
trevorjJust got started with juju and orchestra in a dev environment. Really, really cool stuff! Thanks for your hard work!05:24
trevorjAmazing the possibilities that this will morph into.05:26
=== amithkk is now known as themostrandomnam
=== themostrandomnam is now known as empower_host
=== empower_host is now known as amithkk
shafiqissaniIs there a way to mention repository location in environments.yaml file ? ... instead of explicitly mentioning the repository path every-time some charms needs to be deployed.13:04
marcoceppishafiqissani: I don't believe so13:07
SpamapSmarcoceppi: correct, https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/90600815:28
_mup_Bug #906008: way to set default charm repository <juju:Confirmed> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/906008 >15:28

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