
=== cdbs is now known as bilal
micahghi rodrigo_09:03
rodrigo_hi micahg09:03
* micahg had fun uploading his first desktop package09:10
* rodrigo_ lunch13:06
=== xclaesse is now known as Zdra-n900
rodrigo_ok, EOD and EOY for me, so have a nice vacation all16:14
rodrigo_and see you from the other side next year :)16:14
=== Zdra-n900 is now known as xclaesse
kenvandinerodrigo_, have a great holiday!16:28
markusshey guys ive a problem with menus duplicating in lucid when i create an item in the menu it pops up somewhere else16:34
markussbeside untcking the box is there another way to stop this16:34
markussas ive a lot of menus and it would take ages to go through one by one16:34
* mterry works on merging gnome-menus18:59
micahgmterry: are the hyphen-* and hyphenation-* packages intrinsically tied to anything regarding versioning?19:04
micahgi.e. can we upgrade one to a new upstream w/out upgrading them all19:04
mterrymicahg, I don't know off hand.  Sweetshark might know19:07
ricotzmicahg, hi19:08
micahghi ri19:09
micahghi ricotz19:09
ricotzmicahg, is it possible to have some firefox/thunderbird stable builds for precise in the ppas?19:09
ricotzmeaning firefox 9.0.1 and thunderbird 9.019:09
micahgricotz: why?  people on precise should be running the betas19:10
ricotzmicahg, i dont like running the earlier thunderbird betas ;)19:10
dobeymterry: can i bug you to sponsor some "uploads"?19:10
micahgwe need beta coverage to assure our stable releases remain "stable"19:11
mterrydobey, ok19:11
dobeymterry: https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntu/precise/ubuntuone-control-panel/ubuntuone-control-panel-2.99.0/+merge/8645519:11
dobeymterry: https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/ubuntu/precise/ubuntuone-client-gnome/release-2-99-0/+merge/8648819:12
micahgricotz: I think I've had more trouble with the later betas than the earlier ones personally :)19:12
dobeymterry: https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/ubuntu/precise/libubuntuone/release-2-99-0/+merge/8662419:12
ricotzmicahg, i know and understand that, at least an upload of the actual releases would have been nice19:12
* mterry startws19:12
ricotzmicahg, yeah, bug can appear everytime19:13
ricotzmicahg, are there packaging differences between oneiric and precise?19:13
micahgricotz: now that the betas come a couple days after release, it doesn't pay to waste build time on precise for the stable releases, I can discuss with chrisccoulson about adding it to the {firefox,thunderbird}-stable PPA, but I  think he'll have a similar response19:14
dobeymterry: the changes probably seem a lot bigger than they actually are, though; new autotools on oneiric seems to have created a huge diff for my two; and the control panel one is mostly changes to the qt UI which isn't packaged yet19:14
micahgricotz: shouldn't be, I do hear the argument a little stronger for thunderbird than firefox though, unfortunately, I don't have thunderbird 9 for oneiric yet due to some bzr branch issues which I'll resolve over the weekend probably19:15
ricotzmicahg, yes, thunderbird is what i am more worried about19:15
dobeymterry: thanks :)19:15
mterrydobey, so I see that ralsina is usually the distro acceptance person for U1 stuff?19:18
dobeymterry: huh?19:20
mterrydobey, I looked at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuEngineering/12.04/UpstreamDevelopment/ProjectTracking19:21
mterrydobey, I'm not sure in this new Acceptance Criteria world, but maybe this has to go through ralsina?19:22
dobeymterry: i don't really know what that page means19:23
mterrydobey, ah, well in an attempt to make precise work all the time, so that teams don't block other teams from getting their work done, there is a renewed focus on automated and manual tests, as well as people responsible for signing off that an upstream is good test-wise and that a given release is ready to enter the distro19:24
dobeymterry: right; so, these releases are also off a stable-3-0 branch, which we only backport things too after they've been tested in trunk19:26
mterrydobey, right.  so you as upstream are signing off on them.  but distro also has a sign off step, owned by ralsina19:27
dobeymterry: what does it mean to sign off on something there?19:28
dobeymterry: ralsina, not having upload priveleges to any of the packages, probably doesn't make sense to be that person, either, does he?19:29
mterrydobey, it means to run the automated tests again in a 12.04 environment and run some (manual or automatic) integration tests19:30
mterrydobey, as for ralsina being appropriate, I don't know.  Let me see who put ralsina down...19:31
dobeyi think it was joshua; but i think someone told him we need to have our projects on that page, and that was all he was told19:31
mterrydobey, yeah joshua19:33
mterrydobey, who normally helps with the reviews/packaging?  kenvandine?19:36
dobeyken, seb19:36
dobeywell, so; that's also going to change in the next few weeks; i am going to propose a new delegated team for the u1 packages, so we don't have to go hunt people down to sponsor our packages all the time19:37
micahgdobey: you actually want a packageset, I need to fix that wiki page19:39
dobeyyes, and i think a team to own the packageset, no?19:40
micahgall managed packagesets have associated teams now to make adding people easier, but that's an implementation detail19:41
dobeyright, and the wiki seems to call the combination "delegated team"19:41
micahgthen people can apply for upload rights to the packageset and we just add them to the associated team (but the team part isn't something non-DMB members should really have to worry about)19:41
micahgdobey: right, I think that's wrong, a delegated team is something like ubuntu-desktop that can approve uploaders on their own19:42
dobeywell the wiki says it can go either way19:43
micahgright, I need to fix the wiki :), maybe during vacation19:43
dobeyback to the problem at hand19:44
dobeymterry: i guess i can sign off on them, en absentee for ralsina? :)19:44
mterrydobey, probs not  :)  I can send an email to Jason and cc you to try to find someone else since ralsina can't upload the packages19:46
mterrydobey, the whole point of this is to avoid doing things like cowboying packages in on Fridays before holidays  ;)19:48
dobeysome of them were proposed on tuesday :(19:48
dobeyand we will have a release day on jan 3, as well; the day we all return from holiday19:49
mterrydobey, well since we apparently don't have a distro person to sign off on it, it could have been proposed a month ago and still blocked on distro readiness19:49
dobeywhich is entirely crap, if you are going to have releases every 2 weeks :)19:50
dobeykenvandine: ^^ sign off on it. you know you want to. it's all good. :)19:50
mterrydobey, releases every 2 weeks is fine!  you just need to find an actual distro-readiness owner19:50
dobeyme! :)19:51
mterryuntil that happens, no ubuntuone releases can enter the archive19:51
mterrydobey, you're the upstream owner19:51
dobeymterry: ken is listed in all 3 columns for gwibber19:51
dobeyand pittin in all 3 for jockey…19:51
mterrydobey, yar, it's a sliding scale of importance and disruptiveness.  Talk to managers if you want to argue about this19:52
dobeyi just want to get the packages in. heck, pretty much all the changes in ubuntuone-client-gnome and libubuntuone, are in precise already anyway :(19:53
mterrydobey, ?  then what're the merges for?19:53
dobeythe only things that aren't really, are being regenerated with new autotools, adding a -Wno-error=, and version bump.19:53
dobeymterry: new releases since the patches are included upstream now. and to get us in the habit of having bi-weekly releases19:54
dobeymterry: there are most likely going to be little to no changes in everything for our releases on jan 3, but we want to build the habit of timed releases, regardless19:55
dobeywe even have milestones on the stable branches for all our releases all the way up to final freeze :(19:55
mterrydobey, this is all good stuff.  I'm just saying that distro has a new acceptance process and I don't want to short circuit it19:56
kenvandinemterry, preach it brother!19:57
dobeyi don't either, but i don't want to make worthless releases that users can't test, for 6 weeks, while we try to figure out what the wiki page means. i'm not trying to argue about it, either; but i've spent 3 days this week doing basically nothing but releases. :-/19:58
mterrykenvandine, do you know who was expected to be the distro sign-off'er for U1 stuff?  Is it you?20:00
dobeyi know rick has been assigning some bugs to kenvandine when we landed some fixes in trunk, to put them in ubuntu20:01
kenvandineprobably me20:03
dobeykenvandine: can you sign off on the uploads, please?20:07
kenvandinei would rather not on friday before everyone goes away for a week...20:08
kenvandineany important fixes?20:08
kenvandinehow risky?20:08
kenvandinedobey, i thought you were going to propose them to me yesterday?20:08
dobeykenvandine: did i not link you to them? and you said you were really busy as well20:09
kenvandinedobey, no... no links20:09
dobeyi think the risk is quite low20:09
kenvandinei might not have been able to get to it then either20:09
* kenvandine reads scrollback for links20:10
dobeyi can re-paste20:10
dobeyalso have a new package 'dirspec', and an ubuntuone-dev-tools which depends on it20:11
dobeyhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/907888 is the bug for dirspec with the files; i don't know if Laney approved/uploaded it though.20:12
ubot2Launchpad bug 907888 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] dirspec" [High,In progress]20:12
dobeyhttps://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/ubuntu/oneiric/ubuntuone-dev-tools/release-020/+merge/75196 is the dev-tools that depends on it20:12
kenvandinemterry, the distro signoff person has to be someone from platform right?20:13
dobeyerr, no that isn't20:14
mterrykenvandine, I assume20:14
dobeystupid firefox history20:14
dobeyhttps://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/ubuntu/precise/ubuntuone-client-gnome/release-2-99-0/+merge/86488 is the dev-tools merge20:15
kenvandinedobey, how important is the new package?20:15
dobeykenvandine: very; we need to MIR it, and get it on the CD, as we'll be switching all the ubuntuone python code to use it20:15
dobeyinstead of python-xdg, which is unmaintained and not cross-platform20:16
dobeyand in a few weeks, i'll probably write up a post strongly suggesting other python projects which depend on python-xdg currently, to switch to it20:17
kenvandinedobey, are you going to be checking in on irc or checking email next week?20:17
micahgdobey: you do realize there are other rdepends of python-xdg in main, right?20:17
dobeykenvandine: yes20:17
kenvandinedobey, i'll review them today and upload them on monday20:18
dobeymicahg: yes. and all of them need to move off of it i think; and when i think dirspec is ready for them to do that, i will be strongly suggesting it. :)20:18
kenvandineat least then if we need to scramble to fix the distro it isn't on christmas day :)20:18
dobeywe won't need to scramble to fix the distro :(20:18
kenvandinedobey, famous last words20:19
kenvandinei seem to recall ted saying that about dbusmenu once on a friday20:19
micahgdobey: also, anything cross-distro should really be done through freedesktop.org as pyxdg is20:19
kenvandinethat was no fun20:19
dobeymicahg: freedesktop.org is a royal waste of time.20:19
kenvandinedobey, i am sure everything will be fine... but we don't like to go all john wayne on our users :)20:20
dobeychicken ;)20:24
dobeyor should i say…20:24
dobey"What are ya? Yeller?"20:24
Laneydobey: no I did not. Perhaps tomorrow if you still need it.20:27
Laneykeep the bug status updated or something20:27
kenvandinedobey, most of the control panel changes are to the qt code20:27
dobeykenvandine: right, which isn't even packaged in ubuntu yet :)20:29
kenvandinelowers the risk20:30
kenvandinepoor gtk20:30
dobeyright, which is why i say this stuff is all pretty low risk. :)20:31
kenvandinedobey, ubuntuone-client-gnome FTBFS20:33
kenvandinethe patches need to be removed20:33
dobeyeh, didn't i do that? grr20:33
kenvandinewhich worries me a bit.. makes me wonder if you even tested it :)20:33
dobeyhrmm; i wonder why they didn't conflict when i did merge-upstream. that is weird20:36
dobeythe whole "3.0 (quilt)" having auto-applied patches is very confusing :(20:36
kenvandinedobey, also in libubuntuone you should add changelog entries for the debian/control changes20:37
micahgdobey: I don't believe that's the case anymore with dpkg 1.16.120:38
dobeymicahg: you mean it doesn't pre-apply them any more?20:39
kenvandinedobey, i commented on those in the merge proposals20:40
micahgdobey: oh, wait, I guess it does in the source upload and then unapplies them locally20:40
kenvandinelet me know when it is fixed and i'll look again20:40
dobeykenvandine: ubuntuone-client-gnome should be fixed now20:40
kenvandinedobey, thx20:40
micahgoh, hmm, not sure if that's right either :0/, that could only be with the option to not apply patches by default20:42
dobeymicahg: see. confusing.20:42
dobeykenvandine: and libu1 fixed as well20:43
kenvandinedobey, ok... these are REALLY  low risk changes... i'll test locally and if all goes well i'll upload them20:47
kenvandineif they break, i'll hunt you down :)20:47
kenvandinedobey, i am not going to do dirspec now though20:48
kenvandinei have other stuff i really want to finish before the break20:48
dobeykenvandine: thanks much20:50
kenvandinedobey, are you staying in VA for the holiday?20:50
* kenvandine can't believe he just turned on the air conditioning20:50
dobeykenvandine: yeah, am not going anywhere20:51
kenvandinetoo warm for christmas!20:51
dobeymaybe will go out to the garage some, or to the pub; but that's about it :)20:51
micahgthat would be a welcome change from the 30s in Chicago :)20:52
dobeynot too warm here20:53
dobeyjust a bit warmer, and it would be perfect20:54
kenvandinedobey, control panel fail...20:58
kenvandine    from ubuntuone.controlpanel.utils import (ERROR_TYPE, ERROR_MESSAGE,20:59
kenvandineImportError: No module named utils20:59
kenvandinedobey, fix debian/python-ubuntuone-control-panel.install21:00
dobeykenvandine: that's nessita's branch and she's already on holiday. :-/21:02
kenvandineok, i'll fix it21:02
kenvandinemicahg, it is 74 here...21:07
micahgwell, i'm wearing a short sleeve shirt :)21:07
kenvandinei guess i should enjoy it before going to budapest in january, that is going to be cold!21:07
* micahg wishes for 74 again21:07
kenvandinemicahg, i am wearing flip flops :)21:08
micahgkenvandine: cold like Chicago :)21:08
Nafallokenvandine: ooh. you got a weather forecast? :-)21:08
kenvandineNafallo, no... but everyone keeps asking me if i am crazy for going to budapest in january21:10
kenvandinethat can't be good21:10
Nafallokenvandine: pfff, just tell them you're going to Budapest... not Lulea in north Sweden ;-)21:11
Nafallo(where facebook is building weathercooled DCs :-)21:12
dobeyi am glad i am not going to budapest :)21:14
kenvandinedobey, ubuntuone-client-gnome is causing nautilus to crash21:15
dobeyworks ok here21:17
kenvandinecrashes on both of my precise boxes21:17
kenvandinedobey, stacktrace coming21:17
dobeymy precise laptop actually locked up hard while doing an apt-get upgrade last night. :(21:17
dobeyi haven't turned it back on yet, though21:18
dobeythe older version crashed it on precise though, after the glib update to 2.3121:24
kenvandinedobey, bug 90826121:24
ubot2Launchpad bug 908261 in ubuntuone-client-gnome "nautilus crashed with SIGSEGV in g_closure_invoke()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90826121:24
kenvandineit did?21:25
kenvandinenever for me...21:25
dobeyyeah, because there was a bug in the .convert; at least g-s-d crashed because of it, i thought nautilus did too21:25
kenvandineactually, in  a fresh session it doesn't crash until i browse to the ~/Ubuntu One directory21:26
kenvandinegsd is crashing as well21:26
kenvandineapport isn't catching it though21:26
kenvandineonce i browse to my Ubuntu One directory, it crashes everytime i start nautilus back up21:26
kenvandineuntil i logout21:26
dobeyam doing dpkg --configure -a on laptop right now21:28
dobeythe software-center postinst is evil21:28
dobeymy hdd light is going crazy, for an absurdly long period of time :(21:28
dobeydid something change in nautilus recently?21:29
dobeylaptop updated21:32
kenvandinedobey, downgrading libsyncdaemon-1.0-1 to 2.0.0-0ubuntu4 fixed it21:32
dobeyhuh, no crash here21:34
dobeyand nothing has changed in libsyncdaemon, so that is weird21:34
dobeyi am on 32 bit though21:34
dobeyoh now it's crashed21:34
dobeythat took a while21:34
kenvandineit crashes once i browse to a shared folder21:35
kenvandineok... i updated the bug to ubuntuone-client21:36
kenvandineuploading this now21:36
kenvandinedobey, kind of weird that libubuntuone has a build dep on libsyncdaemon-1.0-dev (>= 2.99.0) but not a depends21:37
dobeycome on apport retracer21:37
kenvandinei guess i just haven't browsed a shared folder in a while21:37
kenvandineso not a new bug21:37
dobeywell, i'm sure plenty of people do21:38
dobeykenvandine: hrmm; i just updated the existing version numbers to the new ones in the control file21:39
kenvandineyeah, but maybe it doesn't really depend on the newer version21:40
dobeyoh, actually a bit of libsyncdaemon did change, but it was only the part that talks to SSO, because there was an api change in ubuntu-sso-client21:42
dobeyso it does need that to work with the new ubuntu-sso-client in precise21:42
dobeyah well21:42
dobeynow this nautilus crash has upset me :(21:43
kenvandinedobey, all uploaded21:44
kenvandineif you get a patch for libsyncdaemon, let me know :)21:44
kenvandinenow that i know that is crashing, it is bugging me too21:45
dobeymeh, apport doesn't auto-attach relevant xsession-errors bits21:48
dobeykenvandine: are you coming to VA next week? or working? or just staying at home?21:54
kenvandinestaying home21:56
dobeywhy isn't it crashing on oneiric. bah22:00
dobeyfml it is surprisingly hard to find swordfish here, without having to drive 20-30 miles.22:21
Nafallodobey: apt-cache show swordfish22:25
dobeyoh well; day is done, it is.23:03

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