
MarkDudeakk, you ok with your pics from release party being included in Fedora Foundations video?18:18
akkSure, MarkDude18:19
MarkDudeI know D is ok with it, and assume you are also18:19
MarkDudeI had another question18:19
MarkDudeWHAT would be the most helpful thing for GIMP, as far as progressing the project?18:20
MarkDudeI see GIMP as one of the last great needs of FOSS18:20
akkIt needs volunteers -- but volunteering is tricky. As with a lot of projects, there are lots of rules about what can/can't be done18:20
akkand who can get involved where18:20
akk(much like ubuntu or any big project).18:21
MarkDudeIS there any effort from say Ubuntu and Fedora and others?18:21
akkeffort from the distros to contribute to gimp? No.18:21
MarkDudeI mean, most Distros should see GIMP as needed to be helped18:21
MarkDudeNot to be evil, but I have been using CS518:22
akkI get the impression ubuntu sees gimp as sort of an annoyance (dropping it from the release). Not sure about fedora.18:22
MarkDudeThe program is great (and evil)18:22
MarkDudeWell Fedora could get behind it more18:22
pleia2it's a huge annoyance to new uses who go to support forums to complain about how hard it is to use18:23
MarkDudeI figure Ubuntu could get into an easier to use, more streamlined version18:23
pleia2"normal" people want MS Paint, not Photoshop :\18:23
akkUnfortunately, anything that involves changing the UI in any way is a huge pile of worms and it's not likely someone new to the project would change anything.18:23
akkTrue enough, pleia2 -- gimp (and PS too) are advanced tools, and very hard for a beginner to use.18:24
akkMarkDude: This would actually be a relatively good time for new developers to get involved with gimp.18:25
akkMarkDude: For a long time the project was kind of hostile, but most of that element has moved on.18:25
akk(It's still intimidating and full of rules, not something I'd recommend to a newbie, but an experienced dev could get involved without getting insulted or abused much.)18:26
* MarkDude sees this as sumthin' that goes beyond any one Distro18:30
MarkDudepleia2, normal folks want sumthin like maint.net18:30
MarkDudeMS paint is horrible18:30
MarkDudeI think they allow jpgs now, but defaults to bmp18:31
akkI've been hearing a lot about mypaint, keep meaning to try it.18:31
akkIt's apparently pretty easy to get started with.18:31
MarkDudethe underlying structure and parts of GIMP could be used for sumthin slightly powerful18:31
MarkDudePeople could get into simple *actions* onb GIMP18:32
MarkDudeif they had them18:32
MarkDudeFilters where you hit PLAY, and then fine tune18:32
akkThat will supposedly become easier as gegl becomes more integrated18:33
akkthough someone already made a plug-in even without gegl that does that18:33
akkbut apparently it requires a lot of maintenance, because its list of actions isn't automatically generated from the gimp src.18:33
akkThat's another thing I've been wanting to look into.18:34
MarkDudeOk, thats why I asked you18:34
akkYou can already write scripts (and could easily make a gui for it) to play gegl actions ... but mentally mapping gimp operations to gegl actions isn't something people quite grok yet (including me, must remedy that soon).18:35
akkI expect I'll be learning a lot more about that over the next 6 months (3rd edition probably actually happening!)18:35
akkand giving talks on gegl scripting next year.18:35
MarkDudeOk, so high on the list would be mapping *or creating represntation * of gegl?18:39
MarkDudeTo help see it, then the loose ends would more likely be able to be addressed18:39
philipballewpleia2, pm for a quick question?18:40
akkMarkDude: Actually, yes, that would probably be a good place for someone to get involved.18:40
akkMarkDude: It could be done at least mostly as a plug-in, so it wouldn't need a lot of buy-in from the gimp core planners.18:41
MarkDudeSo GIMP forums would be the place to go?18:41
akkMarkDude: And the gegl dev (pippin) is in favor of tools like that.18:41
akkMarkDude: yes, #gimp and/or #gegl on gimpnet -- probably start with #gimp.18:41
akkDuring European hours.18:41
MarkDudeAh, makes sense18:41
* MarkDude just sees there are so many great parts and pieces with GIMP18:42
MarkDudeand it still does some really cool stuff that even CS5 does not18:42
MarkDudeI had a friend tell me I would burn in hell for using CS518:43
MarkDudeThey are maybe correct. At least my using Win 7 could do that18:43
akkThat might be a little extreme. :)18:44
MarkDudeTake a look at some of the zombie pics later, if you could18:50
MarkDudeI am getting mixed reviews18:50
MarkDudehmmm, I did not have you on comic list on FB, added you. I can remove you if you like18:51
MarkDudepleia2, opted out of that list. UW folks are interested about 50% of the time18:52
pleia2philipballew: sure18:57
akkI never see FB lists anyway ... never figured out how those work.18:59
MarkDudeakk, they are awesome18:59
akkI stopped having time to check FB and G+ when I started the ML class18:59
* MarkDude realized only a few people cared about Jono and his metal18:59
akkand now it's over but I have tons of other stuff to do (fun hacking projects)18:59
MarkDudeSo I created a rock list19:00
MarkDudeand post loud music to that19:00
MarkDudeI have a comic list, since go figure, some folks dont want to see zombie stuff19:00
MarkDudeI also have a short list of people that I care most about their updates19:01
MarkDudeA list like that for you would be good19:01
* akk needs to get her head out of this interesting HTML simplification project and back to work on my cool SCALE demo19:01
MarkDudeWe care most about just a few people19:01
akkThese FB lists basically just control who sees your updates, and then people see them if they're regularly checking their FB streams?19:01
MarkDudemaking HTML simple? Whats your demo19:02
MarkDudewell lists are two fold19:02
MarkDudeI use it mostly to publish to specific people19:02
* MarkDude overshares, and people complained19:02
akkMarkDude: My demo involves a cool robot project controlled from my laptop, and I don't want to go into too much detail ahead of time19:02
MarkDudeI do have 2-3 lists of people that are most interesting19:03
akkI hope to demo it live at my SCALE talk (Sunday afternoon) assuming I can get it working reliably enough.19:03
MarkDudea tech list19:03
MarkDudejust my tech friends19:03
MarkDudeThey usually dont have crapville requests19:03
MarkDudeWhich, by blocking most apps, my feede is now sorta useful19:03
akkI always blocked apps. But it's still a hassle to have to go there several times a day, and try to remember which updates I've seen before and which I haven't.19:06
akkIt's a very inefficient model for keeping up with anyone, and I found it took too much time.19:06
MarkDudeif you had a tech list, close friend list, and maybe one more19:07
MarkDudefor family19:07
MarkDudeJust dont have people on two or more lists19:07
MarkDudeYou dont see the same stuff19:08
akkMaybe they've finally changed that. They used to show things out of order, so every time I checked, there would be some new stuff and some old stuff.19:08
MarkDudeI check my family list every so often, and dont miss stuff, and dont see the same stuff again19:08
akkThey'd try to bubble "popular" things and things that had recent replies up higher in the list.19:08
MarkDudewith good lists19:08
MarkDudeYes, it places us FB whores on top of feed19:09
akkIf I checked once a day on every web forum (incl. FB and G+) that interests me, I'd do nothing else but check websites.19:09
MarkDudeNot so good, just because all sorts of idiots wrote about it- does NOT make it interesting19:09
akkI wish it had a push model, where it would just send me the new stuff since the last update.19:09
akkYou know, like email. :)19:09
MarkDudeWhen you have recent 1st checked19:09
MarkDudeyou can do that, I can check the interersting stuff in a few minutes, with lists19:10
* MarkDude will wroite a post on this, FB is more useful for me now19:11
akkI'd like to read your post (please announce it somewhere other than FB, so people who need to read it will see it :)19:11
MarkDudeI can do that19:12
akkwill try to remember to look later ... not sure I even have my FB profile set up on this machine19:13
MarkDudeAnd not gross ones either, I had a few folks complain, mine are old skool mind control zombies, like with voodoo19:13
akkand that's members only, can't see it w/o a FB account19:13
MarkDudeYep, well some folks prefer to not see them.19:13
MarkDudeI am putting some on picasa to make it easier19:14
MarkDudeoh, before I go, I salute your soon-to-be supybot overlord you are making19:15
MarkDudeakk,  did any of your berries get killed by frost?20:06
MarkDudeOne of my plants did, the rest are fine20:07
MarkDudeOne had the tips die20:07
akkNot sure yet -- it was okay (a little brown) when I left.20:07
akkI gave it a lot of water beforehand, hoping that helps (supposedly it does).20:08
MarkDudeYep , I think the one that died lacked water before20:16
MarkDudeSo it was not happy20:16

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