
nigelbwgrant: You never know :D01:30
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=== Mohan-chml is now known as nyuszika7h
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
CoreyHowdy.  I'm trying to understand why I get a failure message on upload (specifically that the Changes file must be signed with a valid GPG signature), yet... it built my package anyway.20:05
AmpelbeinCorey: Known issue. bug 79895720:06
ubot5Launchpad bug 798957 in Launchpad itself "PPA Uploads are seemingly (but not actually) rejected" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79895720:06
CoreyAmpelbein: Ahhh...20:06
CoreyI was tearing my hair out over that.  Thanks. :-)20:06
CoreyFile zeromq_2.1.10.orig.tar.gz already exists in Primary Archive for Ubuntu, but uploaded version has different contents. <-- Hmm, hitting that issue for a few packages.20:21
CoreyEven after I removed the original from the upload.20:21
CoreyThe canonically correct solution is: downloading the pristine original tarball from the location pointed in the rejection message;, but I'm not sure where that would live. :-)20:25
micahgCorey: pull-lp-source zeromq will get you that tarball20:28
Coreymicahg: Ah, thanks!20:28
micahgit's in precise ATM20:28
Coreymicahg: Understood, thanks.20:28
Coreymicahg: After that, same error, and the orig is never uploaded.20:30
CoreyAh, I think I have to rebuild.20:31
micahgCorey: you want to create the source with debuild -S -sd20:31
Coreymicahg: The man page doesn't say what -s does.20:32
micahgCorey: -sd is a flag passed to dpkg-buildpackage which uploads the .diff and .dsc only20:33
Coreymicahg: And this is all based on a gzip timestamp?20:34
Coreymicahg: I did this procedure for a few packages, half of them "just worked" the rest keep whining about orig.tar.gz not being the same.20:34
micahgah, that's your question :), the .orig.tar.gz check is based off of the md5sum I believe20:36
Coreymicahg: Hmm.  So the procedure I've been doing is more or less  apt-get source sourcename; cd package-name; debuild -S; dput PPA packagename.changes20:36
CoreyShould I replace apt-get sourcename with pull-lp-sources?20:37
micahgCorey: yeah, you want debuild -S -sd unless you're adding a new upstream20:37
Coreymicahg: The entire goal here is "I don't want to have to install five PPAs for this package to work, I want to source it out of one repository."20:37
micahgCorey: let's move to #ubuntu-packaging20:40
CoreyIs there a "correct" way to copy a PPA for the scenario of "I want to have a testing repository but the PPA itself should only have the stable version in it?"21:38
CoreyI don't know if branching a repository works, or if I should duplicate it.21:38
micahgCorey: there is a copy packages link on the +packages page of the PPA21:40
Coreymicahg: That... would have been a lot easier than rebuilding all of them. :-)21:45
broderwhat am i supposed to do if i get an oops loading a bug page? do i just open a bug against launchpad with the oops identifier?22:22
broderoh i see, it has a massive number of duplicates22:22

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