
* allu2 using 3.0.0-14-generic 11.1000:00
hiexpolet me see aBound00:00
aBoundEarlier, my mouse/keyboard weren't responding it was insane.00:00
allu2aBound: perhaps HW problem?00:00
allu2aBound: something broken somewhere00:00
mongyaBound, I never had nvidia for linux but I know there are a couple of different drivers for it at least.  What does hardware drivers say?00:01
allu2aBound: hardware00:01
mongypeople mock ATI, but I know it works00:01
aBoundI'm using a binary nvidia driver so Unity 3D could work.00:01
hiexpoyes ati works  for sure00:01
_chaos_dude so my unity is cool but a far cry from what i desire00:01
aBoundallu2, So it's stable for you?00:01
mongy_chaos_,  explain.00:02
aBoundHA! _chaos_ I like Linux but it just seems to me that it isn't as stable on my side of the picture.00:02
allu2for me nvidia binary works well with "one thing at a time" and manages barely multiple :P, unity and games is no!, unity without games works flawlessly :P00:02
_chaos_the background and window decoration and colors n stuff00:02
allu2aBound: yeah its stable, unity works but games while using unity are more sluggish00:02
aBoundHA! I got enough RAM about 16GBs worth.00:02
_chaos_give me your RAM00:03
allu2aBound: tough this might be that i run out of CPU on unity + games00:03
aBoundI suppose once the newer Ubuntu arrives hopefully it'll be more stable on my side. :P00:03
ubottuitunes is not available on Linux, but there are many audio player alternatives (see !players). For Daap clients (sharing music with other iTunes clients on the network), install banshee00:03
delihow to get login screen back, i cant login00:03
_chaos_and the secret to the location of the real css files for unity00:03
aBoundallu2, Too bad I haven't even touched the surface with 16GBs.00:03
aBoundAbout 1GB I have used.00:03
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs00:04
_chaos_i just want black on black haha u feel me00:04
allu2aBound: i got 2,5GB :)00:04
aBoundallu2, Ya don't need more than 6GB to 8GB on the current Ubuntu.00:04
delihow to get login screen back, i cant login after accidentally removing lightdm and ubuntu-deskop00:04
aBoundUnless, you're using Blender or some high-end apps.00:05
_chaos_why does it have to end00:05
aBounddeli, This isn't really a fix but if you're stuck at the black screen hit ctrl-alt-f1 and log into the terminal and type: startx00:05
aBoundI had the same issue _chaos_00:06
zvacet_chaos: ram consuming00:06
allu2aBound: i've done well with 2,5GB :P00:06
_chaos_lol ram00:06
aBoundI think lightdm has a bug in it or somewhat. I had to fix it by installing gdm.00:06
_chaos_my gf consumes ram... my ram00:06
aBoundallu2, No doubt linux works far more effectively with RAM.00:06
deliaBound, gonna try what does it do00:06
bazhang_chaos_, thats enough00:06
aBounddeli, What does what do?00:07
bazhang!guidelines > _chaos_00:07
ubottu_chaos_, please see my private message00:07
deliaBound what does start x do00:07
_chaos_ubottu: do you have a meaasge?00:07
ubottu_chaos_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:07
_chaos_ubottu: what?00:07
ubottu_chaos_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:07
aBoundstartx loads up your graphical interface.00:07
aBoundSuch as Unity.00:07
paulsomebodyGood news, everyone!00:08
paulsomebodyI was able to login.00:08
aBounddeli, Did your graphical boot splash bootup and send you several messages on the screen with a black background?00:08
allu2aBound: well till last summer i had never needed over 40GB hard drive space, or over 1GB RAM :P00:08
totempaulsomebody, what password and username? :D00:08
aBoundallu2, But if you want it to run smoothly. :P00:09
deliaBound, im not stuck at a black screen but at the startup image, with the name Ubuntu and the Ubuntu logo00:09
paulsomebodytomem: Mine.00:09
_chaos_ubottu: "huh; OR 1=1##00:09
ubottu_chaos_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:09
_chaos_im outtsy00:09
aBoundAhh, I can't say if ctrl-alt-f1 would work unless you're struck at the black screen but you can try it.00:09
deliaBound, after ctrl + alt + f1 i get the several messages yes00:09
allu2aBound: well i kinda get my hands on old computers only, so i'm used to how they run00:10
aBoundctrl-alt-f1 gives you a terminal.00:10
aBoundallu2, Sounds interesting experiments?00:10
allu2aBound: tough you can use firefox perfectly on 300MHz celeron with 512MB ram :)00:10
allu2aBound: tough it was on debian and fluxbox00:10
aBoundallu2, Debian is more stable than Ubuntu.00:11
allu2aBound: i've crashed every single debian installation i've ever installed(not including my server)00:11
paulsomebodyAs edbian correctly suggested, the problem was related to the ~/.Xauthority, but more drastic measures were required.00:11
deliaBound, i dont get a terminal, if i do ctrl + alt +f1 i get the black screen with the messages and if i do it again i get the startup image00:11
paulsomebodyTech-1: Thanks for the help too.00:11
allu2aBound: usually via drivers, breaking dependencies etc00:12
e2b04836deli: have you tried simply rebooting?00:12
aBounddeli, Once you've entered the terminal are you able to login from there?00:12
delie2b04836 yes00:12
aBoundHA! Broken dependencies suck.00:12
deliaBound, i dont get a terminal00:12
allu2aBound: this ubuntu on my desktop computer has been for 3 days, the one before that lasted 2 weeks, which is the longest period i've been using same system/distro for the last 8 months :P00:12
aBounddeli, Hmm seeing as I'm not as experienced as these guys are my suggestion is to grab a livecd or live flash drive for Ubuntu.00:14
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deliaBound, and do what00:14
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badiledaortohi at all and merry cristmas00:15
badiledaortoi have some question on how identify a videocard00:15
aBounddeli, You should be able to repair Ubuntu from the LiveCD.00:16
badiledaortoi have one video card integrated on motherboard(intel) and a nvidia recently installed00:16
aBounddeli, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCD00:16
badiledaortoi want initialize the nvidia card after intel(used for monitor) and use this card for cuda test00:16
badiledaortohow can i configure init?00:16
badiledaortoor what i have to do on system00:17
aBoundallu2, Not too bad.00:17
deliaBound, i have that , but what now, how do i fix it00:17
aBounddeli, Once you load up the LiveCD it should prompt you with two options such as: Try ubuntu or install ubuntu.00:21
deliaBound, ok and i should do try?00:21
aBounddeli, Given these two choices choose install ubuntu afterwards a list of four options will appear on the next dialog box.00:22
deliaBound, i only have a xubuntu live USB by the way00:22
aBoundI can't remember the name of the four but I remember I had to reinstall Ubuntu earlier today.00:23
aBoundI can't say if it'll make a difference between the various distributions.00:23
aBoundDisturbance, morning.00:23
aBoundallu2, I might actually do another reinstall haha.00:25
deliaBound, now i have to choose a language, just continue?00:25
paulsomebodyI need help with another issue. An ownership of the file in the /dev/input/by-id/ folder gets changed to root every time I restart.00:25
allu2aBound: :) good luck :)00:25
paulsomebodyBut I have a script related to evrouter and my keyboard that needs to be run on that file.00:26
aBounddeli, Continue.00:26
aBoundallu2, By the way I got an 80GB SSD on this box.00:26
aBoundUbuntu flys.00:26
allu2aBound: :D your lucky :)00:27
paulsomebodyHow can this issue be circumvented? Can I put the script somewhere where it will be executed with root privileges without asking me for password every time?00:27
deliaBound, now i get 3 options, install xubuntu alongside ubuntu, erase ubntu or something else00:27
aBoundI wish given all the issues I previously had.00:27
aBounddeli, Ahh, not giving you any repair options?00:28
Vashta_Neradahi everyone, :D  is anyone good with setting up an email server in ubuntu or does anyone know anyone who is?00:28
deliaBound, not that i can see00:28
aBounddeli, I'd suggest you can try this while using the LiveCD: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair00:29
brightsparkVashta_Nerada: it's pretty simple- I have a local (ie I don't have a registered domain or anything, you just use my ip) server running in about ten minutes.00:29
e2b04836Vashta_Nerada: try this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixBasicSetupHowto00:29
Vashta_Neradawell brightspark you're amazing as far as i'm concerned, i botched mine up pretty good... any advice?00:30
brightsparkVashta_Nerada: can you give more details- how is it botched?00:30
Vashta_Neradathanks e200:30
Vashta_Neradai'd love to know myself bright00:31
Vashta_Neradai just get kinda confused00:31
aBoundBy the way who told me I should downgrade to 10.10 for Ubuntu?00:31
brightsparkVashta_Nerada: what symptoms are there- you can't run mail at all anymore?  messages aren't accepted?00:31
Vashta_Neradai never got it going in the first place00:31
aBoundI might actually try downgrading.00:32
e2b04836aBound: it wasn't me but i'd also recommend it00:32
Vashta_Neradamaybe i just don't understand something00:32
aBounde2b04836, You using 10.04?00:32
brightsparkaBound: I can second the recommendation from whoever it was00:32
e2b04836aBound: yes00:32
aBoundbrightspark, you using it too?00:32
aBounde2b04836, what kernel you running on?00:33
brightsparkVashta_Nerada: when you type 'mail' in the terminal, can you read messages?00:33
Vashta_Neradai have to brb maybe i can be more specific in a bit00:33
brightsparkaBound: yep.  Currently using Maverick.00:33
aBoundIf you guys are running stable systems.00:33
brightsparkaBound: very stable.00:33
aBoundIt figures it might be the best option for me.00:33
Vashta_NeradaI'll try that in a min, I'm being called away00:33
aBoundHA! Sounds like I might have too.00:33
brightsparkaBound: when support finally goes away for it in April, I'm not sure what I'll do.  I cannot stand Unity or Gnome3, so maybe I'll try xubuntu.00:34
paulsomebodyCan anyone explain why ownership of the files in the /dev/input/by-id directory is set to root every time I reboot?00:34
paulsomebodyIs this normal?00:34
cyphasehow can i make an alias for the command line "sleep $[VARIABLE_TIME]; do-fixed-command"?00:35
aBound10.04 isn't using unity?00:35
aBoundGnome 2 instead?00:35
paulsomebodyaBound: No, versions from 11.04 started to use it.00:35
paulsomebodyaBound: Yes, Gnome 2.00:35
ResistanceaBound:  11.04 and onwards offered unity by default, before that was gnome 2 (although 11.04 also uses gnome 2)00:35
paulsomebodyaBound: You still can use Gnome 2 in the 11.10, though.00:35
brightsparkcyphase: in your .bashrc file, at the bottom you can add alias lines.00:35
cyphasebrightspark, i know. i meant what would the syntax be00:36
hacked_kernelhow to update my  laptop BIOS, its '.exe' file and i don't have Windows??00:36
aBoundpaulsomebody, That'll be tough I just started getting used to Unity haven't used Gnome 2 in years.00:36
aBoundBut stability is more important to me right now.00:37
brightsparkcyphase: alias mycommand='a list of commands'00:37
paulsomebodyaBound: Unity is relatively stable by my approximations.00:37
allu2aBound: perhaps you can try if there is any difference in 32 bit and 64 bit versions, if you use separated /home partition cleaning config files might also help00:37
aBoundI agree but I'm having nothing but issues using 11.10.00:37
paulsomebodyaBound: But some people might think otherwise, especially while picking a system for some important job.00:38
aBoundUsing 64-Bit here.00:38
allu2aBound: also you might try other distro like debian, see if it has same problems and so track if its hard ware related00:38
brightsparkaBound: honestly Ubuntu is not really toward the stable end of the continuum of distros available.  It's forked from the least stable of Debian's three branches00:38
paulsomebodyaBound: It is irrelevant, as far as I know. Stick with latest LTS or try stable Debian.00:38
aBoundpaulsomebody, System76 manufactures fully compatible Ubuntu hardware but figures 11.10 is just unstable for my system or it just has bugs still.00:39
paulsomebodybrightspark: Yes, you are right. That is not really news. Although people who are used to rolling release distributions claim that under Ubuntu 'everything is so old in the repositories'. :)00:39
cyphasebrightspark, yes :). do you know how to do the variable time?00:40
aBoundbrightspark, Makes sense to me seeing as Ubuntu seems a bit more bleeding edge.00:40
paulsomebodyaBound: There was a big migration, no wonder there are still bugs.00:40
paulsomebodyaBound: Though, you do have a point.00:40
aBoundBut Ubuntu software center does rock. lol00:40
aBoundI know there are a few bugs still in existance for lightdm.00:41
brightsparkpaulsomebody: I never claimed it was a new fact.  When he said stability is most important to him, I merely pointed out that he's probably not using the right tool for the job.00:41
paulsomebodybrightspark: Yes, I not arguing with you.00:42
aBoundWhich tool is that? lol00:42
brightsparkcyphase: is it a variable like $SHELL or does it need to be user defined in context?  it might be easier to write your commands as a script and then alias mycommand='sh /path/to/myscript'.00:43
paulsomebodybrightspark: So Debian is probably the most stable thing around, in the world of .deb-based distributions? I do not have much experience with it myself.00:43
aBoundpaulsomebody, I heard slackware was too but finding dependencies isn't a fun thing to do.00:43
brightsparkpaulsomebody: There are probably forks devoted to achieving near-perfect stability but in terms of common use, pretty much.00:44
aBoundI consider Ubuntu 11.10 still to be in beta.00:44
aBoundFedora as far as I know always has issues.00:44
paulsomebodyaBound: I used Slackware as my first GNU/Linux distribution for a little bit after someone's cruel joke that it is a good distribution for beginners. :)00:44
allu2aBound: Fedora, lasted on me for 3 hours00:44
cyphasebrightspark, it's defined in context. a typical call might be: sleep $[60*60*3]; do-fixed-command00:44
allu2aBound: Opensuse 2h :P00:45
aBoundallu2, Dang three hours and what happened?00:45
aBoundallu2, Ahh opensuse is huge in terms of a distribution.00:45
aBoundpaulsomebody, I used it once never got to understanding it.00:45
allu2aBound: not sure, probably something with nvidia drivers since after that booting yelled kernel panic on me00:45
brightsparkaBound: slackware is not deb-based though00:45
aBoundallu2, Oh fook.00:45
aBoundThat sucks.00:46
paulsomebodybrightspark: aBound: Yes, I know, it uses its own system, .pckg of.pkg I believe.00:46
aBoundbrightspark, I know uses its own little pkg manager.00:46
allu2zenwalk lasted 1 week, worked fine etc but lacked the ready to install packages00:46
aBoundbrightspark, I still prefer .deb over .rpm and whatever else exist like pacman.00:46
AyortanoHi all00:46
Vashta_NeradaI'm back; would you like to see the output from your question brightspark?00:46
aBoundHave you guys gave Linux Mint a go?00:47
allu2Crunchbang lasted untill i upgrade it to debian, which i gave up since debian cimmunity rejected the beautiful creation as frankenstein monster00:47
brightsparkcyphase: so the command would be called from the command line like 'mycommand 20' and the command you want to execute performs some math on the 20 and then executes the rest of it?  I really would use a script here rather than trying to inline it all in the alias.00:47
allu2aBound: yeah, tough then i realized its ubuntu with new colors00:47
aBoundI would use Debian probably but the pkgs tend to be old.00:47
allu2aBound: try debian testing00:47
aBoundProbably wouldn't use my entire hardware either.00:47
brightsparkaBound: I've never used an rpm distro (except at work & school but nowhere I could actually use the package manager)00:48
Vashta_NeradaI don't know the customs here, I hope i'm not stepping out of bounds and entering too much text00:49
brightsparkVashta_Nerada: if it's multiple lines you should use pastebin00:50
brightsparkbut other than that you should be ok :)00:50
Vashta_Neradawill do00:50
dhrosaHeya, this is not ubuntu-specific, but I'm using xmodmap to map my right-alt to the super key. This works on my laptop's keyboard, but my plugged-in USB keyboard still has right alt mapped to alt, how do I fix this?00:50
allu2aBound: i did try arch at one point too, then there was somekind of kernel upgrade, the old kernel was removed and new one didn't work :P00:50
aBoundallu2, I might try Ubuntu 10.04 in vbox and there after see how it works and probably install it as my host os.00:50
cyphasebrightspark, yea, i suppose i will just use a script. thanks00:50
aBoundallu2, ahhh :P00:50
brightsparkcyphase: good luck friend00:50
paulsomebodyGentlemen, where do I put a script in order for it to be executed with root privileges?00:51
aBoundbrightspark, I gave Fedora  a try and loved it until it caused issues.00:51
cyphasebrightspark, well it already works :P00:51
allu2paulsomebody: i've searched long for that, init scripts, some /etc/rc something.. dunno what works00:51
aBoundbrightspark, I could never go back to Windows. :P00:51
allu2aBound: you earn my deepest respect00:52
paulsomebodyallu2: That is interesting. Can you be more specific?00:52
cyphaseaBound, do not speak of such black things here00:52
aBoundcyphase, Love the sentence.00:52
erik1397i get a black screen on resume after suspend. intel hd 3000 graphics, have tried all generic kernels available with same result00:52
aBoundI mean I can do everything in Linux that I could of done in those black things. :P00:53
aBoundallu2, Thankies :P00:53
aBoundJust without the frustration. ha00:53
allu2paulsomebody: would be hard since i never managed to do it, /etc/rc.local might be something interesting00:53
paulsomebodyallu2: Okay, thanks.00:53
allu2paulsomebody: and some scripts seem to be in /etc/rc(runlevelnumhere).d/00:54
aBoundBy the way what kind of book would you guys recommend for learning Ubuntu or would a wiki be more suitable?00:54
allu2paulsomebody: tough messing with thease scripts will affect your system stability :P00:54
brightsparkVashta_Nerada: I didn't realize you hadn't got mailutils installed.  Can you specify what you want the final result on your system to do?00:54
paulsomebodySo, can anyone help both me and allu2 understand how to execute a script with root privileges on login?00:55
dhrosaerr... I ran xmodmap again and now both keyboard's right-alt is mapped to super00:55
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Vashta_NeradaI want it just to be a simple email server for a small business00:55
paulsomebodyallu2: That is why I do not want to experiment.00:55
shilohaBound: the forums are great source, however im sure unbuntu will be changing again soon, this release is a dissaster00:55
Vashta_Neradawhy i have installed mailutils is not really known to me00:56
aBoundIf Ubuntu 10.04 works with barely any stability issues I'll love you guys forever.00:56
allu2paulsomebody: well you can always first take copy of the whole /etc, place it somewhere save, then start experiencing, when something goes wrong, live cd and replace the /etc/ with the backup00:56
Vashta_Neradai was following instructions from a web page00:56
aBoundshiloh, Ubuntu 11.10 release?00:56
shilohaBound: yeah00:56
shilohthe new one00:56
SteadyReiserfs mount "barrier=flush" best performance?00:56
paulsomebodyallu2: I can, but a lot of things still may go wrong.00:57
shilohaBound: any release with unity00:57
brightsparkVashta_Nerada: Do you have your own domain name (ie I could email you at youraddress@yourdomain.net)?  Or is it only intended that your coworker can email you at yourusername?00:57
aBoundHA! I like Unity but I know lightdm has it's issues and some other things. I haven't tried gnome-shell out yet.00:57
aBoundI suppose people dislike Unity due to the lack of customization?00:57
aBoundshiloh, Remember Unity is new I'd still consider it in beta stages.00:58
shilohaBound, cant stand it, cant do or customize anyhting, i cant believe they even released it its that bad00:58
Vashta_NeradaI've secured a domain name for the business if that answers your question00:58
aBoundGnome 2 was developed for a long time.00:58
aBoundshiloh, Gnome-shell can't do much with it either eh?00:58
Vashta_NeradaI want to be able to email customers and have customers email me00:58
shilohaBound: that not an acceptable excuse for releasing what they did, lol00:58
aBoundshiloh, agreed.00:58
allu2paulsomebody: hmm your right, what you want to run with root peiviledges?00:59
paulsomebodyallu2: A script to enable scrolling with the slider of my Microsoft ergonomic keyboard.00:59
paulsomebodyallu2: It is really a command, not a script.00:59
shilohaBound: yeah i installed mint last night, im not going to use this anymore, not until its a usable distro00:59
aBoundshiloh, As these other guys said they always have 10.04 which I am about to give a go.00:59
chargersfan420can anyone help me compile Ooblik's kinect_mouse?  I'm getting a make error:  undefined reference to `freenect_find_video_mode'00:59
shilohin current state, its far from even usable01:00
aBoundshiloh, Linux mint stable?01:00
allu2paulsomebody: i wonder if i remember wrong, that you could use sudoers file to allow running it as root without password01:00
shilohmint 12 is awesome01:00
aBoundNone of the BS from 11.10 Buntu?01:00
paulsomebodyallu2: I am not sure this would be a good idea in terms of security and sanity. :)01:00
allu2paulsomebody: which would allow you to simply add it in autostart of your system,,01:00
aBoundHmm, might have to give that a run in vbox too.01:00
shilohnope, none, its awesome01:00
aBoundI just dislike the gui in mint.01:00
allu2paulsomebody: :P01:01
brightsparkVashta_Nerada: I said at the beginning that my email server is local-only.  I have no experience with setting up a mail server to act as a public server that accepts communication from the internet.  You need to find someone with more relevant experience, sorry.01:01
shilohaBound: ive been an ubuntu fan since 6.04, after this,,,, never again, lol01:01
aBoundshiloh, Figures with all the RAM I'd have Ubuntu is still unstable. haha01:01
allu2paulsomebody: is there option for crontab to run on every boot?01:01
Vashta_Neradanot a problem brightspark thanks for your help01:01
aBoundshiloh, 16GBs of it.01:01
shilohi have 801:02
brightsparkVashta_Nerada: good luck.01:02
allu2paulsomebody: you could set it in roots cron and have it ran on every boot01:02
aBoundI think 8GB or 12GB would be best.01:02
aBoundI overdid it.01:02
shilohkilled it in distro watch too01:02
shilohoh well, they must not care01:02
aBoundI might just have to run FreeBSD. :P01:02
paulsomebodyallu2: I don't think I understand. How is this different from 'sudoers'?01:02
shilohi love Gnome myself01:03
Vashta_Neradai think i need to do some reading then start over actually01:03
Sidewinder1aBound, With only a Gig of RAM and a Mickey Mouse, Pent4, single processor, 10.04 is as stable as all get out. :-)01:03
allu2paulsomebody: well its like sheduled program for root to run on start up01:03
shilohthe new mint 12 has MATE, you can login with gnome shell or MATE, MATE = gnome 2 look, feel and customization01:03
allu2paulsomebody: how is it different from running it on start up as root anyway?01:03
aBoundSidewinder1, that's incredible.01:03
allu2paulsomebody: "Usage: "@reboot /path/to/execuable1" will execute /path/to/executable1 when the system starts. See "man 5 crontab" for more info. "01:03
paulsomebodyallu2: Would it not still require root password at boot?01:04
aBoundI have all this power but no stable machine.01:04
allu2paulsomebody: not if you add it in "root" crontab, or so i think01:04
shilohyeah this is new, just built it01:04
aBoundSo it seems I'll be switching once it finishes downloading gotta put it on my flash drive.01:04
Sidewinder1aBound, With over 4 TB., of storage; I'm happy as a clam!01:04
paulsomebodyallu2: Thanks for the idea, but it sounds too complicated. I think I will use a different approach.01:05
allu2Sidewinder1: with 1TB combined storage of all my computers i'm happy :P01:05
aBoundSidewinder1, My specs: Nvidia GeForce GTX 560M Graphics with 1.5GB GDDR5 Video Memory, 2nd Generation Intel Core i7-2670QM Processor ( 6MB L3 Cache, 2.20GHz ), 16 GB Dual Channel DDR3 SDRAM at 1333MHz - 4 X 4GB, 80 GB Intel 320 Series SATA II 3 Gb/s Solid State Disk Drive, Intel Centrino Ultimate-N 6300 - 802.11A/B/G/N Wireless LAN Module01:06
Sidewinder1aBound, You've just gotta' find which version works best for you. No one said it would be a "piece of cake", but, given enough research, I'm certain you'll find "the key!"01:06
allu2paulsomebody: well simply sudo -s, crontab -e, (choose your favourite editor) and then use something like in the sample i wrote earlier01:06
aBoundSidewinder1, No doubt it's a windwhirl. :P01:07
aBoundSidewinder1, I just need one stable enough to use so I don't have to worry about the ins and outs.01:07
paulsomebodyallu2: I understand inti scripts better than crontab, so I think I will try them instead. :P01:07
aBoundSidewinder1, But as a bunch of you implied saying 10.04 was far more stable.01:07
aBoundMight as well stick with that.01:08
allu2paulsomebody: oki :)01:09
paulsomebodyallu2: Thanks for the info, though. :)01:10
allu2someone help me set new default editor for crontab, accidently selected ed :S01:10
aBoundSidewinder1, It's like most of the time I have to worry about the issues and I wanna start learning coding here and there. Blah!01:10
paulsomebodyallu2: I think I have found out how it is done in Fedora. http://forums.fedoraforum.org/showthread.php?t=14801701:10
Sidewinder1aBound, I learned, a long time ago, "bleeding edge", ain't worth my time; cutting edge, while kewl, still, ain't.. Especially when I can save mucho $, and buy tech. that is 9 mos., old and everything works, 'out-of -the- box'.. :D01:11
paulsomebodyallu2: Remains the issue if this works as well under ubuntu.01:11
Sidewinder1Nuff said! :-)01:11
aBoundSidewinder1, I feel you on that but when those goodies are there it gets on the new users like me. Even though my box is four days old.01:11
paulsomebodySidewinder1: There were quite a few instances of bleeding edge becoming literally bleeding for me. :)01:12
aBoundpaulsomebody, lol01:12
aBoundI'm definitely liking software center.01:12
* allu2 agains bleeding edge, always ended up to the death of my system :P01:12
aBoundEases the installation of newer apps.01:13
aBoundCompared to synaptic.01:13
paulsomebodyaBound: It is still lacking user attention, I think. Too little reviews, ratings, screenshots, etc.01:13
brightsparkaBound: ... I like aptitude myself01:13
sunfunguys, is it normal that when i shutdown my laptop with ubuntu 10.10 it seems that the poweroff comes before the hard disk umount?01:13
Sidewinder1aBound, I prefer Synaptic..01:14
aBoundpaulsomebody, I agree at least we still got sudo apt-get install <name of app> :P01:14
pnormanpaulsomebody: I have a scar from my computer...01:14
aBoundSidewinder1, brightspark: Looks like we all prefer our own little way of grabbing pkgs.01:14
paulsomebodypnorman: Hm?01:15
paulsomebodyallu2: I have found out.01:15
paulsomebodyallu2: You need to add commands to the /etc/rc.local script.01:15
pnormanIn that case, it wasn't bleeding edge. It was swearing in pain edge01:15
allu2paulsomebody: "will be run on every level" worried me01:16
brightsparkI just get annoyed when Synaptic complains about ppas and so forth.  Aptitude does so much without complaint.01:16
paulsomebodyallu2: It is fine by me, this thing is relatively harmless.01:16
aBoundbrightspark, Last time I used Ubuntu was somewhere since 7.02 I think that's the version it was called.01:16
aBoundSidewinder1, Ever since I used the terminal I fell in love with Linux.01:16
paulsomebodyallu2: Anyway, why it worried you?01:17
paulsomebodyallu2: Ouch.01:17
allu2paulsomebody: just when i had someting to run it wasn't really ment to be ran multiple times :P01:17
paulsomebodyallu2: I think I understood your point, albeit with some delay.01:17
paulsomebodyallu2: Okay, I think then I will add it to the run level 1. It is a single user mode, yes?01:18
allu2paulsomebody: no idea, i don't want to cause you mess up everything :S01:19
paulsomebodyallu2: Don't worry, I can't mess everything up even on my own.01:19
allu2paulsomebody: trust me, its easier then you think!01:20
paulsomebodyallu2: It CANNOT be easier than I think it is.01:20
paulsomebodyallu2: Most of the time, I do not even have to do anything.01:21
paulsomebodySentient human life, please hear my plea and respond: is run level 1 really the best place to put a command that is meant to be run when the user logins?01:22
allu2paulsomebody: i'd still suggest you the crontab :P01:22
aBoundAlright guys I gotta take off and run errands.01:24
aBoundI may be back in here later.01:24
aBoundHave a good merry christmas guys and thanks for the suggestions. :)01:24
paulsomebodyallu2: I will inevitably agree with you after it is too late.01:25
datrHey guys, just ran into a strange issue. Changed my default file browser to Dolphin and now it doesn't show as a running app in the unity task bar. Particularly annoying as every time I minimise a window it just disappears into the aether.01:25
allu2paulsomebody: somehow you remind me of myself :P01:25
datrTo clarify, it did show as a running app before it was made the default file manager. Any ideas?01:27
paulsomebodydatr: Unity sometimes does that.01:27
paulsomebodydatr: Did you reboot after the installation? It fixed that for me.01:29
datrpaulsomebody, now that I think about it I don't think I have rebooted since the install. I'll give that a try. Cheers.01:29
paulsomebodydatr: It is still a bug, though.01:30
datrpaulsomebody, Yeah, I'll open a bug report for it after christmas. Although to be honest the whole file association/mime type thing seems kinda flakey in gnome3 and unity.01:31
paulsomebodydatr: I am sure it was reported already, it happened to many people with different applications.01:31
datrpaulsomebody, ahh good to know I'm not alone then. I'll see if I can track it down and add anything that might be useful in that case.01:32
datrpaulsomebody, cheers again and have a good night.01:32
paulsomebodydatr: But add you voice to that in Launchpad, so it may be fixed sooner.01:32
paulsomebodydatr: Likewise.01:32
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paulsomebodyallu2: Hey.01:36
paulsomebodyallu2: I have found a detailed howto, so the chances that I am going to regret messing with init scripts have decreased somewhat.01:36
paulsomebodyallu2: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-runlevel-configuration-tool-to-start-service/01:36
marhey everyone. Is there any good and simple guide how to setup VPN server using ubuntu?01:39
paulsomebodyallu2: And there is also this. It is claimed this is a recommended way, so probability that I am going to regret it sorely seems even less. http://embraceubuntu.com/2005/09/07/adding-a-startup-script-to-be-run-at-bootup/01:41
paulsomebodymar: I am sure there is, but I do not know how. :)01:41
marthere is a good one for ppptpd, but as far as I know it's considered insecure01:42
paulsomebodymar: You may want to check that, though. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenVPN I am under the impression that it is the recommended way to do it.01:42
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paulsomebodyallu2: Oops,  runlevels we need are actually 3, 4 and 5.01:44
DL33R10UShello everyone01:47
paulsomebody!ask | Black01:48
ubottuBlack: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience01:48
Joba2Just wondering if anyone can help.  I have a device that uses serial over bluetooth.  It shows up as /dev/rfcomm0 and I can connect to it just fine if I use sudo, but get a "Device or Resource Busy" error if I try to connect to it with a normal user.  The dialout group has the same permissions on the device as root, and I am in the dialout group.  Any ideas?01:52
B|tchXJoba2 see is ls -l /dev/rfcomm0 is softlinked to the original device - that would be the device would be the pid you want to kill.  Also, sounds like those devices can only be accessed by root.01:56
Doodiehi, i have ubuntu installed on a partition but grub doesnot show it in the list. how do I update the grub?01:58
Joba2No, it's not a softlink, it appears to be the actual device.  Is there no way to give a non-root user access to the device?01:59
schnuffle1Doodie: can you boot into your partition?02:05
schnuffle1schnuffle: If not you need to boot from a USBstick, chroot into your partition and reconfigure grub02:06
yydocttHi guys, a newbie here struggling with permissions to do with admin and plex on an ext 4 mounted harddrive - can anyone help me? I issued certain commands that have lead me to this situation02:06
paulsomebodyyydoctt: What commands?02:06
schnuffle1Doodie:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub202:06
coleix1Guys how do i remove languages from the spell check menu?02:07
paulsomebodycoleix1: Spell check menu of what application?02:07
coleix1paulsomebody: Well so far on pidgin and firefox show the same bunch of languages02:07
paulsomebodycoleix1: Okay.02:08
yydocttpaulsomebody: sudo chown root:users /media/linux -R, gksudo gedit /etc/group (and changed: users:x:100:server,plex)02:08
paulsomebodyyydoctt: So, what went wrong?02:08
yydoctttrying to add the admin (server) and plex to the user group users. So they both have read write: sudo chmod 755 -R /Movies/02:09
coleix1on firefox i tried deleting the languages package but they still show on spellchecking02:09
yydocttbut sabnzbd cant write02:09
daulityhi all02:09
daulityi've got a problem02:10
daulityi've got two computers02:10
daulityone of em has wireless02:10
daulityand it share's it's connection with the other02:10
yydocttpaulsomebody: is that all correct, should it be working? the first command was on /Movies/ not /media/linuix02:10
daulitythat doesn't have wireless02:10
schnuffle1yydoctt: it's better to use the usermod -G  command to add users to a group02:10
daulitybut i can't reach the computer from outside02:10
daulitythe one without wireless02:10
daulityany way to overcome this?\02:10
coleix1I also tried localepurge but the langauges still show02:11
schnuffle1daulity: ipforward activated, how is the routing configured?02:11
daulityit's shared to computers02:11
yydocttokay schnuffle1 thanks, will look up how to do that and report back02:11
paulsomebodycoleix1: I think it is about packages myspell-*, or aspell-*.02:11
tioxUbuntu 11.10. I have a bluetooth-capable device, with bluetooth-capability listed on my laptop's specifications. Gnome does not see bluetooth, and bluez-utils did nothing. What now is my course of action?02:11
paulsomebodycoleix1: See how much of these you have installed and remove unnecessary if you are annoyed by them.02:12
daulitythe one without wireless has automatic dhcp02:12
coleix1paulsomebody: where do i check exactly? on terminal?02:12
daulityand with wireless has share to other computers02:12
pksadiq!enter | daulity02:12
ubottudaulity: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!02:12
schnuffle1daulity: some peaces are missing. you have PC1-----Ethernet-----PC2---------Wireless/NAT-----Internet? And you want to reach PC1 from the internet?02:13
paulsomebodycoleix1: Better at Software Center. Make sure you click at 'Show technical items'.02:13
schnuffle1daulity: There's no way you can rach PC1 one as it shouldn't have a occicial IP, only a private one. You can forward different ports to PC1 if you want02:14
daulityso how do i forward a port to pc1?02:14
daulityit's got a server running02:15
coleix1paulsomebody: yeah they show with myspell on system, last time i checked spellchecker spelling and none worked02:16
daulitythat if i could not reach that pc, would be enoying since the modem is all the way upstairs, and don't have a cable long enough :)02:17
schnuffle1daulity: kust searhcing for a good description how to do it02:18
schnuffle1daulity: http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/7302:19
schnuffle1daulity: http://askubuntu.com/questions/57734/linux-iptables-nat-port-forwarding02:20
multipasswhat is the last version of ubuntu without unity?02:20
daulitythanks, the ip address in the command is internal from the computer infront of the pc ?02:20
schnuffle1daulity: you mean the --to part? It's ther IP of PC102:21
smwmultipass, 11.0402:21
smwmultipass, that is before the switch to gnome 302:21
multipassgnome3 wut02:22
smwmultipass, unity is default, but easily avoidable02:22
multipassbut 11.04 is still gnome2?02:22
smwmultipass, yes02:22
smwmultipass, so unity is installed by default but you can use "classic gnome"02:22
multipasswell ive heard thats not full gnome202:23
schnuffle1daulity: before you change your setup make a backup of it02:23
multipassso i was wondering which version is definitly gnome2, by default02:23
smwmultipass, you heard lies02:23
smwmultipass, 11.04 works fine when in classic gnome mode02:23
multipassi dont want any trace of unity :D02:23
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic02:23
schnuffle1multipass:  linux mint 12 comes without unity and is ubuntu based02:24
daulityalright :)02:24
daulitythanks !02:24
daulityfor the tip :)02:24
smwmultipass, that is just stupid. I hate unity also... but you have no reason to avoid 11.0402:24
schnuffle1multipass: or switch to Lubuntu or Xubuntu02:24
smwmultipass, I have now installed 11.10 and use xfce now :-(02:24
coleix1paulsomebody: I deleted most of them but the spell checker didn't change, do i need to reboot?02:24
no-name-I wish ubuntu would give you more choice as to what software you want to install with the OS02:24
smwmultipass, (xubuntu)02:24
multipasswhy dont u just use xubuntu, smw02:24
no-name-especially in regards to wm02:24
smwmultipass, I pretty much do02:25
smwmultipass, I have ubuntu, kubuntu, xubuntu, and lubuntu installed on one system :-)02:25
multipassi was totally ready to give unity another go around today, then i rememberd why i didnt before02:25
smwmultipass, I was testing them all out and stuck with xfce/xubuntu02:25
multipassits a obstruction02:25
AreioQuestion:  I'd like to set up encryption for my entire Ubuntu partition... not just the home directory.  I would like to use the most secure method possible.  Does anyone have any advice as to how to do this?02:26
coleix1I'm gonna reboot just in case to check if it works02:26
metaspikeeither that or have a look at Mate Desktop Enviroment, personally i think Gnome3 should have been released as an entirely different DE, because really. it is. so it goes so it goes.02:26
smwAreio, reinstall with alternative cd and select encrypted lvm02:27
schnuffle1Areio: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedFilesystemHowto02:27
smwAreio, reinstall with alternative cd and select encrypted lvm02:27
Areioschnuffle1 -- I'll give that a read, thanks.  :-)02:29
Areioschnuffle1 -- I'll give that a read, thanks.  :-)02:29
paulsomebodyCan anyone help with the syntax of the .bashrc file?02:29
Areiosmw -- I'm aware of this option... I was thinking more along the lines of an option that does not require a full reinstall... if there is such an option.02:29
schnuffle1paulsomebody:  what's the problem?02:29
daulityalright this might work!02:29
daulitythere seems to be a connection to the external server of which I have forwarded the ports to :)02:30
smwAreio, see schnuffle1's link :-)02:30
paulsomebodyschnuffle1: I have put there a command, but it does not seem to work. Do I understand correctly that things put in there are performed with the root privileges?02:30
smwpaulsomebody, no they are not02:30
smwpaulsomebody, .bashrc is a list of commands to run when a shell starts02:30
smwpaulsomebody, they run as your user02:30
paulsomebodysmw: Aww.02:31
paulsomebodysmw: That explains a lot. :)02:31
schnuffle1paulsomebody:  .bashrc is executed with the rights of the user the file belongs to. so if you mean /root/bashrc then yes if you mean /home/<user>/.bashrc then of course no02:31
paulsomebodyschnuffle1: If I put things into the /root/.bashrc will they be executed when I login as user?02:32
Orwell_How can I hook up a box with ICS enabled to a router properly?02:32
Orwell_I have it working via ethernet, pc-2-pc02:32
schnuffle1paulsomebody:  no only if you login as root02:32
paulsomebodyschnuffle1: And I won't do that.02:32
schnuffle1paulsomebody: so you could do following.02:33
paulsomebodyschnuffle1: Okay, so with what does it leave me? Are things put into the /etc/rc.local executed with root priveleges?02:33
schnuffle1USe sudo to give the user you login as the rights to execute the command you want to execute as root02:33
schnuffle1paulsomebody: as, but the file is executed at boot time02:34
paulsomebodyschnuffle1: I would like this command to be executed at login, as root. So I think that would be fine. Thank you.02:34
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Areioschnuffle1 and smw -- Thanks!  For some reason when I was searching earlier, I didn't come across that link.  That answers a lot of my questions.02:35
schnuffle1Orwell_:  so aour setup PC1----------ethernet--------PC2/ICS-------------router----Internet02:35
paulsomebodyschnuffle1: Syntax of the rc.local is as simple as putting necessary command between the comments and the 'exit 0' things, right?02:36
daulityschnuffle1 uh do i need a crossover cable for this to work?02:36
schnuffle1paulsomebody: yes, keep in mind that the environemt isn't necessaryly the same as that of a normal user02:37
go8765hello.can I clean my swao without using swapoff?02:37
[R]go8765: clean?02:37
paulsomebodyschnuffle1: Enviroment? I am not sure I understand you.02:37
schnuffle1daulity: no switch between PC1 and PC2? If so a cross connect would be necessary. Most modern PCs should have auto detect02:38
Rocking-Wcan someone give me a link to find a 64 bit driver for a kodak esp3 aio printer?02:38
[R]Rocking-W: linuxprinting.org02:39
Rocking-Wthank you02:39
daulityok i've got a crossover cable in there anyway asked to be sure :)02:39
go8765[R] yes/ now I have full using swap witout many running programs :( and I want to clean my swap? becouse now hibernate dont work (I think its dont work becouse I have no free space in swap)02:39
paulsomebodyOrwell_: Hmm?02:39
schnuffle1paulsomebody:  each user has an env where your HOME,PATH....... is defined. Imagine you write iptables -F in your rc.local and /usr/sbin is not in the PATH variable?02:39
[R]go8765: thats probaly not why... but just swapoff and swapon...02:40
schnuffle1Orwell_: haven't you seen my answer?02:40
go8765[R], and what about without swapoff?02:40
go8765is tis real?02:41
paulsomebodyschnuffle1: Okay, I got the picture. I think will simply use the full path.02:41
[R]go8765: no clue... you could just do the swapoff and continue with life...02:41
schnuffle1paulsomebody: that answer sows you got it :)02:41
schnuffle1shows damned what happened to my grammar :)02:41
paulsomebodyschnuffle1: My command is 'evrouter -r /dev/input/by-id/usb-Microsoft_Natural®_Ergonomic_Keyboard_4000-if01-event-kbd'. I think it will be okay, will it?02:41
go8765[R], I have now so many RAM to use swapoff now :(02:41
[R]go8765: what?02:42
schnuffle1paulsomebody: of your you need to give the full path to evrouter02:42
paulsomebodyschnuffle1: Ahh, yes.02:42
Veovis_MuaddibOkay, I've been asking in #archlinux for a long time, no one seems to be able to answer.  Does anyone here know where I could find assistance with the UEFI shell?02:43
go8765[R], swapoff: /dev/sda5: swapoff failed:02:43
[R]wow, tahts pretty cool02:43
alvin_hi guys02:43
paulsomebodyVeovis_Muaddib: At the support channel where UEFI users hang out?02:43
alvin_i am new to ubuntus02:43
go8765[R], I have no so many free memory - to upload my swap in it :(02:43
Orwell_Super lagg02:43
[R]go8765: reboot02:43
alvin_got a couple of question to ask02:43
paulsomebody!ask | alvin_02:43
ubottualvin_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience02:44
alvin_hi guys i am new to ubuntu got a couple of questions to ask02:44
alvin_ok sry about that02:44
go8765[R], I try to find way to make swap clearning without reboot and swapoff :)02:44
raheelcan we change our unity desktop to old style of desktop, I am using ubuntu 11.10.02:44
Veovis_Muaddibpaulsomebody: Yeah, I'm wondering where that might be.  I tried #EFI and #UEFI, no dice, don't see any channels or any kind of support resources on Google...02:44
[R]go8765: what do you think "clearing" the swap is going to do taht swapoff isn't?02:44
paulsomebodyVeovis_Muaddib: I don't know — I do not use that thing myself.02:45
paulsomebodyVeovis_Muaddib: Maybe they are not on the freenode.02:45
OerHeksVeovis_Muaddib, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFIBooting02:45
go8765[R], sorry?02:45
paulsomebodyVeovis_Muaddib: Check at their development site/bugtracker about ways to get support.02:45
schnuffle1Veovis_Muaddib: maybe that helps: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UEFI-howto02:45
Veovis_Muaddibpaulsomebody: Yeah, just filling you in on the situation.  Thanks for trying though, I'm just a bit shorttempered because of how difficult it is finding any kind of resources.02:46
[R]go8765: you want to "clear" the swap... what do you think "clearing" it is going to do taht is different from running swapoff?02:46
Veovis_MuaddibOerHeks: schnuffle1: Thanks, checking in now02:46
go8765[R], sorry again :) english is not my native and now i cant fully undertand what you mean again :(02:47
[R]go8765: just reboot02:47
alvin_ok,questions is say I migrate desktop to another distro can I get the exact same softwares and settings?02:47
utahstevecan someone tell me how to start conky on system startup?02:48
go8765[R], its bed :( thanks for help! :)02:48
[R]alvin_: what do you mean "get"02:48
utahstevei used this website: http://www.techdrivein.com/2011/02/6-awesome-conky-configs-that-just-works.html02:48
utahsteveand installed conky orange. it works when i type conky -c ~/.conky/conkyrc_orange into terminal, but it wont startup automatically02:48
alvin_my goals is move my current os ubuntu to a new pc02:48
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schnuffle1alvin_:  move just your files or the complete setup?02:50
alvin_move the complete setup02:50
Veovis_Muaddibschnuffle1: THANK YOU!  One of the images showed actual syntax of the shell!  Do you have any idea how long I've been looking for that???  I figured out how to mount fs0, but I couldn't figure out how to then navigate that mounted filesystem.  I never would have thought to treat it like a DOS shell02:50
paulsomebodyschnuffle1: alvin_: I plan to do that as well, at some point.02:51
schnuffle1Veovis_Muaddib:  That means you need to train your google foo a bit more :)02:51
schnuffle1alvin_:  http://eggsonbread.com/2010/01/28/move-ubuntu-to-another-computer-in-3-simple-steps/02:51
syn-ackVeovis_Muaddib, Actually it's the other way around. CP/M took queues from UNIX. ;)02:51
paulsomebodyschnuffle1: Ok, my Google foo goes the same way.02:51
Veovis_Muaddibschnuffle1: I kept typing "cd fs0" and such, never thought to type "fs0:" like it's a DOS/Windows disk02:51
almoxarifealvin_: let me suggest you bakup your home and etc folders, then install from fresh, anything else is just spinning02:51
trismutahsteve: add it to gnome-session-properties, it will start when you log in02:52
gorizza i'm looking for a way to determine which icon a file is using, anybody??02:52
Veovis_Muaddibsyn-ack: Yeah, but they treat their drives weird02:52
alvin_tp://goo.gl/K1m6f  [UPDATED  - 10/21/11]* || Web related discussions onl02:52
syn-ackI've been on nix for so long, DOS seems weird to me02:52
almoxarifegorizza: look at the .desktop file associated with it02:52
alvin_paste wrongly02:52
Veovis_Muaddibsyn-ack: Well, I'm the kind of person that can get around linux with nothing but bash, but freaks out if I have to do a symlink or really anything other than view network interface info from the Windows shell :P02:53
alvin_do you know of anyway to disable bluetooth and wifi from startup02:54
Veovis_Muaddibschnuffle1: Yeah, out of curiosity, what was your query?02:54
Veovis_Muaddibalvin_: If your BIOS allows for disabling, that's an option02:54
utahstevecan someone tell me how to start conky on system startup?02:54
trismutahsteve: add it to gnome-session-properties, it will start when you log in02:54
schnuffle1Veovis_Muaddib:  "uefi shell ubuntu"02:55
alvin_how do I send message to a specific user in ubuntu?02:55
almoxarifealvin_: use the 'startup program' managers, or remove packages from your install, removing may break it02:55
almoxarifeutahsteve: add it to 'startup programs'02:55
schnuffle1alvin_:  through iwhich mechanism? on the console you can se talk02:55
Veovis_Muaddibschnuffle1: Ah.  That's my problem, I was trying things like "UEFI shell" or maybe adding Arch to the end.02:56
Veovis_Muaddibschnuffle1: Never thought to search with the names of distros that do a better job of autodetecting and autoconfiguring, because I figured the information wouldn't be needed.  :P02:57
schnuffle1Veovis_Muaddib: the ubuntu wik and forums holds a lot of information and a lot of people are asking questions, so it's a goog starting point02:57
RalieghOkay, I just installed lxde on my Ubuntu. How do I access it via terminal again? Do I have to use VNC and all that junk?02:57
Veovis_Muaddibschnuffle1: Yeah, even as primarily an Arch user I find a TON of good info there.  Just thought that the lower level stuff like this would be handled and the information wouldn't be there02:58
alvin_ok here is the situation,say I my comp was lock because I am downloading and installing some packages,how how do I resume execution of apt-get when the lock is notified release?02:58
mysteriousdarrenlxde awesome!02:58
Veovis_Muaddibschnuffle1: Guess I shouldn't assume :P02:58
Orwell_crossover cable != cat5/6?02:58
rypervencheOrwell_: Correct02:58
gorizzaalmoxarife: .desktop for a folder?02:59
almoxarifegorizza: .desktop for the app, .desktop files are located in /usr/share/applications03:00
Ralieghmysteriousdarren, you were the guy I was looking for, haha. Yeah it's installed and my memory is fine. I'm thinking it might have been VNC that threw my RAM percentage in the 100. How do I access it remotely?03:00
gorizzaalmoxarife: i'm looking for the icon for a folder03:00
gorizzaalmoxarife: the location of the icon for a specific type of folder03:00
mysteriousdarrenRaliegh: are you connected through VNC to the box right now?03:01
Veovis_MuaddibRaliegh: How did you install it and what for03:01
Veovis_MuaddibRaliegh: GDM should allow you to choose it as a session if I recall correctly03:01
Ralieghapt-get install lxde, and for a GUI for my server. No mysteriousdarren, I haven't even setup VLC back up (did a fresh install)03:01
almoxarifegorizza: got you, it was something done thru nautilus, who knows now03:01
mysteriousdarrenRaliegh: so the server is next to you?03:02
Veovis_MuaddibRaliegh: Ah, for a server?  Got it.  Do you want it accessable over the network or on a monitor attached to the server?03:02
alvin_with relation to question i wrote in 10:58,allow me to rephrase again,the idea is to resume installation after the lock is release03:02
Orwell_My setup woruld be wifi router->pc1->another router->rest of the network03:02
mysteriousdarrenRaliegh: make sure you figure out what is making the CPU go to 100% too03:02
gorizzaalmoxarife: do you remember how it was found in nautlus?03:03
Ralieghmysteriousdarren I know. I suspected Gnome last time but I'm not sure. After simply doing installation of lxde it's still stable, but it may have been VLC that caused that last time.03:03
paulsomebodyschnuffle1: I have no idea where the bin for the command I am trying to run is installed. Can you hint at where to look for?03:03
RalieghHow do I even properly use lxde and VNC?03:03
almoxarifegorizza: right click on the folder? is there an icon option?03:03
mysteriousdarrenRaliegh: what are you looking to do? remotely manage?03:04
RalieghYes, basically.03:04
Veovis_MuaddibRaliegh: Yeah, best way I know of is to have it available over VNC.  I've used this a few times several years ago to get it working: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC03:04
mysteriousdarrenRaliegh: Use that link it was the one I was gonna give03:05
Veovis_MuaddibRaliegh: Make sure you follow the part of the guide that uses SSH.  It makes it FAR more secure.03:05
mysteriousdarrenRaliegh: what he said! haha maybe I should just sit back and watch :)03:06
RalieghIt doesn't actually give the vnc installation command. I'm just going to assume it's apt-get install vnc03:07
RalieghAnd hope the repositories know what I mean.03:07
Veovis_MuaddibTightvnc, I don't know the package name for Ubuntu03:07
Veovis_MuaddibRaliegh: The only hiccup I forsee is that lxde might not autostart if you don't configure it to.  If that happens come back here, I'm not familiar enough with starting things with Ubuntu, it's not my distro :P03:07
paulsomebodyCan anyone help me locate the bin file for the command?03:08
RalieghYeah I've got TightVNC on my local PC, but installed something different last time I think. :o Oh well, I'll brute my way through this, break many things in the process, and then redo it all on a clean installation once I know how. xD03:08
paulsomebodyIt is the evrouter which I compiled from the sources.03:08
DrPenguinchristmas even and theres 1300 people here.. I love it03:10
Veovis_MuaddibRaliegh: Yeah, that's how I do it.  I mainly suggest TightVNC because it uses a different framebuffer than the video output will give, which is desired behavior in my opinion for a server.  I think you can change any of them to do that/not do that, but Tight does it by default03:11
gorizzaalmoxarife: wish it were that easy03:12
almoxarifegorizza: look at plasma-workspace, it is that easy, sorry to say but i am done trying to make gnome or unity work, actually, not sorry at all, ubuntu created the monster, they can deal with it03:14
RalieghOkay, apt-get install tightvncserver was the one I needed. Now... I just need to know if I need to configure anything before I can connect, lol.03:14
=== elky` is now known as elky
Veovis_MuaddibDrPenguin: Remember the idlers, and people like me who don't know their own birthday, let alone holidays.03:16
DrPenguinVeovis_Muaddib: Meh, you act as if the number of idlers are different today then they are any other day :P03:16
yydocttdoes anyone run sabnzbd? I'm really struggling with ownership over files. I can't extract to my hard drive anymore (ext4). ownership: root user: server ? Have tried many configurations of owner: server user:server,root,users,etc ?03:16
bloodwulf hi if i just want a very friendly linux experience what would you recommend03:17
DrPenguinbloodwulf: ubuntu 10.0403:17
dpiercebloodwulf: or linux mint03:17
DrPenguinyeah or linux mint f'sho03:17
almoxarifebloodwulf: anything before 11.0403:17
coleixGuys how do I delete language variations from ubuntu?03:17
coleixor atleast from spellchecking03:18
dpiercebloodwulf: whatever you decide to choose just avoid unity like the plague03:18
kroq-gar78dpierce: why? sorry I didn't see the rest of the conversation03:19
alexxanderwhat code do i put into terminal to view the sound mixer?03:19
RobertBainhey guys, any ideas why sendmail is complaining about my /etc/mailname (decimal) even though it looks valid?03:19
DrPenguinalexxander: alsamixer03:19
kroq-gar78alexxander: gui or ncurses interface?03:19
kroq-gar78alexxander: ncurses/terminal interface is alsamixer03:20
DrPenguinBE A MAN! use ncurses03:20
Veovis_MuaddibI'm glad Unity exists, it inspired me to run Windows 7 with taskbar on the left side, freeing up precious vertical space.  And my mother runs on 11.04 with no issues other than insufficient hardware.03:20
alexxandercheers lads, alsamixer is what i was after03:20
DrPenguinalexxander: make sure you invoke alsactl store after your done03:20
RalieghYay tightVNC works and my memory isn't being eaten up.03:20
coleixI managed to delete a couple of english from firefox's spellchecker but they are still on pidgin and thunderbird and libreoffice plus the whole spanish variations03:20
mysteriousdarrenRaliegh: great!03:21
alexxanderahhh nothing is muted and my volume is gone againnnn03:21
dpiercekroq-gar78: its caused me nothing but problems after my recent upgrade. so much so that im now running openbox03:21
alexxanderalsactl store?03:21
kroq-gar78dpierce: oh, sucks man. when you say openbox you mean xfce or what?03:21
DrPenguinalexxander: that tells the system to store the settings from alsamixer03:21
dilciaanyone on03:21
DrPenguinkroq-gar78: Openbox is Strictly a Window Manager03:22
alexxanderso i just whack that into terminal? or do i do something whilst alsamixer is still open?03:22
DrPenguindilcia: there is no one online03:22
DrPenguinalexxander: whack away03:22
RobertBainhas anyone gotten this error "sendmail: warning: valid_hostname: invalid character 47(decimal): /etc/mailname"03:22
kroq-gar78DrPenguin: I meant w/ which DE03:22
coleixNo idea anyone?03:22
dpiercekroq-gar78: just openbox. might scrape all the bloat and just move to lxde soon if i have to03:22
DrPenguinkroq-gar78: oh yeah lxde uses Open Box03:22
RalieghThough oddly enough when I click "VLC media player" with it nothing opens. The default music player does however. How odd.03:22
RobertBainim trying to setup a mail relay for my web server03:22
kroq-gar78dilcia: nobody is here...03:22
dpiercestill have all the gnome and unity stuff hanging around trying to fix all this though03:23
kroq-gar78coleix: so you want to remove the english and spanish language packs?03:23
DrPenguindpierce: Ive noticed such a huge difference from using a DE to just rocking a WM03:24
coleixWell there's a bunch of options on the spell checker and i wanna trim it down a bit03:24
alexxandercannot open /var/lib/alsa/asound.state for writing - permission denied03:25
DrPenguinalexxander: type: sudo !! (with the !!'s)03:25
alexxanderdone, tried the alsactl store again still says permission denied03:26
DrPenguinalexxander: eh? sudo alsactl store will not say permission denied03:26
kroq-gar78DrPenguin: what does "!!" do?03:26
DrPenguinkroq-gar78: it means run last command here03:26
coleixrepeats last command i think03:26
DrPenguinso if your last command was ls, then you do sudo !!, its the same as sudo ls03:26
alexxanderoh ok. so it should be saved now? time to try volume again then...03:26
Ralieghmysteriousdarren, how would I run VNCserver off of my root account? I SU'd into my other account and tried to start it, but I get: tightvncserver: Could not create /home/ices/.vnc.03:26
kroq-gar78DrPenguin: oh, I might have seen that somewhere before... thanks for reminding!03:27
CodyTanybody mind helping me with ownerships/permissions - I'm not entirely sure I understand them. Sabnzbd won't write to my hard drive, i'm not sure who is meant to own the folders and which users are meant to have access ?03:27
DrPenguinkroq-gar78: no problem!03:27
DrPenguinkroq-gar78: you can also use ! with things like nmbers and partial commands and it will resolve to other lines in your .bash_history file03:27
dpiercespeaking of my problems: anyone know what causes these weird theme problems? no matter which theme i select, or if i use something like gnome-tweak-tool, gnome-color-chooser etc, it still looks like this: http://image.bayimg.com/aallfaadi.jpg03:27
alexxanderok kids, i still have no volume...03:27
DrPenguinand, the history command will give you a list of all the commands youve run and the nth command it is03:28
DrPenguinalexxander: are you sure you have the proper audio codec loaded?03:28
kroq-gar78DrPenguin: ooo... very nice!03:28
alexxanderit worked fine  yesterday03:28
kroq-gar78alexxander: happened before?03:28
DrPenguinalexxander: what changed between yesteday and today?03:28
alexxanderput headphones in, taken them out, turned off my pc, and it's back with no volume03:29
alexxanderand yes, it has, but that was fixed with alsamixer03:29
alexxanderwent on today and everything was muted, unmuted it all and still no luck03:29
kroq-gar78alexxander: not much of a perma-fix, but restart?03:30
min|dvir|usWhy would I want to run a DNS server?03:30
coleixdpierce: that seems like gpu issues, try "additional controllers" or something like that option03:30
DrPenguinalexxander: have you tried shutting it down and turning it back on with no headphones in?03:30
alexxanderok, nevermind it's working again03:30
kroq-gar78alexxander: what's your computer model & is it laptop or desktop?03:30
alexxanderxubuntu is so bloody temperamental!03:30
DrPenguinalexxander: its not so much xubuntu, newer versions of alsa are very tempermental, esp with snd-hda-intel03:31
DrPenguini have similar audio issues on Arch Linux03:31
kroq-gar78DrPenguin: oh dear, you actually moved to arch :P03:31
DrPenguinkroq-gar78: moved to it? hell I LEARNED linux on it, it was my first distro03:32
tioxCan someone tell me how to re-enable simulated right click on left click hold?03:33
dpiercecoleix: well then, which version do you (or channel) recommend? http://image.bayimg.com/aalodaadi.jpg03:34
kroq-gar78tiox: maybe compiz config?03:34
tioxWhat plugin, though?03:34
tioxThis use to be standard fare for Gnome's mouse config.03:34
Stanley00tiox: It's in universal access in system setting03:35
yulerUsing Ubu 10.10.  Sometimes part of an app/notifier box will persist, staying on top of all other apps/desktop.  It's as if X forgot to redraw that section.  How do I make it go away/force X to refresh?03:35
tioxOh derp, the one place I never looked.03:35
Stanley00tiox: ;)03:36
RalieghDoes anybody know how to start tighvncserver under a different user than root?03:36
DrPenguinRaliegh: sudo?03:37
tioxWell since there are helpful folk around, anyone know how to jump-start my bluetooth hardware in my PC?03:38
kroq-gar78Raliegh: why? and yes, if you mean not directly logging into root, "sudo" would work03:38
RalieghThat prompts for a password for my user... Which doesn't have a password set (that I know of) so... Odd.03:38
tioxGnome 3 isn't seeing it, and bluez-utils don't help.03:38
DrPenguinRaliegh: if you want too, you can add en entry to your sudoers file so you do not need to use your password03:38
Ralieghkroq-gar78, so I can run VLC (which can not be run as root) via GUI under my users.03:38
tioxI confirmed bluetooth hardware *does* exist as it's in the specifications of my model.03:39
tioxAnyone need a link to confirm this before they go about helping me?03:39
[random] /window splitv 4003:39
RalieghDrPenguin Where would I go for this? And honestly doesn't sudo just run the server under root in the end? I want to be able to GUI into a different user than root.03:39
kroq-gar78tiox: if you had windows, did it work there?03:39
tioxWell... truth be told I never tested, never bothered.03:40
DrPenguinRaliegh: I believe its /etc/sudoers, you use the visudo command to edit it. set the EDITOR env variable to dictate what editor to use03:40
tioxBut I know it's there because Bluetooth is in the specs.03:40
dpiercetiox: may have to modprobe03:41
tioxmodprobe what now?03:41
kroq-gar78tiox: what's the bluetooth card?03:41
kroq-gar78tiox: modprobe is like installing a driver on linux03:41
RalieghDrPenguin that line doesn't exist. Here's my sudoers file http://pastebin.com/z4FzCQj303:41
tioxWell this is what it shows on the specs: "WPAN: Bluetooth® 2.0+EDR (Enhanced Data Rate)"03:41
tioxIt's under ethernet, so I presume it's part of the NIC.03:42
DrPenguinRaliegh: ofcourse it doesnt, you have to add it in there03:42
kroq-gar78tiox: maybe run lspci to find card? or google "{laptop name} bluetooth linux" or "{bluetooth card} linux"03:42
RalieghAhhh I see. I've still got no idea of the syntax. Also, is this going to end up doing what I need? Allowing me to VNC into lxde environment under a user other than root?03:43
tioxkroq on the lspci command:03:43
DrPenguinRaliegh: wait? what? are you trying to VNC into THIS pc? or vnc FROM this pc to another03:43
tiox01:00.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications AR8131 Gigabit Ethernet (rev c0)03:44
tiox02:00.0 Network controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR928X Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express) (rev 01)03:44
RalieghFrom this PC into another DrPenguin. I can start the tightvncserver fine under my servers 'root' user, but I need to be able to login to tightvnc under a different user.03:44
tioxRaliegh: At the risk of looking like a troll, what are you attempting to do, and could it be done simply by using SSH instead of using a full-blown VNC session?03:45
coleixtiox: On the the peripherals doesn't show a bluetooth card so it probably doesn't have one03:45
phunyguyare there any good apps out there for organizing your ripped (not pirated) movie collections? I want to store them on the PC for watching, and be able to name them a certain way, with Cover art, etc.   Does something like that exist?03:46
Ralieghtiox I can't run VLC as root, and I also cannot figure out why the script for VLC I have doesn't work via SSH, so I'm attempting to do it via GUI (buttons are easier to figure out than malformed code).03:46
tioxcoleix: Why on that page then, under ethernet, does it mention Bluetooth?03:46
min|dvir|usWhy would one need the syslinux package?03:47
tioxphunyguy: In trying to look innocent, you made yourself look guilty as can be. Also, don't know any, but if someone knew of a DVD plugin for Banshee, that might be your best bet.03:48
phunyguytiox, I know the rules, and my collection is legit.03:48
tioxNot sure one exists though, pure speculation. But if all else fails, then just keep your videos in a single folder with different icons based off of the movie's cover art.03:49
phunyguythanks for trolling, err trying anyway03:50
edbiannot a creature is stirring in here tonight!03:51
coleixtiox: https://support.acer.com/us/en/product/default.aspx?tab=1&modelId=1178 it looks its a broadcom card try searching for it03:51
yulerUsing Ubu 10.10.  Sometimes part of an app/notifier box will persist, staying on top of all other apps/desktop.  It's as if X forgot to redraw that section.  How do I make it go away/force X to refresh?03:52
tioxActually phunyguy, banshee DOES mention video playback. So check it out!03:52
edbianyuler, I've never seen that bug.  I suggest you just try different random things to clean it up.  I doubt you'll find someone say 'or just do X'03:53
edbianyuler, that's really more of a thing you figure out on your own03:54
tioxcoleix: Leads to another question. Can I prompt restricted drivers on-demand to view what MAY be available?03:54
coleixphunnyguy: there's griffith on software center, give it a try03:54
edbianyuler, Additionally it will probably go away on the next version of ubuntu03:54
kroq-gar78phunyguy: banshee has dvd playback.03:54
phunyguykroq-gar78, not looking for DVD playback.03:54
edbianyuler, haha, sure03:55
phunyguyI am looking for a cataloging app I guess, one that can grab cover art and name the files correctly.03:55
phunyguyI can do it manually, but it is very time consuming.03:55
coleixphunyguy: did you try griffith?03:55
phunyguycoleix, I saw that but that only seemed like it cared about what you tell it you own, not what is on the disk.03:56
edbianphunyguy, lemme know if you find something.  I've been doing it manually for 2 years03:56
phunyguyedbian, eek.03:56
edbianphunyguy, yeah, but I haven't been looking consistently03:56
phunyguymaybe manually is it for now.  Was jsut curious.03:57
tioxThe trick behind doing that is, that you specify your cover art for everything the moment it enters your PC.03:57
edbianphunyguy, maybe I should write some software...03:57
phunyguyyeah, tiox. I tend to make mistakes though.03:57
phunyguyas you can see by my typing.03:57
tioxMeh, no worries there, we're all human.03:58
phunyguyrather have the non-human do the work  :)03:58
tioxDon't we all?03:59
phunyguyit gets to be a big pain with the TV series in my collection.03:59
tioxOwch. Yeah, someone should really write software for that. I haven't the experience.04:00
tioxJust another of those Linux noobs, you know?04:00
edbianphunyguy, what exactly are you looking for>04:00
phunyguyI know it exists for display purposes, like in XBMC and the like, but that is app-specific04:00
edbianphunyguy, What are you looking for this software to do?04:01
tioxedbian: He is looking for a piece of software or an enhancement for existing software that automatically tags and applies cover art for videos in his collection.04:01
phunyguyedbian, I am looking for something that can go out to IMDB, organize my collection with covers, and a description in a text file.04:01
edbianphunyguy, mmm, how can it recognize the file assuming it has no meta-data.04:02
phunyguyand maybe even take it a step further with movie series, like "The Harry Potter Series"04:02
tioxThough, as Banshee and other media players do cover art as a CD case, it may be more beneficial to scrape the web for DVD cover images.04:02
RalieghWhy is it so complicated to start lxde/tightvncserver as a different user than root? I'm baffled.04:02
phunyguyedbian, it would have SOMETHING it can look at04:02
edbianphunyguy, such as?04:02
phunyguyvague filenames04:02
joseph^why do i keep showing up here04:02
paulsomebodyedbian: Hey, I fixed the login issues.04:03
edbianphunyguy, vague filenames huh.04:03
phunyguylike when I rip, the DVD has a volume label04:03
edbianpaulsomebody, awesome :)  how?04:03
paulsomebodyedbian: Your guess was quite close, it was Xauthority.04:03
edbianphunyguy, yeah, non-standard04:03
phunyguyor I can throw a quick name on the .vob04:03
tioxjoseph^: Because we need your awesome here.04:03
coleixHey guys language-pack-gnome-en is system language right? and language-pack-en-base is what have all the variations?04:03
edbianpaulsomebody, I should have guessed04:03
edbianjoseph^, hi :)04:03
joseph^clearly :)04:03
paulsomebodyedbian: But more drastic measures were required, like deleting the whole ~/.Xauthority folder.04:03
edbianpaulsomebody, I see.  Glad it's working.  Do you have some new problem now?04:04
phunyguyI never said it had to be automatic, edbian, but maybe you can point it at a file, then search IMDB for it.04:04
phunyguymy collection isnt THAT big.04:04
joseph^i'd like to find the other xchat i minimized04:04
joseph^could someone direct me?04:04
edbianphunyguy, yeah... I'm thinkikng04:04
paulsomebodyedbian: Hmm. Yes, but it is not urgent.04:04
paulsomebodyphunyguy: What do you want to do?04:04
edbianphunyguy, If it at least moved from file to file automatically but asked basic questions about it that would probably be good enough04:04
edbianpaulsomebody, he's trying to tag his video / music collection04:05
joseph^i try alt+tab butn, no go04:05
phunyguynot music, I have picard for that04:05
paulsomebodyedbian: phunyguy: Oh, I can help.04:05
paulsomebodyphunyguy: What about videos then?04:05
paulsomebodyphunyguy: Miro does that, but there it is manual.04:05
phunyguyAs I rip my disc collection, I would like to have it search IMDB and grab info about it.04:06
paulsomebodyphunyguy: Yes, Picard was on my mind.04:06
coleixIf i delete language-pack-en-base it wont erase system language right?04:06
joseph^i mean, im sure its a very simple explanation as to why when i minimize xchat it just disappears04:06
paulsomebodyphunyguy: As far as I am aware there is not Picard-analogue for movies.04:06
joseph^but i am having difficulties with the mouse04:06
phunyguypaulsomebody, that's what IMDB is for.04:06
phunyguyI have seen other apps use it, like MythTV, and XBMC, etc.04:07
phunyguybut I would rather not limit myself to only seeing that info inside a specific app04:07
paulsomebodyphunyguy: Miro definitely does something like that, but I will not vouch for the degree to which the process is automated.04:07
phunyguyok I will have a look.  Thanks04:08
joseph^let me try again.04:08
phunyguyagain, doesnt have to be automated at all.04:08
paulsomebodyphunyguy: Ohh, even that.04:08
paulsomebodyphunyguy: That makes it easier, let me think.04:08
paulsomebodyphunyguy: VLC does have a media library feature, though it is pretty basic.04:09
paulsomebodyphunyguy: I have a good idea.04:10
paulsomebodyphunyguy: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/category/app/04:10
paulsomebodyphunyguy: Out there is featured most of the worthy media apps for Linux.04:10
paulsomebodyphunyguy: I am sure you can find something I have not yet heard about.04:11
paulsomebodyedbian: I am not sure if I got the syntax of the rc.local file correctly.04:11
StonecoldIs this channel for Ubuntu help?04:11
bazhangStonecold, yes04:12
edbianpaulsomebody, wanna pastebin it?  paste.ubuntu.com04:12
paulsomebodyedbian: http://paste.ubuntu.com/781761/04:12
edbianthat was fast04:12
paulsomebodyedbian: That was done long ago. :)04:12
edbianpaulsomebody, you did.  Although I have no idea of that command is correct04:12
paulsomebodyedbian: I have basic understanding of the issue.04:12
StonecoldOkay, I just put Ubuntu on my HP, and it won't connect to my router (I put the correct WEP key in, though).  Is this a common problem?04:12
edbianpaulsomebody, something about your keyboared04:12
paulsomebodyedbian: The command is correct, it works when launched from terminal manually.04:13
kroq-gar78Stonecold: depends on model of your laptop (is it a laptop?)04:13
edbianStonecold, generically yes,  my suggestion: turn of all security just for a moment.  See if you can get the ubuntu laptop connected to the router04:13
edbianpaulsomebody, then that's fine!04:13
StonecoldYes, its HP Pavilion dv6.04:13
edbianturn off* all04:13
paulsomebodyedbian: But I was told there mind be problems with enviroment variables.04:13
ShirakawasunaI never *ever* use the 'insert' key. Is it possible to remap it to launch the program 'zim'?04:14
edbianpaulsomebody, mmm, you didn't reference any env variables, I don't see any issues04:14
StonecoldI can't turn off the securite router because there are other people using it.04:14
edbianShirakawasuna, yeah04:14
edbianStonecold, mmm04:14
paulsomebodyedbian: Namely, it may be necessary to specify a full path to the file being executed, instead of the name of the program.04:14
paulsomebodyedbian: May this be a problem?04:14
edbianpaulsomebody, aahhh, duh  well then specify the full path04:14
StonecoldI used an installer package for Windows, if that makes any difference.04:14
edbianStonecold, that does not make sense...04:15
tioxcoleix: I downloaded the drivers, but now I must know some more things before I continue.04:15
StonecoldI used http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/windows-installer04:15
kroq-gar78Stonecold, as in like the driver from the company's wesite?04:15
bazhangStonecold, wubi?04:15
paulsomebodyedbian: That is the problem — I do not know where to find it. I compiled the package myself after applying a patch. So I know where to find sources, but where is binary now?04:15
kroq-gar78edbian: he means wubi04:15
joseph^ok that is definitely a bug04:15
edbianpaulsomebody, the binary is probably in /usr/local/bin04:15
edbianpaulsomebody, look there04:15
tioxFirst, can I have Wine install the drivers somewhere, then move the files elsewhere?04:15
paulsomebodyedbian: Thanks.04:15
edbianoooh, wubi :(04:16
edbianpaulsomebody, thank me if it's there04:16
paulsomebodyStonecold: What kind of security are we talking about?04:16
joseph^a bug on my laptop, ah well04:16
paulsomebodyStonecold: So, you cannot connect?04:16
edbianWEP is useless btw04:16
StonecoldI know04:16
paulsomebodyedbian: Yes, I know.04:16
kroq-gar78WEP is useless. ok. use WPA2 when you can ;) *ot sorry*04:16
edbianShirakawasuna, check out 'keyboard'04:16
StonecoldThat's actually one of the reasons I'm using Ubuntu! ;)04:17
paulsomebodyStonecold: Good, you are not alone at that.04:17
edbianStonecold, :)  but anyway, have you ever connected to any router?04:17
Shirakawasunaedbian: I'm using xubuntu, but I think the same principle applies. Thanks!04:17
edbianShirakawasuna, ok sure04:17
kroq-gar78Stonecold: don't really think Ubuntu wil help with the interception problem lol. Ubuntu is secure though :D04:17
edbianShirakawasuna, I'm not sure the name of the app to set keyboard shortcuts04:17
coleixtiox: I tried that once for a sharp printer and couldn't pull it off, try finding the linux drivers04:17
paulsomebodyedbian: Hooray!04:17
edbianpaulsomebody, found it?04:17
karthick87j #fedora04:17
StonecoldI'm using Ubuntu because it works well with Aircrack-ng.04:17
geoffmccStonecold: although my wifi is broken in it, my dv6000 had a broadcom and i always used the non sta drivers, and had no problems with wifi. then again, wasnt wubi and maybe not your card, and def wasnt wep04:17
paulsomebodyedbian: Only file in the directory. :)04:18
edbiankarthick87, nice try, there's no escaping #ubuntu!!!!04:18
kroq-gar78karthick it's "/join #fedora"04:18
edbianpaulsomebody, easy :)04:18
tioxcoleix: This is a little different. I could use Ndiswrapper.04:18
Shirakawasunaedbian: seems to be working!04:18
edbianShirakawasuna, :)04:18
tioxBut the community docs basically say it's hard and frustrating to use, lol04:18
edbianStonecold, do you get any errors in dmesg when you try to connect?04:18
edbiantiox, indeed04:18
StonecoldNo, it just takes forever to connect but never does.04:18
paulsomebodyedbian: Well, it would have been easy if I managed to do this without hanging out with fellow Linux enthusiasts. :P04:19
edbianStonecold, nothing is posted in dmesg?04:19
karthick87edbian: Lol i am using ubuntu only yar04:19
StonecoldI don't think so.04:19
paulsomebodyedbian: But at least it is fun.04:19
edbianStonecold, usually stuff is posted there even when it does connect04:19
edbianStonecold, at the end04:19
edbianpaulsomebody, :)  It's a blast :)04:19
karthick87edbian: We are using more than 400 ubuntu systems in our office04:19
kroq-gar78edbian: at least he didn't move to arch! lol04:19
kroq-gar78nice I'm really jealous (really)04:19
edbianI love arch!04:19
StonecoldAt the end of what?04:20
bazhanglets get back on topic please04:20
edbianStonecold, at the end of the output of dmesg04:20
kroq-gar78yes thanks bazhang04:20
RalieghOkay, I'm trying to get VLC to transcode an OGG stream online into an MP3 stream, but I get this error. http://pastebin.com/xK7EQh55 I "apt-get install ffmpeg" but it still isn't working. Anyone have any idea?04:20
kroq-gar78!pastebin | Stonecold04:20
ubottuStonecold: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.04:20
kroq-gar78Stonecold, in case you didn't know...04:20
edbiankroq-gar78, what did you want him to pastebin?04:20
kroq-gar78edbian: wait oops04:20
StonecoldMulti-line texts?04:21
edbianStonecold, try to connect to your wifi network once or twice, the paste the output of dmesg please?  paste.ubuntuc.om04:21
kroq-gar78I thought you wanted him to pastebin dmesg04:21
edbianI do now :)04:21
edbiankroq-gar78, that's ok04:21
edbianStonecold, the output of dmesg is a multi-line text04:21
kroq-gar78edbian, lol one step ahead of ya ;)04:21
edbiankroq-gar78, indeed04:21
paulsomebodyedbian: Now, let's test that by fire, ughh… I meant, reboot.04:21
StonecoldIt'd take a while because I'm on the computer I need to connect to the internet now.04:21
edbianStonecold, oh, good point04:22
kroq-gar78he's on the internet already, right?04:22
StonecoldI'm using Windows right now.04:22
MrKeunerhi, is there a way to list only the restore points in duplicity?04:22
kroq-gar78Stonecold: oh got it04:22
enixi have installed all these  build-essential libssl-dev libtool libvorbis-dev libvorbisidec-dev libmad0-dev and still get an error in ./configure that it cannot find lib ssl. any ideas?04:22
StonecoldYes, I multi-boot my computer.04:22
StonecoldBut I'm new to Ubuntu (and computer Linux in general).04:23
kroq-gar78enix: "sudo apt-get install libssl-dev"04:23
edbiankroq-gar78, he listed that one04:23
kroq-gar78enix: oh wait sorry didn't see you already had it :(04:23
kroq-gar78enix: which program?04:23
kroq-gar78are you trying to compile04:23
edbianStonecold, not a problem,  save dmesg in a file on a jump drive or on the windows partition dmesg > somefile.txt04:23
edbianthen move somefile.txt04:23
StonecoldWhere is it?04:23
edbianStonecold, or just read the end of dmesg and tell us04:24
edbianStonecold, dmesg is a command you run in the terminal04:24
enixkroq-gar78: freedoser04:24
edbianenix, why don't you grab libssl and not libssl-dev ?04:24
StonecoldUh, how do I get to that (I'm really new to Ubuntu)?04:24
edbianStonecold, open a terminal (gnome-terminal for example)04:24
kroq-gar78Stonecold: must be on Ubuntu to run dmesg04:24
edbianStonecold, click the ubuntu logo (top icon on the unity bar on the left) and search for 'terminal'04:25
geoffmccStonecold: is it broadcom? and if so did you just activate in additional drivers, or did you use firmware-b43-installer?04:25
edbianStonecold, indeed, I'm talking about ubuntu04:25
edbiangeoffmcc, He can see and attempt to connect to a WEP wifi network but it won't connect04:25
edbiangeoffmcc, I have no idea if it's broadcom but if it is he has some driver working04:25
StonecoldHold on, I04:25
enixedbianE: Package 'libssl' has no installation candidate04:25
edbianStonecold, take your time04:25
edbianenix, I see04:26
warddrlittle sidenote, but WEP isn't safe, can be crakced in a couple of minutes04:26
StonecoldHold on, I'll reboot my computer and try.04:26
mysteriousdarrenRaleigh: figure stuff out? I had to do obedience training on my dog and put her to bed04:26
kroq-gar78enix: libssl1.0.0?04:26
milamberenix: what version of ubuntu?04:26
kroq-gar78enix: 11.10 oneiric04:26
milamberenix: you have to specify a version04:26
edbiankroq-gar78, yeah I think that's it04:26
x_XPnewbe need help  First time user installed Ubuntu, added Users, Installed VLC in root how to grant access to VLC to the users??? Thanks Mike04:26
edbianenix, libssl1.0.004:26
paulsomebodyedbian: Strange. When I run the command in terminal, it works. But it does not work from the rc.local for some reason.04:26
razorfishhi has anyone here used the import itunes library feature on banshee04:27
edbianx_XP, How did you install vlc?04:27
geoffmccebdian: yea, i know. i got a dv6 and always had better connection using firmware-b43-installer04:27
paulsomebodyedbian: Are commands put there performed automatically with root privileges?04:27
x_XP<edbian> in command line04:27
edbianpaulsomebody, debugging this sort of thing is a pain   can you re-pastebin what you have in there?04:27
edbianpaulsomebody, yes04:27
edbianx_XP, can you be more specific?04:27
kroq-gar78x_XP: other users should be able to run it then04:27
edbiangeoffmcc, agreed04:28
kroq-gar78yes, more specific actualyl04:28
edbiangeoffmcc, b43 is the only way to go with most broadcom cards04:28
milamber!info libssl1.0.0 | enix04:28
ubottuenix: libssl1.0.0 (source: openssl): SSL shared libraries. In component main, is required. Version 1.0.0e-2ubuntu4 (oneiric), package size 950 kB, installed size 2672 kB04:28
geoffmccedbian: i know, thats why i was making sure thats what he was using, but he never responded, you did04:28
edbiangeoffmcc, haha, he's overwhelmed :)04:28
x_XP<kroq-gar78>  I did think so but when loged as user not admin VLC doesnt come up04:28
geoffmccedbian: yea i know04:29
edbiangeoffmcc, :)04:29
paulsomebodyedbian: Here. http://paste.ubuntu.com/781799/04:29
edbianpaulsomebody, reading04:29
enixmilamber: 11.1004:29
razorfishhi i told banshee to import my itunes library over 3 hours ago my cpu usage is still at 100% how do i know if it's going to ever finish04:30
edbianpaulsomebody, what the heck is that special symbol after 'microsoft'  you should quote that whole last argument04:30
edbianrazorfish, Oh, you mean solve the halting problem?04:30
edbianrazorfish, ;)04:30
enixubottu: libssl1.0.0 already newest ver04:30
ubottuenix: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:30
edbianenix, that's a bot04:30
paulsomebodyedbian: It is a symbol-parasite that magically appears on everything Microsoft touches.04:30
paulsomebodyedbian: I will most certainly try.04:31
razorfishI'm not sure. You can't expect 35,000 songs to instantly import04:31
milamberenix: what are you trying to compile? did it specify a version?04:31
paulsomebodyrazorfish: Isn't there a progress indicator?04:31
enixmilamber: libssl1.0.0 already newest ver04:31
asavarazorfish: banshee died on my library. 39 days of music. it won't load anymore i've moved on to other players04:31
razorfishdoesn't seem to be04:31
edbianpaulsomebody, quote the last argument.  (do you know what I mean by argument?)  also put something like this echo 'hello' > /before.txt   before your command in rc.local04:31
enixmilamber: freedoser and no04:31
razorfishasava, I've been able to import my music folder before04:31
paulsomebodyrazorfish: Though my music collection was more modest.04:31
edbianpaulsomebody, and put something like echo 'hello2' > /after.txt   after it04:32
edbianpaulsomebody, I'll make a paste and show you04:32
razorfishlinux music players are shit04:32
karthick87How to access a ubuntu machine from remote with GUI from the login screen?04:32
asavai had at one point too, and one day... it just took a shit and won't load anything04:32
asavai use software that won't index my library04:32
razorfishfuck that04:32
paulsomebodyedbian: Yes, I was told that it is the most intimate part of the system.04:32
StonecoldI'm back.04:32
asavagetting my library to google music was a pain but it worked04:32
bazhangrazorfish, asava no cursing here04:32
razorfishI'm currently dual booting arch and windows04:33
razorfishand I only use windows for itunes L o L04:33
paulsomebodyrazorfish: Banshee is the best music player I have ever seen.04:33
edbianpaulsomebody, http://paste.ubuntu.com/781802/04:33
paulsomebodyrazorfish: Though, there are a lot of them to chose from.04:33
razorfishI've tried most of them04:33
bazhangrazorfish, you have ubuntu? or just arch04:33
edbianStonecold, hi :)04:33
StonecoldI got my internet to work.04:33
razorfishbazhang, just arch04:33
edbianStonecold, you mean wifi on linux?04:33
StonecoldI'm on Ubuntu right now.04:33
paulsomebodyrazorfish: Pick one here. http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/tag/musicplayers/04:33
edbianrazorfish, arch rox04:33
razorfishI only joined #ubuntu since I thought it was more of a nooby problem04:33
bazhangrazorfish, this is not arch support try #archlinux04:34
razorfish>implying it's a distro related problem04:34
edbianStonecold, You got wifi / WEP working in Ubuntu?04:34
tioxWell, kinda how it is. If you use Arch, use those support channels unless you know beyons a shadow of a doubt it is an agnostic problem and your support channels do not respond to you.04:35
paulsomebodyrazorfish: Or even better, ask at #banshee.04:35
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slakcphili bet noone here is really running ubuntu, it is only good for the community!04:35
razorfishk nobody there04:35
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slakcphiland the freenode channel :P04:35
* edbian has never heard of ubuntu04:35
edbianBQTWFGXIv, response04:36
paulsomebodyedbian: Stonecold: I have got all these things and it works fine for me.04:36
razorfishANYWAYS, I'll let it run over night. If it hasn't finished by then, I'll move on to something else.04:36
slakcphili am running a derivative with the ratpoison wm, kick me04:36
edbianrazorfish, good plan04:36
* paulsomebody kicks slakcphil.04:36
StonecoldWell, its working for me now too.04:36
razorfishassuming my laptop doesn't melt04:36
edbianStonecold, do you mean wifi / WEP is working in Ubuntu for you?04:37
* tiox catches the punted slakcphil04:37
tioxOkay, enough tomfoolery. We're a support channel!04:37
* edbian has some more tomfoolery04:37
paulsomebodytiox: Moral support is important as well.04:37
* tiox tosses slakcphil to #ubuntu-offtopic04:37
paulsomebodytiox: So, we are providing it as well.04:38
edbianStonecold, please answer me :(04:38
StonecoldIt is.04:39
edbianStonecold, yay! :D04:39
edbianStonecold, I asked you three times if it was and you kept alluding but not answering me directly :)04:39
edbianStonecold, I think you just needed to reboot ubuntu04:39
StonecoldIt finally got to work (I'm writing this on Ubuntu)04:39
StonecoldI did, twice, but I guess third time's the charm!04:39
randomatixslakcphil: what kind of hardware power?04:40
StonecoldWhat type of Linux is the best?  Is it Ubuntu or BSD?04:40
edbianStonecold, bsd is not linux04:40
asavaBSD is not linux04:40
randomatixStonecold: BSD is the best Linux04:40
tioxThere is no one best to a noob.04:40
asavasame GNU utils04:40
asavadifferent kernel04:40
slakcphilrandomatix, on my laptop junk toshiba with the C-50 and 2GB ram04:40
edbianrandomatix, shut up04:41
Stonecoldrandomatix: Why?04:41
tioxasava: Is BSD Unix then?04:41
randomatixslakcphil: legacy processor?04:41
edbianlinux and BSD or 'unix like'04:41
slakcphilno 64bit amd04:41
edbianunix is it's own thing04:41
randomatixedbian: Yes, ma'am!04:41
asavawas AT&T Bell labs creation04:41
tiox!enter | asava04:41
asavai still want to try plan904:41
ubottuasava: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!04:41
randomatixslakcphil: whoa! everyone I know with tiling WMs is on older CPUs, mostly Thinkpads04:42
slakcphilrandomatix, the 300 usd one from wally world04:42
slakcphilrandomatix, i hate the touchpad so much that i disabled it in the bios and then i hate usb mice too04:42
edbianStonecold, I think arch is the best linux04:42
slakcphiland love salix so i use it more now04:43
edbianrandomatix, slakcphil I use a tiling window manager04:43
edbianslakcphil, what is salix?04:43
slakcphilsweet what?04:43
tioxAnyway, yeah, Unix was really where it all started. The Story of Linux begins really with the story of MINIX. Then when Mr. Torvalds wanted to make a free alternative to MINIX, which t the time costed $60 (despite Tanenbaum's intentions of free distribution), He did, and twenty years later, here we stand.04:43
randomatixslakcphil: why did you choose it over Xmonad? Haskell is supposed to be cooler than lisp04:43
StonecoldUh, I just ran into another problem.  I'm trying to install Folding@home, but it says the program has an unknown filetype.04:44
paulsomebodyedbian: That is strange. If I 'sudo sh /etc/rc.local' things work.04:44
edbianStonecold, what are you doing to install it?04:44
StonecoldBut I'm pretty sure I downloaded the right version.04:44
edbianpaulsomebody, ummmm IDK?04:44
paulsomebodyedbian: But now after restart.04:44
StonecoldI downloaded it.04:44
edbianStonecold, hang on04:44
StonecoldAnd tried to run the installer.04:44
paulsomebodyedbian: IDK?04:44
edbianpaulsomebody, mean I don't know04:44
paulsomebodyedbian: Ok, googled it.04:44
edbianpaulsomebody, haha04:44
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randomatixheh.  I still remember seeing the usenet posts about that guy starting his own kernel project. No way it could ever compete with Hurd.04:45
StonecoldPlus, Google Chrome (a .deb file) won't install either.04:45
edbianStonecold, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FoldingAtHome04:45
edbianpaulsomebody, googling your issue now04:46
tioxWell, Stallman really dug his own grave. If He kept up his GNU hurd project and made GNU utils exclusive to Hurd, Stallman might had won out.04:46
* paulsomebody is embarrassed, because edbian is googling for him.04:46
edbianpaulsomebody, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RcLocalHowto   found this04:47
randomatixtiox: we all know who his worst enemy is ;)04:47
tioxStonecold: Can you still install stuff from apt-get?04:47
slakcphiledbian, salix is a lightweight derivative of slackware04:47
edbianpaulsomebody, if you comment out your keyboard line are the files created in / ??04:47
edbianpaulsomebody, are the files being created in / at boot time?04:47
slakcphilit is nice04:47
edbianStonecold, apt-get :)04:47
edbianslakcphil, neat04:47
paulsomebodyedbian: Yes.04:47
tioxYeah, in most Debian systems, apt-get is a CLI thing.04:47
Christopher9812what would I use to set up a wireless card on ubuntu server 11.04 (command line)04:47
StonecoldI'm new to this, so I don't know what that is.04:47
tioxsudo apt-get install foo bar baz04:47
edbianpaulsomebody, mmmm I'm not sure then04:48
tioxSomething you enter in terminal. As an example:04:48
tioxsudo apt-get install wine04:48
edbianpaulsomebody, perhaps X has to be running when you run that command (that script happens just before X)04:48
paulsomebodyedbian: I think it is something more specific to the evrouter, like the fact that it must be loaded after X.04:48
tioxWait a second...04:48
edbianpaulsomebody, we can make it a thing that happens when you log in or we can make it a thing that happens when you click an icon in ubuntu04:48
edbianpaulsomebody, agreeed04:49
tioxStonecold: Is Synaptic or Update Manager open?04:49
slakcphiledbian it is very neat, i started using it in a vm with windows when i had to use it for work04:49
edbiantiox, waiting...04:49
paulsomebodyedbian: Yes, I was thinking that. Better, when I log in. That would be runlevel 4, right?04:49
Stonecoldtiox: Hold on.  I think I might have got it.04:49
edbianpaulsomebody, you go to a runlevel, then X starts and you can log in (which does not change run level)04:49
edbianpaulsomebody, IDK what run level it's at, who cares04:49
paulsomebodyedbian: Ok.04:49
edbianpaulsomebody, it's not 1, 0, or 604:49
tioxBecause they use the apt-get protocol, and to avoid nastiness with having multiple programs installing using the same command-line stuff, only one program at a time utilizing apt is allowed to run.04:49
paulsomebodyedbian: Ok.04:50
paulsomebodyedbian: So, how can we make it run AFTER I login?04:50
tioxExample, if I have synaptic open, and using the software center to install something, I need to close synaptic for software center to function.04:50
edbianpaulsomebody, first make a text file that has this at the top: #!/usr/bin/sh04:50
paulsomebodyedbian: This command must be ran as root.04:50
edbianpaulsomebody, that's fine04:50
slakcphildoes anyone know of some cool podcasts?04:50
paulsomebodyedbian: Does that mean that we will have to use 'gksudo'?04:50
edbianslakcphil, redbarradio.net  but this is really offtopic04:51
slakcphili listen to the linuxinstalls one04:51
randomatixedbian: should that be $!/bin/sh ?04:51
edbianpaulsomebody, yes (or sudo)04:51
tioxOtherwise, please give us the error when you apt-get something.04:51
edbianrandomatix, no?04:51
edbianrandomatix, #!/bin/sh04:51
paulsomebodyedbian: Okay.04:51
edbianpaulsomebody, the last thing I said04:51
edbianpaulsomebody, then put your command on the next line04:51
slakcphiledbian, yeah04:51
tioxStonecold: Copy from terminal (Ctrl+Shift+C) what it says when you run sudo apt-get install --reinstall gedit04:51
edbianpaulsomebody, and on the last line put this: echo 'it workd'04:51
edbianpaulsomebody, then save the file on your desktop04:52
tiox(Using gedit as the example, you can reinstall other programs as well simply to produce debug text.)04:52
randomatixedbian: $ [ -f /usr/bin/sh ] || echo Nope!04:52
Stonecoldtiox: I did download it from terminal, and I opened the folder, but none of the programs seem to be the installer.04:52
edbianrandomatix, ha04:52
randomatixedbian: oops I meant #!, so s/^\$/$\04:53
edbianpaulsomebody, then right click the file in nautilus, go to properties -> permissions -> and allow it to be executed04:53
randomatixedbian: oops I meant #!, so s/^\$/\$/04:53
edbianrandomatix, stop that!04:53
randomatixedbian: crap. #!, so s/^\$/\#/04:53
DrPenguinSO MUCH SED04:54
tioxSo stonecold you're saying install runs just fine but nothing comes from it?04:54
paulsomebodyedbian: Yes, when I sh it from terminal it works.04:54
edbianpaulsomebody, oh yay04:54
edbianpaulsomebody, now to make it run when your user logs in...04:54
randomatixDrPenguin: stopped using sed about 20 years ago ;)04:54
StonecoldHold on.04:54
DrPenguinrandomatix: WHAT IS WRONG ITH YOU04:54
tiox"When I sh it", lol04:55
StonecoldDoes it have to be a .par2 file?04:55
DrPenguinsomeone at work actually asked me what sed stands for..04:55
edbianpaulsomebody, mmm I just realized that it can't run as root ...04:55
aBoundI gave Ubuntu 10.04 a try on the flash drive and never booted up.04:55
randomatixDrPenguin: how much time do you have? ;)04:55
paulsomebodyedbian: Yes. I thought I was missing something.04:55
DrPenguinrandomatix: plenty04:55
edbianpaulsomebody, not if we add it to run automatically in startup applications04:55
tioxIf we're assuming debian, installing stuff on a debian system should be as easy as using a .deb file.04:55
slakcphilaBound you never booted your computer?04:55
tioxDon't know where you're pulling the par2 stuff from.04:55
edbianpaulsomebody, in the unity dash search for startup applications04:55
paulsomebodyedbian: Yes, I know that.04:56
edbianpaulsomebody, you can add it there but I don't think we can get it to run as root04:56
paulsomebodyedbian: And change 'sudo' to 'gksudo'.04:56
paulsomebodyedbian: Then we can.04:56
mysteriousdarrenhow do I make sure the swap is being used?04:56
aBoundslakcphil, I installed Ubuntu 10.04 on a flash drive through the use of Start-Up Creator. Rebooted and it gave me nothing but errors. Ubuntu 11.10 is definitely a bit unstable.04:56
edbianpaulsomebody, I don't think it will work but you can try04:56
edbianmysteriousdarren, look at the output of free -m04:56
paulsomebodyedbian: The whole point was to launch it without my interference, but okay, I will.04:57
slakcphilaBound what errors are you receiving?04:57
edbianpaulsomebody, Yeah, I'm looking that up now04:57
themasterany chance somebody here knows why my signals emitted from a function called by a boost::thread-func don't work on my QT GUI ?04:57
paulsomebodyedbian: I think that would be somewhere in 'init'.04:57
StonecoldDoes the file have to be a .par2 file?04:58
paulsomebodythemaster: Why won't you try asking that at #qt?04:58
edbianpaulsomebody, well I have to go, read this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RcLocalHowto04:58
aBoundslakcphil, I can't remember the second error but the first one is called: vesamenu.c32 not a com32r image.04:58
edbianpaulsomebody, I think the workaround you have now is to just double click that icon after you log in04:58
slakcphilpaulsomebody, could you put it in .profile?04:58
paulsomebodyedbian: Okay, thank you for the effort.04:58
edbianpaulsomebody, sure, do what slakcphil suggested04:59
edbianslakcphil, I think he can!04:59
paulsomebodyslakcphil: I think so. Where it is exacly, that .profile?04:59
edbianpaulsomebody, /home/you/.profile04:59
edbianThat's what I said!04:59
edbian:P :P04:59
paulsomebodyedbian: Thanks again for all the effort, people like you help keep Ubuntu alive.04:59
aBoundslakcphil, Thereafter I hit tab and type: live figured it'd work after that but to no luck another error popped up ha.05:00
aBoundI feel like there's constant tweaking, fixing and blah! :P05:00
paulsomebodyslakcphil: So, where do I put it in the end, or beginning of the file?05:00
slakcphilpaulsomebody, the end05:00
slakcphilas long as you dont stick it in the middle of a if fi05:00
slakcphilit should be fine05:01
mysteriousdarrenedbian: http://pastebin.com/nT3PP0Q905:01
aBoundI doubt Ubuntu 12.04 is stable enough eh. haha05:01
slakcphilaBound try 8.04 nice and stable05:01
paulsomebodyslakcphil: Yes, I think I am not that stupid. Will it run with root privileges? Because I do not need them to edit .profile.05:01
paulsomebodyaBound: I doubt  11.10 is stable. :)05:02
n2diyMerry Christmas!05:02
aBoundpaulsomebody, HA! Been using 11.10 and it drives me nuts.05:02
DrPenguinyou too n2diy!05:02
randomatixDear Santa: For Christmas, Can you persuade the Ubuntu team to go to a longer release cycle, now that the distro is getting mature?  I don't like being afraid to dist-upgrade. The inevitable regressions every 6 months are most unwelcome, and more bake time would could improve quality significantly.  The Solaris team learned this years ago.  Thank you, Randomatix05:02
aBoundslakcphil, Don't you think that's a bit old this is a brand new high-end laptop. :P05:02
BlackAbound, i have played with 12.04 alpha, stable enough05:02
slakcphilpaulsomebody, yeah sorry, um you mean you want to run it as root?05:03
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paulsomebodyBlack: This is oxymoron, it is alpha.05:03
paulsomebodyslakcphil: Yes. :)05:03
slakcphilaBound , was joking05:03
aBoundslakcphil, Funny thing is Ubuntu 10.04 worked flawlessly in Virtualbox.05:03
paulsomebodyslakcphil: And preferably, without 'gksudo' promt at my face every time.05:03
aBoundBlack, Is it stable enough compared to 11.10?05:03
slakcphilaBound, laptops are like cellphones, built for the man coding it05:03
slakcphilbill gates05:03
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slakcphilyeah i know05:04
slakcphilwell, that gets sticky05:04
aBoundslakcphil, True but you would figure this preconfigured and fully compatible $2,000 Ubuntu 64-Bit laptop would guarantee some sort of stability.05:04
paulsomebodyslakcphil: Hmm. Where does it leave us?05:04
slakcphilpaulsomebody, setuid05:04
paulsomebodyslakcphil: I need it to run _after_ X is loaded.05:04
BlackAbound, for me.. I have no play time with 11.10 release05:04
paulsomebodyslakcphil: Where is that?05:05
aBoundBlack, which release you been playing with?05:05
EoN-iPadam I able to choose out of gnome or unity for Ubuntu?05:05
paulsomebodyEoN-iPad: Yes, but first you will have to install Gnome.05:06
paulsomebodyEoN-iPad: Better yet, use Clementine.05:06
randomatixOnce upon a time, I looked forward to Ubuntu beta releases and did not hesitate to install them.  Those days are long gone.05:06
aBoundrandomatix, unstable?05:06
paulsomebodyslakcphil: How do I use setuid?05:06
BlackAbound 10.04 release,but i have upgraded to 12.04 alpha05:06
randomatixpaulsomebody: very carefully05:06
slakcphilpaulsomebody, you could basically set the program to run as root always05:07
n2diyrandomatix: Roger that.05:07
randomatixaBound: yeah.  lots of things break05:07
aBoundBlack, Has anything broken for you?05:07
slakcphilpaulsomebody, i have to pull out a book...05:07
aBoundrandomatix, Just like 11.10 broke for me.05:07
paulsomebodyrandomatix: Yes, as always.05:07
paulsomebodyslakcphil: Okay.05:07
aBoundrandomatix, When I first got the system and did an entire update lightdm broke one me.05:08
mysteriousdarrenedbian: does that say anything to you?05:08
aBoundon me**05:08
n2diyXubuntu 10.10 > Ubuntu 11.10 here, where's my SYSTEM menu?05:08
randomatixI've been updating this same install since around 2006.  Changed mobos/cpus/disks, but still the same install.05:09
BlackAbound..nothings to be worried..this working greats for my xfce desktop05:09
aBoundBlack, I may give 12.04 a trial run in virtualbox.05:09
n2diyrandomatix: cool!05:09
randomatixGnome was getting so flakey that I finally switched the main workstation to KDE.  Much better now.05:10
slakcphilpaulsomebody, chown root:root file; chmod 4755 file05:10
aBoundBlack, Awesome only downside is I've gotten used to Unity.05:10
slakcphilshould work...05:10
mysteriousdarrenrandomtix: so still pretty speedy?05:10
paulsomebodyslakcphil: I assume we are talking about .profile?05:10
BlackAbound, i don't like unity05:10
randomatixyeah, KDE seems whippier than gnome.  been running it on a non-critical laptop for 3 years.  now it's getting pretty stable.  still has some warts, but good enough to be a net win05:11
EoN-iPadmy brother told me that unity is no good?05:11
aBoundBlack, I noticed a bunch of people don't right now it still feels like a beta.05:11
anonymous44can someone confirm there is a bug in Ubuntu 11.10's handling of the gnome3 proxy settings? When I disable all proxies, all software tries to access the proxy still.05:11
paulsomebodyaBound: Oh, it does.05:11
slakcphilpaulsomebody, no, how to set the script you need to run in setuid mode05:11
slakcphilwhich may not be supported in ubuntu05:12
paulsomebodypaulsomebody: Okay. Better to put it in the ~/. then?05:12
paulsomebodyslakcphil: I meant to ask you that.05:12
BlackAbound, yeah..this release was development branch05:12
aBoundBlack, I remember using previous releases on an older desktop worked fine. But that was years ago each new release is a beta release at most.05:13
slakcphilpaulsomebody, yeah, call the script in .profile, but set the script to run in setuid mode by changing the owner to root and then chmod 4755 it to run it with owner perms05:14
EoN-iPadis that true? or is my brother just scared of change?05:14
aBoundBlack, Ubuntu is getting to the point where Fedora is at a testbed for Red Hat Enterprise Linux.05:14
randomatixaBound: yep.  New release quality now < beta quality used to be05:14
paulsomebodyslakcphil: Okay.05:14
slakcphilbut waiting till X starts i dont know since i don't do X much05:14
EoN-iPadis unity actually good?05:14
aBoundI'm getting to the point where I may have to just add FreeBSD. Blah!05:14
slakcphilunity sux05:14
n2diyUbuntu is still the coolest thing Linux has going?05:15
aBoundEoN-iPad, Do not upgrade to 11.10 if you haven't done so already.05:15
DrPenguin1imo Ubuntu was never the "coolest" thing05:15
EoN-iPadn2diy apparently not anymore05:15
DrPenguin1its just "easier" for people to use ubuntu who dont really know linux05:15
aBoundEoN-iPad, You have the possibility of breaking the system. :P05:15
randomatixas the installed base for Ubuntu grows, especially with less-technical users, they need to become more conservative and take fewer risks with quality.05:15
slakcphiln2dity, comon dude, the coolest thing linux has going is the way it runs on servers, not shitty laptops05:15
EoN-iPaddrpenguin1 that's cool05:15
n2diyThanks, I'm having sound problems with me new upgrade, sorry for trolling.05:16
slakcphiln2diy, comon dude, the coolest thing linux has going is the way it runs on servers, not shitty laptops05:16
slakcphilno i was the troll05:16
EoN-iPadwill Ubuntu fail because of unity? will is dwindle into nothingness? a lotofppl seem angry05:16
randomatixDrPenguin1: agree that it was never the hipster *nix.  I used it because it was the most complete & functional environment, and I do know *nix well.05:17
anonymous44EoN-iPad: you can remove unity on Ubuntu 11.1005:17
EoN-iPadI wanted to install it but my brother said not to cause he said unity is garbage :(05:17
slakcphilwhat's the new thing they are replacing X with?05:17
n2diyslakcphil: I'm testing the new install, so I have to  say crap to get responses.05:17
paulsomebodyslakcphil: At long last they are replacing X?05:17
EoN-iPadif it wasn't the hipster *nix, what was?05:18
slakcphiln2diy, :P05:18
paulsomebodyslakcphil: You know, the very reason I am having this problems is because X11 is quite obsolete.05:18
randomatixEoN-iPad: dunno, maybe gentoo in those days?05:18
anonymous44EoN-iPad: Linux Mint is the replacement for those not liking Unity on Ubuntu 11.1005:18
paulsomebodyslakcphil: It will be okay if I made the script hidden?05:19
EoN-iPadanon: aren't Ubuntu afraid that mint will overtake Ubuntu?05:19
slakcphilpaulsomebody, yeah they should be swapping it in a few places can't recall the name but that should flip things for a while, i will be going back to old shitty centos :P05:19
slakcphilpaulsomebody, hidden?05:19
EoN-iPadis mint > Ubuntu?05:19
paulsomebodyslakcphil: Yes, name it .slider.05:19
paulsomebodyEoN-iPad: It is derivative.05:19
slakcphilthen call like ~/.script in .profile05:19
paulsomebodyslakcphil: Okay.05:20
slakcphilpaulsomebody ^^05:20
anonymous44can someone confirm there is a bug in Ubuntu 11.10's handling of the gnome3 proxy settings? When I disable all proxies, all software tries to access the proxy still.05:20
slakcphilbrb afk05:20
EoN-iPadpaul: but from the anger that I05:20
EoN-iPadI've detected from the Linux community it seems mint may take over?05:20
paulsomebodyanonymous44: Hardly. Check Launchpad.05:20
OerHeksEoN-iPad, strop trollong please05:20
randomatixPOLL: Are tiling window managers the fixies of the Linux world?05:20
paulsomebodyEoN-iPad: They have no viable business model, so hardly.05:21
anonymous44EoN-iPad: Mint already took over Ubuntu 11.10 in number of downloads05:21
EoN-iPadI'm not. I'm actually trying to get a proper understanding of what I should install. I've used Linux in the past but I'm wanting to use it on the desktop and not sure what to use05:21
EoN-iPadanonymous44: seriously? wow05:21
randomatixEoN-iPad: check out KDE/Kubuntu.  Definitely not for minimalists ;)05:22
EoN-iPadI definitely like minimal05:22
slakcphili am on the phone but, mint sucks, just trolls looking for free shit and expecting to rub them the right way05:22
slakcphilcos they are too poor or can't get pirated windoze05:22
n2diyEoN-iPad: or Xubuntu, but I'm coming from there now, looking for greener grass.05:23
EoN-iPadthe key hting I'm wondering is, was unity really that bad? or are some techies just unable to adapt to change?05:23
randomatixthe value of things like Mint is that they keep the main distro on its toes05:23
EoN-iPadbecause I'm open to change, as long as its not bad05:23
aBoundEoN-iPad, Unity still needs work it feels like a beta.05:24
dr_willisEoN-iPad:  people comlain about things no matter what.05:24
randomatixI've spent about 17 minutes with Unity.  Might be OK for a non-technical user.  Too limiting for me.05:24
paulsomebodyslakcphil: Okay.05:24
paulsomebodyslakcphil: I have changed the owner and permissions.05:24
paulsomebodyslakcphil: What now?05:24
dr_willisUnity is a work in progress. thats sort of a reason for having LTS and Non Lts releases.. the non lts are used to test out and improve things.05:24
randomatixLTS is a joke.  Who wants to run app versions from years ago?05:25
dr_willisbusineses that want somthing to not change on them.05:25
randomatixFirefox 3.5 FTW05:25
dr_willisas a home user, i dont need lts.05:25
n2diyIf it works, why mess with it?05:25
EoN-iPadare there any 'power users' in here who have no problem with unity?05:25
paulsomebodyrandomatix: Firefox 2 is most stable, is it not? :P05:25
dr_willisEoN-iPad:  i have no issues with unity, i do tweak it how i like.05:26
paulsomebodyslakcphil: Hel-loo?05:26
dr_willisEoN-iPad:  i add a classic-gnome type menu indicator applet, and a few other minimal changes.05:26
kroq-gar78paulsomebody: why would you say that? I would say 9 or 305:26
kroq-gar782 might be simplest05:26
kroq-gar78which could be statility05:26
paulsomebodykroq-gar78: Because I was being ironic?05:27
slakcphilpaulsomebody, it should run, just relogin as user and the .profile should runt the script and it the sticky bit it set it will run wihtou password05:27
paulsomebodyslakcphil: Okay, I will test it.05:27
slakcphilpaulsomebody, cool good luck05:28
slakcphili have to sleep05:28
kroq-gar78paulsomebody: ah lol got it05:28
n2diyslakcphil:  sleeps is optional?05:29
n2diyok, does 11.10 have a SYSTEMS drop down menu, or is my install messed up?05:30
kroq-gar78n2diy: no system drop down. You have to go to app's and then select systems.05:31
kroq-gar78if on unity05:31
paulsomebodyUnfortunately, it still does not work.05:31
dr_willisn2diy:  theres some settings under the top right 'gear/power/settings' button.  I normaly just install a gnome-classic type indicator-applet so i have the old fashioned menu layout on a icon in teh top panel05:32
coleixFinally got most of the language variation erased:)05:32
n2diykrog-gar78 I installed gnome using apt-get, and I'm running that now.05:32
dr_willisn2diy:  gnome-shell? or what exactly did you install?05:32
EoN-iPaddr-w it's a bit weird that u need to make all those changes to make it usable05:33
n2diydr_willis: yes, 'gnome-shell'.05:33
dr_willisEoN-iPad:  i find unity very useable.. I just like the classic menu indicator applet.05:33
dr_willisEoN-iPad:  i have used dozens of desktops and window managers and os's over the ages..  unity is not too hard to learn. there are some decent guides out on using it.05:34
dr_willisEoN-iPad:  gnome-shell is a popular alternative.. and its just as weird :)05:34
EoN-iPadI don't get why there's been such resistance to it05:34
randomatixpeople resist change05:34
dr_willisEoN-iPad:  people complain no matter what.05:34
n2diyI'm teaching new users, and it's hard to do with something I don't know.05:35
aBoundI disagree people don't want change because why take the time to learn something new with something that already works?05:35
dr_willisthere are unity and gnome-shell guides out there. but both are works in progress.. and both are improveing month by month.05:35
EoN-iPadI'm totally open to change, I'm just trying to gauges whether the resistance is warranted05:36
n2diyaBound: yes.05:36
dr_willisaBound:  with that logic we would still be using windows1.005:36
dr_willisor Geos.05:36
dr_willisor CP/M05:36
EoN-iPador cli05:36
BlackIt just about choices05:36
aBounddr_willis, Not exactly we're still using C.05:36
dr_willisAnd yes. I have used all those OS's from CPM on up...05:36
randomatixI have nothing against Unity.  I might suggest it for a new user.  It's just not featurful enough for me.05:36
dr_willisC is one of those things ive never actaully needed to learn. :)05:37
n2diyI'm learing Python, because I can't find Basic.05:37
aBoundAhh, basic.05:37
EoN-iPadrandom what key features would u say it lacks?05:37
dr_willistheres a  dozen basics out there for linux. in one form or another.05:37
jschallI have a new laptop with an i7-2670QM. When on battery, the processor will not scale above 1.3GHz (it is a 2.2GHz processor). http://pastebin.ca/2096205 attempts to use cpufreq-set to fix it have failed to work even temprorarily05:37
randomatixn2diy: the BASIC of today is PHP05:37
aBoundThe majority of the programming languages are written in C. :P05:38
randomatixn2diy: Python is a good choice05:38
EoN-iPadphp is ok05:38
BlackIt just a choice05:38
dr_willisi tend to use perl.. mainly because i have used perl the most. :)05:38
dr_willisand it was good for the tasks i was doing.. ages ago i used 'rexx' quite a bit.05:39
randomatixEoN-iPad: Lots of productivity customizations that I like.  Maybe they're there.  Just didn't see a need to dig deep to replicate what I already had config'd in other WMs05:39
n2diyranndomatix so, PHP, or Python?05:39
dr_willisPython is a good starter language.. because its fairly easy to get into, and has enough features where you wont outgrow it...05:39
randomatixn2diy: if you have a choice, definitely Python.  Only bother with PHP if you're getting paid.05:40
aBoundPython does have a huge standard library.05:40
randomatixn2diy: PHP is a special-purpose language that outgrew it's original scope, and not gracefully05:40
n2diydr.willis, randomatix, cool, Python it is.05:41
dr_willisn2diy:  also read up on 'regular expressions' :) handy for all the languages you may be learning.05:41
randomatixaBound: that lib was one of the major attractors for me when I switched over, after years of perl05:41
randomatixand if you want to get into regexes, perl is your language ;)05:41
EoN-iPadphp is fine IMO, for it's purpose. the syntax is more elegant than python05:41
aBoundrandomatix, I bet more libraries = more functions = faster coding. :)05:41
dr_willisnice thing about regrexps... learn them well enough.. applies to so many differnt languages, and apps.05:42
EoN-iPadand with zend fw etc, nice oo framework05:42
paulsomebodyHey, can anyone help me finish that problem?05:42
randomatixaBound: well, the thing about the Python lib is that it's all high-quality vetted code, unlike CPAN05:42
aBoundrandomatix, Can't beat the aspect of having perl/python built into Linux either. :P05:42
paulsomebodyThe script works, but I am not sure if I invoke it correctly in the .profile.05:42
dr_willispaulsomebody:   'scriptname &'  ? or how are you envoking it..05:43
aBoundn2diy, Python forces you to write clean code. :P05:43
aBoundrandomatix, Agreed.05:43
randomatixaBound: it sure encourages it.  I haev to work hard to write ugly Python.05:44
dr_willisaBound:  scary how thats often sited as a 'complaint' against the language.05:44
paulsomebodydr_willis: I have added a line that says '~/.slider' to the end of the .profile.05:44
aBounddr_willis, People want their whitespace. :P05:44
paulsomebodydr_willis: Is this okay?05:44
dr_willispaulsomebody:  if the script does not spawn to the background, or return, you may want to use a & at the end of the line.  also if you had 'slider' in your /home/username/bin dir.. you wouldent need to use the path.05:45
randomatixif I'm writing clean code, I'm using whitespace.  why not make the parser understand it, so I can stop bothering with }05:45
shareWhat is this? /etc/apparmor.d/disable/usr.bin.firefox05:45
ShirakawasunaI am loving zim wiki, but it can only export to separate html files/latex files. Is there a way to convert them all to a single html page (or pdf), in general?05:45
paulsomebodydr_willis: Okay, I will move it to the ~/.bin/05:45
dr_willispaulsomebody:  i did not say .bin...   its 'bin'05:46
ShirakawasunaBasically I want to 'flatten' a web page with many subdirs/html files into one massive document05:46
aBoundrandomatix, I wonder the same thing seems like they want a stricter conformance.05:46
paulsomebodydr_willis: There is no 'bin' in my ~/. should I create it?05:46
dr_willispart of your bash startup scripts adds 'bin' to your default path - if it exists. theres where user made scripts and binaries are normally kept,05:46
randomatixShirakawasuna: Zim is great! I'd look for a way to combine them after the export.05:46
aBoundrandomatix, Poor code leads to poor outcomes/problems.05:46
dr_willispaulsomebody:  err.. logically.. yes that would make sence..05:46
shareDo I need apparmor at boot?05:47
randomatixaBound: I don't get a sense of "strict" from the Py community.  More like "clean".05:47
aBoundrandomatix, I'd figure there's a reason Debian is more stable than Ubuntu 11.10. :P05:47
dr_willisshare:  id leave it alone if you dont know what its about. :)05:47
sharedr_willis: it's showing every time I boot05:48
paulsomebodydr_willis: Logically, I have spent too much time on that issue, as well as many other people. :) Can we just get it to to work? Okay, so I specify a full path and put an '&' symbol at the end of the line.05:48
ubottuFor information about the AppArmor security framework employed in Ubuntu (since Gutsy Gibbon), see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AppArmor05:48
dr_willisshare:  showing what exactly?05:48
paulsomebodydr_willis: Is that all that should be done?05:48
dr_willispaulsomebody:  make bin dir.. put scripts in it.. call them like any other commands.05:48
dr_willispaulsomebody:  extra points if you learn how to sync your bin via ubuntu one to the other pcs you use. :)05:48
paulsomebodydr_willis: I do not need to call them like any other commands, sorry. :) I need it to run at login with root privileges.05:49
paulsomebodydr_willis: Yes, I use Ubuntu One for that.05:49
sharedr_willis: * Starting AppArmor profiles       G Skipping profile in /etc/apparmor.d/disable: usr.bin.firefox05:49
aBoundrandomatix, I suppose clean code makes up for some advantages.05:49
dr_willispaulsomebody:  what are they doing exactly?05:49
dr_willisshare:  so its skipping it.. whats the deal?05:49
paulsomebodydr_willis: Making dirty hack to make zooming on my keyboard work.05:49
paulsomebodydr_willis: The hack itself works if invoked manually.05:50
sharedr_willis: it's the only entry disabled05:50
dr_willispaulsomebody:  manually how exactly?05:50
paulsomebodydr_willis: But I cannot seem to start it automatically as root on login.05:50
paulsomebodydr_willis: Exactly like 'sudo sh .slider' from terminal.05:50
dr_willispaulsomebody:  starting somthing in X autmatically would most likely be done by a desktop entry or script in ~/.config/autostart/05:51
Shirakawasunarandomatix: Yeah, I love zim.  It looks like I can just append all of the html files together (I only have those skills in R, which is a silly language to use for this) and, as long as everything is at the same directory depth, everything should work. I'm wondering if there's a tool that can already do this better (e.g. converts relative paths at different levels to the new, single level)05:51
paulsomebodydr_willis: Would it be run as root?05:51
paulsomebodydr_willis: Would it be started after X is loaded?05:51
aBoundAlmost time to test 12.04 in Vbox.05:51
dr_willispaulsomebody:  why are you doing 'sh .slider' when if it was executable, and had a #!/bin/sh as the first line. you dont need the 'sh' part of 'sh .slider'05:51
paulsomebodydr_willis: Okay, that was exessive.05:52
dr_willispaulsomebody:  make a entry in the autostart dir that does a 'gksudo /home/username/bin/slider' and it should.05:52
randomatixShirakawasuna: it's written in Python, so might be reasonable to modify ;)05:52
paulsomebodydr_willis: That would create a promt every time I login.05:52
paulsomebodydr_willis: Can it be done without it?05:52
dr_willispaulsomebody:  your way would ask for a password in a shell thats not seen.. or try to run it on EVERY shell you start...05:52
dr_willispaulsomebody:  sudoers config file can set where password is not needed for specific commands05:53
metaspikepaulsomebody, /usr/local/bin/ is a place for locally generated binaries, you can bypass the prompt by adding it in /etc/sudoers with the appropriate synatx.05:53
aBoundUpgrading the kernel for Ubuntu wouldn't make a difference would it?05:53
paulsomebodymetaspike: Okay, that would be great.05:53
paulsomebodymetaspike: It is already in the /usr/local/bin, so that is not an issue.05:53
paulsomebodymetaspike: Did you mean 'sudoers' or 'sudoers.d'?05:54
metaspikeuse visudo05:55
paulsomebodymetaspike: Okay, what would be the syntax? 'visudo gedit /etc/sudoers'?05:56
dr_willisbe sure to backup your original /etc/sudoers file :) if you are going to change it... just in case..05:57
metaspike%paul ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/local/bin/myhack   would allow myhack to run as sudo without prompt. there are security implications when elevating some processes with sudo so, be advised :)05:57
paulsomebodymetaspike: I know, it is not nice.05:57
paulsomebodymetaspike: But exactly how not nice?05:58
randomatixShirakawasuna: don't overlook the fact that the raw Zim files are plain text, with their own markup05:58
paulsomebodymetaspike: Okay, so the line I need to put in there would look as '%somebody ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/local/bin/evrouter'.05:59
metaspikepaulsomebody read it and weep. http://www.sudo.ws/sudo/security.html . discretion comes to mind. i would use "su" instead whenever possible05:59
metaspikeyeah that looks good05:59
Shirakawasunarandomatix: Yeah... if I had the time I could probably write an 'export to single PDF' bit of code and send it to the project06:00
dfeuerCapturing video on my webcam: why do I get much much better results with the rather poorly documented and buggy GUVCViewer than with either Cheese or VLC?06:00
dfeuer(I'm talking about 2-4 times the framerate and without crazy lag)06:01
paulsomebodymetaspike: In nano you use 'Ctrl + O' to write changes and 'Ctrl + X' to quit, right?06:01
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metaspikein nano ctl+x will prompt for changes if not made, but i think visudo uses vi06:02
paulsomebodymetaspike: No, it is nano.06:02
metaspikeahk :) probably just as well06:02
randomatixShirakawasuna: maybe you could cobble a solution using cups-pdf and pdftk cat mode?06:03
no-name-I get 3 temps and 1 fan speed on speedfan (windows) but 1 temp and no fan speed on sensors (ubuntu)... I tried sensors-detect but it didn't help06:03
paulsomebodymetaspike: Is there really a whitespace between ALL, =, and NOPASSWD?06:04
Shirakawasunarandomatix: I'm kind of halfway there with 'htmldoc', the only trick is keeping the linked-to images intact06:04
pnormanno-name-: did you check the linux_sensors wiki for your motherboard model?06:04
no-name-pnorman: nope. will do, thanks.06:05
no-name-pnorman: is linux_sensors the same thing as lm-sensors?06:06
pnormanno-name-: yes06:06
metaspikePaul 'man sudoers' for the full sorry06:07
pnormanno-name-: without knowing the chips on the motherboard I can't give a definite answer, but odds are the problem is there is no datasheet for the chips used06:07
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions06:07
paulsomebodymetaspike: Reading manuals is nice, but I have been at this issue for two hours, at the very least.06:08
paulsomebodymetaspike: Okay, we will see now.06:10
pbinkhas anyone here rooted an android phone with ubuntu?06:10
Stanley00!anyone | pbink, I'm didnt but:06:11
ubottupbink, I'm didnt but:: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.06:11
pbinkStanley00, well it would have been "how the hell'd you do it?"06:13
metaspikeroot an android phone with ubuntu? I guess dd would do the trick06:14
Stanley00pbink: have you searched the internet?06:14
metaspikeor do you mean login to it? ssh would be one way to do that.06:14
clear`pbink: http://forum.xda-developers.com06:15
clear`and yes i have06:15
clear`ubuntu 11.1006:15
pbinkStanley00, the internet has told me that you need to roll back to a previous vulnerable version and then provides a plethora of information on how to root that...my problem is i can't find any ubuntu versions of the little hack progs they use06:15
clear`pbink: look at the link i posted06:16
clear`i did run into a problem, but a freshly booted system should work fine06:16
pbinkclear`, ah cool i'll take a look06:16
drskitwhen will Adobe flash player will work properly in full screen mode.06:17
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash06:18
paulsomebodymetaspike: Sorry, but what we just did was useless.06:18
B|tchXubottu | drskit Restricted06:19
metaspikepualsomebody, a handy example from man sudoers section NOPASSWD.06:19
metaspikeray    rushmore = NOPASSWD: /bin/kill, /bin/ls, /usr/bin/lprm06:20
B|tchXYou might even want to try flashaid too for firefox drskit it chooses the best flash for your browser06:21
drskitI don't really care I use windoze, just learning how to troll linux users http://encyclopediadramatica.ch/Linux#Lunix_Trolling_Techniques06:22
paulsomebodymetaspike: I am afraid that was 'useless' of the more fundamental nature.06:22
paulsomebodymetaspike: I will try again now to determine.06:22
rauchMerry Christmas everyone... Does anyone happen to have experience with iOS 5 & Ubuntu 11.10?06:23
iR0b0t1How do I install "libpng14"? I just compiled and installed from source, but the installation of Eagle 6 (PCB software) continues to fail by not finding it.06:24
pnormanrauch: I do, but likely not in the way you want.06:25
metaspiketry to comprehend the manual specifications, just paste some hacky script into some place and then try blind trial and error untill stuff happens. hmm i know which method I would use.06:25
rauchpnorman: How so, exactly?06:26
pnormanrauch: I have experience in ubuntu 11.10 and iOS 5, but not at using them together06:26
pnormanrauch: Actually, come to think of it I do use them together. I ssh in from my iPad and check munin from it06:27
rauchpnorman: Ahhh... :) Well, I've gone a different route and can't quite get it to sync. Can mount the JB'd File System through USB w/o SSH though. :)06:28
pnormanrauch: I've never connected my iPad to my ubuntu box directly06:29
rauchWell that makees sense. Quite easy though. Still find it relatively slow with copying and such. Bit of a pain.06:30
paulsomebodymetaspike: I seem to be experiencing another issue. 'sudo: no valid sudoers sources found, quitting'.06:31
paulsomebodymetaspike: I have the backup, but…06:31
paulsomebodymetaspike: To replace it, I need a sudo privilege, which is unavailable.06:32
paulsomebodymetaspike: Funny, right?06:32
metaspikesu && dpkg-reconfigure sudo06:32
TelestrialWould a quick disapproval of unity be unwelcomed here?06:33
paulsomebodyTelestrial: No, go ahead.06:33
pnormanpaulsomebody: reminds me of someone who had chmod -x done on chmod, and couldn't chmod it back06:33
hot2trotany ideas what to do when my wireless connection doesn't show up in the nm-applet?  I just did a fresh install of 9.10 (I must use this version) and it just ain't there.  Where to start?06:34
paulsomebodymetaspike: It says 'su: Authentication failure'.06:34
paulsomebodypnorman: How did this end?06:34
hot2trotpnorman: that's just kinda funny... I almost wanna do that to someone as a bad gag06:34
pnormanpaulsomebody: by a perl script to chmod chmod06:34
metaspikepaulsomebody, you need to use your administrative password, not your user password.06:35
paulsomebodypnorman: It fixed it?06:35
paulsomebodymetaspike: Hmm.06:35
paulsomebodymetaspike: I do not think there is such a thing as administrative password on Ubuntu.06:35
shareHow can I scroll up in tty?06:35
paulsomebodymetaspike: I always used my user password with 'sudo'.06:35
metaspikefine: su somebody && dpkg-reconfigure sudo   - use your user password06:36
metaspikeits like sudo only, not suckful :)06:36
pnormanpaulsomebody: You'll need to reboot into a recovery mode or use a live cd or something I think06:36
paulsomebodypnorman: Bad news.06:37
TelestrialUnity was too much too soon. I went to 11.10 and had no idea. It's probably my ignorance, but on 11.04 I could still run classic gnome and get along.06:37
paulsomebodypnorman: My filesystem is encrypted.06:37
Telestrialnow I'm just utterly screwed with something that's uncustomizable, uninuitive, and over-rated.06:37
Telestrialthank you.06:37
Telestrialthat is all.06:37
ubottusquid is a caching proxy for the Web.  See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SquidGuard  See: http://www.squid-cache.org06:38
phong_hi guys, anyone know how to setup shoutcast server?06:38
paulsomebodymetaspike: Okay, no error message on this command, but I still cannot do 'sudo'.06:38
paulsomebodypnorman: No, my point was, how did this guy ended?06:40
sammyhere's a good one: `getent passwd` only shows my /etc/passwd users. `getent passwd ldapusername` will show a user in my ldap databse through nss. but the users in ldap aren't showing when I just do 'getent passwd'06:40
paulsomebodypnorman: Was he able to fix the system?06:40
pnormanpaulsomebody: the person who chmod'ed chmod? they fixed it with a perl script - they still had all the permissions, they just couldn't run chmod06:41
paulsomebodypnorman: Good to hear that.06:41
pnormanpaulsomebody: it's still possible to use a livecd and mount the fs I believe, just harder06:41
paulsomebodypnorman: Yes, probably.06:42
pnormanpaulsomebody: is the entire FS encrypted or just home directories?06:42
paulsomebodypnorman: Just /home.06:42
pnormanpaulsomebody: then if you use a livecd and mount it and fix the sudoers file I would expect it to work06:43
goddardhow do i search with apt like yum search?06:43
paulsomebodypnorman: Can I simply login into recovery mode?06:43
metaspikeyeah, dpkg-reconfigure sudo   from recovery mode... rtfm on sudo and maybe "sudo passwd root" when its working. frankly doing all these advanced things without su, with the root account. and instead using the flawed sudo for everything. is just dumb.06:43
pnormanpaulsomebody: I think dpkg-reconfigure sudo from recovery would work, but I've never tried it myself06:44
paulsomebodyOkay, everyone, get some popcorn.06:45
paulsomebodyI will try that.06:45
metaspikegood luck v_v06:45
paulsomebodyI have a question: how do I choose recovery mode at startup, if my GRUB automatically boots the first kernel with default options?06:49
paulsomebodyI tried F8, but that did not help.06:49
fannagogannahow do I go about installing mint with Ubuntu 11.10?06:50
fannagogannai vaguely recall following some tutorial that I found on the interwebs, but I lost the info.06:51
paulsomebodymetaspike: How do I chose recovery mode at startup, if my GRUB automatically boots the first kernel with default options?06:53
sammypaulsomebody: you dont.06:53
sammypaulsomebody: maybe you can update grub somehow but, if its automatically choosing without prompting you, I dont think you can choose at boot time06:54
pnormanpaulsomebody: try shift06:54
paulsomebodyWell, it does not show me any options, but I think they are just hidden.06:54
paulsomebodypnorman: Aha.06:54
blockycan somebody help me troubleshoot my ethernet card? it's onboard on an ASROCK AM2NF6G-VSTA... eth0 shows up but doesn't get an ipv4 address06:54
sammywhoa. pnorman gets a cookie06:55
sammythat could have saved me many times before from updating grub with a live cd :P06:55
pnormanIt's shift for one version of grub, but not sure which version that is.06:55
sam85_hey guys on a similar topic, I removed bunch of stuff like unity & installed gnome-shell then restarted. Now I get error -> failed to load session "ubuntu"06:55
sam85_any idea ?06:56
sammyblocky: dhcp? should spew messages to your system logs06:56
metaspikesam what's your objective in a nutshell? remove gnome and switch to a ?06:58
sam85_metaspike: i cannot use the pc06:58
sam85_it just give error on login06:59
Guido1Hello, My laoptop with ubuntu 10.04 doesn't recognice the external monitor06:59
metaspikecan you ctrl+alt+F2 to a terminal?06:59
sam85_metaspike: yes06:59
evolution1how do i purge evolution on Ubuntu 11.04 without removing Ubuntu?07:00
metaspikeGuido1, i think it's   fn + f10  or f11 one of those, it's got a little monitor on it07:00
blockythere's a bunch of dhcp related stuff in syslog, not sure what I'm looking for07:00
Guido1metaspike: does it make sends if i can only see the laptop monitor by the settings?07:01
metaspikesam85_, login then - sudo aptitude install unity - if you want it back or - aptitude install xdm lxde - for lxde etc.07:01
blockydevice state change: ip-config -> unavailable (reason 'carrier-changed')07:01
metaspikeGuido1, ati ?07:01
sam85_metaspike: i tried gdm, yet same problem.07:02
Guido1i think so.07:02
vjacobHi all. Happy holidays. Anyone of you who could explain me how I can log in with another user to X, if I already have one user running an X session (i.e. the X server is running)?07:03
no-name-when changing the size of (and/or getting rid of other) partitions using gparted on the ubuntu live cd/usb, what are the chances of something going wrong resulting in data loss and/or corruption?07:03
metaspikeim not sure how gnome is put together, but I think that -sudo aptitude purge gnome gdm- sudo aptitude install gnome gdm - would get it back otherwise replace it like i suggested.07:03
evolution1vjacob: switch users (shown near the shutdown options)07:03
sam85_metaspike: lemme try one moment07:03
vjacobno-name-, they are there. always backup.07:04
evolution1no-name: pretty high, I would backup data07:04
vjacobthanks evolution107:04
no-name-would you be able to estimate how high?07:04
blockywhat is the correct way to restart networking in 11.10?07:04
no-name-will it be immediately obvious if something does go wrong?07:04
metaspikeGuido1, you should get the proporeitory ati drivers if you havent already07:06
evolution1no-name-: I have tried 2x, once lost data and had to replace with backup, second worked fine with gparted, i found it was sensitive to NTFS partitions and Windows partitions, extending ext2/3/4 was less risky07:06
evolution1no-name-: a booting problem could arise if you are altering a Windows partition07:07
no-name-evolution1: did you only lose data from your NTFS partition?\07:07
metaspikeno-name-, resizing ext2 chances are high, ext3 mid, ext4 very high and ntfs very very high. backup is a definate idea, the rate of success is determined by the fragmentation within the parition- ie. the more its been used and the filesystem support for the resizer.07:07
evolution1no-name-: yes07:07
no-name-will it be immediately obvious if something does go wrong?07:07
no-name-I mean, will it *always* be07:07
=== Youri is now known as Iruoy
metaspikeyeah gparted will complain and fail and then bad parition. :s07:08
Guido1with "detect monitor" i can only see one07:08
evolution1metaspike: I have had gparted not fail with NTFS and mess the NTFS boot loader into Windows07:08
no-name-I just don't want "surprises" upon using files *later*07:08
evolution1metaspike: i mean not report an error07:08
no-name-finding out that some files were missing or corrupt, etc07:09
evolution1how do i purge evolution on Ubuntu 11.04 without removing Ubuntu?07:09
metaspikeevolution1. it's a part of gnome, you could just remove its link from /user/share/applications/ and install something else.07:11
Guido1where can 5 get the dr5ver.s07:11
sam85_metaspike: thantks for helping. But I just started that pc & it is working & I have no idea how it happened!! :)07:12
evolution1metaspike: trying to save room on a 4GB Ubuntu 11.04 install, any suggestions?07:12
Guido1and how can i check the other drivers?07:12
metaspikehuzzah! merry chrismas hoho.07:12
metaspikeGuido1 . sudo aptitude install fglrx . for the AMD driver for ATI  but if it's not supported it will bomb07:13
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto07:13
evolution1Guido1: you could also in terminal: sudo apt-get install jockey-gtk && gksu jockey-gtk07:13
Guido1wher can i have a look what for hardware i have?07:15
evolution1Guido1: in terminal, sudo lshw07:15
metaspikeevolution1, sudo aptitude clean - maybe install bleachbit. compress your home partiton. remove cruft with synaptic (old kernels... gnome.. lol )07:16
evolution1metaspike: yeah i did the apt-get autoclean && apt-get clean, then i removed old kernels, but i can't compress home partition because its encrypted07:16
evolution1metaspike: i'll check out bleachbit, never heard of it07:17
HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHDid anyone remember Freakofnurture of Wikipedia? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Freakofnurture07:17
HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHe used to be an admin there. I find that paste of him weird, by the way: http://pastebin.com/wAX9Kmfe07:17
metaspikedeborphans. to remove package orpahns and gdmap are also essential tools for clean freaks :)07:18
Guido1i can find al the hardisks, partitions, USB ports, PCI bridges etc. but i don't recognise anything for video07:21
Guido1i will have a look in the description07:21
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Guest36620Does anyone here have experience with QScintilla?07:22
LtHummusis there an offtopic room?07:24
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:24
LtHummusthanks pnorman07:24
sharereprofiling ureadahead....07:25
metaspikeGuido1-   lspci | grep VGA07:25
=== ZeepZop_ is now known as ZeepZop
Guido1Thank you :-)07:27
Guido101:00.0 VGA compatible controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. CN896/VN896/P4M900 [Chrome 9 HC] (rev 01)07:27
Guido1it's the vn89607:29
Guido1so what have i to do to instal the right driver?07:32
evolution1metaspike: bleachbit works like a charm to clean Ubuntu, thanks07:32
metaspikeGuido1, then you are using the correct driver (which means this was a dead end, but at least you now know what video adapter you are using!) it looks like gconf-editor may hold the key for you: http://gregcor.com/2011/05/07/fix-dual-monitors-in-gnome-3-aka-my-workspaces-are-broken/07:34
metaspikenp evolution107:34
mizumaruhi guys07:35
metaspikeGuido1, or this: google is your friend (haha) http://thecodecentral.com/2011/03/01/switch-to-external-monitor-connected-via-hdmivga-port-in-ubuntu07:36
shareReprofiling ureadahead really improves boot. "rm /var/lib/ureadahead/*pack" enable auto-login and voilá07:36
shareor login* :)07:36
almoxarifeshare: how much of your uptime is spent in boot time?07:38
sharealmoxarife: Im not using bootchart right now but it loaded desktop before 20 seconds07:38
sharealmoxarife: grub menu to desktop07:38
Guido1okee, thank you. i wil chek this07:39
shareand this was after I removed those files maybe now it boots even faster07:40
shareback. 20 seconds from grub to desktop.07:42
shareImagine with SSD.07:45
shareand another window manager etc07:45
gogetathe channel is sleeping07:50
lufisI'm creating a bootable usb drive on a mac with dd... it's taken about half an hour to transfer the img to the drive. Is this normal, or is something wrong?07:54
RobertBainhey guys, i was wondering how to view like a connections and bounce log for postfix07:54
almoxarifelufis: seems a bit long, but what you want to know is if its progressing, can you bring up something that shows you the size of the usb drive?07:58
ghatuupdated ubuntu 10.04 problem xscan not able to scan from epson stylus cx5500 : lsusb output Bus 005 Device 004: ID 04b8:083f Seiko Epson Corp. Stylus DX4450 : replaced ID in /etc/sane.d/epson2.conf still unable to use scanner any option07:58
bullgard4What is meant by "Core Audio"? http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/musicaudio/reference/CoreAudioGlossary/Introduction/Introduction.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP4000445307:59
lufisalmoxarife: It JUST finished, hah. thanks anyway :)08:01
A|i3NMerry Christmas everyone. Anyone give me a list of essential codecs for transcoding like anything I Need to?08:03
gogetalufis: iage size kinda matters but ok08:03
gogetaA|i3N: avidmux kinda handels most stuff08:04
lufisgogeta: it's just the ubuntu.iso converted to img. about 700mb08:04
gogetaA|i3N: thers another relly nice one but i forgot th name lol08:05
A|i3Ngogeta: Is that a codec package or software? I'm just looking for codecs that programs like transmageddon would use like ubuntu restricted extras and the like08:05
gogetaA|i3N: thats softwhere that does edting encoding etc08:06
A|i3Ngogeta: But it probably installs a lot of good codecs I'm guessing :)08:06
gogetaA|i3N: :)08:07
gogetaA|i3N: yea all use ffmpeg and mencoder as the backend08:07
A|i3Ngogeta: OK cool I will keep that one in mind, Thank you. ffmpeg - I think that one package has most of the codecs needed for stuff most of us would need to do right?08:08
gogetaA|i3N: it looks like ubuntu comes with openshot thats the one i was thinking of08:09
share"cannot read /etc/udev/rules.d/z80_user.rules" there is no such file08:09
A|i3Nah what about gstreamer? same thing?08:10
gogetaA|i3N: gstreamer is codec packages08:10
gogetaA|i3N: good bad ulgy08:10
gogetaA|i3N: just what packages contane what lol ulgy is normaly the closed formats good open and bad sorta open08:11
A|i3Nso if I wanted an all around solution.. I'd install avidmux, gstreamer, mencoder, ffmpeg and perhaps ubuntu restricted extras hehe08:12
gogetaA|i3N: just use mpeg4 like the rest of the world lol08:12
A|i3Ngogeta: Yea mpeg 4 is the general target lol I guess I don't need to make it so complicated08:12
gogetaA|i3N: i think the extra package is gone in 11.1008:12
gogetaA|i3N: just grab demux and if its missing a codec it should grab it and you have openshot by defult see how it works08:13
A|i3Ngogeta: still using 11.04 here. :D Found 11.10 kinda ... i dunno. Buggy lol08:13
gogetaA|i3N: i find anything ubuntu buggy08:14
gogetaA|i3N: myarch box is less buggy lol08:14
A|i3Ngogeta: yea true lol.08:14
BlakHawkmerry xmas everyone08:14
A|i3Ngogeta: Anything linux in itself is buggy as far as us end users go I guess :D08:14
gogetaA|i3N: naa ubuntu does a bad job repacking08:15
bullgard4BlakHawk: A merry christmas to you too!08:15
gogetaA|i3N: my stock unmodded unbranded arch packages run peachy08:15
gogetaA|i3N: or if there is a bug with a progam they whont relese the new version being they do securty fixes only08:16
BlakHawkhey i was hoping that someone here could help me understand something on ubuntu08:16
gogetawe can try08:16
bullgard4What is meant by "Core Audio"? http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/musicaudio/reference/CoreAudioGlossary/Introduction/Introduction.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP4000445308:16
BlakHawkokay i am using ubuntu with vmware (linux guest os) and so i am using a usb wifi adapter08:17
BlakHawkmy question is how does udev decide which interface to choose for wlan* ?08:17
BlakHawkit either chooses wlan0 or wlan108:17
gogetaBlakHawk: kinda redundent isnt it08:17
A|i3Ngogeta: I'm still learning linux and yea, its not that hard once it comes down to it. ex windows user here. lol. Still getting into a lot of the technical side of it. :)08:17
=== soreau_ is now known as soreau
gogetaBlakHawk: just use the most machines usb wifi and set ubunt vm to wired08:18
BlakHawkno what i am wondering is why does it sometimes assign wlan* to wlan0 and sometimes wlan1 ?08:18
Der_TigerIf only Windows CMD/PS had WGET :(08:18
BlakHawkwell the reason i am asking is because for some reason the usb wifi adapter works perfect when wlan* interface is asssigned to wlan108:19
gogetaBlakHawk: depends if you have 2 wireless cards the vm is seeng08:19
BlakHawkno my wifi card works fine08:19
BlakHawkit just works better on wlan108:19
BlakHawkfor some reason network manager only scans for wifi when assigned to wlan1 not wlan008:19
gogetaBlakHawk: could be a vm glitch hard to say why its randomly assinging it08:19
BlakHawkwell i see in this file...08:20
gogetaBlakHawk: or in the network manager go to wlan0 and set it to auto08:20
BlakHawk70-persistent-net.rules (different mac addys for wlan0 and wlan1)08:20
gogetaBlakHawk: jut delete all the entrys in wlan0 then connect to the network again it should go to auto mode08:20
BlakHawkso i was wondering what is the criteria why sometimes it gets wlan0 and sometimes it gets wlan108:20
gogetaBlakHawk: yea it will do that difrent usb slot diffrent mac08:21
BlakHawkgogeta: i have never moved the usb08:21
BlakHawkit stays in the same slot08:21
gogetaBlakHawk: as i said sounds like the vm is randomy setting the usb adress08:21
gogetaBlakHawk: probly just how it works using a usb wifi card as gust isnt normaly done08:22
BlakHawkits not i set the usb wifi08:23
BlakHawki don't think it has anything to do with vmware08:23
gogetaBlakHawk: it does vmware does not set static usb settings so when to resets the usb changes08:24
A|i3Nhere's what I'm confused about: WHY are there so many people in this channel? And so little traffic. Just a side question. lol. :)08:24
gogetaBlakHawk: i saw that in a bug report08:24
pnormanA|i3N: Idle people.08:24
A|i3Npnorman: I *know* that but WHY are they HERE lol08:25
gogetaBlakHawk: so devices winde up in diffrent slot randomy08:25
gogetaBlakHawk: its fine for most things but probly will confuse the hell out of a wifi card being used inside the vm08:26
A|i3Npnorman: I guess that is why Linux is so awesome though. So many people for support, so little issues TO support. :)08:26
gogetaBlakHawk: to fix it use the usb card on the host box outside the vm and tell the vm to use wired bridge to the wifi08:26
gogetaBlakHawk: to ubuntu you will be wired but yu relly be using the wireless08:27
bullgard4What is meant by "Core Audio"? http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/musicaudio/reference/CoreAudioGlossary/Introduction/Introduction.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP4000445308:29
gogetaA|i3N: "}08:29
gogetaA|i3N: :)08:29
gogetaits christmas everyone is getting sleep before screaming kids go give me shit08:31
A|i3Ngogeta: Yes? lol08:32
pnormanbullgard4: it's the part of OS X that deals with audio. you might want to try a mac channel instead of here08:32
Guido1okee, i'm just trying http://gregcor.com/2011/05/07/fix-dual-monitors-in-gnome-3-aka-my-workspaces-are-broken/ , but there is no folder "shell"08:33
BlakHawkgogeta: its a weird setup i have, i have my usb wifi adapter connected to guest os (ubuntu) and when i start up the driver for my usb wifi it loads and sometimes it loads on wlan0 and sometimes it loads on wlan1, when it loads on wlan0 it still works i can scan for available wifi with Wicd Network Manager, but when it is on wlan0, network manager can not scan for wifi networks, and sometimes the flashing light on my usb wifi does not work but my us08:33
evildaemonWhat utility should I use to read block devices?08:34
evildaemon(Like see filesystem information.)08:34
gogetaBlakHawk: yea i get that wifi on gust is unstable thats the simple answer08:34
gogetaBlakHawk: why use wifi inside the vm anyways08:35
pnormanevildaemon: I can't check the syntax since my ubuntu system is down, but I believe file -s /dev/sdX will tell you. You might want to check the man page first08:36
BlakHawkhmm i am thinking about changing the names in /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules08:36
evildaemonI just needed the utility, I can read man pages dude.08:36
evildaemonThanks BTW.08:36
gogetaBlakHawk: you setup is redundent08:36
BlakHawkgogeta: ya i get that...08:36
Guido1and with serch i can't find "workspaces_only_on_primary"08:37
A|i3Nevildaemon: I use rudolph. His bright ass nose can see everything.08:38
A|i3NSorry. I had to. lol. Merry Christmas everyone. :D08:38
gogetaeveyone find the google easteregg08:39
A|i3Ngogeta: Google is a bit late for easter aren't they?08:40
gogetaA|i3N: its a term for a hidden suprise08:40
ssk_the_gr8merry Christmas everyone. how can i change the number of lines to be scrolled in ubuntu 10.04?08:40
A|i3Ngogeta: I know. I was being a smart easter bunny. lol08:40
gogetaA|i3N: go to google .com push all the squars let the song play08:41
bullgard4pnorman: Thank you for exploaining and your suggestion. I will try to follow it.08:42
evildaemonThanks, that worked. So, is there one that tells you what device a file belongs to?08:42
A|i3Ngogeta: omfg... LOL...08:43
gogetaA|i3N: heh08:43
A|i3Ngogeta: I wish I had targeted the term happy holidays for my web site lol08:44
xi4idoes anyone know how to apt-get install django on xubuntu?08:45
gogetaxi4i: as you said it08:46
xi4iwell, apt-get does not see it08:46
xi4iclaims no such package08:47
gogetaxi4i: then its not in the main repos you need to find a ppa or deb file08:47
A|i3Ndoes anyone know how to not get a hangover from drinking a 375ml bottle of vodka? lol08:48
gogetaxi4i: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/oneiric/amd64/python-django08:48
A|i3Nother then not drinking it.08:48
gogetaxi4i: thats how its worked08:48
gogetaA|i3N: nope only how to get relly drunk and get sick08:49
pnormanA|i3N: Have water to drink at the same time. You'll still get drunk, but not dehydrated, which will help a bit08:49
A|i3Nif it helps the christmas spirit, I did stick it in the blender with a deaf and blind elf; he or.. she... I'm not sure, tasted great with a little tobassco sauce08:49
gogetaA|i3N: i had a huge bottel nd was takeing shots when i died in left 4 ead08:50
gogetaA|i3N: i got fucking wasked08:50
A|i3Nlol wow you guys really are great.08:50
ssk_the_gr8i like tobassco sauce :)08:50
A|i3NLOL a comment front the hidden, and I spelled it wrong. Tobacco sauce is even better! lol08:51
xi4i@gogeta: sorry for the stpd question, but does it matter that i want to install it on a thinkpad x32? what is the meaning of amd64?08:51
gogetaxi4i: it wil grab the 32 bit one insteed08:51
gogetaxi4i: means 64bit08:52
gogetaxi4i: so apt-get python-django08:52
A|i3Ngogeta: your knowledge is scary. Can I kill you and drink your blood?08:53
gogetaA|i3N: lol08:53
A|i3Ngogeta: Someone hadda say it. lol08:53
gogetaA|i3N: not that scary i have been stuck on a question plenty of times08:54
gogetaA|i3N: most of it is just google search08:54
gogetaA|i3N: but ops will stab us for suggesting it08:54
A|i3Ngogeta: google makes it easy but damn. lol.08:54
Guido1i can't use the external monitor by my laptop. the driver is okee08:55
gogetaGuido1: plug it in08:55
Guido1i did08:55
gogetaGuido1: no relly plug it in and turn on laptop08:55
A|i3Nok now that was just an asshole answer. LOL08:55
gogetaGuido1: sometimes it only see it on boot08:56
Guido1i think i did it before08:56
A|i3NBUT, guidol, he/she is right.08:56
Guido1i also got 2 links08:56
gogetaGuido1: no luck08:56
xi4igogeta: thank you08:56
Guido1i get this here in the chat08:56
A|i3Nreset the stuff; turn yer puter off, plug monitor in, turn on.08:56
gogetaGuido1: oh gnome 3 thats why08:56
gogetaGuido1: everything is broken on that08:57
Guido1the strange thing is that i can't find any folder caled "shell"08:57
xi4ioh, one more thing. the server on my laptopn is not visible to the othr machines on the local net. how can i fix that?08:57
gogetaxi4i: samba?08:57
xi4ino, apache08:57
xi4ii am using it as a web server08:58
xi4ii mean, i want to08:58
gogetaxi4i: you might need to open the port on ufw08:58
xi4ii think something blocking the ports08:58
Joba2I asked this earlier, but thought I'd try again and see if anyone has an answer.  I have a device that uses serial over bluetooth.  It shows up as /dev/rfcomm0 and I can connect to it just fine if I use sudo, but get a "Device or Resource Busy" error if I try to connect to it with a normal user.  The dialout group has the same permissions on the device as root, and I am in the dialout group.  Any ideas for how to make the device usable b08:58
Joba2y a normal user?08:58
gogetaxi4i: yes ufw does08:58
xi4iit says ufw is not installed08:58
Guido1wait. the system monitor says gnome 2.30.2 - ubuntu 10.0408:58
gogetaxi4i: it should be its defult08:58
gogetaxi4i: if not ufw the roughter might need a port foward08:59
xi4iwhen i run "ufw" it says no such command08:59
xi4iit's inside the net, i don't think router is the issue08:59
gogetaJoba2: add them to the bluetooth group as well09:00
gogetaxi4i: yea local networks should not be blocking eath other09:00
A|i3Nso here's a weird question... I weigh 150 - 160 at the most.. i've had almost 375ml of vodka.. i haven't drank for a while.. If I stand up, will I fall over? I am open to votes. I swear to god i'll get back after I climb off the floor. lol.09:00
Joba2gogeta: Trying it now.09:00
Guido1gogeta: the strange thing is that i can't find any folder caled "shell"09:00
Guido1gogeta: the system monitor says gnome 2.30.2 - ubuntu 10.0409:00
A|i3Nsorry I gotta try to had SOME humor to the system. :D09:01
gogetaGuido1: you do not have gnome 309:01
DarkXPhenomenon/me wishes everyone a Merry Christmas!!!09:01
gogetaGuido1: unless you installed by ppa gnome 3 was not launched on 10.0409:01
wallI have a problem with archlinux, anyone who once use that one?09:02
* A|i3N pukes on DarkXPhenomenon09:02
gogetawall: yep but they have a channel #archlinux09:02
Guido1but i got the tip from someone in the chat and sayed that i have ubuntu 10.0409:02
Guido1so what have i to do? restart?09:02
* A|i3N pukes on wall09:02
gogetawall: yep09:02
A|i3Nsorry wall, you weren't the target; I really did just puke on a wall09:03
Guido1okee, i wil try in a moment09:03
gogetaGuido1: restart?09:03
gogetaGuido1: sudo reboot09:03
gogetaGuido1: you do nothave gnome 3 unless you installed it by hand you have gnome 209:03
Guido1okee, fine09:04
Guido1can't i use the normal reboot?09:04
gogetaGuido1: yes you can09:04
Guido1okee, i will try now09:05
* A|i3N falls on gogeta; flops around on the floor for a minute and says something about reindeer and rum09:05
gogetaA|i3N: not drunk today09:06
gogetaA|i3N: im doing care taker gig right now so i cant drink heavly09:06
A|i3Ngogeta: um.. ok. lol. I *am* so I was just being weird. lol09:07
gogetaA|i3N: lol he has 10.04 his multidisplay is probly just broken09:07
gogetasjefen6: i rember that being shity09:08
A|i3Ngogeta: But omg yer an awesome asset to this channel :D09:08
gogetaA|i3N: untill someone pisses me off and i go off on them09:08
A|i3Ngogeta: awwwwwwww that was a cheap shot - the best kind. lol09:08
gogetaA|i3N: you get those sometimes they whont take advice and keep complaning09:09
gogetaA|i3N: your wrong its broken help your wrong to09:09
gogetaA|i3N: lol09:09
Guido1it works half :-S09:09
tapoutfor some reason, my box cannot see any windows shares other than WDTV live...  I click on "windows network" and no servers show up.  I know it works, cause i'm on windows boxes and i see 309:09
gogetaGuido1: nice the monoter kicked on09:10
A|i3Ngogeta: lol yea exactly it works and then you get those that just won't help themselves for CRAP lol09:10
Guido1short before i enter my pasword i can see it on both screens09:10
gogetaGuddu: you should be able to adjust the settings from the monoter settings09:10
Guido1but than only on the one from tha laptop09:10
gogetaGuddu: ohhh yea you just need to turn it on09:10
gogetaGuddu: go to the display setting you should be able to slect the second monoter now and enable it09:11
Guido1gogeta: short before i enter my pasword i can see it on both screens but than only on the one from the laptop09:12
A|i3Ntapout: Take your hand off your joystick. Stop watching the WDTV. Get off of prancer, lay off the pcp and speak slowly.09:12
gogetaGuido1: yea becouse its set not to use it atm09:12
Guido1how can i?09:12
A|i3NOh and Merry Christmas Tapout :) I'm just here to screw with people. :)09:12
gogetaGuido1: go to the display settings where you set the res and stuff you should be able to slect the othermonoter09:13
tapoutnew install.  Open Nautilus. 1) browse network 2) Windows Network 3) EMPTY.  All other machines that aren't ubuntu can see the shares09:13
gogetaGuido1: and tell it to use it as well09:13
Guido1if i have a look at the monitorsettings ther is only one monitor shown up09:13
gogetaGuido1: not in the drop down box09:13
Guido1where than?09:14
Guido1terminal? but what have i to enter there?09:14
gogetaGuido1: is this a nivida card09:14
Guido1i think not, wait a moment09:14
metaspikeit's a VIA Technologies, Inc. CN896/VN896/P4M90009:15
Guido1via vn89609:15
metaspikeof all things09:16
gogetaGuido1: the fourm says open the momnoter program as admin09:16
Guido1how do i open it?09:16
gogetaGuido1: did you click detect monoters09:16
Guido1but i can only see one :-S09:17
ssk_the_gr8how can i change the number of lines to be scrolled in ubuntu 10.04?09:17
Guido1and it is named "unknown"09:17
gogetaGuido1: yea 10.04 had issues with this09:18
Guido1so what can i do?09:18
gogetaGuido1: http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2009/08/ubuntu-tips-how-to-setup-dual-monitor/09:19
gogetaGuido1: newer version of ubuntu have no problem with it anymore09:20
linuxuz3rmerry christmas09:20
Guido1okee. 10.10 looks like 10.04 right?09:20
gogetaGuido1: no 10.04 was the last gnome 209:21
gogetaGuido1: but you can change to xubuntu09:21
gogetaGuido1: xfce is very simler09:21
gogetaGuido1: http://www.xubuntu.org/09:22
m4kPlz help me when i installed debian but there is no synaptic. How to install synaptic without internet09:22
Guido1hm, i just started with linux and like this one very much, cause i can find everything etc and it works much better, than win.09:22
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gogetaGuido1: yea but they changed to unity after 10.0409:23
gogetaGuido1: becouse both the guys at gnome and ubuntu whent insane09:23
Guido1i see09:24
ssk_the_gr8can anyone please help me with the scrolling issue?09:24
Guido1"If you see only one monitor, click on Detect Monitor, which should detect all the monitors connected to the Ubuntu laptop or desktop." don't shows upt 2 screens09:24
gogetaGuido1: if you ver use unity or gnome 3 you will understand why i say that09:24
chroothi, i just download the ubuntu-11.10-src-1.iso, but i can't install it like normal ubuntu cd image files, what is wrong with it?09:24
gogetachroot: umm its sourcecode09:25
chrootgogeta, have you ever tried that?09:25
Guido1there was one ubuntu with al the things on the left. i thought it was one of the 11 versions09:25
gogetachroot: sourcecode is no bbinarys09:25
gogetaGuido1: everything after 10.0409:26
ssk_the_gr8chroot: you should have downloaded desktop version , you've downloaded source09:26
chrootgogeta,  you mean it is just source codes,  and it is different from  normal iso files09:26
gogetachroot: yes09:26
Guido1i see09:27
Guido1but is there a possibilty to get 10.04 work with the external monitor?09:27
gogetaGuido1: its relly video card spefic09:27
gogetaGuido1: the tools from ati and niida work09:27
chrootssk_the_gr8, yes, i already installed ubuntu, but i want to  see the source of some command tools, so i download the source iso.09:27
gogetaGuido1: but untill newer version intel drivers sucked09:27
theadminchroot: You don't need that09:28
theadminchroot: sudo apt-get source PACKAGENAME09:28
theadminchroot: That will install the sourcecode files for PAKAGENAME into /usr/src/09:28
ssk_the_gr8how can i change the number of lines to be scrolled in ubuntu 10.04?09:28
chroottheadmin, you mean with the command you put there, i can't get any command source code i want .09:28
chroottheadmin,  you mean with apt-get , the source code will be downloaded to /usr/src ?09:29
Guido1so not with via vn89609:29
theadminchroot: Almost. Some software in Ubuntu repos, e.g. Flash is closed-source so you can't "apt-get source" them09:29
theadminchroot: But yes, that's right.09:30
chrootwow, good, so  i can do fun things09:30
tristan1can i ask for assistance with the gnome-panel... i have unwanted icons clustering up my panel and cannot remove them..09:30
theadminchroot: Make sure you have the "deb-src" lines in your sources.list uncommented, though.09:30
tristan1the top panel by the clock, more spicificly..09:31
Guido1gogeta: so not with via vn89609:31
anggussssk_the_gr8, it's in profile preferences, under the scrolling tab (in gnome)09:31
chrootok ,  i can add sources to my apt sources09:31
theadmintristan1: GNOME3 panel is weird... Try win+alt+right-click on the widget you do not want09:31
tristan1theadmin: thank you09:32
ssk_the_gr8angguss: how do i access profile preferences?09:32
gogetaGuido1: grab the same of the monoter config app then sudo the app and see if you can see the other monoter09:32
Guido1what do i have to enter in the terminal?09:33
anggussssk_the_gr8, under the 'Edit' tab in terminal09:33
chrootanyone who ever used kvm in ubuntu?09:33
tristan1theadmin: however experimenting... i found that alt+right click is enough09:33
chrootalso with virt-manager?09:34
theadmintristan1: Ah, okay, it doesn't work that way in gnome3.2 though09:34
gogetaGuido1: sudo gnome-display-properties09:34
ssk_the_gr8angguss: is it for the whole system or just the terminal?09:34
theadmingogeta: WOAH, that's not a good idea09:34
theadmingogeta: gksu for gui apps09:34
gogetatheadmin: i never blew up a system going it but o09:35
gogetaGuido1: gksu gnome-display-properties09:35
Guido1gogeta: the sherm settings are opend, but still only one09:36
Guido1gogeta: and the sound begins short bevore entering the tekst to be strange09:36
gogetatheadmin: he gets the second monoter at boot but after login its gone on a 10.04 system i rember this issue but dont rember the fix09:36
Guido1gogeta: (gnome-display-properties:1962): Gtk-WARNING **: Ignoring the separator setting09:37
Guido1(gnome-display-properties:1962): Gtk-WARNING **: No object called:09:37
gogetaGuido1: yea most apps complane being term launched09:38
jmscomtechhow can i gain access to the console before x starts?09:38
gogetajmscomtech: use fail safe and boot into cli x will not start09:38
Guido1no problem, but after that there still is only one monitor09:38
oracle1234merry christmas, HO HO HO09:39
jmscomtechooh ill try that as the ubuntu nvidia drivers dont support my gfx card for some reason keeps spitting out unsupported device09:39
gogetajmscomtech: new cards love to do that you probly will need to go down to cli and install nividas drivers by hand09:40
Guido1gogeta: i wil do a reboot, because the sound is broken09:40
jmscomtechyeah thats what i was thinking09:40
gogetaGuido1: yea man i dont think a real fix was ever made for 10.0409:40
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gogetajmscomtech: if the systems not frozen you should be ale to alt f1 into a console09:41
jmscomtechfrom login screen?09:41
gogetajmscomtech: yea or login into unity 2d09:42
jmscomtechgogeta: i am in unity 2d09:42
gogetajmscomtech: then your golden09:42
theadmingogeta: You mean, ctrl-alt-f109:42
gogetajmscomtech: just grav the nivida drivers from the app09:42
jmscomtechno im not cause the drivers arnt installed09:42
jmscomtechgogeta: please read above again09:43
gogetajmscomtech: in the hardware app it should say it has drivers for your card09:43
jmscomtechmy gfx not supported by the nvidia drivers in apt09:43
gogetajmscomtech: oh then go to nividas website and grab thers i think they have a deb09:43
gogetajmscomtech: you will be able to use ubuntu softwhere center to install it09:44
jmscomtechi have a .run file09:45
gogetajmscomtech: ok you will need the dev tools09:46
theadmingogeta: No you don't. You're not making any sense -_-09:46
theadminjmscomtech: Just run that file: sudo /path/to/something.run09:46
robin0800jmscomtech: there are installation instructions for that on the site you found the .run file on09:46
Guido1gogeta: okee, back. strange, that the other monitor works until enetring the pasword09:46
gogetatheadmin: to use nividas drivers i t neaeds the headers and compiler09:46
gogetajmscomtech: its chmod  +X the run file09:47
theadmingogeta: That sounds wrong, the drivers they provide are binary... Except maybe the kernel headers, that would make some sense09:47
gogetajmscomtech: then ./thefile.run09:47
gogetatheadmin: it needs to compile into the kernel09:48
gogetatheadmin: but yes they are binary09:48
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metaspikejmscomtech have you read this yet.09:48
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto09:48
jmscomtechi now how to run it just didnt know how to log into console as the ctrl alt f1 says the x servers been started already09:48
DaZgogeta: +x09:48
gogetajmscomtech: just open a term09:48
robin0800gogeta: it won't work you a need sudo and b no x server read the instructions09:48
gogetajmscomtech: you can quicksarch it in unity09:48
DaZjmscomtech: what about f2? :f09:49
jmscomtechthat will not work gogeta cant u get it it wont work in a x09:49
* mang0 runs away again09:49
metaspikedunno what the deal for ubuntu is, in debian you can "sudo aptitude install nvidia-kernel-dkms nvidia-glx" to get modern nvidia cards working.09:49
mang0took me so long to type all that *sigh*09:49
gogetathen kill the display manager first09:49
jmscomtechand how do u do that ? by going into console mode but how do i get into console mode without x started is my original question09:50
gogetajmscomtech: ctrl alt f2 then login and sudo killall lightdm09:50
gogetajmscomtech: that wil kill x09:50
metaspikeif you decide to run the ones from the nvidia site, i would see if there's a way to build a deb using that .run file first and install that or at least remove any existing proporietory drivers first...09:50
Guido1gogeta: okee, back. strange, that the other monitor works until enetring the pasword09:50
Guest56390does anybody know how to install dazukofs in Ubuntu 11.04 dazukofs?09:51
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adrian__does anybody know how to install dazukofs in Ubuntu 11.04 dazukofs?09:51
robin0800gogeta: sudo service stop you mean09:51
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adrian_does anybody know how to install dazukofs in Ubuntu 11.04 dazukofs?09:51
jmscomtechfresh install of 11.10 no gfx drivers xcept default installed09:51
gogetaGuido1: yea man its bug that was never fixed09:51
metaspikeadrian_, google is your friend (haha) https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DazukoTroubleshooting09:52
gogetarobin0800: not when im annoyed kill09:52
alejandrowhen i try to browse wine C: Drive it says http://paste.ubuntu.com/781947/09:52
dagerikHow can I use the output of head, and the contents of a file, and pipe it to md5sum? I can not get the shell code right.09:52
metaspikealejandro, run - winecfg - first.09:53
DaZi don't really get what do you mean by head and the content :c09:53
Guido1great. than i wil use for that windows :-S and think about changing to xubuntu09:53
gogetajmscomtech: or you can go all the way back to my first one of using faleasfe and telling it to use cli mode09:54
gogetajmscomtech: and x will not starts at all09:54
alejandrometaspike, i ran it and still nothing09:54
metaspikedagerik, whaaat?    umm....  cat "head" >> dump && echo "file" >> dump && md5sum dump ?!??09:54
almoxarifeI noticed a couple of opengl crashes here within the last few hours, think I did an update also a few hours back, any sqawk going on about opengl/graphics crashes?09:55
Guido1gogeta: anyway, thank you and mary christmas09:55
gogetaGuido1: yea linux changes so fast its hard to keep up even lts reasles uickly become dates09:55
robin0800jmscomtech: boot grub to the recovery console but to install driver you have to change run level09:55
DaZalmoxarife: nvidia?09:55
almoxarifeDaZ: no, intel onboard09:56
DaZuhm :x09:56
gogetarobin0800: chaning run level no longer works09:56
gogetarobin0800: now you get a nice menu on what you whant it to do09:57
gogetarobin0800: cli mode is 3 anyways09:57
bVWBAvZtUoh christmas tree oh christmas tree09:57
alejandrometaspike, any other ideas?09:58
gogetarobin0800: your thinking of single user09:58
dagerikmetaspike: Very close, but head is a program09:58
metaspikealejandro, http://dazuko.dnsalias.org/wiki/index.php/Downloads , get the tar.gz. read the README and get ready for some compiling. the projects no longer maintained so you will have to compile it yourself09:58
robin0800jmscomtech: you change it at the command point09:58
jmscomtechhow do i change run level and wich level?09:59
metaspikedagerik, ok then remove the cat09:59
robin0800jmscomtech: if you run it the error will tell you what you need10:00
gogetajmscomtech: sudo runlevel 310:00
gogetajmscomtech: if yout using cli mode it should aruldy be there10:00
metaspikehead >> dump && cat "file" >> dump && md5sum dump10:00
gogetajmscomtech: hes thinking on runlevel 1 aka single user10:01
dagerikmetaspike: I will try tha one out.10:01
metaspikedunno how to pipe multiple outputs. :p10:02
almoxarifejmscomtech: look at 'bum'10:02
almoxarife!info bum10:02
ubottubum (source: bum): graphical runlevel editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.5.2-1 (oneiric), package size 83 kB, installed size 520 kB10:02
gogetajmscomtech: sorry runlevel just tell you the one its in init is the one to change it10:02
gogetainit 310:02
gogetathats ful text mode10:03
gogetaalmoxarife: lol a gui app for init thats pretty dammed funny10:04
emcavhi. i'm trying to set the default volume at boot.  can someone look at my rc.local? it still keeps reverting to max each time. http://pastebin.com/pVKTDZRR10:05
almoxarifegogeta: I don't pretend to enjoy terminal, I just want to get it done10:05
metaspikealmoxarife, you can use rcconf, modify the /etc/init.d/* scripts manually and tweak /etc/inittab to modify the default runlevel if you know what you're doing.10:05
gogetajmscomtech: anyways thers lots of ways to stop x drop to a term with ctrl alt f2 and issue sudo service lightdm stop or boot into cli mode10:05
hacked_kernelcan anyone send me that dir "/usr/share/unity" please, because I deleted it by mistake.10:05
metaspikeahh so many questions. goin crazy v_v10:06
alejandrometaspike, i compiled it using the instructions10:06
mouseEvery time I install a new kernel I also have to reinstall my nvidia driver for my gtx 560.  This can get old fast.  Does have any experience with this issue?10:07
almoxarifeemcav: I am guessing that nice gui called 'sound preferences' is not going to do it for you?10:07
gogetamouse: sucks but we have to deal with it10:07
dagerikmetaspike: Yeah it did the job :)10:07
gogetamouse: it gets into there drivers are binary and distros hate them becouse of it10:08
metaspikeemcav... use - alsactl store - once you have the volume levels set how you want them.10:08
almoxarifemouse: not true, install nividia-current10:08
gogetamouse: i say be happy they support you at all and well rather then bitch but10:08
almoxarife!info nvidia-current10:08
ubottunvidia-current (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers): NVIDIA binary Xorg driver, kernel module and VDPAU library. In component restricted, is optional. Version 280.13-0ubuntu6 (oneiric), package size 30824 kB, installed size 90500 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)10:08
gogetaalmoxarife: sometimes that not current10:08
emcavalmoxarife: adjusting sound volume isn't the problem.  it keeps reverting to max when i reboot and scares the crap out of me10:08
hacked_kernelcan anyone send me that dir "/usr/share/unity" please, because I deleted it by mistake.10:09
almoxarifeemcav: it also should set the default level10:09
metaspikehacked_kernel, no point because it will be different. use - sudo aptitude reinstall unity - instead.10:09
emcavmetaspike: that's what i've done.  running alsactl restore once i'm at the desktop works but i'd like to do that automatically10:09
edekHi all10:09
mousealmoxarife, do I have to reinstall nvidia-current every time I install a new kernel?10:09
almoxarifemouse: nope10:10
mousealmoxarife, Cool.  Thanks man.10:10
gogetametaspike: reinstall you would whant to pruge the configs for a ture reinstall10:10
almoxarifemouse: sort of takes care of it self10:10
hacked_kernelmetaspike, I did but icons looks different after I replaced them10:10
gogetametaspike: or the same isue will be back10:10
metaspikeemcav, then add it to ~/.xsession or ~/.bashrc   - it seems like a weird workaround but it should work.10:11
gogetahacked_kernel: sudo apt-get --purge reinstall unity10:11
gogetahacked_kernel: that will make you nice and stock10:11
mousealmoxarife, Actually it looks like it's already installed and I just had to reinstall the driver cause I installed a new kernel so it looks like that didn't help.10:11
metaspikeemac, you shouldnt have to even run alsactl restore, it runs at alsa-utils init10:12
metaspikehacked_kernel, gogeta has a point. i would - sudo aptitude purge unity && sudo aptitude install unity - to do a fresh reinstall10:12
metaspikeapt-get / aptitude... tomato tomatoes10:13
hacked_kernelmetaspike, should i do that in tty ?10:13
almoxarifemouse: that should not be, kernel updates don't interfere with nvidia-current, and the latter updating also does not effect the kernel, it does effect the kernel, it just takes care of it, itself, there is something else going on10:13
metaspikehacked_kernel, probably.10:13
gogetametaspike: rite aptitude has that as a command rather then a option doesent it10:14
alejandrometaspike, i compiled it using the instructions10:14
metaspikealeandro , good job. i hear they need a maintainer. :p10:15
metaspikenah jkes10:15
Deckard_25hi, I've got some problems with 3D games, I asked at #kubuntu, but nobody responded10:16
Deckard_25when I'm playing nexuiz with ondemand which is a default governor nexuiz performance is weak10:16
Deckard_25when I switch to performance governor nexuiz becomes playable10:16
Deckard_25is there any way to make the switch automatic?10:16
Deckard_25or maybe ondemand is broken, because it doesn't maximize CPU frequency when playing demanding games?10:16
Deckard_25I had the same in Fedora and Arch10:16
mousealmoxarife, All I know is I have to reinstall the driver every time and nvidia-current is installed.  And I have a widescreen lcd so I also have to switch monitors since exiting to console doesn't seem to work on widescreen10:17
metaspikecpu's handle ondemand differently, some dont switch states as well as others.10:17
gogetaDeckard_25: i7 is broken they will not go into ful power aka turbo boost10:17
Deckard_25I have athlon x2 6410:18
gogetaDeckard_25: i dont think they have that mode10:18
Deckard_25it seems I'll have to switch to performance manually everytime :)10:18
gogetaDeckard_25: also note in some cases linux drivers suck compard to the windows counterparts10:19
metaspikeDeckard_25, this is linux, write a script :) lemme see...10:19
Deckard_25gogeta: I know, but with os drivers and performance governor nexuiz is playable :)10:19
metaspikeDeckard_25, what do you use to switch states?10:19
gogetaDeckard_25: nice but i gave up on linux game years ago10:20
Deckard_25metaspike: I know :) but I'm afraid newbies will suffer from lower performance, because they're not aware of this10:20
Deckard_25metaspike: echo performance >...10:20
gogetaDeckard_25: being you have bugs like yours on nativ games or  wines fails10:20
Deckard_25gogeta: I'm doing different, I'm giving up on windows :)10:20
gogetaDeckard_25: or i still have linux on my netbook10:21
mousealmoxarife, It gives an error message that usually says something about how it failed to load /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/nvidia_drv.so10:21
Deckard_25gogeta: I think it's not a bug, but there aren't optimal settings used10:21
gogetaDeckard_25: but for gaming there win7 boxes10:21
almoxarifemouse: don't know what to tell you, I had a box built to serve up xbmc to the plasma, two things that have staye3d stable for as long as its been running are nvidia-current and kernel updates, look at the logs associated with graphics, something is there, the #xbmc folk may be of help too10:21
metaspikeok well... just make a script with - "sudo echo perfomance > "performance" && sudo "useracc" nexuiz && sudo echo performance > "ondemand" -10:22
gogetaDeckard_25: i ran all linux all the way threw the vista nightmare on all my boxes and gameing did not get better it got worse10:22
Deckard_25gogeta: I have xp, but I'm just playing few games on it10:22
emcavmetaspike: adding alsactl restore to .bashrc worked.  thanks for the suggestion.10:22
metaspikeDeckard_25: actually scrub that just - "sudo echo perfomance > "performance" && nexuiz && sudo echo performance > "ondemand"10:22
metaspikecool emcav glad you figured it out :)10:23
OeZSCBXrhgogeta: I have xp, but I'm just playing few games on it10:23
OeZSCBXrhmetaspike: adding alsactl restore to .bashrc worked.  thanks for the suggestion.10:23
OeZSCBXrhDeckard_25: actually scrub that just - "sudo echo perfomance > "performance" && nexuiz && sudo echo performance > "ondemand"10:23
OeZSCBXrhcool emcav glad you figured it out :)10:23
mousealmoxarife, xbmc?10:23
Deckard_25metaspike: thanks :)10:23
Deckard_25I'm curious if Phoronix does the same when they're benchmarking open source drivers?10:23
Deckard_25if not, they aren't showing us real performance10:24
gogetaDeckard_25: benchmarks are not real perforance anyways10:24
gogetaDeckard_25: its been proven card makers will use softwhere tweaked to there advantage to look better.10:25
Deckard_25gogeta: I heard once about some Intel cheats ;)10:25
gogetaDeckard_25: they all cheat10:25
Deckard_25gogeta: then everything is fair ;) just kidding10:26
metaspikemouse: sudo aptitude install nvidia-current-updates    --- stay away from the nvidia provided binaries as they are not packaged for ubuntu specifically.10:26
zebuj Hello, is there any good tool for linux, that hooks somehow on the boot loader and provides "plausible deniability" or "deniable encryption"? I mean in my case an encryption system that decrypt for different keys different systems... One "harmless" system with no sensible data if somebody is forced to give the key and one real key, that encrypts the real system... (Or perhaps a system that does something like that)10:26
metaspikerather, the nivida provided run files.10:26
Deckard_25thanks for your help, I'm going to play nexuiz :)10:26
gogetametaspike: once again thats not always current10:26
Deckard_25bye everyone :)10:27
gogetametaspike: thats just how they word legica and newer cards not the acual latest driver read the descriptions10:27
almoxarifemouse: an app and a channel10:27
Simooonhey does anyone know an IRC-channel for talking about movies?10:27
gogetaSimooon: wrong server10:28
johnkuanhi guys, running ubuntu studio 11.10 here, my dlink dwa-125 usb isnt being detected by network-manager,  can anyone help please?10:28
mousealmoxarife, Did you mean nvidia-current-modaliases?  There's no nvidia-current-updates in my repositories.10:28
Simooongogeta, I know, but what server would be appropriate?10:28
almoxarifemouse: 'nvidia-current'10:29
gogetamouse: ignorent rtards10:29
gogetamouse: did i just not say thats does not mean latest10:29
gogetato them10:30
gogetamouse: you ight be able to find a ppa however10:30
kashHey guys i have a problem10:31
kashwith grub10:31
kashcan anyone help ?10:31
SunTsukash: not without knowing your problem10:31
kashI have installed Ubuntu 11.10 on an existing windows 7 version10:32
kashi have both in grub appearing10:32
kashbut when i choose windows 7 it redirects me back to the grub menu again10:32
SunTsukash: tell us your problem, tell us as precise and as specific as you can and paste stuff via pastebinit10:32
kashand here is a link of boot summary10:32
almoxarifegogeta: there is a ppa for nvidia-current, and it is always the most current,old news, but first one must install nividia-current, the ppa is cake and secondary. unless of course life at the terminal is what its all about, but then one as to ask himself why bother with nvidia, hell, a green monchrome does swell for the terminal10:33
evildaemonI have a Sanza, how come Rhythmbox detects it without it being mounted?10:33
uCbxVzNilMerry Christmas too, I know the send works.10:34
gogetaalmoxarife: his issue is the the fact tthe repo drivers are not current and do not support is 56010:34
gogetaalmoxarife: yes the paa with the new build world work for him10:34
kashSubTsu: didh you get the problem ?10:34
evildaemonuCbxVzNil: Use irssi10:34
evildaemonIt's terminal based, one of the cooler clients out there.10:35
SunTsukash: I did, although I'm not too deep into booting windows with grub anymore10:35
evildaemonYou can apt-get it from repos.10:35
gogetaevildaemon: weechat is even more fun10:35
kashSunTsu: do you know anyone who can help10:35
gogetaevildaemon: also cli based10:35
SunTsukash: if there's somebody around who can they will10:35
evildaemonThat still doesn't answer my question though.10:36
kashGuys anyone can help in a grub boot problem10:36
mouseSo I would need to use a nvidia ppa?10:36
gogetamouse: it will have the new build you need10:36
mouseAnd get the new kernel from that nvidia ppa?10:36
gogetamouse: it will just grab it10:36
gogetamouse: when you do updates as long as its avable10:37
mouseThis is very problematic.10:37
mang0Hey all! I'm trying to get ZBrush working under wine, as appdb says it's platinum. However, ZBrush installed fine, but fails to launch? Wine crashes every time...Merry Christmas, and thanks in advance!10:38
gogetamouse: once you have a ppa of the new build you will no longer have the issue of losing the driver every update so whats the problem10:38
SunTsukash: I just wondered, is sda2 your actual windows boot/system partition?10:38
almoxarifemouse: you don't need a ppa, you need to first install nvidia-current, you also need to figure out if you have drivers conflicting with nvidia-current, read a little, google is your friend10:38
gogetaalmoxarife: wow ignoring the fact i said the repos dont support his 560 again10:39
kashSunTsu yes it is10:39
kashSunTsu : it is show in the fdisk -l10:39
kashit is the boot partition and widnows partition10:39
mang0How do I backtrack wine to a particular version?10:39
mousealmoxarife, nvidia-current IS installed.  As for the conflicting drivers that's a possibility but when I ran the installer it said it uninstalled the old nvidia drivers.10:40
gogetamouse:  last time nivida-current in the stock repo is not the current driver its a term for new cards and nivida-legicay is for old cards10:41
SunTsukash: yeah, I just wanted to be sure, because I can see more than one ntfs partition there, but it's the one marked as active, so that should be fine10:41
=== Youri is now known as Iruoy
SunTsukash: grub't config looks OK to me, too, using chainloader just the way you'd expect10:42
almoxarifemouse: and configured?10:42
kashSunTsu: i cant find anything wrong too10:42
metaspikeis the partion marked bootable?10:43
SunTsukash: well, maybe I did. Look at your boot info output, it says that you installed grub into sda2's boot block10:43
SunTsukash: that strikes me as wrong, because that's where windows' boot code is expected for chainloading to work10:44
gogetaSunTsu: that can muck up things10:44
mousealmoxarife, Would I use nvidia-xconfig to configure nvidia-current?  If so then yes I've done it about a dozen times.10:44
kashSunTsu: how can i fix this10:44
gogetamouse: i give up keep takeing bad advice10:44
SunTsukash: therefore chainloading loads grub again: tadaa - just what you experience10:44
kashSunTsu : ahhaaaaa10:44
kashSunTsu : should i disable chainloading ?10:45
gogetakash: its kinda nedded10:45
mousegogeta, I'm checking out every idea I can.  I'm still googling nvidia ppa.10:45
SunTsukash: no, first of all you need to recover your windows boot code on sda2, probably by repairing your installation via windows boot media10:45
almoxarifemouse: I don't have ego issues, follow gogeta advice, its better than being broke10:45
kashSunTsu : ok this is doable10:46
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kashSunTsu : and then reinstalling grub ?10:46
SunTsukash: next thing you need to do is install grub into sda, so it can load linux and chainload windows' boot code in sda210:46
gogetamouse: http://www.multimediaboom.com/install-nvidia-driver-ubuntu-1-04-11-10-ppa/10:46
hari_how can i install lamp in 11.1010:46
hari_new to ubuntu10:46
kashSunTsu : thanks for your time and help10:46
SunTsukash: then again as I said, I'm not an grub expert, but that's how things look to me10:47
SunTsumaybe somebody else more knowledgable can look onto it and confirm or disagree with me10:47
gogetaalmoxarife: i dunno why ubuntu never updates there video drivers myself10:47
kashSunTsu: both ways i was thinking of doing this (as in erasing grub and putting windows loader"10:47
hari_how can i install lamp in 11.1010:48
mang0Can someone help me revert my wine version? I am currently running 1.3.35 and and want to go back to 1.3.28...10:48
metaspikekash: there's always plop linux boot manager heh. my chainload works let me see...10:48
mang0hari_: Open terminal, sudo apt-get install lamp?10:48
SunTsukash: yeah, that would step one, afterwards use some linux cd, chroot your current linux system and re-install grub into sda10:48
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)10:49
mang0!lamp > hari_10:49
ubottuhari_, please see my private message10:49
Em_Hi guys10:49
metaspikemenuentry "Windows Vista (loader)" {10:49
hari_it is tells sudo apt-get install lamp10:50
metaspikeset root=(hd1,msdos1)10:50
mousegogeta, I'm on 10.04  This will still work right?10:50
metaspikesearch --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set 325c4e5d5c4e1c4b10:50
hari_E: Unable to locate package lamp10:50
Em_Can anyone help me about configuring Ubuntu to support a mobile broadband, specifically Globe superstick, so I can connect to the Internet.10:50
gogetamouse: yes its for both10:50
metaspikechainloader +110:50
gogetamouse: but looks like the name change to nvidia-graphics-drivers10:50
gogetamouse: i would assume not to conflict with the stock name10:51
metaspikemakes me sick.10:51
gogetamouse: make shure to remove the old ones first10:51
PaijoEm_ network applet can't detect them?10:51
gogetamouse: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-updates10:51
almoxarifegogeta: that link has one install nvidia-current, with the x-swat ppa, did I miss something? I thought his card was the issue with nvidia-current?10:51
metaspikeEm_, start here: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/internet/C/connecting-mobile.html10:52
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».10:52
_1s3ct0wNHello fellas10:52
hari_E: Unable to locate package lamp10:52
gogetaalmoxarife: looking at the ppa i dont see any package by that name10:52
_1s3ct0wNAnybody here i need little help10:52
PaijoJust ask?10:53
SunTsu_1s3ct0wN: yeah, it's the /nick command you're looking for *ducks and runs away*10:53
_1s3ct0wNI used gnome 2 on 11.04 Ubuntu 64 bit, yesterday i upgraded to lastest 11.10 and my Ubuntu get bugged http://pic.mk/images/hzBA8.png10:53
metaspikehari_ it's called lamp-server: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP10:54
PaijoHari_ what you want?10:54
gogetaalmoxarife: if hes running 11.04 hes far from current10:54
hari_i wants to develp some site with php in ubuntu so i need lamp server to be installed10:54
SunTsuhari_: just look onto the url ubottu gave you10:54
gogetaalmoxarife: but the paa will fix him10:55
SunTsu!lamp > hari_10:55
ubottuhari_, please see my private message10:55
_1s3ct0wNCan anybody help me please, i dont want to reinstall my OS again :S10:55
almoxarifegogeta: so what would he install from the ppa?10:55
metaspikeim not a bot :p10:55
hari_but  ass in commuity page i try sudo apt-get install tasksel  ... and then the LAMP stack:  sudo tasksel install lamp-server10:55
gogetaalmoxarife:                  nvidia-graphics-drivers10:55
PaijoHari_ i don't like lamp stack10:55
mousegogeta, Oh I'm not 11.04, I'm running 10.0410:55
SunTsu_1s3ct0wN: just tell us your problem as precise and as specific as you can10:56
hari_paijo pls give me other solution10:56
mcbaine1Merry xmas !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!10:56
_1s3ct0wNi provided screenshot above10:56
gogetamouse: well dam10:56
hari_i tryed xamp but it is not avilable too10:56
_1s3ct0wNfolders appear like this http://pic.mk/images/hzBA8.png10:56
SunTsu_1s3ct0wN: which doesn't tell me anything about the problem you might be experiencing10:56
hari_<paijo> any other solution?10:56
_1s3ct0wNAfter upgrading10:56
gogetamouse: its cool they got a 10.04 version to10:56
_1s3ct0wNfolders become like that10:57
_1s3ct0wNI can give you teamviewer if you have time10:57
gogetamouse: i see lucid on there10:57
metaspike_1s3ct0wN, try - sudo aptitude install gnome-icon-theme && sudo aptitude dpkg-reconfigure gnome-icon-theme10:57
mousegogeta, Oh cool.10:57
gogetamouse: and grab                 nvidia-settings                as well10:57
hari_<hari_> paijo pls give me other solution10:57
metaspikesorry sudo aptitude install gnome-icon-theme && sudo dpkg-reconfigure gnome-icon-theme - your icons... v_v10:58
gogetamouse: you will have the lastest nivida drivers and settings panel them10:58
yulerzebuj: encryption has a distinct signature, so it cannot be plausibly denied..  However, you can have layered containers with separate keys,  making deniability plausible if force to open the main container.  Truecrypt has this feature.10:58
PaijoHari_ for a new user,lamp maybe more easy...you can install partially part component of them from repo10:59
gogetamouse: same guide just the package names changed a bit10:59
_1s3ct0wNsudo: aptitude: command not found10:59
metaspikehari_ the traditional way to get apache to work with php, javascript and mysql and whatever else- install mysql-server, install apache2 and it's modules and configure httpd.conf to enable those modules and diy10:59
zebujyuler, encryptions does not rely on this signature that could be determined...10:59
_1s3ct0wNmetaspike sudo: aptitude: command not found10:59
mang0How do I rollback wine to a previous version?10:59
hari_<Paijo> how ?10:59
hari_==Paijo== what is repo ?11:00
metaspike:  <-- typo11:00
gogetamouse: once those are installed reboot and see if the system lives11:00
gogetamouse: your 560 should take off workin11:00
PaijoHari_ yeah,i mean repository., just issuing apt-get install apache2 php5 mysql-server, you get you want11:01
Almindorcan anyone tell me how can I force all "local" packages into current active repository versions?11:01
mang0!repo | hari_11:01
ubottuhari_: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories11:01
lahwranuh, hi ....11:02
AlmindorI used some xorg edgers in the past because of faulty drivers, but they're more trouble than worth lately, and I need the whole x-stack forced back to official versions11:02
metaspikeAlmindor - sudo aptitude full-upgrade "11:02
hari_E: Unable to locate package apache2 E: Unable to locate package php5 E: Unable to locate package mysql-server11:03
AciD__is there any firefox 9.0.1 deb for ubuntu around ? I can't seem to find any..11:03
gogetaalmoxarife: yea that guide is 6 months old lol why the package name is diffrent11:03
hari_thank you ubottu and mang0   iam trying11:03
mouseSo how do I uninstall the old drivers and shouldn't nvidia automatically uninstall the old ones when the new ones are installed?11:03
Sidewinder1metaspike, Shouldn't it be "sudo apt-get ..."?11:03
mang0hari_: ubottu is a bot11:03
gogetamouse: apt-get --purge remove nivida-current11:03
Almindormetaspike, and that will force all newer packages to downgrade to repository versions?11:04
hari_ Synaptic is not avail in 11.1011:04
mousegogeta, Ah.11:04
PaijoHari_ look at ubottu said.. First Run apt-get update11:04
gogetamouse: that nukes the configs to11:04
aashu_dwivedii am unable to connect my phone as a usb device on ubuntu , please help , the output of dmesg after plugging in the phone is  here http://dpaste.com/677588/11:04
ShawnRiskis there a way to burn a dvd from a mp4 without the watermark?11:05
metaspikeit will sync your system with whatevers in sources.list - if you have installed things from outside the repositories, you can remove those repos /ppas and then do it to remove those packages.11:05
gogetamouse: i assume you got the ppa and did a update aruldy11:05
no_gravityHello! Do I understand the situation correctly, that Gnome as we know it will go away completely because Gnome itself abandoned it? No more taskbar and all the good stuff? Only this playfull "gnome shell" thing?11:05
metaspikeAlmindor ^11:05
mouseI want to be clear.  Earlier when I said I have to keep reinstalling the drivers I'm not installing them from the repo.  It's a .run binary I got from nvidia.11:05
gogetamouse then do sudo apt-get install nvidia-graphics-drivers nivida-settings11:05
gogetamouse: oh thats bad then11:05
gogetamouse: if the 560 is failing from the run file11:06
gogetamouse: did it error like failed to compile11:06
Sidewinder1ShawnRisk, If the watermark is hard-coded, within the DVD, I don't think so; unless you re-encode/modify the entire DVD.11:06
aashu_dwivediplease help , i want to mount my phone on ubuntu how can i do that /11:06
ShawnRiskSidewinder1: there is no watermark within the dvd11:07
metaspikeno_gravity, not entirely, there are efforts to fork gnome2, noteably https://github.com/Perberos/Mate-Desktop-Environment/wiki  - but it's not offically supported as of it.11:07
gogetamouse: maybe better luck with the ppa who knoe11:07
mousegogeta, No it runs just fine after you run the binary installer.  It's only a problem when you install a new kernel via updates because then you have to run that same binary installer again before you can use the 560.11:07
Almindormetaspike, thanks11:07
Sidewinder1ShawnRisk, Then I do not know what you mean by "watermark", where is it?11:07
hari_thank you all after udate i will come back11:08
ShawnRiskSidewinder1: the programs I use add them11:08
no_gravitymetaspike: interesting. to me, gnome 2 is the best desktop ever.11:08
gogetamouse: yea thats kinda a pain but with that its just a apt command but it should reinstall itsself11:08
metaspikeaashu_dwivedi, you can plug an analogue phone into a dial up modem and use that to make phone calls with some trickery, or get a digital phone that's supported. but i duno eh.11:09
ShawnRiskSidewinder1: what program do you use to make this happen?11:10
gogetametaspike: man old school11:10
Sidewinder1ShawnRisk, If those programs are store-bought/proprietary, then I doubt that you can 'configure-out' the watermarks..11:10
mazda01anyone know the font in GIMP to match the ubuntu official logo?11:11
ShawnRiskSidewinder1: okay so I should use ffmpeg?11:11
gogetametaspike: with voice modems they can dial directly11:11
aashu_dwivedimetaspike, sorry what i meant was  a mobile phone , i am trying to access it its memory card as usb drive .11:11
metaspikegogeta, i know! i have to try it,11:11
metaspikeoh lol11:11
aashu_dwivedimetaspike: sorry what i meant was  a mobile phone , i am trying to access it its memory card as usb drive .11:12
gogetametaspike: i used to use one as a answering machine back in the day11:12
ShawnRiskI have the answer thanks11:12
gogetametaspike: sed to pick up say the messgae i had set and record into a wav file11:12
Sidewinder1ShawnRisk, Not sure what program would be "best" for you. I've only used Nero.11:12
=== zebuj is now known as zebuj_
gogetametaspike: modem trickary heh old school.11:13
metaspikeShawnRisk, you will need libdvdcss2 and something to rip with.11:13
mazda01trying to create a youtube background for ubuntuaddicted. Anyone know what the "font" is within GIMP to match ubuntu logo?11:13
metaspikegogeta, kids these days have no idea what we had to deal with.11:14
gogetametaspike: back in win 95 they had a prgram called dialpad you could take a voice model and dial a phone directly and hold convos11:14
mazda01nevermind, found it. had to install the ttf-ubuntu-font-family package11:14
gogetametaspike: lol yea man i have a c64 with the brakneck 9600 baud11:15
gogetametaspike: you the one before they had the auto dial you had to dial by hand11:15
Sidewinder1An antique. :-)11:15
metaspikeepic, haha yeeeaaahhh. i have an amiga, lets play moonstone11:16
yulerzebuj_: all encryption has a distinct signature distinguishable from common binary to any reliable storage forensics.  Encryption cannot be hidden.  The best you can do is build hidden volumes inside the master encrypted volume and hope the data inside the master volume satisfies the goons forcing you to open it.11:16
gogetametaspike: its in storage 3 hrs away :(11:16
metaspikeah well theres always yae11:17
subb1Merry christmas everyone11:17
gogetametaspike: with my epic fast tape loader11:18
gogetametaspike: that takes 10 minuts11:18
Sidewinder1subb1, Same to 'ya. :D11:18
subb1I am using Ubuntu on my lap. Hibernations saves current system state to hd right? So after waking up, does these saved files delete themselves automatically ?11:18
gogetasubb1: yes11:19
subb1Sidewinder1: sure bro...11:19
subb1Sidewinder1: welcome11:19
subb1gogeta: are they in the swap partition?11:19
gogetametaspike: if you like legicay machines check out adtpro it lets you send data from a pc to a apple 2.11:20
subb1gogeta: i am pretty new to linux :)11:20
gogetametaspike: use a pc to restore apple disk11:20
gogetametaspike: being you can still order the disk from floppys.com11:21
ssk_the_gr8How do change the number of lines that i scroll with my mouse? please help11:22
zebuj_yuler, I'm not sure about that... there are Steganography algorithms that seem to hide the data in a way that it can't be differed from randomness... And with the hidden volumes I think it doesn't really increase security because you can layer it up as often as you want but you'll have the same problem in each layer so you can skip this layering at all if you have a good crypto system... please correct me if I am wrong... I agree that laye11:22
zebuj_ring increases it practically perhaps a bit but in plain theory it really doesn't help.11:22
mousessk_the_gr8, If you're using gnome you're going to have some trouble with that.11:22
gogetasubb1: i think it does use swap to hibernate11:22
ssk_the_gr8mouse: yes i am11:23
gogetasubb1: but it doesent mean you need a huge swap it only stores the stuff running11:23
ssk_the_gr8mouse: i would like to scroll more lines per scroll, this was so easy to change in windows11:23
gogetasubb1: s bascily the memery currently in use11:23
RalieghChristmas of merry guys.11:23
gogetasubb1: and it compresses it11:23
mousessk_the_gr8, And you want it to be global and not just like in firefox right?11:23
subb1gogeta: thanks got it.11:24
subb1gogeta: one more. i would like to know more about linux system admin jobs. Its relevance scope nature of work etc. is there anyone here or a specific channel that i cant get in touch with>11:25
riboti have just installed webmin, and i see that apparently it works to connect with https: to it, but i cannot access the normal web server such as https://www.mysite.com , how can i access this site so that login passwords used on this site are encrypted with ssl?11:26
ssk_the_gr8mouse: i would love it to be global, but i use opera most of the times , so if i'm able to change it just for opera, even that would do11:26
metaspikeribot, http://www.webmin.com/ssl.html11:27
subb1gogeta: I have started learning linux few months back. So i would like to explore more on its job relevance since I would like to make a career of it. :)11:27
ribotmetaspike: webmin is already accessed by https:, does that mean ssl is installed?11:28
mousessk_the_gr8, Well I don't use opera so I won't be much help there but I can suggest messing around with mousetweaks and xset.  For example in terminal, xset m 3 111:28
mousessk_the_gr8, And of course apt-get install mousetweaks11:29
ssk_the_gr8mouse: let me try mousetweaks first11:30
mousessk_the_gr8, Oh wait xset is mouse speed, not scroll speed.  Sorry about that.11:30
ssk_the_gr8mouse: mousetweaks is installed by default11:30
ssk_the_gr8i tried it11:30
ssk_the_gr8no settings available for number of lines11:31
metaspikeribot, if you have openssl installed, and you are accessing a local site with https: then encryption is used, but the settings of the server itself determine the encryptions reliability11:31
mousessk_the_gr8, I know there's something else but I just can't remember the name of it.11:31
insectatoriousUbuntu 11.10 using Gnome Shell - any way to clear all the notifications on the bottom right side of the desktop?11:32
ssk_the_gr8mouse: pointung devices?11:33
metaspikessk_the_gr8, xinput11:33
ribotmetaspike: i have not installed openssl, and yet webmin is automatically accessed by https:11:34
mousessk_the_gr8, apt-get install imwheel11:34
metaspikessk_the_gr8, also: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Input11:35
metaspikeribot, dunno.11:36
Sidewinder1!webmin | ribot11:36
ubotturibot: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.11:36
mousessk_the_gr8, After that installs you'll have ~/.imwheelrc and that's where you can mess around with the different configurations for applications.  As far as just setting something globally, last I checked there wasn't anything for it.  For some reason that was forgotten when gnome was built.11:36
metaspikeribot, http://doxfer.webmin.com/Webmin/SecuringWebmin#SSL_Encryption sounds pretty comprehensive. it says you need openssl, so i wouldn't think that it'll work without it11:37
ssk_the_gr8metaspike: thanx for the suggestion, but how do i make changes to the number of lines scrolled?11:37
ribotSidewinder1: so then you suggest to use something else?11:37
ssk_the_gr8mouse: where's imwheel? i'm confused11:38
mousessk_the_gr8, You don't have imwheel in your repos?11:39
metaspikessk_the_gr8, http://askubuntu.com/questions/22589/how-can-i-change-the-mouses-wheel-scroll-rate  -- google is your daddy11:39
Sidewinder1ribot, I really don't know of an equivalent; I just thought that you might wish to know that 'factoid;' I used to use webmin, myself.. :D11:39
kerrybubuntu 11.10 ...how do i remove grub from a dual boot and go back to only the windows boot on an oem laptop11:40
ribotSidewinder1: ok, thanks11:40
ssk_the_gr8mouse: i've installed it...11:40
ribotmetaspike: thanks to you too :)11:40
ssk_the_gr8iwas asking waht next11:40
Sidewinder1ribot, My pleasure. ;)11:41
ssk_the_gr8mouse: where's ~/.imwheelrc ?11:41
mousessk_the_gr8, Oh look in your home folder for .imwheelrc  You can edit it with any text editor.11:41
Sidewinder1kerryb, You'll probably need to use the Win disk and "Fix MBR"..11:43
metaspikeyeah... use the command tool fixmbr from the recovery console on an installation disk.11:44
kerrybSidewinder1: since it's an oem, i don't have the disk11:44
metaspikeburn. with fire.11:44
kerrybit does have the recovery partition11:44
Sidewinder1kerryb, You may be "SOL", without that wonderful disk. That's one of the many reasons that I moved to *nix.. :-)11:45
=== Youri is now known as Iruoy
ssk_the_gr8mouse: cant find it... :(11:46
metaspikekerryb, - sudo aptitude install mbr && fixmbr /dev/sda  - or some such, just an example.11:46
kerrybSidewinder1:  what's nix?11:46
metaspikesudo fixmbr /dev/sda but.. i dont think that's entirely correct. probably some switch envolved11:46
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mousessk_the_gr8, If you're using nautilus, press ctrl H11:46
Sidewinder1linux, any/all flavors.11:47
ssk_the_gr8mouse: still can't11:47
Sidewinder1kerryb, And, OEM or not, you "should've" gotten at least an emergency repair disk with it..11:48
mousessk_the_gr8, In terminal, gedit ~/.imwheelrc11:49
kerrybwhat i'm finding on internet i can probably do it with a windows command prompt and the commands bootrec.exe /fixmbr, and bootrec.exe /fixboot11:49
shivshaktiHi, can someone please assist me to add a shortcut key on my Lenovo Z570 laptop on gnome 2.311:49
ssk_the_gr8mouse: it's blank... ?11:50
kerrybSidewinder1: the repair disk is on hard drive11:50
angelos318guys i got a problem with my install 11.10 can someone pm me?11:50
mousessk_the_gr8, This is weird.  That's where it's supposed to be.  Maybe just imwheel in terminal and then it will configure?11:51
ssk_the_gr8this is what i got11:51
ssk_the_gr8INFO: imwheel started (pid=2316)11:51
Sidewinder1kerryb, OIC, then I've no idea on it's use/implementation, sorry.. :-(11:51
mousessk_the_gr8, lol give me a second.11:52
metaspikekerryb, sudo aptitude install mbr && sudo install-mbr /dev/sda    <sda being the default sata block device #1, for example> man install-mbr for proper details, otherwise you can probably get into the recovery partion with a F11 or such at first boot menu, get into with plop linux or a windows installation disk for fixmbr or just burn it with fire, as previously stated.11:52
shivshaktianyone? pls!11:52
angelos318I made a clean install on 11.10 and when installation is complete I reboot and I get the message error: you need to load the kernel first... I made a clean install again and the same problem persists. Any help?11:53
ssk_the_gr8metaspike: thanx.. but xinput seems a little difficult for a newbie like me11:53
mousessk_the_gr8, Ah my mistake.  gedit /etc/X11/imwheel/imwheelrc11:53
kerrybmetaspike: ok, i barely know what sudo is, ...is aptitude a command?   F11 didn't work it still brought me into grub11:55
ssk_the_gr8should i leave imwheel running?11:55
mousessk_the_gr8, I don't remember if changes are automatically applied or only applied when imwheel starts so you can if you want to be sure.11:57
ssk_the_gr8mouse:these are the values for opera what do i change?11:58
ssk_the_gr8None,       Down,   Down,               4,  100,    10011:58
ssk_the_gr8None,       Up,     Up,                 4,  100,    10011:58
kerrybmetaspike: first time user, i just got ubuntu 11.10 to try, i don't really like the look and feel of it...i think 10.10 might have a better feel11:59
metaspikekerry. yeah, it's a command. you run it from terminal. run a terminal applications> terminal. and copy paste - sudo aptitude install mbr && sudo install-mbr /dev/sda - hit enter. if it works, you got luck, if it doesnt. i dunno. ring microsoft and complain11:59
metaspikeyou might find linux mint more to your liking. good luck12:00
kerrybmetaspike ok, i think i can probably do that if i don't mess things up too bad12:01
mousessk_the_gr8, I would mess with those numbers.  If you want it to scroll more then make the numbers higher and so on.12:01
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kerrybmetaspike: are you using ubuntu?  which version?12:02
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ssk_the_gr8mouse: k, i'm closing opera , i'll try higher numbers, let's see12:03
ssk_the_gr8thanx for the help12:03
angelos318I made a clean install on 11.10 and when installation is complete I reboot and I get the message error: you need to load the kernel first... I made a clean install again and the same problem persists. Any help?12:03
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mousessk_the_gr8, No problem.  I know how it is with gnome and slow scroll speeds.  Sorry I can't be more help.  I don't use most of the programs in that list.12:05
gregory55hHow to set up Ubuntu 11.10 on 85 HZ refresh rigidly, because the options can not be?12:08
silentz0rhello, I am trying to boot ubuntu from a usb stick. Used unetbootin to 'burn' the .iso. When I get the unetbootin menu on my laptop and choose any options, the screen flickers once and then nothing happens. Any ideas?12:09
oobilozsorry silentz0r  i've not had that happen to me yet12:10
oobiloztry rewriting?12:10
Sidewinder1silentz0r, Did you Md5sum the ISO orior to installing to USB?12:10
gregory55hUse the program to fedora and works12:10
Sidewinder1prior, even.12:10
gregory55hHow to set the refresh file12:11
gregory55hUse this program to usb https://fedorahosted.org/liveusb-creator/12:12
gregory55hAs in the gnome 3, gtk three set refresh at 85 Hz, in the options I have only 60 hz, help?12:13
metaspikegregory55h, what does  -  lspci | grep VGA -   give you?12:14
ssk_the_gr8mouse: i doubled/tripled the values, no effect! what now?12:15
gregory55hJust wait, log off the live cd system and log on emergency ubuntu, windows went to hell12:16
metaspikesilentz0r, unetbootin used to work, but no its lost it. you can try http://ftp.nl.debian.org/debian/tools/win32-loader/stable/win32-loader.exe - it's for debian... but if it can do ubuntu iso's then it will do a much better job, otherwise use the ubuntu usb install maker form the ubuntu live cd12:17
metaspikefrom another computer.12:17
airtonixgregory55h: details required before you get any useful answers : gpu type: chipset, drivers: opensource/proprietary, ubuntu version12:17
metaspikessk_the_gr8, this has been an ongoing problem for years and years... all i can say is BUMP12:18
gregory55hAnd so I have to log in the Aug. dziadostwie from a live cd (distro with kde) the font looks like that was in the aero12:19
mousessk_the_gr8, Hmm restore those values to what they were before and try adding some extra up's and down's to the second set of each.  For example after the second down type another two downs with a comma and no space12:19
ssk_the_gr8metaspike: seriously, there's no solution? this is the 1st time ubuntu has seriously disappointed me...12:20
ssk_the_gr8mouse: i'm scared to add new ups and downs..  :(12:20
Sidewinder1kerryb, You might prefer the look/feel of ubuntu 10.04, it's supported until 2013; that's what I use/prefer.. :D12:20
gregory55hJust fire up Ubuntu 11.10 and chat with me, how refreshing set zapodam you all the graphics, etc.12:21
mousessk_the_gr8, There's always solutions.  For example you could skip all of this and just get a g500 mouse.  It has a very nice scroll feature that no os could break.12:21
kerrybSidewinder1: that's sort of what i was thinking just from some of the stuff i've looking at12:21
ssk_the_gr8metaspike: is this an issue in 11.10 too?12:21
ssk_the_gr8mouse: thats like a really costly solution:/12:21
mousessk_the_gr8, That depends on what you consider to be costly.12:22
metaspikeyes, it is dissapointing, and ongoing. therefore the solution is probably one that involves alot of coding and repackaging on the dev side. you can use imwheel for a specific program like so http://nicam.ch/ubuntu/how-to-increase-scroll-speed-in-google-chrome-chromium/ or use a mouse with hardware overrides as "mouse" suggests12:22
Sidewinder1kerryb, Yes, why don't you try it? I don't care for unity, either; not sure what I'll do in April, 2013..12:22
ssk_the_gr8mouse: i'm a college student... anythings costly for me right now :P12:23
Sidewinder1kerryb, Actually, one can use 10.04 well after 2013; there just will be no security updates; and there is the minor problem of the repositories being shut-down/moved. But that'll be over a year away..12:24
kerrybSidewinder1: 12.04 is supposed to be a long term release, but if it looks anything like 11.10, i don't think i'll be using it either12:25
Sidewinder1kerryb, 12.04 will be unity based; that's why I said I wasn't sure what I'd do when 10.04 goes EOL..12:26
ssk_the_gr8metaspike: i already have opera in imwheel , so should i add a new opera section as suggested in your link for google chrome or should i edit the existing opera section?12:26
metaspikeif all your worried about is looks, you can use the ubuntu alternative installer, and dont install gnome, and install any other desktop enviroment instead. anyone who doesnt like gnome3 should really think about this.12:26
mousessk_the_gr8, That's really the best advice I can offer.  I assumed this whole thing would be fixed with gnome3 but I guess it's still a problem.12:26
almoxarifessk_the_gr8: pastebin your xorg log12:27
metaspikeand if you really want gnome 2, just get the mate desktop ppa and install it. it's not that bigger deal v_v12:27
ssk_the_gr8almoxarife: xorg log or imwheelrc?12:29
almoxarifessk_the_gr8: pastebin your xorg log12:30
airtonixssk_the_gr8: were you at one point attempting to solve this with xinput?12:30
ssk_the_gr8airtonix: i was but left it midway as it seemed complicated12:30
mouseI love gnome2 but mostly because I got that big fancy graphics card and using something like openbox seems like a waste when there's gnome2/compiz showing off.12:31
icerootmouse: use lxde with compiz12:31
mouseiceroot, I don't think I've never even tried lxde.12:32
icerootmouse: thought you are usng lxde because you mentioned openbox12:33
mouseiceroot, Nope.  I'm using gnome2 cause it gets the most out of compiz.12:34
icerootmouse: ok12:34
ssk_the_gr8noob question, i know where's the xorg log... but how do i open it? copy it?12:34
icerootssk_the_gr8: less /var/log/foobar12:34
salvatoreAny help for Comfast 10g driver installation on Ubuntu 10.04?12:34
ssk_the_gr8here's the log http://paste.ubuntu.com/782101/12:36
airtonixssk_the_gr8: have you had any promising results with other avenues?12:36
=== Abhishek is now known as darkowl
mang0How do I roll wine back to a previous version?12:38
mousessk_the_gr8, btw if you do feel like adding more ups or downs I was wrong.  The second set of ups and downs should be separated with a | so for example it would read Down, Down|Down|Down,12:38
salvatoreAny help for Comfast 10g driver installation on Ubuntu 10.04?12:39
munchorHow to downgrade a package version?12:39
ssk_the_gr8airtonix: what other avenues?12:39
airtonixssk_the_gr8: well you're obviously trying to solve it with other options yes?12:40
mousemang0, In your package manager, there's an option in the package menu that says force version...  Have you tried that?12:40
mousemunchor, ^  you too12:40
mang0mouse: I'll have a look, ty.12:40
ssk_the_gr8airtonix: i've tried installing a bunch of apps, none had scrolling option and tried chnging values in imwheel, that didnt help too12:40
munchorThanks mouse12:40
munchorwtf, forcing libwebkitgtk version to a lower one makes me uninstall gnome and gnome-core and pretty much every default app12:41
metaspikessk_the_gr8, this is annoying me as well now. and i am determined to find a solution!12:41
airtonixssk_the_gr8: are you using touchpad or mouse?12:42
metaspikexinput --set-prop --type=int --format=8 "PIXART USB OPTICAL MOUSE" VertScrollDelta 99       - maybe 4 instead of 99 not sure. anyway, try that and reinit X12:43
mousemetaspike, The best solution I've found is just a hardware change.12:43
ssk_the_gr8airtonix: usb optical mouse12:43
ssk_the_gr8mouse: :)12:43
airtonixssk_the_gr8: i think all your efforts will be in vain since it's hardcoded in gnome : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk+2.0/+bug/124440/comments/2612:43
ubottuUbuntu bug 124440 in gtk+2.0 (Ubuntu) "gnome needs a way to manipulate scroll speed" [Wishlist,Triaged]12:43
* airtonix cheers on gnome-developers12:44
mang0mouse: I don't see the version I want :/12:44
mang0(in force menu)12:44
mousemang0, Yeah sorry that's about all I know about forcing update rollbacks.12:45
ssk_the_gr8metaspike: what is reinit x?12:45
mang0mouse: Bummer, okay thanks :)12:46
=== Mud is now known as Guest10951
ssk_the_gr8airtonix: even my friends are bummed by this scrolling issue... how come it's not been fixed till now...12:46
airtonixssk_the_gr8: it's a gnome problem. for example if you used kde instead, you'd find an option in the settings to edit this property easily.12:47
ssk_the_gr8airtonix: do i ned shift to kubuntu for this :P12:48
ssk_the_gr8need to12:48
airtonixssk_the_gr8: it's up to you, but I wouldn't just for this.12:48
airtonixssk_the_gr8: are you using gnome-shell ?12:48
ssk_the_gr8airtonix: this is irritating... but i cant switch the OS for this12:49
mouseI'm tinkering with that xinput too but --list shows about 3 different ids for the same mouse.12:49
airtonixssk_the_gr8: it's not about switching operating systems...12:49
ssk_the_gr8i'm using the gnome shell, i'm on 10.0412:49
airtonixmouse: you'll get info on the right one with : xinput --show-props <id>12:49
ssk_the_gr8airtonix: i know it's just the DE12:49
mouseairtonix, --watch-props?12:51
airtonixxinput list-props 1212:51
ssk_the_gr8airtonix: it's 9 year old bug.. OMG!12:53
ssk_the_gr8airtonix: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/920012:55
ssk_the_gr8it says the bug has been solved here...12:55
ssk_the_gr8thanx for trying guys.. bb13:06
=== Frestone is now known as Firestone
=== iDorito_ is now known as iDorito
FirestoneGot a problem with an EXT3-partition. I seem to have mounted it accidently with ext2 i fstab for a while. Strangely it have worked for several weeks now. Yesterday I rebooted the system and ran fsck on the partition. Now most of the data is gone from the partition, but not all of it?(??).Tried to mount it again with both ext2 and ext3. No difference, the files are still gone?. any way I can recover the lost files? The disk have not13:16
Firestonebeen repartitioned after this...13:16
mneptokFirestone: i assume you ran fsck.ext3, yes?13:18
mneptokwith -f ?13:19
ayush_how can I find out whether the openJDK installed on my ubuntu PC is 32-bit or 64-bit?13:19
mneptoksudo fsck.ext3 -f /dev/whatever13:19
Firestonemneptok: Okay, I'll give it a try?.Thanks!13:19
ayush_how can I find out whether the openJDK installed on my ubuntu PC is 32-bit or 64-bit?13:22
metaspikeFirestone: ext3grep, myrescue and testdisk are some ways to get data of a curropted ext3 partition.13:22
Firestonemetaspike: Okay, I'll look into it when the fsck.ext3-scan is finished. Thanks for the tip!13:22
metaspikeayush_ : dpkg-query -W -f='${Architecture}\n' openjdk-7-jre13:26
metaspikeassuming openjdk 713:26
ayush_thanks metaspike13:27
=== lance_ is now known as Guest32303
BluesKaj_Hi to all , and to all a very Merry Christmas13:48
Sidewinder1BluesKaj_, And a Merry, merry right back at 'ya!13:49
BluesKaj_hi Sidewinder1 :)13:50
dnoginizrso er uhh whats going on13:50
Sidewinder1BRB,.. Presents, etc.. ;D13:51
m4kHw ubuntu 699 MB containe many pkgs but debian no, how this13:55
ubottuUbuntu bug 699 in Launchpad itself "https://launchpad.ubuntu.com/malone/bugs/somebadid should be a 404, not a system error" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69913:55
pangolinm4k: ask the debian people why their cd contains what it does.13:56
m4kIm asking you. Hw you people do this13:57
gregory6577Someone help me with changing the refresh at 85 Hz, because in the options that dumb?14:03
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots14:05
=== Guest5992 is now known as robglas
salvatoreAny help for Comfast 10g driver installation on Ubuntu 10.04?14:07
gregory6577How to set the refresh 85 hz in unity?14:10
gregory6577elo ?14:11
gregory6577How to set the refresh-ubuntu 11.10 at 85 hz?14:11
pangolingregory6577: patience my friend, it is Christmas and many of the normal helpers are taking the day off14:11
pangolinyou can try searching the ubuntu forums or asking on askubuntu.com14:12
gregory6577I know why he wants it done quickly, I have something else to do14:13
gregory6577Not that it bothered me, but why can not normally do this in the settings as before, is a new way for users or what14:14
bullgard4How can I install the »StreamRecorder plugin« in Banshee 2.2.1?14:14
bullgard4See http://askubuntu.com/questions/13181/how-do-i-record-internet-radio-stream-from-banshee14:14
Tech-1happy happy people14:17
Tech-1talking on my new 25 core14:17
Tech-1made it myself14:17
oCeanTech-1: how is that an #ubuntu issue?14:17
Tech-1its xmas14:18
oCeanTech-1: please stay on topic, use #ubuntu-offtopic for social chat14:18
doomnezeuanyone here know any pc to phone voip program except skype?14:19
doomnezeuI see... I can call to land lines or mobile with it also?14:20
doomnezeuthanks btw :D14:20
pangolinshould work just like skype14:20
pangolingive it a try14:21
gregory6577Nowhere is this not, Xorg is not what it was forcing a refresh command something lxmgr14:25
doomnezeuwhat do you guys think about the new unity?14:26
amarcolinohi I have just been given a sony vaio pcg-z600lek to format, however, with 128MB of ram memory I would like to know which version of ubntu would better suite this laptop?14:38
rumpe1amarcolino, lubuntu. And you should really try to upgrade ram.14:39
amarcolinorumpe1,  its not mine and that is the maximum meory it takes14:41
pangolinLubuntu would be your best bet14:41
bullgard4I have installed the package »bansee-community-extensions« in Banshee 2.2.1. How can I call now the program banshee-stream-recorder?14:42
rumpe1amarcolino, try lubuntu. If it's still a pain, you could also use it headless as a small server for something.14:42
SunTsuamarcolino: you might want to consider leaving it alone, running it what it is supposed to run14:42
KartmanAny kernel hackers here? Need guidance14:43
amarcolinorumpe1, I was checking info on unity I know when it was release it got bad reviews but would that be over kil on this laptop and it originally came with windows 2000 but got upgraded by someone else to XP but I believe having a variant of ubuntu would be better.14:43
amarcolinorumpe1, thanks will check lubuntu14:43
doomnezeupangolin I see ekiga has really low call rates... heheh... thanks a lot!14:43
pangolindoomnezeu: welcome14:44
SunTsuKartman: especially in asking questions, it seems14:44
SunTsuKartman: btw. this is not ##linux, this is #ubuntu14:44
leeprisonhi,how to regist a free vps?14:44
KartmanI have a 64bit system. But i need to run my ubuntu installation across many comps. Some are 32 bit. Now i looked into PAE and was wondering if it was possible to switch between th 64 and 32 bit kernel at startup14:44
pangolinleeprison: find a free vps service and ask them.14:44
SunTsuKartman: Still reading http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html might do you good in getting help on irc14:45
KartmanI'm running ubuntu 10.0414:46
SunTsuKartman: well, you _could_ run 32bit binaries on a 64bit kernel - but the other way around will fail. And I guess nobody would recommend running 32bit userland with a 64bit kernel14:46
SunTsuit just doesn't make sense14:46
=== Mud is now known as Guest76967
DaZmac osx does something like this, afaik :f14:46
leeprisonpangolin: do you have ever got it ?14:46
KartmanMac does it. Was wondering if linux supports it14:47
pangolinleeprison: this is #ubuntu we offer Ubuntu support.14:47
KartmanHow about installing a 64 bit kernel along with a 32 and then choosing during grub.is that possible?14:47
=== dstrecker is now known as YeahMan
bau-hi all, I have a problem with ubuntu 11.10, when it starts, after 5 minutes it freezes my usb mouse or keboard, why?14:48
DaZimho it is14:48
SunTsuKartman: yes, it is, although I don't think that the ubuntu package system won't allow for it14:48
KartmanAnd yeah i'm looking for that extra oomph. I have 8 gigs of ram and the phoronix test results show that even pae doesn't quite get the same result as x86_6414:49
KartmanIs there any other way you're aware of that works besides pae?14:50
SunTsuKartman: I think this is the point to quote Donald Knuth: "Premature optimization is the root of all evil"14:50
SunTsuKartman: I guess potential gains are far lower that pains gained from it14:51
KartmanI guess. Well thanks for the help. Any other room that could provide further guidance here on freenode?14:52
SunTsuwell, ##linux and you could ask alis14:53
SunTsu!alis > Kartman14:53
ubottuKartman, please see my private message14:53
KartmanThank you.14:54
PitelIf I want to change from ubuntu to kubuntu, how to do that (without need to reinstall everything)?14:55
=== Youri is now known as Iruoy
jollymacmerry christmas  everyone!14:58
SunTsuPitel: install kubuntu-desktop14:58
victoriusMerry christmas!14:58
insectatoriousMerry Christmas!14:59
PitelSunTsu: and then remove ubuntu-desktop?14:59
llutz!purekde | pitel usually no need to remove ubuntu-desktop, but if you want14:59
ubottupitel usually no need to remove ubuntu-desktop, but if you want: If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde »14:59
SunTsuPitel: if you want to for space reasons, you might do that, though I don't know if that will do for dependency reasons14:59
jollymaci'm trying to install ubuntu on a 320gb hd that already has a 100mb and a 50gb partion for windows 7.. but gparted shows it as a whole free space .. no solutions I found in google applied to my case (cant use partition magic on win7) .. anyone ever had that problem?15:00
Pitelkthx... so i guess I will keep it, and I;m doing a big reinstall every lts version anyway.15:01
SunTsujollymac: you might try to "recover" using gpart, but beware, there might be dragons - i.e. loss of data if things go astray15:02
Star_Lightwhat is the term "antenna head?"15:03
Star_Lightwhat does it mean?15:03
jollymacSunTsu: got it, thanks!15:03
=== bruno is now known as Guest69319
Star_LightI looked up on Google but I didn't find anything15:03
patholioHAM radio enthusiast?15:03
oCeanStar_Light: how is that an #ubuntu issue?15:04
Star_LightoCean,  if you don't know there is no problem15:06
oCeanStar_Light: this channel is for #ubuntu support only. There are other channel for other topics15:06
Star_LightoCean, tell me about the apprepriate channel my friend and don't tell me odd things ;)15:07
iceroot!ot | Star_Light15:07
ubottuStar_Light: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:07
=== root is now known as parabyte
iceroot!alis | Star_Light15:07
ubottuStar_Light: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu*15:07
parabytehappy xmas15:07
parabyteanyone know how i can build a new kernel15:07
Star_LightI am not stupid guys :D15:07
parabyteusing existing running kernels as reference15:07
iceroot!kernel | parabyte15:07
ubottuparabyte: The core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)15:07
Star_LightI know that chanel15:08
oCeanStar_Light: you can find the alis service to find the appropriate channel15:08
parabytelike make moduleconfig15:08
parabytelike make oldconfig15:08
Star_Lightbut sometimes maybe somebody knows15:08
parabytebut uses existing running modules15:08
oCeanStar_Light: don't continue here15:08
icerootStar_Light: its offtopic here as already said so please stop it, thank you15:08
parabytehard to explain really what i mean15:08
Star_LightoCean,  you continue not me.15:08
shilohStar_Light: i think ubuntu thinks we are all stupid if they expect this release to fly, lol15:08
parabytemake build kernel with with modules that system needs command!15:09
parabyteanyone know?15:10
xiangfuHi when I click the 'keyboard layout' under 'gnome-control-center' it always give me segmentation fault . :(15:10
icerootparabyte: maybe #ubuntu-kernel15:11
icerootxiangfu: maybe its a good idea to open a bug about that issue15:11
iceroot!bug | xiangfu15:11
ubottuxiangfu: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.15:11
Warp4anyone using Thunderbird downloaded from Mozilla's website?15:11
iceroot!anyone | Warp415:12
ubottuWarp4: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.15:12
xiangfuiceroot, thanks. will do that now15:12
icerootWarp4: there is no single reason to use the tar.gz from the mozilla site instead of the main-repo or the mozilla-ppa15:12
Warp4Real question:  trying to run Eearlybird under 10.04.3 AMD64 and getting the follwiing message: "exec: 392: ./thunderbird-bin: not found"15:13
Warp4even though the file exists15:13
icerootWarp4: why not using thunderbird from the repos/ppas?15:13
Warp4would rather use bleeding edge15:14
icerootWarp4: in the directory the script is searching?15:14
Warp4just me15:14
icerootWarp4: or better, in the directory the script/addon is running?15:14
icerootWarp4: is it executable?15:14
icerootWarp4: chmod +x thunderbird-bin15:15
Warp4iceroot, it was that by default15:15
parabyteokay guys15:15
parabytethe command is15:15
parabytemake localmodconfig15:15
Pitelwhat si the default window manager in kubuntu? lightdm/kdm/gdm. I know it was kdm in prevous version, but I'm not sure what is now.15:15
parabytethat will make a new kernel using exising devices are reference15:15
parabytemany thanks15:16
researcher123I want to create and save the image of my PC on internet.Any advice from those who have tried it?15:16
icerootPitel: depending on the ubuntu-version15:16
parabyteiceroot: make localmodconfig15:16
parabytemany thanks15:16
Piteliceroot: oneiric15:16
icerootPitel: imo 11.10 is already using lightdm for everything (i am on 12.04 and there is lightdm for everything)15:16
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Warp4iceroot, ok think i found the solution to my problem15:21
Warp4iceroot, grabbing the ia32-libs packages now to see if that will fix my issue15:22
xiangfubug reported: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-control-center/+bug/90856715:22
ubottuUbuntu bug 908567 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu) " when I click the 'keyboard layout' or 'user accounts' under 'gnome-control-center' it always give me segmentation fault ." [Undecided,New]15:22
Warp4ok that fixed my problem15:23
runahi i have an old hardisk with linux installed on it. I wanted to use it as a protable usb with linux installed but i can not boot from it. during booting for some reason the system does not find the root. can sb help me configure it?15:25
runai tried to mount it manually in the console it gives during booting but no chance15:26
fizyplanktonwhat does it mean if the capslock and scroll lock lights are blinking? is it ubuntu telling me something? or is it the laptop itself sending an error message15:28
DaZfizyplankton: kernel panic :f15:30
fizyplanktonDaz: could that have something to do with my laptops display drivers crapping out? even the dell logo at startup and bios is messed up15:30
DaZit might15:31
DaZlook for errors in /var/log15:31
fizyplanktonfuuuuuck. and are the blinking lights a sign or an indicator of kernal panic? i mean is them blinking just by proc of elimenation, it must be a kernal panic, or is it an explicit indicator of one?15:32
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oCeanfizyplankton: control your language here, please15:32
fizyplanktonoCean: sorry. i just got a broken laptop for xmas. youd be mad too15:32
DaZit can always be linux fault.15:33
oCeanfizyplankton: sure, just remember to keep this channel family friendly and professional15:33
DaZeven if it isn't you have warranty, right? :f15:33
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fizyplanktonim on a dell inspiron 1100. from 2003. they didnt have wwarrenties back then15:34
fizyplanktoni have to go. ill be back....later15:35
DaZgood luck :f15:35
* fizyplankton makes a dramatic exit15:35
mang0I have a wine version installed (1.3.35) and I also have built from source 1.3.28. I have a particular application in my c: drive that needs to use .28. How would I go about doing this?15:41
Lunar_Landergood afternoon15:42
DaZmang0: playonlinux has pretty good wine versioning15:42
mang0DaZ: Okay, I'll look in to it, thanks.15:42
Lunar_LanderI'm on 11.10 and this morning there came an e-mail from my university account which was titled "check out my photos on facebook", and I googled that and found that it was of course spam/scam, so I deleted it unread15:43
Lunar_Landerbut as I use thunderbird, it already had downloaded that e-mail to the harddrive15:43
Lunar_Landerso I didn't open it up, but the mail was already on the disk15:43
Lunar_Landercan that be dangerous?15:44
DaZbecause even if it is malware, someone thought about your linux and thunderbird.. :f15:45
Lunar_Landerhow do you mean?15:46
=== Mud is now known as Guest63592
DaZi mean you should relax, because nobody cares about linux.15:47
Lunar_Landerthanks :)15:47
mang0Lunar_Lander: Most viruses/malware/adware are written for windows, which makes them unlikely to work properly, if at all, on linux systems15:47
Lunar_Landeryou see, this was my argument too15:47
Lunar_Landerbut somehow, I didn't believe myself15:47
DaZtry with wine, but it might still not work :f15:47
Lunar_Landerso I decided to ask15:47
Lunar_Landerno,no I won't do that15:48
Lunar_Landerbut I think I can say for sure that the other guy has wrecked his PC15:48
mang0No harm asking :)15:48
Lunar_Landerwhen he starts sending such mails15:48
Lunar_Landeryea mang015:48
Lunar_Landerand you see15:48
mang0How so?15:48
Lunar_Landerwell I don't really think that he is now on FB15:49
Lunar_Landerhe is a scientist and I never like thought he'd go on FB15:49
Lunar_Landerand if he went there, I'd expected a friend request15:49
Lunar_Landerand also, as I said "check out my photos on FB" seems to be a spam mail subject line15:50
emiliodevo ridimensionere un file pdf, chi mi aiuta?15:50
pangolin!it | emilio15:50
ubottuemilio: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)15:50
Lunar_Landerwell, when I google his name there is a FB profile but I don't know if it's him15:51
Lunar_Landerbut what I wanted to say15:51
Lunar_Landersomehow last summer I stopped trusting windows15:51
Lunar_Landerwhich resulted in like wiping the HDD with Knoppix about six times and reinstalling15:52
Lunar_Landerand every time I thought to have gotten something bad after a few weeks15:52
Lunar_Landerthen I got ubuntu in November15:52
Lunar_Landerand with getting something bad I mean like the situation I described when a spam mail came in15:52
mang0You wiped your HDD when you got a spammail?15:53
mang0spam mail*15:53
Lunar_Landeryes, and today I thought that was overreacting15:54
upslaubuntu 11.10 system freezes and hangs while playing online videos.15:54
mang0Lunar_Lander: Extreme over reacting! :P15:55
Lunar_Landeror when I like mistyped an website URL15:55
Lunar_Landeronce I wanted to go to adobe but I didn't write .com but missed the m15:56
Lunar_Landerand landed on bitly15:56
upslaubuntu 11.10 system freezes and hangs while playing online videos. any help.15:56
Lunar_Landerthat was another instance of reinstalling15:56
Lunar_Landerthanks again mang0 and DaZ15:58
Lunar_Landersee you soon!15:58
mang0Lunar_Lander: Cya!15:58
msterbrewerim running the latest ubuntu but it isnt lettign me connect to wifi16:06
msterbrewerim currently plugged into my router which is annoying16:06
msterbreweri ran addinional drivers under system settings and it said that it installed it16:06
msterbrewerbut i still cant seem to connect to wifi16:07
msterbrewerany help?16:09
msterbreweri cant seem to get wifi to work16:09
=== JEEBcz is now known as JEEB
msterbrewerhello is anyone here16:15
muslmsterbrewer: yup16:18
msterbrewermy wifi card isnt working on linux16:18
msterbrewerno idea why since it works fine on windows16:18
msterbrewerexcept that windows crashes16:18
muslokay. are you familiar with ifconfig?16:19
muslor lspci?16:19
Churchiwconfig rather.16:19
msterbrewerim new to linux16:19
msterbreweri did search for addional drivers16:20
muslChurch: just seeing what they know.16:20
msterbrewerit found it and said that it installed it16:20
msterbrewerbut still no wfi16:20
muslmsterbrewer: ok, first thing is to see i the hardware got properly started by the driver.16:21
msterbrewerhow do i do that16:21
msterbreweri know my way around windows but linux is new16:21
msterbrewerim using a dell inspiron 142016:22
muslok. let's start with the network manager icon by the clock. if you click it, does it show any wifi networks?16:23
msterbreweronly the lan connection that im using atm16:23
msterbreweri got wifi radar and its telling em that i have no wifi card16:24
musllet's check that.16:24
musllet's open a terminal window.16:25
muslyou can do that using the menu or by typing alt-F2 and typing gnome-terminal16:25
msterbrewerits open16:26
msterbrewerfrom my searching online it seems that im not the first to have this problem16:26
msterbrewerand i havent yet found an answer there16:27
muslurgh. I may not be much help,16:27
MrKeunerhi all, looking for a media pc that is rather low voltage. GNU/Linux compatibility is number pne priority, and recommendations on hardware or hardware companies?16:27
muslbut I'll give it a shot16:27
muslMrKeuner: you mean low wattage or low power consumption, no?16:28
MrKeunermusl, low power consumption correct16:28
muslmsterbrewer: run iwconfi16:29
muslmsterbrewer: does it list an adapter?16:29
msterbrewersays no wirless extensions16:30
muslrun lspci16:30
musldoes it show anything that looks like a wifi card?16:30
edbianmsterbrewer, Is this a USB dongle16:30
muslno card or no dongle?16:31
Churchmsterbrewer: is this laptop?16:31
msterbrewerits an inspiron 142016:31
msterbrewerits built in16:31
Churchmsterbrewer: is wifi switched on (usually with some key-combo specific to each vendor)16:31
msterbreweriit should be16:31
msterbrewerit turns on on windows16:31
oCeanmsterbrewer: run the command   lspci | grep -i wireless   to see what devices are present16:32
edbianmsterbrewer, are you online with this laptop some other way?  maybe you can show us the output of sudo lspci -k   paste.ubuntu.com16:32
Churchand usually in laptops there should be some light indicator showing if wifi transmiter is switched on, again specific to each vendors of laptops16:32
msterbrewerim online plugged into the router16:32
msterbrewerocean do i put spaces in that?16:33
edbianmsterbrewer, run sudo lspci -k, copy and paste the output here, paste.ubuntu.com, click 'paste' and give us the link to the page it takes you too16:33
edbianmsterbrewer, spaces exactly where he has them16:34
edbianmsterbrewer, His command does the same thing ours do but only displays lines that contain the word 'wireless'  It is easier to read16:34
oCeanmsterbrewer: if you're going to paste edbian's suggestion, then also paste the output of the command:  sudo rfkill list all16:34
=== Resistance is now known as MerryResistance
msterbrewerok im getting confused16:35
edbianoCean, good call on rfkill  I'm betting that's the issue.  Although it should still be showing up in lspci16:35
edbianmsterbrewer, haha, ask a specific question16:35
msterbrewerwifi light is not shown switched on16:35
edbianmsterbrewer, sometimes the light does not work properly on linux16:35
oCeantrue. I guess windows has a tendency to block the devices when shutting down16:35
msterbrewerit turns on when i run windows16:35
msterbrewerand runs fine16:35
edbianmsterbrewer, yes, we get that16:36
msterbrewerok im clueless when it comes to programing16:36
edbianmsterbrewer, we need you to run sudo lspci -k and copy / paste the output here: paste.ubuntu.com  click paste, and give us the link16:36
edbianmsterbrewer, we're not programming16:36
msterbrewerpaste where?16:36
edbianmsterbrewer, here: paste.ubuntu.com16:36
edbianmsterbrewer, it's a website16:36
MerryResistance!pastebin | msterbrewer16:36
ubottumsterbrewer: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:36
msterbrewerah ok16:36
Jonii_Hey, is there any reason to make ubuntu track stuff i do?16:37
edbianmsterbrewer, :)16:37
edbianJonii_, ?  In case you're curious what you do.16:37
Jonii_It seems that ubuntu has some preinstalled tracking thing called zeitgeist16:37
msterbrewerok how do i copy paste it16:37
msterbrewerctrl c /v isnt working16:37
edbianmsterbrewer, highlight it with the mouse, right click -> copy16:37
Jonii_msterbrewer: middle click16:38
edbianmsterbrewer, or shift+ctrl+c I think16:38
edbianmsterbrewer, ctrl + c is used for something else in terminal16:38
Jonii_highlight works for terminal i think16:38
msterbrewerwhy didnt i think of that16:38
Sharpshooterhai guys ! Just now I installed Kde On ubuntu 11.10 I like the Whole style but the Gtk  theme is like the old W!N 95 style how to change that !16:38
edbianmsterbrewer, :P16:38
edbianmsterbrewer, reading...16:38
MerryResistanceSharpshooter:  that'd be in some kde settings somewhere... i'm not sure where unfortunately16:39
edbianmsterbrewer, You have a bcm4311 :)16:39
MerryResistanceSharpshooter:  and its more like a themeless-KDE thing ;P16:39
edbianmsterbrewer, I have that card!16:39
robin0800Sharpshooter: try # kubuntu channel16:39
MerryResistancenot necessarily Win9516:39
edbianmsterbrewer, sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter16:39
msterbrewertype that into the thingy16:39
Sharpshooterrobin0800, ok16:39
msterbrewerthe command promp16:39
edbianmsterbrewer, into the terminal (command prompt) yes16:40
ThePendulumCan anyone explain why games for Linux are generally a few years behind considering graphics and such?16:40
edbianmsterbrewer, sudo apt-get install firmware-b43-installer16:40
Jonii_Anyway edbian, I mean, is it safe? I don't think its a good idea to just collect data about my habits if theres no reason to do such tracking16:40
MerryResistanceThePendulum:  ask the game devs, not the OS channels ;P16:40
msterbrewerit still runnign the first thing16:40
edbianThePendulum, because there aren't major companies spending time on it16:40
MerryResistanceand that16:40
edbianJonii_, just uninstall it then :)16:40
ThePendulumMerryResistance: Any good channels to ask this? :P16:41
edbianmsterbrewer, sure, take your time16:41
Jonii_What and how?16:41
edbianmsterbrewer, those two commands install firmware and the b43 driver to run your card16:41
msterbrewerunable to locate it16:41
msterbrewerthat what the second one said16:41
edbianugh, click the ubuntu icon (top icon in the unity bar)16:41
msterbreweroh wait16:41
MerryResistanceThePendulum:  not that i know of, since each game developer is in charge of what graphics they use.16:41
edbianmsterbrewer, typo?16:41
Jonii_zeitgeist? is it safe to remove? Does anything bad happen if i do? Does ubuntu stop following me if i remove that?16:41
msterbrewerwore firmwar16:42
ThePendulumMerryResistance: I was just wondering hehe. New year coming up and there are going to be some kids over who sure as hell want to play some nice shooters. Since I'm using Ubuntu, I'm afraid I have to disappoint them lol16:42
edbianfirmwar   hahaha16:42
edbianmsterbrewer, installing?16:43
msterbrewerstill giving me errores16:44
edbianmsterbrewer, what are the errors?16:44
msterbrewerthe first part worked16:44
edbianmsterbrewer, ok, (good)16:44
msterbrewerinstall: missing destination file operand after `firmware-b43-installer' Try `install --help' for more information.16:44
edbianmsterbrewer, what command did you run that made it say that?16:45
msterbrewerhoshia@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt_get install firmware-b43-installer16:45
edbianmsterbrewer, it's sudo apt-get install ...16:45
edbianmsterbrewer, it's a dash, not an underscore16:45
edbianhoshia ;)16:45
msterbrewernow its working16:45
msterbrewerwhell installing16:46
edbianmsterbrewer, make sure you did that correctly on the first command: sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter16:46
edbianmsterbrewer, good :)16:46
kasiihi all16:46
msterbrewerhoshia@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt_get install firmware-b43-installer16:46
edbianmsterbrewer, dork16:46
kasiimeerrryyy xmasss16:46
msterbrewer0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.16:46
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msterbrewerdont think its supposed to say that16:47
edbianmsterbrewer, yeah probs not.  Can you pastebin all this stuff in the terminal?  paste.ubuntu.com16:47
edbianmsterbrewer, I wanna make sure it installed correctly16:47
edbianmsterbrewer, get the last 50 or so lines16:47
edbianmsterbrewer, thanks16:48
* edbian misses mansanto16:48
edbianspeedxcore, hi16:48
speefakmerry christmas @ll16:48
edbianspeefak, hi16:48
speefakdoes anyone know how i can get the moduleinfo which is loaded by the system, i got the hardwareinfo but i dont know which module is connecte with it16:49
edbianmsterbrewer, you're being silly:  sudo apt-get install firmware-b43-installer16:50
oCeanspeefak: lspci -k  shows kernel module in use,  modinfo <modulename>  to get more info about said module16:50
speefaki have to blacklist a wlan module becouse ists not working fine,16:50
speefaki dont knowe the module name that the problem16:50
edbianmsterbrewer, the last command you ran was missing the package name after 'install'16:50
edbianspeefak, lspci -k  shows you which is using what modules16:50
speefakright i see16:51
msterbrewerok i copy pasted that16:51
edbianmsterbrewer, ok...16:51
msterbrewerwhy was i typingit16:51
speefakthaks 4 info i try to solve the porblem now ;)16:51
edbianmsterbrewer, good question16:51
msterbrewer*bangs head16:51
msterbrewerit did somethign really long with alot of extracting16:52
edbianmsterbrewer, yes (that is good)16:52
msterbrewerok now what16:52
edbianmsterbrewer, sudo modprobe b4316:52
edbianmsterbrewer, this command tells the kernel 'hey, use this driver'16:52
robin0800msterbrewer: you typed = instead of -16:52
edbianrobin0800, already fixed that issue16:52
edbianmsterbrewer, and now the wifi card should be working16:53
msterbrewernow doing anything16:53
edbianmsterbrewer, yeah, that command just returns16:53
edbianmsterbrewer, no news = good news16:53
msterbreweroh wait16:53
msterbrewerthank you16:53
edbianmsterbrewer, hahah :)16:53
msterbrewerwifi turned on16:53
edbianmsterbrewer, yeah I gathered :)16:53
edbianmsterbrewer, reboot to make sure it is still working (it should be)16:54
msterbrewerfirst trying to connect to wifi16:54
edbianmsterbrewer, ok16:54
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cloudgeekE: Package 'libopenssl-ruby1.9' has16:57
cloudgeeknot able install ruby problem openssl16:58
cloudgeekcan help with that16:58
jery_hello i have a question. if i make changes to the system in gconf-editor does it only affect my username or the whole system in general. for example if i tweak the sys so it doesn't display mounted images on the desktop, will this happen to other users, or just me?16:58
cloudgeekwhen  i try to install all this it tell not locating16:58
cloudgeekE: Package 'libopenssl-ruby1.9' has16:58
cloudgeeksudo apt-get install ruby1.9-dev libsqlite3-dev rdoc1.9 libopenssl-ruby1.9 giggle16:58
edbianjery_, that is user specific16:58
oCeancloudgeek: ubuntu 11.10? There's  libopenssl-ruby1.8  and libopenssl-ruby1.9.116:59
edbianjery_, rule of thumb: if you don't have to put in your password, it affects only you16:59
jery_edbian - yeah i thought so. is there any way to sudo it?16:59
edbianjery_, not that I know off16:59
pangolincloudgeek: so you got tha package name wrong, your missing a .116:59
oCeancloudgeek: then there's those 2 packages libopenssl-ruby1.8  and libopenssl-ruby1.9.116:59
jery_edbian - ok thanks mate17:00
gizmobay can you forward the pulse audio to the remote guest using vpn??17:00
cloudgeekoCean: can you give all apt-get required for ruby together17:00
pangolincloudgeek: sudo apt-get install ruby1.9-dev libsqlite3-dev rdoc1.9 libopenssl-ruby1.9.117:00
cloudgeekpangolin: thanks17:01
cloudgeekpangolin:giving error17:01
cloudgeekpangolin: i am pasting wait17:01
cloudgeekpangolin: oCean: :( why ruby making problem with me17:03
pangolincloudgeek: sudo apt-get install ruby1.9.1-dev libsqlite3-dev rdoc1.9 libopenssl-ruby1.9.117:03
oCeancloudgeek: don't give up that easily :)17:04
edbiancloudgeek, ruby does not like you17:04
cloudgeekoCean: yep right , i working on it from last 4 hour , but i never till it installed finally17:05
pangolincloudgeek: reading the error message and trying to figure out what it is telling you is important. You were missing the .17:05
pangolinerr .117:05
cloudgeekedbian: yep you ,right , but santa like ruby , he give me a gift , so learn ruby17:05
edbiancloudgeek, uhhh, thank you!17:06
cloudgeekpangolin: now it works17:06
pangolincloudgeek: happy I was able to help17:06
cloudgeekoCean:pangolin: it install let me check version17:06
cloudgeekPangolin: it installed , but still it showing version lace17:07
cloudgeekroot@cloud:~# ruby -v17:07
cloudgeekruby 1.8.7 (2011-06-30 patchlevel 352) [x86_64-linux]17:07
MrKeunerhi all, looking for a media pc that is rather low power hungry. GNU/Linux compatibility is number one priority, and recommendations on hardware or hardware companies?17:07
msterbrewerwi fi turned off after reboot17:07
edbianmsterbrewer, awww :(17:07
edbianmsterbrewer, can you pastebin sudo lspci -k for me ?  paste.ubuntu.com17:08
msterbrewerhow do i open kernal thingy again17:08
theadminMrKeuner: How about ##hardware ?17:08
edbianmsterbrewer, the terminal,   ubuntu icon -> search terminal17:09
cloudgeekedbain: ubuntu  11.10 server , not catching my external 2TB WD hardisk17:09
MrKeunertheadmin, those guys are not much free software loving17:09
edbiancloudgeek, stop tossing it around17:09
theadminMrKeuner: Oh... Odd, they should leave freenode then :D17:09
cloudgeekmsterbrewer: use crtl+alt+t = terminal17:09
msterbrewergot it17:09
MrKeunertheadmin, i don't care if they like mac but I then I don't need their help17:10
cloudgeekedbian: i didn't get17:10
edbiancloudgeek, neither did I17:10
edbianmsterbrewer, sudo apt-get purge bcmwl-kernel-source17:11
msterbrewersay yes to it?17:12
ja5kieranyone knows the solution for dual working headhphones together with speakers using VT1708S soundcard?17:12
edbianmsterbrewer, yeah17:12
cloudgeekagain it giving me same error when i install ruby 1.9.2 using rvm17:12
msterbreweri had a funny thing happen whe n i installed linux17:12
edbianmsterbrewer, what is that?17:12
msterbrewermy speakers started working17:12
edbianmsterbrewer, ha, how funny17:12
msterbrewerthey hadnet worked for 2 years on windows17:13
e01merry christmas all17:13
speefakhm blacklisting does go right17:13
msterbrewerok done now what17:13
edbianmsterbrewer, sudo modprobe b4317:13
edbianmsterbrewer, which should turn wifi on again17:13
edbianmsterbrewer, and then restart17:13
msterbrewerok restarting17:14
e01can somebody tell me how to connect my ubuntu to windows ad hoc17:14
msterbrewerrandom question17:14
msterbrewerwhy is there no restart option on top right17:14
edbianmsterbrewer, do shut down, then you can restart17:14
msterbreweryeah i know17:14
msterbrewerbut why is ther eno restart17:15
edbianmsterbrewer, yeah IDK17:15
speefakwhen the out of lsmod -k is : Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g (rev 01)17:15
speefakKernel driver in use: b43-pci-bridge17:15
speefakKernel modules: ssb17:15
speefak what have write into the /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf17:15
edbianmsterbrewer, if you click shutdown in that menu the dialog that comes up has a restart button on the left17:15
FloodBot1speefak: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:15
edbianspeefak, is wifi not working?17:15
speefakwhen the output of lspci is :17:15
edbianspeefak, whoa17:16
edbiandon't you copy & paste that!17:16
edbiannot in here sir!17:16
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:16
speefaked1703, wifi is working i got 2 devices in my netboak an have to blacklist one of the because i got a lot of diconnects17:16
speefakso i get the info about the hardware by using the lspci -k command17:16
edbianspeefak, you do not blacklist a device, you blacklist a driver17:17
edbianspeefak, why not just use the device that works?17:17
Guest35869this bot net17:17
speefakthe module is : Kernel driver in use : b43-pci-brige /// Kernel modules ssb17:17
edbianspeefak, that's fine b43 is the correct driver for this card17:17
speefakbecause the network manager use the 2 devices and i got disconnects when usig ist, driver isnt working fine17:17
edbianmsterbrewer, how goes it?17:17
edbianGuest35869, hi17:18
Guest35869this bot net17:18
speefakthe card has a lot of hardware versions an the problem is know, so i have to deactive it17:18
edbianGuest35869, no, this IRC channel17:18
resnoive looked around and cant find the answer, how do i put ubuntu into safe mode?17:18
resnof4 / f8?17:18
speefaked1703, right blacklist the drive ;)17:18
edbianspeefak, turn it off by making an entry for it in /etc/network/interfaces17:18
Guest358691422 user how17:18
oCeanGuest35869: do you have an #ubuntu support question?17:19
edbianGuest35869, they join one at a time until there are 142117:19
edbianGuest35869, it all starts with a man named 'Mark Shuttleworth'17:19
Zeraphinim new to ubuntu. and this may sound stupid but how do i review/edit my xong.conf file?17:19
speefakedbian, hey right i dont think about ist, but thats the quik an dirty solution17:20
Guest35869edbian i need channel 4 games17:20
edbianZeraphin, gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf17:20
Guest35869which channel17:20
FloodBot1Guest35869: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:20
Zeraphin@edbian thanks!17:20
edbianZeraphin, but that file does not exist by default :)17:20
oCean!alis | Guest35869 use the alis service to find channel. Ask for further uspport in #freenode channel, not here17:20
ubottuGuest35869 use the alis service to find channel. Ask for further uspport in #freenode channel, not here: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu*17:20
msterbrewerjust wanted to say thank you17:21
msterbrewerwirless is up and running17:21
edbianmsterbrewer, everything is working?17:21
edbianmsterbrewer, you can reboot?17:21
* oCean hands edbian a Christmas candy cane17:21
msterbrewerand yup17:21
edbianmsterbrewer, awesome :)17:21
Zeraphinwell. I've been trying to get dual monitors working with 11.10 and it says that I need to edit the xong.conf file.17:21
msterbrewerwhat was the problem17:21
* edbian thanks Jesus first and foremost for making this possible17:21
resnoive looked around and cant find the answer, how do i put ubuntu into terminal (safe mode) mode? f4 / f8? or some other button combo?17:21
msterbrewerdell being annoying?17:21
edbianmsterbrewer, well, the driver that works best with that card is not 100% open source17:21
edbianmsterbrewer, (b43)17:22
edbianmsterbrewer, the driver that was installed by default is 100% open source but does not work well.  We had to install b43 and remove wl (the default one)17:22
edbianmsterbrewer, although dell can be very annoying17:22
msterbrewerthanks anyways17:22
edbianmsterbrewer, Took me about 9 months to learn all of this by trial and error and reading web pages17:23
msterbrewerbeing tethered to a router is annoying17:23
edbianmsterbrewer, sure :)  glad I could help17:23
edbianmsterbrewer, indeed17:23
msterbreweri read them counld make heads or tails of them17:23
edbianmsterbrewer, yes, it takes a long time, especially because they are not distro specific most of the time17:23
edbiansomebody has a macbook17:24
resnomy machine is booting and i cant get it to do anything else. (installed new video card) any help / ideas?17:27
edbianresno, it's boots and then it freezes?  or it never finishes booting?17:27
edbianresno, I am assuming you can't log in?17:27
resnoedbian: it starts booting then freezes.17:28
edbianresno, what card is it?17:29
edbianresno, reboot, press shift early during boot, choose 'recovery mode'17:29
resnoedbian: shift!17:29
resnoone sec17:29
edbianresno, shift17:29
resnoi was trying f4 and f817:30
edbiansilly resno17:30
Jay_LevittWhat's a sexy alternative to cron that will let me have the same config file run different tasks depending on hostname, environment variables, etc. and in a more readable format?17:31
resnoedbian: ah, that worked, and i can fix it from here. thanks :)17:32
edbianresno, sure, have fun yo17:33
Hilikushey guys17:33
edbianHilikus, hello17:34
Hilikuscan i watch blueray movies in linux if i have a BR drive?17:34
SunTsuJay_Levitt: I don't know one, unfortunately, if you find something like this, please let me know. Maybe puppet can help you, but that's a more general approach17:34
edbianHilikus, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/BluRayAndHDDVD17:34
Hilikusthanks ed170317:35
jacob-pcI get boot error "Selected cylinder exceeds maximum supported by bios" when trying to boot ubuntu after installing opensuse on seperate disk, ehich overwrote the grub2 on my primary disk to include  opensuse (on the seperate disk) i do not really want to write a /boot partition earlier in the disk can i restore the old grub and be able to boot ubuntu17:35
Jay_LevittSunTsu: Yeah, checked out puppet and chef, but they're way way overkill for a small startup with 4-5 servers.  I guess I could have everyone's crontab execute all the tasks, but have the tasks run a cron_runner script that's a no-op on the "wrong" machine17:35
edbianjacob-pc, boot a live CD, run sudo grub-install /dev/sd<letter>17:36
jacob-pc:edbian i have windows also on the disk, will the grub have windows as an option17:36
edbianjacob-pc, I'm not really sure what it will do17:37
SunTsuJay_Levitt: yeah, that would work, or you could replace crontab with some script that wraps around some version management setup with a central server hosting all those crontabs17:37
edbianjacob-pc, I think it will do everything auto-magically17:37
* edbian is bored17:39
Jay_LevittLooks like upstart planned to do "temporal events" but that part is still vaporware17:41
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eNry92Hi guys17:47
edbianeNry92, hi17:47
ptaylorQuestion .. why does Ubuntu Desktop have default iptables rules that does not apply to the box? Nor does the IPs match ?17:48
edbianptaylor, my iptables has 0 rules17:48
edbianptaylor, ufw might have set some for you?17:49
ptayloredbian: ufw is not enabled17:49
edbianptaylor, then IDK why you have iptables rules17:49
ptayloredbian: what version are you on?17:49
edbianWhenever I launch terminal it is not full screen.  How can I make it launch full screen??17:50
SunTsuptaylor: I'd try grepping after that stuff in /etc17:51
SunTsuptaylor: my box exactly has zero iptables rules, just like edbian17:51
edbianiptables buddies!17:51
ptaylorThanks - i figured it out :)17:51
SunTsuptaylor: then please enlighten us17:52
ptaylorI think the KVM package added some rules to allow the interface to communicate with the main interface. Virbr0 and eth0 since im using bridge17:52
edbianptaylor, sounds plausible17:54
MrKeunerhi all, looking for a media pc that is rather low power hungry. GNU/Linux compatibility is number one priority, and recommendations on hardware or hardware companies?17:57
bignono1cant boot 10.04 , i get 22 error no such partition17:57
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SunTsuMrKeuner: I don't see how that is ubuntu support17:58
Jay_LevittSunTsu: Clockwork looks nice, requires a job queueing system though: https://github.com/adamwiggins/clockwork Or you can use whenever to generate per-system crontabs: https://github.com/javan/whenever. I'm setting up Resque anyway so will probably go w/clockwork!17:58
MrKeunerSunTsu, don't worry, it is18:00
SunTsuJay_Levitt: sounds interesting, if only I didn't hate ruby/ror so much... But thanks for the info, though18:00
Jay_Levitthehe :)18:00
ptaylorwhat's wrong with using Cron? i don't see the advantage using clockwork or maybe I misread18:01
OerHeksMrKeuner, check http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/18:02
edbianptaylor, it isn't sexy enough for him18:02
MrKeunerOerHeks, thanks, but already have been there18:02
bignono1cant boot 10.0418:05
bignono122 errormessage18:05
ptayloredbian: i c. Damn I guess we need to come up with prettier solutions.18:05
maria87hello guys, is it possible to transfer my sms from an iphone to ubuntu?18:05
bignono1if no one reply i will go win 9518:05
bignono1or dos even18:06
bignono1ok you asked for it , am going win 3.1118:07
OerHeks22 errors are a lot, what do they say bignono118:07
bignono1no such partition18:07
MrKeunerOerHeks, aleutia is cool actually but kind of expensive, I could go with slightly higher carbon footprint for a cheaper product18:07
farrukhjonhi all help how play *.m4a file with standart player ?18:08
bignono1buntu is the only os on that partition18:08
bignono1all other os's are ok , they are 4 linux distro all ok , only ubuntu not booting18:09
OerHeksbignono1, 4 partitions with linux ? 4 primairy is the max18:11
newserhello I am having problems trying to upgrade from 10.04 to 11.10. When I use the update manager it freezes and nothing happens. doing it from terminal does nothing as well. Is there anything that I can do? I think I added some sources  that are not updating. How can I remove them? Is there something to fix all the sources?18:12
pangolinnewser: you can't go from 10.04 to 11.10 directly18:13
pangolin!upgrade | newser18:13
ubottunewser: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade18:13
bignono13 partitions , one for xp , one for linux's and one ubuntu18:13
pangolinnewser: /etc/apt/sources.list is what you will want to edit to remove any sources you added.18:14
newserpangolin, I already tried whatever is  in those links18:14
pangolinnewser: could you pastebin your sources.list please18:15
newserpangolin, sure, thanks for your help :)18:15
noahfxo/ hi18:15
pangolinI haven't helped yet :)18:15
newserpangolin, is there a command to show the content of a text file in terminal similar to "type" in MS-DOS?18:16
salmiakhello and merry xmas :-D18:16
noahfxanyone knows where can i find the fix of this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/820784 ?18:16
pangolinnewser: nano /etc/apt/sources.list18:16
ubottuUbuntu bug 820784 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "package libnm-glib-vpn-dev (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/lib/pkgconfig/libnm-glib-vpn.pc', which is also in package libnm-glib-dev 0.8.4~git.20110319t175609.d14809b-0ubuntu3" [Undecided,New]18:16
noahfxnewser: cat works too18:17
ptaylornewser: look it /etc/apt/source.list.d/*18:17
ptaylornewser: usually it will be added there if u used ppa18:17
salmiakis it possible to make the filemanager (nautilus) stop ignoring the _ character when it sorts files? I used to put a _ as first character in folder names for folders that I allways want to have at the top, but nautlius ignores it18:17
bignono1thanks OerHeks18:18
pangolinnewser: I gotta run but basically you want to remove anything that does not include the word lucid in the line. then after editing the file, save it and run sudo apt-get update. then follow the instructions for upgrading on the wiki. (you will have to go through each version or wait until 12.04 is released)18:19
newserpangolin, astebin.com/Wu9P3FeE18:20
jsebeanim having a problem18:20
newserpangolin, ok, thanks18:20
newsermerry christmas18:20
ptaylornewser: u have jaunty-backports in there.. take them out. I'm guessing ur using lucid right?18:21
SunTsu!ask | jsebean18:21
ubottujsebean: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:21
newserptaylor, I believe so18:21
ptaylornewser: run .. lsb_release -a18:22
ptaylorwhat does it say?18:22
jsebeani am trying to access my windows workgroup on ubuntu in network on nautilus. I'm running ubuntu 11.10. WHen I open windows network and choose Workgroup it says unable to mount. I have samba installed, how do i access the share. It works on my windows machines. The shared folder is on an xp machine. Thanks and merry christmas18:22
pangolinthe jaunty-backports are commented out. should not affect anything.18:22
pangolinanyway. merry Christmas to you too newser.18:22
msterbreweri have another question18:23
msterbrewerhow do i install a program not from the ubuntu software center18:23
newserptaylor, command run not found...18:23
nvzmsterbrewer: is it in deb package format?18:23
jsebeani am trying to access my windows workgroup on ubuntu in network on nautilus. I'm running ubuntu 11.10. WHen I open windows network and choose Workgroup it says unable to mount. I have samba installed, how do i access the share. It works on my windows machines. The shared folder is on an xp machine. Thanks and merry christmas18:24
blanHello everyone. I'm having problems connecting to eth0 with a Marvell 88E8042. dhclient connects, but nm-applet does not show any connection. Advice? Thx18:24
newserptaylor, hehe, sorry I got it18:24
msterbrewerit has to be .deb for me to open it?18:24
SunTsu!patience | jsebean18:24
ubottujsebean: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/18:24
delacdoes the knetworkmanager have ability to create new wireless network?18:24
newserptaylor, ubuntu 10.04.3 LTS18:24
itaylor57msterbrewer, what are hyou trying to install?18:24
slawekebiWelcome, Who use garmin 305 - 310 XT applications? Please send me pm.18:24
newserptaylor, lucid18:24
msterbrewergoogle talk18:24
ptaylornewser: so check /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ and see if there's something there.18:25
ptayloror run apt-get update .. and see what it complains about. ANd pastebin that18:25
msterbrewerit downloaded fine18:25
newserptaylor, ok18:25
itaylor57mschonberg, http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/ppas/4718:25
msterbrewerbut whe n i opened it it didnt do an install18:25
itaylor57try that ppa18:25
tonkhow to "rebuild wine from source" ?18:26
msterbrewerah ok18:26
itaylor57msterbrewer, http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/ppas/47 look at that ppa18:26
msterbreweri see what i did wrong18:26
arrrghhhhey all.  i have a thinkpad t60p which ran ubuntu great.. i was told there was a kernel upgrade done, and now it fails to boot completely.18:26
MerryResistancetonk:  any reason you need to build it from source?18:26
msterbreweri didnt download the .deb file18:26
tonkmerryresistance: patched it.18:26
arrrghhhthe caps lock just flashes on and off, screen is 'stuck' purple from GRUB18:26
MerryResistancetonk:  ah.  well you may want to look into how to compile software from source18:27
arrrghhhi was able to boot an older kernel with limited success, recovery mode sometimes said that it failed to mount root18:27
StevenRarrrghhh: can you boot the rescue kernel, or an older version?18:27
arrrghhhStevenR: ^^ ;)18:27
StevenRwoo. lag.18:27
MerryResistancetonk:  or if you want to update the package with a patch, well... see the packaging channel or talk to whoever already packages it.18:27
arrrghhhStevenR: np, it sometimes works and sometimes doesn't.  a few times i got all the way to gnome.18:27
newserptaylor, http://pastebin.com/eYbBxMq718:27
arrrghhhStevenR: i'm just not even sure what to start troubleshooting, other than just reinstall.  which i'd like to avoid, but if it has to be done it has to be done.18:28
StevenRarrrghhh: can you be more clear about what happens when you try the rescue kernel?18:28
ptaylornewser: so it just telling you that packages were kept back. You can install that with sudo apt-get dist-upgrade. You can also use update-manager -d  .. and that will bring up the screen to start the move to Oneiric.18:29
StevenRarrrghhh: and also for the older kernel (in non-recovery mode) ?18:29
arrrghhhStevenR: well which one?  they all do something different. fails in recovery mode, failed to mount rot.18:29
arrrghhhStevenR: i think the older kernel would boot normally "sometimes".  let me try a few boots.18:29
StevenRarrrghhh: ok. can you list your options, and what happens when you try them, in a pastebin paste please?18:30
StevenRarrrghhh: also, have you run memtest?18:30
arrrghhhStevenR: i haven't.  winxp boots fine.  i'll try that too.18:30
jsebeani am trying to access my windows workgroup on ubuntu in network on nautilus. I'm running ubuntu 11.10. WHen I open windows network and choose Workgroup it says unable to mount. I have samba installed, how do i access the share. It works on my windows machines. The shared folder is on an xp machine. Thanks and merry christmas18:30
newserptaylor, apt-get dist-upgrade didn't work :(  same result as what I pasted18:30
ptaylorsudo apt-get install libgdall-dev tilp2  or sudo apt-get install -f18:31
fnbrierI was installing the latest Ubuntu dovecot (v.2.0.13) as an IMAP server and ran into a bug (#873390) that was fixed in release (1:2.0.15-1ubuntu2) and v2.1.  Synaptics is not showing that version.  I tried showing the pre-release packages, but it still did not show up.  Is there a trick to show new packages?18:31
nvzjsebean: you've said that at least 3 times now, and I'm no more inclinded to respond in a way that will help you.. first stop repeating, then forget about christmas.. and figure out what the IP/netbios name of the machine you are trying to connect to is18:31
ronkrtMerry Christmas18:31
shadowe989Merry Christmas :)18:32
fnbrierMerry Christmas.18:32
nvzjsebean: then try smbclient -L <ip/netbios> from a terminal and smb://<ip/netbios> in nautilus18:32
goddardhow do i search with apt like yum search?18:32
nvzgoddard: aptitude search or apt-cache search18:32
ptaylorgoddard: apt-cache search "filename"18:32
goddardok :D18:33
jsebeannvz: I never got any notifiaction until now and the post i made has long since flowed to top of chat i was trying to display it to other users... i can also access the folder by entering the smb:// address in ubuntu but id like to simply be able to browse to it in "network" folder in the nautilus18:33
civixierctrl+alt+F* hurts my wrist after a while, is there a way to change prompt with commands instead of a hotkey?18:34
arrrghhhStevenR: memtest seems clean, but i don't have a ton of time to run the full gambit.  usually it lights up like a christmas tree within 30 seconds if there's any bad RAM (in my experience).  i'm compiling the pastebin now.18:34
nvzjsebean: we all seen it, and didn't care.. because it was vague and repeated.. as you've just pointed out now, it does in fact work, its just failing to browse the network properly. so what you repeated 3 times wasn't even the real issue18:34
on1233e45loveis there a way to use mv and grep to take every file that contains the string "sans" and move it to a different subdirectory?18:34
on1233e45love(I'm new to linux)18:34
jsebeananyone know why its failing to browse the network properly?18:35
StevenRarrrghhh: ok. ping me when you're done :)18:35
itaylor57on1233e45love, yes18:35
arrrghhhwill do, thx18:35
ptayloron1233e45love: you have to use a for loop.18:35
on1233e45loveanyone have the commands handy?18:35
nvzon1233e45love: yes there are a number of ways to do that.. for file in "*sans*"; mv "$file" subdirectory/; done18:36
fnbrierBTW, I have been using Fedora for the last several years and have used Debian, but recently installed Lubuntu.18:36
fnbrierI am just not familiar with the Synaptics Package Manager and Ubuntu package management.18:36
on1233e45lovenvz, sans may not be in the filename.  I'd put that directly into a terminal?18:36
shadowe989on1233e45love: I'd get a bash cheatsheet off google for bash scripting18:36
ptayloron1233e45love: go to #bash .. they have good tutorials on their topic.18:37
nvzon1233e45love: um, yes... well that method only does filenames not contents18:37
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enixi have installed all these  build-essential libssl-dev libtool libvorbis-dev libvorbisidec-dev libmad0-dev libssl1.0.0   and still get an error in ./configure that it cannot find lib ssl. any ideas?18:38
ptaylorenix: sudo apt-get install libssl-dev18:38
newserptaylor, I appreciate your patience. Unfortunately: Couldn't find package libgdall-dev18:38
ptaylornewser: sudo apt-get install -f18:38
enixptaylor: have it18:38
delacdoes the knetworkmanager have ability to create new wireless network?18:38
newserptaylor, 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 2 not upgraded18:39
ptaylornewser: these are the two files it is complaining about right? libgdal1-dev tilp218:40
ptaylornewser: so then try .. sudo apt-get -u install libgdal1-dev tilp218:40
arrrghhhStevenR: http://pastebin.com/mjQZ14kK18:41
nvzon1233e45love: do you need it to match case sensitive?18:41
iToastOk. i can speak.18:41
iToastWould ubuntu be good on a netbook.18:41
iToastI hate win7 starter.18:41
nvzon1233e45love: for i in $(grep -l "sans" *); do mv "$file" subdir/; done18:41
arrrghhhthis is really quite strange.  i've never had ubuntu act so wacky.18:41
arrrghhhiToast: try it out, nothing to lose.  it's free.18:41
theadminiToast: Yeah... Ubuntu is great for netbooks, especially the recent versions18:42
iToastI wan't to stab the person who thought 7 starter was a good idea in the face.18:42
nvzon1233e45love: if you want it to match SANS, Sans, SanS.. etc, change grep -l to grep -il18:42
iToastEverything is crashing on it.18:42
oCeaniToast: don't bring such comment here, I told you before18:42
iToastoCean: ...18:42
iToastoCean: I'ma install win7 start on your computer..18:42
arrrghhhiToast: we don't really care.  we're here to help or get help on ubuntu, thanks.18:42
iToastarrrghhh: I know. Thats why I come here for help with my ubuntu server :D18:43
Xtophi want to install _only_ ubuntu on my macbook pro 5,1 but i just get a blinking cursor after chosing to try ubuntu. has anyone any idea why this could be?18:43
arrrghhh#ubuntu-server iToast18:43
iToastarrrghhh: ...18:43
nvzon1233e45love:erm...  for file in $(grep -l "sans" *); do mv "$file" subdir/; done18:43
oCeaniToast: consider it your last warning18:43
iToastThat channel is almost dead silent..18:43
iToastoCean: Can you stop with the "Told you this and that" and "Warnings"18:43
arrrghhhiToast: i am in there frequently, you get help in a timely manner usually.18:43
iToastarrrghhh: I joined before. 2 hours later I noticed that there was activity.18:44
arrrghhhanyhoo.  StevenR it seems is booting now in normal mode.  this is really odd.18:44
iToastI'l try it now.18:44
arrrghhhiToast: try asking a question.18:44
arrrghhhyou'd be surprised..18:44
StevenRiToast: well, if it's dead silent, start up the conversation about your issue. :)  If people know, they'll pipe up.18:44
theadminiToast: If you do something against the channel policy, you will be first warned, and then banned, that's how it goes. So don't blame the admins for warnings, it's only normal.18:44
douglas-web-devMerry Christmas for all!18:44
iToastStevenR: Just did.18:45
arrrghhhMerry Christmas indeed!  hooray broken family computers...18:45
enixptaylor: any other ideas?18:45
StevenRarrrghhh: ok... can you run up synaptic and reinstall the kernel packages for ?18:45
iToasttheadmin: No matter what I say its not good eneugh.18:45
arrrghhhStevenR: i can do that from cli right?  sudo apt-get purge, then install?18:45
iToastHow good is ubuntu's support for wireless cards? specificly Aetheros cards.18:45
StevenRarrrghhh: yes... is the box headless or otherwise gui-free?18:45
theadminiToast: Quite acceptable. ath9k and ath5k come preinstalled AFAIK18:46
ptaylorenix: if it complaining about ssl.. usually libssl-dev takes care of that problem. Is there anything in the INSTALL.txt file or README.txt saying what it needs?18:46
iToastDual boot anyone ;)18:46
arrrghhhStevenR: no, it just rarely makes it into a GUI.  i usually end up stuck with a tty18:46
theadminiToast: That's also pretty easy.18:46
douglas-web-devWhen is Unity 3D gonna be released for Ubuntu?18:46
enixptaylor: i will look. thanks.18:46
iToasttheadmin: What isn't easy with grub?18:46
arrrghhhdouglas-web-dev: afaik it's already out no?18:46
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theadminiToast: Well, probably booting from some weird filesystem :D18:47
iToasttheadmin: Grub makes that easy too!18:47
StevenRarrrghhh: if earlier versions aren't booting reliably, then there's issues to solve with those too18:47
theadminiToast: If you chainload, yes, but...18:47
StevenRarrrghhh: maybe have a look in /var/log/syslog to see if it got to the point of actually booting enough to syslog18:47
iToasttheadmin: Nothing is hard with grub18:47
arrrghhhStevenR: i agree.  i'm leaning towards some sort of corruption or outright hardware issue.18:47
douglas-web-devarrrghhh, Hi, don't know if you mean the same thing.. I mean the webgames plugin.. http://unity3d.com/unity/download/18:47
StevenRarrrghhh: do you have another machine, could you transplant the HDD as a test?18:48
iToastCan I ask a bit more strange of a question?18:48
arrrghhhdouglas-web-dev: oh.  it's already available for ubuntu.18:48
newserptaylor, it did lots of things and I did sudo apt-get dist-upgrade and got this: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.18:48
arrrghhhStevenR: unfortunately the only other machine i have is a cr-48... using that to talk to you.18:48
StevenRcr-48 ?18:48
enixptaylor: only thing in readme is to follow tut on website18:48
arrrghhhStevenR: chromebook18:48
douglas-web-devarrrghhh, Cool! How can it be enabled?18:48
iToastoCean: Don't complain. How come people insult ubuntu? they say "if your using ubuntu, you might as well go back to windows!"18:49
semitones-confushey, I'm having a problem understanding what's going on. I'm updating to oneiric, and a window for debconf pops up -- what is debconf?18:49
arrrghhhdouglas-web-dev: it is by default in 11.04+ if your gfx card supports it.18:49
gribouilleis there a program check javascript scripts for syntax errors?18:49
nvzgribouille: a web browser.. heh18:49
gribouilleis there a program to check javascript scripts for syntax errors?18:49
nvzgribouille: a web browser.. heh18:50
theadmingribouille: Um, there are browser addons for that. Chromium's/Chrome's built-in Inspector does that. You can also use Firebug.18:50
* nvz can repeat too18:50
gribouillenvz, I need a command line program18:50
nvzgribouille: that doesn't change my answer18:50
MerryResistance!repeat | gribouille nvz18:50
ubottugribouille nvz: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/18:50
arrrghhhStevenR: i just tried booting again on  got a black screen with only a mouse cursor18:50
theadmingribouille: "js", then.18:51
douglas-web-devarrrghhh, well I think it supports, it's a Nvidia 9400 GT.. I'm gonna try to open a game... Just a sec please.18:51
semitones-confuswhat is debconf?18:51
semitones-confuswhy is it giving me the option to choose partitions18:51
gribouilletheadmin, what is the option to just check syntax?18:51
nvzsemitones-confus: its a package configuration system that supports multiple frontends for displaying dialogs used during installation of a package18:52
gribouillenvz, is a web broswer a command line program?18:52
theadmingribouille: Not sure, check the manpage if any18:52
nvzgribouille: technically everything can be run from the command line, and many of them are, yes18:52
semitones-confusnvz: ok... I just deselected all the partitions and clicked forward, do you think that will be ok?18:52
theadmingribouille: There are CLI web browsers18:52
gribouillenvz, so requiring a command line program would be nonsense18:53
nvzsemitones-confus: I haven't a clue since I dont know what package you are configuring.. typically the dialogs are WIDHE compliant.. so you not knowing what you're doing and changing something is probably not good18:53
gribouilleby "command line program" I mean "a non interactive program"18:53
nvzgribouille: needing to syntax check javascript is non-sense to me... if you really care to know18:53
arrrghhhStevenR: i'm baffled.  why would all these kernels fail at once, in different ways...  should i try to fsck from a live environment?18:53
slyvHey I'm having trouble booting into ubuntu from a USB stick on my mac. When I restart the computer and press alt as instructed the boot menu comes up, but the only two options is my mac and then recovery hd, but not the USB stick.18:53
gribouillenvz, why?18:54
StevenRarrrghhh: yes, you might also try checking the boot/systlogs18:54
arrrghhhStevenR: just difficult w/o net acces on this machine18:54
StevenRarrrghhh: hmmm. can you boot with a livecd/usb ?18:55
arrrghhhStevenR: that's what i'm attempting now18:55
OerHeksgribouille, javascriptlint is a javascript test tool18:56
gribouilleOerHeks, is available on ubuntu?18:56
e01can somebody tell me how to connect my ubuntu to windows ad hoc18:58
douglas-web-devarrrghhh, I'm trying to run a game. But It's displaying a button in the middle of game area for installing Unity 3D. When clicking, the official page says my operating system is not supported...18:58
douglas-web-devarrrghhh, sorry for the long message18:58
douglas-web-devarrrghhh, I'm running Ubuntu 11.1018:58
theadmindouglas-web-dev: Well yeah, Unity Web Player doesn't support Linux.18:58
semitones-confusnvz: I think it was grub. It didn't tell me what I was doing it just gave me the options, with two partitions already selected. but i unselected them because I didn't want it to do anything18:59
arrrghhhdouglas-web-dev: a game?  i guess i don't know what you mean.  what does a game have to do with unity 3d?  it's just a DE18:59
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theadminarrrghhh: False. "Unity3D" is a FlashPlayer alternative, currently for Windows and OSX.18:59
arrrghhhtheadmin: isn't that what the new unity is called?18:59
arrrghhhunity 3d is 'normal', unity 2d is fallback.  no?19:00
theadminarrrghhh: Nah, well, there're like 3 projects named "Unity", a DE, an OS, and this webplayer thing.19:00
arrrghhhStevenR: it kernel panics the livecd!?!?19:00
arrrghhhtheadmin: well that's why i'm confused :P19:00
arrrghhhStevenR: this is very odd.  i have 11.10 on a dvd-r, and it kernel panics booting that... every time.19:01
arrrghhhi have an old 9.04 desktop disk, going to try that now...19:01
douglas-web-devtheadmin, Thank you! But, is it possible for Ubuntu developers to build a similar software that can run Unity content, like games?19:02
nvzgribouille: because javascript is a language used to render dynamic markup in a webbrowser, like any web based content all browsers INTERPRET it differently, and the best place to syntax and do any other form of checking of js is IN THE BROWSER you want it to run in.19:02
theadmindouglas-web-dev: I doubt it. Unity is closed-source and so we can't.19:02
douglas-web-devarrrghhh, I mean the Unity Web Player.. http://unity3d.com/webplayer/19:02
arrrghhhdouglas-web-dev: how confusing.. sorry.19:02
douglas-web-devarrrghhh, No problem :)19:03
Xtophi'm trying to install ubuntu _without MacOS_ on my macbook pro 5,1 but i just get a blinking cursor after chosing to try ubuntu. has anyone an idea why this could be?19:03
arrrghhhStevenR: it seems to fail on 9.04 livecd too.  sqshfs errors.  failed reading block?  unable to read page, block etc.  i guess the disc is bad..?  i've used this many times before, it's an 'official' disc too19:03
gribouillenvz, the syntax is always the same. it's a standard and doesn't depend on the web browser19:03
nvzgribouille: there are many roundabout ways online you can google for to syntax check javascript but as any sensible person would tell you that only indicates that the particular tool interpreting the code at that point in time thinks its OK and is no indication at all that the code will render as expected or even run in the desired browser19:03
nvzyeah, thats what you think.. heh.. famous last words "it's a standard"19:04
gribouillenvz, I know that. I'm a programmer19:04
nvzI can think of one example right off the top of my head.. transparency19:04
nvzin IE its filter:alpha IIRC and anything else its opacity19:05
arrrghhhStevenR: but winxp boots fine.  i would "assume" this means the hardware is OK.  same RAM/HDD, etc.19:05
douglas-web-devtheadmin, it's a pity... But if developers have the ability of building it as open source, do they have the legal rights to do it, considering the games are created with and for Unity?19:05
theadmindouglas-web-dev: Well, nobody forbids them to open-source the games, as long as Unity provides some way to do so.19:06
OerHeksarrrghhh, maybe the dvd-drive is bad.19:06
arrrghhhOerHeks: and that prevents normal operation ?  i get that would fail on livecd boots, but why has the machine suddenly stopped booting properly.19:07
TheRealMPigI need help19:08
OerHeksarrrghhh, huh ? you type XP boots fine :-D19:08
TheRealMPigI need help plz19:08
arrrghhhOerHeks: it does.  ubuntu completely fails to boot.19:08
arrrghhh!ask | TheRealMPig19:08
ubottuTheRealMPig: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:08
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/19:09
TheRealMPigOkay, When I install ubuntu and boot it up it wont work a black screen comes up and theres no 4gb.19:09
arrrghhhTheRealMPig: did the machine work fine from livecd/usb?19:11
douglas-web-devtheadmin, I see but, I mean by developers not the game creators, but the guys who'd develop a Unity 3D webplayer like, as open source.. if they have the ability, they could do this and publish for the community?19:11
TheRealMPigwell I wasnt using a USB...19:11
arrrghhhTheRealMPig: how did you install ubuntu?19:11
theadmindouglas-web-dev: I doubt the company policy would allow that.19:11
theadmindouglas-web-dev: idk, contact their support, it's got nothing to do with Ubuntu19:12
TheRealMPigMy laptop is 64 bit and I got 4gb19:12
arrrghhhTheRealMPig: ok, you used WUBI?  i've never used WUBI, sorry i can't help you.19:12
TheRealMPigWait I got a usb for christmas actually...19:12
TheRealMPigIm going to use the USB thingy for help! Bye and ty I will still be in chat.19:13
StevenRarrrghhh: hmm. stranger and stranger. can you try an 11.04 disk/usb ?19:13
arrrghhhStevenR: perhaps it's just my usb keys, but the same keys i always use for recovery have failed to boot as well :(19:14
douglas-web-devtheadmin, I understand.. But it doesn't help if a game can be played on every web browser, but not on any platform like Linux.19:14
arrrghhhStevenR: of course winxp boots, but nothing works.  which is why i put ubuntu on this machine in the first place... sigh.19:14
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douglas-web-devThe plugin is becoming very popular on online gaming websites..19:15
urlin2uarrrghhh, you tried a f12 prompt at powering on ti get a boot menu for the usb's19:15
arrrghhhStevenR: how can i even install ubuntu again?  if the livedvd's/cd's just kernel panic... ugh.19:15
arrrghhhurlin2u: it will attempt to boot from the usb key's, but it always hangs.19:15
theadmindouglas-web-dev: Well, we can't do anything for you, you have to contact their support.19:15
arrrghhhi honestly think there's something wrong with the key's themselves.  they're old... but either way, the fact that live discs aren't booting is concerning.19:15
Xtophhas anyone ever managed to install ubuntu 11.10 without bootcamp on a macbook pro 5,1?19:15
urlin2uarrrghhh, you have md5 summed the original iso ?19:16
arrrghhhurlin2u: one is an official disc that's worked great in the past (it's old, 9.04).19:16
arrrghhhthe other i shall md5.  maybe try wubi, bleh.19:16
douglas-web-devtheadmin, Ok, thank you.19:16
StevenRarrrghhh: can the chromebook read the usbs?19:17
arrrghhhStevenR: read, but not boot from (i don't think, never tried tbh)19:17
meerkatsi Have supertuxkart installed, but I cannot find it in my games menu, is the icon stored there by default?19:17
arrrghhhmeerkats: you're sure it's installed..?19:18
StevenRarrrghhh: yeah, that's all I mean, can it read it?19:18
douglas-web-devtheadmin, well also have a Merry Christmas, depending on where you are...19:18
arrrghhhStevenR: yea it can read 'em.19:18
meerkatsarrrghhh, synaptic says so19:18
arrrghhhmeerkats: try to run it from alt-f2 or terminal19:18
StevenRarrrghhh: checked for stupid things like dust in usb ports?19:18
theadmindouglas-web-dev: We don't celebrate Christmas on 25th, rather on 7th January, but thanks anyway19:18
StevenRarrrghhh: what versions are you trying to boot from the usb sticks?19:19
arrrghhhStevenR: it detects the usb key.  attempts to boot from it, but hangs during the boot process.  both sticks are 11.10 if i'm not mistaken, but is there a way to tell by looking at the files?19:19
douglas-web-devtheadmin, Oh nice, where are you at?19:19
theadmindouglas-web-dev: pm, please.19:19
itaylor57theadmin, yea the epiphany19:19
StevenRarrrghhh: there might be a version file or some such19:20
theadminitaylor57: e... what?19:20
arrrghhhhappy Yule :P19:20
arrrghhhStevenR: i don't see anything jumping out at me. but lately i haven't been very good at fixing anything..19:20
delacdoes the knetworkmanager have the ability to create new wireless network?19:20
arrrghhhdelac: for you to connect to, or for others to connect to?19:20
delacarrrghhh: others19:21
arrrghhhdelac: no.19:21
arrrghhhperhaps with 2 wlan cards...?19:21
itaylor57theadmin, or different calendar?19:21
theadminitaylor57: Yeah.19:21
delacarrrghhh: oh, I thought the "normal" networkmanager has this ability?19:21
arrrghhhor do you have it hardwired, you only are using the wlan to share?19:21
arrrghhhdelac: i think i may have misunderstood.19:22
delacarrrghhh: I only have a laptop with wifi and like to set it up as access point19:22
itaylor57theadmin, yep Julian vs Gregorian19:22
arrrghhhdelac: how are you getting the laptop online?19:22
delacarrrghhh: with 3G connection19:23
arrrghhhdelac: ok, then what you said is probably possible.19:23
delacarrrghhh: yes, i hope so. only, i dont know how...19:24
ozzloyhey i have an idea19:25
TheRealMPigOkay another problem: I followed the instructions for the usb its in my usb now what do I do now?19:25
ozzloyi could record myself installing ubuntu on each laptop i have, from 0 to all the updates19:26
ozzloyeveryone could do that19:26
ozzloyput up on youtubes19:26
arrrghhhdelac: http://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=9414519:26
ozzloyhave videos for every kind of laptop19:26
ozzloythen people would know exactly what they're getting into19:26
arrrghhhis there any way to keep the network configuration from holding up the boot process?19:27
TheRealMPigCan you awnser my question I said before sorry I ust love Ubuntu my friend has it <319:27
arrrghhhTheRealMPig: boot from it...?19:27
urlin2uozzloy, you get on that.19:27
XtophTheRealMPig: restart with the usb drive plugged in. make sure you can boot from usb in your bios19:27
TheRealMPigSo I close my laptop19:27
TheRealMPigput the USB in and turn it on?19:27
arrrghhhTheRealMPig: make sure you boot from usb19:27
ozzloyis there a place to submit this kind of idea to the powers that be of ubuntu?19:27
iToastI have a question, well it splits into 219:27
TheRealMPighow do I boot from USB?19:27
TheRealMPigThats what I dont know how...19:27
arrrghhhevery machine is different.  most you hit f12 and you get a menu19:27
iToastTheRealMPig: UNETBOOTIN19:28
arrrghhhTheRealMPig: every machine is different. you have to figure that out yourself.19:28
arrrghhhiToast: please don't confuse him.19:28
iToastHe confused me...19:28
XtophTheRealMPig: do that. if it doesnt work, try to enter bios and make sure you can boot from usb19:28
arrrghhhhrm.  it seems this usb key is trying to upgrade itself and failing?  perhaps that's why it won't boot.  wth.19:28
iToastAny ways, 1. Can I use MS Office in wine on ubuntu and 2. How good is ubuntu with netbooks?19:28
XtophTheRealMPig: and before you install ubuntu, make a backup!19:28
ozzloyurlin2u, do you think this is actually a good idea?19:29
arrrghhhozzloy: not really19:29
XtophTheRealMPig: just in case :)19:29
delacarrrghhh: thanks, I'm going to see if that works for me19:29
urlin2uozzloy, no not really, to many variables, I suspect you can see any model any dist already there.19:29
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mneptokiToast: the netbooks question is too open-ended for a support channel. i have no experience with Office and WINE19:30
ozzloyurlin2u, you think it's already available on the internets?19:30
urlin2uozzloy, I would be surprised if it is not in some form.19:30
arrrghhhhey guys, i'm trying to boot from liveusb, and it says "Unattended-upgrade in progress during shutdown, sleeping for 5s" -> what?!?19:30
mneptokarrrghhh: you have auto updates enabled, shut down the machine while they were running, and now it's catching up. sit and wait.19:31
arrrghhhmneptok: this is a liveusb...19:31
mneptokarrrghhh: you can update a USB image19:31
arrrghhhi also have no internet on this machine until booting in, sit and wait for what?19:31
mneptokarrrghhh: it will timeout endlessly waiting to finish updates, i expect. just make a fresh USB install rom a CD image.19:32
arrrghhhmneptok: i'm getting a bunch of ext2-fs (loop1): error: ext2_lookup: delete inode referenced: 15178519:32
arrrghhhmneptok: ugh.  this laptop kernel pancis from livedvd/cd.19:32
theadminarrrghhh: If it's just the live, why not use the alternative install discs?19:33
mneptokarrrghhh: filesystem errors are usually not trivial19:33
arrrghhhmneptok: agreed19:33
arrrghhhtheadmin: i guess i could download and install more stuff.  i just don't want to be here for 10 hours...19:33
arrrghhh(slow internet)19:33
arrrghhhi figured the gambit of stuff i brought would be sufficient... ugh.  what a mess.  i wonder if there is some hardware problem.19:34
urlin2uarrrghhh, you using the cd download on the dvd or the dvd download?19:35
arrrghhhurlin2u: i believe it was the cd version burned to a dvd.19:36
arrrghhhurlin2u: but i also have an official 9.04 cd from ubuntu19:36
urlin2uarrrghhh, not sure but I think that could be a problem, I think you just have a series of shortcuts that is burning you.19:37
arrrghhhurlin2u: i honestly don't know.  seems everything is against me today :/19:37
urlin2uarrrghhh, wha happens when you boot the 9.0419:37
arrrghhhurlin2u: kernel panic19:37
urlin2uarrrghhh, you say kernel panic is it just a black screen.19:38
arrrghhhurlin2u: no it says kernel panic, not syncing blah blah.  then the caps lock flashes constantly.  same when i try to boot from the hdd.19:38
StevenRarrrghhh: can you disconnect the hard drive and try with the livecds/usbs ?19:39
arrrghhhStevenR: if i boot with a livecd, when/how does the hdd come into play?  i can try tho19:39
urlin2uarrrghhh, so as of now it bots straight to XP?19:40
arrrghhhurlin2u: i get the grub2 menu.  xp is the only thing that boots consistently, tho.19:40
urlin2uarrrghhh, you can do a manual boot in I will find you a link.19:41
arrrghhheh?  o19:41
arrrghhhi knew i should've downloaded a few iso's before heading up here... oh well.19:42
urlin2uarrrghhh, here you go read carefully every space and input has to be perfect to work, took me a while to figure it out when practicing.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Boot_a_Specific_Kernel_Manually19:42
arrrghhhurlin2u: thanks for the link, but that isn't my issue.  i do see the grub menu, and i can boot specific kernels.  they just all fail.19:43
urlin2uarrrghhh, you sure it is 11.10 not 12.04 it has a kernel crash problem?19:44
arrrghhhurlin2u: positive.19:44
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urlin2uarrrghhh, since you have a slow download I would consider a slitaz or puppy linux download both are really small, and see if you can boot either. You know whats best with what yo have though.19:48
arrrghhhurlin2u: hrm.  ok.19:48
arrrghhhmy dad has a 11.10 iso for 32-bit desktop, going to try and redo my usb key. if that fails, i'll try pulling the hdd and booting from a livecd.19:49
mcbaine1Anyone tried Trisquel  .... Ubuntu derivative .... ??19:52
nnxhelo, im having a some trouble with my laptop, the mouse buttons doesnt work, and when i plug inn an external mouse it doesnt work either19:52
nnxanyway to reset some settings ?19:52
nnxrunning ubuntu ofc19:52
arrrghhhmcbaine1: yea, it only uses OSS stuff AFAIK.  which is trying at times.19:52
BlueProtomanIs it worth upgrading to Ubuntu 11.10 from 11.04?19:54
BlueProtomanIt's been over two months since Oneiric's been out, surely it's super stable by now?19:55
urlin2uBlueProtoman, I would make an image of the 11.04 first just to have a backup plan, oneirics seems okay.19:57
BlueProtomanurlin2u: How might I do that?  And is there any chance of losing some data in the transition, or leaving some programs incompatible?19:58
BlueProtomanArgh, gotta go.19:58
arrrghhhholy cow i booted off liveusb StevenR.19:59
BlueProtomanurlin2u: Can you PM me any relevant info and I'll get to it when I return?19:59
urlin2uBlueProtoman, clonezilla is excellent for cloning clonezilla.org  Otherwise there is always a danger of loss of data at any time.19:59
arrrghhhwhat can i check for?  am i just in for a complete reinstall?19:59
* BlueProtoman is away19:59
urlin2uarrrghhh, how would you reinstall wuith a wubi?20:00
arrrghhhurlin2u: it's not wubi, it's installed natively.20:00
arrrghhhplus it's booting off the liveusb. i'm in a live environment.20:00
arrrghhhi guess i'll try an upgrade20:01
no_gravityHello! In Ubuntu 11, how do I add/remove stuff from this new application launcher bar on the left?20:03
no_gravityAnd another question: in previous u20:03
xanguano_gravity: open the dash and drag from there anything you want20:03
no_gravityxangua: thanks! lets try that...20:04
raedhi, in 11.04 how do we start Burg ?20:04
aeon-ltdraed: wouldn't burg be run at boot?20:05
bullgard4Who is »we«?20:05
no_gravityxangua: hmm.. i want to add a root terminal. its not in the dash i think. how can i add custom commands?20:06
raednope it doesn't run20:06
no_gravityAnd another question: in previous Ubuntus, I got to an application menu by pressing ALT+F1. Is it possible to have that in Ubuntu 11?20:07
aeon-ltdno_gravity: you mean alt-f2?20:07
no_gravityaeon-ltd: yes, that seems to work. thanks!20:08
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no_gravityIs it possible to make the dash non-opaque? For me this opaque background makes it hard to read.20:09
OerHeksraed, i never tried burg, but there is lot of info > https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Burg20:09
meerkatswhat are the advantages of 64 bits vs 32 bits?20:11
arrrghhhok, so i did an upgrade from 11.10 to 11.10.. but it still kernel panics.  how can i tell which one to boot!?!?20:12
arrrghhhmeerkats: on ubuntu the difference isn't so great.  applications optimized for 64-bit systems should run faster.  you can map more RAM, but with PAE that's kinda moot.20:12
embrika friend of mine has got a crash on his hd. It has got Mac OS - have not been able to mount it - anyuone who can give me a tip?20:12
arrrghhhembrik: you'd have to mount the drive hfs. i think linux can...20:13
embrikarrrghhh, ok, I've tried before but I didn't make it - he has got a lot of pic and films on it  - I think I will try it once more20:14
auronandacemeerkats: unless you have a dire need for 32bit apps you may as well use 64bit20:14
meerkatswhere in sysinfo do I have to look to know if my craptop supports 64 bits?20:14
mebigfatguy1well, cpyu20:15
meerkatsIntel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     P9500  @ 2.53GHz, can that support 63 bits?20:15
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mebigfatguy1probably not 63 :)20:15
auronandacemeerkats: yes20:16
arrrghhhStevenR: you still there?20:16
theadminlol 63 bits20:16
arrrghhhmeerkats: that will support 64 bits20:16
meerkatsand how do you know if I may ask?20:16
auronandacemeerkats: all core2duos do20:16
mebigfatguy1meerkats: no family of processor20:17
arrrghhhmeerkats: you'd need a pretty old proc to not support 64-bit...20:17
mebigfatguy1so you could do a web search on core 2 duo20:17
mebigfatguy1and find out20:17
meerkatsi see20:17
OerHeksarchitecture is 64 bit.20:17
arrrghhhsigh. screw it, reinstall time.20:18
mebigfatguy1probably any multicore processor is 64 bit20:18
mebigfatguy1unless its like 2006 or somethign20:18
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meerkatswhere in sysinfor do I look to check if my 11.10 is 32 or 64?20:19
xanguameerkats: uname -a20:19
arrrghhhmeerkats: should show in system information20:19
auronandacemeerkats: just type: uname -a in a terminal20:19
arrrghhhwhy even send him to the terminal guys....20:19
arrrghhhmeerkats: type "system" in the search box for unity. then click system info.20:19
Guest20811nick adrian_20:20
estecmcan i send popup messages to Rwindows users?20:20
Guest20811hello, does anybody know how to install dazukofs on ubuntu 11.04 kernel 2.6.38-13?20:20
mebigfatguy1funny that 64bit is still called 'amd'20:20
arrrghhhmebigfatguy1: yea threw my dad for a loop.20:20
meerkatsLinux dexter-M7X0SUN 3.0.0-14-generic #23-Ubuntu SMP Mon Nov 21 20:34:47 UTC 2011 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux20:20
mebigfatguy1quite a coup by them20:20
auronandacemeerkats: thats 32bit20:21
mebigfatguy1i386 is 32 bit20:21
mebigfatguy1it would say amd64 for 6420:21
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mebigfatguy1even if you have intel20:21
adrian__does anybody know how to install dazukofs on ubuntu 11.04 kernel 2.6.38-13, please?20:22
arrrghhhadrian__: any reason you're stuck on 11.04?20:23
arrrghhh10.04 makes sense.  11.04 does not.20:23
estecmhow to install the last linux kernel?20:23
estecmhow to install the last linux kernel?20:23
arrrghhhestecm: it will install automatically20:23
arrrghhhubuntu will approve kernels and move them in as they deem them stable.20:23
* mebigfatguy1 can't run linux 3.0 :(20:24
StevenRarrrghhh: back now.20:24
arrrghhhStevenR: pillaging and starting over.20:24
StevenRarrrghhh: :(20:24
arrrghhhStevenR: meh.  my mom's smart, does everything online.  so i can wipe without taking backups :D20:25
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arrrghhhwtf, the installer crashed?20:28
arrrghhhthis machine is cursed.20:28
arrrghhh!hi | e-i-k-e20:29
arrrghhhok, i give up.20:29
r4yhello sidewinder120:30
e-i-k-ethis is not only ubuntu related but i think you can help me20:30
auronandacearrrghhh: that factoid was removed ages ago20:30
e-i-k-ecould somone please have a look at https://github.com/JakeWharton/mkvdts2ac3/commits/master/mkvdts2ac3.sh and tell me whats the problem with line 91 and 10320:30
arrrghhhauronandace: i used it all the damned time!20:30
e-i-k-ei only want to use the script right now and don't go to my bookshelf and read the shell scripting guide i bought a year ago ^^20:30
msterbreweri ran into another problem20:31
msterbrewercould just be my computer20:31
msterbreweri had a game and it froze20:31
sidneyAnyone know if Ubuntu can take advantage of Intel's Smart Response Technology?20:31
msterbrewerwhat shortcut key is it to kill it20:31
cholbyi want to pay money to get a name on a phone number.  i want to know who called me.  what is the best service?20:31
msterbrewerlike hitting ctrl alt del and kill process20:31
arrrghhhcholby: wrong room20:31
cholbytell me the right room20:31
sidneyOr would this purchase be a waste of money20:31
arrrghhhStevenR: so i have a fresh reinstall, but the installer crashed.20:32
cholbyarrrghhh you fucking faggot.  lol20:32
cholbywhat's the right room, arrrghhh ?20:32
arrrghhhcholby: ?20:32
cholby#gaysex?  no i'm looking for a reverse phone20:32
cholbyyou dumb nigger20:32
arrrghhhplease don't curse at me.20:32
FloodBot1cholby: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:32
arrrghhhMerry Christmas.20:32
xangua!ops | cholby20:32
ubottucholby: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, pangolin, nhandler or Jordan_U!20:32
xsaidxkeepassX get opened only in read only mode20:32
FloodBot1cholby: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:32
msterbrewerum i got a question on keyboard shortcuts20:33
msterbrewerwhat do i do to kill an open program that has crashed20:33
dustin_I have 3 network adapters, one is bridged to a VM (it works fine), one is used for wan (works fine until.....) the last one ETH2 I want to use for LAN traffic (this one is my problem child) if I set up PMS linux to use ETH2 then my desktop tries to use it for WAN and when I set WAN back to ETH0 PMS linux freaks out20:33
arrrghhhmsterbrewer: alt-f4?20:33
msterbrewerdidnt work20:33
msterbreweri ended up just hitting the power button20:34
msterbreweri hit ctrl alt del20:34
msterbrewerctrl alt esc20:34
arrrghhhmsterbrewer: well it's a little late now then.  there's safer ways.  REISUB for one.20:34
msterbrewernothing worked20:34
msterbreweri was stuck in a program that froze20:34
msterbrewerfull screen20:34
dustin_did you trty ctrl-alt-F1 then sudo reboot now?20:34
xanguapkill proccesname  msterbrewer20:34
arrrghhhREISUB works anywhere pretty much if ctrl-alt-fX doesn't work.20:35
xanguamsterbrewer: control+att+del is not activated by default, you need to enable it on keyboard preferences20:35
angelos318good evening everyone20:36
arrrghhhauronandace: so was it replaced by something else, or just removed?20:37
angelos318guys i have a serious problem that is bothering me for the past few days. Anyone kind to pm me?20:37
xsaidxguys keepassX get opned in read only mode anyonw kno how to fix this20:37
arrrghhh!ask | angelos31820:37
ubottuangelos318: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:37
angelos318alrighty thanks and sry ;)20:38
arrrghhhxsaidx: i thought you could choose which mode to open it in when you initially authenticate?20:38
xsaidxarrrghhh: uhm where can i choose that ?20:39
arrrghhhxsaidx: i've only used passwordsafe, never keepass.  sorry.20:39
arrrghhhi just said i thought when you authenticate you can choose readonly mode.20:39
xsaidxarrrghhh: okay thanks20:39
angelos318I have made a clean install of ubuntu 11.10 and after the install, and restart, I got a message in grub "Error: You need to load the kernel first". I tried a clean install and the problem persists. I also tried some tools like rescatux with no luck20:39
arrrghhhfood time, bbl20:40
dorkangelos318: you see no exceptions during the install related to grub or grub installing itself etc?20:40
msterbrewerok i do ctrl alt f1 then killall program20:40
msterbrewerwhat do i do to exit ctrl alt f120:40
angelos318dork, nothing at all, install is successful20:41
msterbrewerits killall programname?20:41
theadminmsterbrewer: Yeah, e.g. killall firefox20:41
theadminmsterbrewer: You don't really need to go into a TTY for that, just ctrl-alt-t would open a graphical terminal20:42
msterbrewerctrl alt t didnt work when i tried it20:42
msterbreweri think the program froze and took up all of the ram or something20:42
msterbrewersince the mouse was still moveing but veyr very slowly20:42
dustin_I have had programs lock the x-server20:43
dustin_happens a lot since 11.04 on some of my old hardware computers20:43
msterbrewerim still new to ubuntu20:44
msterbreweronly started using it 2 days ago20:44
dustin_user since 7.10 here :)20:44
simion314is that program a game or something that uses 3d?20:44
msterbrewerbesides for that one program and the wifi problem i had easilier20:44
msterbreweri love it20:44
msterbreweri liek windows since i grew up with it20:44
msterbrewerim used ot it20:44
msterbrewerbut until linux can run skyrim im gonna keep running windows on better computers20:45
dustin_what is skyrim?20:46
msterbreweri very very fun rpg game20:46
msterbrewermassive map20:46
msterbrewergreat grafix20:47
dustin_check out playonlinux and cedega20:47
dustin_I play guild wars on my linux box20:47
dustin_but then again I have 6gb ram and a 4 core AMD phenom220:47
dustin_black edition20:48
msterbrewerim gonna get a laptop with more than that in 2 weeks20:48
msterbrewer2.4 gigahertz 8 gig ram 1 giga nviga20:48
dustin_not bad20:48
msterbrewerits a laptop20:48
dustin_well for someone new to linux in general it wouldnt be bad for you to check out pinguy20:49
dustin_it is a buntu variant20:49
msterbrewerthe game?20:49
dorkif it's an ubuntu fork i don't see what the problem would be20:49
dorkas long as it's current and not EOL.20:49
dustin_Pinguy is a "cleaned up" 11.0420:50
dustin_flash ready and all20:50
dorkso it's 11.04 with natty removed?20:50
krysitsDoeas anybody know some LAMP solution for rss2sms20:50
msterbrewerso i could just change my ubuntu to pinguy?20:50
dustin_gnome desktop with docky and conky20:50
dorkgnome 3 ?20:50
dustin_gnome 2.32.120:51
dustin_its nice20:51
msterbreweris there a way o convert my unbuntu to pinguy20:51
urlin2umsterbrewer, not the support you have here for ubuntu though, pguy would not get help here.20:51
msterbreweror woudl i need to make another partion to install it20:51
dustin_download and install pinguy is the easiest way to do it20:51
msterbreweri think ill stil to unix20:52
msterbrewerill figure my way through it20:52
msterbrewerim always ready to learn20:52
dorkmsterbrewer: what is the problem you're having?20:52
msterbrewernothing specific20:52
msterbrewerim just learning20:52
dustin_small issue of full screen program freezing20:52
msterbrewersecond day using linux20:52
dorkmsterbrewer: i'd stick it out with ubuntu before you start digging into other distros20:53
dorkjust a friendly recommendation20:53
msterbreweri am20:53
dorkit's conducive to the newbie experience20:53
msterbreweri dont mind a challange20:53
msterbrewerive managed to find all my files from the windows partion and get them to run on linux20:54
msterbrewerpictures videos etc20:54
msterbrewerim not a total nun in that part20:54
dorkyou're a noob, just an intuitive one!20:54
dustin_we all start somewhere20:54
dorkit's all good though, being a noob and digging into linux is fun20:55
msterbrewergot a question20:55
dorkprofessionally it's boring20:55
msterbrewerthe taskbar thing on top20:55
msterbreweris there anyway to move it to the bottom20:55
msterbrewerok how20:55
crazybytehello!. how can I change the default locale from console on oneiric server? I tried all the recommended methods that I got on the internet but neither the /etc/environment or the /etc/default/locale files aren't working (I still get that annoying perl: cannot set locale message). thank you20:55
dustin_right click an open area20:55
dustin_and click move20:55
dustin_you will figure it our from there realy fast20:55
dustin_wait that was gnome20:56
dustin_you are in unity huh?20:56
dustin_unity isnt that cusomisable20:56
msterbrewerok and how do i minimiz all the open programs20:56
dorkhe said he's in gnome 220:56
dorki thought20:57
dustin_I am in gnome 220:57
dorkoh ok20:57
msterbrewerits not movin20:57
dustin_and it was 2.2x that let you move them on a whim20:57
msterbrewerim not getting anything to click when i right click on it20:57
dustin_yeah I forgot that you were in unity20:57
dustin_sorry msterbrewer20:58
msterbrewercant move it oh well20:58
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msterbrewerit just looks wrong20:58
msterbrewerused to it being on the bottom in windows20:58
dustin_the side bar in unity can get anoying too20:58
msterbrewerok how do i minimize everything20:58
dustin_since your window close and back button are right there20:58
dorkuntiy is pretty much crap20:59
dustin_and its not very new user friendly20:59
dorkmsterbrewer: might want to start looking at other window managers20:59
dorkdustin_: agreed20:59
msterbrewerwould make sense to make it more like windows start bar20:59
msterbrewerthat you can custimize it to be always there20:59
dustin_msterbrewer, kde20:59
dorknot kde21:00
FloodBot1dork: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:00
msterbrewerits sligh annnoyances21:00
msterbrewernothign major21:00
dustin_msterbrewer, for new user from win it will blow your mind :D21:00
joallardMy integrated laptop webcam has stopped working between reboots - "system error: starting video stream (VIDIOC_STREAMON): No space left on device (28)"; Where do I start?21:00
msterbrewerit has so far21:00
dorkjoallard: sounds like it's trying to save data somewhere where there is no space21:01
dustin_go into unity menue21:01
guntbertcrazybyte: did you see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Locale#Troubleshooting ?21:01
dustin_msterbrewer, then type synaptic21:01
msterbreweryou mean joallard21:01
crazybyteguntbert, yes and I tried that too21:01
dustin_msterbrewer, once in synaptic you will see all available packages for ubuntu21:01
dorkmsterbrewer: you might like other window managers, i like xfce myself21:02
dustin_everyone likes something a little different21:02
joallard(irc crashed, sorry; who replied?) I checked the free space where my /tmp is, i still have 11GB left21:02
guntbertcrazybyte: I try to remember - I fixed it once21:02
dustin_I use Gnome pannels on Kde plasma21:02
oCeandork, dustin_ please don't start a desktop usability discussion here21:02
crazybyteguntbert, I tried to define it in environment and locale but neither of them works21:02
dorkoCean: nobody's starting a wm war here, we're making recommendations, which is what he asked for21:03
dorksimmer down21:03
crazybyteguntbert, if you could remember where is the default locale set or what command can be used to reset it21:03
oCeandork: no, that's not what this channel is for. Those usually result in endless discussion, only cluttering the channel21:04
dustin_is there anyone here that uses multiple ETH cards that can help me keep my network manager from freeking out?21:04
guntbertcrazybyte: thats what I am trying just now :)21:04
dorkdustin_: what's your problem?21:04
crazybyteguntbert, sorry. thanks in advance :)21:04
dustin_I have an ETH card I use for Wan traffic and one I want to use for PMS-linux but for some reason it wants to only use one at a time21:05
joallardwho replied to me, i crashed21:05
dorkjoallard: sounds like it's trying to save data somewhere where there is no space, do a df -h21:05
dorkdustin_: sounds pretty cut and dry, ifconfig -a shows the interface available?21:06
guntbertcrazybyte: if I remember correctly I followed http://www.cgurnik.com/2011/02/20/fixing-perl-warning-setting-locale-failed-in-ubuntu/21:06
joallarddork: thanks. it looks like there's space everywhere though21:06
dorkjoallard: it's probably temp data, maybe permissions21:06
dorkjoallard: did you try googling the error?21:06
crazybyteguntbert, yeah, I read that too and did it21:07
joallarddork: of course i did, but it seems not many have had the problem21:07
dorkprobably similar problems but different hardware21:07
joallardi've read about some people having a full /tmp, but that wasn't my case; the rest didn't seem to apply21:07
dorkrefine your searches21:07
dustin_dork, for some reason the system wants to default everything to one card21:07
guntbertcrazybyte: and did you log out/log in after the changes?21:07
dorkdustin_: default what? the route?21:07
dustin_dork, then is ignores the other21:07
crazybyteguntbert, I rebooted the server21:08
dorkdustin_: can you do an ifconfig -a and a route -n and pastebin it?21:08
dustin_dork, if I use ETH 0 for internet connection it tries to send everyting through it21:08
msterbrewerwhats the difference between amd64 andi38621:08
msterbreweris that the processor?21:08
dorkdustin_: so you need to change your routes21:08
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dorkdustin_: you need to add a route21:08
crazybyteguntbert, several times trying to fix this (i'm building it so I can do that for now)21:08
guntbertcrazybyte: sorry, I cannot remember more of it - try and ask in #ubuntu-server21:08
Guest69066merry christmas from poland21:09
dustin_dork ok this is new territory for me, how do I create the new rout21:09
joallarddork: refining the search gives 2 results, 0 relevant21:09
dorkdustin_: i need a comprehensive explaination of what you're trying to do as far as your ethernet interfaces and routes go21:09
=== Guest69066 is now known as kinda
dorkjoallard: that's the only error you see from dmesg or /var/log/messages21:09
joallarddork: good point, i'll check the logs21:09
dustin_ETH 0 for wan traffic, Eth2 for LAN traffic, ETH3 for bridged to VM last one works fine21:10
dorkok so eth2 , you're trying to route local traffice over that interface right? what is the network you want to route over that interface and what is the gateway for that interface21:10
dustin_I just want to make a wired connection to my PS3 directly to that port21:11
dustin_dork interface**21:12
dorkso for example if you needed to push all traffic for over eth2 and eth2 can see a gateway for that network you would do something like route add -net gw some.routers.ip.address/subnet21:12
dorkso anything destined for that network will go over that interface because it can see that gateway21:13
philpemQuick question -- is anyone here running 11.10/Oneiric with a Ralink RT3062 WiFi chip?21:13
joallarddork: weird, it seems like it's a regression bug in kernel 3.221:14
philpemPlanning to buy a card with that chip and was wondering if it worked in AP mode.21:14
joallardbut i got 3.1.321:14
dorkcould be a bug backported21:15
dorkjoallard: got a link to the bugreport21:15
ubottuUbuntu bug 899165 in linux (Ubuntu) "uvcvideo: Failed to submit URB 0 (-28)." [High,Fix released]21:15
dorkphilpem: depends if the chip supports master mode but seriously, avoid realtek21:15
dorkphilpem: go atheros all the way for wireless chipsets21:15
dustin_dork, I guess I am not fallowing, can I have ETH2 assign IP to the PS3? with dhcp21:15
guntbert!enter | dork21:16
ubottudork: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:16
joallardWhile this post (http://www.spinics.net/lists/linux-usb/msg55020.html) points to being present in 3.1.3, I'll upgrade kernel21:16
philpemdork, the only atheros card I found was listed as "not supported under linux" by the manufacturer. couldn't find out what chip it used.21:16
dorki've gotten more complaints from trying to actually help people in here than anything21:16
dorkit's quite discouraging21:16
philpemTP-Link TL-WN951N fyi21:16
jnwhitehI'm having an issue with HDMI sound output under 11.10 on my Thinkpad x121e. The sound works, but is choppy, such that watching a youtube video gives a second of sound or two, followed by a few seconds of silence.. and back and forth. A search of the ubuntu forums/general internet doesn't quite give me any information. Anyone have any suggestions?21:16
dorkguntbert: was that directed towards me? if so i'll just leave21:17
mongyIs port 51413 (the one set in transmission and opened in my firewall) the only one I need to open?  the download was fast but the seeding is really slow..21:17
philpemdork: also, this is a Ralink chip, not realtek. subtle difference :)21:18
jnwhitehThe card is an HDA Intel PCH21:18
dork15:17 <guntbert> you managed several times to scroll the question of someone I tried to help off my screen, so please ... be easy on the <enter> key21:18
dorkwhat a joke.21:18
philpemi've never had any trouble with the ones in my various laptops (ralink seem to have the market cornered on those)21:18
guntbert!ops | dork21:19
ubottudork: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, pangolin, nhandler or Jordan_U!21:19
jnwhiteh(you do realise you just did exactly what he's complaining about, right?)21:19
dorkphilpem: ah ok i saw the RT nomenclature21:19
philpemdork: I know Realtek stuff is crap, I have one of their "Gigabit" ethernet chips in my desktop PC... and another four in my server.21:19
dorkhaha he called freenode ops on me because he's too slow to read a buffer21:19
dorkphilpem: do you know what chipset it has?21:19
philpemon the desktop, I had to compile the driver from source w/ dkms to get the stupid thing to behave.21:19
joallardif the kernel ppa has a package 3.1.6-precise, does that mean I can't install it on oneiric?21:19
philpemdork: the ralink card is RT3062. not sure about the ath based card21:20
philpemthis is the ath-based TPLink:21:20
dorklemme check the hardware21:20
dorkstand by21:20
joallardin other words, does it mean I should install the most recent only on my version?21:20
philpemseems to be an AR5416 based on the INF file (if I'm reading it right)21:21
KuwangerI just bought an nvidia card (geforce 6200...it's an older system).  The nouveau drivers for 10.04 seem to only support 2D.  Is there a way to use backported newer nouveau drivers?21:21
joallardLet me rephrase: on oneiric, can/should I install kernel ppa package 3.1.6-precise or 3.1.4-oneiric?21:22
gogetaKuwanger: cant you just use nividas legicy drivers21:22
gogetaKuwanger: so our not using nevu at all21:22
philpemoh cool, just found a report saying the TPlink works since ubu9.10 in master mode too :321:23
philpemthat's from 2009 though, so i hope they haven't changed the h/w in the meantime21:23
jutnuxMerry Christmas all!21:23
dorkphilpem: it is realtek btw21:23
Kuwangergogeta: I just tried that.  But for some reason, the nvidia-graphics-driver.conf blacklist didn't prevent nouveau from loading.  I just wanted to confirm that the open source option wasn't available before moving onto my next issue.21:24
dorkphilpem: they opened the source for their drivers recently so i hear but literally everyone who does anything wirelessly in the open source community does it with atheros chipsets21:24
philpemdork, what's a realtek, the tplink? strange because the drivers are pureblood atheros.21:24
gogetaKuwanger: you dont blacklist from there thats why21:24
joallardon the ppa, should I take 3.1.4 or 3.2-rc4 ?21:24
philpemdork, the drivers for the edimax card are tagged ralink/mediatek21:25
dorkphilpem: based on my research results this is a realtek chip and not atheros21:25
gogetaKuwanger: /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf21:25
dorkphilpem: if it is atheros it will probably support mastermode21:25
Gadgetshi all MERRY CHRISTMAS :D21:26
dorkphilpem: my best routers are eeepc netbooks because asus populates their machines with atheros, good stuff21:26
philpemdork, which card, and where did you find that out?21:26
dorkGadgets: happy holidays21:26
Kuwangergogeta: Well, I'm not the one who made the config file. :/  So, I just manually append nvidia-graphics-driver.conf?21:26
gogetaKuwanger: no you blacklist the driver from there reboot the nivida driver works21:27
dorkphilpem: can you pastebin an lspci?21:27
philpemdork: i haven't bought the card yet21:27
gogetaKuwanger: just add nouveau there when you install the nivida drivers21:27
Kuwangergogeta: That's what I meant, append to blacklist.conf.21:28
philpemdork: I said earlier: "I'm planning to buy a card for my home server so i can get rid of the edimax gateway that keeps suffering power supply blowouts"21:28
gogetaKuwanger: yep21:28
gogetaKuwanger: you where just using the wrong file21:28
gogetaKuwanger: why it kept loading21:29
dorkphilpem: oh ok21:29
Kuwangergogeta: Um..again, I didn't make the file.  nvidia-glx-185 or whatever did.21:29
dorkphilpem: i don't know for sure but i would recommend a dongle with an atheros chip21:29
dorkphilpem: pastebin an lspci21:29
gogetaKuwanger: well simply add nouveau to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf21:29
gogetaKuwanger: you will be golden21:29
Kuwangergogeta: Right, I did.21:29
gogetaKuwanger: install nivida driver reboot21:30
gogetaKuwanger: kernel need to reload21:30
philpemdork: again -- don't have the card yet.21:30
dorkoh right21:30
observer__how do I open a file as root in Ubuntu?21:30
dorksorry i'm christmas drunk21:30
Gadgetsgoo man dork :D21:31
dorkGadgets: what's up?21:31
philpemdork, apparently it's AR5008 according to http://askubuntu.com/questions/38667/network-really-slow-with-tl-wn951n-wireless-card21:31
Gadgetshristmas drunk im with yah21:31
dorkphilpem: ok hold on let me dig in more21:31
philpem168C : 0023 / AR5008 Wireless Adapter. known flaky on several OSes.21:33
dorkphilpem: it's realtek21:33
dorkphilpem: if it really requires rt3562sta module it is realtek21:34
baktrakhey what program can i use to partition in ubuntu21:34
dorkphilpem: they're big in the game but like i said they havent been open source friendly until about 8 months ago, and like i said atheros is the defacto standard as far as unix/linux based radio equipment goes21:34
mongyobserver__, sudo whatever or sudo -i then your command21:34
dorki've worked with atheros for 7 years as a network engineer and i strongly suggest you go with atheros over realtek21:34
dorkbaktrak: gparted21:35
philpemdork: RT*L* is realtek. RT is ralink.21:35
observer__mongy: I'm trying to change grub in /etc/default but when i tried "sudo grub" it responded with "sudo: grub: command not found"21:35
philpemralink have been OSS friendly since the RT2800 and RT61 days.21:35
dorkphilpem: the module for that card is a realtek module21:35
baktrakwhats the cmd to get it in term21:36
dorkit's realtek afaik21:36
mongyobserver__, sudo pico /etc/default/grub or gksudo gedit /etc/default/grub21:36
dorkphilpem: i may be wrong but all of my search results suggest realtek, either way atheros is where it's at21:36
dorkespecially for home brew APs21:36
philpemdork: which card is realtek?21:36
philpemcan you post one or two search results?21:37
observer__mongy: can I just type "sudo gedit /etc/default/grub"?21:37
dorkthe module that the card you are considering to buy, is a realtek module21:37
philpemthe TL-WN851 is realtek, I know that. 951 is supposed to be atheros.21:37
dorkphilpem: just double check it but i didn't come across that, if it's atheros it's good to go probably21:37
mongyobserver__, it's not advised..  sudo for shell apps and gksu/gksudo for gui apps21:38
KuwangerWell, I have "blacklist nouveau" in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf, but nouveau is still loading.21:38
observer__mongy: okay, thank you so much for your help21:38
mongyobserver__, it will work, but you risk problems21:39
mongyobserver__,  http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo21:39
baktrakhow do u get gparted i did sudo apt-get install gparted ntfsprogs menu ntfs-config and nothing happens21:40
guntbertobserver__: using only sudo for a GUI app may make X unavailable for your user21:40
dorkbaktrak: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-cache search gparted21:40
philpemdork: ok, http://www.tp-link.com/en/products/details/?model=TL-WN951N#spec --> hit the download link, you get atheros drivers. "(C) 20xx Atheros" all over the place.21:40
mongydork, not that it matters much, but you dont need sudo for apt-cache :)21:40
dorkbaktrak: also, there is another fdisk clone that can handle GPT labels called gdisk21:41
philpemdork: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCardsEdimax says the EW7722IN is ralink based21:41
dorkbaktrak: i use gdisk over gparted but it isn't in a lot of repositories21:41
philpemalso, amazon reviews suggest the TPLink card has major issues with the RF amp, meaning signal strength is, quite bluntly, "crap"21:41
baktrakit says21:41
mongydork,  what is gdisk ?  never heard of it21:41
baktrak72% [Connecting to packages.freecontrib.org (]21:42
baktrakstill sittin there21:42
dorkbaktrak: go google all of those chipset nomenclatures21:42
dorkbaktrak: all of them are realtek21:42
philpemdork, you're mixing up the prefixes.21:43
oCeanbaktrak: are you using Backtrack?21:43
philpemRTL is Realtek's prefix.21:43
dorkphilpem: seriously, it doesn't matter what their brand name is, any wifi chipset is going to come down to realtek or atheros21:43
baktrakno no21:43
baktrakubuntu 10.0421:43
oCeanbaktrak: but with an unsupported repo? freecontrib.org21:43
dorkphilpem: if you cross reference those chipsets on the internet, they allllll come down to realtek21:44
dorkphilpem: every last one of them21:44
dorkthat's just how it is21:44
dorksame with OEM systems and everything else, one man's whitebox with another man's brand21:44
philpemdork: realtek != ralink21:45
dorkthen buy it i don't care, but ralink == rt chipsets21:45
philpemdork: realtek are a half-rate ethernet chip maker who managed to build a chip the BSD dev team described as "redefines the meaning of low end"21:45
dorkfeel free to prove me wrong though :P21:45
philpemdork: I have a laptop sitting next to me with a Ralink chipset. I've had the wifi card out. Two ralink chips, no Realtek silicon outside of the GbE module.21:46
dorkphilpem: RA is another company that takes other people's guts and puts their name on it21:46
dorkit's extremely common especially in the RF industry21:46
dorkit is a realtek chipset21:46
dorki would bet money on it21:46
dorkit's either realtek or atheros and your option is not atheros21:47
dorkphilpem: it isn't even that profound, if you google the module used for that brand of dongle it's a realtek module21:48
dorkall of them21:48
dorkevery last thing they make21:48
philpemdork: and yet the PCI ID, drivers and every other bit of data from edimax says Ralink.21:49
philpem(Ralink == Mediatek now, but still)21:49
philpemPCI ID Ralink / 060121:50
dorkphilpem: the ln is a dead giveaway21:51
=== Nax is now known as Xen4
=== Angus_ is now known as angguss
daftykinshttp://www.wowza.com/ - anyone come across this crashing on any ubuntu version?21:51
philpemit's "in" (capital I, not lower-case L)21:51
dorkthe very first post of the url you pasted has the following reference21:51
dorkcp RT2860STA.dat /etc/Wireless/RT2870STA/RT2870STA.dat21:51
dorkmake install21:51
dorkmodprobe rt2860sta21:51
FloodBot1dork: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:51
dorknow go google rt2860sta21:52
dorkit's a realtek chip21:52
daftykinsthat sucker rings a bell21:52
mneptokdork: feel free to use the period and comma keys on your keyboard. address the inputline to the user in question and take as long as it takes to get complete thoughts out. pasting makefile output is a really bad idea.21:53
dorknah i'm good21:53
philpemdork -- quoting wiki.debian.org/rt2860sta -- 23 Nov 2011 – rt2860sta is a module for the Ralink RT2700P[D]/RT2700E[D]/RT2800P[D]/RT2800E[D] and RT3000E[D] PCI 802.11 draft-n wireless LAN ...21:54
mneptokdork: channel guidelines dictate such behavior.21:54
mneptok!enter | dork21:54
ubottudork: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:54
dorkmneptok: i was never consulted with when the guidelines were written21:54
dorkphilpem: checking21:54
mneptokdork: neither was i. yet i follow them. feel free to discuss this furhter in #ubuntu-ops.21:54
oCeanphilpem: do you really need to continue that discussion here in a support channel? If you guys don't agree, then accept that and move on21:55
=== hotea1313 is now known as msterbrewer
dorkmneptok: nope, i'm good21:55
dorkthanks though for the offer21:55
philpemoCean: point taken. I will entertain no further discussion on the subject.21:55
msterbreweranyone here?21:55
Eximius_How do i effectively use dual internets?21:55
dorkphilpem: they're addressing the name brand, not the chipsets21:55
philpemmsterbrewer, nobody here but us chickens :)21:56
oCeanphilpem: thanks. Feel free to continue in #ubuntu-offtopic though21:56
dorkyah he's right21:56
Gadgets-AFKyes msterbrewer21:56
dorkhehe apparently the ops in this channel, want to keep the community ignorant21:56
philpemworst case i have to send one card back and buy the other from amazon...21:57
dorkphilpem: check pm21:57
oCeandork: no, we want to keep the channel on topic, I even offered an other channel where you can educate the community if you like21:57
dorkoCean: pretty sure consulting with new users on what window managers are best suited for their needs, and conversation on wireless chipsets are on topic21:58
dorkyou might not agree21:58
dorkbut the end user begs to differ21:58
oCeandork: correct I don't agree. We have several channels, this channel is not suited for all topics21:58
dustin_is this a help channel?21:59
dorkoCean: i was hoping i would help people with problems, it doesn't occur very often here21:59
dorkdustin_: nope21:59
dorkdustin_: no help allowed here apparently21:59
oCeandustin_: sure, don't mind the other user22:00
Flanneldustin_: this is the Ubuntu support channel, yes.22:00
DarkStar1Whenever I right click on something the context menu comes up but disappears the second I try to choose a menu. Anyone know what's causing this?22:00
dustin_oh good because the person I met here earlier finaly got help when I pulled him out of channel and helped him so thank you22:00
DarkStar1I'm guessing no one else has experienced this22:02
MerryResistanceDarkStar1:  you need some patience, you sometimes have to wait a while to get support22:03
DarkStar1Another thing can anyone give me the open DNS ip pls? my dns seems to have gone down22:03
edbianDarkStar1, from memory: is google.  Looking up openDNS now22:05
FloodBot1edbian: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:06
edbianoh quiet you22:06
MerryResistanceedbian:  urlin beat you to it22:06
mongygoogles is a little quicker for me22:06
MerryResistanceyeah i use google's DNS, level3's DNS, and then ISP-provided DNS in that order :P22:07
=== MerryResistance is now known as Resistance
=== matt_ is now known as Guest20077
yabaiaren't you worried about privacy using google's dns?22:10
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».22:10
torinihi ya'll22:11
edbianTorianna, hi22:12
edbiantorini, hi22:12
torinihere's what I did. I'm at my family's home and I updated their firefox from 3 to 9. The problem is, it's in english and they need german version. Anyone knows how to change it?22:12
toriniI wouldn't bother you, bit I'm running out of time.22:12
tewecskemy 2 years old son fell on my laptop and this is the result: http://pastebin.com/WkBPsy8g does anyone have any idea what should I do?22:13
edbiantorini, it's in the GUI config in Firefox22:13
Guest20077Wondering if I install 10.04 LTS, and upgrade to 11.10 will I still have old GNOME desktop, or will it be replaced by Unity?  Thanks22:13
Resistancetewecske:  have a technician test your hard drive perhaps?22:13
avansledright@tewecske replace the hard drive22:13
xanguaGuest20077: unity runs on top of gnome22:14
edbiantorini, edit -> preferences -> content22:14
cordycepscan somebody tell me what's wrong with this Makefile http://paste.ubuntu.com/782751/? It keeps giving me the following error: "install -s -m 0755 anclock `pkg-config /usr/lib/xscreensaver/ gnome-screensaver` install: missing destination file operand after `anclock'"  The commented parts are original, the author of the program says to modify the Makefile to suit. I thought that is what I did ;(22:14
edbianGuest20077, it will be replaced by unity22:14
xanguatorini: did you use the firefos stable ppa¿22:14
Guest20077will I still be able to log in to Gnome? or will I have to install it again?22:14
xanguaGuest20077: you can also use gnome-shell if that is what you ask22:15
toriniedbian but it says ...for displaying pages and what I need is that "File" would be called "Datai" and stuff like that.22:15
torinixangua, yes.22:15
torinifirefox-stable from ppa.22:15
Guest20077I have installed 11.10, and am unhappy with UNity.  Would like to run current version with old Gnome 2 desktop22:16
xangua!gnome2 | Guest2007722:16
ubottuGuest20077: The GNOME Foundation has ceased support for GNOME 2, and as such it is not in Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot). See !notunity for an alternative desktop experience.22:16
toriniGuest, you can install gnome calssic, then during log in, clock options and log into calssic one.22:17
torini*clik, pick, you know....22:17
Resistancetewecske:  btw, notice the Pre_fail counts...22:17
Resistancetewecske:  that indicates the drive *might* be failing...22:18
Resistancetewecske:  i'd recommend replacing the drive and having someone try and recover your /home/ folder22:18
torinido I have to uninstall it(firefox) and download german version?22:18
=== matthew_ is now known as mrconnerton
Guest20077I have done that, and it looks close to old GNOME, but I have no system option in the upper left, and cannot change the top bar to customize or add items like Gnome 222:18
Resistancetorini:  you should just be able to install German language support22:18
Resistancefor ffox22:18
tewecskeResistance: thx22:19
toriniyou know how?22:19
paulsomebodyGreetings. Can anyone provide help with the syntax of the sudoers file?22:19
xanguatorini: if you installed it from the ppa and have german language on your desktop,, it should use the german language; did you already check for aviable languages on the Addon tabt¿22:19
paulsomebodyI cannot seem to get it right.22:19
Resistancepaulsomebody:  yeah, whatcha need/want?22:19
=== Xen4 is now known as Nax
Guest20077is there a way to get old system menu next to applications and places in UNity22:20
avansledrightanyone know how to install google chrome on 11.04? the .deb file doesnt seem to work22:20
Resistanceoverdose:  can we help you at all?22:20
torinixangua where in addon?22:20
mongypaulsomebody, sudo usermod -a -G admin username will add you to the sudoers22:20
paulsomebodyMy current contents look like this, but I am getting an error, claiming that there is a syntax error near line 27. http://paste.ubuntu.com/782772/22:20
Resistanceavansledright:  did you try chromium22:20
xanguatorini: on the addon tab22:20
avansledrightnot yet. i wanted actual chrome22:20
Guest20077or gnome classic sorry...22:20
overdoseI recently installed 10.04 and now my menu bar at the top is missing22:20
overdoseit's an older machine, and I liiked the flow of 10.x22:21
paulsomebodyResistance: I need to enable user 'somebody' to run file 'usr/local/bin/envrouter' or command 'envrouter' as root without entering the password every time.22:21
toriniin tools menu? What should I look for?22:21
xangua!panels | overdose22:21
ubottuoverdose: To reset the GNOME panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »22:21
Resistancepaulsomebody:  i'm not sure if that's possible...22:21
Resistancepaulsomebody:  lemme dig out my sudoers reference'22:21
paulsomebodyResistance: Is it not what this file is for?22:21
overdoseresistance: lemme try, fortunately I was able to config vino before it went missing :)22:22
paulsomebodyResistance: Yes, of course. That would be very welcome.22:22
Resistancepaulsomebody:  i'm not sure you can specify it per file... but https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo#Remove_Password_Prompt_For_sudo22:22
Resistancepaulsomebody:  NOTICE!!!!!  ***THIS PUTS YOUR SYSTEM AT HORRIBLY EXTREME RISK!!!***22:23
Guest20077is there a way to get old gnome style (Applications Places AND System)in Gnome 3  I only have Applications and Places.22:23
paulsomebodyResistance: I am not trying to remove all the password promts, just for this single command.22:23
Resistancepaulsomebody:  I STRONGLY RECOMMEND you do not disable the passcode for that user, but the sudo reference doesnt explain any way of removing sudo requirements per file22:23
xanguaGuest20077: again, gnome2 is no longer maintained22:23
paulsomebodyResistance: It is okay. I think I understand the syntax now. Thanks for the reference.22:24
Guest20077i would like to have a system menu option in upper left on Gnome 3.is this possible?22:24
Resistancepaulsomebody:  also...22:24
torinixanuga in tools menu? What should I look for?22:25
Resistancethere's example potential syntax here to allow the cdrom group to run a command without passcode: %cdrom ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/k3b22:25
overdosealso, is there an easy way to run xllvnc with lubuntu22:26
overdoseI can get it to prompt for passwdfor the vnc session, bnut always rejects it (and I have checked caps locks, etc)22:26
Guest20077I support a number of friends installs of ubuntu, and it is hard to explain where a setting is when they do not have system available in menu.22:26
paulsomebodyResistance: I have got it all right now. I have changed the needed line to 'somebody ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/local/bin/evrouter' and I am asked for password if I try to run, say 'sudo nautilus', but not 'sudo evrouter'.22:26
Resistancethere you go22:27
Resistanceooh i should do that for iptables on my local machine and ifconfig xD22:27
Resistanceand aptitude xD22:27
shah`sudo helloall22:27
torinixanuga you there?22:27
* Resistance has a horribly secure system22:27
mongyResistance, you have windows?22:28
paulsomebodyResistance: Thanks for the help. Hopefully, I do not now have equally 'secure' system.22:28
paulsomebodyResistance: Since that command is harmless, and the user account is password-protected.22:28
Resistancemongy:  no.  why?22:29
arrrghhhStevenR: still there?22:29
arrrghhhif not, i'll reask my question.  fresh install of ubuntu 11.10. kernel panics on a normal boot, but if i go thru recovery mode and then "resume normal boot", i can boot in fine and operate normally.  what gives?22:29
Resistancepaulsomebody:  :)22:29
paulsomebodyResistance: Thank again, I will now test it by fire… I meant, by reboot.22:30
Guest20077Thanks all!  Happy Holidays!22:30
=== anonymous is now known as Guest93365
toriniok, I'll put it another way. How to remove firefox 9 completely without damaging anything. The software center will do the job?22:31
overdosethank you resistance, the first issue was resolved, secondly is there a way to have that ran each boot, or should it be cool now?22:31
arrrghhhtorini: i don't see why it wouldn't, it's just another front end for dpkg/apt22:31
Resistanceoverdose:  have what run each boot...?22:32
torinicause I started searching for that and found something that showed some problems.... I don't know22:32
toriniso you say it's safe?22:32
jnwhitehI'm having an issue with HDMI sound output under 11.10 on my Thinkpad x121e. The sound works, but is choppy, such that watching a youtube video gives a second of sound or two, followed by a few seconds of silence.. and back and forth. A search of the ubuntu forums/general internet doesn't quite give me any information. Anyone have any suggestions?22:33
arrrghhhtorini: i'm not sure what you mean by "safe".  why do you want to remove FireFox?22:33
toriniI need to remove it to install it again, but in german...22:33
overdosethat CLI you gave me22:33
overdoseto restart gnome panel22:33
arrrghhhtorini: you shouldn't need to reinstall it to get the german version.  i'm no expert on that tho, i always use engrish.22:34
xanguatorini: did you already check the languages aviables on the Addons tab¿22:34
overdosebecause it seems that without that, the menuu never appears22:34
StevenRarrrghhh: can we see the messages? could you take a photo?22:34
xanguatorini: do you have other languages besides german on your system¿ is your user session on german¿22:34
overdosefortunaly I had also installed open ssh server so I was able to run it22:34
arrrghhhStevenR: a photo of...? the screen is blank completely when the kernel panics. there's nothing to see on the screen.  i'll pull some logs if you think they're available.22:35
toriniyes, he is.22:35
StevenRarrrghhh: oh. hmm.. can you boot with nosplash or whatever the parameter is?22:35
toriniThe whole ubuntu is in german exept for the firefox now.22:35
torinixanuga The whole ubuntu is in german exept for the firefox now.22:35
Seveastorini, you don't need to reinstall firefox to change language, installing the firefox-locale-de package should be enough22:35
arrrghhhStevenR: sure, i'll try that.  just modify grub.cfg?22:36
GatorAlliHello, I'm trying to run rabbitmq-server on Ubuntu. When I run "sudo rabbitmq-server start", I get a no such user error because of the dash. Can I escape the dash to get it to run? [16:35] == Cannot send to channel: #ubuntu22:36
wiredvampi cant seem to get the radio on pandora.com to work22:36
toriniSeveas with aptget install?22:36
Seveastorini, yeah22:36
torinihmm, ok, I'll try it.22:36
StevenRarrrghhh: I think you can specify it via the grub-cli while booting22:37
overdosebasically I have downloaded and installed x11vnc, (replaicing vino) and can't get the vnc session to stick22:37
arrrghhhStevenR: ok.  1 sec22:37
overdoseit will prompt for vnc passwd, but will never connect22:37
=== bobi_Ge is now known as hektor
GatorAlliHello, I'm trying to run rabbitmq-server on Ubuntu. When I run "sudo rabbitmq-server start", I get a no such user error because of the dash. Can I escape the dash to get it to run?22:37
arrrghhh!patience | GatorAlli22:37
ubottuGatorAlli: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/22:37
arrrghhhStevenR: so remove quiet and change splash to nosplash right?22:38
GatorAlliubottu: plz make ur IRC server recognize my password faster, then we can negotiate22:38
ubottuGatorAlli: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:38
StevenRarrrghhh: probably. sounds like that should work22:38
toriniSeveas so simple! Thank you so much!!22:39
arrrghhhStevenR: not sure what that did, but it's booting.  i didn't see ANY text.  just the same blank screen.  then i saw a mouse cursor, and heard the login sound... but now it's hung at the desktop.  i have a background and a mouse.... that's it.22:40
arrrghhhi almost wish i could prove this is hardware and call it a day.22:41
StevenRarrrghhh: hmm. could be that the splash is the kicker22:41
jsumnersWhere can I find a Jaunty repository? I evidently can't update to a newer release without one22:41
arrrghhhStevenR: but i still don't have a functional UI. it's hung again.22:41
arrrghhhStevenR: well i guess no kernel panic so that's an improvement lol22:41
ZannyHello, how do i install iTunes to get my iPhone 4 with iOs5 to work, under Ubuntu 11.10?22:41
xangua!eol | jsumners22:41
ubottujsumners: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades22:41
Seveasjsumners, http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/22:42
arrrghhhZanny: iTunes doesn't have a linux port.22:42
xanguaZanny: it should work with banshee, did you already try with gtkpod¿22:42
toriniZanny, have you tried to connect your iphone to ubuntu/22:42
jsumnersthank you22:42
arrrghhhZanny: there's ways around it, but they're not "complete" like iTunes. you won't be able to do software updates, etc.22:42
smiffelhi there, ubuntu11.10, problems with VPN, can't connect with shrew soft client (iked) to fritzbox. same config with shrewsoft on win works.22:42
Seveas!iphine | Zanny22:43
paulsomebodyResistance: Thank you, works all right.22:43
Seveas!iphone | Zanny22:43
ubottuZanny: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod22:43
arrrghhhStevenR: lots of segfaults when i switch tty's.22:43
toriniSeveas thanks again. Take care guys!22:43
arrrghhhStevenR: is there a way i can check the hdd from a live usb/cd?22:43
Seveasarrrghhh, lots of segfaults generally means "I've run out of memory" or "My memory is broken"22:44
arrrghhhSeveas: memtests turn up clean.  i'm leaning towards hdd, but i honestly don't have a clue.22:45
SunTsuSeveas: or the application is22:45
StevenRarrrghhh: what's segfaulting?22:45
arrrghhhthis machine just mysteriously stopped working after a kernel upgrade.22:45
Seveasarrrghhh, run from a livecd and run fsck on it22:45
arrrghhhStevenR: i see something called duplicity segfaulting?22:45
arrrghhhSeveas: ok22:45
SunTsuarrrghhh: if you have segfaults on a box doing swappign chances are that your hdd is faulty and therefore your swap is, too22:46
arrrghhhSeveas: i just find it odd that everything "seems" to work fine if i go thru recovery mode.22:46
arrrghhhSunTsu: i se22:46
Seveasarrrghhh, does 'free -m' say you have free memory?22:46
arrrghhhSeveas: rebooting22:46
arrrghhhgoing to liveusb to do fsck22:46
SunTsuarrrghhh: if that's the case you might want to look at S.M.A.R.T. info of that disk22:47
arrrghhhSunTsu: is that installed by default?22:47
SunTsuarrrghhh: S.M.A.R.T. is part of the disk itself, smarttools might, I don't know22:48
arrrghhhSunTsu: ok22:48
arrrghhhi think the hdd is done.22:48
arrrghhhfsck from liveusb - "input/output error while determing wheter /dev/sda3 is mounted"22:48
SunTsuSeveas: yeah, thanks, that's how they are called22:48
Seveasarrrghhh, that sounds like you need a new disk indeed22:48
SunTsuarrrghhh: that sounds nasty22:49
arrrghhhso i can't fsck this thing.22:49
arrrghhhSunTsu, Seveas, strange that winxp still works fine on the same disk?22:49
arrrghhhthink i can pillage the entire hdd and be ok...?  perhaps just the section ubuntu on is bad?22:49
paulsomebodyCan anyone help me bind several key presses to one mouse button via xinput?22:49
SunTsuarrrghhh: well, some parts go first. I'd still check smartmontools for the error log22:49
arrrghhhSunTsu: it's not installed.22:50
Seveasarrrghhh, you can install it when booted from the livecd22:50
arrrghhhi'm connected to the internet, but have no internet.  wth.22:50
SunTsuarrrghhh: no smartctl?22:51
arrrghhhSeveas: yea thanks. this is a persistent liveusb, so that should work too.22:51
arrrghhhSunTsu: oh let me try that one.  i was doing smartmontools22:51
ubuntunovicehey everyone22:51
ubuntunovicei was wondering22:51
SunTsuarrrghhh: that's the package's name22:51
Seveasarrrghhh, smartmontools is the package name, not the tool's name22:51
arrrghhhSunTsu: nope.  "sma<tab>" turns up nada.22:51
ubuntunoviceim trying to create a bootable usb22:51
Seveas!enter | ubuntunovice22:51
ubottuubuntunovice: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!22:51
ubuntunoviceK SRRY22:51
SunTsuubuntunovice: I am wondering if you can lines consisting of more than three words22:51
SunTsu"create" even22:52
arrrghhhsma<tab><tab> also turns up nothing.  going to resolve my internet problem.22:52
ubuntunoviceim on a mac22:52
arrrghhhah, it's a dns problem.22:52
ubuntunoviceif that helps any22:52
SunTsuubuntunovice: thing is: if we need to search your question over multiple line, chances are we won't22:53
xanguaubuntunovice: did you follow the instructions at ubuntu.com ¿22:53
ubuntunovicei didnt know there were any22:53
ubuntunovicecan you point me in the right direction?22:53
=== mega73 is now known as mega
xanguaubuntunovice: ubuntu.com , get ubuntu22:54
Seveasubuntunovice, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick#From_Mac_OSX22:54
arrrghhhcrap, i can't modify resolv.conf on a persistent usb boot?  it's saying i can't save the file...22:54
ubuntunovicethanks seveas22:54
ubuntunovicei will look there and get back to you22:54
arrrghhhso any tips on getting dns to work on a liveusb boot?  for whatever reason i'm connected via wifi using dhcp, but dns is not working at all.  i can't seem to modify (or create) /etc/resolv.conf...22:55
teratomahow do i increase the number of Workspaces ?22:57
overdoseteratoma, which release?22:57
OY1Rcan anyone watch this in full screen with out it being slow as poo ? > http://www.dr.dk/nu/popup/od/bonderoeven/#/1994122:57
teratomaunity2d... oneiric22:57
overdoseis that 11.x?22:57
paulsomebodyOY1R: I can.22:58
bfrazier_I got a problem, I'm trying to burn a DVD & I'm trying to use the following command, "growisofs -Z /dev/dvd -dvd-video DVD" but I'm getting, ":-( /dev/dvd: media is not recognized as recordable DVD: 0"...any ideas how to fix this?22:58
ubuntunovicewould it be easier to use windows to create the live usb?22:58
OY1Rpaulsomebody, how about fully windowed ?22:58
wiredvampwhat is the command to udate a prgram, for example i would like to update firefox22:58
paulsomebodyOY1R: Fully windowed?22:58
teratomaoverdose: Ubuntu 11.1022:58
ubuntunovicesudo apt-get upgrade22:58
OY1Ryea your browser maximized22:58
arrrghhhubuntunovice: it is pretty easy.  pendrivelinux.com has a universal installer for windows, makes it very easy.22:59
kerimhii my broadcom wireless is very slow help me please22:59
OY1Rpaulsomebody, if i play it maximized it's very very jerky, and if i try full screen it seems to play fine but the full frame is better than the screen (stream seems bigger than the monitor)22:59
wiredvampubuntunovice: thanks22:59
kerimexample ping    269,5 ms23:00
Seveasteratoma, install compizconfig-settings-manager and run ccsm23:00
Seveasit's in the general settings23:00
ubuntunovicei will open vmware23:00
arrrghhhkerim: other clients are OK?  (it's not the router/network in other words?)23:00
overdoseteratoma, basically what I am seeing is that the direction to take it to replace gnome with openbox23:00
ubuntunoviceand do it in windows23:00
paulsomebodyOY1R: I am sorry, but I have no idea. My guess would be trying that in different browsers, maybe checking if you have hardware acceleration enabled.23:00
arrrghhhStevenR, SunTsu - any ideas for DNS on liveusb...?  i'm trying to install smartmontools, and i have net access but dns is failing, and /etc/resolv.conf doesn't exist nor does it let me create it...23:01
kerimFor windows ping no problem23:01
kerimonly for ubuntu problem23:01
arrrghhhkerim: you're on the newest drivers?  you have ensured there aren't any proprietary drivers?  broadcom is notoriously bad...23:02
wiredvampi cant seem to get the radio on pandora.com to work, what do i have to do to get pandora.com to work?23:02
arrrghhhwiredvamp: flash installed?23:02
kerimı don't know23:02
ubuntunoviceyou need to install broadcom restricted drivers23:02
arrrghhhkerim: i would make sure.23:03
kerimhow can install new drivers23:03
overdoseteratoma: strike that, it appears cntrl, alt, tab will switch workspaces23:03
overdosegive it a try and let me know if it works23:03
nardevI made mobile web page at http://www.domain.com/mobile/{rest of url} and i want to have http://mobile.domain.com/{rest of url}    and it' important to mention that stipendije.ba/mobile   <-- mobile is not folder!!!23:03
SunTsuarrrghhh: I don't know, never used that. You tried sudo when creating that file I guess?23:03
xanguawiredvamp: i believe you need sivlerlight, not aviable for linux23:03
arrrghhhkerim: go to system settings -> additional drivers23:03
arrrghhhSunTsu: yes :P23:03
ubuntunovicetry moonlight23:03
arrrghhhSunTsu: i've never had a problem with this either.  it seems this laptop really doesn't want to get fixed.23:04
wiredvampi was using pandora on mint, and fedora and it worked fine on those os's23:04
arrrghhhxangua: not true.23:04
arrrghhhwiredvamp: i'm pretty sure Pandora is flash.  if you use firefox, there's a great addon called "flashaid" that will take care of the dirty work for you.23:05
kerim_my drivers is new23:06
wiredvampi thought i installed adobe flash but it is not showing up in the plugin section on firefox23:06
kerim_and active23:06
arrrghhhkerim_: that's all that can really be done then.  broadcom has atrocious support for linux.23:06
arrrghhhwiredvamp: look into flashaid in addons for FF.  it's awesome ;)23:06
kerim_what can ı do23:06
mongyarrrghhh, not really.  working fine since 8.0423:07
wiredvampok thanks arrrghhh23:07
arrrghhhkerim_: i just said you can't do anything.  get a different wireless card from a manufacturer that supports open source.23:07
arrrghhhmongy: eh?23:07
kerim_thank you23:07
SunTsuarrrghhh: sorry, no idea, I really don't know liveusb and no time to look into that23:07
arrrghhhSunTsu: np.  it should just work over dhcp. this laptop is just FUBAR it sems.23:08
mongykerim,  what chipset do you have.   lspci | grep Network23:09
arrrghhhmongy: if you're talking about broadcom, then you're wrong.  i've had many new laptops that don't work _at all_ because of incomplete or non-existent drivers.23:10
mongyarrrghhh, I cay the opposite.23:10
mongycan say , even23:10
arrrghhhmongy: then you're wrong :P23:10
arrrghhhanyone who says broadcom supports linux is either joking, or insane.  or both.23:11
mongykerim,  what chipset do you have.   lspci | grep Network23:11
a__hello, why doesn't windows 7 recognizes ubuntu share unless i loggon into windows with ubuntu and after that windows recognizes samba share?23:13
arrrghhha__: are these separate machines on a network?23:14
a__arrrghhh, yep23:14
arrrghhha__: ok what do you mean logon into windows with ubuntu?23:14
a__arrrghhh, windows 7 doesn't sees ubuntu computer. other machine with windows vista sees ubuntu machine. i can see windows 7 machine in workgroup from ubuntu. windows doesn't sees ubuntu machine in workgroup. windows sees ubuntu machine if i only first access from ubuntu to windows share23:16
arrrghhha__: perhaps it's zeroconf?  have you setup hosts files for all the machines, or do you have some centralized method of assigning dns like dnsmasq or bind?23:16
allu2anyone up for helping me reinstall and fix broken grub, now i'm sitting on live session23:17
sleepyalcan someone help me assign static ips for my network adapters via the command line? or is it in some config file?23:17
a__arrrghhh, zeroconf?23:18
arrrghhhallu2: even if you aren't recovering after a windows install, try this - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows23:18
arrrghhha__: what are you doing for dns?23:18
fox_Hey All, First time joining this Channel. Got to thank andrew.46 on his guide!23:18
paulsomebodyallu2: Hello.23:18
allu2paulsomebody: Hello :)23:18
* allu2 feeling lazy to do rescuing all by himself23:18
paulsomebodyallu2: I have got it to work with the help of '/etc/sudoers' file.23:19
arrrghhhallu2: then you don't learn anything :P23:19
paulsomebodyallu2: How did you ruin your GRUB?23:19
allu2arrrghhh: so i open terminal, write sudo -s, run grub-install /dev/(sda etc what happens to be the hd) and hope it works..23:19
arrrghhha__: i had similar issues (i think, your problem is a little hard to follow) and i found that dns entries had to be created manually in the hosts file. unless you're going by IP.23:19
arrrghhhallu2: boot-repair should do it all for ya23:20
allu2arrrghhh: or i sudo -s, mount some folders and chroot to the hd23:20
allu2arrrghhh: never heard of that23:20
allu2arrrghhh: see i learn more by asking ;)23:20
arrrghhhallu2: please read the link i sent you.23:20
a__arrrghhh, never messed with dns setups i think it's all ip23:20
arrrghhhallu2: it's the first thing that's mentioned in that article.23:20
allu2link :S23:20
* allu2 looks..23:21
arrrghhha__: well are you trying to go directly to the machine by IP, or are you trying to "browse" for machines?23:21
allu2ah found it23:21
=== go8765 is now known as go8765_afk
a__arrrghhh, i'm browsing with nautilus through networks --> machine name etc... same on a windows machine23:22
arrrghhha__: then either setup some centralized form of DNS (kind of a pain, but if you have many clients definitely worth the time)23:22
arrrghhha__: or if it's just a few machines, setup hosts file manually.23:23
a__arrrghhh, but it seems only windows 7 has some issue with network discovery stuff23:24
arrrghhha__: yea, zeroconf is different between the oses.23:24
arrrghhha__: please try my suggestion...23:24
arrrghhha__: if you're lazy you can just modify the machines that are having issues, but to be consistent i would modify all clients.23:25
paulsomebodyHow do I manage daemons in Ubuntu?23:25
a__arrrghhh, what do you mean hosts file manually, like /etc/hosts and system32\hosts ?23:25
arrrghhhpaulsomebody: sudo service <service> start/stop/restart/etc23:25
arrrghhha__: right you are.23:25
paulsomebodyarrrghhh: Hmm. I need it to be permanent.23:26
arrrghhhpaulsomebody: ?23:26
paulsomebodyarrrghhh: I need to permanently remove it from startup, like by 'Startup Applications', just for daemons.23:26
arrrghhhpaulsomebody: oh.  update-rc.d <service> remove23:26
a__arrrghhh, like             10.0.0.x       \\a into hosts?23:27
paulsomebodyarrrghhh: Thanks. Maybe something with GUI?23:27
arrrghhha__: just put the machine name. no need for slashes23:27
arrrghhhpaulsomebody: not off the top of my head, sorry i'm a server guy :P23:27
paulsomebodyarrrghhh: Okay, thanks.23:27
a__arrrghhh, sounds too easy, can you point me to a good dns server setup tutorial?23:28
arrrghhha__: that's pretty complicated.  do you have 10+ clients?23:28
=== edge is now known as Guest16555
arrrghhha__: i just did hosts file cuz i was lazy.  i guess dnsmasq would probably be easiest.23:29
a__arrrghhh, only 4. it shouldn't be that messy. it's something like setting a dns host and all the rest as clients and a gateway on each machine not?23:30
arrrghhha__: dnsmasq is kinda all in one.  it can take care of dns, dhcp and tftp if you configure it to.23:30
arrrghhhmuch easier than BIND + dhcp3-server + tftpd-hpa or whatever.23:31
allu2arrrghhh: thanks for the tip on boot-repair, will come handy! :)23:33
dianarc I installed SUN JDK and then removed OpenJDK... after this, Google Chrome doesn't find anymore the Java plugin... any idea?23:33
arrrghhhallu2: np.  wish i could've used it.  i just went thru the manual process just a few days ago...23:33
allu2arrrghhh: for the next time tough maybe its easier to give link to the community page directly about it since you have to add ppa to install it and i didn't know that before i saw the documentation for the program itself :)23:34
allu2arrrghhh: thank you again! you made my day :)23:34
arrrghhhallu2: eh, i guess.23:34
arrrghhhnp, take it easy.23:34
allu2arrrghhh: :P23:34
dianarc tried to add a directory and symbolic link as suggested in some guides but, no good results23:34
a__arrrghhh, so you think it's a problem of hosts resolving, i also happens when server and windows 7 are alone in workgroup?23:35
arrrghhha__: well that was my issue.  i might be misunderstanding your problem.  can you manually point to the server via IP?23:35
dianarcA link to /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/plugin/i386/ns7/libjavaplugin_oji.so23:35
arrrghhhdianarc: i don't use chrome, but have you used update-alternatives or whatever it is for java?23:36
metaspikedianarc, rm your symbolic link, install java6-sun-plugin23:36
OerHeksdianarc, oracle disables java according to http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/12/java-to-be-removed-from-ubuntu-uninstalled-from-user-machines/23:36
a__arrrghhh, i'll check it right now23:36
dianarcI already installed Sun Java6, the relative plugin and I removed OpenJDK (so all in /etc/alternatives/* now points to SUN JDK)23:37
=== sam_ is now known as sebashtian
xanguaOerHeks: oracle disables java =/= java removed from ubuntu repositories23:37
metaspikeall of them?23:38
dianarcanyway, i need Sun Java23:38
metaspikeme too :(23:38
xanguadianarc: there is a guide on webupd8 about how to install oracle java6 from a ppa and aldo to manually install oraclejava723:38
dianarcI already installed java... and it works... just Chrome doesn't see it23:38
mongydianarc,  I used that to install oracle java 7, works fine.23:38
sebashtianhey how do you activate nvidia drivers? i already tried running sudo nvidia-xconfig, it completes and everything but when i do "nvidia-settings" it tells me i haven't23:39
sebashtianand i restart gdm in between23:39
a__arrrghhh, seems as you said, when i try accessing by host name windows doesn't finds the target but finds it on ip address23:39
dianarcI'm on ubuntu 10.10, Sun Java6 was in the "partner" repositories23:39
arrrghhha__: so same problem i had.  either central dns, or hosts file.23:40
a__arrrghhh, why do you think that it's happening? what is the issue of windows and hostname resolving?23:40
arrrghhhzeroconf is different between oses a__23:40
kevinmerry christmas23:41
=== kevin is now known as Guest59834
Guest59834guest :(23:41
Guest59834merry chtisermas23:41
a__arrrghhh, in zeroconf you mean networking standards?23:42
lsvDoes anyone here knows about gcc?23:42
milamber!anyone | lsv23:43
ubottulsv: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.23:43
sebashtianwhats best tactical fps for linux?23:44
lsvok, does anyone knows what the '-DL', '-DS' and '-DW' flags are for in the gcc compiler?23:44
lsvI'll be back in a few hours.  hope someone has an answer then.  See you.23:45
bfrazier_can anybody help me determine why my dvd won't burn a file?23:46
mongybfrazier_, using what software.23:47
bfrazier_mongy, well, I'm just using a mount command23:47
bfrazier_I got a problem, I'm trying to burn a DVD & I'm trying to use the following command, "growisofs -Z /dev/dvd -dvd-video DVD" but I'm getting, ":-( /dev/dvd: media is not recognized as recordable DVD: 0"...any ideas how to fix this?23:48
mongybfrazier_, growisofs -dvd-compat -Z /dev/dvd=image.iso23:49
mongybfrazier_, you might want mkisofs to make an iso from files.23:49
bfrazier_mongy, what is an iso any ways?23:50
mongybfrazier_, a filesystem image23:50
arrrghhhbfrazier_: lol.  it's a single file that's an image of a disc.23:50
arrrghhhbfrazier_: perhaps you should let us know what you're trying to do, instead of just the command that's failing.23:51
bfrazier_well, the iso I need to make then would be of the Audio_TS and Video_TS files...23:51
bfrazier_arrrghhh, well, you gotta start somewhere...I don't know a lot about linux23:51
arrrghhhbfrazier_: correct.  if you look at a dvd on a computer, all you see is video_ts and audio_ts folders.23:51
mongybfrazier_,     cd to where the audio and video folders are.  mkisofs -dvd-video -o /somewhere/big/myfilm.iso .23:52
arrrghhhbfrazier_: and of course we all have to start somewhere.  but my point is, ask what you're trying to do, not why this specific command is failing.  especially if you have no clue why you're even submitting the command, that's just dangerous.23:52
bfrazier_mongy, ....alright, I'm trying that23:52
bfrazier_arrrghhh, well, I'm like a baby...I'm just repeating what other people are telling me at this point23:53
mongybfrazier_,  gui apps to use are isomaster, k3b, gnomebaker23:53
bfrazier_mongy, ...alright23:53
arrrghhhbfrazier_: again, dangerous.  please, ask your question of what you're trying to achieve.23:53
progre55hi guys. where to change your name that shows up on a router "connected" list?23:54
bfrazier_arrrghhh, alright, alright..guess a baby might get their hand hurt with something ho23:54
arrrghhhprogre55: i guess that would be the hostname?23:54
progre55arrrghhh: oh, and where do I set that? :)23:54
arrrghhhbfrazier_: potentially.  usually best to ask what you're trying to achieve.  then say how you're trying to achieve it.23:54
arrrghhhprogre55: hostname, in the terminal23:54
progre55arrrghhh: thanks, appreciate!23:55
bfrazier_arrrghhh, command, "mkisofs -dvd-video -o test.iso" results in "Failed to open VIDEO_TS.IFO"23:56
arrrghhhbfrazier_: what are you trying to achieve?!?23:56
bfrazier_arrrghhh, alright...I'm trying to make a DVD of a movie I recorded to the computer from my video camera23:57
arrrghhhbfrazier_: that's more like it.  so the video you got from the camera, is it just a single file?  like an mpg?23:57
metaspiketry dvdauthor23:58
mongybfrazier_, you need to give it more23:58
sebashtianwhy don't u use archive manager and make a iso file and then put it in there?23:59
SgxeQqAbUmy IRC client works now.23:59
bfrazier_arrrghhh, mongy ...well, I created this hugh AVI file and then separted out the video and audio using a program & then used mplex to bring them back together23:59

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