
=== canthus14 is now known as canthus13
Unit193jrgifford: You weren't supposed to see that.... But thanks?07:19
Unit193Just read, you think I'm friendly? I got you fooled but good ;)07:26
jrgiffordUnit193: hehe. ;)12:07
jandruskIs there going to be a boycott of AskUbuntu.com since they are hosted on GoDaddy?22:13
jrgiffordjandrusk: no.22:15
jrgiffordSE is moving somewhere else.22:15
Unit193First I heard of it22:16
jrgiffordUnit193: SOPA protest, since GoDaddy supports it.22:16
jrgifforda lot of folks are moving away from GoDaddy.22:16
jrgiffordi'm still with (mt) though, always have been.22:16
Unit193"We’ve listened to our customers. Go Daddy is no longer supporting the SOPA legislation. Click here to find out more."22:17
jrgiffordthey are still on the House record as supporting SOPA22:18
jrgiffordso for all intents and purposes, they do.22:18
jrgiffordnot to mention they are a sleezy bunch of elephant killin' idiots.22:18
jandruskYes, and I think the only reason they are retracting is due to the noise that was made. Still don't trust them.22:19
jrgiffordgot that right jandrusk22:19
jandruskIf they truely were against it, they would have never supported it.22:19
jandruskMarkMonitor who hosts Ubuntu.com seems to have language on their front page indicating supporting SOPA.22:20
jandruskFight Counterfeiting & Piracy22:20
jandrusk"Shut down illegal sales and downloads"22:20
jrgiffordunless they say "We support SOPA/Protect-IP", they are fine22:20
jrgiffordnobody likes piracy22:21
jrgiffordparticularly a web hosting co.22:21
jandruskEven though they say, "The answer: Rights owners must pinpoint, monitor, and enforce across as many online distribution and promotional channels as possible to shut down online counterfeit sales and pirated digital content."?22:21
jandruskThat to me goes beyond web hosting.22:22
jrgiffordwell, they use PHP.22:22
jrgiffordthat means I don't trust them anyway. ;)22:22
Unit193Granted, I also wouldn't recommend GoDaddy anyway, I have however recommended 1and1....22:22
jrgifford1&1? Eh. had a bad experience with them once.22:23
jandruskPHP? What do you have against PHP?22:23
Unit193It's no his Ruby ;)22:23
jandruskIs your preference CGI?22:23
jrgifford'MarkMonitor has earned the reputation of delivering world-class brand protection solutions to over 50 of the Fortune 100 companies. ' - interesting.22:23
jrgiffordjandrusk: i don't like reading PHP.22:23
jrgiffordif I don't have to touch it, i'm fine. otherwise, ugh.22:23
jandruskIt's the curly braces, isn't it?22:24
jrgiffordi use curly braces in some of my ruby code.22:24
jrgiffordi just don't like things that aren't in computer english. *shudder*22:24
jandruskToo "C" like?22:24
jrgiffordhigh level langs for me. i'll let the kernel team play around with C, D and F. i'll stick with Ruby and the occasional perl.22:25
jrgiffordjandrusk: btw,22:25
jrgiffordif you have the time, please start upvoting good answers here - http://askubuntu.com/questions?sort=unanswered&pagesize=50&page=94 - the accepted answer rate on ask ubuntu has risen 0.3% since htorque started.22:26
jrgifford*htorque and i22:26

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