
CIA-48[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kde-l10n-common-oneiric] Philip Muškovac * 115 * debian/ (changelog config) New upstream release candidate (svn: 1269625, type: unstable) PPA backport00:07
=== EvilJackyAlcine is now known as JackyAlcine
JontheEchidnafloodbots are acting up again. could somebody with privileges take care of it?02:44
=== JontheEchidna is now known as JontheEnchidna
=== JontheEnchidna is now known as JontheEchidna
JontheEchidnanevermind, I got it02:50
JontheEchidnaapparently I'm an op in #kubuntu :>02:50
=== mKretschmann is now known as markey_quassel
=== markey_quassel is now known as mKretschmann
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
yofel4.7.95 ready for oneiric and precise in ninjas, please test 13:06
_Groo_hi/2 all13:21
_Groo_yofel: hi yofi :D13:22
_Groo_yofel: im upgrading to 4.7.95... lets see what breaks :D13:22
_Groo_one thing ive seen is that chrome/chromium proxies dont work anymore13:23
_Groo_something changed in the new proxy settings13:23
CIA-48[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/ktouch] Philip Muškovac * 16 * debian/ (changelog control) bump breaks/replaces of ktouch-data on ktouch13:46
Riddellwoo, go yofel 13:49
Riddelland happy boxing day :)13:51
yofelhappy lazy day :P13:55
yofelas that's what I'll be doing most of the day 13:55
Riddellyofel: ug, plasma-desktop uninstalled itself14:36
Riddellyofel: on dist-upgrade14:38
Riddellalso kdm refused to start because startkde was not there then refused to start because horos theme was not there14:39
Riddellbut shiny new amarok icon :)14:39
yofelcan you give me your apt history? I didn't get such a situation anywhere here14:43
Riddellyofel: people.canonical.com/~jriddell/tmp/history.log15:01
Riddelland term.log15:03
yofelRiddell: when kubuntu-desktop and others were removed, you weren't upgrading to 4.7.95, but installing some 4.7.90 updates15:07
yofelPreparing to replace kdm 4:4.7.90-0ubuntu1~ppa1~oneiric2 (using .../kdm_4%3a4.7.90-0ubuntu2~ppa3~oneiric1_i386.deb) ...15:07
yofelyou then installed iw, upgraded to 4.7.95 and reinstalled kubuntu-desktop15:09
yofelno idea what happened there, I can install kde from beta ppa fine in a chroot on 32bit15:13
Riddellhmm, perhaps I forgot apt-get update?  sign my brain hasn't recovered15:17
_Groo_kmix bug is still there15:23
_Groo_run a movie with umplayer for ex... see kmix go 100% and memory start rising15:24
Riddellget a backtrace then and file a beastie15:24
_Groo_Riddell: i have 8 GBs ram15:25
_Groo_it will take forever for him to crash15:25
_Groo_it goes up in 700k zips...15:25
_Groo_i left it for half an hour, was still at 100MB...15:25
_Groo_its a lot...15:25
_Groo_but it would take all day to crash :D15:25
Riddelllearn how to use gdb to get a backtrace without a crash, then a file a beastie :)15:25
_Groo_Riddell: ¬¬ fine15:26
_Groo_anyone else observing this with 4.7.95?15:26
Riddellno but I'm not playing anything15:26
yofel_Groo_: me, happens pretty much everytime when I close flash15:47
yofelthe crash is gone though15:47
_Groo_yofel: yeah i had the flash problem in 4.7.90 too15:49
_Groo_yofel: it doesnt crash because you prolly have a lot of RAM and its leaking much less.. but still leaks15:50
_Groo_when it goes 100% do a ctrl-esc and watch it go up 700k at a time15:50
_Groo_it WILL crash, overnight for ex :D15:50
yofelno, I got kmix crashes when a pulse stream was closed with 4.7.90, in 4.7.95 it doesn't crash anymore15:50
yofelthe 100% CPU bug in in both 4.7.90 and 9515:51
kubotuyofel meant: "the 100% CPU bug is in both 4.7.90 and 95"15:51
_Groo_yofel: ah ok15:51
_Groo_s/no i didnt//15:51
kubotu_Groo_: You did something wrong... Try s/you/me/ or tell me "help sed"15:51
_Groo_hes smarter then i thought :P15:51
_Groo_s/no i didnt/ /15:52
kubotu_Groo_: You did something wrong... Try s/you/me/ or tell me "help sed"15:52
_Groo_what the dev gods are saying about the 100% kmix bug? looking at it?15:53
yofelthere's a bug open upstream, no idea if there's progress though15:55
_Groo_yofel: its bizarre17:53
_Groo_i just watched 8 straight youtube videos... kmix didnt went bezerk17:53
_Groo_its random :P17:53
yofelclose the browser tab?17:53
_Groo_yofel: yep17:57
_Groo_yofel: ahah i played in clementine and kmix went to 100%...18:00
_Groo_its when you channge pipes aparently18:00
_Groo_something between new kmix code and pulseaudio pipes18:00
_Groo_yofel: new kde broke proxy support for chrome(ium)19:12
Riddellinteresting that, chrome must be using some unsupported interface (like reading the config files) for proxy info19:16
Riddellthat should have been a freedesktop.org spec for ages19:16
_Groo_Riddell: http://noughmad.com/2011/12/26/appmenu-is-here/ can i have my 4.8 in oneiric pls? ;)19:27
Riddellit's available19:28
Riddelloh Qt 4.8, the version numbers have finally aligned19:29
yofelanyone against me publishing 4.7.95? It's only RC anyway19:38
Riddellyofel: go for it19:38
Riddellneed any help?19:39
yofelfor precise I'll appreciate it, oneiric is just running a script19:40
Riddellwhat script for oneiric?19:41
Riddellwhat needs doing for precise?19:42
yofeloneiric is just: $ kopypackages -a ppa:kubuntu-ninjas/ppa oneiric ppa:kubuntu-ppa/beta oneiric19:42
Riddelloh dear, who came up with that name19:42
yofelwhich I'm doing now19:42
yofeluh.. me ^^19:42
Riddellevil k, KDE has been trying to shed that for years19:43
yofelprecise is publishing, committing and tagging every package19:43
Riddelleven if it doesn't quite know it yet19:43
yofelah well, most scripts in kubuntu-dev-tools are equally mis-named then19:44
yofelguess we can discuss that sometime19:44
Riddelljust some long for loops when I do it, some very long running of course19:44
apacheloggerthat k there is for kubuntu :P19:46
apacheloggerkubuntucopypackages is a bitty of a silly name :P19:46
Riddellbah kubuntu's name is all jeff waugh's fault, it's a gnome conspiracy19:47
apacheloggerlets rename ... 19:48
CIA-48[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kdelibs] Philip Muškovac * 393 * debian/changelog releasing version 4:4.7.95-0ubuntu119:48
apacheloggerhow about zomglinux19:48
yofelsounds like pclinuxos19:49
apacheloggerwhere does that gnu come from?19:49
CIA-48[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/meta-kde] Philip Muškovac * 27 * debian/changelog releasing version 5:71~pre15ubuntu819:50
apacheloggerhaunted linux19:51
yofelshould I skip l10n for the archive as parts of rc1 l10n don't build?19:52
Riddellyeah, if it's any hassle19:52
apacheloggeryofel: as long as you complain to upstreamz19:53
yofelapachelogger: there was talk about it on -packagers19:53
apacheloggercc some more lists :P19:53
yofelnah, seems they fixed it19:54
_Groo_yofel: ill give cookies all around if you can port 4.8 to oneiric too :D20:52
_Groo_yofel: it should work *tm* out of the box :P20:52
yofel_Groo_: uh... it's already in the beta ppa?20:52
_Groo_yofel: oO wha???20:52
yofel_Groo_: https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/beta/+packages20:52
_Groo_never release cookies before checking20:53
_Groo_yofel: i dont see qt 4.8 there20:55
yofel_Groo_: ah wait, now we're mixing kde and qt20:55
yofelI don't see qt 4.8 in precise either20:56
_Groo_yofel: eheh thats why the cookies :D20:56
_Groo_yofel: kde i know, remember i kudo you yesterday for 4.7.95 :D20:56
_Groo_me wants qt 4.8 cause of this http://noughmad.com/2011/12/26/appmenu-is-here/20:57
yofelI'm not touching qt I fear, at least not until kde is done and a few other things on my todo list are done20:57
_Groo_yofel: changed a lot from 4.7?20:57
_Groo_package wise20:57
yofelwell, I have no idea, and I'm not willing to take the riks20:57
_Groo_im gonna take for a spin tomorrow then20:58
yofelit'll probably at least need a patch review20:58
_Groo_get 4.8, 4.7 debians to 4.8 and see what breaks :)20:58
_Groo_yofel: i usually build without patches20:58
yofelwell, you'll have to review them at *some* point20:58
_Groo_yofel: nah, i just send all bug reports to #phonon20:59
_Groo_precise will go for qt 4.8 or still 4.7.x?21:03
_Groo_is there still time?21:03
Riddell_Groo_: of course we've patched qt for appmenu for ages21:03
Riddellsince we wrote it21:03
_Groo_Riddell: yeah but i want the second choice... menus in the window border21:04
_Groo_dont like appmenus21:04
_Groo_i dont like macs..21:04
_Groo_i dont like stupid menus floating out of the window21:05
_Groo_Riddell: does the kubuntu qt also has the patch for the second kind?21:07
_Groo_btw according to the blog, to use menus in the window border seamlessly , gtk needs to be recompiled21:08
_Groo_i know kubuntu doesnt ship gtk libs per default21:08
_Groo_my question is.. would ubuntu devs be suportive of recompiling gtk libs before precise gets out? or its out of the question?21:09
_Groo_to integrate with qt 4.8?21:09
Riddellqt exports the menu, anything can display it if it has the code21:10
Riddellgtk too21:10
_Groo_Riddell: second choice, menus in the window border... needs a gtk recompile to be able to be used when using qt/kde21:13
_Groo_i believe the author is refering with the oxygen-gtk theme prolly21:13
_Groo_seeya all tomorrow21:21

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