
=== EvilJackyAlcine is now known as JackyAlcine
=== Guest5129 is now known as IAmNotThatGuy
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MrChrisDruifGood afternoon everyone, here's an interesting one. I've installed gdebi, but in the properties of a .deb I can't select it (let alone make it the default action). Does anybody know if this is a known issue, is it solved in Precise or should there be a bug made? And if so, where?11:25
Silverlioncan you repost it MrChrisDruif11:27
MrChrisDruifGood afternoon everyone, here's an interesting one. I've installed gdebi, but in the properties of a .deb I can't select it (let alone make it the default action). Does anybody know if this is a known issue, is it solved in Precise or should there be a bug made? And if so, where?11:27
SilverlionMrChrisDruif : no idea :D11:28
MrChrisDruifashickur-noor; any experience with gdebi in Oneiric by any chance?11:28
MrChrisDruifThought so Silverlion11:28
Silverlion[12:22] Silverlion: ok need help making a decision: shall i go a fourth time to try and install lubuntu or shall i directly install mint which i know works for my hardware?11:29
MrChrisDruifSilverlion; did you try that install without getting updates during install?11:31
SilverlionMrChrisDruif : i am just looking for that iso i made yesterday and trying it11:31
Silverlionbut therefore i need to re-arrange my internet connection. be back soon11:31
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falcon_how do I run applications that I downloaded from synaptic, but don,t show up in the menus15:51
holsteinfalcon_: you can type the command in the terminal, or hit ALT+F2 and type it in there15:51
falcon_what command do I need to type15:52
holsteinfalcon_: whatever command launches whatever application you installed15:52
falcon_I was typing 'run <application>'15:52
holsteinfalcon_: yup... in that command, "run" is the issue15:53
falcon_how do I find the command that launches apps15:53
holsteinif i want to run nano for example, i open the terminal and type "nano"15:53
holsteinfalcon_: its usually the name... you'll need to elaborate for me to help you... it could literally be *any* application15:54
falcon_I think you just answered that one for me15:54
falcon_next, how do I put these into a menu15:54
holsteini see you are running lxde.. http://wiki.lxde.org/en/LXDE:Questions#How_do_I_add_custom_sub-menu_and.2For_launcher_to_LXDE.27s_main_menu.3F15:55
holsteintheres a nice application i use called kupfer... you hit control+space and then you start typing the applicaion name, and it predicts and lets you launch... though, its not limited to applications15:56
falcon_also trying to get webcam use in pidgin15:58
falcon_does the end user need to be in pidgen to see my webcam??15:58
holsteinfalcon_: you can run lspci or lsusb depending on what type camera you are inquiring about... see if you see it in the list... i suggest looking at something like cheese that will 'just work' with the camera, to make sure its configured properly, then go on to configuring applications to use the camera15:59
holsteinfalcon_: i dont ue pidgin, but i would assume the best performance would be pidgin to pigin, though i had read there were plugins for other support16:00
falcon_I have gucview my webcam works fine16:00
holsteinfalcon_: cool.. so the hardware/software works fine... its just a matter of learning how to use pidgin16:01
falcon_in pidgin the webcam option does not light up16:01
duanedesignfalcon_: you can also use the command 'which' to find the command to run a program16:08
duanedesignfor example:   which nano16:09
duanedesignreturns:   /usr/bin/nano16:09
duanedesignso to run nano you can use the command:  /usr/bin/nano16:10
falcon_I downloaded freedict dictionaries but there seems to be no app to use them16:10
duanedesignor just nano because it automaagically looks in /usr/bin/16:10
falcon_also wanted to use stardict-tools from stardict app can I do that?16:12
falcon_I did download it from synaptic16:12
falcon_or is it just a command line app16:12
falcon_did anyone get sagemath to run on ubuntu. I couldn't using their directions16:15
holsteinfalcon_: do you find your answers here ? http://code.google.com/p/stardict-3/16:15
duanedesigni think that might be the package you are looking for16:15
duanedesignyes i think holstein might be on to something :) i was just looking at this http://linuxers.org/article/stardict-great-dictionary-program16:16
falcon_how come synaptic doesn't put that in the download?16:16
duanedesignand to use offline. http://linuxers.org/howto/how-make-gnome-dictionary-work-offline16:16
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=== samsul|logout|lo is now known as samsul
gnarranyone available for super noobish installation questions?18:08
sunyatagnarr: ask your question, if someone is available with an answer they'll respond18:09
gnarrtrying to install dual boot with windows 7.    on the documentation it shows 3 options on the graphical interface:   install over win7, side by side, or something else.      on my screen it only shows install over and 'something else'18:11
Abhijitchoose something else18:12
gnarrhaving never done this before, i'm kinda not keen on going past something else without understaning what i'm doing18:12
Abhijitthen create->select partitions manually and install18:12
gnarryeah it shows what appears to be 4 partitions18:12
gnarrand no empty space18:12
Abhijitdo you already had the empty space?18:12
MonkeyDustgnarr  in a terminal, type sudo fdisk -l|pastebinit and paste the url here18:13
gnarrit shows sda1 thru 4, with various space allocated to each.18:13
gnarrcan you walk me through how to do that18:14
gnarras i said, super noobish18:14
Abhijitgnarr, press ctrl alt T it will open terminal18:14
Abhijitthen type that command18:14
Abhijitwait do not type copy paste18:14
stlsaintis pastebinit now a default app?18:14
Abhijitstlsaint, i think so18:15
gnarrevidently not, it's not installed.   hold on18:15
stlsaintyea i didn't think so...18:15
gnarrhrm, followed the instructions to intall and got error from that - unable to locate package pastebinit18:16
Abhijitstlsaint, :-)18:16
stlsaintapt-get that sucker18:16
Abhijitgnarr, sudo apt-get install pastebinit18:16
stlsaintwhat distro is this and what sources are enBLED18:16
gnarrthis is 11.1018:17
gnarrnot sure how to determine sources?18:17
gnarrabhijit:  that gives me an error18:17
gnarrreading pacakge lists.... Done, Building dependency tree, Reading state infomration... Done, E: Unable to locate package pastebinit18:17
AbhijitMonkeyDust, will the screenshot of gparted for that desk will do?18:18
stlsainthey wait what are we needing pastebinit for again? harddrive layout?18:19
Abhijitgnarr, open gparted. in there select your target hdd if its not selected already in top right corner take screenshot of that windows and use imagebin website to uplaod it and give us the url18:20
Abhijitstlsaint, yep as suggested by MonkeyDust18:20
stlsaintbetter yet...18:20
Abhijitoff to dinner.18:20
gnarronly root may run fparted18:20
gnarrmakin screenshot, hold18:21
holsteingnarr: do you know what that means? only root may run gparted?18:22
gnarrnot entirely.18:23
holsteinyou need proper permission to run that application... its not trivial, and running that as root *will* allow you to do some damage, so feel free and aks *before* you click18:23
gnarri'm asking because i'm trying to avoid damage :)18:24
gnarrthat is where i'm at the installtion18:24
holsteingnarr: thats an excellent policy :)18:24
gnarrand where i'm not really sure how to proceed from18:24
holsteinmost of the time we get the questions after the damage :/18:24
MonkeyDustgnarr  during installation, choose a non-used partition and format it to ext418:25
holsteingnarr: i like to suggest folks at least glance at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub218:26
MonkeyDustpartitioning is the trickiest part18:26
holsteinand think about how to revert... if you remove ubuntu, whats not going to be the same anymore18:26
gnarri suppose i should explain why i'm trying to do all this18:26
holsteinyou would need to use a windows CD to give you the windows boot loader back18:27
gnarrpretty sure the registry on win7 is fucko.    I can't boot windows from a recovery cd, safe mode, anything.18:27
holsteini say, as long as your data is backed up, and you konw how to revert, and you've check the system with a live CD, go for it18:27
gnarrbut i can boot it from an ubuntu cd18:27
gnarrwas thinking i could do side-by-side and then see if i can recover the registry18:28
gnarrrather than full win7 install18:28
holsteingnarr: installing ubuntu beside a borked windows wont do anything18:28
stlsaintgnarr: language please18:28
stlsaintand ubuntu will not touch windiws18:32
holsteingnarr: you dont want to reinstall windows *after* installing ubuntu... thats not trivial either, and you'll end up with either windows wiping ubuntu, or, best case scenario, ubuntu just not booting... theres a 'how-to' at that link i linked earlier relating to grub218:34
stlsaintholstein: why would we want to give the windows bootloader back?  why not using grub2?18:35
holsteinstlsaint: just to get back to the current 'as-is' state... its just a change i like to alert new users to18:35
gnarryeah reading a bunch of stuff right now.   baby steps and whatnot.  just trying to figure out how to recover the registry or whatever is prevent win from booting even in safe mode, going down various paths i've found via google18:36
holsteingnarr: back up your data... reinstall windows... install ubuntu beside it18:36
stlsaintUbuntu would not be the best resource to fix a windows install thats not booting18:37
holstein^^ yeah, and theres no need to install ubuntu to do that... you can run it live and do all the fixing18:37
gnarrthen how would i go about fixing via live run?18:38
gnarri guess the fixing part is where i'm lost.18:39
gnarrprobably gonna just have to reinstall18:40
holsteingnarr: yup, and you'll need to explore a windows support avenue for that... personally, i just reinstall windows... i find it much easier to just backup my data, and reinstal, and set it up properly from the beginning with backups and proper recovery steps18:40
gnarrnot a huge issue, just inconvenience, i lack a reinstall disc18:40
holsteinthats also a great time to backup the data, and try transitioning to linux full time, or to the latest release of windows18:41
sunyatagnarr: you may want to consider backing up data, then replacing windows with ubuntu, then restoring18:41
holsteini find it very benificial to run windows vitualized inside of linux..18:41
holsteindepends on what you 'need' windows for18:42
gnarrdata is backed up already.   if i replace windows with ubuntu, how (and what exactly) would i restore18:42
holsteingnarr: the data?... i just drag it over18:42
stlsainti would HIGHLY suggest that you do not transition fully to linux just yet18:42
holsteinyeah, but i also would suggest buring up a lot of time reinstalling and configuring a 10 year old operating system... i would consider purchasing windows 718:43
stlsaintunless you know right now that you do not need windows for absolutely anything18:43
* holstein assumes you are on windows XP18:43
stlsainti was able to erase windows because i do not game nor use MS office so no need for windows18:45
holsteinyeah, i migrated slowly18:45
holsteini had my audio recording machine running windows for almost 2 years after i started migrating18:46
MonkeyDusti use ms office on XP in virtual box18:47
holsteinthat'll do, but the gaming... not so much18:47
gnarruh nm.18:47
gnarrgonna go get some more brawndo18:48
stlsaintgnarr: when you return please download and run following script: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/41703043/boot_info_script060/boot_info_script.sh18:49
gnarrwhat does that do18:53
stlsaintgood that you asked ;)18:53
stlsaintprovides a layout of your hardware for troubleshooting18:53
stlsaintfeel free to take a view of the script18:53
stlsaintnothing to hide and it is widely used across the ubuntu forums community18:54
stlsaintgnarr: its going to output a RESUTLS.txt file. Copy the data of that file into pastebin site and send link here or private message18:54
gnarras far as i can tell, this is where i'm at and where i can proceed.     win7 doesn't boot in any mode.    i can boot with ubuntu to backup data (already done).    I can't use ubuntu to do any diagnostics/recovery/fixing of the win7 registry or whatever else might be causing the boot failure.19:00
gnarris that a logical conclusion?19:00
stlsaintpretty much19:01
gnarrno worries.19:06
gnarrguess i'll go the win7 reinstall route, i have backups, just no install disc (thx samsung)19:07
gnarrthanks for the assistance though19:07
gnarri haz teh learning19:07
sunyatagnarr: do you get an error message when trying to boot windows?19:10
gnarryeah i get an option to boot recovery mode or normal.   normal gets a blue screen and then restarts, recovery mode doesn't progress past the initial recovery screen, though i did get it to go to the 'keyboard layout select' screen when i booted with a recovery disc, but that's as far as it goes.19:12
gnarrs/recovery/Startup Repair19:14
sunyatagnarr: can you boot in safe mode?  have you considered using your ubuntu cd to scan for viruses?19:16
gnarrso far I haven't been able to boot in safe mode of any sort (networking, command prompt, etc)   I haven't considered virus scan - it'd be pretty surprised if that was the issue, I had active antivirus, but anything's possible19:18
urlin2ugnarr, have yo runn a chkdsk /r on the windows initiated from a recovery disc?19:20
gnarri can't 'initiate' windows at all, not sure how i can do your suggestion?19:22
gnarrbasically i can only get to bios and the f8 menu, but none of those function19:22
gnarrcan only boot w/ ubuntu19:22
gnarram about to just nuke it and reinstall win719:22
gnarror try this19:23
urlin2ugnarr, I wouldn't use that you can use another bootloader called lilo to boot windows straight. You didn't make a recovery cd?19:25
urlin2ulilo is available using a live ubuntu cd. gnarr19:26
gnarri have a recovery cd, it won't do anything for me19:27
gnarrdoes nothing after asking me what keyboard configuration i have19:27
urlin2ugnarr, the recovery will get you to a recovery terminal to run a chkdsk.19:27
gnarrsee above.19:27
urlin2ugnarr, disc is broke?19:27
gnarrwhat is supposed to happen when i boot from a recovery disc?  computer came with recovery partition, both have same result, except booting from the disc progresses to the keyboard layout question before doing nothing, partition just does nothing19:28
urlin2ugnarr, the bootscript was mentioned have you run it? This script gives a very good wha is where that will show problems a geeks best tool in this situation.19:28
gnarrhold on, booting up w/ ubuntu19:29
gnarrdownloaded the script, will run it on boot19:29
urlin2ugnarr, the recovery disc after the language pick you hey r for repair and load images repair or use a terminal to run commands19:30
LemonAidThe hangup after the keyboard selection during installation is a know issue.19:30
urlin2uLemonAid, links?19:30
urlin2uLemonAid, I'm hesitant to just believe a comment19:31
stlsaintLemonAid: and for what distro are you referring?19:31
stlsainturlin2u: also why was lilo recommended?19:31
LemonAidurlin2u, 11.04 hold on.19:31
urlin2ustlsaint, they want to reload a MS boot lilo boot windows straight like the MS boot was in the mbr,19:32
LemonAidurlin2u, http://tinyurl.com/c3ejzzk19:33
urlin2uLemonAid, read back it is a windows recovery disc.19:34
gnarrthe script .sh file - how do i run that exacty?19:36
LemonAidurlin2u, my bad.19:36
urlin2u LemonAid easy mistake, :D19:36
LemonAidgnarr, double click on it, select run from the pop up dialogue.19:37
LemonAidgnarr, you`re in ubuntu, right?19:37
stlsaintgnarr: in terminal run: chmod +x ...name of script.sh19:37
gnarrterm ok19:37
urlin2ugnarr, exstract the bootscript to the desktop and run this command from the bootscript page  sudo bash ~/Desktop/boot_info_script.sh19:37
urlin2uLemonAid, right now yeah>19:38
stlsainturlin2u: the link i sent has the script un-compressed. No need to extract anything19:38
urlin2ustlsaint, I noticed the chmod I came on after you posted the link.19:38
gnarrdealing w/ external distractions, sorry about delay19:41
stlsaintgnarr: remember paste the output to pastebin site. not directly here19:41
gnarrpastebin was not working right before19:41
stlsaintgnarr: no you was using the pastebin application "pastebinit"19:41
stlsaintor trying to use...19:42
urlin2ustlsaint, I'm going for coffee carry on. :D19:42
stlsaintgnarr: use this for paste: http://paste.debian.net/19:42
stlsaintgnarr: thought you said you had no recovery?19:46
gnarrrecovery partition?19:46
stlsaintgnarr: you said your data is already backed up and i see you have a recovery partition19:46
gnarryeah there's a recovery partition in lieu of a disc, but i can't boot from anything19:46
stlsaintyou need no mbr disk nor ubuntu cd to fix your system. You boot from the recovery19:47
gnarrright...except it won't load past a certain point19:48
stlsaintthe recovery?19:48
gnarrwhen i boot i get an option that says start in repair mode or normal.    repair mode will load up to a blue wallpaper screen and then do nothing ( i let it sit there overnight).   I've tried booting from a recovery cd as well, and the only difference is that it get prompted to input a keyboard layout type before it does nothing.19:49
stlsaintyour recovery is still shown as hidden. Are you sure you was booting recovery and not a restore point?19:50
gnarri don't really know how to tell.    i have a lot more options on the f8 boot menu (last working startup, debug mode, safe mode w/ networking, safe mode w/ command prompt) but i can't get functionality from those either19:51
sunyatagnarr: did you try opening task manager when booted up to blue wallpaper screen?19:54
gnarri think i did, but i can try again real quick19:55
sunyatalol i thought you were getting a BSOD19:55
stlsaintgnarr: yea those are not your options needed for recovery. The partition is hidden. You must use a boot disk or even gparted to select that partition and unhide it19:56
gnarri do when i try normal startup19:56
stlsaintgnarr: its on the ubuntu live disc there19:57
gnarrtrying the task manager route, then will reboot ubuntu19:57
gnarrbsod comes with normal boot - too quick for me to read anything.   recovery boot prompts for keyboard layout, then does nothing.   i see blue wallpaper a bird and a mouse pointer that i can control, but nothing progresses past this point.    ctrl-alt-del does nothing20:03
gnarrso i guess i'll boot up ubuntu again and play w/ gparted?20:03
sunyatasince no one else is answering, i think what stlsaint was wanting was for you to use gparted to set your recovery partition as active so that it would boot into it20:11
sunyatayou may want to wait for him to come back, however20:11
gnarri've found similar suggestions in various forums20:12
gnarrbooting ubuntu currently20:13
stlsaintsunyata: yes that is correct20:14
sunyatai personally find linux to be great for games, but i play old school stuff20:16
gnarrthere are no active flags on the recovery partition20:23
gnarrshould i set one?20:23
sunyataif you want to keep using windows lol20:25
gnarryah but which20:25
gnarrboot diag hidden lba lvm palo prep raid20:25
* sunyata cries20:25
sunyatai dunno, i'll guess boot, you can wait to see if someone else responds20:26
gnarrin no hurry20:27
stlsaintsorry what did i miss20:31
gnarri'm in gparted20:31
gnarrthere are no flags on my recovery partition20:31
gnarrshould i set one?20:31
gnarrstlsaint, should i set a specific flag (boot?) on the recovery partition?  there are no flags on it currently.20:34
gnarrdoes ubuntu have an included partition imager?20:46
sunyatai've used gparted to create and delete partitions before gnarr20:52
sunyataas well as fdisk20:52
gnarrconcerned about fallout if i set recovery to boot20:53
sunyatajust use gparted again to unset20:54
gnarrah yeah.20:54
gnarrokay then, let's try booting win7 again20:56
gnarrboots to the samsung recovery solution 4 screen (guess what I have a samsung laptop) and says Please wait...20:58
gnarrfairly sure this is what it was doing before, and i 'please wait'ed like 7 hrs20:58
gnarrbut i'll let it sit i guess20:59
sunyataright, samsung, korean i believe21:01
sunyatagnarr: and the ubuntu livecd you're using works fine?21:02
gnarryes can boot from that no issue21:02
sunyatamaybe samsung should just preload ubuntu on their computers :)21:02
gnarrok still nothing after 20 mins21:18
gnarrjust stuck at the samsung recovery screen21:18
sunyatalooks like a fresh OS install is your only option at this point21:24
sunyatagnarr: unless you have other ideas21:24
gnarrhm where can i get an install disk from21:25
sunyatayou mean a windows install disk?  you're on your own there gnarr21:37
sunyatai was going to suggest you could call samsung support gnarr21:38
gnarrwhat is that?21:40
gnarrmight i be able to resintall from that if i have a valid key?21:41
urlin2ugnarr, you need a oem disc for a oem reinstall.21:47
gnarrso what is at that link?  not really sure what 'oem' is21:48
urlin2ugnarr, if you have a key for the official I would install it no firmware from samsung. A oem is samsungs version.21:48
sunyataoem stands for "origial equipment manufacturer", so a disc that comes from the manufacturer21:49
urlin2ugnarr, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OEM21:49
* JackyAlcine thinks we need to add that term to ubot2`21:49
ubot2`Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate21:50
gnarrlaptop just came w/ recover partition21:50
gnarrguess it's to the telephone.  Anyong.21:50
sunyatathere may be isos out there, but i'm not sure about the legalities so i don't want to recommend anything to you gnarr21:56
gnarryeah not looking for anything of that sort.    i live in asia, i can walk down the street and score pirated windows.   I have a legit copy, jsut trying to reinstall it without having a disc21:57
urlin2ugnarr, you nust need a key that will go with the install, with oem's it is automatic, your best bet is to get the oem disc set for reinstalling from samsung.21:58
gnarrgonna call them in a sec21:59
urlin2ugnarr, or just buy a retail release you will loose the samsung junk that way and have a better setup.21:59
gnarrnot a desirable option22:00
gnarrmight as well just buy brand new laptop22:00
urlin2ugnarr, a retail release is actually better you get more and no firmware, no problems like you have right now. You can image it, which you can with a oem, but yiou have a disc for reinstall.22:01
MonkeyDustgood for economy22:01
urlin2ugnarr, that retail release can be put on any computer the oem can't.22:02
gnarrhm  $12022:04
gnarrthought it would be more22:04

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