
GridCubewhats the problem?00:00
pimperleafter 10 seconds of inactivity, the screen brightness is reduced by two steps00:00
pimperletheres a setting in xfce4-power-manager-settings which should affect this, but doesnt00:01
GridCubeyes, ive noticed that00:01
GridCubenever bothered me tho00:01
pimperlei'd like to read text for longer than 10 seconds, that is why i asked00:02
GridCubei have my setting to never change the brigtness but it changes just a little bit if iddle for some time with battery only00:02
pimperlemoving the mouse every 8 seconds is quite annoying00:02
pimperleit pretty noticeable here00:02
GridCubemine never goes sooo bad00:02
pimperlebut this looks like a bug in the power manager, doesn't it?00:03
GridCubedon't know00:03
Fudgehi anyone used xubuntu precise with orca or know if it will be more accessible?00:03
GridCubeyou can chante the percentage of brigtness change on the powermanager00:03
GridCubeFudge, i know of people who uses orca, but don't use it myself00:04
pimperlechanging the percentage doesn't affect it as well00:05
Fudgethanks GridCube00:05
pimperleit just gets darker by the same amount no matter what i choose00:05
pimperlehowever i use the binary ati drivers, if that matters00:05
GridCubeit might00:05
GridCubedoesnt ati has a config manager?00:06
pimperlei'm not sure, if they interfere with the display brightness, but i killed all other processes tentatively without auccess00:06
pimperleit has, but the power management only has two options, max power vs max saving00:06
pimperleand i never had that problem before00:06
GridCubepimperle, it should have more options on the battery or connected options00:07
pimperleyes, i changed thos00:12
pimperlestrange enough, it doesn't remember my percentage setting and jumps to 20% whenever i open the dialog00:13
GridCubei seethat too00:21
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
r0lling.......... So if anyone is here; here is the situatoin:01:55
r0llingInstalling xubuntu from flash drive. When I have it fully installed I restart and boot up like normal then screen freezes and it shows the damens (I think that is what they called). And all of them have the [OK] execpt for the automatic system error report which failed. It hangs there and forces me to reboot the system and every time I boot It does the same thing. This is the 3rd time I have made a clean flash drive version of Xubun01:58
r0llingnothing else does01:58
r0llingany advice other than to google it (which I have)01:58
r0llingand no results have helped01:59
=== Nax is now known as Exio4|Away
visitor_1hi there, somebody know how to disable the poping up sound bar volume? i am runnig cairo dock and it has its own sound bar so i dont want to have two of them lol04:30
holsteinvisitor_1: elaborate... take a screenie if it helps05:03
holsteinvisitor_1: i was thinking more to the channel at large... you can use http://imagebin.org/05:07
visitor_1you see on top right the big sound bar which appears when you change the sound volume on the cairo dock05:09
visitor_1i only want the little sound bar on the cairo dock05:10
holsteinvisitor_1: thats going to be notifications05:10
visitor_1so how can i disable them?05:11
holsteinyou can remove the package that displays *all* notifications05:12
visitor_1hmm have to try that05:12
holsteinyou could search and find out what that package is called...05:12
visitor_1but i also would lose xchat notification i guess05:12
holsteinvisitor_1: *all* notifications05:13
* holstein reading http://mail.xfce.org/pipermail/xfce/2011-August/029087.html05:13
tigerdoghi!  new to the channel but not Xubuntu, I have a question about sound.10:08
tigerdogshould selecting a sound card listed in the Xubuntu Mixer change the default card for the system?  I thought it should, but under 11.10 it does not.10:10
knometigerdog, try installing and setting with pavumixer10:10
tigerdogpavumixer works fine here.  I was wondering if this is the intended behavior for the xfce mixer or just a bug.10:11
tigerdogI like keeping things vanilla if possible.  Mixer integration in the Indicator plugin is visually clean but not working as I'd hoped.10:12
tigerdogbtw, thanks knome.  :)10:12
Sysito your actual question, I was told it should work (and that's partial reason why pavucontrol isn't included in default install)10:13
tigerdogthanks Sysi.  Unfortuately, I have two systems here where it doesn't work.  Different hardware on each but exactly the same problem.10:14
SysiI wonder how pavucontrol and paprefs are different10:15
tigerdogpaprefs appears to address the PulseAudio server; pavucontrol seems to be the mixer component.10:18
tigerdoganyway, it's 2:22 AM  here.  sleepytime.  Thanks for the help Sysi and knome.10:22
Jackneillanyone can help me?14:25
Jackneilli start linux 11.10 generic with xfce, and i get the loading, after it freeze14:25
Jackneillany idea?14:25
jubo2samwesly_007: sorry, I couldn't help myself14:27
=== Nex4 is now known as Nax
Jackneilli start linux 11.10 generic with xfce, and i get the loading, after it freeze, any idea?14:41
SaaMmYgood morning14:42
CaelThunderwingwhich spefic vers of xubuntu should i use for an Compaq Presario R3000 Laptop?14:51
Sysi10.04 LTS or newest stable 11.1014:55
Jackneillanyone can help me? :/14:56
SysiJackneill: has it worked before or did you just install it?14:57
CaelThunderwingit does have an ATI Mobility Radeon 9100 for a vid card, 512MB ram, and a 2.66ghz (single core)14:57
Jackneillworked correctly and nicely before.14:57
Jackneillone day suddenly i got an error after login: could not update /home/jackneill/.ICEauthority file14:58
Jackneilli did sudo chown jackneill path to icea..14:58
Jackneillthen from cli, with startx it worked, i got the default ubuntu gnome desktop14:58
Sysiso where does it freeze? lgn screen, before?14:58
Jackneillwith no settings14:58
Jackneillafter restarted14:59
popschwhat's the application to access the keyring please? I need to look up a stored password.14:59
Jackneillafter the logo shows14:59
Sysipopsch: I think seahorse15:01
Jackneillso i hit enter in grub, after i got xubuntu and under dots15:01
Jackneilland then freeze.15:01
SysiJackneill: can you get to a terminal with Ctrl Alt F515:01
Jackneilli dont know15:01
Jackneilli think no15:02
Jackneillsysi: i can try it if necessary15:03
Sysithat would be good start, if you can login there you can try "startxfce4"15:04
Jackneillsysi: it worked now lol15:16
Jackneillsometimes works, sometimes doesnt :/15:16
Kingsywhat is a decent GUI tool for checking hd / partition space and info ?15:17
Jackneillbut i have again trouble, it was good with terminal, not it tells me choose a default program for terminal emulator15:17
popschSysi, thanks a lo15:17
popschSysi, t15:17
Kingsythere is nothing I can see installed by default15:18
popschKingsy, try gparted15:19
Jackneillcan you help me? default xfce apps seems to be not installed, but there rae15:29
Kingsypopsch: what about a GUI app to record webcam video? cheese is REALLY REALLY bad.. so i need something else15:32
popschKingsy, no clue. but try gshutter15:34
SysiJackneill: you mean selection for default apps doesn't see them?15:35
popschKingsy, google returns some hits on that15:35
popschKingsy, http://hublog.hubmed.org/archives/001852.html15:35
Jackneillsysi: yes15:35
Jackneill  exo-utils libexo-1-0 linux-generic linux-headers-generic linux-image-generic15:35
Jackneill0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 5 not upgraded.15:35
Jackneillhow can i change the default selection? for eg terminal emulator?15:36
SysiJackneill: you maybe should log out and remove your personal settings when logged in to Ctrl Alt F5 terminal15:36
Sysirm -rf ~/.cache && rm -rf ~/.config15:37
Jackneilland then?15:37
Kingsypopsch: do you know where gshutter is in the repos?15:38
Kingsypopsch: yeah I saw those hits from google.. but I wants a gui solution.. other than cheese15:39
TheSheepI'm pretty sure you can record with vlc15:40
KingsyI think you can yeah, its not very nice tho.. I tried it and it didnt work too well.. I guess I could try it again15:40
Kingsyanyone know of a "computer stat / performance widget" ? which sits on the desktop or soemthing?15:54
fivedaysaheadyou can run can install htop and run that in a terminal15:56
fivedaysaheadand just keep it open15:57
fivedaysaheadkinda not what you wanted though hmm15:57
fivedaysaheador you could create a shortcut key that will launch htop for you when you want it to15:59
Kingsyyep.. conky.. exactly what I needed16:00
holsteinonly problem with conky is that i cant stop messing with it ;)16:01
Kingsylet me install it.. see what the crack is16:01
fivedaysaheadme too16:02
fivedaysaheadgonna check this out16:02
PaimunKingsy try indicator-multiload16:04
fivedaysaheadis conky X only?16:05
Paimunit sits on your panel16:05
holsteinits quite configurable16:06
fivedaysaheadhey i have a problem getting xrandr to detect my HDMI16:07
KingsyPaimun: I think I am going to try conky instead16:07
Paimunbut the option's there16:08
fivedaysaheadcan always try htop in the terminal too16:08
Sysifivedaysahead: probably driver problem, what card/driver, you're connected to TV?16:09
fivedaysaheadit works if i start xubuntu and have the tv on and i run xrandr and it says connected and i can just run a script that changes the resolution and sets it to the left but the problem is if i start the laptop up without the monitor connected and then turn it on and run xrandr it won't ever show it's even disconnected or connected16:10
Sysiwhat if you log out after connecting?16:11
Sysiand relogin16:11
fivedaysaheadlike restart x?16:21
fivedaysaheadwith ctrl alt k prt screen16:21
fivedaysaheadi don't think that seems to help i have to restart the comp with the tv on and connected16:21
Sysirelogin is nicer :P16:24
fivedaysaheadi have logged out and it doesn't seem to help xrandr recognize hdmi16:24
fivedaysaheadnot sure why16:24
SysiI guess it's about driver16:25
vasundharHi My client wants to use xubuntu karmic 9.10 and asked me to enhance an application. when I am compiling on current compiler,qt it does not work so need those old libraries and apt- does not work what can I do ?16:27
fivedaysaheadhmmm should i try to intall driver for it? you think that would help16:27
Sysifivedaysahead: depends what card it is16:28
fivedaysaheadsome internal laptop card16:28
Sysivasundhar: get 9.10 somewhere, install on virtualbox and try to find packages..16:29
Sysifivedaysahead: lspci | grep VGA16:29
Sysivasundhar: or maybe debian has old enough packages, stable or oldstable, or maybe centos16:30
vasundharSysi: I am running 9.10 but packages are big issue ... not able to find and dependencies are hell16:30
Sysiyeah, because it's EOL, you need to find mirror (and copy it)16:30
Sysimaybe this works http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/16:31
Sysiyou should tell client he/it probably has nasty security holes16:32
vasundharSysi: Thanks alot you are saviour16:32
fivedaysaheadoops haha i tried lspci | grep VGA via ssh i need to try it on the actual machine laughing out loud16:33
vasundharI did ... tell and unfortunately there is world out there that has access to magic and assumes nothing less16:33
vasundharSysi: Can I put this URL in the source.list ?16:34
Sysivasundhar: I think so, I got it from ~first hit on google16:35
vasundharwaw cool16:35
RockTeamHello everybody!16:35
RockTeamCould somebody please check if weather forecast is working fine?16:36
fivedaysaheadtell me how16:37
fivedaysaheadi can't tell you till the future when the weather actually happens to know if it was accurate right? :)16:37
fivedaysahead Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07)16:38
fivedaysaheadsysi should I install a driver for that?16:38
Sysithat applet broken is know bug, you should hit several fixes on google (new package from PPA or maybe proposed updates/backports, hexedit or compiling)16:38
Sysifivedaysahead: nope, default should be as good as it gets16:38
fivedaysaheaddang then why doesn't it detect my hdmi it's annoying16:38
Sysifivedaysahead: you could confirm at #ubuntu and maybe make a bug report16:39
RockTeamSysi, do you mean that xfce4-weather-plugin is broken?16:39
Sysiit possibly could be worked around with xorg.conf16:39
SysiRockTeam: yeah, current build on xubuntu16:39
fivedaysaheadhmmm i'll look into that16:39
RockTeamSysi, thanks a lot!16:40
Kingsyanyone know of some decent conkyrc examples?16:50
fivedaysaheadhow do you run conky on the desktop?16:51
fivedaysaheadi've never used it i just installed it16:51
Kingsyfivedaysahead: Alt F2   -->   conky16:51
baharudini use xubuntu 10.04, when itry play mp3 file, totem crash without error..16:52
baharudinwhat should i do?16:52
fivedaysaheaddoes it crash when you try playing it in a different player?16:56
RockTeam*** The required package libxfce4util-1.0 was not found on your system.17:06
RockTeam*** Please install libxfce4util-1.0 (atleast version or adjust17:06
RockTeam*** the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if you17:06
RockTeam*** installed the package in a nonstandard prefix so that17:06
RockTeam*** pkg-config is able to find it.17:06
RockTeamI can't make new xfce4-weather-plugin-0.7.4 from the source code.17:07
RockTeamCould somebody help please?17:07
RockTeamThe libxfce4util is installed.17:08
TheSheepRockTeam: please don't paste here, use a pastebin in the future. You need the -dev packages17:09
TheSheepRockTeam: you can just do 'sudo apt-get build-dep xfce4-weather-plugin' to install all required dependencies17:10
RockTeamSorry do you use xfce4-weather-plugin-0.7.4? I just want to be sure if it's working,17:12
tigerdogI just added the plugin here.  It did not detect the location.  when I manually entered the zip code, it allowed me to select the correct location but displayed "no data" even after refresh.17:14
tigerdogforecast is empty, details tab shows "99" in all entries.17:15
tigerdogso I'd say not working here.17:15
tigerdogI'm using the version shipped with Xubuntu, not sure if it's
tigerdogXubuntu 11.10, that is.  :o17:15
RockTeamIt's not 0.7.4 sure17:16
RockTeamMy current version is 0.7.3. I use Xubuntu 10.0417:16
tigerdoghow can I double-check the version.  clicking "about" in the forecast panel doesn't display it.17:16
RockTeamYou may check it into Synaptic17:17
tigerdogversion 0.7.4-1 here.   not working .17:17
RockTeamOk. It's bad.17:18
RockTeamtigerdog, here is the reason: http://forum.xfce.org/viewtopic.php?id=644517:23
GridCubetigerdog, the weather channel changed its rss feed, now its suscprition only, so all things that used its feed to show weather fails now, people on xfce will work on a new thing once they have time17:23
Kingsyanyone in here any good with conkyrc files? I have one that I like but it doesnt appear in the right part of the screen, and I cant see where in the config you change its position.. say you wanted.. top right? bottom left? top middle? etc etc.. I have no idea how to position it18:02
KingsyI can pastie the script if there is no 1 way to do it...18:02
holsteinKingsy: are you restarting it?18:02
holsteini typically fire it up in the terminal so its easy to kill... til i get it just what way i want18:02
SysiI think there's plenty of different conky setups at the forums18:03
holsteinyeah, its overload on conkyconfig's18:03
Kingsyholstein: when you re-save the corkyrc file it auto restarts doesn it?18:03
holsteinKingsy: only one way to find out18:04
holsteinthat has not been my findings, thats why i mention it18:04
Kingsyholstein: I am getting a few errors on start actually, I don't know if these would contribute to some strange placement18:05
Kingsyholstein: ^^18:05
holsteinKingsy: not sure18:06
holsteini would start from the beginning though.. thats how i do it.. run from the terminal.. test... kill.. edit... etc18:07
holsteini literally cant stop messing with it when i get started ;)18:07
Kingsyhehe ok np, do you have a sample conkyrc file that is a good starting point?18:08
holsteinKingsy: i think the default one is pretty good18:09
holsteinyou should be able to trash the one you have, or search around for one that is close to what you want, and drop it in18:09
holsteincheck out crunchbang live if you want.. they have a nice implementation there18:09
Kingsythats what I did, and it didnt put it in the right place.18:09
holsteinKingsy: i remember having trouble moving it at some point, but i sorted it out18:10
holsteinmaybe check out http://maketecheasier.com/configuring-conky-the-very-easy-way/2010/08/2418:11
Kingsythanks.. just looking it it now18:12
Sysiplace it with devilspie if conky doesn't have own config for it18:16
focaltyo guys18:25
focalthow can I access my sdb disk throught sda?18:26
holsteinfocalt: ??18:29
holsteinafaik, those are giving at boot time... you can mount partitions where ever you want/need18:29
focaltholstein, how do I do that, can you elucidate me?18:51
holsteinfocalt: sure19:04
focaltthanks holstein19:10
=== luke is now known as Guest9102
Guest9102hi, can I ask a thing for support?19:47
Guest9102I have just installed Xubuntu on my old pc19:47
Guest9102i have installed it using acpi=off19:47
Guest9102or something like that (I can't remember exactly, I just looked around for a solution)19:47
Guest9102all is now working correctly19:47
Guest9102but my pc won't shutdown correctly19:48
Guest9102it just hangs on the splash screen with the loading line19:48
Guest9102it just hangs on the splash screen with the loading line moving19:48
Guest9102any help?19:48
Sysihow long does it stay like that?19:49
Guest9102forever :(19:50
Guest9102I have to turn it off manually19:50
Guest9102I have tried to modify19:50
Guest9102my grub config19:50
Guest9102adding acpi=force19:50
Guest9102but it didn't work19:50
Sysiyou need to run update-grub after changing /etc/default/grub19:52
Sysiand I'd try that acpi=off too19:52
Guest9102yes, I did update-grub19:52
Guest9102do I need to add acpi=off19:52
Guest9102or acpi=force?19:52
Sysiyou can try them, not at the same time19:53
Guest9102can I ask what does acpi does?19:53
Guest9102basically I couldn't install19:53
Guest9102xubuntu at the first time19:53
Guest9102because the splash screen was not loading19:53
Sysinoapic is one possible option too19:53
Guest9102searching around i just added 2 commands during installation19:54
Guest9102yeah, it was that!19:54
Sysiacpi is thermal control and powermanagment and stuff19:54
SysiI'm not sure about apic but something about dealing with hardware19:54
Guest9102ok, so I will try them both19:55
Guest9102thank you in advance19:56
Kingsyanyone in here use conky?19:58
SysiKingsy: I think conky has own channel, or you could try #ubuntu or #xfce (I know some blokes at #xfce use conky even if it's not really support place for it)20:05
Kingsynp thanks20:06
fivedaysaheadbest webcam capture program?20:07
fivedaysaheadnope no conky on this end just htop20:08
fivedaysaheadKingsy check out conky.sf.net20:12
Sysihe left20:12
fivedaysaheadoh you're right20:14
fivedaysaheadi had just found some scripts for him too http://conky.sourceforge.net/screenshots.html20:14
fivedaysaheadconky can do everything! http://conky.sourceforge.net/conky-jc.png it can even make your battery go to 105% lmao20:15
skegeekCan I get some help with a video/graphic error I found in syslog?21:30
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."21:34
GridCubeif someone knows they might answer21:34
skegeekSorry, I meant to provide the error as well.21:38
skegeekubuntu kernel: [ 5760.646575] i915 0000:00:02.0: VGA-1: EDID block 0 invalid.21:38
Sysikind of "general error", your display doesn't give some information correctly21:39
SysiEDID used to be needed for something but corrupted info was so usual they made patch to ignore it21:40
projekt26hey my sound sometimes just stops working. does anyone know how to fix this?22:14
fivedaysaheadcould it be your receiver?? if you have your comp hooked up to a receiver? my marantz does that all the time and it pisses me off and i have nooo way of fixing it. do you have pauvolumecontrol or whatever it's called22:16
fivedaysaheadtry installing pulsevolume control22:16
projekt26nope it's not hooked up to anything22:17
fivedaysaheadsudo apt-get install pavucontrol22:18
fivedaysaheadtry that program i was havng problems with my hdmi sound22:18
fivedaysaheadthen running that i could change the settings22:18
holsteinprojekt26: i would try playing something in VLC... something *without* flash... something *not* in the browser, just to try and isolate what the issue is22:21
fivedaysaheadyes does it happen with different programs?22:22
fivedaysaheadholstein: how do i enable automatic login?22:22
projekt26yea I did that. it doens't play sound anywhere at all. I also installed pavucontrol as fivedaysahead suggestd and it's only showing a 'dummy output' device22:22
fivedaysaheadcould be a driver problem hmmm22:23
fivedaysaheadi enabled it so i don't have to type the password at login but i don't know how to have it automatically login i still have to click the login button22:23
holsteinhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1588283 the second post here is the way i would try fivedaysahead22:23
holsteinprojekt26: it?22:23
holsteinyou have no audio now?22:23
projekt26yes I don't have audio now22:24
projekt26if I reboot audio is back however22:24
holsteini used to have an alsa fix... a restart... lemee look22:24
fivedaysaheadsudo apt-get install alsa-base maybe? idk22:25
holsteinprojekt26: something like /sbin/alsa force-reload22:26
holsteinmy sound would die, and i would run this command that i set as a desktop shortcut... but thats been a while22:26
projekt26holstein: I have tried that already, as well as some other 'fixes' I found via google. none worked22:26
projekt26ah well, I guess I will just reboot more often22:27
holsteinprojekt26: try other kernels, and other alsa version22:27
holsteinsudo /sbin/alsa force-reload should work22:27
holsteinwhats the error after you try that?22:27
holsteinthe messages22:27
projekt26well it doesn't work22:27
projekt26no error.. it just shows the unloading and the reloading22:27
holsteinprojekt26: and after that, you card is not available in pavucontrol?.. i seem to remember that killing my audio device22:28
holsteinjust opening pavucontrol would kill this particular VIA audio device22:28
fivedaysaheadno such file or directory when i try to edit that gdm file i'm on xubuntu with xfce that doesn't use gdm doesn't it use lightdm or lightgdm or something?22:30
holsteinhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1864527 maybe22:31
projekt26holstein: nope same thing, just a dummy device. but it seems that this can not be easily fixed so I will just go with rebooting before I change something and kill my auio for good. thanks for your help22:31
holsteinright.. if your troubleshooting looks like this... force alsa reload, then run pavucontrol, that is what was killing my audio device22:32
projekt26ok I found a way to fix it: pulseaudio --kill followed by pulseaudio --start22:39
holsteinthats pretty easy22:40
fivedaysaheadvery nice22:40
fivedaysaheadlightdm.conf was what i needed to fix for automatic login22:40
fivedaysaheadhow do i reset grub 2?22:40
holsteinsudo update-grub you mean?22:41
fivedaysaheadi installed xubuntu and then installed mint and now it defaults to mint i installed startmanager to try to make it default to mint but it almost worked but doesn't select the right xubuntu it selects the memory test and idk why i have it set to use the right xubuntu but for some reason it selects the memory test22:42
holsteini dont know what startmanager is, but sometimes i just go in after installing and run sudo update-grub and all is well22:43
mongyfivedaysahead,  I boot to whatever I want as default and run sudo grub-install /dev/sda22:44
mongythen the obligatory update-grub of course22:45
holsteinyup ^^ that should get you what you want, and give you the option to boot everything22:45
fivedaysaheadso what does sudo update-grub do?22:45
mongyfivedaysahead, populate your boot menu with everything22:46
holsteinother installations (new ones)22:46
CrownWheelHey, channel.  I've got an issue with the Thunar file manager.23:33
CrownWheelIt will not display the contents of my home directory, as in /home/ubuntu23:33
CrownWheelIt originally failed with "Error stating file '/home/.gvfs "23:35
CrownWheells -l of my /home revealed screwed up permissions for .gvfs, just as described in the old Fedora post.23:36
CrownWheelApparently whatever error affected .gvfs also affects /etc/mtab, which now exhibits similarly corrupted permissions flags.23:37
CrownWheelumount .gvfs worked to restore sensible permissions, as reported  by ls -l23:37
CrownWheelI noticed that permissions to .bash_history were also corrupted.23:38
CrownWheelthis reads:23:38
CrownWheel-?????????  ? ?      ?          ?                ? .bash_history23:39
CrownWheelan explicit ls -l .bash_history results in:23:40
CrownWheells: cannot access .bash_history: Input/output error23:40
CrownWheelTo tie this back to Thunar, after "fixing" the permissions flags with "umount .gvfs", Thunar still can't display the contents of /home/ubuntu, failing with:23:41
CrownWheelError stating file '/home/ubuntu/.bash_history': Input/output error.23:42
CrownWheelSo, the forums seem to think this is an old and well known bug in Thunar23:42
CrownWheel(the Fedora solution was to close the bug report, since it was reported for Fedora 9, which would not be supported much longer at the time of the post...)23:43
CrownWheelAnd the powers that be, behind Ubuntu, seem to think that Thunar is the greatest thing since colorized ls.  So, is this problem solved...somewhere?23:44
CrownWheelCan I make Thunar stop trying to use WHATEVER .gvfs is and just display some files?23:44

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