
mongybfrazier_,  cd the folder containing the AUDIO_TS and VIDEO_TS folders.  then mkisofs -dvd-video -o ~/test.iso .00:00
arrrghhhbfrazier_: why did you do that...?00:00
bfrazier_mongy, arrrghhh ...here's the website I used: http://www.ehow.com/how_5772256_convert-avi-dvd-linux.html#ixzz1hX3r1jWk00:00
mongybfrazier_, one word.  devede00:00
sebashtianehow is horrible00:00
bfrazier_mongy, ...I used devede but it keeps saying my device isn't mounted00:00
theSlow1Hey every, I installed Ubuntu and accidentally broke grub by formatting the drive where grub was installed00:01
arrrghhhbfrazier_: wow.  ehow is awful.00:01
bfrazier_arrrghhh, ....I thought that was useful00:01
sebashtiantheSlow1 try using supergrubdisk00:01
arrrghhhbfrazier_: complex guides like that require you to understand what each command is doing.  it's awful they try to condense it into that, as if it will work for everyone.00:01
mongybfrazier_, I thought you wanted to make a dvd from an avi... which is what devede can do00:02
theSlow1sebashtian, I would much rather avoid that, I used it some time back and it was useless00:02
bfrazier_arrrghhh, ...well I understand a lot but the devil is in the details00:02
NeedHelpHello, anyone know Netbeans?00:02
arrrghhhbfrazier_: devede is great, i would try it.00:02
arrrghhhNeedHelp: this is for ubuntu help.  not sure what channel to even direct you to.00:02
bfrazier_arrrghhh, ...well I have tried deveede00:02
paulsomebodymetaspike: Hey, I have recovered my 'sudoers'. :) Though you should know.00:02
sebashtianNeedHelp yes why00:02
NeedHelparrrghhh: I use netbeans for ubuntu...00:03
arrrghhhbfrazier_: how did it fail?00:03
arrrghhhNeedHelp: o?  sorry.00:03
arrrghhhi use gcc and... a text editor.00:03
NeedHelpsebashtian: alt-gr button doesnt work anymore suddenly, so I cant type characters like $, {, } etc. They work fine here as you see00:03
bfrazier_arrrghhh, deveede results in "conversion failed it seems a bug of mencoder"....00:04
arrrghhhbfrazier_: hum. honestly linux has always been weak in this department.00:04
arrrghhhbfrazier_: not that it's impossible, just not "simple".00:04
ArcademanHiz, Is there a way to make pidgen hidden on close every time rather than quitting it?00:05
yabaiarrrghhh: really?00:05
bfrazier_arrrghhh, yup, I'm beginning to realize that00:05
sebashtianso they only don't work in netbeans NeedHelp00:05
arrrghhhyabai: yes, realy.00:05
yabaiarrrghhh: it has very little to do with linux - more to do with proprietary systems00:05
mongybfrazier_, I use devede quite regularly to put 3 or 4 avi to a dvd.00:05
NeedHelpsebashtian: yes, if I press AltGr+4, I should get a dollar sign like $, but in NetBeans, 4 appears00:05
arrrghhhyabai: ok... so linux doesn't work well with proprietary systems?  does that make you feel better?00:06
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sebashtianNeedHelp by "altg" od you mean shift?00:06
bfrazier_mongy, ...do you want me to remove devede and compile from source...I'm at a loss with that error message00:06
ArcademanHiz, Is there a way to make pidgen hidden on close every time rather than quitting it guys?00:06
Kitensebashtian, alt is sometimes referred to as alt-gr00:07
arrrghhhKiten: but who hits alt to get a $?  :P00:07
metaspikepaulsomebody im glad to hear that. you might want to activate the root acc so you can use the traditional "su" as well00:07
xanguaArcademan: you can install pidgin-libnotify to integrate it to the message indicator (envelope)00:07
NeedHelpsebashtian: not shift, but the Alt-button just right for Space-button, the one you need in combination with the number button at the top of the keyb to enter special characters like ¦@£$½¥{[]} etc00:07
xanguaArcademan: after install it you need to start pidgin again and enable the libnotify plugin on it's preferences00:08
paulsomebodymetaspike: I read it it not very good idea from the point of view of security.00:08
mongybfrazier_, might be something to do with codecs or the installed version of mencoder.. have you medibuntu enabled?00:08
scampbell70hello all I have a question I have a 2 terabyte hd formated in ntfs that has 995gig of data on it that I am trying to copy off to another drive so I can reformat it in ext4 but it keeps locking up my ubuntu box is there any way to do it besides a few files at a time00:08
arrrghhhpaulsomebody: yea that's usually not a good idea.00:08
bfrazier_mongy, what is mediabutu ?00:08
Kitenarrrghhh, yeah thats true00:08
Kitenarrrghhh, prolly someone with a efffed up keyboard00:09
paulsomebodyarrrghhh: Yes, I know.00:09
arrrghhhpaulsomebody: good ;)00:09
mongybfrazier_,  sudo wget --output-document=/etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/$(lsb_release -cs).list &&00:09
mongysudo apt-get --quiet update && sudo apt-get --yes --quiet --allow-unauthenticated install medibuntu-keyring && sudo apt-get --quiet update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade00:09
Kitenworst case scenario use unicode00:09
metaspikepaulsomebody, depends how you use it, it doesnt matter with sudo working you can "sudo su" to get the root account if you like00:09
ArcademanOk so xangua that runs no matter if its closed then :) once enabled and configured?00:09
paulsomebodymetaspike: I am sure that there is probably a way to use everything safely, including this command. I just do not see why I should do it.00:10
mongybfrazier_,  I use that version.. the non free version.00:10
sebashtianNeedHelp aah i see yeah i have no idea how to fix that :p it sounds like somehting to do with either java or your keyboard settings , but you probaly already knew that00:10
bfrazier_mongy, ...I honestly think it has something to do with vbox not recognzing that my dvd is installed...how would I troubleshoot that?00:11
metaspikepaulsomebody, of course. when running a lot of administrative tasks, it's really just a way to avoid typing "sudo" all the time :)00:11
mongybfrazier_, devede doesnt burn, just makes an iso00:11
sebashtiandoes anyone know how to fix a cd drive that stopped working, it will still eject and spin and stuff but ubuntu doesn't recognize when ever i insert anything in it00:11
paulsomebodymetaspike: I imagine it is. :) I just do not do a lot of administrative work.00:12
mongybfrazier_, an iso is easier to burn than an audio_ts and video_ts folder.00:12
dr_willisscampbell70:  check out 'ddrescue'  to image that flakey drive to a image on a second drive.  then recover the files needed. I would imagine its the hard drive failing thats causeing issues. check dmesg  for any info. You may not want to trust that 2Tb hd.00:12
bfrazier_mongy, ....how do I make an iso using deveede?00:13
mongybfrazier_, it's all there in the options.00:13
metaspikescampbell70, you might get more success with "testdisk", you might want to run chkdsk /f /x from windoze to check it also.00:13
sebashtianbfrazier_ did you already try brasero? thats relatevly easy00:13
scampbell70ok dr_willis thank you00:13
bfrazier_sebashtian, ...haven't tried brasero00:14
sebashtianwell i think its the most straight forward00:14
scampbell70the 2t disk is only a few months old but I have riped all my dvds to mkv and all my cds to mp3 and they are on that drive but I am moving from windows to ubuntu full time and want to do away with ntfs00:15
mongybfrazier_, if you are trying to put an avi to a dvd compatible disc, then brasero wont00:15
metaspikebfrazier_, you can make an iso like so - mkisofs -o myiso.iso mydir/   -00:16
bfrazier_mongy, ...well, how do I make an .iso of the .avi then?00:16
dr_willisscampbell70:  dmesg command may give a clue why  its crashign the whold system. Only thing i can think of that would do that. would be weird hard drive failures.00:16
scampbell70but if I select all my video files like 500g after x amount of time the transfer stops then the whole machine locks and I have to do a hard reboot but if I select like 10-20gig at a time i does transfer but it will take forever to do 1t 10gig at a time lol00:17
metaspikebfrazier, like i said, try dvdauthor00:17
dr_willisbfrazier_:  you convert a video  and generate a dvd iso image with the converted video.  I use 'devede' for that soft of task.00:17
bfrazier_metaspike, ...hey the following commands seems to have worked: mkisofs -o myiso.sio .00:17
skrapscpanel boycott: http://tinyurl.com/6nhsf6900:17
scampbell70thank you Ill give those a try and see how it goes00:17
dr_willisscampbell70:  ive backed up 3tb usb to 3tb usb...  :) THAT takes time...00:17
metaspikeburn with wodim... wodim -sao myiso.iso ...00:18
mongybfrazier_, it's a simple enough gui.  run devede,  choose make dvd.   new window comes up, press 'add' under the Files window, add your avi,  check the properties, and go.00:18
sebashtianskraps did you just make that page?00:18
dr_willisIf you dont like how Devede works.. :) you can change it.. its all written in python.  :)00:18
mongybfrazier_, it will make an iso in the ~/movie folder00:18
scampbell70lol I bet, I might just have to do it a little at a time but I am backing up to usb so once I format the drive I got to put them all back again lol00:18
metaspikeyeah, devede sounds like a good 'un00:18
sebashtianlol why do they like will smith? that lost all of their legitimacy00:19
metaspikescampbell70,   so... cp -rf /olddrive /newdrive . doesn't work? what's the error?00:20
totemdr_willis, merry x-mas00:20
metaspikeit just crashes?! that's... wrong... :/00:21
scampbell70I havent tried the cp command yet cause the usb drive is also ntfs and has about 200g of stuff on it and I didnt know if I could do /cp from ntfs to ntfs usb on a drive with data already on it00:21
maumcan I make install ubuntu image which is currently installed(it is including custom program) I am asking about how to back up current ubuntu.00:21
scampbell70Im still learning all the ins and outs of ubuntu I am in no way a master yet00:22
linxehis there a recommended RADIUS server to use on ubuntu ?00:22
mongymaum,  personally, a full disk image I use clonezilla.  an installable custom iso to install from cd/usb I use relinux00:22
bfrazier_hold on.. I'm trying it but wife needed something00:22
linxehscampbell70: clonezilla, or dd.00:23
maummongy: relinux? is that new utility? or clonezilla?00:23
totembfrazier_, :D00:23
mongymaum, not so easy to use tbh.  but does the job.00:23
scampbell70cool Ill look them up linxeh00:23
maummongy: Is there a easist way?00:24
metaspikescampbell70, fair enough... lets say that you are copying from usb0 to usb1 ... mkdir /media/usb1/backup/ && cp -rfv /media/usb0 /media/usb1/backup ... make a dir under usb1 called backup, force recursive copy with verbosity to that drive of the contents from usb000:24
mongymaum,  a ghost like backup, grab clonezilla, burn it, boot it, and use it.00:25
metaspikeotherwise i use a dual plane program called "worker". either there's a problem with the filesystem, or the method your using to copy simply cant handle it.00:25
scampbell70thanks meta Ill give that a shot right now00:25
scampbell70is ext4 the best filesystem to use once I am ready to format?00:26
mongymaum, just make sure where you are saving the image to has enough space and is fat32 or ntfs or ext..  clonezilla by default will split the images to 2gb so fat32 won't be an issue.00:26
dr_willisscampbell70:  for most uses - yes.00:26
scampbell70ok thanks00:27
metaspikei still prefer ext300:27
scampbell70its just going to hold my music and movie and server the on my home network00:27
* dr_willis waits for ext800:27
AFDif I wanted the Asus UX31 / UX21 for the looks+spec+portability but was put off by the niggly list of tweaks necessary to have it working (I'm not even sure anyone has it 100% yet) what would you recommend instead?00:27
dr_willisext3 or 4 will be fine for your needs scampbell7000:27
* LnxMen may extxD ? ;d00:28
scampbell70dr_willis thanks00:28
maummongy: ok, I see00:28
mongymaum,  well fat16 either.00:28
mongymaum, but that's a 2gb limit all on its own00:29
maumwhat is the unlimited tool?00:29
bfrazier_what's the difference between an .iso file and other file systems?00:29
mongymaum, do you know where you are saving the images to?00:29
maumby which tool?00:30
mongymaum, yes00:30
dr_willisbfrazier_:  an .iso file is normally an iso9660 filesystem cd or dvd image.  (could use the udf filesystem also i guess)00:30
maummongy, I don't have an experence with that00:31
metaspikebfrazier_, wikipedia has a great article of the International Standard Organisation's filesystem :)00:31
mongymaum, do you have a place to save the images to00:31
mongymaum, it can't be the same as the partitions you are imaging.00:31
maumyes I have00:32
mongymaum, do you know the sdX id ?00:32
maumwhere can I check it/>?? I don't know yet00:32
mongymaum, is it mounted now?00:33
enotzI have a number of systems which I believed were all the same - yet one of them seems to have the number of colors set smaller and so images look a little "paint by numbers" - how do I change this in 10.400:33
maummongy: I don't install clonezilla yet00:34
mongymaum, you dont intall it, it's a cd or usb you boot into00:34
metaspikeAFD, you can find out about linux compatibility here: http://www.linux-drivers.org/00:34
AFDmetaspike: thanks. but I would prefer to hear what people's current dream ubuntu laptops are that don't involve masses of tweaking00:35
mongymaum, I'm just saying, do you know which device you want to use to put the images onto?  sudo fdisk -l  for example.  you will have to choose this when you boot clonezilla00:35
metaspikeenotz, like a video display problem? limited bpp ?00:36
metaspikeAFD I've heard good things about the Asus Aspire.00:36
AFDmetaspike: different form/spec/looks though...00:37
AFDmetaspike: Ideally I'm wanting 11"-13" high spec and light - basically an Ultrbook00:37
maummongy: yes I know I installed ubuntu on D: and windows on C: I want to back up both of them. Is there a guide for this?00:37
metaspikeAFD. i think it depends alot on the hardware compatibily, intel and nvidia is likely to work great, because it suggests that the controllers and video ouputs are almost definately supported.00:38
mongymaum, is ubuntu installed on a real partition and not using wubi?00:38
cmdrtaco_how can i test the speed of various dns servers00:39
mongymaum,  it's pretty easy.  boot clonezilla, choose the /dev/ partition you wanna save the image to, choose savedisk, and beginner defaults will do the rest.00:39
AFDmetaspike: well.... I understand where you're coming from but when I got the Asus 1215n the Ion2 had zero support and that hasn't changed in 18months. Now I'm convinced going straight up Intel GPU is the way to go00:39
enotzmetaspike: bpp? - looks like 8 bits of color00:40
AFDmetaspike: unfortunately it doesn't seem like the GPU is the major issue with the ux21 / ux31 - it's the trackpad, usb-to-ethernet adapter, wifi etc etc00:40
metaspikemongy, if you follow the instructions on the clonezilla live disk and back them (preferentially to a third disk) it is an easy way to go about it.00:40
maummongy: where is the clonzilla that I can install on usb?00:40
mongymaum, the zip file00:41
cmdrtaco_hmm its dig @ip host00:41
metaspikeenotz.. in terminal do- -   lspci | grep VGA   - then we know what video card your runnin00:41
mongymaum, for now, stick to the iso until you know you wanna use it00:41
metaspikeAFD, sneak into the shop with an ubuntu disk, put it in and see how it goes. :)00:42
bfrazier_while I'm waiting on the iso to be burned to the DVD...why is it advantageous to burn an iso image instead of a Video_TS and Audio_TS files?00:42
AFDmetaspike: haha - that's possibly the best advice I've heard!00:42
enotzmetaspike: intel integrated00:42
enotzmetaspike: same as all the other machine - and I expected the setting to be on the 'monitors' screen but it is not00:43
AFDmetaspike: I've got an elementaryOS usb I keep with me (that's my primary OS and is an Ubuntu derivative)00:43
maummongy: I just downloaded it from http://clonezilla.org/downloads.php00:43
yekomsok, ive tried everything, i cannot connect VIA ssh.00:45
yekomsi get errors cant read the key files. which ive recreated atleast twice. yet i still cant connect.00:46
metaspikeenotz, eh... sounds bad, -  cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep VESA - and paste the details to pastebin or wherever00:46
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:46
yekomsany ideas?00:46
blockyI'm having trouble getting a forcedeth network card up on 11.10, dmesg shows Invalid MAC detected... does anyone know how to fix this?00:49
metaspikeAFD, you really want to test it with the linux version your going to use, i think the live disc still has a usb creator. Maybe if you ask nicely at the right retail outlet they'll just let you try it.00:49
metaspikeyekoms, paste your error to http://paste.ubuntu.com so we can have a look.00:50
yekomsok its in my router..not my setup, i can ssh user@localhost just fine.00:50
yekomsblack@blackness:/etc/postfix$ ssh localhost00:50
yekomsThe authenticity of host 'localhost (::1)' can't be established.00:50
yekomsDSA key fingerprint is 78:8c:5b:8a:ef:63:20:7e:18:46:7f:89:57:f9:4c:2d.00:50
cordovalhi there, trying to install pixma canon 2200 on ubuntu 11.10 latest on 64bit asusg73jw00:50
cordovalany hints?00:51
cordovalsounds like a nightmare already00:51
AFDmetaspike: yeah - I use eOS as my primary OS and have the USB... if the guys in the shop are keen on me spending £1k they should be a little flexible I reckon. Still - have you ever actually had a conversation with a retail assistant in a shop about Linux? It's. never. happened.00:51
yekomsdenied-inter.net:82/ load for anyone?00:51
totemcordoval, yeah 64bit, sounds hard00:51
cordovalany workarounds or ready made solutions to install this canon printer pixma 2200?00:52
metaspikecordoval just mount it, its a block device so, you should just be able to mount it and import files like any other, there are programs for this, nothing comes to mind though have a look in synaptic "camera" "camera photo" etc.00:52
metaspikeoh it's a printer lol00:52
cordovalmount a printer?00:52
jiffe98is there a way to open the printer setup utility in 8.04 via command line?00:52
jiffe98when I do it through the menu it tries to open but never does00:52
metaspikeah printers. it's all about cups. if cups is configured properly, it should "just work" tm00:53
cordovali will blush and feel embarrased, my dad just asked me to print his checking ticket for tomorrow and an important email on this printer00:53
metaspikeokok... hmm.00:53
KoQYapqSWheh heh heh00:53
KoQYapqSWalways the pain in my arrrrsse00:54
mongyI buy epson because they 'just work' tm00:54
cordovalI am reading a problem on 64 architecture with canon drivers but not sure00:54
cordovalthought there is a ready made solution for 11.1000:54
cordovalthis does not help much http://ubuntued.info/repositorio-com-drivers-adicionais-de-impressoras-canon00:54
cordovalcannot find the same selections00:55
metaspikecordoval, you seen this. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters/CanonPrinters/CanonPixmaIP220000:55
pie_my LAMP installis all sorts of F****ed up, how can i completely purge it all?00:55
cordovalmetaspike, yes but not sure what to think of, about 64 did you see it?00:56
jiffe98is there a setup utility I can open from command line ?00:56
dr_willisCanon Printers and Linux - are sadly.. not the best of solutions.. :(00:57
metaspikeyeah. cordoval i just read it. what a joke, it suggests to use alien and things... urrghhh00:57
dr_willisjiffe98:  the cups.org homepage/docs detail how to configure a printer via the cli commands. or use the cups web interface.00:57
cordovalhmm, my dad is going to be more disappointed, man i already have problems with my family00:57
cordovalChristmas time is not nice00:57
cordovalsomeone please help00:58
dr_willisI basically now make it a point to never buy 'canon' brand printers any more.  i advise my friends likewise.00:58
dr_williscordoval:  its possible that those docs may be out of date. askubuntu.com might have more up to date fix's00:59
cordoval:'( I do not have a choice, i did not buy it, it is not my printer, it is the only one around, i have to try :'(01:00
cordovalfeel horrible01:00
metaspikecheer um chum01:00
metaspikecheer up chum*01:00
dr_willisLast canon printer i used.. printed.. but never used the black ink... with the canon drivers.. :()01:00
dr_williseverything looked.. weird with it. :)01:01
cordovalsomeone suggested this one http://www.unixmen.com/hardware-linux/251-install-canon-pixma-ip1880-in-linux but 2009!01:01
starlonI need a widget for my file browser that'll open a terminal window pointing to the directory when clicking. Is that possible?01:02
dr_willisThen that printer started saying my Brand new Blue Ink Cart.. was not blue.. but green..  dident feel like blowing more $$ for a new ink card.  So yes. i am a bit biased against canon.01:02
bfrazier_how long does it take to burn an iso image?01:02
dr_willisstarlon:  theres nautilus scripts that do a 'command line here....' feature.01:02
dr_willisstarlon:  i think its in the repos.. but i forget its name01:02
starlonI'll look around. :) Thanks.01:02
cordovalthese are 38601:02
nndmabfrazier_: 10 minutes max01:02
cordovalnot 68601:02
antiannohello folks! first up, happy holidays (and stuff) ;) now my ... self-produced ... problem: i installed ubuntu without a dedicated /boot partition and now i'd like to have one. my plan is to create a (tar) backup of my root fs in a livecd, then re-partion accordingly, then restore the files (to /boot and / respectively). now, is there something i should be aware of, aside from the changes i'd have to make to the fstab? (new UUIDs and, obviously, a /b01:02
cordovalso sounds like it will not work, have to find a way01:03
mongybfrazier_, depends on the size and your burner and the disc01:03
cordovalhelp, I don't want to tear down our relationship already damaged01:03
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bfrazier_I'm @ 29% & it's been well over 10 minutes01:03
cordovalnothing here http://askubuntu.com/search?q=pixma+220001:04
mongybfrazier_, how are you burning it.01:04
bfrazier_mongy, devede01:05
mongybfrazier_, some older burners dont like newer dye types.. they have no id for them and what speed to burn, so some only burn at the lowest speed.01:05
dr_willisbfrazier_:  devede dosent burn.. last i checked.. its just a iso generation program.01:05
mongybfrazier_,  devede does not burn.   only makes what you need, into an iso01:06
metaspikecordoval, we need specifics...01:06
cordovalhttp://askubuntu.com/questions/75014/how-can-i-install-a-canon-driver ?01:06
cordovalcould this be?01:06
dr_willisgenerate iso with devede, test iso with vlc.. burn  iso as needed.01:06
cordovalmetaspike, yes tell me01:06
cordovalpixma 2200 canon printer01:06
cordovalon a asus g73jw01:06
dr_williscordoval:  as a nasty work around. You could install windows in virtualbox. and set it up to share the printer. :()01:06
cordovalwhat do you think about this one ? http://askubuntu.com/questions/75014/how-can-i-install-a-canon-driver01:07
bfrazier_mongy, ...alright so what do I burn to CD then?01:07
ubottuCD/DVD burning software: k3b (KDE), brasero (GNOME), gnomebaker, xcdroast, wodim (command-line) | To burn ISO files, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto01:07
mongybfrazier_, right click,  write to dick01:07
metaspikei think it's worth a shot cordoval01:07
dr_williserr.. disk....01:07
mongybfrazier_, damn, sorry.. was mistake.   write to disc.01:08
bfrazier_mongy, ...so basically I'm making an .iso of an .iso01:08
cordovalok thanks man, *crying* i will can give this a try01:08
bfrazier_mongy, ...yup, that was confusing01:08
mongyfreud was not involved01:08
dr_willisbfrazier_:  trying to copy a movie dvd?01:08
mongybfrazier_, you are making your avi into a an iso you can write to a dvd that will play on a dvd01:09
metaspikecordoval, ive read that there's a "PPD" on the installation dist, which is a postscript file recognisable by cups, so im guessing that last link shows someboday who was conveniently packaged them for us. so hopefully it works.j01:09
metaspikeinstallation disk*01:09
cordovalmetaspike, you rock man hope this is it *sobbing*01:09
metaspikesudo add-apt-repository ppa:michael-gruz/canon && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install cnijfilter-ip2200series01:10
metaspikecordoval, ^ lets hope the ppa is active.01:10
cordovalinstalling metaspike01:10
cordovalalmost finished01:10
bfrazier_mongy, ..no I created the .iso01:11
cordovalok now what to do, hmm01:11
metaspikesudo /etc/init.d/cups restart01:11
cordovali think it already did that01:11
cordovali see the icons01:11
metaspikeyay :D01:12
mongybfrazier_, well then right click burn with brasero or use   growisofs -dvd-compat -Z /dev/dvd=image.iso01:12
dr_willisbfrazier_:  yu may want to test the iso in vlc,or some other video player first.01:12
bfrazier_mongy, alright01:12
mongybfrazier_, as willis said.... you talkin about willis01:13
mongydr_willis, sorry, had to. its xmas.01:13
* dr_willis cuts mongy off from the egg nog bowl.01:14
cordovalhmm, not sure the icons01:14
dr_willisnight all...01:14
metaspikecordoval, honestly, consider the monster that is debian, you might just want to reboot entirely01:15
metaspikealways mixing those two.01:15
cordovalok i will01:16
cordovalsee you in 1 minutes01:16
bfrazier_Command, " growisofs -dvd-compat -Z /dev/dvd=myiso.iso " results in ":-( /dev/dvd: media is not recognized as recordable DVD: 0"01:16
mongybfrazier_, put a recordable in then01:17
mongybfrazier_, or blank the one you have, if it's dvdrw01:17
bfrazier_mongy, ...it is dvdrw and it should be blank already01:18
kikithemanCan anyone help me with an nvidia driver problem ?01:18
mongybfrazier_, just a right click and write to disc will do the job.01:18
mongybfrazier_, should, or is?01:19
mongybfrazier_, does it say so anywhere on your desktop?  in nautilus01:19
kikithemanHow do I run the nvidia driver package ( Nvidia.run ) as root ? I set the permisions , but running it with Sudo before the name of the file does nothing . I also tried running it in terminal but it says it needs root privileges .01:19
bfrazier_mongy, ...nope it's not there...it's vbox01:19
mongybfrazier_, you need to enable passthrough then01:20
mongybfrazier_, or, transfer the iso to your host and burn.01:20
bfrazier_mongy, ...how do I enable passthrough01:20
metaspikekikitheman, my advice is dont.01:20
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto01:20
Resistancekikitheman:  ^01:21
metaspikethanks :p01:21
Resistancemetaspike:  :P01:21
flexibeastHi all. Is there a way to remove a repository from one's Ubuntu installation via the LiveCD?01:21
Resistanceflexibeast:  why via the livecd?01:21
Resistanceyou can remove it from within your normal boot01:21
Resistances/boot/system environment without the livecd/01:21
metaspikebfrazier_, try installing wodim, it's easier.01:22
mongybfrazier_, in your vm settings.01:22
kikitheman@resistance . I used the driver update thingy but it installs a shit driver which artifacts my card and crashes when I try to use dual monitors .01:22
flexibeastResistance: Because i can't get into the install post a ppa being setup.01:22
kikithemanAlso it is older than the one from the nvidia website .01:22
Resistanceflexibeast:  what did said PPA install?01:22
metaspikebfrazier_, for burning. iso's01:22
mongybfrazier_, choose the drive as Host drive whatever and tick passthrough01:22
Resistancekikitheman:  use the one that the hardware drivers system says to use... if you try and use the newest drivers you run the risk of exploding your installation01:22
Resistancekikitheman:  the ones in hardware drivers are tested by the ubuntu peoples, iirc01:23
mongybfrazier_, but seriously,  use the shared folder function and copy the iso to your host and burn that way01:23
kikithemanThe one in the hardware drivers is crap .01:23
Resistancekikitheman:  and you know this how?01:23
bfrazier_mongy, ..well, I'd like to figure it out in linux01:23
kikithemanIt artifacts my gtx 460 ( running fine in windows ) and it does not let me use dual monitors .01:23
kikithemanWithout a driver it works fine .01:23
flexibeastResistance: The ppa setup worked fine; it was the xorg-edgers one. System got updated with relevant packages. But now it doesn't make it to the login screen; just freezes with the 'Ubuntu' logo on the screen.01:24
Resistancekikitheman:  prepend my name to your messages, or i might miss them.  as well, which version of ubuntu are you running?01:24
Resistanceflexibeast:  i take it you were upgrading X?01:24
metaspikelol kiktheman. sudo aptitude install nvidia-current   . see what that does for you.01:24
Resistancemetaspike:  try spelling their name right, fwiw01:25
Resistance(you missed an i in there)01:25
Resistancekikitheman:  try what metaspike suggested01:25
Resistanceand also please answer my question ;P01:25
kikithemanUbuntu vers 11.04 . Also says aptitude command is not found .01:25
Resistancekikitheman:  apt-get then\01:25
flexibeastResistance: Trying to. Been having issues with Oneiric running on this particular laptop. It has integrated Intel graphics, but Unity didn't work - had to run Unity 2D. Then tried installing GNOME Shell, but that didn't work, i suspect because the driver didn't have compositing enabled. Hence me trying out xorg-edgers.01:26
Resistancelots of us use aptitude over  apt-get, but they do the same :P01:26
kikithemanIt is unpacking a driver01:26
Resistanceflexibeast:  ah.  well you might want to be careful using edgers thingies01:26
kikitheman173 mb01:26
metaspikeah..... no aptitude.. o_o   heathens!01:26
Resistancemetaspike:  !ot is your friend ;P01:26
sumosui have a wireless usb mouse that works in windows but not in ubuntu. windows finds new hardware and installs a "HID" device driver. linux doesnt even list anything in the lsusb. anyone got a clue how i could troubleshoot?01:26
flexibeastResistance: Agreed! :-) But i didn't think i wouldn't be able to even be able to boot to console ....01:26
bfrazier_mongy, ...I give up...I'm just burning it to DVD using nero ...dang it should not be this hard01:27
flexibeastResistance: So, yeah, i'm wondering if there's a way i can regenerate the package list on my install by using the LiveCD.01:27
mongybfrazier_, its not, but you are using a vm01:27
metaspikesumosu,  sudo apt-get install firmware-restricted-nonfree01:27
mongybfrazier_, if this was a real install, all you would do is right click and write to disc01:28
bfrazier_mongy, burn process failed at 4x01:28
kikitheman@Resistance That command has finished .  Still how do I run a file ( Nvidia.run ) with root privileges ?01:28
e2b04836kikitheman: "sudo ./Nvidia.run"01:29
Resistancekikitheman:  you should probably test the drivers that just installed :P01:29
metaspikekikitheman, it would be suicide to install that now, just reboot.01:29
Resistance!root | kikitheman01:29
sumosumetaspike: ok will reboot and try01:29
ubottukikitheman: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo01:29
kikithemanwhen I type sudo ./Nvidia.run it says command not found01:30
kikithemanfile is placed on my desktop btw01:30
Resistancekikitheman:  did you cd to your Dekstop directory?01:30
Resistanceby default the terminal opens to your home folder01:30
somsipkikitheman: chmod +x ?01:31
metaspikebfrazier_,   wodim -sao myiso.iso  - hasn't failed me once,01:31
e2b04836kikitheman: "cd ~/Desktop && sudo ./Nvidia.run"01:31
metaspikekikitheman, if you install that now you'll be dumping nvidias stuff ontop of the official ubuntu packaged version01:31
Octaneim having the silliest problem. i transferred my domain over away from godaddy and now my email forward doesnt work. what do i need to do to fix it?01:32
metaspikekikitheman, so like we said, reboot and use the driver you just installed...01:32
kikithemanok ill reboot and see if it still craps out on my graphics card01:32
=== lamer is now known as Guest22018
bfrazier_command, "wodim -sao myiso.iso" results in "wodim: Operation not permitted. Warning: Cannot raise RLIMIT_MEMLOCK limits.01:33
bfrazier_Device was not specified. Trying to find an appropriate drive...01:33
bfrazier_Looking for a DVD-R drive to store 4080.54 MiB...01:33
metaspikeok. sudo wodim -sao myiso.so01:34
e2b04836Octane: who did you transfer it to?01:34
kikitheman_Driver installed . Now it does not detect my second monitor ...01:34
sumosuuh who was helping me wth the usb mouse?  was that sudp apt-get install firmware-restreicted-nonfree ?01:34
kikitheman_Both are connected thru DVI and my main one ( the working one ) is on a dvi to vga adapter .01:35
Kai_Anyone here?01:35
e2b04836only 1372 people01:36
SunTsu!ask | Kai_01:36
ubottuKai_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience01:36
mongybfrazier_, again, you are using a virtual os and your burner is not showing as a burner in the virtual os01:36
metaspikesumosu, sorry. it was but in all honestly, it was a guess. it's sudo aptitude install linux-firmware-nonfree  -01:37
kikitheman_Nvidia Xserver tells me to run "Nvidia Xconfig" as root in terminal . So i ran Sudo Nvidia Xconfig and entered my pw , but it says command can't be found .01:39
cordovalit is installed but not printing, it says it goes into the queue01:39
cordovalbut not sure why is not printing01:39
cordovalit even says completed01:39
cordovalbut no print01:39
aIUkPcyfni worked the bugs out of my ListChannelMembers function.01:39
aIUkPcyfnand I can hear you now01:39
aIUkPcyfnmeeery christmas (christmas miracle)01:39
bfrazier_mongy, so I'm looking @ vbox settings and I don't see passthrough01:39
metaspikesumosu,  if you - cat /var/log/Xorg.0/log | grep mouse - let us know what kinda mouse your usin.01:40
sumosumetaspike: hmm it installed something. would i have to reboot or sth?01:40
aIUkPcyfnbrb, cookies01:40
cordovalany wayto troubleshoot?01:40
Kai_I have an issure with an Ipod touch running IOS5 and syncing it with my Ubuntu computer. I go into more detail here. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11564185#post1156418501:41
sumosumetaspike: no such file or directory... im using a ps2 mouse but also trying to get the wireless one to work01:41
SunTsusumosu: anything in dmesg about that mouse at all?01:43
metaspikesumosu, my bad. cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep mouse01:43
e2b04836sumosu: i assume metaspike meant /var/log/Xorg.0.log01:43
SunTsumetaspike: er, why the cat? UUOC award goes tooo ;)01:44
sumosumetaspike: generic-usb 0003:0603:1602.0338: input,hiddev0,hidraw0: USB HID v1.11 Mouse [USB Device USB Device] on usb-0000:00:1d.0-2/input001:44
sumosue2b04836:  hmm thanks but im getting a ton of output on that01:45
SunTsusumosu: how many mice are attached, currently?01:46
SunTsusumosu: could you please lsusb|pastebint?01:46
sumosulsusb finds no devices01:47
SunTsuer, what the?!01:47
sumosui just get the root hub info01:48
SunTsusumosu: do you get dmesg events when de- and reattaching an usb device, like one of the mice?01:49
sumosumy main mouse is usb via ps2 adaptor.. does that one count?01:50
metaspikecordoval, not really unfortunately, without getting into manual driver installations for a unsupported driver and cups postscript driver implimentation (ugh) . you can try this. install a whole bunch of drivers and hope one works, in future, get a brother or hp printer instead... sudo apt-get install brother-cups-wrapper-common brother-cups-wrapper-extra cupsys-driver-gutenprint01:51
SunTsusumosu: yeah, should be recognized as an usb device anyway01:51
mongyi'm outatime.  later01:52
snake99hows everyone01:52
sumosudmesg finds a usb mouse but then [ 1200.947950] usb 5-2: USB disconnect, address 701:52
metaspikemaybe the batteries dead v_v01:53
sumosuim gonna pastebin my dmesg01:54
SunTsusumosu: sounds like you really have usb issues01:54
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
sumosuthis is a snippet of it http://paste.ubuntu.com/782951/01:54
snake99i dont belive u sunosu01:55
sumosuis that normal? looks like a scan01:55
SunTsusumosu: btw. you the guy from twitter having the same name?01:56
sumosuthe mouse is new (yet cheap) works in windows01:56
snake99may i ask u sumosu ?01:56
sumosuSunTsu: yup:) hallo auch:)01:56
SunTsusumosu: could be some speed negotiation issues, had that around here quite often lately.01:57
snake99how i can pot ubuntu in my engine with out nitrous or turbochaRG ?01:57
snake99use nitrous for full speed issuses mr suntsu01:58
SunTsusumosu: you could try different ports or adding a hub01:58
SunTsusnake99: I'm not sure if I can follow you, and yet even less sure I want to01:59
sumosuSunTsu: ive tried it on 3 different machines already. no joy with ubuntu01:59
TanthrixAnyone know how to make my Ubuntu 9.10 system automatically suspend after a certain length of idleness?02:00
SunTsusumosu: I was suspecting some change in usb drivers lately, but got no proof of that yet, do you by change have some older kernel lying around that you could use for testing?02:00
snake99some time i dont like to using ubuntu cos im tried to understand`t02:00
e2b04836Tanthrix: System -> Preferences -> Power Management02:00
mnuzaihani am having problems with neatx on ubuntu 11.1002:00
SunTsusumosu: btw. which version of ubuntu are you running?02:01
snake99but i like to visit my friend and stay with them in the tent02:01
mnuzaihanwhen i connect, it shows only the purple background02:01
Tanthrixe2b04836: Thanks, but I'm not using Gnome. This is a fluxbox MythTV system, not my regular desktop. Any idea on how to do it via the command line?02:02
sumosuSunTsu: mint 11 on this machine (ubuntu 11.04 equivalent), also tried it with 10.04 on the other one02:02
sumosui believe02:02
bfrimerry christmas all, i want to pull a video im streaming from facebook is there a temp file i can get it?02:02
Tanthrixe2b04836: NM! Looks like I can still get to it via the Gnome Control Center. Thanks!02:03
sumosui think the other one is on the most recent LTS version. 10.x02:03
bfrazier_how do I enable passthrough in virtualbox02:03
SunTsusumosu: that rules out my theory02:04
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».02:04
snake99its look like ubuntu VS  chevy ss big block02:04
sumosuSunTsu: how old should the kernel be? what ubuntu version? ... oh i see02:04
SunTsubfrazier_: what do you mean by passthrough?02:04
SunTsusumosu: I was thinking about the latest kernel, but, well ;)02:04
sumosuSunTsu: i tried the mouse with 3.1.5 and 3.0.0 :)02:04
bfrazier_SunTsu,  well, my dvd is not being recognized..I was told that I would need to enable pass through in virtual box02:04
SunTsubfrazier_: you probably need to add the feature pack02:05
bfrazier_SunTsu, I already installed guest editoins02:05
bfrazier_*guest editions02:05
sumosubfrazier_: try #virtualbox perhaps?02:05
SunTsubfrazier_: no, I'm not talking about guest additions. Oracle put some functionality into a feature pack you need to install separately02:06
rosstaylorhow do you find out how many watts of power your laptop is using? is there a comma?02:06
snake99i dont think so02:06
bfrazier_SunTsu, ...alright thanks I'll try #vbox02:06
SunTsusumosu: did you try adding a hub? Maybe that could mitigate your issues02:06
flexibeastSo is there any way to boot to console if there's no GRUB menu via which one can pass options to the kernel?02:07
sumosuSunTsu: but what do you make out of my dmsg log? thats not normal is it? looks like an ongoing negotiation process, right?02:07
bfrii want to pull a video im streaming from facebook is there a temp file i can get it?02:07
SunTsusumosu: yeah, that's why I thought of speed negotioation issues02:08
BlackFlexibeast press shift key when booting to show up grub menu02:08
sumosuSunTsu: i dont have any hub lying around here. and as i said i tried it on 3 machines, so i doubt it's my machine's fault02:08
snake99here we back agine with the video02:08
metaspikebfrazier_, settings > storage > storage tree > ide controller > host drive > atributes > passthrough02:09
metaspikein vbox settings.02:09
SunTsusumosu: yeah, I agree02:10
flexibeastBlack: Ah! Thank you!02:10
modsiwhow can i relable /dev/sda3 to /dev/sda1? tried gparted, dont see anything that looks like it can do it02:10
e2b04836rosstaylor: cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/state02:10
snake99any fat girl or chat here ?02:10
metaspikeala https://forums.virtualbox.org/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=44256 or use VBoxManage storageattach --passthrough oi02:11
SunTsusnake99: you might want to go to a more appropriate channel for your desires02:11
SunTsu!alis > snake9902:11
ubottusnake99, please see my private message02:11
rosstaylore2b04836: thank you, it says "present voltage: 14800 mV", how many watts does that convert to per hour?02:11
metaspikemodsiw, do you want to clone the entire drive or just copy files?02:12
e2b04836SunTsu: dont feed the troll02:12
modsiwneither, just whant to change the partition table02:12
snake99ok suntsu02:12
SunTsue2b04836: I think he's going to chat for some time with ubottu02:12
snake99but im new user here02:12
snake99i was leaving irc chat since 12 years ago02:13
modsiwtrying to get it to work with a fog imaging cloneing system and its puking bc it isnt /dev/sda102:13
e2b04836rosstaylor: i have no idea, sorry :\02:13
snake99so can u help me to find chaneel for chat ?02:13
rosstaylore2b04836: lol ok02:13
Resistancesnake99:  not exactly approppriate for any place on this network, iirc...02:13
rosstaylore2b04836: thank you ;)02:13
Resistanceyour topic...02:13
xyywill the command be on the history list if i use the VNC client?02:14
SunTsumodsiw: if it can't cope with different partitions you might want to consider using something that actually works. Cloning is not too complicated02:14
modsiwonly thing i can think of is to remove that partiontable and use a tool to rebuild a new one with a partion in sthe same place, but that is risky/hacky02:14
SunTsumodsiw: what exactly are you trying to accomplish?02:15
snake99thanx about your help suntsu02:15
modsiwthe lab has a fog (http://www.fogproject.org/) setup for use on many of their systems. for who knows what reasons, its setup to look for /dev/sda1, but these new boxes, the partion is /dev/sda3 (it is the only partiiton).  fog seems to have /dev/sda1 hard coded on it and it cant find the partition. trying to get fog to work with these new boxes02:16
e2b04836rosstaylor: i think i've found exactly what you want - install "powertop" and run it as root, it shows current power usage in W02:17
rosstaylore2b04836: sudo apt-get install powertop?02:17
e2b04836rosstaylor: yup02:17
metaspikemodsiw, is there an existing /dev/sda1 ?02:17
rosstaylore2b04836: ok and then what?02:18
yofunHello How do u set up custom vhosts like user.myhost.com?02:18
e2b04836rosstaylor: then sudo powertop02:18
yofunEach user gets their own02:18
metaspikemodsiw, you could hardlink it, but i wouldnt recommend it02:18
yofunAnd i hace webadmin also so?02:18
yekomsok, if a host is DMZ'd, it cant view its owns servers (sshd/httpd/irc) correct?02:18
rosstaylore2b04836: ok where do you see watts?02:19
sumosurosstaylor: watts are only displayed when on battery02:19
yofunHello How do u set up custom vhosts like user.myhost.com?02:20
yofunEach user gets their own02:20
yofunAnd i hace webadmin also so?02:20
e2b04836rosstaylor: it says "Power usage (ACPI Estimate): "02:20
e2b04836!patience | yofun02:20
ubottuyofun: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/02:20
* yofun waits02:20
metaspikemodsiw, ln -fs /dev/sda3 /dev/sda1   ... again, i wouldnt do this unless you know what you're doing, rather i wouldnt do this at all! but there you have it.02:20
bfrii want to pull a video im streaming from facebook is there a temp file where i can get it?02:22
modsiwwondering if that would work for what fog, ill give it a shot02:23
metaspikebfri, flasgot ... it's a firefox addon02:23
rosstaylore2b04836: hmmm i don't see it02:23
sumosubfri: i'm using video download helper plugin for firefox02:23
e2b04836rosstaylor: are you on battery?02:24
rosstaylore2b04836: yes02:24
Josh___Hi, I have a primary partition followed by an extended partion(swap,/,ntfs). Can I extend my primary into the swap and / partition?02:24
e2b04836rosstaylor: hmm, so what do you actually see then?02:25
SunTsumodsiw: according to fog's manual it can do any given partition number02:25
rosstaylore2b04836: i see five headings: overview, idle stats, frequency stats, device stats, and tunables02:25
rosstaylore2b04836: but i can't find that power thing you mentioned02:25
metaspikee2b04836, you could use ohms law to figure it out, but you will need more than just milivolts. http://www.onlineconversion.com/ohms_law.htm02:26
SunTsumodsiw: if it can't aks them for support, it's hardly an ubuntu issue02:26
SunTsuask even02:27
bfrimetaspike, any tips on how to use it?02:27
e2b04836rosstaylor: i have no idea whats happened there the output doesn't seem remotely similar to what i see here02:27
sumosurosstaylor: do you have a battery symbol in your notification area?02:27
modsiwsuntsu, thanks. ill do that02:27
yofunHello ? May anyone help me?02:27
RalieghSo uhhh... Is anyone here able to help me figure out the annoying cracked FFMPEG for transcoding issues on Ubuntu 11.04? I added the Medibuntu repository and installed the 'cracked' FFMPEG codecs, and VLC no longer outputs an error upon trying to transcode anymore, and it actually opens up the connection from and to my server... But nothing actually gets transcoded. The media type is still the02:28
Ralieghsame and no sound is played on that opened stream.02:28
yofunJust tell me like a program to do that?02:28
rosstaylorsumosu: yes i do02:28
SunTsuyofun: any web server, like lighttpd, apache, nginx, and so on02:28
sumosurosstaylor: if you click on it (i forgot if left or right) you should get an info "x:xx minutes left".. what happens if you click on that?02:29
yofunI mean for irc dnses02:29
yofunThe vhost they see02:29
metaspikebfri, start the video then go > tools > flashgot > flashgot media . to download it02:29
rosstaylorsumosu: nothing comesup02:29
e2b04836yofun: i see, what you want is an IRC bouncer like psyBNC02:29
SunTsu!enter yofun02:29
SunTsu!enter > yofun02:30
ubottuyofun, please see my private message02:30
yofunNo i want anything i connect useing a vhost02:30
yofunBots users etc02:31
yofunAnd to show that vhost on websites02:31
sumosurosstaylor: lemme boot up my book:)02:31
doritoDanMerry Codemas!02:31
yofunLike eggdrops02:31
SunTsueither yofun is too drunk or I am too tired, I don't understand a thing02:31
Resistanceyofun:  you'd need a special RDNS on the ip for that system02:31
e2b04836SunTsu: me too, the more i try to understand the more my brain hurts02:32
FirestoneAnyone know how I can get my dhcp-server to show hostnames when DHCPDISCOVER is logged in syslog? This worked before I reinstalled my dhcp-server?.02:32
yofunHmm RDNS i heard something about that02:32
coleix1Guys I'm having random crashes and have no idea why but I think is my video card, does ubuntu make minidumps or something like that to check?02:32
Resistanceyofun:  yeah, something your ISP or IP provider sets on the IP02:32
Resistancegimme a sec, i'll show ya an example02:32
e2b04836yofun: you want to change your host for everything? http etc?02:32
RalieghSo I take it nobody can help me with these FFMPEG problems? Heh.02:33
bfrimetaspike thank you much02:33
metaspikecoleix1, cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log02:33
yofunResistance:  knows what im talking about02:33
Resistance|Srvyofun: i'm Resistance in via my server02:33
Resistance|Srvfwiw the RDNS on my server is kor.trekweb.org02:33
Resistance|Srvthe gateway cloak is on because of the iline on the ip...02:33
Resistance|Srvbut if it didnt have it, this connection, and any other connection i spawn, including bots, would have kor.trekweb.org as its host02:34
rosstaylorsumosu: hm02:34
Resistance|Srvyofun: its not a VHOST its a Reverse DNS (the hostname tied to an IP)02:34
yofunSo would a home isp setup one?02:35
Resistanceso basically, you'd have to talk to your ISP or whoever provides the IP for your machine(s) and get them to change the RDNS02:35
Resistanceyofun:  most likely not02:35
coleix1Is there a windows ctrl+alt+supr alternative to ubuntu when it hangs?02:35
Resistanceyofun:  because those are  dynamic IPs02:35
e2b04836yofun: i highly doubt your isp will do that, get a cheap VPS02:35
Resistanceyofun:  in all likelihood you'd have to upgrade to a plan with a static IP, like a business plan, and that can be expensive.  listen to e2b04836 here, a VPS might work02:35
Resistances/might work/would work/02:35
SunTsuI'd recommend ipv6 tunnel and use a ipv6 irc server02:36
pinguy_what can i use to view wikipedia xml dump files ?02:36
SunTsua /48 should give you enough "vhosts" to play with02:36
sumosurosstaylor: can you fire up gnome-power-statistics from the terminal?02:37
pinguy_does any one know ?02:37
SunTsupinguy_: er, less?02:37
pinguy_what can i use to view wikipedia xml dump files ?02:37
pinguy_less  ??02:37
metaspikepinguy_ once is enough :)02:37
pinguy_you said less, so i restated the question, you appeared confused.. less makes no sence to me02:38
SunTsupinguy_: because you didn't specify what exactly you mean by view. Simply browsing them can be done by using less or even more02:38
pinguy_un less "less" is the name of an app that views wikipedia xml dump files .. is it ?02:39
rosstaylorsumosu: how?02:39
e2b04836pinguy_: any text editor/viewer can view xml files, they are just text02:39
sumosurosstaylor: just type it02:39
SunTsupinguy_: it's a general file viewer, xml is just text in a special format02:39
pinguy_oh, these xml dumps are pictures and images of current wikipedia en version02:40
rosstaylorsumosu: ok i see it02:40
rosstaylorsumosu: now where do i find out02:40
pinguy_the file is over 32gbytes02:40
yofunThanks :)02:40
sumosurosstaylor: select battery on the left, then history tab and select rate02:40
pinguy_it has talks and older versions of the pages omitted , else it would be closer to 3 Tbbytes02:41
metaspikepinguy_, ive used this in the past, and it was good enough: https://launchpad.net/wikipediadumpreader02:41
rosstaylorsumosu: ok?02:41
sumosurosstaylor: you should see a graph labelled with watts on the left02:41
metaspikeonly does text02:41
rosstaylorsumosu: yes02:41
SunTsupinguy_: look what I found googling for "wikipedia dump reader linux": http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=6524402:41
metaspikeoh it has latex as well.02:41
rosstaylorsumosu: roughly 25 watts per hour02:42
rosstaylorsumosu: what is yorus02:42
pinguy_my search was "wikipedia xml linux offline viewer"02:42
sumosurosstaylor: 12-2202:42
pinguy_i will use the app meyaspike claims is good enough...02:42
SunTsupinguy_: looks like my google-fu is stronger than yours ;)02:42
rosstaylorsumosu: this is much lower than i thought it would be02:43
grkbloodvery broad question but is there a way to get docking stations to work with laptops running linux?02:43
coleix1Guys I don't see any apparent error on xorg.0.log anywhere else I can look?02:43
grkbloodi have an HP laptop and my docking station video is refusing to work02:43
pinguy_thanks suntsu.. i was not finding anything , every thing  i came accross was for windows or only worked with a custom modified version of the files ..02:43
pinguy_yeah suntsu :)02:43
e2b04836coleix1: /var/log/messages or /var/log/syslog02:44
rosstaylorsumosu: i thought it would be much higher02:44
sumosurosstaylor: my average is roughly around 15 watts. but its just a small 12 inch notebook02:44
pinguy_i figured linux uses would know how to view wiki dump files :)02:44
metaspikehow did you figure this out?! i want to know my wattage ^_^02:45
pinguy_i doubt many windows users have the mentality to be driven to have a local copy of wikipedia... perhaps a hot movie collection at best :p02:45
pinguy_thanks all and suntsu  / metaspike02:45
=== alexander is now known as Guest7278
sumosumetaspike: powertop or gnome-power-statistics, both only give data when running on battery02:46
rosstaylorsumosu: ok thank you02:46
sumosurosstaylor: keep in mind that the power statistics tool itself uses power. powertop is the better tool02:49
rosstaylorsumosu: still, i can't see the actual voltage use02:49
metaspikewell.. all powertop "tunables" are now "good", my mouse would freeze so I had to "bad" that device, anyway. verygood.02:50
lime_I'm trying to use `valgrind` using this tutorial http://c.learncodethehardway.org/book/learn-c-the-hard-waych5.html02:51
lime_but I am unable to get the line numbers to display for the file02:51
coleix1How do I fix xorg?02:52
rosstaylorsumosu: thank you02:52
e2b04836coleix1: thats a very vague question, what exactly is wrong?02:52
metaspikecolext... lspci | grep VGA  - tell us what video card ur using.02:53
metaspikecolex1 ^02:53
metaspikearrh i need to fix autocompletion02:53
sumosurosstaylor: voltage use?02:53
sumosurosstaylor: type sensors for voltage02:54
kernelpanickerI'm running 11.10 on a Dell Precision laptop, and the pointer speed is too slow even when the Acceleration and Sensitivity sliders are maxed out on the Mouse dialogue.  Help.02:54
coleix1Random hangs, on xorg.1.log i saw shutdown CMMQS, but don't know if that's an error or me pressing the shutdown button manually02:54
lotus-bladeis there any way to get my webcam to work right?02:56
opticlovei actually got steam working on ubuntu. three cheers for me, even though i cheated i suppose02:56
metaspikekernelpanicker, try sudo aptitude install lxinput && lxinput02:57
metaspikelotus-blade, does it show with mplayer tv://   ?02:57
KBentley57hey guys.  I have two 4870's installed.  I'm about to install a 6970.  Are the binary blob drivers cool with this?  Or should I uninstall, and do a clean install of ATI's proprietary drivers?02:59
lotus-blademetaspike.  mplayer not installed03:01
metaspikelotus-blade, http://www.liberiangeek.net/2011/10/use-your-webcam-in-ubuntu-11-10-oneiric-ocelot/03:01
metaspike!tell KBentley57 !ati03:01
ubottumetaspike: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:01
metaspikeha! KBentley57 I would use the ones ubuntu provides.03:02
KBentley57metaspike:  I would, but the binary ones work better03:03
metaspikerealisticly there are -three- drivers to choose from, the xorg ones, the ubuntu packaged proporeitory ones and the ones from upstream / nvidia / ati03:03
metaspiketo get the prop ones, on oneiric,  sudo aptitude install fglrx03:05
KBentley57as far as i know, the "post release update" option is still broken in jockey.  I can't seem to get it to update.  I suppose I could completely remove the fglrx blob from synaptic, but I try to keep them up to date03:05
ShawnRiskI am trying to check if my DVD is Read or Write only, and did dmesg | grep -i dvd in terminal with nothing outputting onto the screen.  What do I do?03:05
coleix1i have a hd6950, it has 2 drivers the proprietary drivers didn't install i had to use the privative drivers, and i'm having i little bit of video lag03:05
lotus-blademetaspike.  cheese goes to load and dies03:05
metaspikeor sudo apt-get install fglrx03:05
KBentley57did you try to install them using jockey coleix1?03:05
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coleix1KBentley: is that the additional drivers option?03:06
KBentley57coleix1: yes03:06
lotus-blademetaspike: (cheese:20424): Clutter-CRITICAL **: Unable to initialize Clutter: Unable to find suitable fbconfig for the GLX context: Unable to find fbconfig with rgba visual03:07
coleix1KBlentley57: then yeah, there's 2 option there and I had to use the privative one because the proprietary one gives me an error03:07
kernelpanickermetaspike: sanity check... 'sudo apt-get install lxinput && lxinput'?03:08
metaspike"install lxinput and run lxinput" my fav mouse sensitivity configurator03:08
metaspikego for it.03:08
sumosui have a bit of a technical question... initramfs can see my SDcard.. grub can not. can i boot initramfs from one drive but load the system from another?03:08
kernelpanickermetaspike: aha ok... didn't know about the meaning of the &&, now I do ;)03:10
kernelpanickerOK well... that's a cool utility... but my pointer still doesn't move far enough even with those sliders at their max.03:12
cliffybxAnyone here that use ubuntu 11.10?03:12
Resistancethere you go03:12
kernelpanickerIt takes three slides of the finger to move the pointer across the screen.03:12
kernelpanickercliffybx: I do.03:12
sumosucliffybx: we can assume that this is the case, therefore you just asked a metaquestion. bad start:))03:13
cliffybxResistance ..thanks for the guide03:13
metaspikei want to figure this out so lemme try. lotus-blade try:   lsusb | pastebinit   and send us the link03:14
coleix1well haven't had a crash again yet but i still think is xorg03:14
cliffybxim a learner and still new at ubuntu..can you all teach me03:15
kernelpanickercliffybx: what is your problem?03:15
kernelpanickercliffybx: what do you want to learn?03:15
cliffybxmy ubuntu always crash03:15
cliffybxcan u help me ti fix it03:15
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xangua!details | cliffybx03:16
ubottucliffybx: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."03:16
kernelpanickercliffybx: Yes, we can help you learn.03:16
cliffybxim running ubuntu 11.10..my file explorer always crash..i always update..i hope i can fix it..03:17
metaspikekernelpanicker, -   xset m <accel> <threshold>   -   so xset m 5 5  for example is 5 times faster than normal.03:17
metaspikei *think* but anyway, it works, try it03:17
e2b04836cliffybx: what do you mean by crash? is there an error displayed?03:18
coleix1Btw, did someone answered me if there's a windows ctrl+alt+supr equivalent in ubuntu where I can force shut an application that hangs?03:18
kernelpanickercliffybx: use the commandline instead.03:18
xanguacoleix1: is disabled by default but you can enable it on Keyboard settings03:18
kernelpanickermetaspike: where do I set those configurations?03:19
cliffybxyes..it says got problem and have to report..it tell me to update..but still the same after update03:19
metaspikecoleix1, from terminal .... killall "appname"  or xkill <point and click to kill>03:19
kernelpanickercliffybx: can you tell us more exactly what the problem is?03:19
metaspikekernelpanicker, from terminal of course! i dont really care for these fancy gui apps >_<03:20
cliffybxmy file explorer..always crash..automatic close..03:20
coleix1metaspike: but if i can't move the mouse (that happened to me a couple of times today) and i typed ctrl+alt+t to open terminal and it wouldn't open either03:21
e2b04836coleix1: you could create a new shortcut to xkill03:21
kernelpanickermetaspike: OK... just that lxinput launches a gui...03:21
kernelpanickercliffybx: I do not know enough to troubleshoot your problem, but someone in here will help you.03:22
cliffybxkernelpanicker =) tahnks03:22
TJRana_Hello. Um...03:22
TJRana_I have a question.03:22
amitzI'm looking for an instruction on multi-seats of ubuntu 11.10. The best I can get is version up to 11.04: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultiseatX03:22
e2b04836!ask | TJRana_03:22
ubottuTJRana_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience03:22
metaspikecliffybx, sudo dpkg-reconfigure nautilus   - from terminal.03:23
kernelpanickermetaspike: metaspike to the rescue!!  xset did the trick... love that tool!  Thanks ;)03:24
cliffybx=) thanks metaspike03:24
* metaspike takes a break03:24
TJRana_Okay, so I just installed Ubuntu 11.10 Server on my computer. I want to make this computer a server.03:25
cliffybxwhen the release of ubuntu 12.04?03:25
xangua!12.04 | cliffybx03:26
ubottucliffybx: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) will be the sixteenth release of Ubuntu. Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/784 | Discussion and support in #ubuntu+103:26
TJRana_The release of Ubuntu 12.04 will be in April 2012.03:26
sumosuin the 4th month of 2012. hence the name03:26
cliffybx=)ok..thanks..can't wait to use it03:26
TJRana_Okay, so after I went through the setup, I went to my IP address and it gave me a "It works!" message.03:27
somsipcliffybx: always follow reviews and reports of problems before upgrading. unless you prefer to live on the bleeding edge03:27
BlackTjrana_ greats03:27
cliffybx=) ok somsip03:27
TJRana_I also set up the domain I bought a while ago to go to this IP address.03:27
cordycepsI installed a new screensaver but when I go to Preferences->Screensaver I can't find it. How to fix?03:28
somsipcliffybx: just friendly advice. things do break on releas.e It's annoying to upgrade and then read that others are having the same problemjs as you...03:28
TJRana_I want to make it so the server can handle emails. How do I do that?03:28
sumosuim one of the people unhappy with unity03:28
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e2b04836teej: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixBasicSetupHowto03:29
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cliffybx>somsip> my synaptic manager crash recently..automatic close.how to fix it03:29
kernelpanickerwhere is the mouse acceleration set permanently? which file?03:29
metaspikeTJRana_, that's apache2 it hanles from /var/www/   - man apache2 for details. for a mailserver. learn how to use sendmail or such.03:30
=== mgodzilla_rests is now known as mgodzilla
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teejmetaspike, I don't understand what you mean.03:30
BlackSumosu i'm too03:31
coleixNow I definitely messed up, I activated the ctrl+alt+backspace to kill server X option and did it, now it wont boot, what now?03:31
metaspikekernelpanicker, there is no place for xset overrides as stated in its manpage, if you add eg - xset m 5 5 -  to ~/.xsession  (/home/user/.xsession) they will be applied everytime to login.03:31
Guest54883Hey! I got an very old windows formatted iPod and i'm trying to mount it up to get some files from it and I dont know how. I've tried gtkpod, amarok, and some terminal stuff and files.03:32
cliffybxhow to make battery icon to appear in ubuntu panel ?03:32
kernelpanickermetaspike: OK thx03:32
metaspikecoleix, your install sounded messy from the start, I would install 10.04 as it's more likely to work and upgrade when 11.* gets its shit together.03:33
* metaspike apologises language03:33
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=== Zizzu is now known as SoNoIoPaUrAEH
coleixI remember I had the crash on 11.04 and I something to xorg that someone here told me to do and fixed the issue03:35
cliffybxtry update your system03:35
metaspikethat and/or try removing the xorg.conf, allowing the defaults to be regenerated. sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:36
coleixwell pressing shift at boot up only made it hang at the purple screen before the ubuntu loading03:36
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Guest53340how can i open website as terminatior03:37
BlackHi mohamed03:37
metaspikeGuest54883, do you know what filesystem it's using? use gparted to find out.03:38
cliffybxhow to use feedbottle or beini?03:38
lotus-blademetaspike: http://paste.ubuntu.com/783003/03:38
coleixthe only fail at boot up is "stopping automatic crash report generation"03:39
lotus-bladeafter googling it I am not the only one having this problem03:39
Guest53340how can i open website as terminatior03:40
cordycepsHow do I activate new screensaver? It doesn't show up in Preferences->Screensaver.03:40
BlackWhat you mean?03:40
cliffybxhow to hack wifi using ubuntu?03:40
teejisn't that illegal?03:41
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lotus-blademetaspike: aparently cheese will not start because of clutter.  This seems to be effecting many users03:41
Guest54883exfat it uses03:41
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Guest53340how can i open website as terminatior ????????03:42
Guest53340how can i open website as terminatior03:42
Guest53340how can i open website as terminatior03:42
FloodBot1Guest53340: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:42
coleixno idea on what to do guys?03:42
Guest53340comment je peux ouvrir un site web sous le terminal ?ù03:42
coleixisn't there a #ubuntu-fre? or something03:42
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.03:43
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coleixwhat does the option ctrl+alt+backspace to kill server x actually do?03:44
metaspikelotus-blade, if you want to test. sudo apt-get install mplayer && mplayer tv://      .... or try ekiga, or skype...03:45
metaspiketeej, it's only illegal if you hack without permission :)03:45
teejmetaspike, I knew that03:45
coleixwell i got in on recovery mode, what can i do now guys?03:47
metaspikecliffybx, http://www.aircrack-ng.org/03:49
=== Nax is now known as Exio4|Away
MoHaMeD-ToUjhow can i open a page web03:50
MoHaMeD-ToUjas terminator03:50
coleixtheres wireshark also which is pretty easy to use03:50
xanguaMoHaMeD-ToUj: open firefox03:50
MoHaMeD-ToUji want to see the website in the terminator (terminal)03:50
xangua!info links2 | MoHaMeD-ToUj03:51
BlackMohamed, use text based browser03:51
ubottuMoHaMeD-ToUj: links2 (source: links2): Web browser running in both graphics and text mode. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.3~pre1-1build1 (oneiric), package size 1980 kB, installed size 3168 kB03:51
xanguaMoHaMeD-ToUj: next time speak clear....running as terminator makes no sence03:52
lotus-blademetaspike: it is funny it works in cammerama03:52
coleixno ideas anyone? it wont boot and i don't know what to do on recovery mode03:53
metaspikelotus-blade, "failed to initialize: Clutter" the horror.03:54
MoHaMeD-ToUji want to open google as terminator03:54
MoHaMeD-ToUjhow can i do this03:55
xanguadid you read what i told you MoHaMeD-ToUj ¿03:55
xanguawhat the bot told you03:55
MoHaMeD-ToUji dont understand03:55
BlackMohamed. Install links2 package03:58
MoHaMeD-ToUjthank you very much black :)03:59
BlackMohamed. Good lucks guys04:00
MoHaMeD-ToUjthe name for the fastest copy linux pleasseeee04:02
nvzMoHaMeD-ToUj: rsync is the most useful means of copying things in linux.. heh04:03
nvzwhat you are asking, I haven't a clue04:03
coleixhey guys i did this http://ubuntuportal.com/how-to-enable-key-sequence-ctrlaltbackspace-to-kill-server-on-ubuntu-11-10/ and after using it to test it now won't boot04:03
SunTsunvz: I really was impressed that you understood his question04:03
ahhughezhow can I find out which processes have a lock on a dir /somewhere  ?04:03
SunTsuahhughez: lsof04:04
BlackI don't understand what you mean mohamed-touj04:04
ahhughezSunTsu, its suggesting fuser04:04
nvzSunTsu: yeah totally did not understand that.. didn't know if he was trolling for the "fastest linux" and I should kick him towards #gentoo or what04:04
MoHaMeD-ToUji have 512 RAM & 2.0 GHZ pross i use UBUNTU it is so slow and i try04:04
teejI'm going to leave now. I might be back later. Bye everyone. And Merry Christmas!!!!!04:05
MoHaMeD-ToUjXUBUTU it's too slox04:05
xangua!lubuntu | MoHaMeD-ToUj04:05
ubottuMoHaMeD-ToUj: lubuntu is a project to create a derivative of Ubuntu using the LXDE desktop environment. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu . /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.04:05
SunTsuahhughez: there's more than one tool04:05
nvzMoHaMeD-ToUj: your problem it seems would be lack of ram, you need to slim down the interface or go use gentoo and compile everything for no benefit04:05
SunTsuahhughez: use what you like best04:05
mebigfatguy1MoHaMeD-ToUj: memory is cheap04:05
mebigfatguy1pay 20 bucks and get 2M04:05
mebigfatguy1er 2G04:05
kernelpanickermetaspike: thx again for all the help!04:05
metaspikeMoHaMeD-ToUj, sudo rcconf  - disable the stuff you dont need.04:05
nvzMoHaMeD-ToUj: doesn't matter what distro you use, just need to slim down the ram usage because 512MB is not enoug04:06
metaspikekernelpanicker, :D rock on buddy04:06
rhineheart_mhello.. is there a unique way of saving iptables to survive on boot than other linux distro?04:06
coleixmaybe puppy linux?04:06
ahhughezSunTsu, yeah Im kinda stuck here... need to get the mount moved before I restart ther service, or its going to be super unhappy :(04:06
nvzMoHaMeD-ToUj: ubuntu for instance uses compiz by default to do a bunch of flashy stuff you dont have memory for.. that as well as a bunch of other crap would need to be uninstalled or you need more ram.04:07
SlimShadyhi everyone04:07
SunTsurhineheart_m: what's wrong with iptablessave?04:07
nvzMoHaMeD-ToUj: if you wanna start more minimal and have a solid OS I'd personally recommend Debian and to use the XFCE or LXDE cd image04:07
SlimShadycan someone answer a question about linux and android?04:08
extorSo I want to allocate an entire server for mail. Probably using postfix. And being the noob that I am I need a web based GUI tool to configure and maintain it. Can't decide on what tool to use or whether postfix or qmail is the better choice. I want to give multiple clients smtp and pop access securely04:08
metaspikeSlimShady, just ask.04:08
somsip!ask | SlimShady04:08
ubottuSlimShady: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience04:08
MoHaMeD-ToUji will try Lubuntu and thnx for all04:08
SlimShadydoes android, since it uses Linux kernel, get affected by the power usage regressions as well?04:09
SunTsuextor: qmail. Bwahahahaha. sorry. Bwahahaha04:09
skyace888Hi all! Anyone have experience using ubuntu as a nas?04:09
rhineheart_mSunTsu: it can't survive after boot04:10
SunTsuextor: sorry, can't stop laughin by the thought of using qmail again. Better use postfix or exim04:10
SunTsurhineheart_m: of course it does. use iptables-save to save and iptables-restore to restore your rules04:10
extorwhats wrong with qmail04:11
lsvdoes anyone knows what the '-DL', '-DS' and '-DW' flags are for in the gcc compiler?04:11
SunTsuextor: well, you need to patch EVERYTHING into it04:12
SunTsuextor: qmail as such is quite raw, only the most basic features, the rest is patches from lots of different sources, of varying code quality04:13
rhineheart_mSunTsu: this is what I did... /sbin/iptables-restore < /locationofiptables/iptables.rules ....then after which.. the IP that I want to block (outgoing and incoming) is working.. but after reboot.. it won't work again..04:14
vipinbhello all I want to purchase 5+1 sound card. Can anyone suggest me which will be the best sound card support linux?04:15
SunTsurhineheart_m: you need to setup a startup script for that, that's not too hard to do04:15
batlockhey guys, don't flame me, using debian..  Just wanna know if I can disable the wallet subsystem and still be able to connect to an encrypted wifi without having to enter a key every time04:16
driiperHello! Do anyone have ANY clue why my UBUNTU 11.10 server is going in some kinda sleep mode after x hours of inactivity? Is this some new standard thing that comes with 11.10?  THe problem is that my server randomly innaccessible from the web. Any clue? Thanks04:16
MoHaMeD-ToUjhow can i crack WIFI with ubuntu ??04:18
rhineheart_mSunTsu: then I did  iptables -L .. it's in the list already... then...iptables-save > /etc/iptables.up.rules then nano /etc/network/if-pre-up.d/iptables and did this...  #!/bin/bash04:18
rhineheart_m /sbin/iptables-restore < /etc/iptables.up.rules then chmod +x /etc/network/if-pre-up.d/iptables04:18
rhineheart_mSunTsu: but this thing won't work.. I just don't know why..04:18
SunTsuMoHaMeD-ToUj: if you don't know nobody will teach you04:18
Canadian1296MoHaMeD-ToUj: This isnt the place to discuss that.04:19
MoHaMeD-ToUji run Xchat for the 1st time04:19
SunTsurhineheart_m: then look at the log files what went wrong04:19
rhineheart_mMoHaMeD-ToUj: hacking to wifi network is not a good thing to me..04:19
maumusb memory is 3GB and iso file is 100MB so how can I boot disk for this? I want to use the remains of usb memory04:19
Canadian1296MoHaMeD-ToUj: http://bit.ly/uwBmLx04:19
driiperHello! Do anyone have ANY clue why my UBUNTU 11.10 server is going in some kinda sleep mode after x hours of inactivity? Is this some new standard thing that comes with 11.10?  THe problem is that my server randomly innaccessible from the web. Any clue? Thanks04:19
rhineheart_mSunTsu: those ones are expected to work right?04:20
SunTsu!patience | driiper04:20
zieass kakak2....04:20
ubottudriiper: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/04:20
MoHaMeD-ToUjthnxxxxx guysss04:20
ziesiang kakak04:20
SunTsurhineheart_m: they look ok, but I would need to check the man pages to see if they are04:20
coleixTried updating the ati drivers but it still won't boot04:21
batlock!wifidocs | MoHaMeD-ToUj   also cracking wifi can be illegal under most circumstances and is most likely frowned upon here04:21
ubottuMoHaMeD-ToUj   also cracking wifi can be illegal under most circumstances and is most likely frowned upon here: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:21
=== Crismas is now known as Crisco
rhineheart_mSunTsu: where to check the logs? how to do it? thanks..04:23
SunTsurhineheart_m: well, it's ppp logs, right? /var/log/debug most probably04:24
=== LinuxUSER is now known as Guest18633
Guest18633I tried to get help from Facebook Linux UBUNTU but, nobody would04:26
Guest18633I'm having lots of trouble with my wifi adaptor04:26
batlockalso MoHaMeD-ToUj, it's not nice to pm someone without asking, and to repetedly ask me to do something that's illegal04:26
batlockso stop04:26
coleix"Starting load fallback graphics devices [Fail]" isn't that the drivers?  I updated from ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates and it still wont boot04:27
Guest18633I have a NETGEAR WN111v2 WIFI USB Adaptor and I use it to get the Internet04:27
Guest18633It keeps dropping out the will will not stay connected for longer then 5 mins04:28
Guest18633sorry for the typos04:28
StarryNightsometimes if u get items make sure that it is windows and linux certified just because it works in windows04:28
Guest18633Is there a driver for the NETGEAR WN111v204:29
Guest18633that can work on linux04:29
StarryNightcheck on their site04:29
Guest18633I did nothing04:29
Guest18633I was told to ask you guys04:29
batlocklooks like an atheros chipset04:29
batlockAtheros AR9001U-04:29
Guest18633It sure doesn't work right with linux04:30
Guest18633always having to reconnect it04:30
lotus-bladeok I am now having a problem connecting to my network drives.  I can not see anyone in my workgroup04:30
Guest18633I was on the Ubuntu Facebook site trying to get help and there was a person telling me to just use windows 7 and not to use linux anymore.04:31
Guest18633I tried to tether my phone to linux but.. I didn't understand how to04:31
batlockI had that problem with my wifi card back in 8.10 i have an AR928X04:31
batlockbut i'm of little experience with fixing stuff like that, my fix was to go to #ubuntu+1 at the time04:32
Guest18633There is no way you could download anything with linux with my wifi card because just as you walk away the signal is dead and drops out trying to reconnect and fails until you reconnect the usb card04:33
batlockhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1183536  try that out04:33
batlockdunno what help it'll be04:33
rhineheart_mSunTsu: my var/log/debug is empty...04:33
Guest18633yeah I don't really understand this code at all or how to use it04:34
SunTsurhineheart_m: well, then it's different with ppp and normal ifup, you still can check /var/log/syslog for instabnce04:35
Guest18633is it xml, shell ? I have no idea04:35
Guest18633plus this link is in German wtf04:36
coleixguys where is xorg.config located?04:37
batlockthat's probably why he outlined it below that link04:37
Kevin`the mouse in ubuntu 11.10 is very flaky in qemu, is there a fix for that?04:38
coleixi tried sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf but it doesn't exist04:38
batlock!wifidocs | Guest18633 before you do anything, look through these04:38
ubottuGuest18633 before you do anything, look through these: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:38
Guest18633I'm just not smart enough04:38
Guest18633holds head in shame04:38
pnormanI'm trying to find some motherboard compatibility information - any suggestions on where to look?04:38
coleixcan someone with 11.10 do me a favor and find xorg.config?04:39
Kevin`pnorman: almost all desktop hardware works fine. pick what you want, then check the specific parts to make sure04:39
DarkXPhenomenoncan anyone help me start with android kernel compilation? codesourcery , arm-eabi etc are needed the doc says, is there anything else I need?04:40
pnormanKevin`: I've picked what I want already04:40
Ben64coleix: xorg.conf hasn't existed for quite a while04:40
bullgard4coleix: Normally there is no longer a xorg.config any longer in Ubuntu 11.10. You can create one though.04:40
Kevin`pnorman: google chipset names04:40
Kevin`pnorman: along with "linux" or "ubuntu"04:40
rhineheart_mSunTsu: I have this log in /var/log/init.log....  * Starting basic networking...   [80G run-parts: failed to exec /etc/network/if-pre-up.d/iptables: Exec format errorrun-parts: /etc/network/if-pre-up.d/iptables exited with return code 104:41
deviantgeekanyone here have experience running minecraft servers on ubuntu server 11.10x64?04:41
coleixhmm, i'm having trouble with ati drivers and xserver so it wont boot, found a guide but tells me to remove xorg and can't find it on recovery console04:41
SunTsurhineheart_m: then something is wrong with them, please pastey them04:42
D11Hello, everyone04:42
BlackHello D1104:42
visitor_1hi there, somebody know how to disable the poping up sound bar volume? i am runnig cairo dock and it has its own sound bar so i dont want to have two of them lol04:42
D11 :)04:43
roachk71msg nickserv identify qonos7104:49
rhineheart_mSunTsu: thanks.. I pinned it down. it's rules issue..04:49
rhineheart_mSunTsu: thank you for the hint.. about the log thing04:49
SunTsuroachk71: thanks for the information or in other words: change your nickserv password NOW04:50
SunTsurhineheart_m: well, log files is the first thing you look into when things don't work04:50
Ben64deviantgeek: minecraft is java, its pretty much the same on every system04:50
rhineheart_mSunTsu: yes. I'll keep it in mind. Thanks04:51
coleixgreat finally booted:)04:52
roachk71Changed. {oops...keyboard didn't register the slash.}04:53
rhineheart_mhow to show processes in ubuntu> just like task manager in windows?04:55
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit04:55
tallwayne25Hello I'm looking for help with root a android phone I have no where else to turn too, I've tried z4root 1.3.0 or somthing It didn't root the phone though I really need help04:56
bullgard4coleix: If you cannot find it, then it does not exist.04:57
arooni-mobile__how do i reattach a broken ssh session04:57
SunTsuarooni-mobile__: you create a new one04:58
dannelbullgard4, you study lots of metaphysics?04:58
coleixyeah i know that now, i got it to boot already04:59
lotushey, I'm using an asus eeepc 1005ha and I just put a sd card into my card reader.  I'm wondering how to mount/view the contents?05:01
=== Guest73636 is now known as shadowe9899
rhineheart_mis it possible to stop some processes that displayed in "ps ux " automatically upon reboot? like making a script?05:02
SunTsurhineheart_m: why een start them at all?05:02
coleixlotus: doesn't it show on nautilus?05:02
lotuscoleix: nope, not under places.05:03
rhineheart_mSunTsu: there's just a zoombie running in the start-up... want to get rid of it ... I have the set of command already.. when I execute it.. the process stop.. but I don't know yet how to make a script so that it would automatically run in the boot up process05:04
coleixmaybe try the disk utility but on my experience it should appear right there on nautilus05:05
SunTsurhineheart_m: what is it?05:05
RalieghHow do I find out if my Ubuntu is Natty Narwhal (wat...) Meerkat, Lynx, or whatever?05:05
rhineheart_mSunTsu: it is a sleep command..05:06
urCNeahoIhey hey!!05:07
lotuscoleix: trying to install eee-control to see if my card reader is turned off05:07
coleixHow can i change screen size without installing the privative drivers?05:07
milamberRaliegh: do you know what the number version is? or do you need that also05:07
lotuscoleix: do you mean resolution?05:07
SunTsuRaliegh: sudo lsb_release -a05:07
coleixno it recognize my 37" tv as a 52" so it goes over the edge05:08
coleixthe privative drivers make videos lag a bit more than without installing them05:09
sainwXoom 3.2 mounting on ubuntu 10.4, "http://www.xoomforums.com/forum/motorola-xoom-development/691-mount-internal-storage-ubuntu.html" Anyone successful on this one?05:11
rhineheart_mSunTsu:  or.. how to disable a certain command/service so that the next time the machine boots up.. it won't be executed again..05:12
SunTsurhineheart_m: update-rc.d05:13
RalieghMmm, natty. Thanks SunTsu.05:14
SunTsurhineheart_m: on newer systems you can diable things via the upstart system05:15
RalieghI'm swimming in the ocean, causing a commotion because I'm so awesome.05:15
rhineheart_mI found this one SunTsu http://www.unixtutorial.org/2009/01/disable-service-startup-in-ubuntu/05:15
kroq-gar78how does one start using a separate /boot/ partition after installation?05:15
kroq-gar78Raliegh: Ubuntu 11.04?05:15
rhineheart_mSunTsu: so looking for the sleep command first in the /etc/init.d dir05:16
Ralieghkroq-gar78 Yepper.05:16
milamber!boot | rhineheart_m05:16
ubotturhineheart_m: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto05:16
cliffybxubuntu 11.10 awsome05:16
kroq-gar78Raliegh, lol if u were using 11.10 I was gonna say u a n00b lol :P05:17
RalieghNope, but I am a noob, no denying that.05:17
kroq-gar78Raliegh, b/c 11.04 is narwhal, not 11.1005:17
RalieghS'okay, I'm fine with being the jedi of the sea.05:17
kroq-gar78>_> I'm jealous >:(05:18
rhineheart_mmilamber: m using CLI here..05:18
cliffybxwhich ubuntu is the most stable05:18
rhineheart_mcliffybx: I guess.. the latest stable release :)05:19
kroq-gar78cliffybx: prob 10.04 b/c least "new" things as such and LTS05:19
sainwXoom mount point error. Transport endpoint is not connected!05:19
madooi need hellp05:19
cliffybxwhat do you think about the upcoming 12.04 LTS05:19
urlin2umoe.larry and curly05:20
rhineheart_mjust wondering if package 'bum', or update-rc.d  is GUI05:20
kroq-gar78rhineheart_m: I think bum is GUI05:20
madooi want ubuntu gnome but i have ubuntu 10 10 can i get in terminal05:20
kroq-gar78madoo: gnome 3? gnome-shell you mean?05:21
rhineheart_mwould it work in terminal?05:21
madooyes gnome like if i want xubuntu05:21
rhineheart_mwould bum work in terminal/05:22
kroq-gar78madoo: so you want xubuntu/xfce, right?05:22
madoono i want ubuntu gonome05:23
kroq-gar78madoo: ubuntu always uses GNOME/GTK; even Unity uses GNOME05:23
rhineheart_mor I can I simple use a script to disable some services in start-up?05:23
cliffybxanyone here know how to use backtrack?05:23
kroq-gar78cliffybx: in what way?05:24
urlin2ucliffybx, backtrack is not upported05:24
madoookey what if i want xubuntu05:24
amin`guys i have this nasty problem with terminal emulators; which is the title bar. for example; i have 6 aterms and in  taskbar or alt+tab all say aterm; how could the titlebar be change to current command running or the current directroy it is i; for exaple if i use aria2 it says aria2c .. and if i and in ~/.config the tiltebar say ~/.config ?05:24
amin`can anyone tell me if i am i chann el05:24
RalieghHow do I check a programs' version in Ubuntu?05:24
kroq-gar78rhineheart_m: just to make boot times faster or is there underlying problem?05:24
kroq-gar78Raliegh: "dpkg -s {package} | grep Version"05:25
madoocan u undearstand me05:25
kroq-gar78madoo: "sudo apt-get install xfce"05:25
RalieghSexy, thanks.05:25
kroq-gar78Raliegh: ;)05:25
kroq-gar78madoo: my bad it should be "sudo apt-get install xfce4"05:25
maumhow can I refresh genome do list?05:26
rhineheart_mkroq-gar78: yes. very much.. coz a certain script/command is trying to shutdown the system after a certain time using sleep command05:26
maumI cannot run the program by using gnome do05:26
madooand what if i wanna debian05:26
rhineheart_mso would like to remove the service...05:26
kroq-gar78rhineheart_m: should be "sudo update-rc.d {servicename} remove" right?05:26
SunTsumadoo: then you're wrong here05:26
=== mgodzilla is now known as mgodzilla_rests
kroq-gar78madoo: Debian is a distro. It can run many DE's e.g. GNOME 2, GNOME 3, XFCE, LXDE05:27
rhineheart_mkroq-gar78: will try that05:27
rhineheart_mkroq-gar78: PID is the name of the process right?05:28
lotusSo, I have two versions of python installed on my system and I want to install a package which requires use of python < 2.7, but I can't convince the program that I have python2.6.  I've changed the link /usr/bin/python to point to python2.6, but dpkg -i still insists that the python version on my system is 2.7.1 -- any advice on how to get dpkg -i to use my python2.6?05:28
bullgard4In Firefox 3.6.24 there are open 31 tabs. What is the simplest way to store the URLs off all the 31 tabs in a directory?05:28
kroq-gar78madoo: Ubuntu is a distro, too; Xubuntu is just plain Ubuntu but with XFCE as the default DE/look, not regular Unity/GNOME 205:28
rhineheart_mor the service name? or... how to get the service name of it? it displays using "ps ux"05:28
cliffybxwhat is a distro?05:28
rhineheart_mcliffybx: google is your friend05:29
amin`guys i have this nasty problem with terminal emulators; which is the title bar. for example; i have 6 aterms and in  taskbar or alt+tab all say aterm; how could the titlebar be change to current command running or the current directroy it is i; for exaple if i use aria2 it says aria2c .. and if i and in ~/.config the tiltebar say ~/.config ?05:29
bullgard4cliffybx: "distro" is short for (Linux) distribution.05:29
kroq-gar78rhineheart_m: is it a service or a process?05:30
kroq-gar78rhineheart_m: if its a service, then use the command I previously I gave you. If it's a process, then here's the command to kill it: "killall {procname}"05:30
kroq-gar78cliffybx: Linux is just a kernel. Ubuntu is the Linux kernel with a bunch of other free programs.05:31
kroq-gar78cliffybx: nobody really just distributes a plain kernel to an end-user. also, "distro" is an abbreviation of "distribution"05:32
rhineheart_mkroq-gar78: it can be killed usingkill -9 `ps -aef | grep 'sleep 1800' | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'`05:32
madooi need some thing have 3d like when i open windo and  clooth05:32
CharminTheMooseHey all, I've built a natty-based chroot environment, no X. Is it possible to upgrade it to oneiric?05:32
madoowatch this vedio and u will undearstand05:32
rhineheart_mkroq-gar78: so the question is..how to autokill or remove it totally from the system?05:33
cliffybx>kroq-gar78 thanks =)05:33
undefined0how do i make plasma desktop as my default UI?05:34
kroq-gar78rhineheart_m: do "which {programname}"05:34
kroq-gar78undefined0: the default is the one you last used05:34
xbonesxCould someone help me to install 11.04 to my pen drive? I dont want to use it as a live cd, i actually want the OS installed to the pendrive...05:34
cliffybxhow to make download in Ubuntu more faster?05:35
xbonesxOr maybe a tutorial, i can read lol05:35
kroq-gar78xbonesx: 1. make sure flashdrive is >2GB, mnore like 4GB05:35
smwcliffybx, axel (or axel-gtk)05:35
xbonesxI have a 4gb05:35
kroq-gar78cliffybx: torrent05:35
rhineheart_mkroq-gar78: /bin/sleep05:35
undefined0xbonesx, http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/05:35
madooxfce 4 a this good like ubuntu 10.1005:35
kroq-gar78undefined0: that's still a live img05:35
cliffybxthanks..and how to change DNS server05:35
kroq-gar78cliffybx: look at the file "/etc/resolv.conf"05:36
kroq-gar78cliffybx: if you want to do it by command line05:36
metaspikexbonesx, just point the installer on the installation cd to your usb drive instead of the hard-drisk, i suggest you format as ext305:36
kroq-gar78metaspike: then it will install bootloader on the harddrive!05:36
cliffybxbash: /etc/resolv.conf: Permission denied..i cannot access it05:36
xbonesxundefined0: I believe that will only allow me to run a "live" session...05:37
kroq-gar78xbonesx: use Ubuntu startup image creator or Unetbootin and say "use persistent image" at the bottom05:37
undefined0kroq-gar78, i'm using the netbook interface.. btw i'm on my netbook, i don't the look and feel of the UI05:37
kroq-gar78undefined0: have you isntalled KDE yet?05:37
xbonesxkroq-gar78: ok, but this will not work for a 2gb?05:37
kroq-gar78KDE is plasma, right?05:37
undefined0kroq-gar78, yes by using apt-get05:37
kroq-gar78xbonesx: my bad, it will that way, sorry :P05:37
kroq-gar78undefined0: so just log in using KDE/plasma and then log back out, and it should be default now05:38
kroq-gar78madoo: yes?05:38
xbonesxkroq-gar78: which application do you prefer? is there one that will run from windows to create the install?05:38
madooxfce 4 its good like ubuntu05:39
kroq-gar78xbonesx: Unetbootin should work on windows05:39
kroq-gar78madoo: yes, I like xfce4 and its like Ubuntu, but LXDE is nice too.05:39
rhineheart_mkroq-gar78: after I executed "which sleep 1800" it gives me /bin/sleep ....05:39
bullgard4In Firefox 3.6.24 there are open 31 tabs. What is the simplest way to store the URLs off all the 31 tabs in a directory?05:39
madoohaw i can get lxde in terminal05:39
cliffybxwhy ubuntu locked the file system05:40
kroq-gar78rhineheart_m: do you know which process is doing the autocall on sleep?05:40
madoocan you tellme please05:40
rhineheart_mkroq-gar78: I don't know.. can't figure out..05:40
kroq-gar78madoo: "sudo apt-get install lxde" it's a big download. to make it smaller (less extra programs, not necessary): "sudo apt-get install lxde-core"05:40
kroq-gar78!patience | madoo05:40
ubottumadoo: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/05:40
xbonesxkroq-gar78: thanks i will check it out05:41
kroq-gar78xbonesx: np05:41
usr13bullgard4: When you attempt to close Firefox, aren't you presented with the option to save the session?05:41
jeaton1I tried to setup a user that is automatically logged in, but something screwed up and I can't change, any idea how I can through terminal05:42
usr13bullgard4: Or, are you really wanting to create a file that contains those 3 URLs.05:42
kroq-gar78usr13: he wants a txt type of file05:42
jeaton1I can't change because I can't get passed the login screen05:43
madoohaw i can unstall ubuntu 10.10 in terminal to make lxde alone05:44
usr13bullgard4: kroq-gar78 Firefox doesn't have a provision for that function that I'm aware of and so I'd say you'd just have to do it manually, copy and paste them into a file, maybe with cat >  and cat >> or just a GUI editor...?05:44
kroq-gar78jeaton1: which version Ubuntu, maybe that'll get some others to help05:44
kroq-gar78madoo: you have to uninstall the other DE's, but not sure if that's so good an idea to do that05:44
Ben64jeaton1: you have to start ubuntu up in single user mode, and then you can set a password05:44
kroq-gar78madoo: you sure you want LXDE alone? only real reason IMO is just to free space by removing the other ones. Also, investigate Lubuntu.05:45
xbonesxkroq-gar78: Do you think I would be able to install it to a 2gb pendrive? as long as im not trying to store anything on the drive?05:45
madooi will restart and see i done naw05:45
kroq-gar78xbonesx: well, updates might be messy when installing; take up TONS of space 1st time05:45
madoodo you wanna tell me abut enythiing befor i do05:45
kroq-gar78madoo: don't restart the machine05:45
kroq-gar78madoo: just log out and log back in05:45
urlin2uxbonesx, full install 2 gigs no with unetbootin you just need one gig.05:46
madoothankiss i will05:46
kroq-gar78madoo: log out and select "LXDE Session" at the gear next to ur name05:46
jeaton1I've done that already, got a passwd setup, it just automatically tries to log in then kicks me out05:46
kroq-gar78madoo: which version of ubuntu?05:46
Ben64jeaton1: if you have a password set up, you can get to a terminal by pressing CTRL+ALT+F105:46
jeaton1I just need to disable log me in automatically05:46
kroq-gar78xbonesx: yes, w/ Unetbootin you only really need 1GB (actually 700MB) if all you want is LiveCD-type functionality...05:47
jeaton1I have access to terminal, I just need to modify whatever file to disable automatic login05:47
madoois nuthing change still ubuntu 10.1005:48
Ben64jeaton1: /etc/gdm/custom.conf05:48
madooi want to unstallit plz05:48
kroq-gar78madoo: my bad if it's 10.10 at the bottom there is something05:48
jeaton1Thank you05:48
kroq-gar78madoo: don't uninstall nothing bad happnd05:48
sunitcd roms and usb drives are not getting auto mounted pls help05:48
kroq-gar78madoo: wait, lemme think...05:48
kroq-gar78madoo: at the bottom of your login screen, there is a dropdown menu that should say "GNOME Session" or something like that. Click it, then select "LXDE Session". log in as normal. the Applications are located at the bottom left of your screen then.05:49
xbonesxurlin2u: thanks, kroq-gar78: alright ill give it a go05:50
usr13sunit: ps aux |grep udevd  #See if udevd is running or not?05:50
bullgard4usr13: Ok. Thank you for commenting.05:51
jeaton1There are no gdm dir in etc/05:51
kroq-gar78jeaton which version of Ubuntu again?05:52
usr13sunit: What Desktop Environment are you running?05:52
kroq-gar78jeaton1: ah that's why. 11.10 got rid of GDM. It's LightDM now. don't know if you can apply the same solution there too05:52
madoono nothingi get05:52
rhineheart_mkroq-gar78: is this issue complicated? please tell me.. :)05:53
madoobut i remembear something i can typ in terminal to remove ubuntu 10.1005:53
kroq-gar78rhineheart_m: yes, I'm afraid it's more than a little complicated :(05:53
kroq-gar78madoo: don't do that. why do you want to do this again? just mess around with the looks of ubuntu (perfectly fine; I do too)?05:54
sunitusr13:pls see the URL http://pastebin.com/wwm6RDEU05:54
rhineheart_mkroq-gar78: sleep process should not be present in ubuntu box correct? unless there's a script which calls/creates it?05:54
madooi log out and back but i didnt see what you tell me i dont know why05:55
RalieghOkay... I'm trying to run VLC on my Ubuntu server, but I keep getting d-buss errors. Who wants to help me with a long debugging process?05:55
Ralieghd-bus *05:55
kroq-gar78rhineheart_m: sleep is just like the "wait" command I think. it SHOULD be present. but yes, some script is calling it05:55
kroq-gar78madoo: at the bottom of your login menu, is there a dropdown list?05:56
rhineheart_mkroq-gar78: is there a way to know what are those scripts that trigger it?05:56
usr13sunit: So, udevd is, in fact, running.  So, what Desktop Environment are you using?05:56
Ralieghhttp://pastebin.com/u4dGi1Y2  <--- That's the output of trying to run VLC, lol.05:56
kroq-gar78rhineheart_m: not as far as I know...05:56
jeaton1Got it working, thanks05:56
kroq-gar78madoo: do you install Kubuntu or Xubuntu when you first installed or is it plain "Ubuntu"05:56
kroq-gar78jeaton1: lol we didn't even do anything really :P05:57
=== mgodzilla_rests is now known as mgodzilla
madooi was have ubuntu 10.10 but i did change in tirmenal like you tell me after i log in is noting change still 10.1005:57
madooits frist timei do05:58
jeaton1You told me it was lightdm which I used to access it05:58
kroq-gar78madoo: look up "ubuntu change desktop environment" on google maybe I'm not explaining it well :(05:58
metaspikeRaliegh, sudo adduser raliegh video05:59
metaspikefor example.05:59
RalieghWhat's up? Why would I need to add a user?05:59
metaspikenot add a user, but add user raliegh to the video group05:59
ResistanceRaliegh:  that's what the command that metaspike gave you does06:00
RalieghOh... I don't even have a video group? I don't think that's where those errors are coming from?06:00
RalieghThose errors are when it's run as root.06:00
rhineheart_mkroq-gar78: what if identifying what commands are being executed during the boot up process? do you think I can pin it down in that approach?06:01
kroq-gar78rhineheart_m: not sure... I'm not an ubuntu ninja :( probably somebody else here will know...06:02
metaspikeRaliegh, dunno, are you runnining X as root?06:02
RalieghLol, as dumb as this may sound... What is "X"?06:03
kroq-gar78madoo: look here https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/config-desktop/C/other-desktops.html look at steps 2-506:03
kroq-gar78Raliegh: the entire GUI06:03
metaspikehow are you running vlc? with sudo? because you dont want to.06:03
kroq-gar78Raliegh: agreed, you probably don't want to run VLC w/ sudo06:04
Nach0zRaliegh: x.org is the window manager for Linux. it's how anything visual is there. if there was no X, it'd be only command-line.06:04
=== aidenhong_ is now known as aidenhong
Ralieghkroq-gar78 I initially didn't have GUI installed on my machine, but I did "apt-get install lxde" a while ago. I'm not using sudo, it's just straight off root.06:04
metaspikeRaliegh, yeah, install xdm. reboot and login as normal user.06:05
metaspikeif you dont have one, create one with "adduser username"06:05
kroq-gar78metaspike: why? he installed lxde and therefore X06:05
RalieghIs that going to kill RAM or anything? How large is it? And my normal user is root, heh.06:05
kroq-gar78Raliegh: root shouldn't be normal user!06:05
kroq-gar78!sudo | Raliegh06:05
ubottuRaliegh: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo06:05
shadowe9899Raliegh: using root as your main user is a bad idea06:06
RalieghIt's a server, I never hop on it to do anything other than to add/remove/modify system files and packages. Why use sudo and not root when I don't use it as a normal computer?06:06
kroq-gar78madoo: look here https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/config-desktop/C/other-desktops.html look at steps 2-506:06
shadowe9899Raliegh: I run quite a few linux servers. running programs as root is a huge security risk06:07
metaspikeRaliegh, even a server needs user accounts, because otherwise everyone who accesses the computer is logged in as root... lol06:07
kroq-gar78Raliegh: never know what you do might screw over your system06:07
shadowe9899Raliegh: if one program gets compromised then ur entire server is hacked06:07
usr13Raliegh: ... and why would you attempt to initiate a VNC session with it?06:07
RalieghInitiate a vnc session with it? I didn't...?06:07
=== WindPower_ is now known as WindPower
RalieghI do initiate vnc sessions with a user/group "ices", along with my Icecast server.06:08
usr13Raliegh: " http://pastebin.com/u4dGi1Y2  <--- That's the output of trying to run VLC"06:08
kroq-gar78metaspike: everyone-is-root = your-dead-computer = arrow-to-the-knee >----(computer)--->06:08
RalieghVLC ~= VNC?06:08
Raliegh!= *06:08
usr13Raliegh: Oh, VLC  sorry...06:08
RalieghNo problem. :)06:09
usr13... it's getting late ...06:09
kroq-gar78meh only midnight :P06:09
RalieghSo anyways, any idea how I would fix those errors?06:10
RalieghI have lxde installed06:10
badicaliawhen usung a custom edid: why is it that the first time xorg starts, it ignores the custom edid?06:10
badicaliaafter restarting xorg it works06:10
metaspikeRaliegh - adduser "username" && adduser "username" video audio wheel && apt-get install xdm ... otherwise, carry on but dont expect programs to work as they would under a user account, as they do in a root account.06:11
Ralieghmetaspike, even trying to run VLC under my user I get the same exact errors.06:11
RalieghSo that isn't the issue.06:11
RalieghAlso I have lxde installed... somebody said that means I have "X" whatever?06:11
kroq-gar78you should06:12
shadowe9899lxde, gnome, kde, etc all run on X06:12
RalieghThen what do I dooo? xD06:12
RalieghI mean, I'm so lost.06:13
kroq-gar78Raliegh: basically, ignore all this nonsense about "X" whatever first06:13
RalieghGood, I'm starting to hate that letter.06:13
metaspikeRaliegh, i gave you a command solider! (ahem) ... replace "username" with username of your choice. it also ensures that "user" is added into the basic groups which allow things like vlc to work.06:15
RalieghD:< I already have my user/group "ices" in sudoers and it can run things fine, but I'm still getting that D-buss error.06:16
metaspikeand ices is in video and audio user groups also?06:17
RalieghThe only group I have on my system is "ices"?06:18
metaspikeadduser ices video audio ices06:18
metaspikethen try again with ices06:18
Ralieghadduser: Only one or two names allowed.06:20
metaspikeok then,,, adduser ices video && adduser ices audio && adduser ices ices    - there's probably a better way to do this06:21
metaspikealso ensure dbus is actually running? service dbus start06:21
aBoundHas anybody successfully installed Ubuntu 10.04.3 directly onto a USB flash drive?06:21
RalieghYeah it's running06:22
metaspikeaBound, if you can get the live iso onto a usb drive, you can chance the initrd options to determine persistence mode.06:23
aBoundmetaspike, Doubt I'd need too, more than likely just need to get it to boot without any errors.06:24
metaspikeaBound, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent   --- you could somehow install it as a full install, but it would probably only work with the computer it was installed for.06:25
skegeekI've been having a problem with Ubuntu freezing. I tried using Xfce instead of Gnome and for the first time Screen saver came up, however,  a little while later it still froze. Using Gnome the screen saver never comes up, does this mean the freezing is related to screen saver?06:25
aBoundmetaspike, Only downside is I received two errors when trying to boot Ubuntu 10.04.3 LTS from a usb flash drive.06:26
aBoundskegeek, If you're using Ubuntu 11.10 at the moment. It is  bit unstable seeing as it's more of a bleeding edge release.06:27
aBoundmetaspike, Been getting the first error as such: Unable to find a medium containing a live file system. It's everywhere on google and even tells me on the Ubuntu wiki that it has usb flash drive problems.06:28
aBoundmetaspike, Figured there might be a workaround or somewhat.06:28
mysteriousdarrenmake sure you check your .iso06:29
aBoundSome people suggested that I changed the boot sequence to no luck. Figures, if I should buy a blank CD tomorrow if any stores are open to try it.06:30
aBoundWorks flawlessly in virtualbox.06:30
almoxarifeaBound: the usb does not mount on startup?06:30
metaspikeskegeek, yeah- 11.10 is as to sid is to debian. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/Freeze  - you might find that installing a different video driver will help06:30
almoxarifeaBound: does your bios allow you to do a startup from usb?06:31
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aBoundalmoxarife, Once the computer is rebooted I hit F7 to boot from the Sandisk flash drive and it goes to a black screen giving me the error. Afterwards I have to hit [tab] and type: live. Then it gives me another error.06:31
skegeekWell, I have Intel Mobile 965 Express Chipset, I'm not sure what -other- driver I should get.06:32
metaspikeskegeek, there is no other. have you modified xorg.conf06:32
almoxarifeskegeek: its not the graphics, if the gnome screen saver works, then you have excluded graphics06:33
skegeekNo, should I?06:33
skegeekScreen saver doesn't come up in Gnome, it comes up in Xfce06:33
aBoundalmoxarife, I changed the BIOS so that the USB flash drive can boot from boot sequence 1 and to no luck.06:33
almoxarifeskegeek: gnome was installed how? you seem to have dabbled into different desktops, you sure gnome is still intact?06:35
aBoundalmoxarife, I figure maybe if I could get a earlier version such as Ubuntu 8.04 and somehow upgrade to 10.04. I also tried to install Debian onto a flash drive through Startup Disk Creator. But there is a known bug that prevents it.06:35
skegeekGnome is default, I added Xubuntu-desktop via repository06:36
skegeekI know it isn't a hardware problem, because Windows doesn't have a problem.06:37
almoxarifeskegeek: if you don't want to fixated on gnome screensaver do this, install x-screen-saver, remove gnome-screen-saver, add s-screen-saver to your start up apps, configure x-screen saver to your taste06:39
skegeekCould it have something to do with an error that wubuilder (or something like that) could not be found at boot time?06:39
almoxarifeskegeek: a wubi install?06:40
aBoundLooks like I'll give Ubuntu 9.10 a run.06:40
almoxarifeskegeek: should not matter once the OS boots up, the wubuilder bug has to do with losing grub06:41
skegeekIt would help if I could figure out if the freezes are caused by the screen saver trying to work.06:42
almoxarifeskegeek: you said you didn't have screensaver hang in xubuntu, it uses x-screen-saver06:43
paulsomebodyGreetings, everyone.06:43
paulsomebodyHow do I check what audio driver I am running?06:43
skegeekIn Xubuntu a yellow stars screen saver comes up, however it did eventually freeze. In Gnome the screen saver never comes up at all.06:44
metaspikeskegeek-  sudo apt-get install apt-listbugs && apt-listbugs -s all list *  -  install apt-listbugs and list all registered bugs on this system.06:45
aBoundpaulsomebody, Go into your terminal and type: lspci. For a list of hardware.06:46
paulsomebodyaBound: Thanks. :)06:46
aBoundpaulsomebody, Welcome.06:46
almoxarifeskegeek: you are full of surprises, so it hangs regardless of your choice of screen-saver, forget my earlier suggestion, don't install x-xscreen-saver, look at your logs for obvious issues06:46
metaspikeat any rate it may give you some perspective, what I would do, if I where you. is  - sudo aptitude purge  - anything with a severve bugs. and use rcconf to cut anything that isnt required. 11.10 is crazy land, the best you can do is try to eliminate the problems or find hacky workarounds.06:48
metaspikeor if your lucky, appropriate solutions... but that takes abit more than clicking the provided menus./06:49
skegeekWhich logs should I target then? Gnome, X, or ?06:53
metaspikeskegeek, if you use apt-listbugs - then saw that /gnome or /x or /xscreensaver or whatever had an obvious bug registered, then it would make sense to look into that programs log for a workaround, or just remove it entirely. if you think it's xscreensaver, remove it, it's not even required. sudo apt-get purge xscreensaver*06:57
dragoneyetwo gfx cards with two dvi's each,  have tree monitors,  nvidia-settings says i have to use seperate X on card number two, no windowmanager on that one, no input, can open apps, but no input.  wierd, any solutions to this problem?  :-)06:57
skegeekapt-listbugs wasn't found, however it was referred to by something else.06:58
orly_owis there a way to movie a file while it is still downloading in firefox?06:59
dragoneyeoh sorry, I thought you sayd move, hehe07:00
dragoneyeyes of corse you can play it while downing ;-)07:00
ArchangelOKCI need some help with a Toshiba Satellite...07:00
aBoundorly_ow, Install VLC and it should work.07:00
orly_owmove, yes07:01
orly_ownot play07:01
almoxarifeArchangelOKC: shoot, I use it07:01
dragoneyethen the answer is "pause download, move .part file and make link to new place , and restart download from browser..."   ... ?07:01
orly_owits megaupload, not allowed to resume downloads >_>07:02
almoxarifedragoneye: let me guess, you want to watch what you are d/l?07:03
ArchangelOKCalmoxarife: ok, well, I installed 11.10 on my girlfriend's dad's laptop (mine's a sony), and I can't get the webcam to work...it looks for it in /dev/video0...but no luck...07:03
TJRanaHello, now I am stuck setting up ubuntu. I wanted to make a DNS Server so I am using the following website for a step-by-step tutorial: http://www.server-world.info/en/note?os=Ubuntu_11.04&p=dns&f=1 The only problem is I don't know what my global IP address is in brackets. I do know my global IP adress but not the one in brackets. And what is my private IP adress? and what would it look like in brackets? Thank you.07:03
dragoneyealmoxerife: no helping orly_ow, he typo so i thoght he ment play, but he ment move... if im correct?07:04
almoxarifeArchangelOKC: 'it' ? what app does not see it?07:04
badicaliaget weird f07:04
dragoneyeorly_ow: did you try my sugestion?07:04
orly_owi will if i have to07:04
orly_owright now im just deleting stuff07:05
dragoneyek :-)07:05
dragoneyelol, i know the feeling!07:05
ArchangelOKCskype, camorama and cheese07:05
MeirDHello. I wanna do the following:  cd /somedir && echo "success" || { echo"failure"; exit }07:06
MeirDThat is, have several commands in the "or" (||) part07:06
MeirDThe above does not seem to work07:06
ArchangelOKCalmoxarife: skype, camorama and cheese07:07
dragoneyeany  thoughts on my X annoyance?  ;-)07:08
dragoneyetwo gfx cards with two dvi's each,  have tree monitors,  nvidia-settings says i have to use seperate X on card number two, no windowmanager on that one, no input, can open apps, but no input.  wierd, any solutions to this problem?  :-)07:08
prince_jammysMeirD: need semicolon before the closing '}', and space after second echo07:09
Jordan_UMeirD: if cd /somedir; then echo success; else echo failure; exit; fi07:09
almoxarifeArchangelOKC: can you pastebin /var/log/xorg.0.log please?07:09
rumpe1MeirD, the part after && won't be executed when cd fails. Use $? like   "cd somedir ; echo $?". It stores the last exit value (1: fail, 0: sucess)07:09
dragoneyewould like to have tree screens desktop , but the desktop on screen tree wich is on a seperate gfx card is f*ing up...07:10
ArchangelOKCalmoxarife: the file is empty...07:11
dragoneyedue to my new X-Plane  flight simulator :-D07:11
ArchangelOKCo wait nvm07:12
almoxarifeArchangelOKC: can you pastebin /var/log/xorg.1.log please?07:12
ArchangelOKCalmoxarife: have to sign up first, hold on07:12
almoxarifeArchangelOKC: sign up?07:13
dragoneyelet me refrase:   howto get ximerama on tree monitors with two gfx cards?  ;-)07:13
ArchangelOKCalmoxarife: sorry lol never used that site before - http://pastebin.com/RvgPVfQy07:14
MeirDanother question... If I want to use "mkdir ~/a/b" but I dont have directory a as well07:14
dragoneyemkdir -p07:14
MeirDlinux will say it is not possible to create "b" since "a" does not exist... Is there anyway to tell it to build the all tree?07:14
MeirDwhy didnt I find that in the man :P damn07:15
AwolfMorning to all07:16
dragoneyemerry christmast07:16
Ale9HackHi,I have a question, which I recommend filesystem btrfs or ext407:16
Awolfmerry christmass07:17
dragoneyeAle9Hack:   ssd:  btrfs,   hd: ext407:17
Ale9HackThanks, I have a ssd07:18
Ale9Hack merry christmass07:18
dragoneyesame here ;-)07:18
rhineheart_mhow to find a certain file in the whole system?07:19
AwolfI have some question regarding a gentoo installation07:19
Awolfis this the appropriate place to ask07:19
Awolfor is there anywhere else anyone could direct me to07:19
dragoneyeif you use locate do a : sudo updatedb first07:20
aBoundSame here. :P07:20
dragoneyeif find:    find <path> -iname myfile07:20
rhineheart_mdragoneye: what if I don't know the exact dir?07:22
almoxarifeArchangelOKC: the camera is a usb?07:22
Awolfi need to ask this if i use the livecd and download and install boot repair would it repair the grub.conf of a different OS other then ubuntu ? (the system is gentoo)07:22
ArchangelOKCalmoxarife: it's the one built into the lid07:22
dragoneyerhineheart_m:  locate is fast, but may not do extarnal hd's,    find is slow but finds everything mounted in filesystem07:22
almoxarifeArchangelOKC: the install is what version and how old?07:23
dragoneyelike: find / -iname dude.avi07:23
ArchangelOKCalmoxarife: brand-new install, just did it yesterday07:23
ArchangelOKCakmoxarife: 11.1007:23
ArchangelOKCalmoxarife: 11.1007:23
almoxarifeArchangelOKC: you used the desktop/alternate cd?07:23
ArchangelOKCalmoxarife: yes07:24
rhineheart_mthanks dragoneye07:24
almoxarifeArchangelOKC: which, alternate or desktop? 32bit or 64 and what is the hardware? 32 or 64?07:24
ArchangelOKCalmoxarife: desktop 64-bit running on 64-bit hardware07:25
rhineheart_mstartup scripts are found usually in /etc/init.d or in /etc/rc.d/init.d/ directories (sometimes /etc/init.d is a symlink to /etc/rc.d/init.d)... any other location?07:25
almoxarifeArchangelOKC: re-install, use the 'alternate' 64bit, insure the machine is hardwired to the internet while the install is taking place07:26
clojure_0000is ther ea way to tell ubuntu to get newtime from network? (running ubuntu in a vm; want it to keep time updated)07:27
ZeloZeloswow..never seen this channel go quiet for so long b407:28
ArchangelOKCalmoxarife: very slow internet connection here and the .iso takes forever to download....ne way to edit a file or something?07:28
dragoneyeedit a downing file on the fly?  lol  no guess not, howto merge the following downed parts of the file then?07:29
almoxarifeArchangelOKC: use the bittorent d/l07:29
ArchangelOKCalmoxarife: belive it or not, that actually goes slower on this connection :/07:30
dragoneyeArchengelOKC: missread your questing, sry.. yes, try bittorent,   gnome :  transmission07:30
dragoneyeArchengelOKC: search a bittorrent site after that file, if you cannot find it, then sry.07:31
marzHi, does anyone know how to configure Ubuntu to connect to the Internet via a mobile device, specifically Globe SuperStick.07:32
ArchangelOKCdragoneye: using Qbittorrent for torrents, but the connection is so slow there's not much I can do about it - it's basically a 3G connection07:32
almoxarifeArchangelOKC: what is the chip set for that machine?? I thought it would be intel with intel graphics07:32
ArchangelOKCalmoxarife: it's an AMD07:32
almoxarifeArchangelOKC: and the graphics?07:33
marzI can't seem to connect my computer to the Internet since Ubuntu won't connect to the Internet via the mobile device.07:33
ArchangelOKCAMD Raetheon I believe07:33
marzIt automatically connects to the Internet in Windows though.07:33
almoxarifeArchangelOKC: you really need to do the 'alternate' install as discussed previously07:34
dragoneyeArchangelOKC: i use an usb cable and set the phone to usb modem, ubuntu should do the rest, if not click on the internet connection icon on the "taskbar"07:34
ManDayHello, for which (free) service (e.g. GoogleTalk,Skype) are there well-working clients for Linux AND Windows; and what are they?07:34
almoxarifeManDay: google talk/voice/video , chrome/chromium07:35
dragoneyeManDay: mumble?07:35
a34154ekrunning ubuntu as a virtual machine, know anything fun to do?07:35
ArchangelOKCalmoxarife: AMD FGLRX drivers - I know, but it'll take forever and a day and I have to go home tomorrow afternoon...I don't think I can get it all done before then...yes, it's that slow07:36
dragoneyea34154ek: run a virtual windows07:36
ManDayalmoxarife: The browser as client?07:36
ArchangelOKCalmoxarife: wait a second...maybe if I disable the propietary drivers?07:36
almoxarifeManDay: yep, simple, or too simple?07:36
* dragoneye cheers07:37
a34154ekDragoneye, already did that! Is there a limit to how deep you can go?07:37
almoxarifeArchangelOKC: you could try that, the issue is drivers, or load everyone of them07:37
ArchangelOKCalmoxarife: brb07:37
ManDayalmoxarife: Not my dream-solution. .07:37
dragoneyea34154ek: depends on you system recourses ;-)07:37
a34154ekdragoneye, how deep have you gone yet?07:38
almoxarifeManDay: you want it more complicated?07:38
dragoneyea34154ek: deep!07:38
a34154ekdragoneye, how many layers?07:38
almoxarifeManDay: fine, load broke-dick skype on either end and enjoy the lag07:39
dragoneyea34154ek: dont know if there is any limit , but I dont see the point, may you explain your reason?07:39
a34154ekdragoneye, no reason :p07:39
almoxarifeManDay: how about pidgin? it will run nears anything these days07:39
a34154ekhas any one here used backtrack?07:41
almoxarife!ot | a34154ek07:42
ubottua34154ek: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:42
a34154ekalmoxarife, does it support firefox, flash?07:42
somsip!backtrack | a34154ek07:42
ubottua34154ek: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition07:42
almoxarife!ot | a34154ek07:43
ubottua34154ek: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:43
ManDayalmoxarife: Not more complicated. But a browser does't sit in n tray and it's 1st purpose is BROWSING. Tried Pidgin but it's Viedeo isn't working right. Making a VIDEO-Call is often simplyUNavailable (God knows why) and if it's available, trying to initiate it, the video-Window aborts a split second after I start it.07:45
=== robert is now known as ArchangelOKC
dragoneyeso my third monitor on my second gfx card should just be hanging there as a useless limb beside my body?   it sucks.  in winf*tendo it works great07:46
ArchangelOKCI feel like an idiot -_-' that's the first thing I should have done lol - disabling the drivers fixed the camera issue lol07:46
a34154ekhas anyone here ever 'created' their own OS?07:47
somsipa34154ek: still off topic. Would you like to try again?07:47
a34154eksomsip, what do u mean?07:48
somsip!ot | a34154ek07:48
ubottua34154ek: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:48
RalieghWhhhhyyy? Whhhhyyyy VLC? Why u work on Windows but not Ubuntu?07:48
almoxarifeRaliegh: how did you install vlc?07:49
dragoneyeapt-get install vlc07:49
RalieghOh guys, I mean... It works07:50
ArchangelOKCalmoxarife: that did it - the webcam works now...should have been the first thing I tried >_<07:50
RalieghJust not the way I need it to.07:50
almoxarifeArchangelOKC: cool, :)07:50
RalieghIt's a VLC/Ubuntu problem, more-so on the VLC side. I'd explain here but it's highly doubtful anyone can help me, which sucks... Because I'm at such a loss.07:51
marzCan anyone help me configure Ubuntu so I can connect to the Internet using my Globe SuperStick07:51
ArchangelOKCalmoxarife: I feel like an idiot XD07:51
almoxarifeArchangelOKC: don't let on to pops and the gf07:51
ArchangelOKCalmoxarife: lmao, thanks for the help - have a good night guys, happy new year and such07:52
pnormanRaliegh: Well, you can be certain that if you don't explain it, no one can help you07:52
Ralieghpnorman, well, if you wish, though $10 says I won't even get a reply. Get ready for a wall of text.07:53
marzI'm having a hard time configuring Ubuntu to be able to connect to the Internet via my mobile device <---- specifically Globe Super Stick, anyone familiar with the issue?07:53
pnormanRaliegh: Oh, you could very well be right that no one can help you07:53
pnormanI'm pretty certain I wouldn't be able to help you, I don't use VNC at all07:54
RalieghNot VNC07:54
pnormanOh, I do use VLC (on Windows)07:55
dragoneyevlc is build on mplayer?07:55
almoxarifedragoneye: no07:56
RalieghOkay, so I've installed VLC properly on Ubuntu 11.04. I've tested encoding with the "fixed" FFMPEG encoders by saving it as a local file, and it succesfully encodes a live OGG stream to MPEG when saving locally. However, when I use the SOUT ability (push that encoded stream back into Icecast)... It sort of works. The mount gets opened, it logs in fine, and metadata gets passed... However, the07:56
Ralieghstream does not actually become encoded and there is no sound. Now using the EXACT SAME METHOD on my Windows computer... It works perfectly. The stream gets opened, meta-data gets passed, and the stream is encoded in MPEG. I've cross-referenced the log files and they're both nearly identical.07:56
dragoneyeRaliegh:  aptitude install non-free-codecs         ????07:58
urlin2uRaliegh, vlc has a pretty big forum might you try there?07:58
RalieghI installed a medibuntu repository and installed fixed FFMPEG. It's been declared that the encoder works... Since it encodes the live stream and saves it as MPEG succesfully (tested in many different audio players for codec signature).07:59
RalieghAlso, last time I tried installing non-free-codecs I got a TON of errors at the end, that would persis with any command I ran. I think it had something to do with JDK.07:59
RalieghAnd yeah, their forum is large... But kind of inactive. Trust me, I've got my posts there. :)08:00
dragoneyeRaliegh:  apt-get -f08:00
RalieghPeople in the IRC are baffled and at a loss too.08:00
RalieghWhat does that command do dragoneye?08:01
dragoneyefix any dependensies errors....08:01
RalieghOh that's nice.08:02
RalieghDoes anybody have a blank Ubuntu server I could test this on with non-free-codecs then? I reallllly don't want to have to go through another install.08:02
pnormanRaliegh: Could try VirtualBox or an EC2 instance08:03
dragoneyetry linux mint 11 ,  it boots live...08:03
RalieghOooh, good point. I'll set-up a virtual server. VMWare ftw.08:04
dragoneyeright on.08:04
RalieghOh God, 685MB.08:05
RalieghI won't be testing anytime soon.08:05
dragoneyeanytime is soon enogh ;-)08:05
pnormanI just had download the server .iso and burn it to a DVD since I couldn't find the appropriate USB stick08:05
RalieghHahaha :)08:05
RalieghYeah, lucky me VMWare supports ISO mounting. Either way though I've got tons of DVD's around.08:06
ksx4systemis it possible to debootstrap Debian 6 squeeze using my Ubuntu 11.10 netbook?08:06
RalieghIn the meantime, anyone care to tune into some music for a bit and comment on quality, skips, etc? It'd be quite helpful.08:07
pnormanI was doing a test install on bare metal to test the SAS card in another motherboard08:07
almoxarifeRaliegh: run this in terminal, pastebin the result            vlc -l | grep shout08:07
RalieghIt's under three lines, just going to paste here.08:08
Raliegh playlist               New winamp 5.2 shoutcast import08:08
Raliegh  access_output_shout    IceCAST output08:08
RalieghBut yeah, a quality test would be nice. Ignore the terribad web layout. That will all be changed in time. http://www.hackercast.com08:08
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RalieghYay one minute left on Bunty download. :D08:15
TuxSigh, I am having SLOOOW wireless speeds.08:15
msterbreweri think he means ubuntu08:16
RalieghYeah I do, heh.08:16
RalieghSilly on-the-fly nicknames.08:16
=== mgodzilla_rests is now known as mgodzilla
msterbrewerbeen there done that08:16
msterbrewerright now im trying to get aircrack to work08:16
msterbrewerbut there irc is dead atm08:16
milo_Their or there08:17
RalieghGoing around sniffing wifi's? >:C08:17
msterbrewernah i have the wifi i wanna hack08:17
msterbrewerwell right now08:17
sharemsterbrewer: #aircrack-ng08:18
msterbreweri have wifi08:18
msterbrewerim there08:18
shareand read the wiki08:18
msterbreweri did08:18
msterbrewermy problem is finding the deb file08:18
msterbrewermy problem is finding the deb file08:18
shareapt-get install aircrack-ng08:18
msterbreweror can i install another way08:18
sharesudo apt-get install aircrack-ng08:18
skegeekDoes this make sense to anyone? : Dec 25 19:29:03 ubuntu kernel: [ 5829.808143] i915 0000:00:02.0: VGA-1: EDID block 0 invalid.08:19
JasonGriffeeHaving troble installing .tar.gz file "./configure" rejected08:19
sharemsterbrewer: I bet you have to patch the wireless driver to inject packets etc... try Backtrack because it comes with everyting.  http://www.backtrack-linux.org/08:20
arooni-mobilefor some reason i'm kinda locked out of my server... i could ssh into before rebooting... now i see: https://gist.github.com/1520745 ... when i try to connect.  i didnt change ssh or anything as far as i know08:21
RalieghSomeone in here is still tuned into my stream. ;)08:24
TJRanahi um, I have a problem… here it is: http://pastebin.com/TFSL4tsz08:25
Gyro54Hi All, Whats the best rip software for Flac?08:25
TuxTJRana, your server will work anyway08:26
TuxI've had it before and it worked08:26
skegeekCan anyone tell me what this means? : Dec 25 19:29:03 ubuntu kernel: [ 5829.808143] i915 0000:00:02.0: VGA-1: EDID block 0 invalid.08:26
TJRanaTux, thank you so much08:26
milo_There is only 13 nicks in teh #backtrack channel08:27
msterbrewerhow do i tell if i have 64 bit or 32 bit linux08:27
metaspikeGyro54, sox - sox -t alsa default ./recording.flac08:27
dragoneyeuname -a08:28
Gyro54metaspike: thanks will give that a go!08:29
milo_Huh, there is more people in #ubuntu than #linux. Go figure.08:30
msterbrewerhow od i know im im running 32 bit or 64 bit gnome08:30
milo_These things are pretty dead, considering you think a bunch of people who use this stuff would be hanging out on here.08:30
dragoneyemsterbrewer: uname -a08:31
msterbreweri found it08:31
Ralieghmsterbrewer: uname -a08:31
RalieghYou're welcome. ;)08:31
milo_I tried uname -a and I didn't see the bits I was running on08:32
thechrisI'm having issues with the nvidia kernel modules08:32
thechrisI have to rmmod/modprobe them at each boot08:32
msterbreweri went to system settings system info08:32
thechriseg, kdm doens't start.  startx fails.  so rmmod nvidia;modprobe nvidia.  then startx works08:33
milo_msterbrewer: yeah, I was looking around for that to answer your question. I know mine is 32 bits though08:33
metaspikemsterbrewer -  dpkg-query -W -f='${Architecture}\n' gnome08:33
dragoneyemsterbrewer: if it reads i386 its  32 bit ,   if it reads x86_64 you got 64 bit08:34
metaspikethechris, add them to /etc/modules08:34
thechrisI metaspike nvidia is loaded -- thus the rmmod08:34
msterbrewerhmm milo i got this error when i wrote that08:35
msterbrewerdpkg-query -W -f='${Architecture}\n' gnome08:35
msterbrewerNo packages found matching gnome.08:35
milo_I got this Linux InSpieRon 3.0.0-12-generic #20-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 7 14:50:42 UTC 2011 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux08:35
mkanyicyhow to replace banshee with rythmbox on unity launcher08:36
milo_Not sure what that means. Hope nobody hacks me with the info I give out.08:36
metaspikemsterbrewer, try -   dpkg-query -W -f='${Architecture}\n' gnome-core08:36
milo_That would suck torballs08:36
mkanyicyhow to replace banshee with rythmbox on unity launcher's "Listen to Music"08:36
RalieghHow do you define your root password on a brand new Ubuntu installation?08:37
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».08:37
metaspikeRaliegh, root passwd08:37
msterbrewerhmm when i go to system info grafix08:37
msterbrewerit says grafix driver unknows08:37
madoohello i wanna hellp08:37
RalieghNo command found metaspike08:37
metaspikeno sorry... just - sudo passwd08:37
RalieghIt's a fresh ISO installation. I never got prompted for a root password once during the install.08:38
madooi have ubuntu 10.10 with xubuntu .. but i need to install kubuntu in tirmenal can i find hellp plz08:38
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Ralieghmetaspike no go. That just changes my password for the user I'm currently logged in. I want full root access (which I was never prompted for a pass on installation)08:39
urlin2umadoo, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop08:39
RalieghI know I can just use sudo08:39
RalieghBut I really don't want to.08:39
urlin2uRaliegh, sudo =i08:39
urlin2usudo -i08:39
RalieghOh cool.08:40
Raliegh+1 cookie to you good sir.08:40
=== cds is now known as thechris
mkanyicyRaliegh, its not a good idea to change the root password which is disabled by default08:40
thechris!nvidia "the client"08:40
ubottuthechris: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:40
RalieghThat's fine, as long as I can simply access root which I can with that nice command. :)08:40
madoothank you but a thats have no brupleam if i have 10.10 &x&kubuntu08:41
thechrisDoes anyone know how to update nvidia's "the client"08:41
metaspikethecrhis if you want prop nvidia, sudo apt-get install nvidia-current08:41
mkanyicyRaliegh, good to hear you aint changing the password anymore08:41
thechrismetaspike: nope, that didn't work08:41
thechrismetaspike: I had previously attempted to install the dev drivers.  they had issues with X.08:42
madoocan you tell its hard or no08:42
thechrismetaspike: so I did an apt-get install nvidia-current.  that didn't work, so I did an apt-get install --purge ..., then a reinstall08:42
TuxI just installed Ubuntu 11.10, and having performance issues with Unity 2D + GNOME 3, and I.08:42
Tux'd like to use LXDE+Unity 2D.08:42
TuxSo how can I go to do this?08:43
thechrismetaspike: that also didn't work, but I could switch to a vt, rmmod nvidia and then modprobe it, and then startx at least worked08:43
thechrisNVRM reports that "the client" has a different verions though08:43
thechrisAnd i'm not sure how to fix this issues.08:43
thechrisupdating initramfs didn't work08:43
metaspike? the client? you lost me, i think the client is you.08:44
TuxIt's the driver?08:44
thechrismetaspike: it's what the error message says "the client" has API version X, but this module has version Y08:45
metaspikedid you install anything from outside the repository?08:46
thechrismetaspike: yes08:46
metaspikethechris, the nvidia.run?08:46
thechrismetaspike: yes08:46
metaspikethere's your problem, the xorg api is incompatible with the module provided by that driver, presumably08:47
thechrismetaspike: ok, but is there a way to fix it?08:48
thechrisor is it easier just to start over08:48
Tuxthechris, you'll want to uninstall it, purge the apt driver, reboot, reinstall08:48
thechrisTux: step1 -- how?08:49
thechris"uninstall it"08:49
metaspikesudo sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-173.14.12-pkg1.run --uninstall08:49
Tuxthechris, I have not used nvidia.run08:49
metaspikethechris, then reboot, then sudo apt-get purge nvidia-current && sudo apt-get install nvidia-current && sudo reboot08:50
metaspikeor something :p08:50
longcathello i am long...cat08:51
metaspikemore like purge nvidia-current, if it's installed, then reboot, then re-install it. pray the .run hasn't munted your libraries08:51
thechrismetaspike: Tux:  thanks, I'll try that08:51
longcati have a setup i cant reveal details of, but i need to run kpartx from the initrd to make the root device available...  is there a fairly in depth doc on using initramfstools on ubuntu?  i see files in /etc/... but its all blank and im not sure about all the variables08:52
longcati extracted the initrd and i see a bunch of scripts there that aren't in /etc/initramfs-tools08:53
ssfdre38hey how can i force the user root to be used by system on my chroot08:54
metaspikelongcat  "man initrd" and it's subcategories08:54
metaspikeor intramfs rather08:55
longcattheres a man page for initrd but not initramfs or intramfs08:56
metaspikessfdre38, depends what your chrooting into. probably just "su" or "sudo su"08:56
longcathttp://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/karmic/man8/initramfs-tools.8.html is good but it lacks info for noobs like what the various variables used in the scripts come from08:57
metaspikelongcat... man initramfs-tools08:57
ssfdre38metaspike, well sudo needs sudo: must be setuid root08:57
cholbyubuntu is gay08:58
longcati did metaspike ...08:58
longcathelped a bit08:59
totemcholby, :D stop it09:00
longcati learned that this hack needs to go in local-top09:00
TJRanaHi I have a question…. see it says my address is is that the same as writing
metaspikelongcat, considering that intrafms is fairly independant of distro (aside that implimentations differ) the gentoo wiki has a great page on intraramfs http://en.gentoo-wiki.com/wiki/Initramfs09:01
msterbreweri got this message in terminal what does it mean09:01
msterbrewerWARNING: output may be incomplete or inaccurate, you should run this program as super-user.09:02
TJRanause sudo in front of what you wrote09:02
ssfdre38msterbrewer, use sudo09:02
metaspikemsterbrewer, it means what it says, what are you running?09:02
slawekebiHi, who use garmin applications (transfer data) ?09:02
TJRanabeat you!09:02
yoput su or sudo before command09:02
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=== bobi_Ge is now known as hektor
lalagirlis anyone there?09:08
rypervenchetj2: It is not the same. I believe 53 is reffering to the port that DNS uses, so you could say it is I suppose.09:09
ssfdre38no the 1350 people are not online we are just zombies lalagirl09:09
lalagirlrypervenche so um… the 53 shouldn't be there and it should actually be something else?09:10
=== masterhumper is now known as sejo
lalagirlssfdre38 I knew you were a zombie09:11
ssfdre38i feel like one right now09:11
lalagirlssfdre38 I can even smell it from here09:11
soreau! help | lalagirl09:11
ubottulalagirl: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:11
lalagirlwhat is that? ! help09:12
lalagirl! help | soreau09:12
ubottusoreau: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:12
rypervenchelalagirl: It should be there if you are looking at a DNS zone file. Where did you find the information?09:13
soreaulalagirl: It invokes the bot to post a message09:13
lalagirlsoreau oh that is cool09:13
KronenHi.  I keep getting authentication errors for SSL when my procmail tries to forward email.  Where can I check/change the authentication details it is using?09:13
lalagirlrypervenche i needed to write some local ip address and this website has an example that shows
lalagirlrypervenche: I think my local IP address is or somethign but I don't know what to put after the /09:15
newb113hello all! A question about hosts file09:16
lalagirl! help | newb11309:16
ubottunewb113: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:16
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/09:16
newb113lalagirl: will do :)09:17
llutzlalagirl: usually   (first 24bits of netmask are set)09:17
lalagirlnewb113 lol09:17
lalagirlllutz: thank you SO MUCH!!!!09:17
llutzlalagirl: check your netmask, google for CIDR09:17
newb113a question on hosts file - I need to redirect all subdomains of a certain domain to localhost, except one (say test.mydomain.com), which should be resolved as usual. So now I have a line mydomain.com - but how do I add an exception to this line, how can I force test.mydomain.com to be resolved via DNS?09:20
lalagirlllutzL it says Net: CIDR Notation would be
Reaper507hello all. is it possible to use a repository for older ubuntu?09:23
llutzlalagirl: right, cpoy/paste error,sry09:23
lalagirlllutz: it says it would be ? wait wait...09:23
lalagirlllutz the ip address of my server is
lalagirlwhy would the CIDR notation be
Wonderhoofhey #ubuntu, i am having trouble with java. i manually downloaded the .bin file for java x64 and installed it according to the directions on the java website with no errors. but when i try to execute a jar file with the command "java -jar jarfile.jar" it says java isnt installed09:24
Wonderhoofany ideas?09:24
lalagirl! java09:24
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.09:24
Wonderhoofyes. i'm aware that java is in the repositories. java 64 bit is not09:24
llutzlalagirl: with netmask  would be  (the whole 192.168.1.*-subnet)09:24
lalagirlllutz: ohhhh that makes more sense...09:25
llutzlalagirl: http://www.subnet-calculator.com/09:25
yo hi09:25
lalagirlllutz: I was using the same website hahaha :D09:25
metaspikeWonderhoof, you also need ia32-libs09:26
metaspikeat least, i did.09:26
Wonderhoofmetaspike, ty09:26
newb113Wonderhoof: I recall I had to manually set some environment variables when installing (32-bit) Java SDK09:27
Wonderhoofnewb113, any idea on how to retrace your steps?09:28
newb113Wonderhoof: what do you mean? I tried to run a program that uses Java, and it complained that it couldn't locate it09:28
newb113Wonderhoof: so I ran export JAVA_HOME=/home/user/Install/jdk1.6.0_3009:29
Wonderhoofnewb113, yes that's where i am currently09:29
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Wonderhoofoh, huh09:29
Wonderhoofook that makes sense09:29
newb113Wonderhoof: the program offered to change one of the few variables, so I guess it can be solved in different ways09:30
newb113Wonderhoof: worked for me, though09:30
Wonderhoofi'll give it a shot09:30
lalagirlllutz thank you so much for your help09:33
Wonderhoofno good09:34
lalagirlif I installed and configured Postfix, then do I need to install and configure Dovecot?09:34
lalagirl! language09:34
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.09:34
Wonderhoofgrow up09:35
Tuxlalagirl, if you're just sending emails you will not need to set up dovecot09:36
airtonixlalagirl: it instantly makes sense when you know how to count in binary09:36
llutzlalagirl: if you need a pop3/imap-server, yes09:36
opalepatricknewby question... where can I add startup apps in 11.10?09:36
opalepatrickunity interface I think09:36
airtonixopalepatrick: startup-applications09:36
lalagirlopalepatrick I searched this up for you: http://www.liberiangeek.net/2011/09/automatically-startup-applications-for-all-users-in-ubuntu-11-10/09:37
llutzlalagirl: old but the main steps should still apply http://www.adomas.org/2006/08/postfix-dovecot/09:37
airtonixlalagirl: or you could just use the startup applications system interface09:37
riboti've installed webmin on ubuntu server, and it automatically set up ssl it seems...so now i'm trying to find out how to use the same ssl configuration for other sites than webmin, but i can't find out where webmin is setup to be accessed through apache, since no other page can be accessed by ssl09:38
airtonixopalepatrick: alt + f2, type startup, look for the entry labeled: startup applications. ??? . profit09:38
Tuxribot, afaik Webmin uses its own web server09:38
lalagirlllutz thanks, I'm looking at it09:38
opalepatrickthanks a lot lalagirl - tried that from terminal airtonix - command not found?09:38
llutz!webmin  | ribot webmin isn't supported here09:38
ubotturibot webmin isn't supported here: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.09:38
airtonixribot: webmin is not supported in ubuntu.09:38
airtonixopalepatrick: if you are using unity, then alt + f2 brings up the dash. use it to search for your applications... its pretty simple one is called : "Startup Applications"09:39
ribotthe question is really ssl related, as i tried to enable ssl-default by the server refuses to respond09:40
airtonixopalepatrick: if you haven't worked it out by now, "Startup Applications" is not a command you can execute09:40
airtonixribot: it's actually most likely a webmin problem. you should really use Zentyal instead.09:40
opalepatrickcheers airtonix - finding my way around :-)09:40
lalagirlllutz: so if I were to use IMAP because I want to configure a program on another computer to access the emails, then I would have to use Dovecot. am I correct?09:41
llutzlalagirl: yes09:41
llutzor any other imap-server09:41
lalagirlllutz: okay. let me install and configure Dovecot09:41
lalagirlllutz: i'll be right back09:42
mysticsoulHow do I specify a virtual screen size in Ubuntu 11.1009:42
lalagirlOh and as an offtopic question, How was everyone's Christmas Day yesterday?09:43
jutnuxBrilliant, yours?09:43
lalagirljutnux: well, it wasn't extraordinary, but it was alright09:44
lalagirljutnux: did you get presents?09:44
jutnuxIndeed I did.09:44
jutnuxI'll PM you as I don't want to stay off topic.09:44
mysticsoulHello everyone, how do I specify a virtual screen size in Ubuntu 11.10? I'm using remote desktop from my laptop to my desktop (which is dual screen 1680x1050 on each monitor) and I need to view the entire screen but not scaled.09:45
aBoundHey all I installed Ubuntu 10.04 and I also the nvidia driver yet I can't get it to work.09:47
mysticsoulWhen you say you cannot get it to work, what exactly is happening when you boot up?09:48
metaspikemysticsoul, what are you using? rdesktop?09:49
aBoundmysticsoul, It stays at the 800x600 resolution.09:49
maxultiare you able to come till the login screen? if no then it may not be compatible with your hardware09:49
aBoundI have a 15.3" laptop and it has a resolution of 1920x1200.09:49
aBoundFrom switch I cannot switch from.09:50
lalagirlaBound: that's a nice laptop you have09:50
mysticsoulmetaspike, yes I am using the remote desktop connection from my laptop running Ubuntu to another desktop running Ubuntu.09:50
aBoundlalagirl, System76 was preconfigured for Ubuntu 11.10 yet is unstable at the moment worked fine on there.09:50
mysticsoulaBound, have you tried editing xorg.conf?09:50
fishcookermerry xmas felas09:51
aBoundmysticsoul, I went to nVidia X Server Settings and it's telling me to run as root and to edit my X config file and to restart X.09:51
mysticsoulaBound, if your laptop was preconfigured for 11.10 then why are you using 10.04 right now?09:51
fishcookerenjoy your xmas h'day09:51
lalagirlfishcooker: MERRY XMAS09:51
fishcooker:p lalagirl09:51
aBoundmysticsoul, Because 11.10 is unstable. It's a bleeding edge release more than a stable release.09:51
aBoundI'd choose stability over instability any day of the week.09:52
aBoundlalagirl, 16GB of unnecessary RAM.09:52
mysticsoulyeah aBound, try opening a terminal and then type "sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf" (without the quotes) and then go to the display section and edit the resolution there.09:52
lalagirlaBound: but that's still impressive for a laptop, what brand/model do you have?09:53
metaspikemysticsoul, use:   rdesktop -g 1024x768 munter:80   for example09:53
fishcookeri've done manual upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10 for  a specific reason..  i change the repository from lucid to maver. then do # apt-get update --fix-missing && apt-get dist-upgrade09:53
aBoundlalagirl, System76 is the manufacturer they create fully compatible Ubuntu machines www.system76.com I should of gotten the 14 inch due to this keyboard being big for my small hands.09:54
RalieghSo metaspike, after installing a virtual Ubuntu installation and trying to transcode/get the stream working with the non-free-codecs... No go. Same issue. :(09:54
fishcookeri've set quiet; force yes but.. why it still prompting for keep default configuration?09:54
aBoundmysticsoul, In ubuntu 11.10 lightdm constantly broke and hung at kernel boot and gave several messages.09:54
mysticsoulmetaspike, what I am after is setting a virtual resolution of say 3360x1050 so that when I remote on to the desktop I can pan around the screen and access all parts of the desktop.09:54
aBoundmysticsoul, As far as I know Ubuntu 11.10 runs on Debian testing...09:55
ribotit wouldbe nice to know why webmin isn't supported, as nobody seems to think zentyal is better09:55
aBoundmysticsoul, Keyboard shortcuts are broken can't change em either it's a buggy version.09:55
mysticsoulIn previous versions of Ubuntu, one could set Virtual 3360x1050 in xorg.conf, which would allow a higher resolution that what is currently set.09:55
mysticsoulaBound, have you done a clean install or an upgrade?09:55
aBoundmysticsoul, Clean install good thing for an SSD drive.09:56
aBoundBut seems my xorg.conf file is blank I assume that's normal?09:56
cloudgeekweird problem rvm installed 1.9.2 ruby but when i use ruby -v in bash there is nothin help plz i paste here deatils of bash https://gist.github.com/152082609:56
mysticsoulaBound, xorg.conf being blank is normal. You probably won't have an xorg.conf file.09:56
auronandace!webmin | ribot09:57
llutzribot: ".. webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files.."09:57
ubotturibot: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.09:57
aBoundmysticsoul, Is there any particular lines I need to add in order for the resolution to change?09:57
aBoundI'm happier using this version because it just works... haha I can then get on with my day when the nvidia driver is fixed.09:58
cloudgeekplz help me09:58
mysticsoulaBound, you should try a format and clean install on the SSD. It should be fine.09:58
ribotit's clearly a conspiracy where zentyal paid ubuntu to advocate them and disable webmin09:58
lalagirl! help | cloudgeek09:59
ubottucloudgeek: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:59
mysticsoulaBound, are you using the open source nVidia driver or the proprietary one?09:59
aBoundmysticsoul, Do another format and reinstall it?09:59
lalagirlsorry my mistake09:59
lalagirlcloudgeek sorry didn't see your other message09:59
aBoundmysticsoul, I just installed the binary nvidia driver and I'm assuming it has to be configured.09:59
llutzribot: hehe - basically its a bad idea, to give any web-application full (root-)access to config-files.09:59
mysticsoulaBound, you can try that but as a last resort.09:59
mysticsoulaBound, okay, what happens if you open display settings and try changing the resolution?>10:00
cloudgeeki am using ubuntu server 11.10 , weird problem rvm installed 1.9.2 ruby but when i use ruby -v in bash there is nothin help plz i paste here deatils of bash https://gist.github.com/152082610:00
=== alexander is now known as Guest75959
aBoundmysticsoul, It's saying it appears your graphics driver does not support the necessary extensions to use this tool. Do you want to use your graphics vendor's tool instead?10:02
Guest75959hey i installed my ubuntu and used the whole hardisk for ubuntu but i want to put back on windows and when i try install windows 7 it cant see my hardisc10:03
Rik_1980qualcuno può darmi qualche dritta?10:03
aBoundIs there any command to restart X?10:03
sinosoidalhi everyone. does anyone knows how to make possible to access usb devices without having to write sudo appname all the time  (the app uses libusb to gain access to usb device)10:03
mysticsoulaBound, try sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart10:04
mysticsoulmetaspike, I tried that command but it does not connect.10:04
aBoundmysticsoul, Let's just hope when I do that nothing fooks up.10:04
mysticsoulaBound, you should be fine.10:04
lalagirlllutz: I'm configuring Dovecot and I'm having some trouble finding the things this tutorial is trying to show me: http://www.server-world.info/en/note?os=Ubuntu_11.04&p=mail&f=210:05
metaspikeit was just an example. -g HxW was the point10:05
Guest75959can you guys tell me what to do i used my whole drive for ubuntu but i want to be able to install windows again how can i do that10:05
Guest75959anyone known?10:06
mysticsoulmetaspike, I've tried the rdesktop command but it does not work. It says "unable to connect". Also, that is not what I'm after. I need the X screen resolution to be set higher but for that I need to set the virtual size to 3360x1050. Is there a way to do that other than through xorg.conf?10:06
lalagirlGuest75959: what you could do, and this is what I would do, is use a LiveCD to format the entire HDD and then install Windows 7 from there10:08
jutnuxlalagirl: Or you could just use the format  tool on the Windows 7 disc...10:08
lalagirlGuest75959 or you could use GParted10:08
lalagirljutnux that's true.10:08
Guest8473hi there10:08
lalagirlGuest8473 Hi10:08
Guest75959whats this life cd you talk about10:09
meegooowhat's advantages of using this shebang -> #!/usr/bin/env sh  ??10:09
Guest8473anyone know how to connect from outside computer into virtualbox machine?10:09
lalagirlGuest8473 just an ordinary Ubuntu installation disk10:09
dragoneyeboot live cd use gparted, shrink linuxpart in the beginning, and add  a new part as sda1 for windows and edit /etc/fstab to suit your new location for linux and upate grub.  probebly easyer to copy your data and do a full reinstall of windows and linux ;-)10:09
llutzlalagirl: check dovecot.conf for the lines needed, ignore line-numbering10:09
aBoundAhh, I just love when stuff just doesn't go the right way. :P10:09
lalagirlGuest75959 just an ordinary Ubuntu installation disk10:09
mysticsoulaBound, did that work?10:09
lalagirlGuest75959 LiveCD10:09
bullgard4What does 'desc' stand for in /etc/mc/mc.ext?10:10
Guest8473lalagirl : is a bot?10:10
aBoundmysticsoul, Nope gave me errors like implying Failed to load nvidia module or some stuff like that.10:10
aBoundmysticsoul, In my hardware drivers it says: my nvidia drivers are installed.10:10
mysticsoulaBound, you should try removing and reinstalling the open source drivers.10:11
aBoundmysticsoul, Any way I can install that open source driver?10:11
lalagirlGuest8473 huh? I'm not a bot10:11
mysticsoulaBound, try this but the open source one - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia10:12
aBoundDownside is I'll eventually have to install the binary nvidia driver.10:13
Guest8473lalagirl : did you know how to ssh from outside machine into virtualbox machine?10:13
mysticsoulaBound, you can try with the open source driver. If that works then you can try experimenting further or leave it at that.10:13
lalagirlGuest8473 uh…. I think so10:14
lalagirlllutz http://paste.ubuntu.com/783276/10:14
aBoundmysticsoul, Looks like they're already installed I wonder why they aren't being used when I never had the nvidia driver installed.10:15
lalagirlGuest8473 lets try, what is your virtualbox machine? is it a ubuntu system?10:15
aBoundWell, my nVidia graphics card is a 580M 1.5GB be a waste not to have that driver.10:15
farrukhjonhi all!10:15
mysticsoulaBound, you will have to uninstall the proprietary drivers and the open source ones and then try reinstalling the open source ones only.10:16
Guest75959i cant install wow anymore used to be able with winetricks but it dont work anymore10:16
Guest8473lalagirl : yes it is ubuntu and I'm using sun oracle virtualbox10:16
Guest75959how can i install wow10:16
aBoundmysticsoul, Will do.10:16
mysticsoulaBound, once you have rebooted and confirmed the open source ones work then you can try removing them and try the binary ones.10:16
llutzlalagirl: check /etc/dovecot/conf.d/*  for more configs10:16
Guest75959i would like to install wow on ubuntu how can i do this now10:17
lalagirlllutz: okay10:17
lalagirlGuest8473: okay so open up terminal10:17
aBoundIt's so hard to move around with a 800x600 resolution.10:17
Guest8473lalagirl : okay10:17
Guest8473lalagirl : done10:17
Guest8473lalagirl : next?10:17
farrukhjonwho known how do best the sound of ubuntu+intel sound chip ?10:18
owenllGuest75959: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WorldofWarcraft10:18
llutzlalagirl: since the layout of configuration-files may change, you shouldn't use tutorials like yours using "change line-number xx into blah". read more general sources to get an idea what you have to do10:18
lalagirlGuest8473: then you type "ssh username@ipaddress" fill in username and ip address of the machine you are trying to access10:18
Guest8473lalagirl : but even though I ping the ip address from my machine to this virtualbox machine, it won't word10:19
lalagirlGuest8473: it's usually the first user you created for that machine.. and the ip address depends on the location of the machine you are trying to access10:19
Guest8473work *10:19
aBoundbrb in maybe 30 mins or less.10:19
Guest8473lalagirl : I can ping from my virtualbox to another machine on the outside10:20
Guest8473but not vice versa10:20
* mysticsoul waves goodbye10:20
llutzGuest8473: you need to setup bridged networking for the vm10:20
Guest8473llutz : how to do that? :)10:21
llutzGuest8473: edit vm setup in virtualbox10:21
lalagirlllutz: I try to work my way using the simplest way possible… that's why I rely those tutorials10:21
llutzGuest8473: https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads#manual10:22
lalagirlllutz: that's mainly why I do that… but once again, I'm new to all of this… so why not?10:22
mysticsoulHello everyone, can someone tell me whether it is possible to set a virtual screen size without putting it in xorg.conf.10:22
lalagirlllutz: and the tutorial is not thaaaat old… it's only one version shy from what i am working with10:22
lalagirlmysticsoul: what program are you using for the virtual screen?10:23
mysticsoullalagirl, let me explain in detail what I am trying to do.10:23
llutzlalagirl: it might be not too old but it doesn't work with actual versions. so ask the author how to fix10:24
lalagirlsetting up a server is HARD WORK! :(10:24
mysticsoullalagirl, I am trying to remote using VNC from my laptop running Ubuntu 11.10 to my desktop running the same OS. My laptop resolution is 1280x800 and my desktop is a dual screen running 2 monitors at 1680x1050 each.10:24
mysticsoullalagirl, I want to be able to set a higher resolution on my laptop screen so that when I remote on I can pan across to view the entire desktop screen./10:25
Guest8473llutz : how about using host only network?10:25
mysticsoullalagirl, I know this was possible using xorg.conf wherein adding a line Virtual 3360x1050 would then allow you to set a higher resolution and pan across the desktop. Is this possible in Ubuntu 11.10?10:26
lalagirlmysticsoul: um.. without xorg.conf we're running out of options… i'm not much of an expert, but what i might also try doing is use a different vnc client?10:27
lalagirlmysticsoul: is that doable?10:28
mysticsoullalagirl, this is not about a vnc client, this is about virtual screen resolution on my laptop.10:28
etfbWhat's the latest news on using iTunes or equivalent in Ubuntu?  Last I checked, it was impossible.  I want my daughter to ditch her Windows partition for a full reinstall of Lubuntu, but she has an iPod Touch.  What are the options?10:29
ThinkT510!itunes | etfb10:29
ubottuetfb: itunes is not available on Linux, but there are many audio player alternatives (see !players). For Daap clients (sharing music with other iTunes clients on the network), install banshee10:29
ThinkT510!ipod | etfb10:30
ubottuetfb: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod10:30
etfbBut how good are they?  When I say "impossible", I mean that all those existed but they were so bad that nobody in their right mind would ever touch them.  This was maybe two years ago.10:30
lalagirlmysticsoul: okay um….10:30
cliffybxarev there other alternative to ubuntu software centre?10:31
mysticsoullalagirl, I know I've been trying to figure this one out for ages but cannot get a concrete answer.10:31
riboti've tried to installed ssl on apache2 but now i get error 107: net::ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR10:32
lalagirlmysticsoul: okay maybe you can set xrandr commands in .xprofile10:32
=== fred is now known as chiiiiiz
chiiiiizcan anyone help me with a BIG problem : bug during ntfs partition resizing10:32
mysticsoullalagirl, how do I set a virtual resolution using xrandr.10:32
chiiiiizthe partition is a VISTA partition, now the HD is mounted on my ubuntu desktop10:33
chiiiiizgparted says that there is no file system, I need to recover the infos10:34
lalagirlmysticsoul: okay um...10:34
chiiiiizand the content of course...10:34
lalagirlmysticsoul: A user’s ~/.xprofile file is executed on Xorg startup if it exists and is executable. You can copy and paste XRandR command line strings into this file so they’re executed when you log in.10:34
lalagirlmysticsoul: But the trick is that you're not changing xorg.conf10:34
etfbchiiiiiz: if you didn't make backups before fiddling with your NTFS drive from within Linux, you may be about to have a bad day.10:35
lalagirlmysticsoul: I think...10:35
mysticsoullalagirl, I know that bit but I wanted to know how to set a virtual resolution using xrandr?10:35
lalagirlmysticsoul: xrandr --output VGA-0 --mode 800x60010:35
mysticsoullalagirl, thanks, i'll try that.10:36
=== fred_ is now known as Guest89709
lalagirlmysticsoul: does it work?10:37
mysticsoullalagirl, I'll let you know in 5.10:38
lalagirlmysticsoul: okay10:38
smokycati love ubuntu and you10:39
lalagirlsmokycat: I love you too.10:39
dragoneyehow not to love?10:39
hot2trotis there any reason I shouldn't leave my new hard drive NTFS formatted?10:39
dragoneyefor a new ubuntu install?10:39
cliffybxwhat a romantic couple10:39
dragoneyeforget it10:39
cliffybxdragoneye< what version did you use10:40
dragoneyehot2trot: i would go for ext410:40
dragoneyelalagirl: :-)10:40
aBoundI'm about to blow a new head gasket. hehe10:40
hot2trotdragoneye: it's just that it's for an external hard drive, and I have it connected to a server... so the bottle neck in speed will be bandwidth10:40
dragoneyedont, its expensive10:40
trueskygood morning everyone10:41
hot2trotdragoneye: I was wondering if there were any other reasons not to use NTFS... assuming it is even slower than ext410:41
f11f12how can I disable my trackpad when an external mouse is connected?10:41
dragoneyehot2trot: so you want it as an external buffer, not a boot drive?10:41
aBounddragoneye, Indeed it is.10:41
hot2trotdragoneye: don't know what an external buffer is... but no I would not boot off it10:41
trueskysorry to bother. Want someone with some experience in Chromium. Mu java plugin is not working, and I don't know how to re-enable it. working on developer's version. I have sun java installed on ubuntu10:41
dragoneyeexternal whatever..10:42
lalagirlf11f12: visit this website10:42
lalagirlf11f12: http://askubuntu.com/questions/58584/can-i-automatically-deactivate-my-touchpad-when-a-usb-mouse-is-connected10:42
dragoneyeyou have win tools that reads ext*10:42
hot2trotdragoneye: yea, I'm just using it for general storage of media and documents and stuffs10:42
hot2trotand I seem to be able to read and write to it... so I can't imagine any problems10:42
dragoneyeas long you dont worry about the attributes of the files then you can use ntfs10:42
lalagirldragoneye: NTFS IS EVIL!10:43
aBoundlalagirl, You said it anything MS related. lol10:43
* dragoneye hug's lalagirl10:43
lalagirlhow do you hug?10:44
lalagirlon here?10:44
shareLinux is evil in MS' perspective10:44
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:44
Daglas\s irc.revolutiontt.net10:44
mysticsoullalagirl: it did not work. I'm trying some other switches.10:44
=== Guest89709 is now known as chiiiiiz
aBoundbrb damn10:45
lalagirlmysticsoul: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution#Setting_XRandR_changes_persistently10:45
jmscomtechhmm im trying to run a installer for a game but it keeps ending saying needs access to a x server10:45
mysticsoullalagirl: thanks.10:45
jmscomtechany ideas?10:45
f11f12lalagirl, for some reason the touchpad-indicator does not disable my touchpad...?10:45
hot2trotwait, I can't make group ownerships and such on NTFS?10:45
jmscomtechits a .sh file, so i run sh name.sh10:46
iceroothot2trot: correct ntfs does not support unix-permissions and posix-acls10:46
f11f12My system settings show only a  mouse, xinput lists: ImPS/2 ALPS GlidePoint10:46
f11f12lalagirl: but I can't disable the ImPS/2 ALPS GlidePoint using xinput (that causes unity to restart)10:47
cliffybxError org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.TimedOut: Activation of org.freedesktop.PackageKit timed out ..how to fix this error10:47
hot2trotwell thank you, i have my answer10:48
trueskygot it10:48
=== ubuntu is now known as xukun
Your_Dogshare, I don't mind wearing a black cape behind my back with an icon of a sitting penguin in its center. ;)10:49
lalagirlf11f12: okay um...10:49
PaijoYapz,termasuk operasi crud10:50
lalagirlf11f12: I think it's a bug that is still trying to be worked out10:50
lalagirlf11f12: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/packagekit/+bug/90109310:50
ubottuUbuntu bug 898891 in packagekit (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #901093 Error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.TimedOut: Activation of org.freedesktop.PackageKit timed out" [Undecided,In progress]10:50
f11f12unity seems to have too many bugs to be the only option in my opinion.10:51
f11f12thanks for trying10:51
bullgard4Where can I find a detailed description of the Banshee 2.2.1 plugin »Stream recorder«? I managed once to generate a record on my hard disk. But no more.10:52
lalagirlf11f12: lookat this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/packagekit/+bug/89889110:53
ubottuUbuntu bug 898891 in packagekit (Ubuntu) "Error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.TimedOut: Activation of org.freedesktop.PackageKit timed out" [Undecided,In progress]10:53
msterbreweri got a random question10:53
msterbrewerqhy are some of my files names in hebrew10:53
lalagirlf11f12: read some of it… Raphael Gradenwitz might have a solution… i'm not so sure10:53
cliffybx>obottu thanks=)10:53
msterbrewerwhen i specifically picked for ubuntu to be installed in english10:53
lalagirlmsterbrewer: are you sure you selected english?10:54
msterbreweri think its the folder for the linux installation10:54
msterbrewerits called saved by the system or something like that in hebrew10:54
MK--hi all, i'm trying to install ubuntu 11.04 from a usb stick but it keeps crashing when i try and run ubuntu or install ubuntu from the usb. it hangs after 'attaching scsi drive' and doesn't do anything. Anyone have any solutions pls?10:55
f11f12lalagirl, I fixed it, I wrote a script that disables the xinput device, but I have to connect my mouse afterwards. a bit silly since it's a wireless one...10:55
Seveasmsterbrewer, Ubuntu has no such thing as a "saved by the system" folder10:55
MK--any help will be apprecited, thanks :)10:55
lalagirlf11f12: that's really clever10:55
f11f12a workaround until it's fixed.10:56
lalagirlf11f12: look into this: http://brennydoogles.wordpress.com/2010/11/23/automatically-disable-touchpad-when-external-mouse-connected/10:56
lalagirlMK--: Okay um lets see10:57
MK--thanks lalagirl10:57
bullgard4MK--: Hopefully reading http://techthroes.blogspot.com/2011/06/install-ubuntu-1104-from-usb-stick.html will help you.10:57
lalagirlMK-- are you sure you downloaded the entire image?10:57
f11f12lalagirl, thanks :-)10:57
MK--yeah i did10:57
lalagirlMK-- okay what os are you using right now?10:58
shareMK--: md5sum .iso and check10:58
MK--i'm on crappy windows 710:58
MK--and i'm desperate to get off this crap10:58
lalagirlMK-- lol okay.. ! language10:59
MK--sorry but i'm really frustrated10:59
MK--haven't used windows in years10:59
MK--and then got a new machine and thought i'd try it10:59
MK--it's driving me nuts!10:59
lalagirlMK-- Let's use this installation file to get the image onto the usb drive10:59
lalagirlMK-- http://www.pendrivelinux.com/downloads/Universal-USB-Installer/Universal-USB-Installer-
MK--i have that10:59
MK--and clicked on download the iso10:59
msterbrewerwindows 7 is fine ...........when it works11:00
iceroot!enter | MK--11:00
ubottuMK--: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!11:00
icerootmsterbrewer: and offtopic here11:00
MK--but it says http://releases.ubuntu.com/natty/ubuntu-11.10-desktop-i386.iso11:00
MK--The requested URL /natty/ubuntu-11.10-desktop-i386.iso was not found on this server.11:00
icerootMK--: natty is 11.04 and not 11.1011:00
icerootMK--: oneiric is 11.1011:01
MK--hmm ic11:01
iceroot!download | MK--11:01
ubottuMK--: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Oneiric, and help keeping the servers' load low!11:01
MK--that's an error on their end then11:01
lalagirlMK-- just put the iso in the same directory as the Universal-USB-Installer-x.x.x.x.exe11:01
Seveasiceroot, heh, the links on releases.ubuntu.com are broken apparently11:01
SeveasMK--, which one did tou want to download? 11.10 (Oneiric) or 11.04 (Natty)?11:01
MK--btw how do i mdsum on windows?11:02
lalagirlMK-- you said you wanted 11.0411:02
MK--sorry i wanted the latest one11:02
maxultii have another suggestion regarding usage of pendrive  .You can use wubi installer to install onto a pendrive.11:02
SpiderFredhi use ubuntu lucid(10.04 I guess) is there a way to safely upgrade to last distro? dist-upgrade doesnt work11:02
lalagirlSeveas thats if you use 32bit computing11:02
=== onre is now known as Guest21359
MK--just so i'm being clear - i'm using a usb stick to install onto my own pc11:02
Seveassorry, this is the 64bit one: http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.10/ubuntu-11.10-desktop-amd64.iso11:02
MK--but the usb stick simply won't run11:02
icerootSeveas: the links are fine11:02
MK--ok let me try redownloading it11:02
lalagirlSpiderFred sudo apt-get upgrade11:03
icerootMK--: http://releases.ubuntu.com/oneiric/ubuntu-11.10-desktop-i386.iso11:03
Seveastry burning it to cd/dvd instead of usb11:03
lalagirlSpiderFred does that work?11:03
Seveasiceroot, the links on releases.ubuntu.com/natty/ are broken11:03
Seveasthe links on releases.ubuntu.com/11.04/ are fine11:03
darkowlzzSeveas, hi11:03
icerootSeveas: no http://releases.ubuntu.com/oneiric/11:03
icerootSeveas: they are pointing to http://releases.ubuntu.com/oneiric/ubuntu-11.10-desktop-i386.iso11:03
icerootSeveas: and of course the amd64 version11:03
lalagirlSpiderFred: open up Terminal and type in "sudo apt-get upgrade"11:03
bullgard4Where can I find a detailed description of the Banshee 2.2.1 plugin »Stream recorder«? I managed once to generate a record on my hard disk. But no more.11:04
Seveasiceroot, those are fine too. The ones that are broken are on http://releases.ubuntu.com/natty/11:04
SpiderFredlalagirl, I can upgrade some programs but some arent upgrading like firefox11:04
MK--sorry i'm confused now11:04
MK--i have an i7 processor so i want 64bit - which one do i download?11:04
SeveasMK--, if your USB stick doesn't work, burn the iso to cd or dvd and try that11:04
icerootSeveas: they are fine too11:04
lalagirlSpiderFred you can always upgrade firefox later, i think right?11:04
icerootSeveas: http://releases.ubuntu.com/natty/ubuntu-11.04-desktop-i386.iso11:04
Seveasiceroot, no they are not. Try them.11:04
icerootSeveas: i did11:04
Seveasiceroot, except that there's no link to that11:04
lalagirlMK-- you want a 64bit version11:04
lalagirlMK-- amd6411:05
icerootSeveas: ctrl +f5 to fix your caching11:05
Seveasthe link points to http://releases.ubuntu.com/natty/ubuntu-11.10-desktop-i386.iso11:05
MK--but mine isn't amd - it's intel 64 bit11:05
icerootSeveas: they are fine, i tried them11:05
SeveasMK--, 'amd64' is merely the architecture name11:05
icerootMK--: no you want amd6411:05
lalagirlMK-- amd64 is an architecture11:05
Seveasother distros call them x86_6411:05
SpiderFredlalagirl, its just that many programs on my computer stop upgrading and when I run dist-upgrade its said there is nothing to do11:05
MK--aah ok11:05
icerootSeveas: i rechecked all links, all are fine so i guess its a caching-rpoblem on your site11:06
=== Mud is now known as Guest51408
Seveasiceroot, intriguing, the links are fine now. I swear they were broken before though :)11:07
lalagirlSpiderFred i'm not so sure whats wrong… try using terminal and type in "sudo apt-get update" and "sudo apt-get upgrade" and then copy everything and paste it on paste.ubuntu.com and give us the link so we can take a look11:08
maxultii hav e an issue with ubuntu 10.04 not detecting my touchpad.. tried out many solutions but it all failed11:08
=== Brisingr is now known as Guest40270
ManDayDoes anyone know a service such as Google-Voice-And-Talk which is well supported for Linux and Windows (for example by pidgin)?11:11
lalagirlmaxulti what laptop do you have11:11
bullgard4maxulti: Please describe the error messages which you obtained, in detail.11:11
icerootManDay: i guess jabber has something about that11:11
SpiderFredlalagirl, here it is http://paste.ubuntu.com/783327/11:12
lalagirlManDay Google Voice and Google Talk?11:12
icerootManDay: if you mean something like teamspeak, skype and so on11:12
ispirtohello, i want a software can access to the files of a user and i want other users would not access files or directory of eachother. how can i do this?11:12
lalagirlSpiderFred: that's only a peice of the code11:12
ManDaylalagirl: Google Talk is just the "chat" - I need something similar to Google Voice11:12
lalagirlManDay what's wrong with the web interface?11:13
ManDayiceroot: Something like sype, just better supported.11:13
icerootispirto: the normal file-permissions11:13
msterbrewerskype works11:13
iceroot!permissions | ispirto11:13
ManDaylalagirl: It's a plugin... Pretty annoying11:13
ubottuispirto: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions11:13
maxultii have a dell XPS laptop ( config : i5 ,4gb ram  ,500gb HDD) I am running ubuntu 10.04 ... It was working fine and due an improper shut down it didnt work since then..11:13
almoxarife!ot | manday11:13
ubottumanday: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:13
SpiderFredlalagirl, thats all output I got after running sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade11:13
ispirtoiceroot, i created a group called hosting and added users to that group, also the software is in that group11:13
icerootispirto: so they all have the same group-permissions11:14
amaurybonjour tous11:14
ManDayalmoxarife: I'm looking for Ubn Software. Hardly OT.11:14
lalagirlManDay try "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ken-vandine/notifiers" and "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install gvoice-notifier"11:14
ispirtoiceroot, yeah, in order to software access those files. but i don't want other users can access those files11:14
ManDaylalagirl: Does that thing have an info page?11:14
icerootispirto: then dont put the users in that group11:15
icerootispirto: and dont set the "world readable" (see link from ubottu )11:15
lalagirlManDay https://launchpad.net/gvoice-notifier11:15
lalagirlManDay That's all I know11:15
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ispirtoiceroot, i did chmod o-rwx /dir11:15
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ispirtoi guess just don't adding the other users to same group would solve it11:16
ManDaylalagirl: Looks good. Thank you.11:16
lalagirlSpiderFred: when you use terminal, save the file, click ctrl+s or somethign to save it as a text file so you can get the whole output11:16
ispirtobut the question is how the software would access those files11:16
lalagirlManDay Anytime11:16
ManDayAfter all, I'd still prefer a working, dedicated Voice/Video chat client which is not Skype, though11:16
ManDayBut for the time being, that notifier is a great help11:17
SeveasManDay, try ekiga11:17
ispirtocan i add one user to multiple groups11:17
Seveasispirto, yes11:17
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ispirtohmm can i add one folder to multiple groups?11:18
ManDaySeveas: Which service does Ekiga use?11:18
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lalagirlmaxulti: sudo modprobe psmouse proto=imps11:18
SeveasManDay, SIP11:18
ManDaySeveas: But which *service* (id est account management and name resolution)?11:19
SpiderFredlalagirl, I dont know what you mean, I pasted all output that I got from my command there's nothing more11:19
Seveasany sip service. ekiga.net for instance11:19
maxultilalagirl : i did it but nothing happened.. no error message and the touchpad didnt not work11:19
lalagirlmaxulti: synclient TouchpadOff=011:20
msterbreweri have a strange question11:21
msterbrewerwhy is one file of mine in hebrew even though i specifically installed ubuntu in english11:21
msterbreweri think its the systems folder11:21
msterbrewerits at the top under devices11:22
maxultilalagirl , i got this error message :  "Couldn't find synaptics properties. No synaptics driver loaded?" on terminal11:22
Coreymsterbrewer: How sure are you it's in Hebrew?11:22
Coreymsterbrewer: And I believe Ubuntu supports UTF8 by default now.11:22
bullgard4Where can I find a detailed description of the Banshee 2.2.1 extension »StreamRecorder«? I managed once to generate a record on my hard disk. But no more.11:23
lalagirlmaxulti: i'm finding that this problem is happening to a lot of people11:24
ispirtoiceroot, how to achieve this: how to achieve this: http://pastebin.com/fEKexUxM11:26
Seveasmsterbrewer, there's no such thing as a 'devices' folder or a 'system' folder.11:28
Seveaswhat's the full path?11:28
lalagirlmaxulti: this has to do with xorg.conf or something11:28
lalagirlhey can anyone help me and maxulti out?11:28
slawekebiHi, who use garmin for transferring data - please send me private message11:30
sharewhats the meaning of "gnome 2 fork"?11:30
msterbrewerok how do i update my flash player on ubuntu11:31
msterbreweri tried going to their site but none of the options were .deb11:32
msterbrewerand all 3 options which i downloaded wouldnt install11:32
sharemsterbrewer: install flash from the repositories11:32
OerHeksmsterbrewer, use the latest from softwarecentre11:32
sharemsterbrewer: always try to install from repositories11:33
msterbrewerdidnt think of it11:33
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maxultilalagirl  , ok i couldnt find the xorg.conf file11:33
sharethen ppa or .deb file :)11:33
lalagirlmaxulti maybe that's why?11:33
insectatoriousGuys, I have a long question - http://paste.ubuntu.com/783354/11:33
Seveasinsectatorious, I have a short answer: no.11:34
sharemsterbrewer: open a terminal and type sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin11:34
sharethat's it11:34
lalagirlmaxulti: okay try this11:34
lalagirlmaxulti: sudo service gdm stop11:35
lalagirlmaxulti: sudo Xorg -configure11:35
lalagirlmaxulti: sudo service gdm start11:35
insectatoriousSeveas: so basically, the only way is to do a clean install of 10.04?11:35
sharemaxulti: do you use nvidia?11:35
maxultilalagirl : yeah i do have nvidia11:35
Seveasinsectatorious, that would be the easiest solution11:35
Seveasas long as they tick the box to leave their homedirs intact.11:36
sharemaxulti: first ... sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf ... then sudo nvidia-xconfig11:36
lalagirl[code]this is code[/code]11:36
shareand there u go.. you have a new xorg.conf11:36
Seveasand have a list of software to reinstall (dpkg --get-selections)11:36
lalagirlit doesn't work on here11:36
Seveaslalagirl, no, irc isn't a forum :-)11:37
insectatoriousSeveas: much obliged...11:37
xukunI trying to install ubuntu on a gpt disk 1mb for bios_grub flag and with raid 0 and lvm but grub will not boot after restart. I get a messageL Can not find device uuid ....  Please help me if you can. I trying this now for 2 days.11:37
sharelalagirl: he didnt need to stop gdm lolol11:37
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dkovSeveas, what about adding the extra CD [9.10 and 10.04] in the repository? this way synaptic can use them.11:37
lalagirlshare: I'm no expert like you are, mr. smarty pants11:37
insectatoriousdkov: is that re: my question?11:38
sharenow maxulti is stuck in tty11:38
sharein panic11:38
dkovinsectatorious, it is kind of11:38
Seveasdkov, those are the alternate cd's. They have no alternate CD's :)11:38
insectatoriousyeah...stupid me sent them the main cds....gron11:39
dkovinsectatorious, I read something about offline update but can't remember where and so far can't find it.11:39
dkovSeveas, I see11:39
xukunanyone please11:40
ubottuA high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.11:40
dkovinsectatorious, where are you parents from?11:40
Seveasshare, his questions is 20 lines up :)11:40
share!offtopic > dkov11:40
ubottudkov, please see my private message11:40
shareSeveas: ah ok :)11:40
xukunshare,  I trying to install ubuntu on a gpt disk 1mb for bios_grub flag and with raid 0 and lvm but grub will not boot after restart. I get a messageL Can not find device uuid ....  Please help me if you can. I trying this now for 2 days.11:40
Seveaseasy on the triggers share, the question about the parents is related to upgrade options...11:41
sharexukun: sorry I've never used RAID..11:41
Seveasxukun, if that is a password, I'd suggest you change it :)11:41
shareweak password11:42
xukunSeveas, thanks but that not a password11:42
Seveaskk, just making sure :)11:42
sferauaaHello, I'm having trouble with wireless on my new laptop, would anyone be able to help me with this?11:42
Seveassferauaa, maybe. If you have some more details.11:43
msterbreweris it dell11:43
shareIs it me or because of Unity there is less people helping11:43
sferauaaSeveas: when I run lspci, it shows it as 01:00.0 Ethernet controller: Broadcom Corporation NetLink BCM57780 Gigabit Ethernet PCIe (rev 01)11:44
shareor maybe it's because Christmas11:44
* sattu94 :)11:44
msterbreweri dont celebrate chrismas11:44
msterbrewerim jewish11:44
Seveassferauaa, that's your wired connection, not the wireless one11:44
Seveasshare, I'd blame it on christmas :)11:44
sferauaaSeveas Aah that makes sense, what other output would you like me to give you?11:45
Seveassferauaa, most built-in wireless things are actually usb devices. Try lsusb.11:45
mcbaine1I have just installed Ubuntu 11.10 on my desktop and want to Install all of the MOZILLA programs  ... do i have to do this individually or is there a Suite-install program ??11:45
Seveassferauaa, also, try explaining the problem ;)11:45
Seveasmcbaine1, individually. But it's just firefox and thunderbird, right?11:46
sharemcbaine1: add PPA for Firefox and Thunderbird :) and sudo apt-get install firefox thunderbird11:46
mcbaine1no sunbird, seamonkey  .. i basically wanna be a mozilla tester ??11:47
Seveasshare, why a ppa?11:47
sferauaaSeveas, here's the output of lsusb: http://paste.ubuntu.com/783368/ and basically what's happening is when I go to the network manager applet it shows up as if the computer only has a wired ethernet card and not a wireless card11:47
shareSeveas: to get updates :)11:47
raven(g)rsync - how to make empty files after finished sync to list dates of backup? anything like touch `date +%F` is not working11:47
sferauaaie, when I right click it there's not option to disable wireless, only to disable networkknig altogether11:47
aBoundYay! Finally got the nVidia drivers installed for 10.04.11:47
xukunSeveas, do u by any chance know thing or 2 about raid configuration with gpt?11:47
Seveasraven, touch "$(date +%F)"11:47
Seveassferauaa, Bus 001 Device 004: ID 0bda:0138 Realtek Semiconductor Corp.  seems to be it. Try searching help.ubunut.com for realtek.11:48
mcbaine1Right, no one is talking to me so i will install anyway.... and go to a #mozilla channel..11:48
sferauaaSeveas, thanks for your help! will have a look now11:48
Seveassferauaa, there's a driver you need. It may be as simple as launching jockey and clicking the right buttons11:48
sinosoidal_hi everyone. how can I access a usb device using libusb without having to write sudo?11:49
lalagirlbye everyone!!! goodbye for now11:49
Seveassinosoidal_, maybe chown'ing the relevant device to your user will do it. Or maybe there's a group you need to be member of11:49
lalagirlllutz bye11:50
Seveasxukun, not much I'm afraid.11:50
ravenSeveas, same effect with the `` syntax: it only creates a file named $(date +%F)11:50
xukunSeveas, np11:50
sinosoidal_Seveas, do you think I will need to change udev rules for this?11:50
Seveasraven, did you use double quotes?11:50
Seveasraven, and how are you running this?11:51
aBoundUbuntu 10.04 rocks stable as a rock.11:51
shareaBound: agree11:51
Seveassinosoidal_, maybe. It's hard to give an accurate answer without more info (like current owner/group/permissions/name of the device node)11:51
Kartagisdeactivating device (reason 'managed') <--- I get this when I hook up my iPhone. what is this?11:51
ravenSeveas, yes i did - i use grsync and put it into special options to "run before sync"11:51
shareaBound: the best would be Ubuntu 12.04 without Unity11:51
aBoundshare, Probably would but waiting till 12.04 stable enough would be nice.11:52
Seveasraven, ah, that doesn't run it via a proper shell I guess.11:52
SeveasI don't know grsync that well11:52
ravenSeveas, ok but how to do it without a shell?11:52
sinosoidal_Seveas, crw-rw-r--  1 root root 189, 17 2011-12-26 09:44 01811:52
shareUnity is ruining Ubuntu for many people11:52
shareim stuck with Maverick11:53
Seveassinosoidal_, yeah, chown for now and udev rules change later seems to be what you need11:53
aBoundI'm on Lucid11:53
Seveasshare, unity is getting better though. I found it unusable in 11.04 and somewhat ok in 11.1011:53
aBound Downside is I'll have to reinstall it tomorrow.11:53
Seveasthough I'm mostly using a zillion terminator windows anyway :)11:53
aBoundWas fooking around with settings and of course messed up something.11:53
aBoundBut found an awesome ppa for updating the nvidia drivers.11:54
Seveasraven, wrap your touch in a small shellscript and have grsync execute that11:54
ravenSeveas, ok seems no way without a script. how to give the preset name to that script to write it to the filename too? (have several jobs in grsync)11:55
Seveasraven, http://paste.pocoo.org/show/526012/. Then call it as scriptname_here jobname_here11:57
ravenSeveas, ok i'll try that tnx for now11:58
aBoundDang, this sucks with 10.04 I have to find all these updated pkgs.11:58
SeveasaBound, be brave and update :)11:58
* Seveas is running 12.04 alpha already :)11:58
aBoundSeveas, HA! wasn't expecting you to be running that.11:59
debianedhow do i start httrack gui on ubuntu?12:00
aBoundSeveas, How stable is the alpha?12:00
Seveasso far the only problem I have is that evolution doesn't recognize any ssl certificate12:01
Seveasunity is much less crashy than in 11.1012:01
debianedanyone knows how to start httrack gui?12:01
aBoundI prefer thunderbird over evolution. :P12:01
SeveasI hate thunderbird12:01
SeveasNot that evo is much better. All mailclients suck :)12:01
aBoundSeveas, Except for gmail right. lol12:02
Seveasneh, gmail sucks too :)12:02
Seveas/nick TheGrinch12:02
debianedapt-get install httrack to install gui,really?12:02
Seveasdebianed, you can install it from the software center too12:02
aBoundSeveas, It'll be hard for me to switch back and fourth. Does 12.04 support proper graphical boot splashes?12:03
debianedsveneas:that i goptta try12:03
SeveasaBound, all ubuntu versions since 6.something do12:03
aBoundSeveas, When I was using 11.10 the resolution was all fooked up.12:04
aBoundSeveas, Somebody said cause nvidia drivers didn't support KMS.12:04
SeveasaBound, if that's what's caused your problem, it's unlikely to be fixed already12:04
aBoundSeveas, My graphical boot splash is completely black on this version.12:05
ravenSeveas, hm i do not find out how to run this script - no sh, no bash, no ./script.sh - errors all the time. man does not help too....12:05
aBoundI'll have to give 12.04 a test run in virtualbox tomorrow it's 4am.12:05
aBoundHave a goodnight Seveas12:06
Seveasit's 1pm here in the civilized world already. Family visits soon... oh they joys of christmas :)12:06
Seveasraven, did you make it executable?12:06
Seveasif so, try this as command: /full/path/to/yourscript.sh. Otherwise do: bash /full/path/to/script.sh12:07
xukunIf I do mdadm --examine --scan I get this as result. ARRAY /dev/md/0 metadata=1.2 UUID=37ee64cf:3d91b378:74487e62:e933d00a name=ubuntu:0 this can be right? using raid 0 of 2 disk12:09
pooltablehelp where to download steam and install it ?12:09
ravenSeveas, yes12:10
Seveasxukun, that can be right. It detected a raid array.12:10
Seveaspooltable, https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Steam_under_Linux12:10
Odaymif I wanted my 'cd' command to execute 'ls' after its execution, how would that alias be/12:11
Seveasalias cd='cd $1; ls'12:12
CoreyThat would get very annoying, very fast. :-)12:12
xukunSeveas, but why does it says ARRAY /dev/md/0 should't it say ARRAY /dev/md0 sins that is what I created with mdamd?12:12
llutz_$1 will get expanded when creating the alias, not when calling it. use a function for this12:13
SeveasOdaym, actually, this will work better: alias cd='cd "$1"; ls'12:13
CoreyOdaym: Quite.  If I want to see what's in the directory, it's a quick ls<enter> away.12:13
Seveasllutz_, no, that's why I put the alias in single quotes, not double :)12:13
OdaymI'm used to ls'ing also..12:13
SeveasI used to have this alias12:13
Seveasit got annoying within a week12:13
Odaymllutz is right though, because look at this12:13
Odaymthe guy uses a function for it12:14
FloodBot1Odaym: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:14
SeveasOdaym, no, llutz_ is not right. $1 doesn't get expanded in single quotes12:14
Petterhi. Somebody knows where can I see the kernel messages? I saw some 'trans replayed' messages and I'd like to review the whole thing.12:14
SeveasPetter, this command: dmesg | less12:15
ravenSeveas, it is executable12:15
stilln00bhey huys12:15
stilln00bi've got a prob12:15
PetterWhere does Ubuntu (11.10) store it?12:16
stilln00bwith my BSNL EVDO modem12:16
llutz_Seveas: you cannot call bash aliase with parameter ($1...$*), it won't work12:16
SeveasPetter, the kernel has a ring buffer that stores these messages. The dmesg command displays the contents of this buffer.12:16
Seveasllutz_, it works. I tried it before pasting it in here12:17
stilln00bthe OS is not recognising the modem device and the net is not working12:17
Seveas^-- llutz_12:17
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amaroksHello, in settings I'mtryin to make my laptop touchpad faster it just doesn't get any faster , a normal mouse gets faster but not touchpad12:22
silv3r_m00nif I compile a .c file on a separate partition (other than where ubuntu is installed) and try to run it , it says permission denied , how can I fix it ?12:24
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Seveassilv3r_m00n, is that a fat or ntfs partition perhaps?12:24
silv3r_m00nits an ext4 partition and fstab options for it are errors=remount-ro,auto,exec,rw,user12:25
auronandacesilv3r_m00n: ro and rw?12:26
auronandacesilv3r_m00n: ah sorry, remount-ro12:26
Seveassilv3r_m00n, ok, and how did you compile the file?12:26
silv3r_m00ngcc main.c12:27
silv3r_m00nthe file just has 1 line printf("Hello World");12:27
Seveasyeah, that won't work12:27
silv3r_m00nofcourse with the int main12:27
silv3r_m00ncompiles and run on ubuntu partition but not on any other partition12:27
aguitelhow i know the video driver are in use in my system?12:27
ravenSeveas, ?12:28
silv3r_m00nSeveas: it just says bash: ./a.out: Permission denied12:28
Seveassilv3r_m00n, what does 'file a.out; ls -la a.out' say?12:29
silv3r_m00na.out: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.15, not stripped12:29
silv3r_m00n-rwxr-xr-x 1 enlightened enlightened 13501 2011-12-26 17:39 a.out12:29
Seveashm. My first guess was (and all evidence except your mount options point to) noexec in the mount options12:30
Seveasis it currently mounted with noexec, despite your fstab entry being different?12:30
silv3r_m00nSeveas: how can I verify it ?12:30
Seveassilv3r_m00n, run mount with no options, pastebin output12:31
blackshirtCheck permition12:31
silv3r_m00ncool : dev/sda8 on /media/2edfb41d-54f4-478e-8cc0-0fe9864596a8 type ext4 (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,errors=remount-ro,commit=0)12:31
silv3r_m00nit is indeed noexec12:31
Seveasmount -o remount,exec /dev/sda812:31
ariel011does anybody know hoe to recover the firefox bookmarks from ubuntu12:31
silv3r_m00nSeveas: ya , works perfectly , files execute very well12:32
silv3r_m00nbut why isn't the fstab coming in effect ?12:32
Seveasariel011, they're in ~/.mozilla/firefox/<profile id>/bookmarks*.json12:33
silv3r_m00nis it because of this errors=remount-ro,auto,exec,rw,user   the user option makes it noexec , so should I put the exec after the user ?12:33
Seveasariel011, they're in ~/.mozilla/firefox/<profile id>/bookmarks.html actually. the jsonfiles are in the bookmarkbackups directory.12:34
Seveassilv3r_m00n, maybe. I always stick to just 'defaults' for mount options12:34
theishiI want to have something similiar to google's home page, but running on my local computer for privacy reasons. Anyone know any programs, or html code that I can put on my local computer that will display the latest news from sources that I choose?12:35
theishiI was hoping to browse this using a webbrowser. I use firefox btw12:36
amitzliferay, but it's a bit difficult to configure :-))12:36
Seveastheishi, of you're just after news feeds and nobody has a better answer: try liferea for reading RSS feeds instead of a browser with a homepage12:36
jutnuxGoogle Reader \o/12:36
Seveasjutnux, if the google homepage gives him privacy goosebumps, google reader won't help :)12:37
jutnuxSecurity reason of what? :|12:37
shareAnyone care to explain what is a "fork of" eg "fork of gnome 2"?12:37
Seveasa changed version12:38
jutnuxBaiscally a copy share.12:38
jutnuxIn a VCS (version control system) if you fork something you have a copy of it to change to your will.12:38
StevenRshare: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fork_%28software_development%2912:38
Seveasshare, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fork_%28software_development%2912:38
SeveasStevenR, heh :)12:39
theishiSeveas: yeah I think jutnux meant that as a joke :-)... I am considering the RSS reader, but I never really think to open it, I just open up the browser and then remember I should take a look at what is going on12:39
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SeveasJust add enough things to your rss reader so you'll miss it if you don't have it open12:39
SeveasI read a truckload of comics via my rss reader for instance :)12:40
shareStevenR Seveas thanks12:40
theishiSeveas: then i wont get any work done12:40
Seveastheishi, yeah, every plan has a downside ;)12:41
shareSo... a fork of Gnome 2 is made not by Gnome devs but by other people that continue to improve (or not) Gnome 2 right?12:41
Seveasshare, yes12:42
auronandaceshare: yes12:42
sharejust like anyone could improve ff 3.6 :P12:42
auronandaceshare: if they fork it and remove trademarks and whatnot, yes12:42
theishiSeveas: I guess I could just write a script for this that creates a local page... It seems like that is what I would have to do12:43
auronandaceshare: iceweasel is a firefox fork12:43
Raidanhey guys12:44
Raidani was hoping to get some advice, i really want to cut all ties with microsoft and install Ubuntu as my permenant OS but is there a way i can still play games like EvE online and others on it12:46
auronandaceRaidan: wine12:46
Raidanhow does Wine work iv never managed to get it to work properly12:46
auronandaceRaidan: not a prefect solution, but check the appdb12:46
auronandace!appdb | Raidan12:46
ubottuRaidan: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help12:46
Raidanah thanks12:47
Raidani'l look into that12:47
auronandaceRaidan: the best solution for windows games is to simply use windows12:47
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SoNoIoPaUrAEHplay4linux >:P12:48
Raidantrue but then i hate windows12:48
Raidanif i can get EvE running id be happy12:48
auronandaceRaidan: games is all i keep windows for12:48
Raidanim wanting to do away with windows compleatly12:49
auronandaceRaidan: then hope that wine supports the windows apps you need12:49
auronandaceRaidan: or find native alternatives12:49
SoNoIoPaUrAEHraidan search for playonlinux  im sure you can use eve i run sc2 wow and some others on linux12:50
RaidanAh thanks12:51
auronandaceSoNoIoPaUrAEH: sc2? star control 2?12:51
SoNoIoPaUrAEHstarcraft 212:51
auronandaceSoNoIoPaUrAEH: ah, i was about to turn you to urquan masters12:51
SunTsuRaidan: I'm running e.g. WoW on Wine for years, works nicely12:51
wind-if one would like to try the latest updatest to Unity, does 11.04 lag behind from 11.10? what about is there some repo or a beta version where to try even newer versions?12:52
auronandaceRaidan: playonlinux is essentially wine12:52
DeltaEpsilonis ipv6 now well supported on the internet?12:52
vsync_suntsu tactics important in wow12:52
Raidanyea just looks like its got a better GUI and slightly easier to use features12:52
wind-aye the basic wine package in ubuntu plays wow -opengl nicely, also on amd64 :)12:52
vsync_indeed art of wow pillage dragon goods12:53
auronandacewind-: you don't update the version of unity you are using, you stick with what it is from release12:53
auronandacewind-: want to try the newest unity? use the newest release12:54
auronandace!12.04 | wind-12:54
amaroksHow do make all ubuntu colors bit darker?12:54
ubottuwind-: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) will be the sixteenth release of Ubuntu. Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/784 | Discussion and support in #ubuntu+112:54
wind-auronandace: I'll try 12.04 daily build iso, feeling adventurous ;)12:55
msterbrewerits quite easy is quite easy if you dowload play on linux12:56
wind-auronandace: just want to keep track on latest developments in Unity12:56
auronandacewind-: 11.04 unity is built on top of gnome2, 11.10 unity is on top of gnome312:56
msterbrewerit makes the wine files for you12:56
msterbreweror whatever theyre called12:56
wind-auronandace: thanks, that's good to know too12:56
auronandacewind-: there is a website too12:57
auronandace!unity | wind-12:57
ubottuwind-: Unity is the default UI since Ubuntu 11.04.  Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. For a GNOME 2-like experience, see !notunity12:57
auronandaceamaroks: use a darker theme, adjust the brightness on your monitor?12:58
muzoneWhy can't I wget -r -A pdf,doc http://www.fabricly.com? https://gist.github.com/151938212:58
matrixiumnis the instructions on http://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/dual-boot-windows-7-ubuntu.html correct?12:58
auronandacematrixiumn: compare them12:59
auronandace!dualboot | matrixiumn12:59
ubottumatrixiumn: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot12:59
muzoneWhy can't I wget -r -A pdf,doc http://www.fabricly.com? https://gist.github.com/151938212:59
Sidewinder1matrixiumn, You may wish to look here: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/index  Just stay away from WUBI.13:00
matrixiumnSidewinder1, why should I stay away from WUBI?13:00
Seveasmuzone, because you told it only to accept pdf or doc files and you're getting html.13:00
muzoneSeveas: but it doesn't make any difference if I add HTML to the list13:02
muzonerunning the same command on other sites yields tons of PDFs and DOCs13:02
Sidewinder1matrixiumn, WUBI was not really for long term use, IMHO; really just to try/get a feel for ubuntu, within the win environment. Just my advice. :D13:02
matrixiumnthank you13:03
Sidewinder1matrixiumn, My pleasure; and good luck.13:03
revilhi all13:04
sharewait a sec13:06
sharewhat Startup Disk Creator needs to create a live usb13:06
shareI need to reserve space to save stuff or just choose discard on shutdown.13:07
bullgard4Where is the "toolbar" in Banshee 2.2.1? Is it the third line in Banshee's program window? See http://www.gitorious.org/banshee-community-extensions/pages/StreamRecorderUserGuide13:07
muzonestill there brother13:08
shareI have uninstall Adobe Reader but it still shows Open with Adobe Reader 913:12
sharehow do I remove this file association13:12
FirartixHi :) Trying to use Alien to install Oracle-XE (provided as a RPM package) - it converts it successfully but, i can find the output .deb package in my working directory. And trying to use the -i option to install the package right away, alien itself won't find it. Any idea ?13:13
hirogen3folder options in windows explorer? or default programs on win713:13
hirogen3oops i thought i was in Windows13:13
hirogen3my bad13:13
Kartagiswhat was the command to see if the cpu allows virtualization?13:14
Firartix(Also tried installing the .rpm using directly RPM, but it'll say to use alien instead. And if i try anyway, it just won't find basic dependancies (no /bin/sh... you kidding right?))13:14
Sidewinder1hirogen3, As long as you're not on a blood-hunt, it's OK. :-)13:14
=== misha is now known as misha22
amaroks<auronandace> it doesnt do it...13:15
amaroksI need it darker , one problem I face with ubuntu is sharpness of fonts and colors13:16
shareHow is this possible? /usr/local/share/icons/hicolor/96x96/apps/AdobeReader9.png13:16
shareadobe reader was removed!13:16
=== misha is now known as Guest36248
pooltablehelp i have steam installed how do i add games ???13:17
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=== david is now known as Guest1954
anggussyou buy them?13:18
sharepooltable: Steam games are for Windows and Mac13:18
muzoneWhy can't I wget -r -A pdf,doc http://www.fabricly.com? https://gist.github.com/1519382 - it doesn't make any difference if I add HTML to the list. Running the same command on other sites though usually yields tons of PDFs and DOCs.13:18
shareyou can use install Steam using Wine13:18
pooltableshare yes13:18
=== morrison6_ is now known as morrison6
bullgard4Where is the "toolbar" in Banshee 2.2.1? Is it the third line in Banshee's program window? See http://www.gitorious.org/banshee-community-extensions/pages/StreamRecorderUserGuide13:22
pooltableok thanks13:23
rymate1234HELLO UBUNTU!13:23
rymate1234how do I tell banshee media player to copy music off a disk into mp3 instead of ogg13:23
shareHow can I remove all the lines from a file containing "AdobeReader"13:24
xukunI just created my first raid 0 ever. Everything is working after reboot but with cat /proc/mdstat I do not see [UU] I created the raid device with mdadm --create --assume-clean.13:24
rymate1234how do I tell banshee media player to copy music off a disk into mp3 instead of ogg13:25
stjohnmedranogood day, where can find the network manager in unity13:25
llutz_share: sed -i '/AdobeReader/d' foo.file13:26
alFReD-NSHWhich one do you think will require less resources guys? irc on pidgin, or on a tab on chrome?13:26
rymate1234alFReD-NSH, irc using xchat13:26
rymate1234pidgin sucks as an irc client IMO13:26
rymate1234stjohnmedrano, is it not in the notification area on the top right of the screen?13:27
alFReD-NSHdo u think that it uses less resources than the freenode web app chat?13:27
rymate1234probably not13:28
stjohnmedranorymatel1234, il look for it, thanks13:29
wind-this is nice to see that shortcuts can be created on unity desktop  (in 12.04) just by dragging and choosing link13:29
rymate1234wind-, is there beta?13:30
wind-rymate1234: it is not a stable release, just trying daily live cd13:31
sharethanks llutz_13:32
tanminvery one13:33
pooltablewind only if they let you chose the way to have it set up i do not like unity i like old way13:34
rymate1234pooltable, you can install the gnome shell13:34
wind-pooltable: yes there is old gnome style if you like it13:35
pooltablewow cool how do that i might just upgrage?13:35
rymate1234I prefer unity though13:35
wind-personally I forced myself to get accustomed to Unity and after a few days found myself missing it, just nice to see in daily cd they have worked out some annoyances I found13:35
sharefound it application/pdf=gimp.desktop;evince.desktop;AdobeReader.desktop;13:36
wind-"learning curve" was not big after being already accustomed with os x and win7 styles13:36
rymate1234one problem with unityy is that its not very easily customisable13:36
wind-yes Id still like a setting to always show menus and old style scroll bars (the later should be possible from changing a setting in file directly)13:37
sharerymate1234: thats only one problem13:39
rymate1234I quite like these new scroll bars13:39
rymate1234I hardly ever use scroll bars13:39
rymate1234scroll wheels ftw13:39
wind-rymate1234: my wheel is broken and the mouse is otherwise awesome13:39
wind-sometimes the wheel just takes a hour to scroll a large list, when you can do it faster with a small motion on normal scroll bar;)13:40
wind-even on a not broken wheel13:40
rymate1234wind-, I have a mouse which has a turbo scroll mode13:42
wind-that might be nice.. I also like the scrolling with apple mouses and multi-touch pads even though the mouses were otherwise horrible. it is quick and precise but with the acceleration also fast when necessary13:44
=== Guest48061 is now known as robglas
wind-but as long as its a traditional wheel with large steps, sometimes working, sometimes not, and otherwise great DPI and comfort Ill stick to traditional scroll bars (sometimes)13:45
=== Bi-Dad is now known as Cumlov_er
xukunis there a preferred way to copy a 2T file over network?13:45
* rymate1234 forgot about his question13:46
rymate1234 how do I tell banshee media player to copy music off a disk into mp3 instead of ogg13:46
llutz_xukun: get some coffee ready and use rsync13:46
xukunllutz, thanks13:47
=== Mud is now known as Guest42222
DeltaEpsiloncan I provide sftp access to a user w/o giving it shell access?13:48
yeatsrymate1234: I don't *think* you can do that, but there are plenty of ogg to mp3 conversion programs out there13:48
rymate1234yeats, link?13:48
llutz_xukun: netcat would be faster, but it won't do checksums/resume  etc13:48
wind-DeltaEpsilon: I think that should happen if you just dont specify a shell for the user13:49
xukunllutz, then is rsync what I want13:49
Sidewinder1xukun, Or if you prefer GUI, install grsync; a front-end GUI to rsync. :-)13:49
yeats!info soundconverter | rymate123413:50
ubotturymate1234: soundconverter (source: soundconverter): GNOME application to convert audio files into other formats. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.4-2 (oneiric), package size 107 kB, installed size 916 kB13:50
xukunSidewinder1, that is nice thanks a lot13:50
Sidewinder1xukun, My pleasure.13:50
wind-DeltaEpsilon: ah, some set "scponly" as shell for those users13:51
wind-DeltaEpsilon: it is a special shell you can install as package13:51
nixmaniackOn my laptop, sometimes 'lspci' shows wifi card and sometimes it doesn't. what should i do?13:52
wind-DeltaEpsilon: then scp and sftp work but no access to bash and unix commands13:52
Sidewinder1nixmaniack, Are you certain that the card is fully 'seated'?13:53
yeatsnixmaniack: you could search /var/log/dmesg for driver messages?13:54
Sidewinder1nixmaniack, Intermittent problems are the worst. :-(13:54
nixmaniackSidewinder1, actually it does work in other OS! and it works if i reinstall kernel but only for one boot13:54
nixmaniackyeats, what should I look for?13:54
pooltablehelp is there a faster way to upgrade as of now will take over 1 hour ?13:56
pooltabledo just download13:56
yeatsnixmaniack: I don't know what the specific text would be, but maybe your card's model or something like that?  I would just do 'dmesg | less' and browse13:56
Stanley00pooltable: maybe change to the faster repos...?13:57
pooltablehow do i do that ?13:57
SpeedPCi want to ask about zsh , i get these files http://paste.ubuntu.com/783475/ for zsh prompt coloring , but im confused to place these files so i can color zsh13:57
Stanley00pooltable: In the Software Source. I think13:58
SpeedPCthere is someone who can help me?13:59
=== MasDab is now known as pingsut
pooltablestanley is it on main how do i know what one is faster ?14:00
nixmaniackis there any way i can save the modules loaded by the kernel and then when i boot again i can insert those modules again14:00
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Stanley00pooltable: click that, choose other...14:00
linuxjacknix,use udev14:01
Stanley00pooltable: there will be a button "choose the best server"14:01
yeats!cn | tanmin14:01
ubottutanmin: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw14:01
Stanley00pooltable: but, do you new to Ubuntu?14:01
rymate1234yeats, soundconverter works perfectly, thanks! :D14:02
pooltablestanley been using since 9-4 or 9-10 but some thing i am still new to14:03
Stanley00pooltable: ;)14:03
yeatsrymate1234: great!14:04
chroothi, how can i get the getty source file in ubuntu?14:05
llutz_chroot: apt-get source util-linux14:06
chrootis is said that at the start up time , the getty will be executed , so i want to take a look at the  getty source file .14:07
=== william is now known as Guest47455
chrootllutz, and i should replace the util-linux with the file i want ?14:08
llutz_chroot: what do you really want to do?14:09
llutz_chroot: getty get started through /etc/init/tty?.conf   at boot14:09
chrooti want to read the getty source file14:09
llutz_chroot: apt-get source util-linux        this should contain getty.c14:09
chrootdid you mean that the util-linux contain the getty ?14:09
pooltablestanley well it is faster to download the 11.10 ISO then upgrade from there14:10
chrootok , it's downloading now14:10
chrootand llutz ,  i am confused about one thing14:10
Stanley00pooltable: I dont think so, it also need download some upgrade14:10
chrootit is said that login will invoke the passwd when you login to your system? i looked through the source code of the login and passwd , but i got nothing.14:11
chrooti can't find where login invoke the passwd ?14:12
nixmaniackis there any way to change the background wallpaper of terminal from command line?14:12
* black_ waves14:12
Circularexcuse me14:13
chrootnixmaniack,  i am afraid it is complecated, i once want to do this too.14:13
chrootCircular,  what14:13
nixmaniackchroot, were you successful?14:13
rymate1234Ubuntu, y u prioritise Banshee over spotify14:14
pooltablestanley how long are you going to be here ?14:14
Circulardoes anybody know why the VirtualBOX OSE could not open in the menu???14:14
rymate1234I want to use my laptop shortcuts for media playback with spotify ;914:14
chrootnixmaniack, finally, i give up.14:14
chrootnixmaniack, are you using desktop14:14
nixmaniackchroot, yes14:14
Stanley00pooltable: I dont know, may be within a hour...14:15
chrootif so , the background color can be changed from the teminal profile.14:15
Circulari only can open it in the term14:15
Circulardoes it the matter of the Gnome?14:16
chrootCircular, it is maybe the icon in the menu is not linked to the elf file .14:16
pooltablestanley well then i ask later for help with the gnome shell14:16
pooltablestanley how do i save the IRC log to look at later?14:16
chrootCircular,  you can make a new icon yourself.14:16
Stanley00pooltable: well, I never used gnome shell before...14:16
nixmaniackchroot, actually i want to change the background image, if i start emacs i want emacs shortcuts wallpaper as bg image14:17
Circularthanks~~~i ll try it14:17
Stanley00pooltable: which irc client are you using?14:17
nomike nstore the whole system from the backup becaus in case of failure I would just reinstall the system.14:17
chrootnixmaniack, oh, if that , i don't know how.14:17
nomikeoopps..sorry wrong chat window...14:17
chrootand nixmaniack can i ask you a qestion?14:17
CircularStanley,I m using the Xchat14:17
nixmaniackchroot, sure :)14:18
rymate1234slight problem with Ubuntu software centre14:18
rymate1234It opens a blank window >_>14:18
cablopis it true that a 64 bit OS demands double memory sopace than a 32 bit OS?14:18
nixmaniackchroot, I think i might get what i want with gconfeditor14:18
chrootdo you understand the startup of the linux(desktop or not)?14:18
Stanley00pooltable: chatzilla? hmm, I'm just use xchat... not sure about chat zilla14:18
chrootnixmaniack, you installed gconfeditor?14:19
nixmaniackchroot, you mean runlevels?14:19
rymate1234chatzilla sucks14:19
chrootinclude that!14:19
nixmaniackchroot, it's there, i'm browsing thro it now14:19
solexiousis there a key combo with unity to open another instance of a program rather than switch to that program for the buttons on the left pop out menu?14:19
yeatspooltable: there is a way to log in Chatzilla - just dig into the menus14:19
nixmaniackchroot, a lil bit knowledge i have, but i ain't expert14:19
chrootnixmaniack, what do you mean "it's there, i'm browsing thro it now"?14:20
Stanley00pooltable: I found this one, may be it will help http://25yearsofprogramming.com/blog/20071123.htm14:20
chrootand do you know the order when we login our system?14:20
nixmaniackchroot, gconf-editor is there, now i found the setting for background image, i'll try it now14:20
chrootmeans login and passwd , getty14:20
chrootnixmaniack,  try it now14:21
nixmaniackchroot, okay, wait a min14:21
yeatssolexious: you can "middle click" to do that, I believe14:21
solexiousyeats: brill, that worked! Thanks14:22
yeatssolexious: yeah - one of my friends stumbled on that - very useful ;-)14:22
rymate1234so guys14:26
rymate1234any idea why ubuntu software centre is opening a blank screen?14:26
nixmaniackchroot, got it! :)14:27
chrootnixmaniack, it works?14:27
nixmaniackchroot, yep! :)14:28
chrootand gconfedit si a software?14:28
jsnI'm trying to get my wireless card working again. A version upgrade stopped it working. nmcli dev shows the device, and nmcli dev list shows mostly what I expect. But nmcli con list shows nothing even after nmcli nm wifi on14:28
nixmaniackchroot, just a sec, pasting the command14:28
nixmaniackchroot,  gconftool --type string --set /apps/gnome-terminal/profiles/Profile0/background_image "/home/muneeb/Pictures/gnuemacs.png"14:28
jsnrymate1234, checked any logs?14:28
mneptokjsn: have you tried booting to a previous kernel?14:29
nixmaniackchroot, you might need to change the 'Profile0', as i have another profile in which i was trying14:30
rymate1234jsn, logs?14:30
chrootso , this command will set the bg14:30
nixmaniackchroot, yes14:30
jsnrymate1234, Stuff under /var/log that might be reporting what is happening.14:30
Circulardoes the Banshee couldnt open the AAC directly?14:30
nixmaniackchroot, you can browse through various options in gconf-editor14:30
bogornixmaniack, can i set background wallpaper on my  console  ie., alt+ctrl+f114:31
jsnmneptok, I have not. Truthfully, it hasn't worked in a while. I just finally am going to take care of it.14:31
rymate1234jsn, where can i find these.... logs... you speak of14:31
mneptokjsn: does lspci report the device as actually in existence?14:31
Sidewinder1rymate1234, Generally in /var...14:31
nixmaniackbogor, i ain't expert, i just discovered this hack as i wan needing this, but i think you can't on VT14:32
jsnmneptok, it reports it as : Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 4965 AG or AGN [Kedron] Network Connection (rev 61)14:32
jsnrymate1234, Open up a terminal, right? > cd /var/log14:32
mneptokrymate1234: open a terminal. type "software-center" (no quotes). the app will launch. wait a little while so that package lists can be updated. if you still see a blank window, look in the terminal window you used for any ouut from the app that may be informative.14:32
nixmaniackbogor, but if it's framebuffered VT, then you might be able to do that, but that needs some research!14:32
mneptokjsn: does the machine in question have a hardware switch to disable wireless?14:33
chroothi everybody, how can i forbiden the gust session in ubuntu 11.10?14:33
jsnmneptok, Thanks for asking. Yes, indeed it dows. The switch is set to enable wireless.14:33
bogornixmaniac, we cant on a vt. But ubuntu is using framebuffer i think. And all mordern machine are using framebuffer it hink, So the gconf will not work. But it should be possible to set background images on framebuffer14:33
chrooti found that you can login to guest without a password14:33
mneptokjsn: check the BIOS, too.14:33
jsnmneptok, for the hardware switch status, you mean?14:34
rymate1234terminal output14:34
mneptokjsn: for yet another switch, this time in software14:34
nixmaniackbogor, yes, you are right, but i haven't checked can we use framebuffer so i can't tell much14:34
Circularexcuse me,does anybody knows that why I couldnt open the AAC files with Banshee???14:34
rymate1234outputs this 2011-12-26 14:34:34,235 - softwarecenter.ui.gtk3.em - INFO - EM's: 17 15 2114:34
douglas-web-devHello all!14:34
* jsn has never checked bios from command line before... is trying lshw14:35
mneptokrymate1234: i get the same thing, and software-center works for me. so that's not the issue.14:35
llutz_chroot: set "allow_guest=false"   in /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf      and ask the stupid maintainer why this is true by  default14:35
rymate1234after outputting that, there is no more output, and it just goes back to the original terminal state, ready to accept a new comand14:36
bogorDoes any one know , how to set background image on ubuntu 11.10 on a terminal console on framebuffer (ie alt+ctrl+f1)?14:36
rymate1234synaptic works fine though14:37
Stanley00bogor: there's no way, AFAIK14:37
douglas-web-devI'm trying Xubuntu for the first time. It's amazing. Very light and useful.14:37
Stanley00bogor: you can set it in gnome-terminal.14:38
chrootyes, llutz thanks ,14:38
=== Nex4 is now known as Nax
auronandacedouglas-web-dev: i have xfce just the way i like it, it's my favourite DE14:38
bogorStanley, i have seen tux image appear in console(alt+ctrl+f1) in gentoo. So i know it is possible , but not sure how.14:38
douglas-web-devauronandace, cool :)14:39
Stanley00bogor: you see it at the boot time, right?14:39
douglas-web-devauronandace, it's light, but work as it should...14:39
rymate1234I wish you could download more themes for unity :(14:40
Sidewinder1I forget, in Synaptic, if I want to "completely remove", all previous kernels (saving current and 1 preceding) so that menu.lst, (10.04 with legacy GRIB),no longer lists them, do I remove 'kernel', 'header', 'image', or all of the above? TIA.14:40
auronandacedouglas-web-dev: its the customisability i like, need a hand with anything?14:40
douglas-web-devauronandace, I got a Phenon X4 here, but I'm not taking real advantage.. I got 1GB DDR2 memory.14:41
Stanley00Sidewinder1: I think you should remove all of them. ;)14:41
bogorstanley00, i am sure whether it was only boot time or after that also. But it was no GUI or grub splash and it was console.14:41
douglas-web-devauronandace, Well I know feel things, just used Kubuntu before and Mandriva on KDE.14:41
bogorB'cos i tried hard to get gentoo up and running . later gave due to misconfigured network issue.14:41
douglas-web-devauronandace, do you recommend something for a starter?14:41
Sidewinder1Stanley00, That's what I thought, but wasn't sure; many thanks! :-)14:42
Circularwhy does my Banshee couldnt open the AAC files???14:42
auronandacedouglas-web-dev: recomend something? what do you want to do?14:42
bfriwhat is the most effect way to change any key command? is it through the individual program you are running or the OS settings ubuntu 10.0414:42
Stanley00bogor: in gentoo, there a prog called fbsplash, I think that prog show an image on frame buffer console14:42
Stanley00Sidewinder1: you are welcome ;)14:42
rymate1234Circular, you may need to install the ubuntu restricted pac-14:43
Sidewinder1Off for some system maintenance.. G'Day all!14:43
douglas-web-devThings are going well by now... But to be perfect, I'd like that funcion of draging windows to the side of screen..14:44
douglas-web-devauronandace, do you know how to do that?14:44
bogorStanley00, thanks for the pointer, i will do my home work and post the results in my blog  so that other if interested can find out.14:44
jmscomtechhow do i go about creating a shortcut for a app in bin folder so that any user can use it14:44
douglas-web-devauronandace, so that it occupy exactly half-screen14:45
auronandacedouglas-web-dev: oh, you'll likely want to install compiz then14:45
Stanley00bogor: good luck with that. ;)14:45
douglas-web-devCool.. But wouldn't it make my computer slower?14:45
auronandacedouglas-web-dev: replace xfwm with compiz and install cssm14:45
auronandace!cssm | douglas-web-dev14:46
Stanley00jmscomtech: use ln to make a link14:46
auronandace!compiz | douglas-web-dev14:46
ubottudouglas-web-dev: Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz14:46
douglas-web-devauronandace, thank you.14:46
Stanley00jmscomtech: you can use "ln" command to make a link, it's some kind of shortcut.14:46
douglas-web-devauronandace, is it easy to  xfwm with compiz?14:46
auronandacedouglas-web-dev: i'm more of a traditional user, don't need all the fancy effects14:47
auronandacedouglas-web-dev: yes but in my experience compiz has always been a little buggy, i don't tend to use it14:47
pooltablehelp can i do an upgrade from a mount iso if so how ?14:47
=== Mud is now known as Guest74399
poppy80does not open a file pps. use ubunut 11.1014:48
douglas-web-devI see. I just want this funcionality. I'd like if there was another way of doing so... This would improve a lot my productivity...14:48
blognewbhey guys which revision system do you recommend? cvs, svn, git???14:49
bullgard4blognewb: That from Linus.14:50
jmscomtechstanley00 and how do i get it so anyone an use the link?14:51
Stanley00jmscomtech: if you made a link in /bin, or in the $PATH, other users can use that prog just by typing its name14:51
jmscomtechi have to sudo the name to run it14:52
bullgard4Where is the "toolbar" in Banshee 2.2.1? Is it the third line in Banshee's program window? See http://www.gitorious.org/banshee-community-extensions/pages/StreamRecorderUserGuide14:53
jmscomtechoooh never mind its working now14:53
douglas-web-devauronandace, sorry my last message was for you.14:53
douglas-web-devauronandace, I see. I just want this funcionality. I'd like if there was another way of doing so... This would improve a lot my productivity...14:54
auronandacedouglas-web-dev: apart from compiz or kde i don't know how to make that happen14:54
poppy80does not open a file pps. use ubuntu 11.1014:55
douglas-web-devauronandace, Ok. Thank you. I'll try to get compiz optimized here, later. So I will get a lot of extra second each time I have to do this. :)15:01
douglas-web-devauronandace, Nice to meet you.15:01
samorianany idea when the ubuntu 12.04 disk image size is going to be able to fit on a regular cd?15:01
Stanley00samorian: I dont think it will ;)15:02
samorianStanley00, that's too bad15:02
nixmaniackdoes alternate install CD comes with desktop manager?15:02
Stanley00nixmaniack: yes, it does15:03
Stanley00samorian: 12.04 is discuss in #ubuntu+1, if you interested :D15:03
samorianok thanks Stanley0015:03
nixmaniackStanley00, okay, thanks! do we have to specify somewhere to install it? My friend didn't get any GUI that's why i asked!15:04
Stanley00nixmaniack: no, it will install GUI interface by default, by the installer is in text mode.15:04
samorianis there a headless version that isn't the server version?15:05
samorianstripping down ubuntu can be a chore15:05
llutz_!minimal | samorian then use this15:05
ubottusamorian then use this: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD15:05
nixmaniackStanley00, okay.15:05
samorianllutz_, ok15:05
leftistis there any advantage for me to upgrade to 10.10 on this laptop or should i stay at 10.04 as it performs just what is needed for me???15:06
samorianah yes that is what it is called15:06
Stanley00leftist: 10.04 is good also, since it work well.15:07
leftistyeah stanley0015:07
leftistso i'll just keep this laptop at 10.04 then.15:07
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samorianif it works it isn't broken, hence you don't _need_ to fix it.15:07
leftistyeah my feeling exactly just that other programmers are always saying keep up with the joneses but like it says if not broke dont fix it15:08
lubbyhi everyone, first of all Merry Christmas to you all :)15:10
lubbyI'm updating 11.10, is it safe for me to install flash at this moment? Or should I rather wait until the updates are finished?15:10
samoriani personally use firefox's flash wizard (i think that is what it is called)15:11
Stanley00lubby: you should wait, since you cant install any apps while it's upgrading15:11
delinquentmesilly thing just happened .. I accidentally clicked and dragged a folder into another folder in my home directory .. is there any way to figure out what I did here?15:12
lubbyStanley00: I see, it's possible but there would be a big chance to break something...15:13
lubbydelinquentme: try Ctrl+Z15:13
lubbyStanley00: it should be off by default for noobs like me :)15:13
delinquentmeno luck :D15:13
Stanley00lubby: how is it possible?15:13
samoriando you happen to remember which folders were involve delinquentme ?15:14
delinquentmesamorian, nope15:14
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».15:14
samoriandelinquentme, ouch15:14
lubbyStanley00: in one terminal I do apt-get update && apt-get upgrade, and while that is running I fire up another terminal where I type apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree15:15
samorianlubby, apt doesn't allow multiple instances running simultaneously15:16
Stanley00lubby: hmm? did you try this?15:16
lubbyeither I did through apt or by downloading the package from adobe15:16
lubbyin any case I remember doing this with 8.0415:17
lubbyor version below that15:17
lubbythat was probably also the reason why I broke stuff :(15:17
samorianah i see15:17
bullgard4Where is the "toolbar" in Banshee 2.2.1? Is it the third line in Banshee's program window? See http://www.gitorious.org/banshee-community-extensions/pages/StreamRecorderUserGuide15:18
samorianeither way unless it is the .so you use apt to install it lubby15:18
mneptoklubby: you should never run more than 1 instance of package management tools (apt, dpkg) at a time15:18
zambahow can i disable the stupid animation when switching workspaces?15:19
zambai just want to switch it, don't animate the switch15:19
lubbyI see, yeah I should probably also refrain from updating through update manager while I do stuff in the terminal15:20
samorianzamba, what version are you using?15:20
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».15:20
poppy80does not open a file pps. use ubuntu 11.1015:20
choi_how do i see my desktop icons if I managed to drag them off screen?15:21
dawitWhat do you think about Mint and its popularity? Do you think it's worth considering?15:22
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».15:22
samoriandawit, i personally use mint... mint is just ubuntu with a different gui15:22
llutz_!ot | dawit wrong place to ask15:22
ubottudawit wrong place to ask: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:22
subb1hello everyone ,, a radeon graphics issue to address15:23
Ryllez89anyone can help me, my computer dont have sound with ubuntu15:23
dawitThanks Ubottu! Will do as advised! Cheers!15:23
dawitoops! sorry15:23
ken69mi ubuntu esta relento15:24
subb1i have: ubuntu 10.04, radeon HD 4350 256M card, 1gb ram. i have installed the proprietary driver downloaded from amd site and still i see flickering while using navigating around gnome and tearing when viewing hd vidoes15:25
retrorexHia One question(even if its dumb) . Must all dependencies be satisfied before install a tar.gz package15:25
subb1i) please give me a link for the proper installation of the ati driver file   (ii) steps to tweak it for higher performance.15:26
poppy80does not open a file pps. use ubuntu 11.1015:27
muzoneWhy can't I wget -r -A pdf,doc http://www.fabricly.com? https://gist.github.com/1519382 - it doesn't make any difference if I add HTML to the list. Running the same command on other sites though usually yields tons of PDFs and DOCs.15:29
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subb1any help guys?15:32
armenceHello all. I have an encrypted home directory. I need to backup my key for recovery purposes. Where is the key?15:34
SmicheI cannot get my ATI Radeon 9550 drivers running.Any help?15:39
SmicheDownloaded them from amd website and installed the .run file but they're still not working.15:41
_ramois anyone familiar with vmbuilder here? i try to run it on debian squeeze  but get a output llike this: http://privatepaste.com/9322fa37a3/asfd2f2315:41
armenceHello all. I have an encrypted home directory. I need to backup my key for recovery purposes. Where is the file that contains the key?15:43
pooltablehelp downloan and install Mplayer?15:44
armencesudo apt-get install mplayer15:45
Smicheany1 can help me with my driver issue?15:45
subb1i guess... the channel is inactive with tech guys... i am also searching for help15:47
Resistanceyou all realize there's something called patience right?15:47
Resistanceyou need patience in order to get support on IRC...15:47
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pooltablethanks armence15:48
Resistancejust as if you were posting your support question(s) to ubuntuforums.org, you'd need patience to wait until answers come up, or even more questions about your issue/setup/etc.15:48
philpemfor those of you who remember my question from last night re. the edimax EW7722IN -- turns out the rt2x00 drivers for it are classed as "unstable, highly experimental."15:50
philpemso i've scrapped that plan and ordered the TP-link card (which uses an atheros chipset listed on the ath9k support list)15:50
compdocyou do what I do - buy hardware that linux supports15:51
pcoderHi adminis, how do I ask a question? please help15:52
compdocarent you asking one now?15:52
Resistancepcoder:  you just post your question in here :P15:52
Resistancelike you just did.  but unless you give details, we cant really read minds, so...15:53
usr13pcoder: Just describe your situation as best you can, give some detail and ask your question.15:53
pcoderI installed Ubuntu 11.04 on a partition on my laptop dell vostro 340015:53
pcoderMy problem is The system gets too heated and the fan makes too much noise ..15:53
pcoderI have windows too, which works silently15:54
pcoderany sugggestions would be helpful15:54
Resistancepcoder:  similar issues on a Dell Latitude E6500... but laptops generally run hot anyways15:54
Resistancepcoder:  afaict, there's no fix atm, or at least not an *easy* fix15:54
Resistancepcoder:  this question comes up often in the Dell section on the ubuntu forums :P15:55
Resistanceand so far i have yet to see a true resolution15:55
pcoderWould another version of OS be of any help??15:55
Resistancepcoder:  its assumed that it has something to do with fan control, or that the processor and stuff are always running and are thereby generating more heat, hence the increased fan speeds...15:56
pooltableok i have Mplayer installed how do i change the skin ?15:56
Resistancepcoder:  not really, the issue has existed since at least Jaunty (9.04)15:56
Resistancepcoder:  i have advice though... just dont put your laptop on a surface which obstructs the fan port(s)15:57
Resistancepcoder:  that'll help prevent the thing from overheating and increasing fan speeds more15:57
pcoderResistance: I am already following that advice :)15:57
pcoderResistance: I hear the issue has something to do with the BIOS??15:58
unreal-dudeim waiting for nVidia to make a laptop designed to run up to 100 deg C :P15:59
Resistancepcoder:  where'd you hear that, because if the issue were in BIOS it'd be on Windows too ;P15:59
pcoderResistance: Here http://askubuntu.com/questions/21161/fan-making-noise-while-running-ubuntu16:01
Resistancepcoder:  if you notice, it doesnt have any accepted answers ;P16:02
Resistancepcoder:  just because the first message suggests it has BIOS issues, doesn't mean that's true.  Remember that post was for an Acer, not a Dell16:02
pcoderResistance: ya thats truee16:02
Resistanceas well, Dell doesn't issue BIOS updates very often, and also Dell does not officially support Ubuntu anymore (they used to sell systems with it preinstalled)16:03
RoC_MasterMindAnyone able to get around the "btrfs: unable to remove the only writeable device" error when removing a device from a multi-device BTRFS pool?16:04
Resistancepcoder:  given that they dont officially support linux on their laptops anymore, i'd not expect a BIOS update to come out with the required changes to make Linux work16:04
hypeBoyhi, i use mobile broadband USB, but ubuntu takes time recognizing it (the option for mobile networking appears a minute late in network icon on task bar, after pluging in the usb)16:06
hypeBoyhow can i speed it up.?16:06
sw0rdfishhey i just installed google chrome, why won't it launch?16:06
unreal-dudemissing the launcher icon sw0rdfish ?16:07
sw0rdfishi tried launching it by going to Appliations -> Internet -> Google Chrome16:07
sw0rdfishpressed google chrome... nothing happens,,, do i need to restart or somethin?16:07
SharpshooterANy body know how to change the Firefox Menu fonts ?16:07
unreal-dudeo hrm, thats not the problem i had then.....16:07
sw0rdfishunreal-dude, lol I see... well i'm on 10.10 maybe you had different problem cuz you're on 11.10?16:08
jmscomtechsudo unmount says command not found so how do u unmount  something?16:08
unreal-dudei prolly had a diff problem cause i wasnt on ubuntu :p16:08
llutz_jmscomtech: umount no n16:08
sw0rdfishunreal-dude, oh haha16:08
sw0rdfishwait damn it16:08
unreal-dudemy launcher icon just wasnt there until i installed so other package16:08
sw0rdfishnow not even Chromium browser is starting :O16:09
pooltablesharpshooter menu- preferences -content - sel font16:10
sw0rdfishhaha and it deleted my FF cookies I believe.16:10
Sharpshooterpooltable, Thanks16:10
pooltableadd a skin to mplayer ??16:11
JymmmmJust installed 10.04 LTS on to Intel D864GBF P4 mobo with onboard video and can't get higher resolutions than 1300x, suggestions?16:12
armenceHello all. I have an encrypted home directory. I need to backup my key for recovery purposes. Where is the file that contains the key? I know a popup appears when one first logs in telling you what file to backup, but I can no longer see it...16:13
JymmmmI tried xrandr --output VGA1 --mode 2048X1156 --rate 60 and says cannot find mode 2048X115616:14
Sharpshooterpooltable, I changed the font but it is still shows the same font (sans) ! any thing else I want to do?16:14
jsnI just feel so dumb not being able to get my wireless card working. It used to work. I want to pay someone to do it. To just pop over to my place and fix whatever it is needs fixing.16:14
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sw0rdfishwhats the difference between google chrome and chromium16:15
jsngoogle chrome is a browser. chromium is an element from the periodic table.16:15
sw0rdfishjsn i meant chromium THE browser16:16
pcoderResistance: Also it (noisy fan and heating) may be a problem with the graphics driver??? I suspect this because, the heating begins immediately after I play a video on youtube16:16
Jymmmmand explosive when in a gas state when exposide to moisture16:16
rymate1234can anyone recommend a good game for linux?16:17
sw0rdfishwhat browser is the nicest one on resources?16:18
sw0rdfishgui browser16:19
Jymmmmsw0rdfish: telnet!!!16:19
anggusslinks2 :D16:19
sw0rdfishgui browser16:19
JymmmmNetscape 4.7716:19
sw0rdfishbeing a smart ass here won't help you for long Jymmmm16:20
Jymmmmsw0rdfish: I'd rather be a smartass then a dumbass16:20
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:20
SunTsusw0rdfish: given that this is #ubuntu, and this question is hardly ubuntu support16:21
sw0rdfishJymmmm, cute.16:21
MetroshicaI've been checking my SSH logs and have noticed I've had tons of botnets trying random usernames and passwords to get in to my server. I changed the SSH port from 22 to 2222, but they still seem to be able to port scan that port and are still tryin to get in. Anyone have another idea how I can guard against these attacks?16:21
sw0rdfishSunTsu, I know right...16:21
nvzMetroshica: fail2ban16:21
llutz_Metroshica: ignore it, setup key-authentication16:21
Metroshicallutz, I can't ignore it, it's putting a decent strain on my cpu by having to handle hundreds of authentication attempts16:22
JymmmmMetroshica: http://denyhosts.sourceforge.net16:22
Metroshicanvz, what is fail2ban exactly?16:22
Sharpshooterrymate1234, Nexus16:23
nvzMetroshica: basically it monitors logs and after several failed attempts it sets up iptables rules to drop packets from attackers16:23
Sharpshooterjamesbond2, HAi !16:23
jamesbond2I have issue with sqlgrey packages after upgrading to oneiric16:23
SunTsuSharpshooter: you wer talking Nexuiz, right?16:23
SunTsuwere even16:23
JymmmmMetroshica: denyhots it works great for exactly that16:23
jamesbond2sqlgrey: Couldn't unlink "/var/run/sqlgrey.pid" [Permission denied]16:23
Metroshicanvz, ah ok, cool, I"ll look into that16:23
MetroshicaJymmmm, yea, it looks exactly like what I'm lookin for, thanks16:24
sw0rdfishomg i can't remove chromium16:24
SharpshooterSunTsu, Oops Ma Bad ! Ya its Nexiuz16:24
JymmmmMetroshica: works for http/s ftp/s too if you like16:24
Bsimsanyone know how to get calibre to support series metadata when copying to a kindle fire?16:25
jamesbond2It also doesn't bound the port with localhost16:25
JymmmmMetroshica: If you want something beyond that, google "port knocking"16:25
MetroshicaJymmmm, awesome, thanks16:25
JymmmmJust installed 10.04 LTS on to Intel D864GBF P4 mobo with onboard video and can't get higher resolutions than 1300x, suggestions?  I tried xrandr --output VGA1 --mode 2048X1156 --rate 60 and says cannot find mode 2048X115616:26
Pilif12pWhen I do lspci -nv how do I tell which device is my wireless card?16:26
BsimsPilif12p: it may say something like broadcom or intel16:27
compdocPilif12p, paste the output into pastebin and let us look16:27
usr13Pilif12p: Should be obvious16:27
usr13Pilif12p: lspci | pastebinit16:27
usr13and send URL here16:27
DrDuckHi. I'm having issues with my wireless connection. I've just freshly installed Lubuntu 11.10. When trying to use wifi, I'm prompted with: device not ready (firmware missing). I have a wired connection handy, if there's anything in specific that I need to install. Would anyone mind guiding me into the right direction with the appropriate commands to run?16:28
Pilif12pcompdoc: http://pastebin.mozilla.org/142188516:28
nvzDrDuck: dmesg output would tell you specifically i'm sure but yes, you need a firmware package for your card16:28
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usr13DrDuck: lspci | pastebinit16:29
Pilif12p(and Bsims, usr13)16:29
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no_gravityHello! Im searching for a mail client that can connect to IMAP and doesnt store anything locally. Any ideas?16:29
llutz_no_gravity: mutt16:30
SunTsuno_gravity: mutt, thunderbird16:30
usr13Pilif12p: lspci | pastebinit  #Show  us resulting URL16:31
Pilif12pSunTsu: thunderbird stores stuff locally, iirc, otherwise I have 3 gb of nothing in my thunderbird profile16:31
Pilif12pusr13: yes, I sent it.16:31
no_gravitySunTsu: thunderbird stores local caches of the mails. i did not find a way to turn that of.16:31
DrDuckOk. One second.16:31
usr13Pilif12p: lspci | pastebinit  #Show  us resulting URL16:31
JymmmmPilif12p: gmail can attach to an external imap account I believe16:32
SunTsuPilif12p: cache, yes, mutt does that, too, else it's slow as *beep*16:32
pooltablesharpshooter i do not know i change mine and all change even chatzilla16:32
oCeanucenik36: please stop posting nonsense16:32
BsimsPilif12p: I beleve its 04:00.0 0280: 8086:0091 (rev 1a)16:33
BIlderareyouwritingfrom schoool16:33
BIldermy space isfucked16:33
oCeanBIlder: control your language here, please16:33
SunTsuno_gravity: as I said, you would want to use a mail/header cache with mutt, too, else it's unbearable slow with IMAP16:33
pooltableooo tis tis language16:34
Sharpshooterpooltable, Any way I'am installing FIrefox 916:34
Pilif12pBsims: Okay, thanks.16:34
gridbagwhere is the workspace manager? i want 4 spaces horizontally.16:34
Pilif12pi'm just gonna trust you here, and put this card's ID as what my old one was...16:35
pooltableshaprshooter ff 9 here16:35
* Bsims is trying to get calibre to stick series info onto my new kindle fire any clues16:35
bullgard4Who can show me a picture with the red record button in Banshee 2.2.1 under GNOME Shell 3.2.1 that http://www.gitorious.org/banshee-community-extensions/pages/StreamRecorderUserGuide speaks about?16:35
Pilif12pBsims: that'll change with each card, right?16:35
DrDucknvz, usr13: This is my lspci - http://pastebin.com/Rh4FisPn16:36
pooltablesharpshooter i just can not stand it takes days later for ubuntu to update it been on ff 9 on windows days  before16:36
no_gravitySunTsu: at least i would like to kill the cache when shutting down the mailer16:36
* nvz isn't particularly interested in lspci output16:36
nvzdmesg would tell you exactly what package to install16:36
BsimsPilif12p: yup look for the driver its trying to use16:37
SunTsuno_gravity: that somehow contradicts the intet of a cache, you'll need to dl all the information again16:37
DrDuckAlright, nvz. One sec.16:37
Pilif12pBsims: wait, so if I spoof this card's ID to my old one, it'll try to use the old driver?16:37
DeltaEpsiloncan some one recommend a easy drawing software for Ubuntu?16:37
MonkeyDusto/ SunTsu16:37
lordjjIs there a way to refresh the screen from a virtual terminal when it get's frozen?16:38
pooltabledelta gimp16:38
milamberDeltaEpsilon: raster or vector?16:38
gridbagi could swear there was a "Workspace" icon in System Settings before.16:38
no_gravitySunTsu: thats what i want16:38
nvzDrDuck: just search in your package manager for firmware packages related to realtek card, I don't need to see anything you need a firmware package an should be able to figure that much out16:38
SunTsuno_gravity: without a cache you probably only can resort to some web mailer16:38
SunTsuno_gravity: believe me, a local client without a cache is *watching my language* slow16:39
DeltaEpsilonmilamber, raster16:41
milamberDeltaEpsilon: then you are going to want gimp16:42
rymate1234can i ask?16:42
rymate1234is there a way to install "clearlooks" in ubuntu 11.1016:42
Jymmmmrymate1234: you just did16:42
rymate1234Jymmmm, ¬_¬16:42
gridbagis there some reason why a running xchat doesn't show up in the alt-tab app list?16:43
htmlinprogressgridbag,  playin ninja16:43
Skummelgridbag it might be "hidden"16:43
JymmmmJust installed 10.04 LTS on to Intel D864GBF P4 mobo with onboard video and can't get higher resolutions than 1300x, suggestions?  I tried xrandr --output VGA1 --mode 2048X1156 --rate 60 and says cannot find mode 2048X115616:44
gridbaghardy har har.16:44
pooltablewell installing updates 11.10 3 hours to go16:45
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gridbagthis re-install is way different from an upgrade to 11.10.16:45
gridbagthis is pretty messed up, actually.16:46
=== Mud is now known as Guest94171
rymate1234gridbag, wats the issue/16:48
zxiestHey guys..16:48
zxiestI have been receiving this same email from Cron Daemon.. PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib/php5/20090626+lfs/sqlite.so' - /usr/lib/php5/20090626+lfs/sqlite.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in Unknown on line 016:48
zxiestHow do I turn it off?16:48
AndroUserI need help with UbuntuStudio...16:50
gridbagrymate1234 : xchat is not showing up in the alt-tab list of apps.  Also, I want 4 horizontal workspaces. I need to add keyboard shortcuts to switch between them, as I had yesterday before re-install.16:50
gridbagofficelibre doesn't show up in alt-tab either.16:51
MonkeyDustgridbag  try apt-get update16:51
gridbagand the app-list switcher looks goofy.16:51
Jymmmmdo I need to be sudo to use xrandr ?16:52
bullgard4Who can show me a picture with the red record button in Banshee 2.2.1 under GNOME Shell 3.2.1 that http://www.gitorious.org/banshee-community-extensions/pages/StreamRecorderUserGuide speaks about?16:52
rymate1234install proprietary drivers?16:52
gridbagseriously, what is the command to configure how many rows/cols of workspaces you want?16:52
bullgard4Jymmmm: No.16:52
Jymmmmbullgard4: thanks, (crap)16:52
Bsimsgridbag: reboot... or failing that move the kde/gnome config folder to .backup and let it recreate it for you16:52
Jymmmmgridbag: rightclick on the bottom right corenr and click on preferences16:53
lantiziaLo... Lets say I made a new game for Linux.  It makes save game files, what is the most responsible place on the filesystem to place them? (yes $HOME - but where in home?) i.e. what is the equivalent to a windows "Saved Games" folder16:53
llutz_lantizia: ~/.nameofthegame/saved16:54
Bsimslantizia: .$GameName/SavedGames16:54
AndroUserYou see, I downloaded the UbuntuStudio from the main page... When it gets to “Selecting and Installiny Files“ I get an error, that there was something wrong with the installing...16:54
lantiziallutz & Bsims: Right that's what I was thinking - but then that isn't very accessible for the user since they are hidden foldersd16:54
zxiestI have been receiving this same email from Cron Daemon.. PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib/php5/20090626+lfs/sqlite.so' - /usr/lib/php5/20090626+lfs/sqlite.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in Unknown on line 016:54
Jymmmmbullgard4: I've trued --addmode, --newmode, cvt 2048x1156 and just can't get anything to work, keeps saying cannot find mode 2048x1156 no matter what I try.16:55
lantiziaA "saved game" is after all user-created content like a document16:55
zxiestany idea on how to turn this off?16:55
llutz_lantizia: why should a user access it? make it loadable from app16:55
lantiziallutz, for backup?16:55
Jymmmmzxiest: SQLite is now included in php5, not as a library iirc16:55
bullgard4Jymmmm: I am not familiar with all xrandr details. I'd consult the xrandr manpage.16:55
Bsimslantizia: anyone with unix-like experence will look there anyway if they want to edit it or back it up16:55
Jymmmmbullgard4: thanks =)16:56
zxiestJymmmm what should I do here? Install php5?16:56
zxiestJymmmm I just don't want to receive all these emails.. :-)16:56
AndroUserAny help?16:56
Jymmmmzxiest: sounds like it's already installed, just comment out the line in the php.ni file that calls that library.16:56
MonkeyDustAndroUser  if you have a question16:56
zxiestJymmmm cool.. thanks :-)16:56
Jymmmmphp.ini and restart your httpd16:56
yekomszxiest, just install the module.16:57
eutheriaempathy doesn't seem to save any accounts i create16:57
TimmyTthere is a raw image of a disk, the whole disk. is there anyway to mount that somewhere and extract some files from that? (this is not like a raw image of a partition, so it is not possible to mount it with loop option)16:57
Jymmmmyekoms: it's built in now, no module needed16:57
lantiziaBsims, llutz: "Desktop", "Documents", "Downloads", "Music", "Pictures", "Public", "Templates", "Videos" <-- all these by default are in home, I'm essentially trying to work out if there should be a "Games" as well or if it has been purposefully left out.16:57
llutz_lantizia: sry i'm not playing games but "backups" should cover $HOME with all dirs, even hidden dirs.16:57
BsimsCreate one if you want... but you asked me where I'd put it16:58
serealjdoes anyone know where I change xterm colors? Like I know I can do -fg -bg, but certain colors are hard to see (mostly this really dark blue that is typically comments)16:58
gridbagthis logitech 330 usb works perfectly under ubuntu. just plug it in and it works. i spent all day yesterday discovering this motherboard's mic is busted.16:58
bullgard4eutheria: My Empathy does save any accounts i create.16:58
gridbag   ... (headset with a mic)16:58
milo_Hey, anybody know to undo the newspaper template?16:58
milo_Oh, and hello.16:58
eutheriabullgard4, common problem?16:58
llutz_lantizia: who tells the user to backup "~/Games" if it exist? he doesn't know it's important16:59
lantiziawell who (freedesktop.org maybe?) came up with the idea of these folders ("Desktop", "Documents", "Downloads", "Music", "Pictures", "Public", "Templates", "Videos") with special icons anyway?16:59
lantiziaand are they consistent on all linux distro's?16:59
bullgard4eutheria: Seems to be a common problem: http://askubuntu.com/questions/5215/empathy-doesnt-seem-to-be-saving-my-display-picture17:00
llutz_lantizia: idk, i never cared about this and i never would trust those "recommendations".17:01
eutheriabullgard4, not just my display pic, it forgets all my user info each reload17:01
MonkeyDustlantizia  why not create the Games folder manually?17:01
lantiziallutz, it is Freedesktop, a part of xdg17:01
lantiziajust found it17:01
Bsimslantizia: gnome did, and no its not standard17:01
bullgard4eutheria: I understood that well. I gave you only one example.17:01
llutz_lantizia: there are just too many applications not using those and they will drive users into trouble if he rely on those17:01
lantiziaBsims, llutz: from what I can tell they aren't created if enabled=false in /etc/xdg/user-dirs.conf - and xdg is the base spec from FD17:02
eutheriabullgard4, sometimes i don't do a good job of making myself understoof17:02
eutheriaerr understood17:02
llutz_lantizia: which is just another "club" of devs creating new rules. they might be usefull, some day when all distros/devs follow them17:02
llutz_lantizia: until then, _i_ wouldn't give too much on it17:03
lantiziallutz, i'll just do ~/.game17:03
bullgard4eutheria: To get a more constructive solution, please consult Launchpad - bugs - Empathy.17:03
lantiziallutz, just wanted to be absolutely sure there wasn't somewhere better for the save games since it's user-created documents not config17:04
llutz_lantizia: better to use the name-of-the-game, to make it clear what it belongs to17:04
lantiziallutz, yeah that was an example lol17:04
llutz_lantizia: too generic when talking about games (for me) ;)17:04
Bsimslantizia: and don't worry too much about free-desktop... everytime Gnome reinvents the wheel (NOW with 7 sides for a smoother ride)... they stick it on freedesktop and say its now a standard rewrite everything to how we are doing it this week17:05
ubottuUbuntu bug 379761 in firefox (Ubuntu) "MASTER - Font hinting does not honour gnome-settings in Firefox" [High,Triaged]17:06
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dragoneyeI downgraded. did not fancy gnome 317:06
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dragoneyegood consept, but too scripty...17:07
Guest91834How can i see other channels?17:07
oCeanGuest30429: type  /join #channelname17:07
Guest91834és portugues?17:08
oCean!pt | Guest9183417:08
ubottuGuest91834: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.17:08
jpmhhow do I set key bindings with unity17:08
pheerorafter four years17:08
pheerorstatus: Invalid → Unknown17:08
pheerorstatus: Unknown → Fix Released17:08
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MonkeyDustpheeror  wrong channel17:08
MaxSTHow do I find files from CLI?17:19
drskitgo to the start menu and type it in the search17:19
MonkeyDustMaxST  locate or find17:19
llutz_MaxST: find path/ -name file17:19
yofunWhat does a red file mean in ssh when i type ls ?17:19
magmahow can I create a file that is a shortcut to another?17:20
MonkeyDustmagma  ln -s17:20
ribotis there a rsyslog.conf in ubuntu?17:20
indianajoostMy microphone doesn´t work with skype in ubutu 11.11. Anyone know what I an do about that? Laptop= acer aspire one.17:20
MonkeyDustribot  type locate rsyslog|less17:21
llutz_ribot: /etc/rsyslog.conf or /etc/rsyslog.d/*17:21
VieliusHi ich möchte eine 2gliedrige Tabelle mit gnumeric ausdrucken, beim Druckvorgang kann ich nur eine Spalte ausdrucken. Was muß ich ändern?17:21
llutz_!de | Vielius17:21
MonkeyDust!de| Vielius17:21
ubottuVielius: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!17:21
resnoi installed a new video card with hdmi. now my sound has stoppped working.17:22
MonkeyDustresno  type alsamixer in a terminal17:22
MonkeyDustresno  never mind17:22
ribotis rsyslog normally running?17:22
resnoMonkeyDust: i did that and checked all the volumes are up ;)17:22
rymate1234resno, hdmi does sound17:22
resnorymate1234: yes, how do i turn it off?17:23
rymate1234i dunno17:23
madoohello evry one and marry christmas17:24
madooi need hellp17:24
resnoany other tidbits to help?17:24
MonkeyDustmagma  you've come to the right place17:24
rymate1234madoo, ask!17:24
tkingplease i need help, i am wondering if it is possible to have backtrack 5 installed17:24
madoocan i find hellp please17:24
MonkeyDustmadoo   you've come to the right place17:24
ubottuThere are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition17:25
KartyrHello, I'm new to linux and new to Ubuntu17:25
tkingplease i need help, i am wondering if it is possible to have backtrack 5 installed on my ubuntu or just have ever tools work17:25
resnotking: read the above17:25
MonkeyDust!bt| tking17:25
resno!backtrack | tking17:25
ubottutking: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition17:25
llutz_tking: support in #backtrack-linux ONLY17:25
* resno sighs...17:26
KartyrI wonder if I could get some help figuring out what went wrong with my RAID setup17:26
madooplease i need hellp17:26
_spt_madoo : Ask your question17:26
resno!ask | madoo17:26
ubottumadoo: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:26
Sharpshooterhow to remove Firedox completely on ubuntu 11.10 Including conf files17:27
resnoSharpshooter: apt-get purge firefox...?17:27
resnoSharpshooter: i dont know the package name, but use purge17:27
MonkeyDustSharpshooter  delete the .config file in /home/your_user17:27
rumpe1Sharpshooter, apt-get purge will remove the package and it's system configuration, you have to remove the user-profiles manually.17:27
madoosorry i am here naw17:28
resnorumpe1: i thought purge removed everything... intersting17:28
madooi install kubuntu with 10.10 with xubuntu17:28
Sharpshooterrumpe1, Where is the user profiles stored in ubuntu ?17:28
madoobut kubuntu didnt installit17:28
edbianSharpshooter, sudo apt-get purge firefox   AND then remove your .mozilla/firefox/ folder17:28
rumpe1resno, no. The package management should never delete user data. :)17:28
KartyrNeed help with RAID setup issue.17:28
edbianSharpshooter, in .mozilla/firefox17:28
madoocan you hellp me plz17:28
rumpe1Sharpshooter, probably $HOME/.mozilla/...17:28
llutz_resno: apt never will remove personal configs from $HOME17:29
MonkeyDust!details| madoo17:29
ubottumadoo: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."17:29
Sharpshooteredbian, rumpe1 MonkeyDust ,resno, thanks17:29
rumpe1Sharpshooter, you can delete it by opening file manager and pressing ctrl-h to uncover the hidden directories that begin with a dot17:29
edbianSharpshooter, sure17:29
madoosome one hellp me plz17:30
edbianSharpshooter, yeah, folders taht start with a . are hidden17:30
Vooloocan you search the APT archive online?17:30
Sharpshooterrumpe1, ok17:30
rumpe1Vooloo, aptitude can do that... hmm... or apt-file (?)17:30
edbianVooloo, yeah, google 'ubuntu package search'17:30
MonkeyDustmadoo  please follow our instructions, see up17:30
Sharpshooteredbian, That I know !17:31
Vooloorumpe1: I tried aptitude but I cant make it search, all I need to know if "dropboxd" is in the archives17:31
KartyrI have a problem with my RAID1 setup. I'm running 11.10 - I configured it using mdadm --create ... and I set up the mdadm.conf file. I used mkdir /raid1 where I mounted the /dev/md0 and updated /etc/fstab accordingly - on restart, it tells me that the device for /raid1 is not ready17:31
madooi have brupleam do you can hellp me17:31
rumpe1Vooloo, aptitude search dropbox17:31
KartyrHow can I go about figuring out the problem?17:32
Vooloorumpe1: thanks17:32
KartyrI have a problem with my RAID1 setup. I'm running 11.10 - I configured it using mdadm --create ... and I set up the mdadm.conf file. I used mkdir /raid1 where I mounted the /dev/md0 and updated /etc/fstab accordingly - on restart, it tells me that the device for /raid1 is not ready17:33
KartyrHow can I go about figuring out the problem?17:34
linkcisI'm in gnome3, was wandering does anyone know a system monitor app that works good in gnome3? I tried gnome-system-monitor for it and it caused my gnome3 not to start anymore.17:34
AmdpcHi Friends....I am unable to start Ubuntu 10.10. It is starting like a terminal and saying Busybox v1.15.3 .....built in shell (ash). What to do ?17:34
Abhijitlinkcis, what did you done? just launched that app? and just launching it caused gnome3 to crash?17:34
linkcisAbhijit: I installed it through the terminal like sudo apt-get install gnome... then it froze up my gnome 3. I restarted gnome 3 wouldnt start at all. I had to go into one of the CTRL ALT F3 things. Remove it that extension and purge it at the same time then restart and it finally let gnome 3 load.17:36
trojankingpls where can i get backtrack support17:36
iceroot!backtrack | trojanking17:37
ubottutrojanking: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition17:37
indianajoostProblem with microphone. Doesn't work with skype on ubuntu 10.11. Adjusting settings in salsamixer doesn't help. Through sound recorder my voice is recorded fine, though...17:40
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mebigfatguy1mmmmm salsamixer17:41
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DeltaEpsiloncan some one recommend me a virtualmin alternative for Ubuntu 11.10?18:00
ribotDeltaEpsilon: did you try zentyal18:01
AbhijitDeltaEpsilon, what does it do?18:01
kroq-gar78Abhijit: that's what I was gonna ask ;)18:02
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gnarranyone available for super noob installation questions18:06
DeltaEpsilonAbhijit, for web hosting18:06
sunyatagnarr: i can try, if not you can try #ubuntu-beginners18:07
gnarri'll go there, thx.18:08
AbhijitDeltaEpsilon, is it a server?18:08
msterbrewerneed help opening an iso file18:08
DeltaEpsilonAbhijit, yes18:09
MonkeyDustmsterbrewer  shoot18:10
AbhijitDeltaEpsilon, what about apache?18:10
msterbrewerok i want to install mintlinux or whatever its called i have the iso file18:10
msterbrewerhow would i go about installing it18:10
Abhijitmsterbrewer, use unetbootin18:10
msterbrewerin windows i would just mount the image and install it18:10
anassHello, I've installed ubuntu 11.10 on my friends's laptop .. and my friends laptop has broadcom wireless driver .. I installed it using propriety drivers installer but it disappeared from the connections applet in gnome 3!18:10
MonkeyDustmsterbrewer  wrong channel18:10
iceroot!mint | msterbrewer18:11
ubottumsterbrewer: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org18:11
Abhijitmsterbrewer, you want to install it in virtual machine or to the real hdd?18:11
msterbrewerim running ubuntu18:11
XeonBloomfieldWhat means only "recovering journal" information after mounting unclean removed ext4 file system?18:11
XeonBloomfield<XeonBloomfield> It means that there is rather no problems with data?18:11
Abhijit!unetbootin | msterbrewer18:11
ubottumsterbrewer: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent18:11
MonkeyDustXeonBloomfield  journalling is something ext4 has and ext3 has not18:12
XeonBloomfieldMonkeyDust: I am asking if only "recovering journal" from fsck during mounting of unclean removed ext4 file system means that there is rather no data corrupted?18:13
XeonBloomfieldIs it possible to scroll tty1? xD18:20
kroq-gar78XeonBloomfield: god, worst part about not having a GUI :/18:21
icerootXeonBloomfield: yes, with screen18:21
XeonBloomfieldkroq-gar78: I scrolled it in the past on my notebook18:21
XeonBloomfieldiceroot: I did it in the past... How I did it - it is question ;)18:22
kroq-gar78XeonBloomfield: how? or can you not anymore18:22
icerootXeonBloomfield: open scren and then "ctrl + a + esc" to enter copy-mode then you hace scrolling with page up/down18:22
icerootXeonBloomfield: i guess its some framebuffer-setting which is not enabled by default18:22
XeonBloomfieldkroq-gar78 & iceroot - SHIFT + PAGE UP/DOWN18:23
icerootXeonBloomfield: thx for the info, didnt know that18:23
AbhijitXeonBloomfield, shift pgup or shift pgdwn18:24
kroq-gar78iceroot: omg thank you18:24
XeonBloomfieldAbhijit: I have just written it ;)18:24
XeonBloomfieldAbhijit: But thx for want of help me ;)18:24
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XeonBloomfieldPeople - fs logs ;)18:26
XeonBloomfieldSo it means that everything is ok ;)18:27
PoolSharkhi all.. I need some help adding 1600x900 to the available display modes in xubuntu 11.1018:27
DeltaEpsilonI am running virtualbox. in the guest os, Ubuntu, I can resolve google.com but does not get reply from it18:28
MonkeyDustXeonBloomfield  /dev/md0 etc => is it a RAID configuration?18:28
PoolSharkDeltaEpsilon: Is the network interface in your VM configured for Bridge or Private NAT?18:28
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DeltaEpsilonPoolShark, bridge18:28
XeonBloomfieldMonkeyDust: Yes, it is from Linux MD (Linux Software Raid)18:28
PoolSharkDeltaEpsilon: Hrm... that's odd :p18:29
DeltaEpsilonit says host unreachable18:29
PoolSharkDeltaEpsilon: and I guess you've checked to make sure the default route is set?18:29
PoolSharkDeltaEpsilon: "route -n" will print the routing table without resolving names. You should have a default route pointed at the ethernet interface... cat /etc/resolv.conf to make sure dhcpd set the nameservers properly...18:31
LivTylerhow do I share split-screen windows in gnu/screen?18:31
DeltaEpsilonPoolShark, I can't even ping the gatewat
DeltaEpsilonPoolShark, it is using vmbr0 for the defualt gw18:32
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PoolSharkDeltaEpsilon: what is vmbr0? When I run ubuntu on VBox, the ethernet just shows up at eth0 as normal18:32
PoolSharkDeltaEpsilon: if you do an ifconfig, how many interfaces are listed?18:33
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LivTylerhow do I share split-screen windows in gnu/screen?18:35
LivTylerI want to share them as a block(just one session)18:37
kikithemanHello , I have a problem running minecraft on Ubuntu 11.04 . I set the file as executable thru the GUI and when i double click on it , nothing happens . Running it thru Terminal gives me the error "invalid file (bad magic number) Exec formar error" . On windows the same Jar works fine .18:41
peyamI can't change my resolution on my screaan18:42
peyamit's stucked on 800x60018:42
kikitheman@peyam nvidia or ati card?18:42
peyamkikitheman: none of them. interl integrate family18:42
kikithemanCheck the driver updater to see if you can find any display drivers.18:43
peyamkikitheman:  already checked. nothing there. it's a ubuntu 10.04 on a desktop mechine18:43
kikithemanOr click on the cog wheel in the top bar and click on displays . From there try to set the resolution .18:43
peyamkikitheman:  the maximum resolution is sett on 80018:44
kikithemanOn windows can you set it higher?18:44
peyamwhat windows?18:44
kikithemanWindows OS .18:45
kikithemanWhat intel GPU is it ? What model number?18:45
peyamkikitheman:  I dont know18:45
peyamost bridge: Intel Corporation Device 010018:46
peyamthere are lots of brigde18:46
kikithemantype in terminal : $ lspci then $ lspci -v then $ lspci -v | less18:46
dragoneyelspci  | grep -i vga18:46
peyamI use a hdmi18:46
kikithemanor type this lspci | grep VGA18:47
JoshuaPHow do I keep the terminal MOTD from updating?18:47
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Cyph3rIs there any reason why unchecking the "Play login sound" radio button, the login sound STILL plays?18:48
peyamkikitheman: http://pastebin.com/xag2DnPb18:48
peyamkikitheman: VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Device 0112 (rev 09)18:49
peyamare you there18:49
PoolSharkDoes anyone know how to add 1600x900 to the available modes in 11.10/xfce?18:50
srandI have just installed ubuntu as my first linux distro after using OS X for my entire life. I ran the update manager and a total of 700MB of updates were queued for my system. After running the update manager and going AFK for a while, I return to see that the window is not responding. I am stuck at update 67/287. What to do?18:51
borillionhow can I request a page from the terminal like in the web browser http://www.mysite.com/store/googlefroogle.php?feed=fy_un_tp&limit=2400&offset=2400&x=0&y=018:53
dragoneyeborillion :   wget?18:53
srandHow can you kill a widget?18:54
borillioneven tho Im trying to send parameters to the to the sever?18:54
rymate1234anyone know somee themes for unity?18:55
dragoneyeborillion: know not i do18:55
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Cyph3rIs there any reason why unchecking the "Play login sound" radio button, the login sound STILL plays?18:56
kw21strand: reboot and do it again, make sure screensaver and lock screen are disabled18:56
srandkw21: the screensaver did jump on. Can it never when you are updating your system?18:57
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kw21had the same issues as you, it did the trick for me18:58
borilliondragoneye,  lynx www.yahoo.com -dump18:59
fbdystangHi, is it possible to install windows drivers on my ubuntu samba server so that clients don't need to install the drivers? thanks18:59
borilliondragoneye, runs and returns html to console window it does :P18:59
dragoneyeborillion: worked?  :_)18:59
JoshuaPHow do I keep the terminal MOTD from updating?19:00
kw21strand: a quick update is fine but a lengthy 700 mb is most likely interrupted19:01
airtonixJoshuaP: isn't that a #ubuntu-server question.19:01
airtonixJoshuaP: since the terminal on ubuntu desktop doesn't reveal a MOTD as far as I  can tell.19:02
JoshuaPairtonix, I don't know how the ubuntu irc thing works19:02
airtonixJoshuaP: so how did you get here then ?19:02
JoshuaPairtonix, my server runs on my laptop as both a server and desktop19:02
airtonixJoshuaP:  /join #ubuntu-server19:02
JoshuaPnatively as a desktop19:02
airtonixJoshuaP: you're in for a learning experience then...19:03
dragoneyeyou know how it works now.19:03
JoshuaPairtonix, why do you say that?19:03
airtonixJoshuaP: you seem to have convinced your self that it's worth the risk or trouble, but suffice to say, life is easier when there is a clear delination between machine roles19:04
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JoshuaPairtonix, I'm 14 I can't afford a server or VPS19:04
airtonixJoshuaP: you can start one up on amazon for free (for the first year)19:05
JoshuaPairtonix, can you link me?19:05
=== dragoneye is now known as baloolubahubulil
LaLiLucould one of you guys pls tell me the command to install adobe flash 64bit?19:05
airtonixJoshuaP: free-ish, i'd go read the pricing page though.19:05
airtonixJoshuaP: or if that's too much trouble, at least do the server thing from virtualbox on your desktop (thats what i do in some cases)19:06
cloudgeekhey all19:06
JoshuaPLaLiLu, if it's .deb, go to the directory it's in with nautilus and open it.19:06
JoshuaPWith Ubuntu Software Center19:06
airtonixJoshuaP: but anyway you should join #ubuntu-server and ask there about message of the day19:07
JoshuaPI did airtonix19:08
airtonixJoshuaP: good stuff19:09
trismJoshuaP: the motd is generated by the files in /etc/update-motd.d/, if you chmod -x those files, the motd won't be updated (although you may want to leave 99-footer so you can have a static one using /etc/motd.tail)19:10
LoshkiIs there a way in gnome (11.04LTS) to switch desktops just by sliding the mouse off the edge of the current screen?19:12
JoshuaPtrism, and if I want to undo that, how may I?19:13
rymate1234"A direct port of Elementary from metacity made with ancient technique named "dumped from screenshot".19:13
trismJoshuaP: just chmod +x those files again19:14
=== jakub is now known as Guest95266
Donenzonedoes anyone have some time to help with shutdown / startup issues?19:17
Donenzonedriving me crazy19:17
dreamy_hi. does anyone knows if it was recently released 3d support for the "sis 672" video card? on linux..19:18
baloolubahubulilgoogle is my friend....19:18
dreamy_im not shure what the articles on google mean19:18
pox_I have installed ubuntu next to windows 7. I am trying to update it but I frequently lose eth0 connection. This is never the case on win7, what is wrong?19:19
oCeanbaloolubahubulil: what are you saying?19:19
baloolubahubulilactually nothing19:19
oCeanbaloolubahubulil: this channel is for technical ubuntu support only, /join #ubuntu-offtopic for social chat19:20
amitabhhow do Switch to desktop from  a window?19:20
amitabh a shortcut key19:20
Guest95266how to change nick?19:20
baloolubahubuliltalking about google'ing the info...  ?19:21
Guest95266#nick MMM19:21
pp7"/nick <yournick>19:21
oCeanGuest95266: type /nick mynewnick19:21
=== baloolubahubulil is now known as dragoneye
=== Guest95266 is now known as Muchomor
Muchomoro thanks19:21
amitabhI'm playing bzflag and how do I switch to desktop?19:21
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* dragoneye is going to sleep. cya (im always been crazy but it keept me from going insane..)19:22
oCeandragoneye: no need to announce your away19:23
Malamen Hello all19:23
Malamen Hello all19:23
Malamen The question may sounds dumb but. May I clone a partiton with DD with the system running normaly? Or i need to umount the partitioin I want to clone19:25
AndroUserAnyone know how to upgrade DenyHosts? I just installed it, but I found out I installed version 2.0, and I want to upgrade to 2.619:25
SantiesWrite it as the theme to ubuntu 11.10?19:26
mrhankyhey guys. i just made a net-install of 11.10. but i'm confused about the different sound systems. i only want to use xorg and xbmc on that box, but i dont have working sound (analog jack). i'm running a asus e35m-i deluxe with a alc892 codec. the article in ubuntu wiki doesnt rly help me19:26
angela_hi i  have tryde to setup a lamp server indinnent work out i volood ervery step of the howto19:27
rymate1234NO SOUND PLAYING19:27
rymate1234WAT DO19:27
FloodBot1rymate1234: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:27
coleixcheck sound configuration, make ajustments, ???, profit19:28
Santieshow to upload a theme?19:28
rymate1234why was my sound muted?19:28
unreal-dudebecause your computer wanted to hide something from you?19:29
SantiesGive alsamixer in the console and then F6 and sliders to the max up arrow19:29
unreal-dudeyou gotta watch out for these thinking machines.....19:29
coleixyou probably muted it and forgot19:30
MalamenMay I clone a partiton with DD with the system running normaly? Or I must umount the partition that I want to clone ????19:30
AndroUserAnyone know how to upgrade DenyHosts? I just installed it, but I found out I installed version 2.0, and I want to upgrade to 2.619:31
SantiesHow do I write it to the ubuntu theme "?19:31
SantiesElo ?19:32
SantiesI just want to write it a different theme, is it so much for unity?19:32
ghostmediaprohelp ned to install and configure vnc server for headless access on ubuntu 11.1019:33
SantiesHow do I upload a theme?19:34
SantiesWhere ubuntu saves motives?19:36
EmanonDoes Empathy support sasl authentication for irc?19:36
SantiesIRC is similar to the support forum19:36
EmanonThanks but does the im client that is default on ubuntu (empathy) support sasl authentication?19:37
EmanonThat is, if I wanted to identify with sasl instead of nickserv using empathy's irc client, could I?19:38
Santiesuse xchat19:38
coleixpidgin is better in my opinion :)19:39
EmanonThat's really helpful. Except it didn't answer my question AT ALL.19:39
Santiesunity config is better19:39
Emanonwell I see this is going nowhere. Can I speak to your mommy or daddy instead? Maybe they will understand my question.19:40
mneptokEmanon: it's a volunteer channel. you get the knowledge people happen to have.19:41
SantiesIRC: install telepathy-idle, see below for more notes on IRC19:41
dreamy_cani repeat my queztion? is anyone using a sis card and having 3d acell. on linux19:42
phnommneptok: Except Santies just seem to spam the channel with semi-related crap.19:42
oCeanSanties: he's asking specifically for SASL support19:42
muzoneWhy can't I wget -r -A pdf,doc http://www.fabricly.com? https://gist.github.com/1519382 - it doesn't make any difference if I add HTML to the list. Running the same command on other sites though usually yields tons of PDFs and DOCs.19:43
SantiesSorry for all unknown words,19:43
phnomEmanon: empathy seems to have a sasl handler anyways, so it probably can handle it.19:43
oCeanSanties: if you prefer to use Polish,  /join #ubuntu-pl  channel19:43
SantiesEven after ang I can help19:44
EmanonOk, so I'll just assume that empathy doesn't support sasl, thanks so much.19:45
Santiestxh help, hi19:46
coleixSanties: did you try www.youtube.com/watch?v=4eUGKrFwPOw ?19:46
EmanonTo be fait, pidgin doesn't either.19:46
hiexpowhats the location of the cdrom in ubuntu 10.04 > i thought it was/dev/cdrom19:46
sebasthiexpo: could be /media/cdrom instead19:47
mmoebiushiexpo: Usually, that is the case. But that is only a symlink to the "real" device like /dev/hdc or /dev/sdb or whatever19:47
mmoebiussebast: /media/.... is usually the mountpoint19:48
=== Mud is now known as Guest63688
mmoebiushiexpo: For permanent naming, also look at /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-cd.rules19:48
edbianhiexpo, /dev/cdrom0 || /dev/cdrom1  (unmounted)  /media/cdrom  (mounted)19:48
sebastmmoebius: yes, I assumed that's what hiexpo was asking for19:49
=== Hetep-AFK is now known as ReshAyin
ReshAyinhola, am attempting to retrieve "Login Keyring". Is a person able to assist?19:49
coleixEmanon: There's a patch, don't know if it works thought http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/1327019:49
mmoebiushiexpo: Please clarify: are you looking for the device (e.g. to give its name to your cd recorder or the music player) or are you looking for the contents of a CD you inserted ?19:50
AndroUserAnyone know how to upgrade DenyHosts? I just installed it, but I found out I installed version 2.0, and I want to upgrade to 2.619:50
hiexpommoebius, no tring to tranfer aniso to an usb rsync -r /cdrom/* .19:51
Cyph3rLogin sound STILL plays, despite unchecking the "play login sound" radio button. Any ideas?19:55
Jiby the love of God...19:55
JiToo many ppl O.o19:55
oCeanJi: if you have a question, just ask. Most users are idlers19:56
ghostmediaproI need advice on installing and configure vnc server on ubuntu 11.10 to run headless19:56
Kaapahey there - what's the best way to edit / change the programs that run at init?19:57
Kaapadirectly edit /etc/rc2.d?19:57
s0ursehi everyone. having a hard time setting up multiple monitors. my main monitor works ok but the ohter 2 just have white screens with the mouse cursor an x. I've seen it listed as a bug with no solutions. any updates on this?19:58
ReshAyinthe problems with the old password is forgotten19:58
JiWTF! Are you TRYING to kill your eyes?19:58
oCeanJi: control your language here, please19:58
JiWhywould you need multiple sreens friend?19:58
edbianJi, ?19:59
oCeans0urse: if it's marked as a bug, there's not much we can do about that19:59
edbianJi, Many people use mutliple monitors19:59
s0urseI have a lot of windows open all the time and do programing so I need more monitors19:59
hiexpook so if it is not /cdrom/*   what is it or how do i figure out its location19:59
JiBut WHY?19:59
edbianhiexpo, look at the contents of /dev19:59
Guest4093isn't at least 2 screen pretty much standard in the programming world19:59
KitenJi, Multiple monitors = AWESOME19:59
edbianJi, To have many windows open at once19:59
ReshAyinJi, do not waste his time19:59
edbianJi, indeed it is great19:59
edbianGuest4093, yes20:00
coleixhiexpo: did you try the disk utility? dev/sr0 on ubuntu 11.1020:00
oCeanJi: when helping, be helpful, if he wants multiple monitors, then that's not a matter of discussion20:00
ghostmediaproSomeone please point me in the direct for best vnc help for ubuntu20:00
mmoebiushiexpo: is the cdrom already mounted ?20:00
Jium... Burbye!20:00
hiexpommoebius, yes20:00
mmoebiushiexpo: where ?  Use a terminal, type "mount"<Enter>20:00
hiexpook sr020:01
KitenGuest4093, most I've seen have had 2 monitor rigs some had as many as 9 in a 3x320:01
Guest4093:) that is awesome20:01
cheakoHow can I solve this problem: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dnsmasq/+bug/908614  I make these into directories and they both get replaced.20:01
ubottuUbuntu bug 908614 in dnsmasq (Ubuntu) "/run: Too many levels of symbolic links" [Undecided,New]20:01
RalliasIf I were to start a custom service (like a minecraft server) in a chroot, would I be able to connect to it from outside of the chroot?20:01
s0urseso no luck on the multiple monitors? Its being detected in the nvidia control. It says that the white screens mean that theres no window manager running on there20:01
mmoebiushiexpo: sr0 is a device. That is not *where* it is mounted ... look left of "on"20:01
ReshAyincan a person assist in locating a "Login Keyring" password?20:02
ghostmediaproI need advice on installing and configure vnc server on ubuntu 11.10 to run headless20:02
mmoebiushiexpo: or pastebin the output of "mount" for us all to see20:02
Kitensource most likely you'll need to mess around with xorg and not rely on the proprietary nvid drivers20:02
hiexpommoebius, ok i see it is on let me trythat20:02
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mmoebiusReshAyin: As far as i kno, if you lack the pssword, you can just delete the keyring and start a new on20:03
Kitensource * correction manager instead of drivers derp20:03
ReshAyinhow does a person delete a keyring?20:03
=== Andrew_ is now known as Guest97139
Cyph3rLogin sound STILL plays, despite unchecking the "play login sound" radio button. Any ideas?20:03
ActionParsnipghostmediapro: www.scotttyee.com/blog/2009/12/09/linux-headless-ubuntu-with-vnc/20:03
ReshAyine gracias mmoebius20:04
KitenCyph3r, you could remove it or beat your audio card with a hammer20:04
mmoebiusReshAyin: tried http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2007/07/06/clearing-or-resetting-the-gnome-keyring/ ?20:04
AndroUserAnyone know how to upgrade DenyHosts? I just installed it, but I found out I installed version 2.0, and I want to upgrade to 2.620:04
mmoebiusReshAyin: de nada ;-)20:04
CarlFKCyph3r: maybe.. hold on...20:04
ActionParsnipCyph3r: just remove the item rather than uncheck20:04
KitenCyph3r, should be somewhere in /etc/ i think i dont recall the name of the file though20:04
ReshAyinaha, did not discover it earlier, gracias20:04
ActionParsnip!ppa | AndroUser20:05
ubottuAndroUser: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa20:05
EmanonAndroUser lol I'm using androIRC too. You try  it through tor?20:06
Cyph3rkiten, awesome thanks. been trying to get this fixed all morning20:06
oCean!info denyhosts20:07
ubottudenyhosts (source: denyhosts): a utility to help sys admins thwart SSH crackers. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.6-9 (oneiric), package size 63 kB, installed size 444 kB20:07
CarlFKCyph3r: https://github.com/CarlFK/veyepar/blob/master/setup/pxe/shaz/var/www/lc/late.sh20:07
* TiMiDo *waves*20:07
CarlFKCyph3r: oh, you get it turned off?  somewhere in that script is how I did it20:07
ubuntuI need user and password for Lubuntu 10.04, live cd20:07
oCeanAndroUser: denyhosts 2.6 is in the repositories20:07
ActionParsnipEmanon: andchat here :-)20:08
gridbagwhat's the way to turn off all the irritating tooltips when you hover of the app icons? Also, the tooltip in the color-picker (hue wheel) is super irritating.20:08
EmanonI was using that earlier ActionParsnip.20:08
ActionParsnipUbuntu: there isn't one. Username is ubuntu20:08
AndroUserOCean, I installed it from source though, for version 2.0, what would I do to upgrade it to 2.6?20:08
Cyph3rkiten, was just going to take out the sound file.20:09
Kitenyeah thats what i meant20:09
wardsterhi guys just testing my irc client - loving ubuntu 11.10 :) merry xmas20:09
EmanonLiked the easy  sasl auth method on androirc better.20:09
KitenI don't recall the name though20:09
oCeanAndroUser: remove the version you installed from source. Then  sudo apt-get install denyhosts   is all you need20:09
CarlFKCyph3r: CONF=/usr/share/gnome/autostart/libcanberra-login-sound.desktop20:09
ubuntuI klik on logout and now ask me for log in> user and password_20:09
Cyph3rCarlFK,  awesome, thanks20:09
AndroUserAh ok, also, to remove, do I just delete the files I loaded and remove the /etc/init.d entries?20:09
CarlFKCyph3r: echo X-GNOME-Autostart-enabled=false >> $CONF20:10
Kitenubuntu, did you set a passwd before you logged out ???20:10
mneptokAndroUser: you may want to look at Fail2Ban if you're going thorugh all this effort to upgrade denyhosts20:10
ActionParsnipUbuntu: you can press CTRL+Alt+F2 and run: passwd ubuntu20:10
oCeanAndroUser: maybe, maybe there is more to it. It might be in the documentation in the source you downloaded. Or contact the maintainers of the package. Most software is available in repositories. Makes installing and removing much easier20:11
=== DaZ_ is now known as DaZ
AndroUser oCean, thanks, yea I know about repositories, just didnt know DentHosts was in it20:12
bfwHey. I can't dist upgrade from 11.04 to 11.10. There is no option to do so in the graphical update manager, and #sudo apt-get dist-upgrade simply says nothing needs to be upgraded. Any ideas?20:19
yann2hello! I can't remember the name of the english guy who has a black, round hat on the ubuntu planet... would someone be able to help me?20:21
yann2+on his avatar20:21
oCeanbfw: do-release-upgrade is the option you want, dist-upgrade is just a more complex way of doing a "normal" upgrade20:21
oCeanyann2: maybe try #ubuntu-offtopic channel20:21
yann2will do thanks20:22
sedekiHow can I make Xserver not treat my different workspaces as one extended desktop, because windowses are sometimes out of screen20:22
bfwoCean: typing that command says no new release found20:22
EnigmaX2KI am trying to install a BROTHER MFC 7420 or a MFC 7340 and I can't get it to print the damn thing.20:23
yitz_What'd be involved in setting the hostname on a machine? (running off a PXE/LiveUSB so I just need to edit the right files and not the in-memory stuff)20:23
EnigmaX2KI tried UBUNTU 10.10, AND 11.1020:23
EnigmaX2KI am willing to PAYPAL / pay someone to fix this, I don't have time to scre* around with it. I get a PRINTER -> receiving data but nothing comes out.20:24
EnigmaX2Kso you can remote desktop in and check it out and etc20:24
bfwoCean: I forgot to sudo. Solved. Thanks.20:25
oCeanbfw: ah, ok :)20:25
wesHey all -- trying to get my mom's new webcam + skype working under 9.04.   Skype accepts input only from PulseAudio.  Microphone in cam works with sound recorder.  Skype only sends hiss -- presumably the unused mic in on the motherboard.  I can't seem to wire up PulseAUdio to send the USB microphone to skype, any tips?20:25
wes(using the statically-linked version of skype FWIW)20:26
oCeanEnigmaX2K: Apparently this page http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1459926 has several confirmed "solved" posts20:28
EnigmaX2Kthank you, i'll check it out.20:29
wesselhow can I get the number of CPU's / threads on the machines I am running on? I want to run java Evolve many times, in such a way that all CPU's are 100% busy20:29
wessel(And the machines I'm running on are all very different)20:30
icerootwessel: cat /proc/cpuinfo or "top" and press "1"20:30
yitz_What'd be involved in setting the hostname on a machine? (running off a PXE/LiveUSB so I just need to edit the right files and not the in-memory stuff)20:30
iceroot!hostname | yitz_20:31
magnus__hey people! just started out with Linux(ubuntu). Is it  possible to use pwd for path completion when writing  commands. For example: svn co file://{PWD}/myproject?20:31
ubottuyitz_: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.20:31
EnigmaX2Kif this works i'll be stoked and post back :)20:31
yitz_Thanks, iceroot20:31
kernelpanickermy laptop screen dims after a few seconds on 11.10... how do I turn that off?20:32
icerootmagnus__: .20:32
wesseliceroot: how do I compute the optimal number of threads off that file?20:33
wesseltop 1, gives me 24 CPU's20:34
Ralliasumm... I just accidently did an rm -rf in a chroot that I forgot I mount-bound.. does /dev recover on reboot?20:34
wesselbit weird number20:34
icerootwessel: top gives you cores + hyperthreading20:34
yitz_Rallias: Yes20:34
icerootwessel: sounds like 12 cores with hyperthreading20:34
wesselIntel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           X5650  @ 2.67GHz20:34
wesselcpu cores       : 620:35
yitz_Or quad20:35
icerootwessel: 2 cpus?20:35
magnus__iceroot: thanks. Is there a way to convert it to the absolute path? file///./myproject does not do the trick20:35
Ralliasiceroot doesn't xeon have 4-core "hyperthreading"?20:35
icerootRallias: never heard of that, sorry20:35
icerootmagnus__: maybe #bash can help you20:36
magnus__thank you :)20:36
jeatonim thinking about starting fresh and wipe my whole hdd and install ubuntu back on it, anyway, I'm wanting to back up mainly just one directory20:36
RalieghI've got to say so far I fucking despise Fedora.20:36
jeatoncan I just create a whole new partition and stick that directory on it, that way i dont have to create discs20:37
AndroUserRaliegh watch your language please20:37
pinguy_ how can i run Wikipedia Dump Reader ? i use ubuntu 64bit ..?20:37
RalieghYes mother. I forgot I was on the internet.20:37
mneptokRaliegh: channel policy20:37
mneptok!language > Raliegh20:38
ubottuRaliegh, please see my private message20:38
AndroUserjeaton you can, however if your current partition  takes up the whole disk, you may have to use gparted to resize the partition to create a new one20:38
pinguy_ok, cutting to the chase, i need to read wikipedia dump files ... has any one successfully managed to do this ?20:39
pinguy_i decompressed the file into a 32gig xml file ... will this help ?20:40
flash__32 gig xml?!20:40
pinguy_yes flash20:40
flash__you said this was a dump?20:40
icerootpinguy_: less can act on big files easily20:41
pinguy_there is that word again.. is less an apps ?20:41
flash__less is a pager20:41
icerootflash__: less is a great file-viewer20:41
flash__its a program standard on linux distros that lets you read long output20:41
pinguy_pager ... tha thing you call and it goes beep beep beep ... :D ?20:42
icerootpinguy_: "less filename"20:42
AndroUserubottu !less20:42
pinguy_oh... well i do not intend to sequentially read the file. it requires random access20:42
pinguy_can less show the data correctly alowing it to be navigated ?20:44
jimisrvrox2hey guys quick question...wondering what I am f'ing up on my grep cmd...I want the output to be <div class="related"><a href=website>text</a> [via <a href=website>website</a>]</div> but when I do grep '<div class="related"><a href=' I get stuff such as <p> or or <img src= stuff...any ideas as to how to fix it?20:44
pp7anyone here use marlin or nautilus?  why does "compress" not work?20:44
iceroot!work | pp720:45
ubottupp7: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.20:45
pp7yea yea...20:45
icerootpinguy_: why not trying it? and no less can not act very good on xml files with a good navigation20:46
Ramir00howto install samba 3.6.1 ubuntu 10.1020:46
pp7ok.. selecting "compress" results in no dialog20:46
iceroot!info samba maverick20:46
ubottusamba (source: samba): SMB/CIFS file, print, and login server for Unix. In component main, is optional. Version 2:3.5.4~dfsg-1ubuntu8.5 (maverick), package size 7286 kB, installed size 20632 kB20:46
ActionParsnipPp7: what happens when you try? Marlin isn't supported here20:46
pp7ActionParsnip: nothing happens.. no dialog20:47
icerootRamir00: maybe with backports or a ppa20:47
iceroot!info samba20:47
pinguy_because the fiule is currently being copied from an ext4 partition to a ntfs partition so i can have windows options for viewing this file if i have to...20:47
ubottusamba (source: samba): SMB/CIFS file, print, and login server for Unix. In component main, is optional. Version 2:3.5.11~dfsg-1ubuntu2.1 (oneiric), package size 7811 kB, installed size 22504 kB20:47
ActionParsnipPp7: is it the same as a fresh user?20:47
icerootRamir00: is 3.6.1 a stable-release?20:47
pp7ActionParsnip: yes this is after fresh install20:47
Ademan-remoteI've seen recommendations for and against different brands of cd-r for burning LiveCDs. but I'm not having much luck finding them right now. what cd-r brand should I buy to ensure a successful burn?20:47
ActionParsnipPp7: are you fully updated?20:48
icerootAdeman-remote: every cd-r should work20:48
pinguy_it has about 25  minutes left... sense it can not navigate the 32 gigabyte xml file.,.. i think i will not bother. thanks though20:48
AndroUserAnyone know of a good tutorial on how to setup/configure exim4?20:48
nixmaniackhi, my usb mouse on laptop stops working if it's idle, i have to click any button to get it working. How can i keep it always working?20:48
icerootAdeman-remote: also a usb-drive is a good way20:48
Kiteni gotta ask what do you guys prefer to use to play mp3's ?20:48
Ramir00samba 2:3.5.11 is version 3 or version 2?20:48
ActionParsnipAdeman-remote: md5 test your iso and burn as slowly as possible and any are fine20:49
pinguy_nix, if all you have to do is click a button to ragain control, whats so wrong  that requires a fix ?20:49
Ademan-remoteiceroot: yes however if you go through ubuntuforums you'll see a lot of people saying "my cd wasn't working, tried a different brand at the same speed and now it's working"20:49
SeveasAndroUser, the best advise I can give is to wipe the config and copy a sane config from a fedora system. Then buy philip hazel's book :)20:49
eutheriawhy does installing flash install lots of 32bit libs?20:49
Kitenmovie player is kinda boring, i use to use something on arch but i've long since forgotten what it was called20:49
eutheriai thought flash was 64bit now20:49
icerooteutheria: because there is only 32bit flash in the repos20:49
Seveaseutheria, because flash is 32bit. Adobe sucks20:49
AndroUserSeveas, thanks, but not what Im looking for20:50
Ramir00current 3.6.1 current stable release, homepage samba20:50
pinguy_flash is being discontinued any way20:50
xanguaeutheria: if you want to install the 64bit plugin, you need to install flashplugin-adobke from the partner repository20:50
xangua!partner | eutheria20:50
ubottueutheria: Canonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »20:50
pinguy_in favor of html 520:50
icerootRamir00: is there a special reason you need 3.6.1?20:50
ActionParsnipeutheria: if you enabled the partner repo it won't20:50
icerootRamir00: samba 3.5.12 is the latest stable-release20:50
eutheriaActionParsnip, no 64bit flash in partner repo?20:51
icerootRamir00: from the samba-website20:51
wesIs it possible to upgrade from 9.04 to 10.04 without wiping and starting over again?20:51
Ademan-remotepinguy_: did something happen? because afaik flash is alive and well on everything except mobile20:51
srandI have upgraded my system and it asked me to reboot, but it has been at the boot screen for +/- 10 minutes now. Should i force restart?20:51
icerootwes: yes20:51
Shuckyhi all20:51
iceroot!upgrade | wes20:51
ubottuwes: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade20:51
iceroot!eol | wes20:51
ubottuwes: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades20:51
Seveaswes, yes, by upgrading to 9.10 first20:51
pinguy_its adobe who is dropping it...20:51
pp7srand: yes20:51
Shuckyi want to know if their with a simple way to block ssh user in is home dir20:51
Ramir00not detect the network20:51
ActionParsnipeutheria: yes install adobe-installer and you'll get it20:51
Shucky(sorry for my bad english :p )20:52
icerootShucky: block? you mean to keep them in there home?20:52
wesiceroot: thanks, reading links. seveas - that's what I thought, package manager only offers 10.4 then tells me I can't do that.  Trying to patch-up 9.04 gives me 404s on downloads, presumably due to EOL20:52
icerootShucky: i guess chroot is the only way20:52
SeveasShucky, not really. Especially as all programs they need are not in there20:52
icerootwes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades20:52
pinguy_i m ay simply give up on being able to use this wikipedia dump file for a long while... some one suggested a wikiepedia dump reader that comes in a deb package but its 32bit and my 56bit ubuntu doesnt like it20:52
ActionParsnippinguy_: not heard adobe dropping 64bit flash20:52
Seveaswes, the repositories for that version are now on old-releases.ubuntu.com instead of archive.ubuntu.com20:53
AndroUserShucky, you definitely can, google lock user to home directory debian, and the second post down is a great tutorial20:53
pinguy_well some one is dropping it... i could look for the artical... i just dont care enough about flash to bother20:53
AndroUserShucky this is what most web hosting companies do20:53
Shuckyyes but they use chroot?20:53
icerootpinguy_: adobe has flash64bit again up there was a time when they dropped the 64bit version20:54
Lasivianis there a version for "old hardware" specifically? Beyond a non-GUI version. Thanks20:54
AndroUserShucky, yes they do, heres the direct link http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/howto-linux-unix-rssh-chroot-jail-setup.html20:54
Shuckyis possible but is not "easy" to do20:54
icerootpinguy_: at the moment they are dropping flash for all portable devices20:54
icerootpinguy_: hopefully when we speak again in one year flash was dropped completly from this world20:54
eutheriathanks! one 64bit flash being installed! yay!20:54
tirahello all20:54
Ramir00uuuu@tttt:~/Escritorio/samba-3.6.1$ ./configure20:54
ActionParsnipWes: i'd clean install a supported release, i recommend oneiric20:54
AndroUserubottu !help | tira20:55
ubottutira: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:55
icerootLasivian: lubuntu20:55
tira, ,v20:55
Ramir00uuuu@tttt:~/Escritorio/samba-3.6.1$ ./configure====>>>>directory does not exist20:55
tira, ,vf.s20:55
tiran ;20:55
FloodBot1tira: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:55
tira ,t20:55
ActionParsnipRamir00: is there no ppa?20:55
icerootRamir00: is there a special reason you need 3.6.1 instead of 3.5.11?20:55
Lasivianiceroot: thanks20:55
tiraada yang bisa bantu saya gak???20:55
wesActionParsnip: What happens when you clean-install Ubuntu on top of an existing install?  Do homedirs etc stay intact?20:56
sabocatHello, would anyone be willing to give me some advice troubleshooting a kernel panic? I've run memtest86+ and it found no errors. I think it's relate to the STA broacom driver20:56
=== darek is now known as Guest54378
Lasivianiceroot: any idea would cli-only server be faster if I am making a headless box?20:56
pinguy_there is one...20:56
Lasivianif it wouldt hat is20:56
icerootsabocat: so you are not using a asus eeepc?20:56
pinguy_adobe drops mobile flash for html 520:56
Seveas!id | tira20:56
ubottutira: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia20:56
sabocaticeroot: No20:57
Ramir00I do not know if there is a ppa20:57
wesAccording to the community pages, looks like I'm stuck doing an "alternate cd upgrade" at the very least; not a lot of data on this machine but getting mom back to a supported release is worthy goal  (immediate goal is skype :) )20:57
icerootLasivian: yes20:57
icerootRamir00: is there a special reason you need 3.6.1 instead of 3.5.11?20:57
Kingsyif I have just plugged a usb controller in how do I find out where it has been assigned in /dev/ ?20:57
LasivianI suppose it's rather moot, both can probably run cli-only20:57
Kingsythe manual says its usually tty0 but how do I make sure?20:57
* Lasivian has to stop thinking in windows-mode20:57
ActionParsnipWes: you will need to format. Use your backups to restore user data20:57
SeveasKingsy, usb controllers don't get /dev nodes.20:57
icerootKingsy: dmesg20:57
StevenRKingsy: dmesg should know.20:57
icerootKingsy: ah controller20:58
wesActionParsnip: Ouch, that means *finding* user data first, wiping someone else's computer is never a good first option.  ("Sorry I lost your pics, we were trying to get your sound driver fixed")20:58
StevenRSeveas: depends what it's a controller for20:58
Seveasor do you mean a game controller on a usb port?20:58
icerootwes: make a backup and use the normal upgrade20:58
ActionParsnipWes: why is there no backup? Drives can and do fail20:58
wesActionParsnip: how many old ladies do *you* know who are on top of their backups?20:58
AndroUserLasivian definitely, removing a desktop manager frees up quite a bit of resources, look into using ubuntu-server20:58
Seveaswes, I know one :)20:59
icerootwes: we know a lot of people which are asking "how to restore my lost data"20:59
wesSeveas: I got here last christmas and found firefox 1.0 beta20:59
Seveas(but only because I've set up a daily rsync cronjob)20:59
icerootwes: and we have much fun to say "use your backup"20:59
icerootwes: after the "i dont have a backup" we love to say "now you know why a backup is important"20:59
wesIn *theory* her data is all "in the cloud" -- flickr, gmail, etc -- but I'm not going to rely on that20:59
LasivianAndroUser: aye, i've run server before, but this old notebook only has wifi and i've never setup that in server20:59
Ramir00iceroot my version is 2:3.5421:00
Ramir00iceroot my version is 2:3.5.421:00
icerootRamir00: again, why you need 3.6.121:00
Lasivianso i'm debating how much masochism I want to deal with ;)21:00
Gentoo64Lasivian, running in console over X might not be much faster unless its under load, but it frees up ram, and guarantess that nothing pointless will be using it, or the cpu, or the disk etc21:00
ActionParsnipWes: if data is important, it should be backed up21:00
wesiceroot: years ago, I worked as a PC tech - I did a data recovery for a master's thesis on a failed, double-spaced, harddrive.  I wasn't all that surprised to find out there was no backups, until I got his thesis back and discovered he was an EE student21:00
Gentoo64Lasivian, and itd be more stable, as X could cause random problems21:01
ActionParsnipWes: dropbox :-)21:01
AndroUserLasivian ah ok, I havent setup wirless before in cmd line. You can kill your desktop manager though, that will free up a lot of resources21:01
ActionParsnipWes: or ubuntuone....21:01
Lasivianit's probably time I learned how21:01
wesActionParsnip: that's not a bad option, certainly faster than waiting for a computer store to open21:02
icerootwes: there is only one good "backup" for something like a master-theis21:02
Ramir00I need to use another version that does not work the 2:3.5.4 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!21:02
icerootwes: svn or git21:02
iceroot!work | Ramir0021:02
ubottuRamir00: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.21:02
icerootRamir00: lets stop guessing on your issues/motivations21:02
wesiceroot: yep, be like linus, if you are awesome enough everybody else backs up your data for you. :)21:02
icerootwes: :)21:02
* wes wonders just how much crap mom has on this computer.... ;)21:03
icerootwes: he saves a lot of money/time for backup-solutons21:03
sethHello peeps, I reinstalled oneiric multiple times now. I tried to get dual head and flash working. Dual head (twinview) does not work with unity nor gnome shell (see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/813343).21:05
ubottuUbuntu bug 813343 in nvidia-graphics-drivers (Ubuntu Oneiric) "nvidia drivers, second monitor covered by black" [High,Confirmed]21:05
no_gravityHello! In Ubuntu 11, I deleted all the default apps like libre offic, firefox etc from the launcher on the left. but after a reboot they came back. is that normal?21:05
sethTherefore I decided to try a ppa with updated packages for nvidia. I keep getting hash mismatches while trying to install packages from the ubuntu-x-swat ppa. Both gnome shell and unity (anything with compositing it seems) cause nvidia settings to crash after trying to configure a dual head setup with twinview.21:05
sethI decided to download the most recent drivers from the nvidia website and found the following issue: $ sudo sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-290.10\(1\).run  Verifying archive integrity... Error in check sums 3512233872 426978009 $ sudo sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-290.10.run  Verifying archive integrity... Error in check sums 11670095 42697800921:06
sethI get the same hash mismatch message when I try to unzip flash downloaded from the adobe website or try to install flash from the ubuntu restricted extras. Is it possible my corruption problem is related to this? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/88333821:06
ubottuUbuntu bug 883338 in linux (Ubuntu) "Corrupt files on download" [Undecided,Confirmed]21:06
wesBTW, is wipe-upgrade the usually recommended method of upgrading Ubuntu installs?  I gotta say, I find that frustrating, but I guess it's no worse than Sun or Mac offerings.  Well, Sun has the advantage because they only do major releases once a decade or something now :?21:07
mebigfatguy1sun has the advantage of being dead21:08
no_gravitywes: i think you can "apt-get dist-upgrade" and it will normally work fine.21:09
wesno_gravity: the community pages say the CD method is the only way to go, although, I admit, I didn't read the explanation why :)21:10
Gentoo64wes, so many people end up with broken systems after upgrade so I would backup first21:10
seth I feel like I dumpted too much information in the channel. Nobody can comment on my issues?21:10
sethI'd recommend a reinstall21:11
wesGentoo64: *nod* - I'm actually trying to locate and back up all the user data while the ISO comes down21:12
oCeanwes: I don't know the statistics for succesful/failed upgrades, but the actual command is do-release upgrade, dist-upgrade is just a more complex option for "normal" updates no_gravity21:12
Gentoo64wes, you couls use clonezilla, if not home and etc should fit on a small flash drive21:12
=== lonewolf is now known as Guest63600
wesoCean: Is do-release upgrade the same thing the GUI does?  The GUI doesn't work because I'm on 9.04 and 9.10 is already EOLd21:13
Gentoo64wes, are you coming from that to 11.10?21:14
oCeanwes, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades21:14
wesGentoo64: If only I had one here!   I'm actually copying the data to my office, but that's kinda brutal to do via the T1 we have there.  Hm. Maybe I should take a spin into town and see if I can find one, would probably save myself a lot of grief21:14
wesGentoo64: target is 10.04 LTS, since that is what Skype supports.  (this whole exercise is to get the microphone working)21:15
Gentoo64wes, if its just configs you could probably tar them and email them to yourself21:15
wesGentoo64: digital camera pics :)21:15
Gentoo64ah ok21:15
wesConfigs, not so important, the only apps she uses are the file manager and firefox21:16
Guest37461the list21:16
oCean!list | Guest3746121:16
ubottuGuest37461: This is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».21:16
Gentoo64Guest37461, we dont do !list in here21:16
Guest37461for download21:16
Gentoo64go somewhere else21:16
oCeanGuest37461: this is a support channel, not downloads21:16
supuersAnyone have issues with a slow 11.10 system?21:17
SeveasGuest37461, this is not a warez channel. Please leave.21:17
Seveas!anyone | supuers21:17
ubottusupuers: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.21:17
JymmmmI've tried xrandr --addmode, --newmode, cvt 2048x1156 and just can't get anything to work, keeps saying cannot find mode 2048x1156 no matter what I try.21:18
supuerswhat is the first one then  and then the real one imply?21:18
SeveasGuest37461, go away.21:19
supuersalakoo...any ideas on a slow 11.10 system seem some people have issues with assisting on this channel21:21
srm_fakeHello. I'm logged in as an admin user. When trying to install a packet via Ubuntu Software Center 2.0.7, the sudo dialog requires me to enter the password of another user (there are two admin accounts on this notebook). Why is the dialog not requesting my password?21:23
supuerssrm_fake did you set up root sign in as su21:24
urlin2usrm_fake, administrator in ubuntu what do you mean logged in a s root?21:24
mebigfatguy1srm_fake: what does     su srm_fake -c your-command                                       do21:25
Seveassrm_fake, is the other user logged in too and did you do a switch user? Or is the other user logged in on a terminal?21:25
=== AciD is now known as Guest9080
dannyhello this is a bit far-fetched, but does anyone know if there is a PHP channel on IRC?21:27
srm_fakeSeveas, the other user is not logged in. mebigfatguy1, what account should I choose to 'su' into?  supuers, I can't remember. I've set up this machine for my mother a while back :)21:27
Gentoo64dannel, ##php21:27
supuersyou may have changed the superuser password21:27
mebigfatguy1srm_fake: your admin account, not the other one that you need to enter the password for21:28
Gentoo64srm_fake, thats why you use sudo -i on ubuntu21:28
nixmaniack my usb mouse on laptop stops working if it's idle, i have to click any button to get it working. How can i keep it always working?21:28
srm_fakemebigfatguy1: su for my admin account is working. I've tested with 'ls'.21:29
Seveasnixmaniack, read its manual. It's probably a feature of that specific mouse.21:29
dannyGentoo64 thanks but it doesnt let me in, its invite only21:29
Gentoo64nixmaniack, probably shutting off the usb port for power saving, so id check the power settings, or is it wireless?21:29
oCean!register | danny21:29
ubottudanny: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode21:29
supuerssudo -i best bet as I had an issue when I changed the superuser password as I came from an RHEL environment21:29
oCeandanny: not invite, you have to register and identify with services21:29
Gentoo64danny, worked for me :s21:30
SeveasGentoo64, you're registered with nickserv :)21:30
nixmaniackSeveas, no, every other mouse giving same prob. so i think kernel is switching it off21:30
dannyoCean , Gentoo64, ubottu AHHH thanks i am actually already registered21:30
Gentoo64danny, ah yea, read the freenode thing on registering your nick or join #freenode21:30
dannyneed to login21:30
Seveasdanny, then you're not identified21:30
nixmaniackGentoo64, where can i check power setting?21:31
=== danny is now known as koffeehaus
Gentoo64nixmaniack, is the mouse wireless?21:31
nixmaniackGentoo64, nopes21:31
Gentoo64nixmaniack, im not sure how to disable the usb power saving thing21:31
koffeehausGentoo64, Seveas, oCean - got it thanks (apreviously known as danny)21:32
koffeehausGentoo64 yes i'm in now!!! yay21:32
Gentoo64any time you want to know if theres a channel, just try the name btw21:33
koffeehauslol makes sense21:33
meerkatsevery time I try to play lordsawar it segfaults, do I need any packages?21:36
srm_fakestill no idea, I'm doing a relog.21:36
owenHello, could someone assist me with linux failing at boot up please?21:40
srm_fakeok, relog didn't help. Here's some additional information: starting Software Center 2.0.7 via Icon. Trying to access Packet-Sources Menu requires me to enter the user's password -> working. Trying to install a package -> request to enter password of another user.  I don't get it. Any more tips?21:40
meerkatswhere can I start looking for the folder entry to a linux game? usr/share/games?21:41
observer_Hey I'm having trouble with booting my computer; it tends to get stuck at "detecting IDE drives..." on the POST screen for some reason.21:43
observer_Also my Ubuntu splash screen doesn't show up properly when Ubuntu is loading anymore21:44
observer_It used to be a high resolution splash screen but now it's a lower resolution loading screen... I don't understand why?21:45
srm_fakeand interestingly enough, if I invoke pkexec echo "pkexec works"  the sudo dialog pops up and also asks for the password of the other admin-user.21:47
LucasCamposHello there. I need to kill X to install a specialized driver, but when I do "sudo servide lightdm stop", I'm redirected to a boot-like screen21:47
LucasCamposAnd cannot use any command. How should I do it?21:48
=== bobi_Ge is now known as hektor
=== hektor is now known as hekrot
varikonniemihello, i have created with ubuntu a usb stick that has encrypted filesystem. How can i mount it from a file that i have dd'd to the disk?21:50
XeonBloomfieldIs it safe to run Disk Utility benchmark on mounted filesystem?21:50
grkbloodhow do I get X -configure to work? I keep getting Fatal server erros21:50
XeonBloomfieldIs it safe to run Disk Utility read-only benchmark on mounted filesystem?21:51
varikonniemiXeonBloomfield, you can only do read only tests21:52
varikonniemiso yes, it should be21:52
=== mrmistletoe is now known as mrmist
XeonBloomfieldvarikonniemi: thx21:56
LoshkiIs there a way in gnome (11.04LTS) to switch desktops just by sliding the mouse off the edge of the current screen?21:57
srandI have installed ubuntu next to my win7. My internet connection is extremely unstable while it runs fine on windows7. Any known issues or fixes?21:58
ubuntunovicehey everyone i was wondering if i created a bootable usb with usb-creator-gtk, would it boot on a mac, or just a pc??21:59
MonkeyDustsrand  what do you mean by unstable, slow?22:00
srandMonkeyDust: Frequently slow and it even falls out some of the time.22:00
MonkeyDustsrand  only when you use your browser?22:01
=== erry is now known as Guest67861
srandI also cannot ping google. I got disconnected in the middle of downloading some packages.22:02
MonkeyDustdo sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade, first22:02
srandIt's a fresh install btw. First time linux user.22:03
KingPinsrand,  wifi?22:03
srandKingPin: no eth0. MonkeyDust: I did that (with the update manager GUI though)22:03
MonkeyDustsrand  use the terminal, it's faster22:04
srandMonkeyDust: looks like sudo apt-get update is doing some work22:06
msterbrewerhow do i add another keyboard22:06
msterbrewerswitch keyboard to type in a different language22:06
MonkeyDustmsterbrewer  System settings22:07
VolkswagnerGreetings to all!22:08
VolkswagnerHow can I "Publish shared printers connected to this system" running headless server version 10.04?22:09
VolkswagnerI don't see such a setting in CUPS web interface22:09
Seveasmsterbrewer, in system settings, select keyboard layout and then click the + button in the bottom left corner22:09
SeveasVolkswagner, do you want to share it with linux systems or windows systems?22:10
VolkswagnerSeveas: actually I'm trying to create an airprint for iOs devices22:11
Seveashmm, no idea how they talk to a printer. You either need to set browsing to on in cupsd.conf (and listen to, or install samba22:11
Seveasgiven that cups is an apple thing, I'd start with the first option22:11
SeveasYou're gonna need to fiddle with the permissions in cupsd.conf too22:12
Jay_LevittI will always use visudo to edit sudoers. I will always use visudo to edit sudoers.22:12
VolkswagnerAh, I'll try Browsing first... Here is the how to I'm following http://hartlessbydesign.com/blog/view/197-airprint-with-ubuntu-101022:12
MonkeyDustJay_Levitt  idd, that's the way you edit sudoers22:13
Jay_LevittMonkeyDust: Not if you do "sudo cp somefile /etc/sudoers.d"22:14
Jay_LevittAlthough I guess I was testing an unattended install tool, so it wouldn't have been a very good test if I edited it manually22:14
VolkswagnerSeveas:  Browsing was already set to On... I can access the CUPS interface on the LAN using hostname22:14
=== satan is now known as Guest90691
ubuntunovicei was wondering, does usb-creator-gtk create usb for just pc, or does it do mac too?22:16
=== bobi_Ge is now known as elton
MonkeyDustubuntunovice  best way to find out, is by creating a bootable usb stick and plug it in the mac22:17
Warp4so im wanting to get a newer version of firefox from mozilla.com and use it under ubuntu.  i unpacked the archive but when i go to run it the 3.0.x version that comes with ubuntu loads up instead22:17
urlin2uubuntunovice, you need more then a usb to get it going on a mac look on the web.22:17
=== bobi_Ge is now known as hektor
ubuntunovicethats the problem22:18
urlin2uWarp4, what ubuntu release?22:18
ubuntunovicei googled it already and nothing came up22:18
ubuntunovicei understand i need a .img file and i tried pendrivelinux, but that didnt work because it was for pc only22:19
ubuntunoviceany ideas?22:20
urlin2uubuntunovice, you need to sharpen your search skills that info is all over the place. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/How%20to%20install%20Ubuntu%20on%20MacBook%20using%20USB%20Stick  https://www.google.com/search?sclient=psy-ab&hl=en&site=webhp&source=hp&q=usb+ubuntu+macintosh&btnG=Search&gbv=1&sei=D_P4ToL7CMvZiAKO5aHiDg22:20
ubuntunovicei guess what im trying to say is is there an easier way to make a usb that boots on mac  without using the terminal?22:21
ubuntunovicei will use terminal if have to22:21
ubuntunovicebut i would rather use a gui22:21
MonkeyDustterminal *is* the way, don't have to use a gui ;)22:21
Warp4urlin2u, 10.04.322:22
urlin2uWarp4, you can install the beta or stable firefox ppa to get a upto date.22:23
ubuntunovicei have a macbook 2,2 if that helps any22:23
MonkeyDustWarp4  careful with daily builds, i used one and it ruined my system22:23
Angabladeubuntunovice, easy solution: Install grub22:24
AngabladeI personally use Graphical boot manager22:25
ubuntunovicehow would i do that??22:25
Warp4urlin2u, ppa???22:25
Angabladeit comes in the ubuntu install22:25
Angabladeyou can download it from the net22:25
Angabladeburn it22:25
FloodBot1Angablade: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:25
Warp4MonkeyDust, yeah thats why id rather use the latest RELEASE version from mozilla.com22:25
ubuntunoviceim on osx snow leopard and cd drive is broken22:25
ubuntunoviceon the macbook22:25
AngabladeYou can always use a usb disk drive22:26
sedekiIs there anyway to remove "Ubuntu one" from the Mail-drop down menu in gnome?22:26
ubuntunovicethats what im trying to do, but everything i have found says to use the terminal, and thats such a hassle22:27
urlin2uWarp4, https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/firefox-stable22:27
Warp4urlin2u, thanks22:27
sedekiindeed it's very generous of the ubuntu community (5 gb in the so called cloud) but it is also a bit annoying :-P22:28
cliffybxterminal is a awsome thing22:29
jeatoneverytime my desktop updates, I get a new kernel added to my grub menu, now i can select between maybe 10 different kernels22:29
jeatonanyway of doing away with all the old ones?22:29
ubuntunoviceso im guessing i have to use the terminal then ?22:29
urlin2uWarp4, if you run this command it will put the ppa in the sources.list.d file and set the key then just run a update and upgrade. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable22:30
ubuntunoviceand jeaton: http://techfrp.blogspot.com/2010/12/remove-extra-kernel-entries-from-ubuntu.html22:30
trismsedeki: my guess would be removing ubuntuone-control-panel-gtk and then logging out/back in22:30
=== Jymmmm is now known as Jymmm
sedekialso that gwibber thing22:31
trismsedeki: for that just remove gwibber22:31
metaspikejeaton - sudo aptitude purge ~ilinux-image-.*\(\!`uname -r`\)       (remove all kernels, except the one im using)22:31
msterbrewerhow do i change keyboards22:31
msterbrewerto type in a different language22:31
opalepatrickjust loaded ubuntu 11.10 with unity. have a very slow speed with wi-fi using ath9_htc - tried a couple of suggestions around the forums but nothing definitive. Still slow. Upload twice as fast as download! any ideas?22:32
Warp4urlin2u, thank you :)22:32
urlin2uWarp4, no problem the new version should pick up the old ones bookmarks and adjustments if any yet.22:32
sedekisudo apt-get remove gwibber22:32
sedekiThis action will remove gwibber and ubuntu-desktop (!)22:33
sedekiNo, thanks!22:33
Warp4urlin2u, then just run 'apt-get upgrade' right?22:33
MonkeyDustsedeki  only the meta package of ubuntu-desktop, it's harmless22:33
trismsedeki: it is alright to remove ubuntu-desktop, but another option is to remove the file /usr/share/indicators/messages/applications/gwibber.indicator22:33
urlin2uWarp4, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade  as one line will get you both.22:34
Warp4urlin2u, thats what i did :)22:34
Warp4thanks again22:34
trismsedeki: although it may come back later if gwibber is updated22:34
urlin2uWarp4, np. :D22:34
sedekii'll remove ubuntu-desktop and gwibber22:34
Warp4urlin2u, i was able to get Earlybird to run from the mozilla archive though :)  just needed the ia32 libs :)22:35
=== brianl is now known as brianl|a
cliffybxanyone know how to enter ubuntu in super user mode?22:39
urlin2ucliffybx, why?22:39
cliffybx>urlin2u..i cannot update..permission denied22:40
Warp4cliffybx, try using 'sudo' before the rest of your command22:40
urlin2ucliffybx, you can reset the password.22:40
Warp4cliffybx, or run 'sudo su -' before running your command22:41
RalieghIs there an apt-get command for virtualbox on Ubuntu?22:41
urlin2ucliffybx, is it a password problem or another?22:42
cliffybx>Warp4>urlin2u>thanks..it works22:42
RalieghI keep getting a reference message, and eff if I know what version I have to input or whatever.22:42
urlin2uRaliegh, I get it from virtualbox it used to be if you want usb com=nnect in virtualbox you need that one22:42
MonkeyDustRaliegh  the repos have vbox-ose, it's different from oracle vbox22:43
Ralieghurlin2u, do I have to use Wget and compile? I haaate doing that, haha.22:43
MonkeyDustRaliegh  make sure you don't mix them22:43
urlin2uRaliegh, no just download it and use the software center, or install gdebi, I use gdebi.22:44
janisozaurRaliegh, what MonkeyDust said, but vbox (oracle) has its own repos - afair22:44
RalieghI don't have GUI url, it's a server and I'm getting VBox before I install VNC and lxde22:44
RalieghI used the command on this page22:44
RalieghDid I do well? :D22:44
gsedejHi! Can someone help me with reading bootchart.png file?22:44
janisozaurRaliegh, haven't checked those instructions, but if you want oracle-vbox and include their repos add this to your apt sources: "deb http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian oneiric contrib"22:46
aeon-ltdgsedej: post it then ask the channel again22:46
janisozaurRaliegh, you might also want to add the keys for the repo - but please state if you want this info pasted from https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads22:47
cliffybxwhat is the different between fedora and ubuntu?22:48
MonkeyDustcliffybx  fedora is based on redhat, ubuntu is based on debian22:48
janisozaurcliffybx, they have different package managers, (slightly) different ways of achieving similar goals and they have a bit different target audience22:50
cliffybxbut they use linux as core right?22:50
janisozaurcliffybx, yes, they do. you can list many distros on distrowatch.com22:50
MonkeyDustcliffybx  linux is always the core, the distro is everything around the core22:50
urlin2ucliffybx, pretty good support for both as well22:51
cliffybx=)thanks guys22:51
=== michael is now known as Guest22714
RalieghI used that command (and from looking at it it adds the repo, adds the keys, and installs VBox) but I'm stuck at this line. 63% [1 virtualbox-4.1 2143 kB/66.5 MB 3%]22:54
RalieghIt just won't move from 63%.22:54
gsedejHi! Could someone help me find out why my boot time is so big? ( aeon-ltd ) http://shrani.si/f/e/nz/4kYxGoSB/gasper-laptop-natty-2011.png22:54
Guest22714Does anyone know how to enable vesa as a default ?22:54
dummy213i need help bad guys…i tried using trucrypt to make a hidden OS and messed up. Now even when I try and reformat my entire HD with my win install disk I still get the popup and I can't install any OS.22:54
ravenany cmd to do scp as move?22:55
RalieghI hit enter and it brought me back to plain bash input mode... So maybe it did correctly install. Any way to check this via command? Maybe check the version or something?22:55
janisozaurRaliegh, their servers are pretty slow. it means vbox is still downloading, you can restart apt-get (ctrl-c to stop it)22:55
janisozaurRaliegh, re-run apt-get22:55
dummy213Erm. I mean not a popup but the command line screen on boot up22:55
cliffybxare gnome 3 is some kind of OS?22:56
mongyRaliegh, I find installing from vbox repo sometimes slow and unresponsive also.  I quit and try again22:56
Raliegh virtualbox-4.1 4.1.8-75467~Ubuntu~natty22:56
Raliegh  virtualbox-4.0 4.0.14-74382~Ubuntu~natty22:56
aeon-ltdgsedej: you are running in virtualbox?22:56
RalieghIt doesn't seem like it's pulling anything from the Oracle repo.22:56
MonkeyDustcliffybx  gnome is a graphical shell22:56
daniel|lapdockhi i have ubuntu on my phone and i dont know how to update without breaking the system22:56
ravenany cmd to do scp as move?22:56
gsedejaeon-ltd, 11.10 instalation boots in 20sec22:56
dummy213Can anyone please help me out here?22:56
metaspikecliffybx, maybe you should search for your answer first, you will get better answers from the gnome website.22:56
edbiandaniel|lapdock, You're afraid to run sudo apt-get upgrade?22:56
daniel|lapdockedbian, ya22:57
edbiandummy213, what's the issue?22:57
daniel|lapdockI'm on ubuntu 9.04 on atrix 4g lapdock22:57
janisozaurraven, sshfs + mv?22:57
daniel|lapdockit haz rly old xchats :[22:57
edbiandaniel|lapdock, I suggest not updating thing :P22:57
dummy213edbian: i tried using trucrypt to make a hidden OS and messed up. Now even when I try and reformat my entire HD with my win install disk I still get the popup and I can't install any OS.22:57
dummy213Now when I try and run installs the C drive runs the disk for a moment and just stops22:57
daniel|lapdockon a serious note22:57
aeon-ltdgsedej: i'm not sure but are they both the same set up?22:57
daniel|lapdockI need to get a newer xchat on here22:57
daniel|lapdockand change the awful gtk theme...22:57
edbiandummy213, do you have an Ubuntu live CD?22:57
MonkeyDustcliffybx  start here http://mybroadband.co.za/news/software/32474-a-windows-users-guide-to-linux.html22:57
edbiandummy213, and a windows xp disc?22:57
RalieghIt doesn't seem like it's pulling anything from the Oracle repo, even though I just manually added the repo into my sources.list22:58
gsedejaeon-ltd, i have dualboot. 11.10 boots great22:58
Raliegh  virtualbox-4.0 4.0.14-74382~Ubuntu~natty22:58
edbiandaniel|lapdock, run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade   if you don't feel safe doing that you can't update22:58
smsHello all! I'm getting blank pink screen after updating from 10.10 to 11.10. I'm noob, please help.22:58
janisozaurcliffybx, most probably there is also #gnome channel22:58
daniel|lapdockedbian, ok22:58
cliffybx>monkeydust thanks=)22:58
dummy213edbian: yes. I have tried booting live from cd and it just goes back to command line thats unresponsive. The win cd will not install OS but lets me get rid of partitions. I have reformatted, deleted, extended etc.22:58
mongydummy213, I prefer cryptsetup for making encrypred partitions.  can be used with the Disk Utility app22:58
janisozaur!tab | cliffybx22:58
ubottucliffybx: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.22:58
edbiandummy213, what partitions are on there now?22:59
edbiandummy213, Is there any OS that boots from the HDD?22:59
RalieghOh well, I don't need 'USB support' so I'll just use one of those packages.22:59
dummy213edbian: Only one that I know of now, but obviously there is an outer partition going on if it is running a win program somehow at bootup22:59
aeon-ltdgsedej: if they aren't set up to run the same daemons/services at boot it's not really a fair test, i suppose the newer kernel would have something to do with it also changes in the daemons/services setup22:59
dummy213edbian: no os22:59
edbiandummy213, what happens when you boot the HD ?  a win program?22:59
dummy213edbian: I don't even have enough room for an OS from what I have done, at least one wouldn't expect22:59
gsedejaeon-ltd, is there someting i can disable?22:59
aeon-ltdgsedej: you could remove daemons you don't use they will cut a few seconds depending on what they are22:59
dummy213edbian: when I boot without a cd it says the following23:00
cliffybx=)thanks guys..there are Gnome channel23:00
metaspikedaniel|lapdock, i would change /etc/apt/sources.list to reflect orenic, then sudo aptitude dist-upgrade  or sudo aptitude safe-upgrade, if that looks messy.23:00
stephenhcliffybx: on a different network23:00
stephenhirc.gimp.org i believe it is23:00
dummy213edbian: Trucrypt Boot Loader 7.1 then asks for a password for the hidden system (no hidden system exists) or to press escape for the non hidden system (when I press escape it says no OS detected and tells me to restart)23:01
=== daniel|lapdock is now known as DrPhil
gsedejaeon-ltd, which service could i remove?23:01
edbiandummy213, this is a bootloader that's in the MBR it is not a partition or an OS23:01
=== DrPhil is now known as Luminary
edbiandummy213, if you can get any linux to load I can help you remove it23:02
gsedejaeon-ltd, fsck?23:02
dummy213edbian: do you know any way to wipe it from cmd on a win install disk?23:02
edbiandummy213, try running fixmbr23:02
edbiandummy213, in windows23:02
cliffybxError org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.TimedOut: Activation of org.freedesktop.PackageKit timed out23:02
cliffybxhow can i fix that..always get that erorr after update23:02
dummy213edbian: ok i will do.23:02
aeon-ltdgsedej: no23:02
gsedejaeon-ltd, app-armor ?23:02
=== Luminary is now known as DrPhil
=== DrPhil is now known as Luminary
aeon-ltdgsedej: start simple, do you use ssh?23:03
dummy213edbian: it manages to read my linux live cd but if I try to get it to do anything past going into english it doesn't work23:03
dummy213edbian: anyways I'm loading the win install disk now23:03
=== Luminary is now known as DrPhil
=== DrPhil is now known as Luminary
metaspikedummy213, if you wanted to, you could load a linux live distro, any distro and use dd to nuke it: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda23:05
dummy213edbian: it says fixmbr is not a command23:05
gsedejaeon-ltd, private chat23:05
dummy213metaspike: i can't even get it to load to a desktop on the live cd's it just goes back to my dos command line as though the comp just started up with an unresponsive c drive23:06
edbiandummy213, hang on23:06
edbiandummy213, http://www.microsoft.com/resources/documentation/windows/xp/all/proddocs/en-us/bootcons_fixmbr.mspx?mfr=true23:07
edbiandummy213, It is a command23:07
dummy213it says not recognized blah blah blah23:07
metaspikecant load a live linux distro? have you checked boot order in bios?23:07
RalieghSo... I get this at the end of Virtualbox installation.23:08
Warp4hmm the download link for the linux version of picasa doesnt work anymore23:08
dummy213metaspike: I can get it to like…load the disk to the menu with the options to install. but it is unresponsive after this23:08
=== Luminary is now known as notLuminary
dummy213edbian: any equivalent of single user mode for win?23:09
edbiandummy213, in ubuntu? recovery mode23:09
edbiandummy213, in windows?  IDK, ask in ##windows23:09
dummy213because running it off of the win install disk I'm in X: and not C:23:09
dummy213thanks for your help edbian23:09
edbianI have my ubuntu web server operating on a godaddy domain name.  What company should I use instead of godaddy?23:09
edbiandummy213, sure23:09
Warp4edbian, a godaddy domain name?23:10
* Warp4 uses GoDaddy as his registrar23:10
edbiandummy213, sure23:10
edbianWarp4, I am hating godaddy because of this SOPA non-sense23:10
metaspikedyndns.com         SOPA IS BOLLOCKS23:10
Warp4edbian, oh so you want to change registrars then23:10
edbianmetaspike, do they do domain registration?23:10
edbianWarp4, yes23:11
Warp4edbian, Network Solutions?23:11
edbianWarp4, thanks23:11
edbianmetaspike, thanks23:11
Warp4edbian, or even Tucows (aka OpenSRS)23:11
edbianWarp4, thanks I'll check them out too23:11
dummy213._. i just got this computer for christmas23:12
edbiandyndns is $30 / year! :(23:13
mongyI still have a dydns I think, lemme check23:13
edbiandummy213, feat not!23:13
liinuxHi ... how to mount a partition read-only ?23:13
metaspikehur, all i ever used dyndns for is to register my own server for freebie, dunno what their hosting plan is like, opendns you say?23:13
BoreeasSo, I'm trying to transfer some files with FTP. But I'm getting a Permissions denied when uploading files23:14
BoreeasI'm having rw access on he dir, though23:14
* edbian does not want hosting. He wants a FQDN (domain registration)23:14
Boreeasdrwxr-xr-x 14 sigilmor sigilmor    4096 2011-12-16 15:00 .23:15
BoreeasAny idea why that error is?23:15
edbianAhh I found the domain registration on dyndns is only $1523:15
liinuxHi ... how to mount a partition read-only ?23:15
metaspikeliinux, i think like this   mount -o r /dev/foo /bar23:16
metaspikemaybe mount -o ro - cant remember23:16
liinuxmetaspike: ok .. thinks23:16
metaspikeyeah it's ro23:16
metaspikechange /etc/fstab to make the setting permanment23:16
* metaspike failed the spelling bee23:17
metaspikeBoreeas, is that an error? it just looks like the permissions of a director23:18
dummy213ok i got the true crypt to go away!23:18
RalieghOkay, more virtualbox installation errors. I'm getting this:  virtualbox-4.1 : Depends: libssl1.0.0 (>= 1.0.0) but it is not installable23:18
Raliegh                  Depends: libstdc++6 (>= 4.6) but 4.5.2-8ubuntu4 is to be insta23:18
dummy213edbian: i am almost there :)23:18
dummy213edbian: http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_vista-hardware/hp-vista-continuous-reboot/3e7a7906-c046-41c9-948b-bf5376c348c223:18
edbiandummy213, :)23:18
BoreeasYeah, that's the permissions of the directory, but when I try to put something in there, I'm getting a PermissionsDenied23:18
dummy213just for future references man23:18
edbiandummy213, thanks23:18
freeroutehi, my MSI Wind u100 is having random kernel panics (it crashes to tty with lots of verbose output, during which I can't do anything, system=frozen), next time it crashes I want to run a livecd and check the logs... so my question is: which logs should I check to find out more?23:19
Warp4Raliegh, you need to install those libs23:19
metaspikeah Boreeas, you may have to change the settings for the ftp server itself as well, also you may want to apply permissions recursively if not done so with chown -hR23:19
RalieghI tried Warp4, but as that output shows... They're unavailable?23:19
Warp4Raliegh, what command did you use?23:20
linuxtigerheya all happy holidays23:20
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dummy213is (x86) or (x64) for a 64bit?23:20
VolkswagnerSeveas:  I got it working...  I changed the printer protocol to how CUPS discovered it... "dnssd://Brother%20MFC-5890CN._printer._tcp.local/"  No need for iPrint branded printer!23:20
RalieghWell for those errors, "apt-get install virtualbox-4.1". Trying to manually install the libs listed brings up either not found or  "not an installation candidate" stuff.23:20
Warp4so it looks like google removed their linux version of picasa23:21
RalieghWarp4: http://pastebin.com/t6ETvk4223:21
metaspikefreeroute, /var/log/messages   is the kernel log   /var/log/Xorg.0.log may also give you some answers,  cat /foo | grep whatever . is a good way to define your lookup23:21
RalieghOutput of "apt-get install libssl1.0.023:21
RalieghNobody has any ideas? x.x23:22
IbisHas anyone experienced any problem with using Ubuntu on a z68 motherboard?23:22
RalieghBRB, noodle making time.23:23
metaspikeRaliegh, I think qemu > virtualbox - if you want to resolve dependency errors, use aptitude instead.23:23
Boreeasmetaspike: How do I change the permissions for the ftp server?23:24
RalieghAptitude is not found, and I've never heard of qemu. I just need some sort of virtual OS system so I can run Windows under my Ubuntu server.23:24
freeroutemetaspike: I don't have /var/log/messages, but I do have dmesg and the other, but what's troubling is that I don't know what causes the kernel panics, it could be virtually anything :(23:24
metaspikeBoreeas, depends, what ftp server are you using? man "my-ftp-server"23:24
metaspikeRaliegh, apt-cache search libssl23:25
metaspikefreeroute, kernel panics usually indicate something you cant fix easily, what are you trying to install?23:26
Boreeasmetaspike: Yeah.. that's the problem - I have no idea what ftp server I am using, it was preinstalled. is there a way to get a list of installed programs?23:27
freeroutemetaspike: nothing, it just sits idling and when I come back to take a look I find the crime scene23:27
metaspikeBoreeas, dpkg-query -l23:29
metaspikeBoreeas, dpkg-query -l | grep ftp     - to search for "ftp" from said list23:29
XeonBloomfieldWhat is a name of app which shows /home/user/ usage size in GUI (circle with folders with part of its size)23:30
philpemXeonBloomfield, Filelight23:30
metaspikefreeroute, that's crazy... could be anything. if you mount it from a live disk, it would be  cat /media/sda1/var/log/messages   or some such. i would switch kernels or OS entirely.23:30
RalieghThat's what I get after installing VBox using LXDE23:30
RalieghWhat do? x.x23:30
metaspikeXeonBloomfield, gdmap23:31
philpemXeonBloomfield, there's one for GNOME too (disk space explorer I think it's called) but Filelight is the KDE one23:31
XeonBloomfieldphilpem: it is "gdmap" as said metaspike23:31
XeonBloomfieldmetaspike and philpem: thx for help ;)23:32
philpemXeonBloomfield, metaspike -- thanks for that, been looking for that one for a while :)23:32
Tuxfreeroute, post a fuller error23:32
Boreeasyeah, metaspike, guess what: There are atleast two different ftpds installed <.<. Dunno who did that23:32
philpemum, hang on.. gdmap doesn't do the circles map. I'm getting squares, which doesn't look right at all23:32
Tuxwrong person23:32
XeonBloomfieldphilpem: I just discovered it too23:33
TuxRaliegh, can you post the error in more detail23:33
freerouteTux: I'm waiting for this to happen, when it does I'll take a picture of the output with my cellphone23:33
Tuxfreeroute, okay23:33
freerouteoh lol sorry23:33
philpemXeonBloomfield, Baobab23:33
metaspikeRaliegh, the real problem is thatlinux-image-2.6.38-13-generic is unconfigured. try dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-2.6.38-13-generic  - for your real problem to be revealed /resolved.23:33
philpemXeonBloomfield, that's the Gnome one23:33
philpemXeonBloomfield, got that from "apt-cache search disk analyze"23:33
RalieghTux: That Pastebin is all the detail it gives me. I'm trying to install virtualbox via SSH (used Aptitude), and I get that at the end of the installation. I'm using LXDE as my GUI.23:34
philpemXeonBloomfield, it pulls in gnome-utils-common too; not sure why.23:34
Tuxmetaspike, he IS configuring the kernel23:34
philpemXeonBloomfield, tree view and file sizes on left, pie chart on right, that one?23:34
Jonii_What all sorts of programs and stuff are tracking everything you do with your ubuntu, by default, and how to uninstall all of them?23:34
TuxRaliegh, I guess you were also updating as well23:34
XeonBloomfieldphilpem: I was looking exactly for that - thx ;)23:34
Tuxfreeroute, I am still here to help you23:35
Tuxdo post a photo23:35
XeonBloomfieldphilpem: but - by the way - gdmap is nice too ;)23:35
philpemXeonBloomfield, I'm not fond of gdmap.23:35
philpemI've been doing a ton of disc cleaning today... seems to be the flavour of the week :)23:35
philpemmanaged to free up enough space to completely clear a pair of 500gig hotswap drives :)23:35
trciaI have an issue with Apache, I am sure it is simple but I am n00b. So I have installed Apache and tested it on the local address ( and I get the it works message but as soon as I try the external IP I cannot contact the server23:36
dummy213edbian: Hey the install failed. I am at the ubuntu install menu where it ask to try out ubuntu without installing etc.23:36
metaspike"it pulls in gnome-utils-common"   it's probably "recommended" skip with apt-get -R23:36
dummy213I can't try it live though, but is there anything I can do from that menu?23:36
philpemjust need to delete a bunch of duplicate files on the 1TB USB and the other two hotswaps... FSlint lists the duplicates, but not their paths :-/23:36
metaspiketrica, you have to open the ports to your computer from your router...23:37
Tuxtrcia, did you open the port (assuming you are using a firewall here)23:37
philpemfdupes lists the duplicates but doesn't have the pretty UI :-/23:37
trciaI just added a port forward to the router and I still have no luck23:37
TuxIs it to the right IP?23:37
TuxOkay, I will try23:37
trciajust did a ifconfig23:37
philpemso I'm going to ask... does anyone know of any duplicate file finders like FSlint or Fdupes which have a nice UI *and* list the paths of the files in the duplicates list?23:37
XeonBloomfieldphilpem: O.o - 4 builds of wine from tarball - 3 GB :P23:37
philpemXeonBloomfield, five years of photography work, 190GB!23:38
dummy213hey metaspike: my install of win failed. I cleared mbr while in the win install disk23:38
Jonii_I mean, for example, ubuntu 11.10, it lists programs i use often, and files i use often. How do i get rid of all that data? How do I make sure its never ever saved anywhere on my computer?23:38
RalieghTux: updating?23:38
TuxRaliegh, I am helping trcia23:38
dummy213I am at the boot options screen for the ubuntu disk, but I can't go live. Is there any way to fix it from there?23:38
metaspikedummy213, im not here for win support, sorry v_v23:38
dummy213no no23:38
Jonii_And what other hidden tracking stuff there is preinstalled on ubuntu?23:38
dummy213I am trying to install ubuntu xD23:39
TuxRaliegh, I assume you were updating the kernel?23:39
trciaTux: thanks23:39
Tuxtrcia, I can reach it from my end23:39
XeonBloomfieldphilpem: One second of Seagate disk fail and 1.5 TB disk permanent damaged xD It has about 1.2 TB data...23:39
Tuxtux@metaknight:~$ curl -I
TuxHTTP/1.1 200 OK23:39
RalieghTux: Not that I know of, no... o.o It's just a fresh installation, installed lxde, installed tightvncserver, and tried to install virtualbox.23:39
XeonBloomfieldphilpem: It had*23:39
dummy213metaspike: I am trying to install ubuntu xD23:39
metaspikedummy213, ah ok. all I can say is trust in the default options and automagic settings unless you know exactly how it works... :)23:39
philpemXeonBloomfield, yecch, I swore off seagate drives after i had one launch itself across the desk while it was on bench-test23:40
trciatux: can you navigate to it via browser23:40
Tuxtrcia, curl also makes HTTP requests23:40
dummy213metaspike: I have no clue what you are talking about…when i try to have it just install ubuntu it just goes to C:23:40
freeroutethanks Tux, I have my camera on standby :)23:40
pooltablehelp how get rid of unity make 11.10 look like 11.04??23:40
trciawhy would i not be able to see it23:41
zabomber!w Melbourne23:41
RickXcan anyone point me to docs on how to install Ubuntu Netbook on a 10.04 install?23:41
Tuxpooltable, http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/classicgnome23:41
XeonBloomfieldphilpem: Imagine disk's "magnetic hand" (that moving part inside HDD) brushing whole surface of disk xD23:41
philpemhmm, two directories, same name, same number of files, same size. why do I suspect that rsync will say "nothing to do!"23:41
RalieghTux: Care to get to me when you're done with trcia? :)23:41
philpemXeonBloomfield, oww, that's called a "head crash" and is really nasty :(23:41
metaspikedummy213, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootFromCD  ?23:41
Ben64RickX: should just be "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-netbook"23:42
TuxRaliegh, I told them I could reach their Apache from the Internet. I'm helping freeroute atm23:42
XeonBloomfieldphilpem: and grinding sound from the disk - invaluable ;)23:42
trciaXeonBloomfield: someone is triping23:42
philpemXeonBloomfield, i had an IBM that did that. the platters were glass, and all the silver was scraped clean off. turned it into a clock until someone knocked it off the wall and broke it :(23:42
XeonBloomfieldtrcia: What means "triping"?23:43
trciasomeone forgot to say please23:43
RickXBen64: thanks. I had Netbook Remix 8.04 on this netbook, then installed 10.04. Do you think "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-netbook" will basically give me the same ting?23:43
metaspikeim going to get all my old hardware together and build me some body armour23:43
RalieghTux: Bugger, lmao. Well shoot me a highlight when you think you can help me. Good job in here btw. :)23:43
Tuxtrcia, in your router/apache logs23:43
philpemXeonBloomfield, the data recovery place described it as "like putting a load of shredded paper dust back into a document, completely impossible"23:43
philpem*turning a load...23:43
dummy213metaspike: thank you23:43
Ben64RickX: I believe so, probably gives you an option on login as to which environment you would want to load23:44
metaspikedummy213, ka pai23:44
RickXBen64: Thanks.. I'll give it a try23:44
almoxarifeTripping (pipe), the act of running or pulling drill pipe into or out of a wellbore on a drilling rig ??23:44
CrownWheelHey, Ubuntu channel.  Question about misbehavior in Thunar.23:46
CrownWheelI've got an Xubuntu Live USB install.  Thunar won23:46
XeonBloomfieldphilpem: Did you heard the same strange noise like I during yours IBM disk fail?23:46
CrownWheelt display the contents of /home/ubuntu.23:46
trciaTux: i can see you accessing it thanks23:47
philpemXeonBloomfield, probably. like the squeal of fingers on a chalkboard?23:47
CrownWheelIt fails with a "transport endpoint not connected" error on .gvfs.23:47
XeonBloomfieldphilpem: grinding sound rather23:47
CrownWheelThis seems to be an old and well known issue with Thunar and with .gvfs  (whatever gvfs is).23:47
SharkFR HELP IRC ?23:47
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Guest22402FR HELP IRC ?23:48
metaspikegnome virtual file system, i think.23:48
CrownWheelIs there an equally old and well known fix that I'm just unaware of?23:48
Ben64!fr | Guest2240223:48
ubottuGuest22402: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.23:48
CrownWheelmetaspike, thanks.  better guess than I could have made.23:48
CrownWheelmetaspike, any idea what would corrupt permissions to a directory's .gvfs subdirectory?23:50
metaspikenot a clue :)23:50
wesdoes the fady grey screen mean something specific, like the load avg is too high, or the kernel is paging?23:51
CrownWheelThis is just as described in an old Fedora 9 forum post.  .gvfs permissions list as ?????? and Thunar refuses to display anything in /~23:51
CrownWheeler, in ~/23:51
CrownWheelAlso, I went to look at mtab, to see if the gvfs was actually mounted somewhere.23:51
jimisrvrox2hey guys quick question...having a problem with grep.. grep '<div class="related"><a href=' /media/Lenovo__/Lifehacker_Posts_2/Opera/* > /media/Lenovo__/Content.txt | gives me a bunch of <p> and <img src= when what I am looking for is <div class="related"><a href="site">2itch</a> [via <a href="site">site</a>]</div> any suggestions as to how to fix this grep?23:51
CrownWheel/etc/mtab now has I/O error on access attempt, and similarly screwed up permissions.23:52
metaspikeCrownWheel, if your lucky. sudo dpkg-reconfigure gvfs - will return the sanity23:52
wesjimisrvrox2: at a glance, your single quote and asterisk in your regular expression are probably errors23:52
BoreeasSo, apparently I had to enable write-enabled=YES in the vsftpd.conf23:52
=== dirtypillows is now known as ShameSpiral
CrownWheelI'll give it a shot.  Irks me, though.  Like, this is an out of the "box" install and the file manager has stopped working.  Seems like a major quality issue ...23:53
BoreeasDunno why it worked fine before, though23:53
metaspikejimisrvrox2, are you trying to grep a html file?   I would   cat /site.html | grep "seachterm"23:53
wesjimisrvrox2: my suggestion is to escape the *, and change to " quotes around the RE, then escape any double quotes inside23:53
jimisrvrox2yeah grepping html23:53
metaspikeBoreeas, glad you figured it out. :)23:54
almoxarifeCrownWheel: what are you trying to mount?23:54
CrownWheelalmoxarife, I'm not trying to mount anything. I'm trying to get Thunar to display contents of /home/ubuntu23:55
wesjimisrvrox2: so, this is probably correct (but untested): grep "<div class=\"related\"><a href=\"site\">2itch</a>" filename.html   if that's really what you want23:55
Othi`hi - i'm trying to install a small version of ubuntu on an 1gb usb stick, but it keeps erroring out that i don't have enough space. i'm installing from the mini.iso and selected command-line install. is there another way to get a minimal install?23:55
CrownWheelIt fails because of something wrong with .gvfs23:55
sultansinghhory shit!23:55
CrownWheells -l of /home/ubuntu displays broken permissions flags for the .gvfs directory.23:55
pangolin!language | sultansingh23:55
ubottusultansingh: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.23:55
sultansinghi'm just surprised23:55
sultansinghso many people here in irc23:56
CrownWheelThe directory, itself, can't be interacted with "I/O error"23:56
metaspikeOthi`, yeah, puppy linux >_<23:56
sultansinghit's more than #debian23:56
Othi`metaspike, does it have the ubuntu packages?23:56
almoxarifeCrownWheel: and you are trying to do this from a local to local, same machine?23:56
jimisrvrox2wes: tried the \"related\" and still got extra crap23:57
wesjimisrvrox2: define crap23:57
jimisrvrox2<p> and <img src= and so on23:57
jimisrvrox2instead of the line..23:57
wesjimisrvrox2: what exactly did you type, and can I see the file in the internet somewhere?23:57
bonny_Hello, can someone help me install minecraft?23:57
CrownWheelalmoxarife, yeah.  same machine.  not remote.23:58
metaspikeOthi, the ubuntu puppy variant does support ubuntu packages, but doesn't have dpkg so it's not prefect, but great for mini usb setups.23:58
bonny__Hello can someone help me install minecraft23:58
RickXBen64: your suggestion worked, but did it install Unity?23:58
Ben64RickX: not sure23:58
CrownWheelalmostroot, more or less out of the "box" Xubuntu live install.23:58
jimisrvrox2wes: sure im posting on a pastebin right now23:58
Othi`i'll try it, thanks metaspike23:58
RickXOk :-) I'll poke around some more.23:59
bonny__Anyone here play minecraft on linux that can help me?23:59
The_Partybros<3 minecraft23:59
CrownWheelI installed a couple packages.  R, Maxima, and Jupiter (for netbook feature control)23:59
bonny__yeah partybros can u help me install it?23:59
almoxarifeCrownWheel: very odd, thought about un-installing gvfs along with confs? do you use gvfs at all?23:59
The_Partybrosnever tried it on linux23:59

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