
=== gord is now known as Guest78166
ubottualmoxarife called the ops in #ubuntu ()07:35
=== mrmist is now known as mrmistletoe
ubottuIn #ubuntu, mcbaine1 said: ubottu::  respect is earned not subjegated.13:36
pangolinhe's running 12.04 is my guess16:28
pangolinif he would be honest it would be easier to try and help16:29
mneptokpreach it, Brother Pangolin16:32
* mneptok sways16:32
pangolintakes time to edit a pastebin16:32
pangolinI think vikash gave up on us16:38
mneptokor trying a new editor and learning the commands.16:39
pangolinI posted it on the internet. GO HUNTING!16:40
mneptok"you know where it is. don't play dumb with me, mister."16:40
pangolinlet me get my night vision googles16:41
pangolinyes I meant googles :P16:41
* mneptok flicks pangolin's nose ... *bing*16:42
* jussi bans pangolin16:43
* mneptok ducks and ducks, but has to go16:43
jussigo have christmas you mad thing16:43
pangolinjussi: this is my Christmas :/16:44
jussi/abrn pangolin16:44
pangolinI'll appeal to the new CC16:45
jussido it!16:45
jussi :PE16:45
mneptokjussi: please don't chew and talk at the same time16:45
pangolinI should get off here, I got some foods to prepare16:46
jussimneptok: shaddup - isnt your wife waiting for you?16:46
mneptokthere's a something i wanted to paste earlier that would be even better now. but not on such channels as this.16:47
* jussi bans mneptok for thinking dirty...16:48
pangolin/join #dirtytok16:48
pangolinnow we need to change channel16:48
Flannelrussian roulette linux18:04
Seveasin #ubuntu Kal-zakath is being annoying20:10
ubottuSeveas called the ops in #ubuntu (Sporty is spamming)20:17
ubottuIn #ubuntu, kkuno said: !list is another useful commmand20:24
h00k!guidelines > Kal_Zakath_20:28
* mneptok slides h00k a fire-rimmed halo of fury20:29
h00kwoo hoo20:29
h00kthere we go.20:30
h00kthat was easy.20:30
mneptokand since genii-around is not, i'll go get *myself* a beverage20:30
Kal_Zakath_I have to talk here about dutch language20:30
Kal_Zakath_that's the guideline20:30
pangolinracism is not acceptable20:30
pangolinhave a happy holiday.20:31
Kal_Zakath_mneptok: I have some whisky20:31
Kal_Zakath_and coke20:31
h00kKal_Zakath_: Have you come in here to discuss your conduct? If not, why don't you give it three weeks before we talk about it again.20:31
Kal_Zakath_with a few ice cubes20:31
mneptokKal_Zakath_: excellent, and enjoy it while watching the daily automobile accident that is #ubuntu-offtopic ;)20:31
Kal_Zakath_in fact20:32
Kal_Zakath_I'm a poor ojne20:32
Kal_Zakath_My wife and my son are away20:32
Kal_Zakath_on Xmas20:32
h00kKal_Zakath_: is that a no?20:32
Kal_Zakath_she's in her familiy in france20:32
Kal_Zakath_she will come back on 28th20:32
mneptokKal_Zakath_: so chat peacably with others, and follow guidelines20:32
Kal_Zakath_but until that I'm alone at home20:33
Kal_Zakath_so I drink alchool20:33
mneptokKal_Zakath_: peut-etre #ubuntu-fr ou #ubuntu-be?20:33
Kal_Zakath_being drunk is bad20:33
h00kKal_Zakath_: please come back when you're willing to discuss your conduct.20:33
Kal_Zakath_I don't speak fench20:33
mneptokKal_Zakath_: this channel is only for discussing channel issues. not your personal life.20:33
* mneptok slides h00k a fire-rimmed halo of fury20:33
mneptokgod i love irssi history20:34
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang

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