
jelmerlifeless: so, I've been pondering doing a unity lens that uses bzr-search03:17
jelmerlifeless: a problem with that appears to be that currently all indexes are scattered across different branches; have you considered a global cache, or perhaps meta cache?03:17
lifelessjelmer: hiya04:24
jelmerlifeless: hi04:24
lifelessjelmer: needs a fast reachability oracle04:25
lifelessthe basic form of a search is: load the metadata for all specified terms; choose the most selective (least occurences), do a bitmap AND of -all- the hits in that index with the next least selective, rinse and repeat04:27
lifelessso there are two issues with indices that cover more than the corpus for which hits are relevant04:27
lifelessfirstly, a term that is very rare in the chosen branch may be common in another, making the search slower than it would be with the current approach04:28
lifelesssecondly, we need to start filtering the index contents for revisions in the branch04:29
lifelessone way to do this, is to index all the revisions as terms of the branch (url) or branch (tip) or ...04:29
lifelessthen have an implicit term added to all searches of the branch (url or tip or whatnot)04:29
lifelessthere is of course a different but also interesting search 'what branches match this search'04:30
jelmerlifeless: ah, I see04:31
jelmerlifeless: thanks04:32
lifelessOR searches obviously need a more complex planner, I haven't written support for them yet04:32
lifelessI'd be delighted to discuss approaches if you want to hack in this area04:32
lifelessits pretty fun stuff04:32
jelmerI would be interested in hacking on and discussing this stuff some more some time04:32
jelmerabout to fall asleep though, so perhaps some other time04:33
lifelesssleep well!04:33
jelmerthanks for the explanation so far04:33
jelmerthanks :) have a good day04:33
lifelessI shall ... well evening :)04:34
lifelessI have laptop, warm weather, beer.04:35
=== astralja1a is now known as astraljava
Movixhello evereybody12:05
Movixi'm new to bazaar and did not found any way to do what i'm looking for.12:07
MovixI searched forums, tutorials and the online help and tried a lot the last days, but no chance.12:07
Movixso i wonder if this could be the right place to ask some questions or if it's better to post on a forum.12:07
Movixbtw: i'am also new to VCS12:08
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
LpSolitI have a question about Loggerhead: I would like it to list all changes between two revid (~700 changes), but it always displays 20 changes at once only. How can we force it to display the exact list I want?13:04
jelmerLpSolit: I'm not sure if that is yet possible at the moment13:22
LpSolitoh, ok :(13:22
jelmerLpSolit: it shouldn't be too hard to patch it to do so though13:22
LpSolitI wanted to generate a list with all changes made between two consecutive releases of our product13:22
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel

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