
nixmaniackhi, I'm getting permission denied while cloning one of the LP project02:22
lifelesswgrant: around ?05:52
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jelmerhey mathrick16:21
mathrickwill I be very sad down the road if I init my new tree with development-colo?16:21
mathrickhey jelmer, did you have a nice christmas?16:22
mathrickoh well!16:29
* mathrick adopts the init now, regret later approach16:29
jelmermathrick: sorry, lots of things going on here16:33
jelmermathrick: still there?16:33
mathrickjelmer: don't worry, there's not a lot of things in the tree yet, I can afford risking it for now16:34
jelmermathrick: it won't really eat your data, but the colo stuff in general isn't very polished yet16:34
mathrickhow exportable is it in case a showstopper bug happens?16:34
jelmermathrick: very16:36
mathrickah cool, in this case I'm happy to help testing16:37
jelmerbug reports are very welcome - please tag them with "colocated"16:37
mathrickwill do16:37
mathrickjelmer: is there an easy intro somewhere to outline colocated trees vs. bzr colo?16:38
jelmermathrick: not that I'm aware of16:40
jelmermathrick: there has been some effort to make bzr-colo with development-colo though afaik16:41
mathrickah, that'd be cool16:41
elmoso, if I have foo/bar and baz/ (no files), if I ignore foo/** and baz/**, I see 'baz' in the 'unknown' output, and if I ignore 'foo' and 'baz', I see foo/bar in the 'unknown' output16:59
elmois there some variant that will ignore folders *and* their files?17:00
elmo(I tried 'foo/' and 'baz/' too - no jazz)17:00
elmoor do I really just have to ignore 'foo/', 'foo/**', 'baz/' and 'baz/**' ?17:00
mathrickelmo: why'd you expect foo/** to have any effect on baz/ ?17:37
mathrickI'm not sure I follow what you tried to achieve there17:37
elmomathrick: I'm looking for the best way to ignore a folder and any sub-folders/files17:39
elmomathrick: right now, it looks like I have to ignore both 'folder' and 'folder/**'17:39
elmomathrick: if that's the case, that's fine, I just wanted to make sure I wasn't being dense17:39
elmomathrick: sorry, my original explanation sucked17:40
mathrickah, ok17:40
mathrickelmo: that might be the case, I don't know the exact details of ignoring; was just making sure you're not trying to do something that shouldn't work and confusing yourself :)17:40
lifelesselmo: you can use a regex20:37
elmolifeless: e.g. "RE:^foo/.*" ?20:38
lifelessbzr ignore 'RE:foo($|/.*)$'20:39
lifelesserm, probably with the ^ too20:39
lifelesselmo: however, ignored folders are not recursed into20:39
lifelesselmo: unless they are already versioned, so most folk don't run into wanting/needing this20:39
elmolifeless: hmm, that's not what I'm seeing20:40
elmooh, yes it is, lala20:40
lifelessusing your foo/bar + baz/ example, I would expect bzr ignore foo/ + bzr ignore ./baz20:41
lifelessto do what you want20:41
lifelessassuming foo is versioned, and baz isn't.20:41
elmolifeless: http://paste.ubuntu.com/785006/20:41
lifelesselmo: will you be in budapest?20:42
elmolifeless: yes20:42
lifelesselmo: bzr ls -V -R -v lvm/archive20:43
lifeless(versioned, recurse, verbose)20:43
elmoso there are versioned files20:43
elmoin that dir20:43
elmoand that's enough to trigger a recurse20:43
lifelessthat implies the dir is versioned20:43
lifelessthe dir isn't in st, because it hasn't changed.20:43
elmook, so I guess the .bzrignore came along after this was committed20:44
elmoso if I bzr rm --keep lvm/archive, I guess I should be good20:44
lifelessor before - bzr add <path> overrides ignores20:44
lifelessif someone did bzr add lvm/archive/foo20:44
lifelessbzr will do it.20:44
elmocool, thanks - I understand now20:45
lifelessa plugin could be written to enforce 'if it is ignored it must not be versioned'20:45
lifelessif that would be helpful to you20:45
elmono, it's fine - I don't mind them being versioned, and now I have a work around for the few cases where this pops up20:45
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