
SpamapSmicahg: hey, what ever happened to xulrunner? I kind of lost track of mongo and javascript in general...01:15
SpamapSmicahg: err, I meant libmozjs, not xulrunner01:16
SpamapSthinking and typing should usually be in sync01:17
* SpamapS makes a note01:17
micahgSpamapS: so, libmozjs is libmozjs185 in ubuntu, I've meant to merge mongodb, will probably do it over vacation and patch it to use the system mozjs01:25
micahgthey ship their own copy now of mozjs01:25
SpamapSmicahg: yeah, thats the answer to all the worlds' problems now.. embed your own version01:31
micahgyep, that's what mozilla tells people01:31
* micahg wishes Debian would ship mozjs instead of building it from xulrunner, but oh well01:32
mbieblmicahg: who is maintaining mozjs 1.8.5? What about security updates etc?01:39
micahgmbiebl: well, if there's a security update, I'll push it out, but we haven't seen any updates yet01:39
mbieblI mean, who maintains mozjs upstream?01:40
micahgwes garland seemed to be doing a lot with it, idk if he's officially maintaining it or not01:41
mbieblmicahg: we've been discussing that some time ago on #debian-gnome, and there was the question about how security updates are handled for the mozjs branch01:42
mbieblafaik it's based off FF401:42
micahgwas wondering myself recently01:42
mbiebland you can't build FF against mozjs, so we'd have two (different) copies of libmozjs01:43
micahgwell, debian still builds mozjs out of xulrunner01:43
mbieblso we'd need to discuss that with the security team and the mozilla maintainers01:43
mbieblmicahg: yeah01:43
micahgwell, Ubuntu is ok with Firefox having its own copies of things since it gets updated every 6 weeks or faster01:44
mbieblwell, actually it's build from src:iceweasel01:44
mbieblnot sure if that is what you meant01:44
micahgmbiebl: well, isn't xulrunner also built from src:iceweasel now?01:45
mbieblseems to be01:45
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dholbachgood morning08:19
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dr3mrohello .. I have an Idea for precise+1 : That is to rewrite all current Apps that in python like software center and others in Vala and create an ubuntu development environment that will ease the new developers to create projects for ubuntu .. windows got all the apps because it's easier to develop and maintain projects than in linux ..10:48
dr3mrowe need to rewrite compiz for low memory usage  too so plain ubuntu install shouldn't use more than 300MB as windows 8 airms for 256 Mb only we should be prepaired10:48
dr3mroelse we could write unity for mutter if it's difficult to make compiz rewrite as for now unity is great but memory hug and perormance is uncomparable for gnome shell10:48
dr3mroI am thinking of Glade + gedit + debugger + compiler + UI in Gtk+-3.0 for managing launchpad repository .. test the compilation before upload .. a form for proposing you app in ubuntu/debian  PPA  .. Documentations ..10:50
dr3mroubuntu should adopt vala as the default programing language and invest in Vala as it's the future of ubuntu10:51
who_mewhat exactly is wrong with python ?10:52
dr3mroand OS with an integrated development with good documentations for both the OS and the Dev language is what ubuntu needs10:52
who_mepython doesn't have good documentation ? :)10:53
dr3mrowho_me, python is great but it is slower than vala and memory hug10:53
dr3mrowho_me, no I meant vala has no good doumentations10:53
dr3mrowho_me, imagine an integrated dev environment with glade + text editor + debugger + vala documentations + ubuntu documentations about all the infrastructures of ubuntu like how to message the kernel dbus and all that vage stuff for beginners ..10:55
who_meyou mean "hog" probably" and it's not like the linux kernel is written in python, just some utilities. I'd rather have those be complete, easy to debug etc. then redisgn something for the new programing language that seems to be the "rage" of the day :)10:55
dr3mrowho_me, I love the pythonic way in development but after playing with vala for a few days and see the performance difference and low memory usage I am now a vala +110:56
brendandi'd say things are more likely to move towards Qt10:57
who_methat's what I feel too :)10:57
dr3mroI think ubuntu should focus on the IDE thing and Document offline so new programmers don't have to google for things that very obvious if they are a developers for windows10:58
dr3mrobrendand, Qt project is great but less free than Gtk and thats why its supported by nokia ..but ubuntu is Gtk ?10:59
who_meumm, developers for windows are part of the "Visual C, C++, Basic and etc" toolset and mindset, it's quite hard to recreate that on any other platfrom10:59
who_meit's up to them to use something like the QT SDK and try to target multiple platforms11:00
dr3mrowho_me, what about making something for ubuntu like that ? it will make ubuntu tempting for new developers for linux11:00
brendandto be honest, it's naive to think the problem is around having the 'wrong' tools11:01
brendandanyway, what's the say the app development community is weak on Linux/Ubuntu?11:01
brendandgames development, yes, but that's a whole different matter11:01
brendandand some commercial software11:01
brendandstill a nice dev environment would be, well, nice :)11:02
brendandanway, this should all be discussed on #ubuntu-app-devel11:02
dr3mroMy idea is a Documentation for both Ubuntu services like DBUS and other stuff with Vala and Gtk + and Gobject and ... + debugger + text editor + glade + a frontend for launchpad and an easy way to propose your app for ubuntu /debian repos ?11:02
who_medr3mro: problem is like this, try to find a book about programming about C++ and I bet that 99% will make you use MS Visual studio... nothing on using some other IDEs11:02
brendandwhy Vala though?11:02
dr3mrobrendand, vala performance and memory usage very smilar to C and easier to learn and write code in few hours like python and it has syntax similar to C# / Java so developers will find it very familiar and it has  a fork that uses the same compiler but syntax is pythonic  it's called `Genie`  ??11:05
who_medr3mro: here's an idea, try to implement some of those ideas yourself, get enough followers and maybe you guys will get noticed.  A spin of Ubuntu with Vala based utilities...11:09
dr3mrowho_me, pinguy OS did that already :)11:10
dr3mrowho_me, gnome 3.0 is written mostly in VALA11:10
who_megnome 3 is rubbish, not the best example of usage IMO :P11:11
TiMiDocan someone tell me if my wiki is ok https://wiki.ubuntu.com/aaronfarias11:11
dr3mrowho_me, you mean gnome shell :) ..11:11
TiMiDoI'm going for membership ;)11:11
who_meno, I mean gnome 3 with mutter and extensions as a whole11:11
dr3mrowho_me, I find it faster on my laptop that gnome 2 and stylish .. themes are in CSS and the problem is that it's immature and need a year or two before it matures11:13
who_methey did a rush release, with most of the functionality from the previous version left out and now we are supposed to "beta test" while they slowly fix things by version 3.6 :)11:13
dr3mrowho_me, agree .. but it works not as gnome 2.x but not that bad11:13
dr3mrowho_me, it's better in quality than kde 4.0 when it was released11:14
who_methat is why I keep my trusty LTS install and try to help kubuntu and kde iron out bugs :/11:14
dr3mrowho_me, looks like you are preparing to go the KDE way soon ..11:15
who_medr3mro: yeah, and what did the gnome guys learn from a poorly managed kde 4.0 release ? nothing.11:15
who_methey did the exact same thing11:15
dr3mrowho_me, they delayed to release a year and more and you can't iron things out if it's now widely tested11:16
who_medr3mro: KDE offers a tablet like interface, but they don't force it on me. They give me the classic desktop interface that I've known for a long time and can easily discover. Gnome 3 + shell just chnaged everything and it like "hey, this is how your desktop will look now. like it or else"11:18
who_meI tend to get moody when stuff is forced down my throat11:19
dr3mrowho_me, you are right ..11:20
who_meso while G3 is like, look dudes, your workstation just became a tablet PC11:21
who_meKDE gives me the option to use my machine for what it actually is, be it tablet or workstation11:22
who_meI'm actualy old enough to remember how Gnome actually came to be, as an answer to the way Qt was licensed back in the days11:23
who_meKDE 2.x was beautifull in comparison to Gnome back then11:23
who_mehttp://www.visionfutur.com/img/histoire/gnome1-1.jpg  versus  http://www.kde.org/screenshots/images/large/kde2final_4.jpg11:26
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mbieblmicahg: urgh, the ubuntu mozjs package has different symbols files for each architecture11:29
chrisccoulsonmbiebl, that's because the name mangling is different on each architecture :/11:37
mbieblchrisccoulson: hasn't KDE the same problem?11:38
chrisccoulsonmbiebl, yeah, i think so11:38
mbieblI think they developed a solution for that11:39
chrisccoulsoni'm sure i asked someone how they solved this problem, and this was the result11:39
chrisccoulsonbut that was a while ago11:39
mbiebliirc MoDaX worked on that11:39
mbieblchrisccoulson: http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=pkg-kde/kde-sc/kde4libs.git;a=tree;f=debian;hb=HEAD11:42
mbieblseems they managed to have a single symbols file11:43
chrisccoulsoni'll try and figure out how :)11:44
dokoRiddell, ScottK: kdeplasma-addons and gwenview are the two real ARM build failures (double/float casts)11:45
mcclurmchi all. does ubuntu allow multiple distributions to be specified in the debian/changelog?11:59
mcclurmccan I specify both oneiric and precise? or do I need to build two separate debs?11:59
gesermcclurmc: you need two source packages, one for each release12:01
mcclurmcokay, thanks geser12:01
Riddellmbiebl, chrisccoulson: http://pkg-kde.alioth.debian.org/symbolfiles.html is how we have one symbols file for all arches12:27
Riddelldoko: ok12:27
mbieblRiddell: where does pkgkde-getbuildlogs get the build logs from?12:40
mbiebldoes that mean I need to upload -1 with broken symbols files, the run pkgkde-getbuildlogs and upload fixes symbols files in -2?12:41
Riddellmbiebl: ignore pkgkde-getbuildlogs it's debian only13:11
Riddellyou can use locally compiled build logs or in buildds but only if there's only 1 library13:12
RiddellI usuae my on local build logs13:13
dokoRiddell, libmygpo-qt needs a MIR (amarok)13:47
dokoand, can amarok be built without OpenGL for armel/armhf?13:47
ScottKlamont: Could you give ross a kick in the shins so we have some hope of powerpc catching up this year.14:07
Riddelldoko: yeah I know, on my TODO14:09
Riddell(libmygpo-qt, amarok needing no GL on ARM is new to me but I can look at it too)14:09
sabdflDaviey, ping14:33
nigelbHe's supposed to be vacationing.14:35
dokoLaney, we should introduce dedicated buildds for haskell :-p14:40
* iulian nods.14:47
dokoiulian, btw, are all the rebuilds needed, or could these a bit better organized to avoid some of the rebuilds?14:52
cjwatsondoko: the current builds are mostly syncs of packages not previously in Ubuntu, not rebuilds14:54
dokocjwatson, yes, known. just fearing the follow-up of rebuilds14:55
cjwatsonthey aren't that bad except for the cases where they sit and hang for a day :-)14:56
cjwatsonhttp://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/transitions/ghc.html is looking not particularly awful right now14:56
dokolets see this page after this round of uploads14:57
zygawho is the best person to talk about u1db?14:57
cjwatsondoko: syncs of new packages aren't going to make it worse14:57
cjwatsonzyga: I'd start with aquarius14:58
zygaaww, away14:58
* iulian will keep his eyes open.14:58
iulianThere will be a few rebuilds to deal with.14:58
james_wzyga, #u1db15:34
mdeslaurdoko: I'll merge virt-manager (you TIL)15:52
dokomdeslaur, anything you want =)15:53
zygajames_w: thanks16:03
roadmrhey! is 32-bit Ubuntu installing the pae kernel by default now? is this a recent change or has it been like that for a while?16:08
micahgroadmr: recent16:08
roadmrmicahg: thanks! I'm triaging a bug from someone installing on a VirtualBox (PAE is disabled by default) - so without that particular bit of information, his report was "ubuntu fails to boot"16:09
micahgand`: I think the extensions compatible by default landed in 10, not 916:09
and`micahg: do we have a firefox 10 already?16:18
micahgand`: in firefox-next PPA soonish16:18
and`micahg: ah, I found this out right after installing firefox 9 on Debian sid16:19
and`micahg: and I got the confirmation that ffox asks for informations to addons.mozilla.org if the network is active16:20
and`micahg: so that you can enable the addon even if max_version is < than the installed ffox package16:20
micahgwell, in 9 I thought that only works if you have the extension that overrides compatibility installed, unless glandium backported a patch16:21
and`micahg: I tested it out today, I upgraded iceweasel to version 9, all my addons got disabled, I switched them back to enabled on the addons interface and restarted iceweasel.16:23
and`micahg: result, all my addons are back and working again without touching install.rdf16:23
and`micahg: and I don't think glandium backported a patch for that according to what he told me on d-devel before.16:24
and`I couldn't find an official statement upstream so I don't know :)16:24
Laneydoko: yeah sorry. feel free to score stuff down if you want.16:33
micahgcould i please get an archive admin to copy thunderbird 3.1.16+build2+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.10.04.1 to ubuntu/primary lucid from ubuntu-security-proposed?16:38
micahgdoko: would you be able to do this? ^^16:40
micahgoops partial copied, that needs to go to lucid-security16:41
* micahg wonders if it's too early for slangasek16:53
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micahgRiddell: could you copy the above for me?17:05
Riddellmicahg: let's see17:07
Riddellmicahg: from ubuntu-security-proposed ppa lucid to ubuntu-security lucid?17:09
Riddelldoes it have the necessary QA and security team approval for that?17:09
micahgRiddell: thunderbird from ubuntu-security-proposed ppa lucid to ubuntu lucid-security, I am the security team and QA approval in this case :)17:10
* micahg already copied maverick and natty, but lucid times out17:10
Riddellmicahg: copy binaries too?17:12
micahgRiddell: please17:12
Riddellmicahg:  copy-package.py -p ubuntu-security-proposed -s lucid --to-suite=lucid-security -b thunderbird ?17:14
roadmrSRU question this time: an package in -proposed had two verification failed bugs. What's the best way to handle that? remove those two fixes from the SRU and request another merge?17:15
micahgRiddell: not sure on the syntax, I just have an old guide on the Archive Admin page, but the from and to look right17:17
ScottKThat or fix the fix so it works.17:17
micahgRiddell: according to that, it should be copy-package.py -b --ppa=ubuntu-security-proposed -s lucid --to-suite=lucid-security -e 3.1.16+build2+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.10.04.1 thunderbird17:19
roadmrScottK: for one of the bugs the fix is in the devel version, I just messed up while adding it to the SRU17:19
roadmrScottK: but for the other one, the bug is still present in development, so we'd have to fix it there and then push that to the SRU again17:20
ScottKRight, so I'd drop that one and resubmit, I guess.17:20
Riddellmicahg: done17:20
roadmrScottK: ok, I'll do that then. Thanks!17:21
micahgRiddell: thank you much17:21
micahgslangasek: unping17:21
slangasekmicahg: not too early, just to on-the-phoney, sorry :)17:34
dokoScottK, gwenview, see bug #90773517:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 907735 in gwenview (Ubuntu Precise) "[arm] gwenview ftbfs in precise" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90773517:36
ScottKdoko: Already fixed.17:36
dokoScottK, please close it after verifying =)17:37
dokomake[1]: Entering directory `/build/buildd/drush-4.5'17:46
dokosh: 1: wget: not found17:46
dokosh: 1: curl: not found17:46
dokopeople should hide things better ...17:46
dokogah, should be make[1]: Entering directory `/build/buildd/drush-4.5'17:46
doko /build/buildd/drush-4.5/drush.php > /dev/null17:46
dokosh: 1: wget: not found17:46
dokosh: 1: curl: not found17:46
cjwatsonI thought I fixed that17:47
cjwatsonoh, no, there was a Debian bug about it17:47
cjwatsongrr, it was working and then the Debian maintainer broke it again17:48
cjwatsonmissing build-dependency on php-console-table I believe17:48
adam_gis there any way to have a lp PPA build satisfy its Build Depends from within the PPA?18:09
mdeslauradam_g: that should already be the case AFAIK, just make sure your build depends are finished building before uploading the other ones18:13
adam_gmdeslaur: ok, ill try again. thanks18:21
ScottKlamont: Ross fell over and can't get up again.  Is something up or just unlucky today?18:28
dokoRiddell, ScottK: I think we need to improve the kde situation for build-deps/breaks18:52
dokoe.g. kdenetwork fails with:18:52
ScottKdoko: Soyuz just needs to implement the same BD unistallable condition Debian has and it'll be fine.18:53
dokoThe following packages have unmet dependencies:18:53
doko kde-sc-dev-latest : Breaks: kde-workspace-dev (< 4:4.7.90) but 4:4.7.3a-0ubuntu4.1 is to be installed18:53
doko                     Breaks: kdepimlibs5-dev (< 4:4.7.90) but 4:4.7.3-0ubuntu2 is to be installed18:53
doko                     Breaks: libkonq5-dev (< 4:4.7.90) but 4:4.7.3-0ubuntu2 is to be installed18:53
dokoE: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.18:53
dokoapt-get failed.18:53
dokoand doesn't automatically retry18:53
ScottKYep.  On Debian that would get a BD uninstallable state, not a failed build and would eventually work.18:53
dokoif you know that, don't use it18:54
dokojust adjust the version for the b-d's18:54
dokoScottK, is there a bug about this?18:54
ScottKSo you want us to fork the KDE packages from Debian?18:54
ScottKI don't think that's going to happen.18:54
dokoScottK, no, contribute to it. these adjusted versions don't hurt debian18:55
ScottKNo, the versions are correct.18:55
ScottKOnce kde-workspace is built on armel, I'll retry it.  It'll be fine.18:56
dokoScottK, it's not about the retrying18:56
dokoScottK, is there a bug report open about this?18:56
dokowhich one?18:57
ScottKLet me see if I can find it.18:57
ScottKdoko: Bug 52724518:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 527245 in Launchpad itself "Implement a BD-Uninstallable build state" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52724518:57
ScottKAIUI, 'Low' in LP bug terms means they aren't going to do it.18:58
dokothanks for the pointer18:59
micahgit means it's not scheduled, opportunistic devs can fix I think18:59
ScottKCould be.18:59
ScottKdoko: No problem.19:00
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adrian_bergIf you tinker with the kernel, you are then not able to upgrade to future ubuntu releases, correct?21:25
adrian_bergMy boot time is pathetic, and this is a new laptop (4gb ram, dual core 2ghz processors), shouldn't be having these problems, so my only guess is that there's too much crap being loaded in the kernel21:26
RAOFadrian_berg: Have you done any measurements?  I don't think kernel load time (except, perhaps, initramfs load time) is going to be a large part of your boot time.21:31
SpamapSadrian_berg: note the results there21:43
SpamapSkernel is quite tiny21:44
SpamapSplumbing is the pain point21:44
SpamapSudev, mounting, fsck'ing, etc21:44
ScottKFunny how when we forget to care about boot time it goes up.21:44
SpamapSits just like my waistline21:45
SpamapSthe minute the diet is over, I gain 10lbs back. :)21:45
SpamapSI would be interested in the breakdown of what constitutes plumbing21:46
ScottKI guess you could run bootchart yourself.21:47
SpamapSno the bootcharts are linked there21:48
SpamapSlooks like a lot of it is ureadahead21:49
infinityScottK: That bug mostly misses the point (as does BD-Un in Debian) 99% of the time.  You can almost always express a BD-U state as a dep-wait, it just requires drilling down.21:49
ScottKinfinity: Implementation detail.21:49
infinityScottK: And I may well fix *that* in lp-buildd, rather than implementing another build state.21:49
ScottKThat's fine.21:49
ScottKI don't care what you call it.21:50
RAOFSpamapS: Yeah, but time speant in ureadahead is (or should be) directly offset by time not spent at other points of the boot process.21:50
ScottK(and I agree, BD uninstallable is a sub catagory of depwait)21:50
SpamapSRAOF: the lucid ones hit 93MB/s w/ ureadahead21:51
SpamapSRAOF: and the more recent ones are down around 86MB/s21:51
SpamapSis it just as simple as the drivers being more careful and underperforming?21:51
SpamapSThe numbers work out quite well % wise21:52
* SpamapS decides to blame firmware21:53
infinitySpamapS: Blame Apple.  That's my default fallback for everything now.21:57
psusiSpamapS: you gotta pack the data with e2defrag ;)21:59
zygahi, where can I find some canonical/ubuntu media packs22:06
zygastuff like the ubuntu logo22:06
jpdszyga: http://design.canonical.com/brand/22:08
zygajpds: thanks22:08
hallyn@pilot in23:02
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/or6CHJ | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: hallyn
hallynjinkeys!  suddenly no aufs module?  must have happened with today's update?   huh...23:37
RAOFhallyn: That's been the case for some time; overlayfs (mostly) replaces it.23:40
hallyni expected that one day, but figured schroot/sbuild would quietly dtrt when that happened :)23:42
hallynhere's hoping that sed -i 's/aufs/overlayfs/' * in /etc/schroot/chroot.d does the trick23:50

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