
=== benonsoftware1 is now known as OutOfControl
AmapeleIf I specify a clear text password on a command in a bash script, how can I be sure that it won't be recorded somewhere?  I am under the impression that the ps command can capture such text.02:47
mutesit can, youre fucked03:30
holsteinmutes: check out the channel guidelines04:15
urlin2uholstein, happy holidays.:D04:15
holsteinurlin2u: o/ ... same to you and yours!04:15
mutesi knew the answer and replied as soon as i could04:28
holsteinmutes: sure, and we appreciate it, just remember this is a 'family show'04:28
mutesnobody who uses linux isnt sterile04:30
holsteinmutes: its just ubuntu channel guidelines man, its not a big deal... would you like a link?04:31
mutesim just carrying on a conversation, not making a big deal of it04:31
wildcrazyhorseMy Ubuntu 11.04 Natty is locking up my computer often. The screen freezes but the mouse still moves around. I have to cold reboot the computer and start all over again. What can I do to fix this problem?04:50
mutesupgrade to oneiric04:53
wildcrazyhorsedo you have a url address of that file oneiric ?04:54
holsteinwildcrazyhorse: you could look and see if you have an older kernel in your grub list, and try booting it04:54
holsteinwildcrazyhorse: oneiric is ubuntu 11.1004:54
wildcrazyhorselet me go to ubuntu web site and see if I can find that file...  Will I be able to upgrade and not loose any of my apps or data?04:55
holsteinwildcrazyhorse: theres not a file named oneiric... thats the next version of ubuntu after yours... 11.1004:56
holsteinwildcrazyhorse: you can try it live *before* upgrading or installing04:57
holsteinyou can also try an older kernel in 11.0404:57
mlinscottHiya, quick question. Is it normal to see oneiric branding after upgrading to precise? I ran update-manager -d, upgraded to 12.04 but noticed on the restart that the login screen and like show 11.10. I did check apt/source.list and it shows it pointing to the precise sources. So something that can be ignored right?07:45
bioterroruname -cd07:45
bioterrorwhat does it say?07:45
bioterrorlsb_release -cd07:45
bioterrordid I remember right :D07:46
mlinscottDescription:Ubuntu precise (development branch)07:46
bioterroryou're running precise07:46
bioterrorso edit your sources and remove anything that points to oneirc07:46
mlinscott•bioterror• awesome thanks! Just wanted to make sure I didn't botch an upgrade.07:47
bioterrorit's pretty hard to botch an upgrade ;)07:47
Unit193It's normal too, nothing really new :P07:48
r4yI have a neat RCA mp3 played I got from Walmart for 25 dollars that can hold 4 GB, I am wondering if I can make playlists out of songs in folders without having to the Windows software that came with it and without put the same song on it twice so I can save space08:44
r4yI'd like to delete the software that came with it which I don't want to use. That software wasn't needed for me to have albums of info put onto it. It works great. If I can't make playlists that's fine with me.08:47
r4yI tried making symbolic links but the device doesn't support it.08:48
r4yI am checking it to see what the format is.08:50
r4yFat 32-bit, W9 Fat32 (0x0b)08:51
r4yI don't have experience with mp3 players. Do you know perhaps if I can change the format so I can make symbolic links, or maybe I that will not work08:53
r4yI didn't mean to add that I to that last sentence08:53
geirhaIt probably only supports fat3208:54
geirhaWhat's the format of the playlist files?08:54
r4yI haven't tried using the software to make playlists yet08:54
r4yI tried using wine, but I am going to have to use Windows XP to try it out08:55
r4yThank you for telling me that this mp3 might only support fat08:56
r4yWell, I guess I should try it out on Windows XP for fun.08:57
r4yI am wondering if what I already put on it will be effected. I hope not, because I put some work into what's already on it, but there shouldn't be any problems because I can start over.08:58
r4yI guess I should back it up08:59
r4yI am wondering if I could mimic what the software does to make playlists and then make playlists myself instead and get rid of the software, but I will keep a couple backups, one on one hard drive and another hard drive just in case.09:01
r4yOK, that's all, sorry for posting so much09:01
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kristian-aalborggrr, my internets are falling out20:10
kristian-aalborgI get the "Flow control is on for TX and on for RX" in dmesg, suggesting hardware problems (?)20:12
kristian-aalborghi visago20:22
visagohow do i make a usb bootable for ubuntu?20:25
nothingspecialvisago: Do you have ubuntu already?20:26
visagoas an iso20:27
nothingspecialvisago: if you have the latest version of Ubuntu, hit the 'windows'/'super' key then type U S B, choose usb-creator-gtk20:29
nothingspecialif you have windows use unetbootin http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/20:29
kristian-aalborgmy internet breakage is weird, in that downloads and IRC are not affected, seemingly20:32
visagothank you trying it now20:36
seidosso network-manager isn't configuring wireless in 11.10 for some reason22:37
seidoshad to configure it through the terminal22:38
seidosany ideas on how to fix it?  maybe i should just install 10.04, but i don't want to burn another cd22:40
seidosthat would be such a waste of plastic >_> :D22:41
seidosder, didn't check the net22:41
seidoshmmm, looks like there's an update for nm22:48
seidoswell, updates didn't seem to fix it...network-manager says "device not managed" under "wireless networks"23:30
seidosgoing to search the net23:30
geirhaIf the wireless devices is configured via /etc/network/interface,  network-manager will ignore it.23:33
seidosthanks geirha, that did it23:58

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