
BigWhaleIs there a way to delete a package from PPA?09:46
AmpelbeinBigWhale: https://launchpad.net/~YOURUSERNAMEHERE/+archive/ppa/+delete-packages09:48
BigWhaleAmpelbein, thanks.. I figured it out.09:48
seiflotfyhey guys14:14
seiflotfyi keep getting /bin/sed: can't read /usr/lib/libltdl.la: No such file or directory14:14
seiflotfylibtool: link: `/usr/lib/libltdl.la' is not a valid libtool archive14:14
seiflotfywhen compiling mutter14:14
seiflotfylibtool is installed though14:14
seiflotfyand libltdl-dev too14:14
Ampelbeinseiflotfy: You have to check which package still references libltdl.la (grep libltdl /usr/lib/*.la) and file a bug against that package. It needs either rebuild or it's la file removed.14:26
seiflotfyAmpelbein: it returns nothing14:28
seiflotfyand when i tell synaptic to reinstall it tells me no installed files14:28
seiflotfyAmpelbein: also the debian files does not work14:28
bjsnider!find /usr/lib/libltdl.la14:34
Ampelbeinseiflotfy: There has to be some file referencing libltdl. Did you try with "-r"? (recursive)14:35
bjsniderFile /usr/lib/libltdl.la found in libltdl-dev14:37
bjsniderdebian's policy is to not install .la files: http://wiki.debian.org/ReleaseGoals/LAFileRemoval14:40
Ampelbeinbjsnider: Yes. That's why I say to open a bug in the package that still references it.14:40
Ampelbeinbjsnider: And in precise, the location would actually be /usr/lib/<triplet/libltdl.la, since the package has been multiarchified.14:41
seiflotfyAmpelbein: not found14:41
seiflotfyseif@Wumbo:~$ grep -r libltdl /usr/lib/*.la14:42
Ampelbeinseiflotfy: Is this on precise?14:45
Ampelbeinseiflotfy: Can you pastebin a complete buildlog?14:50
seiflotfyAmpelbein: buildlog14:50
seiflotfyu meanthe dpkg -i ?14:50
Ampelbeinseiflotfy: No, the output from debuild/dpkg-buildpackage/whatever you use to comile mutter14:51
Ampelbeinseiflotfy: I can compile mutter just fine in an up-to-date precise chroot.14:52
bjsniderthe package that installs that file is libltdl-dev14:53
Ampelbeinseiflotfy: I don't get that error. Is your pbuilder chroot uptodate?14:57
seiflotfyAmpelbein: i am building mutter from source using jhbuild for gnome14:57
Ampelbeinbjsnider: libltdl-dev doesn't install that file in precise, it gets installed to the multiarched locations. (/usr/lib/<triplet)14:58
Ampelbeinseiflotfy: Maybe there is a reference inside jhbuild to that file?14:58
seiflotfyAmpelbein: maybe14:59
seiflotfyAmpelbein: how can i find out14:59
Ampelbeinseiflotfy: grep the jhbuild code? Or ask the gnome guys.14:59
seiflotfyAmpelbein: found them in the install/lib directory15:01
seiflotfyi will remove them15:01
seiflotfythen install libltdl again?15:01
Ampelbeinseiflotfy: No need to reinstall libltdl.15:02
seiflotfyAmpelbein: http://paste.ubuntu.com/783803/19:29
seiflotfythis is what i have when i grep in the root directoy "forgot the /"19:30
seiflotfythere is much more19:30
BigWhaleI wonder if I'll see the day when video tools and encoders will work in Linux ...19:55
micahgso, is it safe to just drop g_thread_init now?20:17
Ampelbeinmicahg: Yeah, it's deprecated since glib2.2420:20
micahgdeprecated as in something else automatically handles it?20:21
AmpelbeinThe threading is initialised automatically now.20:21
* micahg looked at the API docs and it didn't seem to be so clear20:21
AmpelbeinThe GLib threading system used to be initialized with g_thread_init(). This is no longer necessary. Since version 2.32, the GLib threading system is automatically initialized at the start of your program, and all thread-creation functions and synchronization primitives are available right away.20:23
AmpelbeinI was mistaken20:23
Ampelbein2.32, not 2.2420:23
micahgah, so it's precise only patches ATM, not upstream forwarding safe (Debian even only has 2.30 ATM)20:26
AmpelbeinWell, to forward them, I would encapsulate the call in "#if GLIB_MAJOR_VERSION <= 2 && GLIB_MINOR_VERSION < 32"20:29
seiflotfyAmpelbein: did the grep a u told me got http://paste.ubuntu.com/783803/22:10
seiflotfynow what22:10

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