
ubottuiceroot called the ops in #ubuntu (r000t)00:20
ubottur000t called the ops in #ubuntu (icer000t)00:21
pangolinHello r000t01:52
pangolinanything I can help with?01:52
r000tpangolin: yes plz01:54
r000tpangolin: my little brother was trolling on #ubuntu and got me banned.01:54
pangolinthat is a shame.01:54
pangolinI'm affraid from what I see in the logs there is no way I can unban you.01:55
r000tThats fine.01:55
pangolinAlright then, come back in two weeks and we can take it from there.01:56
pangolinHave a good night.01:56
pangolinPlease part the channel, so we can keep track of who needs help.01:56
r000tI need help though.01:57
elkyThis isn't a tech support channel.01:57
pangolinr000t: We deal with ban resolution in here and I already helped with that.01:57
elkyaskubuntu.com and ubuntuforums.org can help you in the meantime01:57
r000tpangolin: I need help with something ban related.01:57
pangolinPlease explain01:58
pangolinr000t: get on with it please or I will remove you.02:00
r000tpangolin: please give me time to make a complete and  coherent query.02:00
elkyr000t, additionally if you're in the habit of leaving your computer unlocked, you should definitely not run as root or your little brother will end up ruining the system02:00
r000tNow I have to start all over, please.02:00
r000telky: he's mentally retarded. I don't think he can do very much.02:01
r000tNow where was I...02:02
elkyWasting our time, apparently.02:02
ubottublissi called the ops in #ubuntu ()06:08
ubottuIn #ubuntu, wirefrozen1 said: !ot is undefined07:42
ubottuIn #ubuntu-bots, Mkaysi said: !ip is <alias> cloak08:52
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (joelucas appears to be flooding, but emergency mode is on)10:08
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (joelucas appears to be flooding, but emergency mode is on)10:08
ubottuFloodBotK3 called the ops in #kubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (254 users, 0 overflows, 250 limit))10:25
AlanBellhi all17:32
pleia2welcome AlanBell, congrats17:32
pangolinWe need to get AlanBell added to the access list17:34
pangolinCongrats :)17:35
Pricey -!- Resistance [~Trek@trekweb/administrator/ubuntu.resistance] has joined #freenode18:01
PriceyNew cloak format?18:01
* Pici shrugs18:01
pleia2it was discussed over in #ubuntu-irc when it was applied, it was complicated18:02
Resistancefloodbots kickban now?18:02
Resistancebtw, if they do, someone's evading a ban18:02
Resistancebut not by his own fault, but because the kickban hit the wrong pattern :P18:03
Resistancein #ubuntu18:03
PiciResistance: They're not. Its just the way that the floodbots handle people flooding from gateway addresses.18:03
Resistancei see18:03
* oCean gives fb1 a leftover Christmas candy18:04
pangolingot Pm from the flooder18:05
oCeanchann is still +z, he's still yelling?18:06
pangolinop up and see18:07
oCeani did, there was nothing18:08
ubottuIn #ubuntu-bots, coolstar-pc said: !ip is <coolstar-pc> cloak19:47
Picicoolstar-pc: Can we help you?19:50
coolstar-pcApparently, I was banned from #ubuntu and I can't contact the person who banned me to settle it19:50
coolstar-pcI had to go to #kde to get help on what was otherwise a problem with kubuntu19:51
PiciDo you remember when that was?19:51
coolstar-pcA few days b4 X-Mas19:51
coolstar-pcI think it was on the 22 or 2319:52
Picicoolstar-pc: I'd be happy to remove your ban if you agree to use Ubuntu for support only, not for recruiting people for some project. Okay?19:56
coolstar-pcI've realized the place for help on that is probably #ubuntu-appdevel or #ubuntu-offtopic19:57
Picicoolstar-pc: You should be able to join #ubuntu now, can you try?19:58
coolstar-pcIt works now19:58
coolstar-pcShould I be unmuted in #kubuntu cuz i switched to kubuntu now?19:59
PiciYou should be able to talk there, could you give it a try?19:59
coolstar-pcIt says cannot send to channel19:59
Piciokay, one moment.19:59
coolstar-pcMy nick is registered20:00
Picicoolstar-pc: can you please rejoin #kubuntu ?20:01
coolstar-pcPici: Still gives the same error.20:01
coolstar-pc[12:01] == Cannot send to channel: #kubuntu20:01
Picicoolstar-pc: you should be good now.20:03
coolstar-pcI can speak now.20:05
Picicoolstar-pc: good to hear.  If theres nothing else we can help you with at this time, I'd like to remind you about our idling policy in this channel.20:06
coolstar-pcThank you20:06
coolstar-pcWish you a happy new year :)20:06
Priceypleia2: Sounds like my favourite kind of discussion.20:58
elkyPricey, yeah, we don't actually get a say in it, it's really freenode's dictum21:28
Priceyelky: I've just been updated on it. Makes more sense now :-)21:28
elkyonly slightly21:29

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