
=== Crismas is now known as Crisco
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
lilsteviedoes live-build from the repos work for arm targets, or can I only use the linaro one12:59
qwebirc35164I was hoping to get some help. I am trying to get Ubuntu on a beagleboard C5. I follow the instructions @ OMAPMaverickInstall. I get back an error after writing to nand at 0x260000 that says MMC:  block number 0X1 exceed max 0x020:19
qwebirc35164OMAP3 beagleboard.org # setenv bootcmd 'mmc init;mmc rescan;fatload mmc 0 0x82000000 boot.scr;source 0x82000000'; setenv autostart yes; saveenv; boot20:21
qwebirc35164The board was sent with a pre loaded Angstrom Image. Now when I do a reset I cant acess that image.20:29
infinitylilstevie: live-build in the repos is what we use for building official images.  But it depends on what you mean by "work for arm targets".23:02
infinitylilstevie: We create livefses in live-build, but we make them bootable with cdimage.23:02

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