
BigWhalegnome-shell screen recorder is really nicely done ...01:25
=== Zdra is now known as xclaesse
=== ArneGoet1e is now known as ArneGoetje
BigWhaleis there someone that has gst-launch and gstreamer-plugins-ugly installed and can check something for me?20:26
BigWhalest-launch ximagesrc endx=800 endy=800 use-damage=false show-pointer=true ! queue ! videorate ! video/x-raw-rgb,framerate=25/1 ! ffmpegcolorspace ! x264enc ! queue ! matroskamux name=mux ! queue ! filesink location="test.mkv"20:28
bjsniderBigWhale, yeah what about it?20:31
BigWhaleI just installed fresh install and I keep getting an error about x264enc not being able to initialize20:32
BigWhaleyou're getting that too?20:33
bjsniderbut it's irrelevant because i wouldn't choose gstreamer to encode anything20:33
BigWhaleIt works on Mint 12 with the same versions of gstreamer20:34
bjsnideri don't see how20:34
bjsniderthey're not changing gstreamer20:35
BigWhaleno idea... I was just told that it works... didn't really try it myself. It could be X264 issue20:35
BigWhaleand I'll probably be stuck with gstreamer because I'll want to record audio from multiple sources at the same time. not sure if I can pull it off with ffmpeg20:36

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