
=== jalcine is now known as IAmThatGuy
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psusihow do you set a property with gtkmm?  the docs say that MessageDialog has Glib::PropertyProxy< MessageType > property_message_type ()... doesn't that make a member you can just assign to?02:36
EvilResistancehow hard is it to set up a multiple-binary source package (sort of how php5 and dpkg are)02:37
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Alison_ChaikenI've been struggling with debian/rules for hours.07:09
Alison_ChaikenI hit this error: "dh-install: package-dev missing files (usr/include/*)"07:10
Alison_ChaikenDoes anyone know if this failure means that the source directory can be located or the destination one?07:11
Alison_ChaikenI can't figure out why the failure is happening for this package but not the others.07:11
Alison_ChaikenAnd are files missing or is directories themselves that can't be located?   The error message is so unhelpful, and the script is perl (yuck!).07:13
geserAlison_Chaiken: the package "package-dev" is missing some expected files (listed in debian/package-dev.install) so it can't be build07:13
Alison_ChaikenThanks geser.    So source files are not being found in the expected source directory?    My attempts to change DESTDIR are irrelevant?07:14
gesercan you pastebin the debian/package-dev.install file? (if it contains more than just one line)07:15
micahgsounds like stuff isn't being installed in the proper place in debian/tmp07:15
Alison_ChaikenSure.     Let me regenerate the system-built one since I've been screwing without them by hand just for debug.07:20
geserwhile you are it, please also pastebin debian/rules07:22
dkAlison_Chaiken: are you who is talking about Mobile linux at SCALE next month?07:26
Alison_ChaikenThat's me.07:30
Alison_ChaikenUnfortunately, geser, I appear to have broken something else, as I can't get the build to proceed as far as the point I was talking about.    So I've now broken it upstream of where I've been stuck all afternoon.07:31
Alison_ChaikenMust be a sign of progress.07:31
Alison_ChaikenSorry for wasting your time, geser and micahg, but I'm afraid I'm going to just have to go to bed and try again tomorrow.    I can't get the build to even start now, whereas before I merely couldn't get it to finish.07:37
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psusiwhat does g_thread_self() return in the main thread?  is there a static instance of a GThread somewhere for the main thread?  I'm looking for a way to find out if I'm in the main thread context or not...15:13
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royhdo anyone know why chef-server is only in lucid and maverick?16:12
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jtaylorwhen applying a debdiff from someone else do we leave the author of the debdiff in the changelog maintainer line?16:39
udienzjtaylor, i think you can mention in changelog his name16:41
Laneydepends on what other changes you want to make16:41
Laneyi usually leave it unless my changes are much bigger than theirs, but it's up to you16:42
udienzLaney, what 'depends'? usually i mention his name even he only change po files, is that right?16:43
Laneyyou should always mention it in the changelog, the question is about who gets the credit for the whole upload (Changed-By)16:43
jtaylorudienz: I mean the lower line inthe changelog which according to debia policy states the uploader16:43
udienzjtaylor, do you mean this line -- $DEBFULLNAME `date -U`?16:46
Laneyit is called the trailer16:47
udienzjtaylor, i agree with Laney. if we don't change, perhaps thats sponsoring16:50
Alison_ChaikenMy project comes from 4 git repos: two libraries, a plugin framework and a plugin.17:26
Alison_ChaikenI must build the binaries in that order due to the dependencies.17:26
Alison_ChaikenI'm having trouble locating documentation that addresses this situation, where none of the 4 repos is currently packaged for me to use.17:27
Alison_ChaikenI guess that all 4 builds must output to the same root filesystem in a common build directory, as they need to see each others' headers and shared object.17:28
Alison_ChaikenI could fully package and install each of the projects in turn, I guess, but installing in the actual system directories during a build seems contrary to the accepted way of doing things.17:30
Alison_ChaikenIf anyone could suggest an example to look at or documentation that doesn't assume one new source tree with all other packages from repos, I'd appreciate it!17:30
LaneyAlison_Chaiken: It is common to set up a local repository (e.g. with reprepro) for such a situation17:31
Laneyand add that as a source in the chroot you build in17:31
Alison_ChaikenPerhaps if all builds refer to one debian/tmp directory and one set of rules, that will do the trick?17:31
Alison_ChaikenSo I build package one, install it in the local repo, then 2, then 3, and they each put their shared-object libraries and headers in that repo as they proceed?17:33
Alison_ChaikenI'll read up n reprepro Laney, thanks.17:34
Laneyyou put the /packages/ in the repository and add them to Build-Depends of the other ones as appropriate17:35
Alison_ChaikenAh, in the control file.    And the control file docs will describe how to point at the local repo instead of the root filesystem.17:36
fenryxoI would like to package my application for Ubuntu. It's called Nuvola Player and provides integration of cloud music services with Linux desktop (multimedia keys, Ubuntu Sound menu, Unity Launcher Quick list, etc.). I've already created a "needs-packaging" bug report https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/909021 and first version of source package that is now ready for review. It's my first package so I'm sure it isn't without mistakes. Would someone 18:24
ubottuUbuntu bug 909021 in Ubuntu "[needs-packaging] nuvolaplayer" [Wishlist,New]18:24
Resistanceforgive the random "e" :P18:30
broderfenryxo: i can do a quick skim of the packaging, but have you considered trying to get the package into debian instead? we prefer that when possible because we've found that packages just seem to end up better maintained that way18:49
broder(i'm a fan of nuvola, so i'm happy to help as much as i can)18:50
broderfenryxo: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Debian/ForUbuntuDevelopers#Getting_new_software_in_Debian might be useful information18:51
broderbah, it uses libunity18:56
fenryxobroder: I considered submitting to Debian, but the import freeze is already in January, Precise imports from Debian testing instead of unstable and I don't know how long would the whole process takes18:58
fenryxolibunity is used for integration with Unity Launcher (Quick list)18:59
broderfenryxo: that's ok - we have a little more time than that. import freeze is just when we stop automatically syncing from debian; we can continue to do manual syncs after that18:59
broderand syncing from unstable is also an option18:59
broderbut debian doesn't have libunity19:01
broderwe'd have to disable the libunity features in debian then re-enable them in ubuntu, but i think that's still preferable to uploading directly to ubuntu19:01
fenryxolibunity is not required if Nuvola is not build with "--with-unity-quick-list"19:01
broderfenryxo: it looks like the debian/docs file is empty, so you could drop that from the package19:03
brodercan the build system detect the presence of libunity? if we can let it do that, then the only change we'd need to make on the ubuntu side is adding libunity-dev to the build deps19:04
broderthe packaging mostly looks good, though - i'm mostly looking for things to nitpick over at this point19:05
broderinstead of using the override_dh_installman target, i tend to prefer using debian/<package>.manpages19:08
fenryxobroder: the build system can detect libraries, autodetection of libunity looks like great solution. I'll fix it + the debian/doc file19:08
broderbut like i said, nit19:08
brodercan you turn on gtk3 for newer releases? do newer versions of webkitgtk3 work with flash?19:09
fenryxoI didn't check the newer versions yet. I've tested building with GTK3 only with version 0.1 and I'm sure the code contains some GTK3-incompatible code.19:11
brodergtk2 certainly isn't a blocker for anything, but it would definitely be nice to move anything to gtk3 that we can19:12
broderbut that can be a more long-term goal19:12
broderthe copyright file looks like it needs a little work: http://paste.ubuntu.com/786054/19:16
fenryxoGTK3 port is on the todo list, but currently I'm planning only bug fix releases until I pass all exams19:17
broderhaha, sure, been there :)19:17
broderi would line wrap the copy of creative commons in the copyright file19:17
fenryxook, it seems I have to use more up-to-date lintian, because mine doesn't complain19:23
broderthere are also a handful of complaints on the binary package: http://paste.ubuntu.com/786065/19:24
broderi think no-upstream-changelog is a red herring19:24
broder(since i believe ubuntu policy is to not include those)19:24
broderbut i think that's my lintian being out of date19:25
fenryxoI currently use lintian included in Natty19:28
broderah yes. precise's version of lintian definitely suppresses no-upstream-changelog on ubuntu. i should have known that, because i wrote the patch for it :)19:30
broderi like the ui changes in this new version19:31
broderdropping the toolbar at the top of the window and stuff19:32
fenryxothe tool bar was temporary solution :) I think Nuvola Plyer finally matured enough to be included in Ubuntu19:37
broderi've been really happy with nuvola. i'm looking forward to seeing it in the distro - thanks for working on it :)19:38
brodernot quitting on close if music isn't playing is also awesome19:38
fenryxothis behavior is based on instructions at Ubuntu Sound menu page19:40
broderfenryxo: line 27 of the debian/rules file is an empty line but has a bunch of extra tabs. they're harmless but would be good to clean them up19:45
broderfenryxo: but in general, the packaging looks quite good. and if i drop the libunity-dev build-dep and the --with-unity-quick-list option, the package builds without modification on debian unstable19:47
broderso from here, i think the next steps are:19:48
broder(a) see if the build system can be modified to auto-detect libunity instead of using the build flag19:48
broder(and drop the build flag)19:48
broder(b) open an ITP bug with debian19:48
broder(c) make the modifications mentioned in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Debian/ForUbuntuDevelopers#Required_packaging_changes19:49
broder(d) post the package to http://mentors.debian.net and send out a request for debian sponsorship19:49
brodersound reasonable?19:51
fenryxobroder: sounds great :)19:51
fenryxobroder: thanks for the review19:52
broderglad to help :)19:53
KNROis {svn-revno} supported as variable substitution in recipe?22:13
lifelessKNRO: I don't believe so22:57

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