
ScottKajmitch: No, just saw a reference to it.00:09
ScottKmicahg: AIUI askubuntu covers Kubuntu too.00:10
ScottK(not that I use it either way)00:10
ResistanceScottK:  AskUbuntu does cover Kubuntu00:24
Resistanceit also covers the other official derivatives00:24
ResistanceXubuntu, Lubuntu, etc.00:24
micahgScottK: re askubuntu> indeed it does, I was making a joke :)02:37
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Resistanceanyone know how much of a hassle it'd be to backport dpkg from a newer distribution to lucid in order to fulfill a build-dep for a package i want to backport?03:32
micahgResistance: you probably just want to fix the package to not require the newer debhelper03:34
Resistancemicahg:  debhelper was an easy backport, and it succeeded... dpkg-dev on the otherhand isnt backported into lucid at all03:34
Resistancehence the question03:34
Resistance(i'd have to modify the package versioning for dpkg/dpkg-dev in the control, and i could easily do that)03:35
micahgResistance: sorry, I'd suggest fixing to not use a newer dpkg03:35
Resistanceoh i agree :P03:35
Resistancei'm just horridly freaking tired ;P03:35
Resistanceif i werent, i'd do it03:35
Resistancemicahg:  i dont see dpkg-dev existing there... i'm not even sure wth i'm looking for in this case (source package: rkhunter, control file does not explicitly state dpkg/dpkg-dev in the deps...03:42
Resistancemaybe i'm just horridly tired... :P03:43
Resistances/rkhunter/rkhunter (lucid)/03:44
Resistancei'm headed off, too tired to backport things >.>03:44
micahgdpkg-dev is in lucid...03:45
Resistancemicahg:  the version in lucid is insufficient04:00
Resistancei cant find the control entry to allow me to specify the version04:00
micahgResistance: huh? rkhunter doesn't need dpkg-dev04:02
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micahglaney: are the haskell packages supposed to be spitting out weird versioned dependencies?06:38
iulianWeird versioned dependencies?10:17
micahgiulian: http://paste.ubuntu.com/781974/10:20
micahgnothing can build against these weird versions now10:20
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iulianmicahg: Why not? What's wrong with the versions?10:24
micahgaside from that they don't exist in the archive?10:25
micahgoh, I see...this is why these things need constant rebuilds :-/10:26
micahgit almost seems an abuse of provides to version libraries10:26
micahgbut I guess this stuff moves too fast otherwise10:26
iulianmicahg: Those are the first 5 digits of the hash if that's what you meant by 'weird versions'.10:27
micahgiulian: yes, I missed that they were "provided" by the dev packages10:27
micahgand if one's missing, it means a rebuild is needed usually10:28
iulianIf it has a different hash, yes. All the packages that depend on it need to be rebuilt.10:29
Laneymicahg: http://upsilon.cc/~zack/research/publications/studia11-dh-ocaml.pdf11:10
Laneyit is an implementation of that11:10
micahgLaney: thanks, that's quite informative (although it seems nightmarish to keep up to date)11:16
Laneyit's pretty scriptable11:18
micahgI guess so, I just figured out that part myself11:19
* micahg goes to sleep and tries not to have nightmares about this :)11:28
iulianIt's not that bad after all.11:35
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ScottKiulian: Congratulations on DM.16:32
Resistancemicahg:  well debhelper does... https://launchpadlibrarian.net/88357122/buildlog_ubuntu-lucid-i386.rkhunter_1.3.8-7~lucid1~ppa1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz16:34
Resistancemicahg:  debhelper needs dpkg-dev >= 1.16.0~ubuntu4 (which i think is in natty?(16:34
=== Resistance is now known as MerryResistance
MerryResistancealso, to all the MOTUs and Ubuntu-dom... Happy Holidays to You All!16:40
iulianScottK: Thanks but that was roughly 2 years ago.16:41
ScottKiulian: Oh.  I saw a mail about your key being added to the keyring.16:42
ScottKI guess it was just an update?16:42
* ScottK lises track of who is what.16:42
iulianScottK: I have no idea to be honest. What mail?16:43
ScottKI didn't save it, but it want to the NM list.  It was a standard mail listing DM keyring changes.16:43
ScottKMaybe it was inadvertently resent from long ago.16:43
iulianScottK: Probably.16:44
tumbleweedyay, more ruby grumbling: http://intertwingly.net/blog/2011/12/24/Ubuntu-vs-Ruby16:50
ScottKI think switching to 1.9 by default is a good goal, just needs someone to do it.16:52
tumbleweedprobably, although I don't know ruby16:55
ScottKI don't know it much either, but I understand 1.9 is a substantial performance improvement over 1.8.16:59
tumbleweedlucas: planning on transitioning in debian?17:00
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=== MerryResistance is now known as Resistance
micahgResistance: don't backport debhelper, it's more trouble than it's worth :)22:38

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