
edbianmadsen, and releases are always 6 months apart, so every april and october00:00
bobdobbsSeveas: I see00:00
edbianbobdobbs, Not always.  But typically00:00
Seveasedbian, they're not always 6 months apart.00:00
bobdobbsedbian: ok00:00
SeveasThe first LTS release had a 6-week delay and became 6.0600:00
edbianSeveas, I never knew that!00:01
bobdobbsedbian: Seveas: and banshee has picked up the iphone as well.00:01
xubuntuany way of waking a sleeping computer via ssh?00:01
shareHello. I need help enabling VDPAU in Adobe Flash player. I am using Ubuntu 10.10 32bit - Firefox 9.0.1 - Adobe Flash 11.1 r10200:01
edbianwell since 6.06 they're always 6 months apart00:01
edbianbobdobbs, glad to hear it! :)00:01
shareI have tried adding EnableLinuxHWVideoDecode=1 to ./adobe/mms.cfg00:01
Seveasedbian, since 6.1000:02
bobdobbsedbian: much thanks00:02
edbianSeveas, :P00:02
Seveas(there's 4 months between 6.06 and 6.10 :P)00:02
xubuntuany way of waking a sleeping computer via ssh? or some sort of remote way?00:02
shareHardware Acceleration is also enabled in Firefox and Adobe Flash.00:02
edbianyeah yeah00:02
Seveasxubuntu, google for wake-on-lan and hope your network card/motherboard support it00:02
xubuntuthanks seveas will do!00:02
edbianwill wake on lan wake a sleeping computer?  I thought it would only work on a powered off computer00:03
Seveashmm, you have a point00:03
SeveasI'd say test it :)00:03
Seveas(I've never needed or used wake on lan)00:03
xubuntui just don't want my laptop running all the time is all00:03
Seveasxubuntu, is it connected via wifi? If so, then there's no way00:04
aguitelhow install old kernel in 11.10 ?00:04
xubuntuyes it's wifi so it can't be done via wake on lan? thanks for your hELP!!!00:04
xubuntui guess i could just make it hardwired and try that00:05
Seveasaguitel, that's not really recommended. But you could grab the older packages from archive.ubuntu.com00:05
xubuntuthanks again seveaS!00:05
madsenlftp: invalid option -- 'f'00:05
hamedllo i am trying to install xampp but i can't copy the folder to /opt although i can copy it in any other place sorry any one here or not00:05
Seveashamed, don't use xampp.00:06
Seveas!lamp | hamed00:06
ubottuhamed: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)00:06
rbarredaUbuntu 11.10 sony vaio vgc-js110j00:07
aguitelSeveas, kernel serie 3.x break my system00:07
Seveasaguitel, what's broken?00:07
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aguitelSeveas, freeze my system in gnome or lxde00:08
hamedhamed@hamed:~$ sudo apt-get install tasksel00:08
hamedReading package lists... Done00:08
hamedBuilding dependency tree00:08
hamedReading state information... Done00:08
hamedE: Unable to locate package tasksel00:08
FloodBot1hamed: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:08
hamedhamed@hamed:~$ ^C00:08
_rb_installed ubuntu 11.10 on a sony vaio all in one pc. Don't matter what resolution I use right side of the screen is still blank00:08
hamedhamed@hamed:~$ sudo apt-get install tasksel   Reading package lists... Done    Building dependency tree  Reading state information... Done Unable to locate package tasksel00:09
Skummelhamed, there isn't a taskel package in the repository00:10
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Skummelatleast not in 11.1000:10
SeveasSkummel, there is.00:10
hamedso what can i do this is the first command and the link you write to me00:11
Seveashamed, tasksel is installed by default, just run it00:12
hamedThe program 'tasksel' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:00:12
hamedsudo apt-get install tasksel00:13
hamedE: Unable to locate package tasksel00:13
Seveashamed, you've messed up your system a bit I see00:13
trismhamed: have you apt-get update yet?00:13
Seveaspastebin your sources.list00:13
jcmarinido you think that it is hardware or software that is not recognising a blank dvd in burner?00:13
trismhamed: it is in main, so there is no reason it shouldn't find it00:14
trismhamed: sudo apt-get update;00:14
Skummelbleh, i mistyped the package name. that explains it00:14
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aguitelSeveas, how use archive.ubuntu.com to install old kernel ?00:14
Seveasaguitel, browse to it, into pool/l/ and find the relevant linux-image and linux-restricted-module packages00:15
EvilResistanceaguitel:  you're asking for Precise arent you?  (I saw your messages in the #ubuntu+1 channel)00:15
aguitelEvilResistance, yes00:16
SeveasEvilResistance, it's quiet in here, no need to send the mad ones away :)00:16
aguitelEvilResistance, serie 3.x freeze my system00:16
EvilResistanceSeveas: i dont think the older kernels are available for Precise, hence my message00:16
SeveasEvilResistance, you can always manually install older packages00:17
Seveasit's not recommended, but hey00:17
Seveas♪ I see trees of green, red roses too ♫00:17
jcmarinido you think that it is hardware or software that doesn't see a blank dvd in my cdrom burner00:20
Seveasjcmarini, it's the fact that you put a *dvd* in a *cd* burner00:20
jcmarinimy cd rom is a dvd burner... sorry00:21
Seveasin that case it's a hardware issue00:21
jcmarinithanks comrade00:22
Tech-1does it see a normal DVD ?00:22
nac4ldoes mysql just not work on lucid or what?  ERROR 2002 (HY000)  Completely uninstalled and reinstalled all mysql packages, that didn't work, so I removed all and installed latest binary - that didn't work, did hundreds of otehr solutions online, and they all didn't work.  wtf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!00:22
Seveasnac4l, go easy on the exclamation points00:22
Seveasand start with pastebining the full error00:23
Seveasmysql works just fine on lucid00:23
jcmariniTech-1 yes it recognises movie dvd's music photos files etc looks like the hardware had a moment.. like me00:24
Tech-1then its ok00:24
Flannelnac4l: That error is about not being able to create a lock file.  Check the MySQL error logs for additional information on what's actually going wrong.00:24
_rb_I found some xorg.conf settings that may fix my problem. Does ubuntu 11.10 still support xorg.conf?00:24
Seveashello studentrob00:24
studentrobis there a website that will tell you all the domains registered with a given registrar?00:25
hasenjstarting about a week ago, my laptop can't wake up from suspend anymore, any help?00:25
Seveasstudentrob, no00:25
jcmariniohh software then.. cheers compadre00:25
studentrobSeveas: no you dont know of one or no there definitely isnt one00:25
SuperNoeManhey how to I start a new network inferface00:25
Seveasstudentrob, the latter.00:25
SuperNoeMansuch as eth0, or wlan000:25
studentrobSeveas: whys that00:25
studentrobhow can u be sure00:25
SuperNoeManit's like sudo ifconfig start wlan0 or something right?00:25
Seveasstudentrob, because registrars don't provide that information00:26
Tech-1jcmarini:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount00:26
studentrobSeveas: but whois has it00:26
dorkSuperNoeMan: if you're talking about bringing up an interface from a terminal, no initializing scripts etc, it's: ifconfig eth0 ipaddress/subnet00:26
Tech-1ive had to do that w/blnks sometimes00:26
SuperNoeManah thanks man00:27
dorkdon't forget to set your routes00:27
dorkif needed00:27
Seveasstudentrob, sure, and TLD owners can probably tell you which domains in that TLD a registrar has. They don't though and you'd still need to collect it from all TLD's00:27
Flannelnac4l: You get that error when trying to log into MySQL? or when trying to start it?00:27
jcmariniTech-1 merci gone to help page ciao00:27
SuperNoeMandork: it's saying it doesn't exist00:27
CharminTheMooseI'm using bootcd and a chrooted ubuntu 11.04 install to create a small livecd, when I run the iso image in qemu, bootcdmodprobe fails and dumps me to the busybox CLI. What am I doing wrong?00:27
nac4lwhen tyring to log in.  It doesn't start, it just hangs00:27
dorkSuperNoeMan: you have to replace eth0 with a valid interface00:28
Flannelnac4l: Check to see if your server is running.  I have a suspicion it isn't.00:28
studentrobSeveas: what do you mean collect from the TLDs00:28
nac4lyeah, it won't start, it just hangs00:28
SuperNoeManif config just starts everything. I want a new interface. like one with an arbitrary name00:28
studentrobSeveas: isnt a TLD just the extension like .com .org00:28
Flannelnac4l: Right.  So, that's your real error.  Check your error logs.00:28
dorkSuperNoeMan: so you have 1 real interface right?00:29
Gaming4JCHello All, would anyone know of software for Ubuntu that can do this? http://www.ehow.com/how_5102072_create-pdf-fields.html00:29
Seveasstudentrob, "whois" querys the TLD owner to get registrar information. These TLD owners will tell you "given domain X, this is the info" they won't give you "Given registrar Y, these are all registerered comains"00:29
Owner__what's the best movie making software out there?00:29
Gaming4JCactive PDF field creation :)00:29
nac4lroot@ET1331G-07w:/etc/mysql/conf.d# service mysql start00:29
nac4lmysql start/running00:29
nac4lroot@ET1331G-07w:/etc/mysql/conf.d# mysql -u root -p00:29
nac4lEnter password:00:29
nac4lERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)00:29
FloodBot1nac4l: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:29
Seveasstudentrob, yes, it's the TLD is the extension. Each TLD is owned/managed by a single entity. E.g. verisign manages .com00:30
dorkalright so if eth0 is bound to and you want to add another 'virtual interface' and use eth0 as the parent, you will do ifconfig eth0:1 ipaddress/subnet00:30
Seveasnac4l, pastebin your /etc/my.cnf. You probably made it listen on another socket.00:30
studentrobSeveas: gotcha .. do u think whois.com pays those entities to do the queries?00:30
Seveasstudentrob, neh00:31
dorknac4l: i don't see a pid there, do a ps aux | grep mysql00:31
dorkmake sure it's running00:31
studentrobSeveas: I wonder why/how whois.com has an API that they charge people for if you can just use CLI00:31
Gaming4JCnac4l: you running ocelot? I had to downgrade to maverick in order to get a stable mysql. :(00:31
nac4lyeah, service says it's running, but there is nothing in ps aux...00:32
Seveasstudentrob, they don't seem to charge for whois lookups, just for registration00:32
dorknac4l: check the error log, /var/lib/mysql by default - like Gaming4JC said i have also had a lot of bad experiences with mysql over anything > than natty00:32
studentrobSeveas: o wait.. i was looking at http://whoisxmlapi.com/00:33
dorknac4l: try starting it w/ mysqld_safe00:33
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Gaming4JCAlternative.to Adobe Acrobat Pro = http://www.pdfforge.org/pdfcreator & http://pdfedit.cz/en/screenshots.html ... now to figure out if I can make active fields :D00:38
Gaming4JCI <3 sourceforge...00:38
dork</3 adobe00:39
dork :P00:39
Gaming4JCtrue this :P00:39
Seveasdørk :P00:40
jcmariniseveas sorry i don't explain very well-  i'm gone to documentation page Ubuntu. thanks00:41
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SuperNoeManhey dork: I'm back00:47
SuperNoeManwhen you wrote what you did above, did you mean ifconfig <interface>:number ipaddress00:48
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SuperNoeMandid you mean private ip, or external ip00:49
dorkwhat is the ip address and subnet you are trying to bind to an interface00:49
dorkwell it depends on what you are trying to do00:49
cypher-neoI'm having some trouble with GNOME Shell freezing up when I type in the Search box looking for a program. Is there some way to refresh it's program list?00:49
cypher-neoMake it so it doesn't lag on a search or crash?00:49
dorkcypher-neo: you sure that's the problem?00:50
dorkchecked the logs etc to see what is culpable of the failure?00:50
SuperNoeManI just want another interface on a different private address than what my current default has00:50
cypher-neodork, Not sure... but it only seems to do that when I'm typing in the Search box.00:50
dorkSuperNoeMan: do you want to replace the current ip bound to that interface or change it?00:50
cypher-neodork, I suppose it could be a problem with searching files as well, since both are supposed to be indexed.00:51
cypher-neodork, What else could it be?00:51
dorkcypher-neo: hard to say but the logs will tell, just gotta check em when the problem occurs and see what sort of events are seen00:51
cypher-neodork, Direct me to the log please.00:52
dorkso if you can recreate the problem all the time, tail /var/log/messages and see if you can get any information on what's happening when it crashes00:52
dorkSuperNoeMan: i have to go soon so if you want me to help answer the question bud00:53
SuperNoeMandork: well I guess I don't know what the difference would be00:53
SuperNoeManI just know that when you use airmon-ng you can start a new one, I thought you could do the same thing00:53
SuperNoeManusing ifconfig00:53
dorkwell are you replacing the current cards configuration or are you adding to it?00:53
SuperNoeManI'm adding to it00:54
dorkoh ok00:54
dorksorry i may have mislead you, i was assuming you were talking about real ethernet interfaces00:54
dorkSuperNoeMan: not sure what you're trying to do with your wireless interface though, elaborate on what your goal is00:54
SuperNoeManwell, at least one is real, and it's ok if the other is virtual00:54
SuperNoeManwell, I am running some networking tools, and I thought that I would need to use a different interface to get the particular tool I'm using to work00:55
dorkwhat tools00:55
SuperNoeManso I thought I could just make a new one, like I had when I had used airmon-ng00:55
SuperNoeMannmap-ing tool00:55
SuperNoeManit's a little different though00:55
SuperNoeMananyway, I didn't want my regular internet traffic to interfere, and from what I understand one can use interfaces to separate them, by allowing that particular application to use the virtual interface00:57
|Shay|Any help with this? GDM/Unity seem to be segfaulting recently.00:57
dork|Shay|: use something that doesn't suck as bad as unity00:58
cypher-neodork, Thanks for the help. It was the GNOME Shell theme I was using.00:58
dorknot helpful i know, but that's my offering00:58
cypher-neodork, Apparently it wasn't displaying icons correctly... so the whole thing appeared to freeze up.00:59
|Shay|dork: Yeah, I know. I hate Unity as it is. Picking Gnone fallback session, also segfaults00:59
cypher-neo|Shay|, Try GNOME Shell!00:59
|Shay|cypher-neo: detaisl?01:00
dorkif he's in oneiric he has no choice right?01:00
hamedi installed lamp but i cant copy any thing to www01:00
cypher-neo|Shay|, GNOME Shell is a more intuitive approach to the desktop, similar to Unity but far more customizable and flexible.01:00
cypher-neo|Shay|, To install it and preview, 'sudo apt-get install gnome-shell'01:01
cypher-neo|Shay|, The gnome-shell package is only included in the Oneiric repository though. Earlier distros need a PPA which I can look up if you need.01:01
dpiercehamed: you have to 'get lamp' else youre likely to be eaten by a grue01:02
|Shay|cypher-neo: Thanks! I already thought to do apt-get for it, running 11.1001:02
|Shay|cypher-neo: Will try. Im not home, hence the SSH/01:02
cypher-neo|Shay|, Let me find a link for you. I'll show you a preview of the GNOME Shell running, and some of it's cool features. One sec...01:03
|Shay|cypher-neo: Awesome. Thanks.01:03
cypher-neo|Shay|, Looks something like this http://www.gnome.org/gnome-3/01:04
Deltatashcan someone help me with a graphics issue please, I am using Ubuntu 10.4 LTS01:04
dpierce|Shay|: you could tunnel X through vnc or something if the connection is fast enough. still painfully slow though01:04
Deltatashmy problem is in System > Administration> Hardware Drivers01:04
|Shay|cypher-neo: looks better than Unity01:04
cypher-neo|Shay|, Works better too!01:05
DeltatashI try to activate my Graphics card driver and I get this message01:05
DeltatashSorry, the installation of this driver failed.01:05
DeltatashPlease have a look at the log file for details.: /var/log/jockey.log01:05
|Shay|dpierce: I already can RDP with SSH01:05
cypher-neo|Shay|, I had my FIRST problem about 20 minutes ago, but only because I installed a theme that wasn't compatible. lol01:05
DeltatashI have checked the jockey.log but I have no idea what the error is :s hoping someone a little more experienced can help01:05
hamedyou have to 'get lamp' else youre likely to be eaten by a grue i can't understand01:05
dorkDeltatash: pastebin the log01:06
dorkDeltatash: the last page or so01:06
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cypher-neo|Shay|, If you don't mind joining me in #ubuntu-offtopic I can show you some more pictures, this time of my desktop.01:06
|Shay|cypher-neo: Sure01:06
Deltatashhmm pastebin doesnt seem to be loading :s is the website down ?01:07
studentrobHow crazy would it be to try to lookup the whois record for every single website?01:07
studentroband then update that periodically?01:07
dpiercehamed: a bad (joke) reference to zork01:07
mebigfatguy1studentrob: what would be the point of that... surely no one is going to look at them all01:07
dorkhamed: what's up?01:08
studentrobmebigfatguy1: to track what registrar diff domains are using01:08
hamedi already installed the lamp from tasksel and now try to copy to the folder www01:08
Deltatashhere dork https://gist.github.com/1515849 I had to use another website01:08
_rb_Need to install printer drivers for ubuntu 11.10 and have the choice of rpm or debian. Which should I use?01:09
dorkactually it's pretty commen for registrars to harvest domains based on whois queries only to sell them for a profit01:09
xb_chadHi. I've been working on a setup for a remote control. I am successfully reading incoming keypresses using evrouter, and it works great. The problem is that the keypresses are also being treated as regular keyboard input. Can I somehow make evrouter swallow them, or have X ignore the input device entirely?01:09
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Deltatashdid my link work dork?01:10
dorkxb_chad: not familiar with evrouter but that's a pretty common scenario, did you check the documentation for it?01:10
dorkDeltatash: yep, hold01:10
Deltatashok :)01:10
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xb_chaddork: It doesn't seem to have anything for that. I actually found someone's blog post from ~6 months ago, saying they were having the same problem, but hadn't looked in to it much.01:11
ElemsIs it possible to move an extended partition?01:11
dorkDeltatash: are you able to authenticate with your wireless interface by default?01:11
hamedi think there is a  command to convert www to aplace i can copy any files to it and put shortcut on desktop01:12
dorkor is this a headless box01:12
|Shay|cypher-neo: I imagine I need to reboot to apply things, yes?01:12
Deltatashwhat you mean ? like auto connect?01:12
xb_chaddork: here http://lars.ingebrigtsen.no/2011/04/more-input-devices.html?showComment=1324687145651#c63690499074896654301:12
dorkhamed: you need to set the right permissions01:12
hamedyes dork01:12
hamedyes dork01:12
dorkhamed: that was a statement01:13
Deltatashmy laptop auto connects to the wireless router np if thats what you mean and interent works fine np to01:13
hamedhow can i change permission to /var/www01:14
dorkDeltatash: you can authenticate to APs with your current wireless interface?01:14
ubuntu_lappyAm I in the right place to ask for help installing ubuntu?01:14
mebigfatguy1hamed: sudo chmod ??? /var/www01:14
cypher-neoubuntu_lappy, Yes you are01:15
mebigfatguy1ubuntu_lappy: you'll be the judge of that after asking questions01:15
Deltatashany idea what my problem is dork ? :(01:15
dorkDeltatash: so you're authenticated to the right AP, and you need to add a network to the same interface right?01:16
Deltatashhuh ? yeah im on the right AP there is no other here01:16
Deltatashbut what has the AP got to do with the graphics driver problem not installing :s01:16
cypher-neoubuntu_lappy, What questions do you have?01:16
ElemsIs it possible to move an Ext4 partition?01:16
dorkDeltatash: sorry it's my real life birthday and i amd rinking real life whiskey so trying to remember these problems01:17
ubuntu_lappyOk, I have a laptop with two hard drives.  I want to install ubuntu on the same drive that I have windows 7.  But when choosing partitions in the installer, it only seems to want to install in the other hard drive or erase the hdd with windows and install there.01:17
cypher-neoElems, Yes, possible... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving01:17
dorki should probaby just stop since i am probably a liablility at this point01:17
PeyamPlease help me with this problem http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=189802701:18
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ubuntu_lappyI'm not certain what I'm missing, but is there a way I can resize the windows 7 partition and install ubuntu on that drive?01:18
Deltatashlol np dork01:18
Deltatashhappy birthday btw :P01:19
Deltatashbut basically my problem is I went to System > Administration > Hardware Drivers01:19
DeltatashI chose my ati graphics card and clicked Activate driver it downloaded and apparently installed and said i needed to restart for changes to take effect01:20
urlin2uubuntu_lappy, how many partitions are on the one with W701:20
xb_chaddork. Actually, I see this: To detect and debug this, you can use the xev(1) tool. To block X11 from processing the event, you must remove all keysyms from the offending keycode. Please  see  the01:20
xb_chad       manpage for xmodmap(1) for more information. So I'll start there.01:20
Deltatashi restarted and then the graphics is really choppy like there is no 3D acceleration :s but i go back to hardware drivers and the driver is apparently not installed and it wont let me install it i get this error message01:21
Elemscypher-neo my issue is that I have an extended partition in between two unallocated spaces and I can't seem to move it all the way "to the left" to get the unallocated spaces to combine into one unallocated space01:21
DemonWitchdoes the con-kolivas patched-kernel offer better responsiveness/performance for desktop systems?01:21
_rb_Trying to install a printer driver from a deb package but not taking my password. I think it wants the root password. Solutions?01:21
ubuntu_lappyurlin2u, 2.  One for the OS and one for recovery.01:21
DeltatashSorry, the installation of this driver failed.01:21
DeltatashPlease have a look at the log file for details.: /var/log/jockey.log01:21
urlin2uElems, turn off the swap01:21
Elemsurlin2u even if I'm using paragon partition from the windows installation on this computer?01:22
DeltatashI cant even "disable" it to go back to the open source driver which was working...now im stuck with choppy graphcis that lag when i move windows :/ its so annoying01:22
urlin2uubuntu_lappy, are you sure have you looked at the HD with gparted?01:22
urlin2uElems, not familiar with paragon, does the extended contai?n linux01:23
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ubuntu_lappyurlin2u, no I have not done that.  I just played around with a live usb for a bit before trying to install and then coming on here.  I'll double check with gparted.01:23
Elemsurlin2u yea the extended has ext4 and swap01:23
Deltatashanyone any ideas ? :/ otherwise im left with an almost useless ubuntu system through an error which was from an automatic process by ubuntu I didnt do anything to break it :/01:24
urlin2uubuntu_lappy, look with gparted the limit is 4 primaries or 3 and a extended, you would resize thw windows with its virtual partitoner, and backup everything before hand.01:24
dpiercei finally installed oneiric and its keeping parts of the old gtk theme. plus instead of the regular black background i had, now its lime green. any way to remedy this?01:25
dpierceits quite annoying01:25
Deltatashanyone ? :/01:25
urlin2uElems, I would use gparted from a live cd, when you move the ext4 if you do it will need grub reloaded to the mbr unless you change the fstab to /dev/sdXX rather then a uuid.01:25
_rb_had to set the root password to install a driver. How do I get it back to what it was?01:26
dpierceDeltatash:  are you using nvidia?01:26
Deltatashdo you need to see my jockey.log?01:26
ubuntu_lappyurlin2u, so I would need to resize the windows partition before installing ubuntu?01:26
ubuntu_lappythat's not something the installer can do?01:27
dpiercei cant help you with ati :) but pastebin'n the log wont hurt. give others a chance to figure out what the problem is.01:27
Elemsurlin2u gparted would be able to move my extended partition? I'm not concerned with grub because I got a repair thing on a usb stick I've been using to restore grub. this computer doesn't have a CD drive and I'm short on flash drives so I was hesitant on using gparted01:27
Deltatashok ill link it now01:27
urlin2uubuntu_lappy, if there is no free unallocated space to put a extended in within the partition limits I gave yes.01:28
Deltatashits really just the hardware drivers tool cant load the driver list or something I think so it is stopping me form installing the driver :( i dont know how to fix it01:28
Deltatashanyway ill pastebin now01:28
urlin2uElems, yes always use gparted even for windows except resizing windows. gparted can resize widows but its virtual partitioner is generally recomended.01:28
Deltatashhere you go dpierce https://gist.github.com/151584901:29
ubuntu_lappyurlin2u, Ok, thanks for the help.  I'll install gparted and check it out.  Be back in a few.01:29
urlin2uubuntu_lappy, no problem.01:30
Deltatashpastebin dont seem to load for some reason I think it is down so had to use another site but if you wouldnt mind wpuld be ggreat if you could have a look at that becuase I dont know how to fix it or undo what happened to get back the Open Source driver which worked :(01:30
DeltatashIf i cant fix this ill have to format just to get working graphics..wtf? that is a windows thing lol...01:30
urlin2uubuntu_lappy, just take heed the partition amount, if you exceed it you will make your HD dynamic at best, not a good thing.01:31
qmanjr5I get http://pastebin.com/qLZdbuBH when trying to install gimpressionist. How do I fix this?01:31
ubuntu_lappyurlin2u; ah, it looks like there are 3 partitions already on the drive.  One for the os, one for recovery, and one called DellUtility, which is only 40 megs.01:32
Deltatashany idea ?01:32
urlin2uubuntu_lappy, no boot partition?01:32
Deltatashguess im gonna have to re format ? >.<01:34
urlin2uubuntu_lappy, I suggest gparted to look it is on the live cd, to look at the HD as it will show all of the partitions, the windows partitioner sometimes doesn't.01:34
ubuntu_lappyurlin2u, I'm not sure exactly what a boot partition would be, but Gparted says the three partitions on the disk I want are labeled DellUtility (fat16/40megs), RECOVERY (nfts/15gig), and OS(nfts/450gig)01:34
keithclarkI hope someone can help here.  We just installed a new dual monitor nvidia card on our computer and it worked out great until we tried to enable compiz functionality.  Now I get no menu bar at the top of the screen or the application bar on the left of the screen.  The machine has become useless.  Any way to correct, or just start from scratch?01:34
xanguaqmanjr5: isn't it already incluided¿ http://docs.gimp.org/en/plug-in-gimpressionist.html01:35
Deltatashbrb restarting to try something01:35
rcmaehlHow do I close off port 10000?01:36
urlin2uubuntu_lappy, cool just shrink the one needed come back to ubuntu and put a extended in the unallocated then the ext4 and swap in the extended and do a custom install choosing the other option in the install gui, and point the install at the ext4 and use /as the mount01:36
fokkelrcmaehl, ufw/iptables should be default deny.  So all you have to do to deny it is not allow it.01:37
rcmaehlfor some reason it's allowing data01:37
fokkelrcmaehl, is it a reverse port on an established connection?01:37
fokkelrcmaehl, how do you know it's allowing data?01:38
ubuntu_lappyurlin2u, Ok I'll give that a shot.01:38
rcmaehlgcc's shields up01:38
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots01:38
rcmaehlall other ports I've tested report as stealth01:38
urlin2uubuntu_lappy, you may know some of that already, just making sure. :D01:38
rcmaehlexcept port 1000001:38
fokkelrcmaehl, i know about shields up, but why do you nmap it from another machine?  can you do that?01:38
fokkelrcmaehl, sorry i meant why don't you?01:39
rcmaehlI already did01:39
ubuntu_lappyurlin2u, No I really had no clue.  I love how helpful the free software community is!01:39
rcmaehlgot my friend to01:39
fokkelrcmaehl, okay then try this (give me a second to type cmd)01:39
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fokkelrcmaehl, "sudo ufw deny proto tcp from any port 10000"01:40
rcmaehlwill this require a reboot?01:41
fokkelrcmaehl, no but check it with this:  "sudo ufw status numbered"01:42
fokkelrcmaehl, just make sure you see the rule there, then nmap it again (or run shields up)01:42
rcmaehlStatus: inactive01:42
fokkelrcmaehl, ah, i see.  then run "sudo ufw enable"01:42
almoxarife!info gufw01:43
ubottugufw (source: gui-ufw): graphical user interface for ufw. In component universe, is optional. Version 11.10.2-0ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 218 kB, installed size 1384 kB01:43
keithclarkanyone with a fix for my compiz issue?  My machine is useless at the moment01:43
ubottuThe Portable Document Format is created by Adobe; PDF files are viewable in Ubuntu with Xpdf, Okular, Evince and also Adobe Reader (free download, but closed source)01:43
Gaming4JCCan anyone help me with PDF Fields on Ubuntu01:43
Gaming4JChttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11560778#post11560778 <-- :)01:43
fokkelrcmaehl, is it showing active now?01:44
fokkelGaming4JC, what kind of fields?01:45
fokkelrcmaehl, good then run the other command to check the rule, then scan the port.01:45
Gaming4JCfokkel: interactive fields, I need to be able to create them for a document. :/01:46
Gaming4JCfokkel: the IRS uses them all the time, as anaylized here http://www.planetpdf.com/enterprise/article.asp?ContentID=650001:46
ubuntu_lappyurlin2u, I've resized the windows partition and put an extended partition in the unallocated space.  Any suggestions on how much swap partition vs ext4 partition I should make?01:46
urlin2uubuntu_lappy, swap is usually equal to ram or greater fro hibernation, ext4 as big as you would want for the OS, you can put multiple operating systems in a extended01:48
fokkelGaming4JC, i don't know much about pdf forms, but you might take a look at this:  http://www.scribus.net/canvas/Scribus01:48
rcmaehlOkay, it's reporting stealth now01:48
fokkelrcmaehl, no problem :)01:48
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Gaming4JCfokkel: Thanks for that, it says it has PDF text fields, might be the same thing I'll check it out. :)01:50
keithclarkAnyone with an idea before completely wipe this computer?01:50
DrPenguinkeithclark: repeat your problem, I just got here01:51
keithclarkI am having a problem with my newly installed nvidia card.  It worked great until compiz was turned on.  Now no menu bar at the top.  No unity bar on the side.  REally the computer is useless now01:52
Gaming4JCkeithclark: have you tried disabling compiz since then?01:53
DrPenguinkeithclark: have you been able to turn compiz back off?01:53
keithclarkDrPenguin, how?  I can't start anything. I tried to remove compiz via sudo apt-get remove compiz.  Rebooted and same problem01:54
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DrPenguinkeithclark: have you tried loading in some failsafe envirnment? there should be a few failsafe sessions available to you at login01:54
keithclarkDrPenguin, then what?01:55
DrPenguinkeithclark: do you have a menu bar and all the goodies available to you?01:55
keithclarkDrPenguin, in the safe mode?01:55
DrPenguinin whatever fail safe mode your in01:55
ubuntu_lappyAlright, thanks again for the help.  I'm gonna go back up all my stuff and then get cracking.01:55
keithclarkDrPenguin, rebooting01:56
DrPenguinyou dnt neeed to reboot.. >_>01:56
keithclarkDrPenguin, well it just rebooted back into the same user anyways. Ok, how to fix?01:57
DrPenguinback into the same user..? I dont understand. we are obviously using the same user but a different login session01:57
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ElemsHow can I move my extended partition that contains swap and ext4 ubuntu using gparted live cd? I'm in gparted right now but it won't let me move the extended partition01:58
keithclarkDrPenguin, ok.  Here I am logged in.  No menu bars.  No unity app bar. Just a desktop with icons01:59
DrPenguinkeithclark: what session did you login as?02:00
DrPenguinkeithclark: … why. Thats not a failsafe session02:00
tjiggi_foElems, to where would you like to, or expect to, move it?02:01
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jmscomtechjust curious the wubi is that virtualised?02:01
DrPenguinjmcantrell: wubi isnt virtualized, its a native boot, just uses a file on your Windows drive as a virtual disk02:02
Elemstjiggi_fo "to the left". right now its an extended partition surrounded by two unallocated spaces, which I'd like to have as one big unallocated space.02:02
keithclarkDrPenguin, just recovery is available.  Trying it now02:02
keithclarkDrPenguin, failsafeX?02:03
DrPenguinkeithclark: yeah02:03
jmscomtechhmm so how how can it not be virtulised if it uses a virtual disk?02:03
jmscomtechim so confused about it02:03
Raystonanyone here use Amarok?02:03
rypervencheRayston: Nope^^02:04
DrPenguinjmcantrell: because its not? Just because its a virtual disk doesnt mean its a Virtual Machine. The file just serves as the hard drive for Ubuntu02:04
keithclarkDrPenguin, ok, booted and I have access to the menu02:04
tjiggi_foElems, I can't help you with that, sorry. Just ask every 15 mins or so till you find someone who can02:04
DrPenguinkeithclark: cool beans, now you should be able to use ccms to disable all the compiz junk you dont want02:04
|Shay|cypher-neo: So I purged Unity Compiz lightdm and installed gnome-shell guess what I have over RDP? Working Unity MIND BLOWN @.@02:04
jmscomtechso would be best to run wubi than a normal install or normal install still better? i have win7 atm but want to test one aspect of buntu before i go all hog is it were02:05
DrPenguinjmcantrell: if you wanna test ubuntu, you could just use a live disc or VM since you can use ubuntu while your in win 702:06
jmscomtechno for wat i wont to test neither of them will  work02:06
DrPenguinjmcantrell: "what" do you want to test?02:07
jmscomtechas i need to have libbluray and xbmc compiled02:07
keithclarkDrPenguin, nope, still didn't work02:07
DrPenguinkeithclark: your obviously not doing something right02:07
almoxarifejmscomtech: I used wubi for the longest time, it worked for me02:07
DrPenguinjmcantrell: aaaaand why does a VM or live boot stop you from being able to do that?02:07
keithclarkDrPenguin, wobbly off, cube off, everything else off02:07
jmscomtechwant to test those withnormal bluray movies to see if it will support playbac without need for dumphd i doubt it but worth a test, also i need to test wether ubuntu supports my sound card02:08
DrPenguinkeithclark: you obviously did something else that is breaking your unity session then02:08
jmscomtechso far as i can tell no other linux flavour does02:08
keithclarkDrPenguin, not sure, my son told me that was all he did02:08
DrPenguinjmscomtech: then a Live boot can definitely accomplish that.. or install ubuntu to a flash drive with some persistent storage02:08
DrPenguinkeithclark: what about what *you* did? you removed compiz you said.. anything else you did?02:08
keithclarkDrPenguin, nope02:09
jmscomtechDrpenguin: virtual software do not anllow a bluray playback as of yet02:09
DrPenguinjmcantrell: when your in a live boot your not virutal02:09
DrPenguinwromg person, jmscomtech02:09
DrPenguinalso, a flash drive install also isnt virtual02:09
Inter-FolkJust installed Linux Mint 12 - Neither wired ( cable connected directly to my router) nor wireless connection working ( Broadcom STA ). Says unplugged for the wired, and of course no wirelress detection for my driver.02:10
jmscomtechso i can install my nvidia drivers, libbluray and compile xbmc from source to test in live cd i dont thinkso02:10
DrPenguinjmscomtech: you actually can02:10
xangua!mint | Inter-Folk02:10
ubottuInter-Folk: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org02:10
Elemstjiggi_fo I'm going to try expanding the extended to the left then moving the ext4, so far its working. then I shoiuld be able to shrink the extended from the right. Thanks though02:10
DrPenguinjmscomtech: Ive installed drivers and tested things on live discs before installing a Linux environment02:10
Inter-FolkAlright, thanks xangua.02:10
keithclarkDrPenguin, I assume time to scrap?02:10
DrPenguinkeithclark: no? theres no reason to scrap.. figure out what else your son did. Just enabling compiz wouldnt cause all these breaks, esp if you disabled them.. does your version of ubuntu still use metacity as its window manager?02:11
ShawnRiskI can't print anything from my Brother-HL-5250DN on Ubuntu 11.10, how do I fix this?  I have installed CUPs to look at settings but no luck so far.02:11
keithclarkDrPenguin, who knows02:11
jmscomtechwell the things is im getting at is sorry for not making it clear before is if it works the way i want i will have no need for winblows02:11
DrPenguinkeithclark: find out?02:11
keithclarkDrPenguin, I'm a simple user here02:12
DrPenguinkeithclark: so?02:12
smwwhat is the name of the default cd burner?02:12
DrPenguinkeithclark: doesnt mean you can just throw your hands in the air and be like whatever02:12
fokkelInter-Folk, he's right of course, you probably want the mint forum. but open the terminal and try "sudo ifup eth0" if you haven't already.02:12
DrPenguinsmw: is it brasero? I know thats A burner.. but dunno if its the default one02:13
keithclarkDrPenguin, ok, not sure what to do here02:13
almoxarifekeithclark: stop the madness, re-install ubuntu-desktop (assuming it is the problem desktop), sort of fixes itself, unless course someone went all scriptkidee on the conf files02:13
_rb_what do I need to get to edit settings for the app bar?02:13
_rb_app bar not auothiding02:14
keithclarkalmoxarife, so just sudo apt-get reinstall ubuntu-desktop?02:14
almoxarifekeithclark: yeap02:15
fokkel_rb_, i assume you meant the panel at the top of your screen.  right-click on it, go to properties and click auto-hide02:15
smwDrPenguin, sounds right02:15
keithclarkalmoxarife, invalid operation02:16
hikenboot1anyone in here good with git?02:17
smwDrPenguin, thanks02:18
almoxarifekeithclark: must it be done via apt-get? what's wrong with a nice gui like 'synaptic'???02:18
jmscomtechits easy enough to remove the linux i spose its just a matter of doing a repair with win7 disk and in command prompt runing the bootrec.exe02:18
hikenboot1https://github.com/zfsonlinux/zfs/issues/187  <at the bottom it says 2cf7f52 is the point i need to set git at so that it fixes my problem how do i do this?02:18
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fokkelkeithclark, i don't think apt-get has a reinstall command.  try apt-get remove [pkg-name], then apt-get install [pkg-name"02:18
keithclarkalmoxarife, How do I get to that without menus?02:18
ShawnRiskseems no one can help me02:18
fokkelkeithclark, not sure what's going to happen if you're logged to the desktop when you install it....02:18
almoxarifekeithclark: you are stuck in terminal?02:19
fokkelkeithclark, so you're at console?  then just issues those commands.02:19
DrPenguinhes in a Unity session, - unity02:19
keithclarkfokkel, yeah, I'm thinking I'm screwed here02:19
usr13fokkel: apt-get does have --reinstall ... FYI02:19
fokkelusr13, sorry, my mistake02:19
almoxarifekeithclark: follow fokkel's instructions02:20
usr13... just fyi ...02:20
almoxarifekeithclark: did you start apt-get with 'sudo'???02:20
keithclarkalmoxarife, yes02:20
almoxarifekeithclark: copy paste to your console                            sudo apt-get reinstall ubuntu-desktop02:21
keithclarkalmoxarife, how can I possibly do that?????02:22
xcodekeithclark: Ctrl + Shift + V to paste02:22
almoxarifekeithclark: what am I missing?02:22
keithclarkI'm on a different machine typing here.  Problem machine is useless at the moment02:22
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almoxarifekeithclark: so where did the 'invalid command' thing come from?02:23
DrPenguinalmoxarife: I had him boot into a failsafe X mode.. he probably has a window manager in there02:23
keithclarkalmoxarife,  I retyped the error02:23
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keithclarkDrPenguin, I tried your fixes and have rebooted as normal.02:24
DrPenguinkeithclark: yeah and like I said.. your missing something02:24
keithclarkDrPenguin, what????02:24
fokkelkeithclark, ok you're running back and forth between 2 machines.  so write down the command almoxarife gave you and type it into the problem machine.02:24
keithclarkfokkel, I did02:25
keithclarkfokkel, invalid command02:25
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keithclarkSorry, invalid operation:reinstall02:26
almoxarifekeithclark: sudo apt-get update <-- run that, what does it return?02:26
fokkelkeithclark, so try replacing "reinstall" with remove.  let us know the response.02:26
DrPenguinisnt reinstall an option passed to apt-get install?02:26
DrPenguinright in the man page its a flag, not a command issued to apt-get02:26
keithclarkfokkel, that is working02:27
keithclarkfokkel, done02:27
fokkelkeithclark, okay then replace "remove" with "install"02:27
almoxarifekeithclark: both parts of fokkels command?02:27
keithclarkfokkel, working02:28
fokkelkeithclark, if it completes successfully, try "startx"02:28
DrPenguinfokkel: he has an X Server running02:29
DrPenguinthatl error out02:29
almoxarifekeithclark: reboot!02:29
fokkelkeithclark, what they said. lol02:29
keithclarkNo worries02:29
almoxarifekeithclark: reboot!02:29
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fokkelkeithclark, ok. 4 man job but it might get done.02:30
Guest40669Does anybody know why the search feature in the menubar wouldn't return any applications?02:30
almoxarifeGuest40669: the term you used does not exist?02:31
keithclarkfokkel, nope, still screwed02:31
fokkelkeithclark, what did it say after reboot?02:31
Guest40669no, it definitely does... it just won't come up at all02:31
almoxarifekeithclark: describe 'screwed'02:31
keithclarkalmoxarife, same as before02:31
almoxarifeGuest40669: the term you used does not exist? what term?02:31
Guest40669I have to go to /usr/share/apps to get to any applications...02:31
Guest40669say, xchat or vlc02:32
DrPenguinGuest2384678: wha? that doesnt make sense, application launcher should show you apps02:32
almoxarifekeithclark: describe 'screwed' , for the ones that didn't see it before02:32
wolfmitchellI need a way to give Ubuntu more than 16 gig for running with windows. How do I do this?02:32
Guest40669If I type that tight now, nothing comes up...02:32
keithclarkalmoxarife, icons on desktop, nothing more02:32
DrPenguinwolfmitchell: what do you mean by what your aksin02:32
wolfmitchellKeep in mind that I  am admin only on Ubuntu, not Windows.02:32
almoxarifeGuest40669: the term you used does not exist? what term? are those apps installed?02:33
fokkelkeithclark, so you have a desktop with icons on it.  what's missing?02:33
xanguawolfmitchell: make a partition¿02:33
keithclarkfokkel, menus02:33
wolfmitchellI am running Ubuntu 11.10 with Wubi, and it gave Ubuntu only 16 out of 250 gig. Ubuntu thinks it is a partition, yet it is not actually a partition to windows, so I can not make it bigger.02:33
Guest40669almoxarife: the apps do exist, say vlc or xchatr02:33
fokkelkeithclark, okay try moving your mouse pointer to the top of the screen.  does the panel appear?02:33
wolfmitchellAnd it did not prompt me for size.02:34
keithclarkfokkel, nope02:34
keithclarkfokkel, no top menu bar, no app bar on the left02:34
xanguawolfmitchell: so make a reall install then02:34
almoxarifekeithclark: does your machine auto-log in? if not, what desktop is the default?02:34
wolfmitchellCan't . Have to run w/ Windows.02:34
fokkelkeithclark, it sounds like everything's okay except that your menu bar is hidden....02:34
DrPenguinwolfmitchell: if you have to run windows, then how are you using wubi02:34
almoxarifeGuest40669: I know they exist, but are they installed?02:35
wolfmitchell...Wubi installs it with Windows.02:35
DrPenguinwolfmitchell: just use Logical Disk Manager to shrink off a piece of your hard drive and dualboot02:35
DrPenguinwolfmitchell: yeah.. but its still a dual boot02:35
keithclarkfokkel, When I do start an application via icon it has no window borders02:35
xangua!dualinstall | wolfmitchell02:35
Guest40669almoxarife: I'm sorry, I wasn't clear enough... yes, they are installed02:35
xangua!dualboot | wolfmitchell02:35
ubottuwolfmitchell: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot02:35
wolfmitchellI am dualbooting right now.02:35
DrPenguinwolfmitchell: this will have you do a real dualboot02:35
DrPenguinnot the PITA one of wubi02:36
almoxarifewolfmitchell: the ubuntu is a wubi install?02:36
Guest40669almoxarife: they exist in /usr/share/applications, and I search for the exact term, say "vlc"02:36
almoxarifeGuest40669: that is indeed a mystery then02:36
keithclarkI think I'm screwed here!02:36
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fokkelkeithclark, it sounds like the theme/appearance has been modified, so02:37
fokkelkeithclark, try going to system>preferences>appearance and see if anything looks off there.02:37
DrPenguinfokkel: its not that, his window manager is fooked02:37
Guest40669almoxarife: yes, and frustrating, because if you don't know where to go, you're screwed!!!02:37
almoxarifewolfmitchell: stop trying to change the size of the partion, there is no partition, it's a file in the windows world, look in the folder 'ubuntu'02:37
wolfmitchellWhat do I do there?02:38
keithclarkDrPenguin, so pooched?\02:38
fokkelDrPenguin, okay, well then I'm not sure.  let me think a minute.02:38
Guest40669almoxarife: maybe a hint... There are only two icons on the bottom of the windowpane, the home icon and the music one... Is it narrowing the search to only the home folder?02:38
|Shay|Okay. So, if any of you caught what happened with unity segfaulting on me a few minutes ago. I've since purged unity lightdm and gdm, installed gnome-shell and rebooted. Unity now works.02:39
xanguawolfmitchell: like we have already told you, and also give you the instructions, make a reall install02:39
Guest40669almoxarife: why wouldn't there be more options, like apps?02:39
DrPenguinfokkel: all hes told us is he enabled compiz stuff in ccsm and then uninstalled compiz because he lost his window decorations and app dock02:39
wolfmitchellI can't. I have data that I can't back up, and I do not want to risk loosing it.02:40
DrPenguinwolfmitchell: how can you not back up the data?02:40
almoxarifeGuest40669: no idea, I sort of gave up on unity/gnome and went hybrid kd4/gnome, a gno-ku? ,02:40
xanguawolfmitchell: then do nothing¿02:40
Tech-1lol gnoku02:41
Tech-1that should be a new distro02:41
Guest40669almoxarife: has kd4 worked out the bugs yet? last time I used, there were lots of little issues...02:41
fokkelkeithclark, okay wait a minute then.  what about this:  http://ubuntugenius.wordpress.com/2011/05/21/ubuntu-11-04-fix-restore-missing-title-bars-window-borders-in-compiz-fusion/02:41
fokkelDrPenguin, it looks like that post (see above) addresses the same problem.02:42
wolfmitchellWell, then how do I increse the size. None of the instructions you gave helped me in this subject. You gave me tips on installing with Wubi02:42
DrPenguinwolfmitchell: you CANT increase the size02:42
DrPenguinwolfmitchell: its a file02:42
DrPenguinnot a physical disk02:42
wolfmitchellCan I make the file into a partition?02:42
almoxarifewolfmitchell: dude, you really need to google some stuff, what you want is possible, google 'add a drive to wubi' or do what I did , use the space in the 'host', when in ubuntu you should see 'host' its your windows dir/folders02:42
fokkelkeithclark, go to system>preferences>compiz settings manager02:42
keithclarkfokkel, yeah, tried in safe mode02:43
wolfmitchellI am currently using that.,02:43
keithclarkfokkel, or recovery02:43
ubuntu_lappyI'm trying to add a new partition using gparted, so that I can dual boot ubuntu and win 7.  But, gparted is giving me an error.  Does anyone know what I'm screwing up?02:43
Guest40669almoxarife: also, if I make the conversion, do you think it would be stable or have problems (like before...)02:43
wolfmitchellBut that method is rather annoying.02:43
DrPenguinwolfmitchell: too bad?02:43
fokkelkeithclark, sorry, thought I found something not tried yet.  if that's not it, I can walk you through recovering data before reinstall....02:43
DrPenguinyou cant pick and choose on usable methods02:43
keithclarkfokkel, nah, time to move on02:44
wolfmitchellAnd, apt-get and the software center, etc never prompt me for software install locations,02:44
almoxarifeGuest40669: it runs fine here, plasma-workspace, and there is nothing to convert, just install it and use it02:44
keithclarkfokkel, dangerous settings!02:44
fokkelkeithclark, yes indeed.  but sorry couldn't help and good luck with the next.02:45
keithclarkfokkel, damn, no media in the house now.  This computer is done for awhile02:45
fokkelkeithclark, no usb drive?02:45
keithclarkfokkel, yes, no media02:45
keithclarkDamn, Christmas gift gone bad02:46
fokkelkeithclark, ack.02:46
wolfmitchellIt is starting to seem like Ubuntu is no longer Linux for Human Beings,02:46
vouthHi, graphics 'composition' doesn't seem to be working right. For example, I'm getting a black box around my Cairo-dock without fake transparency. Help!! :-P02:46
fokkelwolfmitchell, install locations are semi-standard.  most of you install will end up in /usr/bin02:46
DrPenguinwolfmitchell: Any Linux is linux for human beings.. its not difficult02:47
almoxarifevouth: you sure you didn't start cairo-dock without gl?02:47
ubuntu_lappyurlin2u, I tried repartitioning my HDD like you suggested, but gparted is giving me an error.  Any idea what's up?02:47
wolfmitchellOn the site a while ago, I saw on the top 'Linux for Human Beings.02:47
vouthalmoxarife: no idea :-D02:48
vouthbut compiz isn't starting automatically either.02:48
urlin2uubuntu_lappy, can you make a scrennshot of gparted and image-bin it.02:48
almoxarifevouth: there are two options to cairo-dock, with gl and without, which did you start?02:48
keithclarkYes, Ubuntu, stop being a phone/tablet interface and get your shit together!  My problem should never have happened02:49
urlin2u!imagebin | ubuntu_lappy02:49
ubottuubuntu_lappy: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.02:49
OffGridOpsrecently got a compaq presario 1200 (mint condition) i run ubuntu 11.10 on other stuff is there a better version for something this old?  thanx!02:49
vouthalmoxarife: In the Startup program thing, it runs: cairo-dock -c --keep-above02:49
klj613in ssh im logged in as root (sudo -s) how to I go back to being a regular user?02:50
ubuntu_lappyOk, guys.  Will do.02:50
vouthalmoxarife: It's always worked before, but I got a new computer recently. I swapped hard drives with my old box, and the composition did not then work.02:50
almoxarifevouth: change it to '-o' and do a log out/in02:50
xanguaOffGridOps: there are Lubuntu and Xubuntu for low resources02:50
vouthalmoxarife: Well since it worked before, I'd think it still would but ok, just a  minute…02:51
OffGridOpswill research them thanx for the direction!  ;)02:51
vouthalmoxarife: How do I log out?? Sorry :-D02:51
phospheneklj613: su username02:52
klj613phosphene: ty02:52
almoxarifevouth: restart it, that's as good02:52
wolfmitchellIs it possible to set up another partition and move the ubuntu files there, and just make shorcuts to the files?02:52
vouthalmoxarife: It's a single user system and I've never logged out before. Ok will do, thanks. Just a minute then :-D02:52
xangua!dualboot | wolfmitchell02:53
ubottuwolfmitchell: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot02:53
almoxarifewolfmitchell: yes, but the partition will actually be a file, because its WUBI, and yes you will have lots of room, cause you can decide the size of the file/partion!02:54
ubuntu_lappyhttp://imagebin.org/190127 & http://imagebin.org/190128 are enough screenshots I hope.02:54
xanguaand also the live cd has an option to install alongside windows usin the unallocated space wolfmitchell02:54
wolfmitchellXan-Well, my friend did that, unable to use Windows,02:54
wolfmitchell*He is unable02:54
DrPenguinwolfmitchell: he probably screwed something up then02:54
DrPenguindoing a dualboot is braindead simple02:55
vouthalmoxarif: back again but no cigar02:55
keithclarkDrPenguin, don't assume please02:55
wolfmitchellHe did nothing different. Just gave 1/2 his hard drive for Ubuntu, 1/2 for Windows. He is unable to access windows.02:55
DrPenguinkeithclark: im not assuming anything. it IS brain dead simple. I did it with only a month of Linux experience02:56
vouthalmoxarife: oops, sorry, left off an e.02:56
almoxarifevouth: what would the cigar be?02:56
vouthalmoxarife: the composition :-D02:56
vouthalmoxarife: still an ugly black box.02:56
almoxarifevouth: you mean , seeing black bar?02:56
keithclarkDrPenguin, right and nobody can fix my problem.  I have 4 years experience02:56
vouthalmoxarife: yup.02:56
vouthalmoxarife: It's just a single icon though so all it is is the box. I'll send you a screenshot…02:57
DrPenguinkeithclark: if you got 4 years experience, your more than capable of fixing it on your own then arent ya? :P02:57
keithclarkObviously no, and neither does anyone here02:57
xangua!patience | keithclark02:57
ubottukeithclark: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/02:57
xanguammm that was not the exact factoid i wanted, but answers are not always aviable keithclark02:58
almoxarifevouth: ok02:59
vouthalmoxarife: http://image.bayimg.com/oalkbaadi.jpg02:59
ubuntu_lappyurlin2u, were the screenshots http://imagebin.org/190127 and http://imagebin.org/190128 enough, or should I take more?02:59
almoxarifevouth: how come that desktop looks nothing like a classic ubuntu?03:01
vouthalmoxarife: I just kept tweaking it until I liked it :-D03:01
vouthIt's a bit out of date — 10.10 — but at least it's stable.03:01
keithclarkNo worries, his machine is done.03:02
almoxarifevouth: ok, fair enough, have you ever run cairo-dock on that desktop?03:02
vouthalmoxarife: yup, that's what I had before my old machine broke. Here are some screenshots of what I had going previously: https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B0bE2U3xkWwCMDQzZmMzY2QtYzcyNy00OTZlLWIzYmQtZGM4ZTMwMDdkOWNj&hl=en_US https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B0bE2U3xkWwCMzFkZTNmZjAtZmJkMS00ODAzLTgxMTEtZDc4NzgxNjE0MjZi&hl=en_US https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B0bE2U3xkWwCMDJmMDlhMjUtODJjNS00ZDY2LThkN2MtMjIzYzNjYjI2MmQ1&hl=en_US https://doc03:03
keithclarkI must admit.  Sad little boy on a Christmas Gift day03:04
vouthalmoxarife: obviously I've changed the wallpaper, icon set, and theme colors since then, and upgraded to the 3.2 kernel (and some other little updates), but otherwise it's still the same thing.03:04
urlin2uubuntu_lappy, I can't get the screen hold on I think the firefox browser is having problems.03:04
ubuntu_lappyurlin2u, gotcha.  No rush :)03:05
wolfmitchellUgh. Seriously, can I just make a new partition for Ubuntu, move the files to there, and make shortcuts to the file's new location??03:05
almoxarifevouth: did I miss something, I didn't see cairo-dock in the pics03:05
xanguawolfmitchell: we have already told you how03:06
tinybirdHi, all03:06
almoxarifevouth: 3.2 kernel on 10.10?03:06
tinybirdWhat shall I do if I want to install softwares on Ubuntu 8.10 using "apt-get install"?03:07
xanguatinybird: upgrade to a supported ubuntu version03:07
wolfmitchell1st off: I have no live CD/USB. 2nd off: I am not going to risk changing the MBR to one that might not work w/ Windows.03:07
tinybirdIt seems that intrepid is not been supported now03:07
DrPenguinwolfmitchell: then dont change the damn MBR. You can install grub onto your ubuntu root partition and boot off THAT. Grub will be aware of Windows and you can boot off it03:08
keithclarkThanks to all that tried to help.  Never worked so moving on.  Maybe Mint?03:08
tinybirdxangua: Any other methods?03:08
DrPenguinwolfmitchell: quit bugging us.. this is stuff weve given you info on, for real. Your supposed to survive on Linux? Imo you shouldnt be using it03:08
vouthalmoxarife: 1. Cairo dock is what's making the 'W' menu at the bottom of the screen (the menu was expanded in https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B0bE2U3xkWwCYWZmZjNkZjctMGM0MC00MjA2LTk0MGMtMmQ5NTJhNjcyN2Yx&hl=en_US ). 2. 3.2.0-030200rc6-generic i686 according to "System Information".03:08
bastidrazorDrPenguin: don't be an ass. its a learning process.03:09
DrPenguinbastidrazor: its not being an ass. Weve linked him so much information hes blatently ignoring03:09
vouthtinybird: 1. find the package name. 2. execute sudo apt-get install [package name]03:09
vouthtinybird: If I remember correctly of course, but I think that's how to do it :-) <303:09
ke_am i here?03:10
DrPenguinnope, your there03:10
tinybirdvouth: it's available only if the Ubuntu version is still supported03:11
vouthalmoxarife: what's available only if?03:11
edbianke_, no03:11
vouthtinybird, vouth: oh dam, sorry, I'm mixing conversations here.03:12
ke_good, ty Dr...i'm trying out ubuntu from flash drive....can i run apps in trial mode, or do i need to load?03:12
tinybirdbut my ubuntu version is 8.10, which has not been supported03:12
vouthtinybird: oh, weird. That's a crappy thing to do.03:12
DrPenguinke_: ofcourse you can try em yeah, if you set up your ubuntu key too, you can actually make persistent changes to it03:13
urlin2uubuntu_lappy, not sure but try jus the extended if not then run it then the ext4 logical and swap.03:13
almoxarifewolfmitchell: I remember being in your shoes, I was dead afraid of losing mbr, I don't blame you, you need to understand the 'wubi' version of ubuntu, it's a bit diff than the installed into a partion version, from within ubuntu you can acess space on the base system, that's windows, I did, its not some secret terminal kidde-script thing, look at the dir tree within ubuntu, look for 'host'03:13
edbianke_, ummm, you can run them.  You're running IRC right now?03:13
keithclarkSo my sons machine is beat?03:13
ubuntu_lappyurlin2u, Thanks for trying.  I'll try only making the extended partition.03:13
urlin2uubuntu_lappy, making a extended and the other two together may be the problem03:13
vouthtinybird: so does that mean that once 10.10 is no longer supported I won't be able to install or update anything??03:13
almoxarifevouth: got it, cairo has one button?03:13
vouthalmoxarife: yup03:14
edbianalmostroot, He's not here03:14
vouthalmoxarife: just the single 'W' centered at the bottom of the screen.03:14
urlin2uubuntu_lappy, the thing is when you have not perfectly sized partitions trying to stuff three in one limited space altogether may have a glitch once in a while.03:15
almoxarifevouth: its in black because of your graphics, system wide graphics, are the drivers for opengl installed?03:15
ke_DrPenguin, edbian:  what is ubuntu key....right now i'm running irc from webchat.freenode.net03:15
DrPenguinke_: your.. ubuntu flash drive?03:15
edbianke_, what?03:15
edbianke_, there is no 'ubuntu key'03:15
edbianke_, there is probably a channel in your native language03:15
ke_DrPenguin yes flash drive03:16
DrPenguinedbian: he has an ubuntu key :P03:16
edbianDrPenguin, oh03:16
ikpLwhere can I get some ubuntu stickers for my laptop ?03:17
vouthalmoxarife: I think so. I have a bunch of things prefixed with libdrm installed anyway03:17
xanguaikpL: on the canonical store¿03:17
ke_DrPenguin,    yes, i'm running from flash drive03:18
ikpLcan I get it for free xangua03:18
xanguamake them yourseld¿03:18
edbianikpL, No, but very cheap03:18
ubuntu_lappyurlin2u, I still get an error when just trying to make an extended partition.  Could you please specify what you mean by "perfectly sized partitions"?  Should I be trying to make my partitions only in full integer sizes or something?03:18
ikpLok I will see edbian03:18
ke_DrPenguin :    do i need to actually install ubuntu to run the apps?03:19
DrPenguinke_: wha? Ubuntu *is* installed on the key03:19
vouthalmoxarife: I also just installed 'Mesa' from source because I didn't have it installed03:19
edbianke_, no03:20
edbianke_, just run some app!03:20
vouthalmoxarife, or excuse me sorry I did but it was an older version. My graphics chipset is the VIA KM400.03:20
urlin2uubuntu_lappy, erfectly sized is not relevant except that you have a limited space and making 3 partitions at once coulkd theoretically a problem. What I wanted with gparted was just a screenshot of gparted not all the other stuff.03:20
urlin2uubuntu_lappy, sorry for the spelling, just post a screenshot of gparted without the processes, and the error.03:21
ke_edbian :  there's nothing to click... it shows the apps, but nothing comes up to click on..... are the apps already loaded?03:22
* ikpL is away03:22
idahodudeHello everyone03:22
edbianke_, ummm, see that bar on the left with the firefox icon?  click the firefox icon03:22
ubuntu_lappyurlin2u, no apologies necessary I understood you just fine.  Here's the screenshot: http://imagebin.org/19013203:22
ke_edbian : you run the apps thru firefox?03:23
almoxarifevouth: there is some terminal command to verify opengl is running, not sure what it is, I would look at it03:23
edbianke_, firefox is an app03:23
edbianke_, I want to see you run it03:23
idahodudeHas anyone had any issues using eggdrop with ubuntu 11.10? It core dumps everytime i start it03:23
DrPenguinidahodude: have you looked at any of the core dumps to figure out the issue?03:23
vouthalmoxarife: glxgears, by any chance? I remember having to run that a while back when something similar happened under Lubuntu.03:23
vouthalmoxarife: The gears are working fine.03:23
idahodudeI dont really know how to even begin to look at them. I can pastebin the wall of text it posts when it dumps if it would help03:24
almoxarifevouth: glxinfo | grep -i direct03:24
DrPenguinidahodude: sure why not, I can read core dumps03:24
vouthalmoxarife: direct rendering: YES03:24
vouthor sorry 'Yes' wasn't capitalised.03:24
idahodudeDrPenguin, http://paste.ubuntu.com/780631/03:24
ke_edbian : i'm on windows at the moment....firefox ran ok, the spreadsheet and other office type products run ok,  its the other apps like games03:24
edbianke_, name a specific app03:25
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ke_edbian : games/sudoku03:25
DrPenguinidahodude: thats not a core dump, thats a stack trace and memory trace of the environment at the time of the crash, but its still usable03:25
almoxarifevouth: change the cairo-dock back to -c03:25
vouthalmoxarife: ok03:25
almoxarifevouth: logout and back in03:26
edbianke_, I'm not sure why it won't run.  Is this an old machine?  Perhaps it's just taking a very long time03:26
urlin2uubuntu_lappy, so the screen shot is not accurate for me to read you have two operations pending, hit the yellw arrow key to cancell them and take another picture.03:26
DrPenguinidahodude: try from a console: export MALLOC_CHECK=403:26
edbianke_, It should be running03:26
vouthalmoxarife: done03:27
almoxarifevouth: logout and back in03:27
idahodudeDrPenguin, Same03:27
ke_edbian : i'm thinking i have to install ubuntu rather than just run the trial from the flash drive?03:27
edbianke_, That will probably fix everything03:27
DrPenguinidahodude: ifcourse it isnt that simple.. blah03:27
vouthalmoxarife: oh, sorry I missed that. I restarted cairo-dock though and it still didn't work. I'll reboot then.03:27
idahodudeAnd it does it with both the compiled and apt-get version03:27
vouthalmoxarife: brb03:27
idahodudeOf course not.. Thats always how it goes03:27
ubuntu_lappyurlin2u, here it is: http://imagebin.org/19013303:28
ke_edbian : i'm just a little leary of installing it just yet -- don't know what i'm doing for sure -- i'm wanting to put it on a new computer setup with a clean hard drive03:28
edbianke_, ok, wait and do that then :)03:28
urlin2uubuntu_lappy,  bro use the windows partitioner to shrink it, your trying to go below where it would allow you might have problems.03:29
ke_edbian : that's why i'm running it from flash drive as trial03:29
edbianke_, My advice: backup your data. Go crazy trying stuff.  Break it completely!  Who cares :)03:29
vouthalmoxarife: done, and back.03:29
DrPenguinidahodude: this seems to be an ongoing problem with eggdrop, ive seen the same stack trace from 1.6.2003:29
ke_edbian : lol  yeah....thanks for the info03:29
edbianke_, sure03:29
vouthalmoxarife: still black box though03:29
almoxarifevouth: pastebin your xorg.log03:30
ubuntu_lappyurlin2u, Ok.  Thanks for your patience man.03:30
idahodudeBah. Maybe an older version then?03:30
urlin2uubuntu_lappy, if you run the windows a second resizing it will probably go farther 1/2 is where it defaults to the data amount and HD size.03:30
ke_edbian : looks like there's alot of apps available in ubuntu/programs03:30
DrPenguinidahodude: worth a shot03:30
vouthalmoxarife: is that /var/log/Xorg.0.log?03:31
edbianke_, there is a tonne and they're free and open source03:31
idahodudeYeah. I did get it to work once... and it would just start and not connect anywhere. Not even by telnet. I guess ill have to try and find an older version.03:31
idahodudeThanks DrPenguin!03:31
almoxarifevouth: that's it03:32
ubuntu_lappyurlin2u, Just make sure I understand correctly.  so I should resize the windows partition in windows, and then use gparted to set up the extended partition?03:33
urlin2uubuntu_lappy, yeah, then just run the extended, then the ext4 then the swap separately03:34
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ubuntu_lappyCool.  I'll give it a shot.03:34
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vouthalmoxarife: http://pastebin.com/qsYiZvth03:35
diamondshow do I restart sound03:35
diamondsmy sound stopped working03:35
diamondsI tried service pulseaudio restart03:35
ke_edbian : i think i might install on a new partition on my laptop so i can boot either ubuntu or windows  ....too much info at risk of loss on this computer03:36
edbiandiamonds, sudo service alsa stop  & then start03:36
edbianke_, That's what most people do, It's called 'dual boot' the ubuntu GUI allows you to do that easily03:37
luis_Does anyone know about a new ralink driver for an hp g4 running ubuntu 32-bit? much appreciated in advance03:37
diamondsedbian: I have alsa-restore and alsa-store but no alsa03:38
Ryllez89edbian, what's the best way to learn how to use ubuntu? i never had used linux before.03:38
edbianRyllez89, I think the best way is to mess with it and read tutorial online03:38
SunTsuRyllez89: use it ajnd consult documentation every time you run against a wall03:39
edbianRyllez89, I good first step is to work on themeing03:39
multipass|2anyone know if you can get the pidgin icon to show on the top right tray in 11.10? I have it set to always show, but dosnt work.03:39
edbiandiamonds, mm, me too, I have no idea03:39
diamondswtf.... I keep getting "unknown instance"03:39
ant0neoI want to update mumble 1.2.2-1ubuntu1.1 to 1.2.3-87 I have input is there an easy route to enable that or any suggestions?03:39
diamondswhat caused this? switching users?03:39
ke_edbian : thanks again for the help.....have a good one :-)03:40
ant0neoI  want to update mumble 1.2.2-1ubuntu1.1 to 1.2.3-87 is there an easy route to enable that or any suggestions03:40
xanguamultipass|2: use another desktop that uses notification bar03:40
edbianke_, you too ! :)03:40
multipass|2xangua: yeah.. :[03:41
Ryllez89edbian, it's important learn the terminal commands ? or now have anything on the GUI?03:41
edbianRyllez89, learn the terminal :)03:41
edbianRyllez89, It's the best!  Do you have linux / ubuntu installed?03:42
Ryllez89edbian, yes, i on ubuntu 11.10 now03:42
Ryllez89but i use it like a windows user hehe03:42
edbianRyllez89, Do you have conky installed?03:42
SunTsuRyllez89: learning the terminal teaches ypu the basics03:42
SunTsuyou even03:42
SunTsuSorry, way too much beer to hit the right keys03:43
Ryllez89edbian, i dont know what is conky03:43
edbianRyllez89, google conky, find a tutorial, install it, configure it03:43
diamondswell, sound randomly stopped working again, better restart03:43
edbianRyllez89, After you've done that you'll have learned something about linux03:43
* diamonds is getting nostalgic03:43
diamondsit's like I'm using windows 95 again! :D03:43
diamondssoundblaster... those were the days03:44
luis_anyone there?03:45
edbianWill ubuntu 11.10 include firefox 9.0 ?03:45
edbianluis_, OMG yes03:45
SunTsuedbian: i hope so, because it's a security fix03:46
luis_thanks ebdian...any ideas my man?03:46
edbianluis_, What's the issue you're having again?03:46
SunTsuluis_: on what?03:46
edbianSunTsu, I've been updating and haven't gotten it yet.  It's been out all day03:46
nac4lwhy not just add aurora repo?03:46
luis_<luis_> Does anyone know about a new ralink driver for an hp g4 running ubuntu 32-bit? much appreciated in advance03:46
SunTsuedbian: because it03:46
luis_that was the post03:46
luis_thanks bro03:46
edbianSunTsu, because it...03:47
SunTsuedbian: because it's a major release, that takes testing03:47
edbianluis_, I do not know anything about that driver03:47
almoxarifevouth: I am as lost as I was at the start, I have no ideas03:47
* edbian misses his arch machine03:47
multipassis there a gnome3 ubuntu project?03:47
SunTsuedbian: sorry, 5l bear don't make your coordination better ;)03:47
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SunTsubeer even03:47
luis_ok thanks guys i appreciate it...that is what i thought...was just curious is something had come out already...03:47
vouthalmoxarife: wut? sorry. Ok, is there another channel where I should ask??03:47
edbianSunTsu, 5l ?03:47
vouthalmoxarife: Thanks for all the help :-)03:48
SunTsuedbian: more or less, yes03:48
edbianWhat is 5l ?03:48
edbianSunTsu, haha03:48
luis_thanks again for responding :-)03:48
ant0neodoes anyone know the mumble platform?03:48
edbianSuddenly it all makes sense03:48
edbianluis_, yeah, good luck man!03:48
almoxarifevouth: the channel that most closely matches your distro03:48
luis_Thanks Edbian!03:48
SunTsuant0neo: at least I run two murmur servers. what's your question?03:48
vouthalmoxarife: is there a channel for 10.10 specifically?03:49
ant0neoI need to update to the new recording version and wondered is there a simple way to do that03:49
vouthalmoxarife: I know it's old but technically it's supported for another 4 months or something :-D03:49
almoxarifevouth: no idea, this one03:49
urlin2umultipass, gnome 3 and ubuntu are seperate entities, yes it is modified by canonical for their platforms.03:50
vouthalmoxarife: ok, thanks :-) Just repost here then maybe?03:50
multipassurlin2u: kubuntu, xubuntu...03:50
ant0neoSunTsu I need to update to the new recording version and wondered is there a simple way to do that03:50
diamondsOK restart did it. so...03:50
* diamonds shrugs03:50
diamondsbetter than nothing!03:50
SunTsuant0neo: does the murmur distribution include recording? If not, what does?03:51
manuel_is office 2010 supported in wine?03:52
DrPenguinmanuel_: check winehq03:52
manuel_also, what is a good opensource pdf read/writer?03:53
DrPenguinfor reading03:53
DrPenguindunno about writing03:53
manuel_it has tabs?03:53
DrPenguinmanuel_: I dont think so03:54
manuel_oh yah it came default in mint 1203:54
manuel_it sucks03:54
ant0neoSunTsu forgive me I am a reformed Luddite converted to Ubuntu and therefore am technically illiterate as such though manage with the wonderful support the community gives so I dont even know what "murmur" means I was at this link http://blog.mumble.info/mumble-1-2-3-released/ that lead me to this link https://launchpad.net/~slicer/+archive/ppa I enabled ppa update via terminal though get error messages when attemptin03:58
ant0neog to input mumble (1.2.3-87-gf7d8711-1~ppa1~maverick1) maverick; urgency=lowwhich I guessed would update the programme?03:58
thechrisafter installing ubuntu, i restart my computer and get a black screen04:00
thechrisIs there any way to get a login04:00
aBoundQuestion: Does anybody know how I can edit the graphical boot/shutdown splash from Ubuntu and change it's resolution without using StartUpManager?04:00
ant0neoSunTsu the version I have uploaded is  mumble 1.2.2-1ubuntu1.104:00
xanguaant0neo: like you can see on the ppa page, on the right, the packages failed to buld04:01
linuxjackthechris,try ctrl+alt+F104:01
thechrislinuxjack: still black04:01
linuxjackany error message?04:02
daveciacWhat's the prob?04:02
linuxjackor what have you done,thechris04:03
urlin2u!nomodeset | thechris04:03
ubottuthechris: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter04:03
ant0neoeven the package that did build outputs bash: syntax error near unexpected token `1.1.8-1~ppa2~intrepid1'04:04
ant0neo though as it is suffixed with intrepid1 I guess it aint for 10.04 LTS?04:04
ant0neoxangua: ^04:04
DrPenguinithat isnt the LTS, lucid is LTS04:04
DrPenguinI think intrepid was 9.10?04:04
thechrislinuxjack: basically, this is the second system with issues.  I'm really assuming the issue is acpi related.  But this is a different issue.  I've basically only tried switching vt's04:05
DrPenguinwait.. no04:05
DrPenguinI cant do math04:05
ant0neoso I need to find apackage for lucid ?04:05
thechrisalso, does anyone know how to get acpi support to work on p67/z68 based mobos?04:05
thechrisi'm 0/2 thus far04:05
ubottuUbuntu 8.04 LTS (Hardy Heron) was the eighth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended on May 12 2011, Server support continues until 2013. See !upgrade, !lts and !eol for more details.04:05
linuxjackl think if it is your grub's problem,thechris04:06
aBoundQuestion: Does anybody know how to edit the graphical Ubuntu boot/shutdown splash without using startupmanager. So I can change the resolution size.04:07
mrdebhappy holidays04:09
DrPenguinyou too mrdeb!04:09
ant0neois this a terminal command anyone? https://launchpad.net/~slicer/+archive/ppa04:09
mrdebthank you drp04:09
xanguaant0neo: like i have told you, the packages from that ppa are broken/didn't build04:10
ant0neoforgive just realised it was a link back to those packages apologies04:11
urlin2uant0neo, it is a ppa.04:11
ant0neoso the easy route is start over and download the newer vbersion of mumble thanks04:13
thechrishmm, no modeset seemed to help.  now to see if restart works04:15
thechrisok, there it goes.  it just takes a while longer to boot than I had hoped.04:15
VisualAssassinok i completely forgot what version of ubuntu im running, how do i check in the terminal?04:16
Tech-1uname -a04:16
thechrishopefully "shutdown" works as well.04:16
VisualAssassinreason being, i havent been on this machine in a long time04:16
Tech-1plenty of updates prolly then04:16
xanguaVisualAssassin: lsb_release -a04:17
velociostrichsomebody say my name plox; I'm testing something04:17
VisualAssassinxangua.....type that in the terminal?04:18
velociostrichPretty please, if you will04:18
velociostrichsay "velociostrich"04:18
velociostrichI'm testing a script04:18
velociostrichdoesn't work04:18
velociostrichtry once more04:18
ubottuTesting... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use #test )04:18
velociostrichthank you04:19
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velociostrichI wrote a script to make notify-send send the message to me when xchat-gnome tries to grab focus, and change fvwm so that it invokes said script instead of allowing xchat-gnome to grab focus04:19
manuel_what is a good virtual drive software?04:19
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emeryanybody here know much anything about the oem-install tool?04:22
aeon-ltdemery: what would you like to know?04:24
emeryaeon-ltd: how it is used04:24
emeryaeon-ltd: I can't find any documentation04:27
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usr13manuel_: What do you mean "virtual drive"?04:29
manuel_mounting isos04:29
mpxNot physically existing as such but made by software to appear to do so: "virtual images"04:30
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usr13manuel_: Oh, well, just use the loop switch04:30
manuel_k thanks04:31
usr13 mount -t iso9660 -o loop,ro /home/somebody/foobar.iso /mnt/cdrom04:31
thechrishmm, the nvidia drivers don't show up in "additional drivers"04:31
emerymansson:  cdemu - http://cdemu.org04:31
emeryor manuel_ rather04:31
nac4lfinally got my mysql working in lucid, had to add mysql user to sudoers file.04:31
emerymanuel_: if you want to do stuff like emulate ejecting and reading TOCs04:32
usr13manuel_: Thats' how you'd do it from the command line...04:32
thechrisis it safe to install the nvidia drivers from apt-get instead of the gui program?04:32
slakcphilhey guys, question, put a line in .profile that requires gui to run. since my desktop does not automaticall load X(i like it this way and use startx when needed) how can i get .profile to wait till X session is active(after i type startx) i was thinking i could put the startx command in .profile and then the command i want to run after?04:33
meskarunethechris: yes, as long as you know what driver you need04:33
usr13emery: What do you mean "oem-install tool"?04:33
emeryusr13: oem-config04:34
usr13emery: Ok, well, I'm still lost.  Maybe someone else will know what you're talking about.04:34
VisualAssassinwhats the easiest way to upgrade to the newest version of ubuntu in the terminal?04:34
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usr13!upgrade | VisualAssassin04:35
ubottuVisualAssassin: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade04:35
meskaruneVisualAssassin: put "man apt" in the terminal without quotes. :)04:36
usr13VisualAssassin: sudo do-release-upgrade04:36
Oerthe newest can't be upgraded.04:36
dpiercei upgraded to oneiric and there seems to be remnants of a borked gtk2 theme hanging around. anyway to clear that up? this is how it looks now, and its god awful http://image.bayimg.com/aallfaadi.jpg04:37
dpiercesame problem in gnome shell and unity both04:37
usr13dpierce: Looks like you just need to change theme04:38
Oerdpierce change to a gtk3 theme then ?04:38
dpiercei tried that. and the weird color scheme still hangs around04:38
dpierceonly time it doesnt is with the high and low contrast themes04:38
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto04:39
dpiercematrox? theyre still around?04:39
VisualAssassinso i cant upgrade from from 10.04 to the newest version?04:39
QationDoes anyone know if there is a way to get f.lux working on dual monitors? I have two and it only affects one.04:40
xanguaVisualAssassin: you can upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10 and then from 10.10 to 11.04 and finally from 11.04 to 11.1004:40
meskarunedpierce: have you tried removing your old themes?04:40
VisualAssassinthat seems kind of redundant doesnt it? why do i have to do it that way?04:41
meskarunealso make sure you have all the theme engines and official themes installed04:41
thechrisdpierce: apparently, just not in the consumer market as much04:41
dpiercemeskarune: i rm'd all kinds of things related to the UI. still hanging around though04:41
meskarunedpierce: can you open nautilus in the terminal and see if there is an error message about the theme?04:42
smoke`emi need a program to rip music from online radios pls(with full tutorial on how to set it up)04:42
dpiercemeskarune: no errors.04:43
dpierceaside from the color any way... ;p04:43
blackbandit1258Can someone help me with a problem i have?04:44
vouth!ask | blackbandit125804:45
ubottublackbandit1258: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience04:45
dpiercesmoke`em:  you can use ffmpeg, mplayer or vlc for that04:45
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smoke`emok cheers04:45
Oerdpierce reset the monitor to fabric default sometimes help with strange colours04:45
dpierceOer: fabric what? :)04:45
kerrybcan someone help?  ubuntu software center....  how do i run one of these...for example  games/FreeCell Solitaire....it has a green check beside it like it's loaded, but when i click on it, the only choices i get are "more info" or "remove"04:46
usr13dpierce: or streamripper04:46
longcatis there a way to bypass the disk 4.5gb disk space requirement or make ubuntu ues less space?04:46
Oeror factory default04:47
longcati have 4.204:47
dpiercelongcat:  you can grab the alternate net-installer and cherry pick the size down that way04:47
longcatubuntu wont install in 4.2? so close to 4.5..  just wish i could disable htat04:47
xanguakerryb: open the dash and type the app name04:47
blackbandit1258I have a problem here. Whenever I put a blank DVD in my DVD drive the drive locks up and wont respond. This only happens with blank DVDs not CDs.04:47
dpierceOer: its not a problem with the monitor/card/or driver. def somethign hanging around from days of olde04:48
usr13blackbandit1258: The system completely locks up?04:48
vouthblackbandit1258: does the drive support writing to dvds? that's the first thing I'd check04:49
Tech-1are they rw's ?04:49
dpierce!tell longcat  about alternate04:49
ubottulongcat, please see my private message04:49
usr13vouth: Even then, shouldn't happen....04:49
vouthusr13: eh, it was just a thought :-D04:49
usr13vouth: Yea, I know but....04:50
longcatalright...  ill go use the alternative.. thanks04:50
dpiercelongcat:  or minimal04:50
usr13blackbandit1258: Can you ssh in from another pc?04:50
kerryb<xangua> ahhh, that works.... i wasn't understanding how to run things... i guess the ubuntu software center is just a management tool, not an execution tool04:51
dpiercekerryb: click the big ubuntu logo at the top of the panel04:52
usr13blackbandit1258: You might run  tail -f /var/log/messages    and see what it says as it locks up.  Might give you a clue.04:53
kerrybdpierce yes, that worked. ..   now, to get a new app from universe soruce,   do i click on   'use that source'   to download that app?04:55
dpiercekerryb: just add universe in the sources list.04:58
dpierceyou should just be able to install software normally after it updates05:00
blackbandit1258I have a problem here. Whenever I put a blank DVD in my DVD drive the drive locks up and wont respond. This only happens with blank DVDs not CDs.05:01
DarkXPwhat is gnome3?05:01
bazhang!gnome3 | DarkXP05:02
ubottuDarkXP: GNOME 3 is the desktop environment on which Unity is based.  To use GNOME Shell instead of Unity, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool". GNOME 3 is not supported under Natty/11.04, and may break your system if installed from alternate sources.05:02
kerrybdpierce   i'm on dialup, real slow :-(05:02
DarkXPubottu: thanks..05:02
nac4lI'm trying to setup my computer as static NAT on a netgear wnr1000v2, which comcast just gave us, and I'm having trouble finding any options on doing so.  I really hope I can still host my webpage n' crap with this comcast service.  Really wish I still had Verizon FIOS05:02
dpiercekerryb: might want to use something like 'aptitude05:03
nac4lanyone here use comcast and apache?05:03
blackbandit1258I have a problem here. Whenever I put a blank DVD in my DVD drive the drive locks up and wont respond. This only happens with blank DVDs not CDs.05:03
spantherI've installed the newest ubuntu 11.10 on my notebook but after installing the proprietary amd drivers for my 6850m graphics chip, i see a little icon on the lower right saying "AMD Unsupported hardware" :(05:04
bazhangblackbandit1258, yes, no need to repeat so quickly05:04
dpierceitll give ya ETA and download speed stats. makes waiting for big packages (or small ones over a slow connection) slightly more bearable05:04
kerrybdpierce big learning curve here05:04
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kerrybdpierce i take it aptitude is a firefox add on that i can find in the software center?05:06
bazhang!aptitude | kerryb05:07
ubottukerryb: aptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. Like other APT front-ends, it can install/remove packages and their dependencies. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide05:07
longcatknow off hand if i can install ubuntu to a loop device with the alternate installer?05:07
bazhanglongcat, with what goal, please clarify05:07
_cbCan't play multiuser games on yahoo. May be  OpenJDK. Anyone have any experience with this?05:07
dpiercekerryb: being on dial up, you shouldnt shy away from the terminal. wget'05:09
dpiercewill be your best friend05:09
longcatultimately, im experimenting with linux installation on a dvd-ram05:11
longcatunfortunately linux doesnt enumerate partitions on /dev/sr*05:11
gizmolongcat: try running "losetup /dev/loop0 /path/to/loop/device", then you should be able to install to loop0 like it was a normal device.05:11
dpierce_cb: this might be seen as blasphemy but, have you tried the proprietary java and checked if that works?05:12
longcatbut im still messing about installing using loop device and trying to see if disabling scsi emulation helps05:12
_cbdpierce been thinking about it and hoping someone had found another solutiion05:12
dpierce_cb: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=452435#c1505:18
ubottubugzilla.redhat.com bug 452435 in java-1.6.0-openjdk "Some Yahoo! Java-based games don't work" [Medium,Closed: cantfix]05:18
blackbandit1258I have a problem here. Whenever I put a blank DVD in my DVD drive the drive locks up and wont respond. This only happens with blank DVDs not CDs.05:19
giggsi want to start contributing to ubuntu, like bugfixes and stuff. how do i start? pls help05:19
Juaad Tu web gratis con diseños exclusivos, solo hasta el día 31. Felices fiestas.  www.SITIOPERSONAL.es 05:20
Stanley00giggs: did you try this page? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu05:21
vouthHi. This is really weird… Fails with compiz: http://image.bayimg.com/balldaadi.jpg Fails without compiz: http://image.bayimg.com/ballhaadi.jpg WTH??05:21
dpiercegiggs:  http://www.ubuntu.com/community/get-involved05:21
dpiercegiggs: TL;DR version is: Contribute upstream in Debian.05:21
giggsdpierce: how? i know the basic c/c++05:22
dpiercegiggs: squash bugs. submit patches. get a mentor or sponsor. become a maintainer. ????. PROFIT!!05:23
giggsdpierce: i tried out searching for bite-size bugs in ubuntu05:25
_cbdpierce intersting thread. Thread blames Yahoo's applet but it does work on windoze. May have to install Sun Java and see what happens05:25
giggsdpierce: but dunno what to do05:25
dpierce_cb: i doubt most windows users are running the openjdk. so the devs probably just coded to the proprietary extensions.05:26
dpierceif they'd have used openjdk then it would run for proprietary and libre05:27
Saikhey guys.05:28
SaikI have a problem with the touchpad on an eee pc netbook, the touchpad keeps randomly disabling itself on oneirc, anyone know what might cause this, and how to fix it?05:30
BlackHi darkxphone05:33
r4yI am wondering if someone can install a windows graphics card driver for windows in Ubuntu05:36
blackbandit1258I have a problem here. Whenever I put a blank DVD in my DVD drive the drive locks up and wont respond. This only happens with blank DVDs not CDs.05:36
meskarunesaik: do you have a hot key on your keyboard that disables the touchpad?05:36
Tech-1Saik:   i have one of those, use this :  http://www.jupiterapplet.org/05:37
meskaruner4y: you can't use a windows driver in linux. Luckily there are lots of graphic drivers for Linux.05:37
r4yfaz wanted help getting a higher res05:38
r4yHe said: i want my resolution uptoo 1240x1024 but 800x700 is available?????05:38
Saik@meskarune: no, there is not hotkey for it05:38
r4yI read that 1024x768 is possible05:38
PaijoYou can use ndis wrapper05:39
Tech-1Saik:  the link i posted has a switch05:39
JCDentonYou should look for a Linux alternative driver first05:39
ZekeS... Paijo: ndiswrapper is for wifi cards.05:39
r4yfor his graphics card use ndiswrapper?05:39
JCDentonLinux compatible that is05:39
Saik@tech-1: thx05:39
Tech-1Saik:  that works very nicely05:40
PaijoYeah,sory,im just join here05:40
Tech-1its also good for many laptops05:40
r4yI need help looking for the proper driver for his graphics card?, Or what?05:40
ZekeSr4y: ... it shouldn't be hard at all05:40
ZekeSbut why don't you get HIM in this channel so we can ask directly ;P05:41
PaijoR4y,exactly what your graphics card?05:41
r4yWell, he left05:41
r4yI thought he was around05:41
blackbandit1258I have a problem here. Whenever I put a blank DVD in my DVD drive the drive locks up and wont respond. This only happens with blank DVDs not CDs. Plz help!05:42
CarlFKPaijo: r4y dosn't have trouble with *his* card :)05:42
r4yrage 128 pro ati05:42
Saikhow do I add the ppa to the sources?05:42
CarlFKSaik: apt-add-reporsitory05:42
Tech-1Saik:  use the .deb package05:42
meskaruner4y: http://www.justlinux.com/nhf/Hardware/Getting_Your_ATI_Rage_128_Card_Working.html05:47
meskaruneI'm not sure how old that site is, or if its ubuntu relevant though.05:49
PaijoI have no ati installed05:50
volkmanhello room05:51
PaijoHello volkman05:52
volkmani'm attempting to repair a possibly hacked server05:53
volkmanwould you be able to help me with that?05:53
DarkXPhenovolkman: possibly hacked05:53
volkmani noticed the server was getting slow05:54
volkmantook a look at apache log files05:54
volkmanand there's several requests for random files05:54
DarkXPhenowhats in the logs?05:54
volkmanfrom other servers05:54
volkmansuch as05:54
PaijoVolkman,i think you need real certainty for hacked server05:54
volkman:80 41-218-209-234-adsl-dyn.4u.com.gh - - [22/Dec/2011:14:01:00 -0500] "GET http://cdn.pictimgs.com/static/photo/thumbnail/Rg-BBAERpi5NAQAAAA==.jpg HTTP/1.1" 200 2027 "http://www.girlsdateforfree.com/find.php" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:6.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/6.0"05:55
JimMOhello chan..05:55
almoxarifevolkman: I would love to help, please provide me with the ip and authorize me to sniff every port on it05:55
DarkXPhenorequests from other servers doesnt imply your server is hacked05:55
dpiercer4y: might want to try doing 'modprobe r128'05:55
volkmanthe only way i can keep the server up is if i only allow my ip through to port 80, or disable apache05:55
volkmanotherwise the memory gets pegged and i have to reboot it manually through linode's admin interface05:56
r4ynote made05:56
dpiercer4y:  not sure if youll have to set the agpart or ramdac like the old days with a card like that. maybe, shouldnt, have to.. possibly05:56
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JCDentonalmoxarife, ...05:58
almoxarifeJCDenton: ???05:59
JimMOrunning ubuntu 11.1  .... would like to step back to jauntyJackalope  comments?06:01
pp7how comes when I want to compress something from nautilus or marlin nothing happens?06:02
JimMOhi mah45406:04
mah454JimMO, Hi ...06:05
JimMOmah454:   what ver u run?06:06
EvilResistance!jaunty | JimMO06:07
ubottuJimMO: Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) was the tenth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 23, 2010. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.06:07
EvilResistanceJimMO:  Jaunty's far past end of life, i dont recommend it.  if you want to step back to something, step back to 10.0406:07
NanoHappy holidays everyone.06:07
EvilResistanceJimMO:  or 11.0406:07
st_prgHi guys, I am trying to compile PHP on 10.11 and it can not find apxs - I have done some extensive searching and can not find a hint as to where the location of it may be.06:08
EvilResistancest_prg:  there is no such thing as 10.1106:08
* stevecam makes 10.1106:09
EvilResistancest_prg:  do you mean 11.10?06:09
EvilResistanceor 10.10?06:09
StepnjumpGuys, I'm looking for an app that is similar to Microsoft access (database). I need wizards and the like because I'm not a SQL kind of guy06:09
EvilResistanceStepnjump:  LibreOffice Base maybe?06:10
JimMOthanx, all..  reason is, I preferred desktop for JJacl-9.04..could I have that desktop with v11.1?06:10
StepnjumpThanks EvilResistance.. I will try it. Is it the only one?06:10
EvilResistanceStepnjump:  try libreoffice-base:  sudo apt-get install libreoffice-base06:11
pp7is there a way to get animated progressbars in gtk-3?06:11
st_prgEvilResistance: Sorry yes 11.10...06:11
JimMOEvilResist:  uncertain...06:11
EvilResistanceStepnjump:  only one where you can create the databases locally06:11
Stepnjumpok cool. Thanks a lot06:11
EvilResistancest_prg:  which PHP are you compiling?  you should be able to use what's already in the repos06:11
st_prgHang on now Im just confused...06:11
EvilResistancest_prg:  php5 exists in the repos06:11
st_prgI just checked. Its 10.10. Sorry.06:11
jekiÎî áëèàòü êóäà ÿ ïîïàë?06:11
EvilResistancest_prg:  ah... yeah you might run into issues compiling the newer versions of PHP for 10.1006:11
st_prgI have downloaded the source off PHP because the one in my repo is 5.3.3 and 5.3.8 is the latest.06:12
jeki÷å òóò âñå èíîñòðàíöû?06:12
EvilResistancest_prg:  well do you absolutely need 5.3.8?06:12
st_prgGreat... I just need to know where apxs is as far as I am aware. Im not too keen on Unity06:12
EvilResistancest_prg:  i assume upgrading to natty or oneiric is out of the question?06:12
st_prgYes I need it/06:12
EvilResistancest_prg:  do you absolutely need ***CUTTING EDGE*** PHP06:12
st_prgI have already tried them then after a few days I couldnt put up with it any more. EvilResistance, yes.06:12
EvilResistanceor will a slightly newer version of PHP work fine, rather than 5.3.3?06:13
M4d3LHi, someone is hacking my server and the process only show php5-cgi. is there a way to know what is the damn file that give access to the hacker?06:13
st_prgits not a matter of 'Its the latest I need it', its a matter of 'That is the only version that will work how I need it'.06:13
EvilResistancest_prg:  then you're kind of SOL06:13
EvilResistancest_prg:  the file you need to build php doesnt exist on maverick (10.10)06:13
st_prgGreat D:06:13
EvilResistancest_prg:  "s*** out of luck"06:14
EvilResistancest_prg:  in a few months maverick is going to be out of date...06:14
EvilResistancest_prg:  at which point you'll kinda need to upgrade06:14
st_prgOk great06:14
EvilResistancest_prg:  you could upgrade to 11.04 (which is stable)06:14
st_prgI hate Unity...06:14
EvilResistanceso use gnome shell :P06:14
* EvilResistance personally purged unity from his system by switching to a KDE interface :P06:14
st_prgI guess I could...06:14
dpiercest_prg: or emacs. its a hell of a windows manager06:15
st_prgYea Im sure that would be great :P06:15
st_prgI dont personally like KDE06:15
EvilResistancest_prg:  there's many windows managers and what not06:16
almoxarifedoes emacs have a gui?06:16
EvilResistanceI use KDE... but I still have GNOME installed.  XFCE and LXDE or whatever the others are would work06:16
EvilResistancest_prg:  if yo udont want to switch to other environments, i'd install gnome-shell and then use that rather than unity06:16
st_prgEvilResistance. Yea I know about all of those. XFCE and LXDE are ok but I dont think they live up to how I would use them. I dont really like KDE - GNOME has a feel about it I just prefer if you get what I mean :)06:17
meskarunethere's also xfce, fluxbox, xmonad, awesome, lxde, etc06:17
almoxarifeEvilResistance: I agree, gnome-shell beats unity06:17
EvilResistancealmoxarife:  i uninstalled unity ;P06:17
EvilResistancehalf-broke my system xD06:17
st_prgOk thanks EvilResistance. I was hoping I wouldnt have to do that but I guess if that it..06:17
st_prgHow do you mean?06:17
EvilResistancest_prg:  i uninstalled unity while using unity06:17
EvilResistancewhich broke things :p06:17
st_prgHAHA :D06:17
st_prgThat will do it...06:17
dpiercealmoxarife: it does. i use it all the time. the only thing it lacks is a decent text editor.06:18
st_prgIts not quite as fun but I have 2 Hard Drives in my computer - the main one and one for putting stuff on and somehow GRUB managed to get on my second HDD - That made things fun :)06:18
st_prgdpierce: Emacs? I use Geany - I think its great! I changed someones theme slightly and it works like a charm :)06:19
stjohnmedranogood day, any idea on icedtea6-plugin? i currently running 12.04 but the plugin doesnt seem to work, just a newbie. tnx06:19
M4d3Lanyone could help me?06:20
almoxarifeEvilResistance: I un-installed the only kernel image that was installed once, I thought it took up too much room, I learned that day not to take that one out at a minimum06:21
st_prgalmoxarife: I was just thinking about that :D06:21
almoxarifest_prg: don't06:21
st_prgHow did that handle? I mean uninstalling while running? I might do that just before I wipe then install ubuntu 11.10 :D06:22
almoxarifeM4d3L: ask the question06:22
M4d3LI have ask it already06:22
=== Dorito is now known as Defocus
EvilResistanceM4d3L:  you realize that some users probly didnt see it?06:22
M4d3L->someone is hacking my server and the process only show php5-cgi. is there a way to know what is the damn file that give access to the hacker?06:22
st_prg<M4d3L> Hi, someone is hacking my server and the process only show php5-cgi. is there a way to know what is the damn file that give access to the hacker?06:22
EvilResistanceM4d3L:  question for you...06:23
EvilResistanceM4d3L:  how do you *know* they're hacking your server:?06:23
=== Defocus is now known as Dorito
M4d3Lthe script is alway running after some hour, (same process ID) and when I kill it it come again06:23
st_prgIm with EvilResistance on this06:23
st_prgMaybe its a cron job?06:24
EvilResistanceM4d3L:  that's probably a cron job06:24
EvilResistanceor your PHP process for running PHP pages :/06:24
st_prgEvilResistance: It might have something to do with the illuminati??? :D06:24
EvilResistanceM4d3L:  i highly doubt php5-cgi is being used to hack your server...06:24
M4d3L? cron job will not give the same process ID06:24
EvilResistanceM4d3L:  neither will a script or someone starting the process via a script06:24
EvilResistanceM4d3L:  if you're really concerned, uninstall php5-cgi06:25
EvilResistancenote you'll probly break whatever depends on it06:25
EvilResistanceM4d3L:  also, run rkhunter06:25
=== Dorito is now known as Defocus
almoxarifeM4d3L: youmight change every password for every entry point into the server also06:26
M4d3LEvilResistance: yeah IT is what I want to know. witch script is running. php-cgi dont tell me what file he is running06:26
=== Defocus is now known as Dorito
EvilResistanceM4d3L:  start by killing the process (i.e. uninstall).  run rkhunter06:26
=== Dorito is now known as Defocus
almoxarifeM4d3L: you might port sniff your server for ports you can't account for06:26
EvilResistanceM4d3L:  and also remember that php processes arent necessarily running scripts06:26
M4d3LI cant stop apache. its a production server06:26
EvilResistancethey may be listening for script activity06:26
M4d3LI only want to know what php file is running06:27
=== rajendra_ is now known as rajnt
EvilResistanceM4d3L:  wait... php5-cgi and apache means php5-cgi is the php serving system for apache06:27
EvilResistanceM4d3L:  it doesnt mean the thing is actually running a script06:27
M4d3Lmaybe but I start by this option06:27
EvilResistanceM4d3L:  well then you might be SOL... i've recommended running rkhunter three times now06:28
EvilResistanceits a rootkit/threat finder06:28
tonesfrommarshorribly nOOb-ish question in 3 .. 2.. 106:28
tonesfrommarsI'm in maverick, been in ubuntu for about a year now, and I do all me work on this machine.06:29
almoxarifetonesfrommars: this aint #linux, fell free to be noobish06:29
tonesfrommarscool, been hesitant to move to Natty since I don't want workflow to grind to a halt.06:29
M4d3LI just run #rkhunter once installed?06:29
tonesfrommarsAny advice on precautions I might take, or things to watch out for when upgrading?06:30
=== Defocus is now known as Dorito
almoxarifetonesfrommars: don't06:30
tonesfrommarsI know I'd have to adjust to whatever the new window manager is called, wuite different from what I've seen.06:31
tonesfrommarsBut more importantly, I'd rather not go through setting up my LAMP stack all over again.06:31
EvilResistanceM4d3L:  its not #rkhunter, just: sudo rkhunter --update --check --skip-keypress06:31
pp7is there a way to get animated progressbars in gtk-3?06:31
almoxarifetonesfrommars: you know the saying, 'if its not broke....' ? the new window is enough to drive someone into fixation06:31
EvilResistanceM4d3L:  that'll update the data in rkhunter's search/find thing, then run default checks on your system without prompting you for hitting 'enter' between test phases06:32
EvilResistanceM4d3L:  any threats will be generally highlighted on the screen, but the log file it produces (it will say what file its in) will contain all the details06:32
tonesfrommarsalmoxarife: that's kind of been my approach. Good to hear someone with more experience (I presume) recommend staying put.06:32
almoxarifepp7: wouldn't that depend on the app?06:32
dpierceM4d3L: wouldnt hurt to run it from /usr/bin/rkhunter in case you have ./ in your path06:33
pp7almoxarife: i mean like how would i go about getting animated progressbars?06:33
EvilResistanceM4d3L:  what dpierce said, but i'm not sure rkhunter is in /usr/bin/...06:33
almoxarifetonesfrommars: I don't know about 'more' experience, you just said the magic words, 'work and works'06:33
EvilResistanceoop i lied its in there06:33
dpierce'whereis rkhunter'06:33
almoxarifetonesfrommars: I don't know about 'more' experience, you just said the magic words, 'work and works'06:33
almoxarifepp7: wouldn't that depend on the app?06:33
EvilResistancedpierce:  i know06:34
EvilResistancedpierce:  that's how i knew i lied :P06:34
pp7almoxarife: no it wouldn't06:34
st_prgtonesfrommars: I have to agree with almoxarife. I dislike the whole Unity desktop manager. It is too much of a change from the 'norm'. And compiz wont work on it :(06:34
M4d3Lok ty. its running actually06:34
almoxarifepp7: synaptic has a progress bar, it is also gtk3(aint it?) and its animated, like that?06:35
meskaruneI'm not a fan of compiz06:35
st_prgtonesfrommars: Well compiz wont work well for me anyway... But more on a point of productivity you would be severely disadvantaged as the changes are just too great and sudden. You can install gnome-shell which is what I am going to have to do - I am cutting myself off at the legs now and upgrading because I need the latest version of PHP which is not available on my system but enough about that. So I will be using gnome-shell. Just an ide06:35
st_prga to put out there to you  :)06:35
pp7almoxarife: yes but its not animated for me (in my theme which is elementary)06:35
DarkXPhenocompiz is awesome! works perfectly on my ATI HD457006:36
M4d3Lin the same time I wait, is there a way to know exactly the .php file php-cgi is running?06:36
tonesfrommarsI'll have to check out compiz.06:37
almoxarifeplasma-shell, its like compiz without the 300meg overhead06:37
tonesfrommarsThat's very helpful, thanks people.06:37
almoxarifeplasma-workspace, sorry06:38
M4d3Lkrkhunter didnt find anything06:38
DaZalmoxarife: yeah, because kde is so light weight <:06:39
EvilResistanceM4d3L:  then you probably dont have a virus/script running without knowledge06:39
EvilResistanceM4d3L:  if you really think its a hacker, uninstall php5-cgi06:39
EvilResistanceM4d3L:  but i have a feeling php5-cgi is what's running PHP in apache06:39
EvilResistanceno confirmation, just a feeling06:39
DarkXPhenoEvilResistance: yeah... it is just that...06:40
M4d3LEvilResistance: I thing its someone exploiting hole in some php file but I need to know what file it is. the process didnt show it to me06:40
EvilResistanceM4d3L:  why do you think they're exploiting a hole in a php file?06:40
EvilResistanceM4d3L:  what in the WORLD could you be running that'd have a gaping security hole in a file you're using on a production server?06:41
=== hunter is now known as Guest6259
EvilResistanceand dont say something produced by microsoft, or i'll laugh :P06:41
M4d3LEvilResistance: because its Wordpress and this is not security hole free06:41
almoxarifeM4d3L: you could setup a script to run 'lsof -i' every ???? 10 min, see who is talking to what06:42
M4d3Land the process take ALL my memory06:42
EvilResistanceM4d3L:  ah...  well the issue is php5-cgi won't exactly tell you what its serving06:42
EvilResistanceM4d3L:  and that's common for a misconfigured PHP to take up all your memory06:42
tonesfrommarsPHParanoia :-)06:43
EvilResistanceM4d3L:  also, apache + PHP isnt exactly resource-light06:43
EvilResistanceM4d3L:  it can be pretty resource-heavy06:43
M4d3Lhey. lets me a chance. english is not my main language. I make effort to try to get understand lol06:43
EvilResistanceso i wouldnt jump to assuming you were hacked.06:43
EvilResistanceM4d3L:  what is your native language?06:43
EvilResistancethere's a french channel...06:43
EvilResistance!fr | M4d3L06:44
ubottuM4d3L: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.06:44
EvilResistancebut fwiw...06:44
almoxarifeM4d3L: the french channel will tell you the same thing06:44
tonesfrommarsM4d3L: You're doing great.06:44
EvilResistancelemme see if i can get you a crappy google translation of what i'm saying06:44
EvilResistanceand tonesfrommars is right, you're doing very well with english :)06:44
almoxarifeEvilResistance: it's the slang, does not translate well06:45
M4d3Ltonesfrommars: I dont think because you dont answer my request. that is how to know what php-cgi is running06:45
EvilResistancealmoxarife:  true statement06:45
M4d3LI dont know if is me or.. because its basic.06:46
EvilResistanceM4d3L:  there is no easy way to tell what php-cgi is running, especially if it is serving content for Wordpress.  It is also not uncommon to see Apache and PHP take up tons of memory and resources06:46
tonesfrommarsM4d3L: Do you have many WP installs on your server?06:46
EvilResistancethemaster:  can we help you with something?06:46
EvilResistancewrgSVqspB:  can we help you with anything?06:46
tonesfrommarsecho, that's PHP06:46
=== EvilResistance is now known as Resistance
M4d3Ltonesfrommars: I have many website with different cms on it. I only know the issue is on a specific account because I use suphp06:47
M4d3Lor phpexec... I dont remembre06:47
tonesfrommarsI see, so this process is happening on the host serving WP.06:47
M4d3Land that specific account use wordpress06:47
buntunubcall me crazy but dont production shops run some pretty beefy firewalls06:48
almoxarifeM4d3L: ok, other than your first hypothesis (I am being hacked) , lets consider how the supposed hacked server is different from all the others?06:48
netboy10Does anybody know if dell still sell computer with ubuntu preinstalled?06:49
dpierceM4d3L: might just be some vulnerable wordpress plugin06:49
ResistanceM4d3L:  my original statement does stand, by the way, php5-cgi and Apache, with high traffic sites, can result in it using tons of memory06:49
M4d3Lhacked or not. I only want to shutdown the script taking all the memory06:49
Resistancenetboy10:  they dont, i asked their sales staff06:49
ResistanceM4d3L:  you could fast-restart the php process06:49
Resistancedowntime is only about 5 seconds :p06:49
dpiercenetboy10: no they dont. not unless youre in china anyway06:49
Resistancedpierce:  they stopped there, too06:50
tp_eddyhello everyone!  my samsung laptop's touchpad can't work on ubuntu 10.04, How can i open it06:50
M4d3LResistance: the process comeback after 10 sec06:50
ResistanceM4d3L:  its supposed to.  its what serves the php content06:50
almoxarifetp_eddy: mouse?06:50
M4d3LResistance: its not supose to have 10 process using half of the memory06:50
M4d3Land cpu06:50
Resistanceactually it is... one's the master the others are likely workers.06:51
* Resistance has seen this for PHP processes06:51
dpierceM4d3L: sounds like a typical apache install to me ;P06:51
almoxarifeis this php process part of apache?06:51
ResistanceM4d3L:  yeah, its not uncommon06:51
M4d3Lits a virtualmin server06:51
M4d3Lwith standars ubuntu package install06:51
netboy10Does anybody where I can buy a laptop preinstalled with ubuntu?06:51
ResistanceM4d3L:  what you need to do is edit the php5-cgi config to lower the number of processes it starts, both workers and master processes.06:51
Resistancenetboy10:  System76 does06:52
almoxarifenetboy10: buy a laptop os free, install it yourself06:52
ResistanceM4d3L:  still not uncommon to have that many PHP processes, especially if yo urun off of default configs06:52
urlin2unetboy10, http://www.system76.com/06:52
ResistanceM4d3L:  you might consider tweaking your config for PHP, setting a max and min limit on processes it starts06:53
almoxarifeM4d3L: wouldn't the help people at #apache be able to better answer your questions?06:53
M4d3Lyeah I will go see there06:53
M4d3Lbut I will first make some search on that06:54
M4d3Lanyway, ty for your help06:54
M4d3Land Merry Chirsmas :)06:54
Resistancealmoxarife:  isnt #apache now #httpd ?06:55
blackbandit1258hey. I havea problem. whenever i put a blank DVD in my DVD dtive the drive freezes and wont respond. this only happens with blank  DVDs. CDs work fine06:55
OFJHuPcqimeery christmas06:55
* almoxarife also learned english as a second language, english make me to puke sometimes, Resistance, no idea06:55
zamiel@blackbandit what do you see when you look at dmesg06:56
blackbandit1258@zamiel Whats dmesg?06:56
zamieldmesg will show hardware output info from the terminal06:57
blackbandit1258how do i use it?06:57
afidegnumhello good morning, pls  I am trying to install packages for my huawei ec 167 modem, and I am having difficulty can you please assist?06:57
zamielopen a terminal and when you put a blank in type dmesg in the terminal to see what is going on.06:57
afidegnumI can't install package wvstreams06:57
blackbandit1258k brb06:57
almoxarifeis the addition of the 'host' name to a apps log file specific to the app? tell me there is some secret decoder way of throwing the host name into a log file without one06:58
afidegnumany answer pls ?06:58
almoxarife!info wstreams06:58
ubottuPackage wstreams does not exist in oneiric06:58
zamielafidegnum what is the error06:58
almoxarife!info wvstreams06:59
ubottuPackage wvstreams does not exist in oneiric06:59
DrDamnitConnected my box to a Samsung TV. Samsung resolution is 1920x1080. I set the nVidia driver settings to auto detect and it recognizes the TV and the resolution; however, the X desktop is about 5% too big for the screen so I cannot see the top or bottom bars. How do i fix this?06:59
almoxarifeafidegnum: would that be because it does not exist?06:59
tp_eddyhow to launch my Synaptics touchpad06:59
zamieldrDamnit you can configure a lot of this using Xrandr07:00
zamieltry the man page07:00
zamielif your familiar with terminal that is...07:00
blackbandit1258umm its too long to copy down07:00
DrDamnitzamiel: xandr?07:00
almoxarifeDrDamnit: in the user settings for nvidia you will find the correction slider for it, I think its in the 'tv' tab07:01
zamieldrDamnit: http://www.bigfatostrich.com/tag/xrandr/07:01
zamielthis may help\07:01
almoxarifeDrDamnit: xvidia setting? nice gui? fixes it07:02
zamielor go with almoxarife's suggestion if you want to stay with the GUI interface07:02
* DrDamnit looks07:02
* almoxarife is not ashamed of gui everything07:02
tp_eddyyestoday I try update kernel but failed, when I turn back kernel I found Synaptics can't work07:02
zamielnor should you be... but terminal is faster07:03
zamieltp_eddy: cannon solution: backup, fdisk, format, reinstall.07:04
tp_eddy<zamiel>: faint07:05
almoxarifetp_eddy: what version of ubuntu?07:08
tp_eddyalmoxarife: ubuntu 10.0407:09
almoxarifetp_eddy: you familiar with synaptic?07:09
tp_eddyalmoxarife: not synaptic. it's Synaptics touchpad07:10
pp7why does "compress" from the menu not work in 11.10?07:11
almoxarifetp_eddy: I know they both have the same name, how do you add and remove apps?07:11
zamielalmoxarife i think he means the synaptic package manager.07:12
tp_eddyalmoxarife:apt-get install  remove or dpkg -i -r07:13
almoxarifezamiel: he thinks I am confusing the two, I am not, all I want him to do is re-install ubuntu-desktop07:13
zamielI was in private chat with him, told him to try the failsafe and use apt-get install 0f07:13
zamielI was in private chat with him, told him to try the failsafe and use apt-get install -f *07:13
DrDamnitzamiel & alnoxarife: xrandr crashed X. :-)07:14
DrDamnitI am on Ubuntu 10.10.07:14
zamielDrdamnit what did you do with xrandr07:14
zamieldid you read the page i posted07:15
almoxarifetp_eddy: ok, cntr alt f1, log in, in terminal, sudo apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop then follow that with sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop07:15
DrDamnitI did system > administration > testing and ran the monitor and video tests (per the article you posted). It ran through a series of resolutions, then crashed X and ran me back to gdm login.07:15
tp_eddyzamiel: not package manager ! I mean laptop's touchpad07:15
zamieleither way,  the method i mentioned is a step to make sure packages are not damaged.07:16
almoxarifeDrDamnit: I suggested nvidia configuration app, nice gui that lets you fix the over-scan07:16
tp_eddyalmoxarife:OK, thx07:17
DrDamnitalmoxarife: I cannot find the "slider". Where should I be looking? What would it be named?07:17
almoxarifeDrDamnit: is the app open?07:17
DrDamnitFlat Panel scaling is checked, but when I uncheck it, the app crashes. Same with changing the GPU scaling method.07:18
almoxarifeDrDamnit: left side, lots of options, near bottom, something about the tv?07:18
r4yI can't get a hold of faz. I suppose I messed up. I tried suggesting he get a new card and he didn't want to and left.07:18
almoxarifeDrDamnit: stop clicking on shit07:19
DrDamnitNope. Closest thing is a DFP-0 SAMSUNG, which is the manufacturer of this TV. Incidentally, I have a DVI to HDMI connector on the card, and the other end of the HDMI cable is obviously plugged into the TV.07:19
zamielr4y: dont feel bad, its free advice we give. you get what you pay for...07:19
* DrDamnit stopped clicking on shit.07:19
r4yI mean I would have tried to help him install or fix his card to work but I am limited in my knowledge07:19
almoxarifeDrDamnit: cool, it opens another options list, yes?07:20
DrDamnitYes. Native resolution, best fit resolution, etc...07:20
almoxarifeDrDamnit: second to last option is what?07:20
Rogue|PandaI need to set some boot flags for my machine, I know there is a GRUB file to edit, but forgot which one. Anyone throw me a bone?07:20
zamielr4y: the fact that your on this channel, days before xmas, giving up your free time. We appreciate you being here and trying...07:20
r4yI remember I gave up on 2 linux oses thinking I would never get my wireless card working then I tried Ubuntu and it worked out of the box for free07:20
DrDamnitThere are only three active controls, however, "Force Full GPU Scaling", "GPU Scaling Method" and Digital Vibrance (a slider). There is also a button: "Acuire EDID."07:21
r4yI don't celebrate Christmas, but I am not against others enjoying them selves. Happy Christmas everyone here who celebrates it. :)07:22
drhester7r4y: why dont you celebrate christmas07:23
r4yWhy do I need to?07:23
drhester7i guess you dont.07:23
almoxarifeDrDamnit: http://www.ypass.net/blog/2010/04/nvidia-overscan-correction-fixed-in-latest-drivers/ <-- find that option07:23
drhester7i would just think its fun07:23
Rogue|Pandasome of us have to celebrate Christmas lol07:24
zamielr4y. good point07:24
r4yThank you all for trying to help me help someone.07:24
drhester7whatever lol i like it.. free stuff!.. kinda07:24
DrDamnitalmoxarife: I just found that too. (I didn't know it was called overscan, which was vital to my Google Fu skills. )Which option on there do you recommend?07:25
almoxarifeDrDamnit: THE CIRCLED ONE!07:25
drhester7r4y: you might be able to help me out if you want07:25
pp7why does "compress" from the menu not work in 11.10?07:26
DrDamnitI don't have that slider. Doe sthat mean I should update my drivers?07:26
drhester7I want to be able to use demonoid but i need someone to invite me. atc3030 would have but he's out of invites.07:26
almoxarifeDrDamnit: using nvidia-current?07:27
* DrDamnit checks...07:27
r4yI am not familiar with demoniod07:27
drhester7hmm well that's unfortunate07:28
zamieldemonoid? the BT search engine?07:28
DrDamnitalmoxarife: yes.07:28
mysteriousdarrenppl go offtopic for this convo07:28
meskarunedemoniod is a torrent host, not just a search engine07:28
drhester7anyone willing to invite me?07:29
drhester7on demonoid07:29
meskarunebut demoniod isn't secure anymore07:29
r4yI found this: http://torrentscan.com/07:29
meskaruneits been compromized07:29
almoxarifeDrDamnit: you have 'nvidia-current' installed, and don't see the slider, that's a mystery then07:29
zamielyou know if you use other mass torrent engines through the TOR network it will connect to demonoid even though it throws an error... try www.kickasstorrents.com07:29
DrDamnitalmoxarfie: Noooooooooo! OK.07:30
zamieland for your sake use the TOR network07:30
zamieljust to connect to the tracker...07:30
meskaruneDO NOT download torrents using tor07:30
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:30
VanessaEgood evening.  Quick question:  what's the disposition of this resume-from-suspend black-screen issue a lot of people seem to be having?  I am affected as well.  Is there a solution?07:30
r4yI use deluge07:30
meskaruneif you really really need an onion routing solution, use i2p07:30
meskaruneTor is not for p2p file downloading07:30
drhester7r4y: for torrents?07:31
zamieldemonoid? the BT search engine?y pass that is...07:31
zamielif you want to be safe when the PIPA and SOPA dogs come a barking... if they pass that is07:31
drhester7how well does it work?07:31
pnormanI am considering swapping the motherboard in my ubuntu server. Is there anything special to be aware of? I am not using onboard raid or anything else special, although obviously I'd need to redo my sensors.conf07:31
almoxarifehello, the torrent help channel is next door at #torrents-are-us07:31
meskarunealso why are you asking for an invite to demoniod in the #ubuntu channel? you should do things like that in #ubuntu-offtopic07:31
r4yI read somewhere it is great for uploading07:31
afidegnumzamiel:  almoxarife  I was following this instructions, http://citycellmodemtroubleshoot.blogspot.com/2011/01/installation-of-ec167-modem-in-ubuntu.html07:32
zamielif you use a torrent client like transmission.. use the TOR network to conenct to the trackers. and use encryption required your better off.07:32
zamielthat is if your using torify to download the torrent files....07:32
boyglickhi is there a ubuntu mongolia channel?07:33
zamiellater all...07:33
boyglickis there a ubuntu mongolian language channel?07:34
almoxarifeDrDamnit: wait, its there, its hidden, can you move the window up?07:34
afidegnumzamiel:  almoxarife  can you please look at this ? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/wvstreams07:35
zamielmeskarune: that is true. however connecting to the tracker via TOR is massivly advised...07:35
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, pangolin, nhandler or Jordan_U!07:35
zamielnot the actual download of the files.07:35
meskarunein any case, if you are only downloading legitament files, there is no need to use an anonimizer07:35
almoxarifetake the torrent talk elsewhere, its old07:36
zamielmeskarune: that is a grey area depending on your view of data and "ownership"07:36
meskarunezamiel: NO ONE advises people to torrent over TOR. It puts a huge strain on the TOR network and its not secure. People who do that are being jerks07:36
r4ywhat does beta mean?07:36
meskaruneTOR is for people in places like Iraq and China to get full access to the internet. Its for free speach, not file sharing07:36
almoxarifeafidegnum: ok, I see the package, what is the issue?07:36
zamielmeskarune: did you read the part of only connecting to the tracker via TOR? please read...07:37
afidegnumI can't install it07:37
meskarunezamiel: you should use i2p, which is like tor, but made for torrenting07:37
afidegnumwhenever I ran apt-get install wvstreams I have a package not found error07:37
afidegnumunable to locate package wvstreams07:37
zamielafidengnum. that is because it is no longer in the repositories. or the ones you have enabled anyway...07:38
meskarunezamiel: and its not actually a "grey area" according to the law, it is illegal to download movies, games, music, etc that you did not buy.07:38
afidegnumok, how do I get them pls ?07:38
zamielafidegnum: http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/packages/show/36019807:39
VanessaEmeskarune: in what country?07:39
sammyso gparted has that nifty window that lists all the filesystems it supports. is there a way to get that info from parted on the command line?07:39
zamielmeskarune: not all laws are ment to be followed.07:39
meskaruneso don't kid yourself. know that what you are doing is illegal and realize that. Its fine to disagree with the law. I personally disagree with much of issues in copyright law.07:39
zamielsome are outright wrong...07:40
sammymeskarune: mlkjr said youre supposed to break the laws you think are unjust, and a judge will sort it out. though I dont think this a discussion for this channel :)07:40
meskarunezamiel: the point is that there can be repercussions07:40
afidegnumzamiel:  how do I install it pls ?07:41
meskaruneplease do not promote people using tor to hide their bit torenting. The TOR network should not be used for that.07:41
sammyyou can use TOR to anonymously download things like an ubuntu torrent, thats legal. *shrug*07:41
meskaruneI gave an alternative program i2p. use that07:41
meskarunesammy: the point is that torrenting over TOR puts a huge strain on their network that they cannot support. i2p is made for torrenting, so use that instead.07:42
zamielmeskarune: that is personal opinion. perhaps you should research the TOR network and its origins. did you know its partially funded by the US gov?07:42
sammyfrom torproject.org: "So what's the fix? There are two answers here. The first answer is "don't run Bittorrent over Tor". We've been saying for years not to run Bittorrent over Tor, because the Tor network can't handle the load;" you can google 'bittorrent over tor isnt good idea to find the writeup. i2p is a better option, for sure.07:42
zamielafidengnum: download the package and install it with gdebi package manager07:42
DrDamnithow do I change the runlevel to boot to a shell rather than to X?07:43
almoxarifeDrDamnit: wait, its there, its hidden, can you move the window up?07:43
meskarunein your grub list put "ro 3" at the end of the kernel line, and you'll boot straight into the terminal07:44
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zamielsammy & meskarune there is a difference between using low bandwith connection to a tracker using TOR and using it to actually pull the torrent. please do your research before responding...07:44
afidegnumzamiel: can you pls through more light ?07:44
DrDamnitalmoxarife: I cannot move it. There is only one slider (vibrance) and then Detect EDID is below that. Expanding the window downwards reveals nothing. I think I just need the newest driver.07:44
DrDamnitalmoxarife: I take that back. I CAN move it, but it doesn't reveal anything new. :-(07:45
almoxarifeafidegnum: what are you trying to do exactly? compile from source?07:45
zamielafidegnum: the package is not available from your apt-get repositories. so if you want to install it you need to download the package to your local machine and install it. one easy way to do this is to use gdebi package manager.07:45
zamielif you do not have gdebi package manager use #sudo apt-get install gdebi07:45
mysteriousdarren+1 tp zamiel for setting the record straight07:46
almoxarifeDrDamnit: that's really strange, you can see the bottom borders?07:46
almoxarifeafidegnum: what are you trying to do exactly? compile from source?07:46
sammyzamiel: so youre going to connect to a tracker with tor but expose your public IP to do the p2p data transfer over? why use tor in the first place?07:46
zamielsammy: your still pushing the BT actuall traffic over a "required encryption" stream. The isp only sees you making enc connections to other clients. without a lot of work its very hard to find out what your actually doing...07:47
DrDamnitalmoxarife: Yep. See all the borders. What's strange is that if I click on ANYTHING that has to do with the TV (that "SAMSUNG" panel), the app crashes.07:47
Guest41126how to cend mail in terminal pless help me07:48
DrDamnitGuest41126: use mailx07:49
Guest41126how dow you cend mail in it07:49
DrDamnitman mailx07:50
sammyzamiel: if all youre wanting to do is hide the fact that youre torrenting, I guess. as long as no one you connect to is using a standard bittorrent port. last time I checked, ISPs dont really care if you download things ilegally unless the copyright holder complains, and they usually get your public IP from participating in the torrent themselves, so your method would still expose you to your ISP when/if the copyright holder complained...07:50
DrDamnitmailx -s "Subject" recpient@somewhere.com07:50
DrDamnitthen type message, and end with ^D07:50
zamielsammy: do you know about the six strikes agreement signed by all the telecoms?07:50
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zamielthey do care and they are actively hunting users..07:50
mysteriousdarrenzamiel: can I pm u?07:50
zamieldarren sure..07:51
Guest41126than you man07:51
DrDamnitYou're welcome.07:51
boyglickis there a mongolia ubuntu channel?07:52
meskaruneTOR doesn't encrypt your data stream, it just hides your rl location07:52
meskaruneboyglick: if there isn't, you can make one. :)07:53
boyglickmeskarune, yeah and id be the only one in it :)07:53
VanessaEcan someone answer my resume-from-suspend question?07:55
mysteriousdarrenmeskarune: please pm me07:55
meskarunemysteriousdarren: are you a spammer?07:56
mysteriousdarrenmeskarune: nope07:56
pnormanI am considering swapping the motherboard in my ubuntu server. Is there anything special to be aware of? I am not using onboard raid or anything else special, although obviously I'd need to redo my sensors.conf07:56
mysteriousdarrenpnorman: is there anything else special you want or need?07:57
zamiel_pnorman: is it to a board of the same type.07:57
VanessaEpnorman: where commodity hardware is concerned, I usually don't have to worry about the motherboard - rather, add-in cards (e.g. video, wireless, etc) are where the problems will usually show up.07:57
pnormanzamiel_: Currently it's a non-functioning AMD 880G board. I'd be going to an 880GX board (that works)07:57
sammyzamiel: I had not until you mentioned it, though it doesn't seem to imply theyre actively doing anything, it seems more of an agreement to assume if youve gotten six copyright infringement notices that its probably not a coincidence or mistake. and I guess that's people's folly for using major telecoms as ISPs -- anyone conducting illegal business should know better and use other ISPs that aren't in bed with content providers (or are the content provider07:58
hacked_kernelIs there a room for UbuntuOne dev ?07:58
zamiel_sammy: this is true, but there are massive numbers of users that are looking for just the information that i have posted in this room...07:59
pnormanVanessaE: I'd be keeping the same PCI intel network card and it's ubuntu server, so my video requirements are pretty minimal07:59
zamiel_while i agree that BT should not be over the TOR network on its own many do not understand what the TOR network is or where it comes from...08:00
VanessaEpnorman: any other special devices, e.g. SCSI interface, PATA, parallel, etc?08:00
zamiel_even fewer understand what the darknet is...08:00
zamiel_sammy: and they are active... helped a few users so far...08:01
mysteriousdarrenzamiel: true and few should know either08:01
pnormanVanessaE: Well, this all started trying to get a Supermicro SATA card working, but it's not installed yet. I do use the COM port, but that's non-critical (i.e. it can stop working and the server will still boot up)08:01
zamiel_mysteriousdarren: that is also true, but if someone uses google they are already on the right track...08:01
VanessaEwell, obviously you'll have to do further research, but generally speaking, I can't think of any reasons why the new hardware would fail.08:02
hacked_kernelubottu, ubuntu one development irc channel08:02
ubottuhacked_kernel: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:02
hacked_kernelubottu, help08:03
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience08:03
mysteriousdarrenzamiel: being in the right solar system being on the right spot on a planet are two totally different things08:03
meskarunezamiel and sammy: please take your bit torrent conversation to #ubuntu-offtopic or private chat08:03
VanessaEworst case scenario:  the new board (or some component plugged into it) doesn't work, and finds its way back to the store/vendor, right?08:04
juniourhey guys08:04
zamiel_meskarune: are you OP?08:04
juniourmerry christmas08:04
juniourto aal08:04
juniourall you guys08:04
meskarunezamiel: read the channel rules08:04
StepnjumpGood night everyone08:04
zamiel_meskarune: rules are to be broken...08:05
mysteriousdarrenzamiel_: I hate to say this and I would totally help both of you but this is the wrong channel for it.08:05
mysteriousdarrenzamiel_: plus ops are never far away08:05
zamiel_let em examine this thread08:06
zamiel_if they find fault then they will let me know...08:06
ntenisOThello.. I create a php file and I have to use exec() to execute adb which I have previously add to my environment variables.. Unfortunately I get permission denied (error 126). How can I fix that?08:06
zamiel_ntenisOT: did you check the file permissions?08:07
VanessaEBump (no answer after 37 minutes of off-topic chat) -- Question:  What's the disposition of this resume-from-suspend black-screen issue a lot of people seem to be having?  I am affected as well.  Is there a solution?08:07
VanessaE(11.10, freshly-installed on a Dell Insp. 9200 boat anch...er...laptop)08:08
pnormantbh, I'm hoping to *not* have to buy a new motherboard, for hassle reasons more than cost08:08
ntenisOTzamiel_ but it is not a file. its ADB from android. I want to display a list of connected devices using exec('adb devices');08:08
r4yHow do I check freenode to see if a nick is currently on08:09
VanessaEpnorman: I think I missed the reasoning - why is a new motherboard a possibility here?  Something fried?08:09
almoxarifeVanessaE: I have a dell also that I have never managed to get resume from suspend to work on, and I have tried every thing I could think of, it's a dual boot, and the pisser is that windows does sleep and return08:10
zamiel_ntenisOT: from the android device or from the computer08:10
ajwillhi, could someone please point me to a list of audio plugins included with Ubuntu Studio?08:11
VanessaEalmoxarife: see, I've had the opposite experience - it's always "just worked" as the tagline goes, with only minor glitches that are easily fixed by a quick config tweak or so.08:11
boyglickwhats the ubuntu russian channel?08:12
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.08:12
ntenisOTzamiel_ From a webserver runnning ubuntu 11.10. When I run adb devices in terminal everything works fine but when I am trying to open my php (ex devices.php) where I have the exec command then it is not working. I believe it is because user www-data does not have permissions to run adb.. Is it possible to find which group can execute adb commands and add www-data to that group?08:12
VanessaEof course, all of our machines here are linux-based (windows in a virtual machine when needed)08:12
pnormanVanessaE: It looks that way. It doesn't do anything on startup. It just didn't come back on one reboot. I'm going to try various things, but worst case I have to get a new motherboard, which would be done by getting a new gaming motherboard and bumping the current one to the server08:12
meskaruneVanessaE: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingKernelSuspend08:13
almoxarifeVanessaE: if you manage to get the dell to resume from suspend please do share, it would be worth knowing where the trick lies08:13
zamiel_ntenisOT: it is however I can remember the step... LMGT08:13
VanessaEpnorman: well given that, I'd say your guess is accurate.  Well, at least you get an upgrade out of the deal! :-)08:13
VanessaEalmoxarife: sure thing; it worked fine under....mmm.. Maverick I think it had before08:14
pnormanVanessaE: I *really* don't want to reinstall Windows and set up a new motherboard08:14
VanessaEpnorman: well the replacement does seem similar enough, maybe windows won't complain?08:14
VanessaEmeskarune: reading now...08:15
ntenisOTzamiel_ thanks mate08:15
pnormanVanessaE: I currently have an AMD motherboard for gaming, since Phenom IIs were the best at the price point when I bought it pre-sandybridge. Although I could buy a new AMD motherboard, it'd be stupid to do anything other than sandybridge and 2500K for gaming at this point. I've found windows to be a lot pickier about hardware than ubuntu is.08:16
VanessaEmeskarune: hrm, doesn't seem to be a lot here that I can make sense of, as my suspend issue is:  doesn't seem to suspend at all (just blanks screen and activates Xlock), or when it does, it won't resume (blank screen, keyboard works enough to at least REISUB)08:17
meskaruneVanessaE: also make sure you have enough swap space08:17
pnormananyways, AFK with my head in the server08:17
VanessaEmeska:  There is adequate swap, but this problem occurs with suspend-to-RAM also.08:18
VanessaEmeskarune: it worked fine under the previous install, Maverick I think it had.08:19
naftilos76hi, can anybody help me with nail config file?08:19
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naftilos76i cannot seem to make it work08:19
VanessaEpnorman: good luck.08:19
lyraenew gnome is a disaster08:21
lyraemy goodness08:21
ablegreenanyone know how to reduce the latency of a webcam stream to as low as possible?08:21
VanessaEablegreen: lighting.08:21
meskaruneI love how people freak out every time there is a UI change.08:21
Erfolggnome 3 > all08:21
VanessaEthe more light you have, the faster the cam will capture frames08:21
meskaruneso many gnome complaints08:21
lyraeim not freaking out08:21
Erfolgunity = fail though08:21
lyraeim just blatantly saying08:21
ablegreenvanessaE: thanks08:21
VanessaEmeskarune: XFCE Is Your Friend (tm)08:21
lyraehad to switch to gnome shell08:22
meskaruneVanessaE: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=114499908:22
stevecamErfolg, agreed08:22
meskaruneI use fluxbox08:22
lyraebecause unity was just..08:22
VanessaEable: also, of course there's the issue of what interface (and what speed variant therein) the cam uses08:22
Erfolgidk why they thought unity was a good idea08:22
zamiel_ntenisOT: try running adb in root mode08:22
zamiel_adb root08:22
VanessaEErfolg: because "everyone" uses a tablet today.  Right?  umm...right?? :-)08:23
meskarunelots of people like unity. its more touch friendly, which is what tech is moving toward now.08:23
stevecamits unstable08:23
Tech-12 much like win08:24
Erfolgunity sucks. they should have just gone with gnome 3 and supported the gnome 3 project instead of creating their own.08:24
zamiel_meskarune: not all, there is too much kruft with unity. more hardware demands. not as fast on older equip...08:24
meskaruneI don't use unity08:24
meskarunebut its silly to say that it sucks or that its terrible08:24
meskaruneits different08:24
meskarunethat is all08:24
FloodBot1meskarune: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:24
DeltaEpsilonis there any native GTK IDE for php with xdebug and git support?08:25
lyraeits 'terrible' from different point of view08:25
meskaruneif you don't like it, use soemthing else08:25
zamiel_different does not mean good...08:25
lyraecoders and developers, for instance08:25
lyraeand newer is not always better :)08:25
meskarunedifferent also doesn't mean bad08:25
Erfolgit's unstable. if they had worked on gnome 3 there would be at least 1 stable desktop environment. not 2 that are lacking.08:25
stevecammeskarune, its not ready, it should of been left in development08:25
meskaruneswitch to debian?08:26
lyraeAnyways, i believe theres a bug with the gnome terminal, as i just formatted and bug still persists. could anyone verify?08:26
VanessaEI think it's terrible because it represents such a drastic change to one's workflow.08:26
lyraei edit the profile to have menu bar off new windows, but menu bar always persists08:26
meskarunemost of the things put into ubuntu should be in developement still.08:26
meskarunelike all the beta software....08:26
Tech-1meskarune:  you talk with a forked tonguev08:26
VanessaEthe panel-plus-start-menu paradigm became as popular as it did for a reason - it works well.08:26
almoxarifeubuntu has a very nice stable configurable desktop, its called plasma-workspace08:27
meskaruneI don't have a start menu or panel08:27
lyraei dont either, but not by choice08:27
lyraeand it takes me longer to get to places08:28
VanessaEI have.  A variant of the two-panel layout XFCE defaults to these days (though highly customized)08:28
meskarunelyrae: tab complete. :)08:28
lyraemeskarune, pfft08:28
lyraeused to have all my remote servers under 'places'. now i don't even have a menu with 'places'08:28
meskarunemake a folder called places, sym link all your servers to that folder08:29
VanessaE /remote-filesystems08:29
lyraelooks like they dont want us creating folder son the desktop though08:29
stevecami find it rude of ubuntu to not include an option to select the gnome-shell from the login screen08:30
lyraeits ok ill adapt08:30
stevecam"We are happy with this change, you should be too!"08:30
lyraeso can anyone confirm the gnome-terminal bug with me? =(08:31
meskarunethere is a simple solution though: use another distrobution. like mint, or debian08:31
stevecamwhat bug is it?08:31
lyraei even checked the xml settings file and the value for menu bar is off there08:31
lyraenot sure why it stays on08:31
lyraestevecam, edit your gnome-terminal profile to have menu bar off on new terminal windows. it wont stay off08:31
lyraeand this happened before i formatted (just formatted, fresh clean install right now. and its happening still)08:32
stevecammeskarune, i was really happy with ubuntu, i am a annoyed at this change because it feels like what was ubuntu is now something else08:32
fullmetalstevecam: you can always try a different ubuntu flavor like CrunchBang that is still a debian base...08:32
fullmetaljust with less kruft...08:33
lyraeor wait for mint to fork gnome and fix it back08:33
ssfdre38if i installed my own Gnome using jhbuild, would that kill Unity?08:33
meskarunejust install debian08:34
meskaruneits more stable anyways08:34
meskarunebut a bit more work08:34
juniourssfdre 38 yes08:34
imgx64There is a bug that affects me. I searched and found it on Launchpad  (https://bugs.launchpad.net/nautilus/+bug/550006). However, that bug was closed as "Fix Released" over a year ago. Should I report a new bug or is there is a way to re-open it?08:35
ubottuUbuntu bug 550006 in Nautilus ""Open with Other Application" shows duplicates of available applications" [Medium,Fix released]08:35
ssfdre38juniour, would that break my OS or no?08:35
stevecamlyrae, i'm getting the same problem, but it doesn't bother me08:35
lyraestevecam, ok just checking. thanks08:35
kamelot314sudo apt-get under installation mode08:36
stevecamhow would i get the menu bar back without closing the shell08:36
lyraestevecam, if you right click, the option is there08:36
lyrae'show menu bar'08:36
stevecamit is too lol08:36
ZYmvykzhpho ho ho08:37
juniourssfdre38 no08:37
ssfdre38hey how come ff 9 works better then ff 8 that is from the distro?08:37
lyraeI wish there was a version of ubuntu without all 3rd parties hardware like empathy, games, etc08:37
ZYmvykzhpand a meeerrry christmas08:37
stevecamthe settings appear to be saving, just not loading when i start up gnome-terminal08:37
lyraeand you install what you want only08:37
juniourssfdre38 wt exectly you wanna do08:37
fullmetallyrae: sudo apt-get remove....08:37
ssfdre38juniour, thinking of updating to Gnome 3.208:38
meskarunelyrae: there is. install the server edition of ubuntu08:38
fullmetalor crunchbang is a good decruft version of debian..08:38
lyraemeskarune, even that comes with apache, php, etc, no?08:38
fullmetalreally its debian with an installer script...08:38
meskaruneor why not install debian testing?08:38
lyraeyea im looking at crunchbag but it says08:38
lyraeit comes with more apps by default than ubuntu08:38
juniourssfdre38 you unity will be killed08:38
meskarunedebian testing is rolling release, it has gnome, its nearly the same as ubuntu08:38
lyrae'CrunchBang has been reported to boot faster than Ubuntu[7] while still including a larger number of applications by default than a standard Ubuntu installation.'08:39
imgx64lyrae, download the "alternate CD" (http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate) which allows you to only install a basic Ubuntu system with no GUI or extra programs.08:39
fullmetallyrae. yep. high speed. low drag...08:39
flysnowchiuubuntu server08:39
mysteriousdarrenlyrae: why is that?08:39
lyraeimgx64, looking into it.08:39
lyraewhy is what?08:39
meskaruneif you want really minimal install with lots of control go with slackware or arch linux08:39
pp7lyrae: who cares nowadays about boot time and number of apps installed by default that you can install easily anyway?08:40
imgx64Ubuntu server still comes with some programs (Apache, etc).08:40
lyraebut ive been using ubuntu since 06 =(08:40
mysteriousdarrenfaster with more programs? better dev, and less beta?08:40
lyraei wanna stay true to it lol08:40
lyraeim loyal08:40
meskaruneyou can't always easily uninstall applications. sometimes they leave things behind08:40
fullmetalso are lemmings...08:40
lyraepp7, not so much boot time...just junk in the hard drive.08:40
mysteriousdarrenjust install the core and the desktop environment and go from there08:40
lyraeits like buying a computer at best buy and getting it with AOL, Norton, 1000+ other things08:41
lyraethat you have to uninstall08:41
fullmetallyrae: true, however do you want out of the box functionality? if so its a necessity08:41
stevecamlyrae, ever bought a computer with MyWebSearch?08:41
pp7so Crunchbang comes with more junk preinstalled?08:41
lyraepp7, according to wikipedia, eys08:42
fullmetaldont hate it until you try it...08:42
Tech-1puppy slacko ftw08:42
meskarunesometimes minimal = lots of programs that do one thing well, vs. robust = one program taht does everything08:42
monacellithere's always arch08:42
lyraefullmetal, yeah i understand. but technically, couldn't i install the alternate CD, install synaptic and then just install what i want?08:42
meskarunemonacelli: yeah, I mentioned arch, but they wanna stay with ubuntu08:43
llutz!minimal | lyrae:08:43
ubottulyrae:: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD08:43
lyraemeskarune, but isnt that the philosophy of linux? lots of small programs that do one thing well. cp , rm, cat, ls,08:43
lyraellutz, yes i think i will try that08:43
fullmetallyrae: even alternate is packaging on more then what your looking for...08:43
fullmetal*i think08:44
llutzalternate-cd installs same stuff as desktop does, just the installer is different (cli, ncurses)08:44
meskarunelyrae: its the unix philosophy. Linux is a unix clone. but ubuntu does not follow that philosophy. they have a different one. (which is neither better or worse)08:45
lyraei see08:45
AcaldeiraCan anyone help me?08:46
lyraei dont know, can we?08:46
fullmetalacaldeira: depends...08:46
AcaldeiraI just installed ubuntu but i have a problem08:46
imgx64The problem with the minimal CD is that you can't install it offline.08:46
fullmetaldo tell...08:46
lyraeimgx64, thats ok though. im always connected08:47
=== ruben is now known as Guest6939
meskarunelyrae: ubuntu's philosophy is to be as  human friendly as possible.08:47
Acaldeirathe installation went smooth and it asked me to reboot08:47
Acaldeirabut when i did08:47
Guest6939somebody can hel me with my xubuntu?08:47
Acaldeirathis message appeared08:47
AcaldeiraReboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media in selected boot device and press a key08:47
lyraei see08:47
imgx64Ah, okay.08:47
lyraei guess when they human they mean average users08:47
fullmetalacaldeira sounds like it was a misconfig for the HDD selection... or could be a problem in BIOS with AHCI selected instead of legacy...08:48
VanessaEAcaldeira: sounds like the machine is asking you to select which drive to boot from via your BIOS08:48
imgx64So, I'm affected by an old bug marked as fixed. Should I report a new bug or is there a way to open the old one (closed over a year ago)?08:48
meskarunelyrae: yeah. :)08:48
llutzlyrae: more, targeting  "new users"08:48
lyraemeainstreaming it08:48
Acaldeirai thought so too, so i went into the bios config and all was alright :/08:48
VanessaEcurrent linux distros get a little stupid regarding the system's boot device, because devices aren't numbered in a consistent order anymore08:49
meskaruneimg64: are you using an old version of ubuntu?08:49
Guest6939compaq 1.8GHz 2GB RAM FSB 533MHz and my Xubuntu use the 100% of their CPU08:49
VanessaEso you might have accidentally installed your boot loader (grub) to something other than the drive your machine usually boots from08:49
imgx64meskarune: Nope, 11.10.08:49
Guest6939and only have open 3 windows of firefox and the kompozer08:49
VanessaE(say, a USB stick, an external drive, a second disk for mass storage, etc)08:49
lyraeok so08:49
ssfdre38Guest6939, and what is your question?08:50
meskaruneimgx64: is the old bug for a different version of ubuntu than what you are running? if so, its a new bug. :)08:50
lyraearchlinux and slackware for minimal junk distros?08:50
tsaknorrisRelaxing Christmas for everyone. Maligayang Pasko sa lahat. Rauhallista Joulua kaikille. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-9TW7tZD_U :D08:50
Acaldeiraso how do i fix it?08:50
rick_I have no problem with the boot order-unless you mix sata and ide and even thern it is not a big deal08:50
mysteriousdarrenguest: use a different browser08:50
Guest6939why my cpu are at 100% ever08:50
meskarunelyrae: I'm partial to arch linux. its my favorite distro08:50
lyraemeskarune, why is that?08:51
VanessaEAcaldeira: depends on your hardware - if you have two hard drives, try changing the boot order in your BIOS08:51
auronandaceGuest6939: it is an old cpu08:51
rick_Lubuntu is the better small derititive08:51
Acaldeirajust one hdd08:51
imgx64I also checked a fresh install of 11.10  and it also has that bug, so I think *everyone* is affected by the bug (https://bugs.launchpad.net/nautilus/+bug/550006). Banshee appears multiple times in "Open With Other Application..." dialog.08:51
ubottuUbuntu bug 550006 in Nautilus ""Open with Other Application" shows duplicates of available applications" [Medium,Fix released]08:51
Guest6939but with xubuntu dont must to have problems08:51
tsaknorriswhen we get "working" java in ubuntu? I need SUN java to pay my bills in internet :D08:51
auronandaceGuest6939: firefox is not a light app, and if you use flash then your cpu is simply too old08:52
meskarunelyrae: its rolling release, so its always up to date. its super easy to compile programs. Its not buggy. You system only has the programs you want on it. The community is awesome, etc08:52
AcaldeiraI can boot ubuntu from the USB though, when that window appears and asks you if you want to try ubuntu or install08:52
thechrisX no longer starts at boot.08:52
thechrisstartx does work08:52
Guest6939ok its for the flash at firefox08:52
Humbedooh"working" java?08:52
Humbedoohit works quite well :)08:52
lyraemeskarune, what about the packet manager?08:52
lyraenot packet08:52
llutz!ot | please take the distro-discussion out here08:52
ubottuplease take the distro-discussion out here: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:52
meskarunelyrae: they use pacman. Its command line, but I like it better than other package manager i've ever used08:52
lyraemeskarune, is it ok to PM you to ask some questions before i try?08:53
Guest6939how i can to quit the flash in firefox08:53
lyraelike 1 or two questions08:53
Guest6939or install other navigator08:53
Humbedoohquit the flash?08:53
Humbedoohare you having trouble playing flash content?08:53
thechrisSo, X11 works, but doesn't start at boot08:53
thechriswhat ubuntu magic is used for this08:53
Humbedoohmaybe it's gdm that's not working :>08:54
thechrisfor example, instead of X11, I get text that complains about pulse audio, and has some varialbe number of messages08:54
tsaknorrisHumbedooh, well it works "quite well" but not 100% :/ i cannot lock in to my bank account. and the reason is that java :D08:54
tsaknorrislock in = login08:54
tsaknorrismy english :D08:54
Humbedoohtsaknorris, did you try another java distribution?08:55
thechrishmm, gdm doesn't seem to be installed08:55
thechrisor is under a different name08:55
Humbedoohiced tea seems to work fine for me at least08:55
auronandacetsaknorris: you need java to login to your bank account?08:55
tsaknorrisyes i need it08:55
Humbedoohjava is quite common for that08:55
auronandacetsaknorris: wow, that is bad08:55
tsaknorriswith SUN java it works but not with open java08:55
ben_199hi.. sorry to come with something this mundane but i can't seem to get my grub fixed to load ubuntu rather than just win7, despite spending a few hrs on forums etc. no luck so far with boot repair or via terminal... anyone who might have an idea?08:56
Humbedoohsurely you mean Oracle Java by now08:57
thechrisben_199: can you get to a grub prompt, or is it just booting off the wrong drive08:57
ben_199thechris: nope its just going straight to windows08:57
Acaldeirahas anyone experienced this problem at some point? Reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media in selected boot device and press a key08:57
thechrisben_199: and you only have one hdd08:57
Humbedoohben_199, have you tried changing the hidden timeout in grub to a visible timeout?08:57
ben_199two but both OS on the same08:57
monacellidid you install grub to your mbr?08:58
tsaknorrisim just now hoping that ubuntu will fix its own java. or i have to change to different distribution (im not going to install windows thats for sure) :D08:58
thechrisben_199: and you're sure that grub is in the chain, and that windows hasn't overwritten it08:58
Humbedoohalso, did you install windows or ubuntu first? :<08:58
auronandacetsaknorris: "its own java", oracle doesn't allow java to be packaged for distributions08:59
Humbedoohtsaknorris, it might be your browser's java plugin and not the java dist itself08:59
thechrisWhat does 11.10 use to start x.  Something has broken whatever this is.  But startx does still work.08:59
ben_199windows came second so it probably overwrote it yes... not the first time for me, but i can't get grub installed back via live cd..08:59
Humbedoohauronandace, Oracle screws up everything they buy08:59
HumbedoohMySQL didn't exactly improve either :p08:59
tsaknorrisauronandace, i know oracle doesnt want that ubuntu uses SUN java and know we are using openjdk....08:59
tsaknorrisHumbedooh, yes it can be also that09:00
auronandacetsaknorris: sun java is outdated, it belongs to oracle now, and they never play nice09:00
thechrisben_199: are you reinstalling grub from the grub console, or some other method?09:00
DaZso does virtualbox, and it's still ok :f09:01
tsaknorrisauronandace, yes i know that. im 110% supporting open source (since 2004 i havent touch windows at home) so i really want to find solution :D09:01
auronandaceDaZ: for now...09:01
thechrisDoes anyone know how to start gdm09:02
Tech-1sudo service gdm start09:02
llutzthechris: 11.10? uses lightdm, not gdm09:02
ben_199thechris: i tried boot-repair to no avail, tried grub-install from bash but it doesnt find my drive09:02
ssfdre38when will firefox get upgraded to 9.0.109:03
Humbedoohprobably after christmas09:04
ssfdre38well im using from source and its working better then the distro version09:04
thechrisllutz: hmm, service lightdm restart;  -- "unknown instance"09:05
Humbedoohtry without the "re"09:05
thechrisHumbedooh: hmm, that works.  so wtf is wrong with it at boot?!09:06
thechrisben_199: are you using a command in grub to list the devices?09:08
ztag100hey, I'm still looking for a good use of the laptop I found in my attic09:08
meskaruneuse it as a server09:09
ztag100I think I want to make it a minecraft server...09:09
Tech-1flower plant mantel ?09:09
ztag100Its on XP now...09:09
ztag100the laptop only has 512GB ram09:09
ubuntulandHi to everybody, from yesterday I can't know how removing the upper bar while I watch videos from xbcm, I have too a crash file, could u help?09:09
StepnjumpI am looking for an app that could take an mp2 file and would convert it to an mp3 file. Any suggestions please?09:10
ztag100so I need a lightweight distro, that can run off a CD09:10
Humbedooh512gb ram o.O09:10
ztag100I know09:10
ztag100it'll be good for me and a few frieds09:10
thechrisdoes lightdm make a log somewhere?09:10
Humbedoohhow do you fit all that into a laptop?09:10
[Sanyi]o.O :D09:10
auronandaceztag100: you mean 512mb?09:10
BlauskaerMMary Christmas #ubuntu :)09:10
Humbedoohno no, he has a super computer!09:10
ztag100lol! whoops!09:10
ztag100didn't catch that09:11
HumbedoohLubuntu runs well on 256MB09:11
ztag100yes 512MB09:11
meskarunepuppy linux?09:11
meskaruneor damn small linux09:11
[Sanyi]i have 256MB ram, i use squeeze :P09:11
ztag100i was thinking bout puppu and DSL09:11
[Sanyi]custom kernel :P09:11
[Sanyi]os[Linux i686] distro[Debian 6.0.3] cpu[1 x Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 1.70GHz (GenuineIntel) @ 1.70GHz] mem[Physical: 248.8MB, 54.6% free] disk[Total: 128.0GB, 57.1% free] video[nVidia Corporation NV34 [GeForce FX 5200]] sound[CMI8738-MC6 - C-Media CMI87381: Bt87x - Brooktree Bt878]09:11
[Sanyi]AHAH :D09:11
ztag100My plan is to store the files on the laptop harddrive09:12
ubuntulandhow removing upper bar in ubuntu 11.10 or simply hiding????? thanks09:12
Humbedoohno such thing, ubuntuland!09:12
ztag100but since I don't really have permision from my dad, I'm gna run it from a CD09:12
ztag100It's on XP now09:12
Humbedoohlike it or leave it09:12
thechrissweet, process 978 exited with return value 109:12
thechrisanyone know how to fix that09:12
thechrisor if its unrelated09:12
Tech-1put puppy on a thumb drive09:13
ztag100512MB is enough for a server for like 5 people right?09:13
Humbedoohhow would we know what process 978 is :<09:13
ubuntulandhumbedooh so may be is a problem of crash of xbmc? I have the log to show eventually09:13
ztag100tech-1 do u know if it could have persistant storage?09:13
Humbedoohztag100, VNC and such?09:13
ztag100Prob not09:13
HumbedoohXBMC is always bugged :>09:13
thechrisHumbedooh: clearly everyone must know it if lightdm would write it to a logfile by number and not give a useful name09:13
ztag100it would be sitting in my room, so I could just do anything from the laptop09:13
Tech-1xmbc is a big AOL trojan, lol09:14
robin0800ubuntuland: you can install gnome-panel and log in to gnome classic09:14
Humbedoohwell you could use valgrind to debug the process I guess, thechris :D09:14
insectatoriousubuntuland: you can get a theme that sets the top bar as transparent09:14
ztag100but, does VNC really make a difference?09:14
ztag100I plan on setting it up tomorrow09:14
Humbedoohwell it uses less resources on the laptop ofc09:14
ubuntulandok robin and I will hide when I play video on full screen?09:15
HumbedoohI'm using VNC on my Japanese server right now with xfce09:15
ztag100What about a CLI distro?09:15
thechris!fix nvidia09:15
thechris!ubottu be google09:15
ubottuthechris: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:15
ztag100u don't need a GUI to run an MC server09:16
ztag100I should compile a distro!09:16
thechriswhat does lightdm think xorg.conf is?09:16
ztag100don't really want to, just need something that works09:16
robin0800ubuntuland: if you wish to configure it hold alt and right click09:16
auronandace!mini | ztag10009:17
ubottuztag100: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD09:17
Humbedoohubuntuland, it shouldn't show at all in fullscreen xbmc09:17
ztag100I have the Minimal CD burned already, I used it for my netbook09:17
ubuntulandrobin when I do alt righ  nothing happens...09:17
ztag100but I don't want to format the computer09:17
thechrisit almost seems like the nvidia module isn't loaded until after lightdm attempts to load09:17
ztag100I just want to run a LiveEnvironment for a MC Server09:18
ben_199thechris: i realised grub is actually on sda now when it should be on sdb... but i cant get it to install on there.09:18
Humbedoohso no GUI of sorts?09:18
ztag100It could have one, but it doesn't NEED one09:18
ubuntulandhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/780819/ what's happened then?09:18
ztag100All I need is the ability to run CraftBukkit09:18
Humbedoohjust install ubu server? :<09:19
thechrisben_199: you mean to (hd1)?09:19
ztag100is it possible to install on a CD?09:19
ztag100the biggest thing is a LiveCD09:19
meskaruneyou can run a server off a live cd and not use the hard drive at all if you want09:20
Humbedoohubuntuland, seems like ffpmeg threw an error09:20
ztag100Meskarune That is exactly what I want!09:20
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution09:20
thechris!find xorg.conf09:21
ztag100Just a Minecraft server on a CD09:21
ubottuFile xorg.conf found in classmate-tools, libsyntax-highlight-engine-kate-perl, sandbox-upgrader, virtualbox-guest-x11, xresprobe, xserver-xorg-core, xserver-xorg-input-evdev, xserver-xorg-input-joystick, xserver-xorg-input-multitouch, xserver-xorg-input-synaptics (and 3 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=xorg.conf&mode=&suite=oneiric&arch=any09:21
ztag100where can I get this?09:21
amh345ubuntu is tell me i have updates available. how do i view a list of the updates available?  im in terminal09:21
ubuntulandah ok humbedooh. so what should I do? change ffpmeg or  do other09:21
Humbedoohtried reinstalling xbmx? or maybe try the bleeding edge builds09:22
HumbedoohI get xbmc crashes just about every day myself, so I've just gotten used to it behaving oddly09:22
thechrisdoes anyone know how to fix lightdm to work with nvidia09:23
thechrisit seems to get snippy when it can't find "nv"09:23
Humbedoohthechris, have you tried installing different nvidia drivers?09:23
thechristhere is a module "nvidia" that is loaded09:23
Humbedoohztag, minecraft or the live cd?09:23
ztag100Humbedoh, my plan is to run a minecraft server off of the laptop, I can't format it... and WinXP would be to slow09:24
thechrisI think "nv" is the older open source modules.09:24
Humbedoohget the live cd from ubuntu.com, plop it on a usb drive09:24
sattu94Hi, where can I find a step by step guide for building a local(LAN) mail server? All guides on internet assume it's going to send mails over the internet, But I just want local mail sending.09:24
thechrisand ubuntu can't be like any other distro09:24
ztag100I have an Ubuntu LiveCD burnt, can I just use that?09:25
Humbedoohsattu, local or global shouldn't matter much09:25
ztag100with the files stored on the hard drive?09:25
HumbedoohI'd of course recommend the rumble mail server :D09:25
StepnjumpI downloaded a tar.gz. I have no idea how to install this app. It has only two directories in it: data and libs. Has no readme. Files are in the type: libavcodec.so.53. What is that?09:25
afidegnumalmoxarife: are you there pls ?09:25
Humbedoohztag I don't see why not09:25
ztag100OK! I'll try it out tomorrow09:25
StepnjumpDownload page is: https://sourceforge.net/projects/transcoderae84/09:25
Humbedoohstepnjump, that's a library file :>09:26
Humbedoohso means Shared Object09:26
ztag100will Ubuntu be a little slow on this machine? that is my main fear09:26
StepnjumpHumbedooh... what is that? Can it be installed?09:26
ztag100I love Ubuntu, but it isn't very light09:26
oratedHow to have Dynamic DNS?09:26
HumbedoohStepnjump, yes you can just copy it to your /usr/lib folder if you like09:26
ztag100I'll try it out tomorrow09:27
thechriswhere is xorg.conf?09:27
Humbedoohlocate xorg.conf09:27
StepnjumpHumbedooh, how do I execute it?09:27
Humbedoohor /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:27
Humbedoohyou can't execute a library, stepnjump09:27
Stepnjumpoh it was an app I downloaded09:27
sattu94Humbedooh: Is it in the repositories ?09:27
ztag100thanks Humbedooh09:28
afidegnumpls can someone assist in installing the  package wvstreams09:28
Humbedoohsattu, nope, but you can find it on uhm...sf.net09:28
StepnjumpHumbedooh, I have some mp2 files I would like to listen on my ipod but they need to be converted to mp3. Do you know of an app that would do that?09:28
sattu94Humbedooh: sure will give it a try.09:28
afidegnumI have a no found pakcage error, pls I need help09:28
Humbedoohstepnjump, it's not an application, it;s a library for applications09:28
Humbedoohyou should use the software center to download and install music converters09:29
sattu94Humbedooh: Does it have LDAP auth support?09:29
ztag100Now, I sleep! I'll come back tomorrow when setting up my server09:29
StepnjumpOk I see Humbedooh... I keep looking for an app that will do the conversion and can't find one anywhere... They all support mp3 but not mp209:29
sattu94sattu94: OpenLDAP...?09:29
thechrisah, all unrelated09:30
Humbedoohnope, not yet09:30
HumbedoohI planned to get that done in January :p09:30
sattu94Humbedooh: :( okay, then I guess i'll look elsewhere.09:30
Humbedoohfor ldap, you probably want courier or postfix or such09:31
ben_199thechris: i guess. grub-install /dev/sdb will not work.09:31
sattu94Humbedooh: Exactly what i am looking for..09:33
kuuhmui have a proplem on thunderbird09:36
kuuhmuwho found a bug in thunderbird on ubuntu when i click compose mail...then it close..?09:37
BlackWhat the problem?09:37
kuuhmuthunderbird on ubuntu when i click compose mail...then it close..?09:38
Stepnjumpwhat is the function there to add a line of text to a file in the form : "text to enter in the file" > file.txt09:38
Humbedoohthunderbird = piece of crap :p09:38
BlackCheck your log09:38
kuuhmuwhere the log09:38
Tech-1na, it works pretty good now, version 3.109:38
Humbedoohstepnjump, text goes >> here.txt ?09:38
Humbedoohtech1, it still has compliance bugs with the imap protocols :p09:39
SeveasStepnjump, echo "Text goes here" >> file.txt09:39
StepnjumpIs it that simple Humbedooh? I thought it was harder than that09:39
Stepnjumpok thanks09:39
Humbedoohlike expecting an immediate reply after sending append commands09:39
Seveasecho "Text goes here" | tee -a file.txt09:39
Humbedoohstepnjjump, > means overwrite file, >> means append to file09:39
StepnjumpI think I found my mp2 converter. Seems really nice. pacpl09:39
Tech-1best thing he could do, is go delete profile, and reinstall it and start over09:40
oCeanStepnjump: echo "my text" > /path/to/myfile will insert my text in the myfile. Use ">>" to *add* text, or do what Seveas said09:40
Stepnjumpin case others are looking for that09:40
amh345in an ip address  << what does the /20 mean?  or what's it called so i can google it?09:40
Seveasamh345, it's called a subnet mask09:40
Stepnjumpoh echo, yes that's it oCean.. Thanks a lot09:40
Humbedoohit means use the first 20 bytes of the IP for locating it09:40
thechrisamh345: shorthand for the subnet mask09:40
Seveasit means that in that network the first 20 bits of the ip address are the "network address"09:40
Humbedoohbits ye09:40
Seveasamh345, try playing with ipcalc to see what that means09:41
amh345what would /0 mean than?  0 bits?09:41
Seveasjust do: ipcalc
oCeanamh345: to figure out more about netmasks/subnets, there are calculators available: http://jodies.de/ipcalc09:41
Seveas/0 is nonsense09:41
amh345im trying to setup some firewall security and the /x threw me for a llo09:41
Humbedoohinded it is09:41
Seveas/32 is host address09:41
Seveasanything in between (well, /31 is a bit useless too) is a network09:41
Humbedoohfor home stuff, /24 is usually the good one09:41
amh345thanks guys. ill mess around. and thanks oCean for the link09:41
amh345Humbedooh: im connecting to a remote server via ssh09:42
SeveasHumbedooh, or :)09:42
thechrisdoes anyone know how to fix the nvidia drivers09:42
Humbedoohthechris, have you tried building them yourself?09:43
thechrisfor some reason, they don't have access to nvidiactl at boot09:43
thechrisHumbedooh: i've tried reinstalling nvidia-current09:43
Humbedoohtry downloading the package from nvidia's website and compile it09:43
thechrisgiven that X works _after_ boot, but not _during_ boot, i'm thinking there is something wrong with ubuntu's init scripts09:44
Tech-1Humbedooh:  that today requires blacklisting09:45
Tech-1pain in the butt anymore09:45
Tech-1i would just go nvidia-current in the repos09:46
Humbedoohisn't there some nvidia-current post-update build or something?09:46
thechrisI'm a bit wary of the newest nvidia modules in 11.1009:47
Tech-1what about nvidia-xconfig ?09:47
Tech-1try that ?09:47
thechrisit's really messed up my laptop.09:47
Tech-1or  open nvidia-settings as root and create a xorg file09:47
Humbedooha silly question; did you remember to uninstall nvidia before you reinstalled it? :>09:48
thechrisHumbedooh: i just did apt-get install --reinstall nvidia-current09:48
thechrisIf I could figure out how to get uefi bios to actually boot off my usb disk, i'd probably just reinstall ubuntu09:49
Humbedoohhttp://wiki.debian.org/NvidiaGraphicsDrivers ?09:50
Tech-1what card is it09:51
thechrisit is new, gtx560-44809:51
Humbedoohit's an nvidia card obviously!09:51
thechristhe annoying thing is that this worked about 2 hours ago09:51
thechrisand it works if I manually start ligthdm/startx09:52
thechrisbut at init, for some reason nvidiactl doesn't exist or isn't accessible09:52
Humbedoohwhat if you just uninstall the driver, can you get to your desktop then?09:52
thechrisbut after init, nvidiactl does exist and has the correct permissions09:52
thechrisI can get to my desktop if I type startx09:52
Tech-1if he holds shift key and safe graphics mode to redo x1109:53
jester-thebastl: install gem and set it as default09:53
Humbedoohgnomes are the best09:53
qmVuWEvJZalrighty then...09:53
Humbedoohespecially during christmas09:53
qmVuWEvJZis there anyboddeh in theeere?09:54
Humbedoohno, we're all gone09:54
Humbedoohand you did not see that last message09:54
thechrismaybe it makes more sense to try to get kubunutu working.  I don't really like the new ubuntu, and it certainly hasn't been painless on either computer.  I also don't like gnome.09:55
Humbedoohbut you do like gnomes, right? :>09:56
pbinkwhere did the compiz settings go in 10.04?  I'm running it at work, and it's under system > preferences, but i can't find it on this box with ati video drivers09:56
amh345hmm. another quick question.  ssh-add keyxyz add my keypair.   what is the command to remove it?  ssh-remove doesnt work :)09:56
Stepnjumpyep! echo text >> textfile works great thanks09:57
StepnjumpTnx oCean09:57
oCeanamh345: I believe it's ssh-add -d, the manualpage explains (man ssh-add)09:57
thechrisHumbedooh: no, I haven't liked gnome since 2.4.  Although I haven't really tried it much after that09:57
llutzamh345: ssh-add -D09:57
amh345just found it :)09:58
amh345thanks again09:58
Humbedoohfuzzy little creatures09:58
SeveasTech-1, you rang?09:58
thechriswell gdm works.  I guess its sorta like the adult-child-still-at-home though.  compared to lightwm its ugly and looks unmaintained.10:00
pbinkany help in finding where the hell the compiz settings went on this install?  they've always been in system > preferences, but not this time on an ATI card10:01
thechrisand in classic linux form, I turned my computer on for some reason, fought with the OS for hours, and then got it working only to realize that I'd forgotten what I turned the computer on for in the first place.10:01
Tech-1pbink:  you prolly have to install them10:01
Tech-1pbink:  sys/admin/synaptic/10:02
pbinkTech-1:  wobbly windows is in full effect, so i know they're there already though10:02
Tech-1ya, it has effects, but the settings mangr prolly isnt installed, did you check tools or admin ?10:02
Seveaspbink, install compizconfig-settings-manager and run ccsm10:02
zxy_64hi, i installed ubuntu on one box and after move to the old CRT monitor i only get 640x480 resolution. Using nvidia drivers 173. Do i need to set modelines in xorg.conf? everything worked on a new LCD monitor before. Currently i http://paste.lugons.org/show/PGXk3lncL2Iv3BAXmpIK/ this xorg.conf. Any suggestions?10:03
pbinkSeveas, ty10:03
DeltaEpsilonnetbeans on ubuntu is pain in the ass10:04
Seveass/on ubuntu //10:04
DeltaEpsilonSeveas, does openJDK have hardware acceleration for the UI?10:06
DeltaEpsilonit seems the interface of Netbeans is slower on Ubuntu compared to netbeans on windows10:07
Humbedoohwhen is netbeans ever fast :D10:08
SeveasDeltaEpsilon, no clue. I tend to avoid java development as much as possible10:08
DeltaEpsilonHumbedooh, the interface is very responsive on windows10:09
DeltaEpsilonit is much less on Ubuntu :-(10:09
Seveasfortunately I only need to use perl, python and ruby at work :)10:09
erik1397resume from suspend gives black screen, hard reboot is only solution. any thoughts?10:10
DeltaEpsilonhow do I select which verison of java I want to use?10:10
DeltaEpsilonI have several installed10:11
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.10:11
aguitelSeveas, remember my issue ? my system freeze when become inactive ,i fix it installing old kernel10:12
Seveasaguitel, good to see that solves it. Please do file a bug though with as many details about your hardware as you can give10:12
oCeanDeltaEpsilon: you use  sudo update-alternatives --config java10:12
DeltaEpsilondamnit, time goes too fast10:14
com64you mean /part?10:16
ben_199grub still wont install to a particular drive, whatever i try... anything i am missing?10:16
oCeanQcPUZmiWz: do you have an ubuntu support question?10:18
erik1397resume from suspend gives black screen, hard reboot is only solution.  any thoughts?10:19
oCeanAIhnVFmRc: please stop that10:22
quielwhat's you guy's favorite tiling wm? would one be viable on my small netbook screen (11")?10:27
mike-whi folks10:27
mike-wi cannot decide whether use kde or gnome10:28
freko28hi all10:28
oCeanmike-w: try them both?10:28
mike-woCean, i've tried10:28
quielmike-w, do you want high customization and overwhelming number of options? try kde10:28
mike-woCean, i used gnome months ago,and now i am using kde10:29
* quiel is huge kde fanboi10:29
oCeanmike-w: Since choosing a desktop environment is mostly matter of personal taste, this channel is not really for people's opinions.10:29
quielanyone using a tiling WM on a netbook? how is it working with the small screen?10:30
mike-woCean, oh,isee10:30
oCeanmike-w: that's why I suggest to try and find out10:30
mike-woCean, but in fact i prefer gnome210:30
mike-woCean, but in ubuntu11, it is gnom3 :(10:31
freko28I use a VPN client on my computer and I want lauch the 2 time the same app (firefox) but the since with tun0 (the VPN) with eth0. Is it possible?10:31
oCeanmike-w: yes, gnome2 is dead10:31
soreauthere is a fork of gnome2 I heard10:32
mike-woCean, gnome3 is not so convenient, i have to click,click and click :(10:32
oCeanmike-w: that's nothing this channel can do about10:33
mike-woCean, maybe i'll try xfce someday10:34
freko28I use a VPN client on my computer and I want to run 2 times the same program (firefox) but the first process use tun0 (the VPN) and the second use eth0 . Is it possible and how can I do please?10:35
StepnjumpHi guys, I'm trying to add an app to my startup applications but I have no idea how to invoke this app from terminal10:36
StepnjumpIs there a quick way to find an app's name in terminal?10:36
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freko28Stepnjump, use "sudo aptitude search " lol10:38
Stepnjumpthank you freko2810:42
jjeronimodoesnt the bash command supposed to move files ?10:53
jjeronimothe command mv10:53
Skorgubuntu wifi10:53
jjeronimocopy and delete the source10:53
jjeronimomv * /var/shared/Video/10:54
=== mrmist is now known as mrmistletoe
DeltaEpsilonFirefox to manage a new way to manage tabs :\11:03
DeltaEpsilonit is pain in the ass to browse through 40+ tabs in firefox11:03
DeltaEpsilonFirefox needs a way to manage tabs.11:03
oCeanThat's not someting for this channel then, DeltaEpsilon11:04
dr_willisive seen ff tab manager enhanceer plugins at the ff extension/plugin pages11:09
airtonixjjeronimo: what's the problem?11:10
jjeronimotrying to move files from my encrypted home dir to /var/shared11:11
jjeronimoI don't have enough space to just copy it11:12
jjeronimoand then delete it11:12
jjeronimoI have to move it11:12
dr_willisthe mv command moves, move them in batches perhaps?11:12
dr_willisor use 'mc' if you have to use teh console. Its a handy file manager for the console11:13
jjeronimook thx11:14
BlackDr_willis, is it normal,console kit daemon spawn a lot of threads,about 64 threads?11:16
dr_willisBlack:  ive seen that mentionee befor. I think its a normal range. but not sure why its doing it.11:18
dr_willisThey're not processes, they're threads under one process.11:19
dr_willisso it seems 'normal' from that url.11:19
=== patrick is now known as Guest38185
SlyUki just tried ouit mc, looks pretty cool. Cheers11:23
dr_willismc a handy must have/knoe about tool.11:26
airtonixjjeronimo: and no. the mv command is supposed to copy then move. moving without failsafe for interupted transfers is asking for trouble.11:30
airtonixcopy then delete*11:30
rymatemy trackpad is broke with ubuntu11:31
rymatemy mouse still work though11:32
katuelmanhola !11:34
katuelmanestoy empezando en el mundo del linux con ubuntu mediante virtualizacion , sabeis de alguna guia o manual que me ayude paso a paso en esto del linux ? para aprender desde novato yo solo... Gracias11:36
=== Rose is now known as Guest63429
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.11:38
katuelmanThanks !!11:39
rymateme ni speake espanol11:40
Tech-1no caca11:42
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afidegnumhello,pls how do I install this package. http://packages.ubuntu.com/source/oneiric/wvstreams11:44
afidegnumcan someone pls sssist ?11:44
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almoxarifeafidegnum: are you compiling?11:45
afidegnumeuh, yea, I think I have to compiile11:45
afidegnumcos using apt-get seems not working11:45
oCeanafidegnum: wvstreams is a source package to build others like libwvstreams-dev. Use  sudo apt-get install libwvstreams-dev  to install the -dev package for example11:46
=== ubuntu is now known as xukun
xukunhi all11:47
almoxarifeafidegnum: what made you decide you needed that file? to accomplish what?11:47
xukunI just installed ubuntu on raid 0 with lvm but grub does not boot. I now booted live usb. I need  a way to chroot so I can fix things but I get this message:  mount /dev/mapper/VG-root /mnt/ubuntu/11:48
xukunmount: you must specify the filesystem type11:48
afidegnumoCean: I have already installed libwvstreams-dev11:50
xukunany idea?11:50
oCeanafidegnum: and?11:50
afidegnumalmoxarife: I am installging this file to activate my 3g wireless modul11:50
almoxarifeafidegnum: ok11:50
oCeanafidegnum: wvstreams is for application development.11:51
afidegnumyes, I know b11:51
afidegnumbut it was part of the requirement needed to set up the interface of my 3g modem11:52
almoxarifeafidegnum: specifically what 3g wireless11:52
oCeanafidegnum: better describe your real issue, detailed in single line. And see if someone knows how to enable your modem.11:52
afidegnumhere is the documentation I am following http://citycellmodemtroubleshoot.blogspot.com/2011/01/installation-of-ec167-modem-in-ubuntu.html11:52
dr_willis!find wvstreams11:53
ubottuFound: libwvstreams-dev, libwvstreams4.6-base, libwvstreams4.6-doc, libwvstreams4.6-extras, libwvstreams4.6-qt11:53
dr_willisinstall them all. :)11:53
afidegnumdr_willis: you mean to installed those posted packages?11:53
dr_willissure why not. :)11:54
xukunI just installed ubuntu on raid 0 with lvm but grub does not boot. I now booted live usb. I need  a way to chroot so I can fix things but I get this message:  mount /dev/mapper/VG-root /mnt/ubuntu/11:54
xukunmount: you must specify the filesystem type11:54
dr_willisi doubt if you need the -doc11:54
dr_willisxukun:  mount -t FILESYSTEMTYPE11:54
dr_williswhich is ext4 normally? not sure why its not auto detecting  it  - inless its confused by the /dev/ device.11:55
xukundr_willis, like mount -t xfs /dev/mapper/VG-root /mnt/ubuntu/ ?11:55
xukundr_willis, ?11:58
xukundr_willis, mount -t xfs /dev/mapper/VG-root /mnt/ubuntu  it says: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/mapper/VG-root,12:02
almoxarifeafidegnum: I did not see where the file you are fixating on is used in the setup process, did you try the process by step already  without the wvstreams?12:02
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xukunhmm dmesg gives me this error: XFS (dm-0): bad magic number12:05
xukunseems horrible12:05
afidegnumalmoxarife: yes12:09
afidegnumdespite all procedures nothing changed,12:09
almoxarifeafidegnum: ok, understood12:10
afidegnumalmoxarife: even running dpkg -s wvstreams12:10
afidegnumdoes not work12:10
almoxarifeafidegnum: have you had any luck since installing the packages as per dr_willis instructions?12:12
afidegnumthe suggested packages by dr_willis were long installed alread12:12
hololightmy mouse keeps freezing every 1-5 seconds for anywhere from 3 to 10 seconds.... does this for a while (say 5 minutes)... then wont do it for a while.... When it does happen, keyboard is still responsive. this is not a new installation and I haven't had this problem before maybe 2 days ago. Thoughts?12:15
almoxarifehololight: wireless mouse?12:16
Sidewinder1hololight, Sounds like a problem with the mouse itself; good thinh they're inexpensive.12:17
almoxarifeafidegnum: where does your results differ from the instructions?12:17
Sidewinder1thing, even,12:17
hololightusb wired... unfortantly... not a cheapy... but that is what it will have to be replaced with12:18
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hololighti dont know though.... I am starting to have more and more problems with this desktop, and I am thinking the motherboard is on its last legs... sucks too, cause when I built it, it was a beast.12:19
almoxarifehololight: look at your logs for strange happenings12:19
BartzyIs there a way to create a tmpfs/ramfs mount, that when empty, will overwrite the oldest file(s) ?12:20
hololightyeah... just opened a terminal to start doing that when I saw activity here..12:20
=== thoidingjam is now known as jam_______
m477do you know if is it possible to write in OpenOffice text in style like in publications etc.?12:21
m477im asking about template12:22
hololightm477: Not quite sure what you mean12:22
DarkXPhenomenonlike word-art you mean?12:22
m477not really12:23
m477i will give you some example if i find12:23
hololightalmoxarife: well lookie that.... there are constant usb disconnect messages.....12:23
hololightGuess I'll just start with the mouse and hope that's it. Can't really afford a new mobo at the moment.12:25
m477hololight: im asking about that style http://wnko.pl/i/zrzutebfb.png12:25
m477if I have to do it on my own?12:25
m477like titles, page numeration etc12:25
SunTsuhololight: maybe you mouse is having issues with you usb version, doing speed negotiation, it's not all that uncommon12:26
SunTsu"your" even12:26
llutzm477: http://templates.services.openoffice.org12:27
strksudo apt-cache search christmas12:27
strk[sudo] password for strk:12:27
strkSegmentation fault12:27
[Sanyi]segfault ahah12:27
strkincredible, isn't it ? :)12:27
[Sanyi]strk, the apt-cache search command works without the sudo12:27
m477llutz: and how i will find it ^_^12:28
strkapt-get update fixes it12:28
ssokolowHow do I override Depends so I don't have to keep manually removing pulseaudio after installing PPA packages which overestimate its importance?12:28
m477or anything similar to it12:28
strk[Sanyi]: wasn't sudo segfaulting, but apt-cache12:28
llutzm477: try searching, like http://templates.services.openoffice.org/en/node/475512:28
ubottuError: Could not parse XML returned by OpenOffice.org: HTTP Error 404: Not Found (http://openoffice.org/issues/xml.cgi?id=4755)12:28
hololightSunTsu: maybe.... but this is not a new configuration and I have not had this issue with this computer before12:28
[Sanyi]dpkg-reconfigure apt12:28
strkapt-get update fixed it12:29
llutzm477: once you've found something similar, you customize it12:29
strkfound xsnow, installin :)12:29
SunTsuhololight: did you update something, maybe new kernel with new usb drivers?12:29
hololightm477: I was about to suggest the same thing... also my quick research seems to show that you can import 'older' microsoft word templates12:29
llutzm477: more help in #Openoffice.org12:29
m477llutz: there is just 3 pages12:29
hololightm477: But of course you can make your own templates (But I am guessing that is what you are trying to avoid)12:29
m477hololight: indeed12:30
hololightm477: do you mean 3 pages of templates??12:30
Penpaperwhat is the estimate of linux users world wide?12:30
m477hololight: im looking for something widely use12:30
m477hololight: yes12:31
m477hololight: in that link it was12:31
ssokolowNever mind. Found the equivalent to Gentoo's "package.provided".12:31
* ssokolow goes to apt-get equivs and build fake pulseaudio packages.12:31
oCeanPenpaper: that has nothing todo with the #ubuntu topic here. Maybe try #ubuntu-offtopic or ##linux channel12:31
hololightSunTsu: I did do security updates (All I do anymore, now that this is a dev machine) a few days ago....12:32
m477hololight: or I wonder is there is any tool which is widely use to write publication, master's thesis and so on12:32
hololightSunTsu: Any way to pull up a history of updates?12:32
m477but i dont want to write in pure latex12:33
llutzm477: there is, its called TeX12:33
oCeanhololight: /ar/apt/log/history.log12:33
oCeanhololight: /var/log* that is12:33
m477llutz: learning that probably will take more time then writing that i want to12:34
aldus_i am trying Kino (video editing software). When I try to play the imported video it just goes to the last frame... any guess why?12:34
llutzm477: but once learned it, you'll never want to use something like word/openoffice/libreoffice again12:34
m477llutz: i doubt cause it is one time thing to do12:35
hololightm477: I found many pages of templates on the template site.... but it will definatly require a little time for you to go through them.... might not even have something that will work for you12:35
m477hololight: are you talking about OO templates?12:36
hololightm477: yeah12:37
llutzm477: btw according the example template i  showed you: ever heard about copying a page? Do you really think, they will create a book-template covering 800 blank pages?12:38
m477llutz: I see what you mean12:39
hololightSunTsu: well, all I can see is an incremental kernel update and acpid (I could see that), during the window I am concerned with12:39
hololightduh..... (I am blaming it on the 3 hours of sleep...) has to be the mouse.... its the only usb device that keeps getting reset....12:42
m477llutz: maybe now Iam abit over sensitived  but this example didnt look like 'professional' template12:42
llutzm477: it was an example, there are more templates. you easily can customize them... did you ever tried to manage things on your own?12:43
anAngelHello, any way to loop/refresh/update the content of certain fail in /proc folder in the terminal? Something similar to tail but for overridden content not appended.12:43
m477llutz: no12:44
m477llutz: i dont like cope with OO12:44
Sidewinder1hololight, You might also try swapping usb devices into different ports.12:44
hololightm477: I agree with you on that specific template.. (just went back and looked)12:44
hololightSidewinder1: first step before I got on irc12:45
m477hololight: i will try to find something useful, thanks for advices :)12:45
=== Mud is now known as Guest75783
swebhow can i find any file exclude jpg files with ls or ll ?12:47
hololightm477: sorry I couldn't be more helpful... is MS word an option for you? does it have the templates you need?12:47
warddrsweb you can use grep, but I have to look up the command12:48
_2easyhi, everyone. i have a problem with my linux installation on usb stick.  When I'm copying files to usb stick, let's say from mounted partition to my  home folder on usb stick, the system stops responding. Am I wrong that the  system should be loaded to memory while booting? What the system need from  the usb stick when I just want to start the terminal emulator?12:48
swebwarddr how can exluce .jpg files ?12:48
oCeansweb: ls -al | grep -v jpg  is that what you're looking for?12:48
m477hololight: I dont know I havent used windows for ages12:49
llutzfind path/ -type f -not -iname '*.jpg'12:49
llutzsweb: ^12:49
hacked_kernelcan anyone send me that folder please "/usr/share/unity"12:50
afidegnumhello, any answer so far?12:53
SunTsuafidegnum: answer to what?12:54
hololightm477: I was never able to get my wife to give up windows, so there are still a machine or two around here with some version... And I dont delude myself.... OO is getting much better, but for a very long time, MS Office had many more features that 'those' kind of people need12:56
antonio_hello, I cant boot-up because of this error: /sbin/init error while loading shared libraries: librt.so.1: cannot open shared object file: Input/output error12:57
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hololightHey, look at that.... mouse not getting reset anymore.... at least not yet....12:58
hacked_kernelcan anyone send me that dir please "/usr/share/unity"12:59
hololightdarn... spoke too soon... got to be the mouse now (rolled back acpid and booted from previous kernel)13:00
hololightantonio_: anything in dmesg?13:01
antonio_cant even boot, the error occurs just after the grub13:01
hololightsmells like a drive error to me... but then again I am working on 3 hours sleep.... take what I say with a grain of salt13:02
frolcan someone tell me if there is a problem with sources depots or if i'm the only one to have a lot of 404 errors when trying to update13:02
frol(sudo apt-get update)13:03
hololightI would boot from cd and check the drive13:03
antonio_i dont think it's the drive because Win7 bot normally. Maybe a broken sym link?13:03
hololightbut it could even be something as simple as corruption (somehow), and not a physical problem13:03
hololightthat i/o error is what is weird to me13:04
antonio_how can I check it?13:04
BluesKaj_Hey All , Merry Christmas! :)13:04
Hoythi , is there any laptop pre-installed Linux rather than a windows system ?13:05
bastidrazorHoyt: look at system76.com, i think .com13:06
hololightantonio_: boot from cd, install 'disk utility' (it may be preinstalled, can't remember)13:06
warddrHoyt, there are a few shops where they sell laptops without OS / with linux, where do you live?13:06
BluesKaj_Hoyt, Dell might have some13:06
hololightHoyt: also Dell sells some (or at least they did for a while13:06
Sidewinder1BluesKaj_, Same to 'ya!13:07
warddrand if you live in Europe you can ask the money for windows back if you don't accept the EULA13:07
Hoyti have a MSDNAA account , so buying a computer with Windows is wasting money to me ;-P13:08
Hoyti'll checkout Dell and system76.com , thanks guys13:08
BluesKaj_Hoyt, http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/make/Dell/laptops13:09
BluesKaj_Hoyt, mostlt 32 bit tho13:10
Hoytwarddr: now i'm in China on business for the whole year13:12
warddrHoyt, I don't know any business down there13:12
Hoytwarddr: it doesn't matter13:12
warddrBut sincs most notebooks are made in that area you may find one at a good price13:12
mazda01morning. Merry Xmas Eve to all who celebrate13:15
mazda01anyone know of an easy quick e-greeting card creator13:15
mazda01im googling now13:15
mazda01Ubuntu 10.04.313:15
mazda01free, FOSS13:16
Gentoo64maybe theres some web ones13:16
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BlackMazda01, night on my place13:22
mcbaine1Hi there, I'm looking at developing alinux driver for a dymo printer that does not have a linux driver  = Where should I begin    ....?13:23
BlackMcbaine1 there are docs for linux kernel module programming guide.you can google it13:25
mazda01Black, lol, k13:25
mazda01Black, so it's christmas eve?13:25
mazda01Black, eve, eve, night time?13:26
mcbaine1mazda01:: i know not of such a sw ... soz ..13:26
BlackMerry christ guys13:26
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1894140 mazda0113:26
mazda01anyone point me to a FOSS ubuntu 10.04.3 e-greeting creator would be awesome. needs to be copyright free, it's going o jyoutube13:26
bazhanglets get back on topic please13:26
mazda01anyone who doesn't celebrate christmas, no offense intended13:26
mcbaine1Black::: would i be changing the linux kernal  or creating a linux driver   ... or is the same thing ??13:27
bazhangmazda01, check the link, it gives info and openoffice templates as well13:27
mcbaine1**.. or is that the same thing ??13:27
BluesKaj_mazda01, don't worry about it , why should anyone be offended , if they are then too bad ..this political correctness has gone too far IMO13:28
BlackWhat the differences?13:30
BlackWhat the differences?13:30
BlackIf you make kernel driver for your device,you work on kernel programming13:30
FloodBot1Black: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:30
mcbaine1ok scanning internet for ebook... using manning & o'reilley etc..13:30
jmscomtechum how do i view hidden folders in 11.10?13:31
bastidrazorjmscomtech: ls -a or contrl + h in nautilus13:31
BlackJmscomtech,ctrl+h on your nautilus13:32
jmscomtechis that the file managers name13:32
no_gravityIn Ubunut 11, when I open a folder, I dont have a dropdown for "list view, icon view" etc anymore. How can I change it?13:32
jmscomtechkewl thanx13:32
mcbaine1dloading "Linux kernel in a nutshell.pdf "  on TPB ... only seems to be ONE option ?!?13:33
bastidrazorno_gravity: they show as shortcuts of ctrl 1, 2, 3.. try one?13:33
bazhang!piracy > mcbaine113:33
ubottumcbaine1, please see my private message13:33
=== [Sanyi] is now known as [sanyi]
warddrmcbaine1, that book can be downloaded free and legal here:  http://www.kroah.com/lkn/13:35
mcbaine1ubottu::: R there any gnu doc.s alternative that you are Aware of ???13:35
ubottumcbaine1: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:35
no_gravitybastidrazor: that works, but i would prefer not to learn 11s shortcuts. because i only use 11 on my test machine and i dont think i will use it on my other machines. is there a way to bring back the menu?13:35
mcbaine1ubottu::  respect is earned not subjegated.13:36
mcbaine1warddr::: opening...13:37
Daekdroommcbaine1, you do realize ubottu is a bot, right?13:37
bastidrazorno_gravity:  no idea how you lost them or to get them back.13:37
mazda01bazhang, thanks!13:37
mazda01BluesKaj_, i agree but I want to remain in here. i love ubuntu and IRC13:38
no_gravitybastidrazor: oh, i thought its standard on ubunt 11 that the menu is gone. interesting.13:38
jmscomtechif i use git does that install the program?13:38
no_gravityso many things are changed or gone in ubuntu 11. i wonder how one is supposed to live without the task bar for example.13:38
mcbaine1warddr:::: should i dload one chpter at a time or the larball (http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/people/gregkh/lkn/lkn_pdf.tar.bz2) ???13:39
jmscomtechitll take a bit geting used to the unity interface13:39
bastidrazorno_gravity: the taskbar is still there. move your mouse to the top of the screen. it is now incorporated into the top panel.13:39
no_gravitybastidrazor: funny! i dont get the taskbar on the top of the screen, but the missing nautilus menu!13:40
ChotazI have google chrome as my default webbrowser, yet when i open links on other apps, firefox always pops up, how can I solve this?13:40
slakcphilHappy Holidays!13:40
irhassi've been losing my workspace,now i just have one workspace13:41
slakcphilcan't believe it's xmas eve and its going to be like 70's all week13:41
irhassanyone can help Me???13:43
slakcphilirhass like the ones inthe lower rught hand corner(default)13:43
irhassi need ur help,guys13:43
nbubuntuhi , I need help , how do I list out the update Manager on ubuntu 10.10 to a text file output ?13:43
slakcphilright click go to preferences and then select 4 workkspaces13:43
mang0I'm guessing it's possible to write to write my own command? For example, I want to set it up so I can type "update programx" in terminal and it runs a whole series of commands; i.e cd in to a dir, svn up, cd back into another dir, then svn up again, and then cd again, then make and make install...you get the idea. Is this possible? And if so, could someone give me a hand setting it up? Thanks :)13:43
irhassyeah, now the expo effect is worthless13:43
BluesKaj_mazda01, nobody is going to ban you foe wishing ppl a good cheer message :)13:44
slakcphilirhass can you add an applet13:44
no_gravityso where is the task bar in ubuntu 11?13:44
slakcphilwith right click toolbar and select add to panel then select the workspace switcher thing13:44
bastidrazormang0: ask in #bash about scripting.13:44
mang0bastidrazor: Uh, okay, thanks :)13:45
=== Mud is now known as Guest57631
mcbaine1realises that 'dreivers' are called device drivers on pg27 in fact.... opening...13:45
irhasswhen i add the workspace applet ,but thre is no effect13:45
irhassim sorry for my typoo ,im new in IRC ,help to learn the IRC13:45
slakcphilmang0 so make a file starting with #!/bin/bash and then put you commands in there, chmod +x it and your done13:46
mcbaine1irhass:: use google translate if possible plz.13:46
slakcphilirhass you are running like compiz or one of those?13:46
irhassyes,i use the compiz13:46
nbubuntuanyone ? how to do I output updates into a text files to view ? (System>Adminstration>Update Manager) ?13:46
mang0slakcphil: Oh wow, really?! Awesome! But then I presume I have to do ./file? Can I set it up so there is a command in terminal?13:46
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».13:47
nbubuntuI just wanted to list them all out13:47
slakcphilmang0 you could add the alias in .profile13:47
no_gravitymang0: simply put all your commands in a textfile, give the textfile execution permission with chmod +x and call it.13:47
nbubuntuUsing command line ?13:47
irhassmcbainel,=> i think google translate is not perfect translator13:47
mang0slakcphil: I'll take a look thanks.13:47
slakcphilmang0 or ln it to /usr/bin or /home/user/bin13:47
Sidewinder1mang0, For a rather in depth "how-to", please see here: http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/why-shell.html13:47
bastidrazornbubuntu: use apt-get instead of update manager.. sudo apt-get upgrade13:48
mang0no_gravity: Would the commands have to be on seperate lines, or could I use sudo example; make; make install; cd .././ for example?13:48
mang0Sidewinder1: Thanks :)13:48
slakcphilmang0 no they can be seperated by the ;13:49
Sidewinder1mang0, And for compiling,.. :https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware13:49
asrockubuntuHi Ubuntu world, I was very happy for XBCM but now if I log on from it I watch videos with an under bar when I am in full screen or if I log in from gnome than I go in xbcm I have the upper bar, what I can do to solvethis problem?13:49
slakcphilit would be ugly though :)13:49
mang0Sidewinder1: I'm good at compliling ;)13:49
mang0Sidewinder1: Thanks though :)13:49
nbubuntubastidrazor : sorry , my question is , I wanted to list all the updates and output into a text file .The list of files lib updates into a text file so I can check which one to updates13:49
mang0slakcphil: K, thankyou13:49
nbubuntubastidrazor : using command line ?13:49
nbubuntubastidrazor : really thanks for the help :)13:49
no_gravitymang0: you can use newlines or ; signs to seperate commands13:49
bastidrazormang0: check-install is a bit friendlier than make install13:49
bastidrazorubottu: tell mang0 about check-install13:50
magesingHi everyone, I'm currently running Debian 6.0.3, and I would like to install Ubuntu while maintaining my current users, mounts, and samba configuration (I have / and /home mounted on different partitions) Is there an easy way to do this?13:50
mcbaine1irhass:: It is for the likes of this #chl   ... or use "openteacher"  for your studies...13:50
mang0bastidrazor: I know, I know, it was just an example I thought I thought of13:50
wurschtihi. I'm trying to connect a second monitor to my notebook (via VGA), but it doesn't get recognized. I'm running ubuntu 11.10 and have already installed the current nvidia driver. any suggestions?13:50
Sidewinder1mang0, My pleasure. :D13:50
mang0no_gravity: Cool, ty.13:50
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slakcphilmagesing, i have a good idea of the answer you will get here...13:50
mang0Sidewinder1 :D13:50
bastidrazorubottu: tell mang0 about checkinstall13:50
ubottumang0, please see my private message13:50
nbubuntubastidrazor : any help ?13:51
mang0no_gravity: One more thing, does it have to be a .sh or can it just be the defult save format of gedit?13:51
bastidrazornbubuntu: apt-get upgrade will list the available updates on the screen.13:52
no_gravitymang0: you can name it whatever you want. but i would name it .sh so you know what it is. gedit has a default save format?13:52
slakcphilwill installing chkconfig in ubuntu or ubuntu-srv work the way it does in redhat? i know that its not the bunter way and all but i like it13:52
mang0no_gravity: Well I presume it has to save as _something_ because it opens in other programs. I don't know waht it is though :P13:53
no_gravitymang0: i dont understand what you mean. i would think you save with ":w myfunnyfilename" in gedit, so it saves under "myfunnyfilename" or whatever name you wish.13:54
nbubuntubastidrazor : but I wanted the list of avaliable updates print or save in a text13:54
mang0no_gravity: I mean, when you save a file from gedit, it doesn't have an extension right? But it must be something because you can open it again....13:55
bastidrazornbubuntu: copy paste them to a file13:55
no_gravitymang0: from a technical perspective, there is no such thing as an "extension". if you want the filename to be "hello.sh" you just type ":w hello.sh"13:56
nbubuntubastidrazor : how  ?13:57
sedekiWhen I put in my headphones, the speakers dont mute. How can I fix this?13:57
magesingif I am running debian, can I change my sources.lst to the ubuntu repos and dist-upgrade to switch over?13:58
mang0no_gravity: Sure, fair enough :)13:58
bastidrazormagesing: yeah, if you want to trash your os and become broken.13:58
bastidrazornbubuntu: whats the reason you want to view the available updates in a file?13:59
nbubuntubastidrazor : hope you understand my question , going to (System>Adminstration>Update Manager) , check them and will list all of the available. But I dont wanted to update it , I wanted to print all the updates output into a text file.Which let me to read them.14:00
bastidrazornbubuntu: you mean the descriptions of each package?14:01
nbubuntubastidrazor : Just an output print updates via command line . The reason is simple , there are 100 hundred of updates which really trouble some to check all.14:02
nbubuntubastidrazor : files lib updates + description if possible14:02
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erik1397i get a black screen on resume after suspend. intel hd 3000 graphics, have tried all generic kernels available with same result14:04
bastidrazornbubuntu: i don't know how to do what you're asking.14:06
nbubuntubastidrazor : oh , then nevermind, will continue asking here thanks :)14:06
nbubuntuAnyone know how to print out System>Administration>Update Manager description via commandline into a text output ?  Thanks :)14:07
llutz!apt-listchanges | nbubuntu maybe this is what you're looking for?14:07
llutz!info apt-listchanges | nbubuntu maybe this is what you're looking for?14:07
ubottunbubuntu maybe this is what you're looking for?: apt-listchanges (source: apt-listchanges): package change history notification tool. In component main, is optional. Version 2.85.8ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 46 kB, installed size 280 kB14:07
nbubuntullutz : download , but how do I output those change into the text ?14:11
llutznbubuntu: read "dpkg -s apt-listchanges"14:13
bobweaverhello there is anyone using 11.10  I am having troubles with my /etc/apt/sources.list . I keep getting error about how something wicked happened with apt-get update  or anything with apt for that matter14:15
BlackBobweaver.. Exactly the error?14:17
bobweaverI have tried to run apt-get --fix-missing --fix-broken update and still that wont fix14:18
bobweaverdang it my isp is acting up again can anyone see this ?14:18
Sidewinder1bobweaver, Yes. :D14:18
mang0slakcphil: You there?14:19
slakcphilmang0 yeah man what's up?14:20
mang0slakcphil: bash problems still :P I've saved a new file (example.sh) and I've put  #!/bin/bash on line 1, and then line 2 reads cd Documents. I've +x'd the file, but when I run ./example.sh nothing happens?14:21
slakcphilthat's because you script cd'd into the dir and then quit14:22
slakcphilif you put a new line in there saying something like `touch file` you should see the new file in the directory showing that the script made the traverse14:23
slakcphilmang0 ^^14:24
mang0slakcphil: Oh sorry, I was waiting for highlight14:24
mang0slakcphil: So if I want to cd in to the dir, list files (ls) and then quit?14:24
mang0would I just add ls to the script?14:24
slakcphilmang0 yeah, that should work if the ls goes to STDOUT14:25
mang0slakcphil: STDOUT?14:25
slakcphilor  you could ls > ls.txt14:26
slakcphilstandard output14:26
slakcphilyou terminal screen14:26
mang0slakcphil: I want the standard out put of ls, and I want to see it in the terminal window14:26
jmscomtechhow do i enter console mode to install the nvidia proprietry drivers?14:27
slakcphilyeah that should work then14:27
nbubuntullutz : it doesn't show what I wanted14:28
mang0slakcphil: Hurrah, it worked!14:29
llutznbubuntu: sudo apt-get purge apt-listchanges14:30
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slakcphilmang0 , cool14:31
slakcphilmang0 a good way to cleanly ls a dir would be to use a test like `if [ -d yourdir ] then ls yourdir`14:32
slakcphilsorry but you get the point, google bash test14:32
mang0slakcphil what does that do? But yeah, i see :)14:32
slakcphilmang0 that way you script wont ls it unless it exists14:32
ChotazI have google chrome as my default webbrowser, yet when i open links on other apps, firefox always pops up, how can I solve this?14:37
robin0800Chotaz: you may have to uninstall firefox14:38
llutzChotaz:  "update-alternatives --display x-www-browser|pastebinit"14:41
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z3ro3xIn the process of setting up Postfix I learned that my ISP blocks outgoing port 25.  I'm able to receive mail just fine via port 587.  I'm a noob when it comes to Postfix.  Is it necessary for it to be able to connect to port 25 or can I change that outgoing port to 587?14:43
Resistancez3ro3x:  your ISP will likely block any outbound mail protocols, regardless of port...14:43
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Resistancez3ro3x:  for any *stable* mail server, you should use 25 for the mail port, and 587 for receiving mail14:44
z3ro3xResistance, I asked them (at&t) in a live chat and they told me port 25 was the on one being blocked.14:44
z3ro3xI mean only one...14:44
Resistance*notices at&t is mentioned*14:45
Resistancez3ro3x:  i was unaware they still provide non-wireless internet services14:45
Chotazllutz: according to that, they both have the same priority14:46
z3ro3xResistance, In the Austin Texas area they provide DSL.14:46
Resistancez3ro3x:  you could always use a gmail account or something to send mail, and depending on what is using postfix, that should fix the mail-sending issue...14:46
* Resistance has that set up on 3 servers on a Verizon FiOS home network14:46
mazda01trying to create a custom animated greeting card  but has to be copyright free14:47
mcbaine1Found this interesting... Quite a good Saturday so far  : http://goo.gl/l2nXQ14:48
z3ro3xResistance, That's what I do.  I was setting up a mail server really for educational purposes so if I ever had to role out my own email I could.  It's a non issue I was just annoyed they where even blocking that.  But it's understandable why they want to stop spam being most customers are none IT people and a lot of them are infected spam bots.14:48
Resistancez3ro3x:  residential ISPs do that14:48
ssokolowHow do I fix PCManFM so it doesn't try to second-guess me by scrolling up or down to the end of the file list of my mouse happened to exit the window through the top or bottom of the list widget?14:49
z3ro3xResistance, She wanted me to upgrade to a business account to unblock the port.  I was like, thanks but no thanks.14:49
Resistancez3ro3x:  that's really the only way to unblock that port, for *any* residential provider14:49
Resistanceor in my case, dump connectivity from my server(s) to external SMTP servers which i own, but that's more work ;P14:50
bonitaguys, I switched to ubuntu11.10 and that's where I could start a long christmass story, but what I wanna know is, how can I add another language. In 10.04, it was simple, I added it and I could switch between them by clicking an icon on the top panel. How can I do it in 11th?14:50
ssokolowNot all residential ISPs block ports. Just most of them.14:51
Resistancessokolow:  the ones in the US are kinda like that ;P14:51
ssokolowResistance: Same in Canada for the big ones, but the smaller ones tend to trust you.14:51
Resistancessokolow:  since you and i are discussing non-support, we can continue in #ubuntu-offtopic :)14:52
z3ro3xResistance, So from I understand is that for SMTP mail servers to function they all have to making outgoing port 25 connections to communicate to each other regardless if you're using SSL/TLS and that's pretty much the standard workings of SMTP servers?14:52
Resistancez3ro3x:  standard workings14:52
ssokolowResistance: I was done. I hate popping into #*-offtopic so I just keep my responses as minimal as possible.14:52
Resistancei've seen oddball setups but...14:52
Resistancebut, outside of testing environments locally (say, one VM having SMTP server sending to another mailserver sitting on another box on said network, with false-DNS entered), you usually want it operating on port 2514:53
z3ro3xResistance, So when one mail server relays email to another email server it's doing it on port 25?  In clear text?  I thought the whole point of using SSL/TLS for the mail server was so no one can sniff the traffic and read your email.14:54
Resistancez3ro3x:  its using port 25, as for SSL/TLS, its probably using another port encrypted14:55
Resistancez3ro3x:  since you're delving into server jargon and confusing your concepts...14:55
Resistancei'm going to divert my attention to this system which is demanding my attention... *says something about evil degrading RAID arrays*14:55
bonitahi all!14:56
GI_Jackhey, where do I find an OEM style install disk for ubuntu14:56
bonitaguys, I switched to ubuntu11.10 and that's where I could start a long christmass story, but what I wanna know is, how can I add another language. In 10.04, it was simple, I added it and I could switch between them by clicking an icon on the top panel. How can I do it in 11th?14:56
ResistanceGI_Jack:  any of the ubuntu images :/14:56
ResistanceGI_Jack:  but fwiw, define "OEM style"14:56
Resistancez3ro3x:  don't assume i know the inner workings of postfix.  But usually it won't send SSL/TLS'd stuff via plaintext14:57
GI_Jackuser information and configuration done on first boot14:57
Resistancebecause its SSL14:57
GI_Jacknot install time14:57
GI_Jacklike if you buy a windows box from the store14:57
Resistancez3ro3x:  the people who are definitely more knowledgeable might be in #ubuntu-server, or you can wait here for one of their people to answer you in better detail14:57
ResistanceGI_Jack:  i'm not sure such a thing exists, System76 might've mastered it though... if they did, i'm pretty sure they arent stock installations14:58
ResistanceGI_Jack:  in theory, you could have a partition on the drive that contains the ISO image, leaving the rest of the drive empty...14:58
ResistanceGI_Jack:  and then set the ISO-image partition to boot, that'd do installation and configuration in one go14:59
Resistancebut that's in theory, not necessarily in practice14:59
GI_Jackyeah, but then you are left with an iso partition on the hd15:00
bonitaBTW, I have 11.10 installed on usb and after restart, it seem to "forget" my settings. I was thinking, maybe "remember last session" would help, but where to find it? Anyone?15:00
jmscomtechwhy did nvidia-163 screw my system up when i have a gtx 460 installed?15:00
ResistanceGI_Jack:  you realize most systems manufacturers have a reset partition?  using your example of course, they sometimes include a reset partition on those systems...15:00
ResistanceGI_Jack:  therefore they can wipe/reset easily15:01
Resistance(granted, i purge data anyways and install my own installation images, but... :P15:01
ResistanceGI_Jack:  i'm unaware of such an image, but don't assume i know everything, perhaps someone else knows of such a setup15:01
GI_Jackoh, the dvd installer has it by default15:02
GI_Jackand it needs to workfor noobypants15:02
bonitaguys, I switched to ubuntu11.10 and that's where I could start a long christmass story, but what I wanna know is, how can I add another language. In 10.04, it was simple, I added it and I could switch between them by clicking an icon on the top panel. How can I do it in 11th?15:05
Resistancebonita:  you need patience15:05
BlackHello bonyta15:05
Resistance!patience | bonita15:05
ubottubonita: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/15:05
bonitasorry, these are simple tasks, but can't find the answers, plus, it seems like not everything work on my installation.15:06
Resistancebonita:  as i said, patience is required15:06
bonita'll be rb.15:07
whizzwhat permissions should /home have?15:08
GI_Jackit really depends15:08
GI_Jackpersonally 475115:08
GI_Jackwith root - users for owner15:08
GI_Jack755 with root - root for ownership works too15:09
Ryllez89Have anyway to put the old style on ubuntu menu?15:10
llutzGI_Jack: 47xx is senseless, suid-root on directories is ignored on linux systems15:11
GI_Jackwait, I'm sorry 175115:11
GI_Jackits early I am getting my bits mixed up15:12
GI_JackI ment the sticky bit and got it backwards15:12
mama_hi everybody. I got a problem with pidgin i Unity on 11.10. When I start pidgin I can't see it's window despite it's I can see pidgin Icon in side bar.15:13
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llutz755 root:root on /home should be fine, 700 user:user for $HOME (some prefer 750)15:13
GI_Jackpro-tip if you run apache and you want to us public_html the eXecute bit has to be set on your home dir15:14
GI_Jackif your running a desktop don't worry about it though15:14
Ryllez89GI_Jack,  u can teach to me how add a user on terminal?15:16
llutzRyllez89: sudo adduser15:16
Ryllez89llutz, how i put a password?15:16
GI_Jacksudo adduser ??15:16
GI_Jackprobably the easiest way15:16
ubuntuhow do you make a USB ubuntu that boots up to the desktop with a certain keyboard layout pre-selected?15:16
llutzRyllez89: adduser will ask for some info, incl password15:16
GI_Jacktype man adduser15:16
GI_Jackor useradd if you wanna be rael hardcore15:17
benbloomis there something obviously wrong with this line from fstab? none /home/benbloom/Videos aufs br:/media/WIN7DATA/Videos=rw:/srv/nfs/HDHD1=ro:/srv/nfs/HDHD2=ro:/srv/nfs/HDHD3=ro:/srv/nfs/HDHD4=ro:/srv/nfs/emmett=ro 0 015:17
GI_Jackor simple sudo cat newuser:x:1001:1000::/home/newuser:/bin/bash15:19
bonitaanother thing: I was trying to add apps to my top panel(like where clock is). I've searched the web and found out, that when you press alt and  right click the "add" menu pops up. But it doesn't work in my case. Anyone tried that?15:19
GI_Jack>> /etc/passwd15:19
benbloomI'm trying to create a single dir "~/Videos" that contains the mounted nfs in /srv/nfs15:19
innolee_!Bald Cameron Haley - [Underworld Cycle 02] - Skeleton Crew (html).rar15:19
ubottuinnolee_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:19
ubuntuhow do you make sure live ubuntu boots with a certain keynboard layout?15:19
GI_Jacksudo mount -o bind /srv/nfs  ~/Videos15:20
robin0800bonita: that's only in gnome classic15:20
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benbloomI'm trying to set up a aufs tho. several drives15:20
robin0800! notunity | bonita15:21
ubottubonita: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic15:21
bonitaok, thx!15:21
aguitelhow reset unity settings ?15:23
benbloomGI_Jack: are you familiar with aufs in fstab? here's my /etc/fstab15:23
GI_Jackvaugley familar with aufs15:24
benbloomi think i just figured it out15:24
Ryllez89the "adduser" don't work here15:24
ubuntuwhy does ubuntu always boot up with US keyboard layout? how do you change it?15:25
GI_JackRyllez: what does it say15:25
Ryllez89GI_Jack,  i will paste here but my ubunte is portuguese-br15:25
Ryllez89root@RVB01:~# adduser Rodrigo15:25
Ryllez89adduser: Por favor entre com um nome de usuário que correspondente a expressão configurada regularmente15:25
Ryllez89através da variável de configuração NAME_REGEX[_SYSTEM}.  Utilize a opção `--force-badname'15:25
Ryllez89para aliviar esta verificação ou reconfigure NAME_REGEX.15:25
yeats!pt | Ryllez8915:26
ubottuRyllez89: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.15:26
GI_Jackgive me a sec to run it through google translator15:26
llutzRyllez89: LANG=C adduser           to get english messages15:26
Ryllez89adduser: Please enter a username matching the regular expression configured15:26
Ryllez89via the NAME_REGEX[_SYSTEM} configuration variable.  Use the `--force-badname'15:26
Ryllez89option to relax this check or reconfigure NAME_REGEX.15:26
GI_Jackoh, you need to do sudo adduser <username>15:27
llutzRyllez89: don't use capitals as 1st char15:27
yeatsRyllez89: it's because you can't use a capital15:27
llutzGI_Jack: he is root, no sudo needed15:27
VitaminEis there some anti virus or similar to scan non repository debs?15:27
ubuntuhow do you change the keyboard layout which ubuntu boots with?15:28
yeatsVitaminE: not really - you can run AV locally and scan after a download - I would say don't use a repo you don't trust15:29
Ryllez89thanks guys, the problem was in the first caracter15:29
Ryllez89have difference in Rodrigo and rodrigo o.O15:29
VitaminEyeats , so if i download a .deb and then scan it there wont be a problem?15:31
ubuntudoes kernel have boot parameters that affect the keyboard layout of ubuntu gnome?15:31
yeatsVitaminE: 1) I wouldn't be concerned about viruses, per se 2) do you have a reason to suspect that the deb is (or contains) malware?15:31
sedekiI need to reinstall my entire alsa-subsystem15:32
sedekiI get no sound at all15:32
ubuntudoes this channel even see my messages?15:32
sedekiI tried to recompile it myself because I didn't want to have sound from speakers and headphones at the same time15:32
VitaminEubuntu , yes it does15:32
VitaminEubuntu , you want to change your keyboard layout? try at login screen15:34
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VitaminEubuntu , you want to change your keyboard layout? try at login screen , after you choose user i guess. at the bottom15:35
ubuntuthere is no login screen15:35
ubuntuwhen has there ever been a login screen on USB ubuntu?15:36
ubuntuit boots straight to desktop15:36
nobitanobiJust installed RVM, and every time I open the terminal, I get "is_a_function" command not found.  How can I see from where that message comes from?15:36
VitaminEwhat operative system are you using?15:36
ubuntuand all the changes you make get reset when you reboot15:36
zxy_64hi, i read that displayconfig-gtk was deprecated in ubuntu 8.* what can i use now to fix my monitor problems15:36
nobitanobiUbuntu 11.0415:37
VitaminEubuntu , i guess you are using an usb live, right?15:37
zxy_64i use 11.1015:37
ubuntu11.10 or something like that15:37
ubuntunewest one15:37
ubuntuit always boots up with en_us15:38
ubuntui need something else15:38
VitaminEubuntu, click the switch button where you shut down restart etc , choose system settings15:38
pangolinubuntu: you are using a Live USB?15:38
ubuntubut it won't save it to the stick?15:38
ubuntui am15:38
ubuntuwon't it just reset when computer restarts15:38
pangolinLive won't save any settings, will default back.15:38
bonitaubuntu, are you sure, you are using the usb installation with persistent change?15:38
ubuntuyeah how do you change the defaults15:38
VitaminEubuntu , at system settings choose login screen15:39
pangolin!usb | ubuntu you want to make a persistant USB15:39
ubottuubuntu you want to make a persistant USB: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent15:39
ubuntuhow do you switch on changes that persist15:39
pangolinsee the last link15:39
VitaminEubuntu , does your live usb as a persistent file?15:39
VitaminEubuntu , does your live usb has a persistent file?15:39
bonitaubuntu, I mean the installation itself. Check the link ubottu pasted.15:40
pangolinapparently not15:40
ubuntui don't know15:40
VitaminEubuntu , at system settings choose login screen15:40
ubuntuill try15:40
ubuntuill reboot15:40
pangolinhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent is what you want to follow15:40
ubuntui selected that option15:40
ubuntuwhen creating the stick15:40
ubuntuwith that USBcreator thingy15:40
ubuntuwhat ubuntu recommend15:40
ubuntufor windows15:40
bonitacreate an empty file on your desktop and see if it's still there, after you reboot.15:40
VitaminEubuntu , then choose show the screen for choosing who will login15:41
nobitanobiwhat's the difference between bashrc and bash profile?15:41
ubuntuwhat will the persistant file be mounbted as?15:41
ubuntuif i have it15:42
VitaminEubuntu , restar and choose ubuntu as user, choose your keyboard and leave the password blank15:42
bonitajust create a file and reboot, it's the simplest way.15:42
ubunturebooting now then15:42
zxy_64what program do i use to select an old CRT monittor tthat is nott recognized by system (i only get 640x480 resolution) on uubuntu 11.1015:44
TiMiDozxy_64, depending on your system15:44
TiMiDoon the video card it has15:44
zxy_64nvidia with 173 drivers15:44
TiMiDohave you downloading nvidia-settigns?15:45
TiMiDothat will automatically configured your x15:45
zxy_64it recognized some new lcd before, but now on the old CRT one it doesnt15:45
ubuntuyeah didn\t work15:45
ubuntunothing got saved15:45
ubuntuand the isolinux.cfg that crappy tool created is wrong15:46
TiMiDoubuntu, then install it to your h/d15:46
ubuntuthere is no hd15:46
ubuntuonly usb stick15:46
ubuntuhow do you change the isolinux.cfg on the stick15:46
VitaminEubuntu , do you have the keyboard layout you need?15:46
ubottuInterested in remastering the Ubuntu !LiveCD or !Alternate installer? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization - Or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility15:46
ubuntuVitaminE: no15:47
ubuntuits US15:47
r4yI don't know, but I found this thread once when I was trying to find out how to help someone here with the nick faz15:47
zxy_64TiMiDo, i tied nvidia-settings, but it cant find display, i get an error on X server tab,where i could change the resolution15:47
TiMiDozxy_64, paste your xorg.log15:47
TiMiDoto paste.ubuntu.com15:47
zxy_64TiMiDo,  http://paste.lugons.org/show/PGXk3lncL2Iv3BAXmpIK/15:48
TiMiDono wonder15:49
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TiMiDoyou only have 5 lines in your xorg.conf?15:49
TiMiDowhat the hell15:49
ubuntuso how do i change isolinux.cfg on the stick_15:49
VitaminEubuntu , did you get into a login screen?15:49
mazda01.mov from iphone 4 vlc playback is a little unsync'd. any thoughts?15:49
ubuntuthere is no login screen15:49
ubuntuon usb live ubuntu15:49
zxy_64TiMiDo, it worked on 1 year old lcd15:50
zxy_64basically xorg.conf souldnt be needed any more15:50
Oerubuntu the live installer gives you allways choice of language keyboard , or did you install persistent on usb ?15:50
TiMiDozxy_64, lol who told you such stupidity?15:50
VitaminEubuntu , system settings ,then choose show the screen for choosing who will login you will have one or at least you should get into one15:50
mazda01here's the codec info http://pastebin.com/GKc1PW0F15:50
zxy_64cos i don't have it on many systems15:50
ubuntui used some crappy fucking unetbootin thing15:50
ubuntuit crated a horrible stick15:50
ubuntuthe menu is wrong15:51
daveciacYou always need xorg.conf.15:51
FloodBot1ubuntu: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:51
mazda01i have all FFMPEG libraries installed, medibuntu15:51
ubuntuits not the ubuntu menuy15:51
Oerplease, watch your language ubuntu15:51
bonitaabout gnome classic: I found a how to with direct link to install gnome classic, but the software center said, that gnome-fallback is laready installed (the 3.*)...?? Anyway, can log into classic on usb persistent?15:51
VitaminEubuntu try the startup this creator taht cames with ubuntu live cd15:51
daveciacUnetbootin uses syslinux. It gives you a few options, you press enter, and it boots.15:51
ubuntui cant15:51
ubuntuim on site not home15:51
TiMiDozxy_64, lol type this as sudo nvidia-xsettings15:51
TiMiDoand then re run x zxy_6415:52
daveciacFrom there it'll take you to the Ubuntu menu15:52
ubuntudaveciac: no it doesnt15:52
ubuntuthe default entry is wrong15:52
TiMiDozxy_64, sorry is sudo nvidia-xconfig as root15:52
ubuntuits ridiculous15:52
daveciacubuntu: What options does it give you at the boot screen?15:52
ubuntuiknstall ubuntu15:52
ubuntutry ubuntu without installing15:52
ubuntudefault entry is wrong15:53
FloodBot1ubuntu: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:53
daveciacUse try Ubuntu without installing15:53
ubuntuyeah but i want that to be default15:53
mazda01.mov playback in VLC choppy, any thoughts? http://pastebin.com/GKc1PW0F15:53
biopytehi. i'm looking for a simple xy-graph-plotter. the point is, the program should be integrated into a bash pipe and receive a constant data flow from stdio. the plotter should update the graph continously. somehow like a network traffic monitor or similar.15:53
ubuntuthe stick is mounted ro15:53
ubuntui cant change it15:53
daveciacubuntu: I'll look up some config file changes that might work for you.15:53
ubuntuwhose idea was to make the stick mount ro15:53
ubuntuthats ridiculous15:53
TiMiDomazda01, what's your issue?15:53
ubuntuno i know what will work for me15:53
ubuntubut its REad ONLT15:54
ubuntui cant change it15:54
Oerubuntu the installer is ro, correct15:54
mazda01TiMiDo, playback is not sync'd. audio and video15:54
ubuntuno /dev/sda1 is15:54
mazda01TiMiDo, plays fine in windows quicktime15:54
ubuntuthats the stick with the installer15:54
TiMiDomazda01, sudo adduser username audio and video15:55
ubuntuill boot to another stick15:55
ubuntuand change this stick15:55
ubuntuso while im doing that, are the kernel boot parameters to preselect keyboard layout_15:55
ubuntuthat affect ubuntu ghnome15:55
r4yubuntu can you mount your hard drive looking in your hard drive from the live cd?15:55
sudiptai have a problem with my gnome shell desktop15:55
ubuntuthere is no hardrive15:55
TiMiDoyes r4y15:55
TiMiDoof course15:55
TiMiDoyou can15:55
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FloodBot1TiMiDo: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:56
r4yNo, I was asking ubuntu, sorry15:56
daveciacsudipta: What's the problem?15:56
r4yso ubuntu doesn't have a hard drive?15:56
sudiptadaveciac:any application with  a shortcut at the bottom right corner, the desktop starts flickering15:57
mazda01TiMiDo, already a user it says15:57
TiMiDomazda01, did you add the right user name?15:57
sudiptadaveciac: i dont know whether its a issue with the driver15:58
r4yI meant to help you with read write problems perhaps, I have some commands, but I am not sure if it is in vain to show them15:58
mazda01TiMiDo, yes tim15:58
TiMiDolog in log out from X mazda0115:58
mazda01TiMiDo, i am a kdenlive user.15:58
mazda01TiMiDo, just did that prior to coming here15:58
daveciacsudipta: Do you have an Nvidia or ATI card? Or integrated graphics15:59
ubuntuthis is hopeless15:59
mazda01TiMiDo, i'm VERY comfortable with ubuntu15:59
sudiptadaveciac: nVidia15:59
mazda01TiMiDo, just codec and video/audio codec and how mplayer, vlc, and xine libraries work is all15:59
r4yI meant do you ubuntu have files and folder that you can see that have read only?15:59
sudiptadaveciac: nVidia Corporation G72 [GeForce 7300 SE/7200 GS] (rev a1)15:59
daveciacsudipta: Proprietary drivers?16:00
TiMiDomazda01, try this apt-cache search video codecs and Enjoy your self16:00
mazda01TiMiDo, here's the mov file mediainfo  http://pastebin.com/GKc1PW0F  can anyone help determine why vlc and movie player within 10.04.3 audio/video is OUT of sync16:00
mazda01TiMiDo, thank you16:00
sudiptadaveciac: yup16:00
mazda01TiMiDo, i only have about 512mb of DDRII ram left, maybe that's it. I am multi-tasking to the limit16:01
bonitaI'll try my first issue again:16:01
bonitaguys, I switched to ubuntu11.10 and that's where I could start a long christmass story, but what I wanna know is, how can I add another language. In 10.04, it was simple, I added it and I could switch between them by clicking an icon on the top panel. How can I do it in 11th?16:01
TiMiDowow mazda0116:01
mazda01TiMiDo, cpu load is at 20%16:01
TiMiDodon't abuse it16:01
sudiptadaveciac: i have tried the free drivers its not that good16:01
daveciacsudipta: Unless you absolutely need the performance, I would go to the driver manager and use open-source drivers.16:01
mazda01TiMiDo, oh, im "doing work" I have dreams of going viral, SOON16:02
daveciacsudipta: Proprietary drivers are still iffy.16:02
TiMiDowell back to my dream of fixing bugs16:02
daveciacsudipta: You could also go the driver options and try to disable "Force GPU Scaling". It works for some people.16:02
mazda01TiMiDo, googles new "what do you love" type in "ubuntuaddicted" without quotes. http://www.wdyl.com/#ubuntuaddicted  you can see me everywhere on the interwebz in all things ubuntu and technoologyu16:03
sudipta<daveciac>but the free drivers r laggy...at least in my machine.....is it the problem with the driver or with the shell itself?16:03
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mazda01TiMiDo, not trying to brag, just confident it will happen with all my social media networks out there.16:04
mazda01sorry, i know it's off topic. i am done16:04
TiMiDogood job ;)16:04
daveciacsudipta: As far as I know, it is a driver issue. However, by disabling certain buggy features for that driver, you might be able to get more consistent performance. Try disabling "Force GPU Scaling" in the driver manager on the card.16:04
ubuntuok this crappy stick i have, how do i update it to offical ubuntu bootloader_16:05
ubuntuor is it even possible when the sticks been made with unetbootin16:05
devishhi any ubuntu forums mods around here16:06
benbloomok. i have a question about filesystems (aufs nfs and ntfs). heres my fstab: http://pastebin.com/aFMg9hZp16:07
nothingspecialdevish:  go to #ubuntuforums ;)16:07
Resistancedevish:  this isnt the channel for the ubuntu forums, if you need help from them, post in the Forums Feedback & Help forum in the forums16:07
devishthanks guys16:08
benbloomi get an error when relating to HDHD4 which is the only of the nfs that is originally ntfs. could this be the issue?16:08
TiMiDobenbloom, define the error,16:08
benbloomit gives me the generic fstab "bad option or something" error16:09
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benbloomwrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on none, blah blah blah TiMiDo16:09
TiMiDobenbloom, check your h/d16:10
zxy_64TiMiDo, http://paste.lugons.org/show/kdEXbFCu6W3med35A8OM/  i tried with this config and still the same16:11
zxy_64this one was made by nvidia-xconfig16:11
benbloomTiMiDo: the drive is working fine. and it's mounting via nfs fine as well. I just tried streaming a movie from it16:11
r4yWhere did ubuntu go, I was talking to him but he left before I was going to give him this info: I think DBAN might be able to fix the read only problem on his usb stick16:12
TiMiDoit does happen because you are having super blocks issues.16:12
bonitathis is crazy!16:12
r4yI read that even new hard drives have bad blocks16:12
bonitahow to "remember last session" in ubuntu 11.10 ??16:12
r4ydo this, I need a sec16:12
benbloomso should i run fsck TiMiDo? or maybe have windows check/repair it?16:12
TiMiDobonita, look in your home dir for a file call .xsession16:13
r4yIf you are logged in this will help: sudo touch /forcefsck then restart16:13
TiMiDobenbloom, either one16:13
daveciacbenbloom: It can't hurt to check the drive.16:14
bonitaI typed in terminal locate .xsession, but nothing came up...16:14
benbloomk.Ill try it. i was assuming it was something wrong with my configuration16:15
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daveciacbonita: Go to your home directory in terminal and then run "sudo nano .xsession"16:15
bonitadaveciac looks, like it's an empty file. Possible?16:16
vikashhi evry one16:20
vikashsomeone pls help me with ubuntu updates16:20
bonitadaveciac looks, like it's an empty file. Possible?16:21
vikashsomeone pls help me with ubuntu updates16:21
pangolin!ask | vikash16:21
ubottuvikash: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:21
FroodleAnyone know an image organizer that can detect the same image in different resolutions?16:21
bonitaask a question16:22
vikashmy ubuntu is not updating since release of 12.04 alpha16:22
vikashbonita can u help me wit diss16:22
ubottuUbuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) will be the sixteenth release of Ubuntu. Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/784 | Discussion and support in #ubuntu+116:23
bonitaI wish I could, but I'm struggling with 11.10... But, if it's alpha, there might be no good answer.16:23
vikashno i too hav 11.1016:24
clear`i have actually enjoyed 11.10 so far16:24
pangolinso why mention 12.04?16:24
bonitaGuys, I've opened .xsession file, and looks, like it's empty. What's next? How to set up "remember last session"?16:24
vikashbut since alpha release .. the 11.10 is not updating16:24
pangolinthe alpha release has nothing to do with anything16:25
pangolinwhat error are you getting?16:25
bonitaI updated mine yesterday.16:25
ubuntuwhats the boot parameter to set up keymap_16:25
vikashpangolin  m gettin dis kinda msg :"insert the ubuntu 12.04 cd"16:26
pangolinso you tried to upgrade to 12.04?16:26
r4yHave you tried updating grub?16:26
r4ysudo update-grub16:26
vikashi didnt tried16:26
robin0800ubuntu: its keyboard in system settings after you have logged in16:26
ubunturobin0800: in kernel paremeters16:26
r4yAnyways, I can't help anyone, I should go, take care16:27
pangolinvikash: what is the output of lsb_release -a16:27
Ryllez89guys, any tutorial to install VMware ?16:27
mneptokvikash: pastebin that16:27
vikashsame its16:27
vikashshowing ubuntu 11.1016:27
pangolinwhat about uname -a16:27
pangolinpastebin the output please16:28
mneptokvikash: pastebin the output of lsb_release -a. don't just tell us, please.16:28
robin0800ubuntu: don't know a kernel parameter  why can't you use the unity shell?16:28
mneptokvikash: also, pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list16:28
dantessвсем добрый вечер16:28
ubuntubut whats the kernel paremeters16:28
pangolin!ru | dantess16:28
ubottudantess: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.16:28
ubuntuthat ubuntu uses16:28
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vikashpangolin i pasted lsb_release -a16:29
vikashand its showing the same version16:30
mneptok!pastebin | vikash16:30
ubottuvikash: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:30
vikashin terminal16:30
pangolinvikash: We can't help you if you don't show us the info we ask for16:30
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vikashok lemme paste it16:30
dr_willispastebinit command is worth learning   :-)16:31
pangolintruth with set you free also16:31
bonitaadding language in ubuntu 11.10, anyone?16:32
pangolinops being all offtopic!16:33
fastaAfter pause, why isn't the WiFi connection restored?16:33
pangolindon't make me lart you on Xmas16:33
Seveasit's the day before christmas, when the larts are asleep16:33
robin0800bonita: system settings language16:33
mneptokwhen larts need to sleep, do they close their eyes and count trolls?16:34
GI_Jackbonita - sudo apt-get install synaptic16:34
mneptokGI_Jack: uh.16:34
GI_Jackthen run synaptic16:35
GI_Jackthen search language-pack16:35
SeveasGI_Jack, that's not necessary16:35
DzaDzecan i ask for ubuntu 11.10 problem here ?16:35
SeveasDzaDze, yes you can16:35
pangolinwhat type of problem would like us to give you?16:35
GI_Jackbonita - what lang do you need?16:35
* mneptok has a basketful, according to the CC16:35
pangolinok enough of not being helpful :)16:35
Seveasmneptok, are you sure they didn't mean "you're a basket case"?16:36
mneptokSeveas: the truth is probably somewhere in the median between those sentiments16:36
bonitarobin0800 you mean language support? There's no option so I could add let's say German and use both of them whenever I nedd.16:36
DzaDze installed ubuntu 11.10, and than gnome shell,  than i kicked my ass of to install user-themes for gnome shell and finally did it..16:37
bonitaI don't want to switch langs. I want to add another one.16:37
Seveasbonita, you can install support for german via language support, and choose a language when logging in.16:37
DzaDzebut i cant change the windows button to the left16:37
Seveasyou can also run single applications with a different language, but that requires some command-line fu16:37
bonitaI know that. Back in ubuntu 10.04, I just added a lang. then I could select if I want to use this one, or that one by clicing on the icon on the top panel. I'm looking for something similar.16:38
vikashpangolin i have posted the output of  first command in da paste bin16:39
Seveashuh? I thought the panel icon was for switching keyboard layout, not languages16:39
pangolinvikash: We need the url. There are hundreds of pastebins on the webernets16:39
vikashpangolin http://paste.ubuntu.com/781232/16:40
pangolinvikash: ok can you paste /etc/apt/sources.list please16:40
DzaDzeanyone ?16:40
ubottuStarting in Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information and workarounds, please see http://pad.lv/53263316:40
pangolinnot sure if that still works but worth a try DzaDze ^16:41
mneptokDzaDze: never used GNOME Shell myself16:41
GI_Jackbeside on the control panel there is a button for language16:41
GI_Jackgnome-shell rocks16:41
GI_Jackyou need the web8 repo for plugins thou16:41
GI_Jackubuntu does put any plugins in official repo16:41
FroodleAnyone know an image organizer that can detect the same image in different resolutions?16:42
_cbif I want to install sun java do I need to un-install openjdk?16:42
bonitaok, you were right. My mistake. Switching keyboards will do the job, I got confused.16:43
omidhow can i unnstall ati propritary drivers(installed using amd's .run installer)?16:43
vikashpangolin http://paste.ubuntu.com/781237/16:44
omidhow can i unnstall ati propritary drivers(installed using amd's .run installer)16:44
bonitatake care!16:45
_cbif I want to install sun java do I need to un-install openjdk?16:46
ubuntuwhose in charge of ubuntu live bootloader_16:47
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edbianubuntu, somebody that is probably not in this channel16:47
vikashpangolin u got the info?16:47
pangolinvikash: that is the same pastebin as before16:48
ubuntuyeah, so what channel are they on_16:48
vikashpangolin .. so do i hav 2 paste both outputs again?16:48
pangolinvikash: paste /.etc/apt/sources.list give us the url and someone in here will try to help with your update problem. I'm out. Happy holidays.16:50
pangolinvikash: paste /etc/apt/sources.list give us the url and someone in here will try to help with your update problem. I'm out. Happy holidays.16:50
vikashthx pangolin16:50
edbianvikash, what's your update problem?16:50
echo6anywhere using Ubuntu Alternative to install crypto over LVM?16:51
vikashmy 11.10 is not updating.. its asking for 12.04 alpha cd16:51
yeatsvikash: on line three of your paste, at "maindeb", put your cursor between "main" and "deb" and hit enter16:51
yeatsvikash: then save and see if it works16:51
edbianvikash, do what yeats said :)16:51
Nockiani'm using vmware player 4.0.1-528992.x86_64 on ubuntu 11.10. it runs and opens the virtual machine fine, and i can use it in the window... but when i alt-tab between applications the vmware player window disappears and i cannot bring it back up. any ideas?16:52
pr0xyI'm teaching my elderly grandfather how to use Ubuntu 11.10, and he has no prior computer knowledge, I sort of know what he needs to learn, but I'm having issues with unity. How can I make tooltips more obvious on his account only?16:52
yeatsNockian: I've seen weirdness like that when using vmware but don't know the solution - try asking in #vmware16:52
Nockianyeats: i have, thank you. nobody seems to be awake :)16:53
vikashyeats actually i pasted it by mistake16:53
yeatsvikash: eh?16:53
GI_Jackpr0xy - best kind, because he has no prior bad OS habbits16:53
edbianpr0xy, in unity 2D the tooltips on the unity bar come up instantly for me instead of after a delay16:54
edbianpr0xy, also they're big and pretty instead of small and on a yellow box16:54
vikashyeats .. in the txt file its already written in da same pattern wat u askin for me todo16:54
yeatsvikash: okay - so what's not working now?16:54
edbianin da same pattern wat u askin for me todo16:54
vikashyeats my 11.10 is not updating and askin for 12.04 alpha cd...but wen i insert the cd it doesnt recognises it16:56
vikashand updates stuck16:56
pr0xyso, should he be using unity 2d, then>16:56
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edbianpr0xy, IDK, that's a matter of opinion16:58
edbianpr0xy, but the tooltips in unity 2d on the unity bar are a little more 'in your face'16:58
vikashyeats any solution?16:58
shrek1i am using gnome 3. how can i put an icon on my desktop?16:59
pr0xyshrek1 what icons?16:59
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash17:00
shrek1like folders, app shorcuts, terminal17:00
pr0xyokay, so gnome shell?17:00
shrek1pr0xy:  what it mean , "so gnome shell"?17:02
ayakadoes audacious support cue index?17:02
ubuntudoes 11.10 64bit have flash plugin support?17:02
pr0xyshrek1, by gnome 3 do you mean gnome-shell?17:02
shrek1pr0xy: yes17:03
pr0xyshrek1 are you using 11.10 or UGR on 11.04, or what?17:03
ubuntuwell does either one of those have flash for x64?17:04
shrek1pr0xy: i am using 11.10. In U10.11 there was an option "after mouse right click" to put the icon on desktop. can i do it  here?17:06
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shrek1also, i want to17:07
pedro_Hi from Vienna17:08
NihilismWelcher Bezirk?:)17:09
ubuntuis there a adobe flash for x86 11.10?17:11
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash17:11
edbianubuntu, see that link ^^17:12
ubuntuit doesn't say17:12
edbianubuntu, it does, scroll down a bit17:12
ubuntuthats x8617:13
xanguasudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer ubuntu17:13
ubuntuno such package17:13
edbianubuntu, read the link I gave you17:13
ubuntuit doesn't talk about 11.1017:13
edbianubuntu, It's the same procedure17:14
ubuntuwhat the heck is Ubuntu Softawre Center17:14
ubuntuit doesn't even have a link17:14
ubuntuto waht it is17:15
edbianu in unity?17:16
edbianubuntu, are you in unity?17:16
ubuntuwhat is that17:16
edbianubuntu, on the left side of the screen is there a bar of icons with firefox and such on it?17:16
edbianubuntu, You're using unity which is a GUI17:16
edbianubuntu, now, click the ubuntu thing (top icon) search for ubuntu software center and run it17:17
ubuntufunny how buggy it is17:17
edbianubuntu, yes, it's hilarious17:17
ubuntutry to install flash plugin and you get bunch of errors17:17
edbianubuntu, how did you try to install it?  What errors did you get?17:17
gabyhello - i  just installed ubuntu 11.10 now on my dell inspiron 1525 and i cant work with the WIFI - any help please17:17
ubuntudepencies not resolved17:18
ubuntuand about failed apt-get fetches17:18
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ubuntuW: Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/oneiric/Release  Unable to find expected entry 'contrib/binary-amd64/Packages' in Release file (Wrong sources.list entry or malformed file)17:18
ubuntuthey have wrong sources in the sources.list17:19
andygraybealwhat kernel is expected in 12.04?17:19
gaby hello - i  just installed ubuntu 11.10 now on my dell inspiron 1525 and i cant work with the WIFI - any help please17:19
xangua!pangolin | andygraybeal17:19
ubottuandygraybeal: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) will be the sixteenth release of Ubuntu. Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/784 | Discussion and support in #ubuntu+117:19
ubuntuand yeah the depencies17:19
edbianubuntu, mmm, apparently.  Can you pastebin your /etc/sources.list     ?17:19
andygraybealthank you xangua17:19
edbianubuntu, Did you get ubuntu software center open?17:19
ubuntunot gonna be met for flash17:19
mang0ubuntu: That's probably not the best nick to have XD You'll get pinged/highlighted/triggered all the time17:19
edbiangabnet, hang on a second17:19
Guest56466guys is there wine room17:19
gaby hello - i  just installed ubuntu 11.10 now on my dell inspiron 1525 and i cant work with the WIFI - any help please17:19
xangua!appdb | Guest5646617:20
ubottuGuest56466: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help17:20
edbiangaby, wait a second!17:20
ubuntuThe following packages have unmet dependencies:17:20
ubuntuflashplugin-installer: Depends: flashplugin-downloader (>= but it is a virtual package Depends: nspluginwrapper but it is not going to be installed17:20
edbianubuntu, can you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list  ??17:20
xanguagaby: some detaild would help instead of repeating every 30 seconds17:20
gabyedbian : ok17:20
ubuntuand this is a fresh image17:20
ubuntufreshly booted17:20
Guest56466hey edbian17:20
ubuntuand its already broken17:20
edbianubuntu, I'm trying to figure this out17:20
Guest56466oki tnx17:21
gabywhat detail17:21
edbianubuntu, do you have your /etc/apt/sources.list yet?17:21
xangua!partner | ubuntu enable the partner repo and then: sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin17:22
ubottuubuntu enable the partner repo and then: sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin: Canonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »17:22
scrovertyHi all! Is there any solution to disable laptop's DVD/CD rom on ubuntu?.. since I forgot Bios setup-pass...17:22
edbianxangua, is that was has to be done to install flash now?17:22
volchokQuestion: Does anybody know how to fix the resolution for the graphical boot splash  on startup for Ubuntu?17:23
ubuntusomeone paste me a working source.list17:23
ubuntuthat has all the necessary crap17:23
xanguaedbian: looks like flashplugin is on partners only now17:23
edbianubuntu, do what ubottu said17:23
ubuntuyeah that didnt work17:23
edbianxangua, that is not smart.  They expect every person to run that command to get flash?17:23
xangua!doesntwork | ubuntu17:24
ubottuubuntu: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.17:24
gaby hello - i  just installed ubuntu 11.10 now on my dell inspiron 1525 and i cant work with the WIFI - any help please17:24
xanguaedbian: no idea, i don't use oneiric but i use flash from partners17:24
edbiangaby, do you know what pastebin is?17:24
ubuntuits the same errro17:24
jutnuxgaby: Plug the laptop into the ethernet and go into additional drivers.17:24
ubuntuThe following information may help to resolve the situation:17:24
ubuntuThe following packages have unmet dependencies:17:24
ubuntu flashplugin-downloader:i386 : Depends: libnspr4-0d:i386 but it is not installable17:24
ubuntu                               Recommends: libasound2-plugins:i386 (>= 1.0.16) but it is not going to be installed17:24
ubuntu flashplugin-installer : Depends: nspluginwrapper but it is not installable17:24
FloodBot1ubuntu: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:24
ubuntuE: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.17:25
gabyguide  me and i will do it17:25
edbianubuntu, sudo apt-get -f install17:25
gabyjutnux: i did17:25
gabyand ?17:25
edbianubuntu, what's it doing?17:26
ubuntui dontknow17:26
edbianubuntu, pastebin it17:26
mcbaine1merry twilmas ...   http://goo.gl/SDPyJ17:26
edbianubuntu, paste.ubuntu.com17:26
ubuntugive me a CLI to do it17:26
edbianubuntu, ?  You have the gui17:27
ubuntuim so fucking drunk17:27
mcbaine1oh dear..17:27
gabyedbian - any help ?17:27
edbianforget this17:27
edbiangaby, yes! :)17:27
ubuntuill have some more of christmas wine17:27
mcbaine1gaby.. try posting on Y!ahoo answers if possible...    :)17:27
edbiangaby, run this command: sudo lspci -k       and copy / paste the output into this site: paste.ubuntu.com   and give me the link to the page it goes to when you submit17:28
gabyedbian - guide me what to do please17:28
edbiangaby, patience :)17:28
edbianmcbaine1, very funny17:28
all-freeanyone can help to customize ubuntu boot image please? I am trying to do the same thing : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=160862117:28
all-freeJust i want to replace http://img225.imageshack.us/i/1stscreen.png17:29
all-freeanyone please?17:31
DaViD_kBoa tarde :)17:31
DaViD_kAlguém aqui entende de DATACOM?17:31
DaViD_kOp´s sorry17:31
ThalesHello, I'm trying to load my network card module (r8101), but it fails with the following message: "FATAL: module r8101 not found". Anyone can explain that?17:32
ayakadoes audacious support cue index?17:32
ThalesI downloaded the driver from realtek official website17:32
mongyThales:  try rtl-8101 ?17:32
DaViD_kDoes anyone here know about DATACOM?17:33
mongyayaka, yes17:33
ayakamongy, but I tried to open a one failed17:33
=== bobi_Ge_ is now known as PaRiDi
Thalesmongy: if you download the driver from realtek official website, you'll see that in the package contains a script (autorun.sh) to load automatically the module...17:34
ubuntu_lappyInstalling Ubuntu, and I'm specifying partitions manually.  I've already made swap and ext4 partitions.  Do I only need to specify the ext4 as / and the swap as swap?  Or is there anything else I should do before continuing?17:34
Thalesmongy: so, all you need to do is to execute, as root, that script17:34
mongyayaka, hmm, might be something included inthe webupd8 ppa version then17:35
omidhow can i unnstall ati propritary drivers(installed using amd's .run installer)?17:35
mongyThales, sudo insmod r8101 ?17:35
ayakamongy, in fact this file include some unicode17:35
mongyThales, then sudo modprobe r810117:35
mongyThales, might be called rtl8101 or rtl-8101 though.  idk17:36
nixmaniackhi, I'm unable to get Wireless working on My Toshiba C650. No Network controller is listed in 'lspci', but it was listed when I first installed new kernel but after reboot it's gone.17:37
wurschtiI'm trying to connect a 2nd monitor to my notebook, but it doesn't get recognized (in xrandr, that is). I've also already installed the nvidia-current driver. any ideas on how to troubleshoot this?17:37
=== soreau_ is now known as soreau
edbiannixmaniack, use the older kernel17:38
mongyayaka, I just looked in audacious and in the playlist plugins support there is cue17:39
nixmaniackedbian, but it's working only for one boot with evry kernel, then it goes away17:39
ayakamongy, I see may it can't work thank you17:39
edbiannixmaniack, weird.  What card is it?17:40
ayakais there game cheat(ram editor) in linux?17:40
nixmaniackedbian, Atheros17:40
XaifasMerry Xmas folks!17:41
* DarkXPhenomenon is a babbling maniac...17:41
=== root is now known as Guest55931
all-freeGuys anyone of you can help me please : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1899829  ?17:55
=== all-free is now known as linux-boy
linux-boyGuys anyone of you can help me please : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=189982917:56
Oer!remaster | linux-boy18:01
ubottulinux-boy: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !LiveCD or !Alternate installer? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization - Or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility18:01
linux-boyOer, I already tried them18:02
Oerso, what is your problem ?18:03
linux-boyI want replace the boot splash only : http://img225.imageshack.us/i/1stscreen.png18:03
linux-boyStill i don't know how to do it18:04
linux-boyafter read this tutorial https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization I can customize the iso but can't replace the boot image yet18:04
DeltatashHi is anyone available to help me with a graphics issue ?18:05
linux-boyOer, I have told my issue on the forum... can you help me with that please?18:06
DeltatashI go to System > Administration > Hardware Drivers then I select "ATI/AMD proprietry FGLRX Graphics driver then I click Activate then I get this error that does not allow me to install the driver :s18:07
DeltatashSorry, the installation of this driver failed.18:07
DeltatashPlease have a look at the log file for details.: /var/log/jockey.log18:07
Deltatashany ideas ?18:07
SeveasDeltatash, have you looked at that logfile?18:07
Deltatashyes and I cant figure out the problem18:07
Seveaspastebin it18:08
Deltatash1 sec18:08
mongyDeltatash, sudo apt-get clean ; sudo apt-get install --reinstall fglrx18:08
Oerlinux-boy, i can't help you with customize splash on live-cd18:09
Oerlinux-boy, the turorials should work18:10
Deltatashpastebin dont seem to work ill find an alternative, it wont load lol18:10
Deltatashmongy: I will try that thanks :)18:10
TiMiDonice i got a brand new computer for Xmas18:10
linux-boyOer, which tutorial?18:10
TiMiDohope fully going to fix more bugs ;P18:10
mongyDeltatash,  it's worth a try at least.18:10
SeveasDeltatash, paste.ubuntu.com / paste.pocoo.org18:11
insectatoriousTiMiDo: processor?18:11
Deltatashhere you go Seveas:18:11
mongyDeltatash, check the log as seveas said if it doesn't work18:11
Deltatashdid that link work Seveas18:12
Deltatashif not ill try the paste.ubuntu.com or paste.pocoo.org18:12
Deltatashmongy with your command line I get "Running module version sanity check.18:13
DeltatashERROR: modinfo: could not open /lib/modules/2.6.32-37-generic-pae/updates/dkms/fglrx.ko: Invalid argument18:13
DeltatashERROR: modinfo: could not open /lib/modules/2.6.32-37-generic-pae/updates/dkms/fglrx.ko: Invalid argument18:13
FloodBot1Deltatash: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:13
SeveasDeltatash, yeah, link works18:13
Deltatashok :)18:13
SeveasDeltatash, install linux-restricted-modules-generic-pae and fglrx18:14
Deltatashinside synaptic packet manager?18:14
Deltatashok will do that now18:14
coni500Merry Christmas!18:14
Seveasmerry christmas coni500. How can we help you?18:15
DeltatashSeveas, I dont have linux-restricted-modules-generic-pae in my synaptic packet manager :s18:15
DeltatashI have fglrx but no linux-restricted-modules-generic-pae18:15
SeveasDeltatash, looks like I'm a bit behind the times, just fglrx is enough18:17
DeltatashShould i restart now fglrx is installed ? for it to take effect?18:17
bastidrazorDeltatash: just log out then back in. no need to do a full reboot18:17
Seveastry jockey again now that fglrx is installed18:17
Seveasit should work better now18:17
Deltatashok so the usual? System > Administration > Hardware drivers?18:18
Deltatashok it installed the properiety driver np this time and now says you may need to restart the computer for changes to take effect18:19
Deltatashjust log out and in is enough then yeah  ?18:19
bastidrazorDeltatash: yes.18:19
Deltatashok i will brb and let you know if it worked :) brb18:19
Deltatashthan ks for your time btw :)18:19
Deltatashguys it worked it now says in hardware drivers that the driver is installed and in use :)18:21
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Deltatashhmm my windows still seem a bit jerky when I move them about the screen though :s18:22
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Deltatashthis system is screwed up since it updated yesterday :( it was orginnally using the open source driver and everything was working perfect18:22
DeltatashI enabled Proprietry driver for a game in Wine and then ubuntu installed some kernal updates and now my graphics is just screwed :/18:23
mongyDeltatash, it was a little jerky on  mine when I used fglrx in unity..  have you disabled vsync in ccsm?18:23
Deltatashhow do I disable them mongy?18:23
Deltatashi am on Ubuntu 10.4 btw with gnome 218:23
rorreHello, I have two questions for you guys.  I have never used ubuntu before, and I just finished installing 11.10.  When I restarted my system, Ubuntu was my only boot option in GRUB, even though I had selected install alongside my other operating system.  Is this a bug of some sort, or am I missing something?18:24
DarkXPhenomenonrorre: you can add the other OS back...18:25
mongyDeltatash, is your driver enabled and working then?18:25
DarkXPhenomenonrorre: which was your other OS?18:25
rorreDarkXPhenomenon: It was another Linux distribution.18:25
Deltatashyeah it says its installed and in use18:25
DarkXPhenomenonrorre: Grub or Lilo?18:25
Deltatashjust I expected the window movement to be a little more smooth not so rough18:25
mongyDeltatash, sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager18:25
Deltatashit plays video fine but moving a window is almost like it has no driver installed :/18:26
DarkXPhenomenonrorre: add the bootloader entry from grub... menu.lst18:26
Deltatashthanks ill run that now18:26
ayakais there game cheat(ram editor) in linux?18:26
mongyDeltatash, run it and look in the OpenGL plugin and sync to vblank, disable it.18:26
urlin2urorre, run sudo update-grub in ubuntu and see if the other OS shows.18:27
Deltatashok it installed cant seem to open the program though lol18:27
Deltatashor does it need to beopened from terminal ?18:27
rorreurlin2u: Oh, running that mentioned the other Linux distribution, so it's probably on the list now.  That was easy.18:28
Deltatashnvm found it lol18:28
mongyDeltatash, cant remember if its in Accessories or System menu.18:28
urlin2urorre, cool.18:28
DeltatashI am inside but dont seen an OpenGL plugin :s18:28
rorreDarkXPhenomenon: I couldn't find menu.1st but urlin2u's suggestion may solve that issue.  Thanks!18:28
mongyDeltatash, hmm, its in oe of the first section of plugins.  Ages since I used 10.418:29
Deltatashnope not there :s18:29
rorreI'm going ot check it out and see if it's on my grub menu now, brb and thanks DarkXPhenomenon urlin2u18:29
netraamehtjoin #vbox18:29
SeveasDeltatash, ccsm won't help you as you're using gnome 2 and not compiz :)18:29
DeltatashI think im gonna have to reformat :/ just to get my graphics working fluently again :( freaking update broke my system...18:29
Deltatashto go back to my open source driver I just go into hardware drivers and remove the the proprietry one right ?18:30
Deltatashwill see if my open source driver still works as smoothly as it did18:30
ayakamongy, thank you18:30
mongyDeltatash, its there somewhere.. keep looking.18:31
netraamehtHey can somebody help me? Im in use of VBox and I want to install Win XP (prof.18:31
urlin2unetraameht, whats the problem.18:31
netraamehtIts asking for formatting, urlin2u18:32
urlin2unetraameht, the XP can format it in custom format.18:32
Deltatashbrb relogging again to test something18:32
urlin2unetraameht, when do you get the asking for format?18:33
netraamehturlin2u, in the Windows install screen18:33
netraamehta blue screen18:33
Seveasnetraameht, windows support in ##windows please.18:33
netraamehtits not for windows, its for Ubuntu18:34
rorreurlin2u: Grub did not add an entry for my other Linux distro when I rebooted.18:34
Seveasyou're installing windows, you need windows support :)18:34
netraamehtSeveas, no, I need VBox support!18:34
Seveasnetraameht, why? vbox works fine and is booting the windows installer. At that point it's windows support :)18:35
urlin2unetraameht, it doesn't have a partition table that my be the problem, are you familiar with using the XP disc?18:35
DeltatashI done the things you asked me18:35
netraamehtSeveas, urlin2u, so I can just select Format?18:35
Seveasnetraameht, ask in ##windows18:35
mongynetraameht, just format it as ntfs.18:35
Deltatashand fiddled with a few settings tbh the fiddling i done i have no  idea what i done but i restarted and works fine now :)18:35
Deltatashthanks for your help guys :)18:36
SeveasDeltatash, np, glad we could help18:36
mongynetraameht, google 'how to install xp'  or goto ##windows18:36
netraamehtI chosed your option xD18:36
Deltatashdunno what the update changed to screw me over like this though lol xD18:36
netraamehthope it works18:36
urlin2urorre, what is the other OS, and did you remove any partitions or resize any with the install?18:36
Deltatashbut one last question18:36
netraamehtwhahaha, I saw an epic game in the Ubuntu software center xD18:37
urlin2unetraameht, yeah, your in the virtual machine it wont affect the host.18:37
Deltatashif I go into hardware drivers and click "remove" that will automatically default me back to the open source driver if i ever need it right ?18:37
mongyDeltaEpsilon, yes.18:37
netraamehturlin2u, op18:37
netraamehturlin2u, ok*18:37
rorreurlin2u: The other OS is Linux, and I selected the option to 'install alongside' ubuntu, and had no manual partition interaction.  Ubuntu decided to install itself onto one of my empty hard drives18:37
DeltaEpsilonany one knows a good alternative to Navicat?18:38
mongyDeltatash, yes.18:38
Deltatashok cool, thanks :)18:38
rorreurlin2u: it didn't ask me which drive to install to, which i thought was odd, but I didn't really care since it just chose a blank drive.18:38
JoshR1How can I get a share to maintain between resets in 11.10?18:38
netraamehtAny way to get Mono 2.8?18:38
DeltatashAnyway I need to go eat  :P thanks a lot guys you saved my ass xD :P18:38
mongyDeltatash,  http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Lucid_Installation_Guide#Installing_the_drivers_manually is a simple to follow guide for installing the latest driver, if you feel the need.18:38
SeveasDeltaEpsilon, isn't that the query browser?18:38
Deltatashohh nice I will save that link and read later thanks :D18:39
shomonhi, I can't get rhythmbox to copy files into my ipod nano... is there a trick to it?18:39
shomonit copies fine to an ipod mini...18:39
Deltatashcya :)18:39
urlin2urorre, sounds like the grub bootloader is in the other discs mbr possibly, is this a master slave ide setup?18:39
DarkXPhenomenonXrorre: fixed?18:39
netraamehtHey, is there any way to get Mono 2.8?18:39
rorreurlin2u: it's all SATA, but yes, grub seems to be installed on 'sda' while ubuntu is on 'sdf'18:39
=== root is now known as Amaroks
AmaroksHi Guys18:40
urlin2urorre, you can from the ubuntu install to its mbr is this a raid?18:40
rorreDarkXPhenomenonX: not yet.  I was hoping the grub update command would have worked, but it's still not18:40
AmaroksI got windows 7 and installed ubuntu side by side I used to see windows partition on ubuntu and access it , not anymore, any Idea?18:40
rorreurlin2u: sda and sdf are both unraided disks18:41
xangua!grub2 | Amaroks18:41
ubottuAmaroks: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)18:41
rorresdb,sdc,sed,sef are all software raided18:41
rorreurlin2u: ^18:41
shomoncan anyone suggest any other software that can copy files to and from an ipod on ubuntu?18:41
AmaroksI did not install windows after18:41
AmaroksWindows was there and still there but simple reinstalled ubuntu and since thene I dont see the partitions in ubuntu18:41
seidosdoes anybody know how to write a script, or have code, that will mute speakers on hibernating?18:42
urlin2urorre, run sudo fdisk -l to confirm the ubuntu install disc then run sudo grub-install /dev/sdX    then run the update-grub the X is the HD with no number .18:42
Ryllez89Guys, how to put my wife user to run virtualbox emulating Windows automatically on logon?18:42
xanguaAmaroks: you don't see the partition as in you deleted windows partition then installing ubuntu¿18:42
rorreurlin2u: so grub-install to the disk that ubunto is installed onto or to the first disk that the computer tries to boot?18:43
urlin2urorre, I would put it in the HD where ubuntu is.18:44
urlin2urorre, if ubuntu is the sdf then the command and X=f18:44
AmaroksNo  I did not remove windows its still there and I use it sometmes18:44
JoshR1How can I get a persistent share between reboots?18:44
mongyRyllez89,  add to startup apps, VirtualBox -startvm "name of vm"18:44
rorreJust as a generic aside, is teh root password scrambled by default on ubuntu installs or is it set to something in particular?18:45
Ryllez89mongy, where i find the startup apps?18:45
SeveasJoshR1, what do you mean with "persistent share"?18:45
urlin2urorre, we have a bootscript that is used.. to see more info if needed, if tis does not fix it.18:45
mongyRyllez89, top right corner icon, click it, choose startup applications18:45
netraamehtmono 2.8?18:45
rorreurlin2u: rebooting now, let's see what happens18:46
JoshR1Every time I update my file server and need to restart my raid is no longer shared and I have to go back and set it to share again.18:46
Ryllez89mongy, but i can add on my wife user? now im using my user18:46
SeveasRyllez89, log in as her and then add it18:46
Ryllez89her user will have permission to use the VM?18:46
mongyRyllez89,  you might have to add her to the vboxusers group for shared foldes and usb access..18:47
DeltaEpsilonSeveas, yes, it is18:47
=== vincent is now known as Guest58132
SeveasDeltaEpsilon, mysql-navigator may work for you then18:48
Ryllez89mongy, u can tell me how i do this?18:49
mongyRyllez89, just login as her and add to startup. worry about the group permission laer, she might not need it.18:49
SeveasRyllez89, sudo gpasswd -a her_loginname vboxusers18:49
DeltaEpsilonLooks like development has been dead for 7+ years.18:50
DeltaEpsilonSeveas, ^^18:50
DeltaEpsilonnot a good alternative18:50
netraamehtO - M - G, Win XP looks really old!18:50
SeveasDeltaEpsilon, that's why I said "might". I don't use a gui for databases so I didn't know how bad it was :)18:50
Ryllez89thank you!!!18:50
mongynetraameht, 10 yrs is a long time18:51
edbianRyllez89, usermod -a -G <group> <user>   how to add an existing user to an existing group18:51
Seveasedbian, gpasswd or useradd are easier to remember ;)18:51
netraamehtmongy, I cant find my Win 7 disk, so I used a Win XP ISO, But im happy that it works!18:51
edbianSeveas, yeah, I had to look that one up18:51
edbianwindows xp is old18:52
edbianSeveas, hello btw :)18:52
netraamehtedbian, yea!18:52
rorreurlin2u: no luck18:52
edbiancome in, see this, wat do?18:52
MarezzHi folks, whats better in ur opinion, gnome mplayer or vlc?18:52
xangua!better | Marezz18:53
ubottuMarezz: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.18:53
Seveasmplayer with libcaca as backend18:53
edbianMarezz, I like vlc18:53
urlin2uAmaroks, do you have a windows disc to run a chkdsk from, and have you run a sudo update-grub18:54
trinikronohow do i change unity menu items say to add one to the launcher18:54
mongySeveas, sounds familiar.. is that the ascii output?18:55
edbiantrinikrono, drag the icon you want onto the launcher18:55
Marezzbtw does Unity work with AMD Catalyst?18:55
yanmorinafter a distro-upgrade to oneiric, some launcher icon and nautilus are missing...  any idea?18:55
edbianMarezz, at the very least unity 2D works with anything18:55
edbianMarezz, I don't know if unity 3D works with AMD (probably)18:56
yanmorinby missing = the shortcut is there with a blank icon18:56
urlin2urorre, so what is the the other linux some run with lilo and are harder to work with.18:56
Marezzedbian, is there a big difference between those 2 modes?18:56
mongyMarezz, yes.18:56
rorreurlin2u: It was grub.18:56
rorreurlin2u: Funtoo =D18:56
Seveasmongy, ascii with ansi color codes18:56
=== nick is now known as Guest64567
=== Youri is now known as Iruoy
urlin2urorre, so when you ran the install command you ran the update to as well?18:57
rorreurlin2u: I'm not sure what you mean.18:58
rorreWhy does it feel like tab-completion is funky on Ubuntu.  like if I type /dev/md<tab> it complets to md3 even though there's md md1 md3 md5 etc18:59
Seveasrorre, then you've changed something yourself, that's not the normal behaviour18:59
urlin2urorre I had you run sudo grun-install /dev/sdX did you run the sudo update-grub before rebooting?18:59
rorreSeveas: Knoppix does it too, I thought it was a user-friendly thing.  I've changed nothing besides adding kvirc, this is a fresh install :(19:00
rorreurlin2u: nope19:00
UnderSampled|ta1I'm running ubuntu 11.04, and am trying to get my penabled tablet working19:01
UnderSampled|ta1now, it's not quite as simple as a normal tabletPC, because I actually took the digitizer out of a different computer and am using it on a usb to serial convertor19:01
UnderSampled|ta1the question is, how do I force ubuntu to use the digitizer on /dev/ttyUSB019:01
UnderSampled|ta1as it won't be able to detect it the normal way19:01
FloodBot1UnderSampled|ta1: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:01
rorreurlin2u: I hadn't run update after, should I try rebooting once again?19:01
urlin2urorre, okay run it now that you always do it reset the grub menu, also the sdf hard drive has to be first read to work as well in the bios,19:01
Kal_Zakathmerry xmas, lamers19:02
=== omry_ is now known as omry|home
submanI just installed Ubuntu on my netbook and although when I first booted off of the usb stick, wireless and the touchpad worked just fine but now that it is installed, my touchpad does not work at all neither does the wireless.  any fixes for these big errors?  Lubuntu installed and worked just fine.19:03
urlin2urorre, that all make sense you know j=how to get to the bios or use a key prompt usually f12 to get a boot from menu.19:03
shomonI have a 1gb ipod nano. Where can I get help on copying stuff to it in ubuntu?19:03
urlin2uj= is you* rorre19:03
shomonI've tried with rhythmbox, banshee and gtkbox...19:04
=== psharmor is now known as tekoholic
Taj_k, im officially baffled19:06
Taj_i now have 3 boxes running ubuntu 11.1019:06
Taj_and two of them can see each other and this one and share files accordingly19:06
Taj_but this one can't see either of the other two19:07
zxy_64TiMiDo, i fixed it with editing modelines in xorg.conf19:07
Taj_any thoughts?19:07
zxy_64thx for help anyway19:07
UnderSampled|ta1Hello, I'm running ubuntu 11.04, and am trying to get my penabled tablet working. It's not quite as simple as a normal tabletPC, because I actually took the digitizer out of a different computer and am using it on a usb to serial converter. How do I force ubuntu to use the digitizer on /dev/ttyUSB0 ? Ubuntu won't be able to detect it the normal way.19:08
SeveasTaj_, can the third one ping the other 2?19:09
urlin2uUnderSampled|ta1, sounds like you might like the ##hardware channel as a backup19:10
UnderSampled|ta1urlin2u: I can try19:10
Taj_whats the easiest way to do ping them?19:11
omidhi please help me19:13
omidi installed ATI propritary fglrx drivers using the .run file from AMD's official website19:13
Taj_hmmm update, they are listed when i put smbtree in19:13
omidnow i have screen glitches too much. how can i uninstall that driver19:13
philpemI'm trying to build the CVS version of Gutenprint on a Launchpad PPA -- I've got it building locally but the build server is barfing when it builds the docs.19:16
philpemBuild log is here: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/88349571/buildlog_ubuntu-oneiric-amd64.gutenprint_5.2.7cvs20111224a-philpem3_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz19:16
philpemSeems to be a problem with Openjade -- "openjade:/build/buildd/gutenprint-5.2.7cvs20111224a/debian/build/doc/developer/gutenprint.xml:13:0:E: host "www.oasis-open.org" not found"19:16
philpemCan anyone suggest how I might be able to fix this?19:16
amaroksGuys everytime I reboot, the quick lunch menu disappear and top right menu19:16
amaroksand I have to do unity --reset to get things looking good again19:17
fidyanyone in here run Zenix?19:17
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yanmorinis it supposed to look like that? http://yansanmo.progysm.com/photos/ps/linux/ubuntu-oneiric-noicon.png ?19:24
Seveas yanmorin not really19:25
Seveasyou've done something weird with your theme19:26
yanmorinI've update two time in a row19:26
fidyanyone here run Zenix19:26
yanmorinIt was like that after the second upgrade19:26
yanmorinmaybe it's a icon-cache problem... in .local?19:27
mongyyanmorin, maybe install gnome-tweak-tool and set your icon theme again19:28
yanmorinmongy, I will try that, but what is the default icon theme?19:29
Seveasubuntu mono dark19:29
mongyyanmorin, or maybe reinstall ubuntu-mono19:29
yanmorinwow, there is a lot of package with gnome-tweek-tool..19:30
mongyaye :(19:30
Kal_Zakathdo you know GPL apps dedicateds to train drivers (engineers end such...) ??19:31
yanmorinoh, now I have all  icons.. maybe it was in gnome-icon-theme-full (not installed)19:31
yanmorinor gnome-themes-standard19:31
=== DocHoliday is now known as securecipher
yanmorinmongy thanks, now it looks like that: http://yansanmo.progysm.com/photos/ps/linux/ubuntu-oneiric-withicon-gnome-tweak-tool.png  (just by installing the package)19:34
Akamerry christamahanikwansika everyone19:34
ubuntugood day all19:37
Seveashappy saturday Aka19:37
ubuntujust trying out this version of ubuntu i think i like it19:38
Akadoh I was gonna ask him which version he was liking19:41
Akaok well I guess I'm gonna go I've got some studying to do before I go rock it on BF319:41
Akalater folks19:42
idsmehelle everybody19:46
idsmei have a quistion about installing a adaptec raid card into ubuntu, it;s only voor suse and red hat19:47
idsmeanyone can help me?19:47
kasiihi all19:56
kasiiam asking for any documentation concern java programming19:57
Seveaskasii, try #java19:58
kasiiam new in java programming19:58
kasiiso would you help me19:59
Seveasthis channel is for ubuntu support, not java help19:59
mang0!ot | kasii19:59
ubottukasii: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:59
kasiicause it took much time for me to understand the program19:59
mang0kasii: Type "/join #java"19:59
kasiiokay let me join19:59
kasiiin java20:00
Kal_Zakath_google ?20:00
Kal_Zakath_(just in case...)20:00
dextre009can anyone help me out with vim editor please?20:02
HeroHello there20:03
mang0kasii: If you want to join #java channel, type this in a message to us, and press send: /join ##java20:03
kasiii didnt get you mango20:04
mongydextre009, how?20:05
dextre009I want to turn on syntax highlighting, but just for specific file types20:06
Kal_Zakath_no possible20:06
dextre009for example just for .java files20:06
Kal_Zakath_ubuntu is an OS for gays, and gays don't want syntax highlighting20:07
dextre009it is not possible?20:07
Kal_Zakath_not unless you are gay20:07
tonesfrommarsdextre009: head over to #vim, they'll help you there.20:08
philpemdextre009, :set syntax on20:08
trismphilpem: I haven't looked to closely, but if you notice, doc/developer is already built in the ubuntu package, so you make want to pre-build it before uploading since it won't be able to fetch that file when building on launchpad20:08
tonesfrommarsI don't know for sure if that's possible.20:08
tonesfrommarsChances are it is, but you'll have to set up vim.rc to make it happen20:08
dr_willisthe default vim used to be 'vim tiny' you need the vim full package for syntax hightlighting to work.20:08
philpemdextre009, sorry. got that wrong. looking up my vimrc20:09
dextre009philpem, I did that, but now I get syntax highlighting in .conf files too, which is really annoying20:09
philpemdextre009, sounds like you want to make it per-file then?20:09
dr_willisTheres ways to put comments in specific files to set vim settings for that file dextre009  i belive.20:09
philpemfor that you need an autocmd in your vimrc20:09
Seveasdecoder, it's possible: au filetype java :syntax on20:09
philpemdextre009, to disable syntax highlighting for conf files, :autocmd conf syntax off20:10
dextre009Seveas, should I put that in my ~/.vimrc ?20:10
Seveasdextre009, yes.20:10
Kal_Zakath_in ~/.gay20:10
philpemdextre009, try again... autocmd FileType conf :syntax off20:10
philpemwill disable syntax-hilight for conf files20:11
philpemdextre009, what Seveas said will enable it only for java files20:11
tonesfrommarsdextre009: look up *:syn-files*20:11
tonesfrommarsapparently you can specify highlighting per filetype.20:11
philpemtrism, I figured that'd be one option20:11
SpacewalkerKal_Zakath_: As far as I know, syntax highlighting doesn't have anything to do with being gay.20:11
Kal_Zakath_of course it does20:12
philpemtrism, what I'd like to know is which commands the gutenprint dev team use to make the release tarballs from CVS20:12
SeveasSpacewalker, depends on the colorscheme you use. A gay friend of mine definitely has a matching colorscheme :-)20:12
philpemtrism, if I had a rel tarball it'd presumably have the docs prebuilt, thus making it far easier to package20:12
Kal_Zakath_Seveas: +120:12
Seveasphilpem, I'd guess "make release"20:12
AurigaI have a USB floppy drive plugged in which the system sees, but I cannot access the disk... Any ideas?20:13
=== linux_probe is now known as ID-10-T
philpemSeveas, "make: *** No rule to make target `release'. Stop."20:13
Seveasphilpem, then read their docs :-)20:14
dextre009I just tried 'au filetype java syntax on' & 'autocmd FileType conf :syntax off' but both dont work20:14
philpemSeveas, they basically say "read the automake documentation"20:14
dr_willisAuriga:  try mounting it by hand?20:15
Seveasphilpem, make dit20:15
Seveasphilpem, make dist20:15
Sportytype /server -m irc.anabolnet.org we are searching for irc operators and helpers to make the network bigger.20:15
philpemSeveas, ah ha!20:16
* philpem updates his HOWTO20:16
Seveasphilpem, autotools projects always(*) use 'make dist' to make tarballs20:16
Seveas☼for values of always20:16
angelo236hi guys20:16
Seveashello angelo23620:16
trismor better yet, make distcheck20:17
Seveas!ops | Sporty is spamming20:17
ubottuSporty is spamming: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, pangolin, nhandler or Jordan_U!20:17
philpemSeveas, thanks for that -- it's been ages since I did any real work with an autotools project20:17
ellieopen irc.gamesurge.net20:17
Seveasmneptok, thanks20:18
Kal_Zakath_Sporty was my gay friend20:18
angelo236chat room doesnt look busy..20:18
Kal_Zakath_angelo236: as it's Xmas it's quite logical20:18
Seveasangelo236, that's a good thing. Means there are not that many people who have problems with ubuntu :)20:18
mneptokSeveas: summoned, i come with rimmed halo of fury20:18
SeveasKal_Zakath_, it's not christmas yet for europe/america20:18
Kal_Zakath_well I'm in europe20:19
Kal_Zakath_It's Xmas's eve20:19
Kal_Zakath_computers are shut down20:19
angelo236seveas, thats good. merry christmass eve or christmas to you guys.20:19
Seveasyou're not in europe, you're in belgium. We don't consider that part of europe anymore ;)20:19
Kal_Zakath_Seveas: wtf ?20:19
Kal_Zakath_tell me why ? :)20:20
Kal_Zakath_we are the heart of europe20:20
Seveasheh, you're not even the lower intestines of europe :P20:20
Kal_Zakath_european institutions are in brussels20:20
Seveashello G4MM1NG3R20:20
kkunono they are in rome20:20
G4MM1NG3RWhat's this all about...20:21
Kal_Zakath_kkuno ? Rome ??? LOOOL20:21
* mneptok ignites said rimmed fury halo as only a self-righteous American can, and forces the conversation de La Belgique en canal #ubuntu-offtopic20:21
Kal_Zakath_there is an old and an older perv in Rome, that's all20:21
SeveasG4MM1NG3R, usually it's about ubuntu support. At the moment it's quiet so we're making fun of belgium :)20:21
mneptokooops ... my un-American-ness showed.20:21
* mneptok gets his gun20:22
* Seveas hides 20:22
kkunohe's not perv, he's a man with big balls20:22
xangua!ot | Kal_Zakath_ kkuno20:22
ubottuKal_Zakath_ kkuno: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:22
Seveaswhen mneptok gets angry, people shut up.20:22
Kal_Zakath_Seveas: well at least I'm not in flanders20:22
Aurigadr_willis, Thanks for the suggestion...20:22
mneptokSeveas: drag this Walloon to -offtopic20:22
G4MM1NG3RI'm kinda new to IRC and stuph...20:22
angelo236well as for myself, im enjoying ubuntu.. ive fully installed it on my system for about two day now, and so far im loving it.. im new to this, and dont worry "helpers" i have not questions to ask, i have google :)20:22
G4MM1NG3RWhich country do you guys see Iḿ in?20:22
Kal_Zakath_I d'ont give a fuck about your stupid rules :)20:22
Seveasmneptok, I don't have redirect powers :)20:22
hydraliskenter to win an ipad at http://freebiesrus.info/ipad20:23
Aurigadr_willis, But... It says I must specify the filesystem type...20:23
Seveasmneptok, hey, I see a spammer in need of cluebatting20:23
mneptokKal_Zakath_: if meant seriously, that is entirely uncalled for :(20:23
angelo236G4MM1NG3R, welcome to my world20:23
Seveascan you do the honors?20:23
Aurigadr_willis, Is there a switch for that?20:23
=== dextre009 is now known as dextre
G4MM1NG3RAny IRC commands I should know about?20:24
SeveasG4MM1NG3R, /ignore is useful to know20:24
Seveasas is /join #freenode :)20:24
Seveashello hooman20:24
kkuno!list is another useful commmand20:24
G4MM1NG3RHow to use that...?20:24
mneptokKal_Zakath_: you are wlecome to defend Belgian honor in #ubuntu-offtopic. Seveas will probably continue to incite you there, as he's an obstinate (but loveable) Dutchman. but not here.20:24
G4MM1NG3RIḿ already in freenode I think..20:24
Seveaskkuno, !list doesn't really work here. This is not a warez channel :)20:25
G4MM1NG3R(Sorry for my foolishness, first time on IRC =3=)20:25
angelo236i wish i could help, but im learning at the moment, ill just use google for commands20:25
G4MM1NG3ROkay, Iĺl give that a try too20:25
G4MM1NG3RBuh, using a proxy atm... browser too slow20:25
Kal_Zakath_HAHAHA a dutch20:25
hooman :D20:26
angelo236i got here using this website.. like most of a guide or intro to irc http://www.linuxjournal.com/content/internet-relay-chat20:26
Kal_Zakath_dutch are shit20:26
mneptokKal_Zakath_: enough!20:26
Kal_Zakath_(waits for a KB)20:26
G4MM1NG3RTalking about me Kal?20:26
mneptokKal_Zakath_: it's Christmas. why make me?20:26
Kal_Zakath_because it is !20:27
Kal_Zakath_you have never seen me before20:27
hoomanPlease do not silence girls :p20:27
G4MM1NG3RA girl on the internet?20:27
G4MM1NG3RNaa... lets not go there again...20:27
G4MM1NG3RItś cliche20:27
Seveashooman, mneptok's stunning looks silence all women...20:27
Kal_Zakath_let's take a look to this offtopic chan20:28
sedekiHaving problems with my built in soundcard. When inserting headphones, the speakers wont mute. Im using "snd-hda-intel" and ACL888 (laptop LG X110)20:28
angelo236anybody here a new user of ubuntu?20:29
Seveassedeki, try 'alsamixer', see if you have a control called 'headphone sense'. If you do, enable it.20:29
hoomanSeveas...yes ;)20:29
G4MM1NG3RHow many of my information is open to you guys to see through IRC actually?20:29
G4MM1NG3RDerp... curse my sleeping brain20:29
Seveas--- [G4MM1NG3R] (~matthijs@dhcp-077-249-056-069.chello.nl) : hel00020:29
no-name-I get 3 temps and 1 fan speed on speedfan on windows but only 1 temp and 0 fan speeds on sensors on ubuntu... anyway I can get those other temps and that fanspeed on ubuntu?20:29
G4MM1NG3RSo far using proxy on Ubuntu20:29
angelo236yes really20:29
sedekiSeveas, i only have "auto-mute mode" and it is enabled20:30
hoomanSeveas..This is what Rome20:30
philpemsedeki, what motherboard?20:30
sedekiphilpem, how can i see that?20:30
philpemsedeki, try: sudo dmidecode | less20:30
philpemDMIDecode dumps the DMI Data Table from the BIOS and displays it; less allows you to move up and down through the output20:31
sedekiAmerican Megatrends Inc., version EN021IL1.10P20:31
Seveasthat's just the bios, not the motherboard20:31
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philpemwhat you're looking for is "Product Name" under the "System Information" tag20:31
philpemand also "Manufacturer"20:31
philpeme.g. I have: Handle 0x0001, DMI type 1, 27 bytes20:32
philpemSystem Information20:32
philpem        Manufacturer: Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.20:32
philpem        Product Name: Z68AP-D320:32
FloodBot1philpem: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:32
G4MM1NG3RAnyway for me to use a proxy for IRC as well?20:32
ResistanceG4MM1NG3R:  if its an open proxy, probably not20:32
ResistanceG4MM1NG3R:  because most nets block open proxys20:32
philpemoh fun, I got told off by a bot :P   I'll consider myself warned :)20:32
sedekiBase board information?20:33
SeveasG4MM1NG3R, or just get a cloak, then we can't see your hostname either20:33
sedekiSystem information20:33
G4MM1NG3RHow do I get a cloak...?20:33
philpemsedeki, how about we try another way?20:33
DemonWitchdoes ubuntu use a custom kernel?20:33
tensorpuddingG4MM1NG3R, this is not the place to ask20:33
philpemsedeki, sudo dmidecode > /tmp/dmi-info20:33
xangua!cloak | G4MM1NG3R20:33
DemonWitchor the vanilla linux kernel20:33
tensorpuddingDemonWitch, yes20:33
ubottuG4MM1NG3R: To get any kind of cloak (ubuntu member or any other kind) you first need to set up your nick as detailed in this FAQ: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup -  For Ubuntu member cloaks, ask in #ubuntu-irc and provide your launchpad page, for unaffiliated ones, ask in #freenode.20:33
tensorpuddingDemonWitch, they patch the kernel20:33
angelo236hey guys, any linux/ubuntu sites you can recommend for me? so i can do further reading on linux, cuz im new do this. and as of right now im loving it20:33
G4MM1NG3ROk, thanks20:33
philpemsedeki, then open that file (/tmp/dmi-info) in a text editor and copy it into http://paste.ubuntu.com20:34
sedekiphilpem, fine, ill post it wait20:34
Kal_Zakath_ik ben droost20:34
ResistanceDemonWitch:  probably a patched kernel20:34
tensorpuddingDemonWitch, check out the source packages20:34
{--__--}why is my laptop slowing down?20:34
Seveassedeki, sudo dmidecode -s baseboard-manufacturer; sudo dmidecode -s baseboard-product-name20:34
DemonWitchtensorpudding: i want to use a realtime. lowlatency kernel. does ubuntu have one for that already compiled?20:34
Seveasthat gives you just the motherboard info :)20:34
Resistance{--__--}:  define "slowing down:20:34
{--__--}it has been like that for 2 days, there is  a delay when i am typing letters and when i am playing music too20:34
philpemSeveas, heh, I'm going to have to hang out in here more often -- that's a neat trick!20:34
{--__--}like it gets chopped a bit20:34
Resistance{--__--}:  stop running so many things at once maybe :P20:34
tensorpuddingDemonWitch, probably not20:34
{--__--}i got mozilla openoffice and movieplayer20:35
philpemsedeki, forget what I just said, do what Seveas suggested :)20:35
{--__--}and qbittorrent hmm20:35
Seveas{--__--}, qbittorrent may be hogging all your disk io. Do fewer illegal downloads :P20:35
sedekiphilpem, http://paste.ubuntu.com/781455/20:35
{--__--}i see, thanks20:35
philpemsedeki, you have an LG X110-G.A7HBV20:36
{--__--}it might be that..20:36
philpemsedeki, 10.2in screen netbook?20:36
simchapter_wheneveri open a new terminal, i have to manually source .bash_profile. for some reason, it's not being automatically reloaded. Anyone know why this might happen or know how to debug such a problem?20:37
philpemright. first warning -- the Intel HDA sound driver (which is what you're probably using) is a bit of a dog.20:37
philpemone of the settings is the 'jack configuration'.20:37
Seveassimchapter_, .bash_profile is only loaded when logging in. You'll want to add your customizations to ~/.bashrc instead20:37
philpemor rather the 'board model' as alsa calls it20:37
sedekiphilpem, do you mean a flag to the module in alsa_base.conf?20:38
philpemsedeki, yes. see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto20:38
Amarokseverytime I boot up and login, the topmenu disappear and so left side launcher, I usually solve it by running unity --reset20:38
no-name-I get 3 temps and 1 fan speed on speedfan (windows) but 1 temp and no fan speed on sensors (ubuntu)... I tried sensors-detect but it didn't help20:38
Amaroksany solution to fix this permanently ?20:38
sedekiphilpem, i looked at that earlier today20:38
xanguaAmaroks: does it dissapears or never load¿20:39
sedekiphilpem, anything particularly interesting?20:39
philpemsedeki, look at the list of HD-Audio model IDs for the ALC888, and try them all in turn is really all I can suggest :(20:39
sedekiphilpem, what about the jack configuration?20:40
simchapter_Seveas: ic. thanks!20:40
philpemsedeki, that's what i was talking about -- card model ('model' parameter to the module) is the jack configuration20:40
philpemwhat you're telling the module is "I have this sound card, don't try and guess, this is how you should be talking to the CODEC chip."20:40
Amaroksxangua probably never loads20:41
philpemthere's no love lost between me and the Intel HDA front end... even the Analog Devices codecs are a pig.20:41
philpemin the end I gave up and bought a Creative Xfi Titanium and disabled the onboard Azalea audio codec.20:42
xanguaAmaroks: make sure the unity plugin is enabled on compiz settings preferences20:42
dextreSeveas, philpem, I got help in #vim and we solved the problem -> :au FileType conf set syntax=OFF20:42
philpemdextre, great!20:42
sedekiphilpem, ah i see. how about the enable=1 flag?20:42
philpemdextre, "set nosyntax" will probably do the same thing as syntax=OFF20:42
Amarokswhcih? Unity Plugin or Unity Plugin Rotated?20:42
dextrethank you for helping me :)20:42
sedekiis it relevant at all?20:42
sedekialso, do i need to reboot for each try?20:43
philpemsedeki, no, you can do 'rmmod snd-intel-hda; modprobe snd-intel-hda model=xyz'20:43
philpemneed sudo obviously.. :)20:43
=== michael is now known as Guest82085
G4MM1NG3ROne more time, what information could you see on me?20:44
philpemif it whines, try: sudo killall -9 pulseaudio; sudo modprobe -r snd-intel-hda; sudo modprobe snd-intel-hda model=xyz20:44
philpemreplace 'xyz' with the modelid you want to try20:44
Amaroksxangua : whcih? Unity Plugin or Unity Plugin Rotated?20:44
sedekithank you20:44
korI upgraded to 11.10 and it wont let me login to my main user acct and the guest session is locked down.20:45
xanguaAmaroks: i only know there is a 'unity plugin'20:45
Guest82085i want help!20:45
korWont load recovery session either or open a terminal20:45
Seveashello Guest82085. If you tell us what you need help with, we may even be able to help you!20:45
philpemsedeki, count to ten after you do that, it'll take a minute for PulseAudio to restart20:46
G4MM1NG3RWhat information can you guys see about me through IRC?20:46
philpemI wouldn't try the 6-channel ones, but the 'stereo' ones will be worth trying20:46
SeveasG4MM1NG3R, same as before :)20:46
G4MM1NG3RIḿ so good at this =_='20:46
DemonWitch"Ubuntu" is an ancient African word meaning "I can't install Gentoo".20:47
no_gravityHello! What are the main differences between debian and ubuntu these days?20:48
xangua!ot | no_gravity20:48
ubottuno_gravity: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:48
Seveasno_gravity, unity versus sanity :)20:48
no_gravitySeveas: Well, i tried to cope with unity for a few days now and it doesnt work for me. Thats why i think about switching to debian.20:50
G4MM1NG3RJust wondering, if I set this cloak up right, will it work for every server I'll go on?20:50
SeveasG4MM1NG3R, no, just for freenode20:50
xanguaG4MM1NG3R: no, and this is not the place /join #freenode20:50
G4MM1NG3ROk, thanks20:51
mysteriousdarrenno_gravity: just switch to a different desktop environment lxde is my personal choice20:51
Resistanceno_gravity:  or KDE, its also a decent environment20:51
Resistanceno_gravity:  or install gnome-shell20:51
Resistanceand use the oldish-style GNOME interface :P20:51
no_gravitymysteriousdarren: ok, and why not switch do debian?20:51
korNo help for my problem?20:52
kkunothe ol' gnomerda, as we say in italy20:52
no_gravityResistance: "apt-get install gnome-shell"?20:52
Resistanceno_gravity:  i believe so20:52
Resistanceno_gravity:  as for not switching ot Debian...20:52
Resistanceno_gravity:  in comparison to Ubuntu, Debian's repositories are ancient20:52
Resistanceand old20:52
Resistanceand seldomly updated20:52
Resistancedid i mention they're old?20:53
no_gravityResistance: dont they have a "testing" version that is constantly updated?20:53
xangua!ot | Resistance no_gravity20:53
ubottuResistance no_gravity: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:53
Resistanceno_gravity:  y...es...?20:53
Resistancexangua:  you should read scrollbacks more20:53
Resistancexangua:  <no_gravity> mysteriousdarren: ok, and why not switch do debian?20:53
mysteriousdarrenno_gravity: if your just having trouble with unity there is still no reason to switch, just try out a couple environments and you will find one you like. Besides the fact debians repos are ancient, ubuntu is far more cutting edge than debian. It's great for servers but not always20:53
no_gravitymysteriousdarren: whats the difference between "up to date repos" and "cutting edge"?20:54
=== kor is now known as Guest63679
mysteriousdarrenno_gravity: what is your problem your having?20:55
dextreno_gravity, just try debian and see if it fits you. But I think you don't need to switch just because you don't like unity20:55
mysteriousdarrenno_gravity: the difference is about the same.20:56
mongyno_gravity, give xfce a go.  only an apt-get away20:56
no_gravitymysteriousdarren: ubuntu 11. nothing works. no task bar. no menus in applications, but on top of the screen.20:56
mysteriousdarrenno_gravity: Unity failed me so I went back to lxde and it works perfect. I could have left but I am loyal and willing to find things that work.20:56
no_gravitymongy: why xfce and not gnome? i liked the interface of ubuntu 10.20:56
mongyno_gravity, why not.20:57
xangua!gnome2 | no_gravity20:57
ubottuno_gravity: The GNOME Foundation has ceased support for GNOME 2, and as such it is not in Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot). See !notunity for an alternative desktop experience.20:57
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dextrethen get the lts version20:57
no_gravityand you cannot use gnome 3 in ubuntu?20:57
usr13no_gravity: mongy's advice is good.  Try xfce   sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop20:58
xanguano_gravity: oneiric comes with gnome 3.220:58
no_gravityYou guys said the repos of Gnome are ancient. Can you give an example of what that means?20:58
mongyno_gravity, it's a good replacement for gnome2.20:58
mongybit of customising and mine is sweet...20:58
Seveasno_gravity, you can use gnome 3 in ubuntu. It's not very good yet20:59
DaekdroomSeveas, Ubuntu uses GNOME 3 already.20:59
SeveasDaekdroom, that doesn't make it good :-)20:59
mneptokno_gravity: the GNOME2 interface you like is gone from GNOME. a switch to Debian will not help, they'll use GNOME3 everywhere eventually. if you want things to look and beahve more like GNOME2, XFCE and Xubuntu are you best option. it's what i did.20:59
mongy^ what he said21:00
mongyshave a few megs of resource too21:00
mysteriousdarrenhave any of you tried lubuntu? thoughts?21:00
no_gravitymneptok: debian does not come with gnome 2?21:00
mneptokno_gravity: if it does today, it won't tomorrow.21:00
mongymysteriousdarren, lxde is ok, but I find xfce the happy medium21:00
usr13mysteriousdarren: My thoughts are, go with xfce21:00
semenkohi all -- i'm having an issue with IP route on Oneric21:01
=== Youri is now known as Iruoy
philpemusr13, same here -- I switched to Xfce + Xubuntu and I like it.21:01
semenkoi'm getting the ever-googlable error: "RTNETLINK answers: Operation not permitted"21:01
philpemused to use Xfce + Debian but had major problems with that (mainly inconsistent UI look-and-feel)21:01
mneptokno_gravity: GNOME2 will be wiped from the face of the earth in 5 years. probably far sooner. why start trying to backpedal? you WILL fail.21:01
semenkoi've found a lot of references to it online, but not a clear solution21:01
no_gravitySo how do I switch from Unity to xfce? "apt-get install xfce"?21:01
usr13philpem: route -n  #Take a look and see what is wrong.21:02
mneptokno_gravity: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop21:02
semenkoi'm just trying to set a different MTU on a route [sudo ip route change default via dev eth0 mtu 1400]21:02
mongyThere is the MATE fork of gnome2 but why bother when a mature xfce is ready and willing.21:02
philpemusr13, eh?21:02
darth_tux71hey anyone know how to use rfkill to turn a wifi on since i cant seem th get it on any other way21:02
semenkoroute -n seems fine21:02
kasiihelp in java21:02
no_gravitymneptok: and that will get rid of unity?21:03
mysteriousdarrenmongy: I tried both kubuntu, xubuntu but nothing compared to lxde for older machines....its just light and it flies21:03
mneptokno_gravity: it will allow you to choose XFCE as an environment when you login.21:03
mongymysteriousdarren,  for older ones yes, but there isnt very much in it between lxde and xfce21:03
philpemQuick question folks -- the file-open and file-save dialogs in LibreOffice don't match up with the rest of XFCE. I seem to recall there was an easy fix for this (install a package and change a Libreoffice setting). Can anyone remember the magic incantation?21:03
mongymysteriousdarren, not that I saw anyway.. when looking at ram and cpu usage.21:03
mneptokno_gravity: all the Unity and GNOME bits are still on the disk, until you remove the ubuntu-desktop package. and i would wait a week to do that.21:03
philpemWhat I want is the GTK-style save window like this: http://images.brighthub.com/0e/8/0e8b28b6b6fabe7988b714a705c91840fa75a4de_large.jpg21:04
semenkosorry, the RNETLINK Error is : RTNETLINK answers: No such file or directory21:04
no_gravitymysteriousdarren: so how do you install lxde? "apt-get install lxde"?21:04
philpemwhat I'm getting is a very plain one with a list of directories and files in one list.21:04
semenko[not "Operation not permitted", that was sans sudo]21:04
xanguasudo apt-get install libreoffice-gtk philpem21:05
Seveasphilpem, openoffice doesn't use any standard widget.21:05
philpemthanks, xangua21:05
usr13philpem: What does  route -n   say?  (See if you have a problem with your default GW like you said you do.)21:05
Seveasxangua, ooh... hmm, I need to try that, thanks21:05
Seveasit might make libreoffice less fugly :)21:05
philpemusr13, I didn't mention any issues with default GW...21:06
semenkoroute -n says21:06
semenko(he's off by one, he means semenko)21:06
usr13Oh sorry, that was for semenko   Wrong nic21:06
semenko0.0.0.0         UG    100    0        0 eth021:06
philpemusr13, np :)21:06
semenko192.168.1.0   U     0      0        0 eth021:06
semenko192.168.122.0   U     0      0        0 virbr021:06
semenko(sorry, header was:)21:06
semenkoDestination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface21:06
usr13semenko: use pastebinit21:06
usr13semenko: route -n | pastebinit21:06
mysteriousdarrenno_gravity: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get install lubuntu-core lubuntu-icon-theme lubuntu-restricted-extras does the whole deal21:08
delihow to play hd video files in ubuntu(11.10) without lag?21:08
=== Canadian1296 is now known as Canadian1296_
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semenkothe machine handles its routing fine. i'm just trying to change the default route MTU explicitly to deal with some jumbo frames issues21:08
mongymysteriousdarren, doesn't lubuntu-desktop do it all?21:09
no_gravitymysteriousdarren: one obvious advantage of debian is that they dont have this whole "sudo this, sudo that" madness.21:09
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no_gravitymysteriousdarren: thanks for the info how to install lxde.21:09
mysteriousdarrenmongy: true but restricted extras does more:) most ppl come back needing it21:09
usr13semenko: What is the IP address of your router?21:09
mongymysteriousdarren, whats different about it than ubuntu/xubuntu-restricted?21:10
semenkothough i don't understand how that'd impact me changing the mtu21:10
mysteriousdarrenno_gravity: did u use debian alot before?21:10
no_gravitymysteriousdarren: i started with ubuntu when ubuntu 5 came out. before i used debian.21:10
usr13semenko: our trying to change the default route MTU ?21:10
delihow to play hd video files in ubuntu(11.10) without lag?21:10
* philpem suspects he's used just about all the major distros at some point21:10
semenkousr13: i'm trying to change the default route MTU to something lower, it's a long story involving PMTUD & jumbo frames21:11
mysteriousdarrenmongy: sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop does it too, more apps tho that way21:11
no_gravitymysteriousdarren: i build my whole company based on debian. the switch to ubuntu came later.21:11
semenkoeither way, i should be able to set it to arbitrary values (e.g. MTU for the default route = 1000 or 1400, etc.)21:11
=== Canadian1296_ is now known as Canadian1296
mysteriousdarrenmongy: I have had things break by doing that, I think they are about the same21:11
usr13semenko: man ifconfig21:11
semenkoon OS X, it's just sudo route change default -mtu 150021:11
semenkothat's not the route21:11
semenkothat's the interface.21:11
semenkothe issue is i want my interface to support jumbo frames internally21:12
usr13semenko: Yea.  So use ifconfig21:12
semenkoi don't think it supports route-specific MTUs21:12
kasiijava help21:12
philpemstarted out with an early redhat, then mandrake, SuSe for a while, slackware until ~V10, then fedora for a while, ubuntu from 8.x to 11.04 (didn't really use that), debian for a few months, now using Xubuntu21:12
semenkoi want eth0 to send MTU 9000 frames to
philpemalso use RHEL 6 at work.21:12
usr13semenko: I don't know then.  Ask someone else.21:12
semenkois there a different channel for ubuntu support?21:12
mysteriousdarrenmongy: nevermind they are the same21:13
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usr13semenko: This is the channel for ubuntu support21:13
Seveassemenko, read the manpage for route, specifically the section about mss21:13
Canadian1296semenko: This is for ubuntu support… What do you need?21:13
semenkoSeveas: so i guess the ip route command just doesn't work?21:13
mongymysteriousdarren, I know they hold mostly the same stuff, but I also know to use the proper meta package for the distro21:14
mongyjust in case.21:14
RalieghMmkay, this is probably a stupid question... But I'm currently installing Gnome on my server for a GUI. How exactly do I USE said GUI remotely?21:14
usr13semenko: sudo ifconfig eth0 mtu 9000  #That is all I can suggest.21:14
delihow to play hd video files in ubuntu(11.10) without lag pls?21:14
mysteriousdarrenmongy:good point21:14
kasiijava help i need guys in xchat21:14
usr13semenko: Maybe someone else has a more information.21:14
semenkoCanadian1296: I'm trying to set my MTU to 9000 for local frames over eth0 [] but set my MTU at 1500 for things at the default route21:14
Seveassemenko, I've never heard of route specific mtu, don't know if lunix supports that at all21:14
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».21:14
mongydeli,  what gpu do you have ?21:15
mysteriousdarrenRaliegh: SSH in probably or VNC works too21:15
delimongy gpu???21:15
semenkoSeveas: i think route probably supports it, though i'm confused as to why "ip route" fails with that vague error21:15
mongydeli, gfx card21:15
delimongy how ddo i check?21:15
mongyRaliegh, I like Xnest21:16
mongydeli, lspci  | grep VGA21:16
Ralieghmysteriousdarren, I've been using SSH this whole time but I figured I wanted a GUI so I'm grabbing Gnome. I just need to know how to actually access it since... It's a server and all. The command line just gets a little daunting sometimes.21:16
usr13semenko: See: man route  and   man ifconfig21:16
usr13semenko: But I think you're barking up the wrong tree.21:17
pnormanRaliegh: You can do x11 over SSH21:17
semenkousr13: ?21:17
delimongy VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation N10 Family Integrated Graphics Controller21:17
no_gravityyou guys dont celebrate xmas today?21:17
pnormanno_gravity: It's the 24th for significant portions of the world21:17
mysteriousdarrenRaliegh: How easy do u want it? supereasy would be to install teamviewer, but most don't want that.21:17
Ralieghx11? Sorry, I've no idea what that is, haha. There's no remote application I need to download to access the GUI? And mysteriousdarren, that's not a bad idea... But I'd rather have direct access if possible. I do love Teamviewer though. :)21:18
no_gravitypnorman: yes. here in germany, thats the main xmas day.21:18
RalieghMmkay install complete.21:18
usr13pnorman: You can do X forwarding over ssh but it's not very efficient.   You should do vnc.21:18
mongydeli, well have you tried a different player then ?  gnome-mplayer, vlc, smplayer, it can make a big difference.  using a lighter desktop as well helps as unity 3D might be a little tough on an intel21:18
LaFlakitaBnAsikajoin  #ubuntu-es21:18
delimongy, yes i tried, but all the same21:18
mongydeli,  are you using unity 3d?21:19
delimongy 2d if i am correct21:19
delimongy but i had this problem before upgrading to 11.1021:20
RalieghAnyone have a good guide for properly installing VNC? I see a lot peppered around but a lot of them just say "change this file and that file" without telling me where the files are located, lol.21:21
mongydeli, wish I had a solution but it's not something I have looked into much, as I have decent hardware.21:21
xangua!vnc | Raliegh21:21
ubottuRaliegh: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX21:21
usr13Raliegh: sudo apt-get install x11vnc xtightvnc21:22
mongy+! for freenx.21:22
mongy+1 even21:22
delimongy too bad, thanks anyway though21:22
no_gravityOk, I started "apt-get install lubuntu-desktop"... 335 MB wow...21:22
THEROOThi here21:22
mongyno_gravity, try with --no-install-recommends if you dont want that much21:23
THEROOTanyone can help me to add a domain to bind9?21:23
no_gravitymongy: but then i dont know what i will miss...21:23
mongyno_gravity, nothing that will stop it working.21:23
mongyno_gravity, with each DE they have their own lighter versions of apps to go with...21:24
mysteriousdarrenRaliegh: the bot said it best.21:24
no_gravitymongy: then why do they recommend that stuff?21:24
mongyno_gravity, the metapackage is to install an environment the same as you would get a fresh install.21:24
RalieghThe bot is quite sexy.21:24
no_gravitymongy: well, too late. i already started it.21:25
usr13Raliegh: sudo apt-get install x11vnc xtightvncviewer  #Other one was typo. There are several options  tightvncserver and x11vnc   are pretty good and easy.21:25
mongyno_gravity, won't hurt it...21:25
THEROOTanyone can help me to add a domain to bind9?21:25
no_gravityRaliegh: on the server, i install vnc with this one line: apt-get install tightvncserver && vncpasswd && tightvncserver21:26
no_gravityRaliegh: and on the client i just type "vinagre x.x.x.x:1". where x.x.x.x is the ip of the server.21:26
no_gravityRaliegh: and boom! im connected :) easy21:27
OerTHEROOT, did you read the manual https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/dns-configuration.html21:27
no_gravitymongy: hmm.. it asks me to select the display manager.21:28
no_gravitylightdm or lxdm21:28
Seveasno_gravity, you may want to try remmina instead of vinagre if you need to connect to many remote hosts21:28
no_gravityhow do i knoe?21:28
mongyno_gravity, xfce and unity/gnome3 use lightdm21:28
OerTHEROOT, and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BIND9ServerHowto21:28
no_gravitymongy: ok, i try it.21:28
mongyno_gravity,  I would guess lubuntu uses same seeing as its an official variant now21:29
no_gravitymongy: i see it installing weird stuff like chrome-browser...21:29
mongyno_gravity, yup.  comes with lubuntu21:29
no_gravitymongy: and mplayer and what not... is this a display manager or an application suite???21:29
mongyno_gravity, see above about --no-install-recommends21:29
no_gravitymongy: yeah, too late :)21:30
Oerde desktop environment21:30
mongyno_gravity, could have stopped it downloading.21:30
mongyno_gravity, too late now thought21:30
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=== AlertEye_ is now known as AlertEye
mang0How can I see what version wine is?21:30
no_gravitymongy: well, its on my "play with new things" machine, not on my main machine. so its fine.21:30
mongymang0, apt-cache policy wine21:31
no_gravitymongy: man wine21:31
mang0no_gravity: Just to let you know btw, I've sorted out a whole bash command to cd into a director, svn up, cd in to a different dir, svn up again, cd back into the first dir, make and make install \o/21:31
mang0and it works too21:31
no_gravitymang0: vine --version21:31
mang0mongy: Cheers.21:31
mang0no_gravity: K, ty21:31
no_gravitymang0: awesome!21:32
RalieghCool, I've got a sexy new desktop now... But every time I try and launch an application I get a silly "Could not fork" error. Da hell? x.x21:32
mang0no_gravity: yeah :D21:32
no_gravitymang0: what is svn? subversion?21:32
mang0Another thing: How do I upgrade wine, without removing my current wine programmes?21:32
mang0no_gravity: Svn is like GIT, but easier21:32
Resistancemang0:  upgrade-in-place?21:33
Resistancemang0:  uninstalling wine wont erase your programs iirc21:33
no_gravitymang0: yeah, i know subversion. i just didnt know svn is the command for it.21:33
mang0no_gravity: Yeah, to update you use "svn up"21:33
mang0Resistance: So I can use sudo aptitude remove wine, and it'll keep my current programs?21:33
mongymang0, your apps will still remain in .wine/21:33
Resistancemang0:  why do you need to remove wine?21:34
no_gravityok, i installed lubuntu-desktop. now what? reboot?21:34
mang0mongy: mongy: Okay, thanks. Although I could do with a total cleanout of .wine anyway....21:34
Resistancemang0:  if you're installing a newer version, it'll just upgrade21:34
mang0Resistance: I don't, I need to upgrade21:34
mang0so I can just do sudo apt-get install wine 1.3 or whatever, and it'll upgrade/21:34
mongymang0, just upgrade.. no need to remove21:34
Resistancemang0:  depends on whether its in the repos, but generally yes21:34
mongymang0, y es.21:35
mang0Resistance, mongy: Thanks :)21:35
RalieghOhh I see what it is. Holy shit Gnome uses a lot of memory.21:35
mongyRaliegh,  for a remote GUI you really could do to use lxde/xfce21:36
RalieghMmkay, how would I go about completely uninstalling Gnome and then finding a very, very low memory-intense GUI?21:36
pangolinPlease mind the language21:37
RalieghI basically just need a way to see the GUI for VLC for easier transcoding. Screw VLC scripting via command.21:37
RalieghAnd who are you referring to pango? I didn't say anything bad...?21:37
mang0Raliegh: You said the s**t word, and this is a family channel...21:37
mongyRaliegh, use ssh X forwarding and an app called arista.  or learn to use ffmpeg21:38
no_gravityRaliegh: i just did "apt-get install lubuntu-desktop" for similar reasons. Now i learned that "apt-get install lubuntu-desktop --no-install-recommends" might have been even better.21:38
RalieghOooh I see.21:38
mongyRaliegh, ffmpeg can be quite easy, depends what you want to do....21:39
RalieghHow would I uninstall it though grav? I used "apt-get install ubuntu-desktop" for Gnome.21:39
mongyRaliegh, autoremove --purge21:39
RalieghAnd I'm down to give it a try after I figure out how to properly remove everything Gnome. I'm at 100% memory useage, lol.21:39
Ralieghautoremove command not found: Besides, how does that know to remove just Gnome?21:40
no_gravityRaliegh: i think installing lubuntu-desktop and rebooting will disable gnome. im rebooting right now...21:40
mongyRaliegh, might have to sudo apt-get autoremove --purge (just like that) after it also to make sure21:40
sparkiezmerry xmas to you all!21:40
mongyRaliegh, what kind of transcoding you need to do ?21:40
no_gravityHA! I rebooted and got the same sh*tty unity again!?!21:40
MeanEYEAnyone can suggest a nice theme for Ubuntu Oneiric ?21:40
mongyno_gravity, need to click the gear icon on login and choose different DE21:41
mongyMeanEYE, zukitwo-dark21:41
Ralieghmongy, I need to transcode a live ICecast stream in OGG and convert it to MPEG/MP3, and then push to a new Icecast mount. Also I got a segmentation fault with that previous command, haha.21:41
MeanEYEmongy, Support for both GTK2 and 3?21:41
paulsomebodyGreetings, I need help with the stuck disc issue. Namely, I had unsuccessfully tried to burn a disc in Brasero, but some errors occured and the progress halted. I aborted the job, and now the tray won't come out, even after reboot. Braser log can be found here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/781500/21:41
no_gravitymongy: ok, lets see...21:41
usr13no_gravity: Did you install xubuntu-desktop?21:41
mongyMeanEYE, yes.21:41
MeanEYEmongy, thanks! :)21:42
no_gravityusr13: no, lubuntu-desktop21:42
paulsomebodyMeanEYE: Check omgubuntu.co.uk, they feature themes and a whole lot more on the regular basis.21:42
mongyRaliegh, so, convert ogg to mp3?21:42
no_gravitymongy: i logged out. now i have an empty screen with nothing but the background image and the mouse cursor. now what?21:42
mongyMeanEYE, gnome-look.org and look at them based on rarting/downloads21:42
RalieghBasically, but it's not a direct file... It's a stream, and it needs to be done on the fly.21:42
usr13no_gravity: Oh21:43
mongyRaliegh, I'm no ffmpeg buff but I know it can do streams..  man ffmpeg21:43
no_gravitymongy: it works now. just needed some time to show the logon screen.21:43
Ralieghmongy apt-get --purge remove ubuntu-desktop gives me a sgmentation fault crap. I gotta remove Gnome before I work on all of that, haha.21:43
Raliegh100% memory usage is no bueno.21:44
usr13Raliegh: What are you trying to do?21:44
RalieghRemove Gnome entirely, since it eats up RAM like no other.21:44
RalieghJust installed it using "apt-get install ubuntu-desktop"21:44
usr13Raliegh: It won't if you don't use it.21:44
no_gravityHmmm.. how do i get rid of that wallpaper? I dont want a wallpaper. Do I have to make an empty image for that?21:45
MeanEYEmongy, thanks! :) found them on deviant... they look really nice :)21:45
usr13Raliegh: how much ram do you have?21:45
paulsomebodyCan anyone help with the stuck disc issue?21:45
usr13Raliegh: Try xfce21:45
MeanEYEAnyone having problems with sound indicator dying often?21:45
RalieghOnly a gig. Never needed any more since I did everything via SSH.21:45
RalieghAnd I'm currently not logged into Gnome with VNC or anything, and I'm still at 100% usage.21:45
usr13Raliegh: A 1G of RAM should be enough.21:45
Ralieghxfce what usr13? Sorry, kind of a noob to most commands.21:46
no_gravityOh, got it. "Fill screen with color"21:46
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RalieghNaw usr13, I'm still sitting at 100%, and it isn't moving at all. Not one bit.21:46
usr13Raliegh: Were are you seeing that you are using 100% of RAM?21:46
MeanEYEmongy, Any reason why people keep having different colors for GTK2 and GTK3 versions?21:46
usr13Raliegh: htop?21:46
RalieghMy control panels for my VPS.21:46
mongyRaliegh, are you sure its not just using it all for cache?21:46
mongyRaliegh, free -m21:47
RalieghHell if I know. I just know before I installed Gnome and VNC I was sitting around 30%.21:47
=== Resistance is now known as EvilResistance
RalieghThat's the output of "free -m". Also, yay Pastebin is back.21:48
no_gravityOk, thanks for the help and infos everybody! Im going to sleep now :)21:48
RalieghBTW thanks for the help so far guys. ^^21:48
valdinest ce que il y as qulequn travail avec java de faire comilteur de pascale??21:49
usr13Raliegh: Your conclusion is flawed.  Try htop21:49
usr13Raliegh: sudo apt-get install htop21:49
RalieghSegmentation faults on everything apt-get21:49
Akain need of a little help21:49
RalieghSegmentation faultsts... 0%21:49
Akafor some reason I can't seem to surf the web on the wireless on a new install21:50
AkaI can ssh into other machines and use irc just fine but its like I'm not online when I try to use chromium or firefox21:50
paulsomebody!es | valdin21:50
ubottuvaldin: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.21:50
valdinest ce que il y as qulequn travail avec java de faire comilteur de pascale??21:51
Seveas!fr | valdin21:51
ubottuvaldin: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.21:51
Ralieghmongy, Just did a reboot though and that free up a looot of memory, so yay.21:51
Ralieghfreed *21:51
paulsomebodySeveas: Well, those two languages are basically the same thing. :)21:52
mongyRaliegh, yeah I saw it was using all your ram..    what vps is it?21:52
SeveasRaliegh, heh, you're trying to run gnome with just one gb of memory and no swap? that's never gonna fly :)21:52
paulsomebodySo, can anyone help with the stuck drive issue?21:52
RalieghDid apt-get --purge remove ubuntu-desktop but... It only removed one package that was 64KB? That can't be right.21:52
Seveaspaulsomebody, you must be american :P21:52
Ralieghmongy, are you asking what my OS is or my VPS provider?21:52
paulsomebodySeveas: No, I am not. :) Not even remotely.21:52
paulsomebodySeveas: But I was pretty sure you would say that.21:53
=== EvilResistance is now known as Resistance
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usr13Raliegh:  apt-get -f install21:53
Akaoh is it hate on Americans day ? Cause if so I'd like in21:53
Raliegh0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. Nothin', haha.21:53
Seveaspaulsomebody, try ejecting the drive *during* reboot21:53
paulsomebodyAka: Better help me with the stuck drive, since for me it is 'Hate Bugginess of Ubuntu Day'.21:54
usr13Raliegh: sudo21:54
paulsomebodySeveas: Ok, will try.21:54
usr13Raliegh: sudo  rm -rf /var/cache/apt/*.bin21:54
SeveasRaliegh, ubuntu-desktop is an empty package that just specifies dependencies. Try removing libgtk, that should get rid of pretty much all of gnome21:54
AkaLOL paulsomebody21:54
Ralieghusr13 Same thing of course. I run everything as root, so sudo makes no diff.21:54
Akausually I don't have any issues but I just did an update and well it hasn't been the same since21:55
RalieghK, ran that remove command (even though I'm not sure what it did except remove anything with extension .bin).21:55
AkaI'm thinking about doing a dban and re-install21:55
Seveaswhy dban?21:55
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usr13Raliegh: sudo apt-get install htop21:55
AkaSeveas, honestly I just like to start with a completely clean HDD21:55
Akaoverkill I know21:55
peterrushey people, I upgraded from 11.04 to 11.10 and now my system wont boot, I chrooted into into it and when i try to do a dpkg-reconfigure -a it starts fixing a lot of packages so something there must went wrong, I get alot of 'too many levels of symbolics links' the /var/run is for example loop-linked with /run with point to /var/run again, but there are a lot more of those symlink loops21:55
peterrusi really want my server to survive XD21:56
RalieghOh I coulda done that after reboot, didn't know that is what you were getting at. usr13, I've got it installed but my memory is freed now after my reboot. Just trying to uninstall Gnome entirely and properly before I go researching ffmpeg (I think it was)21:56
Seveaspeterrus, in the case of /var/run vs /run: /run should be a directory, /var/run a symlink to it21:56
usr13Raliegh: Ok21:57
Seveaspeterrus, what are the others?21:57
_cbwhen ubuntu 11.10 goes to sleep I have to power off to get it back. How do I fix?21:57
MarezzIs it possible to play native games with decent framerate if I use AMD OSS driver?21:57
usr13_cb: How much RAM do you have?21:57
peterrusSeveas: hmm I would have to reboot to that chroot, but dpkg-reconfigure doesnt always specificly say which21:57
Seveas_cb, get hardware on which linux can du suspend (or hibernate if you are using that)21:57
Ralieghusr13 Do you have any idea why when I used "apt-get --purge remove ubuntu-desktop" it only removed on package that was 61.4kb?21:58
Akalooks like I'm not the only one having issues after that last update21:58
RalieghI know for a fact it didn't properly dispose of Gnome.21:58
Seveaspeterrus, /run vs /var/run should solve quite a few of them I'd say. Try figuring out the other ones.21:58
peterrusRaliegh: shouldnt you do apt-get --purge remove ?21:58
_cbusr13 looks as if 1 gig21:58
mongyRaliegh, sometimes you have to remove stuff manually..21:59
SeveasRaliegh, ubuntu-desktop is an empty package that just specifies dependencies. Try removing libgtk, that should get rid of pretty much all of gnome21:59
usr13Raliegh: Do you have X server running?21:59
bastidrazorRaliegh: ubuntu-desktop is a meta package that tells it what other packages are needed to have the desktop. you can't remove Ubuntu that way.21:59
_cbSeveas never had a problem with Ubuntu 9.0421:59
mongyRaliegh, as seveas says....21:59
usr13_cb: What size is your swap partition?21:59
peterrusSeveas: yes but as its looped I wouldn't have the original contents of the /run directory right?21:59
RalieghSo apt-get --purge remove libgtk?21:59
usr13_cb: "Looks as if"?  You don't know?   free21:59
Seveaspeterrus, /run is for ephemeral files anyway.21:59
RalieghAnd that won't effect any other packages? x.x21:59
Akabrb I need to restart my box again :(21:59
peterrusRaliegh: or you might try sudo apt-get remove --purge gnome-*22:00
RalieghE: Unable to locate package libgtk   <--- result22:00
peterrusmaybe without the -22:00
mongyRaliegh, use autoremove --purge22:00
Seveaspeterrus, if things still fail, apt-get install --reinstall [failing things here]22:00
Ralieghpeterrus, that freed 155MB, but I'm pretty sure gnome installed like 1.5GB22:01
bobdobbsI've got firefox9 running on ubuntu 10.10, 64bit version. I can't seem to get flash working. I have the flash library installed in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins.22:01
RalieghWill try mongy after current completion... But I'm still confused as to how that command would know to remove gnome?22:01
RalieghAnd just gnome?22:01
peterrusRaliegh: and now do apt-get autoremove?22:01
peterruswith --purge preferably22:01
RalieghYep will do when it finishes22:01
bastidrazor!purekde | Raliegh ..this will somewhat do you want you want.22:02
ubottuRaliegh ..this will somewhat do you want you want.: If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde »22:02
RalieghThat frees up another 288MB. Not the full installation but eh, it's good enough. Whatever, lol.22:02
_cbusr13 any tips as to how I find my partition size?22:02
peterrusI wonder if the looped symlibnks have something to do with upgrading in a chroot22:03
peterrusi needed to upgrade because only 11.10 seems to have netdrivers for my card22:03
Seveaspeterrus, one package I would reinstall after recreating /run is udev22:03
mongyRaliegh, just go through it like autoremove --purge gnome* libgtk*22:03
_cbusr13 free m reports 1017712 total22:03
RalieghAhhh, 755MB removed with that. Thanks, I'm pretty sure that's all of it. ^^22:04
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peterrusRaliegh: or you could just install ubuntu server ;)22:05
nickelhow may I connect an external monitor to my laptop? ubuntu 11 seems to have some issues there..22:06
Ralieghpeterrus Do what? I normally do everything by SSH to my server. "Ubuntu server" is kind of a broad name... What is it? Lol.22:06
peterrusRaliegh: its ubuntu minus the desktop environment22:07
Akamy network connection is still running soooo slow that the dpkg --configuration -a is taking forever22:07
RalieghOh that's what I've already got, lol. At least I'm pretty sure, since I use Putty to throw commands and whatnot.22:07
Akawell at least I can use 'ssh' to do what I need for work :(22:08
peterrusRaliegh: nope you have the regular ubuntu22:08
RalieghWorks fine so far... I just can't figure out proper code to setup VLC for live transcoding, so I tried to get a GUI up to do it that way... But that didn't work, haha. I just ultimately need to figure out a proper way to do live Icecast transcoding. x.x22:08
peterrusubuntu server is a downloadable iso22:08
mystdarrenRaliegh: did you figure your your VNC thing?22:08
paulsomebodyHello, everyone.22:08
peterrusthis has nothing to do with ssh ;)22:08
paulsomebodyTrying to eject it while rebooting did not work.22:09
paulsomebodyPlus, now I have another problem.22:09
paulsomebodyBigger problem.22:09
Akanot for you22:09
Akabut for me it does22:09
Ralieghmystdarren, Yeah, got VNC installed along with GNOME, but that took up a ridiculous amount of RAM to where my system was unuseable so... GUI is not going down for me, lol.22:09
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usr13_cb:  grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo  ; sudo fdisk -l |grep swap | pastebinit sys-info   #And send us resulting URL.  We will look and see.22:09
RalieghIt looked pretty during the time I could see it though. :D22:09
paulsomebodyI cannot log with my credentials.22:09
mystdarrenRaliegh: use lxde :)22:09
nickelthe second monitor works just fine with the ubuntu 11 live boot from a pen-drive, but after the install to HD, it just remains blank :\22:09
paulsomebodyI am absolutely sure that they are all right.22:09
peterrushmm my dpkg-reconfigure -a gives less errors now, but it doesnt complete right. it ends with 'dpkg-maintscript-helper: error: clound't identify the package'22:10
Ralieghmystdarren, I've only got 1GB RAM, and with all my other services running I'm always constantly at 30%.22:10
paulsomebodyBut I cannot login. The screen just blinks black for a second and then I am back at the GDM.22:10
paulsomebodyOh, I meant LightDM.22:10
paulsomebodyAny ideas?22:10
mystdarrenRaliegh: I am typing this on a Inspiron 700m that has 1 gb ram and 1.6ghz and it flies with lubuntu22:10
Tech-1U broke it22:10
paulsomebodyTech-1: Hm?22:10
mystdarrenRaliegh: Its 6 years old22:11
RalieghI don't have lubuntu (I assume that's short for light ubuntu) but I wish I did, lol.22:11
Tech-1did you try startx ?22:11
nickelany suggestions?22:11
RalieghBRB, smoke break before I go through the process of figuring out how to properly transcode live streams. x.x22:11
auronandace!lubuntu | Raliegh22:11
edbianRaliegh, It's ubuntu with the LXDE desktop env  (this is lighter)22:11
ubottuRaliegh: lubuntu is a project to create a derivative of Ubuntu using the LXDE desktop environment. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu . /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.22:11
paulsomebodyTech-1: Well, I assume X are starting all right, since I have no problem with it when I am login in as the Guest.22:11
paulsomebodyTech-1: It is just my usual account.22:12
Tech-1so, it logs in and goes blank ?22:12
paulsomebodyTech-1: I am absolutely certain that I have got password right, and again there is not error message.22:12
delihow do i get login screen back(after accidentally removing it)22:12
paulsomebodyTech-1: No, it does not go blank for long, just for a secon.d22:13
paulsomebodyTech-1: And then, it throws me back at the login screen.22:13
Tech-1not good22:13
paulsomebodyTech-1: What is most wonderful, things were working all right just a moment ago.22:13
Tech-1ive had that happen, turned out xserver got broke22:13
paulsomebodyTech-1: And the only things I did change was irrelevant to xserver.22:14
edbiandeli, icon in the top right corner -> log out22:14
paulsomebodyTech-1: Okay, how do I fix this incessant thing?22:14
Tech-1did you try logging into safe graphics mode ?22:14
paulsomebodyTech-1: Ubuntu-2D?22:14
paulsomebodyTech-1: Just the same result.22:14
mysteriousdarrenhas anyone tried AWN?22:14
TalonliteI have mysteriousdarren22:15
TalonliteThough, I prefer OpenBox.22:15
edbianmysteriousdarren, I have but it was a couple years ago22:15
paulsomebodyTech-1: But for Guest account everything works all right.22:15
nickelanyone? :|22:15
edbiantype(awn) != type(openBox)22:15
deliedbian, no i accidentally removed the ubuntu-desktop and after rebooting i dont get a login screen( it keeps loading)22:15
edbiandeli, Do you get a CLI login?22:15
paulsomebodyTech-1: It is amazing how suddenly things can come crushing down.22:16
edbiandeli, what do you mean 'it keeps loading' surely it stops loading eventually22:16
mysteriousdarrenedbian: what did you think?22:16
Tech-111.10 ?22:16
edbianmysteriousdarren, I like it22:16
paulsomebodyTech-1: So, do you have any suggestions what to do? Yes, 11.10.22:16
edbianmysteriousdarren, But I use a tiling window manager now which does not have room for a dock22:16
Tech-1no, im not done 11.10 yet22:16
edbianmysteriousdarren, On my ubuntu machine I'm using stock unity22:16
Tech-1sry fella22:16
mysteriousdarrenedbian: would you ever go back?22:16
paulsomebodyTech-1: With broken packages system, stuck disc tray and not logging into my accont.22:17
deliedbian, no im on another computer, i mean it shows the ubuntu logo and it stays there( no login screen)22:17
paulsomebodyTech-1: What else can go wrong?22:17
TalonliteWhat WM do you use edbian?22:17
edbianmysteriousdarren, I don't think so.  I am loving awesome22:17
edbianTalonlite, awesome22:17
peterrusSeveas: reconfigged udev, fixed /var/run, but still the systemboot hangs at 'running scripts /scripts/init-bottom … done' seems that it hangs just after initrd and just before the real system boot22:17
TalonliteI'll check it out22:17
Tech-1from experience, from my own machnes, it was a result of a broken X22:17
peterrusdpkg-reconfiure -a still ends with an error22:17
edbiandeli, Try launching recovery mode.   You can access it by pressing shift early in the boot process.22:17
usr13_cb: grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo > sys-info ; sudo fdisk -l |grep swap >> sys-info ; pastebinit sys-info  #Show us resulting URL22:18
_cbusr13 grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo-->1017712 KB,sudo fdisk -l-->/dev/sda6        10237952    18053119     3907584   82  Linux swap / Solaris22:18
paulsomebodyTech-1: Okay, so I am already unwillingly a little geeky, I have figured that out.22:18
edbiandeli, This problem is far to vague for me to know the problem much less the solution22:18
peterrus'dpkg-maintscript-helper: error: clound't identify the package'22:18
RalieghBack. And I don't want to re-install everything with lubuntu, I've got a lot of work currently on this machine so that's out of the question, haha.22:18
TalonliteNo mouse needed O_O22:18
paulsomebodyTech-1: How do I check what _exactly_ is wrong with X from command line?22:18
TalonliteI like it already22:18
edbianRaliegh, what issue are you having?22:18
Tech-1dpkg-reconfigure xserver xorg  ?22:18
edbianTalonlite, I use the mouse occasionally but yes it is completely unnecessary22:18
paulsomebodyTech-1: Okay, will try that.22:18
Tech-1but you have to stop lightgdm first22:19
edbianTalonlite, for web browsing for example it's much faster to use the mouse22:19
Tech-1sudo service lightgdm stop22:19
TalonliteRight of course, So atleast the option is still there22:19
TalonliteI'm gonna set it up and check it out.22:19
paulsomebodyTech-1: Okay, so switch to ssh6, do this, do that.22:19
edbianpaulsomebody, read the /var/log/X.org   logs22:19
Tech-1f1 -f422:19
Ralieghedbian nothing regarding Ubuntu anymore really. I'm tying to get VLC to do live transcoding of an Icecast stream in OGG to MP3 and push it to another Icecast mount... But I can't figure out the code for command-line. I tried installing a GUI to use VLC's GUI but that ate too much RAM and made my system unuseable, so I'm back at step one, lol.22:19
paulsomebodyTech-1: Yes, I know.22:19
paulsomebodyedbian: Okay.22:20
Tech-1good luck22:20
Marezzanyone here has amd athlon64 3000+ @1.8GHz, 2gb ram, hd 4650 or similar config thats running unity?22:20
paulsomebodyTech-1: Let's see what else can go wrong. :)22:20
edbianpaulsomebody, /var/log/Xorg.0.log22:20
usr13_cb: YOu couldn't just send the URL?22:20
paulsomebodyedbian: Looking for it, just a second.22:20
Marezzyou know.. default DE for ubuntu...22:20
adrian_2E0SDRhow do i install the KDE desktop in terminal?22:21
fuudruukersapt-get install kde*22:21
edbiangot kicked off the wifi, I'm back22:21
adrian_2E0SDRThanks fuudruukers22:21
_cbusr13 tried but terminal told me that pastebinit was not installed22:21
paulsomebodyedbian: I cannot figure it out, can you take a look? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/781549/22:22
deliedbian, i followed a tutorial that said i should "sudo apt-get install gdm" it then asked if it could remove "lightdm" and "ubuntu-desktop", i entered yes and after restarting it ndidnt show the login screen, it stays stuck with the ubntu logo22:22
edbianpaulsomebody, looking22:22
paulsomebodyedbian: Thanks.22:22
edbiandeli, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop22:22
edbiandeli, not sure why  it wanted to get rid of that22:23
edbiandeli, wait22:23
edbiandeli, What are you trying to do?22:23
adrian_2E0SDRStill can't install KDE desktop in terminal with apt-get install kde*22:23
edbiandeli, ubuntu uses lightdm (ldm) and unity now  this is provided through the package 'ubuntu-desktop'22:23
mongylightdm is default, but still does not explain the removal of the it when install gdm22:23
Tech-1adrian_2E0SDR:  sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop22:24
deliedbian, i am trying to get the computer working again, because now i cant even log in22:24
pbinki have a fully updated 10.04 with a dual monitors setup that's working perfectly...except when i suspend and then restore the machine, the secondary monitor is disabled...if i go to System > Montiors and then turn it off and then cancel the changes it wakes up again...any ideas?22:24
usr13_cb: It probably also told you how to install it.  But that is ok.  Your RAM is, in fact, smaller than your swap partition, so that is good.  It is ok.  So that tells us that having a swap partition smaller than RAM is not the problem.  That eliminates that issue. That is all we know so far.  Looks like hibernate is just not working on your system, (and it is no fault of your own).  So...22:24
mongyboth can exist, but chosen by update-alternative22:24
edbiandeli, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop   should fix everything22:24
Tech-1hope you got good hardware, thats gonna slam22:24
edbianpaulsomebody, it hates your keyboard :P22:24
adrian_2E0SDRTech-1 THANK, That Worked, Merry Christmas m822:25
edbianpaulsomebody, what's the issue?  I don't see any others errors in your Xorg.0.log22:25
edbianTech-1, THANK22:25
paulsomebodyedbian: It will have to get used to it if it wants to stay on my hard drive. :)22:25
paulsomebodyedbian: I cannot log into my accont.22:25
usr13_cb: hibernate works just fine for some, for others, not so good.  That's about all I can tell you.22:25
_cbuser13 ok, thanks. Googling the problem. They suggest I try alt f1 next time it happens and see what i see.22:26
edbianpaulsomebody, what happens when you try?22:26
WurzDaPicklesI have done some web searches but all the answers I have come up with so far seem to have some issues, a lot of which require a reinstallation of ubuntu. The situation is: I am currently running ubuntu 11.10 64 bit on an amd machine with onboard ATI graphics. the glfrx graphics driver is not installing for me, but worked perfectly under 10.04. Does anyone have a solution that is tried and true yet? Thanks in advance.22:26
mongyRaliegh, ask in #ffmpeg they will know how to pipe from a stream into whatever22:26
deliedbian, the problem is i am not logged in and i cant log in because after turning the computer on it never gets to the login screen( just stays with the startup image)22:26
edbiandeli, can you log into recovery mode?22:26
paulsomebodyedbian: Every time I insert the password, the screen blanks with black for a moment and instead of logging in, I am back at LightDM.22:26
paulsomebodyedbian: I am _very_ sure the password is right.22:26
ztag100Hey Guys! I decided to setup the minecraft server22:26
bbbbbbbbmy kindle won't get automounted like it always did. how do i get it mounted?22:26
edbianpaulsomebody, what session are you trying to log into?  unity?22:26
paulsomebodyedbian: The login and X system is okay when I use the guest account.22:27
paulsomebodyedbian: Yes, Unity.22:27
edbianpaulsomebody, sounds like you're logging in and X is crashing22:27
edbianpaulsomebody, can you log into other sessions?  for example unity 2D?22:27
ztag100but, I see the UBuntu liveCD is taking about 30 minutes to boot up22:27
paulsomebodyedbian: I cannot.22:27
ztag100should I try Fedora or Mint, since I already have the CDs Burnt22:27
edbianpaulsomebody, It's just your user that exhibits this issue?22:27
paulsomebodyedbian: I cannot do that, but only with my default account.22:27
ztag100or should I just use DSL or Puppy?22:27
paulsomebodyedbian: Yes, only that user.22:28
edbianpaulsomebody, hang on, have to google something22:28
paulsomebodyedbian: Thank you for the time.22:28
ztag100the laptop only has 512MB of Ram22:28
anggussztag100: could go smaller, could use TCL22:28
edbianpaulsomebody, sure22:28
deliedbian, i tried  as you said pressing shift at the startup and i saw a black screen with "GRUB loading", but then i get the strtup image again and stays there22:28
ztag100never heard of it22:28
edbiandeli, press shift sooner22:29
ztag100I just need the capability to run a BukkitServer for 5 people22:29
edbiandeli, hang on I will post a link22:29
deliedbian got it thanks22:29
ztag100preferably off of a liveCD22:29
deliedbian now i get a list of options wich one should i do22:29
edbiandeli, recovery mode22:30
edbiandeli, :)22:30
edbianpaulsomebody, hang tight22:30
paulsomebodyedbian: Okay. :)22:30
ztag100I'm gna try Fedora next22:30
deliedbian, now i get the options "resume, fsck, remount or root"22:31
Talonliteedbian, When you get the time may I take a look at your awesomerc file?22:31
edbianpaulsomebody, can you log in as somebody else that can sudo?22:31
edbiandeli, root22:31
paulsomebodyedbian: Guests cannot sudo?22:31
edbianTalonlite, I'm not an that machine and I don't have access to it :(22:31
bbbbbbbb my kindle won't get automounted like it always did. how do i get it mounted?22:31
edbianpaulsomebody, I don't think guests can sudo22:31
TalonliteDamn lol, Alright i'll check out examples etc online22:31
paulsomebodyedbian: Yes, that would make sense.22:31
edbianpaulsomebody, if you cannot log in as anybody that can sudo then log out and press shift while the system boots in order to boot recovery mode22:32
edbianpaulsomebody, indeed :)22:32
paulsomebodyedbian: I suddenly remembered, I can login into my account from command line.22:32
edbianTalonlite, sure, my is hardly modified at all22:32
Ben64I've got 10.04, and X takes a LOT of cpu, it is slowing down my Team Fortress 2. How can I make it take less cpu?22:32
deliedbian, and now sudo apt-get ubuntu-desktop?22:32
ztag100Is fedora lighter than Ubuntu? I know neither are very light... but is either lighter than the other?22:32
paulsomebodyedbian: On the other terminal.22:32
edbianpaulsomebody, that works22:32
edbianpaulsomebody, yes, tty122:32
Akaok well I'm gonna have to wait till I can get hardline and try again since my wireless is being goofy22:32
Akathanks for the help those of you who chimed in22:32
ztag100anyone know if it'll work?22:32
Tech-1ztag100:  youll just have to try one22:33
edbiandeli, you there?22:33
edbianpaulsomebody, you there?22:33
paulsomebodyedbian: Okay, I am logged in at the terminal 6.22:33
ztag100ok! when booting into fedora, my Screen gets really foggy... Guessing no good video drivers?22:33
deliedbian, yes and now sudo apt-get ubuntu-desktop?22:33
edbiandeli, yes22:33
edbiandeli, if it is already installed, purge it and then install it22:33
Tech-1ztag100:  try #fedora22:33
deliedbian, if i dont know?22:34
edbiandeli, then just install, reboot, and test22:34
edbiandeli, This should fix the issue.  Why did you install gdm in the first place?22:34
paulsomebodyedbian: Okay, what is next for me?22:35
edbianpaulsomebody, sudo rm /home/you/.ICEAuthority22:35
deliedbian, was following a tutorial to disable or remove unity22:36
edbianpaulsomebody, that file controls login credentials for GUI22:36
paulsomebodyedbian: I cannot copy/paste things between terminals?22:36
edbiandeli, ha, the instructions I'm giving put unity back22:36
edbianpaulsomebody, annoyingly, no22:36
edbianpaulsomebody, but you can use tab completion22:36
paulsomebodyedbian: Okay, what would I do next?22:36
edbianpaulsomebody, You removed the file?  try to log in in the gui again22:37
paulsomebodyedbian: Okay.22:37
edbiandeli, Do you not want to do that?22:37
deliedbian, i havent doine anything yet, should i do something else?22:37
edbiandeli, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop if you want unity back and to be able to log in again.22:37
Talonlitekk gonna test awesome brb.22:38
deliedbian, if you wanna see the tutorial heres the link:http://linux-software-news-tutorials.blogspot.com/2011/10/ubuntu-1110-oneiric-remove-unity-and.html22:38
edbiandeli, If you want e.g. xfce   run this: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop22:38
wolfmitchellHow do I make the grub menu show on startup?22:38
edbiandeli, reading...22:38
edbianwolfmitchell, press shift22:38
Ben64I've got 10.04, and X takes a LOT of cpu, it is slowing down my Team Fortress 2. How can I make it take less cpu?22:38
edbianwolfmitchell, very early in the boot, before you see anything ubuntu related22:38
deliedbian, what should i do if i want the gnome classics22:38
usr13 wolfmitchell Hold down shift key22:39
wolfmitchellI mean without that, eg perminently (sp)22:39
edbiandeli, lemme look it up22:39
deliedbian, it went wrong for me at step 222:39
edbiandeli, reading...22:39
paulsomebodyedbian: It did not work, same blinking issue.22:40
edbianpaulsomebody, perhaps you can give me a hint as to why you think it's doing this?  Did cause X to crash?  Did you change anything recently?22:41
edbiandeli, Those instructions should work.  You're logged in as root right?  Did you run any commands?22:41
deliedbian, when i "sudo apt-get install gdm"  and  "sudo apt-get purge lightdm" my computer asked to remove lightdm and ubuntu-desktop and everything went wrong after rebooting22:41
THEROOTanyone can help me to add a domain to bind9?22:41
deliedbian no not yet22:41
edbiandeli, yeah, well, sudo apt-get install gdm22:42
paulsomebodyedbian: Well, first my package system broke, then my disc tray stuck, then when I was trying to eject disk while rebooting THIS happened.22:42
edbiandeli, Let's just do steps 1 and 2 here in the root term22:42
edbianpaulsomebody, haha, everything all at once huh22:42
edbianpaulsomebody, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade22:42
pbinkcan anyone point me in the right direction of getting a script to run when you restore a suspended system?22:42
edbianpaulsomebody, that should repair packages or yell about being broken22:42
ztag100won't work on fedora either22:42
pbinki need to reset my monitors because the secondary one never "wakes up" when i suspend and restore22:43
ztag100should I try a different light weight distro?22:43
paulsomebodyedbian: Only things I changed was devices boot order - I thought that since the BIOS is trying to boot from disc, that is why I cannot eject it at startup.22:43
ztag100such as DSL or Puppy?22:43
Tech-1ztag100:  debian should work fine22:43
deliedbian, i dont know if i got an error or not.22:43
edbianpaulsomebody, perhaps, that should be unrelated.  Run that apt-get stuff22:43
paulsomebodyedbian: That was naive. :( I tried that myself.22:43
edbiandeli, read it and figure it out22:43
paulsomebodyedbian: This problem was caused by Samba4, that much I know.22:43
ztag100tech-1 can I use Debian on a liveCD?22:43
edbianpaulsomebody, did you run the apt-get commands?22:44
paulsomebodyedbian: It fails to configure, and now I cannot install or update anything.22:44
paulsomebodyedbian: Yes, of course.22:44
edbianpaulsomebody, sudo apt-get -f install22:44
edbianpaulsomebody, that attempts to fix broken packages.  Read what is says and follow directions22:44
paulsomebodyedbian: I think I have tried that, but I will double check.22:44
ztag100ok, fedora just booted22:44
edbianpaulsomebody, alright22:44
ztag100but no wirless22:44
edbianztag100, this is the ubuntu channel22:44
ztag100I know22:44
deliedbian, i got 3 lines:W: Not using locking for read only lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock22:44
ztag100Is there a general linux channel?22:45
Tech-1 ##linux22:45
edbiandeli, ok to solve the error run this: sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock22:45
ztag100I should have guessed :P22:45
deliedbian, then E: unable to write to /var/cache/apt22:45
paulsomebodyedbian: No, sorry.22:45
edbiandeli, are you running apt-get with sudo ??22:45
edbianpaulsomebody, no?22:45
deliedbian, yes22:45
paulsomebodyedbian: It still says 'Errors were encountered while processing'.22:46
edbiandeli, sudo rm -r /var/cache/apt/22:46
edbianpaulsomebody, can you give me more info?  errors while processing what package?22:46
edbianpaulsomebody, did it ask you any questions?22:46
paulsomebodyedbian: Samba4.22:46
edbiandeli, then sudo apt-get update22:46
paulsomebodyedbian: It did not.22:46
edbianpaulsomebody, sudo apt-get purge samba422:46
elgruntoxhiya yall im having an issue with ssl and my ubuntu install. for some reason I cant curl https://steampowered.com/ even though its CA is in my stuff all fine. Any ideas?22:47
deliedbian, and the 3rd: E: the package listst or status file could not be parsed or opene22:47
edbiandeli, the command I gave last will fix that error as well22:47
paulsomebodyedbian: Haha. I tried being mean with this package, still the same error.22:47
edbianpaulsomebody, I need more info.  If sudo apt-get -f install and sudo apt-get purge samba4 wont' get ride of it it must provide more errors22:47
edbianpaulsomebody, or some instructions or something22:48
paulsomebodyedbian: I am trying to find error log I posted earlier.22:48
markushi all,22:48
edbianpaulsomebody, It should yell stuff at you from this most recent command22:48
markusI have a question about my distro version22:48
WaraudonWhy would Ubuntu Server suddenly be renaming my eth0 interface to eth2 at boot every time?22:48
edbianpaulsomebody, old error logs may be incorrect now that we've run so many commands22:48
paulsomebodyedbian: This command(s) was the first things I tried. :)22:49
deliedbian, your very first fix( sudo rm ..) didnt work: cannot remove ...: read-only file system22:49
edbiandeli, ugh22:49
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* mf|laptop runs screaming from the room noting the "Read only file system"22:49
edbiandeli, log out, boot ubuntu normally, when it stops running press ctrl + alt + F122:49
edbiandeli, See if you can log in via CLI22:50
mf|laptopsorry bringing back some memories of the VPS "Incident"22:50
edbiandeli, Then we can try these commands again and things should not be read only22:50
deliedbian, how to log out from terminal22:50
edbianpaulsomebody, Ask the channel how to remove samba and explain how you cannot and you will get answers I think22:50
edbiandeli, sudo shutdown -r now  (to reboot)  exit (to logout)22:51
Waraudonkernel: [14.710438] <30>udev[372]: renamed network interface eth0 to eth2, happening every boot even though nothing was changed22:51
paulsomebodyedbian: Sane idea, there must be #samba over there somewhere.22:51
edbianpaulsomebody, You should ask in this channel22:51
edbianpaulsomebody, It has more to do with apt-get than samba22:51
deliedbian, should i reboot or log out22:51
edbiandeli, Yes22:51
edbiandeli, do booth22:51
SeveasWaraudon, check /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules22:51
edbianpaulsomebody, It is very strange that you cannot uninstall a package22:51
paulsomebodyOkay, how do I brutally murder samba4 package that have prevented my package system from functioning?22:51
delisudo shutdown -r now exit22:52
paulsomebodyI think now simply removing it would not be satisfactory enough.22:52
edbiandeli, the exit isn't necessary if you're rebooting22:52
WaraudonSeveas: I have checked it and removed the offending eth2 line, but it comes back automatically every time. I used to have a line in /etc/network/interfaces for eth0 that changed its hwaddress, but I've since removed that. 'ifconfig eth2' still shows the old address that I used to have set, why?22:52
edbianpaulsomebody, purge is the strongest remove there is22:52
deliedbian, wrong keyboard:)22:52
edbiandeli, and if you wanna do two commands you do this: command1 && command 222:53
paulsomebodyedbian: And if it is not helping?22:53
edbiandeli, haha22:53
edbianpaulsomebody, that's what I'm saying.  Ask the channel.  I do not know why it won't uninstall22:53
Ben64when packages have scripts to be run on removal, and they do not exit correctly, it can cause packages to be unremovable22:53
edbianBen64, how can we fix this?  edit the script by hand?22:53
paulsomebodyedbian: I think I know the answer. Wait for a second to get the mystery unveiled.22:53
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edbianpaulsomebody, alright22:53
edbianBen64, that sounds fun22:53
Ben64its not22:53
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Ben64good thing it doesn't happen often22:54
paulsomebodyedbian: Okay, I have found the old log. http://paste.ubuntu.com/776580/22:56
paulsomebodyedbian: The message is still the same.22:56
edbianpaulsomebody, reading...22:57
edbianpaulsomebody, sudo rm /etc/samba/smb.conf22:57
edbianpaulsomebody, sudo apt-get purge samba422:57
edbianpaulsomebody, It said the config file was messed up22:57
paulsomebodyedbian: Yes, I have tried that days ago.22:58
deliedbian, i get a list of things the computer is trying to do to shutdown( last line is "checking battery state [OK]") but it doesnt shut down(justning it off and on cause any harm?)22:58
Ben64E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)22:58
elgruntoxhey anyone know why my ubuntu server isnt verifying certain CA's22:58
Ben64yep, script22:58
elgruntoxeven though i totaly have them installed22:58
paulsomebodyedbian: It still asks me to remove the config file, even AFTER I removed it.22:58
edbianpaulsomebody, go to /etc/samba22:58
edbianis it still there?22:58
edbianpaulsomebody, perhaps you made a typo?22:58
edbianBen64, mmmm22:58
paulsomebodyedbian: It comes back every time I am trying to do something with packages and it tries to configure samba4.22:59
paulsomebodyedbian: Okay, I will try that again.22:59
deliedbian, i get a list of things the computer is trying to do to shutdown( last line is "checking battery state [OK]") but it doesnt shut down(just turnning it off and on cause any harm?)22:59
edbianpaulsomebody, sudo apt-get -f install  (with the config file removed)22:59
edbiandeli, yeah just shut it off.  It will be fine22:59
paulsomebodyedbian: Okay, I removed entire /etc/samba, this should do the trick.23:00
Ben64doubtful :(23:00
edbianpaulsomebody, uhh, yeah hopefully23:00
Ben64i can't remember where the scripts are run from...23:00
paulsomebodyedbian: Nope, we have got a dangerous schizophrenic package on out hands. :)23:00
deliedbian, so now i start the normal oneor "previous linux version" or memory test?23:01
edbianpaulsomebody, Ben64 thinks the remove / install script is broke23:01
edbiandeli, prev23:01
edbiandeli, not 'mem test'23:01
paulsomebodyedbian: Which reminds, I can talk to the Samba developers, there is a relevant bug.23:01
edbianpaulsomebody, can you run sudo samba4 --configure   ?23:01
edbianpaulsomebody, there appears to be a bug in samba now, yes23:01
paulsomebodyedbian: We will see in a minute. :)23:02
edbianBen64, we can't even tell what line the problem is on!23:02
deliedbian, ok now i get the normal prev version and the recovery previous one23:02
edbiandeli, launch normal23:02
edbiandeli, and it should exhibit the problem it was having before correct?23:03
edbiandeli, I'm flying blind here23:03
paulsomebodyedbian: No, I cannot. It says 'command not found'.23:03
paulsomebodyedbian: But package is still there.23:03
deliedbian, ok but yes, no login screen in the previous version too23:03
edbianpaulsomebody, I have no idea23:04
mongydeli, do you boot up with noacpi ?23:04
Ben64paulsomebody: rm /var/lib/dpkg/info/<package name(s)>23:04
edbiandeli, press control + alt + F123:04
paulsomebodyBen64: Oh, I have not done that yet.23:04
edbianBen64, which names?23:04
Ben64paulsomebody:  dpkg --remove --force-remove-reinstreq <package name>23:04
Ben64samba4 or something23:04
edbiantry that stuff23:04
Ben64dunno how it is exactly23:04
delimongy, dont know??23:04
paulsomebodyBen64: Yes, that should about cover my desire to get revenge on that package. :)23:04
deliedbian, i get a list now, but no action23:05
edbianmongy, he was following these instructions: http://linux-software-news-tutorials.blogspot.com/2011/10/ubuntu-1110-oneiric-remove-unity-and.html23:05
Ben64there should be a few things matching samba in there23:05
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edbiandeli, a list?23:05
edbiandeli, I'm confused, you should be able to log in CLI23:05
markusI installed Xubuntu, from the Xubuntu xfce version I downloaded ubuntu destkop package through commandline, now I can boot in GNOME session. My etc/ folder however contains a debian-version file and no other version file.. which distro do I have?23:05
Ben64ubuntu and xubuntu are still ubuntu23:06
amaroksWHats the damn  lockpad on some folders I download , keeps giving permision denied, I know I can do sudo in ssh but how to deal with that in GUI23:06
deliedbian, yea a list with starting..., starting ..., stopping..., stopping..., last line is : stopping mount filesystems on boot  [OK]23:06
markusty Ben :) any clue why I have the debian version file?23:06
paulsomebodyBen64: Hooray, the genocide of samba packages on my system have been successful.23:06
edbiandeli, something is wrong with your hdd (this is the second clue)23:07
edbiandeli, can you boot a live CD?23:07
WaraudonFixed it, I had to delete /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules entirely23:07
Waraudonand it finally worked23:07
Ben64markus: ubuntu is based off of debian23:07
paulsomebodyOkay, no everything i am left with is broken account and stuck disc tray. :)23:07
edbianpaulsomebody, Ben64 :)23:07
markusah, nice didnt know :) tyvm!23:07
markusand good night or whatever time it is where u are^^23:07
paulsomebodyedbian: Ben64: Thanks guys, we did it. :)23:07
WaraudonI still have no idea how eth0 got changed to eth2 even though nothing happened, other than I think the server may have reset because of a brief power outage23:07
deliedbian, i think i have a usb here, but not sure if it is ubuntu or xubuntu23:08
edbiandeli, I think the instructions you followed was simply a coincidence23:08
amaroksany help please? I asked a simple question for anyone who have used ubuntu for couple of months ... :(23:08
edbiandeli, doesn't matter, boot it23:08
edbiandeli, I wouldn't care if it had slackware on it23:08
Ben64amaroks: you could do "gksudo nautilus"23:08
edbianamaroks, a lock on a file means that file is not readable by your user23:08
Ben64but beware!23:08
deliedbian, ok just a sec23:09
edbianamaroks, What are you using to download these files that have locks on them?23:09
edbiandeli, sure23:09
edbiandeli, the rabbit hole is deep23:09
Ben64oh, downloaded files23:09
Ben64can't you right click and change permissions?23:09
edbianBen64, that's what I'm confused about23:09
edbianBen64, firefox writes them all as your user23:09
deliedbian, the list bis still there and nothing has happened, should i just turn it off23:10
Ben64anyway, time to see if xubuntu fixes my problem23:10
amaroksedbian: firefox23:10
edbiandeli, yeah, turn the machine off and boot the live USB you have23:10
edbianamaroks, are you running firefox as root?23:10
amaroksnow transmission has lock inside23:10
edbianamaroks, how are you running firefox?  who are you logged in as?23:10
amaroksNo , I'm just logging in with a username23:11
amaroksim not logged in as root23:11
edbianamaroks, how are you running firefox?23:11
amaroksclick on it and it runs :D23:11
edbianamaroks, in a terminal what is the output of 'whoami' ?23:11
edbianwithout quotes23:11
paulsomebodyOkay, can anyone help me with the stuck CD tray?23:11
amarokshow can I give root access to my username?23:12
edbianamaroks, can you right click the files and change the permissions in 'properties' ?23:12
edbianamaroks, using sudo23:12
amaroksno, wont let me change properties23:12
edbianamaroks, what filesystem are you on?23:12
edbianamaroks, are you saving the files onto your hdd?  an external?23:12
edbianamaroks, do other programs create locked files?23:12
amaroksnah just some23:13
edbianamaroks, which ones?23:13
amaroksany can be, downloaded folder23:13
edbianamaroks, what?23:13
amaroksnow its a lock in .config/transmission23:13
Tech-1paulsomebody:  get a paper clip and use the small hole in the front, it has to be straight23:13
deliedbian, ok its xubuntu and i get a list of options: try without installing, install xu..,check disc for defects, test memory  or boot from first hard disk23:13
edbiandeli, try23:13
edbiandeli, see if this live USB can boot :)23:13
edbiandeli, cross your findgers23:14
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edbianamaroks, can you pastebin the output of ls -l ~ and ~/Downloads   ?  paste.ubuntu.com23:14
jroggehey i'm having trouble with directories. I have my usb in my computer and it's in the folder media which is in file system, and to download something i have to specify a directory. what would i use?23:14
jroggei.e. what is the directory name of file system ?23:15
edbianamaroks, actually, just show me the output of ls -la ~/Downloads23:15
amaroksthere is no problem in downloaded items now23:15
edbianjrogge, /media/<your usb>/23:15
amaroksNow for an example I can't run transmission23:15
edbianamaroks, what?23:15
schnuffle1jrogge: you mean: where is my USB-Stick mounted? Should be in /media/<usb>/23:15
deliedbian, ok it worked23:15
paulsomebodyTech-1: Decorative panel covers that.23:15
edbiandeli, awesome, can you run gparted?23:15
amarokssays permission denied23:15
edbianamaroks, I don't understand the problem.23:16
elgruntoxanyone have any issues with ssl CA certs in ubuntu server? because I cant curl anything https and its annoying! same with wget and python23:16
edbianamaroks, You can't run transmission?23:16
paulsomebodyTech-1: My point is that over disc tray there is another one, without holes on it. :)23:16
edbianTech-1, what are you laughing at?23:16
jroggeoh thanks23:16
paulsomebodyedbian: Me. :)23:16
edbiandecorative covers :P23:16
deliedbian, its not in the accesoires, where to find or how from terminal?23:17
edbiandeli, from a terminal23:17
edbiandeli, gksudo gparted23:17
Tech-1paulsomebody:  maybe during bios powerup, keep hitting eject button ?23:17
amaroksWell I simple want to have root access with my username , isnlt this possible with ubuntu?23:17
e2b04836amaroks: yes, use the sudo command23:17
amaroksnot in SSH23:17
edbianamaroks, use sudo23:17
edbianamaroks, gksudo nautilus23:18
paulsomebodyedbian: Tech-1: Do you  think I can break it if I try remove it manually? I have tried removing it during boot, it gave me another problem which I am trying to fix even now. :)23:18
edbianpaulsomebody, what remove the CD drive?  turn the computer off and go crazy!23:18
Tech-1ya, you could take the tray out of time23:18
paulsomebodyOkay, good news.23:18
edbiantray, you have no chance to survive, make your time23:18
deliedbian, ok i get an exclamation mark at one of the 3 partitions23:18
edbianall your base...23:18
paulsomebodyDecorative cover can removed easily and painlessly.23:18
edbiandeli, I thought so, right click it and hit properties, any info?23:18
WaraudonIs there any way to prevent udev from messing around with my network interfaces in the future?23:18
edbiandeli, what partition?  / ?23:19
amaroksI downloaded a file and its name it has (23:19
edbiandeli, try to use gparted to 'check' the partition23:19
edbianamaroks, so what?23:19
amarokscant excute that via shell nor rename it , bash sysntax near (23:19
amaroksHow do I deal with this?23:20
e2b04836amaroks: put the filename in "s23:20
edbianamaroks, mv \(file file23:20
deliedbian, cant do that, its greyed out23:20
edbianamaroks, or quote it23:20
amaroksdpesnt escape it23:20
amarokstried already23:20
edbiandeli, what can't you do?23:20
deliedbian, the check, its greyed out, cant click it23:20
BoreeasI accidentally stopped the ftpd on my remote server, and when I started it again, it started messing up. Every time I click a folder now, it tells me "Couldn't receive directory listing"23:21
BoreeasHow do I fix that?23:21
edbiandeli, can you right click the partition and click information?23:21
edbiandeli, if you highlight a partition does 'check' ungrey itself?23:21
paulsomebodyedbian: Ben64: Bad news: pushing the paper clip through a hole only produced a really weird noise.23:21
edbianpaulsomebody, perhaps it was a fun or enjoyable noise?23:22
edbianpaulsomebody, that drive sounds physically broken23:22
Ben64paulsomebody: probably a silly question, but does "eject" work23:22
e2b04836paulsomebody: was the drive on at the time?23:22
Tech-1ya, its still turning, it has to be straight and forced straight, once the tray starts to come out, you have to grab it and pull it the rest of the way23:22
deliedbian, if i rightclick it it is highlighted by definition right?23:22
edbiandeli, yes23:22
Ben64and yeah, if the disc is spinning it will make a noise, but it will still come out23:23
edbiandeli, perhaps the other partitions can be checked?  (to test how to ungrey check and how to highlight a partition)23:23
deliedbian, on rightclicking the check is greyed out23:23
edbiandeli, mmm, what about 'information' of that partitin?  (in the right click menu)23:23
deliedbian, file system unknown23:23
edbiandeli, be sure this is the partitions of the hdd and not of the usb stick (which also might have 3 partitions)23:23
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edbiandeli, can you show me a screenshot?  imageshack.us23:24
deliedbian, im on another computer23:24
edbiandeli, so?23:24
mongyBoreeas, how about just a refresh of the listing?23:24
edbiandeli, (I knew that)23:24
deliedbian, ok just a sec23:24
mongyBoreeas, consider using ssh, it has sftp built in.23:25
edbiandeli, perhaps the target machine (running the USB live stick) is not online.  That is an issue23:25
paulsomebodyedbian: Ben64: e2b04836: I am into the noise music, so, yes, the noise we enjoyable. But it did not sound very healthy.23:25
paulsomebodye2b04836: Yes, the disc was there at the time.23:25
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amaroksedbian: Im fine with the permision thing I got another small question, I layed with compiz-config then had problems , so I removed it now if I boot normally I dont see windows shadow more23:25
edbianamaroks, you 'layed' with it?23:26
paulsomebodyTech-1: Yes, that is what I did.23:26
amaroksHow can I reset my GUI to exactly how i was when Installed ubuntu?23:26
Boreeasmongy: I'm actually using filezilla for ftp, which I find more intuitive to use23:26
deliedbian, ill just use a usb to transfer it to this com, just a sec23:26
amaroksI have finally moved to ubuntu23:26
mongyamaroks, make a new user and login.23:26
amaroksWell I have some emails profiles23:26
mongyBoreeas, refresh it then.  filezilla like many caches it23:26
edbiandeli, ok23:26
Tech-1paulsomebody:  then try it with the machine off,23:27
deliedbian, how to take a screenshot and save in (x)ubuntu23:27
amarokshow can I reset everything in gui for my username? i tried some tricks online like rm -rf .gnome .gnome2 etc.., it did not do it23:27
e2b04836Boreeas: did you start the ftpd as root?23:27
edbianamaroks, http://www.webupd8.org/2011/04/how-to-reset-unity-launcher-icons-or.html23:27
mongydeli, prntscrn23:27
* Tech-1 goes for coffee brb23:27
Boreease2b04836: Should be, yes23:27
paulsomebodyOkay, I did put the disc out of the drive; but it is still making noise, like trying to spin the drive. And the red light is shining inside, so that probably means that the laser is still on.23:28
paulsomebodyI will reboot and see what happens.23:28
e2b04836Boreeas: well i'd check the permissions on the directory to make sure the ftp user can actually read from them23:28
paulsomebodyThanks for the help, everyone.23:28
edbiandeli, xfce4-screenshootern:23:28
edbiandeli, at it to your panel or run it in the term23:28
edbiandeli, without that : at the end of course23:29
edbianadd it to*23:29
Boreease2b04836: Well, I'm trying to read from my home directory. Would be horrible if I didn't have read permissions there :D23:30
edbiandeli, ?23:32
e2b04836Boreeas: try this: http://www.nodans.com/index.cfm/2008/4/24/Fix-for-Filezilla-Failing-to-Retrieve-Directory-Listing other than that i have no idea23:33
deliedbian, it is taking some time, sorry23:33
edbiandeli, that's ok :)23:33
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Boreease2b04836: Hmm, didn't work :/23:35
BoreeasThanks for your time, though23:35
paulsomebodyOkay, thank you everyone. Simply turning the power off and the booting up fixed the issue after I removed the disc.23:36
Tech-1throw that disc away23:36
deliedbian, cant mount the usb in the comp, but there is another problem, after closing and reopening gparted , now another partition of the hd has an exclamation mark23:36
paulsomebodyIt appears I have been doing it wrong before, judging from the fact that rebooting did not help.23:37
edbiandeli, sounds like the drive is failing,  I suggest getting your data off it using the live USB23:37
paulsomebodyTech-1: I am not superstitious, so I checked it on the other laptop. It is simply unreadable.23:37
Tech-1next time, trun the machine off, to remove the cd23:37
paulsomebodyTech-1: Yes, sounds much better then what I did.23:37
Tech-1your good 2 go23:38
paulsomebodyNo, that still leaves me unable to login.23:38
allu2Hello, i tried installing ubuntu on 500GB external HD with tough i can just plug it in and use my home system anywhere i go, well works just perfectly on the eeepc i used to install the system on the hd but when i try on my desktop grub doesn't seem to start, how i can solve this and boot the full installation on any computer ubuntu runs on?23:38
deliedbian, no way to fix it?( this one doesnt have the check greyed out)23:38
edbiandeli, try to check23:38
edbiandeli, try to repair23:38
edbiandeli, but backing up your data is the priority23:39
paulsomebodyallu2: You need to go to BIOS and specify from which drive to boot.23:39
edbiandeli, booting it, checking it, and repairing it may damage it worse23:39
paulsomebodyallu2: That must be DEL or F8 key while rebooting.23:39
allu2paulsomebody: i selected the HD but was greeted by blinkin promp with no progress23:39
allu2paulsomebody: f8, and i selected the right HD, and double checked :)23:39
paulsomebodyallu2: I think you must simply wait for a minute.23:39
paulsomebodyallu2: While at the blinking promt.23:39
allu2i went to wash my theeths :P23:39
edbiandeli, how old is this hdd?23:40
edbianhdd's usually last around 5 - 7 years23:40
allu2paulsomebody: it shouldn't take more then 30 for grub to start23:40
deliedbian, 2 years maybe or less23:40
allu2ubuntu starting i can understand if it takes a while but i can't get to grub23:40
paulsomebodyallu2: I know, but sometimes it does. Happened to me before.23:40
edbiandeli, mmm, I could be wrong and it just needs to be repartitioned.  In either case you'll want to get the data backed up23:40
deliedbian, check and repair finished(in only 28 sec) but the exclamation mark is still there23:41
paulsomebodyallu2: Are you sure that you have written GRUB on that external disk, not on the MBR of your laptop?23:41
insectatorious'buntu 11.10 using Gnome Shell. Any way to clear all notifications on the bottom right side of the screen?23:41
edbiandeli, right click, read information, tell me what it says23:41
allu2paulsomebody: i recall doing that, how i check again?23:41
_chaos_ok im fukn trippin where the heck can i customize this ubuntu 11.10 interface, white bright shiit dont cut it for me... PLEASE HELP!!!!23:41
paulsomebody_chaos_: Patience, do not swear.23:42
_chaos_this nig high n trippin wtf23:42
_chaos_please its been too long. i tried lookin a few times23:42
allu2_chaos_: search kde, xfce4, gnome-shell... also "customizing unity" on google might bring something up :)23:42
paulsomebody_chaos_: Use the force to calm your mind and use MyUnity to customize Unity.23:42
_chaos_alright im gonna try it23:42
_chaos_word paulsomebody23:43
_chaos_thanks yallz :)23:43
paulsomebody_chaos_: Okay, I can even give you the link.23:43
paulsomebody_chaos_: Since you have tried.23:43
_chaos_slow down i like to search23:43
allu2paulsomebody: so how i can see wherher grub was installed on the external HD, /boot/grub ?23:43
paulsomebodyallu2: Hmm. I am not sure, better ask someone else.23:43
tab1293i installed node.js in ubuntu by sudo apt-get install nodejs nodejs-dev nodejs-dbg but i cant use npm install socket.io to install socket.io because ubuntu doesnt recognize npm as a command. anyone know how to install npm?23:44
edbianallu2, the easy way or the hard way?23:44
Ben64So, when I run TF2 or even just move a window around the screen, X uses a lot of CPU. Is there anything I can do to lessen it? It messes with my fps in game.23:44
allu2edbian: fast way :)23:44
paulsomebody_chaos_: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/12/unity-tweak-tool-myunity-gets-new-look-coming-to-ubuntu-software-centre/23:44
paulsomebodyOkay, I have been nice; can someone please help me login now?23:45
edbianallu2, boot that hdd (does it boot?)23:45
allu2Ben64: nvidia proprietary?23:45
Ben64allu2: yep23:45
edbianpaulsomebody, still can't login?23:45
allu2edbian: boots on the eeepc23:45
edbianallu2, how many hdd's do you have?23:45
deliedbian, file sys: ext4,  size 150 gb. flags: boot, path: dev/sda1, status: not mounted, label (empty), uuid(empty), first sector: 2048, last sector: 310505741, total sec: 310503424, warning: failed to change to directory'.'(stale nfs file handle)(twice, unbable to read contents of file system23:45
Ben64but my laptop on intel uses a lot of CPU while moving a window around too23:45
paulsomebodyedbian: No, but we fixed the rest of the issues.23:45
allu2Ben64: try running "metacity --replace" before playing games, worked miracles for me23:45
edbiandeli, stale nfs file handle huh.  googling that...23:45
allu2edbian: one on eeepc, one external, one on my desktop computer23:45
paulsomebody_chaos_: Tell me if it worked for you.23:46
Tech-1which eeeps you have23:46
edbiandeli, sorry?23:46
deliedbian, wrong keyboard again sorry23:47
allu2Tech-1: uh 1001PX i think23:47
hiexpomerry x-mas all23:47
allu2hiexpo: merry x-mas23:47
mongymerry xmas in 12 mins23:48
allu2is it possible to install multiple proprietary graphics drivers? if i'm moving the HD around different HW would love to have drivers for all sorts of cards23:48
allu2nother trick to show off my friends ;)23:48
edbiandeli, what partition are we talking about?23:48
paulsomebodymongy: That strongly depends on the timezone, you know. :)23:48
insectatorious'buntu 11.10 using Gnome Shell. Any way to clear all notifications on the bottom right side of the screen?23:48
edbiandeli, sudo e2fsck -p /dev/sd<letter>23:48
allu2mongy: 1:48 am here :D23:49
hiexponope only one at atime allu223:49
edbiandeli, sorry, sudo e2fsck -p /dev/sd<letter><number>23:49
edbiandeli, You can get the letter / number by using gparted23:49
allu2edbian: so how i see if the grub is installed on the correct device?23:49
edbiandeli, this command attempts to fix the partition in question.23:49
edbianallu2, boot that device23:49
edbianallu2, if grub is installed you will see grub / linux23:49
deliedbian, it says clean23:50
hiexpohola edbian23:50
paulsomebodyThere must be connected issue - I can neither shut down or reboot from LightDM, nor login.23:50
edbianhiexpo, hi23:50
edbiandeli, do it on all the partitions that had issues23:50
edbiandeli, restart gparted23:50
edbiandeli, see if the triangles go away23:50
edbiandeli, You can run sudo e2fsck -p -v  /dev/sd<letter><number>  to get more info (add -v)23:51
paulsomebodyedbian: I am using an encrypted /home, may this be relevant?23:51
allu2edbian: ok, but this doesn't make sense, since the grub when i boot from external HD shows the ubuntu on the external HD and on the eeepc, but when i boot from eeepc hd i see only eeepc ubuntu as option, henche grub should be installed on the external hd, yet still it doesn't load on my desktop computer23:51
edbianpaulsomebody, maybe23:51
deliedbian the other one says bad magic number in super- block while trying to open /dev/sda523:51
edbiandeli, did it fix that issue?23:52
edbiandeli, or just freak23:52
deliedbian, it says you might try running e2fsck with an alternate superblock23:52
edbiandeli, how many partitions you got?  (don't check non-ext partitions)23:52
deliedbian 323:52
allu2is there possibly some "simpler" boot loader that would automaticly load the ubuntu on the HD ?23:52
somasinwhats the name of a gui tool to select a wireless network so I can start it from the command line?23:54
aBoundHey all is it wise to upgrade to a newer kernel in Ubuntu?23:55
hiexpoallu2, i think ubuntu uses grub223:55
* allu2 tried reinstalling grub, goes to see if it helped23:55
allu2hiexpo: ment grub2, sorry23:55
aBoundDefinitely, seems like Ubuntu 11.10 is unstable.23:56
* allu2 watches promp blinking23:56
allu2aBound: how so ?23:56
hiexpo< thats why hiexpo is still  using 10.0423:57
=== morrison6_ is now known as morrison6
allu2ubuntu 11.10 has been very stable for me :S23:58
aBoundHad nothing but problems with my new System76 laptop. From the nVidia binary driver to the lightdm causing a mountall: disconnected from plymouth bug to my login screen not appearing.23:58
aBoundReinstalled it about four times already.23:58
allu2tough well.. i've manage to make debian stable unstable :S23:58
insectatorious'buntu 11.10 using Gnome Shell. Any way to clear all notifications on the bottom right side of the screen?23:58
aBoundI can't say if it's the kernel I'm using or what have you.23:59
hiexpoaBound, use 10.04 it is lts23:59
aBoundhiexpo, what kernel you running on your system?23:59

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