=== jack is now known as Guest50134 [21:22] How do I select a 5.1 speaker configuration in XFCE? [21:27] or, what is the name of the package that provides sound settings in standard Ubuntu so I can bring it in? [21:33] Nivex: I have a default-ish ubuntu box sitting here [21:33] Nivex: if you tell me what I should be checking for in my apt cache I can do so [21:33] coxn: fire up the sound preferences and find out what the process name is [21:34] I might be able to use the command-not-found tool to deduce the package name [21:50] Nivex: gnome-control-center sound [21:50] and /usr/lib/indicator-sound/indicator-sound-service [21:50] are what grep shows when I fire up the sound preferences dialogue [21:51] alrighty, thanks [21:52] figures that it's tightly integreated [21:53] there's got to be a way to do this with straight pulseaudio [21:56] solution: pavucontrol [21:57] https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/PulseAudio#Surround_sound_systems