
AlanBellI should hope.so!00:00
AlanBellopenshot is nice00:00
imexilI normally like to use avidemux but that doesn't like ogv00:00
imexilthanks ... going to give it a try00:00
penguin42can ptiviy (can't remember spelling) do it?00:03
imexilpenguin42: yes looks like it. Have currently opened both and it's hard to say in what way they should be different00:14
penguin42annoying how many TV sellers don't list the physical size00:49
daftykinshappy christmas penguin42 et al o/00:54
penguin42and to you daftykins00:54
daftykinsi bought a receiver from best buy UK before they closed00:54
daftykinsi needed to know the box size and weight, the guy just copied the info from the product page but that was the receiver alone00:55
daftykinsplus it said it was 430 cm wide O_O00:55
penguin42nice; well, I'm considering replacing my CRT tv - the constraints are width, and find someone who will take it away - and I'm OK to pay them for that00:55
daftykinsnot up for just taking it down a recycling place?00:55
penguin42daftykins: It's a 32" CRT and is upstairs; so no!00:55
penguin42it almost killed us getting it on the stand ~7 years ago - and I'm 7 years older now00:56
daftykinsmy parents are still putting up with my old JVC 32" CRT as their main lounge one00:56
penguin42this is a Tosh00:56
gordonjcpstick it on Freecycle00:56
penguin42having measured it I'm reasonably sure I can get a 40" in - *just* and depending on the model01:03
daftykins40 is a good size if you've got 2-3m sitting distance01:08
* penguin42 measures - yeh 2.7m01:09
daftykinsmind you mines an oooooold 1366x768 panel01:10
penguin42my problem is a misplaced sidewall mounted cupboard and a door on the opposite side that dictate the width, now what I'd forgotten was that the cupboard is mounted on the side wall, but not at the end where the TV goes, and by the magic of perspective I can fit in a wider TV01:10
penguin42although that does mean that the width of the TV is dictated by which way I swivel the chair01:14
AlanBellmorning all09:22
=== MH0 is now known as Jingle0
gordonjcpyou know what, I want a bit of software that can accept two points on a map09:27
gordonjcpor better yet a route between two points on a map09:27
MartijnVdSand then?09:27
gordonjcpand calculate the optimum playlist for my mp3 player09:27
MartijnVdSgordonjcp: optimum how?09:27
gordonjcpbased on speed limits, road types, ground features etc09:27
MartijnVdSgordonjcp: wide open spaces vs mountains, etc.?09:27
MartijnVdSgordonjcp: OSM has an API.. :)09:28
MartijnVdSgordonjcp: so do Last.FM and Spotify09:28
* MartijnVdS hands gordonjcp a bucket of glue09:28
gordonjcpeven better if you could have a player that would track position so it would stay in sync depending on true speed09:28
gordonjcpand cue in tracks based on actual position09:28
MartijnVdSbut what if you're speeding? Skip a song? Play it faster?09:29
gordonjcp"oh we're coming up to a tunnel in a mile, bring up something fastish"09:29
MartijnVdSSkip half a song?09:29
gordonjcp"tunnel in 100m, mix to Future Sound of London - We Have Explosive"09:29
gordonjcpfor that Wipeout 2097 vibe09:29
MartijnVdSI have that with DJ Fresh - X Project (Wipeout HD :)09:30
shaunolooks like O2 forgot to feed the hamsters again :(09:38
MartijnVdSYou ran out of oxygen?09:38
shaunoworse.  my internets have no route09:39
MartijnVdSthen.. how are you ircing?09:39
MartijnVdS"No route, too hosed."09:39
shaunodifferent machine :)09:39
shaunotrying to use 3g on my laptop because the company network blocks most the hosts I need for games.  but my 3g provider have apparently taken the day off09:41
shaunoand the vending machine is out of doritos.  this is turning out to be a pretty shabby christmas09:41
MartijnVdSshauno: We have some political parties and organisations that disable their websites on sundays for religious reasons. Maybe it's like that?09:42
shaunowebsites that get more weekends off than I do.  that's a sad thought.09:43
MartijnVdSshauno: hard-core "Dutch reformed"09:43
shaunoreminds me of a camera store in NYC that doesn't accept web orders on jewish high holidays09:44
gordonjcpMartijnVdS: sounds like the Free Presbyterians09:44
MartijnVdSshauno: oh the search bits of the Dutch Chamber of Commerce (where you can look up businesses) also doesn't work outside "office hours".. for some weird reason09:45
gordonjcpMartijnVdS: I went to school with people who were very very religious like that09:46
shaunothis is where things start to go wrong.  the machines have obviously unionized.  we're in trouble now.09:46
MartijnVdS/nick SkyNet09:46
gordonjcpMartijnVdS: whole families of really hardcore religious people, the girls weren't allowed to talk to or even sit beside boys that weren't a blood relative, and had to keep their hair covered and weren't allowed to wear trousers09:47
gordonjcpor go to university or anything, they all finished school at 16 and were married off to other likeminded religious nutters09:47
MartijnVdSgordonjcp: we have a village like that09:48
gordonjcpon sunday they'd sit in the house and read the bible if it was light enough - not always the case at 57 degrees north in winter09:48
shaunomost ahmish groups are more open than that now :/09:48
gordonjcpeat sunday dinner cold09:48
MartijnVdSand an area around it that's almost as strict (but not quite)09:48
MartijnVdSgordonjcp: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bible_Belt_(Netherlands)09:48
gordonjcpthe women would prepare the sunday dinner on the saturday09:48
gordonjcpMartijnVdS: very similar, very similar09:48
gordonjcpMartijnVdS: the thing that annoys me is that people rant on about how awful things are for Muslim women09:49
shaunoa lot of amish get something similar to a 'gap year' now, where they're let lose upon the world, so that when they come back, it's their own free will rather than force09:49
gordonjcpit's just the same for Christian women09:49
gordonjcpshauno: now that makes sense09:49
gordonjcpyou can find weird extremist outliers in any group09:49
MartijnVdSgordonjcp: DOWN WITH NON-FREE SOFTWARE?09:52
shaunosolaris admins sprang to mind, but that works too09:53
popeyHappy 25th December!09:54
MartijnVdSpopey: Same!09:55
danfishhappy non-denominal mid-winter celebration all09:57
shaunohappy overtime weekend \o/09:57
danfishor, in normal land, merry christmas :D09:57
MartijnVdSdanfish: "Happy start of the noticeable lengthening of days"?09:58
danfishmy four year old has been given his first (refurbished) laptop and he is whizzing round unity with ease!09:58
MartijnVdSAh, so that's the target audience09:59
danfishMartijnVdS: funny how xmas coincides with a number of other festivals related to the lengthening of the day ;)10:00
dwatkinsI thought the clocks went forward in March... ;)10:19
MartijnVdS\o/ wake-on-lan + vlc10:21
MartijnVdSnow I can put my Windows box somewhere out of the way ;)10:21
dwatkinsconnect the monitor via CAT5, MartijnVdS?10:22
MartijnVdSdanfish: or not at all10:22
brobostigongood morning everyone.10:53
dwatkinshiya brobostigon10:54
dwatkinsHappy midwinter festival to all10:54
brobostigonhappy christmas dwatkins :)10:54
dwatkinsyay for Lego Star Wars11:34
AlanBelldad is playing with his new iPad11:48
* brobostigon is playing his new scroll android tablet11:49
zleapthe advante of having to boot a PC into windows inorder to print, is that you do not waste as much paper as you would if you can just hit print12:06
* penguin42 jingles13:15
Nafallozleap: haha. nice one.14:34
dwatkinsbrobostigon: heh, I got a Kindle ;)14:47
* dwatkins sniggers at zleap's comment on saving paper14:48
brobostigondwatkins: gppd a;sp, :)14:48
* brobostigon installs tuxracer :)14:48
* dwatkins rot1s brobostigon 14:48
dwatkinsno, you're cspcptujhpo now14:49
dwatkinsI rot1ed you14:50
dwatkinslike rot13, the characters of your name are moved further up the alphabet14:51
dwatkinsbecause you typed gppd instead of good14:51
brobostigonoh, i see.14:51
dwatkinsif you're really paranoid, rot13 your text twice for extra security ;)14:51
* Nafallo rot13s dwatkins's DNA15:09
dwatkinsooh, that tickles15:10
Nafallobah. too bad this mix is distorted in places :-/15:15
dwatkinsquality problems, Nafallo?15:16
Nafalloyeah. not my fault though.15:17
Nafalloold mix, ripped from a CD15:17
NafalloI changed to a mix I captured straight from the mixer board in a club instead :-)15:18
mattthope everyone's having a great day15:19
Nafalloso far so good15:19
Nafallothat's pre-cleaning of course.15:19
Nafallogot relatives visiting tomorrow until 2nd Jan.15:19
matttat least you won't be bored :D15:20
Nafallonah. they are good folk :-)15:20
Nafallooh. maybe you meant the cleaning?15:21
Nafallothat will be boring :-P15:21
NafalloI would much prefer laying on the counch reading a book or watching a movie :-)15:22
matttyou could do what they do in the US -- use paper plates/cutlery/cups for every meal15:24
matttwill save a lot of work15:24
mattticebergs?  pointless anyway15:25
* mattt jokes15:25
Nafallocan do that here to. in fact, I believe the previous occupier used too.15:26
Nafallobut that won't get the dust of the floors :-)15:27
matttNafallo: i use my socks for that15:27
Nafallowell. I don't think I have enough socks for these mountains.15:28
matttget the kids to dance15:28
matttok, gotta jet, GMT-8 here, and kids are waking up15:28
Nafalloroger that15:29
Nafallomattt: over and out! :-)15:29
zleapdwatkins,  thing is most of what I print i don't actually need to print,  it gets printed as that seems easier, e.g  when you buy from amazon you get a summary of what has been bought, its easy to hit print, rather than say save as pdf15:31
dwatkinsI have 'print to PDF' as a possible printer15:34
Nafallos/possible/default/ ;-)15:35
dwatkinswell indeed15:37
SuperEngineerHi folks... just popped in to say "Happy Wotsits and wishing you all great fun" to all at U-UK.15:57
gordvisions of a wotsit based holiday flashing before my eyes16:05
penguin42gord: Turkey worsits?16:06
AlanBellturkey twizzlers!16:10
SuperEngineerturkey cheesy whotsits?16:24
* SuperEngineer is listening to uuk podcast [and still mourns the passing of SuprEngr as nick]16:27
penguin42what happened to it?16:30
* mattt stole it16:32
Nafallomattt: wb16:33
Nafalloso... maybe not strictly Ubuntu etc... but...16:33
Nafalloanyone here have pets and hence a good online pet store for supplies? ;-)16:34
NafalloI'm trying to work out a budget :-)16:34
matttNafallo: i don't, but now that i'm moving into a house i would like to look at getting a little dog, keep me posted on what you find :D16:36
* penguin42 finds it cheaper to talk to other peoples cats16:36
Nafallomattt: but... are you in the UK? you mentioned GMT-8 before?16:37
matttNafallo: yeah, visiting family ... usually in UK :)16:37
Nafallopenguin42: had it been cats ocado would have worked. so.. it's not ;-)16:37
Nafallomattt: ah. kewl :-)16:37
Nafallomattt: well, for dogs and cats ocado should do. or any of them stores :-)16:38
SuperEngineerpenguin42, folowing "a request" on uuh podcast - I changed it ;)16:38
zleapdwatkins, yeah (sorry am doing other stuff) have set the same thing so i print topdf by default or it should do16:39
penguin42SuperEngineer: Erm ok16:41
daftykinshappy Christmas all!16:52
daftykinsis anyone on virgin media?16:52
MonsterKillerhappy christmas also :)16:53
daftykinsMonsterKiller: south sorta region per chance?16:53
daftykinsa friend of mine can't hit a site and i want to try and backup that it could well be DNS issues16:53
daftykinshe's unable to get http://www.tehconnection.eu/ - it gives him an IIS landing page16:53
MonsterKiller"Welcome to tehconnection.eu This domain was recently registered at namecheap.com"16:54
daftykinsweird - yep that's going quirky the same as for him!16:54
daftykinsMonsterKiller: thanks very much :)16:54
MonsterKillerit could take 24+ hours for his DNS to update16:54
daftykinsyeah, interestingly i use openDNS and it's not been affected all night16:54
MonsterKilleralso, the IIS landing page is usually on localhost if you dont disabled IIS on windows 7 after installing it16:55
MonsterKillerunless the webserver has IIS, yuk.16:55
daftykinsyeah it was definitely another host16:56
daftykinshe's on XP in Brighton giving him a weird sorta landing page16:56
daftykinsi get the normal site fine ^_^16:56
daftykinswouldn't be surprised if it was getting blocked ;D16:57
MonsterKilleranyone by chance used one of the new FX processors?16:57
daftykinsi used to love AMD in Athlon XP times, not run any of their kit personally since though.16:59
daftykinsput Athlon64 stuff in for people, though i wouldn't mind seeing what a modern AMD system 'feels' like but they just seem too far behind17:00
RaycisCharlesThe Athlon 64 was the last good CPU AMD released.17:00
daftykinsto be worthy of anyones hard earned17:00
RaycisCharlesBulldozer can barely compete with Nehalem, let alone Westmere, Sandy Bridge and SB-E.17:01
Nafallofar behind? :-)17:01
RaycisCharlesAMD are about two years behind on the CPU front.17:01
RaycisCharlesUh yes.17:01
RaycisCharlesBut in terms of GPUs, they're about 5 months ahead of Nvidia.17:01
daftykinsbut just can't write the software ;D17:02
Nafalloif you say so. that's not my perception though :-)17:02
RaycisCharlesAnd about 2 years ahead of Intel...17:02
RaycisCharlesThe 7970 is a compute monster.17:02
daftykinswe don' all have to agree17:02
RaycisCharlesNafallo: it's been this way for a long time.17:02
RaycisCharlesdaftykins, you're right.17:02
RaycisCharlesIt's better that some people buy AMD CPUs.17:02
RaycisCharlesThis keeps them in business - Intel need competition.17:02
daftykinsi'd love for AMD to come back with a winner - get competition going again17:02
RaycisCharlesSo let the chumps waste their money on AMD CPUs...anybody with a brain will buy an i3/i5/i7.17:03
RaycisCharlesdaftykins, isn't going to happen for at least three years.17:03
RaycisCharlesNot unless Intel screw up majorly. AMD's target is a 10-15% performance increase per year for three years.17:03
Nafalloah. your perception is based on desktops. that'd explain it.17:03
Nafallomine is towards servers.17:03
RaycisCharlesNafallo, do you know how many Opterons there are outside 8P servers?17:04
daftykinsoh yeah they're really good for performance to power in the server segment aren't they?17:04
RaycisCharlesAlmost none. You know why? Because Opterons suck as much as their desktop brothers.17:04
RaycisCharlesdaftykins, no, good grief no.17:04
daftykinsoh my bad17:04
RaycisCharlesIntel have a much better performance per watt ratio.17:04
NafalloI know of a lot of AMD-based systems outside of 8P servers, yes :-)17:05
RaycisCharlesIntel pretty much have every segment sewn up apart from large socket count boards and supercomputers.17:06
RaycisCharles2P Xeons are cheap as hell, outperform Opterons by 20-50% all within a smaller TDP.17:06
gordonjcpRaycisCharles: well, except nearly every microprocessor you come across that's not in a desktop or laptop17:07
gordonjcpRaycisCharles: Intel are basically dead17:07
RaycisCharlesIt'd be nice if AMD could compete, but Bulldozer has been a catastrophic failure, sadly.17:07
RaycisCharlesgordonjcp: hah I've seen some AMD laptops.17:07
RaycisCharlesIntel's biggest competition in the mobile space is from ARM; AMD don't exist there.17:08
gordonjcpthat whole market segment is dead17:08
gordonjcpyou might as well build a laptop using a DEC J11 processor17:08
RaycisCharlesPrices aren't unreasonable, though.17:08
gordonjcpor discrete TTL17:08
SuperEngineer[& if AlanBell  is listening]... ok' I'll comprimise [ it's Christmas]... the beard doesn't make you like a criminal - it makes you look like a cuddly crimimal17:09
* penguin42 hits gordonjcp Hey I had an ICL Perq whose processor was a bit sliced processor about triple eurocard sized17:09
gordonjcppenguin42: yup17:09
gordonjcppenguin42: I have a board full of AMD2901 bitslice processors17:09
RaycisCharlesI just wish AMD would release a decent CPU ffs.17:10
RaycisCharlesIntel delayed SB-E for a year, because there was no competition.17:11
penguin42gordonjcp: Yep that's what it used17:11
gordonjcppenguin42: I also used to have this: http://www.gjcp.net/~gordonjcp/from_togusa/scaled/dscf0030a.jpg17:11
daftykinsSB-E is quite niche though17:11
RaycisCharlesSB-E only matters if you want six cores.17:12
penguin42gordonjcp: Nice! Well, you won't be cold this winter17:12
RaycisCharlesThe i7-2600 matches it clock-for-clock core-for-core.17:12
RaycisCharlesNot surprising since it's the same architecture and core.17:12
RaycisCharlesThey just added a ton of cool stuff to the die, like extra cache, PCIe 3.0, QPI etc.17:13
gordonjcppenguin42: sadly I donated it to a museum because I ran of space at home17:13
RaycisCharlesOh, and increased the TDP from 95W to 130W.17:13
gordonjcppenguin42: I fancy building another one17:13
gordonjcppenguin42: it drew less than my current desktop PC17:13
daftykinsyeah the power element was shocking XD17:13
gordonjcppenguin42: with just the CPU box running (BA23 chassis, two 40MB hard disks, J11 CPU at 16MHz) it took about 80W17:14
penguin42gordonjcp: Wow that's not bad - (especially given the mass of the drives!) - so I assume you have it booting v7?17:15
gordonjcppenguin42: no, it was running RT-11 with a timesharing system on top17:16
gordonjcpI did once boot V7 on it17:16
gordonjcptook about an hour to transfer to RL02 across a serial link ;-)17:16
gordonjcpTSX+, that was it17:16
gordonjcpquite liked TSX+17:16
gordonjcpand this is why my dynamic dns for the house is pdp11.gjcp.net17:17
penguin42oh, someone mentioned that to me the other day - they only just got rid of it out of their environment17:17
gordonjcpwhat, tsx+?17:17
gordonjcpyou can still buy it17:17
gordonjcpS&H do a PC port of it17:17
penguin42gordonjcp: Yeh but the important question is .... why?!17:17
gordonjcplegacy apps17:18
gordonjcpthere are many things out there where you cannot redesign the hardware or software17:18
gordonjcpnot without obscenely expensive recertification17:18
gordonjcpso you can buy a QBus or Unibus crate that hooks up to a PCI card17:19
gordonjcprun basically a highly-customised version of simh17:19
gordonjcpslap your PDP11 cards into the crate and run your software on "modern" hardware17:19
penguin42the problem is those things get past risk assesment because they aren't running on ancient hosts, but ignore the risk that the cards are 40 years old and only about 5 people understand the software17:22
daftykinswhat kid of things are running on this hardware you guys speak of?17:23
matttcan't wait to get my hands on a raspberry pi17:30
daftykinsi don't really get what's so special about those17:30
matttdaftykins: the price?  :P17:30
daftykinsi suppose a ~£16 PC that runs off 500mA is quite good17:31
matttthey have done a great job of hyping this thing up tho17:31
penguin42too much hype17:32
penguin42I signed up to the list of someone doing a cheap Cortex-A8 board - that should run Ubuntu userland17:32
penguin42http://www.rhombus-tech.net/allwinner_a10/orders/ - but I get the feel it's at early stages17:33
mattti'm not really a gear head, i just want something to run at home for email, etc.17:34
daftykinsserver wise?17:34
matttthe raspberry pi sounded like a great candidate17:34
matttdaftykins: yep17:34
daftykinsi'd have thought personal hosting is just a headache :D17:34
matttnot really, i've done it for a # of years, and get very little spam17:35
* penguin42 has done it for years and gets kmsgs of spam17:35
daftykinskilo? thousands? :)17:36
matttmaybe i got duped into that debian privacy video i watched17:37
mattt(eben moglen)17:37
penguin42daftykins: Yep17:37
penguin42hang on I'll get some stats17:38
daftykinsi'm happy with my gmail account read from all my devices :D17:38
penguin42daftykins: OK, it's dropped off a bit - but on Thursday I got 826 mails to my inbox, and 500 (exactly!) that managed to get trapped by my spam software before it got that far17:41
daftykins326 were legit? :)17:41
penguin42no, about 826 were ( a few slipped through) - I'm subscribed to a few lists :-)17:42
penguin42it's interesting less than last year - then I had 637 to mbox, and just over 1000 spam17:43
daftykinsah :)17:43
daftykinswhat server are you running there?17:43
penguin42just an exim on a bytemark vm; with crm114 and spamassassin17:43
penguin42daftykins: It's not too bad these days - it was harder when the VMs were smaller; it was difficult stopping exim overloading17:44
daftykinsi've always been under the impression mail hosting would be hard work for me as, what i call a newb17:45
daftykinsi run a little wordpress site on apache from home but i would imagine i haven't got it totally secured as best it could be17:46
penguin42daftykins: It's not much work until it goes painfully wrong with annoying timing!17:49
daftykinstoo true that17:50
daftykinsas tech invariably does17:50
penguin42daftykins: If we could isolate the AI inbuilt in systems that identifies the worst time to fail and reuse it then we could do anything!17:51
daftykinswe'd be rich!17:52
* SuperEngineer has just set reminder on Freeview for Dr. Who - don't you go forgetting it yourselves!18:05
shaunowhen's that on?18:07
Azelphurlmao xD18:11
SuperEngineershauno, BBC1 7pm [uk time]18:11
StevenRSuperEngineer: that's what mythtv is for :)18:14
dwatkinsDoctor Who looks like it'll be a great episode, I look forward to it :)18:14
SuperEngineerStevenR, it's also what get-iplayer is for - but I intend watching it at output time! - and dwatkins - well done 2u!18:24
dwatkinswhat did i do?18:35
* mattt wants to cook salt beef18:44
SuperEngineerDr. Who in 3 mins18:58
SuperEngineerDr. Who in 2w mins18:58
SuperEngineerDr. Who in 1 minute!18:59
SuperEngineerdaruum duruum - duruum durumm.... it's Dr. Who!18:59
* zleap missed the start - was watching carry on cleo19:11
* penguin42 burps - pudding cometh, pudding disappeareth19:31
MartijnVdSpenguin42: http://nethack.wikia.com/wiki/Pudding_farming19:46
GreenDanceMerry Christmas Everyone!20:17
GreenDanceAll The Best.20:17
popeyevening all20:18
GreenDanceevening popey20:18
Nafalloevening popey pope20:18
* popey can haz whiskey20:18
* Nafallo takes popey's whiskey20:18
Nafallono. popey can not haz whiskey20:19
Nafallopopey can gife the Nafallo a hug and then haz whiskey20:19
* popey huggles Nafallo20:20
* Nafallo gives popey the hug and then the whiskey :-)20:20
* GreenDance shares his 24 cans with popey and Nafallo, enjoy.20:21
popeystupid keyboard20:21
* Nafallo looks at them cans suspicously20:21
GreenDancelarger ;)20:21
Nafallolarger than what precisely? :-)20:22
Nafalloah. see... I prefer that from the tap ;-)20:22
GreenDancei need glasses on, lol20:22
Nafallohad it been jolt cola I would have been all for it :-)20:22
Nafallopopey: http://p.nafallo.me/chikita.jpg :-)20:23
GreenDancewant some Guinness popey?20:24
popeyno ta20:24
* popey has whiskey20:24
Nafallomixing guiness and whisky sounds foul...20:24
popeyhello zleap20:45
zleapmerry christmas20:45
daubersMerry christmas!20:52
mgdmMerry Christmas :)20:53
popeyhehe, refugees from strictly?20:54
popeystupid kb20:54
* brobostigon is watching blackadder :)20:54
* mgdm is un-RAW-ifying photos20:56
daftykinssaving space?20:57
mgdmNo, just making them useful for printing etc21:01
daftykinsmost cam's can be set to shoot in both RAW and other if it's a bit of a chore to convert eh?21:01
Nafallomgdm: are you trying to tell us it's not useful sending 102MB of a RAW image to a printer?21:02
Nafallowho would have thought...21:02
daftykinsNafallo: i am shocked21:04
bigcalm_lappyMerry Xmas peeps :)21:20
jutnuxMerry Christmas guys!21:23
zleapmerry christmas21:24
RaycisCharlesbigcalm_lappy, what did you get us?21:27
jutnux£20 amazon gift voucher each \o/21:29
bigcalm_lappyA winning smile and a reboot21:30
bigcalm_lappy(shortly, once update manager has finished)21:30
daftykinshttp://www.wowza.com/ - a friends trying to run this but it keeps crashing across 5 different Linux distros and 3 different Java runtime versions 0o21:59
daftykinsworks fine on other servers but not on one with the intel C206 chipset21:59
daftykinsdon't suppose anyones encountered that? ^_^22:00
daftykinspenguin42: when we isolate that AI, can we also work on why weighing scales needles are never pointing toward 0 when you set them up?22:10
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
penguin42daftykins: Oh that's mechanical stuff23:20
penguin42daftykins: That wowza thing, does it do anything with the actual graphics hardware?23:21
daftykinsi wondered that, i may check23:22
daftykinsas i wondered if the integrated graphics would confuse it23:22
penguin42I mean integrated graphics is hardly unusual23:23
daftykinsapparently it's in CPU mode only because of quicksync having no Linux support23:24
* penguin42 doesn't know what that is23:25
penguin42daftykins: So how sure are you that it's chipset specific - that's a very odd thing for it to be specific about23:25
daftykinsquicksync is intel's on-die integrated graphics H264 encoding23:25
daftykinswell it's my friends guess23:25
daftykinsas it's the only main difference i think between other servers and the one he's working on23:26
penguin42being very new chips I bet they have newer CPUs and more RAM in as well23:26
daftykinsand that likely to be an issue, or?23:27
penguin42it's less likely than a chipset issue23:27
daftykinshe says it's the first E3 xeon23:27
daftykinsrest of the servers that work fine are 5500 series xeons23:27
penguin42daftykins: Is he running both systems in 64bit ?23:29
daftykinsyeah, 64 only program so i hear23:30
penguin42how much RAM is in the old and new system?23:30
daftykinsjust asking23:31
daftykins"its the h264 encoder (mainconcept based) thread which is dieing. if we passthrough the video, it doesnt crash, we've ldd'd the .so files associated, they all link fine, other servers are more or less same spec wise, just older intel chips, tried a 3.2 kernel, same thing happens23:33
penguin42tis possible that the h264 encoder is trying to use one of the new funky instructions in said funky new chips and is broken23:35
penguin42it's the type of thing you might heavily hand optimise23:36
daftykinshe says they only get a core dump so it's hard to tell23:37
penguin42well, welcome to closed source software!23:38
penguin42daftykins: It's one for his vendor to sort out; if I had to hack around it I'd try running it in a VM and getting the VM to lie about which CPU is running23:38
daftykinsand masking functions, yeah i came up with the same thought when you said the above23:39
daftykinspenguin42: thanks for your input :)23:39
penguin42no problem23:39
daftykins"we also turned off vt-x, all the c-states (1E/3/6), HT, turbowe also turned off vt-x, all the c-states (1E/3/6), HT, turbo, vt-d"23:41
daftykins"guess it may be AVX" whatever that one is23:41
penguin42nah, turn all that lot back on - the AVX and latest SSE ones are the most likely23:42
jutnuxHow has your day been people?23:42
daftykinsnot too shabby thanks jutnux - sat in front of TV and film, good food23:43
daftykinsjutnux: and you?23:43
jutnuxdaftykins: Pretty good. Mother bought me something I wasn't expecting: a new desk.23:44
daftykinsthose were some good hiding skills! unless you don't live there23:44
jutnuxNah she left it round my Nan's23:45
jutnuxand I saw it and thought nothing of it hahhaa23:45
daftykinspenguin42: apparently it's working under Windows ( a VM) under virtualbox23:47
daftykinshe's wondering how you can mask those features in vbox23:47
penguin42daftykins: He may well find it works under Linux in the virtualbox as well23:47
daftykinsor anything i suppose23:47
penguin42I don't know virtualbox, I know you can do it in kvm23:48
daftykinsavx isn't exposed to windows apparently23:52
daftykinsguest is seeing sse1,2,3,3S, EM64T, MMX23:52
daftykinsheh didn't know there was a 3S23:53
penguin42I think it might be what's commonly knows as SSE423:53
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