
=== robglas is now known as Guest5992
arrrghhhprobably the worst time to ask for help, but does anyone have experience troubleshooting TFTP issues?04:05
twbYes; what is your real question.04:06
twbHint: use curl -v as your client04:06
arrrghhhsorry i didn't ask a real question04:06
arrrghhhcurl -v...04:06
arrrghhhi'm using tftpd-hpa04:07
arrrghhhand it refuses to start04:07
arrrghhhi could only find an entry in /var/log/daemon.log04:07
twbDoes it say why?04:07
arrrghhhsaid "init: tftpd-hpa main process terminated with status 204:07
twbOK so it's an upstart job04:07
twbupstart throws away stderr so you can't see why it died04:07
arrrghhhbut if i try to start it again, it is convinced it's running04:07
arrrghhhi can't figure out how to start it manually either...04:08
arrrghhhi would assume there's a way to start it manually04:08
twbSure, read /etc/init/tftp-hpa.conf04:08
twbAlso pastebin it so I don't have to look it up04:08
arrrghhhthat conf file?04:09
twbbtw IME it is MUCH easier to roll out dnsmasq than dhcpd+bind+tftpd04:09
twbarrrghhh: yes, pastebin /etc/init/tftpd-hpa.conf or whatever it's called04:09
arrrghhhyea, it seems dnsmasq would be easier04:09
arrrghhhperhaps i should go with it04:09
arrrghhhi don't really care, i just need dhcp + tftp04:09
twbThen definitely dnsmasq is easier04:09
arrrghhhok i'll start over with that04:09
arrrghhhlol i think i figured out the problem.  oh well, if dnsmasq makes my life easier i'll go with it.04:12
twbhttp://paste.debian.net/150122/ is my dnsmasq.conf; the tftp options are near the middle04:15
twbMine is pretty riced-up, you can skip most of it04:15
twbThe CNAMEs are in there instead of /etc/hosts because they're for servers with dynamic IPs04:17
arrrghhhtwb, so any tips on why dhcp isn't working now....?04:38
arrrghhhnot even sure what to troubleshoot, since it's all in one package04:38
arrrghhhtwb, sorry if i missed your response, networking issues lol04:39
twbarrrghhh: is dnsmasq running?  Did you tell dnsmasq to serve DHCP?04:40
arrrghhhyes and yes04:40
twbIIRC the default config file only serves DNS04:40
arrrghhhin dnsmasq.conf04:40
twbOK run dhclient -v and see what reponse you get, if any04:40
arrrghhhand ps -A |grep dns shows it running04:40
twbAs ss or netstat if bootps is bound by dnsmasq04:40
twbRead the logs04:40
twbYou know, all the usual debugging things04:41
arrrghhhwell i've never troubleshot dnsmasq before04:41
twbThose are standard things to debug any network service04:41
arrrghhhdhclient -v has some output, but didn't really show anything helpful04:41
arrrghhhsorry, still learning how to debug network services.04:42
arrrghhhis 53 dhcp?04:43
arrrghhhi can't remember.  i know udp 69 is tftp, which it is listening on04:43
arrrghhhalso, what logs.  i don't see a log for dnsmasq04:43
arrrghhhdaemon.log has this04:44
arrrghhh"Dec 24 21:42:25 nas dnsmasq-dhcp[7114]: DHCP, IP range --, lease time 12h"04:44
arrrghhhso it looks like it's running a dhcp server  wth.04:44
twbgetent services bootps04:45
twbYou might need to tell dnsmasq to syslog04:45
arrrghhhbootps                67/tcp04:45
arrrghhhis what that getent cmd returned04:45
twbRight, so that's the DHCP server port (except it's UDP, I think)04:45
arrrghhhtftp is udp04:46
arrrghhhi think dhcp is tcp04:46
twbBOOTP was an earlier standard that became DHCP04:46
arrrghhheither way, it appears to be running04:46
twbSo what still isn't working?04:47
arrrghhhi even allowed bootps in ufw04:50
arrrghhhalthough it should allow any local traffic...04:50
twbUh bootps & bootpc04:52
twbIt's an old stupid design04:52
twbMight be worth you going readig how DHCP works in wikipedia :P04:52
twbThat's something I always do when rolling out a new protocol04:53
arrrghhhwell i get the basics of dhcp04:57
arrrghhhbut i shouldn't have to allow this crap in ufw04:57
arrrghhhit should already allow it thru another rule04:57
arrrghhhand adding both bootpc and bootps (67&68) didn't fix it04:57
arrrghhhi still can't get a dhcp ip04:57
twbHow are you testing that?04:58
arrrghhhdhclient -v eth0 on the client pc04:58
arrrghhhused to work fine with dhcp3-server04:58
twbpastebin your ruleset, pastebin output of sudo netstat -nlp04:58
twbEr, not ruleset, dnsmasq.conf04:59
twbAlthough pastbinning "iptables-save -c" would also be a good idea04:59
arrrghhhthis sucks not having dhcp.05:00
arrrghhhi defined resolv.conf05:00
twbSo turn dhcp3 back on again for half an hour :P05:00
arrrghhhperhaps there's something else i'm missing05:00
arrrghhhi already purged it05:00
arrrghhhi'll just turn it back on my router05:00
twbAlso if you don't know, this is how you raise a manual link:05:00
twbip link set eth0 up; ip address add eth0 brd +; echo nameserver > /etc/resolv.conf05:01
arrrghhhwhy is nothing easy05:03
twbBecause god hates you05:03
arrrghhhthat ip address add command failed.05:03
twbs/eth0/dev eth0/ ?05:03
twbIt was from memory05:03
arrrghhhi don't see what that command is for05:04
twbIf you don't know ip(8) syntax yet you should learn that too05:04
arrrghhhi figured bring up the interface with ifconfig eth0 <ip>05:04
arrrghhhthen resolv.conf05:04
twbarrrghhh: it gives you a static IP05:04
arrrghhhadd nameservers05:04
twbifconfig is for losers05:04
arrrghhhwhat's wrong with ifconfig?05:04
arrrghhhwell your command didn't work, so perhaps you need to go back and re-read it.05:04
twbMain problem is ifconfig doesn't realize an iface can have >1 address05:04
twbThat's what that alias bullshit is -- a kludge05:05
twbarrrghhh: yeah you probably need "dev eth0" not "eth0"05:05
arrrghhhhrm ok05:05
twbUnfortunately the manpage isn't very helpful for newbies.05:05
arrrghhhthis is just odd tho05:05
arrrghhhi can ping the gateway05:05
arrrghhhi can ping the server running dhcp05:05
arrrghhhbut i can't ping the interwebs05:06
arrrghhhor 8.8.805:06
arrrghhhconnect: Network is unreachable05:06
arrrghhhlol, this was supposed to be the easy part of this task.05:06
twbAh, mea culpa05:07
twbip a add also adds a route to the local network, but not to 0/005:07
twbip route add 0/0 via
arrrghhhi don't think i've failed this hard in a while.05:11
arrrghhhugh... damn chromebook.  you limit me.05:11
arrrghhhoh there we go.05:12
twbYou need to reflash it with ubuntu oneiric arm05:12
twbThat's what I am on right now :-)05:12
twb1kg netbook with 15hr battery life ftw05:13
arrrghhhwow that was fun05:19
arrrghhhand that sounds crazy05:19
arrrghhhok here's the dnsmasq.conf05:19
arrrghhhnetstat -nlp05:21
arrrghhhiptables-save -c05:22
arrrghhhyea, just disabled UFW and dhcp client still fails.05:24
arrrghhhlsof shows 67 and 69 in use by dnsmasq05:25
arrrghhhbut nothing on 6805:25
twbThat all looks OK to me05:27
twbtcpdump on the server, see what you can see05:27
twb(Learn how to use tcpdump too ;-)05:27
arrrghhhsounds like wireshark?05:28
twbwireshark is the heavyweight cousin05:28
arrrghhhnice.  ok, i know how that stuff works... again on a basic level :P05:28
arrrghhhany tips on what to filter on...?05:34
arrrghhhi usually filter by ip... doesn't seem like that'll work so well here lol05:35
arrrghhhi guess i could filter on port/protocol huh05:35
twbport 67 or port 6805:48
twbPart of the reason I use tcpdump instead of tshark is I can never remember the tshark filter syntax ;-)05:48
twbAlso obviously more useful data doing this on the server first05:48
arrrghhhwhat was the last thing you read from me?  i don't think it all got thru05:56
arrrghhhtwb: ?06:08
arrrghhhperhaps you didn't get any of my messages, i was on a crippled machine, heh06:09
twb16:35 <arrrghhh> i guess i could filter on port/protocol huh06:12
arrrghhhdamn, i said a lot more than that...06:13
arrrghhhoh well, the jist of it was tcpdump showed that the server was receiving the request06:13
twbSo on the client side, you see a DHCPREQUEST and then a DHCPOFFER ?06:13
qman__arrrghhh, FYI, my DHCP exception is 67:68 udp06:14
arrrghhh22:38:12.846558 IP > BOOTP/DHCP, Request from 00:13:72:27:68:83 (oui Unknown), length 30006:14
twbIt's a four-stage handshake, I forget the order06:14
arrrghhhi was running tcpdump on the server06:14
arrrghhhthe client just keeps requesting06:15
arrrghhhand it times out06:15
qman__$CMD -A INPUT -i eth1 -p udp  --sport 67:68 --dport 67:68 -j ACCEPT06:15
arrrghhhnever gets a DHCPOFFER06:15
arrrghhhqman__: why do you think the traffic is being blocked?06:15
qman__it's a UDP broadcast06:16
twbGoddam it, who uses DNSSD06:16
twbThis stupid printer won't talk to me, and the other users are talking to it via dnssd, which I am not going to install06:16
twbBloody autodiscovery "easy to use" my arse, the printer already has an IP and listens on 631 but won't respond anything useful there...06:17
arrrghhhqman__: even with ufw disabled?06:18
qman__I don't know much about UFW06:18
qman__but if you sudo iptables -L and it's all ACCEPT with no rules, you're good06:19
twbarrrghhh: is there a firewall on the client?06:19
arrrghhhhrm ok06:19
arrrghhhtwb: uhmm dhcp3-server worked on the client just fine06:19
arrrghhhbut i don't think there is, no06:19
arrrghhhit's kubuntu 11.0406:19
arrrghhhufw is not enabled06:19
twbIIRC dhclient you can say test don't actually apply, find that option and run it on the server, that will bypass any network issues06:19
twb-n I think06:20
twbdhclient -n -v eth006:20
zastaphDoes anyone know if the CAP_NET_ADMIN section @ https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM/Networking is still relevant, or the bug has been fixed?13:12
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=== Resistance is now known as MerryResistance
=== sixstringsg|noms is now known as Smasher816
=== Smasher816 is now known as sixstringsg|noms
jmtwhich is the best dell server for installing ubuntu 10.04 LTS17:09
MerryResistancejmt:  depends on whether you're getting a hardware RAID array or not17:10
MerryResistancejmt:  i've got a Dell Poweredge 2500 series server, but Ubuntu/Debian don't include the drivers for the RAID card yet (mines got SCSI drives)17:10
jmtActuall my idea is to build a complete ubuntu 10.04 server infrastructure including ldap+samba,proxy,file server...17:10
MerryResistancewell any server will work if you have the linux drivers for it17:11
MerryResistances hardware17:11
MerryResistance*kicks his keyboard*17:11
jmtdell R710 is enough?17:11
MerryResistanceooh, field goal... :P17:11
MerryResistancegimme a sec i'm hitting lag17:13
MerryResistancei'm not sure, because i'm not sure whether Ubuntu has the drivers for the RAID controller card(s)17:14
jmtubuntusupporting server list showing Dell R71017:14
MerryResistancelink to said list?17:14
jmtone minute..17:15
jmtiw ill give17:15
MerryResistanceif its not on the ubuntu site i'm going to rant about how random lists shouldnt be trusted :P17:15
Nafallothe problem with that would be that it might be tested with every possible configuration ever...17:15
MerryResistanceyeah what Nafallo said17:16
Nafallounless it has a very very precise model number attached.17:16
MerryResistancejmt:  that's in general.  you should be OK, but i cant guarantee it'll work 100% efficiently/effectively17:16
Nafalloobviously, if the raid controller is on-board, that would make my point moot ;-)17:17
Nafallobut we might be talking about more cards than raid-controllers here.17:17
jmtif i go through normal dell pc,i am sure,it will 100% work17:17
jmtNafallo: i need only 4 disk.that means built in raid controller card is enough..17:20
uvirtbotNew bug: #908583 in apache2 (main) "Apache cache serving partial content 206 responses to requests for the full content" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90858317:25
=== sixstringsg|noms is now known as sixstringsg
xperia2hi to all. short question. does a debian package allready exist for the new SPDY Protocol ? I would like it to test it how it works but dont want to destroy my webserver.17:34
=== jmt is now known as Guest21672
iToastHow come partitioning raid 1 on 2 160gb USB -> SATA Hdds is soo slow?18:44
StevenRiToast: what does mdadm show? is it syncing? What sort of usb port? what sort of hard disks?18:49
iToastJust 5400rpm disks18:50
StevenRso... what about the other 3 questions?18:51
iToastI just used the ubuntu partitioner to do it.18:54
iToastSo I'm not exactly sure.18:54
patdk-lappartitioning is quick, should only take a few milliseconds19:05
patdk-lapnow if your talking about resync of raid, that could take awhile19:05
patdk-lapwith max speed of usb2, your talking about 3hours min19:05
qman__iToast, USB is slow, I'd expect said formatting to take around an hour19:11
qman__maybe more19:11
patdk-lap3 hours, on usb2 with two disks of that size19:22
uvirtbotNew bug: #908605 in mod-wsgi (main) "mod_wsgi fails to log python errors" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90860519:46
=== robglas is now known as Guest48061
raubvogelWhich one is the right way to define a subinterface; eth0:1 or eth0.1?21:08
giovaniraubvogel: ':' is for subinterface, '.' is for VLAN21:11
giovaniat least, that's my understanding21:11
raubvogelgiovani: thanks! So I take if I am doing the subinterface thingie I do not need the vlan package, right?21:13
giovaniraubvogel: "vlan package"? I'm confused21:13
giovaniuse a colon21:13
raubvogelgiovani: vlan - user mode programs to enable VLANs on your ethernet devices21:14
giovaniraubvogel: no, of course you don't need that21:15
raubvogelThat is the package I was talking about21:15
raubvogelWhich leads to me being confused about the use of a column21:15
=== sixstringsg is now known as sixstringsg|away
raubvogelIt sure takes a while to reboot (eth0 dhcp, eth0:1 static). I wonder if the bind server is confused21:18
giovaniwhy would you have a static and dynamic address on the same interface?21:19
raubvogelgiovani: honestly? Testing things out to see if it is even feasible21:19
giovaniif -what- is feasible?  why would you want to do that?21:20
raubvogelgiovani: I was wondering if bind would get indeed confused since it is seeing two devices in the same network with the same mac21:22
giovaniwhat does your DNS server have to do with this?21:24
raubvogelOk, so I am not the only one who have noticed this issue: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ifupdown/+bug/87682921:39
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 876829 in ifupdown "Oneiric's ifupdown breaks ip aliases" [Unknown,Fix released]21:39
raubvogelgiovani: BTW, I apologize for confusing you with my questions; it seems I was looking at the wrong problem21:55
=== MerryResistance is now known as Resistance
ZnowHi, im working with ruby on rails on my ubuntu server, what script file could I make to run when I want to run certain commands?22:18
Znowlike a bat file on windows22:18
qman__I think you are looking for shell scripts22:25
qman__even if you aren't, it's something anyone who uses linux should learn22:26
Resistancewhat qman__ said22:36
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=== sixstringsg is now known as sixstringsg|away

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