
=== elky` is now known as elky
ubottuSnowhog called the ops in #kubuntu ()06:57
ubottuSnowhog called the ops in #kubuntu (Riddell apachelogger claydoh_)07:28
ubottuSnowhog called the ops in #kubuntu (Hobbsee Tm_T Nalioth seth imbrandon gnomefreak nixternal ryanakca mneptok PriceChild tsimpson jussi Pici ikonia genii Mamarok maco seele Nightrose rgreening txwikinger)08:47
daxThat was Snowhog's odd way of saying the Floodbots broke yet again in #kubuntu.09:03
daxI think they are now fixed until the next leaf or dust mote falls on them.09:04
iToastoCean: -_-18:52
iToastIt was a completly valid question.18:52
iToastYou've CLEARLY ignored my pm, I DOUBT you really care.18:53
oCeanYour question was again offtopic18:54
oCeanI've warned you several times about that18:54
oCeanyet you like to continue and see if you can get away with it18:54
oCeanno more18:54
iToastoCean: If you were not a op, you'd say nothing.18:56
iToastYour starting to act like thumbs. You don't like me.18:56
iToastI actually need to ask a important question now, but I can not.18:56
oCeanthose are the consequences18:57
iToastIf you were to ever talk to him you'd understand.18:57
oCeanAnyway, you're holding against me that I warned you again and again?18:57
iToastHe +b'd me in #mysql for not posting "valid sql". WIthout providing instructions on how to get it.18:57
iToastIDK How "SELECT * FROM LOGINS" isn't valid in any way.18:58
oCeanI don't see how this is related. I don't know this thumbs person18:58
iToastYou'l understand one day.18:58
iToastI need to ask a question and now I can not.18:59
iToastCan I get a -b?18:59
iToastI'm expecting a no, but il wait for a reply.19:00
oCeanI've asked you several times to behave19:00
oCeanhow are you going to convince me that your are will behave when I let you back in?19:00
iToastI've been told to goto #distro-server always. When i enter those channels, They are usualy silent.19:00
oCeanyes, especially during the holidays19:01
iToastThey are dead 24/7 unless heavy development is going on.19:01
iToastMay i get  -b?19:02
oCeanhow are you going to convince me that your will behave when I let you back in?19:03
iToastThe fact that I came into this channel to politely ask for a -b on me in #ubuntu is one thing.19:03
oCeanyou're talkback does not convince me you respect our guidelines and/or coc19:03
oCean!coc > iToast19:04
ubottuiToast, please see my private message19:04
iToastSounds like TOS19:04
oCean!guidelines > iToast19:04
iToastI have it open in another tab now.19:05
oCeanSo, next time an operator or channel users tells you not to do this or that, basically to keep the channel family friendly and professional, you will no longer talkback with smart comments19:06
iToastCan i still use '...'19:07
iToastoCean: Can I get a answer.19:08
oCeanI'm busy doing something else. The ... is just one of those "smart" comments, you're just showing you don't like OP interruption19:09
oCeanRead the guidelines and stick to those, you won't get any comments on your behaviour19:09
iToastI am not shure how '...' is smart...19:10
iToastIt just means I have nothing to follow or no comment.19:10
oCeanThen don't send it to the channel19:10
iToastBut its not in the COC O.ol19:11
oCeanIn case you haven't noticed #u is quite a heavy traffic channel, we don't need nonsense message to add to the clutter19:11
oCeanyou know what, you just take a break and think about our guidelines19:11
oCeanCome back tomorrow and we'll talk then19:11
oCeanI have other things to do atm19:12
iToastI need the answer today.19:12
oCeanwhich question19:12
iToastWell the important one and if I may have a -b? I'l follow COC19:13
oCeanI just told you, come back tomorrow. So, "no" for the -b right now19:13
iToastI'd really like to ask today.19:13
iToastIt makes my choice on my new os19:14
oCeanyeah, that's not going to convince me, sorry19:14
iToastIts not about convincing you.19:14
iToastIf I wan'ted to convince, I'd use a better reason.19:15
oCeanactually, it is about convincing me to let you back in19:15
iToastWhat is it then?19:15
oCeanThat you can behave, that you will follow instructions from others on how to behave, all this without smart talkback and/or looking for loopholes in the guidelines.19:17
oCeanConvince me, or a fellow OP tomorrow, and you have your chance again19:17
iToastI said i'd follow the COC19:17
iToastThe way i'm speaking here should be a convincing thing.19:17
oCeanHave you read the CoC and Guidelines?19:18
oCeanDo you see how my comments on your offtopic messages was completely justified?19:19
oCeanGreat, thanks for understanding19:20
oCeanthere is a catch in removing the ban though19:20
iToastWhat is the catch?19:20
oCeanonce you get +b again, it's going to be a *lot* harder to get it removed19:20
oCeanlots of convincing todo, you see?19:21
iToastI see.19:21
oCeanWell, I actually need an "I agree"19:21
iToastI agree19:21
iToastHow come "fine"19:22
iToastI thought you'd be happier that I've read the COC and Guidelines19:22
oCeanSure, that too. But I needed you to understand concequences, since those are not mentioned there19:22
oCeanhang on19:23
oCeanI'm about to remove the +b19:23
oCeantry to say something in #u?19:23
iToastI wish you'd be happier.19:23
iToast[14:24] == Cannot send to channel: #ubuntu19:24
oCeanplease /part the #u channel and join again19:24
oCeanit's a floodbot thing I think19:24
oCeanit took a while, your exempt is set19:25
oCeanthere you are19:25
oCeanall set it seems19:25
oCeanbut actually, I *am* happy we had this talk19:25
oCeanI am most definitely not after *you*19:26
iToastSo you don't hate me like thumbs?19:26
oCeanI cannot speak for thumbs, but I don't hate you19:26
iToast"thumbs" denies hating me. but follows me channel to channel to tell me to follow a different channels TOS19:26
oCeanI'd like for you to be in the channel participating19:26
oCeanthere's just some ground rules, those are there for everyone19:27
oCeanso, good thing you popped in here, I hope you'll enjoy #ubuntu19:27
oCeaniToast: all that's left for me is to point you to our channel's topic, especially the no-idling policy19:29
oCeaniToast: ^20:03
Sidewinder1I just wanted to wish all of you hard working gals/guys, a very Merry Christmas! I know, so much of what you all do, sometimes goes unnoticed (not here). I thought y'all deserved a special "kudo', from me!20:27
Flannelthanks Sidewinder1, it's appreciated.20:30
Sidewinder1Even if those, who benefit from your efforts, do not recognize, or even know of those efforts, it doesn't mean that they are unappreciated. Your tireless devotion and, most importantly, your most valuable time is more than greatly appreciated!20:31
ubottuxangua called the ops in #ubuntu (cholby)20:32
Sidewinder1Wouldn't want your jobs for "all the tea in China!" I just felt it necessary to publicly announce that.20:32
Sidewinder1I just wish there was more that I could do, other than wish all of you Merry, merry Christmas!!20:34
Sidewinder1Hope Santa was good to all of you.. Enjoy!!20:35
ubottuguntbert called the ops in #ubuntu (dork)21:19
guntberthi, can someone have a nice little talk with dork - he won't listen to me21:27
Flannelguntbert: from what I can see, he's gotten better about using enter since you mentioned it.  I'll keep an eye out.21:30
guntbertFlannel: ok, but I wasn't too happy about him pasting my nice PM (with not so nice comment) either, in PM he states that he is right in what he does21:33
guntbertanyways_ have a nice time and thanks for listening21:35
Flannelguntbert: Some people can get wound up about personal things like that.  It's sometimes best to let things slide.  Going toe to toe with him about this won't do much except get people upset all around, and if his behavior has changed (away from enter-as-punctuation), then the end result is accomplished already.21:35
oCeandork does like to talkback to any comment on his behaviour he doesn't like21:37
oCeananyone capable of removing iToast from here?21:38
oCeanAnd if he behaves, there's no need for him to return :)21:51
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from dork)21:52
iToastmneptok: Why tomorrow O.o22:11

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