
ColonelPanikque pasa?01:02
n0wjegood morning15:41
n0wjeHow are you?16:02
ColonelPanikGood, always good.16:02
n0wjegreat it is cold today!16:02
ColonelPanikYes, we need to go to Grants but many roads are closed.  Maybe Sunday?16:03
n0wjeAre they closed? I haven't been watching the news.16:04
ColonelPanikParts of I25 and I40 for sure.  US60 mostly closed.  http://nmroads.com16:06
n0wjeyes went to it, but the website is different.16:07
n0wjelooks like a mobile app.16:08
mneptoknmroads.com versus m.nmroads.com16:10
ColonelPanikOr you can just drive out and see for yourself?16:10
mneptokor stay in and not think about it ;)16:11
n0wjeha ha! no I rather stay nice and safe here in the house.16:11
ColonelPanikGot places to go and things to do, my dear wife has taken a new job in Grants and we need to get her set up there.  Starts first week in Jan.16:12
mneptokwill the homestead be moved, as well?16:15
mneptoktoo nosy?16:15
ColonelPanikWell, I am still working on our present house, finish and sell is the plan.  Mrs. Panik will get something cheap to start and then............?16:16
ColonelPanikIf anyone would like to purchase a small house in Portales, Gnu Mexico just drop em a line.16:17
ColonelPanikI also have a nice Louisiana acre of prime swamp land with a mobile home, 40 miles from NO.  Cheap, very cheap.  Did I mention CHEAP?16:19
mneptokit's above water at LEAST 4 months per year!16:23
mneptokColonelPanik: for both Portland and ABQ moves, woowoo and i rented before buying. get Mrs. Panik into a nice apartment with a 6 month lease, and start watching the market in Grants.16:24
mneptokor rent a house.16:24
ColonelPanikLittle soft part of the year, yeah.16:24
ColonelPanikmneptok, yes and we have not done that and the job ends and we are stuck with property/mortgage.16:25
ColonelPanikThinking about a camper at a place that charges $120/month.16:26
mneptokoh. i thought this career change was a known permanent deal16:26
ColonelPanikLad, so did we but ENMU does not play nice (they are dumping tenured profs)  think Wal-Mart, a few bosses and tons of part timers.  I would not want my degree to be from Wal-School.16:28
ColonelPanikWhere Nancy is going now should be her last deployment.  Should.16:29
n0wjehave a great Christmas and a good new year I got to take care of things outside.17:04
ColonelPanikYou too.17:04
mneptokColonelPanik: tenure was always more of a guarantee of intellectual freedoms than a job. but the two go hand-in-hand so closely ...17:50
mneptokat least in my mind it was. they couldn't fire you if they didn't like what you said. big deal being a Buddhist at The Catholic University Of America. ;)17:51
mneptokactually, i realized i was a Buddhist while at CUA. says a lot for the the U as well as protection of academic freedoms.17:51
ColonelPanik"Protection of Academic Freedoms"  Thats a great concept but not in this country.19:28

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