
* ajmitch has upgraded to what will be 12.04, and nothing has broken yet that I can see :)21:19
* Atamira keeps fingers crossed21:20
* Atamira is still on 10.4 LTS21:21
ajmitchyeah I had the ati drivers giving me a nice kernel panic on a regular basis when I tried to reboot/shutdown/suspend after a suspend/resume cycle21:23
ajmitchso I thought I'd try a newer kernel & fglrx to see if it helps21:23
Atamiradid it help?21:23
ajmitchnot sure yet, I only just upgraded last night & haven't suspended yet21:23
Atamiraim going to upgrade21:24
* ajmitch does plan to do some packaging work on precise, so can fix things when they seem to break21:24
Atamirabbl when upgrade done21:36
* ajmitch thinks atamira is very brave to be upgrading from 10.04 now21:50

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