22:12
pnormanMy existing drives that were partitioned on installation use msdos. Should I use the same for the new drives? They will all be going into a RAID array22:12
trisminsectatorious: perhaps something with find: find /path -printf '%b %p\n' | sort -nr22:12
_Shurik_Guys, I have an annoying problem - my laptop that runs Ubuntu doesn't have USB (chipset damage), so I use PCMCIA.  However, when I get to a boot options (after forced shut-down), there's no way I can choose (load normally). Is there a setting to enable a default selection countdown ?22:12
leftisti am having problems with permissions22:12
pp7leftist: sounds boring :P22:12
ikonia_Shurik_: how does it load not normally ?22:12
leftistpp7 it is totally frustrating.22:12
_Shurik_ikonia: once  a month it would freeze and I have to force power off laptop22:13
leftisti cant get write permissions to install the blasted crap22:13
insectatorioustrism: any ideas on getting 'sort' to sort the results of 'ls -l' on the size column?22:13
megamanx1978Can someone help me fix that error?22:13
ikonia_Shurik_: ok - so how does it not load normally ?22:13
_Shurik_I'm sure it just has some hardware problems22:13
kutumaleoI was sharing using all my bandwidth and the IT guy tell me to unplug my connection, how can i come back again?22:13
rannmannAny ideas on what package "ldapbind" is in?22:13
_Shurik_So then as soon as I boot BIOS, I see selection for loading options - normal, safe (I think)22:13
pp7rannmann: u tried: apt-cache search ldapbind ?22:13
ikoniarannmann: ldap client22:13
_Shurik_And there's no timeout. Can't press any buttons at that time since no PCMCIA was loaded...22:14
ikonia_Shurik_: ok, so what happens when you select normal22:14
pnormaninsectatorious: ls -lS22:14
ikonia_Shurik_: it will default to "normal"22:14
_Shurik_I can't because my USB is dead22:14
ikonia_Shurik_: what has usb got to do with it ?22:14
_Shurik_so I can't press any buttons (keyboard is out)22:14
_Shurik_I use PCMCIA -> USB card to drive external keyboard22:14
_Shurik_that works only once OS has been loaded22:14
ikonia_Shurik_: ok, now I see22:14
insectatoriouspnorman: whoa! that's amazing....like magic! thanks :D22:15
_Shurik_so I'm just stuck there22:15
ikonia_Shurik_: it should default to "normal" it won't default to recovery mode22:15
_Shurik_I can boot into live CD - is there anything I can change on the disk, such as setting?22:15
pnormaninsectatorious: -lSr will do it in reverse. there's a whole bunch of sort options, see --sort in man ls22:15
ikonia_Shurik_: no, it will default to the normal boot option22:15
_Shurik_ikonia, problem is that it will just sit there indefinitely...22:15
_Shurik_waiting for me to press enter :-/22:15
insectatoriouspnorman: righto! cheers22:16
ikonia_Shurik_: then it sounds like it's locking22:16
ikonia_Shurik_: it won't be waiting for you to press enter, it should auto boot in 3 seconds (I think 3 is default)22:16
LeifI installed windows on my machine, and am now trying to grub to work again so I can boot into ubuntu again using this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows22:17
trisminsectatorious: pnorman command is definitely the way to go, but you were close with your command, just needed a -n to sort22:17
_Shurik_ikonia: here's where it gets stuck: http://i127.photobucket.com/albums/p150/whateva07/Ubuntu-recovery.jpg22:17
LeifBut I can't get the first command to work, I get: ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo grub-install /dev/sda Could not find device for /boot: Not found or not a block device.22:18
_Shurik_ikonia: this is not my screen, just something I googled up. So don't pay attention to versions etc22:18
insectatorioustrism: aha....needed the numeric sort flag...thanks!22:18
LeifAny suggestions?22:18
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blackboxwhat does df show Leif ?22:18
blackboxdo you even have /dev/sda22:19
insectatorioustrism, pnorman : not to get greedy here, but is there any way to compute the size of sub-directories as well in the list?22:19
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insectatoriousno biggie if it can't be done22:19
Leifblackbox: http://pastebin.com/ZRh29EBu22:19
_Shurik_ikonia: thanks for responding.  I completely forgot - I have to run. Will try your help later :)22:19
Leifblackbox: It shows up, along with /dev/sda1,2,3,4,522:20
pnormaninsectatorious: I use du to do that. du -h --max-depth 1 ./22:20
Leifblackbox: (when I'm looking at the folder anyway)22:20
insectatoriouspnorman: executing...22:20
pnormaninsectatorious: if you run that on / expect it to take awhile and run into some errors when it tries to get size information on some system related directories22:21
Leifblackbox: Also if this helps: http://pastebin.com/miXA2DbF22:21
blackbox<Leif> your root / is mounted on /cow ?  fun22:22
oldschoolhi anyone know of a good program for makeing thumbnail screenshots on ubuntu22:22
Leifblackbox: Oh wow, I didn't actually do that. :)22:23
skegeekDid anyone ever see my pastbin?22:23
insectatoriouspnorman: yeah, im going through the dirs that i know are heavy...22:23
blackboxso your /dev/sda must not be mounted ?22:24
blackboxwhich I don't think that matters for grub-install anyway , let me think22:24
blackboxwhy did you show me your symlinks ?22:25
don262Hi all, I am using 11.04 with the nomodeset option in grub because of my default Dell video.  Can I install 11.10 with the same option?22:25
d1g1ta1 Is there a good free ext3 driver for Windows that, unlike ext3fs, can work with drives formatted with more the older Linuxes block size (e.g., 128K)?22:25
petriHello :)22:26
d1g1ta1more = more than22:26
Leifblackbox: no, I guess not.  And I sent you that because the command was on the page, but I'm fairly certain the drive is /dev/sda as it's a laptop with only one drive.22:26
Leifblackbox: (When I said the page, I ment this one: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows )22:26
petrimy unity is mess up'22:26
sskalnikdon262:  yes22:26
don262thanks sskalnik22:26
blackboxsend me what you get when you type blkid22:27
skegeekI need help figuring out this error please: http://pastebin.com/7Q0sD7qq22:27
sskalnikdon262:  no prob22:27
Leifblackbox: Nothing prints out, should I give it any flags?22:27
d1g1ta1Is there a reliable free R/W ext4 driver for Windows?22:28
blackboxtry -L22:28
don262one other question.  After I do a full system restore with DejaDup, I end up on the full screen terminal.  How do I get to grub??22:28
blackboxmaybe you have an older version but my when you type in no options displays the volume labels and harddisks on the system22:29
Leifblackbox: Any label in particular?  I tried with sda and nothing prints out.  (I haven't used blkid before, I'm still going through the docs)22:29
skegeekIt started happening following a reboot after I added 1280x1024 resolution and allowed system update to run/complete.22:29
Leifblackbox: blkid from util-linux 2.19.1 (libblkid 2.19.0, 02-May-2011)22:29
blackboxblkid -L /dev/sda22:29
Leifblackbox: hmm...still nothing.22:29
blackboxman blkid look for how to display your HDD22:30
Leifblackbox: I also tried using this tutorial: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/reinstall-ubuntu-grub-bootloader-after-windows-wipes-it-out/22:30
Leifblackbox: with no results, here is my output:22:30
blackboxOk , use Gparted22:31
Leifblackbox: http://pastebin.com/rd7aXDek22:31
d1g1ta1can you write to ext2/3/4 with Ext2Fsd or is it RO?22:31
blackboxlook up what is in the drop down box should list /dev connected22:31
ikoniad1g1ta1: it's not stable22:32
blackboxtry ls /dev give me the out put of that22:32
Leifblackbox: In the top right corner?  It says /dev/sda22:32
blackboxforget the gparted this is quicker just do ls /dev and send it to me in pastebin or something22:33
d1g1ta1ikonia: is it less stable than ext2ifs22:33
fennecso. there are environment variables in /etc/environment. there is an upstart job in /etc/init/myservice.conf. I want the service in myservice.conf to have access to allllll the environment variables in /etc/environment. How is this accomplished?22:34
urlin2uLeif, if you could post the bootscript it would be helpful, pastebin the results.txt.  http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/22:34
Leifblackbox: http://pastebin.com/NFdyHyd622:34
fennec(the environment variables and their values in /etc/ environment are not known ahead of time).22:34
blackboxalso ls /dev | grep sd22:35
joheyI have installed ubuntu with encrypted home directory. Now I have a directory ~/.Private containing lots of files with strange names, like ECRYPTFS_FNEK_ENCRYPTED.FXalFk6VlA.JokQNqNaSjHsy81RTtSzdoh.3DIKlpXCQvSt3aMeeKPFiLQQeysqB58r4qVn2JS65VVk- .. What are those files?22:35
Um_cara_qualquerdoes anybody knows how to insert a srt file in some movie?22:36
Leifurlin2u: http://pastebin.com/rpaFFWt622:36
blackboxweird you must have paritition the drive with an extended parition correct /dev/sda5 ?22:36
gentracerI have tried with 3 different USB creators to create a Live USB for 10.10.3 - both 32 and 64 bit - all failed with error 'Unable to find a medium containing a live file system.  Suggestions?22:36
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Leifblackbox: http://pastebin.com/ydjWSd0X22:36
Leifblackbox: Yes, there is an extended partition.22:37
urlin2uLeif, are you just trying to reload grub?22:37
don262i am22:38
Leifblackbox: /dev/sda1 is windows, sda2is linux, sda3 is the extended drive sda5 is swap, and sda4 is a recovery partition that came with the drive.22:38
Leifurlin2u: Yes22:38
blackboxand 4 primaries ? looks like a bad partitioning when you open gparted can you give a screen shot of it for /dev/sda22:38
Leifurlin2u: I installed windows and am trying to fix grub now.22:38
Leifblackbox: 3 primaries, 1 extended with 1 logical, one moment for screenshot22:39
blackboxthat makes sine22:39
urlin2uLeif, follow this live cd reload if you have the same cd as the install, read carefully. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Copy_LiveCD_Files22:39
gentracerare you saying that I need to create/mount a file system?  I didn't have to do that for the 11.10 I tried, it just worked22:40
Leifblackbox: http://s10.postimage.org/3o7tnopih/Screenshot_at_2011_12_21_22_39_18.png22:40
zorlachello ive jsut installed apache2 im trying to but my site into the /usr/share/apache2/defaultsite  folder22:40
blackboxdon't know about what the recovery partition is doing is their any Host protection area installed on the drive ?22:40
zorlacbut it wont allow me to copy it there22:41
peepsalothas anyone successfully added a network printer in ubuntu 11.10?22:41
ikoniazorlac: use sudo22:41
ikoniapeepsalot: yes, I have a HP printer on the network addeded fine22:41
zorlacoh ok hang on22:41
Leifurlin2u: Okay, I'll try it (the os on the drive is 11.10, as is the disk)22:41
urlin2uLeif, hold on I will give you the commands in a pastebin.22:41
Leifblackbox: It came with the drive and I never bothered to take it off.  It is a primary partition though.22:42
Leifblackbox: What is a host protection area?22:42
ryychuujest tu ktoś z polandi22:42
ikonia!pl | ryychuu22:42
ubotturyychuu: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.22:42
peepsalotikonia, http://i.imgur.com/I4soI.png this add printer screen doesn't work.  the add button is always grayed out, and i'm not sure what "search by address" is supposed to do, but doesnt' appear to do anything22:42
peepsalotikonia, does yours look different?22:42
urlin2uLeif,  here you go make sure no partitons are mounted first use gparted to check before running commands. http://paste.ubuntu.com/778030/22:43
ikoniapeepsalot: pretty much do what it's telling you, firewall is not running (so start it) samba is needed, so install it etc etc22:43
blackboxare you using grub 2 or older versions ?22:43
ikoniapeepsalot: the message in the box is being pretty clear22:43
peepsalotikonia, i don't see any firewalld package.22:44
peepsalotikonia, and i don't need to "detect" it, i already know the IP!22:44
Leifblackbox: I would assume grub222:44
urlin2uLeif, you get the command I posted run them from the live cd.22:45
blackboxwhat does grub --version say ?22:45
ikoniapeepsalot: I detected mine as I was using dhcp22:45
urlin2ublackbox, read the bootsvript posted.22:45
Leifurlin2u: grub-install doesn't seem to recognize the --boot-directory flag22:46
Leifblackbox: Oh wow: grub (GNU GRUB 0.97)22:46
blackboxwait what is that file in your screen shoot  boot_info....sh for ?22:46
urlin2uLeif, first did you check that any partitions were mounted, and what is the actual error you h=get22:47
Leifurlin2u: Here are the flags it seems to take: ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo grub-install -- --force-lba        --help             --recheck          --root-directory, --grub-shell       --no-floppy        --root-directory   --version22:47
usuariowho are you?22:47
tech2Hi all, I'm trying to work out what's causing a package to be marked as "to be removed" on a dist-upgrade, any pointers?22:47
peepsalothow do i enable "firewalld"22:48
Leifurlin2u: Yes, no drives were mounted (as far as I could tell), and no error, it simply doesn't recognize the flag and prints out usage.22:48
urlin2uLeif, did you run the comands I posted for you?22:48
Leifurlin2u: Yup, here: http://pastebin.com/m1HGqiPX22:48
blackboxdo you have /boot directories on all of your linux partitions ?22:48
Leifurlin2u: Do you mean --boot-directory?22:49
Leiferm --root-directory22:49
urlin2uLeif, did you run both commands in the order posted?22:49
skegeekIs there a good free graphical pdf editor?22:49
Leifurlin2u: yes I have /dev/sda2 mounted to /mnt22:49
zorlacok well actually i have a diferent problem22:49
Captain_Crowurlin2u, hello!22:49
tech2skegeek: that's like asking if there's a good graphical postscript editor, isn't it?22:49
urlin2uLeif, are you in root or running sudo?22:50
blackboxwait you cann't use grub if you are going to have a NTFS windows computer to boot you need to chainload ?22:50
urlin2ublackbox, bro your way off.22:50
Leifurlin2u: Nott root, and I did run sudo with those commands.22:50
zorlacive installed apche2. the default page keeps coming up.  how do i make my webpage come up when i type in localhost22:50
urlin2uLeif, go down to the chroot part of the grub 2 wiki and use that.22:50
Leifblackbox: yes, I have a /boot directory22:50
Leifurlin2u: Mmm...okay22:51
blackboxAll I am trying to say is that if he is using windows it needs to be the on prim 1 and he could either use the ntldr config files to boot linux or use a floppy/cd/dvd/usb to chain load the other os's to boot22:52
pnormanThis SATA card has drivers for various versions of redhat, centos and suse but none specifically for ubuntu. Which driver do you think I should use? It's a Marvell 9480 chipset.22:52
newsunHi! Would the 64bit version of ubuntu hava any benefit over the 32bit with a core2duo 1.86GHz and 2GB RAM?22:52
e2b04836zorlac: remove the default index.html and replace it with your own22:53
urlin2uLeif, so what is this force stuff you posted "sudo grub-install -- --force-lba"\22:53
Leifurlin2u: When you say grub wiki, do you mean the ubuntu wiki on grub?: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub222:53
Leifblackbox: Yes, windows is on the first primary drive22:54
urlin2uLeif, yes there is a chroot section below the live cd load if it was me I would delte the grub-pc grub-common and reload them.22:54
Leifurlin2u: Umm...I don't know, what link was that one in?22:54
Jef91Unity uses GTK 3 right?22:55
urlin2uLeif, defaults to the chroot https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#ChRoot22:55
eipi-1hi, i would like to switch between laptop speaker and headphone via software (instead of pulling/plugging headphone) or maybe even play different on both outputs. Any chance?22:55
blackboxwhat grub-install is going to do is wipe out the mbr code for windows loader which would kill your windows os mbr? Do you really want to do that22:56
urlin2uLeif, you can just try it as is without the deleting first.22:56
urlin2ublackbox, that is not gtrue you are not exsperienced here.22:56
newsunHello! pls tell me 32bit or 64bit22:56
Captain_Crowis ubuntu 11 ever going to have a non-glitchy/crashy version?22:57
urlin2ublackbox, I noticed you were wasting this users time otherwise I would not have tried to get gthem back in order22:57
blackboxgrub-install is going to copy the grub first stage to his first sector22:57
newsunH E L L O O O O O O.............22:58
Leifurlin2u: blackbox Okay, well I'm going through the steps.  I don't mind reinstalling windows if needed, reinstalling linux would be more of a pain,22:58
sskalniknewsun:  Possibly22:58
Rapphi everyone22:58
Rapphow do i set vlc to be the default dvd player?22:58
sskalniknewsun:  Also, patience is a virtue. Being obnoxious like that will not elicit responses.22:59
Kaapahello everyone. Any powertop users? I'm trying to debug my laptop's battery consumption, as it seems way high22:59
Rappright now the standard player from ubuntu 11 is opening automatically22:59
urlin2uLeif, I have to reboot be right back.22:59
newsunsskalnik: Thanks for the reply.22:59
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sskalniknewsun:  That aside, to answer your question, it really depends on what you are doing with your machine. x64 might be a slightly better choice.22:59
sskalniknewsun:  No prob23:00
OerHeksblackbox grub just sets an other partition active, it does not touch the windows bootloader.23:00
hydesteranybody used ecryptfs over cifs?  it appears to work if i create a file in the mount, but copying results in 0 byte files that are corrupt upon remount (or native windows side)23:00
newsunI want to install a solaris 10 (and possibly 11) and install another via the jumpstart method.23:00
skegeekWhat is doublescan mode for X server?23:00
chigginsHey is there any log or something that I can look at to see why my server randomly shut off?23:00
sskalnikRapp:  right-click, Open With Other Application, Use for This Kind of File23:01
e2b04836chiggins /var/log/messages23:01
skegeekXorg log says it's not using a bunch of screen resolutions because they don't support doublescan mode...23:01
Rappsskalnik: thanks23:01
sskalnikRapp:  you are most welcome.23:01
sskalnikchiggins:  /var/log/ contains the relevant logs. Check syslog and messages23:02
skegeekIt also says it falls back to VESA because it cannot find intel_drv, which it probably needs since I have an intel graphics card.23:02
Nach0zI have a question for yall and it's fairly important. I run a server and I accidentally removed all users from the sudoers file. However when I try to drop into root prompt in recovery mode it's asking for my root password but my root has never had a password set. what do I do here?23:03
Nach0zEvery time I try any of my passwords that have ever been set it says login incorrect.23:03
newsunsskalnik: I'm running out of RAM on the xp host with 2 solaris guests running simultaneously. Anyway, do you think the 64bit ubuntu will perform better than the 32bit as far as vbox is concerned?23:03
e2b04836nach0z mount the drive on a livecd and replace the sudoers file?23:04
sskalniknewsun:  As a guest or host?23:04
newsunubuntu as host23:04
Nach0z.... replace the sudoers file. that's all I can do? son of a gun. that's not what I needed to hear... this is bad.23:04
blackboxwell, I have to say I am not sure what the problem is with grub mis-behaving but if you can start from scratch and reformat/repartitions , Then load your windows on prim1 (be sure to back up)23:04
sskalniknewsun:  I would use a 64bit ubuntu host (and a RAM upgrade ASAP).23:05
urlin2ublackbox, grub can be deleted from a chroot and reloaded.23:05
Leifblackbox: Mmm...thanks.  I just finished going through the link posted and am going to reboot and see if that worked.  Back momentariily.23:05
sskalniknewsun:  The bottleneck is definitely the memory though, so that will limit what Ubuntu can do for you. Thankfully 8GB is like $40, so that should be a simple fix23:05
newsunsskalnik: I'm afraid no more upgrade on THIS pc is possible. 2 DIMMs are filled23:05
sskalniknewsun:  You may be able to pop out the old DIMMs and use new ones. If it's not more than a few years old, you can probably go up to at least 4GB if not several times more.23:06
skegeeknewsun: I stopped using VBox because it seems to hog memory, at least after some time.23:06
newsunsskalnik: The upgrade now means a whole new box entirely (which I do need btw, with usb3/RAID5/PCIe2 etc)23:07
sskalniknewsun:  Sounds like a good plan. Ubuntu will probably be a bit better than Windows even without the hardware upgrade, but again, the hardware is the real issue.23:08
blackboxwell ya you could dd the whole think what is chroot going to do? Other then change the root /23:08
sskalniknewsun:  hope that answers your quandary.23:08
Kaapaany powertop users here? I'd like to validate some numbers. I get 12 W discharge and 670 wakeup calls/sec23:09
Octanew30 thanks23:10
Leifblackbox: It worked, thanks for the help. :D23:10
Leifurlin2u: It worked, thanks for the help. :D23:10
newsunsskalnik: Well, not quite. I do know I have to upgrade soon, but  for now I have to put up with what I have. So just curious about the 64bit23:10
urlin2uLeif, no problem23:11
Holeheartedhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization says I must change the uid of any user with uid > 99923:11
HoleheartedI got "nobody" with uid 65534 and "postgres" with uid of 100023:11
Holehearteddo I need to change these? is it safe to do so?23:11
MrKeunerhello, how does lucid know the system is idle so that it can suspend the system?23:11
sskalniknewsun:  i would go with 64bit23:12
sskalniknewsun:  Even though you would only use 2GB of RAM, you could benefit from faster native x64 code, and have an easier time with x64 guests.23:12
newsunsskalnik: Thanks. That's all I needed to know, since the ubuntu download page never seems to consider the 64bit one "reccomendable" ;)23:13
sskalniknewsun:  afaik that is changing.23:13
=== Timic_ is now known as Timic
newsunsskalnik: Sooner the better23:13
newsunc yall23:15
b1llydevis there a guide23:17
b1llydeva good beginners guide for linux23:17
b1llydevwhether it be a web resource or paid book23:17
b1llydevany recommendations ?23:17
jutnuxThere are numerous guides around the Interwebs b1llydev on anything you want ot know about.23:18
jutnuxYouTube is a good place ot start, also.23:18
Nach0zI have the ubuntu 11.04 x86 ISO file mounted as a cd drive on my computer, but when I run the wubi.exe it doesn't give me the option to create a live USB stick. is there something I'm missing here?23:19
xangua!usb | Nach0z23:20
ubottuNach0z: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent23:20
kionNach0z: try using the creata startup disks utility23:20
arooni-mobilemy page up/down buttons are currently not working on my keyboard.... is there a way to 1) change key shortcut for terminal app's switch tabs function (normallyu control + page up) and 2) same for chrome?23:21
Nach0zThe boot from USB failed23:31
Nach0zsays that some com file is not a valid com32R file23:31
Nach0zafaik, that means it's borked.23:32
e2b04836have you tried single user mode btw? i might have sent you in the wrong direction :323:33
urlin2uNach0z, load the usb with unetbootin then run the wubi.23:35
histo!install | Nach0z23:36
ubottuNach0z: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate23:36
urlin2uNach0z, do you really want a wubi it is not designed for long term use?23:36
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vouthHi again. Whenever I choose 'show extracted files' in File Roller, it opens Nautilus even though Dolphin is my default file manager. Why is that??23:37
just4funhi all23:37
passerideanyone here doing 12.04? is it stable ?23:40
intokHow can I force what GPU is the default? I've got a craptacular Dell that doesn't have a BIOS option to disable the IGP, I've got a PCI GPU(Geforce 6200/NV44a) but some full screen games like Braid and the terminal shells accessed by ctrl+alt+F* combos give just a blank screen.23:40
xangua!pangolin | passeride23:40
ubottupasseride: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) will be the sixteenth release of Ubuntu. Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/784 | Discussion and support in #ubuntu+123:40
urlin2upasseride, it s not released yet and it's channel is #ubuntu+123:40
passeridety | urlin2u23:41
Clayman1000xLooking for help with my Netgear wna3100 wireless usb adapter23:41
=== Timic_ is now known as Timic
urlin2upasseride, no problem.23:42
ssbr_how do I cancel an install? :/23:43
Clayman1000xI ujsed the command lsusb and my adapter sows up, I have the ndiswrapper and the broadcom drivers but can't seem to put things together23:43
Holeheartedhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization says I must change the uid of any user with uid > 99923:43
HoleheartedI got "nobody" with uid 65534 and "postgres" with uid of 100023:43
Holehearteddo I need to change these? is it safe to do so?23:43
ssbr_did sudo apt-get install darcs .   darcs was not what I thought it was.23:43
ssbr_now it has this configuration menu and I want to cancel, but every time I hit "cancel" it just restarts the menu23:44
ikoniaHolehearted: why do you want to change them23:44
ssbr_^C, ^Z had no effect23:44
OctanePidgin or Empathy?23:44
ssbr_considering just killing apt-get, not sure if this will destroy things23:44
passeridedoes pidgin support the Gnome 3 notify-chat-function?23:45
just4funi've upgraded to 10.04.03 LTS but i've lost the application bar and others like web forecasts, etc i want to restore them is it possible?23:45
xanguapasseride: sudo apt-get install pidgin-libnotify23:45
xanguaand enable the plugin on pidgin plugin preferences23:45
Octanepasseride i guess thats your answer23:45
passeridety | xangua23:45
Octaneholy shit i missed running linux23:45
xangua!panels | just4fun23:45
ubottujust4fun: To reset the GNOME panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »23:45
Octanei havent had linux as my main o/s in 6 years!!!!23:46
xangua!language | Octanane23:46
xanguaalso please keep on topic23:46
ubottuOctanane: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.23:46
=== Timic_ is now known as Timic
zorlacive installed apache2 now how do i get it  to load up my website instead of the default page23:46
Octanezorlac edit httpd.conf and set your docs root folder23:47
xanguapasseride: ooh by gnome3 you mean gnome-shell¿¿ no idea then23:47
xanguai don't think what i told you works23:47
ikoniazorlac: you put your web content in the document root folder for the default site23:47
jpadwhere can i find a .rar file extracter to download?23:47
zorlacwhere abouts is the httpd.conf23:47
ikonia!rar | jpad23:47
ubottujpad: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free23:47
zorlacis it in the apache folder?23:47
ikoniazorlac: you don't need to change it23:47
passeridei belive you gave me the rite answer | xangua23:47
xanguajpad: sudo apt-get install rar unrar23:47
e2b04836zorlac: /etc/apache223:48
jpadthank you23:48
Octanezorlac htodcs variable in httpd.conf23:48
ikoniazorlac: you know know there document root is, you where trying to copy files there later23:48
Holeheartedanybody here ever made/customized a livecd?23:49
ikoniaHolehearted: why don't you just ask your real question23:49
HoleheartedI have twice23:49
Holeheartedno answer23:49
ikoniaHolehearted: I responded, - why do you want to change the uid23:49
Holeheartedahh, sorry, must responded after XChat crashed :|23:50
Holeheartedikonia, the guide says to23:50
HoleheartedCtrl+F "cuztomization limits"23:51
ikoniaHolehearted: so why do you have users that are greater than 999 ?23:52
Holeheartedikonia, They were either auto-created or already there from the files I started with because they're "nobody" and "postgres"23:53
pnemanewbie question, but how to add quick launch icons to my menu bar?23:53
ikoniaHolehearted: those are system accounts so shouldn't be high23:53
e2b04836nobody is 65534 by default23:54
passeridedo anyone know how to how to enable the answer bar in the libnotify on gnome3?23:54
=== dejvid is now known as Dejvid
Holeheartede2b04836, that's what nobody is set to23:54
Holeheartede2b04836, so leave it?23:54
ikoniayou can't23:54
ikoniawhy is nobody such a high user23:55
HoleheartedI just checked with my non-chrooted /etc/passwd and got the same exact results23:55
Octanedoes anyone here recommend a guide for ubuntu newbies? not so much for how to navigate *nix but more so on what to check out and install since its been so long since i installed23:56
e2b04836you shouldnt have to change the uid of nobody23:56
e2b04836whats the UID of "postgres"23:56
XiaolinDraconisi followed the tutorials but my cursor is still dmz-white when i point at the desktop. im using 11.10 gnome classic.23:56
vouthHow can I change the cursor size in KDE?23:57
e2b04836well theres the problem23:57
e2b04836you'll have to change that23:57
phil_anyone here using unbuntu11.10 need some help with graphics diriver23:57
phil_how the fuck do i use a .run file?????????????????????????/23:59
arooni-mobilemy page up/down buttons are currently not working on my keyboard.... is there a way to 1) change key shortcut for terminal app's switch tabs function (normallyu control + page up) and 2) same for chrome?23:59
pangolin!language | phil_23:59
iToastShould i install ubuntu servre 10.4 on a pentium 4.23:59
ubottuphil_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.23:59
iToastI can add up to mabey 8 hdds to the p4.23:59
helenavouth: in Systemsettings23:59
iToastA sata controller card.23:59

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