
BigWhaleWho decides which application will be included in the official repository? And if it is too late to get something into Pangolin repository?14:59
bjsniderno it isn't15:01
dobeyBigWhale: it's a concerted effort; and it's not too late yet. feature freeze is a bit off still, but earlier is better15:04
BigWhaleCool. Thanks for the info.15:05
BigWhaleI'll try to pull it off.15:12
BigWhaleIf I get all the required permissions from previous author.15:13
dobeyBigWhale: what is it?15:23
BigWhaleThis https://launchpad.net/kazam15:23
dobeyah ok15:32
BigWhaledobey, people actually liked the app, OMG also ran an article on it and I did some work to replace ffmpeg with gstreamer, the author decided he won't continue the work, so ...15:35
bjsniderBigWhale, so it's dead?16:06
BigWhaleYou're name probably isn't Jim... but ... It's dead Jim.16:07
BigWhale(comma missing there)16:07
bjsniderwhy should it be included in precise if it's dead?16:07
BigWhalebjsnider, I emailed original author today asking him if I can get permissions for Launchpad so that I can pick it up.16:08
bjsnideri see16:08
BigWhalebjsnider, I'd like to work on it16:08
BigWhaleand continue maintaining it.16:08
bjsnideryou have the programming acumen to handle it?16:09
bjsniderof course if he doesn't give you permission you can just fork it16:10
BigWhalebjsnider, I believe so. For precise I'd just patch things up so it would work. Then I'd like to rewrite GUI in Vala.16:12
BigWhaleAnd I'd prefer not to fork it. Sometimes it just creates confusion.16:19
BigWhaledocs on ppa versioning are a bit confusing18:46
dobeyBigWhale: what sort of package are you trying to version in your ppa?18:47
BigWhalewell not exactly confusing, I can understand why and what I have to change, just not sure where... :>18:48
BigWhaledobey, I'm trying to package fixed Kazam into a ppa18:48
dobeyare you building nightlies, or a plain debian package?18:48
BigWhalejust a deb package, no need for nightlies for now18:49
BigWhaleoh changelog18:50
dobeyyes, changelog18:51
BigWhaleDenied, rejected!? Oh my gawd! :'(19:04
BigWhalePerhaps it doesn't like that I changed my GPG key just recently ...19:07
BigWhalehmm, two files were acceted, but .changes file was rejected ...19:11
dobeyignore those errors19:13
BigWhaleyeah I noticed that package was uploaded and it is being built19:14
BigWhalethis auto build is really neat19:14
BigWhalePackage built, app is installable, ppa is working, app is working, pushing changes ... yay.19:25
bjsniderBigWhale, just slap ~ppa1 or something on the end of the version string in changelog19:42
BigWhalebjsnider, I just added ppa1 to the end, docs didn't say anything about ~ :>19:55
dobeyyes they do20:18
dobeybut really it should be $UPSTREAM_VERSION-$NEXT_DEBIAN_VERSION~$SERIES(N)20:19
dobeyso 0.0.0-0ubuntu2~oneiric1 for example20:19
BigWhalethere must be many docs20:19
BigWhalemany different docs20:20
BigWhalehere's where I looked20:20
dobeyoh, it has two different sets of versioning recommendations, which both pretty much suck20:20
BigWhaleIt says that I should add ~oneiric1 ...20:21
BigWhaleafter the ppa120:21
dobeyah yes, it also says that20:21
dobeybut the ppa1 in there is just bad :-/20:21
BigWhaleI followed this example: "To do this, add the suffix ppan (where n is your package's revision number). Two examples: "20:22
BigWhalebut I'll change to whatever it is supposed to be. :)20:22
dobeyi think someone needs to fix the docs20:23

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