
=== IAmNotThatGuy is now known as SlaveComputer
=== SlaveComputer is now known as IAmNotThatGuy
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=== IAmThatGuy is now known as jalcine
calamariis there a way I can disable clicking on my touchpad?01:08
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=== Silverwolf is now known as Silvertiger
MrChrisDruifcalamari; isn't there some mouse settings somewhere?01:11
calamariooh might have found a way01:11
MrChrisDruifCool, LXInput by any chance?01:12
calamarinot sure still waiting for the page to load01:12
calamarilxinput doesnt have the option that I can tell01:13
MrChrisDruifAccording to http://wiki.lxde.org/en/Main_Page and apt-cache search lxinput it's "lxinput - program to configure keyboard and mouse settings for LXDE"01:15
=== Silvertiger is now known as jalcine
carolynHi. I'm having as issue with getting my wireless connection to work upon initial installation of lubuntu. This a pretty old laptop - almost 10 years old. It runs lubuntu fine, but I'm afraid I wont be able to find anything to make the wifi work. Any advice on the direction to take?01:15
calamariyeah but it doesnt have the option to disable the trackpad01:15
calamari(the click anyways)01:15
calamariyeah that was the page i found too01:17
carolynWhen I see Wireless Network, it says firmware missing and that it's not ready yet. Any commands I can run or reference pages I can look at?01:18
MrChrisDruifjalcine; do you know anything about wifi on old hardware?01:18
jalcineHmm. Not really.01:18
MrChrisDruifcarolyn; https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WiFiHowTo01:18
carolyn02:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g] 802.11g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02)01:19
carolynIs this supported?01:20
MrChrisDruifIt might help, but it's not about a current version apparently. Also more aimed towards Gnome instead of LXDE01:20
MrChrisDruifHmmm, solving wireless: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/SolvingWireless01:21
MrChrisDruifAgain, that first page links to others pages which might help troubleshoot the problem carolyn01:24
calamariMrChrisDruif: thanks that program seems to have worked good01:24
MrChrisDruifGood to hear calamari =)01:25
* MrChrisDruif it's been a long time I helped someone01:25
* MrChrisDruif forgot how good it felt =)01:26
carolynMrChrisDruif: I was linked to another reference page the other day for setting up my wifi. It had bcm4311 in it01:26
MrChrisDruifThis one? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/Broadcom_BCM4311_rev_01_(ndiswrapper)01:27
MrChrisDruifOr maybe this one? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx01:27
carolynMrChrisDruif: That's it!01:28
carolynThank you!!!!01:28
MrChrisDruifYou didn't tell me about your hardware ^_^01:28
carolynI'm using BCM4318. There's some card on here for using wifi, or something.01:30
carolynGonna install the b43-fwcutter and see what happens.01:30
MrChrisDruifWhat version are you rolling carolyn ?01:37
carolynI installed it bu it's not showing up in the aditional drivers.01:37
carolyn11.10 lubuntu, MrChrisDruif01:37
MrChrisDruifYeah, the lubuntu I was guessing ;-)01:37
MrChrisDruifcarolyn; did you install this package? firmware-b43-installer01:38
carolynYes. first I did udo apt-get install b43-fwcutter, and then I did sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter firmware-b43-installer01:39
carolynAfterwards, I assumed that the additional drivers would be listed, but they are not. Maybe a restart is necessary before they are listed?01:40
MrChrisDruifMaybe, I don't know01:47
carolynIt works!01:47
MrChrisDruifHurray =D01:49
carolynThanks guys!01:50
MrChrisDruifWho helped also? =P01:50
carolynYou and #ubuntu :D01:51
MrChrisDruifYou've been in that hellhole?01:52
carolynVery helpful. A lot better than nothing!01:54
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MrChrisDruifHaha, but indeed02:11
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* MrChrisDruif is off to bed02:32
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=== MasterComputersW is now known as DanteNemesis
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bioterrorphillw, wake up06:34
phillwbioterror: what now?... FFS06:34
bioterrorwe use minimal becouse it works06:35
bioterrorI was going to tell that guy the difference of --no-install-recommends but it takes a little much more time than I have to spent on it06:35
bioterroras I'm at work06:35
phillw bioterror then answer the bloody question... we now use the official ubuntu builds.06:35
bioterrorubuntu minimal install is official06:36
phillwbioterror:  then I have to delete it06:36
mysteriousdarrenweird convo haha06:39
bioterrorwe have had cases where alternative also fails, but minimal kinda saves it ;)06:39
phillwbioterror: has alterante on 11.10 failed recently?06:40
bioterrorand ubuntu minimal cd fetches latest packages!06:41
phillwbioterror: so does alterante on Lubuntu... just ask my VM]06:41
bioterroryes, but alternate is 674MB06:43
bioterrorand minimal is from 10MB to 23MB06:44
bioterrorso you dont have to download the same packages twice06:44
bioterrorminimal > * ;)06:45
mysteriousdarrendepends on if the network is available, depends on if the wait there.06:45
phillwbioterror: and then sit and twiddle thumbs on my  gloriously slow link.... That is why QA advise Zsync.... one day you will learn.... We look forward to that day :)06:45
* bioterror goes back to year 1998, it was all better06:46
phillwmysteriousdarren: bioterror is great IRC support guy, but he hates the simple system of QA or being told he wrong with a passion06:47
bioterrortrue dat06:47
bioterrorI'm never wrong, I just understood questions wrong06:48
mysteriousdarrenI know Ive seen it happen :) sometime you just gotta chill06:48
phillwbioterror: I love you loads... -offtopic?06:48
bioterrorhmmm, this conversation btw. was ment to be on offtopic06:49
bioterroroh well, I'll blame the lack of morning coffee at home06:49
phillwbioterror:  as you well know, it is not often I ask that we depart the logged area :)06:50
mysteriousdarrenwell considering nothing else is going on its not that bad06:50
head_victimI just added conversation to the ml thread on mini install07:02
head_victimMy understanding was alternate was there to bypass ubiquity, mini was there as a REAL SMALL install, hence the no-recomments07:03
bioterrorhead_victim, <307:03
bioterrorfrom minimal you can build what ever you want07:04
head_victimThe mini iso is there to save you downloading an ISO so why would we recommend downloading all the packages anyway07:04
bioterrorand then upgrading half of them07:04
bioterroror even more than half07:04
head_victimExactly :D07:04
bioterroras they are outdated07:04
bioterrorwith mini.iso you get the latest and greatest07:04
head_victimMaybe we just need to state that better on the wiki pages?07:05
bioterrorand what comes to save the bandwith, some of us here use that 3G connection with huge lantencies and low bitrate for everything07:05
bioterrorofcourse, getting it to work on minimal might be a little more troublesome07:06
bioterrorcall me a dumbass, but I connect my 3G modem to my pfSense router and I can access it thru wlan using WEP, which is easiest way becouse of iwconfig07:06
bioterrortakes like half minute to get wep configured from command line by typing07:07
phillwhead_victim:  bioterror could you discuss this on ~offtopic or the ML?07:12
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epictetusdo you guys use lubuntu?16:07
epictetusi just was fuming about pulseaudio taking more CPU time than X and firefox combined and how bloated ubuntu is getting and googled "lightweight ubuntu" and found this16:08
epictetusit sounds like a great idea16:08
stlsaintepictetus: hello16:24
phillwepictetus: dip your toe in, it's nice :)16:25
epictetusdoes lubuntu let me not use pulseaudio without breaking everything16:31
stlsainthopefully ;)16:31
epictetusdoes all of the ubuntu "magic" stuff work (i.e. you pop in a random usb wireless nic and a little wireless icon appears in the system tray menu dealy, and you click on that and click on an access point and it asks you the WEP key and bam you're on, like it's a macintosh or something)16:37
phillwepictetus: lsmod | grep pulse and ps -ef | grep pulse both report nothing there :)16:37
epictetusnice :)16:37
phillwepictetus: the kernel is main ubuntu, so if a device works on there, it will with lubuntu.16:38
phillwmy 3G dongle works fine, albeit the little icon is missing which is a reported bug.16:39
epictetuspulseaudio is a solution to a problem I never cared about (an extra software layer / software mixer/ abstracted sound layer)... like with pulse you can theoretically plug in USB headphones and have them just work with your apps without having to tell each app to output to a different soundcard, etc..   i don't have usb headphones and i don't mind telling apps which soundcard to use if it is raelly necessary16:39
epictetusphillw: well is there at least some kind of network config menu?16:39
epictetusor is it like debian where you just need to manually edit 50 config files and read 50 manpages to figure out how to put in a WPA-2 wireless key16:40
phillwyes, the icon on the lower left (next to the notification panel can be right clicked16:40
phillwepictetus: it is plug and play :)16:40
epictetusahhh that's all you need then16:40
phillwI'm on WiFi, it even remembered my settings when I upgraded my main system from Ubuntu 9.10 RC to Lubuntu 11.10 :)16:41
epictetusokay i will try it out16:43
phillwepictetus: if you want it to remember everything, partion of your /home onto a new partition and use the advanced install.16:47
phillwepictetus: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving16:48
thor_lubuntu 12.04 when i log out, the screen flicker constantly. a bug18:01
=== Nax is now known as Exio
g_Hi all21:46
g_I've just installed 11.10 on this laptop with nVidia 9300 . I'm trying to connect my monitor to it but it's not working21:47
g_I pressed the Fn key combination and also checked the nVidia settings.. but it doesn't detect the external monitor at all.21:47
g_Any ideas how to go about fixing this? Thanks.21:48
g_Okay if you guys have no ideas, can I brb? I'll just boot a couple of other distros to check ..21:49
[deXter]Hi all, is there any special procedure needed to connect an external monitor to Lubuntu or should it work automatically?22:38
Unit193Should just work normally22:40
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=== diytto is now known as iDiytto
[deXter]Unit193: it's not22:48
[deXter]this laptop has an nVidia card, and I have the nVidia drivers installed automatically as part of the system installation/updates22:49
Unit193VGA and normal desktop? Did it work during live/install?22:49
[deXter]Hmm, no dunno if it working during live cause I connected it afterwards22:49
[deXter]I can boot into the CD and check22:49
Unit193Would be good22:49
[deXter]for the record though, its working in fedora so the port/monitor etc works fine..22:50
Unit193Did you try nVidia drivers in Fedora? (Note, I haven't used fedora so I don't know how it works exactly)22:51
[deXter]nah I havent22:57
[deXter]fedora is running the open source drivers22:57
[deXter]speaking of which22:57
[deXter]yes booted into lubuntu live cd and the monitor works!22:57
[deXter]So, any ideas folks how to make this work with the nVidia drivers?23:15
Unit193Did you happen to see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia#Screen_Blanks.2BAC8-Monitor_Turns_Off and does it help?23:30
AlanBellHi Unit193 hyperair phillw and all23:32
Unit193AlanBell: Howdy, and good job on the pings ;)23:32
AlanBellas you may have noticed the new IRC council has been appointed23:33
AlanBellso we will be helping sort out the remaining loose ends in terms of helping #lubuntu to become a core channel and the operators to become core ops23:33
phillwAlanBell: can we do this in #lubuntu-offtopic as it is not strictly support related and we can speak more freely there?23:36
AlanBellyes indeed23:36
]Spectre[Lubuntu,best distro ever23:53

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