
rick_h__+1 merry christmas all, I think I hear santa out the window00:58
rick_h__ok, I'm much more beat than I should be for 8pm01:03
brouschrick_h__: how much wrapping do you have?01:05
rick_h__brousch: did it through the week01:06
rick_h__all I had to do was put out and snack on a few cookies01:06
rick_h__my first year eating cookies and leaving bits01:06
jjessemy 3 year old already doesn't believe in santa01:07
jjesseCaleb told me Santa wasn't real01:07
brouschoh crap, forgot cookies01:07
rick_h__well Caleb is getting *#$@$#@ this year, and a black eye...trust me :)01:07
jjessehahaha he already had half of his christmas01:08
brouschlooks like santa is getting truffles01:08
jjesseas we had to do our christmas this morning before we left for in-laws01:08
rick_h__ugh, my inlaws are going to have to wait. The morning of is always family time01:09
rick_h__we visit eve and afternoon of day01:09
jjessewe've always split holidays01:09
rick_h__but morning is no compromise01:09
jjessemy brother is like that01:09
rick_h__yea, we do as well, my family is christmas eve and the in laws get chirstmas day01:09
rick_h__but still, we're not getting anywhere until 1pm01:10
jjessebut i don't want to drive 2 hours to in-laws on christmas day01:10
brouschwe do home xmas, then up to ravenna for second breakfast xmas, then to fremont for lunch xmas, then back to GR for another xmas01:11
jjessewe split each year01:11
brouschbut do-able01:11
jjessedid brunch this morning w/ my folks and my one brother and gave presents01:11
jjessethen drove to the east side01:11
jjessei do understand the joy of being in own house for christmas01:13
jjessebut its not big enough of a deal to force the issue01:13
snap-lGod, that's done03:21
snap-lFamily on CHristmas Eve03:22
snap-lwith my cousins.03:22
brouschthere. santa has left the building04:08
brouschnow i'm off to bed04:08
mydogsname1srudyand its Christmas   Merry Christmas everyone13:24
snap-lMerry Coffe13:34
snap-lHaven't had my first cup yet so Christmas can't start yet.13:34
brouschgifts have been opened. thomasfest is in effect13:43
snap-lAwesome. :)13:52
snap-lOK, coffee unlocked. Merry Christmas, all!14:05
jrwreni heard rumors of raspberry pi.14:58
_stink_Merry Christmas, everyone15:27
snap-lHowdy from the front room16:02
snap-lgot the laptop on my lap, and pretty much the entire front froom in the den. ;)16:03
rick_h_droidare we having fun yet?16:13
snap-lAlso, noetwork printing = A+16:15
snap-lNever ever buying another printer without an Ethernet jack16:15
snap-lin fact, everything in my life had better be Wifi enabled or have an Ethernet jack16:16
rick_h_droidyea that's the truth16:24
rick_h_droidsnapl you guys at home this afternoon?16:25
snap-lThis afternoon? WE're over at my parents place.16:43
snap-l(yes, my parents are coming here, then we're going there. IT's messed up)16:43
WolfgerMerry xmas everybody!17:02
Wolfgersnap-l: That's.... uh... a nice way to... waste gas?17:04
snap-lWolfger: I am their son; I don't claim to understand them.17:17

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