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* SpamapS drops pin, hears it bounce 3 times15:23
* penguin42 picks up the pin and sticks it in SpamapS thumb15:40
vruma somewhat paranoid question: do maintainers for packages in main/universe have access to upload binaries compiled by themselves?16:50
vrumor do ubuntu/canonical utilize some kind of a buildfarm (with strict access control) that compiles all packages found in these repos?16:51
Nafallothe latter16:51
penguin42although they can stuff binaries into the packages in some cases - e.g. ia32-libs is done like that16:52
Nafallowell, that's still a sourcecode upload though :-)16:53
AmpelbeinHmm, I have a weird deja-vu feeling right now. vrum, did you ask that question before?16:57
vrumAmpelbein: yep, in debian-devel, i'm contemplating debian vs ubuntu16:57
Ampelbeinvrum: Ah, ok. So I'm not crazy after all. ;-)16:57
NafalloAmpelbein: ... or at least not as obviously ;-)16:58
vrumwas always a debian user, but knowing of ubuntus usage of the hardening wrappers + this makes ubuntu sound promising16:58
Ampelbeinvrum: debian has adopted hardening flags as a release goal, http://wiki.debian.org/ReleaseGoals/SecurityHardeningBuildFlags16:59
vrumyea i've been reading about that; sounds hopeful17:01
nullieHello. Does indicator development belong to app-devel channel?21:21
trinikrononullie: ask maybe in motu since no one seems to be in21:34
vrumare the md5/sha*-fields in Packages optional?23:47
vrumreferense: http://dangertux.wordpress.com/2011/11/29/trusted-respitories-not-so-trustworthy/23:48
vrumseems rather laughable if the only thing needed to distribute malicious packages is to compromise a mirror and change/remove those fields for said package23:48
penguin42vrum: Ouch23:50
ionHuh. Isn’t the signature of Packages checked?23:50
elmothe signature of Releases is checked, and it contains hashsums of the Packages files23:52
elmoso, I'm not sure how they managed (or claims to have managed to) alter the Packages file without apt freaking out23:53
stgraberyeah, that example simply can't work without showing a warning (either md5 mismatch or signature mismatch or "unsigned packages")23:53
stgraberunless he signed it with another key that's added ot his apt keyring (apparently not the case)23:54
stgraberI know apt isn't complaining a lot when it's the first time you add a repository that's not signed though, but that's definitely not the case of security.u.c23:54
vrumokay, will try myself when i sober up a bit. sounds quite strange/pointless to sign anything package-related if it'd work though23:58
broderwhat about stripping the signatures from the Release file, though?23:58
broderdoes apt yell in the same way about unsigned Release files that it does for Release files signed with a key you don't have?23:59
stgraberIIRC it complains heavily if you do it once it already knows the repository23:59
stgraberso if you add a new unsigned repository, it won't complain about it23:59

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