
nndmaSo I just installed Kubuntu 11.10 and quite often the mouse and keyboard just freeze for a while. Anyone an idea why?01:49
SunTsunndma: usb device, both?01:50
SunTsucould somebody please stop this channel mode war?01:50
nndmaSunTsu:No, it's a laptop and I'm using the touchpad.01:51
SunTsunndma: well, unless their connected internally via usb that rules out my idea01:52
nndmaSunTsu: Ok, thx anyway!01:56
=== EvilJackyAlcine is now known as JackyAlcine
SnowhogJontheEchidna: The problem with the FloodBots we experienced last night is beginning again today. Currently only two - FloodBotK2 and K3, but they are in conflict with each other - again.02:43
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) Hobbsee, Tm_T, Nalioth, Riddell, seth, imbrandon, gnomefreak, nixternal, ryanakca, mneptok, PriceChild, tsimpson, jussi, Pici, ikonia, genii, Mamarok, claydoh, maco, apachelogger, seele, Nightrose, JontheEnchidna, rgreening, or txwikinger02:44
JontheEchidna^floodbots run amok02:45
JontheEchidnaoh, I'm an op?02:45
JontheEchidnaheh, didn't know that02:45
SnowhogCan you get in contact with dax? He fixed them last night.02:45
=== JontheEchidna is now known as JontheEnchidna
=== JontheEnchidna is now known as JontheEchidna
SnowhogOr can you square them away?02:46
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit02:49
JontheEchidnathat should do it02:49
SnowhogJontheEchidna: Any idea what is creating the conflicts?02:51
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SnowhogThank you JontheEchidna.02:58
JontheEchidnano prob02:58
SnowhogJontheEchidna: FloodBotK2 has returned!03:03
pangolinI restarted it03:04
Kwashiorkorepic saga03:04
pangolinhopefully should fix it03:04
JontheEchidnathanks :)03:04
Snowhogpangolin: These three bots aren't able to get along. Do you know why?03:04
pangolinJontheEchidna: if it gives more issues contact tsimpson03:04
JontheEchidnapangolin: will do03:04
pangolinSnowhog: probably a recent netsplit caused them to get upset03:04
JontheEchidnaah, one probably was on the other side of the split, and didn't think that there should be join throttling03:05
pangolinlooks like they calmed down for now :)03:08
semitoneshey you guys03:48
semitonesI was looking in the bluetooth settings for a way to disable it by default on startup, but I couldn't find any03:48
semitonesdoes anyone know how to do that?03:48
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Snowhogsemitones: Disable it in Startup Services.03:53
semitonesSnowhog: I searched services, and unchecked the bluetooth one, is that good enough?03:58
semitonesHow will I start bluetooth if I need it?03:58
semitonesI'm doing this to save battery life :)03:58
SunTsusemitones: my laptop simply has a switch to turn it off03:59
semitonesSunTsu: mine does too, but it doesn't work04:00
semitonesI think it depends on HP software in windows, pressing it in ubuntu does nthing04:00
SunTsusemitones: then, do as Snowhog said, disable the startup service and enable it as soon as you need it. Or diable it in your wm's bluetooth manager if that allows for it04:01
semitonescool, it is done :D04:02
semitonesthanks a lot04:02
semitonesand merry christmas / happy holidays!04:02
drostieHm. Firefox on Oneiric seems to have its title bar a shade too dark (based on GTK maybe?) and it's a bit ugly. Does anyone know if I could change how Kubuntu colors non-Qt applications?04:06
Snowhogdrostie: Concider using Oxygen KDE (Firefox Theme) on KDE-look.org. http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/Oxygen+KDE+%28Firefox+Theme%29?content=11796204:10
lsvdoes anyone knows what the '-DL', '-DS' and '-DW' flags are for in the gcc compiler?04:13
drostieSnowhog: that fixed part of the problem but the title bar is still too dark. :x04:14
Resistancelsv:  did you read the manpages?04:18
drostieHere's a screencap of the bad coloring problem I'm dealing with: http://drostie.org/firefox_bad_title.jpg04:18
drostieWithout being much closer to white the white drop-shadow becomes much more visible and out-of-place. D:04:19
drostieAlso it's apparently not a GTK thing; GIMP has no problem with it. But I have no idea what Firefox runs on, so... :x04:20
lsvResistance: I went through the online one and could not find anything...04:21
Resistancelsv: online one where :P04:22
lsvResistance: I just google "gcc manual"04:23
lsvResistance: I think it has to do with macros..04:23
drostieAha. Some weird workarounds later, basically this theme was meant to be used without a title bar. ^_^;;04:31
drostieThe feel is a little weird but oh well.04:32
drostieYeah this workaround breaks more than it's worth. :x04:34
drostiebwahahaha, gotcha. :D System Settings > Workspace Appearance > Fine Tuning > Background style :: set to "Radial Gradient". :D :D :D04:41
=== LjL^ is now known as LjL
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit04:55
milo_Hey everybody.05:58
milo_Merry Christmas05:58
adrian_bergHow do I install this? http://kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=13968405:59
undefined0how do i make plasma desktop as my default ui?06:00
adrian_bergIt is the default06:01
undefined0in my netbook, netbook ui is the default06:01
adrian_bergHave you tried switching workspaces?06:02
undefined0i can't find the workspace switcher >.<06:03
adrian_berglook for activities in your widget menu06:04
adrian_berg"activities" without the quotes06:04
adrian_bergHow do I install this? http://kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=13968406:04
milo_Lot of people are asking questions about plasma desktop.06:06
undefined0yeah i don't like the netbook interface on my netbook >.<06:07
undefined0i want the desktop interface so badly :(06:07
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adrian_bergtry windows button + tab06:08
undefined0adrian_berg, this is what i want http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:UbuntuNattyKDE.png :)06:10
adrian_bergI understand06:12
Kimlarouxkde has a netbook interface?06:12
adrian_bergOne second, I'm actually in the process of heavily modifying my theme.. so it's a bit difficult06:12
adrian_bergKimlaroux: Heh06:12
adrian_berg...and a tablet interface06:13
milo_Hey Kimlaroux. Nice to see a familiar face=name06:13
milo_or would it be name=face06:13
milo_I don't know programming. You get what I'm saying.06:13
milo_Anybody got any bit torrent client recommendations? I'm using ktorrent but...06:15
KimlarouxI use ktorrent too06:16
Kimlarouxwhat's wrong with it? What bugs be is you can't go select other files into a folder once the download started06:16
milo_It's just when I open the torrent thing, and the files pop up with the selection of files before it starts downloading I can't tell what is what. When I had bitTorrent on windows I could see what was a video file with the name, what was a text file with the name of the file, etc. Is that even an option on Ktorrent?06:20
Kimlarouxisn't the extention enough?06:21
milo_The extention?06:22
milo_Damn. I put on newspaper template and my desktop icons dissappeared.06:22
Kimlarouxwhat follows the last dot in the file name06:23
milo_Linux is tricky.06:23
milo_I will have to check that out.06:23
Kimlarouxlike .bin .mp3 .iso06:23
undefined0wew i got it working :))06:24
milo_They all say MiB. What's that stand for?06:50
milo_"The men...in...black!" chorus "The men in black!"06:51
milo_Yeah, I don't see an extension. The thing that opens it up says "Opening Drive.2011.scr.Xvid-playXD" and it the size of the files06:52
milo_Which what MiB must stand for. But I don't see any file extensions, etc.06:52
gribouilleI use the veromix plasmoid. when a flash video is run, veromix doesn't display the flash icon, but a blank one. what does it mean?07:07
adrian_bergWill someone copy/paste the contents of /usr/share/kde4/apps/kwin/07:24
Kimlarouxadrian_berg, http://paste.kde.org/177782/07:28
Kimlarouxadrian_berg, did you get my paste?07:30
adrian_bergKimlaroux: Nope07:31
milo_How do people not get frustrated with linux?07:31
adrian_bergThanks Kimlaroux07:32
adrian_bergOh poo07:37
adrian_bergHe/she pasted the contents of the directory07:38
milo_That guy is helpful.07:38
milo_And they just left.07:38
adrian_bergWanted /usr/share/kde4/apps/kwin/aurorae.desktop07:38
gribouilleI use the veromix plasmoid. when a flash video is run, veromix doesn't display the flash icon, but a blank one. what does it mean?07:38
adrian_bergNo idea :(07:38
adrian_bergWill someone please paste the contents of /usr/share/kde4/apps/kwin/aurorae.desktop07:41
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=== cds is now known as thechris
adrian_bergI still have the same issue as before08:45
adrian_berggrxmrx, zorael_: Would one of you paste the contents of /usr/share/kde4/apps/kwin/aurorae.desktop?08:47
adrian_bergI deleted that manually and now I can't install new window border themes.08:47
TAG__is there an irc channel dedicated to the kubuntu plasma active / mobile effort?08:51
TAG__I tried installing the stuff from the ppa, but it keeps on erroring with existing files08:51
adrian_bergTAG__: You might try #plasma08:56
adrian_bergreeper: Would one of you paste the contents of /usr/share/kde4/apps/kwin/aurorae.desktop?09:03
phoenix_firebrdanyone usning presise dailybuild?09:17
phoenix_firebrdanyone using presise dailybuild?09:17
zorael_adrian_berg: http://paste.kde.org/177806/ if still of interest09:23
zorael_and/or apt-get install --reinstall kde-window-manager-common09:23
adrian_bergzorael_: Someone pasted09:30
adrian_bergphoenix_firebrd in #kde09:30
merlin1991hey for some reason the kde menu does not honor my .desktop files in ~/.local/share/applications09:33
merlin1991any reason why it doesn't or wher the .desktop files should be instead to get picked up?09:33
merlin1991nvm it eventually picked them up09:38
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gribouilleI use the veromix plasmoid. when a flash video is run, veromix doesn't display the flash icon, but a blank one. what does it mean?10:50
tsimpsongribouille: as far as I know, adobe flash can only uses ALSA or OSS, not pulse11:01
gribouilletsimpson, it is a problem with icons11:02
tsimpsonI doubt flash has an icon11:03
gribouilletsimpson, of course it does11:14
tsimpsonit's not an application, it's a plugin11:15
gribouilletsimpson, and?11:15
tsimpsonso there probably isn't an icon set for the plugin11:16
achehlovдобпый день, может кто помочь? возникла следующая проблема при загрузке kubuntu появляется сообщение "waiting for network configuration" загружается система теперь внесколько раз медленне. что делать?11:19
tsimpson!ru | achehlov11:20
ubottuachehlov: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.11:20
achehlov /join #ubuntu-ru11:21
gribouilletsimpson, of course threre is11:29
tsimpsonwhat do you mean? maybe Adobe have an official icon for it, but that has nothing to do with one being installed and associated with the particular library used to interpret and display flash in a browser11:30
Aprendizhi all11:35
AprendizSunTsu: are u there?11:35
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SunTsuAprendiz: barely12:37
AprendizSunTsu: on friday we were talking about a problem with my ipod and amarok in kubuntu. You told me about permission on that dev but in my office I have the ipod working and the same permission in the dev. I have discovered a bug in that because If I connect the ipod amarok doesn't detect it but If I browse inside the ipod throght dolphin the ipod appear in amarok12:41
SunTsuAprendiz: maybe there's a bug in dbus handling of the event12:43
soeeyofel, is it possible to test 4.7.95 already ?12:52
yofelsoee: just finished building in the private archive - you'll get it today12:52
soeeyofel, all works fine ?12:52
yofelon precise yes, didn't have time to test oneiric yet12:53
soeealso what is this package: ksecrets in Precise12:53
yofelthat is a test packaging of ksecretserviced, but I'm not yet sure if it's in a state that's usable for us12:54
TAG__Anyone here running plasma active?12:54
SunTsu!ask | TAG__12:55
ubottuTAG__: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience12:55
soeeyofel, ok thank you12:55
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TAG__Well, my question is, does force installing from the ppa cause any major issues in kubuntu?12:57
akishi all. is there any easy way to make my kde looking like gnome under 10.04?12:57
AprendizSunTsu: in amarok tells me that 2.5 fix many thins about ipod13:01
yon_what are the required packs to run gmapcatcher in kubuntu 11.1013:02
yon_what are the required packs to run gmapcatcher in kubuntu 11.1013:07
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emaI need to downgrade my x-server - could anyone please write me the apt command14:18
TAGok, the kubuntu-beta ppa supposedly has plasma-active / mobile in it, but I don't see any packages?14:19
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TAGwoah the netbook shell needs work :\14:44
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bretzelHellow, Where canI have hints about php/apache userdir mod, localhost/~[user]/index.php - the module php is not working ( downloads the file instead of running the php script15:32
bretzeldoh!!!!!!!!!!!! nevermind! ( Debian installer disable php in userdir by default!!!! [ /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/php5.conf ... turning On the userdir line ) ] so fixed :-) But this is really DUMB . Debian != Ubuntu newbies!! or installer script MUST ask to enable or disable it!!!15:37
dietrichhello, i got issue in upgrading my kubuntu karmic, can somebody help me ?16:14
SunTsudietrich: not without you telling what this problem is16:17
SunTsu!details | dietrich16:17
ubottudietrich: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."16:17
dietrichI have a problem with apt, i'm running kubuntu karmic when i try to update i get the following output "Err http://archive.ubuntu.com karmic/main Packages16:19
dietrich  404 Not Found16:19
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dietrichand then i can't upgrade my packages16:20
SunTsudietrich: well, Karmic is well beyond support16:21
dietrichokay, but can I upgrade it to an other version which is supported ?16:22
SunTsudietrich: you might want to consider upgrading at least to Lucid LTE16:22
dietrichyes I want to upgrade to Lucid16:23
SunTsuwold be best, that's right the release after karmic and has support lasting into the next year, when the next LTE comes out16:24
dietrichwhen I try an apt-get dist-upgrade, there is no upgrade done, is it a wrong command ?16:27
SunTsudietrich: it's do-release-upgrade you want16:27
dietrichapt-get do-release-upgrade gives me an error message : operation not valid16:30
dietrichis it possible to do it via graphical interface ?16:30
SunTsudietrich: did I say that it's an apt-get sub-command?16:31
dietrichthank you it seems to work16:32
SunTsudietrich: good luck with it16:35
dietrichi have enough space disk in my file sytem to uprage, but I've got 10GB in my /home partition16:48
dietrichi hav'nt enough space*16:48
dietrichcan I choose to store all the downloaded files needed to upgrade in my /home ?16:49
aamissionHi all ! , , I need a little help and info17:04
aamissionAnyone here ?17:05
aamissionhey U17:06
Torchaamission: just ask your question, don't ask to ask ;-)17:07
aamissionI need the text on IRC bigger17:08
aamissionsecond , , I need to edit my GRUB list  I knew how to do it  4 years ago but cant remeber17:09
soeewhat irc client are you using ?17:10
aamissionI just came back to Linux this weekend, trrrrying to load OS's17:11
aamissionI just asked, got no help, going to read support documents17:16
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indianajoostProblem with microphone. Doesn't work with skype on ubuntu 10.11. Adjusting settings in salsamixer doesn't help. Through sound recorder my voice is recorded fine, though...17:51
stuqdoes anyone know how to get the old-style folder view widget back?  Since my upgrade to 4.7.3, there's a new folder view with a lot less functionality...18:09
stuqit presents a file folder icon in your panel, when you click it gives you a drop-down of whatever you choose as the main dir.18:10
stuq you *used to* be able to click sub-dir. and keep drilling down18:10
stuqnew one only goes one level deep18:10
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit18:36
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=== Guest37575 is now known as GospeL
outsiderhi i need a aplication for hide my ip18:48
outsiderany ideas?18:49
Snowhogoutsider: Google is your friend. Search on "hide your IP while surfing the internet" and you'll get loads of hits.18:50
outsiderim in18:51
outsiderbut i cant find ffor linux18:51
Snowhogemachines: English please.19:09
soeeyofel, how is the progress with 11.10 packages ?19:37
yofelsoee: just copied it to beta, will be available in a few minutes19:45
kintahave I to edit ksmserverrc to get kwin_gles working? ( in kde 4.8 from beta repos )19:48
DarsVaedahi, I installed java6 and the plugin but in firefox it does not show up, any help?19:49
rekcuFniarBDarsVaeda: I thing You need this package http://packages.ubuntu.com/natty/icedtea-plugin20:02
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DarsVaedaI do not want icedtea, but thank you20:03
rekcuFniarBWhy not? I have it in my system and it works.20:06
rekcuFniarBIt uses openjdk-6-jre20:07
DarsVaedayeah thats fine and I like to slap everyone that wrote that in the forums ;)20:07
DarsVaedafound out, the correct file is libnpjp2.so20:07
DarsVaedaif you link that to you mozilla plugins folder it works20:07
soeeyofel, great :)20:09
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RusselAnyone is using konversation?20:50
KjetilKRussel, yeah, I do20:50
KjetilKOn my Debian Squeeze box, though, so older version20:51
RusselI need someone to take a look at the general tab settings on the konversation version that comes with the lastest kubuntu20:52
RusselKonversation 1.320:52
RusselI think an option is missing20:52
* KjetilK looks20:54
* kjetil looks too :-)20:54
KjetilKRussel, I have 1.3.1 both on my Debian Squeeze box and my latest Kubuntu, both running now20:56
KjetilKwhere should I look?20:56
RusselConfigure Konversation -> Behaviou -> General -> Miscellaneous20:57
RusselDo you see the "Automatically join channel on invite" option?20:57
KjetilKRussel, no, on neither box20:58
RusselOk... I know this option was in prior versions... must be a bug21:00
RusselThanks for your help21:00
KjetilKRussel, glad I could help21:00
KjetilKthen it sounds like it has actually fallen out of Debian21:00
RusselNo idea21:01
tsimpson#konversation is the best place to ask about that21:01
RusselThat is my next move :)21:02
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Snowhogtsimpson: As a frequent visitor here, and having watch over the last few days, the battle of the FloodBots, I'm curious as to what is actually going on. Has FloodBotK3 gone rouge??21:12
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adrian_bergPlease see http://imgur.com/a/EB5JW21:39
adrian_bergThe first image is what I'm presented with during bootup21:39
adrian_bergClicking okay then shows me a kdm login screen21:40
adrian_bergI type in my credentials and it returns me back to the login screen21:40
adrian_bergI click KDE Plasma Workspace and it logins21:40
adrian_bergWhen it's logged in, I'm presented with that error21:41
adrian_bergSomething is trying to unlock what looks like a gnome-keyring21:41
adrian_bergBefore receiving these errors, I did sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm21:42
adrian_bergand made KDM my default login manager21:42
adrian_bergI then did kdesudo systemsettings and installed the xenon theme (I probably shouldn't have done this as root which might be causing problems)21:42
adrian_bergI then went to the convenience tab and selected Enable Auto-Login21:43
adrian_bergSelected my user and selected the "Lock session" option21:43
adrian_bergApplied changes21:43
adrian_bergAnd here I am21:44
adrian_bergI'm going to try removing the theme as root and seeing if I get the same error21:44
adrian_bergOh, also21:44
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adrian_bergI did sudo chmod 1777 /tmp && sudo chmod 1777 /var/tmp and rebooted to the same problems21:44
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adrian_bergOh, and I changed my kwallet password to a blank password21:45
adrian_bergI then deleted it and reboot, same errors21:45
adrian_bergGoing to try removing the theme as root and rebooting21:45
adrian_bergWell that didn't work21:52
adrian_bergI just found where you can disable the kwallet subsystem21:53
adrian_bergFrom within systemsettings21:53
adrian_bergJust did that21:53
adrian_bergAlso, there is an error when trying to install the Xenon theme as a regular user21:54
adrian_bergError-System Settings: Unable to authenticate/execute the action: (code 4)21:54
adrian_berg...which is basically saying I have to be root21:56
adrian_bergDidn't see the option "Enable passwordless logins" Let's see if that does anything21:57
kinta_what are the benefits of kwin_gles over kwin?21:59
adrian_bergAnd #kubuntu is dead during the holidays :(22:01
adrian_bergGuess I will ask in #ubuntu22:04
macramadrian_berg: what are you asking?22:05
adrian_bergmacram: http://paste.ubuntu.com/783959/22:07
Snowhogadrian_berg: That isn't helpful - it's just part of the monolog you had going here. What is your specific issue?22:08
adrian_bergDuring boot I'm presented with those errors, I don't want them22:09
adrian_bergThe two images linked22:09
adrian_bergThe first comes before kdm22:09
macramadrian_berg: from here without more data it can be the X server running out of memory22:09
adrian_bergHow can we verify this?22:09
adrian_bergIt has 4gb to work with22:09
macramadrian_berg: giant memory leak?22:10
adrian_bergWait, I guess that's not memory for the graphics card22:10
macrami only can see one screenshot, btw22:11
adrian_bergAll I want is passwordless login22:12
adrian_bergMaybe I should try making lightdm the login manager :\22:12
macramadrian_berg: wait a mom22:12
macramhow much free disk space do you have?22:12
adrian_berg/dev/sda9             259G   72G  174G  30% /22:13
macramadrian_berg: only one volume?22:13
adrian_berg$df -h22:13
adrian_bergudev                  1.9G  4.0K  1.9G   1% /dev22:13
adrian_bergtmpfs                 776M 1004K  775M   1% /run22:13
adrian_bergnone                  5.0M     0  5.0M   0% /run/lock22:14
adrian_bergnone                  1.9G  3.0M  1.9G   1% /run/shm22:14
FloodBotK2adrian_berg: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:14
adrian_berg/home/adrian/.Private  259G   72G  174G  30% /home/adrian22:14
macramcrap, i think this thing muted you22:14
macramyou chmoded /tmp with 777, right?22:14
adrian_berg1777 actually, but same thing22:14
macramonly chmod 777 /tmp?22:14
macramor chmod -R 777 /tmp?22:15
adrian_berg1777 /tmp and /var/tmp22:15
adrian_bergonly chmod22:15
adrian_bergGuess I could recursively apply it22:15
macramplease try -R ;)22:15
adrian_bergsudo chmod -R 1777 /var/tmp && sudo chmod -R 1777 /tmp were the commands used22:19
adrian_berg&& sudo reboot22:19
macramthis is gonna look crazy22:19
macramplease check the permissions of /dev/null22:20
adrian_bergcrw-rw-rw- 1 root root 1, 3 2011-12-26 16:16 null22:20
adrian_bergThat doesn't look good...22:20
adrian_bergGuess I should 0666 that mess22:21
macramadrian_berg: they are good, don't try anything crazy!22:22
adrian_bergOh, really?22:22
adrian_bergIt's 0666 now22:22
adrian_bergNot kubuntu specific now, how do you make the permissions crw-rw-rw- root:root now :)22:22
adrian_bergI can do the root:root22:23
* adrian_berg mans chmod22:23
macrami think crw-rw-rw- equals 166622:23
adrian_bergdrw-rw-rwT  2 adrian adrian   4096 2011-12-26 16:24 blah22:24
adrian_bergNo big deal, 0666 should be fine22:25
macramadrian_berg: nevermind about /dev/null22:26
macramstill reading...22:26
macramcheck permissions of your /home22:26
macram(mine would be /home/macram)22:26
macramand also check permissions of ~/.kde422:27
adrian_bergSorry, was on the phone22:28
adrian_bergI just noticed that I didn't click the checkbox for these: http://i.imgur.com/QbWFn.png22:28
adrian_bergI guess that's okay, nevermind22:29
adrian_bergdrwx------ 97 adrian adrian 24576 2011-12-26 16:24 adrian22:29
macrami don't know what could be your problem, mate22:31
macrambecause i think it could be a million things22:31
manuwitch one is more stabil?...Kubuntu 32 or 64?22:38
=== manu is now known as Guest43764
Guest43764witch one is more stabil?...Kubuntu 32 or 64?22:38
Guest43764witch one is more stabil?...Kubuntu 32 or 64?22:40
adrian_bergmacram: hey22:45
tsimpsonSnowhog: they all run exactly the same code, so who knows what's up with it22:45
adrian_bergsudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm22:45
adrian_bergselecting lightdm resolves the problems22:45
adrian_bergI can't manage to automatically login though22:46
adrian_bergI selected automatic login from gnome-control-center for my user22:46
adrian_bergAlso manually edited the lightdm file after that didn't work22:46
adrian_bergThat didn't work either22:46
adrian_bergI just want autologin :)22:47
macramadrian_berg: edit /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf22:47
macramoh, well22:47
adrian_bergmacram: Yeah22:47
adrian_bergThat's what I did22:47
adrian_bergHeh, oh well, I refuse to accept :D22:47
macramyeah yeah, i have a bit of lag :)22:47
adrian_bergTakes forever to get to a KDE session22:47
macramadrian_berg: show me lightdm.conf22:47
adrian_bergI think auto-logging-in would at least put it somewhat on par with the default ubuntu unity stuff22:48
Snowhogadrian_berg: You running 11.10?22:48
adrian_bergmacram: Sure22:48
adrian_bergSnowhog: Yes22:48
Snowhogadrian_berg: System Settings > Login Screen > Convenience  and check Enable Password-Less Logins doesn't work for you?22:49
adrian_bergSnowhog: Nope, I'm not using KDM anymore, had those problems stated above which weren't resolved22:50
macramadrian_berg: and what session do you want to use ;)22:50
macrami think this thing is right as it should be, so...22:50
adrian_bergI'm going to try using KDM once mroe22:53
Guest43764witch one is more stabil?...Kubuntu 32 or 64?22:54
macramGuest43764: what kind of machine is going to run it?22:55
Guest43764a 64 bit cpu....22:58
mateuszch_Hi everyone22:59
mateuszch_I've got a certain problem with my kubuntu 11.10 running on lenovo thinkpad22:59
mateuszch_The thing is, sometimes I can't simply shut it down23:00
Guest437644 g23:00
mateuszch_and if I write in console "shutdown now" it requires su permissions23:00
mateuszch_before I quit, plasma usually crashes23:01
macrammateuszch_: YOU'RE NOT ALONE, same problem here23:02
mateuszch_macram: You haven't solved it yet?23:02
macrammateuszch_: nope, still looking for a fix23:02
Guest43764is a easy fix23:04
mateuszch_Guest43764: I'll check it, thanks a lot :)23:04
mateuszch_Guest43764: Well, it seems  I had this /sbin/shutdown -h -P now set from the very beginning, so that's not the reason I think.23:07
mateuszch_macram: What kubuntu version are you running? 64 or 32 bits?23:09
macrammateuszch_: 6423:09
macramand my wifi adapter identifies itself as "Atheros Communications Inc. AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express) (rev 01)"23:09
mateuszch_Guest43764: I think the same ;p23:10
Guest43764I had the same problem a wild ago, I should write down the fix... :)23:11
mateuszch_macram: I've got intel's card23:11
macramjust configured /sbin/shutdown -P (it was -h -P)23:11
macrami'll try to shut down now (i'm going to sleep, here it's 12am and i'm travelling tomorrow)23:12
macrami'll keep you in touch if the fix works for me23:12
macramgood night, people!23:12
mateuszch_good night ;)23:12
mateuszch_Guest43764: But what is even more strange, it happens only in KDE-mode. While using xfce/gnome-shell,  I didn't have such problems23:15
Guest43764try to delete the -h23:15
Guest43764keep only /sbin/shutdown -P23:16
mateuszch_Guest43764: Done. I'll check it now23:16
Guest43764/sbin/shutdown -P now23:17
janisozaurhow do I set up japanese input method, please?23:19
Guest43764it worked?23:20
mateuszchGuest43764: It seems so :)23:21
mateuszchGuest43764: But after several shutdowns I'll be able to say it for certain ;)23:21
mateuszchGuest43764: Anyway, thanks for  both your help and time :)23:22

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