
prokoudinehi folks14:35
prokoudinelooks like there is something wrong with your brand colors :)14:36
prokoudinein PDF they are not what they really are14:36
prokoudinethe codes are all right14:36
prokoudinebut the samples are all off14:37
prokoudineE.g. Ubuntu Orange is #DD4814 which is right when you pick it from the original Pantone 166514:38
prokoudineBut the color patch in the PDF is actually #F4742114:38
prokoudineAnd earlier in the same PDF there is a photo of all color patches printed14:39
prokoudineAnd it has the right colors again :)14:39
thorwilprokoudine: afair that's some funny color management stuff that supposedly looks fine on macs14:47
dakerprokoudine, the colors on a PC are not like on Mac17:25

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