
=== jalcine is now known as IAmThatGuy
=== IAmThatGuy is now known as jalcine
=== jalcine is now known as Silverwolf
=== Silverwolf is now known as Silvertiger
=== Silvertiger is now known as jalcine
=== a16g is now known as ypwong
=== jalcine is now known as JackyAlcine
=== jalcine is now known as MasterComputersW
=== MasterComputersW is now known as DanteNemesis
=== DanteNemesis is now known as jalcine
=== jalcine is now known as JackyAlcine
=== Hurtz_ is now known as Hurtz
=== astralja1a is now known as astraljava
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alourie|laptophow can I debug the kernel panic in 12.04?11:58
alourie|laptops been crashing for some time12:01
=== udienz_ is now known as udienz
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
karcelAbout Sun-Java. Yesterday there was an update and now one big java based internet bank (Sampo pankki / Danske Bank) is not working, kind of again. The BIG problem is that today there is a huge price of 27 000 000 euros in nordic lottery and one can play it only by java based internet bank!16:57
jtaylorcomplain to oracle, we aren't allowed to distrubute it anymore17:04
karceljtaylor: Yeah, I will do that. The most important part of the problem is that Danske Bank / Sampo pankki does not support openjdk, or something like that.17:08
jtayloryou can still isntall sun-java yourself17:10
jtaylorby loading it from their site17:10
penguin42karcel: Have you tried it with both openjdk 6 and 7 ?17:10
karcelpenguin42: oh, yes. You can try it also: https://verkkopankki.sampopankki.fi/h17:11
penguin42jtaylor: What's the bug policy - is it a bug in openjdk if it doesn't work with something where sun-jdk does? I guess it's 50/50 if it's openjdk or the websites fault17:12
jtaylordepends, I assume sone applets will just error out when they see something else than sun-java, even when openjdk would work too17:12
penguin42yeh I guess there may be some miswritten/spiteful version checks - I wonder if it can lie17:18
=== Hurtz_ is now known as Hurtz

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