
bschaeferandyrock, wait it does. The launcher had it built in, and two functions were closely named...haha00:01
bschaeferOnWindowMaybeIntellihideDelayed vs OnWindowMaybeIntellihide haha; but there is a comment saying to remove them from oneiric...00:02
andyrockbschaefer, yeah we have a lot of TODO comments :)00:09
andyrockbschaefer, «on a sidenote the window_focus_changed doens't get called on a click to the current window»00:10
andyrockhave you'already tested it?00:11
bschaeferandyrock, haha, yeah I see a lot of them00:15
andyrock<andyrock> bschaefer, «on a sidenote the window_focus_changed doens't get called on a click to the current window»00:15
andyrock<andyrock> have you'already tested it?00:15
bschaeferandyrock, yeah I tested it; it does get called00:18
bschaeferandyrock, I was looking at the wrong call back function when I tested it at first (similar names)00:19
andyrockbschaefer, you should talk with smspillaz about corner cases00:20
bschaeferandyrock, what do you mean by corner cases? Like dragging a window?00:21
andyrockbschaefer, extreme cases00:21
bschaeferandyrock, hmm I am trying to think of an example of one.00:21
bschaeferandyrock, but he would be the one to ask :). Is he on break?00:22
bschaeferandyrock, im not sure what his time zone is either00:22
andyrockyou should ask smspillasz if exists extreme cases on which WindowManager::window_focus_changed signals doesn't work00:23
andyrockbschaefer, it's not on break00:23
bschaeferandyrock, it? haha00:24
andyrockhe just woke up00:24
bschaeferandyrock, it's ok he must be a machine or something00:24
bschaeferandyrock, really? Like 4-5 am?00:24
bschaeferandyrock, wait no...(looks up time)00:24
bschaefer1 2400:24
bschaeferwow that is a weird time to wake up00:25
andyrockit' 8:25 am in australia00:26
bschaeferandyrock, ...I thought you said you just woke up00:26
andyrock1:24 in italy :/00:26
andyrockmy english is too bad :)00:26
andyrockbschaefer, smspillaz is online ;)00:27
bschaeferandyrock, pming him :). It's more that I cant read haha00:28
andyrockbschaefer, btw are you going to be in budapest?00:28
bschaeferandyrock, when is it?00:29
andyrockbschaefer, mmm no... January00:30
bschaeferandyrock, well I haven't been told about it...and still don't have a passport...00:30
bschaeferandyrock, well that sucks...00:32
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