
locodir-useri have a problem, i can't start my pc01:01
locodir-useri have a panic error01:01
locodir-userin ubuntu 11.1001:01
zozlohi guys05:38
zozloi have a problem05:38
zozloi can't start my pc05:39
zozloi have a kernel panic in ubuntu 11.1005:39
zozloanyone could help me? :(05:39
philipballewzozlo, lets see whats up here05:43
zozloi have a problem05:43
philipballewyour a spanish speaker I see?05:44
zozlowell my spanish is better than my english05:44
zozlobut my problem is the same in any lenguage05:44
zozloi don't know how i get a kernel panic this morning when i turn on my pc05:45
zozloand i can not fix it, well to start i don't know how to fix it , or if is easy or the steps to do it05:45
philipballewwell I can direct you to a Spanish speaking channel as well. is this the first channel youve looked for help on?05:46
philipballewalso a temp solution can be booting into a older kernal i think05:46
zozloi already tried05:47
zozloand i have the same message05:47
zozlobuxybox v1.18 (ubuntu 1:1.18.4-2ubuntu2)05:48
zozlokernel panic-not syncing:attempt to kill init05:48
philipballewi would try #ubuntu for help or #ubuntu-beginners or #ubuntu-mx for the Mexico channel if you want someone who doesnt only know enough Spanish to order at taco bell. Also lets see what that error googled does05:48
zozlook phil05:49
zozloi'll try in mx05:49
zozlothere is no one in mx05:50
philipballewtheres like 10 to 15?05:50
philipballewzozlo, try #ubuntu-es05:53
philipballewits all spanish.05:53
* philipballew was unaware ubuntu had a Spanish channel. sounds nice05:54
arileymorning @grantbow20:42
grantbowmorning ariley20:42
* pleia2 waves to ariley 20:42
grantbowafternoon actually20:42
grantbowhiya pleia220:42
arileymorning pleia220:43
arileyafternoon all20:43
pleia2ariley: drop me a note if/when you'll be in the area, or come by the next ubuntu hour, ubuntu unleased 2011 is all yours :)20:43
MarkDudegrantbow, ....20:44
MarkDudeI am still waiting for monkey pics20:44
MarkDudeDo I need to edit some?20:44
grantbowMarkDude! didn't get many clear ones20:44
MarkDudeThats ok20:44
* pleia2 wants lions20:44
MarkDudeYou were tooo busy DOING things20:44
* grantbow has lions20:44
pleia2MarkDude: you /still/ owe me a bio and photo for the partimus site20:45
grantbowbest not in a penguin suit I'm guessing20:45
pleia2grantbow: oh and I'd love a partimus blog post from you about your adventures in kenya, somehow with a tie-in to partimus (that's possible, right?) :)20:45
MarkDudeAlways best in a penguin suit20:46
MarkDudeIf you can learn one thing from me20:46
MarkDudeIt IS, anything that can be done with a hand20:46
MarkDudeIS infinitely funnier with flipper20:46
MarkDudeAnd therefore better20:47
grantbowMarkDude, where are you working now?20:47
MarkDudeWell, maybe that logic falls apart20:47
MarkDudeStarbucks near my house20:47
grantbowoh, I didn't know that20:47
grantbowwe missed you at dvlug.org20:48
* MarkDude gets more work done here20:48
MarkDudeTOO MANY shiny objects at LaScala20:48
grantbowit can get blinding20:49
grantbowso ariely, you want to do a simple package?20:50
MarkDudeSo many languages spoken also20:50
* MarkDude shuts up, actual doing OF STUFF20:50
grantbowwe'get got the git repo. It's been almost forever since I've done any packaging but I'll remember quickly. https://github.com/anth1y/Habit20:52
MarkDudegrantbow, has forgotten more than most folks know....20:53
* grantbow blushes, thanks20:53
arileyI concur20:53
grantbowwhat docs have you been looking at to get started?20:54
arileyfor packaging20:54
arileyunfortunately  (* or fortunately) the example package had bugs20:55
grantbowa link from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - cool, first time I've read these20:55
grantbowoh, bugs because it's old according to the link I gave20:56
grantbowhttp://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/ is the new one20:56
arileythat is the one I was following20:57
* grantbow cleans his ears20:57
pleia2if you guys find confusion/problems/etc with these guides, it would be super helpful if you emailed a list of issues to dholbach@ubuntu.com (feel free to Cc: me)20:58
grantbowUDD vs. traditional, interesting20:58
pleia2he's been trying to get testers for the docs20:58
arileyWELL then20:58
grantbowdholbach rocks20:58
arileyI will gladly send my screenshots over20:59
pleia2I think he's out this week for the holidays20:59
grantbowhttp://www.debian.org/devel/ is of course another good reference21:00
grantbowfocusing on developer.ubuntu.com is best, especially if testing is needed21:02
ariley@pleia2 which email of yours should I use to cc21:02
pleia2ariley: use lyz@ubuntu.com21:02
ariley@ grantbow21:02
arileyno thank you21:03
pleia2you're welcome to tell him I sent you, he might redirect you to a larger team working on the document but he's the leader-type and will know best21:03
grantbowariley, so your http://shop.canonical.com/product_info.php?products_id=123 arrived?21:16
grantbowhow do you like it?21:16
arileyI like it21:16
arileylost of pockets21:16
arileylots of pockets21:17
arileybut I need a cross strap for it when I ride my bike21:17
arileyit's better than my hipster backpack which is HUGE21:18
grantbowgood thing you got one before they ran out of stock21:18
grantbowogio vamp, nice21:21
arileyit's nice21:22
arileyI'll bring it by21:22
grantbowhttp://www.timbuk2.com/tb2/products/commute-2 looks good too21:25
grantbowbut doesn't help us package :-)21:25
grantbowquickly is cool21:26
grantbowI don't know how well it would do for a shell script. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Quickly21:26
grantbowshould work21:27
arileyit's all python21:27
arileyI'm looking around21:27
grantbowRick Spencer and Jono will be happy you're looking at it :-)21:29
pleia2ah yeah, dholbach is out through jan 9th http://daniel.holba.ch/blog/2011/12/morocco/21:31
grantbowk, thanks21:31
MarkDudeQuickly NEEDS some love21:31
akkAnything you make with it will have tons of dependencies (really only works on a machine where the full desktop is installed)21:31
akkand the GUI builder is pretty confusing.21:32
broderisn't the gui builder just glade?21:32
broder(not that glade isn't incredibly suckful)21:32
akkyes, I think so, and it's very confusing21:32
broderi tend to hold that against gtk, because i think its layout model is on crack, and everybody else is just trying to deal as best they can21:33
akkI'm not wild about gtk's layout models either. But glade's confusingness goes beyond that.21:34
akkJust things like "where would I look for a widget of this type?" and "What the heck do those weird icons mean?"21:34
broderoh yeah, sure21:39
grantbowariley so a1 is out, a2 is Feb22:32
arileysounds like a plan22:33
locodir-useranyone can help me? !!!!!!!!!22:33
locodir-useri need to mount my hard drive again22:33
locodir-userim using a live cd to acces the internet to find the way to fix my pc22:34
grantbowman mount22:34
grantbowmount -t ext4 /dev/sdax /mnt22:34
grantbowdepending on your sda partition number and the directory you want to mount on22:35
locodir-usermount: only root can do that22:35
grantbowon the live CD root shouldn't have a password22:36
grantbowas I recall22:36
grantbowso sudo mount -t ....22:36
locodir-userdont work22:38
locodir-userhow can i try to format the HD and try to mount it?22:38
arileythis should help22:41
grantbowgparted or disk utility22:41
arileyor disk utility like grantbow said22:41
grantbowit should work though22:41
grantbowtyr "sudo su -"22:42
grantbowthat should give you root22:42
locodir-useryes, i have root now22:42
grantbowwith great power comes great responsibility - be careful with that :-)22:43
locodir-userroot@ubuntu:~# sudo mount -t ext4 /dev/sdax /mnt mount: special device /dev/sdax does not exist root@ubuntu:~#22:46
grantbowneed to replace x with the partition #22:47
locodir-userhow i can know the partition #?22:47
grantbowgparted or disk utility22:47
locodir-usertake a lot to scan for devices22:48
locodir-userand partitions22:48
MarkDudeWelcome to uuid fun22:51
MarkDudeWorth the effort,but a hassle22:51
locodir-usermount: special device /dev/sda4 does not exist22:52
locodir-userim trying to format as ext422:56
locodir-userto see if i can mount it in blank22:56
locodir-userand install ubuntu 11.10 againt22:56
locodir-userat least i save my files in min.us22:57

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